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Author Topic: Thai protesters to pour own blood at PM's house  (Read 1873 times)


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Thai protesters to pour own blood at PM's house
« on: March 17, 2010, 04:06:07 AM »
BANGKOK – Thai protesters seeking a change of government planned more shock tactics Wednesday, saying they would pour gallons (liters) of their own blood at the prime minister's house in an upscale neighborhood of the Thai capital.

This followed similar "blood sacrifices" Tuesday at Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's office and the headquarters of his Democrat Party. The dramatic acts grabbed attention but put the "Red Shirt" protest movement no closer to its goal of forcing new elections.

Protest leaders said they planned to march Wednesday to Abhisit's house in the Sukhumvit Road area, home to many rich Thais and expatriates. Abhisit has been sleeping at an army headquarters and taking trips out of the city since the demonstrations began.

More than 100,000 demonstrators from all over the country gathered in Bangkok on Sunday, vowing to continue their protest until victory. But Abhisit has rejected their demands to dissolve Parliament, saying only that he will listen to the protesters' point of view and leaving the situation in a stalemate.

Reporters asked one of the protest leaders, Veera Musikapong, what their next move would be, and he replied, "I want to know that myself." He said the group maps strategy on a day-by-day basis.

The protesters comprise supporters of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, who was ousted by a 2006 military coup for alleged corruption, and pro-democracy activists who opposed the army takeover. They believe Abhisit came to power illegitimately with the connivance of the military and other parts of the traditional ruling class who were alarmed by Thaksin's popularity, particularly among the poor.

Thailand has been in political turmoil since early 2006, when anti-Thaksin demonstrations began. In 2008, when Thaksin's political allies came back to power for a year, his "Yellow Shirt" opponents occupied the prime minister's office compound for three months and seized Bangkok's two airports for a week.

On Tuesday, thousands of Red Shirts formed long lines to have their blood drawn by nurses to spill at Government House, the prime minister's office. Leaders claimed to have collected 300,000 cubic centimeters (80 gallons).

A few teaspoons of blood were drawn from each volunteer and then transferred into dozens of large plastic water jugs that were passed overhead through the crowd of cheering protesters before being delivered to Government House.

The Red Shirts say that if the people are willing to sacrifice their blood, Abhisit should show similar spirit by relinquishing power.

Riot police allowed protest leaders to approach the front gate and pour out the blood, which oozed under the gate as national television broadcast the images live. A purported Brahmin priest in ceremonial robes performed an unorthodox black magic ritual on the Red Shirts' behalf.

"The blood of the common people is mixing together to fight for democracy," Natthawut told cheering supporters. "When Abhisit works in his office, he will be reminded that he is sitting on the people's blood." Abhisit has not entered his office at Government House since preliminary protests started on Friday.

Minutes afterward, a government medical cleanup team in white coats, face masks and rubber gloves hosed down the site. Health authorities had warned that the protest risked spreading disease if infected blood splashed bystanders.

Hundreds of protesters then marched and rode pickup trucks and motorcycles to the nearby ruling Democrat Party headquarters and splashed several more jugs of blood on the pavement outside.

Police Gen. Wichai Sangprapai said the number of demonstrators had dropped from about 100,000 Sunday to about 90,000.

Surat Horachaikul, a political scientist at Bangkok's Chulalongkorn University, said he believed the protest organizers lacked plans for their next step and that the protests might end in a few days.

"If nothing comes out of this rally, the government is likely going to become more stable," he said. "Their movement will continue to put some pressure on the government, but Abhisit's administration will be able to stay in power in the next 8-12 months."

Reporters said there has been a noticeable drop in numbers of protesters and despite continued anxiety over possible violence, the Stock Exchange of Thailand and Thai baht currency have remained stable.

Many Bangkok residents, even those sympathetic to the Red Shirt cause, say they are simply tired of the years of turmoil that have hurt the economy.

"I'm not fed up with Thai politics. I still read the newspaper every day, but I want the protest to stop as soon as possible. My business would be better, I hope," said Suwan Pana-ngham, a downtown food vendor.

Offline nop

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Re: Thai protesters to pour own blood at PM's house
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2010, 07:26:51 AM »
Some human blood mix with anticoagulant, water, animal blood, etc.  These people want to utilize black magic. They probably watch too many soap opera horror or Japanese ghost anime. :-)   

Offline bokunosonzai

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Re: Thai protesters to pour own blood at PM's house
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2010, 09:20:51 AM »
Now that's what I call commitment to a cause :w00t:. With all that blood involved, it's probably just a viral for another vampire movie  :bleed eyes:.

If only...

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Re: Thai protesters to pour own blood at PM's house
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2010, 10:57:44 AM »
:tama: will take care of em!!

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Re: Thai protesters to pour own blood at PM's house
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2010, 04:31:58 PM »
Now that's what I call commitment to a cause :w00t:. With all that blood involved, it's probably just a viral for another vampire movie  :bleed eyes:.

Someone should tell George Romero about this :)
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Re: Thai protesters to pour own blood at PM's house
« Reply #6 on: April 13, 2010, 01:15:22 AM »
via Tama facebook

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