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Author Topic: Black and Blue (Ch 34 6/4 The End!)  (Read 154105 times)

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 26 6/9)
« Reply #420 on: June 13, 2012, 10:43:12 PM »
Chapter 27 part 1: Wings of the Dove

The con’s pronouncement hung in the air and Risa was understandably startled at this information, “Uso~!” slipped from her lips, perhaps a bit louder than intended.

“I thought I would never see her again and now, here she is, as my enemy.”  Sayumi murmured quietly, eyes intently following the progress of the group down below.

“What do you want done with her?” the gunner asked gently, finally gaining a questioning look. “I mean, it’s your call. Do you want to take her out yourself, do you want to spare her? I could even get rid of her from here if you want.”

She saw the wheels turning in Sayu’s head as she weighed the options in front of her, “Leave her to me, then. I’ll take care of it one way or another.”

Nodding, Risa picked up a walkie talkie that had been on her belt and activated it, “Koharu, go ahead and begin evacuating your men. We’re heading down.”


The girls were equipped with Kevlar vests and had the element of surprise, so taking out 14 unsuspecting men was like shooting fish in a barrel. The only one left was Sayu’s sister, and she had the good sense to hide as soon as she figured out how severely out numbered she was. Unfortunately, killing 14 men was a lot easier than killing one woman in a place as large as these docks.

The shipping containers gave their prey the advantage and Risa quickly forced the other members to pull back to a safe location at the perimeter to wait on her and Sayu to finish the job. There was no way for the woman to escape, after all, so they were bound to catch her eventually. As long as she didn’t catch them first, that is.

Glancing up at the containers that were stacked two high, Risa thought that perhaps she’d have a better vantage point from up there. Unfortunately, the top of each container was about three feet over her head and the gunner was pretty sure she wouldn’t be able to pull her up one crate, much less two of them. So she was running around, practically blind. For a sniper, being blind was terrifying. “Sayu, have you found her?” she hissed into her handheld.

“Niigaki-san!” A voice came over her talkie in place of her comrade, “I can help!”

“Aika?” Risa exclaimed, then hesitantly, “I don’t know…”

“Niigaki san, trust me. Please.” Her earnestness shown through heavily in her voice and Risa knew that she could rely on the younger girl.

“I need eyes. Get up high and find our target.” She ordered after a moment, “I need silence until you find her, though.”

“Hai!” The gunner couldn’t see, but her lover would later regale her with the ease with which Aika hopped up onto the containers. As soon as she had her orders, the girl began sprinting towards a staggered stack, running up the side and gripping the edge, easily hoisting herself up. The second one took her only another moment to scale and then she was running off, quickly out of sight.

Risa was pretty close to the edge of the perimeter, so as Aika made her rounds, it didn’t take long for her to pass overhead, making good time as she hopped the gaps between the crates. The gunner watched as the girl hit a corner and dove off the side of a container across a large aisle, expertly gripping the top of the metal and lifting herself up. She headed left and Risa, raising an eyebrow, impressed at the show, turned right.

The search continued fruitlessly for the gunner like this as she mentally mapped out the area, the containers formed an almost square so she had divided the dock into quadrants based on the sun’s position. She was currently working her way through the southwest portion towards the east, but this was beginning to feel like looking for a needle in a haystack.

All three had been searching for maybe a half hour before suddenly, her talkie exploded into static, Aika’s panting voice coming through loudly, “I found her! We’re running east from, uh, uh, the north west? Yes, northwest! About 25 meters from the water!” Risa immediately turned and headed north, “I’ve got her, I’m going to get her!” Suddenly two gunshots rang out and the talkie went silent.

Now panicking, Risa sprinted towards where she had heard the shots, hearing a third, then a fourth before the docks fell totally silent. It only took her a few minutes to cover the ground between the areas, but for the gunner, it seemed like an eternity. When she rounded the last corner, she stopped short.

There on the ground was Aika and Sayu’s sister, both still. Blood pooled on the dusty concrete beneath them. Heart shuddering fearfully, Risa moved closer to the pair.

