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Author Topic: Pink Vitriol (AtsuMina - COMPLETED) + Sequel - CHAPTER 4 (3/10/2012)  (Read 105768 times)

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Re: [AKB48] Don't forget to remember me
« Reply #80 on: January 20, 2011, 12:57:42 AM »
@ alexiel17: Don't worry about putting my name in the other thread, I knew it was for dark-atrox, that's why I asked about it XD

So, hello everyone! I'm back with a new chapter! I still don't like how I wrote some parts though  :yawn: Maybe I'm just tired. Thank to everyone who read my story!  :bow: I'm mostly writing for you guys so  :grin:

Sorry for the mistakes!

Chapter 12

“I visited Minami today! It was fun! Now I’m practicing for the live concert there will have at the end of the documentary!”

Acchan looked at her cell phone for the fourth time today. The message was from three days ago. Takamina had sent it to her, saying she had visited the south of Osaka, called by the same name as hers, Minami. She had not received another mail since this time. It had been five days since they were gone. They would come back soon, but they would be busy with their live concert, so she knew she wouldn’t see them. She sighed as she realized everything was slowly coming back to usual. The only thing she could hope was that it wouldn’t take another one year to talk to Takamina, like it had been before.

She looked around her. Everyone was walking everywhere, carrying lights and accessories. She heard the voices of some actors practicing a scene. Everyone around her seemed to have something to do while she was in the middle, just waiting for her turn to come. She told herself positives things, knowing that in fact, she was alone. She had friends here, but not like AKB48. She had a manager who once supported her, but she was now at hospital. While someone called her to record a new scene of her drama, she knew she could only count on herself for now.

“Coming!” She said to the producer.

She walked toward the studio. The main actor was waiting for her as well. He was smiling to her.

“I’m glad you have nothing too bad from your accident! Let’s do our best again!”

He seemed so positive and happy that Acchan couldn’t help but smiled back and nodded. But… she knew she couldn’t stay in this situation forever…

Two weeks later

Everything had passed so fast! All the girls were already back from their trip and just finished recording their mini concert which would be on the DVD too. It would be on sale soon. It was no too late, almost eight o’clock, and the No Sleeves girls were going to dinner together. After, they would just hang on together before going to “All Night Nippon”. They were going there to promote their second album and the new “documentary” of all the trips of the girls.

The day after they all came back from their trip, they had had no time to do anything else but work. They had had only one short night of five hours before waking up and beginning to practice for their mini concert. They were as busied as before. After “All Night Nippon”, Takamina, Miichan and Haruna were going to have a short break to sleep, but soon the next morning, they would be recording for another bonus on the DVD.

It was not surprising that Takamina had no time to talk to Acchan or to think about their possible “love” relation. It was even less surprising that she had never think about Hiroko not even once during the past two weeks. And in fact… she had never felt so great! Sure, she was a bit sleepy, but she was used to it, so it didn’t matter. No, what was great was that she was working so hard she had no time to think about her problem! No time to think about all the “what if” of her life! No time to worry about useless things and so on! Maybe she would finally forget everything! That would be so perfect…

“Hey I was wondering… Do you know if Acchan’s manager is better? I haven’t heard anything from both of them since that new project, but maybe you know something… You know, since you’re her best friend. ”

Yeah, well that would be perfect… and a miracle. She was going to kill Miichan to bring that damn subject of her damn life in that damn conversation! But now she needed to play the sweet and innocent girl because she didn’t want to fight with her friends.

“Sorry, I was as busied as you so I had no time to talk about it with her.”

They arrived to the place where they were going to eat.

“But you didn’t call her when you came back?” Haruna asked, drinking some water.

“I was coming back from Osaka, you know? I was tired and we needed to practice the next morning, so no, I didn’t call her. And I had no time to do it because of the work.”

“You have time now.” Miichan said.

“I am eating now.” Takamina mumbled. “And I think she’s recording for the last episode of her drama or something.”

It wasn’t that she didn’t want to talk with Acchan. It was true she had time to call her now, but she didn’t want to talk with her with Miichan and Haruna around her. They would just mess up with everything she would say, trying to find hidden love behind her words. She didn’t act the same when she was with them and when she was alone talking to Acchan… It was different. She showed a part of her personality that she didn’t show to others members when she was only with Acchan… but that point, the others didn’t need to know it.

“Speaking of her drama, did you see the latest episode? I heard it from Tomochin, that guy and Acchan are finally going out.”

“Really?” Haruna asked Miichan.

“Yes, it seems that the best friend of Acchan’s character finally decided to let her go.”

Takamina stared at her two friends, not knowing what to add. She had not pay attention at this drama when she was working, but it seemed that everything she had tried to forget was slowly catching up with her mind…

“Well, that’s great…” Haruna said. “What do you think about it, Takamina?”

The small captain stared at her.

“There’s nothing to think about, it’s a drama anyways.”

“Oh, so if it wasn’t a drama, you would care?” Miichan asked, literally jumping on this new opportunity to talk about Takamina and Acchan relationship.

Since their last meeting with Acchan, in the park with everyone else, Miichan had thought a lot about their relationship. She knew she had a sixth sense about everything about love. So it couldn’t be her fault if Acchan and Takamina were still just friends. It couldn’t be Acchan’s fault either since she was acting so lovely with the small captain… So her conclusion was clear: it was all about Takamina. Yes, to Miichan, Takamina was the only one who was making it impossible. So she had decided to bring that subject every time she could, just to force her friend to admit her feelings toward Acchan. It was her new mission. She would do all she could to put them together.


“So if you were Acchan’s character’s best friend, you would let her go too?”

“Yes, why would I stop her to love someone? I’m not gay anyway.”

Miichan and Haruna glanced at each other. Seeing that “secret” message passing through her friends, Takamina sighed loudly.

“What? Say it now instead of making fun of me.”

“We didn’t mention the “gay” thing, you know. It wasn’t necessary to add it. Now you look even more suspicious than before.” Haruna said.

Takamina didn’t answer. It wasn’t her fault if Hiroko had made her paranoid, right?! Now all she was thinking was “it can’t be true” when she thought about Acchan. And she needed to repeat that she wasn’t gay. It was a death-or-life question. Repeating it helped her to remember that she WASN’T gay. And why were they talking about it? Miichan and Haruna were so cruel. They never talked about it when they were with others girls, but as soon as they were alone, they just needed to bring that subject.

“You look like Nami.” Miichan said after a minute of deep reflection.

“Who?” Takamina asked, wondering what crazy thing could be worst than that.

“Ah, it’s so true! You got a point here, Miichan.” Haruna claimed.

“Nami, you know, that girl you played in Mendol?”

Takamina sighed. Miichan was doing a comparison with her and… a fictional character?

“That girl?!” Takamina exclaimed. “We are not the same at all! And wait, she doesn’t exist! It was a role! It was… a character, know what I mean?”

“Sure, sure…” Miichan mumbled. “You are an idol, you denied that you are gay, you denied that you don’t care about Acchan’s relationship with others… People think you are a guy… I’m sorry, but I can only see resemblances between you and Nami.”

“Then Acchan would be Ray in this case, right?” Haruna added, deciding to play the game too. “See how Mendol finished? It’s going to be the same in real life.”

“How can you compare Acchan and Ray?! First, Ray isn’t real. Second, I am not a guy and third, Acchan is not egoist, stupid, superficial, pretentious and… she’s not like Ray at all!”

“It’s cute the way you protect her.” Haruna said.

“You know, the first step to love is always friendship.” Miichan said.

“Stop it guys! And if we think about “love at first sight” thing, then you’re theory is wrong, Miichan. Can’t we have a normal conversation for once?”

“Love at first sight? Is it how it happened for you?” Haruna smirked.

“I am not in love with anyone!”

“Denying it is the second step.” Miichan added. “Then, it’s…”

“Stop it!”

“The third step is to say “stop it”. Then, it’s confession, then first date, then make out, then marriage, then children, then…”

Takamina was speechless as she heard Miichan doing her list. She didn’t try to stop her though, knowing it was useless. When her list was finally done, Miichan seemed to be tired of everything and just said:

“So if you follow everything, the next step would be… confession!”

“Can’t we talk about something else?” Takamina repeated, trying to save herself.

“Okay, we will wait for “All Night Nippon” then.” Miichan answered, determined to not let Takamina go so easily.

“Forget what I said.”

Takamina couldn’t take the chance to talk about it at the radio… It would kill her… if ever she was still alive.

“Then… You didn’t talk to her for the last two weeks?” Haruna asked.

“Really?” Miichan asked too as Takamina shook her head. “Don’t you want to know if everything is fine? You know… with what I told you about the weird woman’s voice I heard.”

“Everything is fine… Acchan told me nobody told her something like this.” Takamina lied. “And I don’t have enough time to have a long conversation with her… if she didn’t call me, it’s probably just because she’s busied. The only thing I knew is that she began to record for her drama again. I’m sure she’s great… As for her manager… well, I don’t know.”

Miichan sighed. It would not be easy to make Takamina realized her feelings. She would have to be patient. She suddenly turned her head and frowned as she said:

“Look, it’s Acchan! She’s with a guy! They’re laughing! He looks like the main actor of that drama!”

Immediately, without thinking, Takamina turned her head to the direction Miichan was pointing. There was a couple of old people talking and eating happily. They nicely smiled at her when they saw she was looking at them.

“NOT funny!” Takamina said angrily.

“It only proves you want to see her!” Haruna said while Miichan was laughing.

Takamina mumbled something inaudible.

“Ah, come on, call her. We won’t do anything.” Haruna promised.

“There’s no way I’d believe you.”

There was a moment of silence.

“Okay, let’s be serious then.”

Takamina stared at Miichan who just talked in a very serious way. She had no longer a smile in her face and her eyes were looking at her friend, immobile. In fact, Miichan was mad of everything. She would know nothing by talking like this. They would just turn forever around this subject. If she wanted to know something, she needed to act seriously.

“There’s a reason, right?” She asked. “There’s a reason why you don’t want to call her. I mean, you didn’t even send her a mail! It’s not usual.”

Takamina flinched at her serious voice. Miichan was right. Even though their latest conversation went very well… She couldn’t stop thinking about the “love” part. What she had feared the most had joined her: she couldn’t act or think as usual when it was about Acchan. It was killing her, she NEEDED to know how were Acchan feelings.

“So I’m right…” Miichan said as she heard the silence of her friend. “What is it this time?”

Takamina didn’t mention the “this time” in Miichan’s question.

“Come on…” Haruna said with a nice voice too. “We won’t laugh at you now. You know you can talk to us when there’s a problem.”

The third member of NO3B was glad her friends understood her… but really, she couldn’t talk about it, could she? 

“I can’t force you, you know. But you’re the first one who should know you can’t go on this way. Don’t tell me you will avoid Acchan for the rest of your life and we won’t know why!” Miichan said, laughing a little at the end.

“I’m not avoiding anyone since she also didn’t talk to me.” Takamina said slowly.

“I agree with Miichan. I don’t know what’s going on in your mind now… but if we can do anything to help you… We won’t tell Acchan, you know?”

Of course Takamina knew that point! It wasn’t because she was scared they might tell Acchan… it was because she didn’t know herself if she could trust Hiroko and… if she could tell them something so… private. They were close friends sure, but… Oh and anyway if she couldn’t tell Miichan and Haruna, she wouldn’t be able to talk to Acchan ever.


Seeing that Takamina was really going to talk to them, Haruna and Miichan stopped eating, ready to listen.

“I… went to see Hir-Sato-san at the hospital.”

The two others flinched, but didn’t say anything, waiting for Takamina to tell her story.

“I told her to stay alive because Acchan needed her…”

“What? But…” Miichan said as Haruna stopped her with her hand. They must wait to hear all the story before judging.

Takamina knew she couldn’t say the real reason why she came to see her since they didn’t know Hiroko was responsible for Acchan’s pain. It was a secret Acchan had told her and there was no way she was going to betray her.

“I told her about that… we talked together…”

Takamina hesitated to tell them the rest of the story. She hadn’t told them she knew Hiroko and honestly, she had no intentions to. It would create too much drama.

“We talked about the reasons of the accident…”

“What?! She told you-” Miichan started again as Haruna stopped her. What? It wasn’t her fault if she was impatient and curious… and dying to know everything.

“I had her promise she would take care next time… But as I was leaving the room…”

Great, it was now or never. She had resumed everything that had happened, but for this part, she couldn’t just resume and say only a part of the truth. It was all… or nothing.

“She told me… something about Acchan.”

Aw, come on Takamina, you can do it!

“I mean… she told me something about Acchan’s possible feelings.”

Just a little more Takamina and you’re done! Miichan was looking at her seriously. They were talking about Acchan’s manager, so whatever had happened, it must be true. So whatever Takamina was going to tell her, she would believe her and support her. After all, it couldn’t be so horrible, right?

“She told me there was a possibility that…”

She paused. It was NOT a possibility. Hiroko had spoke to her seriously… but in another way, she was half conscious, so maybe she was just crazy. Or maybe Takamina was only trying to find excuse to feel better… Yes… maybe it was just that.

“Okay, in fact, she told me Acchan…may… kind of… possibly… loves me.”

Miichan flinched and almost fell from her chair. She was ready for anything, but something like that! She waited for her friend to say something else, but there was nothing. She didn’t know if she could talk since each time she had said something, Haruna had stopped her. It was only when the tall girl in question hit her slightly that she knew she could speak.

“She… She… I…We… It can… EH?”

Why when it was finally her turn to speak, she couldn’t say anything?!

“Well if you have nothing interesting to say, maybe we should just skip to another subject.” Takamina mumbled, hoping she could just say that to them and stop the conversation here.

“No, I mean… um… are you sure you heard well?”


Miichan was about to cry of happiness. She wasn’t wrong! Her sixth sense still worked!

“So… Do you think she’s right? Oh wait a minute… Acchan’s manager told you that? How come she knows about it and… why would she tell you?”

“I don’t know.” Takamina just answered, hoping Miichan would not insist.

She didn’t.

“So… She’s right?”

“How would I know?!”

Haruna sighed.

“You didn’t see anything different?”

“No… I never stopped looking at her in the park, but everything was usual…”

Miichan slapped the table loudly like if she just had a great revelation, making the others persons looking at them strangely.

“It’s because she loved you since a long time! That’s why you don’t think something is different! It’s because NOTHING is different! She’s the same! She has always loved you!”

Miichan was sure of it… her sixth sense told her that… Her sixth sense told her everything she had thought was right! Great, now she could just say random theories and everything should be true!

“This is the most stupid thing I’ve never heard.” Takamina said, shaking her head. “It’s impossible.”

“No, it’s not! Everything would be so clear now! The reasons why she care so much about you! Oh my god, I knew it!”

Miichan was literally fangirling about her “possible” pairing.

“Wait, if it was true, Acchan would have talked about it, right?” Haruna asked.

Takamina sighed. Maybe it wasn’t a great idea to tell them finally. Now she could definitely say farewell to her peaceful existence… if she ever had one.

“No… Acchan must be scared to death now exactly because we’re talking about Takamina!” Miichan answered with a confident voice. “She must think Takamina would hate her if she told her!”

Takamina blinked. Seeing it like this… it sounded… real.

“Oh, you’re right!” Haruna agreed. “Then… she must suffer…”

Miichan reflected about it a moment. She was so into it! She really wanted to find the answer! She felt like she was in some random shoujo manga she read!

“I think… If her manager were right, then yes, Acchan must suffer about it. I mean, it’s Takamina, you know! It’s not like you and Yuko, you know?”

Haruna blushed a little at Yuko’s name while Takamina just rolled her eyes. Really, everything was just… bullshit. Miichan could play her “I know everything” game as long as she wanted, Takamina would not listen to her anymore.

“If her manager were right, then Acchan would love you, Takamina! And the reason why she doesn’t tell you or change her comportment… is because she is afraid of your reaction! Anybody would after all.”

Miichan never knew how near she was from the truth... Unfortunately for her, Takamina didn’t want to know anything about it.

“Right, right, and if your stupid theory were right, what should I do, then?” She answered, just to play the game.

Miichan smiled and answered:

“You must do the first step! If Acchan is afraid, she must have a great reason… Maybe she doesn’t want to break your friendship! Maybe she fears rejection! Maybe… she isn’t sure about her feelings!”

Takamina froze. The way Miichan talked about it… it didn’t sound like a joke anymore. And with what she had told Acchan about her past, everything would be logic. But then again, it couldn’t be true. Miichan couldn’t be right about it… And if… just for fun, not that she believed her or something… if she just asked more about it…

“Then… what do you mean by “the first step”? I can’t tell her “I love you”, can I? It’d be a lie!”

“No, it wouldn’t be a lie, because I know you feel the same for her!” Miichan said happily. Everything was becoming like she wanted!

“No, I don’t.” Takamina shook her head. “I just don’t know how Acchan felt about… this.”

The small captain was curious… Or at least that was what she was telling herself since she didn’t want to “believe” it.

“Calling her would be a great beginning, right?” Haruna suggested.

Takamina stared at the floor. Didn’t her friends know it was embarrassing?!

“I know it can be a difficult situation for you, but… do it for the TakAcchan sake!” Miichan said, using the coupling nickname from the fans.

“She’s not in AKB anymore…”

“That’s not a problem! She left the group because she had no choice. And you know what? I’m sure she secretly hoped you would do the same!”

Miichan was right... again.

“Sato-san was crazy…” Takamina went again, less convincing than before though.

“Stop with your excuses, you know yourself you’re wrong! You know, Acchan must wait for…”

But Miichan’s umpteenth theory was interrupted by her cell phone.

“Ah, wait a minute, I have a call.” She said as she opened her phone.

Haruna looked over her shoulder and smiled as she said:

“What a great timing, it’s Acchan!”

Takamina stopped breathing.


Acchan was still filming for her drama even though it was late. It was the last episode, finally, and she didn’t have a broken arm anymore. She was waiting for her scene to come. A minute ago, she was talking to the main actor, now she was just half sleeping. Hopefully she had make-up because if not, she would look like a zombie. She was so tired… but she knew she needed to work again.

She took a glass of coffee. Seeing that nothing would happen, she began to think about what she was going to do after her shooting. She had a short contract for a CM and some TV shows, but it would last for only three or four months. She needed to find something else soon if she didn’t want to be at home later. She was patiently waiting for the hospital to call her when Hiroko would get better, but it was long. Last time she had seen her, she had talked to a sleeping person, half conscious. It was last week… Maybe she should go tonight after her job…

She took the newspaper on the table and read the front page. She spotted a little square about her old group and read it.

“Famous idols group AKB48 is going to release their new documentary in less than a month! Until then, we heard that already 60 000 copies of NO3B’s new album were pre-ordering! They are heading for a new group record! If you want to hear more about them, the unit group will be at All Night Nippon tonight. We also remind you that the entire group of AB48 will appear on Music Station in two week! Watch for them!”

“Maybe I should listen to it…” She thought.

It had been a while since she had heard Takamina’s voice and she missed it. She had not talked to her friend for about two weeks… But she couldn’t complain about it since they were both working… It was part of her life now, the fact that they weren’t talking a lot.

When she had learned their return to Tokyo, she had hoped Takamina would call her… but she didn’t. She couldn’t help it… really. She had had doubt… she had told herself “What if I’m not as important to Takamina as she is for me”. But really, maybe she was just paranoid… they had work and all…

“Maeda-san, finally you will start in one hour. We have technical problems with a camera.” A staff member told her as he was passing by.

