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Author Topic: Colour of Truth - Omake (Tanakame) Part 7 (last) - 10/04  (Read 84474 times)

Offline FaqU

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 3 - 01/11
« Reply #20 on: January 13, 2010, 05:33:23 PM »
@ Her Awesome Holiness: Any ideas??? Not as of yet, not as of least I don't think so.  I think I should do more a history of Risa and Airi no?

@ Chloe: You say that as if you don't write  ;) I recall someone hasn't told me an answer for their own fic  :smhid

Now I have to go and evaluate myself as to what is a me answer  :lol: Is that the impression I am leaving you with? Is that good or bad? Should I worry?  XD

I think because with kid fics you are limited to what you can do with them no??? I don't know but I do know some people don't like perverted context when it comes to kids because....well because that's what they are known  However I do at times wonder if these same people realize that Saki (Captain), Momo, Maimi are already 17, 18 which makes the ones in Berryz around 15, 16 which technically they aren't really kids anymore.  But that's just me

Yes this Saki is captain, the other Saki, I referred her as Nakky

*eating chips while watching kRisZ and Chloe fighting over popcorn* Awww god damn where's the popcorn throwing brawl???  :lol:

@ stefy: No Maimi and Saki are not older than Ai, Reina or Eri, they just happen to be the only heir to their parents' big corporation.

Good point, I'll be working on that clash...may take a while...but working on it

Sayu???  :shocked I knew I forgot someone!!!! *finds laptop and starts thinking*

@ kRisZ: My girl, Saki's got this yo!!!  ;) Remember Saki and Maimi are rich, so if other girls flock them, they've got to know how to defend and chase no??  :lol:

@ Mame-chan: Nope never does get old  :smhid

I was debating about pairings, as I still am right now about whether I should pair people up just to break them up and remain friends....or I could take someone's suggestion of blowing them all up  :lol:

So if there are no pairings, you'll be able to deal???

My thoughts on Nakky??? Out of the team as is right now you mean??? Or out of everyone??? Because if you are referring to the police team, then yes she can pull it off but if you are referring to everyone, then nope I have someone else in mind that could pull it off even better.

Chapter 4

Date: March 9
Time: 7:00 pm

“Airin, I’m home!” hollered Risa as she took off her shoes and hung her keys on the key rack

“Risa-ane, I should be done in a couple minutes so wash up”

Risa walked towards her room but not before greeting Miyabi “Hey you, playing games again?” as she watched Miyabi play Need for Speed on the Xbox 360

“You know me, I need to unwind when we get a difficult case and this helps”

“Alright Cuz anything that helps right? Airin should be done soon so wash up and help me set the table” as Risa walked to her own room to change

Miyabi groaned as she paused her game and put down the controller before walking out to the kitchen. She washed her hands and helped take out eating utensils “smells good Airin” as she went behind Airi and peeked over her shoulder “nice no carrots in the curry”

“Of course not, it is hard to forget when your only cousin made a fuss about it”

“Yeah, you can say it was an unexpected tantrum” added Risa as she walked into the kitchen

“It was not a tantrum, you would expect your own parents to remember what their child doesn’t like eating and I was a kid back then” she stated as she walked out

“You still are!!!!” both Airi and Risa yelled after her, as they both giggled

“So Risa-ane, I think Miya was attracted to this stranger we met at the super today” declared Airi as they were eating

“USO!!!! What’s she like?”

“Well she was well groomed, looks like an office lady and I think she was flirting with Miya too!”

“USO!!! USO!!! USO!!! What did she do?”

“Well throughout the whole encounter, they were starting at each other as if there was no one else around. Luckily, their eyes were not wandering otherwise it would seem like they were stripping each other with their eyes”

“Dame!!!!! Getting a mental image” laughed Risa as she closed her eyes and put her hand out to stop Airi form anymore descriptions

~SLAM~ “Guys I am still here you know!!!!! Airi stop feeding Risa-oneesan with your imaginary images. I was not stripping her nor was I really staring. I….I…was surveying our surroundings out of habit” yelled Miyabi slightly annoyed

“The stranger even winked at Miya and when the girl was gone, Miya was still staring at a non-existing back” Airi continued ignoring Miyabi’s outburst

“USO!!!!!! Do we have a name for this mysterious person?”

“Nope” Miyabi answered in a low voice

“Why so dejected? Because you don’t know you’re crushs’ name?”

“NO!!! Because my 2 cousins are making fun of something non-existent and making me lose my temper”

“Alright, alright we’ll stop”

“For now” chimed Airi earning a glare from Risa

“No for good, now come on Miya, smile”

Miyabi’s facial expressions didn’t change from her dark sulky look, as she continued to eat her food. “Awww I’m sorry Miya, I shouldn’t have made fun of you, how bout I treat you to dessert?” Airi walked over to Miyabi giving her puppy dog eyes

Miyabi tried avoiding those eyes but every time she turned, Airi would follow “Fine” Miyabi threw her hands up in the air in defeat “but I swear I won’t let you off so easily”

“Alright I will leave you two, finish up and bring me the dishes before you go”

“Ane, it’s my turn to do the dishes and are you not joining us?”

“Naw you guys have fun, I’ve got some reports to finish writing up and yes I know it’s your turn but it’s alright I can do them for you”

“You’re one lucky sibling Airin, not many siblings non-blood related would stick around after the parent’s death and be nice”

Airi stuck her tongue out at Miyabi and then ran to hug Risa tightly “you’re just jealous of our relationship, at how great we get along” as Risa returned the hug and chuckled lightly

“No I am just stating how fascinating Risa-oneesan is for putting up with you, now are we going or not?” Miyabi twitched her head towards the door

Airi let go of Risa and picked up her plate “yeah”

Risa laughed as she shook her head at how childish they could get yet sighed at the sight of Airi ‘What Miya says is true not many step-siblings would probably look after each other or have good relationships with each other, much less live together with them as one’

Risa POV/Flashback

It didn’t start out like that though when mom married her dad moving us with them, I didn’t like the fact that my own mother treated her better when I was her flesh and blood. I at one point was so upset, I purposely pushed her onto the gravel floor, scraping her knee which caused her to start crying however when she knew I was the one that pushed her, she stopped crying, sniffled a couple of times, got up and walked/limped away. I couldn’t understand where she was going and why she had stopped crying, well my first thought was that she was afraid of me.

