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Author Topic: HANGRY & ANGRY Grassroots Pimp / Street Team / Campaign ~Let's BRAINSTORM~  (Read 30780 times)

Offline differentstory12

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I have Hangry & Angry shirts but haven’t had the chance to wear them here yet. But I will! It’s just that its so freaking hot here in Miami. I would looove an h&A bag though, I’d use it a lot. I have a key chain too but Im afraid Ill lose it XD I need doubles or something hehe. But Ill definitely wear the shirt!

@writerserenyty, Im a college student taking a summer term. I used to make flyers to sell my textbooks before and usually put them up in bulletin boards or anywhere I think people will see it in campus, but lately Ive been lazy and just post them up on craigslist lol since craigslist is so much easier XD But if its for h&A…….. what I can do is make h&A flyers and place it there as well. Let me know if you have any ideas on what to put. My PC is currently in a coma though =p so I don’t have my photoshop back yet but I can always download the trial version for now or well…..take my PC to get fixed and get everything back XD Which I will as soon as I get the chance.

Oh, I dont know if this helps or not but for Morning Musume in Paris for example, a lot of people requested them to come to Paris at anime conventions and with video messages, etc.  Helps that they have Nolife TV too.
If you haven’t seen the MM one, here it is:

So if any of you get the chance to attend anime conventions, request for Hangry&Angry just like twissie is planning on doing =D
If you're not shy, maybe make some video request message? XD

« Last Edit: June 25, 2010, 06:54:01 AM by differentstory12 »

Offline Beecubed

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Whenever I mention Hangry and angry to someone, they either lose interest/concentration or laugh. T____T I guess it's not the coolest name, but then you'd think people would like h&A's killer rock looks... but then when I show pics to friends/students whatever, everybody just tells me they look weird or emo >.<

I need to find people on the same wave length... or who like visual kei... lol

But no worries, none of that stops me. I have a h&A poster on my front door, and that's something 30+ students a week walk past.

I wear my h&A t-shirts out to play sport, at home, sometimes to uni. I've been asked about it a few times, though I doubt I've been able to convert anybody (except a few online music buddies).

I guess I'm not doing all that much, but I try.  :P

Offline Mayo

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Ironically, the only pimping I could probably "justify" (because I have no clue where to get the attire. :rofl:) is to get the hAngry & Angry dals, being a collector and all. :lol:

ava by PlusQ (over at mm-bbs); ueda sig by Pinkosa | #1 drifoy, Tanaka Reina, and Murakami Megumi fangirl

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to pimp to japs: just mention it's rika and yossui and they'll be paying attention right away

to pimp to anyone else: drown them with music first, visuals later!

 :otomerika: :yossi:

Offline Kimuuu

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>__>  Ohai.  I just noticed that daigong mentioned me in the JPHiP newsletter. XD

I skimmed through this thread... Great ideas everyone! \:D/

I'm really not sure how much time I can devote to "spearheading" this, but I'll help out however I can.  Here's some thoughts:

The thing is, while trying to convert as many fans where you are is fine, I'm just thinking that still won't give the US fanbase the oomph it needs to bring h&A back to the states.  I feel that US h&A fans are spread thin across the country.  There needs to be at least a central, strong fanbase in the states on which h&A can consistently rely for a good concert turnout.

How do we build this fanbase?  We have to figure out which target markets to focus our efforts. 

Japanophiles?  J-fashion fans?  Pop fans?  Rock fans?  Asians?  The lesbian community?  ^_^;;  Which of these groups would pay to see h&A? (and who has the most disposable income? :ph43r:

Off the top of my head, some angles to use to market h&A to these different target markets:
Japanophiles, Asians, anime fans - use the hangry and angry cartoon mascots to pull people in.  I personally thought Gashicon's characters are strange and fascinating to begin with... why not go with it?  Go guerrilla and spread h&A comics around in postcard or sticker format.  Include a URL for a site (a US h&A fansite?) that will give curious visitors more info about the homicidal kitties and and then introduce them to h&A, the band. 
Places to distribute promo materials: all relevant conventions (anime, gaming, cosplay), Japanese or other international festivals, Asian gift/toy shops you would most likely find in areas with a high concentration of Asians.

