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Author Topic: [5/23 - 5/29] HANGRY & ANGRY European Tour 2010 (Germany, Finland, France, UK)  (Read 213613 times)

Offline Yossy no enzeru

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Thank you I will. Well, I write with a that bad  XD

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Masa's epic concert report coming this weekend! :otomerika:

Also, as they were walking away Masa said something like "That was it? It's already over?"
Nah, I don't think that was me. What I said was: "FUCK! The battery died" :lol:

If anyone has pics from yesterday and is so kind that could send them, please let me know. I was so dazzled in the concert and in shock of everything that I can't remember things..very seeing pictures might help. I was so "high" in the concert, but been so down after it..can't explain or don't even know why  :cry: Yossy took my heart with her :wub:
Don't worry, daigong will post lots of concert pix once he gets back home :)

It's okay, I think I'm the one that needs to say sorry. I just came there and didn't even say anything..all of you at the airport, I'm sorry  :( I'm just so shy..
It's alright cuz it seems that all Finnish Yossi-fangirls are a bit shy :P

I've been so exhausted and sad since monday..I don't even know why..crying..  :cry:
Man, I gotta admit that I've been feeling down too. I'd much rather be drooling over Rika's ass & hanging out with HiPsters than work at the office

Offline Yossy no enzeru

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Masa: Oh thank you so much for cheering me up  :)
Yes, usually shy, except when talking or daydreaming about Yossy..... ;)

Thanks for the warm welcome in the forum everyone  :heart:

Offline Kea

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okay question... is Yaz the merchandise lady we meet to get our glowing wristbands of questioning? I'm asking, because I thought that since I'm bringing something for Yossy and Rika, I should bring something for Yaz.. cause it seems like she is helping a lot of this happen... any thoughts? I leave for the airport in a couple of hours..

Oh damn, you're right, maybe I should bring sthg for her too? I already have gifts for Yossie and Rika but I chose accordingly to what I know of them. I don't know anything about Yaz :/ *grumble grumble*

Offline yossierocks

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I got her a thank you card we all can sign (for Yaz). and then I got a booklet of DC postcards so we can try to get them to come to the East Coast.. Sneaky, I know...
Worshiping Yoshizawa Hitomi since 2001

Offline Kimuuu

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x-posting from Hitomi Heaven

Kimuuu's Long Ass European Report

SATURDAY May 22 - Mall Mini-Live and Signing

Kue, almond, Natty and I headed over to the Alexa Center to scope out the place well before the events started.  We went into Media Markt to see where the signing would take place.  We were delighted to see h&A posters everywhere and h&A on their flat screen TVs all over the store.  On our way out of the mall to go to the bank, we ran into this girl, Chiko, that Kue knew?  I dunno, we were heading out and Chiko was heading in and as we got closer, Kue and Chiko were all "Hey!".  Chiko is from MM Central and H!O I think.

We go out around Alexanderplatz and kill time.  We eventually came back to the stage area in the mall just in time to see the first act, Trynamite.  As we hung out next to the soundbooth, we saw Paul from HellO!Blog so we all stuck together. And at some point, this other girl, Anja joined our group. 

Then we noticed h&A's entourage.  We saw Yaz, the manager and some other Japanese lady (not Rika's manager) talking with some tall dude with spiky salt n pepper hair.  I waved at Yaz to see if she recognized me; she did.  Hehe.

So Trynamite came on and I tested out my Nikon.  Her song is freakin' catchy.  Schisse Manner?  It was very OONTZ OONTZ OONTZ OONTZ with the pounding bass.  I just may download it. XD  Even Paul seemed to like her and bought her CD to get an autograph. 
I think it was while Trynamite left the stage and we were all waiting for h&A in the pit, that I noticed Tomo near the wall.  I friended Tomo through Facebook because she was going to be at all the tour stops as the interpreter for Sumiko-san (the HUGE Rika fan in the wheelchair) and Masako-san (Sumiko-san's mom).  I went over to her to say "Hi" and she introduced me formally to Sumiko-san and Masako-san (I had seen them before in Seattle and Paris).  We had a great time chatting. Tomo is freaking AWESOME.

I went back to the pit to reclaim my spot at the rail.  While we waited, the MC tossed out random freebies.  I got hit in the head by a cosmetic kit or something cuz I think I was looking down at my camera. .__.;  Then they started giving away HUGE h&A posters.  I decided not to try to get one cuz posters are a BITCH to travel with unless you have a mailing tube to protect it.  Chiko actually got one, but I think it got a bit torn since everyone was scrambling for it.

