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Author Topic: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread  (Read 1007351 times)

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #2820 on: July 10, 2014, 02:24:14 AM »
xbox live is having a lot of good sales lately - got king of fighters 3 for under 7 bucks, probably gonna buy dishonored as it is also under 7 bucks  :twothumbs

EDIT: xbox live rewards put 5 bucks and some change in my account so i got dishonored for a dollar  :thumbup
« Last Edit: July 11, 2014, 09:00:56 PM by john_hung »

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #2821 on: July 12, 2014, 01:24:22 PM »
^ Can't go wrong buying a fantastic game like that for a dollar.

Finished The Wolf Among Us last night and I thoroughly enjoyed the whole series. Really enjoyed the setting and the characters, Telltale knows how to tell a good story. The gameplay it just functional, nothing taxing other than point and clicking and some QTE events. There's some issues with the PS3 version meant there was a bit of input lag around instances on QTE events which is not ideal at all, but nothing too major. Telltale's game engine just has issues on console version which isn't too surprising. I do think it's probably best played on PC where there's few issues like that.

Love the opening credits to each episode. So stylish and just damn cool.

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #2822 on: July 16, 2014, 02:04:37 AM »
Finished Metro : Last Light a few hours ago. Thought I wasn't going to because a save file must have been corrupted as it would freeze the console when loading up my progress. Just had to restart a chapter and it was all good.

Overall, it was ok. About a 6/10 for me. A solid shooter with some interesting mechanics that distinguish it from the rest (bullets are also your currency, the gas masks and scavenging of air filters as you're out on the open) but my initial interest in the apocalyptic setting was diminished as more and more supernatural elements came into it. Then it became a fight against monsters with fairly awkward animation. The story just didn't hold my attention either although they did nail a grim apocalyptic setting where free space is a luxury.


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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #2823 on: July 16, 2014, 05:25:57 AM »
Finished The Wolf Among Us also.  I played through using the merciful good guy route.

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #2824 on: July 17, 2014, 03:37:41 AM »
Anyone on Steam wanna play Unturned with me? I can start up a server so we can survive the zombie apocalypse together on Prince Edward Island~ It's like Day Z with Minecraft graphics. AND IT'S FREE.

Here's the wiki:

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #2825 on: July 22, 2014, 11:48:49 PM »
"There's no creativity here...they got lazy"

This type of criticism of game design really doesn't sit well with me. It's just funny to hear that word "lazy" come from someone sitting on their chair playing something that a team of people spent hours creating and they have had no involvement with. Artists, programmers, producers, sound designers...They spent time to build up that part of the game only to be judged by some twat who thinks they know all about that game's development cycle in order to make such a statement. To me it's just hugely disrespectful and not even good constructive criticism.

Not saying that all games should be absent from criticism for that reason. Even the best games can still be judged for having bad sections of gameplay or if something doesn't sit right. But you know what, even in those bad gameplay moments, even if the art or soundtrack doesn't appeal, I know someone far creative than I am still had to think of how those levels were structured, create the environment assets, how the song flows or program how those enemies should look and behave. So I'll always have respect for the people who work in various areas to make games what they are, regardless of whether or not the game appeals to me.

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #2826 on: July 23, 2014, 02:26:23 AM »
There's no doubt that there talented and creative people working on games that have those bad sections of gameplay, and others working on games that are just outright bad. But knowing the people and the stories behind the games shouldn't forgive the games for their deserved criticism. If a game does something that comes off as lazy, it might actually be.

I'm with you Tuff-man, I have respect for those in the video games industry, cause they have the skills to do something I can't do. But that respect also means being willing to point out the flaws in their work as well, or else how could their work not improve? To call a game lazy is one thing, to be lazy and not say why is another  :lol:
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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #2827 on: July 23, 2014, 07:22:03 PM »
Well, like in any workplace, laziness can happen. or, while it feels like you're trying hard, really you're just plopping out the same stuff over and over without making many changes just so you can go home.

Games that come out every year are the most guilty of this, especially when the engines aren't upgraded or changed.