Great… She had another hour left… All Night Nippon only began in four hours… She had nothing to do. She read the square again… posted something on her blog… and suddenly decided to call Miichan. She didn’t want to talk to Takamina now… but since she wanted to know how she was doing, maybe she could just ask Miichan! It sounded like a great idea.


“Miichan? It’s Acchan!”

She heard some whispers in background, but couldn’t understand what they were talking about.

“Ah, sorry, are you busy?” She asked.

She heard someone screaming at the phone, but then again, it seemed too far from her to understand well. Suddenly, there was a silence and she heard Miichan’s voice.

“Acchan! How are you?”

She sounded… a bit enthusiasm. Maybe a bit too much.

“I’m fine… Are you busy? Do you want me to call back later?”

“No, everything is perfect!”

Acchan frowned. Miichan sounded too happy, it was almost weird. 

“Um… Okay… Then, how are you?”

“I’m fine! And you’re too, right? You’re sure about it? Don’t you miss a certain someone whose name begins with “Taka” and ends with “mina”?”

Acchan heard Haruna’s voice talking to Miichan, but couldn’t understand anything. And didn’t Miichan just say something about her missing Takamina? What was going on?

“What?” She asked.

“Oh, no, forget what I said. So… Everything is fine? How is your manager? Is she better?”

“Ah…” Acchan hesitated a moment before she added: “Well, she’s like before… I’m going to see her tonight if I can… I haven’t seen her since last week.”

“I see… You’re recording now, right?”

“Yes. It’s the end of the drama. What about you, are you alone? I heard NO3B was going to be at All Night Nippon.”

Acchan tried to hear what Miichan was saying to another person. She barely heard the word “talk” and “Acchan”. What did that mean?

“I’m with Takamina and Haruna now. We’re eating before we go to the radio station. Hey, stop hitting me!”

The end of the sentence sounded… weird.

“Do you want to talk to them?” Miichan asked.


But before she could answer, she heard Haruna’s voice telling her:

“Hello Acchan! Say hi to Takamina! She missed you!”

And there was a silence.

“He… Hello?” Takamina asked.

“Takamina?” Acchan laughed. “Is everything fine there? I think Miichan’s crazy.”

“Sorry about that.” Takamina apologized. “She’s not herself tonight. I heard everything was fine? Is it true? I hope you’re not working too hard… Maybe it’s not good for your health.”

Acchan smiled, relieved to see Takamina still cared about her. She wanted to tell her how much she missed her, how much she wanted to see her… but something in her heart stopped her. She couldn’t… just say something like this tonight. She didn’t feel it. She wasn’t as enthusiast as before… She was… almost sad about everything, yet glad to finally hear her friend’s voice.

“Don’t worry, it’s been a while since that accident. I’m alright now…” Acchan said with a soft voice.

She heard a loud sound from the other side and decided to ignore it. Maybe her three old friends were just nervous for the radio record.

“Acchan?” Miichan asked. “Excuse me, but we have to go now…”

Acchan sighed. Already leaving, right? She was meant to be alone now…

“I understand… I should have called another time, I know you’re working…”

“No problem. We are glad to hear about you. And I’m sure you’ll be fine now since Takamina went to talk with Sato-san to tell her to survive and-”

The line suddenly cut, leaving Acchan speechless from what she had just heard.


NO3B point of view

“Hello?” Miichan said, smirking at Takamina.

“Miichan? It’s Acchan!”

“It’s Acchan!” Miichan said to Takamina and Haruna.

Both of them rolled their eyes. She was just repeating herself… with a cruel look.

“Ah, sorry, are you busy?” Acchan asked.

“She asked me if we were busy.” Miichan said, covering the phone with her hand. “Should I say we were busy about talking about her?”

“Don’t even think about doing that.” Takamina mumbled.

“Then should I say we were busy to talk about how much you missed her?” Miichan continued with the same amusing look.

“You…” Takamina growled as Haruna held her back.

Miichan ignored her and answered:

“Acchan! How are you?”

“I’m fine… Are you busy? Do you want me to call back later?”

“No, everything is perfect!”

Miichan looked so happy Takamina would have hit her if Haruna wasn’t on her way. She was afraid Acchan might doubt about something and really, it wasn’t the best time at all.

“Um… Okay… Then, how are you?”

“I’m fine! And you’re too, right? You’re sure about it? Don’t you miss a certain someone whose name begins with “Taka” and ends with “mina”?”

Takamina’s eyes went wide open as she realized what Miichan had said. Miichan had compared her to Nami, right? Well now, Takamina compared her “friend” to the cruel and stupid Hinata of the drama they had recorded. She was definitely an evil.

“Hey, it’s hard enough to hold her, don’t you think you can stop joking like this?” Haruna implored.

Miichan just waved her hand, like she was saying there was no problem. But to Takamina, there was a HUGE problem.

“Stop it!” She said loudly.

Miichan ignored her as Acchan asked:


“Oh, no, forget what I said. So… Everything is fine? How is your manager? Is she better?”

“Ah…Well, she’s like before… I’m going to see her tonight if I can… I haven’t seen her since last week.”

“I see… You’re recording now, right?”

“Yes. It’s the end of the drama. What about you, are you alone? I heard NO3B was going to be at All Night Nippon.”

Miichan turned to Takamina and said:

“She knows we’re going to be at All Night Nippon. She will probably listen to us if she has time… Do you want to talk to Acchan about your feelings now or do you want to wait to announce it at the radio?”

Takamina just turned her eyes to Haruna, silently begging her to let her kill Miichan, but Haruna just shook sadly her head.

Cruel duo.

The captain was dying immobile. She was NOT gay! Why did everyone think she was?! Where did that rumour come from?! When did it all begin?! What would she have to do to make them forget about it? Would she have to date a guy?!

“I’m with Takamina and Haruna now. We’re eating before we go to the radio station.

Feeling that Miichan was going to add something about the radio show, Takamina began to hit her slightly with her food under the table,

“Hey, stop hitting me!”

Miichan was still avoiding Takamina when she said:

“Do you want to talk to them?”


The second member of NO3B didn’t wait for an answer and gave the phone to Haruna, who already knew what to say.

“Hello Acchan! Say hi to Takamina! She missed you!”

Haruna gave the phone to a speechless Takamina. She waited in silence for three seconds before Miichan encouraged her to speak.

“He… Hello?” Takamina asked.

The two others members of the unit group just slapped their forehead. Didn’t Takamina have something more important than “hello” to say?

“Takamina?” Acchan laughed. “Is everything fine there? I think Miichan’s crazy.”

“Sorry about that.” Takamina apologized as she turned the person they were talking about. “She’s not herself tonight. I heard everything was fine? Is it true? I hope you’re not working too hard… Maybe it’s not good for your health.”

“Don’t worry, it’s been a while since that accident. I’m alright now…”

Takamina was about to answer something else when Haruna suddenly realized they were late. She told the others.

“Wait, it won’t be long.” Takamina said to her two friends. “Since you wanted me to talk to her so much, can’t you let me a bit alone?”

Miichan immediately took a serious look. She wanted Takamina and Acchan to talk about their future love, not about “hello” things. She slapped the table, grabbed the phone and said:

“Acchan? Excuse me, but we have to go now…”

“Hey!” Takamina protested. “I was talking!”

“Yeah, later!” Miichan mumbled. “When you’ll accept your true self, I’ll let you talk as long as you want.”

She then waited for Acchan’s answer, hoping she hadn’t been too impolite.

“I understand… I should have called another time, I know you’re working…”

“No problem. We are glad to hear about you. And I’m sure you’ll be fine now since Takamina went to talk with Sato-san to tell her to survive and-”


“Are you STUPID?!” Takamina screamed with an angry voice as she held Miichan’s cell phone in her hand.

She was shaking the phone while she was staring angrily at her friend.

“Stop it or you’ll break it!” Miichan protested, taking back her phone. “What’s your problem now?!”

Miichan was staring at her, confusion in her eyes. What was going on with Takamina? She was acting so different from what they knew about her. She was acting like… she wasn’t herself anymore. Where was the nice Takamina who just wanted to joke and laugh with her friends? Was she gone because of what Acchan’s manager had told her? Haruna gently put her hand on Takamina’s shoulder, making her realizing what she had done. She bowed, still nervous.

“So… Sorry. I overreacted.”

Miichan wasn’t really angry against her. It was more her reaction that surprised her. Takamina had never been so mad about her… What was going on now?

“I… I haven’t told her I went to see Sato-san.”

Haruna sighed. More drama.

“I… I guess I’ll have to explain myself now.” Takamina said sadly, a bit discouraged.

“Why didn’t you tell her?” Miichan asked.

“I couldn’t… It would be too weird, right?”

Takamina knew Haruna and Miichan could not understand since they didn’t know the whole story behind it. But telling Acchan she had seen Hiroko… Now she would have to tell her everything… She would have to explain her the reasons… And since her best friend knew their common past… it would be even more suspicious.

“Sorry…” Miichan whispered. “I didn’t think it was so important for you to keep it secret.”

“No… Forget about it… We need to go to work now… Forget about it, I’ll take care of it.”

She started to walk toward the exit of the café when Haruna told her:

“Hey, I’m sure Acchan will not care about it. And who knows… Maybe it’s finally the time to understand what’s going on between you two…”

She did not turn around when Miichan added:

“You know… there’s a famous quotation saying that knowledge is gained by learning, trust by doubt, skill by practice… and love by love. So maybe you should think about it.”

Maybe… who knew? But maybe she didn’t want to find out about it finally…


“Good work today! I was glad to work with the great Maeda Atsuko!”

Acchan bowed to the main actor who did the same. They had just finished the final scene of their drama. It had been hard for the actress to focus on her character, but now everything was done. She could just go home and listen to All Night Nippon since it wasn’t done.

“I hoped to meet you for another project!” He said politely before he left the studio.

Acchan did the same a few minutes later. She took the taxi to go home since it was late. As she was half sleeping in the car, she thought about what she had heard before the end of the conversation… So, Takamina had seen her manager? To tell her to survive? What was this kind of reason? Was their recent conversation the reason why she had called her “Hiroko” instead of “Sato-san”? If so, what did it mean? Did it mean their animosity had disappeared during this conversation? Were they friends again? The thought of Takamina and Hiroko being friends made Acchan laughed a little. She could hardly imagine the two girls acting friendly together… especially with what she knew from their past.

It was too late to see Hiroko anyway. The hospital would never accept her to visit her manager. In a way, it was a great new. It meant she would not talk about this with her manager… but in another way, it also meant she would not know what had happened. And why hadn’t Takamina told her about that? Was it because… she had something to hide from her? She… She couldn’t love Hiroko, right? No, it couldn’t be that, she had clearly said she didn’t like… girls… this way…

Acchan sighed sadly. Even though Takamina thought about it this way… feelings could change without warming… She knew it since it happened to her. The way she felt now… Not only did she felt… jealous about Takamina and Hiroko, but she was mad against herself for being unable to do something about it. She arrived at home, directly went in her bedroom and locked the door. Then, she put her earphones and listened to the radio, in her own little world. If she couldn’t talk to Takamina, then at least she could listen to her voice… At least, she could still dream that something might happen between them… Even though she knew it was stupid from her.

“You just heard “Bird” long version, NO3B version! Yeah~!” Miichan’s voice said at the radio.

“We are sorry it took a long time to release it! We weren’t supposed to do so in fact… it’s because so many fans wrote us letters about it, we decided to do it! It will be part of our new album!” Haruna added.

Acchan was not really listening to them. She was thinking about everything else. Why had Takamina seen Hiroko… it bothered Acchan so much… Why hadn’t Takamina told her about it? And then, the evidence hit her straight in the middle of her heart. She needed to tell her friend about her feelings… if she didn’t want to loose her first. She had waited too long to tell her… She had been wrong to graduate… She should have stayed with her… Everything she had done until now… was wrong…

“Now, let’s talk about something I discovered yesterday! I was walking in the theatre… and all the girl pictures were changed! So if you come to see us, take a look!”

Acchan closed her eyes, listening to Takamina’s voice.

“Right, Team A will perform in three days, so come and see!” Miichan added.

“I don’t like my picture!” Haruna said. “I preferred the old one!”

“Right, then when you come, everyone please tells Haruna she looks great on the picture, understand?” Miichan’s excited voice said. “But you don’t have to do the same with Takamina!”

“Eh? Why?” Takamina asked, wondering why she was always the one hurt.

“Because it would be useless since you didn’t say you hate you picture!” Miichan laughed, knowing all she was saying was stupid.

Acchan laughed, wondering why the conversation was so… useless. Or maybe it was just her who was slowly beginning to fall asleep…

“Well, let’s read a mail form a fan now!” Takamina said.

Acchan closed the radio. It was too much for her. She had only listened to them for about five minutes… but it seemed like eternity. She had never felt so weak of her entire life. Was it because everything she had done was wrong? Was it because she felt so useless? Was it because of Takamina’s secret meeting with her manager? Was it because she thought something was going to start again between them?

Or was it just because… of that thing people called “love”?

Whatever the answer was… it couldn’t change the fact that… she regretted her choices.

“Everyone please, listen carefully to our new song!” The NO3B girls said.

They closed their micros while the song was playing. A staff member came to see them.

“Hey girls, you will receive a call from Sayaka Akimoto when the radio will turn on again!”

“What?” Miichan asked. “We never heard about it…”

“I’m sorry, it was planned with your boss, Akimoto-san. He said he wanted to hear your reactions live, so he asked to Sayaka-san to call you during your radio show to announce something.”

“Does it concern only us three?” Takamina asked, wondering what it was about.

“No, it concerns the entire group. But it’s all I can tell you now. Just pretend you didn’t know Sayaka-san was going to call when she will do.”

And he left. Well, it would be easy to pretend it since they had only learned it… now. Their song stopped.

“Well, how did you like it?” Takamina asked to an invisible public. “We are proud to say that-”

The “phone” rang at the same time, interrupting her. Okay, she didn’t need to pretend it AT ALL since she didn’t expect it to be so soon.

“Well… We got a call!” Miichan said excitedly. “I’ll answer! Hello?”

“Hello? Miichan?”

The three girls began to “scream” as they heard Sayaka’s voice.

“It’s late, I know, but I’m calling as Team K captain this time!” Sayaka said. “I have an important announcement to do so listen carefully!”

The three of them didn’t answer.

“Is there any journalist listening to us, because it’s to the fans too!” She said happily.

She didn’t sound sleepy at all.

“Well, guys… Akimoto-san asked me to tell you that… AKB48…”

They waited for the end as the technician put a “victory” song at the same time.

“AKB48 is going to perform twice at Tokyo Dome in six months!”




The NO3B trio couldn’t believe what they were hearing. Was it true? It was… incredible! Would AKB48 dream finally become real? They kept screaming for about ten minutes about how fantastic it was until Sayaka said:

“Well, Akimoto-san is probably happy to hear how excited you are. He wanted to have a live reaction, you know? The others girls learned it today, so you’re not so late.”

Takamina was the first one “calm” enough to begin to talk again.

“What? You mean… it’s real? We… We are really going to perform there! I’m so excited! It’s fabulous!”

“That’s mean more job girls… Go sleep right after your radio show because tomorrow… you all have to be at the theatre at eight in the morning for more information!”

“No way…” Miichan sighed. “But it’s for a great reason so I forgive you! Yes, we are going to have fun!”

“I can’t wait to let the fans know!” Haruna said loudly.

“I guess some of them already know it since we’re live at the radio.” Takamina laughed.

“So thank you Sayaka for telling us! Are you ready to go to Tokyo Dome to sing with AKB48?” Miichan asked, almost screaming at the radio. “Everybody, we’ll be waiting for you!”

“Yeah!” Haruna and Takamina screamed too.

The atmosphere stayed like this for a while since it was really a big new. They almost forgot about the main reason why they were here, the promotion of their new album. But it wasn’t the subject that come the first…

“So Takamina, excited about it?” Miichan asked after fifteen minutes of pure joy.

“Of course, who do you think you’re talking to!” Takamina answered.

“Not too sad about work? You won’t see a certain someone for a long time, you know?” Haruna smirked.

“Really funny, guys, really funny, stop about it!” Takamina answered, knowing what they were talking about… AGAIN.

“Don’t be sad Takamina!” Miichan laughed. “Think about all the fans and you’ll see there are positives points to that show too!”

Takamina just sighed, knowing they were at the radio. The only thing she could do was hoping Acchan was not listening to them…


“Seriously guys…” Takamina began as they were leaving the studio. “Why are you always joking about me and Acchan?”

She couldn’t help but ask the reason. Whatever she did, it was always turning to be about Acchan. Even if she was talking about something stupid like… like soap or even a book she read, the conversation would turn about Acchan. Okay, they had not talked about something stupid since it was about Tokyo Dome show, but still! It was TOKYO DOME!!! It was becoming not only embarrassing, but also ridiculous. How could she not be happy about something like this?!

“Why do you care?” Miichan asked, turning to face her.

It seemed that she was really serious this time. Takamina was surprised by the question and answered, stammering a bit:

“Well… because… it’s not true.”

Takamina waited for something to happen. Would she finally have a chance to defend herself seriously?

“Then just keep on denying it and everything should be fine.” Haruna answered, understanding what Miichan wanted to do.

Takamina flinched. Finally, they didn’t understand anything about the situation. They couldn’t understand anything.

“Because it’s embarrassing!” She growled angrily. “Can’t you just think about my feelings for once?!”

It wasn’t usual for her to be so angry about her friends, but everything reminded her the time when they had screamed at her because she had left France sooner. Now, it was her turn to be angry. Really, couldn’t they just understand?!

Miichan looked at her straight in the eyes.

“Why is it so embarrassing? You said yourself it wasn’t true, so shouldn’t you just forget about it? Shouldn’t you just keep on saying “no” and forget everything? Since you said you didn’t care about it…”

“It’s embarrassing because…” Takamina began before she stopped.

Why exactly was it so embarrassing?

“You know,” Miichan continued, “we do that with almost every member in the group, pairings and so on. And everyone always ended up laughing about it. You’re the only one who keep on denying everything and become mad about it. Why do you care so much? It’s just a joke, isn’t it? You said it yourself. Can’t we laugh about this joke too?”

Why exactly do you care so much about it?

“Anybody would forget about a joke. Anybody would laugh about it too. Anybody would… just played the game until it’s finished. And when it happens, we just leave it that way. We don’t insist anymore because we know it’s something we do just to play. But with you… it’s different.” Miichan was attacking her with words. “Because you refuse to pretend or to play the game too, because you keep on saying that it’s not true, because you think it’s so embarrassing without really giving us a reason… we are curious. We want to know… where that refusal comes from. We want to know… why you insist so much about it.”

Why are you so stubborn?

“Can’t you just pretend for once that it’s true? So maybe we will leave you alone… But no, you always have to say “it’s not true”. You always have to deny it by giving fake explanations. That’s what is so interesting with you. You are so stubborn that we want to know the reasons about it. We want to know why you think it is so embarrassing. After all, it can’t be embarrassing if you know it’s not true. We want to know… What is going on exactly with you? You’re not mad, you’re not crazy, you’re not sick… you’re only incredibly stubborn about something supposedly false.”