As we waited, and waited, and waited, Kue's roomies arrived and we also met some other internet ppl.  There was alienpyon and Sven (I dunno his username) from H!O and nimrod from JPH!P.

Then, what pissed me off was they opened the open area in front of the rail (which was where ppl lined up for autographs and merch) and then stopped letting more ppl in.  So from being in the front row to... no.  :P  It's OK, I could still see the girls just fine.

Finally, the MC announced h&A arrival and like supastars, Yossy and Rika made their way through the crowd amidst hundreds of camerasnaps and flashes.  Screaming fans everywhere from the pit, around the stage and on the upper levels of the mall.  I think they said a few words like hello Berlin and blablabla and then THEY STARTED THE SHOW!!!

I was surprised that there was no announcement about no photography, but I suppose it would be impossible to restrict that since you had people all over the mall watching and taking pictures.  I know I went CRAZY with the pics.  I took almost 500 pics...  I was so excited.  I was also excited seeing them live again that in between pictures, I would look up from my camera and pump my fist in the air and scream WOOOOOOOOOOOOO~ for them.  Ah so fun!  I didn't go too overboard with the screaming and jumping because I wanted to conserve my energy for the concert.

OH YEAH! Yossy pointed at me during The Peace. <3 I still need to review a good vid of the mall perf to see at which point exactly she does it.  ^___^  Yossy looked like she was having a BLAST!  She looked so cute jumping up and down, getting the crowd hyped up.  She even looked and pointed at the people watching from the upper levels of the mall and was trying to get them jumping.  Yossy was AWESOME.  Ahhhh so cool.

After the show was over, it was time for autographs!  Luckily, Paul and I were right next to the entrance line, so we squeezed right though as soon as the autograph session began.

oh wait. they did that interview thing first, didn't they?  I know that's on teh internet and available to DL so I'm not gonna bother talking about that.  It was just cute to hear h&A say things in German. "Danke shane!"  XD  Cute Yossy is cuuute.

So yeah the signing session, Paul and I got through and was in the first batch of people to get autographs.  I skipped the merch table because I already brought a h&A pic to sign.  As I got closer, I saw Yaz first standing next to the table.  I said hi to her and we started chatting.  She asked me where I was from, and I told her Washington DC and reminded her that the US (particularly the East Coast) wants h&A to come over again.  I also asked her if h&A would be at Otakon.  Unfortunately, h&A won't be there, but Yaz said that they would like to try to be there in the next year or two?  Yaz went on to say that she needed my (our) help building up hype for h&A in the US. 

At that point, it was WAY past my turn to get my pic signed, so I was told Yaz that I'd be back and I quickly stepped to the side to get my autographs.  I was still kinda thrilled having a "productive" conversation with Yaz that I was distracted and didn't give as much attention to Yossy and Rika as I would have liked.  I DID look at Yossy, but all I said was "DOSUN!" and did her signature move.  When I got to Rika, she had already finished signing my pic and... I dun remember if I even acknowledged her as I took my pic back or what.  It all happened so fast!  I immediately went back to Yaz and we continued talking.  She further explained that the US ticket sales weren't all that great (tickets for what, the animecon?).  I understood this as there wasn't enough of a solid, profitable fanbase for h&A in the US for h&A to come and do shows.  So again, Yaz said she needed help and I was all for helping out.  She asked for my contact info and I gave her my business card.  WOOOOT.

After leaving the stage, I stood on the side of the stage and admired Yossy from afar and waited to see Kue, almond and the rest of my buddies get up to get autographs.  Another surprise was that unlike what was stated before, people were able to get more than one item signed, and not all items where h&A merch!  I saw h&A sign soccer jerseys, a bass guitar and photobooks! o_O

Around this time, Aqua and her b/f Chris joined our little group on the side of the stage.  She had just gotten to Berlin and still had her luggage.  At one point, Yossy was standing for some reason and looked over in our direction.  She had... THE LOOK.  That predatory, flirty Pimpwolf stare... for a second, I thought she was eyesexing me again, but a second later, I noticed she wasn't lookind directly at me.  I followed Yossy's line of sight, turned slightly and noticed almond with a big ol smile on her face. I whipped my head back to look at Yossy and was like, omg.  She sat back down to continue signing and I turned back to find almond missing.