That night when the parents came home, Airi had changed into long pants to hide her knees. Eventually the parents found out and I thought I was doomed but she told them she accidentally tripped. I was sceptical at first that she was just pretending because I was there and she would tell the parents the truth when I was away. One night that all changed though, I remember it was a night where there was thunder, my greatest fear, and the parents weren’t home so I sat in my room, on my bed shivering until I heard the door creak.

Thinking it was the parents I looked out from under my blanket but it wasn’t, there stood Airin with her kappa plushie. She walked over to me never saying anything and climbed onto my bed sitting beside me where I was laying and started stroking my head. I don’t know what it was but the gesture calmed me down as I slowly fell asleep. By morning when I opened my eyes she wasn’t on my bed yet on the sofa in my room sleeping. I quietly walked over and watched as she slept, hugging tightly onto her kappa plushie. She was so peaceful and it was my first time noticing her this close but I realized how small and cute she was. She shivered a bit, in which I believe she must have slept all night without a blanket, hence I went over to my own bed and grabbed my blanket. As I was placing it over her tiny body, I noticed the bump where her knee was wrapped. I lifted her pant leg carefully and noticed the ugly wrapping so I assumed she did this on her own and she probably didn’t disinfect the wound yet.

I tiptoed into my bathroom and searched for my first aid kit, delighted when I finally found it but when I walked back to where she was sleeping, Airi was gone. I was confused at first but noticed my room door open so I can guess that she had stepped out but why??? I picked up my first aid kit and went to her room in search of my younger sister. There she was sleeping on her own bed, wrapped in her own blanket, hugging tightly to her plushie, it was at that moment, my jealousy towards her had evaporated and in fact was replaced by guilt.

I sat at her desk and continued watching her sleep as I waited for her to wake up. I still recall the shocked look on her face when she did, she had to double scan her room to make sure she was indeed in her room “You can stop worrying, this is your room” I got up and walked towards her, with every step I got closer I felt anxious about apologizing “I’m…er…well you know…er…sorry about your knee” as I took out some cleaning alcohol and cotton pad and wiped her knee. She looked at me smiling her toothy grin that I had just noticed “why didn’t you rat me out?”

She grinned wider “I always wanted an older sister, and since we are sisters we should be helping each other out” was all she said but it made me feel warm and it was from then that we started talking about our other missing parent and things that have happened in our lives. Through our conversations, I found that Airin was completely innocent and cute in which I wanted to preserve, making sure no harm would be bestowed upon her. I finally admitted I had a younger sister, a younger sibling that I loved and cherished

End of Risa POV/Flashback

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 4 - 01/13
« Reply #21 on: January 13, 2010, 06:58:11 PM »
Ah, family dinner. Definitely glad to know the story behind Risa and Airi.

I finally admitted I had a younger sister, a younger sibling that I loved and cherished
Oh my god, this was so cute, I actually got a little teary eyed. :wub: :wub:

Offline pretend_2besome1

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 4 - 01/13
« Reply #22 on: January 13, 2010, 07:14:24 PM »
Hey, I’m mostly a reader  :grin:
Didn’t I already tell you? --> That one of your guesses is correct (that counts, no? XD)

You don’t have to worry, it’s a good one ;)

I think even with MM fics you don’t always have to connect them with perverted context somehow. Plus if it’s an AU you can make the kids older, yes? Maybe people isn’t as interested in kids as they do with MM *shrugs* but C-ute is what got me into this whole HP universe in the first place with their Namida no Iro.

“USO!!! USO!!! USO!!! What did she do?”

It always amuses me when Risa did the whole ‘USO!’ thing, so funny and cute at the same time.

Airi and Risa are so adorable with each other :wub:

You want popcorn throwing brawl? *throws some of kRisZ's popcorn at you and hides*

TakaSemaru  :heart:

Offline ChrNo

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 4 - 01/13
« Reply #23 on: January 15, 2010, 12:42:08 AM »
pssst... :ph43r:

haven't read a fic except wordy's ones for a while, and i just wanted to support this one 'cause it's just really good  :thumbsup

Miya x Captain ?

totally in !

the dialogues after the two duo bumped into eachother was simple awesome  :lol:

keep the good work coming FaqU !

Offline Maimi_Yajima

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 4 - 01/13
« Reply #24 on: January 15, 2010, 01:52:41 AM »
Ohhh ^^
i see ^^ a new fan fic of Faqu (Hello!Project KIDS) yeah ^^
good start.
" a look can say more than words" and " a look can even denude the heart"

Offline ziggurat

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 4 - 01/13
« Reply #25 on: January 15, 2010, 10:31:17 AM »
Hello, I started reading this fic last night, after a long time break :lol: It's an interesting story you have there. Your last chapter really make me feels warm and fuzzy inside. Keep up the good job! (I'm not in the mood of commenting, but someone asked me to support you. So yeah :P )

Jab <3 marimari <3 ChrNo~ your spirit shall live forever.. T_T ||

Offline FaqU

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 4 - 01/13
« Reply #26 on: January 17, 2010, 11:33:56 PM »
@ Her Awesome Holiness: don't forget Miya, she's still family  :) *passes you a tissue*

@ Chloe: sneaky sneaky, nope that doesn't count  :lol:

I know you don't have to link the kids in a perverted context and all but I do think people are still looking at them as kids, as opposed to grown ups.  I think they grew up faster than my kid sister and my kid sister is older than most of them  :lol:  But I guess you're right too, there hasn't been much HP Kids fics and I always thought that it was weird.

I so wanted a brawl, it's a great workout *throws my bag of chips at you, reaches over to kRisZ's popcorn and chucks whole bowl at you before chasing you* *growl*  :lol:

@ ChrNo:  :welcome *whispers* Thank you for the support, and I assume you're a kid's fic supporter right?  Welcome aboard and I'll try to do my best!

@ Maimi_Yajima: Ahhhh it's been a while hasn't it??? How have you been??? Haven't seen you a round, were you on vacation??? I am also doing and have done some one-shots, not necessarily all are kids but I'm sure there are a few  ;)

@ ziggurat: Hello  :welcome If you're not in the mood for commenting, that's alright.  Hope you enjoy the fic as it progresses but if you see anything that might make this all the more interesting, please do tell.  Does the someone have a name?  If you don't feel like saying that's alright too, please than them for me though!!!

