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Author Topic: Colour of Truth - Omake (Tanakame) Part 7 (last) - 10/04  (Read 84714 times)

Offline FaqU

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 46 - 05/27
« Reply #160 on: May 31, 2010, 03:50:22 PM »
@ abok: You're questions will be answered, just not yet  :twisted: I like to create a bigger plot or a series of them

Chapter 47

Date: April 14
Time: 5:43 pm

“Ken-san, first off, congradulations” King laughed “How does it feel to be up there?”

“King-san!!! Thank you and it feels great.  I had some trouble in the beginning convincing the higher ups that I was best choice to step in Nakai’s shoes while he is missing, so to speak but once I hinted that it might be the same group that attacked me and I informed them that I was going to find him and his captor and instantly their suspicion on Nakai’s disappearance was redirected”

“And are you going to find Nakai?” King’s tone was one that contained a smirk and grin

“Of course, what’s more convincing then finding him dead?” Ken and King shared a laugh “So now we have to find our pests.  How has Matsumoto been?”

“He hasn’t been fazed by your attack because we opted to get better security around him, however since no attack has been made against him, he suggested that he probably isn’t the next target”

“If that’s what the man wants, why go against him right? For all we know, this may be beneficial for you if our pest do the dirty work for us and if not….” Ken hinted

“Good point but do we even know what the pests want?”

“So let’s put a listening device on him then, find out just what they want and then either they or we get rid of Matsumoto.  So I think it’s safe for you to start conquering your followers”

“I think this is the beginning of a long and beneficial partnership”~CLICK~

Unknowingly to them, at a far away location, another individual was smiling as well ‘Gotcha’
Date: April 15
Time: 9:54 pm

Saki walked into the office building after realizing that she forgot something in her desk.  As she was walking by, she noticed a light in Maimi’s office.  Saki knocked onto Maimi’s door before entering just to find Maimi sleeping at her desk.  Saki looked around and found Maimi’s blazer sprawn on the leather couch so she picked it up and walked over to drape it over Maimi’s shoulders ‘Poor thing, she’s been going on overdrive lately, and it’s all because of us’ Saki looked at the files on the computer and those that Maimi was resting her head on, they were all supposedly Saki’s that Maimi took away.

Flashback – A couple of days after Miyabi’s accident

Saki walked into her office totally disliking the fact she was at the work, she didn’t want ot be back at work, she wanted to stay by Miyabi’s side but Maimi was right, she couldn’t just live her life like a zombie, she had to get her life back in order. 

Looking at the pile of files on her desk, Saki couldn’t help but groan ‘Holy mother of pearl!  Where the hell did all these come from?’ As if on cue, some one knocked on her door “Come in” Saki grumbled obviously very pissed off

“Well hello to you too sunshine” Maimi stood at the door with a smirk

“If we weren’t at work, I’d totally wipe that smirk off your face”

“Oh~touchy aren’t we? What can I say, not my fault you skipped work” Seeing Maimi grin at her misfortune, Saki was more enraged

“For fuck sakes, what do you want anyways?”

“Now, now no need to get all grumpy at your only saviour”

“Saviour? What do you mean by that?  If you were my saviour, you wouldn’t be here pissing me off” Saki glimpsed through a file without looking up, she didn’t want to see Maimi grinning, it’ll just aggravate her even more.  Maimi walked over and took a stack of the files away “What are you up to now Yajima!”

“Isn’t it obvious? Getting you off work on time” Maimi grinned

“W-what the…You know I’ve got lots to do and the only way out is if I finish…” realization hit Saki as Maimi walked away with most of the files, closing the door behind her

End of Flashback

Flashback #2

Saki had caught up to her workload, with the help of an angel that she so wanted to kiss, and was about to leave when she heard a knock on the door “Come in”

“Ah Shimizu-san, glad I caught you” in walked Yaguchi Mari, an assistant of her father’s, who has been keeping an eye on her father’s account while he was away.  Yaguchi Mari had taken the role of CEO for her father until it was time for Saki to take over whereas Nakazawa Yuko was the other CEO, who worked for Maimi’s father

“Yaguchi-san, how can I help you?” Saki sat back down in her chair ‘Drat! This better not take long, I have to be at the hospital’

“Your father called indicating that this client be dealt with as soon as possible.  He says that he wants you to get acquainted with them, he’s had a long-time relationship with them so it might not be bad to communicate with them early.  Obviously, he had nothing to worry about, you and Yajima-san are so close to where your fathers are capable of and at such a young age.  I am counting on you to let me have early retirement” Mari handed Saki the file before leaving

“Oh for fuck sakes!!!” Saki groaned as soon as Mari was out of her office.  Saki opened the file and began to read through until another knock was at her door “What now?! Come in!!!”

“Tsk tsk, someone got the princess upset” Maimi walked in closing the door behind her “What’s up? I thought you were going to the hospital?”

“I was until Yaguchi-san gave me this file, I mean, who the hell gives me a client file at 4:59 in the afternoon anyways?” Saki threw the pen she was holding onto her desk, that landed on the floor at Maimi’s feet.

Maimi bent down and picked the pen up “Obviously our parents, we were trained to work like them, you know that” Maimi placed the pen back on Saki’s desk and held out her hand

“What?” Saki was confused as to the open hand “Did you forget your wallet at home again?” Saki reached into her desk and pulled out her wallet “How much do you need?” Saki asked looking through her wallet.  No response.  Saki looked up to see Maimi looking at her with a raised eyebrow “Well?”

“Shimizu-san, you’ve got to be more dense than me” Maimi groaned before she took the file from right under Saki’s elbow, before turning around

“Hey! What the hell?”

“Isn’t it obvious?  Go to the hospital, leave this up to me and the children to work on, but you still have to present results to the client” Maimi shook her head before closing the door behind her

End of Flashback #2

‘Stupid Maimi, if you can’t handle it you should’ve told me, why did you take my work and Ai-chan’s?’ Saki had seen Ai with Risa at the hospital almost always and found out that Maimi had given less work for Ai as well so that she can accompany Risa.

“Zzz…huh? Oh shit!!! Dear lord Shimizu-san, you almost gave me a heart attack standing there” Maimi put a hand to her heart breathing heavily “What time is it?”

“Time for you to go home Maimi, you need proper rest”

“Naw, I’m okay, I just needed a power nap” Maimi stretched and as she was stretching, Saki could see the bags under Maimi’s eyes that were forming

“Maimi, let me take some of the work back, you can’t be sustaining this, you give almost no work to Ai-chan so she can be with Risa, you’ve taken my work and you have your own work”

“*Yawn* don’t worry I’ve got Reina and Eri helping me”

“They can only do so much and you know it.  Not only have you been working harder and later than your usual late, but you make frequent trips to see Airin and don’t think of lying to me, Miya told me she’s seen you there every other night practically, late”

“Don’t worry, once Natsuyaki-san is out of the hospital, I’m giving this all back to you to deal with *yawn*” Maimi went over to her coffee pot and brewed a fresh batch “How is Natsuyaki-san?”

“She’s good, her leg’s healing but she’s stressed out about Airin” Saki recalled the day she was informed that Miyabi had woken up


~Hitoribocchi nanka ja nai taisetsu na hito ga takusan iru yo hora ne sono subete no ai ni Sankyuu~ “*groan* hello?” Saki picked up the phone noticing the time to be 3:18 am ‘This better be good or whoever it is calling me will die a horrible death’

“Shimizu-san!” Risa’s voice echoed in Saki’s ear “I’m sorry for all calling you this late but…Miya…”

Hearing the name Saki jerked up, wide awake “What about Miya? Is she okay? What happened?”

“Miya…is awake!” No response “Hello? Shimizu-san?”

“I’m sorry but could you repeat that?” Saki pinched herself and could feel her eyes burning when she felt the corresponding pain


“Oh my god!!!! She is?  When did this happen?” Saki jumped out of bed and tried to change as she had her phone wedged between her shoulder and her ear

“Later this evening, her doctor finished checking up on her and the team came to take down a statement of what happened”

“I’m coming now!” Saki closed her phone and freshened up a bit

She had barely reached the front door when it swung open “Ahhhh~ Saki! Jesus! What are you doing up? … and where are you going?”

“Miya’s awake!!!!”

“Really? *yawn* That’s great!!! Let’s go!!!”

