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Author Topic: ---CIRCLE--- (♥KohaSayu♥) chapter 44 (1/1)  (Read 78971 times)

Offline LiLith

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---CIRCLE--- (♥KohaSayu♥) chapter 36 (07/12)
« Reply #240 on: July 12, 2010, 05:23:56 AM »
I don't know if you mean for all this to be cute or if you really want to make them seem pathetic, LiLith, but I just feel that things are so wrong right now... they seem murderously in love >.<  Is that what you really want us to feel? Lol...
XD Haha.
Yes, that's what I want you all to feel... But just right now. I'll fix it later... Hm... LOL I have to fix the problems I create XD
About Koha, she had to leave her family, give up on her dreams,... to live with Sayu. But now she has to live alone in that room for months. And when Sayu's back, she just stayed a little and leaves... What Koha did is surely wrong. But I feel sorry for her, more than hating... LOL since somehow, Koha's character here is based on my own character... XD That's why I can understand her the most *evil laugh*

Ya~~~y! I'm commenting here again
YAY!!!~~ You're commenting here again!! <3 XD

Chapter 36

When I open my eyes, morning already came.
I take the phone on the table and turn it on. A lot of missed calls from Ai-chan. Now I have to make up a good reason and think about how to apologize everyone. Hope the work this morning is not too important.
I turn around and look at her face.
Last night, after all of that, she fell asleep right away. I intended to leave to arrive at the train station in time, but I couldn’t do that.
Wrapped in the blanket, she was sobbing and trembling uncontrollably, which was heartbreaking to see. When I thought about how lonely she had to stand in this room during the time, all my anger disappeared. She was right, I have everyone around me, but she doesn’t have anyone now but me. Her fear of being alone, I can understand.
“You are my slave.”
I knit my brows and close my eyes, trying to forget what happened last night. What she did, what she said, I have to forget.

I turn to look at her. She was just mumbling. Her eyes are still closed. Suddenly, she nuzzles her head to my chest, and lets out some other mumbles.
I smile and gently stroke her hair. She looks just like an innocent kid now. I chose to love that kid, so I can’t regret or go back. I believe in her. Not now, but surely in the future, she will grow up. I have no choice but believe in her and wait for her. And I think I can handle that.
Slowly, gently, I let go of her. I place her head on the pillow and pull up the blanket. Then I get off the bed, take my clothes and make my way to the bathroom.
I was shock when I first saw myself in the mirror.
It’s not hard to see a lot of bite marks she left on my body. My neck, my shoulders, my stomach. Shoulders and stomach are not the problem, but, all these marks on my neck, I have to find a way to cover them up.
After some make-up, the marks almost disappear. I leave the bathroom and come near to the bed. All of sudden, the phone rings loudly. I quickly run to the table and turn it off in order not to wake her up. I turn back to look at her.
She is still sleeping.
All the noises I made, and even the sound of the cell phone, didn’t wake her up. She must be very tired.

[Koharu-chan, I’m sorry but I have to leave now. Don’t worry, I’ll return home whenever I can. Tonight we have a concert not far from Tokyo. Here’s the ticket Ai-chan told me to give to you. We’ll be very glad if you come with us. \(^O^)/ ]


“Where the heck were you?”
“I’m sorry…”
I bow my head in silence.
“Now we have to explain to Tsunku-san. He surely is scary when angry.” Ai-chan sighs.
“I’m very sorry…”
“Ok ok, it’s not that serious. The interview has been delayed.” Gaki-san puts a hand on my shoulder. “But more importantly, are you ok?” She gives me a concerned look. My heart throbs. I’m afraid that she will notice my neck. I quickly turn around.
“I’m fine.”
I sit on the sofa, next to Jun.
“We have to prepare for tonight right now.” Ai-chan knits her brows. “It’s a bit late already. We have to hurry up.”
Suddenly, Jun puts both her hands on my shoulders.
“What are you doing?” I look at her in surprise.
“What is this?”
“Nothing.” I smack her hands away and turn around.
“Wait!” She grasps my arm and pulls me back. Everyone turns back to look at us.
“What happened?” She stares at me.
“What did she do to you?”
Now I can’t hide them anymore. Everyone sees the bite marks. Eri covers her mouth. Reina stares at me in shock, and the same to others.
“Sayumi…” Eri comes near to me.
“What’s those faces for?” I try to let out a smile. “It’s normal to have bite marks…”
“But this is serious!” Jun yells. “She did it again, right?”
“I don’t get what you are saying.”
“She rapes you again, right?”
I don’t know what to say. I sit on the chair, bowing my head. They just keep silent.
“And you want to hide us? You want to continue that relationship?” Now it’s Reina’s turn.
“Being able to love the person who rapes you again and again, you’re so kind, or you’re just not normal too?”

