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Author Topic: [NEWS] Rika Ishikawa Guest of Honor at New York Anime Festival (10/08 - 09)  (Read 47342 times)

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Re: [NEWS] Rika Ishikawa Guest of Honor at New York Anime Festival (10/08 - 09)
« Reply #100 on: October 15, 2010, 07:11:17 AM »
Here are some of my Day 2 pics from the fashion show and Rika panel

Offline daigong

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Re: [NEWS] Rika Ishikawa Guest of Honor at New York Anime Festival (10/08 - 09)
« Reply #101 on: October 26, 2010, 11:44:20 AM »
GREAT PIX Jay & Kimmy with the super paparazzi cameras, captured the moment perfectly...didn't have to use my camera much myself, posing for pix like a supermodel haha


CLAUD :heart: :heart: oh man...I screamed MIAMI FOR YA! XD

WHOA Novaforever, GJ with the article! thanks for the Tokyohive shout out! Hope you can do more stories on H&A and SPREAD THE WORD like butta on your breakfast toast :jphip:

kjpop EPIC recap, awesome NO WIG RIKA moment, shit I totally thought y'all were with us after the 2nd autograph sesh XD loving the GLEE gift - wonder what American shows she's watching now?

Falling behind in Da Chuuch...gotta post after much delay....btw

(l to r) kjpop, Alex, daigong, Novaforever

FUCK! it was hard to put the week into words....I'm still overwhelmed we pulled all that shit off in the little amount of time (little over a month) to prepare. RIKA AND SHAQ'S ASS IN ONE WEEK FUCKiNG AMAziNG This JPH!P WORLD TOUR woulda been nothing without the HiPstaz to hang with, so instead of ending the recap with SHOUT OUTS. MAD PROPS! Let's throw em here first!!!

Ping my partner in crime, The Selca Master. SHIT HOMIE we been planning this for so long, thanks for being an awesome guide, going outta your way to pointing out all of NY's Finest views, driving us all around, timely txt's guiding me was too good. Next time gotta get some Chicken N Rice! jaysonnj my other partner in crime in Jersey, fun times and a great tour guide, mad props for helping me save money using transit and the hotel was awesome, I recommend to anyone who goes to NYC Loser87/MoMoSpaceCadet YOU AWESOME....fuck I was looking forward to meeting ya, hope to see you on the Starcraft Channel next year and lmao @ Ping dragging you out and your stack of coins, what a trooper, JPHiP needs you back Hart Long Island represent! Hart was definitely impressed with Rika's Ass Kimuuu my fucking homegirl, way to represent the H&A Movement. Hitomi Heaven Represent! Loved going all over the city with you even though our feet were in pain, we keep on getting into H&A's brains!! Kimuuu's gf I'd write her name, but I can't spell it lol but you so fun, great meeting you! almond FINALLY get to meet you after all these years, squashing all these rumors cuz YO I never avoid cute girls...if our feet were in pain, shit u were in heels most of the time! PROPS  for the funny stories too! kjpop & Novaforever y'all are fucking awesome. I had no idea y'all wrote for TokyoHive and/or allkpop cuz Ping said he knew y'all from Wonder Girls Spectacle, I'm just humbled y'all visit jphip and REP JPHiP SO HARD!!! esp. kjpop YOU SHIZZLIN, mad props for speaking and connecting with RIKA let it be known you are the first Chuuch of Charmy regular [POST R.I.V.E. lulz] that I've ever met in person...wish we coulda talked over Mai Thais, waitress top it off...NEXT TIME! WE FUCKING PARTY HARD ON THE H&A TOUR Alex, Kevin y'all be cool too, fuck the Ravens tho! Joe BIRD IS THE WORD! lol still had cans of Natty Light left Ramos my man from Philly, fucking we three time vets, here's to more! Rina the Robot FUCK! Wish we hung out more but at least got a hug <3 enigMatt the man with the epic camera, shit you shoulda been with us at the NYAF. Rika deserves the HQ Treatment but mad props for Son Dambi ass Linna2040 AGAIN always there at these events, you've been batting 100 the whole time, too bad work got in the way but thanks for ur deadpan takes.

To our fellow Japanese fans, we at :hipheart: again say

(in the main pic - l to r: GOLEM, Yasu, hisshiy, Pori, GASHICON, Hart, almond, Me, Kimuuu)

Golem, Yasu, hisshiy, Pori, Sumiko and her mom, and Tomochan 梨華ちゃん最高!We are united for our love of ISHIYOSHI!! We hope to meet more great Japanese fans in the future like y'all!! I love your humble nature (the whole "YOU are the #1 Rika Fan" "No...YOU ARE!" cracked me up), thanks for the kindness, JPHiP loves you all. HOPE TO SEE YOU AND MANY MORE in 2011 H&A WORLD TOUR! esp. Mae-chan

And to all the HiPstaz who followed the adventures in da CHUUUUCH and on twitter/facebook - tru_harmony, Beecubed, lilcazza, diav, youjok, happycharmy, Jeshu, lady, shirenu, Masa, icey, tama and all...someday... I KNOW IT'LL HAPPEN (just like it took me fucking FIVE YEARS to hang with Masa and, here's to next time it'll be sooner) but yeah...I always KEEP POSITIVE that we will be GOING CRAZY TOGETHER over Rika, hANGRY & ANGRY ISHIYOSHI 4 LIFE!! :jphip: Like my boy KT says, you just got set out a plan and make it happen.

Last but not least, on behalf of, daigong would wish to thank MISS ISHIKAWA RIKA YOU ARE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!


:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

To the UFA Management & Staff, MS. GASHICON, the NYAF staff, big thank you for making this all happen.

If I forgot anyone, FUCK ME. MY BAD. ITS 3AM. JPHiP in my heart :jphip:

ON TO THE NEXT ONE....cuz I was almost finished writing a MIND BLASTED recap and article for JPHiP NEWS, even transcribing and writing details of the Q&A but my laptop got the blue screen then froze up :tama-mad: so had to redo it. Then youtube wiped out all my videos LOL so I reupped em, edited the posts...made a new channel, strictly for our H&A stalking footage!

Here we are at the FIT after the First Autograph Session:

and the AMAZING Gashicon just drawing an ANGRY character on the spot, for Sumiko's card:

AIN'T NOTHING STOPPING ME FROM TEXTUALLY JIZZING ALL OVER THIS THREAD!! WHAT AN XXXPERIENCE WITH RIKA!! Gotta finish this, gotta catch up with all the Rika Happenings, big thank you to all who update Da Chuuuch! (youjok, 謝謝您) :rikabunny

The next projects will be in...


Just a speculation thread! Just a preparation thread! GET THE WORD OUT kinda thread! Thanks to all the fan reactions keep it up!!! The more crazy we get the better!! Fuck lurking already...(unless you have school :P) that's like virtually sitting on your hands and doing NOTHING. FUCKING STAND UP!! I NEEDS YA!