Why… can’t you answer to what Miichan is saying?

“I know you very well.” Miichan finished. “I’m sure you thought that I didn’t understand anything about your feelings, am I wrong? You were thinking I need to understand your feelings before talking this way to you, right? But you know, the reason why I insist so much is because I’m sure of what I’m saying. I wouldn’t talk so much about it if I weren’t sure of everything. So in fact, maybe it’s not me who doesn’t understand. Maybe you just don’t understand your own feelings... I don’t know if you’re afraid or anything… but sometimes, it’s not only the other’s fault… Sometimes… it’s more than that.”

Why can’t you just look deeper in your heart?


Acchan had not slept even though she was tired from her drama. But she had not opened the radio either. She had not closed her eyes during the night, and now sun was slowly appearing in the blue sky. She opened a drawer, taking some magazines. They were all about AKB48. She had bought them randomly when she passed in a conbini… She had never thrown them away. She read them again, remembering her life as an AKB member… Without knowing exactly why, she began to cry slightly. She couldn’t help it… it reminded her so much… She just wanted… to push the “reset” button of her graduation… To do like it never happened. Many great things had happened, but however she looked at this situation, there were still more sad things than positives ones. However she looked at this situation… there was always one person that remained in her mind.

And then she surprised herself to think about the reasons why she had begun to think about Takamina this way… This forbidden way…This way people called love… But it had also a double face called pain. Pain came with love, it was something she had realized only a few days ago. Until then, she had always thought she could just support it, even if Takamina didn’t feel the same… But as time went on, she had soon realized that it wasn’t so easy.

If what she felt wasn’t friendship… then it could only be love, right? And if it could only be love… then how could she ever look at Takamina now? How could she explain to her that even that kind of love wasn’t the usual “love”? How could she explain to her that… all she wanted was to stay by her side, not necessary doing sexual things or something like that… All she wanted was… to Takamina to be with her… to feel her presence by her side… to breathe the same air as hers… to hear her voice when she would feel sad… to be protected by her… to laugh when Takamina would try to make her happy and fail… to whisper sweet things in her ear… to feel her body against hers when they would sleep…

All she wanted… was forbidden, right?

But… couldn’t she just stop lying to her friend? Or was it forbidden to tell her the truth too?


ENDNOTE: Chapter 13 is already done, but I want to work more on it. I also began chapter 14 and for the first time I like how I wrote most of the parts in these two chapters, so wait for them! And if ever you’re wondering when there will be more development between Acchan and Takamina, it’ll be soon.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2011, 11:37:53 PM by bou-j525 »

Offline dee1711

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Re: [AKB48] Don't forget to remember me
« Reply #81 on: January 20, 2011, 05:44:16 AM »
YAY!! an update!! *save*  :cow: :cow:

So bad that I have to read it later.. assignments' really suck sometime. I will comeback for comment  :P  :P

Thank you so much author-san.  :bow: :bow:

Offline mangobanana15

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Re: [AKB48] Don't forget to remember me
« Reply #82 on: January 20, 2011, 06:24:41 AM »

wow what Miichan said to Takamina was really deep i hope this will clear up some things going on in Takamina's mind

Poor Aachan the hardship of having a forbidden love is really depressing

I just hope that they would be able to do the things that Aachan listed at the end with Takamina as lovers

I hope you'll update soon!!

Offline panickofpain

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O___O I've been away for so long and I missed 4 chapters already?

Love your stories! :D I feel bad for Acchan hearing the sad story behind TakaMina and Hiroko, though in a way, I;m also sad for Hiroko to had such a cruel treatment from Takamina. But who could blame her, she was just 14 and well, haven't been in any kind of situation like it. Though on another thought, it would be easy to say "forget about it" or something after you say such confessions but in reality, you can't really end up as close as before. Maybe friends but more of just a companion. Talk, not really be as close as before, not as happy and such.

Now, Acchan is at the same predicament as Hiroko. Even though it seems the same for Acchan, things are different now. Takamina is older, more mature, and also has friends that would help her think and understand herself more in terms of feelings, which she lacked before. But we don't know what would happen since what the writer/author goes with, the story goes that way.

I just hope TakaMina would finally try and weigh her feelings for Acchan in the next few chapters and I hope Acchan won't think of trying to think and convince herself that they should remain friends. Or else the situation would reverse. (Dunno if you guys understand but...)  XD

Keep it up. ^_^

Offline alexiel17

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Hey bou-j525!   :mon hi:
Just gonna qoute this :] hehe  :grin:

@ alexiel17: Don't worry about putting my name in the other thread, I knew it was for dark-atrox, that's why I asked about it XD
(I'm soo embarrass...  :mon ghost: )
Sorry 'bout that really hehe :]  :rofl: I don't know what to react ( Don't know if I'll laugh or just go  :panic: or do this instead :mon cry: (well, the later is just a joke...  :grin:  Or is it...  :lol: ) It's still embarrassing really  :mon sweat: hehe :nervous )

Anyway, I was  :OMG: because you've updated this fic of yours... bec. haven't read your other chapters  :kneelbow: because of school, (Yeah,as always... School!!! :mon study: )

I really don't mind that you'd change the title, (I did read the reason, and I was like  :O) Yeah, your explanation was quite deep, quite deep indeed...  :mon determined:

Thanks soo much for the fic :] Can't wait to read this!!  :mon dance:

Offline bou-j525

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Re: [AKB48] Pink Vitriol (Explanations:chp1)
« Reply #85 on: January 30, 2011, 01:59:42 AM »
@ panickofpain: Really? You missed four chapters... I'm surprise, I don't think I update that fast... XD
@ alexiel17: You can thank my teacher of French class for the explanation of the title XD

I am late. Sorry  :banghead: Thank for your comments  :bow:
BUT I have a good reason! I was writing my chapter 14! XD I wanted to finish chapter 14 before posting chapter 13 before chapter 14 is a bit longer, so I wanted to be sure to be able to finish it at time... You know I don't have so much work right now (THANK GOD) so I have time to write ^^
I just need to find enough motivation... which is harder  :nervous What? I don't want to live my life in front of a computer!
Anyway, here chapter 13. Lot of paragraph, plz read everything  :bow:
Sorry for the mistakes.

Chapter 13

Takamina just woke up. It was still dark outside. She was breathing heavily. She had done a classification of the fans letters she had received. One pile was about usual letters… the other was all the letters that talked about her and Acchan. The second one was two times taller than the first one. She frowned. She had never realized how much fans were talking about her and Acchan, but now that she saw this amount… it was really impressive. It seemed that every time a fan talked about her… he needed to talk about Acchan too. Was it because they were known as very nice best friends in the group? Was it because they were once the two most important members in Team A? Just… why did the fans always put them together? Where did that come from? Was it because of all the pictures they took together? It couldn’t be that, right? Pictures didn’t mean anything… Pictures… were just the material representation of memories, right? Pictures… were just something they show to their fans to make them happy… It didn’t have a special meaning or something like that… Was it because they always looked happy together? But if so… fans would think she loved each member, wouldn’t they? Weren’t they just like others best friends in the group? What did the fans see between her and Acchan? What was so special about her and Acchan?

It was unusual for her to wake up in the middle of the night, but she just dreamed about something strange. Just to think about it again… it made her feel awkward. Now… she was not only thinking about her relationship with Acchan during the day… no, now she was even dreaming of it. Was it an unconscious message telling her she thought too much about it? Did she have a problem about it? It made her sick… it was a nuisance to her work… She needed to find out the truth about it because… the way Acchan confessed to her in her dream seemed so real. She still shivered thinking about it. The way her friend had said it… It sounded… so real… so magic… In her dream… her heart was pounding so fast… her hands were clammy… her eyes were locked into Acchan’s… they were breathing at the same rhythm… the beat of their heart was synchronised… They were two, but the same at this time. Acchan was in front of her, and yet her presence was engraved inside her mind too. They were at a certain distance from each other, but she could hear her like she was whispering the words in her ear…

She was awake now, but she just had to close her eyes to feel it again… to feel like it wasn’t a dream anymore. Why did she dream of something like this? This “love” thing was taking too much place in her life, it was obvious… But she knew it would take even a bigger place since… she still didn’t know the reasons of this feeling. She still didn’t know what Acchan thought about her… and she still didn’t know how she felt herself. She stared at the letters. She thought of Acchan’s confession from her dream…  Everything… couldn’t just be there for nothing, right? All those things… had to be justified, right? So many things… couldn’t be linked together for nothing, right? It couldn’t be only a coincidence… with so many people talking about them… talking about their possible love relationship…
If so… what would be the justification? And… where could she find it? Should she call Acchan to find it? Should she ask Hiroko even if it would mean suicide? Should she just ask her others friends? Or maybe… should she just look inside her heart?

She flinched as she closed her eyes. It was not the first time she dreamed about it.


This dream kept happening a few times. After a month of non-stop thinking about the reasons of it, the troubled small girl was still wondering about it, even though she was a bit mad of it. It was becoming a problem for her concentration during the practices. And her concentration was the most needed thing since she needed it not only for the Tokyo Dome show that was coming, but also for events like today, where she had to promote NO3B new album.

Inside the car, as she was on her way to the shopping mall where they would do a short performance, she tried to stop thinking about it. But she just couldn’t. The last month had been full of thoughts and theories about everything about her and Acchan. God knew how, she always managed to hide it from her best friend when she talked to her at phone. She had talked to her each week for about an hour. If not, she just sent her mails. She had less time than before, so each time she could just have an hour free, she was glad to hear Acchan’s voice encouraging her. Honestly, she didn’t know what she would do without her… and she still wondered how she could still be in AKB48 alone without becoming crazy. They were going to arrive soon and, knowing she hadn’t talked to Acchan for already five days, Takamina decided to quickly send her a mail before working.

I’m on my way to the shopping mall!
It’s NO3B’s new album performance today!
I know you’re busy, but if you could see it on TV, I’d be really happy ^_^
I hope everything is fine with your work.
I miss you so I’ll try to talk to you soon!
Takamina <3

Okay… should be fine. She sent it as the car stopped. Miichan and Haruna were already there, practicing a few last movements as she walked in. They talked a little before they went on stage. Many people were there and the place was full. After so many years doing this job, Takamina couldn’t get used to it. It was awesome to hear all those people screaming their names and clapping their hands at the end of their performance… It was the job she wanted to do, a singer, so she could share her passion with everyone. No matter what… she would achieve her dream.

“Hello everybody!” She screamed as the show began.

The crowd answered enthusiastically. Yeah… that was the job she wanted to do. After a short presentation of their new album, the trio began to perform their success, one by one, stopping only to drink water after three songs. Each of them couldn’t believe how loud the crowd was screaming. They could barely imagine how intense Tokyo Dome would be… They would not be surprise if they all became deaf after the performance. And all the tickets were already sold…

The performance went pretty well. The girls were trying to enjoy it as much as possible, because it was the last one for a while. After all, all they would do during the next months would be practicing for their concert. They still had some TV show to talk about Tokyo Dome event, but it was all. Time passed fast… they only had five months to become perfect. Yes, perfection… because they would remember this show forever, so it had to be perfect. They would have to dance until they died.

The end was coming… As Takamina, Miichan and Haruna were taking a last short break before the final song, they heard the crowd screaming louder than before, which was strange because nobody was on stage. Frowning, they heard some people saying “go in front of me” or “I let you go ahead”. They didn’t care too much about it, since they needed to gain strength for the final performance. They exchanged glances, knowing it was the last song. It was time to celebrate!

They appeared in front of the public for their last song. Great, now was the time to make everybody fall in love with them! It was just a way to speak, of course, but they really wanted haters to begin to like them. Takamina flinched as soon as she put her feet on the stage. She had seen her right when she could see the crowd. She had seen her… like she was the only person there, right there, in front of the stage, surrounded by smiling people who were asking her questions… Takamina knew she didn’t need to make this person fall in love with her… because she might already be.

“Hey, isn’t that Acchan?” Miichan asked, bringing her back to the human world.

The crowd was already answering to a question Miichan had only whispered to Takamina. People were screaming to them that the famous Maeda Atsuko, ex member of AKB48, had come to see them. Takamina just nodded as she walked to take the micro. Haruna and Miichan soon followed her and went by her side, smiling to the fans. Takamina just announced the song and didn’t mention Acchan’s presence, knowing all the fans would get crazier. She had to ignore her… for now.

The performance was done. The three girls were resting from the live show backstage. Well, Haruna and Miichan were resting while Takamina was secretly hoping that…

“You have a visitor, guys!” A staff member announced. “Usually, they are forbidden, but I guess it’ll be okay this time.”

He left as Acchan was slowly walking in. The actress was smiling to them. It had been almost two months since their last meeting.

“How are you?” Takamina asked, not mentioning her manager.

“I’m fine. I had nothing left to do after an interview, so I thought I should come and see you since Takamina sent me a mail saying your performance was today.” She said as she sat by their sides.

Miichan and Haruna smirked as they learned the reason why Acchan had come was Takamina. The small captain just smiled back and welcomed her.

“I didn’t see everything,” Acchan said, “but I can tell you your last song definitely rocked! I think I’ll buy the album now…”

Miichan laughed.

“What, didn’t you tell me you had already bought it in one of your mails?”

Acchan smirked and rolled her eyes.

“Me? I don’t remember…” She said innocently.

“Liar!” Takamina said, laughing a bit.

“It’s okay, Acchan, we’re used to lies anyways…” Miichan completed, looking excessively. 

No way, not again?! Takamina sighed. She just had to do like she didn’t care, right? It was going to be hard, but she could do that. After all, she didn’t want to be humiliated in front of her friend, even if she knew Acchan would not laugh at her. And she couldn’t say she wasn’t happy to see her best friend… She had really missed her. Calling her and talking to her through a phone wasn’t enough to her. She flinched as she realized how much she missed her presence by her side… Why hadn’t she realized it before? It was so obvious… Was it because she was more aware of it now? Was it because of all her reflections on their relationship that she could see her feelings a bit clearer? Anyway, something was clear, she had missed her.

“I swear I don’t remember…” Acchan smiled. “I heard you were going to perform to Tokyo Dome?”

“Yes!” Haruna answered, a bit surprised that Acchan brought the subject.

It was a while since the new was out.

“I only learned it in the newspapers the day after All Night Nippon… And each time I was talking to one of you, I don’t know why but I always forgot to ask about it.”

“Well… I don’t know for me and Haruna, but I’m sure you should have thought about something… more “important” when you talked to Takamina.” Miichan said with an amused voice.

“Oh please, don’t start again…” Takamina sighed.

But to her surprise, Acchan just slightly shook her head before she turned and fixed her with a look only she could do. Takamina felt a strange feeling passing through her body as her eyes met the intense glance of Acchan. She couldn’t put a name on what was going on now… but… did it mean she still needed to investigate to find it? Did it mean… she still had work to do to “understand herself”, like Miichan had told her? Was… Acchan trying to tell her something? And before she could figure it out, the exchange stopped as her friend looked away.

“We are going to practice for it during the next five months.” Haruna explained, unaware of what was going on between Takamina and Acchan. “But after that… AKB48’s dream will come true!”

“I wish you could be on stage with us.” Miichan said. “I wish all the old members could be on stage with us to celebrate this moment…”

Sure, they all hoped that… but nobody said it loud since they knew it was impossible.

“Aw, come one, don’t think about something so… depressing.” Takamina said. “Hey, Acchan, I guess we won’t have a lot of time to meet, but soon after Tokyo Dome, I think I could find a few hours free.”

“That’d be great…” Acchan sighed.

No more Takamina for five months? How was she going to survive?! Had she really been so busy when she was with the group?! Seriously… Akimoto-san wanted them to die! Loneliness… was slowly taking back its place in their life.

“Can we come too or do you want to be the two of you?” Haruna asked joking a little.

“Or maybe you could go with Yuko too, doing a double date or something since I am alone in this group.” Miichan said with an ironic voice, remembering how Mariko and she were supposed to miss “nobody” during the trip.

“D-Don’t tell me you still think about that?” Haruna asked, stammering again at Yuko’s name. “It’s going to be a huge meeting… the same as last time.”

Takamina blinked. It wasn’t that she wanted to be alone with Acchan, but if she remembered well… last time… it had seemed that everybody had done a contest “who can humiliate Takamina the most”. She really didn’t need a second round.

“Why are you looking at me like this?”

Takamina blinked again. She had not realized she was staring at Miichan for a while with her “do not want” look. But it was too late.

“If you want to be alone with Acchan, you just need to say it, no need to murderer me with your eyes.” Miichan joked.

The small captain turned her head and looked at the floor. Now, she would just look at the floor and forget about everything because it seemed that she couldn’t do a damn thing without being accused of wanting to be alone with her friend. She was slowly reaching her patience limit when she heard Acchan said:

“Well… I’m sorry but… I wished Takamina and I could be only the two of us…”

Miichan and Haruna exchanged glances and smirked. Acchan could be so cute…

“Well, since Acchan’s taking the initiative, I guess we’ll have no choice.” Miichan laughed.

“Sure, we’ll find another time to meet…” Haruna said. “If it’s alright with you two of course.”

“Hey, I don’t say anything about you and Yuko, so don’t even think about adding something more then that…” Takamina threatened.

She couldn’t stop wondering why Acchan had said something like this… Not only did it look suspicious, but it was… unexpected.

“Thank you!” Acchan smiled.

She looked… innocent. She was cutely smiling at Miichan and Haruna, like she secretly telling them something she didn’t want Takamina to know, but unfortunately, none of them understood about it. She was acting like when she was still with AKB48, all friendly with her “I’m in love with everyone” attitude.

“So… what are you going to do now?” Miichan asked, deciding to not ask more question. “Another drama?”

“No, I’ll have some other work to do, but I think I will wait a bit to find a big job…”

She didn’t finish her sentence, letting Miichan guess that she was talking about Hiroko’s situation.

“I see…” Haruna said. “How it’s going?”

“It could be better… but it could be worst. I’m going to visit her later.”

There was an awkward silence as the four of them didn’t know what else to say. In fact, there was nothing more to add. They changed subject and began to talk about their life in general. Later, a member of staff went to talk to them, saying they would have to leave to somewhere else soon. Acchan sighed. She wanted to ask where they were going… just so she could follow them… She had planned to visit her manager later, so she didn’t really want to be alone. Miichan was called by someone and suddenly had to leave them, apologizing. Seeing they were only the three left, Acchan shyly asked:

“Um… if you don’t care, Haruna… I want to talk to Takamina.”

Takamina flinched. First, Acchan had told them she wanted to spend time alone with her and now… she was asking Haruna to leave them? There was… a radical change from the last time when they were all joking and laughing Now, Acchan looked… serious. Wait… what did she want to tell her? She suddenly remembered their last conversation with Haruna and Miichan. Oh no, Acchan wanted to talk to her about her seeing Hiroko… She was going to be murdered! Haruna smirked, but just nodded without saying anything. It seemed that without Miichan, she was a lot nicer… or cruel too since Takamina thought she was going to die if she was left alone with Acchan. As the tall girl disappeared, Acchan turned to Takamina and gave her a beautiful smile.

“So, you’re going to call me and give me news about this show, right?” she asked nicely, looking at her in the eyes.

“Yes!” Takamina nodded, forgetting about her questions. “And I’d like you to do the same… you know with her situation.”