...almond had collapsed to the floor after being eyesexed by Yossy. XD I quickly grabbed her and told her to get up.  I didn't want Yossy to see. XD  I was happy that at least one other person I knew now knows what it's like to get teh eyesex from Yossy. *__*  But I was a bit jealous that Yossy didn't eyesex me. ~__~  Ah well, can't be too selfish. 0:)

We all waited by the side of the stage to see h&A leave.  They were so close!  Then afterwards, our group congregated near the elevators and chatted with Tomo and Sumiko-san.  Somehow we adopted more h&A fans and our group grew.  We took group pics in the mall. XD  Then we went outside and STILL kept chatting.  Overall, the mall events were AWESUM.

SATURDAY May 22 - Dinner and Nollendorfplatz

With our huge group of ppl, we went over to the Alex to have dinner.  We had good food, good beer and great convos about h&A, H!P and everything really.  One of the new girls, Mareike (sp?) was a KPOP fan too, so we chatted about that.  :3  We ate and hung outside for like, ever.  Then it started to get chilly and we moved on.

We all took the U-bahn to Nollendorfplatz which is the gay district of Berlin (kinda hoped to see Yossy strolling around XD).  We took many, many silly pictures.  We finally arrived at this bar, I can't remember the name of it, but it had bumpin' music and topless male waiters.

I can't remember all the details from that night, but we stayed at the bar until they kicked us out at closing time.  We had SO many drinks.  Paul and I tried these German concoctions where they mixed beer and soda.  Paul ordered a Diesel (beer and coke) and I ordered an Alster (beer and Sprite).  It was surprisingly good!  I also tried a Swimmingpool cocktail which had a crazy combo of alcohol and random shit that resulted in a very... interesting, but yummy flavor.

Oh... it was a crazy, ecchi night.  Can't remember all the details, but I can assure you we had a BLAST.  Too too too too too too much fun.  Between Natty shamelessly lusting after our topless waiter, Mike, and Kue being SUPER drunk and inappropriate, it was a ridiculously fun time at the bar.

BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!  We stumbled out of the bar and sought out a doner stand for post drinking munchies.  And we STAYED there for god knows how long because SOMEONE needed to sober up a bit. I won't name names.  >___>;  "I have to stare at this tree..."  Ah... good times.  lol almond you were pretty gone too... but your German was AWESOME when you were drunk!  XD  (BTW, we need to go out for some vodka mojitos ASAP)

We all finally parted ways to rest up for the concert the following day...

(BTW, pics from the event can be eventually found in my FB albums.)

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Waiting in line with dan orac and afro foooo

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We met liina!

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GJ!!! Reports!!!

I'm still upping pix/passed out. Here's the arrival video in Finland:

Offline jaysonnj

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Rika definitely has a Royal ass!  :jphip:

Offline Tuffty

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Hangry & Angry London 2010

Look how close the audience is from them!! Man I'd love to have been there. :o

Offline twissie

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I'm still working on my epic report/diary post... thing xD; It's taking me forever, and it's getting ridiculously long, so I think I should split it up into several parts (at least on LJ). Long post is loooong, hahaha.

Thanks for posting the video daigong! Reliving the moments, yaaaay (even the sort of awkward ones)! xD Man, for all the waiting and preparing we did, that cheer does sound rather pathetic in retrospect. Oh well. NEXT TIME, RIGHT? :D

Offline nachdenki

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I'm still upping pix/passed out. Here's the arrival video in Finland:

:lol: you can totally feel what shirenu described  :rofl:
Good job!
ChrNo, I hope you are happy
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seemed like a small group of people :nervous

GJ welcoming them
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Himalia

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Lol i see myself every so often in that youtube video. Seems i am recording it as well :D

It came out pretty good as well right up close. Still fresh in my mind and i have been watching it quite a few times already :D

Epic concert seems i could count 350 people at the event from my perspective. Apparently there was more futher back which was a part i could not see. So the 350 figure is actually low and is somewhat higher.

I also heard that 475 of the 500 tickets sold for this event. So perhaps the total was close to 475 ?
Himalias Hello Project Photocard swap shop.

Offline Kimuuu

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holy shit were there no restrictions on cameras in London?!  XD  AND DAMN h&A look even closer to the crowd!  YA'LL SOUNDED AWESOME!  I feel like rockin' out to the video. XD  And yay!  New hairstyle for Yossy!