Personally, I wish there were EVEN MORE FANS like in Thailand when Yossi was overwhelmed...those who were there in NYC did their job and showed Rika our :rockon: so I love y'all for repping....but middle finger in the air, life can be so ridiculous, so my job is never complete...we must get the word out. we must save our moneys for THE NEXT ONE.


Now that all these concerts, conventions, and JPH!P WORLD TOURS gonna take a break for a while (unless KT and JFC decided to come visit me for Grey Cup next month xD) I can at least concentrate on this.

Like Yaz said, I can't do this alone - and we are the BASE of THE MOST HARDCORE Rika Ishikawa, IshiYoshi, hANGRY & ANGRY fans. I put my balls on the line because I see every single day with my own eyes the amazing shit we do and WE CAN DO. BRING H&A / ISHIYOSHI / RIKA / YOSSI / H!P back overseas close to your area! SUPPORT!!! BUY!! TALK!! TWEET!! ETC.


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Re: [NEWS] Rika Ishikawa Guest of Honor at New York Anime Festival (10/08 - 09)
« Reply #102 on: October 28, 2010, 11:26:46 AM »
snipped out of my recap from the HiP Joint's JPH!P WORLD TOUR THREAD... plus additional photographs & commentary (in video/audio lol) by jaysonnj, Ping, kjpop, Kimuuu, HartAKL85 for :hipheart: Productions

Day 2 | Friday (2010.10.08)

Met up with Linna2040, who had to crash cuz she was in a hostel. Texted Mae and she was like sorry didn't contact u so busy, "send me joyous Otaku's photos orz only Rika chan can heal my tiresome days.. Lol" ;______; my Rika homegirl!! :heart: The MISSION was set - be her and all of Chuuch of Charmy's EYES & EARS for NYAF and bring back more awesome RIKA memories!!! So met up with Jaysonnj for breakfast and headed to the city for some New York Comic Con / Anime Festival!! Got our passes and it was like noon with like zero line so there was plenty of time to kill. Dropped off a stack of  business cards at the Press Office and just walked around and around. Went to the h.NAOTO booth and DAMN! shit was plentiful yet mad expensive. Lots of accessories and familiar H&A plushies too. Only hANGRY mascot was there and I groped him/her and was like "Who are you man??" The girl there said ANGRY mascot went for a break XD Checked out the Kinokuniya booth and FUCK. The "Bento" box was just the lunch box deluxe CD/DVD plus a bunch of other stuff you see at Funny to see just across from it a pile of AKB48 books.

Ran into the Japanese fans again! Big hug for Tomo The Translator! Golem! Sumiko and Mom! There was new dudes "The Oldest Rika Fan Ever" hisshiy and a younger dude Yasu, who knew of JPHiP and Masashi-kun :jphip: Good times! and later a big dude Pori, whom I think I saw in Finland. Got em all to sign the pop up card. Met up with Ping down at the Press place and found MoMo too. Chilled around until we went to check walk around some more until it was time for AUTOGRAPHS

Got there like an hour before and YO! met up Japanese fans again and my boy Hart! Then BEFORE YOU KNEW IT Jay was like "It's RIKA!" surely right behind us THE GODDESS HERSELF strolls in with entourage to check out the autograph area - place was super cramped - and we could not fucking believe GOD had arrived and and we're all going fucking crazy, fumbling for our cameras to capture the moment. I got like right front and centre within inches of RIKA and noticed a bunch of crazed fangirls beside me and WOOOO I KNEW it had to be kjpop (whom totally squeezed her head) and NovaForever!! Then like a breeze, they went the opposite way and FUCK me and Hart went after em, this man kept turning around and we were like OH SHIT SHIT they spotted us, and we were like weaving through the crowds and down the escalators until fuck we lost em XD


We went back up and met up with the others again. I showed the others the JPH!P Gift Bag and the OMGASS Red Bulls Jersey. Background story was in the AJAX Chat I linked Rika wearing a Redbull T-shirt Yossi got her in Thailand (cuz in Rika's blog, she had been obsessed with drinking Redbull) Ping was like "Hey! We have a New York Red Bulls team for MLS" and I was like THASSRIGHT. Thierry Henry had recently signed up and I was like FUCK LET'S GET HER A CUSTOM JERSEY. Something I wanted to do before for Seattle and Finland but had (a) no budget (b) no time. An MLS Jersey was modestly priced for an authentic looking one. SO BLAM:

We kept on the look out again for Rika to appear, it was even getting late then BAM! she shows up behind us and we failed again XD We learned that they were only going to sign stuff you bought at the Kinokuniya booth so the 24 and Happy PB's and stacks of Rika photos I brought would have to wait for next time ;) FUCK I was both excited and nervous, like only the SEXIEST WOMAN ALIVE could do that to you. I had prepared an Oilers bag filled with goods repping JPHiP's CHUUCH OF CHARMY. Yaz was there to translate, and I told Rika I was at the Seattle event and Yaz said "Oh, she remembers" and I'm like "Gifts for you from overseas fans!" and I began pulling gift after gift from the bag like a maniac as Rika's face was like WHoA~! tru_harmony's Ode to LaLuna CD "Band from Philippines, they open for hangry & angry" Rika kept checkin da goodz, Beecubed's Rika Guide, Rika totally lit up, flipping through the pages and ROFL'd at the eye winking page XD then I slammed her a can of Red Bull and Rika like groan kinda laugh then I laid out the Red Bulls Jersey!! GODDAMN!! I said like "New York Red Bulls...." showing her the front and then "ISHIKAWA!!" and Rika was all like DAMN SON! All the while they were saying buy shit to sign, cash register was at the the left. Rika and the Goods to the right where you enter so man I was completely confused and so I like got the lunch box and my wallet was flying everywhere, oh yeah keep the change....gave the rest of the Oilers bag to Manager (which contained some JPHiP goods) also fumbled out a business card and my hotel key flew out, Yaz had to give it back to me XD


Then jumped into a big group hug with the Japanese fans who were all like FUCK YEAH DAIGONG!! high fiving them all and I just collapsed. ONLY RIKA CAN MAKE DAIGONG WEAK!! <333

LOL aw man, even though the line was short and kjpop and NovaForever went back, I couldn't go back in line after pulling off a stunt like that FUCKING CRAZY so we just basked in her AWESOMENESS from afar...until they wrapped up the autograph session like 30 minutes early WTF so we were all like BYE RIKA!! And me and Hart chased after Rika again, this time not so blatantly close XD AND YEAH SON! kjpop and NovaForever and new friends - Alex, Kevin - right beside us! OH MAN I had to chuckle seeing Rika's Manager carrying the Oilers bag on her shoulder XD and when she got to the escalator THE FUCK WHOA!! RIKA TURNED AROUND AND WAVED AT US AND WE WERE LIKE WE LOVE YOU!!!! BYEEE!