Takamina didn’t feel at ease to ask something like this to her friend, but it was stronger than her. If Hiroko felt better, she would have to make sure she respects her promise.

“Ah… yes…” Acchan looked away. She had forgotten about their secret meeting. “You should come with me and visit her since you look like… you care a lot about her.”

Takamina couldn’t help but laughed a little. She looked like she cared about Hiroko? Not really…  The person she cared about was Acchan, and she just wanted to have news from her manager to make sure she would respect her promise.

“I’m worried about you, that’s why I can’t help but ask about her. I don’t need to visit her.”

Because you already did… Acchan wanted to add this, but didn’t.

“You know, when I went to see her…” Takamina added, knowing she would have to talk about it sooner or later. “It was only because I was worried about you.”

Acchan slightly blushed and tried to hide it. Takamina being worried about her was so cute… She wished the small captain could talk to her this way more. She wished… the wall between them could finally disappear forever. This wall that appeared after her graduation… she wished she could smash it into thousand pieces.

“I wanted her to stop threatening you. I asked her about it, and she said she was going to do so.” Takamina continued, not mentioning what she had had to do to make sure Hiroko would respect her promise.

“I’m glad if it is for that…” Acchan whispered, feeling relieved. “But you know I don’t need you to protect me…”

“Really?” Takamina said, laughing a little. “It’s not what I seemed to understand when you talked to me about it. You know, friends are here to help each other, so don’t worry about it.”

“Yeah… thank you.” Acchan said, smiling cutely.

Why was she so shy suddenly? It wasn’t herself to be like this… Takamina moved her face closer to her friend’s, asking:

“Are you sure everything is fine… you look… strange.”

“R-really? I’m fine! I’m perfectly fine.”

She was secretly praying for Takamina to move back.

“Really?” Takamina asked, not believing her at all.

Acchan was obviously lying in front of her. Was it because they were alone? It would be a bit stupid since she was the one who wanted this situation…

“I’m fine, really. I was just wondering… you really have no time off during the next five months?”

No even a short hour…?

“I’m sorry… I don’t think I will…” Takamina answered sadly. “We will be really busy… I don’t think I can see you until the shows are done.”

“I see…” Acchan sighed. “I was hoping we could still meet since I have some free time… But I guess it’s helpless, right?”

Takamina apologized again, but Acchan just waved her hand.

“No problem. Just take some time to call me, okay?” She asked, smiling.

The captain nodded, surprising how things were going on. Wasn’t it exactly the same situation they went through before? Not seeing the other for a long time? Sure she was unhappy about it… but why did Acchan look even sadder than usual this time? And Takamina didn’t know why, but she felt her heart hurt at she saw Acchan’ sad face.

“I will for sure…” She said, hating to see her friend sad.

The actress looked away. Sure, Takamina said that, but once she would get back to work, she would probably just forget everything. Seeing that Acchan did not seem really convinced, the captain decided to forget her shyness for a moment and did something she hadn’t done for awhile, she softly wrapped her arms around her waist, hugging her. She put her head on Acchan’s shoulder and whispered:

“I’m going to miss you too.”

Acchan held her breathe. It was rare Takamina did something like this. Even though she wondered why she did it, Acchan was glad to feel her presence so close. It seemed an eternity since they act this way together. She was almost beginning to think their closeness was disappearing… and right now, Takamina had just destroyed all her doubts.

“Can we stay like this?” Acchan asked, immobile.

“Sure.” Takamina just answered.

She was still shy, but looking at Acchan… she felt she needed to give her more than her usual support. Looking at her… she felt she was not the one who suffered the most.

“I love you, Takamina.” Acchan whispered.

The short girl smiled.

“Me too, I love you.”

Acchan knew these words were just usual. There were no feelings inside them… because Takamina always understood it to the first degree. She didn’t see beyond them. The captain thought about the dream she had had, feeling her heart beginning to beat faster, hoping Acchan would not notice it. Those dream… they must have a meaning, right? Then… what could it be? Why couldn’t she understand it? She felt Acchan’s warm breathe on her neck and quivered. She didn’t say anything, letting her friend the way she was, hoping she would feel better after. Five months… It was long, but short at the same time. Short because she would be working all the time… long because Acchan would not be by her side, cheering for her and laughing at her lames jokes like she used to do. It would be hard. It would probably be like if she lost a part of herself… but it was something that happened a year ago, after her graduation… She would have to get used to it, sooner or later… But somehow, Takamina knew she would never get used to this painful feeling piercing through her heart.


“What?” Takamina asked, frowning to her two friends that were waiting for her at the exit of the shopping mall.

They both had a huge smile on their face.

“Um? Nothing.” Miichan said, starting to walk toward the car that was supposed to bring them somewhere else.

“What?” Takamina repeated at Haruna who just shook her head.

She walked to join Miichan and they started laughing while a confused Takamina was following them. A minute later, the small captain received a mail.

“You were so cute together!”

She froze, recognizing Miichan’s mail.

“You saw us?!” She asked shyly.

They didn’t answer, smirking as Takamina was failing at explaining them the situation.


Acchan was sitting on a bench right in front of the hospital where Hiroko was hospitalised. She was nervously waiting for Tomochin to answer her call. She wanted to ask her something before she went to see her manager. If there was someone who could answer her question, it would be her. After all, wasn’t Tomochin the perfect person to see when there was a “love” problem? But… she was still nervous though she knew her friend would not judge her. She was still feeling Takamina presence by her side… she was still hearing their heart pounding hard... She was still wondering if something like this would happen again. Why had Takamina done this today? Since when did Takamina take the initiative like this?

But if she remembered well, when she was in the group, Takamina was always one of the firsts to come and support another girl when things went bad. Maybe… Takamina’s shyness disappeared when there was sadness? If so… would she need to be always sad to be hugged by Takamina? Acchan sighed. Like she wasn’t sad enough already… She had thought Takamina had seen Hiroko for something else, but in fact, it was only to protect her. She was glad about it, though she felt bad not being able to do the same for her.

She had decided she would not hide her feelings to herself from now on, but that she would act as usual with Takamina… She had decided it was useless to lie to herself… After her graduation, she had stopped acting so “in love” with the others girls, thinking it was useless now that she wasn’t in the group anymore. Even if they were still great friends, she was not kissing and climbing at them as much as she used to do… but then she had just realized acting coldly wasn’t herself either. She had decided that from now on, she would hide her feelings from Takamina… but she would act as friendly as before. And this way… maybe her friend would finally be able to read in her eyes.

But still, she wondered if it was right to act this way and not telling her the truth, so she wanted to ask Tomochin about it. Since she and Tomomi were going out, maybe she could help her… And… she had to admit she really missed using Takamina as her pillow.


Tomochin’s voice sounded angry, like she was being interrupted.

“Tomochin? It’s Acchan…”

“Acchan? How are you? Sorry, I was talking with Tomomi.”

Her voice was not angry anymore. She seemed glad to hear from her friend. Acchan talked a bit about everything, not mentioning her problem until the end of their conversation. She heard Tomochin asking help to Tomomi and frowned. Was her problem so complicated?

“You know…” Tomochin started. “I think you should not be afraid with Takamina… I mean, it’s not like she’s going to avoid you for the rest of her life if you confess right?”

Acchan nodded, even though she was just thinking about Hiroko’s case. Takamina DID leave a friend because of something like this. Sure, she was young when it happened… but… still…

“But don’t confess to her.” Tomochin added.

Acchan frowned. Hadn’t Tomochin just told her she should confess to her? Wait, what had she said?

“Takamina is someone extremely shy. If you suddenly confess to her, she will be afraid and she may ignore you for awhile. So… you need to prepare her instead.”

So… she would ignore her or not?!

“First of all, you need to stop pretending to joke when you’re with her.”

“What do you mean?”

“Each time Takamina says she’s joking, you agree with her. Each time she says you are joking with her… you agree too. Making her believing you’re always joking when you’re talking about your love or anything like this won’t help you to confess. When she says it’s just a joke, don’t agree, but don’t disagree either. Just don’t answer or nod a little. It will help her wondering about what you think about your relationship.”

“So… I need to be more serious when I talk with her?”

“Not necessary. Just make sure she doesn’t think you two are “only” friends. You can still laughing when you’re “confessing” to her, but don’t pretend it’s just a joke right after. Make her believing that, even if you were laughing, you were serious.”

Acchan sighed. Was it the way Tomochin had done with Tomomi? It looked stupid and incomprehensible.

“Also, you must show her you miss her. Just send her a mail each day or something like this, but don’t call her all the time, it may annoys her and she may wonders why you are suddenly becoming so affective.”

Can’t Tomochin be clearer? Should she call her or not? Should she tell her she missed her or not?

“You need to make her think about your relationship. When you talk to her, smile, be happy, when you’re sad, go see her first, don’t call anybody else. She needs to know you think she’s the only one that can help you. Tell her you missed her when you see her, but don’t say it too often. Don’t forget, you need to make her think about your relationship, but you must not confess.”

Wasn’t Tomochin a bit too… extreme?

“Once she herself thinks about your relationship, I’m sure she’ll be troubled. I’ll make sure to spy her during practice and give you some news. There’s only one thing she can find out once she will think about your relationship. It’s that you’re not ordinary friend. You’re more than that. Once she figures it out, she will probably ask herself about her feelings toward you. She may think it’s not love, you know, we’re talking about Takamina… but… she may think you feel something more for her.”

Acchan sighed. She wasn’t sure to understand everything…

“If she is really troubled, we will be able to see it. She will probably act strangely with you around, or maybe she will be friendlier. But I doubt she will ask you directly about it since she’s really shy. When you’ll see that she’s more around you or that she calls you more often, don’t confess yet. It might be something she does in order to discover her own feeling toward you. Maybe she’s testing herself to know how she feels.”

Acchan could hardly imagined Takamina being in reflection about their relationship…

“After a while, you will confess to her. But be careful of the way you’ll do it. Don’t tell her directly you love her, it might scare her. Do it… subtly. Be more affective, pretend you want to see her late at night, pretend you don’t want to be alone and stuff like that. If she accepts to meet each time, then it’ll be a great sign. Then… you should be able to confess without fear.”

The actress heard Tomochin talking to Tomomi a bit before her friend asked:

“By the way, did something new happen between you two?”

“Well… She hugged me today.”

“Really?” Tomochin exclaimed.

There was a silence before Acchan heard:

“Then forget about everything I said. Just be more affective and everything should be fine. If she hugged you by herself… then it means she’s probably already reflecting about her feelings. If I’m right, then you should be able to act friendlier without fear.”

Acchan couldn’t believe what she was hearing. To forget about the so-long explanation she had just listened to?! She knew Tomochin was kind of expert about love… but... did it mean she had listened for nothing?!?

“What about your whole plan? How come you said all those things to me?! It seemed that you were prepared!” Acchan said.

“It’s because I was prepared.” Tomochin laughed. “I knew you were going to call me sooner or later. I’m good to guess about things like this, unlike Takamina.”

“What?! Wait a minute! What’s so incredible about the fact that she hugged me?”

“Believe me, Takamina’s not the same since you left the group. If she hugged you today, just know it’s something rare. You probably know a side of her we don’t. I wouldn’t be surprised if, even if it seems crazy, my plan were right.” Tomochin answered seriously. “Just listen to me.”


“Believe me. I wouldn’t be surprise if right now she is wondering why she hugged you. I will spy on her and tell you, okay? But now I need to go, talk to you later, Acchan!”

And she hanged up. Acchan frowned. She had not talked a lot… yet Tomochin had told her everything. How come she was so prepared?! Was it really so obvious she had problems with Takamina? Then… was Takamina blind to not see it herself?! She sighed and walked toward the entry of the hospital. How was she supposed to act friendlier with her if they couldn’t meet? If she ever wanted to be able to confess to Takamina, she must talk to her manager first. She needed to know what Takamina and she had talked about. She flinched as she realized it would be their first conversation since the accident. The doctor had told her Hiroko was awake today… it was the first time she would have the chance to talk to her.


She was awake, she was looking at her, she was… alive. Even with all the cruel things she had done to her, Acchan couldn’t hate her manager… She needed her to achieve her dream… She needed her for her job… even though she had endured so many things. Hiroko was staring at her, joy in her eyes. But Acchan could tell there was something different with the way she looked at her. The sadness or pain thing was gone in her eyes. Somehow… Acchan could tell Hiroko saw her the way she really was, not like a reincarnation of her mother.

Hiroko looked way better than before. She wasn’t as pale and she wasn’t bleeding anymore. She was still connected to two big machines, but at least she could breathe without wearing a mask. She smiled as Acchan sat by her side. She hardly sat to talk to the actress. She still had her pride, she didn’t want anybody to think she was weak. She had gained enough energy to have a normal conversation of about half an hour, but the doctor insisted for Acchan to leave as soon as possible, so she could rest.

“How are you?” Acchan asked, relieved to see her awake.

“Better.” Hiroko answered. “And you? You’re not hurt?”

Acchan moved her arm while she said:

“No, everything’s fine. I was lucky compared to you.”

“Great…” Hiroko sighed. “I’m glad you have nothing. I know somebody who would have killed me if ever you were badly hurt. Work’s not too hard?”

Acchan flinched. Was Hiroko talking about Takamina?

“It’s fine… I’m waiting for you before taking another big contract.”

She decided to ignore it. She would talk about it later anyway… Let’s just answer to Hiroko for now… then she would bring the subject.

“Really?” Hiroko answered with a surprised voice. “You shouldn’t stop working because of me. It’s bad for your popularity…”

Popularity, popularity… seriously, did her manager only think about it? Wasn’t health more important than popularity?!

“I’d rather wait. You’re still my manager, I don’t know how everything works yet…”

Hiroko laughed, even if it hurt her.

“I should teach you then. “She said. “Since I’m not going to be free from here soon…”

“What do you mean?” Acchan asked.

Wasn’t Hiroko better now? Wasn’t it only a time question before she could leave the hospital?

“Don’t worry, I won’t die… But I bet they will keep me here for a long time. See that machine?” She asked, pointing the bigger of the two. “The doctor said my heart is still weak. Sometimes it slows down, sometimes it goes faster than usual… They’re afraid I might have a heart attack or something.”

Acchan sighed. Was “having a heart attack” the definition of “not going to die”?

“Oh…” The actress said. “Well… I hope you will get better. Honestly, I was afraid, you know… I don’t know if I could really work by myself.”

“It’s easy, you’ll see.” Hiroko said, patting her shoulder.

“Don’t talk this way. It looks like you’re going to die.”

Her manager laughed and coughed at the same time, making a weird sound from her chest.

“Yeah… Someone once told me I was bad at encouraging others.”

“Why did you become a manager then? I mean, with what-”

Acchan stopped herself. She couldn’t mention Hiroko’s mother, it would be cruel from her.

“Why did you become my manager… if you knew I was in the same group as… her?” She asked again, knowing it was unnecessary to mention who she was talking about.

Hiroko took a minute to answer.

“Isn’t it obvious? You have exactly the same story as my mother. Idols group, best friend you would give your life for, actress, popularity… But it’s not the only reason. I wanted to become manager so I could give the chance to news stars to shine. I wanted to see my mother coming back to life through someone else. But don’t worry, I won’t compare you to her ever.”

“Why?” Acchan couldn’t help asking.

“Why? You’re asking why? I almost killed you.” Hiroko answered a bit harsh.

Acchan knew she was right… but even though she almost died, she wanted to show her another way of seeing things.

“But you didn’t.” Acchan said. “You didn’t kill me. I forgive you, you know? I can’t be mad at you for something that didn’t happen.”

“You’re strange… If I were you, I would hate me.”

Acchan laughed. Hiroko just insulted herself after all…

“You know… I thought about it, I don’t really care if you see your mother through me. I can’t help it anyway… It’s horrible what happened. As long as you don’t try to kill us again…”

“You are the actress Maeda Atsuko.” Hiroko said, breathing loudly. “I know where my limits are, don’t worry.  Someone made me realized I’ve done too much. I apologize.”

Acchan couldn’t believe it. Her manager was apologizing to her?

“I forgive you.” The actress said. “Like I said, I need you, so I can’t be mad at you. Just… don’t do it again. And… do you mind if I ask… why do you suddenly apologize about it? You’re… different.”

Surprisingly, Hiroko didn’t try to avoid the subject.

“I guess I did a bad job as your manager… She came and she asked me to leave you alone. I don’t think you need more precision.”

But she did need more precisions. Acchan didn’t answer, letting Hiroko guessing she wanted more explanations.

“We explained things that should have been explained long time ago. Then, she asked me to leave you alone, saying I didn’t have good reasons to threaten you. I guess she was right… I’ll leave you alone. Once I’ll get out of here, I’ll work as a real manager.”

Explained things… Was it about her confession? Acchan slightly shook her head. It was not the best time to think about it.

“That’s all?” Acchan asked as Hiroko nodded. “Well… Can I count on you now? To bring me to the top of Japan?”

Hiroko smiled.

“I think you already are, but once you’ll be even higher, I’ll compare you to my mother without fear. Being compared to her is an honour. But until then… you will need to work, not to check you mails.”

Acchan froze.

“You promised you would stop about it…” She slowly said.

“I’m joking, that’s all…” Hiroko answered, though Acchan doubted about it.

But… If ever Hiroko was bad with her again, she would go see Takamina. She knew she could count on her friend about her problem now, no matter what. She was protected by the best person of the universe. So Hiroko better stayed calm. But until then… everything seemed fine.

“I’m counting on you, then.” Acchan bowed. “When you’ll get better, help me find another nice contract. I’ll do my best.”

“You better do you best.” Hiroko said as she coughed, making Acchan looking worriedly at her.

“You’re sure you’re fine?”

“Hmm, yes.” She said. “I think… I should tell you something else, since I feel nice today.”

Acchan frowned. Hiroko, nice? Well, maybe it would happen someday… no, probably never.

“When she came to see me… I was not in a really nice condition and… I was still mad at her.”

The actress sighed. She felt like she was older than Hiroko in this kind of situation, even though it wasn’t true.

“I told her something I shouldn’t have…”

WHAT.AGAIN? Wasn’t her life enough difficult this way? Seriously, what had Hiroko done to her this time?

“I don’t know… I was a bit afraid… I was still comparing you to my mother… I told her you love her.”

Acchan closed her eyes. What? She couldn’t… No, it couldn’t be true… She was dreaming…She opened her eyes again. Same place, same bed, same STUPID person lying inside… same sentence… It was not this way she had imagined things…

“Did she… believe you?”

Hiroko shook her head.

“I fainted before I could hear her answer… And I was mad at her… But I don’t think she believed me since I was not really credible…”

Whatever excuses Hiroko was trying to tell her, Acchan wasn’t dumb. Knowing Takamina, she should go and talk about it as soon as possible… But… how had Takamina reacted? And now that she thought about it… Hadn’t her friend hugged her? Hadn’t her friend… being with her like usual? She hadn’t avoid her nor told her she hated her, right? So maybe she hadn’t believed Hiroko? Maybe she was fine with it? Acchan sighed. Of course Takamina would act usually with her since she wasn’t supposed to know it. If Takamina had suddenly ignored her, it would have been too strange… The real reaction, she would have it when she would confess to her. What was she supposed to do now? Follow Tomochin’s plan? Even though Takamina might already know about her feelings? She was seriously about to slap Hiroko. What was her problem, telling anyone her feelings like that?! Did it mean… she had to wait five months to know more about it? No way, it would be too long. She needed to see Takamina before Tokyo Dome concert…

Two months later

Acchan had tried to call her… so many times… without getting an answer. She wanted to stop bothering her friend… but she just couldn’t ignore her feelings anymore. She knew… she would broke Takamina’s dream if she ever told her the truth, and it was the only reason why she had not came to the theatre to see her directly. It was painful to do nothing this way… but she couldn’t help it, Takamina was not answering to her calls... she was too busy.