I start crying.
“So what should I do? Leaving her alone? Why are you so cruel? She had to lose everything because of me! Now you tell me to abandon her?”
“She won’t die if you break up with her! But you’ll die if you continue this relationship. Don’t be so stupid…”
“That’s enough, Reina.” Ai-chan interrupts. “We’ll talk about that later. The concert tonight is more important…”
“WTH is more important?” Eri screams out. “It’s Sayu that is more important! Don’t be so cold-blood!”
“Calm down, Eri.”
“How can you force her to sing when she’s in that mood?”
“Eri…” I grab her hand. “I can do it. We better go… Ai-chan was right, the concert is more important. We can talk later.”
“Ok, you and Sayu can stay here a little more.” Ai-chan sighs. “We’re leaving. We’ll wait for you two. Don’t be too late.”

As soon as they leave, Eri comes sit next to me.
“I think I have to agree to Reina this time. You have to break up, soon.”
“Why do even you say that to me? I can’t leave her side. What will happen to her if I do that?”
“Why don’t you realize anything? She’s just that crazy when it comes to you.”
“I never think she’s terrible or something. I just think she loves you way too much. Whenever it comes to you, she loses her control. That’s why you better leave her.”
“But…” My tears drop. “I love her… I want to be by her side, no matter what…”
“We have nothing but each other… We only want to stay together and make each other happy… Isn’t it the simplest thing? Why does it have to be so difficult?”
I keep crying. Eri didn’t say anything. She sits by my side, holds my hand tightly. That makes me cry even more.
“I was wrong…” She smiles sadly. “It’s not only her that is too crazy in love…”
I hold her hand more tightly.
“You and her can’t be happy together, because you two love each other too much… Reina and me can’t be happy together too, because we don’t love each other much enough. Funny, isn’t it?”

After that, we didn’t say anything else. I just keep crying like a child. In Eri’s arms, the smell of the perfume she used since we were together brings me back to some memories. Suddenly, I don’t want to move from this place. Eri’s shoulders are small, but not trembling. Her hands are not as warm as Koha’s, but soft and gentle. The softness slowly makes me calm down.

I realize that I’ve owed Eri too much.


No new message or call.
What’s happening?
I tried to call her a lot of times. But I can’t hear her voice.
“Sayu, what are you doing? The concert is gonna start. Let’s go to the dressing room.”
I quickly put the phone into the bag and run after Eri.
“Did she come?”
“You gave her that ticket right? Did she come yet?”
“Um… I don’t know…”
She smiles.
“Just put it aside. For now, we have to focus on the performance, right?”
I smile and nod.
I stop walking and look into her eyes.
“When the concert ends, let’s go to eat some sushi.” I smile. “Just the two of us.”

The concert almost ends now. We still have to do the encore though. I check my phone every time we go to the dressing room. But nothing happens. I can’t be patient anymore.
Suddenly, the sound of the phone interrupts my thoughts. It’s her message. I quickly run to a room.
“Sayumi? What are you doing? The encore is starting now.” Reina shouts to me.
“I have some problems with the bow.” I quickly open the message.

[Sayu-chan, sorry, I can’t go to watch the concert.
What I did to you last night, I hope you can forgive me some day.
Sorry but I don’t know what to do than leaving your side.
Please be happy from now on.]

I feel like something cuts my heart into pieces.
I stand there, and keep reading the message, again and again. It takes me a while to react. I quickly call her back.

Thanks God. This time she finally takes the call.
“WTF are you doing?” My voice is trembling.
“I’m sorry…”
“Where are you now?”
“STAY THERE! IF YOU MOVE EVEN A CM, I’LL KILL YOU!!” I scream out. My whole body is trembling too. I quickly open the door.
“What are you doing there?” Reina knits her brows. “Let’s go back to the stage.”
“Tell everybody that I’m very sorry.”
I take my bag and run.


I run on the stairs. My heart is beating and throbbing fast. I stop to breathe a few seconds and try to calm down. Then I continue to run, run and run.
I quickly open the door.

I stand there, look around the room. That must be a joke. She won’t leave me alone. Never.
I run to the bedroom.
She’s not here too.
I look at the wardrobe.
My heart is beating faster and faster.
Slowly, I come near to the wardrobe and open it.

I kneel down on the floor.
Everything seems to disappear from my eyes.
I realize that’s because my eyes are already full of tears.
Suddenly, I see a sheet of paper on the table.