HOLY SHIT...And we haven't even gone on to the MEAT of the New York Anime Festival and we all up in Rika's grill. TOO GOOD. More introductions and greetings from kjpop and crew and we met up with Kimuuu, gf, and almond at the Fashion Institute of Technology Museum (FIT) for their "Japan Fashion Now" exhibit display before it closed at 8 PM. Went throughout New York for blocks and passed by the LEGENDARY Madison Square Garden made it with half an hour to spare! Tomo was already in the lobby "The display is amazing!" And we walked around (No cameras at this point.) checking out dresses from yesteryear and "D'uh the display is downstairs" where the giant hANGRY & ANGRY doors were XD and there we met kjpop and crew were already basking in the glory of hANGRY & ANGRY's dresses. They played the same intro video that was on the Dohhhh Up streaming concert in Japan that tru_harmony went to. A few other GASHICON designed dresses were there among other displays...the others talked about their Japan / H&A Tour experiences but my feet were shot XD

Needed FOOD and we went back upstairs and the Museum closed! lol they kept it open for us so we took a bunch of group photos. Then outside NovaForever was like "Maria says hi" and WTF you know JPHiP Crack Staffer O_Slave! and she called her up and I'm like "WASSSUP SANDO!!!" we parted ways with kjpop n crew and headed to the nearby Bon Chon Chicken. IT WAS WORTH THE WAIT. Holy fuck, the skin was crispy as hell like layers upon layers of skin. Whatever Korean method this was, shit was tasty. We got some spicy thighs and BLAMMO face on fire. Thank Beer.

Good times, walked back to the Port Authority shit talking about Mugen and Kei XD Planning for VEGAS! This was just the beginning. The next day would be MIND BLASTING.

Day 3 | Saturday (2010.10.09)

Got up early..almond had a migraine and Kimuuu's gf foot was hurt :( so me, jaysonnj, Kimuuu, and Linna2040 headed to the city to meet up with the others. HILARIOUS while waiting for Jay at the bank machine, this black guy working was like "Hey! like your shirt, I'm like part Filipino" to Kim's "I eat adobo!" shirt so that was XD strolling to the crowd who had already formed! My man HART! kjpop and NovaForever in the front REPPING! and Japanese friends too wowweewow Sumiko was head to toe in ANGRY gear so fucking awesome! We learned that YES you could bring cameras in so FUCK ME that really threw us off, the whole atmosphere was really relaxed and fancams for ALL!

Doors open and we all rushed to the front for the Fashion Show. There was a screen with random models auditioning for the fashion show and maybe some H&A videos, I forget...when out came the H&A mascots bouncing around and the models came out to work the catwalk...pretty good, some were cute but the same tune Brit pop tune kept playing for the next 20 minutes XD and as they all came back out and did their final turn and applause YOU JUST KNEW....AND SHIT out came Rika aka ANGRY working the catwalk like THE SEXY QUEEN she the sleeveless outfit reminiscent of the 2008 Sadistic Dance promos and she walked right down towards GOLEM oh man dude had the best seat in the HOUSE XD

SHAKING DAT ASS WITH SO MUCH SWAGGA!!! And like a pro! Rika gave it up to the models, and out came GASHICON to do her turn and everyone went nuts while Rika applauded. ANGELIA blasted from the speakers as Rika and the models went back in and it was time for the GASHICON Q&A

GASHICON @ NYAF Q&A 2010-10-09 - AUDIO

We got a background story - that they were at the Tea Party at the FIT earlier this week. lol that I didn't even know, H&A characters were made from recylced parts. Yaz held the floor with the questions and basic introduction.

We were reminded of the exhibit is FREE The Museum at FIT, Seventh Ave at 27th St (212-217-4558, Fri Sept 17, 2010 – Jan 8, 2011 - telling us about the 'Tea Party' panel they had at FIT, and what a fashion icon GASHICON is in the Japanese fashion industry.

Yaz: "What did you eat in the past few days?"
GASHICON (laughs) "Hamburger"

Y: "Impressions of New York?"
GASHICON: "The city is so cool, way too cool. So much fun and so many booths, I really want to go and SHOP!"

Y: "Ask her about her fashion? Are you familiar with the hANGRY & ANGRY Fashion!" WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
GASHICON explained that the hANGRY & ANGRY Brand is under H.NAOTO brand. They are based on the character and story first, then manga, then they became fashion. The story behind hANGRY & ANGRY is the two dolls were thrown away, then the professor picked up the dolls and revived hANGRY & ANGRY dolls. The fashion is based on the story, putting all the different used clothing together to make new fashion. The theme is ECO. Don't throw away any old clothes, they will be reborn into new, hANGRY & ANGRY clothes.

Throwing questions out to the audience!

Q: "How would someone from North America be able to work for H.NAOTO and H&A?"
GASHICON: (laughs) "Well first you will have to understand what's behind the scenes of H.NAOTO and the fashion H&A first, then you have better understanding about the brand then maybe we have something else more your character, keep sending resume, keep working at what you do."

And we learned she was at the booth all day, all weekend and we could chat with her, questions! AWESOME

Q: "So I wanted to know how the H&A illustrations become a part of H.NAOTO, were you working with them before or were you just an illustrator?"
GASHICON: "Once they have a character brand under H.NAOTO, that's how the H&A brand start, then they started the illustration of the character H&A, that's how it forms."

... then later this fashion dude came and helped with the mic and translations too.

Q: "Do you think you'll ever set up shop in NYC?
GASHICON: "If I ever have a chance I'd like to open up a shop, definitely, are you gonna shop?" WOOOOOOOO! we reply.

Q: "What are you personal feelings now that they have become a musical character because of the  MM becoming the H&A characters in person?"
GASHICON: "H.NAOTO deep communicated with music, I'm very happy to collaborate with the music fashion."

Q: "I wonder if Gashicon designs the fashion for the music videos, pick out them herself for hANGRY & ANGRY? Does she dress them up?"
GASHICON explained that H.NAOTO is coordinating and design their costume, the basic outfit is designed by GASHICON. H.NAOTO and those two girls from Hello! Project, we call them H&A Future, there are different brands. Costumes designed by H.NAOTO, character designed by GASHICON.

No questions WE SUCK! XD

Y: "What she is expressing through her brand and design?"
GASHICON: "H&A has very strong message as your see, the re-stitched to remake new born clothing, the concept. The new concept is MONSTER image, more kinda scary stuff. The new one H&A reborn new Fall Collection, so you see a lot of stuff in the Future."

It was getting kinda quiet so to liven shit up, they called on a special guest......"I'd like to welcome her!!" HOLY SHIT!!!!! "I hear RIKA SHE'S NOT HERE" ANGRY!!! HOLY SHIT OUT COMES RIKA so cute waves (in english): "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii!"

Y: "How did you enjoy the fashion show?
Rika: "So fashion show the last time I was at a fashion show was two years ago when I was invited by H.NAOTO and this time I was a guest of the fashion show, and it felt so great being out there."

Y: "So Gashicon, how did u feel, to welcome her a part of the fashion show: the first time inviting her."
GASHICON: "I was really happy to be able to invite her here."