Three months later

I love you...

The smaller girl blushed and didn’t answer. But the color on her cheeks showed to the other what her answer to that sweet confession was. Their eyes met and the second girl knew what she had to do. She knew she could do it…  She slowly moved nearer. Their lips were dangerously closed to each other. The distance between them was becoming shorter and shorter as they could scent the other’s smell. They could feel the other’s breathe on their lips as they were about to seal their love…

And she suddenly opened her eyes in the dark room, trying to stop shaking. Again… the same dream over and over again… The same dream that haunt her day and night… and the same awakening at this moment precisely. Not before, not after… just right at the moment where they were about to kiss. Dreaming of this so many times had made Takamina wondering how Acchan’s lips would taste if it ever became true…

Four months later

She was practicing everyday over and over again. She had not stopped doing the same choreography, from six in the morning to ten at night, only stopping to take some breaks. Sometimes, she finished working later, when they had interviews about their show. She was always sleepy, pushing herself to the maximum, reaching her limit’s limit everyday… She helped each member when they needed her, she encouraged them with Sayaka and Yukirin, she supported them… The captain trio was more than needed. Some new official members couldn’t resist to so much pressure, so they needed to reassure them and to help them more than some others, such the first generation members. But one thing was sure: this show was going to be awesome. No, not only awesome… grandiose. It would be perfection. The day she had seen the stage… so huge and impressive, she had knew everything had to be perfect. So many people would be there… so many fans just to see them… the idol group from Akihabara… It was magic

And even with what seemed the busiest schedule she ever had… she was happier then ever… because she was supported by the most important person to her except her family, Acchan. Strangely, her friend had start sending mails everyday, like she used to do after her graduation. Mails encouraging her, supporting her, telling her positives thoughts… She was reading each of them carefully before sleeping when she came back home, smiling and laughing at some old jokes, crying a little at some memories Acchan was talking about… When she was still awake at the end, which was rare, she answered to her, just to tell her “thank you”. She wished she had time to send her more messages, but she was dead when she came back home.

There was some asking her if she had time to meet, but she never had. She really wanted to see her friend… but work was priority. Even though… she really wanted to see her... Not that the others members weren’t nice with her or anything, it was just that… Acchan was special. She knew she realized it a bit later, but she really had the impression that Acchan was taking more importance in her life than ever before. Sure, it was weird since they spent time together less than ever, but Takamina couldn’t help thinking it was exactly the reason why Acchan took more importance in her life. It was because the time they spent apart made her missing her friend so much that, just at the thought of their next meeting, a smile appeared on her face. Or… was it because she had just realized how much she missed her? Was it because she had thought about it a lot recently? Whatever the answer was, it was the main reason why she had asked Akimoto-san to meet today. She knew it was egoist from her, but she wanted to ask if they could all have a night off. Just so she could see Acchan one short hour… and so the others members would relax a bit too. She knew it was risked to ask it to him, but she had no choice. If she didn’t go to a practice, she would get killed, not only by him, but by the others members too.

She knew she wasn’t herself when it came to Acchan. She knew she had changed since her graduation. She had realized it during the last four months. Not only because her friends kept repeating it to her, but because she knew it in her heart, even if she denied it. She knew this change was probably not good for her work, but she had to learn to deal with it. When she didn’t receive a mail from her at the end of the day, she was sad. She was always hoping she would have one the next day… She didn’t know where that “dependence” to Acchan came from, but she knew she couldn’t help it.

“Akimoto-san is ready to see you.” Somebody told her.

She bowed and entered in the office.

An hour later, she was leaving this same office, speechless from what Akimoto-san had told her. Not only was it impossible to have a break… but he had told him something harsh… but true. She was sobbing a little as she left the building, wondering if she had changed more than she thought… Because if even Akimoto-san told her something like that… then it had to be true.


“Your first concert is tonight, isn’t it?
Do your best! It’s sad we weren’t able to meet, but I hope everything will be fine!
I miss spending time with you!
Have fun!”

Acchan stared at the mail she had just sent to Takamina. Finally, she had not been able to act friendlier with her friend since… well they had not meet for the last months. Even though Tomochin had told her she would spy Takamina, she was busy as well, so they had not time to talk together either. Since she couldn’t act friendlier… the only thing she could do was cheering for her by sending her mails. She had tried to send as many as possible. She really hoped it would help Takamina to be happy with all her work. On her side… she was still working, but nothing big. She was still waiting for her manager, even if she knew she couldn’t continue this way too long. But Hiroko was fine. There was only one machined connected to her now. It was the one used as prevention of a heart attack, but it seemed that she would soon be able to leave the hospital.

Thank you!

She stared with astonishment at the small answer Takamina had just sent her. She couldn’t believe she got an answer… It had been a month since the last one… But she was so happy to get this “thank you” that she began to cry, no matter how hard she was trying to hold her tears. There was no word to describe how much she missed her… Or in fact, there was one, but she couldn’t say it without crying more.


Haruna and Yuko were together, laughing. Tomochin and Tomomi were whispering things to each other, like if they were alone in the piece. Jurina and Rena were taking funnies pictures for their blogs. Some random pairing was together… Miichan was walking around, flirting with almost everybody… And it’s how the three captains found most of the members of AKB48 as they walked in the piece.

“Guys, are you ready to go on stage?” Takamina asked.

“Yes!” Everyone answered at their “captain”.

“Well, you should all stop waiting here for something to happen! Go get you micros. The show will begin soon.” Yukirin said.

“And before, there will be teams meeting. Everybody needs to go with their team and captain for a last talk.” Sayaka added.

They all did what they needed to do. Their captains talked to them, telling them the latest precisions about the show and how it was supposed to go. Two hours later, they could hear the fans coming inside from backstage. They could already hear them screaming their names, even though the show had not begun yet. They were all excited and couldn’t wait to perform. Their nervousness was soon replaced by joy and excitation as the beginning was coming. And finally… it was the time to go on stage. Finally, their dream would come true. After so many years… the members of the first generation couldn’t believe it. But as the staff told them to go on stage, they knew it wasn’t a dream anymore. 

They were running on the stage, waving their hands to their fans, smiling and laughing at the same time. They could barely hear a distinct sound from all the screams there were. They could hardly see something distinct with the spotlights shinning everywhere. They couldn’t say anything yet since the micros were not “on” yet and their voices did not reach their fans. But they could feel the wave of love fans were giving them. There were so many people it was almost impossible. And the stage was so huge they could hardly be everywhere, even though SKE and some girls from NMB and SDN were there too. 

It didn’t take long time before they all started singing “Aitakatta”, dancing with all their might. The music was so loud it hurt their ears, but it didn’t matter. What was important was to make this show perfect. So perfect that they could beat their first rival, the boys band ARASHI. Some chosen members were talking to make the crowd react as the others were still singing. There were some times when they could easily feel the stage vibrating from the crazy ambiance of the place. Lasers lights were moving everywhere while they all began to run on the places that were placed in the middle of the crowd. Haruna and Yuko were always moving at the same place together, to the happiness of their fans, liking to see them as a “couple”. They didn’t know it was real, but they believed it and it was enough already to make them crazy. The most popular members were running in the middle of Tokyo Dome while the others were in periphery. In fact, they didn’t really have a strict choreography for the beginning of the show since all they needed was to “meet” their fans by moving everywhere. And hell, it was fun.

As they stopped running and were coming back to the front of the stage, Takahashi Minami began to talk as the MC representing the whole group, as always. But there was still the others captains too. Though all the members were here, Akimoto-san had decided to let only the captains speak at the beginning. Not long after Acchan’s graduation, he had decided to give more credits to the three captains, judging it was more important.

“Welcome everybody!” Takamina screamed as the crowd answered by loud screams.

“Thank you for coming tonight!” Sayaka added.

They all bowed to the crowd, knowing they still had to be polite with their fans. .

“I hope you are ready to have fun!” Yukirin smiled. “This is the first concert here at Tokyo Dome, so we’ll be giving our 200%!”

“This is really awesome, isn’t it?” Takamina asked as she began to talk about AKB’s history, as they used to do each time there was an important event.

As she finished talking about how far the group was now, Sayaka began to introduce the news members of the year in the group, some girls from the 11th generation, Kojima Natsuki, Ushibuko Sara, Suzuki Shihori, Natori Wakana and some others. She also welcomed some news “students” from the 13th generation of AKB48. As all the presentations were done, she announced a new single from the group three months from now and told the fans the show was going to be recorded to make a nice DVD.

“We can’t tell you anything more!” Yukirin laughed as the fans were insisting to know more about the single.

“Everybody, from now on, our dream comes true.” Takamina said, talking about the show they were presenting now. “Never let us down! Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!”

They all bowed for the second time. Just after, they stopped talking, letting Jurina and Rena presenting SKE48.

“All right!” Takamina said as they were done talking. “I guess you don’t want to hear us talking anymore, right?!”

The fans screamed excitedly as the girls began to sing one of their most popular single of all times, Beginner. They soon went on with their 22th single, Dark Moon. It was the song that had broke Beginner’s record the first. Then, it was SKE’S turn to present one of their singles. After some others songs, the group separated and some members came back backstage while unit songs were sung by others. Just after another MC part from Oshima Yuko, Miyazawa Sae, Watanabe Mayu, Nito Moeno, Matsui Sakiko and Matsubara Natsumi, it was time for “Love Jump”, from the Chance no Juban album. Then, both ALIVE and Kurumi to dialogue were performed, giving the three teams the opportunity to be compared to each other.

Time passed quickly and the first hour was already done when Takamina went on stage to perform the popular song BIRD. It was not the first time she performed it, of course, but it was the first time she was so nervous. Even though they were three on stage, she couldn’t help but fear this huge stage that looked kinda empty from her point of view, even with all the fans in front of them. It was… huge. She felt alone, standing in front of the micro. She walked, surrounded by the loud screams of the fans. As she began to sing, she couldn’t help but think of what she had achieved until now. From unknown… she had become someone whose popularity couldn’t be denied anymore. She had become the leader of one of the most important group in Japan. She had brought, with others members, AKB48 to the top. Singing helped her to free herself from her feelings. Singing brought her hope… Singing brought her to another world. But today… even though she was realizing her dream… she couldn’t be truly happy. She was thinking of all the graduated members, wishing they could all be there with them since it was thank to them too the group was so far now.

She couldn’t help but compare some part of the lyrics from the song to her real life… Somehow… she could easily establish a link between them and herself. She smiled to the crowd, half-fixing a point in the middle of everything, thinking of something at the same time she was singing. Even… with everything… she still wished things were different. She still wished they could be the entire original group on stage, celebrating this victory together.

“I am singing in front of thousand fans… Hearing the loud screams from the crowd brings me to life… They make me realize everything is real… That AKB48 is really there, that I’m not dreaming anymore. The fans have so much energy, it’s almost hard to give them that much in return, but I have to do my best… But… why can’t I feel as happy as when I performed at Shibuya AX or somewhere else?”

The group had stopped performed at Shibuya AX after the Request Hour of 2011.

“Music is my life. Singing is my passion. I was waiting for this moment since so long time! I am proud of myself and the group… I am thankful for the attention the group has… I want to thank each fan by myself to tell them how much I love them… Now I’m at Tokyo Dome… Isn’t it the perfect opportunity to tell them what I’ve always wanted to say? Seriously, how many people are wishing to be me today? How many people would give all they have to come here? How many people didn’t have the chance to get a ticket? Why am I thinking of weird things when I am supposed to make them happy?”

The crowd cheered for her as there was music solo.   

“But… when the light will go off… when the music will stop playing… when silence will take over this stage… when the fans will be gone… what will I become? Without the fans, without this fire in my heart telling me what my passion is, what will be left? Am I not supposed to be happy right now? To enjoy myself? To capture each second of this magic moment? There’s everything now, fans, music, micro in front of me, friends encouraging me, the entire group waiting their turn to go on stage… the atmosphere is crazy. So many people… so many stars in their eyes… so many love from them… I should be the first one having fun tonight. I should be the first one crying from joy right now… But it’s like my heart is half empty… I feel strange… there’s something missing. There’s something missing to everything. There’s something missing… so I could be truly happy right now.”

She finished her song, breathing heavily as applauses made her shivering.

“When everything I tried to reach for will be gone, what will I become? Will I still be able to smile? Because right now, I can’t smile anymore. I can’t thank the crowd properly anymore… I can’t tell them I have fun with them anymore… I stared everywhere. I feel surrounded by a tsunami of people. I feel like I’m going to die if I don’t leave the stage right now. But I am leaving the stage… I am slowly walking backstage since my song’s done. I am happy. I am backstage. I feel relieved to be somewhere where the fans cannot see me. I don’t know what I have… I can’t stop shaking. I can’t stop thinking it’s not normal to be sad in such an amazing situation… I’m shaking…”

“You will go back in ten minutes!” A staff member told her as he passed by, but she wasn’t listening to him.

“I’m living a dream… I’m living our dream… Not only mine… it was hers too. It was her dream to be on stage with me here, at Tokyo Dome. She always told me she couldn’t wait to be there with me… She always told me she will be here for sure when it will happen… And now, I know the answer why I can’t be truly happy. I’ve always thought I would be able to laugh with her on stage when it will come… But here it is… and she’s not here. She’s not by my side, talking to me about how happy she is that our dream finally comes true. She’s not here to enjoy the show like she was supposed to… I’m glancing everywhere again, trying to find rescue I could rely on… I can’t hold my tears now… since I know I will not be able to be happy until it’s done, even though the situation is perfect. I know it because… there’s something missing here to make me happy. There’s someone missing here… to make me having fun like I was supposed to… No matter how loud the crowd screams… No matter how much energy I have in my body… I can’t put my entire soul inside what I am doing right now… because she’s missing… because I can’t truly enjoy it without her by my side… She’s missing…”

“Thank you everyone for coming tonight!”

“I can hear Sayaka’s voice… I’m back on stage without even knowing it. I’m smiling, even if it’s fake. I’m laughing, even if it sounded false. I’m thanking all the fans, even I want them to stay so I would never be alone…”

Miichan turned her head and stared at the crying captain. Thank to her close friendship with the small girl, she could tell she was not crying like usual. Even the way she cried was different now… and she couldn’t help but think it was about time Takamina realized it…

“My eyes are trying to find her between all those people… My ears are trying to hear her voice between all those voices… My mouth is trying to whisper her name while I’m talking about the group… My mind is despairingly thinking about her as we began to sing our final song. And while others think I’m crying because of happiness… I am the only one aware that my tears are falling down my cheeks only because she’s gone. ”


End note: You guys have no idea how long it is to put some part in "italic" XD
End note 2: ... What will happen to Takamina??? Will everyone die in chapter 14?  :shocked
...... Don't laugh, you know I would be able to change everything if somebody asked me to  :twisted:
End note 3: I want comments  :grin:
End note 4: Watch out for Akimoto-san ....
« Last Edit: January 30, 2011, 02:08:23 AM by bou-j525 »

Offline mangobanana15

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Re: [AKB48] Pink Vitriol (Explanations:chp1)
« Reply #86 on: January 30, 2011, 02:55:00 AM »
woahhh that last part was intenseee!! when she finally realized something!  :O

man i hope Akimoto isn't going to do anything extremely harsh to her!  :(

I like all the takaachan moments going on in this chapter, especially the awesome hug!

I wonder what is Takamina gonna do after feeling all these emotions happening?  :huhuh

gosh everything was a big rush! WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN!?!?! (AND YOU BETTER NOT MAKE EVERYONE DEAD OR YOU'RE NEXT!  :) )

Update soon with that chapter 14 you're writing!!

Offline dee1711

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Re: [AKB48] Pink Vitriol (Explanations:chp1)
« Reply #87 on: January 30, 2011, 10:08:57 AM »
I think I just drop down 1 thing: I read the whole thing(of course, how couldn't I??) and please, PLEASE... let's they be together long enough before you decide to let someone die or something bad happen or anything that suppose to be happen in this tragedy  :bow:  :bow:  :bow: Otherwise, I will.... :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:

(In fact, I will be more than happy if this is a happy ending story, which I highly doubt..  :smhid  :smhid)

Offline bou-j525

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Re: [AKB48] Pink Vitriol (Explanations:chp1)
« Reply #88 on: February 07, 2011, 03:05:51 AM »

WHY IS THERE A HAPPY SMILEY?!  :smhid It looked like you want me to die XD just kidding :P

(In fact, I will be more than happy if this is a happy ending story, which I highly doubt..  :smhid  :smhid)

I'm not so cruel................ yet

Hello, thank for reading my story, commenting and clicking on the "thank you" button!  :bow:
I just have enough time to post my chapter here and then I'll be working all the week! Ohhh how I like life  :smhid
The beginning looks like I'm repeating things, but please, read everything until the end!
Sorry for the mistakes!

Chapter 14


Takamina cheered with some members of her team. The entire group was having a celebration for their first concert at Tokyo Dome the day after their performance. There was a week left before the second and they couldn’t wait, even though their muscles were asking some rest from yesterday’s performance. They were all drinking, eating, talking and laughing with everyone, aware that it was probably the last “fun” time before coming back to practice. Joy could be seen in their eyes as they were happily sharing their thoughts about the first show.

“Hey, Takamina!” Sasshi exclaimed as she patted her shoulder. “You were so cute crying from happiness yesterday! The whole show went really well, right? We did a great job, thank to you, captain!”

Sasshi wasn’t totally wrong when she mentioned that it was because of Takamina the show went well. Of course, the short girl wasn’t the only one responsible for all this, but she was definitely one of those who worked the most and encouraged the most each member. Takamina had no choice, it was the opportunity of a lifetime after all. She would never waste this chance, even if the world was going to crash. It was a chance for AKB48 to go farther than ever, and it was also a great thing for herself since she had learned news things about ways to control her voice. It was too important this time to be ignored.

That was what she thought.

But when tears had begun to fall down her cheeks while she was in the middle of her BIRD performance, her determination had disappeared in a second. She had not told anyone about the truth, letting them believing she was just overwhelm by feelings. It was better this way. She still had difficulty to accept the fact that she had let her heart being disturbed by something so… so stupid! She was working! She was at Tokyo Dome! She was performing in front of thousand people! How could she have let her feelings control herself in such an important moment? She had had no right to think about something personal during this show. She couldn’t accept it herself, so how could she ever tell truth about it to someone else?! She was mad at herself. She found herself weak. Weak because she had not been able to perform like she was supposed to. Because “she” was taking too much place in her thoughts when “she” wasn’t supposed to. Wasn’t working to reach her dream her biggest goal in her life? Wasn’t working the most important thing in her life?

“Good job yesterday, Takamina!” Some girls said to her as they were passing by.