Do you remember the day we first met?
Those days when I was a kid, with you always by my side, as my mentor. I’m wondering whether they’re precious to you? Me thinks not (lol) since I was always annoying you. I even made you cry sometimes. I’m really sorry about that. Anyway, for me, they’re precious memories, because you were there, beside me.
Do you remember the day you told me that you had your first kiss with Kamei-san with that bright smile on your face?
I was almost crying, but finally I ended up giving you a smile. I can’t believe how strong I was that day.
Have you ever noticed
That I love you during that period of time?
Surely not. (lol) Sometimes I even want to scream out that, why don’t you pay any attention to me? Every time I saw you and her together, you hold her hands, you lean to her shoulders, you enjoy her kisses…
I just wanted to run to hug you tightly, grasp your hand, and take you away from her.
But I couldn’t do that.
We can’t always do whatever we want, especially when it comes to the person we love.
That’s why, the day you and her broke up, I couldn’t stand it anymore. I couldn’t help but kiss, and hug, and hold you in my arms. And when I had you with me, I was always like dreaming. Every morning I woke up with you sleeping beside me, my heart skipped beating. I keep talking to myself, “A, I have you. Not a dream.”
I was always afraid that you didn’t really love me. You just wanted to forget her, or you just wanted someone to be by your side and share your loneliness. I wanted you to love me, only me. I wanted your eyes to see no one but me. Sometimes I even wanted to kill you, then you’ll belong to only me, forever.
Sometimes I find myself so scary.
And when I saw you kiss another girl not me, my heart was like cut by a knife.
I ended up doing those terrible things to you. After that, I was thinking, “This is the end for us.”
But, you hugged me, and kissed me, and forgave me.
I was very surprised, and kept wondering, “Since when you started to love me that much?”
“I’ll definitely make you happy from now on.” That’s what I always reminded myself. I will do anything to make you happy, even if I have to sacrifice everything, my family, my pride, my dreams.
No matter what I say now, everything can’t be back to the beginning. I know, if now I hug you, and beg you to forgive me once more, you’ll forgive me again.
But I can’t do that, because now I realize,
As long as we’re still together, I’ll continue to keep you in my confinement forever.
I have to give you your freedom.
Please don’t search for me. Because I’m going to somewhere that you will never find me there. And please don’t wait for me, because I’ll never return.
Please, forget me.
But, you can remember that, I love you. No matter what happened, that is still the truth.


Someone, please tell me, this is a joke.
I look around.
Is there anyone here?
Is that you standing somewhere in this room, and when I start to cry, you’ll run to me and laugh at me and say to me that, “You’re such a crybaby!” ?
So I have to cry, then you’ll appear in front of my eyes.
But I’m already crying now. Why are you still not here?
Can you hear me crying?
Please run to me.

I scream out.
My eyes are full of tears, my heart tightens, I feel like I can’t breathe anymore.
No matter how much I cry out
You will never come here and hold me in your arms like you always did anymore.

The moment I saw the empty room with you gone
I knew this time I was really left behind in this strange world
When I look around the room,
Your images were like still there.
When I lied on my bed
Your flavor was still there.
Your smiles, your tears, your words
All of them seemed to be still there.
But, where are you now?

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: ---CIRCLE--- (♥KohaSayu♥) chapter 36 (07/12)
« Reply #241 on: July 12, 2010, 07:14:37 AM »
 :shocked :cry: I'm actually quite sad Koha left. I mean, in reality, I don't know if Sayu truly loved her or if she was just suffering, first, from a rebound, then from battered wife syndrome, but I still kind of wanted their twisted relationship to last. Oh well, maybe she can go back to Eri with a halfhearted romance.

Offline kuro808

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Re: ---CIRCLE--- (♥KohaSayu♥) chapter 36 (07/12)
« Reply #242 on: July 12, 2010, 07:49:28 AM »
sayu has to get rid of the guilty feeling

idea of sayu/koha oneshot in mind XD
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Offline LiLith

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Re: ---CIRCLE--- (♥KohaSayu♥) chapter 36 (07/12)
« Reply #243 on: July 12, 2010, 06:52:52 PM »
idea of sayu/koha oneshot in mind
Please write it <3
I love you <3

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Re: ---CIRCLE--- (♥KohaSayu♥) chapter 36 (07/12)
« Reply #244 on: July 12, 2010, 08:14:55 PM »
sure give me a couple more days  :nervous :nervous
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline LiLith

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Re: ---CIRCLE--- (♥KohaSayu♥) chapter 36 (07/12)
« Reply #245 on: July 13, 2010, 06:59:08 PM »
*puppy eyes*
Aww~ I can't wait!!! *jump around*
<3 <3

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Re: ---CIRCLE--- (♥KohaSayu♥) chapter 36 (07/12)
« Reply #246 on: July 18, 2010, 09:32:50 AM »


That was actually a really sad chapter. I honestly felt like I couldn't forgive Koha for what she'd done to Sayu in the last chapter, but this (kind of) puts in in a new light... well... hmmm, I can't decide. Should they get together? Is it better for them to be apart?