Rika looks at Gashicon (in english): "Thank you."
GASHICON: "She was so cute walking up there on stage, I couldn't help but go 'Awww' backstage."

Y: "You heard the H&A Music along with the Fashion Show, how did u feel about it?"
Rika: "I was really happy to hear my music out there, listening to it, made me so excited, so energetic to go out there, even before the show started."

Y: "Is there a difference between performance and walking on the catwalk?"
Rika: "It's totally different. Walking up there on (Rika repeats in english) catwalk? CAT-A-WALK. walking up there, it's kinda embarrassing...."

and we all AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW'd KAWAII. This is a RARE OPPORTUNITY together on the same stage! QUESTIONS!!

GO KIMMMY!! "What's your inspiration for creating your designs?"
Gashicon gestures Rika to get up to do a FASHION CHECK! "So ANGRY is a GOTHIC LOLITA TYPE Character" and Rika, like a pro has her mic ready to comment too "kawaii" she adds...then Rika does a POSE like FUCK YEAH! sticking her arms out, Randy Orton-ish, "Black is a very strong image color for ANGRY, but another is blue so you know you're really far away....but the blue you see here is actually silhouette shadow art with design of characters and scenery and you can see ANGRY over here. Really gorgeous shadow art. And you can see ANGRY in the pendant in the mddle" and like a GOOFBALL does a hilarious pose again and trots back to her seat LMFAO

Q: "If you do manage to finally open a shop here in the US, ANGRY would you and hANGRY want to come and perform for its Grand Opening to celebrate?"
Rika: "I'd be glad to do if you all come out to watch."

WE GO FUCKING NUTS!! and Rika does a :rockon: YEAAAAAAAAAAAH! even GASHICON has to laugh.

HO SHIT...Yaz teases us "well you know they did perfome at Sakura Con in Seattle?" WOOOOOOOOOOOO "and in Europe?" WOOOOOOOOOOOOO "but they have not done one in North America" ...oooh..we GOT INSANNE! DO IT!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! And Rika FIST PUMPS AND WE JUST LOSE OUR BODILY FUNCTIONS HOLY SHIT.

Yaz goes "You're coming right?" and Rika goes (in english) "YES!" then she leaves "THANK YOU!! BYE!" RIKA WAVE!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO...Yaz gushes "Wow such excitement...."

Y: "I'd like to ask her a very unique approach, Fashion Design and Music Together, nobody has ever done anything like this before (oh really?) what is the next phase?"
GASHICON: "H&A are characters born in Japan but they are characters I'd like the entire world to see, in Europe, and in Americas, everywhere. And I think a great way to do that is to come to events like this and meet all of you so I'd like work hard to come to more events like this (giggle)."

Y: "H&A H.NAOTO brand has been visiting so many conventions, I saw many of your...what is the future for those conventions?"
GASHICON: "I will definitely come again!!"


Yaz was so excited that there are US Sizes!! Booth 533 plus sizes for giant boobs and tummy ladies! A Canadian represents LMFAO, "if they open up a shop in NY, they should open up one in Toronto or...Edmonton." XD She told him "I can't do this by're gonna have to change from head to toe into h.NAOTO and dress like the fashion designer guy." SO FUN. Very entertaining panel even though we were obviously fashion noobs.

GASHICON MESSAGE: "Everyone Thank You for Coming Today! SEE YOU AT THE BOOTH!!"

GASHICON was so CUTE. WE GO NUTS as she leaves!! Really informative panel, and looking forward to future hANGRY & ANGRY shops opening up overseas! And the WEBSTORE opening soon!

We had a little time to kill before the ULTIMATE Rika Q&A OMGASS at a nearby stage, there was this Maid Cafe dance contest or whatever blasting SNSD? Wonder Girls? LOL KPop taking over! GASHICON was outside and drew ON THE SPOT this ANGRY character on cardboard for Sumiko and got us all to sign it. There we met up with Ramos from Philly, whom we met at Sakura Con and also AX so it was fucking a no brainer to come down for RIKA.

Doors opened up quick and I ran off for a quick piss, came back and they were taking group photos! AND WHOA!! There was Rina the Robot at the front for a brilliant hug and in a flash she vanished. Ah well, chalk up another HiPster met :P

Yaz came out and shit was ON. HERE SHE IS ANGRY! Rika came in the doors behind us and WE WENT FUCKING APESHIT!!

AGAIN we're allowed to record videos and take photos, threw me off....even though I had a ton of questions, had to film RIKA in all her glory!! The video I recorded somehow split into two files but it's 100% RIKACAM!!

Q&A Part 1 (click twice to watch)
Rika Ishikawa Q&A NYAF 2010-10-09 - AUDIO

Rika: "Hi Everyone!" (as she smiles and waves as we go HIiiiiiiiiiiii)

Yaz: "I believe this is your first time in New York"
Rika: "Yes! This is my first trip to New York!"

Y: "What did you do in New York?"
Rika: "Unfortunately, I haven't had time to walk around yet and really get a feel of the city, but what I can tell you already is that the buildings are so tall!!"

Y: "How many you guys are from New York? Where do you recommend her to go?"
We all shout random shit like: Yankee Stadium! (Rika has this ahh look) Fashion Museum! Times Square! East Village! St. Mark's! Statue of Liberty! Bronx Zoo! Ping's House!

Rika: "I would definitely like to go see the Statue of Liberty."
Y: "Is that New York or New Jersey?" and the crowd yells "New York!" but Ping and Jay no better "It's actually New Jersey" lol
Rika: "They have it in Odaiba, in Tokyo but it is much smaller though."

Yaz pimps the FIT, thanks to them they have the JAPAN FASHION NOW unbelievable, really many of you went there? and we all raise our hands!

Rika: (shocked look) "WOW! All of you already went! Well I just went yesterday (as Rika points to a  screen to her left) and there was an image of me as big as the screen over there so I had to take many pictures of that!!"

Yaz jokes "And please do not kiss or hug on the wall!" I DID! XD "..since last year, hANGRY & ANGRY really trying to collaborate with fashion characters and music together, really awesome and you can see the H&A video inside the museum...really nice thing to see!"

Rika: (the Pimp Queen that she is SELLS IT) "Yes, definitely for those of you who have not had the opportunity, please do and please enjoy!" (as Rika observes her mic xD)

Yaz asks her that she is on the banners and all over the wall, on display as a model, her thoughts?
Rika: "Honestly, I never imagined that in such a big city like in New York there would be such a big me as well, I'm really surprised. The only thing I'm sad about is that hANGRY couldn't come with me."

Y: "So I know she has been all over the place, United States, Europe, Asia, where is the favorite place?"
Rika: "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! (as she does her hands to the side of her head stumped pose) America (asked where in America by the translator) Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! (again the stumped pose, even Yaz teases her and Rika laughs xD, Rika counting cities off her hand) Los Angeles, Seattle, San Francisco, Las Vegas....of course New York. (in english) New York Number 1!"