The captain of Team A just smiled and congratulated them too. But she knew her smile was fake, as fake as her happiness right now. She was playing the role of a happy captain who just managed to lead her team to the top of the mountain. But in fact, she was guilty about what she had done yesterday. She was not proud of herself. She didn’t like the way she had worked. She was angry because of that incapability of focusing only at her work. Seriously, what the hell was wrong with her? She had never been so less concentrate during a concert before! How could she have become so… troubled only in five months?! But what bothered her the most wasn’t the fact that she had been unable to work properly yesterday… it was the fact that she was still incapable to find what she had. She couldn’t put her feelings into words and it frustrated her. She couldn’t describe what she was living and it pissed her off. The only thing she knew was that it was all because of “her” and it frustrated her even more.

“Takamina, do you want something to eat?” Haruna asked her with a meal of katsudon in her hand. “We asked the staff to buy you this since it’s your favourite!”

“No, thank. I’m not hungry.” She answered, still having this fake smile stuck in her face.

Haruna looked surprise to see Takamina saying “no” to her favourite meal, but didn’t ask about it and just left to join Yuko who was a bit too friendly with Sae and Sayaka.

Even though she really wasn’t hungry, Takamina couldn’t believe herself she had refused katsudon! Was she that different? She sighed, shaking her head, tired of everything. She didn’t like her own comportment… She didn’t like how she was acting during those five months… She wanted to feel the fire in her veins when she was dancing. She wanted to bring back this energy in her voice when she was singing… She wanted the loud screams of the fans to bring her back to life when she was on stage… She didn’t want to be so depressed. She didn’t want to cry anymore, especially for this reason. She didn’t want to have this kind of “revelation”, especially when she had no idea where they came from. All she wanted was to be able to work as usual, like before… like two years ago… when “she” was still there.

She looked around her. They were all enjoying themselves, why couldn’t she just do the same? She suddenly moved her head quickly to her right, hearing someone calling her name, but there was no one. She panted. She was imagining things now… She glanced down, staring at her feet. Only one show… There was only one show at Tokyo Dome. The last one, the second perfect performance of AKB48. She couldn’t stop now. She couldn’t pretend she was sick or anything, it wasn’t the way she was. She was strong and had her pride, even if she was still modest. Right after the last concert, she would be able to look more for these strange feelings she felt since almost five months now. She would be able to find out about it… finally. She would set her free from this. She would be able to work again, like before… that was what she believed. Five months… “She” had started to send her mails… five months ago.

“Call her.” Miichan said as Takamina flinched at her sudden appearance.

“You scared me!” Takamina protested. “What do you want?”

Takamina herself had not been aware that she wasn’t smiling anymore since almost ten minutes, staying by herself, far from others.

“Call her.” Miichan repeated. “Your face’s screaming you want to see her.”

The captain avoided her glance as she answered:

“You’re wrong. I’m just worried about the next concert.”

It wasn’t a lie… but it wasn’t the truth either. So… it wasn’t that bad to tell her that, right? Anyway, why would Miichan care about it?! Again, Takamina surprised herself by asking this. Miichan was her friend. It was obvious she would care. She was the one stupid to not trust her friends enough.

“Does that mean you stopped thinking about the first one already?” Miichan asked.

Takamina didn’t answer. Whatever Miichan wanted to hear from her, she wouldn’t give her that satisfaction. And how could she ever tell her the truth… she didn’t know it herself.

“I may not know you as much as she does, but I know you enough to tell you weren’t only crying because of happiness at the end of the show.”

The captain flinched at the “she”. Miichan… knew her a lot, it was true, but she didn’t expect it to be that much. Well… maybe “she” was right when “she” had said Takamina couldn’t lie during that Shoujiki Shouji episode. But seriously… she couldn’t have cried only because of HER, right? Because… even if she was important to her… even if she was missing… even if she was not with her anymore…

“You look like you’re going to die.” Miichan said, trying to be encouraging. “Come on, everybody’s having fun except you, so do what you want to feel better. Call her.”

Takamina was about to deny it again, but just nodded slightly. Maybe her main problem was that, denying everything. Maybe she should just accept that the show went bad because… of that hole in her heart. This empty feeling… which had never stopped growing since her graduation. Perhaps… Miichan was right when she said she was lying to herself.

“Hey,” Takamina whispered as she was about to go outside, “how do you know so much about it?”

Miichan smirked and said softly:

“Because it’s written all over your face. You know… I don’t care how many times you need to discover everything… as long as you know where your limits are.”

Takamina smiled slowly and she just turned around while Miichan added:

“And wasn’t yesterday the day of your first meeting with her, years ago?”

Takamina opened her phone, looking at the date. Miichan was right. Yesterday was their first meeting birthday. She had completely forgotten about it. Too much work she guessed… She looked for her mails. There was a new one from her. She had had no time to read it since she had received it after the concert, while she was sleeping from this hard job. She opened the door and went outside, leaving the joyful atmosphere behind her to join the darkness of the night.


“Today is special day isn’t it?
I hope your concert went well!”

“Yesterday was a very special day, you’re right.”
Takamina thought as she saved the mail.

Takamina was standing at the top of the building, staring at the lights of Tokyo. It was not too cold, just enough to be able to stay outside. She felt wind passing through her hair, refreshing her. She looked at all the lights, wondering which one was from her friend’s house. She could hear many sounds, from ambulances to music… but only one remained… it was her voice… Acchan’s voice… even though she was alone right now, she heard it. She couldn’t believe she had forgotten about it… but it was true she had been busied. Yesterday night, she was with AKB48, not with her friend. No… it was wrong. Her body had been with AKB48, but her soul, her mind and her heart hadn’t. She shook her head, refusing to think about it.

Maybe she should call her now that it was done? She was alone here, nobody could listen to her. And Acchan was probably not working now… Maybe they could talk about their “meeting birthday”. Maybe talking to her would really help her to feel better, like Miichan had told her… She frowned. What was so special about talking to Acchan? She was her best friend… but why was she happier when she talked to her, and not with someone else? Why couldn’t she feel the same thing when she was with Miichan or Haruna? Why was it… so great to talk with her… Why was she so excited when she received a new mail from her…? She was just… a friend like another, right? She sighed. There was no need to ask herself so many questions. It would only make her feel bad. It would not help her to find an answer… it would be useless… right?

Takamina smiled. Finally, after five long months, she would talk to her. Why was she so happy about it? Sure, it had been a long time… but…  but nothing. Those tears, she didn’t want them anymore. She didn’t want to cry from sadness at the next concert. There was no way she would. She would go on stage happy and confident next time.

She waited for Acchan to answer. There was no one. Her friend didn’t answer her call. It was just… an empty silence from the other side of the line. Takamina felt suddenly anxious and called the hospital. She had a bad feeling growing in her mind. It was late, but the doctor was kind enough to let her talk.

“Room 257, please.” She asked politely, even though her blood was running through her body.

She waited while they were transferring her call.


Takamina hang up. Hiroko had answered. She had not left the hospital yet. She started to breathe again. Acchan was fine. Her manager was not threatening her again… everything was fine. She flinched as she realized what she had just done. She felt stupid. Couldn’t she trust Acchan more than that? It wasn’t because she didn’t answer her call that she was dead or something like this! And she couldn’t expect Acchan to answer each time she called since she herself didn’t do it. She couldn’t believe how worried she had been only for something so… small. She wasn’t Acchan’s bodyguard, right? She didn’t need to be so worried? Why the hell had she reacted this way so fast? Why couldn’t she just say “I’ll call her later”, like normal people would do! Why did she have to care so much?! And seriously, wasn’t she asking herself the same freaking questions since five months?! Why couldn’t she just find the answer and let it go?

She furiously grabbed her phone and threw it in her bad. Acchan was fine. She was the one crazy to think too much about it.

“Just wait after the second show… and then I’ll concentrate to find the answer to these questions.”

Yes, she would do that. There was no need to hurry. There was nothing to care about. All these dreams and all this sadness meant nothing. What Hiroko had told her about Acchan meant nothing too. It was just… lies.

“Acchan loves you.”

Takamina flinched. She couldn’t stop doubting about it. Was it true? She had not though too much about it, but now… with what had happened during the show… Love… what did “love” meant anyway? There were so many definitions… Which was Acchan’s definition of love? Which was her definition of love?

“What happened to me to change so much in such a short laps of time?” She repeated loudly to someone invisible.

Only silence answered her question. 

Don’t be shy anymore… not with you… not with the others…

Did that mean… that shyness was what stopped her from discovering the truth? She… She wasn’t that shy, wasn’t she? She smiled slightly. She had to admit she was probably the shyest of the whole group. But to go to the point of lying to herself… wasn’t it too extreme? She was shy but… she was honest, wasn’t she?

And that was when she finally realized her problem. Miichan was right from the beginning. Miichan had told her everything to help her to find the truth, but she had just thrown everything away. She wasn’t honest with herself. She was lying all the time. She never took time to really answer to all these question that poisoned her life. She never answered these questions for real… All she did was answering “no” all the time, denying her feelings, refusing to see all the possibilities. In fact… had she ever taken time to really think about everything that was going on her mind recently? It was normal she had cried yesterday because she was surrounded by mysterious and uncontrollable feelings! She would never feel better unless she stopped avoiding her feelings. 

She yawned. She was falling asleep there, alone. She needed to go back where there was sounds and food to stay awake… Maybe she should try this katsudon after all? But as she was about to leave to join the others, her phone rang, disturbing the silence of the night.

“Hello?” she asked, not looking whose number it was.

“You called me?” A weak voice answered.

Takamina flinched, recognizing Acchan’s voice.

“Acchan?” she asked, surprised.

“Is everything fine?”

“Um? Yes… why do you ask? You sound strange, are you alright?”

Acchan coughed a little before she answered:

“Sorry, I’m sick… But since it’s so rare you call me… I was thinking something might have happened to you so I was worried.”

Not only did she sound sick, but it seemed that she was sleepy too. Takamina couldn’t believe Acchan was worried about her when she was the one sick! She should be the one worried about Acchan, not the opposite! Did her friend… care more about her than herself?

“You shouldn’t worry about me when you’re the one sick.” Takamina said softly.

“But… once… you fainted on stage… I just wanted be sure it wasn’t something like that.”

“I just wanted to talk… I’m fine.” Takamina answered, glad of the attention Acchan had toward her.

“I’m relieved then…I wanted to be sure you had nothing.”

Takamina smiled. Acchan could be so cute sometimes…

“Hey, you’re home now?” She asked as Acchan confirmed. “I’m coming.”

“What?” Acchan asked, surprised in her voice. “Aren’t you busy now? And it’s late… and…”

“Everything is fine. I just want to be sure you have nothing too bad too.” She said. “Wait for me.”

She hanged up and stared at the dark sky for a minute.

“Stop lying to yourself and go find the truth about your feelings so you will finally be able to work properly, understand?!”

She would leave to go to Acchan’s house. After all, she was really worried about her, and even if it was late, she wanted to see her. She wanted to make sure she was alright. Acchan was worried about her enough to call her even though she was sick, well she would visit her no matter what time it was. As she was saying goodbye to the others members, she approach Miichan and said:

“I’m leaving. I’ll visit Acchan, she’s sick.”

Her friend smiled and nodded.

“Finally, it’s about time. Make sure you find all you need to know. We don’t want to see you sad at the next concert too.”

“I won’t.” She promised as she left the place.

It wasn’t so far and she didn’t have enough money to take a taxi, so she decided to walk. Halfway… rain began to fall. She walked faster, but she realized it wasn’t enough and began to run. She walked to the door and opened it without knocking, knowing when she called Acchan before coming, the door was always opened to her. Her entire body was wet and water was even falling down on the floor. Damn… she would have to give a good explanation to Acchan… One of her friend’s dogs came in front of her and began to lick the water.

“Good boy!” Takamina laughed. “You just helped me finding an excuse for that!”

She knew it wasn’t polite, but she went to the bathroom before even seeing her friend. There was no way she was going to appear like this. She looked like a real fish. She did her best to dry herself, but seeing there was nothing more she could so, she just stopped and went in the living room, hoping Acchan would not get mad at her for splashing water everywhere. Fortunately, her friend’s parents weren’t there.

“Acchan?” she whispered as she entered the living room.

Her friend was lying on the sofa, listening, again, to the video the French fan had given her. She was still looking at the final scene, she couldn’t get enough of it. In fact, she was half sleeping as Takamina saw what her friend was listening to.

“Are you alright?” Takamina asked as she squatted down in front of her friend, putting her hand in her forehead.

Acchan opened her eyes and smiled at Takamina.

“You really came…” She said.

“Of course I came!” Takamina laughed. “What are you doing, listening to that? You should sleep in your bedroom and rest to feel better tomorrow.”

“I can’t help it… Seeing Takamina kissing me help me to feel better. You know, your lips were really soft...” Acchan whispered innocently.

“Ah, stop it, it’s embarrassing.” Takamina laughed, trying to hide the pink color on her cheeks.

Acchan laughed and coughed at the same time as she said:

“Hey… you look like you took a bath with your clothes.”

“Sorry about that… I was walking and… well…rain.”

“You can use the bath here if you want and take some clothes of mine. I don’t care. And you did all the way to come here, so do as you want.”

“Ah, no, I don’t want to bother you.” Takamina immediately said.

Acchan frowned. She couldn’t believe Takamina was still shy with her after all the time they had spent together.

“Come on, I can’t get out of here anyway, so I won’t spy you. And if you don’t, you may catch a cold.”

“I came here to see you and take care of you, not the opposite.” Takamina reminded her. “I can’t leave you here.”

“I’m fine, I can wait.”

Seeing how much Acchan insisted, Takamina couldn’t refuse. She went in Acchan’s room, took some clothes and locked herself in the bathroom. At least, she could trust Acchan to not spy on her since she was sick… What? Stupid! She felt stupid! She was here to find the truth, right? It wasn’t the time to be shy at all! Now she should just hurry and talk to Acchan before she felt asleep. Seriously… first, the kiss scene, then that?! How would she find the truth if she was so shy! Somehow, she began to understand the reasons why Miichan thought she was helpless. But she couldn’t help but feel good thinking that Acchan still cared about her even if she was just wet by rain. After a moment, she went in the bath, moaning at the meeting of the hot water and her skin. It felt so good! Now she could relax for real… She glanced at the closed door. Outside, Acchan was patiently waiting for her to finish, so she needed to hurry. But then again… she felt so good the way she was! She closed her eyes, enjoying the bath. One or two minutes of relaxation couldn’t be bad, right?

Thirty minutes later

“Takamina?” Acchan asked through the door of her bathroom.

There was no answer.

“Takamina?!” She shouted as she knocked loudly.

Still no answer.

Acchan shook her head. No way, what was going on? Why wasn’t Takamina answering?

“Hey!” She screamed as loud as possible.

At the other side of the closed door, Takamina slowly opened her eyes and yawned. Where was she? Oh, yeah, she was taking a bath at Acchan’s house… Wait a minute… A bath? Acchan’s house? DAMN!

“Takamina, answer me!” She heard Acchan screaming from the other side as the door was about to be smashed.

“Acchan? Everything is fine…” She slowly said, drying herself as she went out of the bath.

The loud sound stopped.

“What the hell were you doing?! I called you but you didn’t answer!” Acchan’s furious voice asked.

“I’m sorry!” Takamina answered. “I… I was exhausted and… I kinda fell asleep.”


“Don’t worry, I’m… I’m coming out!” Takamina said as she dressed as fast as possible, insulting herself at the same time. Sleeping in the bath, what was she thinking about?! She was here for Acchan, not to sleep for God sake!

She opened the door as soon as she was dressed, panting. Acchan was not there anymore. She had gone back to the living room to sit on the sofa, still nervous. Takamina sat by her side, apologizing.

“Acchan, I’m really sorry… I was tired… I didn’t think I could-”

“I thought something might have happened to you…” Acchan whispered, interrupting her.

Even though she was sick, she had managed to call Takamina from the living room when she had seen it was becoming long. Since she had not received an answer, she had hardly walked to the door. She had tried to call her too, but there was no answer either. When she had finally heard Takamina’s voice, she had almost fainted because of the emotion.

“I’m sorry.” Takamina said.

“I was worried about you.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I thought you fainted or something in the water and that…” She didn’t finish her sentence.

“I’m sorry.”

“I have a headache because of you.”

“I’m sorry.”

Acchan stopped talking, catching her breathe. For a moment… the slight possibility of being alone in this world without Takamina crossed her mind. She had been afraid that something bad had happened… she had been afraid of loosing her… she had been afraid of finding an unconscious body in the bath. She sighed, putting her face in her hands. She had never been so scared in her life.

“Never do that again…” She whispered. “Never… scare me like that again.”

“I’m sorry.” Takamina repeated.

She honestly didn’t know what else to do. She understood how Acchan had felt. She had felt the same the day she had learned about the car accident. Being afraid of loosing someone important… there was no word to describe this feeling. Being afraid to be alone in this world was scaring. Loosing someone you cared a lot about… it was something no one could describe. Because when it happens… however you look at the situation, there’s always a word that remains: gone. There’s always this indescribable feeling in the heart of the person left alive. Because no matter how hard one tries to remember the best memories… there’s always two things left at the end… pain… and a horrible feeling of emptiness. 

“Are you… alright?” Takamina shyly asked.

Acchan slightly nodded, taking deep breathes. Too much emotion for her tonight… She was still glad to have Takamina by her side though.

“You scared me to death though.” She said, smiling a bit. “Next time you’re going to take a bath here, I’ll go with you.”

Takamina blushed at the sudden change of subject, but just laughed awkwardly.

“I was tired…” she said with a soft voice. “I didn’t mean to scare you at all. I would never do this kind of joke…”

“I know.”

Takamina felt so stupid… so bad… so mad at herself… She was here to support Acchan, not to kill her! She wasn’t sure if she wanted to find the truth finally… Maybe she should just left Acchan rest alone tonight.

“Come on, let’s go to bed.” She said to her friend like she was talking to a little kid.

They went in Acchan’s bedroom and both of them lied on the bed, Acchan using Takamina as her pillow. She could hear Takamina’s heart beating regularly, reassuring her. Her friend was alive, with her, and there was no way she would let her go.

“Thank for coming tonight.” Acchan said, smiling.

“Don’t thank me. I scared you to death a few minutes ago.” Her friend laughed.

“Yeah, but I don’t care. When you’re with me this way, I feel invincible. Even if I’m sick… when you’re with me, it’s like the happiest part of my life.”

Takamina smiled, but didn’t answer. Her heart was beating faster as Acchan was whispering these sweet words to her. She felt good this way, having this king of proximity with her. Somehow, she wasn’t as shy as before with her. Somehow… she knew she didn’t have to be shy in this kind of situation. “To look into her heart”, what exactly did it mean? Being like this with Acchan, did it bother her? Did she felt awkward this way? Was she dying of shyness? Was she dying of fear? No… it was fine. She wanted to stay like this… she wanted this moment… to remain forever. She closed her eyes, still not believing what she was doing now. If the others were there, she would probably just move apart from Acchan… but the others weren’t there. They weren’t there to laugh at them or pretend things…

“Takamina… don’t leave me alone again…” she heard Acchan saying softly.

She nodded, knowing when her friend was sick, she was becoming more emotional than usual. The way she talked to her, it didn’t sound like a joke or anything. It sounded… like a hopeless call for help. It sounded like a call to fight against loneliness. She reached for her hand and didn’t release it as she said:

“I will never leave you.”