Chapter 5

Date: March 10
Time: 1:30 am

Throughout the night, while people are expected to sleep, the tappity tap of the keys on a keyboard and the clickety click of a mouse was still in motion

“Ai-chan!  What are you doing up so late?”

“Maimi!  I still have to finish those corrections you asked me to do today.  What about you?”  Ai took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes momentarily

“I wanted to grab a glass of water” as she filled up her cup “don’t stay up too late otherwise Reina and Eri might actually get up before you”

“I’ll keep that in mind” chuckled Ai “wouldn’t want them to start teasing me about it”

Maimi walked back to her room and locked the door behind her before turning on her laptop, eyeing the note that she had written earlier.  She turned on her browser and decided to do the research that was requested and sent it out with a full analysis before going to bed.

Time: 6:00 am

Maimi woke up at her usual time and checked her email for the approval of her report.  Happy that it was approved, she went to the weight room in her house and started working out for an hour before Saki walked in.  “Morning Maimi”

“Morning Saki!  I have a favour to ask of you” greeted Maimi while doing benchpresses

“What’s up?” she started a light jog on the treadmill

“I will be home later tonight and it’s my turn to cook so…”

“Sure no problem”

“Thanks I owe you one” Saki put on her huge headphones as she increased the speed of her jog

Maimi smiled at Saki while continuing her workout. ‘Another good thing about growing up with Saki, I can always depend on her when I need her and she will never ask me why.  She gives me my time and space and waits for when I want to tell her anything but I guess its could be because she believes I am that capable that she doesn’t have to worry about me.  Because we grew up together, we know what each person thinks sometimes or wants to do or when something the other can’t do so we never have to worry too much about each other.  If I couldn’t do a particular task she is great to help with the thinking process so that we face things together, like siblings.’

Maimi finished her last rep before taking a shower and getting dressed.  On her way to her room, she took a couple steps back to check inside the library to see if Ai had been working all night, luckily she hadn’t which relieved Maimi.  Sure Ai is their secretary but at home, she is also a friend, a mother figure at times for Reina and Eri, in which Maimi was grateful for, so she wouldn’t want to see her friend overly stressed or anything with work issues when she already has a handful at home.  

When Maimi finished her shower she went to prepare breakfast in shorts and a tee for her housemates, a habit she has since she wakes up the earliest.  While she was cooking, she felt arms wrap around her waist and a head lay on her back.  Judging by the height the only person it could be was…

”Morning Ai-chan”

“YAWN~ Morning Maimi-chan”

“What time did you go to bed yesterday?”

“Before you did” Ai-chan was very perceptive so it doesn’t surprise Maimi that she knew Maimi was up doing something in her room “but I finished the corrections”

“Thanks and sorry”

“No biggie”

“well do you want to get ready and wake up the other 2?”

Maimi felt the arms leaving her waist “I’m on it” as Ai walked out of the kitchen

“Maimi, I am ready to take over while you get dressed” Saki stood beside Maimi all dressed for work covered by an apron

Maimi finished what she was doing and walked away to get changed and ready.  This was a usual routine in their household, Reina and Eri being the last to wake up, Maimi being the first to do her morning workout then to start breakfast and then Saki to take over and Ai to wake up the ‘daughters/babies’
Date: March 10
Time: 7:30 am

Airi woke up to the heavy aromas that filled the house, replacing her clock at times meaning that Risa was up and making breakfast.  Before Airi did anything, she lazily walked over to Miyabi’s room and knocked on the door “Miya, time to wake up” and then took her morning shower.  When she got out of her shower, she puts on her robe, walked over to Miyabi’s room and knocked twice “Miyabi time to wake up”  Airi got dressed and could hear Risa setting the table so again she walked to Miyabi’s room “Natsuyaki Miyabi!”

The door flung open reveiling a still sleepy, hair dishevelled Miyabi “I’m up! I’m up!” she walked to do her usual morning routine as Airi walked to the dining room to greet Risa in her usual manner, by hugging her from behind and giving her a big toothy grin “Good morning”

“Hehe little one, when are you going to get out of that habit!” as she turned slightly to pat her on the head

“Never as long as you are by my side”

“God you guys are too sweet and mushy in the morning” complained Miyabi entering all ready for work, rubbing her eyes

“Aww did you need some family love?” Airi let go of Risa and glided towards Miyabi with open arms who put her hand out to stop her

“No thank you at least not first thing in the morning”

“Alright Airin you know how Miya is, leave her alone and come eat”

“Thank you Risa-oneesan!  Gawd! If people at work saw you like this, they will be shocked”

“Miya it’s different!  We are at work, all professionalism” Airi dived into her eggs, while Miyabi rolled her eyes.

Date: March 10
Time: 8:00 am

“Girls, I won’t be home for dinner tonight” Maimi informed while eating her toast
“Eh~~!!  But its your turn to cook tonight!!! Does that mean its my turn?” whined Reina with a pout

“No! I worked it out with Saki and please tell Eri to wake up otherwise eggs will be up her nose”

Reina nudged Eri “why aren’t you coming home tonight anyways?”

“I’ve got personal plans” Maimi eyed Ai to indicate she doesn’t have to check because it was never written down.  Ai slinked her hand away from her laptop grinning sheepishly for getting caught trying to check.  Seeing that it was not something written down, everyone knew it was pointless to continue asking as they continued eating “I will come home however after work to take the Ducati”

“Rats!  I was going to take it tonight to go clubbing with Eri, guess we’ll take the Suzuki GSX-R600”

“Sorry Reina!  If I am home early enough you can use it”

“Deal!!!” Reina’s eye lit up in joy

“So we can take one car?”

“Naw!  We can drive separately in case you have to go buy groceries.  Maybe that girl will be there” smirked Maimi

At a mention of another girl, the three older girls looked up and got interested in the topic “great Maimi you just had to mention it”

“Wait a minute!! Did Saki-chan meet someone yesterday?”

“How come you guys didn’t mention it yesterday?”

“What is she like?”

“Hold on!  I would really LOVE to tell you but it will have to wait until after work” Saki successfully dodged the questions and gave Maimi an evil glare.  