“You’re coming?  But you look so tired…and you just came home”

“Don’t *yawn* worry!  I want to visit her”

Seeing that Maimi was determined Saki didn’t bother arguing, also because she really wanted to go see Miya right now “Okay, but I’m driving”

Throughout the ride, Maimi fell asleep and instead of waking her up, Saki thought of leaving her in the car however the minute Saki parked the car, Maimi jerked awake “Maimi, you should really sleep”

“*Yawn* no, I want to see Natsuyaki-san and maybe I can visit Airin” Maimi stumbled out of the car and ran up ahead of Saki “Come on, your lover’s waiting” Saki blushed a bit before catching up to Maimi

“Yajima-san” Risa called out “Wow!  I haven’t seen you in a couple of days but you look like you’ve aged or something”

“It’s only because she’s overworked” Ai walked up from behind “She’s taken all the work away from me and Saki-chan”

“Where’s Miya?” Saki asked “How is she feeling?”

Risa chuckled “She’s in there, go in and look for yourself”

Saki slowly opened the door afraid that she’ll wake Miyabi up, only to see Miyabi staring at her with a smile.  Seeing Miyabi awake brought tears to her eyes, tears of joy  and relief, relief she hasn’t felt since she knew of the accident

“Hey” Miyabi called out, reaching out her hand towards her

Saki rushed forward to Miyabi’s bedside, taking her hand in her own “Hey” she responded

Miyabi wiped Saki’s tears with her free hand “Hey hey…shhhhh… don’t worry, I’m awake now, no need to cry”

“*sniff* these tears…these tears are of joy…*sniff* I’ve missed you” Saki pulled Miyabi into a bear hug

Miyabi brushed Saki’s back “not as much as I’ve missed you.  Like you, there wasn’t anywhere else I wanted to be” Saki pulled away to see Miyabi grinning “I heard everything, and I believe I’ve found my soulmate…in you”

“Oh Miya!” Saki embraced Miyabi

“You’re voice was what pulled me back here, your voice was what I’ve longed to hear, the feeling of holding you in my arms again was my drive…I love you Saki-chan…be mine forever” Miyabi’s eye started to brim with tears, feeling the nod Saki made

End of Flashback

“That’s good, coffee?” Maimi offered putting sugar in her cup

“Naw, I’m just getting something and I’m glad I did otherwise I wouldn’t have noticed how stressed and tired you are from accommodating Ai-chan and me…and you shouldn’t be having anymore coffee, you should be coming home with me” Saki commented recalling finding Maimi asleep when she came out of Miyabi’s room

“No you should go, I’m just going to finish up some things before I go home” Maimi took another sip of her coffee to show her determination

“Fine!!!” Saki gave up arguing and walked out of Maimi’s office

Offline abok

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 47 - 05/31
« Reply #161 on: May 31, 2010, 06:10:59 PM »

Maimi is so nice and caring... she took both Ai-chan and Saki's work.... :D

Saki and Miya finally together!!! :wub:

When will Airi wake up??? :?

i hope you will write about Maimi spending time alone in Airi's room...... :roll:

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 47 - 05/31
« Reply #162 on: June 01, 2010, 05:50:02 AM »
Ooh yay Miya's up! :D

Maimi is such a good friend ne? But I wonder if it will impact her later in the story since she's not taking good care of herself. I also wonder how Reina & Eri are coping with the additional work? :lol:

Offline FaqU

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 47 - 05/31
« Reply #163 on: June 02, 2010, 03:44:02 PM »
@ abok: Technically Maimi will never be alone in Airi's room because Risa and Ai is usually there too  :lol:  But I'll put that into consideration.

@ baddie: Ahhh~ I'm glad someone caught on that Reina & Eri both have additional work, and the answer is: I've got something for that.

But for now, I'm going to slow down the pace  :twisted:

Chapter 48

Date: April 15
Time: 11:10 pm

~Whiz, change of plans, I think I’ve got a plan that doesn’t require your assistance~ Gen

~What’s on your mind?~Whiz

~Don’t worry, I’m going to gather our needed information without getting hurt~Gen

~Are you sure?  Isn’t there anything we or I can help you with? Please don’t do anything crazy~Whiz

~I’ll keep you posted about what I need from you~Gen

Date: April 16
Time: 9:34 am

“Team!” Commissioner Yoshizawa walked into Airi’s department “I know that you have all been working hard on the Ikeda case, but I believe that progression hasn’t been made, so I suggest we close that file.  I also want to point out that I know that both Suzuki-san and Natsuyaki-san are in the hospital, so for the time being Okai-san, you will lead the group until further notice.” The phone rang, in which Yurina went to pick up “I’ve read the statement we have from Natsuyaki-san and I think this might be a deliberate action, so let’s get cracking on that case, okay?”

“Commissioner” Yurina placed the receiver back down “a body was found in the nearby bay”

“Okay group, go and investigate and I expect a report from you Okai-san”

“Yes ma’am” Chisa and the team ran out the department, everyone checking the location of where the body was found

When they had arrived, Risa was already there examining the body “Gaki-san” Risa looked up to see Chisa and the team running towards them

“Oh Chisa! What are you guys doing here?”

“The Commissioner put me in charge until Natsuyaki-san or Suzuki-san return, what have we got?” Chisa nodded to the remainder to start their duties gathering information

“Well, initial analysis would be that the deceased was drowned and has died for a period of time however there are indications that might be poison…”

“Nakai!” Chisa hollered when she got a clear view of the body

“You know the deceased?”

“No, he has been showing up in our cases recently or his group has so we’ve seen pictures of him being speculated amongst ourselves”

“Well as I was saying, the deceased may be poisoned because the interior of his mouth has shown purple areas but I will need to perform an autopsy to verify it…will you be attending it?”

“Yes…yes I will, call me when you are ready” Risa picked up her things and headed back to her car but halted a bit when she noticed a bit of a tension between the duo that was usually together “Psst, Chisa”

“What’s up Gaki-san?” Chisa looked up from her clipboard

“What’s up with Toku-san and Kumai-san?  Usually they are like the loudest and energetic but they’re…” Risa used her fingers and pointed in different directions to show a gap.

“Ah, well, you see…Kumai-san is kinda upset at the moment”


“Well you see, apparently that girl we saw at the hospital, Shimizu-san….she is Toku-san’s ex”

“WHAT?!!!” All eyes turned to Risa, in which she gave everyone an apologetic look

“Well it’s really something small and Toku-san doesn’t see a point in Kumai-san getting upset for something in the past, so she’d rather give Kumai-san her space and realize that it’s nothing to worry about”

‘Truth be told, it is in the past but why did they break up? Would monkey baby know?’ Risa wanted to ask Chisa but didn’t want to feel nosy either yet she was interested.  Deciding it was best not to ask, Risa bade Chisa goodbye

“Guys, look!” Chisa motioned for the team to see who the deceased is, “It’s Nakai” the group exchanged glances “Who found the body first?”

“A group of fisherman, they found him in a bag out at in the middle of waters” Chinami read off her notepad “It’s probably some underworld fight”

“Let’s not base it on that just as of yet, we should check and investigate to make sure” Maasa looked intensely at the body “Chisa, what did Gaki-san say?”

“She said that he has been dead for a while and that it could be poison”

“That might be where we could start looking, I mean how does one boss die and nobody not know about it?” Nakky questioned

“I was thinking about that too, check around once we are done here, see when Nakai was last seen or heard of and if there was anything new that we should know about.  Yabai!!! I’ll have to report this back to the Commissioner, what a way to start off my day”

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 48 - 06/02
« Reply #164 on: June 02, 2010, 04:02:27 PM »
Hmm, been a while since I commented here... So, Nakai's been found. Eh, maybe something will come of it, but for now, I don't know.

Kumai being mad at Chinami is kinda cute, but, yeah, in the past.

Would monkey baby know?’
First of all, nicknames FTW, second, nosy Gaki is adorable.

Can't wait for more.

Offline FaqU

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 48 - 06/02
« Reply #165 on: June 04, 2010, 03:38:59 PM »
@ Her Awesome Holiness: Something will definitely come out of it but whether it be good or bad, we'll have to see.

I don't know, but I do know some people that would be upset of something that happened in the past and there are some people that don't give a crap about it.  Although it also depends on what that past is, I mean not many people would meet the ex of their current other halves right?

Nosy Gaki is adorable? No comment here  :lol:

Chapter 49

Date: April 16
Time: 11:23 am

Ai stretched and massaged her neck as sleep was taking over her, ever since Airi and Miyabi’s accident, Ai had tried to be Risa’s support.  Although Maimi had taken all or most of the work away from her, she was at the hospital at late hours every other night for the past week.  Risa had told her that she didn’t need to accompany her, however Ai wasn’t too convinced, especially since she had caught Risa crying over Airi’s body.