I really do feel that whatever happens, this relationship is doomed to fail. It might be because Koha is still so young and has much to learn about life and love... if they met again, perhaps 5 years into the future, maybe things can work out then... or is she stuck forever in this state, of loving Sayu too much?  :(

Again, it's lovely to see the turtle comforting her rabbit... seems like in this story, that's all that will be going on between the two. >.< KohaSayu so hopeless!

The letter was really sad. Sayu running out on the concert to see Koha after that text message was quite touching in itself, but I feel like I can understand Koha a little better with that letter. She's not a beast (as I was beginning to think  :nervous), no... she's just so... OBSESSIVE. I mean, loving somebody to the point of wanting to kill them so they can be yours forever - that's sick. But at least she understands that, and is willing to let Sayu go free...

But now, how is Sayu ever going to fare without her Koha?


I wonder what's going to happen now, that Koha is out of the picture and is hiding.

Will Sayu go look for her?

Will Sayu give her up?

I doubt she will. Really curious now!

Thank you for the update <3
Please update soon!  :)

Offline Michi.Pinku

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Re: ---CIRCLE--- (♥KohaSayu♥) chapter 36 (07/12)
« Reply #247 on: July 22, 2010, 07:26:51 PM »
Ok. You killed me.
Koha left Sayu.  :imdead: I don't know if that is good or not.
Gyaa! I wanna cry :cry:. I dunno what think about this anymore.
I'm waiting the next chapter.

Offline LiLith

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---CIRCLE--- (♥KohaSayu♥) chapter 37 (07/31)
« Reply #248 on: July 30, 2010, 09:34:34 PM »
Eh? Are you still alive? :shocked  *shake your body*
No!~ Don't leave me! *cry out*


I really do feel that whatever happens, this relationship is doomed to fail. It might be because Koha is still so young and has much to learn about life and love... if they met again, perhaps 5 years into the future, maybe things can work out then... or is she stuck forever in this state, of loving Sayu too much?
5 years? XD
Well, you're more cruel than me I guess... XD
She's not a beast (as I was beginning to think  )
Sayu looking for Koha is hopeless...
Yay!~ I broke my SayuKoha!! XD



Chapter 37

I don’t know why I’m running to this place. I just keep running, my tears can’t stop dropping.
I stop and turn back.
“OMG you’re here!” Jun screams out and runs to me. “Where did you go? We were very worried!”
I kneel down and pant. It feels like I can’t talk anymore.
“What happened…?” She holds my shoulders. “Please tell me…”
I continue to cry.
“Don’t cry here…” She looks around. “There’re still lots of people in the building. Come to my room?”
I cover my mouth, my tears keep dropping. She looks at me sadly.
“Please tell me what happened…” She bites her bottom lip. “I’ll do anything…”
“Tell me… Where Eri is…”

Maybe my eyes are full of tears, so I couldn’t notice Jun’s sad face. I just follow her to Eri’s room. I can’t pay attention to anything at this moment.
As soon as I see Eri, I hug her tightly.
“What… happened?” She looks at Jun, but Jun just shakes her head. “Then, I’m leaving…” Jun gets out of the room and closes the door behind me.
“Sayu…” Eri slowly caresses my back. “Are you ok?”
“Koha…” I say in a low voice.
“What happened to Koharu-chan?”
“She left me…” I cry out. “I don’t know where she went. Please help me… search for her…”
My body keeps trembling. I hold Eri as tightly as I can.
“But we don’t know where she is… I’ll ask Ai-chan and Gaki-san for help…”

My heart almost stops beating when I realize Reina’s voice. Eri seems to be surprised too. She looks at Reina in shock.
“R-Reina? What do you come here for?”
I turn back to look at Reina.
She bites her lips.
“I can’t come here? Ok, sorry for bothering.”
“It’s not like that Reina!!” Eri screams out. “Koha has left, that’s why Sayu…”
“That’s why she comes here? How ridiculous…” Reina turns back and stares at me. “Instead of running to Eri’s side and crying, why don’t you go search for your dear lover?”
Every word of her, cuts me like a knife.
“The first thing you do when something bad happens is seeking for Eri?”
“Reina, stop!” Eri holds my shoulders. “Don’t mind what she said, Sayu…”
“I’m not allowed to?...” I cover my eyes and cry out. “I’m not allowed to rely on anyone?”
“I’m too tired… I don’t know what to do anymore…”
I push Eri away and run out of the room.
“Sayu! Where are you going?!!”