The trio pouted and got up from their seats after eating breakfast, grabbing their things, “Maimi-chan, we’re taking the Protege5” informed Eri

“Ai-chan’s turn to drive?” the duo nodded and groaned while Maimi and Saki patted them on the shoulder

“Alright Saki I’m out” Maimi got up picked up her briefcase, that was sitting beside her legs, and went out the door

“She sure has a lot to do if she is taking a briefcase”  Saki stated watching Maimi leave “I should get going too, got a lot of work to do.  I’ll see you girls at the office” Saki finished her coffee and got up as the girls waved before heading out.

“Man, if those two are busy, we are doomed” whined Eri once outside

“Baby, don’t be whining!  You’re boss is easier to talk to in the office, mine is harder”

“Come on guys be more understanding, they have it hard too” Ai climbed into the driver side, with Reina as shot gun and Eri sitting in the back

“I know but sometimes it wouldn’t be bad being rich I mean they get to do whatever they want, buy whatever they want, go where ever they want”

“Not quite Reina, do whatever they want, we all know that” Ai turned her head to the back to make sure she wasn’t backing out dangerously

“But you get the picture” Reina commented before dropping the subject entirely
« Last Edit: January 18, 2010, 12:02:17 AM by FaqU »

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 5 - 01/17
« Reply #27 on: January 18, 2010, 02:38:53 PM »
Well, the plot didn't quite thicken, but it did get breakfast! :D

*accepts tissue* Thanks mucho.

Offline kRisZ

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 5 - 01/17
« Reply #28 on: January 19, 2010, 03:16:21 PM »
Airi and Risa  :heart:

While she was cooking, she felt arms wrap around her waist and a head lay on her back.  Judging by the height the only person it could be was…

Cute  :love:

“Maimi, I am ready to take over while you get dressed” Saki stood beside Maimi all dressed for work covered by an apron

 :rockon: and  :wriggly:

“Man, if those two are busy, we are doomed” whined Eri once outside

“Baby, don’t be whining!  You’re boss is easier to talk to in the office, mine is harder”


Lots of hot rides  :inlove:

Offline FaqU

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 5 - 01/17
« Reply #29 on: January 19, 2010, 04:28:43 PM »
@ Her Awesome Holiness: Sorry if it drags, thought I'd incorporate how tight the relationships are  :nervous  Need another tissue?  :lol:

@ kRisZ: I guess you know who works for who nee??  Which is your fav ride?

Chapter 6

Date: March 10
Time: 9:00 am

“Morning everyone, anything new” asked Airi as she walked into her department with Miyabi in tow.  No one said a word and looked away “by the looks, nothing.  Well that just leaves us with the bullet”

“Suzuki-san!  Yoshizawa-san wants to see you”, Mai Hagiwara, secretary to the commissioner informed

“Okay thank you Mai-chan”

“Wonder what she wants to see you about?  I hope not because we don’t have progress”

Airi shrugged her shoulders “only one way to find out” as she left to find the Commissioner

~KNOCK KNOCK~ “Come in”

“Yoshizawa-san, you wanted to see me?”

“Take a seat Suzuki-san” Airi did as told “I realize you are on the death of the recent drug dealer case am I correct?” Yossie’s back was facing Airi as she was looking out of her office window

“Yes Ma’am”

“Stop the investigation”

“W-what do you mean?”

“Well have you read the report from forensics yet?” Yossie turned to look at Airi.  Airi shook her head “its there on my desk, briefly skim through it”  Airi skimmed through the report and read the line that was most important the bullet is from a PT145 pistol just as Airi guessed “I think you understand why now, don’t waste anymore time and manpower on a case where we don’t have any leads”

“I understand”

“Good, you’re dismissed” Airi bowed and walked out the Commissioner’s office, closing the door behind her

“Guys we can stop the investigation”

“What? Why?” yelled Miyabi as she got up from her seat

“Yoshizawa-san’s order.  Forensics have already confirmed my guess so it’s a dead end”

“Why would the commissioner have the report?  Is that how it is normally?”

Miyabi’s question struck a nerve ‘That’s true!  Usually we report to the commissioner, not the other way around.  But then again, I don’t know what the commission does’ “Maybe it is Miya but it doesn’t matter, the commissioner has spoken.  Case is to be closed so guys I guess we will be leaving on time”
Date: March 11
Time: 12:00 am

Maimi returned after her last appointment carrying a sling-over bag and wearing casual clothes when she got home.  She took off her yellow-tinted sunglasses while she checked the other bikes and noticed the Suzuki GSX-R600 was missing. ‘Guess Reina and Eri are not home yet, mental note to apologize to Reina tomorrow for not getting home on time.  But then again with Reina’s driving record at home, might not be a bad thing.  Wouldn’t want my baby to get wrecked and damaged’

“Hey you’re home”

Shocking Maimi as she jumped a little “Geez Saki, you almost gave me a heart attack!!!!” Maimi placed a hand over her heart “what are you doing still up anyways?”

“Sorry but I had some work to finish first.  Did you eat yet?  We left you some food”

“No I haven’t and thanks you da bomb!!!” Maimi high-fived Saki before she went to get changed with Saki in tow

“How were your appointments?” asked Saki from outside Maimi’s room

“Smooth as usual” replied Maimi as she walked out in a tank and shorts

“You going to work out after?” Saki asked eyeing Maimi’s attire

“Yeah, wanna join me?”

“Sure meet me there when you are done eating” Saki walked into her room to get changed

“I’ll just take a quick bite, I want to do some sparring if you are joining me” Maimi half whispered half hollered through the wooden door.  She waited for Saki’s “okay” before jogging to the kitchen to grab something light and going down to their weight room

“What kind of sparring do you want to do today?” Saki was moving some of the equipment around to lay down mats

“Let’s practice boxing”

“Okay, I’ll receive first but please not so hard, its just practice”

“Okay, okay but just so that you know it isn’t fun when you aren’t giving it your all” Saki and Maimi put on their equipment

“But…oof…it…tends…to…hurt…itai” Maimi started punching the pads that Saki were holding up

“It can’t be that painful, I’m just warming up” Maimi continued throwing left and rights


“Fair enough” they continued the exercise for another ten minutes “do you want to switch up?”

“Yeah let’s do that before you kill me” as they switched gloves.  Saki and Maimi did their exercise and switched every 20 minutes until they were sweating profusedly

“I think I’ve had enough, what about you?"