“Coffee?” A coffee mug was presented before Ai, in which she hungrily took a long sip from before turning her gaze to her saviour

“Thanks Tanaka-san”

“No problem, it’s the least Kamei-san and I could do” it was then that Ai noticed that Reina was holding another cup of coffee as she pointed to it “For Yajima-san, I don’t know what it is, but I do believe she’s getting insomnia, I’ve heard her at nights down at the gym working out and yet she is still the one cooking breakfast in the morning.  Maybe something is on her mind?” Reina shrugged

‘That’s odd! Although Maimi was stressed before, Saki-chan and I have taken back more of our work so she shouldn’t be as stressed as before.  Hmmm…wonder why that is?’ Ai couldn’t help but stare in Maimi’s direction until she noticed Saki walking over to Maimi’s office “Psst….psst…Shimizu-san”

Saki turned around to find the hoarse voice calling for her until she met Ai’s eyes and walked over “What is with the whispering Takahashi-san?”

“Curiosity.  Do you know why Yajima-san has been sleeping way later than usual?  Is she still stressed?”

“Actually, it was one of the reasons why I wanted to speak to her right now and…” Saki was cut off when Maimi’s door opened with the owner briskly walking past everyone “Yajima-san!”

“Hai? Shimizu-san”

“Er…are you going out to lunch?”


“Can I join you? I have some things to discuss with you”

“Er…sorry Shimizu-san…it’s with Erina” Saki immediately frowned at the name, lips tight in a line, hands balled into fists.  Maimi noticing this immediately followed up before leaving “I’ll explain it to you later, I’ve got to go”

Ai looked at the declining figure before turning her head to Saki, she was about to ask if Saki was alright but Saki cut her off “I’m going out to eat with Natsuyaki-san” in a frusterated tone before stomping off

Reina and Eri was about to leave to lunch too but didn’t dare to move when Saki semi-hollered so they did the next best thing when they want to know something “Takahashi-san, lunch?”

Date: April 16
Time: 12:01 pm

Maimi looked at her watch as she was walking to the restaurant where she was to meet Erina, they had ended their conversations in a bad way and Maimi didn’t know why she agreed to meet her anymore.  Catching Sayumi’s attention, she was directed to the table they were sitting at before.

“Michishige-san, I want to…”

“wait for the other party like last time?” Sayumi finished giving Maimi a wink

“Yes please” Sayumi placed the menus on the table and left but not before Maimi thanked her.  The last few nights, Maimi had been debating back and forth whether to respond to the invite, she couldn’t sleep because her mind was stuck on whether she should or should not go among other things work-related.  ‘I wonder what she wants to talk to me about??? I wonder why I am even agreeing to this…I never thought I would see her again…not after our last meeting.  Maybe I should cancel…but then I’m already here, I can’t just leave her here waiting for me’ Deciding that she wasn’t ready to face Erina, Maimi got up and walked towards the door in deep concentration about how she was going to explain it to Erina.


Maimi looked up to see Erina standing before her in a pure white one-piece dress “E-Erina”

Erina smiled and walked closer to Maimi, “Did you just get here too?”

“Y-yes” ‘Too late! The moment of truth is now’

“Well….shall we go in?” Maimi nodded and lead the way to the table she was once at, in which Erina hooked her arm around Maimi’s, who in turn smiled

“Here let me” Maimi walked up to Erina’s chair and pulled it out for her to sit

“Why thank you” Erina stood at her chair and waited for Maimi to tuck her in before going to her own seat across

“No problem…so…do you want to order something to eat first?” Maimi passed a menu to Erina

“Hmmm…what should I have?  A salad? A turkey sandwich? Soup?” Erina rambled without looking away from the menu.  Maimi could only chuckle at how old habits seem to not die in the girl before her, causing Erina to look away from the menu “What?”

Maimi picked up her own menu and smiled “oh nothing”

Erina squinted her eyes “really?  Then can you pray tell me what is up with your chuckling?”

“Just a thought”

“and what thought would that be?” Erina questioned maintaining the question look she has

‘Nothing for you to worry about, so lets order”

“But I don’t know what to order yet” Erina pouted while looking at her menu “What are you having?”

“Probably something light…um…salad”

“Eh?! You’re only going to get a salad? Are you on a diet or something? You don’t have to be though, Maimi-chan, that’s not enough for you, why don’t you get a sandwich with that?” Erina semi-lectured

Maimi grinned “Fine, if it makes you feel better, I’ll get a sandwich too.  Are you happy now?”

Erina nodded her head and giggled “Very much so.  That’s a good girl”

They placed their orders and sat in silence ‘Should I bring up why she wanted to meet me now? Or should I wait? Is she going to tell me everything now?  But so what? I don’t care anymore…at least I think I don’t I care’

“Maimi-chan” Erina called out looking out the window, snapping Maimi out of her thoughts


“I…If…” Erina looked like she was struggling with her words as Maimi continued looking at her starring out the window in confusion.  Without saying anything Erina turned to look at Maimi and then took a hold of her hands that were placed on the table “I’m…I’m sorry for all the pain I have caused you over the last few years” Maimi didn’t move she just continued listening “I…I did miss you…and…I still do…”

‘I don’t carry those same feelings for you…funny how I thought I would but it seems like my heart doesn’t beat as fast when I see you…or when we touch…I see you like a long-time friend now, I’m sorry Erina’ Maimi slipped her hand away from Erina’s, “Erina, I…I’m sorry, things have changed, you can’t expect me to forget everything that happened in the past, it doesn’t help either than you can’t tell me why…but rest assured I still want to be friends with you…”

“Is it because of her?”

“Huh? Who?”

“That girl I saw last time, is it because you have moved on with her?”

Maimi was stunned, she didn’t know the answer “Er…no Erina, Airin and I are just friends that’s it”

“Are you sure?” Erina was starring deep into Maimi’s eyes, searching it seems, searching for the truth

“Erina, that’s not the issue, the issue is that I can’t just get back with you without an explanation…and I don’t know if I still hold those feelings for you anymore”

“But you have feelings for her don’t you?” Erina didn’t let up her stare

“Erina, Airin isn’t involved in our situation, don’t pull her into this, we’re innocent…it shouldn’t matter to you anyways, remember YOU left me high and dry” Maimi could feel her anger rising

Maimi’s word sunk into Erina as she let up her stare and looked down instead “We can’t even give it a second try? I still have feelings for you Maimi, even when I was away in America, I still have pictures of us…of you”  From the quivering of Erina’s voice, Maimi knew she was about to cry and deep inside Maimi was crying too because she never intended to make Erina cry but the pain she experienced in the past has haunted her long enough, she was afraid, aftraid of history repeating itself “Can you leave her and give me a chance?”

“Erina…” Maimi pleaded “Airin isn’t the reason why I can’t give us a second chance…”

“She is!!!” Erina declared slamming her hand onto the table looking up at Maimi with tears in her eyes, startling Maimi “She is the reason why you won’t give me a second chance!  Why don’t you just tell me the truth”

“Erina, I don’t know why you think Airin is the reason even when I have explained it to you the real reason.  It has nothing to do with her, it has to do with you”

“Because you don’t look at me the way you use to, you look at her in that way, your smile was different when you saw her, a smile that I thought was reserved for me” Erina continued to flare regardless of the people around, she turned “What are you all looking at?!”

Maimi has never seen such an aggressive Erina but she stood up and pushed Erina down back into her chair before returning to her own “Look, I don’t know what you are referring to, but I’m telling you its not.  Now please, let’s just be friends”

Erina stood up “And I’m telling you, she is! She’s not good for you Maimi, she won’t understand you like I do, leave her!”

Maimi stood up slowly and shook her head “Erina, I don’t know what has gotten over you, but I can’t continue to talk to you if you won’t listen to reason and admit that the problem lies in the fact that YOU left me, without a word.  When you’re ready to talk as friends, let’s talk”  Maimi walked up to Sayumi and gave her a couple of bills telling her to keep the change before walking out the door, not looking back at Erina.

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 49 - 06/04
« Reply #166 on: June 04, 2010, 05:15:24 PM »
what is wrong with Erina?? now i am getting angry with her.... how could she told Maimi to leave Airi??? even though Maimi is denying her by telling Erina that her relation with Airi is just friend..... i think i'm gonna hate Erina now.... :angry:

saki is very mad when maimi told her she's having lunch with erina.... way to go saki!!! :thumbsup

when will Airi wake up??? :(

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 49 - 06/04
« Reply #167 on: June 04, 2010, 11:29:21 PM »
Erina just became a little less boring in my mind. I chuckled at Maimi, though, being so oblivious to the inevitable.

however Ai wasn’t too convinced, especially since she had caught Risa crying over Airi’s body.
:cry: Poor Risa.

Offline FaqU

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 49 - 06/04
« Reply #168 on: June 07, 2010, 03:40:40 PM »
@ abok: Now, now, let's think about this logically.  No need to hate Erina, Erina probably loves Maimi too much to lose her and wasn't thinking clearly so decided to tell Maimi to leave Airi.  That is totally understandable because Erina and Maimi have gone through a lot as well, so that kind of history is not something you can just erase.