Music fans - h&A has a relatively small repertoire, and this might be a bit of a hindrance.  Still, we can still push their popular singles like KMKM and Sadistic Dance.  Try to get your local radio stations to play a single!  Request request request!  Spam their websites! Make them curious enough to look up h&A.  College radio stations might be more easily accessible.  Some bigger stations might have a show that showcases local/indie talent; push h&A onto that show.  Be persistent.  Get a lot of people to help you. 
Places to distribute promo materials: Local college radio stations.  You'll often find them at local street festivals, or at involvement fairs on their own campus.  You can even try local concert venues.  Slap h&A stickers wherever permissible.  Put up h&A comics in the bathroom stalls at the venues! XD

The Lesbian Community - LOL Just a thought. XD  We could push the image of two sexy female Japanese artists who have sapphic tendencies.  :B  Instead of using the cartoon mascots, show off the lovely ladies of h&A.  Sure, it'll be like going the t.A.t.u route, but so what?  It will get attention.
Places to distribute promo materials: lesbian bars/dance clubs, GLBT bookstores/giftshops, GLBT specialty shops, sex shops? (LOL), Pride festivals...

So there you go.  Any feedback is appreciated. :)

Offline daigong

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I'll call you :halo:


INDEED. Youtube can be a good one, like various mixes, there's enough live footage to make OPVs

I'm counting on my boyz to go this Club 2 MAX event with H.Naoto and schmooze with him hehehe.


Yeah. it's tough since H&A is so sexy and the logos are pretty cute XD but I love the effort!! any little bit counts, look at all the new fans we have!


There's Yahoo auctions:

or Hello Store USA:

^ disclaimer: I don't get paid or get commission! or did anyone tell me to do this! XD

No doubt TRU!!

It's usually - WTF GET OUT! That's Ishiyoshi!

Gotta give credit where credit is DUE! Kimmy and u stepped yo GAME UP PLAYA-ETTE!

Music fans, I wondered about it. Like do I have to give the stations a copy of a KMKM CD? I only got two spares left XD The Flyer idea ds12/writer talked about is so dope, like this XD

werd up college stations. There's even a segment on a sports talk radio station I listen to that takes on new musics (like the myspace artist of the day). We'll work on a email / tweet campaign to what dope radio show? Something Ryan Seacrest hosts? XD

The fans of Asian music do listen that's fo sho, look at what tru's radio show has done to spread the love of H&A in jphip alone. :pimp:

werd up, Linna2040 talked about pimping to the Lesbian Community placing an ad in magazines and such, I still think it's a great idea. we can all chip in.

So hmm, materials needed: stickers, flyers fo sho.

* daigong thinks budget

Offline ~Dan~

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Music fans, I wondered about it. Like do I have to give the stations a copy of a KMKM CD?

I've known radio stations to just download stuff from the net from not so legal sources.  As long as the radio station pays the correct monies for each song played I don't think anyone cares where they got the song from.
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interesting that this posts coincides with a reply to a post I made on the Gan-Shin site.   the problem is as far as I can tell, Gan-Shin does the European distro. What we need is to talk to the people selling H&A music in the US. They might have radio version singles they could send to radio stations we identiy as possibly willing to play H&A. (college radio, radio in cities with large Asian populations).. (my family is in radio, so I know a little about it)... Maybe Kue or one of the other German fans could follow up with Gan-Shin for Euro pimping... If anyone is going to LaX and can talk to the HellostoreUSA people, that might be a very productive meeting... I wouldn't give away any spare H&A albums unless someone was seriously going to play it. Radio stations pay license fees to ASCAP and BMI and these guys are serious, so people are cautious. College radio might be exempt or have minimal fees.  I'm willing to chip in some dollars and some time for H&A.. Definitely we need to pimp at anime cons - I wonder if Gan-Shin would send us any of those cool postcard things Europeans use for advertising in bars and stuff.

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Offline writerserenyty

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@writerserenyty, Im a college student taking a summer term. I used to make flyers to sell my textbooks before and usually put them up in bulletin boards or anywhere I think people will see it in campus, but lately Ive been lazy and just post them up on craigslist lol since craigslist is so much easier XD But if its for h&A…….. what I can do is make h&A flyers and place it there as well. Let me know if you have any ideas on what to put. My PC is currently in a coma though =p so I don’t have my photoshop back yet but I can always download the trial version for now or well…..take my PC to get fixed and get everything back XD Which I will as soon as I get the chance.

I might download the trial for Photoshop and see what I can do for it. I'm not the greatest image editor, but I'll see what I can come up with. I know there are bulletin boards that anyone can put stuff on and that everyone sees on their walk around class. Maybe something cool looking with a URL or iTunes mention?

Also, I was looking around my college's radio station and I didn't really see much about requests... I might just try and convince them, but... I'll see.

Offline Rickker708

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I just found out that a local community college (Green River Community) has a show on Sat mornings that centers on J-rock. I found a myspace page and wrote in asking them to play Hangry & Angry. Soon I'm gonna start emailing and looking to see if other schools may have similar programming and spread the word.
Problem is I'm either at work or in bed when the shows on, and the schools signal isn't very strong. I cant even get it on my home stereo or alarm radio and car is sketchy.