« Last Edit: June 14, 2012, 07:39:12 AM by rndmnwierd »

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
« Reply #421 on: June 13, 2012, 10:51:27 PM »


« Last Edit: June 13, 2012, 11:32:31 PM by kjpop »

Offline Quietriot

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
« Reply #422 on: June 13, 2012, 10:56:01 PM »
.................FUCK. NO. HELP. WHY? -meltdown-

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
« Reply #423 on: June 13, 2012, 11:23:22 PM »
please visit kawaii-chan's avie's and siggies!

Offline risa_ai

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
« Reply #424 on: June 14, 2012, 04:02:01 AM »

Offline KirikomoriHime

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
« Reply #425 on: June 14, 2012, 04:19:55 AM »
have I ever commented on here? I've been stalking this fic for a few months... :3


~ GakiKame, KameShige, TakaMitsii , JunSayu, YajiSuzu, MiyaSaki~

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
« Reply #426 on: June 14, 2012, 07:05:13 AM »
Didn't expect that....  :(
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Offline arisa03

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
« Reply #427 on: June 15, 2012, 12:17:22 AM »
OH GOD WHY -insert meme-  NOOOOZ AIKUH!!!

Reply: I see. It's totally hard to try and remember everything OTP
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

Offline Shiawase_Honoo

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
« Reply #428 on: June 15, 2012, 10:10:22 AM »
You can't let my beloved Aika die!!! :cry:
No!! Not my Aika :cry: :panic: :cry:

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
« Reply #429 on: June 15, 2012, 09:04:26 PM »
Well, since pretty much everyone said the same thing, I'll just reply to all of you my thoughts.

Ahem.... Mwuahahahahah!! Haha! Ha!

I so love to troll, and now, some more troll.

I will be on vacation this weekend, so no update then. I'm planning on posting it when I get back, but that's only if I have enough time to write it while I'm out of town. I'm assuming my friends will keep me plenty busy though so y'all will have to wait a little while longer until you see whether Aika lives or not.

I do think this story has gotten a little too lighthearted recently. Maybe some character death would fix that... *cackles* :lol: :lol: :grin:

Offline arisa03

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
« Reply #430 on: June 15, 2012, 09:37:41 PM »
Oh dear .asldkjaskjlkasa.

In any case, please enjoy your vacation! (; ;) /
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

Offline risa_ai

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
« Reply #431 on: June 16, 2012, 02:41:34 AM »
Ohmahgosh. TAT
Buuut~! Do enjoy yourself!

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
« Reply #432 on: June 18, 2012, 06:45:37 AM »
...not sure if I should thank you for updating...or virtually punch you for potentially hurting/killing Aika....we'll see rndy...we'll see  8)2

But do enjoy your vacation~  :heart:
Hi~iiya!~  (>^_^)>
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Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.1 6/13)
« Reply #433 on: June 21, 2012, 10:18:44 AM »
Alright, enough torture!

Chapter 27 pt. 2: Bearing an Olive Branch

From the top of the containers, Aika had a great view of the entire dock. Her sharp eyes and quick reflexes made her perfect for this kind of scouting and she leapt, climbed, rolled and ran, an acrobatic dance high above everyone’s heads. It took her a relatively short time to locate her target, but the older woman spotted her immediately and began to sprint in the hopes that she would lose her.

Aika was hot on her trail, though, lifting her talkie to alert the others, “I found her!” She panted out harshly, “We’re running east from, uh, uh,” she looked around frantically, trying to discern where they were. The setting sun behind her made it easier, “the north west? Yes, northwest! About 25 meters from the water!” She was closing in fast and grinned, “I’ve got her, I’m going to get her!”

The thief gasped when two gunshots went of in quick succession, the second one making her talkie explode in her hand, some shrapnel cutting painfully into her face. Adrenaline surged through her, she was only a few meters away from the older woman, who had taken a turn down a slim alley. She thought that the thief wouldn’t be able to maneuver, but she was wrong.