In a way, they had both decided that Takamina would stay there for the night. Acchan felt relieved to have her by her side, even though she still couldn’t tell her she loved her. They were fine this way, there was no need to bring this subject. It was exactly what she wanted… to feel Takamina’s body against her as they were half sleeping, half talking. If she were strong enough, she would have taken a picture, but she wasn’t.

“You say that… but when you will go back to work, everything will be the same.”

Acchan was right and Takamina knew it even if it broke her heart. Why couldn’t she stop thinking of Acchan all the time? Why was it becoming so painful to be by her side, knowing they would have to leave each other sooner or later? Why couldn’t they just stay together forever? The small captain sighed, still holding Acchan’s hand. Somehow, she knew the reason… but it was hard to admit it… to find the truth behind her feelings. She stared at Acchan’s face for a moment. She surprised herself, thinking how cute her friend was. She was here to find the truth, right? Well, somehow, she knew she had realized something tonight. She didn’t want to leave Acchan. She didn’t want to see her sick or sad again. She wanted her friend… to smile at her with stars in her eyes like she used to do.

“I promise I’ll do my best to see you more often.”

Acchan sighed. Now, Takamina said that, but as soon as she would go back… she would forget her. Like usual. She would not care about leaving her alone for another five months… Acchan knew her friend enough to tell that work was very important to her. She squeezed Takamina’s hand, hoping time would stop. But time went on as they stayed in silence, appreciating this moment. Knowing that someone cared for her made Acchan feel way better. She glanced at Takamina. Her eyes were closed. She was cutely sleeping. Acchan couldn’t help but smile at how tired the captain was. She was also thankful for her to be there with her. Takamina had visited her, even though she was busied like never before. She had taken time to talk to her and to make sure everything was fine, even though all she wanted from the beginning was to sleep. Acchan didn’t know how to thank her now. She was so cute sleeping this way…

“Takamina…?” she whispered, removing her head from her friend’s shoulder.

But she was deeply sleeping. Was she dreaming? Was she happy? Was she sad? Acchan didn’t know anything from Takamina’s life right now. She only knew it was Tokyo Dome time for AKB48. She was glad their dream had come true. They deserve it, Takamina more than anybody…

“You’re sleeping…?” Acchan whispered.

There was still no answer. When Takamina slept, it was almost impossible to wake her. About this point… it was the same with Acchan. The actress stared at her friend sleeping peacefully. She was so cute… and yet… Acchan was scared. Not only because of her feelings toward her friend… but because Takamina was sleeping in her bed right now, with her by her side. And she was sick! She would never forgive her if Takamina became sick before the second concert at Tokyo Dome… Sadly, she moved back, breaking their hand contact. Takamina’s hand closed. Acchan sighed. She had no right to break Takamina’s dream. She couldn’t be selfish and take the risk of making her sick… She smiled as she slightly began to cry silently. She was… not needed. She was only an obstacle for Takamina’s dream. She would… never sleep again with her, nor be so close with her…She stood, ready to leave the bed to go to sleep in another room. But at least… even with this sadness… she could still be happy. She could still enjoy Takamina’s presence. She… could still dream.

“Where you’re going?” she heard Takamina mumbled as she opened the door.

She turned around. Takamina had still her eyes closed, but she knew she was awake. Acchan’s movement had woken her. She didn’t answer, hoping Takamina would think she was going to the bathroom or something. It wasn’t her style to play the shy girl, it was Takamina’s… but tonight, she wanted to exchange roles. Takamina needed to sleep and she was sick. There was no way she could stay there with her.

“I decided to come here to take care of you… remember?” Takamina asked, still closing her eyes. “I won’t be sick, if that’s what you’re afraid of.”

Acchan sobbed. She was rarely crying… why did she have to cry tonight?! Takamina and she… were so connected… Somehow… they knew what the other thought. They were close in a way nobody else was.

“But…” she murmured.

Takamina didn’t answer. She didn’t move, except… for her hand. She opened it, waiting for something to happen. It didn’t take a long time before Acchan’s hand reached for hers and went back lying by her side. Words were not needed.

Acchan didn’t know how important it was for Takamina to do something like this. To accept to sleep by her side this way, so close… it was a huge step. A huge step, not only with her feelings, but also for who she really was. She was now aware that… she didn’t want their closeness to be destroyed by her job. She didn’t want this special relationship they had to disappear because of their job. She didn’t want… to loose her. She didn’t want to suffer anymore when she would be far from her… she hated this painful feeling piercing through her heart each time she thought about Acchan… She knew what she had lost at Acchan’s graduation now… not just a part of who she was… she had entirely lost herself. 


Takamina slowly opened her eyes. She had never slept so well since… a whole year. She yawned, taking her time to wake up. The room was full of sun rays, which was pretty unusual since she had to wake up at 5 o’clock… She suddenly stood, get out of the bed and looked around her, panicked. Where was she? Why was Acchan lying on the bed, sleeping too? Why was the sun so high in the sky?! Oh crap. She had slept with Acchan… she had stayed too late… She was late!

She immediately went in the bathroom, trying to make her hair look more… normal. She changed her clothes in a second and was ready to leave, not taking time to eat anything. The others were going to KILL her. No... worst, they were going to kill her, destroy her body and burn it to ashes. She couldn’t believe she had been so lazy! It was almost midday, she had no time to slow down. Practice had begun since already four hour and she was still in Acchan’s house?! Was it a bad joke?! She looked at her cell phone. She had three mails from Miichan, Haruna and Sayaka. She was… really… going… to get killed.

She took a few second to look at Acchan though, putting her hand on her forehead to see if she still had fever. She couldn’t help but think her friend was really pretty sleeping this way. The way she was lying in the bed… the way her mouth was slightly opened… the way her hair were falling, hiding her face… the way a smile sometimes appeared in her sleeping face… right now, everything was… perfect with Acchan. She could just stare forever at her… but… she could not. She was relieved to see she seemed to get better, but she had no time to wait more. She had to get out of here, and fast.

As she was leaving the room, carrying her bag, she quickly wrote a note to Acchan, explaining herself, but it was not needed. Acchan was awake. But Takamina was busy writing the note, her back facing the bed, so she didn’t see her friend walking toward her. Still half sleeping, Acchan put her arms around Takamina’s waist, surprising her from behind. The small captain flinched at their closeness, but didn’t say anything. After all… Acchan was kind of sleeping so… it couldn’t be intentional.

“Where are you going?” Acchan’s sleepy voice asked in Takamina’s ear.

Takamina smiled awkwardly. Acchan was way too close to her… it was becoming scary. It wasn’t that she didn’t like Acchan… but right now… this kind of proximity…

Stop lying to yourself for once… You’re not against this feeling…

The captain sighed. She was still avoiding the truth. She would never find anything about herself if she kept on going this way. She had come here to find answers… but finally time was missing. She couldn’t stay anymore. She couldn’t talk to Acchan anymore. She had to go to work. She had to hurry because… even though it looked stupid, the reason was pretty simple: it was her job. She couldn’t leave and do like nothing happened.

“I’m going to practice for the second concert.” She said, trying to move apart.

But Acchan didn’t have the intention of letting her go. She put her head on Takamina’s shoulder and yawned.

“I need my pillow.”

“You have one in your bed. Go back to sleep. I need to go.” Takamina answered, even though she really wanted to stay and sleep again.

“I can’t sleep without Takamina’s body near mine.” Acchan protested.

Takamina quickly tried to hide the red color appearing on her cheeks as she whispering:

“Of course you can. Look how you’re tired now.”

The way she was saying it was… like she was asking Acchan to answer she could sleep without her. Like… she wanted Acchan to say “goodbye” to her. She was secretly praying for Acchan to let her go because… finally she didn’t want to find the truth. She was scared. She… wanted to know but at the same time… what would she do if it was really what she was thinking? Would she… leave Acchan? Would she… learn to love Acchan? She shook her head. She couldn’t support so much pressure from both her job and Acchan… It was too much for her. She just wanted to leave this place. She had been wrong to come here. She had been wrong to want to know the truth. She was fine the way she was… But the way Acchan was acting with her right now was… so adorable!

“Let me go.” She said. “I have work. I can’t stay here…”

“You won’t come back if I let you go…” Acchan sadly murmured.

“Why are you saying that? It’s not true!”

“You have work. You won’t come back. You’d rather work than come here.”

Acchan was still close to Takamina who wondered if what her friend was telling was really true. She… was acting that way? Like she would never come back to see her? Wait, was Acchan asking her to…

“I can’t believe you want me to choose between the group and you.” She answered, a bit harsh.

She felt Acchan’s breath stop for a second as she regretted what she just said. No… it wasn’t the way she wanted to talk to Acchan… but she really needed to leave. She… did choose her work over her friend after Acchan’s graduation. But it was for her dream… Didn’t they make the promise to do all they can to reach their dream? Didn’t they say they would encourage the other no matter what? Now Acchan was really acting like… her departure would kill her. But it wasn’t, right? She couldn’t be so important to her, right? She was her best friend right… but… she would come back for sure. Even if it took months, even if they couldn’t talk together for a moment, nothing would change between them, right?

“Acchan, I’m sorry…”

But her friend just moved apart and went back in her bed.

“No, I am the one sorry. I know the group is important for you.”

Takamina just wanted to go back and hugged her friend like… she hated to say it, but like a lover would do to reassure one.

“I promised you I won’t leave you.”

Acchan didn’t look at her. Takamina sighed and went near her. She didn’t want to leave on a sad note... She knew herself, she would not ever be able to work if she was in a fight with her best friend.

“Hey…” she said as she faced her. “I never broke a promise before.”

“I know…” Acchan said. “Really… thank for coming yesterday. I was really happy.”

Takamina smiled and nodded. She was glad too. It had been the nicest night since a long time.

“Good luck for the second concert. I hope it will go as well as the first one…”

The captain was about to nod and confirm, but she suddenly remembered something important… The first concert... hadn’t been really well. It had been perfect… until her song. Until salt water had fallen down from her eyes. Everything had been fine… until she had remembered she was alone on stage, living a dream without her best friend by her side like they were supposed to.  She smiled, but said honestly to Acchan:

“I hope it will go better than the first one. I messed up at the end of it. I… became too emotional.”

“Well, it’s not surprising…”

Acchan, knowing how important that concert was for Takamina, felt a bit sad for her. She really wanted to do something to bring her real smile back, not the half sad she was seeing right now in the face of her friend, but she knew there was nothing she could really do. Instead, she softly kissed Takamina’s forehead. She did that only when she knew it was needed. Only when she was sure Takamina would not get mad. It was… a way she had found to help her friend. Somehow, Takamina always appreciated it. The first time she had done that, she had been surprised, shy had tried to hide it by pretending being mad at her. But the next time Acchan had done it… Takamina had just shyly smiled, staring at her. To the actress, it had become… a silent way to give her love.

“Why?” Acchan asked, supporting her.

Why? Takamina didn’t know the answer. Why? It was the most difficult question she ever had to answer. It was… the answer she had wanted to find by coming here… but it seemed that it was more complicated. It seemed that… she didn’t trust herself enough to find the answer. She didn’t… have enough confidence to find it… Even if she still had no idea about it, she knew she had done the best choice by coming here yesterday night. Seeing Acchan was enough to bring her smile back. Yeah, seeing her best friend… was more than enough to make her happy.

“I don’t know.” Takamina smiled sadly. “But I’ll do better next time for sure.”

“I know you can do it.” Acchan encouraged her. “Now go, I don’t want you to get killed…”

“I’m sorry.” Takamina said.

She truly was. She wished she could stay with Acchan today. She wished they could have a real meeting, the two of them, spending a whole day together, and not just a short night being together. But life was putting a huge obstacle between them: work. And… between all the obstacles she could easily surpass, this one was the most difficult to fight. She couldn’t fight her own manager. She couldn’t fight Acchan’s manager. She couldn’t leave her job. She couldn’t skip practices… In fact, the only thing she could do was to leave Acchan.  It was the only choice she had.

“Takamina…” Acchan said as her friend was leaving the piece.


“I’m serious… I want you to come back. I want you to be by my side forever.”

The leader of team A turned around, smiling.

“There’s no way I’d leave you.” She pronounced, laughing a little, like she was joking again.

Takamina was smiling, but her face turned serious as she saw Acchan’s expression. Her friend was staring at her with an intense glance. She could felt her own gaze lost itself deeper than ever before into her friend’s beautiful eyes. It was like she was prisoner from her own body. She couldn’t move, she couldn’t speak, and she even had difficulty to breathe. It was… like if a strong and unbreakable bond was being created between them. Acchan was serious, more than ever. She was sending a message to Takamina by her eyes. “I don’t want you to leave me”, that was what Takamina could understand.

But there was something more. Something hid behind this first message. Something even stronger than their close relationship… it was an invisible call for help… a call to ask Takamina to free her from love’s cruel influence.

“I swear… I will never-”

But Takamina’s whisper was interrupted by Acchan as the actress moved her head.

“Don’t promise something you can’t be sure about.” She pronounced with difficulty. 

She broke their eyes contact, closing her eyes, coming back to the world beyond reality, where dreams could never be broken. Takamina hardly left the room, wondering what this uncomfortable feeling that had taken over her heart was. Something strange was happening to her. Something… she thought would never happen was becoming to grow in her mind, erasing everything she had believed before. Something… was changing. And somehow… it wasn’t only positive.


She was running toward Tokyo Dome as fast as she could. She couldn’t breathe anymore when she finally reached the place. She quickly apologized to the bodyguard at the entry and went inside, trying to prepare mentally for her future death. She was not smiling anymore. Everything that had happened with Acchan a while before had completely disappeared from her mind as she walked in the huge stage. She saw a couple of girls staring at her, whispering things she couldn’t hear from where she was. She was the worst captain ever. Seriously, she was the worst example to give to the new generation EVER. She tried to search her friends, soon enemies, by looking everywhere, but it wasn’t necessary. She was already surrounded by angry members.

“Where the hell were you?” Miichan asked angrily. “Don’t you know how important it is to be here at time! You are late by hours!”

Takamina didn’t try to find excuses, she quickly bowed to them, saying nothing than “sorry”.

“This was not really smart from you, captain.” Sayaka said with a really serious voice. “I don’t know where you slept, but seriously, you better never do that again.”

Takamina didn’t move, still bowing. She really felt guilty. She was a first generation member. She was supposed to give a great example to the others. She was one of those who wanted the most to have a concert at Tokyo Dome, but she was acting like she didn’t care at all.

“Takamina!” Tomochin growled, not really happy too as she joined the group. “It was about time you arrive. We need you in Team A to practice some songs! I shouldn’t be the one saying that to you.”

“Hey, I don’t think Akimoto-san is really happy now…” Mariko said.

Takamina suddenly stopped bowing, staring with fear at what Mariko. Akimoto-san? AKIMOTO-SAN? She was hoping they would not talk to this to him, but it was stupid to think something like this. Of course, they would tell him, what was she thinking about! But now, she knew she had a real problem. Her latest conversation with him had been exactly about it, about her missing concentration in the group and so on… By being late now, she was only helping him confirming his doubts. Her next conversation would be… painful.

“I’m sorry.” She repeated.

She felt like yesterday night, when she kept apologized to Acchan after her “drowning” in the bath.

“Where were you?” Mariko asked as Tomochin was urging them to finish so they could go practicing. But the tall girl was really curious to know why the so serious captain was late.

Takamina glanced at Miichan. Her friend already knew about the reason. The only thing the small captain was hoping was that she had not misunderstood the real reason why she was late. Miichan frowned at her as she suddenly realized everything before saying, still mad:

“Hey, Takamina, it’s not because Acchan will soon leave to South Korea that you have to miss the practices! It’s really important this time, it’s more important than a theatre show, you know?!”

“You were with Acchan?” Mariko said loudly, making the others glaring at her, speechless.

Takamina bowed again, knowing there was nothing she could do about it. If she said something, things would get worst, she was perfectly aware of it. But she couldn’t help it if she had slept too much… and if she had taken time to talk a bit with Acchan before leaving. She really couldn’t! If was… something vital to her to spend time with Acchan, something she needed to be happy, to smile again, to keep thinking in a positive way! She surprised herself as she thought she was describing Acchan as a very close friend… almost like her girlfriend or something.

“I was.” Takamina admitted. “But I didn’t mean to be late.”

“But you are.” Miichan pointed.

Takamina nodded, even though she was really sorry about everything. And couldn’t Miichan be less harsh with her? Not only did she talk to her like she had just commit a murder, but she was also accusing her to spend more time with Acchan because of that South Korea trip!

South Korea trip?

Which trip was she talking about?!

“What do you mean by Acchan leaving for South Korea?” She asked, suddenly realizing it.

Mariko shook her head, tired of all this drama. Takamina was going to have real problems with Akimoto-san anyway, she didn’t need to stay here. She left them and went back to practice with Haruna and Tomochin. Sayaka waited a little by Miichan’s side, but seeing she had nothing more to do with them, she went to talk with Sae and the rest of Team K. She felt disappointed at Takamina though. She really did respect her… but now… it was hard to believe in her. Mistakes came often than ever, even though she had worked hard before the first concert. The team A leader definitely missed concentration now when she was working with the group. And not only was it a problem to Team A, but it was also becoming difficult for the whole group.

“Yes, you know that trip Acchan will make to increase her popularity overseas.” Miichan said, frowning.

Was she really supposed to know it? Because she couldn’t be more confused than now. Well… it was true that she had been busied with work… but it wasn’t a good reason, right?

“I’m surprise you don’t know about it. It was the main subject since two weeks in the media. I think they spoke more about her than us!”


“She will go to South Korea in one month and will stay there for like… half a year. It was planned before her manager’s accident, but since she will leave hospital soon, they decided to do it even so.”

Really? Hiroko was going to leave hospital soon? It was nice… Wait, what? Half a year?

“Six months?!” Takamina asked, almost screaming. “Acchan will go there for six months?!”

Miichan slowly nodded, finishing nailing down Takamina’s coffin. Six months? So long time? How… come she didn’t know about it? It had been in the media for two weeks already? How come she didn’t hear anything about it? Why… didn’t Acchan tell her anything about it yesterday? Was it the reason why she wanted to stay close to her all the time? Was it the reason… why she didn’t want her to leave her? She felt guilty about it… maybe it was the reason why Acchan was more affectionate than before. Maybe Acchan thought she knew about it and… she didn’t say anything about it! She didn’t wish her a good trip or tell her she would miss her. Sure, she still had one month… but now she could understand Acchan being worried: she would probably not have time to see her again until the end of the month, when she would be leaving. She would probably… have to say “goodbye” to her by mail…

“I’m sorry you had to learn it this way, but it’s the truth.” Miichan said, trying to calm down a little. “I thought you already knew it.”

But I don’t!

“Hum… Sorry for yelling at you…” Miichan added. “But you choose a really bad timing to be late. The girls are really nervous about the second concert. They all hoped you could help them as usual. By being late today, it’s like you told them even yourself are not capable to work properly. They… are scared, you know? Some of them weren’t in the group when Acchan was there, they can’t understand everything. They know the fans… miss Acchan in the group so they try to do their best to replace her, even if it’s not easy. It’s like each time the group appears, Acchan’s ghost haunts then. So try to help them like you did for us at the beginning of AKB48. Try to make them feel like they are real members of the group.”

Takamina slowly nodded, still shocked from what she just learned.