Y: "How many of you saw her performance in Seattle? (WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!) So what is the difference between regular audiences, is this regular or irregular?"
Rika: "I actually can feel all your eyes on me (she does a sheepish laugh) whereas during the performance the lights are darkened, so it's not as obvious."

Y: "I'd like to ask her about the Future plans?! everyone looking forward to seeing..."
Rika: "Since as hANGRY & ANGRY we've already toured Japan and Europe successfully I think the next step really would be to do an All American Tour"

And WE JUST GO FUCKING INSANE!!! WOOOOOO as Rika double pumps her fists with us LMFAO. Then Yaz interrupts "...before, ask her to come to do this, how many of you guys come to the show everywhere!!" Weak Wooo's as we confused, like if we went to all their shows or will go to all their shows. "The whole tour?" "YES! HARDCORE! ROAD TRIP!! TAKE OUT A LOAN!!"

Rika: (shocked) "You really have gone to each of [my] appearances?" Us...uhhh. kjpop "huh wait me? I wish!"

Rika: "Well, if there is an American Tour, are you going to come?" YEAH WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO we reply.

Y: "And I saw at the Anime Conventions, I saw lots of fashionable people, the cosplay people, I'd like to ask her impressions of them."
Rika: "Well I know that first of all, the first time that I went to Sakura Con in Seattle, I was absolutely amazed to see so many people, either cosplaying anime characters or also when we did our live concert dressed, as today, either as hANGRY or ANGRY and I you know, I remember talking to hANGRY how surprised I was about that."

Y: "I see the two girls dressed as H&A Cosplay. You got inspired by them?" as the girls acknowledge
Rika: "THANK YOU!" (LOL more KAWAIIII chants as she takes a drink of water)

Y: "I know people know she transforms her character from Rika Ishikawa to ANGRY. How did she change her character."
Rika: "It's kind of a tricky question, but honestly, once I put the make up on and wear the clothes, I somehow automatically slip into ANGRY's personality, I admit I kinda get confused which one I am"

Y: "Also, I heard that ANGRY's character is violent, when she gets hungry and ANGRY gets angry, so is this the same way as real life?" [NOTE: this is the same joke Yossi/hANGRY used at Sakura Con 2009 in Seattle]
Rika: (giggles then serious, in english) "Yes.." (in Japanese) "...but don't worry I just ate lunch so you don't have to worry about me becoming angry." (I'm like aww and does a swaggalicious THUMBS UP to us!)

Yaz says she's cute and Rika busts out the CLASSIC "Yeayeayeayeayeayea" and in true fanboy form we all repeat "Yeayeayea" WOO!! EPIC!!

Rika: (does a :3) "I really can't show that, not here" lol and I go PLEASE! and she shakes her head, in english: "Noooooooooooooooooooo." (then laughs)

Y: "You gonna be in New York for a couple of days, what do you plan to do in New York?"
Rika: "Shopping, of course I wanna go around and see things but I have to buy gifts for family and friends back home, some Yankees stickers, I want to go see the Statue of Liberty and that tall building (she does this triangular shape with her arms...then a "OH THAT'S RIGHT" kinda gesture) the Empire State Building"

Y: "Do you feel any really big difference and other cities or any audience and other cities between New York?"
Rika: "One particular memory already, yesterday when I was walking around in my ANGRY outfit I was passing over the subway grates and suddenly there was a gust of air, reminded me of the scene Marilyn Monroe has (she does the classic soundbite WAOOOOWW!) and that doesn't happen in Japan because they didn't have the grates. 'Oh! I really am in New York now!'"

Yaz does one more Kawaii and throws it to the audience!

kjpop gets up first "I just wanna say, on behalf of everyone here, how much we love you" FUCK YEAH REPPIN Rika goes "I love you too" and kjpop busts into the Human Heart FUCKING CUTE KAWAII "My question is what do you think of the fans in the States so far?"
Rika: "You guys are so passionate! You guys are hot!"

Q: "First off, we all missed you very much last year in LA. Last year you couldn't make it and hANGRY could, this year it's the opposite. If you guys come through for a US tour, if it's possible could you try to stop through Salt Lake City (we laugh at the guy lol)... my friends little sister is 10 years old and she missed you...(awww).."
Rika: (in english) "Yeah!" (the translator "We'll definitely try!")

Q: "I was wondering which music video was hard to film, Kiss ME Kill ME or Sadistic Dance video?"
Rika: (again with the stumped hands to head pose xD) "I have to say the hardest to film was Kill Me Kiss Me because it was the first time I had to play the guitar."
Yaz asks us which video we liked better and we go BOTH!!! (it's very different vibe) We like BOTH!! (as long as they are there) Rika goes (in english) "ME TOO!"

Q: "Which song on Sadistic dance was your favorite to record?"
Rika: "Ahhhh....(as wipes her chin) Sadistic Dance of course, because, honestly singing it live is so enjoyable!"

Yaz asks us which is our favorite and we shout MR MONKEY LADY MADONNA ANGELA and then we go THE PEACE!! and Rika gets this shocked :O look XD

Q: "If you were to go to a Festival as an attendee instead of guest, who would you cosplay as?"
Rika: (gasps and crosses arms to think) "Sailor Moon... (and laughs embarrassingly as the crowd cheers) ..only because I kinda grew up with Sailor Moon but my favorite character is not Moon but Sailor Mercury." OHHHH THE REVELATION

Q: "I love you Morning Musume and Shuffle Groups, what is your favorite Shuffle Group that you were in?"
Rika: (with no hesitation) "Shuffle? (and she does the finger in a circle) 3 Nin Matsuri (and does the CHU POSE OMGASS DYING as crowd ASSPLODES) Chu! Natsu Party"

Next question..KIMMY BUSTS OUT THE YEAH FUCK QUESTION: "Do you have any plans on doing a Hangry & ANGRY photobook?"
Rika: (crosses arms and does a FUCK YEAH look) "Oooh, that's a great idea and we'll have to think about it. I'll have to discuss with Yossi..uh (hand on face) ah WHOOPS I mean hANGRY."(LOL!! as Rika face palms in embarrassment)

Q: "You and Yossi, hANGRY and ANGRY how did u get together to form this group?"
Rika: "It's FATE!" (the fangirl is entranced by RIKA POWER, Daisuki! and Rika does a hug you pose) "ARIGATO!"

Next question from a girl dressed as Chun Li from Street Fighter, and Rika asks who it was and the girl goes "Do you like it?" and Rika gives her the Thumbs Up and points (in english) "Sexy! Sexy!"

Q: "Do you ever look back at miss your days being part of Hello! Project and Morning Musume?
Rika: "AH! I really love myself and try to support myself and so I always pull out the old DVDs to kinda empower myself and keep me going!"