Pulling a long knife from her pocket, Aika flicked it open and jumped off the top of the container at an angle, using her momentum to run along the side of the one across from her for a moment. When that energy began to decrease, she pushed off the metal, somersaulting in midair and planting her feet on the side of the first container.

Her target was so stunned at her impressive acrobatics that she paused in her steps. She quickly realized her mistake, but by then it was too late, she tried to fire her pistol at the thief. The first shot bounced harmlessly off the metal container. As Aika pushed off a second time, catapulting herself at the older woman, knife raised for her strike, her target fired a second shot, hitting her square in the chest.

Luckily, the Kevlar vest she was wearing made the shot non-lethal, but the wind was still knocked out of her at the pain. Her aim was thrown off a bit as they crashed together, the older woman frantically swinging her gun into the side of her assailants head as they went down. The impact sent both girls into darkness.


“Aika. Aika. Aika!” The thief mumbled incoherently as someone began to shake her shoulders, “Hey, no sleeping on the job!” Groggily, the girl began to come to, realizing that she was laid out rather uncomfortably on the hard concrete. And her chest hurt. Also her head. And it was hard to think straight,

“What happened to the truck that hit me?” she grumbled as Risa helped her to her feet.

“Damn, you really had me scared for a second there.” The gunner exclaimed, not letting the girl go quite yet. Aika seemed to not mind as she was still a little unsteady on her feet, “I saw all that blood…”

“Blood?” The thief questioned as her most recent memories began returning.

Risa pointed to the ground and the woman that still lay on it. Aika blinked, taking in Sayu, who crouched on her target’s torso like a gargoyle, staring intently into her face. Now that she had a moment to slow down, Aika realized that the left side of her face was covered in burn scars. In her bicep, sticking straight out, was Aika’s knife, one source of blood, the other source seemed to be the back of her head, probably where it had hit the concrete.

“I don’t think Sayu’s decided what to do with her yet…” Risa whispered.

“Should we call Tanaka-san?” The thief questioned, inching her way to the siblings, “Is she dead…?” About that time, the older woman let out a loud groan, “Zombie! Kill it!” She shouted, scampering back to Risa’s side like a frightened puppy. The gunner shushed her, intently watching Sayu’s face for any change in her unreadable expression.

The older woman groaned again as she tried to lift her injured arm up, quickly giving up as pain lanced through her. She suddenly seemed to realize the pressure on her chest and her eyes focused on the con above her, “Sayumi.” she greeted quietly.

“Erina.” The younger returned in much the same tone.

“Are you going to kill me…?” Erina asked a little bit fearfully.

“Maybe, if I’m not satisfied by what you tell me.” Though her expression was still blank, Sayu let her muscles relax, “So you’re a lieutenant now?”

“Yes. I worked my way up. I’m still the lowest, but the last one to have this spot was my former owner.” Erina revealed, “His name was Mano Yuusuke.” After a slight pause she mentioned, “I’ve taken his name, as well. I’m no longer a Michishige. Well, I guess I haven‘t been one for a long time now.”

“Mano Erina?” Sayumi raised an eyebrow at her. There was a few seconds of silence, until, “Have you even looked for me at all?” The con whispered in a hurt sounding tone, the real reason for her animosity coming out, “I searched for you for years! I could understand when you were a slave, but now that you have freedom? Did you even miss me at all…?”

“Of course I did, but you didn’t make it easy. Every time I would pick up your trail, you would change your identity and cover your tracks. I finally found you when you were sent to prison, but you were released before I could make it up there to visit you.” Erina defended herself, glaring at her sibling.

“I was there for months!” The con shouted back, reaching around to grip the knife’s handle as though she was going to twist, “You could have come anytime!”

“I was afraid!” The Kusumi woman yelled right back, “I wasn’t sure if you wanted to see me after so much time.” Sayu slowly released the knife, “I wasn’t sure if things had changed too much, if we were even related anymore!”