“Yeah I wanna hit the shower and hit the sack”

Just as they were walking to their rooms, they heard giggling and keys jingling “Baby, sh-sh-shhhhh” Maimi and Saki could hear Eri giggling while trying to talk meaning that she had quite a bit to drink

“I’m…trying h-here, I’m just as a-anxious as you so I c-can do you” which meant Reina had just about enough to drink as well as she tried to find the right key

“You want to get this or shall I?” Saki asked as she raised an eyebrow at Maimi

“I’ll get this, you go to bed.  I need to shut them up before they wake up Ai-chan” as she parted ways with Saki.  Maimi flung open the door to see Reina leaning on the door trying to insert the key into Maimi’s stomach and Eri leaning on Reina kissing her on her collarbone.  Reina let out a moan and moved her neck to give more access to Eri.  “Girls as much as I would LOVE to see you guys get it on, please come in quietly and don’t wake up the others”

“Ohhh Maimi-chan wants to join us Reina!” Eri slurred stopping her kisses and making Reina slight upset from her halted pleasure

Reina tried to protect Eri as much as she could wobbling back and forth and pointed a finger at Maimi “S-stay *hic* away *hic* from my woman”

“Get in here you two” hissed Maimi absolutely annoyed that they were still making a lot of noise.  She stepped aside and took both of them by the arms as she took them through the door, closed the door and dragged them to their room

“Itai!  *hic* Maimi-chan, I didn’t know you liked it rough *hic* itai!”

“Shhhhh or I’ll take you down to the gym and wake you up personally like last time” The duo was woken up a bit by the threat as they recalled the experience and let Maimi guide them to their room in silence.  Once they got to their room, Maimi waited for them to get in before giving them one last warning “don’t be too loud if you’re going to get it on and GOODNIGHT”  Maimi closed the door for them and went to her own room ‘God I hate lecturing them but they have to be quiet.  The last thing I need is Ai-chan to wake up grumpy or me kicking their asses.  Wait what time is it??? I haven’t sent in the information to the other party!!! CRAP!!!!’ Maimi quickly went to her library with her sling-over.  She took out a file and started scanning things before typing a quick email

As per your request, attached is the documentation.  I hope this is satisfactory.

Maimi looked over the documents to make sure she had everything before sending it off.

Offline ChrNo

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 6 - 01/19
« Reply #30 on: January 19, 2010, 05:23:25 PM »
@ ChrNo:  :welcome *whispers* Thank you for the support, and I assume you're a kid's fic supporter right?  Welcome aboard and I'll try to do my best!
yeah i'm a kids fic supporter indeed hehe
i also read your other fic last week, My guardian angel i think, it was so good that i couldn't stop at the first chapter so i read all of it in one evening lol
the chapters 58 and 65 broke my heart into pieces  :cry:
really loved how momo approched airi, it was really funny

anyway back to Colour of Truth, i really like Miya's character here  :lol:

Airi knocking 3 times on Miya's door  XD

really can't wait to read what's Maimi is doing out there, and why the case was closed  :panic:

keep it up !  :thumbsup

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 6 - 01/19
« Reply #31 on: January 19, 2010, 06:22:54 PM »
“Why would the commissioner have the report?  Is that how it is normally?”
Quite suspicious, quite.
thanks you da bomb!!
trying to insert the key into Maimi’s stomach
:lol: :lol:
The last thing I need is Ai-chan to wake up grumpy or me kicking their asses.
Fear the grumpy monkey.
@ Her Awesome Holiness: Sorry if it drags, thought I'd incorporate how tight the relationships are   :nervous  Need another tissue?   
I didn't mean to say it dragged, I thought the chapter was cute.

*imagines Tanakame getting it on* Hmm, might need that tissue now...

Offline Maimi_Yajima

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 6 - 01/19
« Reply #32 on: January 20, 2010, 04:53:47 AM »
Ahhhh it's been a while hasn't it???
yeah ^^ gomene ^^U

How have you been???

This might be a long chat... ^^U
And I think than this site  isn´t the suitable one, to have these chats... ^^U
Therefore ... only i can say that i am fine. ^^U
and you... hehehe... How are you? ^^

Haven't seen you a round, were you on vacation???
hehehe sumimasen... ^^U
It also is a long chat... ^^U  but... um...
I cannot complain...
I had good vacations...
I was very relaxed ... and  maybe, a bit stubborn... XD

Your fic´s interesting...
They have daily lives, with work and school...
It is attached to the real daily life.
I have enjoyed these chapters.
I have amused myself...
i Not  lie... ^^U
But some time ago that I don´t  read fics.
but.. ganbare ^^ nE? ^^ :D

I am enjoying your fic...
It relaxes me...
I can see, than you selected to your favorite members.
ganbare ^^
« Last Edit: January 20, 2010, 04:59:37 AM by Maimi_Yajima »
" a look can say more than words" and " a look can even denude the heart"

Offline FaqU

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 6 - 01/19
« Reply #33 on: January 21, 2010, 04:57:45 PM »
@ ChrNo: What?! All in one evening?  :shocked were your eyes okay after staring at a screen for that long???  What Maimi's doing? probably doing corporate researches???

The case closed only because there wasn't enough leads to keep the case going, there are no witnesses, no fingerprints, no nothing

@ Her Awesome Holiness: * hands you another tissue, then passes you a box  :lol:* You know what they say, it's usually the quiet ones that are scary when they get upset

Well let's get some trouble started shall we??

@ Maimi_Yajima: Fair enough, glad to know at least life has been treating you well.  I, myself, have been more or less okay, nothing to really complain about

You had vacation??? Must have been nice, oh how I envy those that get vacation time.

Glad it relaxes you, and glad to hear from you again. 

Chapter 7

Date: March 13
Time: 9:00 am

“Suzuki-san! Suzuki-san!”

“Yes Chisa?” Airi turned to her hollering team member

“T-t-trouble” Chisa huffed out

The whole team looked at her “what kind of trouble?”

“The wi-witness fr…from the shootout last month…”

“Yes what about them?  We are to go to court in 2 days are they backing out now?”

Chisa shook her head “they went missing”

“Missing?  What do you mean missing?” Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked in Chisa’s direction

“Like vanished from the face of the earth, the witness and their family”

“Okay guys we need to find them stat!!! Chisa, Nakky I need you to find out places the witness and family went over the last 2 days!  Toku-san, Kumai-chan, find out if the criminal and his men are linked to this.  Check what they have been up to recently, I want a report.  Miya, go with Maasa-chan to check customs to see if their names show up.  Guys we need to find them before the court date!!!”