FUCKING AWESOME ANSWER POSITIVE POWER :bow: :bow: We all go WOOOOOOOOOOO and she looks in our direction and does a fist pump and WE GO FUCKING LOCO CRAZY and Rika just cracks herself up at her POWER!! to get us batshit insane! XD

Q: "First of all thank you so much for coming all the way to New York there is so many of us that have been fans of you for a very long time not all of us get the money or the chance to go to Japan, so thank you so much for coming. Um, in the last year or so Seattle, LA, New York, Europe, it seems to be opening up to the Western World, JPop in do you feel about opening to the west to your music and the reception of it and the future of it?"
Rika: (after getting some consultation from Yaz..) "Well the first time that I found out that our CD was going to be sold outside Japan, I was surprised more than anything else, it wasn't that I was happy, but I was really shocked and since then there has been all sorts of opportunities like being able to do a concert in Seattle or be able to tour Europe, and I have to say it's really amazing and endearing to me that there are fans who support us outside of Japan. And I would like to keep going everywhere, new places, not just places been before but meet new people and keep continue to spread H&A Fashion and music wherever I can."

Y: "How did you guys feel when you hear they release US album and they coming to see you guys?" we respond "Very excited. MIND BLASTED!" she adds "Do you buy American products? Many are Japan products, you are great supporter."

Q&A Part 2, click twice to watch

Q: "I know you have to keep stuff under wraps. Anything you can tell us about the next H&A Album?"
Rika: (LMFAO again fucking with us, in her cute sing song voice) "Ahhh, well I can tell there are lots that hANGRY and I really want to do...but I can't tell you" IS IT A TOP SECRET! a fan yells and Rika nods "Top Secret"

Yaz throws out the question "What do you want them to do?"

Fan: "Me? I just want another album" people scream Movie! "H&A movie where they're killing each other?" jokes Yaz. I yell "IN 3D" and Rika gets wide eyed :O "I have never seen a 3D movie myself...."

Rika: (asks us) "You guys have all seen 3D Movies?" and we like YEEEAAAH
Fan: "Go see one in New York!"
Rika: (with a shocked look) "Ehhhh??? (as she hyperventilates)...I'll have to think about it."

Yaz: "Is there any other musical interests you want to tell her? ...what kind of music expecting on the next album?"

ME: "HiP HoP!! Rap! YO YO CHECK IT OUT YO!!" YAWWWW NovaForever high fives me!! and Rika's like "Yo? Yo? But-but I can't really demonstrate for you cuz hANGRY will probably get mad at me."

Q: "I saw your concert at Sakura Con and it was completely amazing and we were wondering if there were any plans for more concerts, and if you were to choose a future city to come to, what would it be?"
Rika: "Well you know I've already done a European tour, so I'd guess would be America so I guess I would like do it here in New York?" WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo!! we go INSANE!

Y: "How many of you went on the European tour? The European Tour was hot too.." and we WOOOOOOOOOOOOO'd FINLAND!
Rika: "Thank you so much!"

Y: "Would you like to hear about the European experience...European memories?!" YEAAH!!
Rika: "I ate a Germany of course beer and sausage, Helsinki, Finland - um, oh, McDonald's (she laughs hard) In London, I remember eating some Asian cuisine I think it was Chinese food. AH! Fish and Chips!!! Oh I didn't get to eat Indian food when I was there. Of course, in France I had great wine. Yesterday in New York I ate soba, but it was really good. (does the shape with her hand) I just ate a pretzel earlier."

PIZZA! BAGELS! PIZZA BAGELS! PIZZACONE! (Rika laughs hard with Yaz) Yaz asks "Donut is famous in New York?" YEAH!

Rika: (turns the tables to us) "What should I eat in New York?"
kjpop and NovaForever scream "PIZZACONES!! Pizza shaped like a cone! OISHI!"
Rika: (with an amazed look) "OK!!"

We keep yelling: HOT DOGS! CHICKEN AND RICE! Rika goes "I would like to try that and Starbucks Coffee" lol but that's Seattle and she has this whoops "Oh really?" and looks up in the sky XD

Yaz goes back to the European Tour topic, "I thought the tour was really impressive, the audience was so amazing. I would like to ask what was the best memory."
Rika: (begins counting off her hand) "I have to say I really couldn't choose, because in all the four places whether it was Germany, Helsinki, Paris, London, the fans were so amazing, they were SO warm and receptive. They got really excited, so the concerts were so memorable I couldn't really choose."

Yaz mentioned the video before the concert, videos from Rika and Yossi's history, messages from other Hello! Project. Unusual and unique setting for the stage.
Rika: "Well I have to say they were showing a lot of early images of both of us, what was most surprising though, they found other members of groups that we've been with and they recorded their comments and memories and ran that and we totally didn't expect that, we were so surprised. It really is hANGRY & ANGRY now is because of our work we've been doing all along so it was really gratifying and I think the fans really enjoyed it too."

Q: "Will there be a possibility of a concert DVD for hANGRY & ANGRY?"
Rika: (gasps shocked and unsure, in english) "I don't know" (in Japanese) I don't know about a DVD but I can say we definitely filmed scenes backstage, definitely the performances onstage so there is film footage so I would like someday to be able to give something back to all of you."

Yaz mentions that there is footage on myspace and if we knew about it. methinks: LOL NO ONE USES MYSPACE.

Q: "ANGRY character is personal and what is the significance of it...." (I couldn't hear the question properly lol)
Rika: "I have to say the biggest difference after becoming ANGRY is we've been granted opportunity to have more live concerts and I love performing so that's been a great opportunity especially the ability to close the distance between me and my fans, to be able to be close to my fans, have been great. Personally though, becoming ANGRY hasn't really change me in terms of my personality: no."

Q: "What do you find different in the cosplay fandom in the different countries?"
Rika: (hmmm AHHHH...Rika contemplates) "I have to say in terms of Europe, there are a lot of punk girls and possibly gothic girls too, much more than in other places."

Q: "Find any Souvenir for hANGRY?"
Rika: "So when hANGRY recently came to the States, she bought me a T-shirt with the image of Red Bull so I'll probably thinking I'll get her a T-shirt in return."

The Japanese friends already turned around to me, head nodding "daigong" before the translator was even finished. When the translator goes "Red Bull" I shout NEW YORK RED BULLS! SOCCER TEAM!

Rika: "AH! I think actually a fan gave me something from them" and I go WOOOOOOOOOOO!!! and Rika ROFFLEs hard, double face palms as the crew goes DAIGONG!!!! and Rika face palms ONCE more for good measure "Now I remember....ahhhh"

Q: "What's your most funny story or interesting story involve meeting a fan?"
Rika: "Actually just today on my way here, I was kinda half Rika Ishikawa and half ANGRY I was wearing the clothes but I did not have the accessories on yet. And of course I had my natural hair which is brown as opposed to the black hair and I ran into a fan I was like (in exaggerated cute tone) 'Oh dear, might not be good.'" HOLY SHIT! It was the kjpop/Nova moment!

Q: "What's your favorite American artist, do you prefer any particular genre?"
Rika: "I do love American music quite a bit, I do listen quite a lot of it. Lately it's Katy Perry. I wanna become Katy Perry. She's so cute."