“Of course we are.” The con whispered, hurt flooding her features, “You’ve always been my precious Nee-chan. Time apart doesn’t change blood and neither does slavery.”

Erina was silent for a moment, blinking back tears, “…sorry. I’m sorry.” she half sobbed, struggling to a sitting position to embrace her sister, “Forgive me!”

Sayumi gripped her back just as hard, mumbling into the other woman’s shoulder. Watching on the sidelines, Risa and Aika shared relieved smiles, the gunner slinging an arm around the thief’s shoulders in a half hug of camaraderie. Finally, a sort of happy ending.


They had decided, after much debate, that instead of killing Erina, they would simply kidnap her for a while and the woman complied willingly. Reina guessed that it wasn’t really kidnapping then, but she kept a wary eye on her lover’s sibling as they drove back to the cottage in high spirits. They had chosen the cottage as something familiar for the two so that they could catch up while Erina’s wounds were treated.

For some reason, the whole gang had squeezed into one van, resulting in Aika curled up on Reina’s lap, dozing against her shoulder. The cop stroked her hair soothingly, being careful of the deep purple bruise that had formed around the top outer edge of her left eye and temple due to her face’s meeting with Erina’s gun.

To her right were the reunited sisters, awkwardly conversing as they tried to catch up on lost time. Both were pleased to see the other, but it had been so long, that they were different people. They weren’t entirely sure what to say or how to say it, but they struggled through the talk admirably. Reina merely observed them closely.

The ride back seemed to be over more quickly than the cop remembered and before she knew it, she was struggling to pull Aika from the van without jostling her painfully, Jun coming to her aid after a moment and scooping the smaller girl up like she weighed nothing. Suddenly freed, Reina felt a little cooler, now that she was away from Aika’s radiating warmth. Rubbing her arms, she headed inside after the siblings.

They had set up in the living room, a large medical kit out on the coffee table. Sayu was tending to Erina’s wounds, while Jun had brought Aika in and sat her in a large chair. The little thief whined fussily as the hitter tried to clean the cuts on her face, “Hold still.” The Chinese woman growled lightly as the younger girl jerked her head away again.

“Let me.” Reina decided to rescue them both, taking the disinfectant spray and a cotton ball out of Jun’s hands, “Why don’t you go get changed?” She gestured to the Kevlar vest still adorning the other’s torso. After a moment, Reina gently began to pat Aika’s shoulder, “Hey, we need to get you cleaned up, ok?”

The girl murmured tiredly and the cop pressed on, soaking the cotton ball disinfectant. The first swipe of it on Aika’s cheek made the younger girl flinch and her eyes half opened, “Nnn~ Yada~” She tried to turn away, but Reina had firmly grabbed her jaw, wiping at her face like a mother trying to clean off her errant child. The thief squirmed and cried at the stinging sensation, but the experience was over quickly enough.

“Jeez, you’re just like my little brother.” Reina mumbled, setting the cotton ball aside. A few sharp tugs had the vest opened up, “How is your chest?”

“Mmmhurts.” Aika flopped around in tired cooperation as Reina removed the Kevlar.

“Probably just bruised, but still lift up your shirt a bit.” The cop commanded, fully in nurse mode. The thief complied, lifting her slim a-shirt enough to show off an impressive purple blossoming from the bottom of her sternum. Reina placed four fingers on the left side of it, touching against her ribs where they connected to the bone. “Take a deep breath and hold it for a second.” Aika grimaced as she did, but managed it and Reina put a bit of pressure on the place underneath her fingertips, “Okay, let it out slowly.” Satisfied with what she felt, the cop moved her fingers to the right side, “Again.”

After a short moment, Reina nodded, pulling her hand away and pulling Aika’s shirt back into place, “Doesn’t feel fractured at all, like I thought, probably just some bad bruising. It may hurt like hell for a while, but it’ll go away soon enough.” The thief mumbled her understanding, slumping back into the big chair. Reina chuckled as she stood, turning to find Erina watching her interestedly. Sayu had apparently gone into another part of the cottage. “What?” She asked defensively, noticing the older woman had the photo album from the coffee table open in her lap.