“Roger” They saluted together and went off in direction directions.  Airi walked over to the commissioner’s office

KNOCK KNOCK “come in”

“Yoshizawa-san, we have an issue”

Yossie looked up from her file “yes?”

“The witness for the shootout case last month has gone missing.  My team is looking and searching now”

Yossie put her hands together and thought for a moment “okay find them ASAP and go to the Crown and see what are the chances we have to face”

“Yes Ma’am” saluted Airi before hurrying to the Crown’s office.

“Rii-chan, is Aika-san in?”

“Yeah, walk right in while I buzz her”

KNOCK KNOCK “Aika-san, we have a situation”

Mitsui Aika, Crown Prosecutor, looked up “Hi Suzuki-san, how can I help you?  My assistant, Momo-chan and I are just preparing the last things for court”

“The witness and family have disappeared, so in that case, what are our chances of nailing the guy?”

Aika thought for a moment “that makes things difficult because without a witness, the evidence will seem weak.  It would be best if you can find them ASAP but other than that, you will have to give me time to create better arguments.  I might have to find Umeda-san for help on this”

“I understand and thank you, please do as necessary and we will find the witness as soon as possible” Airi bowed before walking out

“Airin…is our date still on tonight?”

“Rii-chan, sorry I’ll have to take a raincheck on it, something came up at the station…” Airi scratched the back of her head apologetically

“It’s okay, we can have dinner another day but you look stressed, is it something bad?”

Airi smiled at how understanding her girlfriend was “yeah pretty bad that’s why I will be pulling all-nighters for the next 2 days”

“Well don’t!  You need to rest too!  I know how you get when you have a case”

“I’ll try, but I have to go back to work now.  I’ll call you later” Airi waved before going back to the station

Date: March 13
Time: 5:30 pm

Maimi was about to leave her office when she received an email indication message.  She looked at the sender and turned on her laptop.

The message was brief but it gave her the necessary information she needed to start her new project.  She pressed on the intercom for Ai “Ai-chan please notify Tanaka-san, Kamei-san and Shimizu-san that I need their help on a new assignment in which I will discuss details about tonight.  I will need your assistance as well”

“Okay, I will notify them right away”  Maimi let go of the intercom button as she leaned on her chair in deep thought ‘How are we going to do this?’ She shook her head and decided to go for a jog.  She usually kept another set of work out clothes in her office so that she could change and go for jogs when she needed fresh air or to clear her mind.  She picked out her clothes and went to the washroom in her office to change.

“Going for a jog?” Maimi looked up to find Saki leaning on her door


“I was wondering if this urgent thing could be deferred to later because the girls have to help me with this project that is due in 2 days”

‘Crap!!!! That means most of my help is out, I guess I’ll start this on my own’ Maimi thought “that’s fine, your project has a deadline so do you need my help?”

“Actually the second reason I came here is that this project requires more manpower than I expected and I was wondering if you have capacity to help me out with the presentation deck”

“Of course!!!! Can I help you after my jog? Or better yet how about after my jog, I shower and buy food and coffee for everyone?”

“Just get us coffee because I don’t think we will be hungry that soon, I’ll get Ai-chan to buy it later”

“So I will call in later taking your orders for the drinks” as Maimi headed to the elevators, waving behind her.  Maimi jogged around for about 45 minutes before heading back to grab her things.  She quickly drove home, took a quick shower and changed clothes before heading to the coffee shop.

Date: March 13
Time: 7:00 pm

“*yawn* I need a coffee” Airi stretched and rubbed her eyes from looking at her computer screen all day.  Her team was not back yet but would call in reporting where they were and what they were doing ‘Oh I forgot to tell sis Miya and I won’t be home for dinner’ She picked up the receiver and dialled Risa’s cell

“Moshi moshi”

“Ane!  Miya and I won’t be home for dinner tonight”

“Oh, big case?”

“Yeah sorry”

“No worries, kiddo!  Don’t work too late and remember to catch some sleep”

“I will” CLICK ‘Maybe I should go out and buy that coffee then I might be able to think of what to do’ Airi grabbed her jacket and headed out to a local café

~DING~ Airi walked in and walked up to stand in line

“Yeah I am getting coffee, ask them what they want” the woman reached into her bag to grab a pen and paper when her keys fell out.  Airi saw that the woman was juggling with her bag and didn’t notice so she helped her pick it up.  “Than-hey it’s you”

“Hi!  What a coincidence” Airi held out the keys

“Thanks…” the woman placed the phone between ear and shoulder and stuck out her hand

“Suzuki Airi” Airi shook hands

“Yajima Maimi.  You live around here?”

“I work closeby.  Um…aren’t you talking to someone?” Airi pointed to the cell that was still wedged between Maimi’s ear and shoulder

Maimi followed Airi’s finger “oh…oh right!! Sorry Kamei-san, could you repeat what you guys want?” Maimi spoke into the phone and turned to face the cashier “okay got it.  I’ll be there soon” Maimi snapped shut her phone and turned to Airi “thank you and sorry bout that”

Airi smiled “no problem, so what brings you in this area?”

“I work around here too…excuse me” Maimi went up to the counter, placed her order and paid before moving aside for Airi to place her own order.  Right when Airi was about to pay, Maimi produced the money to the cashier “thanks for your help, it was nice meeting you again” Maimi grabbed her order and went out the door before Airi could protest or say anything.  Airi stared as Maimi walked away 'how cute!' before heading back to the station for an all-nighter.  She sipped and savored the coffee recollecting her encounter with Maimi, a smile slowly creeping on her face 'wait till Miya hears that I met her dreamgirl's friend, she should thank me in the future if they get together'

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 7 - 01/21
« Reply #34 on: January 22, 2010, 03:08:58 AM »
“I work closeby.  Um…aren’t you talking to someone?” A
Lol, silly Maimi

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 7 - 01/21
« Reply #35 on: January 22, 2010, 07:17:59 AM »

So if there are no pairings, you'll be able to deal???