A fan shouts "You're cuter" Rika (in english) "THANK YOU!!" another fan "Katy Perry should become you!"...Rika laughs "Oh that would be kinda cool"

Q: "Do you have funny behind the scene stories, backstage stories?"
Rika: "Well hmm, I'll have to think about that because usually backstage sleeping, talking or eating." (Rika laughs)

Q: "I understand that of Ishikawa Rika  is a friend of Ayumi Shibata from Melon Kinenbi, will they ever sing together?"
Rika: "AHHHHHH Shiba-chan We are definitely still friends, and I guess there is still a little part of me that would love to sing with her again someday - but no plans."

Q: "I'm actually curious now, in Japan about American Music in your life, how does Lady Gaga play a part?"
Rika: "She's actually quite a hot topic in Japan, whether it's her fashion or her music (Rika does the "Po Po Po Poker Face") esp. the meat dress that she wore. I do like Lady Gaga, definitely."

Q: "Sorry if I scared you earlier, just want to say I really look up to you and hANGRY...just wanted to know how you expected the fans to receive you and you above expectations"
Rika: "Well, I have to say I didn't anticipate so many people coming to see me so I'm overjoyed, I'm really happy, you definitely have exceeded my expectations."

Y: "You fans are the best! You guys respect the artists, you stop the music YOU THE BEST"  WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Rika applauds!

Rika: "If I have one wish to make of you, if we do manage to have an American Tour, even just a solo concert concert in America, I hope that all you hANGRY & ANGRY fans out in the audience today will tell your friends and spread the word that hANGRY & ANGRY and all come to see concert or concerts!"

Q: "We were at the concert in Seattle, wonderful dreaming The Peace, one of my favorite songs, if you could pick one other H!P song as ANGRY which would you choose?"
Rika before she can answer, the crowd next door gets so loud, she looks to her right and does the ROCK ON pump fist with em "Are we winning?!" AND WE GO FUCKING LOCO PSYCHO CRAZY!! till she cracks up and has to pretend tell us to calm down "Thank You Thank you" says Rika in her english :heart:

Back to the question...Rika cups her hands in her face and thinks hard: "What would YOU like me to sing?" and we scream Shabondama! Do it Now! As For One day! DO ME NOW! Love Machine!

Rika: "I'll definitely think of one for the next panel that I do, I'll take all your requests into consideration and have an answer for next time"

AND BAM she waved bye, even stopped by to play with a baby in the back XD


With a few more hours to spare until the second autograph session, we grabbed some food. Went to the h.NAOTO booth and GASHICON was there! We got autographs and a group pic with the Japanese fans. Saturday's crowd was even crazier, you could barely move.


The second time around, there was quite a bigger line up so GOOD JOB EVERYONE :thumbsup Rika Fan or not, gotta show her MAD LOVE. AGAIN Rika magically appeared cuz could not see a thing with the massive crowds. I like how peeps were giving her gifts too, like this one dude gave her a NY city guide (who I think knew Tomo, he was this Japanese guy - cuz I was like "Dude they cockblocked ya!" when they covered up our viewing from the side to see Rika and he ignored me XD) Got smart this time and just took out my H&A photos I bought last year XD no one was the wiser. almond and Kimmy bought these Rika FC Event photos which were HOT!! and I was like all fumbling and reloading my batteries "daigong so serious!" joked almond. FO SHIZZLE RIKA IS SRS BIDNESS Talked a bit more to Pori who DAMN I remember from Finland and I loved how the Japanese wota were like "You're #1 Rika Wota" no no "You are!" XD So modest! RIKA APPEARED so headed up the JPHiP CREW and went up to Rika and she goes to me "New York Red Bulls" and was all like trying to learn more sports from me! I was like Yeah Baby, check this and gave Rika the card signed by EVERYONE from Finland to NYC and she was like WHOA! look at the lil pics, ROFL'd cuz she recognized GOLEM with me and Masa XD Also packed it with an envelope filled with JPHiP pimp shit: stickers, bidness cards, wu-tang vs snsd pamphlet THE TOTAL JPHiP RIKA x HANGRY ANGRY EXPERIENCE was documented in that pop up card and it was finally delivered!! Again I high fived all the Rika Fanboys like we just won the World SERIES!! Golem showed me his H&A T-shirt signed with something like "ANGRY" and Power Rangers / Toku related. I need to study more Japanese next time or hire a translator. Tomo said she would write something for me, and I thought of something really cheesy like "Rika you're our inspiration blah blah positive role model" but I fell back asleep and DAMN I really wished Mae coulda been here, cuz I had envisioned her going up with me and talking Japanese for me to Rika - NEXT TIME HOMEGIRL!! Got a bunch of items signed as ANGRY, it's all GOOD BABY cuz it was signed by THE GREATNESS OF PERFECTION!! OUR FOUNDER AND INSPIRATION ISHIKAWA RIKA!! :jphip: Props Ping's buddy Joe for helping out! We've gotta think of a contest to give these away to some lucky HiPstaz!

AGAIN the autograph session wrapped up early, like people just stopped coming or they cut it off - I had no idea cuz I was just staring at Rika the whole time. Yeah they said "No pictures" but we got a bit of footage haha. So off Rika went and we waved frantically!! Thanked her for coming and me and Hart chased after her again XD just defying the mad crowd. This time, kjpop and NovaForever weren't with us XD so we managed to catch up with Rika and posse downstairs, they were actually taking photos of the NYAF banners as Rika took off her wrap. Me and Hart stood from afar soaking one last glimpse.

FUCK well we lost everybody, we managed to meet up with Kimuuu and almond, and hang around long enough to say "Fuck that Stan Lee / Yoshiki press conference" cuz the line was ridiculous. jay went for a nap XD Ping went to check this anime chick... so we just went for some eats at the closest diner. Ping and Joe met up with us later and we headed back to the hotel exhausted as FUCK yet to think now, it would be almost exactly 18 months minus a day since I first saw Rika and here we were - all still astounded by such professionalism yet down to earth attitude that is RIKA ISHIKAWA


In order for hANGRY & ANGRY to continue touring across the world - we gotta generate the interest, THE HYPE! Spread the word and tell your friends and family about this awesome duo hANGRY & ANGRY aka Hitomi Yoshizawa and Rika Ishikawa!

Please visit the JAPAN FASHION NOW exhibit at The Museum at FIT, which is FREE: Fri Sept 17, 2010 – Jan 8, 2011. Seventh Ave at 27th St (212-217-4558,

Support hANGRY & ANGRY by buying their CDs and products at and

Get all pimped up for their NEXT CONCERT NEAR YOU with hANGRY & ANGRY Merchandise designed by h.NAOTO's GASHICON: is not affiliated with the above parties :hipheart: FOR THE FANS by THE FANS. HARDCORE. ISHIYOSHI 4 LIFE.