Erina can't understand why Maimi has changed, why Maimi didn't wait for her, why Maimi doesn't feel the same way as her, that's probably the reason why she started spitting out things she doesn't really mean entirely.

Saki being upset at Erina, she has her reasons.

When will Airi wake up??? I don't know!!!

@ Her Awesome Holiness: Erina is still a problem if Maimi and Airi were to get together. 

Risa seeing Miya awake is great but seeing an awoken Airi would be better nee?

Chapter 50

Date: April 16
Time: 12:36 pm

Saki walked into the hospital room, she wanted to make a pit stop before going to her destination.  The only sound that could be heard would be the beeping from the heart monitor and the occupant.  “Hey, how are you? Still sleepy? That’s not good, I kinda wish you were up right now, maybe you could talk some sense into Maimi…she went to go see her ex again.  I know I shouldn’t be upset or anything and I know I don’t have a right to, but I can’t seem to wipe out the images of the past.  I care for Maimi a great deal, I don’t want her to get hurt and yes I admit I don’t even know why they are meeting up today but I just don’t see any good coming out of it all.” Saki pulled up a chair beside the bed and laughed “I guess I am telling you this because I just needed someone to listen and considering the fact of how close you and Maimi have gotten, you’re probably be the only other person that can understand Maimi nee?” Saki looked at Airi sleeping, no response “Am I wrong to feel so paranoid though? I mean what would you do if you were in my shoes?” Saki sat there for a couple more minutes before she got up “Well I have to go see Miya now, but Airin, I really hope you get up soon, it seems like you are the only one that can talk some sense into Maimi” After Saki was out the door, a slight twitch of the finger occurred before it lay there still again. 

Date: April 16
Time: 6:23 pm

Miyabi was staring out the window frusterated, she didn’t like being held up in the hospital, she wanted to get out there and find the culprits behind the accident, the accident that gave her a broken leg, the accident that caused…caused Airi to be in a coma right now.  Just the thought of Airi still in a coma brought tears to Miyabi’s eyes. ‘Airin…wake up!!!! I missed you!!!! Risa-anesan misses you!!! I feel so much lonelier without your presence around me, you always made me laugh and smile but why is it you are the reason for my tears and sadness now???  Please wake up!!!’ Miyabi closed her eyes in a prayer until she heard her door open from behind.  She quickly wiped the tears and turned, expecting her lover to be there just to be in surprise to see her team mates

“Natsuyaki-san, how are you?” Chisa spoke up when no one knew how to

“Guys!!! How is everything??” Miyabi smiled at her team, she knew they were working hard without Airi and herself there and she felt guilty

“While Suzuki-san and you are out of action, the Commissioner made Chisa temporary head…” Nakky felt pain at her side where Chisato elbowed her

Miyabi smiled “That’s good, Chisa was who Airin and myself relied on most of the time to lead anyways” The room was silent, the team didn’t know whether Miyabi meant that or if it hurts her, it wasn’t that it was a bad thing to have someone temporary take anothers’ place but sometimes, the move in reorganizing the team was permanent and it wasn’t something Chisato nor the group wanted Miyabi to take the wrong way.  “Guys, I’ve been stuffed in this room for far too long, would you like to take a walk with me?” Miyabi asked while grabbing onto her crutches, she sensed the tense atmosphere so decided to lighten it up for everyone

The group helped Miyabi out the hospital to a bench nearby, immediately everyone’s uneasiness was decreased when they were out in the open area.  They tried to help Miyabi at times but Miyabi would deny them, she didn’t want to look weak for one thing and because she wanted to get use to helping herself, she’s a big girl now, she doesn’t need anyone to serve her like she’ll break at anytime soon, she gets enough of it from Saki as it is.  Thinking about how Saki was persistent in helping Miyabi, in which Miyabi enjoyed at times, caused her to smile.  “Ahhh this is refreshing” Miyabi stretched her arms and closed her eyes letting the breeze hit her face “So how is everything at work?”

“It’s tough without Suzuki-san and yourself, we don’t have enough manpower and the guidance we’re use to” Chinami voiced out frusterated

“Awww, come on, I’m sure Chisa is doing the best she can…you are right? I mean don’t make me back you up just to have it hit me in the face” Miyabi eyed Chisato

Chisato immediately saluted “No ma’am…I mean yes ma’am…I mean I’m doing the best I can and it won’t come and hit you in the face”

Seeing Chisato’s reaction to Miyabi’s comment caused Miyabi to snort “Chisa! Guys!!! Relax!!!! No need to get scared” The rest of the team joined in the laughter “Anyways, you guys seemed more tense and tired than usual, what’s up?”

“Well for one thing, the Commissioner closed the Ikeda case, she said there wasn’t any progression so decided to close it”

Miyabi didn’t like to hear a case being closed under her team but thinking back at how much they have found didn’t help the fact that she agreed that the case should be closed “Don’t fret guys, you win some, you lose some, there is bound to be cases that we can’t solve”

“The Commissioner has got us to look into your accident and…” Nakky trailed off


“Natsuyaki-san, did you know Nakai-san was found dead this morning?”

“Chii, are you serious??” Miyabi shot up, putting too much pressure on her leg causing her to wince a bit

The team catching the discomfort in Miyabi’s face helped her sit back down “Yeah, the body was found this morning in water, so we have to start checking up on this case too”

Miyabi sat there thinking as the other members continued to comment “It’s weird seeing him dead, like I kinda expected to nail him next but then poof he’s dead”

“I know what you mean Chii-chan, I was hoping the next one we put behind bars was Nakai-san but now that he’s dead, it seems awkward”

“Do you guys think it was internal?”

“It might but it also might be an underground thing, I mean look at the background the guy has, it doesn’t surprise me if he pissed someone off and they decided to kill him for it.  Things like these happen all the time”

“Guys, how is the progression of Nakai’s clan now?” Miyabi asked without looking away from the ground

Everyone looked at Miyabi, “Um…everything seems fine, I mean their business is still going, nothing in the underground seems to have been in action about it” Maasa answered “Why?”

“Well don’t you think it’s weird?? If Nakai was killed under rivals, then there would be some sort of motion from Nakai’s clan however it’s quiet, too quiet.  I think this was internal”

“So you’re saying that someone on Nakai’s clan overturned him?” Nakky asked finally catching on to what Miyabi was directing at

Miyabi nodded “Whoever is head now is most likely the one that killed Nakai, that is probably your best starting point but I want you guys to be careful, I have a feeling that Airin and I are in this position because of someone on their side”

“Huh? Why do you say that Natsuyaki-san?”

“I don’t know, I just have a hutch” Miyabi remembering Airi’s words decided to keep the team in the dark just a little longer “So while you are investigating Nakai’s death, you can investigate on my accident as well”

The team nodded  in determination “Don’t worry Natsuyaki-san, if Nakai’s men were involved in your case, we’ll nail them for sure”

“Well don’t be overworking yourselves, it’s after 5 now, so you guys should be heading home and relaxing a bit…before Airin or myself comes back” Miyabi grinned at them evily

The group shivered, “Er…Natsuyaki-san are you sure you don’t want to go on vacation or something? I mean there is no rush to get better, you should relax too”

“MIYA!!!” the group and Miyabi turned to the voice to see Saki walking up to them

“Blame her, she’s making me get better way faster than I should be” The group grinned except a certain individual

Before Saki reached Miyabi, she stopped before Chinami “Chii…it’s been a while” the duo shared a hug in which Yurina gave a frown and Miyabi was left with a blank expression.

“It certainly has, Saki-chan, it certainly has” Chinami grabbed onto Yurina’s arm, while Yurina was trying to brush it off

“I’m sorry I didn’t greet you the other day in the hospital” Saki looked at Chinami apologetically

“That’s alright, I would think there was something more important” Chinami winked and looked in Miyabi’s direction “I was shocked to see Maimi-chan and yourself though, you guys look different, more mature, more professional”

“Well you know how it is stepping into your parents’ shoes.  But it really is good to see you again, we should all come out and chill one day” Saki then turned to face Yurina “Hi, I don’t think we have been introduced but you’re welcome to join us” Saki put her hand out for Yurina to shake

Yurina was stunned as she didn’t expect Saki to talk to her at all for one thing and didn’t know what to make of it “Saki-chan, still as perceptive as ever I see” Chinami giggled “But we should all get going, don’t want to keep you from you girlfriend too long” Chinami led Yurina away and the team followed.

Saki bade Chinami and group goodbye before turning to see Miyabi with a confused look “Miya, you should stop frowing or you’ll get wrinkles before your time”

“How…How do you know Chii?”