Alright here's my report for the actual concert day in Berlin:


It was time. DUN DUN DUNNNNNN!  I met up with Kue, almond and our other new friend, Kevin and we headed over to the Columbia Club.  There was a small crowd lounging about on the steps in front.  We first saw Mika and the other J-wota and we greeted each other.  I haven't seen them since Chibi Japan Expo in Paris! :D  Then we saw the folks we hung out with the previous night, Sven, Anja, Chiko, etc.  Then Kristen eventually came by, and more and more ppl.  OH!  It was pretty funny when we finally met the famed Matthecat.  I shook his hand, thanked him for all the torrents and did the whole "WE'RE NOT WORTHY!!" bit.

Had a nice time chatting with everyone while waiting.  At one point, there was screaming and rushing over to the side of the club next to the fenced off area.  Apparently, Yossy had stepped outside and people standing up on the wall next to the fence had saw her.  And APPARENTLY Yossy waved at them!  LUCKY! 

As showtime drew near, there was some activity going on behind the front doors.  People then started to get up and crowd around the door, so we followed suit.  We stood there for quite a while, still, but passed the time chatting.  Kevin, almond, Aqua and Chris amused themselves by constantly poking me in the back. ;__;

When the doors finally opened, I was bummed to see that they had security doing bag checks and that they were actually holding cameras.  I slipped the memory card from my camera into my pocket in case they lost it.  The pics I had taken up to that point were WAY more valuable than the camera itself.  So I went in the venue and checked in at the merch table, as instructed, since I was to ask h&A a question.

The point of contact turned out to be Yaz!  So while the rest of us question askers gathered at the merch table, Yaz explained to us that we would ask the questions after the end of the show.  We were to report to the right side of the stage where there was a mic propped up for us to use.  To my dismay, we weren't going to be ON STAGE as previously informed, but still, it was another chance for some interaction with h&A.  :D

After checking in with Yaz, almond, Paul and I made our way to the stage and got as close to the rail as possible.  I was right behind alienpyon, and next to us was Golem, the gigantor J-wota.  I was thinking... this should be interesting.  Hehe.  Poor almond was actually standing next to him.  XD

Finally, someone started the hANGRY! ANGRY! chant and we joined in.  Following Golem's example, I yelled as HARD AS I POSSIBLY COULD for hANGRY.  I didn't care if I lost my voice or got sick, I flew all the way to freakin' Berlin to see and support h&A, I was gonna go all out!

Then the intro show started.  It was very cute.  It had interviews with TakaGaki and Tsuji-chan.  The clip was done quite humorously.  Like when TakaGaki were talking about Rika's high voice, the vid did a quick cut to Rika's screaming from... Shabondama?  LOL And with Yossy, I think the Tsuji said that Yossy can sometimes get scary, and then the vid cut to Yossy going "Uruhe~" from the JKM PV. XD  Other fave part of the vid was Tsuji talking about how it's probably not a good idea to give Yossy alcohol... LOL HMMMMMM.  With Yossy being in the land of free flowing beer, I wonder how Yossy handled that. XD

The intro vid continued to show clips from h&A's past activities in Seattle and Paris.  I screamed when they showed Seattle's stuff. :D  The clips eventually led up to the European tour and then h&A came onto the stage. Awwwwwww shiiiiet.

They started with TOP SECRET and everyone got into it from the get go, screaming out the girls' names as the song started.  Everyone sang along with memorable/easy parts like "DOSVIDANYA", "YES NEVERMIND" and of course, the title "TOP SECRET!!!" 

After TOP SECRET, they jumped right into Sadistic Dance (FUNNEST SONG TO ROCK OUT TO).  We were all jumping cuz it's so effing catchy and energetic.  Yossy was just as energetic and hyped as in the mall mini-live.  She was jumping, and getting everyone jumping along with her.  It was AWESOME.

Then it was Mr. Monkey.  WOO!  I really like this song off the album, so I was excited to see their performance of the song.  I surprised and highly amused by the simple, and cute choreography, wherein you throw up the double rockfists and move them up and down alternately along with the chorus.  Stupid, silly, cute.  I looked at almond and was like, "Srsly?"  But I did the stupid dance along with h&A cuz again, I WAS GOING ALL OUT. XD
I screamed out for Rika when she hit her epic solo line (that starts at 1:02 in the song).  Best part evar.  And again for Yossy when it was her turn.  In addition to seeing Yossy, it was euphoric hearing her singing voice. *__*

During Mr. Monkey, I believe the choreography included a sort of Ishiyoshi-ish bit where during the bridge, they circled the stage while looking and pointing at each other.  This, of course, garnered more screams from the audience. (Lotsa girly screams.  heehee)

Oh right, I just remembered, earlier during a song break (before Mr. Monkey?) Rika noticed Yossy had eyeliner/dark makeup stuff smeared on Yossy's forehead.  In a very adorable and touching moment, Rika got a towel off the DJ table and wiped Yossy's face clean.  We were all AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!  but then DevilRika emerged and as soon as she finished wiping Yossy off, she pointed and laughed at Yossy "hahahahaha!" it was so evil and hilarious!