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Re: [NEWS] Rika Ishikawa Guest of Honor at New York Anime Festival (10/08 - 09)
« Reply #103 on: October 29, 2010, 12:45:22 AM »
EPIC REPORT, DAI!  Thank you so much for sharing!! =D

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Re: [NEWS] Rika Ishikawa Guest of Honor at New York Anime Festival (10/08 - 09)
« Reply #105 on: November 01, 2010, 05:48:19 PM »
I   L O V E   Y O U !

Every time we hear back about everything that's happened via fan reports, I can't help but fall just that little bit more in love with her  :k-inlove: (I'm not even sure how that's possible now... xD).
And reading about it probably ain't anywhere as close to the real thing... getting to see her live... I can't even begin to imagine how surreal that must be!!!!!! *sigh*

Thank you to: kjpop (thanks for the wonderful, lengthy report! :D), novaforever, jaysonnj & the rest of you guys for all the videos, pictures and reports...  :bow:
Thank you guys so much!  :love:

And dai, you are such a legend!  :bow: The way you still manage to spill so much love over Rika report after report...  :heart:
Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us here, I HONTO HONTO appreciate all the effort you've put into these reports... I had a blast reading, as usual. Downloaded all the videos and saved all the pictures, I have!  :grin:
Thank you for giving her the guide I made too!!! I'm completely stoked... she responded to it well, at least. Even she finds her fail-winking funny.  :lol:
Oh, and awesome t-shirt!!!!!  :rockon:

One thing I sure noticed...
ANGRY's catwalk =  :inlove:
Wow, for somebody who finds it kind of embarrassing, she can sure strut her stuff. Can't remember the last time ANGRY was so sizzling... hmm... maybe not since Top Secret vid...  :yep:
HAWT!!!!!!!!! And that killer smile... and all the posing and rocking out and everything...  :wub: :wub: :wub:

Her reaction to your 'awwwwwww's after admitting her embarrassment is absolutely DELECTABLE. Is she NOT THE CUTEST THING ON THIS PLANET?! Yep. Her, and her English.  :nya:

And you also gotta love how often she reps her hANGRY too. :otomerika: :yossi: Rika mentioned her a little more than expected...  :twisted:
IshiYoshi still going strong as ever, love it love it love it! Like she said, IshiYoshi/h&A = FATE!  :luvuluvu:
And thank you KIMMY for planting the seed of a h&A photobook into her head! Now let's just wait for it to take root...  wooo! :w00t:

And the Rika Q&A panel... wow. That was so much fun to watch. Rika is no.1 forever. I can't imagine another H!P idol getting up there in that much loveliness and just being so... modest, yet open and friendly and freaking CUTE. She really did seem to respond to you guys, and joined in all the fun and worked everybody up. What a PRO.  :bow:

I'm so happy to hear that she's eager to tour and perform for all her fans... even if it isn't Australia, it doesn't matter, as long as they'll still be doing things.

I'm definitely going to do what I can on this end. Spread the word... because God needs to be heard and appreciated, and we're the disciples to do her bidding and support her wherever she may go...  :grin:


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Re: [NEWS] Rika Ishikawa Guest of Honor at New York Anime Festival (10/08 - 09)
« Reply #106 on: November 02, 2010, 12:23:22 PM »
Time and time again, Rika is the consummate PROFESSIONAL. She is so sincere, taking time to answer your question, yet she gives ample time for EVERYONE. Even if you ask her something that would be like a "Yes. No" she just elaborates to make you feel like you didn't ask a dumb question even though you did XD Oh man, my stupid ones I do recall XD BUT SHE GIVES ME SO MUCH ENERGY!! with every performance and TV appearance and c'mon baby PHOTOBOOK. I know she's gonna deliver just in time for The Struggle XD

BUT SRSLY FANS like YOU Beecubed! give me ENERGY! You done Good!!! The Guide was so last minute but so worth getting a reaction outta her <333 Just keep the faith and she'll be in Australia, I believe it!!  :bow: :bow:

Replying from the "" replies, cuz don't wanna be bumping...:P

YEAH kjpop lol, I wasn't looking at anyone else during the Q&A just Rika so missed u falling over XD or was that somewhere else? :lol:

TRU! DIAV! YOUJOK! CHUUUUCH GOERS! FEELING YOU! Gotta spread the H&A message out there. Gotta get some events happening at The Chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch!! RIKA FANS UNITE! :otomerika:

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Re: [NEWS] Rika Ishikawa Guest of Honor at New York Anime Festival (10/08 - 09)
« Reply #107 on: November 06, 2010, 03:57:46 AM »

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Re: [NEWS] Rika Ishikawa Guest of Honor at New York Anime Festival (10/08 - 09)
« Reply #108 on: November 06, 2010, 07:35:20 AM »
SO CUTE :wriggly: interesting questions! I like the harajuku one. I LOVE how Rika was so embarrassed introducing herself, BUT YAWOO concert come back to the States. It's inevitable.
I really like this translator, very cute :heart: and I finally understood that H&A the Musical Group aka hANGRY & ANGRY future is just a "toned down" version of the H&A brand - cuz it's so violent and cannibalistic (I think that's the word she was trying to get at) - and IshiYoshi's characters are more punkish and cute. And the dude sounded like Ops XD

We should get CAZZA! to be ours when we do the interview with H&A :twisted: :jphip:

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Re: [NEWS] Rika Ishikawa Guest of Honor at New York Anime Festival (10/08 - 09)
« Reply #109 on: November 06, 2010, 12:06:57 PM »
^^ So beautiful :k-inlove:

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Re: [NEWS] Rika Ishikawa Guest of Honor at New York Anime Festival (10/08 - 09)
« Reply #110 on: December 02, 2010, 05:38:10 AM »

Offline diav

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Re: [NEWS] Rika Ishikawa Guest of Honor at New York Anime Festival (10/08 - 09)
« Reply #111 on: December 02, 2010, 06:10:52 AM »
Rika Ishikawa Interview from New York Anime Festival 2010 video
- Rika looked bored when they asked her about her MM graduation.
- I agree with dai, translator is cute.  XD
- I find it so weird how they call Yossy 'Hitomi-san'.  The first thing I always think of when I hear 'Hitomi' is the Escaflowne character. -__- Rika goes from Yoshizawa Hitomi-san to Yoshizawa Hitomi-chan. ;D
- I heard "Hitomi is pankish" and I thought "PANCAKE?!" lmao But she said punkish. :D

Nihon New York - Episode 04.3 - hANGRY&ANGRY: Interview at NY Anime Fest video
- lol h&A destroy the Statue of Liberty.  Totally did not expect that answer.  I was thinking more along the lines of Godzilla-sized h&A characters trashing NYC. :D

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Re: [NEWS] Rika Ishikawa Guest of Honor at New York Anime Festival (10/08 - 09)
« Reply #112 on: December 03, 2010, 08:37:28 AM »
AWESOME! Another interview :D

I like the interviewer's angry shirt hehe...haha yeah, that'd be the perfect plot for the H&A Movie

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