“Chii and I…well we use to go out” Saki gave Miyabi a sheepish look

“You guys use to go out?” Miyabi’s eyes almost literally popped out “When was this??”

“Miya, relax, it was a long time ago, a really, really long time ago, like in my university days practically”

“I see…um…why did you guys break up?” Miyabi asked cautiously unsure if it was her position to be asking these questions.

“Don’t worry, I am open to the topic and Chii and I broke up under good terms.  Main point is that we were attracted to each other, that is undeniable, but we only saw each other as friends, so we stayed that way” Saki held onto both of Miyabi’s hand and looked into Miyabi’s eyes “Maimi and I only lost contact with Chii because of our hectic schedules as well as hers.  But Miya, its in the past”  Miyabi smiled and leaned in for a kiss, indicating that she believes both her team mate and her girlfriend. “Now what did the doctors say about your progression”

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 50 - 06/07
« Reply #169 on: June 07, 2010, 08:11:14 PM »
Nice Saki and Miyabi chapter, but frustratingly short XD I like how Saki took care of Yurina in one fell 'How do ya do'

Offline FaqU

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 50 - 06/07
« Reply #170 on: June 09, 2010, 03:34:18 PM »
@ Her Awesome Holiness: Gomen for making the Miya x Saki segment short  :bow:

Saki and Maimi don't get to where they are without knowing how to deal with people in the right manner at the right time  ;)  They did grow up in the business world and they do have to learn the tactics of business.

Chapter 51

Date: April 16
Time: 10:34 pm

Ren Matsumoto walked into a hotel room, accompanied by 2 beautiful girls that he picked up earlier in the evening and he was utterly happy at the nights catch.  He had enough to drink so was supported by the girls as his bodyguards were walking a few steps behind him.

Ren took out the hotel key that he got and slide it through, walking in leaving his bodyguards outside “Boss, Matsumoto just went into the room” one of King’s men informed

“Good, did you put the listening device on him like I asked?”


“Listen and lookout for anything strange, our visitors might be with him now.  So if anything, we want to exterminate.  I will call you to proceed with the plan” King instructed before closing is phone “do you think they’ll attack tonight?” King asked Ken beside him

“I don’t know but it doesn’t really matter because regardless we will succeed tonight” the two were at a lounge having an early celebration

Ren sat in the bed covered by the bed sheets, smoking a cigar after a good workout while his escorts for the night exited the room, grinning.  He was about to sleep when he noticed a pink slip sticking out of his pocket, he didn’t recall ever putting a pink piece of paper in his pocket but thought it might have been the girls he was with.  He bent over and took out the pink piece of paper which had the words You’re being watched.  There is a listening device on you, those that are around you want to kill you, I will call you when you are inside the bathroom.   Thinking it was some sort of joke, he crumbled it but then he received a text message

~Don’t think this is a joke, if you want to live you’ll listen to what I say.  If you don’t want to believe me, slowly and carefully check your pockets and clothes for a listening device.  If you believe me then go into the bathroom after putting the listening device away from your clothes~ unknown number

Curious as to what the hell was going on, Ren quietly searched his clothes when indeed he found a listening device.

~Believe me now? Get your pants on and go into the washroom~unknown number

‘What the fuck? How the fuck does this person know my number and who the hell is it??? How do they know I don’t have pants on??? How do they know about the listening device???’ Ren was confused and scared as he picked up his pants from the floor and put it on under the covers.  He then carefully picked up the listening device and placed it on a couch far away from him before he went into the bathroom with his phone.

~RING RING~ “Hello??? Who the hell are you??? What do you know??? How do you know so much???” He hissed

“Don’t worry about who I am, just know that those outside your room right now have been ordered to kill you if anything is suspicious” the voice wasn’t normal, it was masked by an altering device and Ren knew it, there was no way a voice could sound so mechanical

“You’re…you’re those people that Nakai warned me about, the mysterious visitors”

“However I have no intentions of killing you, I just need to know something from you and then you can walk out of here safe…for now however if you scream, then regardless you will die”

“How do you know this???”

“If that’s what the man wants, why go against him right? For all we know, this may be beneficial for you if our pest do the dirty work for us and if not….”
“Good point but do we even know what the pests want?”
“So let’s put a listening device on him then, find out just what they want and then either they or we get rid of Matsumoto.  So I think it’s safe for you to start conquering your followers”
“I think this is the beginning of a long and beneficial partnership”

“Don’t those voices sound familiar???”

“Nakai wouldn’t kill me”

“Who said Nakai was behind all of this???”

“Ken-san, first off, congradulations! How does it feel to be up there?”
“King-san!!! Thank you and it feels great.  I had some trouble in the beginning convincing the higher ups that I was best choice to step in Nakai’s shoes while he is missing, so to speak but once I hinted that it might be the same group that attacked me and I informed them that I was going to find him and his captor and instantly their suspicion on Nakai’s disappearance was redirected”
“And are you going to find Nakai?”
“Of course, what’s more convincing then finding him dead?” Ken and King shared a laugh “So now we have to find our pests.  How has Matsumoto been?”

“So King and Ken are behind this??? Nakai is dead???”

“I bet Nakai has been killed by Ken already.  Now the issue is, will you cooperate or will you not?”

“Why should I listen to you?  What do I get out of it? I don’t even know who you are!” Ren asked as he started wiping sweat away from his forehead ‘that’s odd, did it just turn warmer in here?’

“You get to keep your cheap life a little longer before King has enough power to overturn your throne.  If you don’t cooperate then I get your life before King takes it”

“Haha how funny!  How do you propose to plan to kill me from where you are?” Ren looked around the bathroom to see anything that was planted there prior to, just in case

“You might be looking around at this moment but I can tell you that I didn’t have to plant anything that is already installed for me”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Ren opened the tap and splashed cold water on his face

“Ahhhh~ I see you have noticed it then”

“You mean…” Ren looked at the thermometer in the bathroom as it was increasing in digits at a fairly faster than normal rate.  He pressed it to go down but there was no response whatsoever, so he tried to grab the doorknow

“Ah ah ah I wouldn’t go out there hollering if I were you.  You do recall the conversation between King and Ken that I played for you earlier don’t you?  Going out there is not going to do you any good because since the door is computer generated, I have locked them as it is.  You could open the window but here is the thing, once you have walked a foot away, the heat would have gone up so high, you would die from the heat.  So basically you will die a painful, long, death, if you don’t cooperate”

“I thought you said you didn’t have intentions of killing me?”

“I won’t if you cooperate and give me what I need”

“But what about those guys outside?”

“Haha that is your own problem, but at least I estimate you still have…one week to live?”

“Okay, okay turn down the temperature! What do you need from me?”

“What dealings did you have with Nakai?”

“We have a drug dealing proposition, I have suppliers and he needs products to distribute”

“Where is Nakai getting his funds from?”

“I don’t know, he just said that if I was part of his boss’ group, then I will be covered by the benefits such as money, lawyers, protection and other clans as backup”

“You don’t know?”

Ren noticed the heat going up faster than ever “*gasp* I really don’t know…*wheeze* honestly…*gasp* I…I *wheeze*…don’t”

“Have you ever had contact with this mystery boss?”

“*wheeze* no…no” Ren turned on the tap and drank some of the cold water

“Do you have any information about this person?”

“*gulp* no”

“Okay, you’ve been utterly cooperative” the heat went back down to room termperature “you are free to go” ~CLICK~

“Hello?...Hello?” ‘Shit what am I going to do with King’s men?’ Ren started to put on the rest of his clothes when he received another text message

~If I were you, I suggest you delete all my messages, pretend nothing has happened and put that listening device back on you so that King and Ken don’t know you know about his plans~unknown number

Ren did as he was suggested, he needed more time to figure out what to do about King and Ken and his situation.  He walked out the door putting on a grin “Ahhh that was a good nap after a tiring workout.  You boys should have had some company instead of standing here” Ren laughed while his bodyguards joined in

“No boss, we shouldn’t, who knows if anyone attacks you” as they led Ren outside the establishment

However, not long after they left the establishment, a police office walked up to Ren “Ren Matsumoto?”

“Yes ma’am, I don’t think I have any business that involves cops”

“I need to take you back for questioning of the death of Taiyo Nakai” the bodyguards were about to take out the female cop when Ren stopped them

“Nakai?  Nakai-san is dead? Oh my god this is the first time I have heard of this news!” Ren faked surprise “What happened to him?”