After that less intense performance, it was back into overdrive with Romantic ni Violence.  Lotsa OI! OI! OI! and jumping during the chorus.  And a lot of singing along.  So fun.

I think it was at this point there was an extended break?  MC time?  The lights went out and the girls when to get a drink of water.  During the "silence" I screamed out "MARRY ME YOSSY!!!" Bwahaha.

I think here Yossy and Rika said stuff in German (so cuuuute) and they introduced the DJ for the evening DJ... something.  Yossy said "Sexy body!" and did a little shimmy.  XD  I don't remember too much of the MC... I'm sure other ppl got down more of the details.  OH YEA!

I do remember how h&A noticed that most of the crowd didn't understand what they were saying anyway, but would respond if either of them threw up the rock fist and went WOOO~  So Yossy said something then suddenly went WOOOOO \m/ and like Pavlov's dogs, we reacted and did the same thing back. XD  It was so funny.  Yossy seemed to get a kick out of that. XD

Then we got more time to rest a bit as they performed GIZA GIZA, the Crash Berlin version.  It was dope.

Shake Me was up next.  This featured the twirling hand-motion.  According to almond, when I did the choreography, it looked like I was smackin that ass from behind.  ^_^;;  Now that I think of it, this was the only "crowd choreo" we did that did NOT use the rock fist. XD

WALL FLOWER was next.  This had more arm-waving and whatnot.  I thought to myself, "Huh, they really want to give us all a workout!"  I was thankful I wasn't next to Golem, otherwise I would've been like almond, praying to not get hit by Golem's elbow as we all did the choreography. XD

Angelia was next and of course everyone sang along... During this song (well, for most of the songs anyway) we chanted out the girls' names after their lines.  Good times.  They enjoyed it. :D 

Oh snap, then h&A went back to the DJ table to get their fans.  We knew they were going to perform Lady Madonna.  We waved our imaginary fans along with h&A. XD  I was slightly bummed they didn't toss out their fans into the crowd like they did in Seattle.  Ah well. 

Ah... Kill Me Kiss Me.  The crowd went nuts.  EVERYONE was jumping and singing along.  Yossy pointed her mic out at us so we could sing back.  It was awesome.  AHHHH so intense!

After that, they left the stage and we immediately started chanting for the encore.  AFter a few minutes, they came back and started THE PEACE!  Again, the crowd when nucking futz.  We were singing the intro along with them "HO~ HORA YUKOZEE~!"  Then afterwards, it was some major rockin out and headbanging.

We chanted the girls' names out again, as always... The tension rose as we approached the chorus, and exploded after they sang "LET'S GO~ LET'S GO~ LET'S GO LET'S GO LET'S PEACE PEACE!!"  The entire crowd jumped and fist pumped in unison while singing those all too familiar MM lyrics. "Suki na hito ga..." RIDICULOUS.  We were all drenched in sweat after the performance ended.  My calf muscles were on FIRE from jumping and bouncing around for nearly the entire set.

Random shit that happened that I can't exactly place:

Yossy with her her leg up on the monitor several times. :drool:

Yossy doing a high kick.

REALLY AWESOME ISHIYOSHI MOMENT when Yossy had her arm around Rika and they sang together.  Then, from my POV it looked like Rika leaned around Yossy to kiss her on her right cheek.  It was like ZOMGAH.  But from the perspective of those who were in front of them, Rika didn't kiss Yossy on the cheek, but was just singing into her ear or something.  Still... the moment looked awesome from where I stood.  ;D

Lotsa eye contact with Yossy. <333 

AH, then it was time for me and the others to get ready to ask questions!  almond and I were DYING so we went tot he back of the venue where they had a bar so we could get some water.  I wanted to be able to speak clearly when talking to Yossy, ya know? ;)  So we all reported to the side of the stage as instructed.  Meanwhile, the Nolife clip was being played.  I paid no attention to it. 

When it was the Q&A time, we were directed to line up in FRONT of the crowd barrier, so we were betweent he barrier and the stage.  I asked my question first cuz folks were being nervous/scared.  XD  I asked them how they found out about their international fanbase and if they were going to go global regardless.  They replied that they knew abuot their European fans via the hits they got on MySpace.