This is gonna sound surprising but I can deal if there aren’t any pairings. I meant if you found my idea of Nakky as an undercover prostitute crazy :lol:

“nice no carrots in the curry”

Awww no carrots? I like carrots *nibbles like a wa-bbit*

“USO!!! USO!!! USO!!! What did she do?”

Classic Risa reaction :D

*sniff* That’s some nice Risa-Airi background there. Makes it all the more touching :cry:


Ai took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes momentarily

Reminds me of Ai in that H!P DVD where she was the newscaster :wub:

Hehe little one, when are you going to get out of that habit!” as she turned slightly to pat her on the head

So this act works both ways. When there’s a couple/siblings involved:)

“I know but sometimes it wouldn’t be bad being rich I mean they get to do whatever they want, buy whatever they want, go where ever they want”

Ditto that.


“No I haven’t and thanks you da bomb!!!” Maimi high-fived Saki before she went to get changed with Saki in tow



Chisa shook her head “they went missing”

Missing? They probably got “off-ed” :shocked

Airi stared as Maimi walked away 'how cute!'

*Raps Airi's head* You have a GF :P

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 7 - 01/21
« Reply #36 on: January 23, 2010, 03:15:45 PM »
I guess you know who works for who nee??
Kinda, but I'm not that familiar with the kids so I'm still getting there  :D

Which is your fav ride?
I have a thing about classic cars. And about the bikes, those are huge and fast, too heavy for me. Mine is small but heavy enough that I fell when I was u-turning on uneven road, twice  XD very funny and embarrassing experience  :yep:

Maimi flung open the door to see Reina leaning on the door trying to insert the key into Maimi’s stomach

Eri leaning on Reina kissing her on her collarbone.  Reina let out a moan and moved her neck to give more access to Eri.

Reina tried to protect Eri as much as she could wobbling back and forth and pointed a finger at Maimi “S-stay *hic* away *hic* from my woman”

“Itai!  *hic* Maimi-chan, I didn’t know you liked it rough *hic* itai!”

They're drunk driving with a bike, that's not safe at all  :roll:

Both parties had a deadline in two days time, coincidence? Hmmm

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 7 - 01/21
« Reply #37 on: January 25, 2010, 04:13:05 PM »
@ Chloe: sneaky sneaky, nope that doesn't count  :lol:
Oh well, I guess that means you’ll have to wait until (if) I can finish it. I'm stuck though  :sweatdrop:

I know you don't have to link the kids in a perverted context and all but I do think people are still looking at them as kids, as opposed to grown ups.  I think they grew up faster than my kid sister and my kid sister is older than most of them    But I guess you're right too, there hasn't been much HP Kids fics and I always thought that it was weird.
You know, that time when I found that C-ute was below 17-ish, my reaction was :shock:
I though they’re 20 something! Especially Maimi LOL

*runs in circle around kRisZ* hey! You already threw your bag of chips and kRisZ's popcorn at me, why are you still chasing me??

secretary but at home, she is also a friend, a mother figure at times for Reina and Eri
:wub: Where can I find a perfect secretary like Ai?

Yoshizawa-san wants to see you
:O  :yossi:

“S-stay *hic* away *hic* from my woman”
Oooh... :mon inluv:

Maimi and Airi second meeting. Airi, Risako, and Maimi, I don’t know what I should expect :nervous

TakaSemaru  :heart:

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 7 - 01/21
« Reply #38 on: January 25, 2010, 04:26:31 PM »
@ Chloe: Well I have followed along with Cute for a while now, so I didn't get that kind of reaction, but I do agree that Maimi has changed and does look like she is older but that could be because she had to mature in looks as leader?

*runs around kRisZ chasing Chloe* because my chips and kRisZ's popcorn's attack is too light, come back here!!!!

@ Her Awesome holiness: unfortunately Maimi in my eyes will always be that cute  :lol: (regardless of the fic)

@ Mame-chan: Nakky as an undercover prostitute is not necessarily crazy, I mean it's doable  :lol:

It seems like in whatever fic, Risa is in, her reaction queen character still exists nee???

Now now, just because Airi has a GF doesn't mean she can't compliment someone when they are cute, I'm pretty sure that guys and girls alike still 'look' at others even if they are attached to someone

@ kRisZ: Ouch that sounds painful!!!!!

Exactly why Maimi has a reason to worry nee??? Probably why Maimi is so particular about Reina's driving records  :lol:

Chapter 8

Date: March 13
Time: 8:00 pm

Maimi returned to the office and immediately started helping Saki and the rest with the powerpoint deck for Saki's presentation.

"Shimizu-san where are the projected numbers? I need to add them in" Maimi asked as she walked into the board room where everyone was gathered.  Everyone turned to look at her and boy was it a sight, everyone was stressed and tired. "Woah!  I think you guys need a break"

Saki looked around "Takahashi-san why don't you go and buy something for everyone to eat, we'll take a break and then continue working on it"

Ai got up and left to buy food while the remainder stretched themselves. "Ahhh Yajima-san you're the greatest" smiled Reina as she got up to start massaging Eri's shoulders

Maimi chuckled "as much as I love to hear your praising me, this is a professional environment so..." Maimi pointed to Reina's seat she was once in

"Awwww but Maimi" Maimi raised an eyebrow at Eri "there isn't anyone here but us, Yajima-san and it feels good"

Before Maimi could retort Saki placed a hand on Maimi's shoulder "just let them be, they are working hard as it is and she does have a point, its just the five of us"

"Okay okay but only because Shimizu-san is talking on your behalf". Saki chuckled at how Maimi was too professional at times

"Yay!! Saki is the best"

"What? Funny how they can switch favorites in a second" Maimi cocked an eye at Saki, as they both shared a giggle

On Ai's side, she was deciding what was convenient to bring for the girls. 'Sandwiches? Soup? Rice? Noodle?' BUMP someone had ran by her and accidentally bumped into her causing her to lose her balance "itai!"

"Need a hand?" A hand was presented in front of Ai.  She followed the hand to the owner and found a woman with light brown, slightly curly hair, smiling warmly at her as she placed her hand within the strangers.

"Thank you" Ai uttered out without taking her eyes away from the woman, as she was pulled to her feet. "Itai!" Pain shot through Ai's leg as was about to fall but the stranger's reflexes were quick enough as her grip was tighter and wrapped her other arm around Ai.  Ai felt a blush forming on her face, in which she lowered her head to hide. 'Her grip is strong and her skin so soft,eyes so mesmerizing, smile so warm and boy is it getting hot in here!'