“You will know when we are done our questioning, so if you don’t mind following me”

Ren turned to his bodyguards “contact King and tell him to come to the station with my lawyers” ‘I can take this girl on, I will be in hiding but at least I will be alive’ Ren was walking ahead of the officer, calculating his chance to attack when he was out of the view of his so-call bodyguards

When he was about to attack, he felt something hit him at the back of his head before blacking out ‘Gotcha’

Offline Mikitty_Ayaya

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 51 - 06/09
« Reply #171 on: June 09, 2010, 03:51:02 PM »
interesting  8)   whatever i was boring, i was more excited to read another type of chapter.  :wub: however this chapter was interesting  8)
« Last Edit: June 09, 2010, 04:05:58 PM by Mikitty_Ayaya »

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 51 - 06/09
« Reply #172 on: June 09, 2010, 09:53:01 PM »
Wow, wasn't expecting that to happen. Sneaky, sneaky. Can't wait for the next chapter.

Offline FaqU

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 51 - 06/09
« Reply #173 on: June 11, 2010, 03:38:05 PM »
@ Mikitty_Ayaya: Glad you liked the chapter  ;)

@ Her Awesome Holiness: I still have a few tricks up my sleeve...I think  :lol: We still have to figure out what to do with Gen and the gang as well as Ken right??

Chapter 52

Date: April 17
Time: 6:45 pm

Risa looked tenderly at the sleeping figure, it has been a good couple of days but felt like weeks since Airi had fallen into a coma, even Miyabi was almost ready to leave the hospital.  "Little one, you've been sleeping for an awfully long time now, it's not like you to be lazy so why don't you wake up now?...If you *sniff*...if you wake up, I promise to do anything...just...just wake up...please" Risa silently begged trying to control her tears and her volume not to wake the other sleeping occupant.  Risa held onto Airi's hand tightly, crying on her sleeping form until she felt a hand on her shoulder.  Risa turned to see a smiling Maimi putting a finger to her lips and then pointing to the dozed off Ai.  Maimi took out a handkerchief and wiped Risa's tears away.

"Don't worry Niigaki-san, Airin will wake up, have faith" Maimi whispered as she placed a batch of fresh flowers on the table nearby "I'll be back, I wanted to visit Natsuyaki-san first" Maimi silently stepped out as Risa stared at her non-existent shadow anymore

"You know, I feel guilty towards you" Risa turned back to face Airi "Ever since mom and dad left us, I always thought that I exist till this day because of you.  If you didn't give me the courage, I don't know how our lives would've been like" Risa moved some hairs away from Airi's face "I was fortunate to have you because you matured so much on your own...looking back at it, it seemed like you didn't need me to protect you, it felt like I needed the protection from you, something that I regret, pushing all those responsibilities on you.  I can't even face mom and dad in their pictures now because under my care...under my care, you lay here...*sniff* lay here in a coma" Risa started to cry again at the shame she felt, at the anger at how much a failure she was

"You aren't a failure Niigaki-san" Risa didn't have to turn to recognize the voice this time "I'm pretty sure in one way or another Airin matured because of you, so don't sell yourself short.  This was an accident, nobody expected or anticipated for something like this to happen, don't beat yourself up.  Airi probably would be upset hearing you right now"

"How do you know that Yajima-san? Do you know how I feel right now? Did you go through what we had...I had to go through?" Risa could feel anger inside of her build up

"If you say that Airin and I are alike then let me tell you what I see and feel" Maimi turned Risa towards her, it was then that Risa noticed the welling up of tears in Maimi's eyes "if I had you as a sibling, I would've jumped over the moon.  You're passionate about her and those around you and from it I would learn how to be passionate with those around me.  You're professional at what you do, you've watched over Airin even when she didn't need it, you love her and treat her as if she was a princess.  Some things may not necessarily have to be seen through the naked eye, it has to be felt with a beating heart.  You can't tell me you don't see how Airin looks up to you, or feel how she idolizes you, everything she's accomplished and made of is because of your teachings and role modeling" Maimi opened her mouth to continue but at the moment she couldn't as every word she spoke, she recalled the times that Airin and her had talked and had fun while blinking back the tears "she talks about you a lot you know? About how great of a sister you were, how big of a role you played and how happy she had you by her side in her time of need...I was actually beginning to feel envious" Maimi let out a light chuckle "I was envious because our worlds were so different, I may be rich but I wasn't as happy as Airin, I didn't get the love and attention she received from family...Saki is great but its not the same"

Maimi turned away from Risa and looked at Airi "In my eyes, the rich one was Airin". From the corner of Risa's eye, she noticed that Ai had woken up but quickly saw her put a finger to her lips and from the window in the door, Risa could see a tear-streaked Miyabi and Saki, who were shaking their heads "But I could never hate her, she is such a great person, its hard to hate but I can't deny I would be jealous at times.  Airin would hate herself for making you worry and cry over her, she needs you to be the strong one because if you aren't, her will dies down." Maimi took one of Airi's hand in her own "Airin, you may not be able to hear me but wake up with the determination that I've known you to have...I....I missed you, missed the talks and the jogs, the fun and the games.  You're a great friend and companion...I don't want to lose you.  Wake up for Niigaki-san and Natsuyaki-san, who needs you, who are hurting out here while you are sleeping in there, who are beating themselves inside,....wake up and set the record straight for them" Maimi gave Airi's hand one more squeeze

Saki and Miyabi calmed their emotions before walking in just as Ai got up and walked over to Risa "Risa-oneesan" Miyabi called out with a noticeable quiver in her voice.  Miyabi felt her throat burn and as if it was blocked but she took a couple of deep breaths squeezing Saki's hand, who squeezed it back.  Risa turned to see Miyabi, Saki and Ai walking towards her "Risa-oneesan, don't worry, Airin will wake up, she's too stuck to you to just leave you here....She's....she's just resting now"

"Excuse me" Maimi's head lowered since Miyabi spoke up, she got up and left the room.  Ai was about to check up on her but Saki stopped her and shook her head

"Saki-tan, is...will she be okay?"

"Yeah Saki, I've never seen Maimi like this"

"I...I...I don't really know" Saki looked at Airi "maybe seeing Airin like this and how Niigaki-san is, Maimi doesn't know how to help her friends, she feels so useless that she can't do anything but sit on the sidelines.  Heck, I feel like that too, with all our money, we can't do anything in these situations.  I don't know,  I just know that she needs space and time" Saki looked at the door 'should I go check on her or should I leave her alone? Maimi, are you thinking about her again?'
Date: April 17
Time: 7:00 pm

"Rei, how much more do you have?" Eri was tapping away at her computer

"Not much left Eri, how about you?" Reina hollered over the cubicle walls frusterated at the amount of work she had

Tap tap "Done! Yatta!" Eri stretched her arms

"Shit really? That's not fair!" Reina pouted throwing the pen she was holding onto her desk "how did you get everything done already?"

Eri walked over to Reina's desk and wrapped her arms around Reina's neck "Awwww poor kitty, how bout I take some of it away" Eri planted a kiss on Reina's neck, then trailed it to her collar and finally to her ear, giving it a little nibble

Reina grinned "Naw you just gave me the fuel to finish this quickly so I can take your clothes off"

Eri giggled "silly kitty, we'll be tired by the time you finish this and we get home"

Reina turned to face Eri and smirked "who said anything about going home?"

Eri's eyes popped out in shock "you don't mean..."

"The copier room has a lock" Reina winked before turning back to finish her work

Eri smacked Reina on the back once she was out of her shock "REI!! I can't believe you are even considering....." Eri's sentence was cut off by Reina's lips as Reina stood and held onto Eri's lips.

"'" Eri stated in between kisses.  Pushing Reina off her, “Rei, we’ve got to finish this for Maimi and Saki by tomorrow morning”

Reina pouted as she plopped back down in her chair “Awww…Eririn, can’t I just do you now and then finish the work after???”

Eri could feel her resolve being broken down but she just couldn’t and didn’t feel like risking it in case someone was to walk in, worse if Maimi and Saki decided to come back.  “I’m sorry Rei, but imagine if Maimi or Saki comes back, you never know with those two if they decided to come back after their trip to the hospital”

“That’s an excuse and you know it!!! There is no way that they’ll come back” Reina snapped back, not taking her glare away from the wall in front of her

“Maybe not Saki but Maimi? If she catches us, we’re so dead, she’ll be so disappointed in us” Eri tried to ease Reina’s anger and started massaging Reina’s shoulders

“You make it sound like it’s the first time she has caught us doing the naughty in a public place”  Reina moved her shoulders from under Eri, obviously she wasn’t liking the fact that she was at work doing overtime and that she couldn’t even have fun.  She knew she should be upset at Eri for thinking on their behalf but she was stressed, she has been stressed since Saki and Ai were spending most of their time at the hospital.  All the work had to go to someone else and guess who those someone else were?

