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Author Topic: [2010.07.01] AKB48 Official Guest of Honor of Anime Expo 2010 (GIRLS ANNOUNCED!)  (Read 61311 times)

Offline bloggingpig

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Might I trouble one of our Japanese skilled members for a summary or translation of this? From what I'm gathering through google and rikaichan it sounds like it might be an interesting read. Thanks in advance.

Gonna try my best with <2 years of JPN:

AKB48's Los Angeles Concert Riddled With Empty Seats! Front-Center (girl) Oshima says "We've got a long way to go.."

2010年07月03日15時02分 / 提供:スポーツ報知


Los Angeles, July 1st (July 2nd in Japan). Idol group "AKB48" was invited to an anime convention, Anime Expo 2010, going to their 5th live concert abroad.

The Nokia Theater is able to accomidate approximately 7000 people, however only approximately 3000 fans attended.


In Japan, large, their live concert tickets are sold out the same day, but overseas, the harsh reality was evident.

The AKB members felt vexed again thinking back to the feelings they had, "Someday, we want to fill up all these seats!"

Their last song was "hikoukikumo".

Oshima Yuko (21) ran up the to the very front edge of the stage swinging her towel in hand with all her might.

Because there were only people sitting, I thought of livening them up by pumping up my appeal/with as much energy as I could muster (?? shimakurimashita? difficult to translate...).

It's been a long time since I had felt this way (to need to do this), so I was happy.
(In Japan, fans need no prompting, so it can be a bit 'dull' not having to do anything to liven up a crowd.)

We thought, "We've still got a long way to go. Really was a great incentive/motivation/stimulus (for us to try harder)."

For AKB48, this was their 5th overseas peformance following performances in Beijing, Paris, New York, and Cannes.

While they're at the height of popularity in Japan, their recognition abroad still has a ways to go.

The performance was at the Nokia Theater in Downtown Los Angeles.

昨年、米歌手マイケル・ジャクソンさん(享年50歳)のドキュメント映画「THIS IS IT」のワールドプレミアも行われた名門ホールだ。
Last year, the world premiere of the documentary movie, This is It, of American singer, Michael Jackson (50) was also held at this prestigeous hall.


Last year's Paris and New York performances were almost fully packed (full concerts/full house), but in sharp contrast to the 7000 person capacity (of Nokia Theater), today's concert (in LA) had only 3000 fans (show up).

The stark reality was right in front of their eyes, and memories of days past from their first performance in December 2005, when they embarked on their careers with only 7 fans (in appearance), entered/crossed their (AKB's) minds.

Takahashi Minami (19) said "Knowing the vexing feeling from back then well, I had the same feeling of wanting to pack/fill those (empty) seats!", something she had aimed for.

Still/nevertheless, on this day before the Opening Ceremony, they were showered with the most cheering while walking the red carpet, more so than that given to the other anime voice actors and creators present.

During the live concert, everyone introduced themselves using English.

Among the 15 songs performed, Oogoe Diamond was one of two performed in English.

Nowadays, Maeda (18), who has begun studying English language one-on-one with a a visiting instructor, said "The language barrier is really big/great/large, I think. I'll need to study more. First, words...(I'll have to learn more words/vocabulary, first.)"

After being picked as the #1 AKB48 girl in June's AKB48's General Election, the top/center/#1 Oshima said/mentioned in harsh words "Everyone's concentration level hasn't been enough, I think. Everyone needs to train more than usual/harder/more."

After the live concert took place, those involved with the concert got together to wind up the trip with a celebration. (ie. get together for a meal, talk, group celebration amongst themselves, their staff and managers)

Akimoto Sayaka (21) concluded by saying, "Today is similar to what I remember the early days of our own AKB48 Theater (in Tokyo) was like. From now on, I want to try our best to become 'idols even abroad'."
« Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 03:36:19 AM by bloggingpig »

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lol werd u were pretty dorky Data :P but MAD PROPS for hollering at ten and the interview was awesome, love to see HiPstaz live in action. CKD all jizzing his pants haha with LOADS of autographs, dude got me jealous! :P

Hilarious report tenman!! Those security were so badass looking. 8) but DAMN! Loved the interactions with GODDESS SAYAKA WOW! Baller shit!

Did y'all meet Kim Groomes? She's the director something public relations at SPJA Smoking!

Offline boykun

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tenkei had a good talk with her about what press can and can't do at the AKB48 concert, lol.

Also thanks for the translations. I was talking to a friend of a friend, Japanese dude, and he was saying that AKB48 was kind of disappointed by the number of attendees at their concert. I was kind of surprised to see so many empty seats when I was at the back recording video.

Speaking of video I've posted a few that I took and edited. Check the news forum/page if you haven't yet.

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yeah i met kim grooms a couple of times at the con lol. she WAS quite smokin. talked to her at the concert mostly about press shit, she was pretty cool i guess lol

facebook | signatures by boykun. ava by rei-chan. | basugasubakuhatsu

Offline cool_kickin_dude

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if you can look real closely guys, you'll see my big head next to the girl with a gold "C" as a weapon :thumbsup

Offline Datalanche

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I'm in the first one. :lol: And I think ckd is literally right in front of me.

Better quality torrent.

Offline cool_kickin_dude

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^ really? where? I wanna see! :w00t:

btw, anybody see me in 10k's pic? i'm the one beside the girl with the gold weapon..just part of my head XD

EDIT: check out the first clip around 0:18..I'm on TV!!!
« Last Edit: July 18, 2010, 06:47:28 AM by cool_kickin_dude »

JPHiP Radio (14/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Juice=Juice - KARADA DA KEGA OTONA NI NATTA N JA NAI