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #2828 on: July 23, 2014, 09:48:59 PM »
I'm with you Tuff-man, I have respect for those in the video games industry, cause they have the skills to do something I can't do. But that respect also means being willing to point out the flaws in their work as well, or else how could their work not improve?

Definitely. It's ok to see and address flaws in your favourite game of all time. When I hear about lazy game design, I think of a boss rush before the end of the game, which does nothing more than to artificially increase the length of the game. Replaying the same bosses over, right when you know you're near the end game? Can feel pretty cheap. One of my favourite games, Devil May Cry 3, is guilty of it. Tsk tsk.

Lately it's just riled me up to hear someone say a game is lazy as it's usually not valid and unwarranted. It's also pretty funny to me to hear a player call a game lazy as they're sitting there probably chugging Fanta.

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #2829 on: July 24, 2014, 01:18:28 PM »
Also finished The Wolf Among Us last night and thoroughly enjoyed everything about it. Loved the utterly "noir" ending, as well, even if before that I wanted a certain person to be a little less... busy. :P

Now I'm reading through Fables, the comic book series it's based on. TWAU is actually a prequel to the comic books, so reading too much about the series might spoil some things.

There's no word on season 2, right? I imagine they could easily fit more stories in before the comic book events start...

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #2830 on: July 25, 2014, 07:37:04 AM »
No word on Season 2. Telltale are pretty busy with the Borderlands game andn Game of Thrones game for now. Don't know how well Wolf Among Us did and if they will ever consider a Season 2. I hope so though. I really liked it.

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #2831 on: July 27, 2014, 05:24:36 PM »
^ Speaking of Telltale.... Season 3 of The Walking Dead confirmed at San Diego Comic-Con.

There's no word on season 2, right? I imagine they could easily fit more stories in before the comic book events start...

Haven't heard anything yet about season 2. Unfortunately Fables is wrapping up it's last story arc, ending next year with issue #150 (according to the creator of the series), currently up to #142. Got about 101 issues to read plus the spin-off series, novel, and graphic novels.

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #2832 on: July 27, 2014, 09:29:09 PM »
Hey did anyone play the new episode for Walking Dead season 2 yet?
No spoilers but I do feel like my choices mean less and less as time goes on and the game will always go the same way it wants to no matter what I end up doing D:

It's hard to call a game series like this enjoyable (lol) but this ep and the one before I did like more than the first 2 eps :D

but to complain again  XD  I'm getting pretty sick of the unskippable credits after every episode, can't we just have it once?
I know I'm sick of seeing Prince Puppingham of Pupshire scroll past incredibly slowly along with 100 other pets names, when I can't even click away from the screen, so I either have to leave the room or watch the whole thing, ughh lol

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #2833 on: July 29, 2014, 10:35:08 PM »
So I tried out that Destiny beta over the weekend. I've mixed thoughts. I think it looks great, I really enjoy the shooting, the multiplayer seems fun and I do enjoy the meta game of levelling up my character learning new abilities and acquiring new loot.

But some things have been eating away at me. For one I don't care about the story. Hearing Peter Dinklage as a disembodied voice telling me stuff like 'You must stop the Fallen and the Hive from letting their Vanguards hack the Cosmodrome!' is just enough to make me roll my eyes. It doesn't help that there's few characters to interact with and those you can are covered behind masks. It has the notion of a grand space opera but it feels emotionless and lifeless and not giving me any reason to care.

Speaking of lifeless, the environments themselves are pretty empty. To me, there's not much point to creating such large areas if there's nothing to really do in them. During the beta I found several empty buildings and caves. You know what was in them? Nothing. Occasionaly there would be chests which gave pitiful amounts of money and it's not worth it. But it got me thinking about that part of it, as some of my favourite video games of all time are set in desolate environments (Metroid Prime, Dark Souls etc), so how come those were so effective?