Everything in front of my eyes seems to disappear slowly. I can’t see anything clear anymore. I just keep running along the street.
Where do I have to go to find you?
I have no where to go.
As soon as I stop to breathe, I see her.
She doesn’t turn back. She just keeps walking along the street before disappearing at a dark corner.
“WAIT!!” I cry out. I use all the strength left in my body to run after her.
Why do you ignore me?
I finally catch up with her.
She turns back to look at me.

Of course, it can’t be…
Of course you can’t be here.
The sound, the noise on the street slowly disappear too.
I kneel down on the ground.
“This is cold…”

“Aww… Koharu-chan’s body is so warm…” I nuzzle to her chest.
“Eh? Really?” She raises her brows. “I thought human body’s temperature is the same?”
“Don’t ruin the moment!” I pout out.
“BTW, what are you doing?” I look at the roses on the surface of the water. “Those roses look expensive…” I knit my brows.
“An idol of Morning Musume shouldn’t say those mean words.” She laughs. I smile and lean to hug her. She leans against the wall of the bathtub and embraces me gently.
“Aw… I want July to come soon!” Suddenly she screams.
“Talking about July, what do you want to do on our birthdays?”
“I want us to go somewhere far from Tokyo… 2 or 3 days…”
“But, wouldn’t everyone celebrate our birthdays together?”
“We can celebrate earlier.”
“Um…” I wrap my arms around her neck. “What do you want for your birthday present?”
“Present?” She keeps thinking for a while. “Anything expensive…”
I burst into laughs.
“Then…” I bring my face close to her. “Isn’t my cuteness enough?”
“Haha~” She tries to stop laughing. “Stop getting cuter and cuter, I’ll lose my own control if I love you even more…”
“So it’s enough? Ok, decided.”
We giggle and look into each other’s eyes. As soon as she gets closer to ask for a kiss, I put a finger on her lips.
“But, where will we go?”
She smiles brightly.

The street at night is getting colder and colder.
My body is trembling. I can’t hear the noise on the street anymore.
Slowly, I close my eyes.
This time, no one will run to me and rescue me anymore.

You know, Koharu-chan
Even now, sometimes on street corners
When I meet someone, I see your shadow.
Forgetting about something won’t make it disappear
That’s why, compared with the loneliness of suddenly losing everything important to you in a moment,
The steady cracking, and eventual breakdown, is much easier to stand.

Offline kuro808

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Re: ---CIRCLE--- (♥KohaSayu♥) chapter 37 (07/31)
« Reply #249 on: July 30, 2010, 09:43:02 PM »
Sayu in a hopeless position and Reina in her usual style "encourages" her to find her XD

SO sad though :cry:
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: ---CIRCLE--- (♥KohaSayu♥) chapter 37 (07/31)
« Reply #250 on: July 31, 2010, 12:04:51 AM »
Reina's jealousy is isolating Sayu from her biggest support system. I think that might not turn out well for her in the end.

Offline Michi.Pinku

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Re: ---CIRCLE--- (♥KohaSayu♥) chapter 37 (07/31)
« Reply #251 on: August 06, 2010, 08:24:32 PM »
Sad chapter again, uh? Yeah I'm feeling a kind of sad when i read ur fic. But it's ok, in this way is very touching.
Reina going to Eri's room ?  :?
Tanakame have chance to live ? well  Reina is very cruel with Sayu and she is very jelous, but I still want Tanakame X'D.
Sayu's life is so sad without Koha and i feel a kind of sorry about Jun.
gya~~a! please more chapters  :panic:

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Re: ---CIRCLE--- (♥KohaSayu♥) chapter 37 (07/31)
« Reply #252 on: August 09, 2010, 03:38:06 PM »
Seemed to of missed this chapter when you first posted it :doh:

Another sad chapter  :cry: Man Reina is so harsh even in the situation Sayu is in, perhaps Reina did it for Sayu's benefit in some weird, contorted way?

Poor Jun, Ran after Sayu to find her and is dumped by Sayu after she find's Eri, poor Jun

Offline LiLith

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---CIRCLE--- (♥KohaSayu♥) chapter 38 (08/13)
« Reply #253 on: August 13, 2010, 03:09:27 AM »
XD lol, Reina is nice in some weird way XD
 :yep: Maybe... If she continues to be that nice to Sayu XD She'll end up with no one XD
Sorry I dont know why, but whenever I write something, it's always kind of sad XD
I know you always want TanaKamei XD I promise they will be happy in the end :P
Eh? Reina did it for Sayu benefit? lol. XD she were just jealous that's all XD
And I feel bad for Jun too :cry:

Awww... I feel bad abt Eri's graduation... I never imagine a MM without her... I though she would become the next leader when Ai-chan and Gaki-san leave... :cry: so sad...