“Nothing, never mind.” The woman shook her head, “Just reminiscing.”

Reina wasn’t sure why she felt so on edge around her lover’s sister, watching as she flipped the page in the album to where Sayu was meeting her husband. Then something dawned on her, “Aren’t you the eldest? Shouldn’t that be you there?”

“It almost was.” The woman smiled sadly, “That marriage was supposed to save Father’s company, but he had a lot of enemies that really didn’t want that to happen. When the merger was announced, they took me and made me… Like this.” She gestured to the scars on her face, “Of course, these are just aesthetic enhancements,” she described sarcastically, “He wouldn’t have turned me down just for this. No, the real damage was down here.” Erina touched her lower belly, “After all, you wouldn’t want to marry a woman who could never continue your bloodline. Since I was made unusable, Sayu took my place.”

Finally, a little sympathy settled in at the woman’s story and the cop found herself a bit lost for words. She stood awkwardly, shuffling her feet a little as Erina smirked at her, “You don’t like her marriage at all, huh?”

“Why would I like the fact that my lover is already spoken for?” Reina responded quietly, watching the woman nod understandingly. Before they could continue their bonding, the rest of the gang came back into the room, changed into their disguises. “Are we going?” The cop questioned Risa, who simply nodded.

“Get Sayu, but leave Aika. We don’t have any time to waste.” The command came from Ai, “Besides,” she continued after catching the protesting look on Reina’s face, “What she needs most is rest for that concussion.”

They all began to file out, Sayu reappearing after a moment to follow. Reina was the last to head for the door and she paused when she felt a hand touch her wrist. Turning back to look at Erina, she raised her eyebrow questioningly, “I’ll watch over the girl, good luck.” The cop gave her a small, thankful smile before turning around with determination in her eyes. Time to put an end to all of this.


This story is quickly drawing to a close finally. Let's hope I can keep up the inspiration!

Offline arisa03

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.2 6/20)
« Reply #434 on: June 21, 2012, 11:14:30 AM »
Aikaaah thank goodness. And I totally forgot that ManoEri was totally like Sayu's twin. LOL Glad they're reunited ; A ; justhopesheain'tbetrayin'themyo ; A ;
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

Offline risa_ai

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.2 6/20)
« Reply #435 on: June 21, 2012, 02:47:08 PM »
THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR AN UPDATE THAT WAS KILLING MEH. XD Coming to an end? T^T That means more action, desho? Hopefully more Aigaki raburabu too? >< HOSHI NA~ <3 Arigatou for an update~ AND MAY WE HAVE SOMEMORE SOON.  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.2 6/20)
« Reply #436 on: June 21, 2012, 02:58:53 PM »

WOOOO!!! Love kickass Aika yo

And i love seeing mano in here <3 The zombie thing made me laugh xD and think of On Call xD
But man, maybe I'm just paranoid to death but I dont think I wanna leaving Aika and Erina together. Idk, i'm just paranoid and convinced myself she's evil still LOL

« Last Edit: June 21, 2012, 09:48:21 PM by kjpop »

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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.2 6/20)
« Reply #437 on: June 21, 2012, 05:01:51 PM »
woot~ update~! atleast aika's not dead im happy for that LOL and reika bonding is forever cute ;3; manosayu reunion is good, yet sad at the same time ;3; but atleast they're together now~!
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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.2 6/21)
« Reply #438 on: June 21, 2012, 06:05:19 PM »
Sometimes it takes a little time to recover aka playing dead :lol:  it was good that she wasn't killed
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Re: Black and Blue (Ch 27 pt.2 6/21)
« Reply #439 on: June 23, 2012, 10:14:30 AM »
Goddammit! I don't even have time to read thisss.



"I'm still blaming Sayu for my lolicon tendencies now." ~Essy

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