Got a reply from the station on myspace
Thank you for the interest in Candydive Pinky Heaven. Unfortunately with the new rules with, we cannot play Hangry & Angry anymore. Before they new rules, they were one of my favorites to play like LM.C and Girugamesh. I am really sorry we cannot play them for you

Read more:
Apparently Japanfiles has something going on to keep music off the radio?  :?
Juast thought of asking the radio station if they can talk to Japan files to bring the girls back to the Seattle area (since thats where the radio station is) to bring their music to the stations listeners and local fans?
« Last Edit: July 10, 2010, 04:20:11 AM by Rickker708 »
Life is one time.

Offline differentstory12

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^ Ooh so they used to play h&A BEFORE the new rules?
Thank you for trying!!!

Juast thought of asking the radio station if they can talk to Japan files to bring the girls back to the Seattle area (since thats where the radio station is) to bring their music to the stations listeners and local fans?
That'd be awesome  :twothumbs
Seattle  :heart:

Around 2 weeks ago I emailed Peter Tatara, the Programming Manager for New York Anime Festival, who is in charge with anything related to guests, screenings, panels, or special events. I emailed him about Hangry & Angry being a possible guest for this year's Festival.

He replied back a few hours after I sent him the email.
His response was:

"Thank you very much for your email.  We’re definitely familiar with Hangry and Angry – as well as h.NAOTO.  We’ve just started announcing our 2010 guests, and I’ll make sure your sentiment and recommendations are heard here."

This was before Puffy AmiYumi was announced. So when they announced Puffy I was like awww why a female duo, whyyyyy lol. If you know what I mean XD
But whatever, still.... have a small hope. So far the musical guests are VAMPS and Puffy AmiYumi. So if anyone wants to suggest for Hangry & Angry, they can leave a comment on their forum under Festival (Although its not very active =/ but Peter Tatara will read your comments there. He said so himself.)


@writerserenyty: That's a great idea =D. I recently got photoshop back so if you need a link to photoshop let me know, also if you need any help with it.
LOL oh Dai XD That 4 guys video made me laugh.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2010, 04:35:35 AM by differentstory12 »

Offline OpsMonkey

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I just found out that a local community college (Green River Community) has a show on Sat mornings that centers on J-rock. I found a myspace page and wrote in asking them to play Hangry & Angry. Soon I'm gonna start emailing and looking to see if other schools may have similar programming and spread the word.
Problem is I'm either at work or in bed when the shows on, and the schools signal isn't very strong. I cant even get it on my home stereo or alarm radio and car is sketchy.

Got a reply from the station on myspace
Thank you for the interest in Candydive Pinky Heaven. Unfortunately with the new rules with, we cannot play Hangry & Angry anymore. Before they new rules, they were one of my favorites to play like LM.C and Girugamesh. I am really sorry we cannot play them for you

Read more:
Apparently Japanfiles has something going on to keep music off the radio?  :?
Juast thought of asking the radio station if they can talk to Japan files to bring the girls back to the Seattle area (since thats where the radio station is) to bring their music to the stations listeners and local fans?

The JapanFiles rule from what I remember is to simply mention them on air if you play an artist on their roster. They also have an exclusion list that unfortunately covers all the popular artists. So that means no airplay for any H!P, Girugamesh, L.MC, etc.

Of course if you didn't buy from JapanFiles then I consider it all fair game. But I could be misled about that so take it as you will.
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Re: HANGRY & ANGRY Grassroots Pimp / Street Team / Campaign ~Let's BRAINSTORM~
« Reply #32 on: October 24, 2010, 11:07:02 AM » way really is through social media at this time. Facebook & Twitter and *cough* myspace. their music videos are on UFA's official youtube too so it's all good.

LOL! Awesome CLAUD! You got ANGRY to go the NYAF THANK YOU :bow: :bow: :bow:

I'm a try to get this thing going again, now that I'm done with TRIPS....i can concentrate solely on my one true love.

And it's not just working hard in America to get H&A to go tour, any place that H&A haven't been to yet - look the fuck out cuz you better be prepared!!

Offline tru_harmony

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Re: HANGRY & ANGRY Grassroots Pimp / Street Team / Campaign ~Let's BRAINSTORM~
« Reply #33 on: October 25, 2010, 09:30:01 AM »
the cosplay scene has been growing a bit here, i think...

 i'mma try to look if there is anyway to exploit that for the ishiyoshi people in here!!!

chances are thin right now but who knows!
 :otomerika: :yossi:


JPHiP Radio (17/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: GHA - Shinkirou Romance