Chapter 38

“What should we do now? I couldn’t call her…”
“Go to her house, of course.”
“Then only Eri will go.”
“W-What?... Why only me, Ai-chan?...”
“Because if she wanna talk, cry or something… She only feels free to do that in front of you…”
“What’s wrong, Jun?”
“Can I follow Kamei-san?”
“I beg you.”

I open my eyes. My head hurts so bad, and my body seems not to have any strength left.
Someone is calling my name and banging at the door. I slowly get out of the bed and come open the door.
“OMG! You’re still all right!” Eri hugs me tightly. I see Jun standing behind her.
“What’s wrong? Why do you two come here all of sudden?’
“We were very worried! I thought you would do something stupid…” She starts crying.
“I… Why am I here?”
“W-what?...” Both of them look at me in shock.
“I mean… I can’t remember how I got home… Last night I was running on the street and…”
“When I’m awake, I’m already home…”
“You were on the street???” Eri screams out. “Did anything happen?”
“I can’t remember…”
“Sayu…” She holds me tightly in her arms. “You better go to hospital.”
“Hospital?” I push her away. “Hey, I don’t have any problem!”
“Losing memories is a BIG problem!!!” She yells.
“I don’t wanna go.”
“Ano… Kamei-san…” Jun suddenly interrupts. “At least she’s fine now… We can save it for later…”
Eri sits on the sofa and sighs.
“Do you feel tired?”
I shake my head. She comes to me and touches my forehead with her hand.
“Not having a fever…”
“Where’s… Koha?”
“Where did she go? Will she return at lunchtime?” I knit my brows. “Damn, she even didn’t leave me any message. I’ll yell at her when she’s back.”
Eri bows her head. Then Jun starts crying.
“What the hell are you two crying for?” I bite my bottom lip. “She will return, right?”
“Calm down, Sayu… I beg you…”
“She will return soon…” I stand up and come near to the table. “She won’t leave me alone… never.”
I grab the knife on the table.

Before I can do anything, Jun already grasps the knife in her hand.
She bites her bottom lip and stares at me.
“WTF are you gonna do?!!”
“Let… Let go of it…” My voice is trembling. “Your hand is bleeding…”
“You’re the one who has to let go!!”
“I…” My tears keep dropping.
“LET GO!!” She squeezes the knife tightly. Her blood drops on the floor. I slowly let go of the knife, and kneel down.
“Sayu!!” Eri runs to me and holds my body.
“What are you thinking?” Jun yells at me.
“I don’t wanna be alone… without her…”
“Are you an idiot? What if someday she returns and finds out that you’re already dead because of her?”
I cover my mouth and cry.
“She said… she will never return…”
Both of them keep quiet.
“Even if she never comeback…” Jun grasps her bleeding hand with the other hand and stares at me. “You’re not alone. Everyone is here, with you. A lot of people will be hurt if something bad happens to you. And she’ll be hurt too…”
“Jun, your hand…” Eri looks at Jun. “I’ll take you to the hospital.”
“No. I can go there by myself. You stay here and look after her.”
“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.”
Jun looks at me for a few seconds, then she goes to the door and opens it.
“Please help her to feel better. I can’t do anything about it, but you can, Kamei-san. I’m counting on you.”
She smiles and closes the door.

“Sayu, don’t sit here… You should go to bed and take some sleep…” Eri gently pulls me up.
“Eri… Is Jun ok?..”
“She’s fine. I don’t think the injury is serious.” She leads me to the bed. “More importantly, you have to rest. Don’t think about it anymore.”
“I can’t… Whenever I close my eyes, I start to think about Koha…”
“I just wanna die now…”
“I won’t let you die.”
She pushes me down on the bed and looks into my eyes.
I couldn’t say anything else, since her lips already touch mine. I open my eyes widely, can’t believe what she’s doing. She just keeps kissing and starts to undo my buttons.
I push her away and stare at her.
“You… What the hell are you doing?”
“Make you feel better.” She replies when bowing her head.
“You think what you’re doing will make me feel better?” I cry out. “You’re not her, don’t touch me!”
When I look at her, I know I’ve said something bad.
“If you don’t want anything to happen, then don’t cry in front of me.”
“Stop throwing my feeling away.”
She keeps quiet.
“What do you mean? Don’t tell me you wanted to say that you still…”
“Of course I still have feeling for you!!!” She screams out.
I look at her in shock.
“W-what… the hell?” I stutter.
“You’re the one to break up, right?”
“Stop playing with my heart!! I’m sick of it!!”
“I’m sorry…”
“I don’t understand you, Eri…” My tears run down on my cheeks. “I can never understand…”
She holds me tightly.
“I’m sorry… Just forget what I’ve done and said. We’re still best friends, right?”
“Listen to me… Take some sleep, and go back on working as soon as you feel better, ok?” She strokes me back. “Forgive what I’ve done to you… Nothing happened today, ok?”
I slowly nod and rest my head on her shoulder.
“I’m here with you, nothing matters anymore.”