OH OH OH, but first, Yaz, who was interpreting as usual, told us to introduce ourselves and say what site we were representing.  So I got up to the mic and said "Hi! My name is Kim." and the memory's blurred for me at this point.  Either *I* first added "Kim-san" or Yaz or Yossy... or all my friends in the crowd, but basically Yossy said my name. Hee hee "Kim-san!"  Then I continued and said that I represented JPHiP!!!  More cheering.  :D  Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe h&A repeated me and were like "Jeh-pii hippU!"  SO CUTE.  SO AWESOME.

After I finished asking my question I was unsure as to where to go.  I just went to the back of the line of Q&A reps.  To my surprise and delight, h&A's Euro liason motioned for us to  sit down.  So while h&A answered questions, the rest of us sat on the step in front of the barrier and looked up at h&A up close and in awe.  *___*  I probably had a stupid ass grin the entire time. XD

I think almond went up next?  She introduced herself and also got a large reaction from the crowd (Thanks Kue and company!).  h&A were surprised and remarked that almond had her own fan club. XD

(The rest is kind of me quoting myself from the last time I wrote about the Q&A period... but I did correct and add something to Aqua's question.)

almond asked if h&A had any plans to have songs done in another language, like English or something.

Yaz (their manager/interpreter) asked the audience if we wanted h&A to sing in another language. One dude from H!O (alienpyon) was like NO!!! and Yaz was like, NO??? But then the rest of the crowd started yelling YESSSSS!!! Then Yaz asked what languages should they sing.

The crowd was yelling out languages for them to use. I heard English, German, Spanish... Then Yaz said, "How about making a song with many different languages??" And Yossy and Rika were like   That's hard... 

Sarah went up next and said something to the effect of, "I know you're used to having people always asking you questions, but do YOU have any questions for us? We'll answer!"

This threw the girls for a loop. It took them a moment, but Rika finally asked where Sarah was from, and Sarah replied that she was from London (I may have mixed up the sequence of events here. If that wasn't the question Rika asked, someone plz correct me). They then explained they always answer questions for people, so for them to now think of questions to ask makes them nervous. LOL I believe Yossy started explaining this, and so she never really came up with a question.   

CORRECTION: Rika asked Aqua had she ever visited Japan, to which she replied "Yes, for Yossy's graduation." :D The girls were like ooooohhh and Yossy thanked her for attending.  :D  GOOD SHOW!

Paul was the last and asked which H!P or h&A song represented them (individually).

They didn't exactly answer his question, but instead said that when they're in their h&A costumes, they're in punk rock mode, but when they're out of character... they still feel like rocking out.  I think I missing some other details here...

After the Q&A period, we exited the pit and went to the back to watch the results of the photo lottery.  Of course I was bummed I didn't win, but whatever.  It was still fun to watch Yossy and Rika and Yaz attempt to pronounce the winners' names.  And before each drawing, Yossy had us do the drumroll for them. XD

After the lottery ended and all was said and done, I wandered over to the merch table to see if there was anything I hadn't already bought previously from the Hello!Store.  As I looked at the photocards, I felt someone pat me on the back.  I turned and saw that it was Yaz, as she went behind the merch table.  She said I did a good job and thanked me again.  I was like, "No, thank YOU!" Then she went over to the other table to get something and she came back and handed me a sheet of paper.  She said "Here you can have this."  I looked at it and realized IT WAS THE SETLIST!!!  I thanked her profusely again.  We chatted a bit again... she asked me if I'd be in Helsinki, and I said yes.  So we wished each other a safe journey and parted ways.

After the show, we reunited with our friends and gushed about the performance.  Eventually we went outside and hung out more and took more pictures.  (Epic group pics from in front of the Columbia Club to come soon on FB, BTW).