And I realised that part of it was being able to find things in the environment which told or suggested it's own story. In Dishonored for example, my search around the environment lead me into a house which was blockaded, but had a n try I could climb up to. I got inside and went in the building to find a female corpse sitting on the chair, and bodybags against the wall. I found a diary entry from the woman, describing how she witnessed her husband dying from the plague, being quarantined and getting no support from the government in medical aid. The husband died, the family couldn't even move the corpse out of the house and then she saw her children getting sick first before she did, writing of the struggles of being unable to care for her kids as her own health deteriorated, watching them die too before eventually succumbing to her own death. Now that is a deeply impactful story that I can remember so clearly now and added a greater context to the world (as well as benefit me in gameplay with some items in the house).

Destiny doesn't seem to have anything like that. I'd like it if in Destiny I found a crashed ship and I was able to go through the ruins and find out how the ship crashed before maybe finding some beneficial item in the captain's quarters. Even the hub world, where you interact with other players, feels lifeless. Throw in something to visit and engage in beside from vendors. Like a shooting gallery to test out your new weapon with. Mini games with other players. I think it would be pretty fucking sick to go all Star Wars Episode 1 and have pod racing (Destiny does have mounts if you're wondering) with other players to race against. Something to make exploring worthwhile. I have a few other issues with Destiny (repetitive mission design, some enemies feel like bullet sponges, some imbalanced multiplayer issues) but I feel I'm maybe being a bit too harsh on what is a Beta. It has a lot of promise and I like what I've played, but I'm not sure if there's enough there to warrant a Day One purchase from me, unfortunately.

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #2834 on: July 30, 2014, 01:39:33 AM »
Completely forgot that last night was the live stream of The Last of Us: One Night Live; to celebrate the launch of the remastered version for the PS4.

Thank goodness I can still watch the recording.

(Skip to ~30:30 mark for the show, although I wonder why you would do that and miss listening to the soundtrack  :smhid)

Wish I could have gone to the event. I really want to see that unreleased epilogue scene being performed.

Supposedly there's also gonna be a movie adaptation being produced by Sam Raimi with the script being written by Neil Druckmann, writer/co-director of the game. As for casting, so far Maisie Williams (Game of Thrones) is up for the role of Ellie. Don't know if that's a good decision or not. I just hope that the actors they cast will do a remarkable job as the cast from the video game.

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #2835 on: August 01, 2014, 10:46:15 AM »
For the past few weeks now, I've gotten into play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. I even copped out and bought myself a gaming mouse for it. I'm using the lingo people use to call out locations on maps. I never thought I would get into playing any CS at all.

I also tried out Dota 2 for a few hours as well. I could see why people dig that game and MOBAs in general, but I think I'll stick to CS:GO  :lol:
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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #2837 on: August 06, 2014, 08:56:27 PM »
^ Where can I get one of those towels for myself?

I can totally walk around the house with it and never worry about it slipping off!

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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #2838 on: August 09, 2014, 04:26:29 AM »
Damn, I forgot how hard it is to do a decent-looking femShep in ME1:

that don't look more like a man.
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Re: The Gaming Postwhoring Thread
« Reply #2839 on: August 09, 2014, 11:28:30 AM »
Playing Jak 2 again after all these years and I still enjoy it, but the level design is really grating on me like it wasn't before. Look at the map of Haven City to see what I mean:

It's billed as an open world game but really on reflection it's a series of sub sections which are only connected via one entry and exit point which creates some unnecessary, tedious travelling. As an example, say I am in the top right of the map and I want to make it to the stadium which is to the immediate left. In any open world game I can go as the crow flies and get there in seconds. But instead each section in the game is surrounded by giant walls so I have to go out of that section via the only exit out of there, swing in unnecessary left and right turns through other streets and areas just to reach the place which can take minutes. Keep in mind that fast travel wasn't in the game either, so each time you see a mission somewhere, you really do have to refer to the map and plan your way there and I usually get lost and open the main menu, find the map, plan again... Heaven forbid I should want to go from the top of the map to the bottom!

Couple of other minor issues that now bug me, like for example, it's a huge city but feels pretty lifeless, the vehicle handling...Still, it's an enjoyable platformer, but after playing Jak 1, I don't think Jak 2 compares to it.

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