“Rei, please don’t get upset at me” Eri pleaded as she hugged Reina’s shoulder from behind

Hearing Eri’s plea, Reina’s anger was letting up but the feeling of stress and uneasiness was still within her “Eririn, I’m not upset at you, I know you are thinking about what’s best for us, I am just stressed about the work load nowadays.  I wanted some way to get myself out of this feeling and” Reina turned to face Eri “you’re my cure” Reina leaned in for a kiss.

Their tongues danced around fighting for dominance, in which Reina was dominating causing Eri to moan when she felt Reina's hands cupping her breast under her shirt.  Eri held her hands onto Reina's desk to support herself from collapsing at Reina's hand movement.  Internally, Eri knew she should stop Reina when she is in this mode, but she couldn’t deny that she was enjoying it.  Reina grinned in their kiss, knowing fully well that Eririn was not going to object this time around as she slowly led Eri towards the copier room, closing the door behind and locking it after.

Offline abok

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 52 - 06/11
« Reply #174 on: June 12, 2010, 09:46:29 PM »
Maimi took one of Airi's hand in her own "Airin, you may not be able to hear me but wake up with the determination that I've known you to have...I....I missed you, missed the talks and the jogs, the fun and the games.  You're a great friend and companion...I don't want to lose you. 

 :cry: :cry: :cry:

i really am crying now.....

please let Airin awake.....

i could not stand it anymore.....

Poor Maimi.....

please be strong Maimi.....

Offline FaqU

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 52 - 06/11
« Reply #175 on: June 14, 2010, 03:24:54 PM »
@ abok: Don't cry....*tissue in hand* I don't know if I should be happy that you're crying because that would mean that I created an image in your mind that was worth showing your emotions but I don't know if I would like my readers crying.

Chapter 53

Date: April 17
Time: 8:12 pm

"How are things Ken?"

"Things are running smoothly, the only thing is that there hasn't been any progress with the investigation of Nakai-san's death but I do believe it is the work of our unknown visitors, I have heard from King-san that Matsumoto-san went missing" Ken reported trying to look through the semi-transparent cloth before him.  He was surprised that the big boss wanted to see him personally, it could mean that he has finally risen up the success ladder.


"Yes, apparently the last King-san has heard about Matsumoto-san was that he was told to return to the police department for questioning of Nakai-san's disappearance.  Matsumoto-san told his bodyguards to call King-san and his lawyers to fetch him however when they did, the cops said they never sent anyone out to retrieve Matsumoto-san for questioning.  King-san's men said that it was a female officer and because the hat was a bit big, they couldn't really see their faces"

"Keep looking out for them, they have become a nuisance recently and they may be the reason behind my lost men" Ken can tell that the voice was masked and he can try to see the outline of the figure but because they were in such a big chair with a long backing he can't really be sure of what he is seeing and he doesn't dare move.  Although there aren't any bodyguards or anything but that could just mean none that the visible eye could see.

"Yes boss I will, I can't have these pests ruining our operations and I have the backup of King-san to capture them"

"Good, now Ken, I have heard many great things of you from Nakai so don't disappoint me.  I am curious as to what you know so far"

"Boss, the only thing I know is that in my encounter with what seems to be our pest, 2 woman, one was a tourist however since it was a plan that could be fake, as well as everything about them."

"Any features you can recall?"

"Well one was a bit taller than the other and they had toned legs, smile was bright those are the only things I can be certain, other things like hair colour and eye colour are possibly wigs and contacts.  The other one doesn't have any features that stood out, so overall typical woman that don't stand out much" there was silence, silence that made the hairs on the back of Ken's neck stand, Ken wasn't sure what the boss was thinking and was afraid that they weren't too pleased

"Okay, I want you to report of any and all plans you have of our...rodents, I will not rest until they are disposed of"

"Yes boss" Ken bowed and turned to walk away when he was called out

"Oh and Ken, I have heard the cops have been snooping around in your area for a while now"

"Yes sir, I had dealt with 2 of them already however because Nakai-san's body was discovered, my men has notified me that they have been snooping around asking questions"

"I see... I don't want them to stick around us otherwise operations will be slow, do something to throw them off or something, our next shipment is to come in soon no?"

"Yes King-san said that they will provide on schedule"

"Good! You may leave, I have another appointment to go to" Ken bowed and left

As soon as he was out of range, he wiped the thin layer of sweat that had formed on his forehead with his sleeve 'that was nerve-wrecking, I can't afford to lose his trust and faith in my abilities.  Now to deal with those stinking cops'
Date: April 17
Time: 8:15 pm

Maimi stood at the rooftop of the hospital building where she hasn’t moved for over an hour, she didn't know why she voiced her opinions like so, it wasn’t her character to voice out something she wanted hidden. 'It's probably because Airin hasn't woken up, I mean she's my friend so obviously I will worry about her and of course seeing Niigaki-san beating herself up…’  Maimi couldn't help but think back at what Erina said to her

'you don't look at me like you use to, you look at her with that look that I thought you reserved for me'

'Is it really because of her?'

'Leave her, she isn't good enough for you, no one understands you like I do'

Maimi shook those thoughts out of her head 'is it because of Airin? Did all my worries and feelings for Erina leave because I've moved Airin? She understands me, it doesn't take much to do that so that isn't a good base point.  Erina do you know how much I've changed since you left? Do you honestly believe you understand me now?' "ARGH!"

"Funny finding you here" Maimi turned to see Miyabi hobbling towards her "are you a fan of rooftops too?"

", I recall Airin telling me that she likes standing up here when she needs to think or let her frustration out" Granted the last person she thought would be in front of her right this moment was Miyabi.  Its not like she didn't like the girl or anything, its just that they never talked so it was awkward to see Miyabi in front of her on a one-on-one position

Miyabi wobbled over to the ledge and leaned forward supporting herself with her crutches, closing her eyes to feel the breeze on her face while Maimi just stayed in her position looking out "I don't know how you knew about Airin's feelings but thank you for calming Risa onee-san's worry.  I didn't think Airin and you talked about such deep things" Miyabi chuckled "but I'm glad she did, I don't think me saying the same things would have a better effect"

"I was just voicing my thoughts that's all, I did wish I had an older sister like Niigaki-san.  Saki is the same age as me and its great but sometimes its good to be the child and get the love from an older sibling"

"Saki-tan was surprised you didn't tell her your true feelings though" Maimi turned to look at Miyabi whose eyes were still closed "she didn't say anything to me but through my conversations with her in the past she loves the fact that you're as close to a sibling she's got.  She was happy at how you guys grew up, maybe because she was like Airin and you were her very own Risa onee-san.  She gets upset when you put the strong front and look after her like she was the younger sibling though, she wants to protect you too"

"I know she wants to protect me, especially since the return of me ex, I always knew" Miyabi opened her eyes waiting for Maimi to finish "but I guess old habits die hard, I just don't want to put a burden on her, not when she helped me step on my own two feet with everything especially when Erina left.  I don't know how much she's told you but she tried to get me to eat and live my life properly when I fell into a depression.  I was stubborn though and so was she, soon she had lost her original spirit and I found her crying, utterly upset.  I woke up and broke down my stubborn wall, I couldn't bare to see her cry like that, especially if I was the cause, it hurts me even more.  She never did tell her why, it was more like all of a sudden, I pretended nothing happened and was okay again and..."

"I do know" both girls turned to see Saki standing there "still the one that protects me nee Maimi? I do hate it when you don't let me take away some of your burden, what is it about me that you couldn't confide me with everything?  Have we not gone through enough together? Yeah you do tell me majority things and we talk to each other the most but I always felt like you still kept a good distance between us.  Is it because I'm short and not physically built or something? Those were the questions floating in my mind all these years" she then turned to Miyabi “and you! You shouldn’t be here, you’re crutches are not always the best thing to rely on”

Maimi's eyes popped open "no, no, NO Saki that wasn't it, I..." whereas Miyabi was looking away from Saki’s lecturing glare

Saki put her hand up to stop her "I know, you just can't help it...but please promise me to not take things upon yourself alone, at least share your problems even if you don't think there is a solution with me...or Airin"

"Eh?" Both Maimi and Miyabi looked at Saki

"Boy are you guys dense, this I expected from Miya but not Maimi...hold on actually maybe I did expect it from you Maimi"

"Oh shut up and elaborate because I don't know what you're talking about"

"Yes you do, you just think you don't know what I am talking about"

Before Maimi could retort "finally *huff* I found you guys!" Ai stood at the door taking deep breaths "next time take your phones with you!"

"What's up Ai-chan?"