Then of course, it was time to see the girls off, so we waited near the delivery gate.  After forever and a day, we saw Rika and Yossy emerge from the back door.  What caught my eye first was the fact that Rika was wearing these grey SNUG exercise shorts.  Not sure how to explain... Just click on this link to see a pic of the style of shorts she wore:

Yeah, sooo... I saw the awesomeness that is Rika's ass and legs with my own eyes. >_____>  I couldn't even tell you what top she was wearing.  Goddamn.  oh, and Yossy was wearing her damn bright tangerine sweats. XD

We waited for their van to pull out.  The majority of the crowd was on one side of the driveway.  I opted for more space and went to the opposite side (I kinda regret it now).  When the van pulled out and was stopped in the driveway.  Rika was on my side, so I videotaped her and waved at her.  Yossy was on the other side... and the folks who were on that side told me that Yossy was videotaping THEM. T___T </emo>  Anyway, we gave them a nice sendoff.  I hope footage of the fans waving goodbye makes it to the internets. :D

Quick Blurb about the Afterparty

We went to... some other part of Berlin that was part of some cultural street festival.  The streets were literally strewn with trash and broken beer bottles.  The roads were closed for pedestrian traffic.  Drunk partiers EVERYWHERE.  Lemme tell you, those Germans know how to PARTY!  We stopped at an Italian joint for pizza and drinks.  Great times.

h&A Entourage Sighted!

The next morning I went to Tegel Airport to head off to Helsinki.  As I made my way to my checkin counter, I noticed in front of me freakin Yaz, h&A's stylist, the whole entourage and of course, YOSSY AND RIKA.  I FLIPPED OUT internally. XD  I thought, "OMGAH WHAT IF WE'RE ON THE SAME FLIGHT?"  But I stayed cool and went straight to my counter cuz there was no line.  I barely looked back.  All I noticed really was Rika talking to her manager.  Yossy was hiding somewhere in the crowd.  I quickly checked in and moved onto security.

After clearing the security check, I sat in a spot where I could see the security check area.  After a while, I finally saw h&A's folks come through.  I watch Rika and then Yossy pass the check.  Yossy was wearing her big celebrity sunglasses, a thin, white, hoodie with some blue and something else design on the front, and a black jacket over top.  She went straight to the gift shop next to me and perused the perfume section.  Dunno where Rika went.

Still at this time, I was convinced that we were on the same flight.  It didn't dawn on me that we were in COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CHECK IN LINES.  So even when I saw people lining up at my gate, I decided to hang back and wait for Yossy, Rika and co. to make their move.  I peeked behind me and noticed the manager and... maybe the photographer?  Sitting at the cafe/bar.  I turned back and saw my gate had emptied and an airport staff walking towards me. He asked me "Prague?"  I was like ... yeah.  HOLY SHIT I nearly missed the shuttle to my plane that was boarding!!  All because I was super distracted by h&A. XD (BTW, my flight to Helsinki had a layover in Prague.)

I think... that is all for now.  I will continue with my account of Helsinki's events another time.

Mucho thanks to all the people I met, hung out with and added to the awesome experience.  Let's see if I can get all the names... Kue, Natty, Kevin, almond, Peti, Dodo, Krumel, Paul, Chiko, Anja, Mareika, Tomo (interpreter), Sumiko-san, Masako-san, Aqua, Chris, Sven, alienpyon, nimrod, Matthecat, the two German rail hoppers (XD), our topless waiter Mike, our other Italian waiter who also took care of us, Golem, Tomo (Yossy fan), Mika-chan, Kristen, Yaz, the rest of the h&A entourage, and of course THE AWESOME YOSSY AND RIKA!

Extra special thanks to everyone back at the forums posting pics, vids and feedback!  <3

Offline ~Dan~

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I srsly want a shirenu plushie.

Haha, that'd be too cute.  It'd have to look something like livid.gif.

OMG, the concert was awesome.  I'll put together some sort of coherent report later.  Just catching up with some stuff first.
Someone bought a ticket this morning and was told there was 10 left, so it was sold to capacity, which if the website is to believed is 500!
EDIT: And yes, apparently at just after mid-day this site updated to say tickets were sold out.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2010, 04:45:32 AM by ~Dan~ »
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Offline ~Dan~

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Since everyone's doing reports here's mine.

Caught my train at 11:05 this morning, arriving at London Kings's Cross at 13:22. Pikapikapika met me at the station as we'd arranged and then we went to the venue and there were about 5 people waiting outside.  We didn't stay long as we had to go to Paddington to meet orac.  His train arrived at just after 2 but he exited the platform a different way and we didn't see him.  So Plan B was to meet outside Burger King and there he was.  Crisis averted.  Then we went to find the travelodge orac was staying in, and after a long walk down the road found it.  Then we met some people from Hello! Online downstairs.

Going on the underground, one train was so packed that I didn't realze how packed it was until getting off and it drove off...  everyone packed in like sardines.  Had a quick Burger King as we were starving then got to the venue sometime after 6 and joined the long queue.  Saw Linna2040 while waiting in the queue, she had a press pass so she could take photos.  Press pass was for the first 3 songs only.  I was told afterwards that she had to leave the concert after 3 songs because although she had a press pass she didn't have a ticket.  That sucks.