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Re: ---CIRCLE--- (♥KohaSayu♥) chapter 38 (08/13)
« Reply #254 on: August 13, 2010, 05:24:39 AM »
Sayu being in a suicidal mood is emotional and I guess she is trying to be up beat but knowing the hint of truth is hurting her more than what is needed.

I need to write more soon enough  :nervous
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: ---CIRCLE--- (♥KohaSayu♥) chapter 38 (08/13)
« Reply #255 on: August 13, 2010, 06:12:31 AM »
Eri?! :shocked Wtf?! Just cause she's having trouble with Reina? Or is it she's having trouble with Reina because of her feelings? What will happen next?!

Offline GyaruSa

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Re: ---CIRCLE--- (♥KohaSayu♥) chapter 38 (08/13)
« Reply #256 on: August 13, 2010, 01:11:43 PM »
Poor Sayu  :cry: I hope Koha will return and make her happy again ♥. I hope Koha is not dead... then there can't be SayuKoha anymore! And if there isn't SayuKoha, there will be KameShige and Reina will be alone (or with Jun) : (. Sad...

But keep working! Ganbatte!  :twothumbs

Sorry that I didn't comment for long time. And this comment is very short, sorry.

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Re: ---CIRCLE--- (♥KohaSayu♥) chapter 38 (08/13)
« Reply #257 on: August 13, 2010, 03:06:28 PM »
Poor Sayu has gone totally emo!  :cry:

Man Jun was pretty brave holding onto the knife , hope she gets some proper credit for it

What is Eri thinking, does she still love Sayu, has she fallen in love with her again, was it pity or is it because she and Reina arn't doing so well?

Offline LiLith

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---CIRCLE--- (♥KohaSayu♥) chapter 39 (08/19)
« Reply #258 on: August 19, 2010, 05:41:51 AM »
Lol yep, you should write more XD

Eri?!  Wtf?! Just cause she's having trouble with Reina? Or is it she's having trouble with Reina because of her feelings? What will happen next?!
Eri couldn't sort out her feeling well, that made Reina jealous, and that's it. ^_^
TanaKame breaks up~  :hiakhiakhiak:
Now what I have to do is just finding a way to break TakaGaki too~ :kekeke:

No... just joking...  :cry:

Welcome back~ ^_^
Aww... I think JunRei is never gonna happen here, XD But that KohaShigeTanaKameiJun is really quite complicate... hm... XD
Comment or not, short or long, don't mind please. that you keep reading this fic already makes me happy! Thank you!

What is Eri thinking, does she still love Sayu, has she fallen in love with her again, was it pity or is it because she and Reina arn't doing so well?
LOL you pointed out almost all of the reasons XD
All of them are right in someway. Eri's feeling is rather hard to understand in this fic... that's what I aim to write about Eri XD

Chapter 39

I knock on the door.
“Sayu!” Eri greets me with a bright smile on her face. “Finally you’re back to work! Are you ok now?”
“Eri, let her come in first.” I hear Ai-chan’s voice inside the room. Eri stucks out her tongue and smiles.
All of the members are here, except Jun, Mittsi and Reina.
“Are you ok? Can you go back on working already?” Gaki-san gives me a concerned look.
“I’m fine.” I sit down on the sofa, next to Eri. “Sorry, it’s because of me that the concerts had to be delayed... Tsunku-san must have been very angry…”
“Don’t worry, we have explained to him. I think he understands.”
“Nee, Sayumi.”
I turn to look at Ai-chan.
“About Koha-chan… Can you let us know your decision yet?”
“If you wanna search for her, we’ll try to help you…”
“No, I won’t search for her.”
“It’s her decision and I have to respect it.”
Everyone looks at me with their eyes open widely, while Eri looks at me and lets out a smile.
“I’ve caused everyone a lot of troubles… I don’t wanna do it anymore. Let’s go back on working…” I stand up.
“Wait, Michishige-san…”
I turn back,
“How about Jun? You haven’t gone to see her yet, right?” Lin Lin stares at me and knits her brows.
“I really have to?” I look away from her. “Is her injury really that serious?”
“You…But it’s because of you that she…”
“I didn’t get her to do that.”
Not only Lin, everyone looks at me in shock.
“Why are you so cold, when it comes to Jun Jun?” she glares at me. “She didn’t do anything wrong… Just because you don’t love her back, that doesn’t give you the right to treat her like that!”
“Lin, Sayu is not in a good mood that’s why…” Eri grabs Lin’s arm.
“But whenever it comes to Jun she…”
“Got it. I’ll go to see her right now, ok?”
I open the door and turn back to stare at Lin.
“But, Lin Lin…” I smile. “If you really love her that much, why don’t you take care of her by yourself?”
I close the door and leave the room.