“Okay, you better start breathing because I don’t understand you” Ai took a couple of big deep breaths, choking in the process “Ai-chan, I asked if you could catch your breath first not kill yourself on the way” Maimi joked casually, easing the atmosphere a bit by causing Miyabi and Saki to giggle

“*cough* oh how drole! I guess you don’t want to know about Suzuki-san’s condition then” Ai patted her chest

The trio ran up to her “What condition?” Miyabi asked grabbing onto Ai’s arm

“Suzuki-san is awake now” Without saying a word, the trio rushed back to Airi’s room with Ai in tow, well more like Maimi dashing and Saki helping Miyabi hobble down the stairs.

As Airi’s room was in sight, Maimi suddenly slowed in her pace in which Saki caught sight of “Maimi? What’s wrong?”

“I…er…I just remembered there’s something I have to do.  Tell Airin I’ll visit later” Maimi dashed out in the opposite direction before Saki could protest.  She didn’t stop running until she was in her car and has driven a good distance from the hospital ‘Why do I feel like I can’t face Airin? Why do I feel so conflicted? Why am I so scared? What is happening to me!!!!!’ Once again Maimi’s thoughts were brought back to Erina’s words ‘Is it because of you? Is it because I couldn’t bear to see how you would react to your situation? Is this why my heart feels like it has been stabbed? I don’t want to think about it!!! I can’t think about it!!! I don’t want to ruin my friendship if you don’t feel the same Airin!!! I don’t want to ruin the relationship we have when I don’t know myself what and how I feel towards you.  Forgive me Airin’ Maimi zoomed off, tears threatening to spill as she headed to the office.

Offline badsaints

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 53 - 06/14
« Reply #176 on: June 14, 2010, 04:37:36 PM »
Silly Maimi. That's cause you're finally realising what Airi means to you. Needing time to think is great but hopefully Maimi doesn't take too long :)

Offline abok

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 53 - 06/14
« Reply #177 on: June 15, 2010, 02:36:20 AM »
Stupid Maimi..... :banghead:

Why did you run away??? :sweatdrop:

Just admit your feeling and tell it to Airi already.....

Offline Mikitty_Ayaya

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 53 - 06/14
« Reply #178 on: June 15, 2010, 04:01:30 PM »
wonderful chapter  :heart:  :wub: maimi  yajima flees, cause her feelings are in conflict.  :doh:
please, next chapter.  :heart:

Offline FaqU

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Re: Colour of Truth - Chapter 53 - 06/14
« Reply #179 on: June 16, 2010, 03:13:34 PM »
@ baddie: We'll see how long she takes to confront Airi  :twisted:

@ abok: You make it sound easy  :lol:

@ Mikitty_Ayaya: Correct, Maimi's feelings are indeed in conflict  :thumbsup

Chapter 54

On Airi’s side

“AIRIN!” Miyabi hopped inside the room

“MIYA!” Airi opened her arms ready for Miyabi to hug her.  It was then that Miyabi remembered that Airi was temporarily blind, she wanted to cry seeing Airi in this position but she didn’t want Airi to know, from the other side, Risa was already in tears.

“I’ve missed you so much!!! You can’t nag at me for loving my sleep anymore since you’ve slept for so long” Miyabi commented hugging Airi tightly, careful not to hurt the broken arm.

“*cough* Miya!  I know I’m loved all around but please refrain from killing me, I’ve just woken up from a coma”

Miyabi loosened the hug “Sorry, it’s just…”

“Now, now, it’s okay, everything will be fine” Airi stretched her good hand towards her table patting around for something

Miyabi grabbed her hand “Everything isn’t fine Airin!  Not when…not when…” Everyone knew where Miyabi was referring to and immediately a tense atmosphere could be felt

“Miya, shhhh~, it’s only temporary right? It means that I’ll be able to see again.  My arm will heal as well right?”

“But when?”

“You know it’s late now so maybe we should let Airin rest, she did just come out of a coma” Saki diverted the conversation, personally she wanted to know what was wrong with Maimi

“Saki-chan!” Saki turned to face Airi “When you have a moment after dropping Miya off can I speak to you…privately?”

All eyes turned to look at Saki, “Er…yeah…sure” Saki was just as confused as everyone else as she helped Miyabi back to her own room.

“What do you think Airin has to talk to you about?”

“I’m not sure but I’m going to find out soon enough.  Now you get some rest and not worry too much about it” Saki tucked Miyabi into bed and bade Ai and Risa farewell before heading back to Airi’s room

“Airin? Are you still up?” Saki whispered just in case Airi decided to go back to bed

“Saki-chan, come in”

Saki walked over to an empty chair “What did you want to talk to me about?”

“In my coma, I remembered you saying that you wanted me to talk some sense into Maimi, mind telling me what that was all about?”

“You heard me?”

Airi nodded “I also heard Maimi’s speech to ane, I was moved and upset at the emotions I could feel from Maimi.  It was different when she was talking”


“Yeah, I don’t know how to explain it but it felt different from her usual self, different when we were talking about her past even”

‘At least one of them is getting closer to realization’ “I see, Airin, I  wouldn’t worry about it, I guess Maimi was caught up in the moment”

“Did she come back?”

“Did who come back?”

“Maimi, she walked out but she didn’t speak up when Miyabi and you came back”

“Er…no…she had something to do, urgent matters at work” Saki lied but noticed Airi’s face fall “But she’ll visit you soon enough, you know how it is, Maimi was taking on more work so that Ai and I could watch over Niigaki-san and Miya” Seeing Airi nod, Saki knew Airi believed it. “As to the issue about Maimi, its nothing for you to worry about, I mean I wanted to vent I guess but I couldn’t really tell anyone so I vented it out to you”

“Are you sure? It’s about Mano-san isn’t it?” Saki was flabbergasted at Airi’s memory and it was because of the pause that Airi got her confirmation “You can tell me Saki-chan, I would be concerned about Maimi too”

“It wasn’t anything really, its just Maimi went to meet up with Erina again and I got upset.  The last time…”

“The last time Maimi went to see Mano-san was when Maimi got hurt again right? Saki-chan did Maimi tell you what the outcome of that was?”

Saki recalled the time when Erina made her return and indeed she didn’t know “No, unfortunately I don’t”

“Maimi told me that she never got an answer”

“An answer? An answer to what?”

“To why Mano-san left her without a word.  Maimi has been chained down all these years because she never knew the truth and I guess it meant a lot for her to know the reason why.  She makes a great detective you know” Airi chuckled “her desire to finding and knowing the truth would be a plus for the police force”

“But what does it matter anymore? I mean why does she want to get hurt again?”

“Saki-chan, you’ve known Maimi longer than I have so you should know how stubborn Maimi can be.  She wanted to release herself from wondering all these years what she did wrong and why Mano-san left”

“So you think it’s okay that Maimi still keeps in touch with Erina?”

“I think if Maimi wants to know the truth that badly, she wouldn’t let anyone stop her.  By getting upset at Maimi not only does it hurt you but Maimi too, she has been through enough in her life just as you have and it pains Maimi to be stuck in between her own thoughts and her friendship with you.  She doesn’t want to upset you but she also wants to be free again”

“I-I… I never realized how difficult I was pushing her” Saki admitted “I just wanted what’s best for Maimi, I wanted to protect her”

“Don’t worry Saki-chan, Maimi could never hold a grudge against you for long”

“How do you know?”

“She’s mentioned it in our talks, she says that she thanked the gods they gave you  to her”

Saki chuckled “That dork! I can’t believe she’s getting all sentimental in front of you.

“Let’s not ruin Maimi’s image, I recall that there are certain peple that think she’s tough as it is”

“Ah yes, the children, they’ll hate me forever if Maimi started getting tougher”

Airi giggled “I guess your issues are solved?”

“Yes Airin, thank you” Saki lean forward to hug Airi, careful not to hurt the broken arm “I do have a question for you though, just between you and me, are you sure you’re okay about the temporary blindness? I mean I understand you wouldn’t want to worry Miya and Niigaki-san since no one is around…”

“Saki-chan, I’m fine really.  After hearing Maimi’s speech to ane I was more determined to get better soon, everyone is giving me support so I can’t give up now I am determined not to let this stop me”

“You took Maimi’s words to heart eh?” Saki noticed a slight blush in Airi’s face

“Well she’s a friend that I respect and has given me nothing but honesty so I trust her.  She was also the one that helped me get over my breakup.  I couldn’t open my thoughts and feelings to Miya or ane as easily as I did her, I don’t know what it was, but I know I could talk to her”

‘I’m sure you don’t know what it was.  God it sucks to not just yell at these 2’ “I see, well I should get going, I still have work tomorrow and you’ve just woken up so I think you shouldn’t strain yourself from all of my issues.  However food for thought, from all the years that I’ve known Maimi, she wasn’t the type of person to easily just talk about her issues…I’m surprised that you guys talk to each other more than those that have known you guys” With that Saki left the hospital and went home.

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