"I think you have a sprained ankle from the fall" the stranger led Ai to a nearby bench and slowly checked her ankle

"Itai itai" Ai pulled back her leg and held onto it

"Yep its a sprain.  Where are you headed do you need a cab?"

"Thank you but I have to buy food for my co-workers and bring it back to the office.  So I should get going now" Ai got up and wobbled a bit but didn't get far before the pain was too much to bear, luckily the woman caught her before she met the ground again.

"Not in that condition you aren't! How bout I help you?" the stranger placed her back on the bench

"No I don't want to bother you, I can go myself"

"Its no bother and I doubt you can go yourself, if you tried to it will only aggravate the sprain causing more damage to it than it already has"

Ai looked at the woman quizzically, "are you a doctor or something?"

The woman laughed "my apologies, I didn't even introduce myself,  Niigaki Risa and I am a coroner" Risa stuck out her hand

Ai took her hand and shook it "Takahashi Ai and thank you for your advice and help"

"Not at all! So what pray tell are you buying for your co-workers and where is your office?"

"I was thinking something simple like ramen and the office is the Yajima&Shimizu Co around the corner"

"Okay so what type of ramen were you thinking of?"

Ai sat there and thought for a moment 'let's see, no one can really eat spicy foods so we can eliminate that, and I think Reina is the only one with something against nattou but otherwise the girls are fine, so I guess beef ramen is what they will get' "5 beef ramens"

"Okay so why don't you sit tight and I will go help you buy it first then we can head to your office"

"Er- are you sure? I mean I can come with you that way we don't waste time because I have been out for a while now and I believe they are hungry"

"Are you sure that is what you want?" Ai nodded "okay in that case here put most of your weight on me as leverage"  Risa put her hand out for Ai to take as she lifted her off the bench and they were off slowly and steadily.

"Girls I'm back!"

"Mou Ai-chan what took...? What happened to you?" Asked Eri as she saw Ai limping slightly into the board room with Risa in tow, which caused everyone to look up at them

"Um...I sprained my ankle and Niigaki-san here was nice enough to escort me back"

"Er...hajimetemashita!" Risa bowed her head and greeted

‘She’s cute!’ Maimi went up to take the food from Ai as Saki went to guide Ai to a chair "thank you for helping her out" Maimi reciprocated the bow and took out her hand "Yajima Maimi desu!"

Risa shook her hand "Niigaki Risa desu and if your last name is Yajima, does that mean you are the owner of the company?"

Maimi chuckled lightly "My parents along with Saki's own the company, we just work here like these girls"

"I see... I think I should get going as to not hinder your work. Takahashi-san stay off your ankle for a couple days, at least till the swelling dies down"

"Thank you again for everything"

‘Wait…don’t go yet!!’ "Er...Niigaki-san where do you live? How bout I get you a cab for your time? It will be paid by the company for your efforts" offered Maimi

"No need my car is parked around here"

‘Quick think of something Maimi before she leaves!’ "Er…then why don't I walk you to your car? Its not safe for you to be walking alone and its pretty dark out" Sensing that Maimi was insistant Risa nodded at the offer "girls I'll be back"

"So you know what I do, what do you do?" It was an awkward silence for a while so Maimi decided to strike up a conversation

"Oh I am a coroner"

"Ohhh a coroner, so technically you are like a doctor just that you don't prescribe drugs and you analyze anatomies" Maimi put her hands together in awe. Hearing Maimi's reaction and explanation, Risa couldn't help but laugh a bit "nani? Am I wrong?" ‘Dork!!!! You probably made a fool of yourself!!! Way to go Maimi, sooo smooth, like rocky-road ice-cream.  Yes you haven’t been playing the field in a while because of your ex, but damn you lost it!!!!’

"No no sorry I was laughing because your reaction is similar to something my sister would do.  But yes you can see my job as something like that" as they began to cross the street

"Really?" At that moment Maimi caught sight of a car coming very fast, showing no signs of slowing down and was headed towards them.  Due to Maimi's quick reflexes, she pulled Risa by the arm causing Risa to twirl slightly inward into Maimi's embrace with no gap between them as they were faceing each other.  Maimi blushed at the close proximity as she pulled apart after the crazy driver drove by "er...are you okay?" Maimi scratched the back of her head nervously while looking at the floor

"Yeah" Risa breathed out in a low murmur “a little shocked but nonetheless I am good”

"L-lets continue on our way shall we?" Asked Maimi once her blushing was controlled, as she slowly lifted her eyes to meet Risa's 'she's got nice brown eyes and she smells like strawberries' Maimi recalled the smell as it lingered around her

"Sure and thank you"

"No problem" again they walked in silence

"Well I'm here" said Risa breaking the silence and turned to face Maimi "thank you for walking me to my car"

"Its no big" 'Think Maimi! Think of how you can get to know her' "wouldyouliketohavecoffeesometime?" Maimi mumbled out in one breath and looked down at her thumbs twirling around each other

Risa smiled at the sight "I'm sorry..." Maimi's shoulders slumped a bit, still not looking at Risa "but could you repeat that I didn't hear it properly"

Maimi lifted her head slightly and saw Risa smiling at her, giving Maimi the courage to ask again "er...I want...that is have coffee? As friends that is!"

"Haha you're soo cute" Risa commented "but sure since you don't have your phone with you..." Risa dug through her purse to look for a scrap piece of paper and pen " is mine" Risa scribbled down her number and passed it to Maimi.  Maimi looked down at the number and smiled "I should get going, call me when you want to go for that coffee" as Risa sat in her car.  She gave a final wave at Maimi and drove off

"Yatta!!!!" Maimi jumped up in the air with her first up but when she landed she realized she was on the streets as she fixed her skirt and quickly walked back to the office trying to keep her serious look up, failing slightly as she was smiling like crazy

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 8 - 01/25
« Reply #39 on: January 25, 2010, 05:12:07 PM »
'Her grip is strong and her skin so soft,eyes so mesmerizing, smile so warm and boy is it getting hot in here!'
‘She’s cute!’
Cannot resist the bean!! Uh-oh, do I sense some future rivalry between Maimi and Ai?

BTW YajiGaki? GakiYaji? RisaMaimi? Did you just create a new pairing?

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