Mittsi is sitting beside the bed, when Jun is lying on the bed sleeping. I lay my bag on the table and come near to them.
“How’s she?”
“Her injury in the hand is fine now. But she’s having a fever.
“Fever?” I raise my eyebrows.
“The day you ran away from the building, I think she searched for you all the night.”
I keep quiet and look at Jun’s face.
“Ok, I’ll take care of her. You can take a rest now.”
“Thank you, Michishige-san.”
Mittsi waves her hand to me and leaves the room. I smiles and turn back to look at Jun.
I slowly touch her forehead with my hand.
Damn, it’s so hot.
I get into the bathroom, take a small towel and turn the tap on.
I turn back. She just mumbles. I giggle and come sit on the chair beside the bed.
I sit there, and study her face.
“She didn’t do anything wrong… Why are you so cold when it comes to her?”
I gently put the wet towel on her forehead and pull the blanket to cover her body.


The door open, and Reina knits her brows when seeing me.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“We need to talk.”
She sighs and lets me come in.
I look around the room.
“What do you want to talk about?”
“Whose is this?”
I take the hat on the bed.
“I bought it. What’s wrong?” She looks away.
“Oh. I see.” I throw it away and come near to her.
“You never look at the mirror? That hat doesn’t suit you at all.”
“You… None of your business!”
I grasp her shoulders and push her against the wall.
“You sleep with girls again, didn’t you? Right here, in this room?”
“I don’t get what you’re saying.”
“You took some girl here and sleep with her in this building? For everyone to see? Are you insane? This is working place Reina! What if someone finds out?”
“Doesn’t concern you.”
“Stop acting stupid! What you’re doing won’t make Eri jealous but only make her bored with you!” I yell at her. “Reina, Eri is not strong as you think at all!”
She keeps quiet.
“Eri is kind of person who feels lonely easily…” I knit my brows. “And she always doesn’t understand herself…”
“Then what do I have to do?..”
For the first time, I see Reina crying in front of me.
“Tell me, what do I have to do to remove you from her heart?”
“That’s just your imagination.” I let go of her.
“Even when we’re together, she still have you in her mind…”
“Do you understand what I’m saying? I’ll never steal your Eri!” I yell at her angrily. She titles on the wall, bowing her head. Her body is trembling.
“No matter who she loves…” I come take my bag. “The only person who can stay by her side and make her happy is you.”
“You’re the only one who can save her. So please, be stronger and more confident in yourself… I beg you.”
I turn back to look at her.
“And remember that, I’ll kill anyone who dares to hurt Eri.”


I open the window and look at the night sky.
I’ll become stronger too. Focus on working, then I’ll be fine. Everything will be fine, right?
“Ding dong.”
I turn back. Who’s that? I think no one knows my house except MM members and the manager.
I come open the door.
In front of me, Jun smiles brightly, with a guitar behind her back.
“Alone? Do you feel lonely? A homeless prince comes visit you.” She winks.
“Wait, what are you doing here…”
She gets into the room and looks around.
“Wow! Princess’s room is really kawai!” She sits down on the sofa and places the guitar on her laps.
I close the door.
“Jun… About what happened the other day… I’m really sorry…”
“Jun Jun starts singing…” She smiles. “Takara no Hako starts~!”

She really sings that song from her lips, and plays the guitar.
I never notice that she knows how to sing this song, how to play the guitar.
And, I never notice that Jun’s voice is that warm.
The melodies slowly touch my heart, make my tears run down on my cheeks.
Somewhere in my head. The image of the two of us standing on the stage and singing this song together suddenly appears, clearly, as if nothing has been happened since that day.
I stand still, cover my mouth and cry.

“No matter how much hurt you feel
A loving heart is never meaningless.”

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: ---CIRCLE--- (♥KohaSayu♥) chapter 39 (08/19)
« Reply #259 on: August 19, 2010, 01:29:26 PM »
So, does Lin love Jun in that way? I have to admit to really liking the pandas together, so I'm kinda rooting for that to be true.

Bad Reina! Being a little slut.
“And remember that, I’ll kill anyone who dares to hurt Eri.”
I... Really wanna see a bunny/kitty fight. Teeth versus claws, oh baby, bring it!

Jun Jun can play guitar? I know she plays piano. Either way, it's really sweet. Got a little swayed by this couple? But will Jun win over Sayu?

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