Tickets said doors opened at 7:00 but there must've been a delay.  I did hear very faint rumbling sounds from inside the building that might've been a soundcheck.  At 7:30 the queue started moving and we were inside very quickly.  I spoke to the woman (Yaz?) and got my wristband for asking a question later, then bought a cd at the merch stall.  While I was at the merch stall someone was complaining about the t-shirt he'd just bought.  The tour dates are printed on the inside which seems like a massive screwup to me but he was told they're supposed to be like that!  On the way in we were all given a ticket to write our name and address on (for the photo draw later), so a lot of people wrote their postal address (cuz it said 'address') only to be told email address (so we'll all probably be spammed later).

By the time I got to the concert area I wasn't able to get as close as I'd have liked but that area was so small that I still got a good view.  The show was awesome.  There were parts where each of them had a little speech in English that they'd prepared and had written down so they could read it back to us, and at one point the had a big union jack.  The DJ had huge boobs and Yossie made a comment that the boobs are called Hangry & Angry.  I think I liked the performance of Lady Madonna the best, the way they sang together was just perfect.  The setlist was the same as what's been posted for the previous 2 shows.  After The Peace I made my way to the right of the stage for my question.  I'd assumed we'd be on stage as that's what people said for the first 2 shows, but nobody was allowed on stage, we had to ask from the side of the stage.  I can't remember what the first question was, I was just glad I wasn't on first but my nervousness left me and I 2nd or 3rd.  I managed a little intro in Japanese before my question.  Konbanwa. Watashi no namae wa Dan desu. Jphip dot com kara desu. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.  The mic seemed kindof quiet and I wasn't sure if people heard me but I was told afterwards they could.  The mic seemed to get louder when I asked my question "If you could go back in time and witness any event in history, what would it be?" and there was an audible gasp from the audience which I took to mean it was a good question (but I'm not so sure after already reading criticism of my question. Oh well, you can't please everyone.) and not some lame 'what's your favourite food'-type question.  Someone in the audience shouted Nakazawa Yuko and Yossie joked that she'd like to go back and witness Yuko's birth, then came her proper answer, that she'd like to see The Beatles play a show in the 60's in London.  (Cavern Club in Liverpool would have been better, but she was maybe trying to keep it London-related).  Rika said she'd like to go back to the Edo period.  A girl asking a question was crying and could barely get her question out but the translator had a copy of the questions and was able to say the question anyway.  Someone asked what other Morning Musume song would you like to cover and Yossie said Mr. Moonlight, paused then added 'Rock Version' and we were treated to a short acapella version sung by both of them.  Afro Stud asked something about if you could master any musical instrument what would it be.  Yossie said guitar, and pretended to strum a guitar,  Rika said drums and pretended to bash some drums.  After the questions they did the draw for 2 people to get their photo taken with h&a.  The winners were a cute girl and a guy with long dreads.  Then 2 more names were drawn for a signed poster, and then it was over.

I went back to the merch stall and got a photo set.  They'd sold out of tshirts but I'm not sure I'd have wanted to pay 20-something quid for something the machine screwed up.  Me, pika and orac (and afro?) walked round the building to see if we could see which back door they might be leaving from but there was no obvious choice so went back round the front.  People hung around outside for a bit then after wondering what to do next orac said a bunch of fans were drinking 'over there'(can't remember the name of the pub) so we went in there and I had a beer and a chat and then had to leave at 11 to go and get my train.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2010, 07:06:35 AM by ~Dan~ »
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Offline Linna2040

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Saw Linna2040 while waiting in the queue, she had a press pass so she could take photos.  Press pass was for the first 3 songs only.  I was told afterwards that she had to leave the concert after 3 songs because although she had a press pass she didn't have a ticket.  That sucks.

Just a clarification:  The press pass was in addition to having to pay for my own ticket to get in.  And so I didn't have to leave the concert once they cleared us from the press pit, but I had to go to the back -- which for shortish Asian woman like me, wasn't that ideal.  But still, it's not a glamorous job before anyone gets too jealous.

Though side note:  I was the ONLY person in the press pit in Berlin, up front and center (as opposed to the Underground where we were squeezed in to the side of the stage.)  It was rather comical, and kind of sad since it seemed no German media outlet was interested in capturing highlights from the show.
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