“Come on, let’s work. You will have time to think about it later.” She said, trying to sound nice. “I would give you time to think about it, but we have to practice. The concert is in five days. There’s no time to be lazy.”

But Takamina couldn’t move anymore. This new had broken down all her will to work. Acchan… will be gone for six months?

“Takamina!” Miichan said, calling her friend back to reality. “You can think about it later. The others are waiting for us.”

Takamina began to walk slowly toward her team as Miichan was going to join her own. She couldn’t help but think about what she had thought earlier this morning when she was with Acchan. Even if it took months, even if they couldn’t talk together for a moment, nothing would change between them, right? She had thought that… but now that it really happened… she didn’t know what to think. Before, after Acchan’s graduation, they had not talked together for about a year and it went fine. They were calling each other when they could and everything was nice the way it was, even though they were far from each other. But now… even if it was only for six months… it was long. Really, Takamina had already worked five months for the Tokyo Dome event, seeing Acchan only two times, and now she would not see her for another long time? It seemed… even more painful than before. It seemed that this time… she couldn’t be far from her friend anymore. She couldn’t be far from her so long time now… because her presence had become something she needed more than everything. Suddenly… the thought of the two of them being in two different countries was killing her happiness.

“Ready to work?” Tomochin’s voice called her.

Takamina nodded. But deep in herself, she knew she would never be able to work today… nor tomorrow… nor… during the second Tokyo Dome concert.

“Prove it!” Mariko said, holding her shoulder to make her face facing her.

The captain hesitated before smiling at her team. They were so nice with her. They were… a real family to her. If only… nothing had changed…

“You should hurry.” Sasshi told her. “Akimoto-san wants to see you after today’s practice. He’s not really mad but he said he needed to talk to you for the concert.”

Takamina sighed. If she was going to be killed, could she at least call Acchan to apologize for her stupidity before? She quickly nodded and began to dance. They wanted her to prove she could worry? They would soon understand what she meant by “working”. She would not give them the satisfaction to see her too much troubled. She professionally hid her true feelings behind its usual mask and began to prepare them for the next concert. She smiled. Moving this way was making her feel better. All her frustration was throwing away by each move of the choreography. And when they began to practice Beginner, she felt like she was invincible. She felt like nothing would ever stop her to reach her dream, even being apart from her best friend. She was… happy.

“She’s on fire suddenly.” Sasshi whispered to Akicha. “It looks like she trying to catch up the time.”

Her friend nodded and answered:

“Look at that precision. She’s really acting like our captain this way! Do you think it’s because she’s happy about the second concert? She’s smiling, isn’t she?”

“No…” Miichan said, interrupting the two girls.

She didn’t want to be impolite, but she had listened what they were saying and couldn’t help but making things clear.  The two girls listened to her carefully. After all, they were worried for their captain and Miichan was one of her close friend, so she couldn’t be wrong about it.

“She’s not smiling.” Miichan continued with a low voice. “This look she has on her face, it’s not happiness. It’s guilt… and perhaps sadness too.”

The three of them stared a moment at their captain. She was moving everywhere, not taking time to catch her breath or anything. She had fire in her eyes and kept glancing at the members to see if they were still working. And sometimes, her eyes paused, staring at the front of the stage, silently calling someone to be there with her. But it was not even for a fraction of seconds.

“She’s not happy right now…” Miichan kept whispering to herself as the two others stayed immobile. “She’s… lying to herself.”

Sasshi and Akicha didn’t understand what Miichan meant by saying this, but they stared at Takamina who was still dancing with all her might. What could be false with the way she was moving right now? What could be sad about the way she was singing the lyrics of their songs? Everything seemed like usual, right? She was still acting like captain they always had. Did Miichan really think she was sad? It seemed kind of impossible.

But as they walked in front of their captain to go to the other side of the stage, they both noticed that Takamina’s eyes were full of water.


Acchan stared at her calendar. She had hid it in her drawer as soon as she had learned Takamina wanted to come yesterday night. Now that she was gone, she was looking at it since a few minutes. It was Takamina’s latest version. Not only was she gorgeous in those pictures, but it was high quality pictures. They were awesome. A red circle was the only mark in this month. The last day, to be more exact. The day when she would leave to South Korea for her job.

After Hiroko’s accident, she had hoped they would cancel it, but her manager was fine now. She was going to leave hospital next week and would have enough time to prepare herself for their trip. It was important though. It would be to promote her somewhere else than in Japan, though she knew she already had fans there. She knew Takamina would not know she was going to leave soon. Of course, her friend had probably no time to listen to the news or to read newspapers. She would not know about it… she would not tell her “goodbye”… she would not see her again before her departure… she would not see her for the next seven months… but it was part of her job, right? To make cruels decisions like this, right? And a lot of things could happen in seven months, right? She could easily forget about her now. It wasn’t like the year that had followed her graduation. Now… it was different. Takamina had had time to surpass her sudden departure from the group. She would probably… never miss her as much as Acchan did.

Because Takamina didn’t know what truly love someone was.


Takamina closed her phone for the fifth time of the day since the end of the practice. She was supposed to meet Akimoto-san to talk about the concert, but it seemed that it would be tomorrow instead because he had something more important to do. So now she was just wandering around in the streets, not really knowing what to do. She didn’t want to go home. In fact, she didn’t want to go anywhere. She just wanted to sit under a tree and wait for time to pass. She just wanted to have a confirmation everything was just a bad dream but… Acchan didn’t answer her call and Hiroko was sleeping. She couldn’t ask anybody else. She couldn’t…

She hit the bench which she was sitting on angrily. What was her problem! It was worst than before! It was worst than before, even though she had seen Acchan! Now she had the furious impression she was going to kill someone. Couldn’t someone bring her an answer?

Your face’s screaming you want to see her.

Not that much, right? When Miichan had said it, was she really serious? What it SO obvious? Not that she was shy about it… well yes, she a bit, but… it was nothing to worry about, right? Her sadness couldn’t ONLY exist because of it, right?

“Acchan loves you.”

She… loved her? Since she had heard it from Hiroko, Takamina had had difficulty to concentrate on anything else. It was on her mind most of the time. She was dreaming of it, she was thinking about it during the day… she was crying because of it… but she still didn’t ask Acchan about it, thinking it would be useless.

“Never… scare me like that again.”

Did Acchan say something like this because… of friendship or love? Did Acchan see her as a friend… or as a lover? And most important, how did she, Takahashi Minami, see Acchan?

“You say that… but when you will go back to work, everything will be the same.”

Acchan was right… Everything was always going to be the same… Everything was about work and dreams… Friendship wasn’t important enough… Friendship was something people needed to feel loved by others… but friendship couldn’t help one to get a job or anything like that. And when that same friendship was in danger because of work or principle… most of the time, it lost. Most of the time… one would choose to do what was better to him, meant work, future, money, fame… No matter how important that relationship was to someone… it was also extremely fragile.

She knew what she had lost at Acchan’s graduation now… not just a part of who she was… she had entirely lost herself. 

Takamina flinched as she thought about it. That thing she had thought about… was true. She didn’t like to admit it, but… Acchan had stolen a part of her heart when she had left. Acchan… had killed her soul by leaving the group…

“Don’t promise something you can’t be sure about.”

So cruel, yet true words… but how could she be sure about it? How could she be sure… to never leave Acchan? It was… impossible to promise with their jobs. It was something unpredictable right now… But Takamina knew she could make a real promise to Acchan. She knew how, but she also knew this solution wasn’t the best one. It was something hard… something she had never really thought about before. But… it was the only way to make a real promise with her.

“She will go to South Korea in one month and will stay there for like… half a year”

Now… THAT was the real problem she had right now. Why did she feel so depressed about it? It never happened before… why did it happen right now, at the moment where she needed to concentrate the most on her job?! Why did her heart hurt so much each time she thought about being far from her best friend… Why did her soul bleed when she thought about not seeing her friend for six months… Why did murderous envy appear in her mind each time she thought about each horrible things Hiroko had done to Acchan? 

Why can’t you look deeper in your heart?


Why are you so stubborn?

She was NOT!

Why exactly do you care so much about it?

She did NOT!

Stop lying to yourself! Stop being stubborn! Stop being scared of your own friend!

Takamina closed her eyes. Was it really the way she was right now? Liar, stubborn… and scared of Acchan? Why would she be scared? There was nothing to be scared of… She was close with her, she missed her when she was not by her side, she wanted to talk to her, Acchan brought her smile back each time she was down… they were… closer than anybody else would be with them. They always knew how the other felt, what was wrong… they always supported each others… they would both give their life to save the other… They would… never… leave… the other… They were… more than family or friends… She would… so miss her when she’ll be gone… She would… probably cry more than after her graduation…

And then… she knew it. She knew what she was denying with all her might. She knew… what scared her since so much time. She finally understood what she was trying to hide from herself since the beginning… She realized… how stubborn she was with herself, how coward she was. She didn’t know if it was really how she felt toward Acchan, but she knew… it was something about it. She knew… it was something about this feeling… This forbidden feeling… the one she had fear all her life.

And as her heart finally released the truth from the walls she had build around it, she felt her head was going to explode as she realized it was probably too late to make a U-turn and start again… 

She sure felt love… but what was love exactly?


She was walking for about ten minutes, making circles in the floor. She was waiting to have the permission to enter Akimoto-san’s office. It was finally her reunion with him about the concert. But to her, it was more than that. It was the moment she would talk to him seriously about what he had told her last time. She would talk to him… and make sure everything was fine. She would finally… truly answer to what he had said. She would proved him she could be responsible.

She left the office two hours later. She didn’t say anything to the staff member who was politely talking to her. She completely ignored the fact that the light turned red and almost died as a car turned at one centimetre from her.

She hesitated, wanting to call her best friend to talk to them about this show… or maybe it was just an excuse she was giving herself to hear the voice she liked the most. She didn’t know if… she really felt love toward her… but as she stared at the blue sky, she realized lying would only make her feel bad. She realized… lying would only make her kill her own friend.

 She heard a car stopped right before her and flinched at her inattention. Killing herself would not resolve anything. And Acchan would never forgive her… Acchan… She needed to see her. She needed to talk to her… she needed to know if… “love” was the best word to describe her feelings.

But she knew she couldn’t before Tokyo Dome was done. She had… only a few days left to decide what she would tell to Acchan next time she would see her.


The second concert was ending and all the girls were on stage, in front of their fans screaming loudly. They were exhausted from their long performance, but at least, it was done. They would have time to take a break soon. Their boss would give them a two-day break after this show. Lights were still flashing everywhere as Yuko started to talk.

“Thank to everyone here! This is already the end!”

The encore was also done. They had performed five songs. They were performing for more than two hours. Yuko talked a bit about AKB48 future projects, but there was nothing really big. No announcement was planned. Sae and Sayaka started to participate to the discussion, improvising a little. They all had fun. Team K, right? The others girls were watching them, encouraging the fans to answer at the same time.

“Coming here is our biggest dream! We want to thank each of you personally, so we announce that there will be a handshake event in two weeks! You will meet everyone who dances on Tokyo Dome stage! SKE48 and NMB48 will be there too!” Sayaka said as the crowd began to scream again.

Takamina was staring at them, smiling. Not only at the three who were speaking, but also at the entire group, at each member of it. Then, her eyes moved to stared at the stage they had performed on. It was magic. Nothing would ever break the fact that they had all reached their dream today. She was so thankful to everyone that she began to cry, making some girls smiled at her. Right now, she knew she wasn’t crying from sadness… she was crying because she wanted to.

She had not talked to Acchan… she had not told her friends about what Akimoto-san had told her… she had not told them about her answer too. She had decided… she needed to keep it secret. But right now… were their last minutes on this huge stage. She saw Akimoto-san looking at her backstage and felt more pressure adding on her shoulders. Was he waiting for her to speak? Was it the reason why he was glancing at her with this intense glance only he could have? She smiled at him and he did the same, nodding slightly, like he was encouraging her. She felt courage growing in her mind and step forward.

She glanced at Miichan,n, who was silently asking her what she was doing. Usually… when Takamina spoke, it meant it was the end of the show. Was it already done? Miichan didn’t want it to finish… it was so fun! And they had no important announcement planned, it could only meant it was the end. She saw her friend trying to tell her something….

“What… are… you… doing?” She read on her lips.

Takamina smiled at Miichan, waving her hand to tell her there was nothing to worry about.

“Everybody!” Takamina screamed after she got the permission from Yuko, Sayaka and Sae to speak.

The fans answered with enthusiast at the leader of the group. It was an obligation: when the leader spoke, everybody had to listen to her.

“Those two concerts had been really fun! We enjoyed being with you a lot and we hoped you all like the show!” She bowed, making the others do the same.

“AKB48 will be thankful to you forever for helping us to reach our dream as a whole family. Before this concert ends, I would like to make an announcement.”

The fans seemed happy. What was it? A new drama? A new song? A new single? A new unit? But the crowd was the only one to think about it. The others members, even though they were all smiling, knew there was nothing like that. There was NO announcement planned! Was it a surprise from Akimoto-san and Takamina? Maybe it was the reason of their recent meeting? It would be logic… Miichan flinched as Takamina turned to her and answered to her question:

“I’m doing something I should have done before.” She said to her, smiling sadly. “I’m taking time to thank everybody here…”

What? Miichan didn’t understand anything… what did she mean by this? It was really the end of the show? Didn’t they have a last song to perform as a surprise to their fans? And suddenly, she understood everything. She understood before everyone else… what was hidden behind this sad smile. She stepped forward, wanting to interrupt her, but it was too late.

“I’m taking time to thank everybody here because… we have still a final song to sing to you. It’s not done yet!”

The crowd cheered, thinking her message was something positive. But as Miichan’s hand was reaching Takamina’s shoulder, the leader of the group said with a serious voice:

“And… this performance … will be my last one as a member of Team A. Tonight, I, Takahashi Minami, will officially graduate from AKB48!”



Offline silllythings

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Re: [AKB48] Pink Vitriol (Explanations:chp1)
« Reply #89 on: February 07, 2011, 03:35:25 AM »
O M G   :panic:

She announced her graduation?!?!?!   (*KJH^&$(SHF 


ah. can't wait for next chapter...

Offline sorakamiya

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Re: [AKB48] Pink Vitriol (Explanations:chp1)
« Reply #90 on: February 07, 2011, 08:16:10 AM »
 :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO........  :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: u make taka grads....  :cry: :cry:  :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: it's huuuurt....  :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes: i hate it but i could make an exception since this is only the fanfict...  :grin: :grin:

please continue... i'll wait for the next chap... :thumbsup

Offline mangobanana15

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Re: [AKB48] Pink Vitriol (Explanations:chp1)
« Reply #91 on: February 07, 2011, 10:19:28 AM »
 :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked OMG TAKAMINA GRADUATED?!?!?!?!? SHE GRADUATEDDD!?!?!?!??!?! OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG

thinking of Takamina graduating from AKB is extremely heartbreaking for me even if it is fiction  :cry:

i just knew something was up at the end when Akimoto gave her the look backstage

WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN NOW!?!?!?! i don't know if Takamina graduating from AKB is suppose to be a good thing for her or a bad thing?!?  :?


Offline dee1711

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Re: [AKB48] Pink Vitriol (Explanations:chp1)
« Reply #92 on: February 07, 2011, 01:54:56 PM »
 :panic:  :panic:  :panic:  :panic:  :panic:  :panic:  :panic:  :panic:


ARE YOU SERIOUS????? If you are, so this better go this way: Takamina graduated, and immediately go to see Acchan. ok??? If not... if not...  :angry:  :angry: what am I going to do with you/??? * :bow:  :bow:* BEGGING YOU OF COURSE!! pleaseeeeee..... You're killing me!!  :cry:  :cry: I don't want to think about this moment!!  :cry:  :cry: and now....  :cry:  :cry: So..can you do something to make up this sadness?? plzzzzzzzzz  :bow:  :bow:

Offline panickofpain

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Re: [AKB48] Pink Vitriol (Explanations:chp1)
« Reply #93 on: February 08, 2011, 02:35:12 AM »
I read this last night and... wow! XD I was so surprised that TakaMina is graduating.  XD But I guess it is expected.  :P Though now I have no clue on what she will be doing afterward. I just hope she'll spend more time with Acchan.  :heart:

Offline alohellofan

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Re: [AKB48] Pink Vitriol (Explanations:chp1)
« Reply #94 on: February 09, 2011, 04:35:30 AM »
Wow, nice story you got going here. I am looking forward to the next update. Keep up the good work.

Offline aoi_sora

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Re: [AKB48] Pink Vitriol (Explanations:chp1)
« Reply #95 on: February 09, 2011, 05:16:30 AM »
Taka is graduating....... :cry:
Go to South Korea with Acchan!!!!!

Offline bou-j525

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Re: [AKB48] Pink Vitriol (Explanations:chp1)
« Reply #96 on: February 16, 2011, 03:34:57 AM »
She announced her graduation?!?!?!   (*KJH^&$(SHF 

Yes. I know....

u make taka grads.... 

Yes, it hurts...


Yes.... but... forget about it, I can't find any excuse to explain myself...

what am I going to do with you/??? *

There's nothing to do with me. I've fallen into darkness a time ago....

But I guess it is expected.

OMG someone's thinking like me!

Wow, nice story you got going here. I am looking forward to the next update. Keep up the good work.

Thank! You're the first one not talking about the graduation thing!  :grin:

Go to South Korea with Acchan!!!!!

Maybe... who knows... I do. Haha.

Hello everyone! Sorry I wanted to update this week end... but I had absolutely no time to write or correct or anything about my fic. Even now, I'm late and I'm not supposed to post, but I promised keichan I would do my best to update! Maaaannnn...... I don't have time to write this week anymore, sorry!

Speaking about the graduation thing... I don't know how to describe this chapter. Is it sad or not... well a part of it is, and the other not really... I don't know myself how I managed to write something like this. I am really sad thinking about my oshi's graduation O_O Why did I start to write such a fic T____T I was listening to the instrumental of Sakura no Ki ni narou while correcting and seriously... I was albout to stop my story right now and tell you "hey guys, I'm stopping it here" XD

Yes, I am serious. I was about to stop.

I was asking myself if I could continue this story... since well... it's really sad and I've got no idea how to forgive myself to make Takamina graduate... but hey.... it was necessary, right?  :huhuh To me, one of them without the other in the group... it's not possible.

Anyway, here's the chapter! Thank as usual for reading my fic! And sorry for the mistake! And no end note since I am freaking late now T____T

Chapter 15

She had not tried to avoid the others at the end of the show. She knew it was useless. She knew they would chase after her until strength left their bodies, already tired from the show. She knew they would shake her until she got a headache. She knew they would scream at her, asking her if she were crazy or anything… She knew they would be mad at her, yet sad and happy at the same time… She knew they would congratulate her honestly… She knew it would be painful to watch them talking to her with tears in their eyes… She knew her answer would not be accepted by the others, especially by the first generation members… and she knew they would accuse her of choosing Acchan over the group and her job.

They were not wrong at all. By leaving the group, she was perfectly aware that she had nowhere to go now. She had to begin to think about her singer career, but she had no idea where to go first. She left mostly because of Acchan… She left because she didn’t want to lie to herself anymore… and it wasn’t possible by staying in the group. If she wanted to be honest and find the truth… it was a choice she had to make. A hard decision, but a necessity to go on. She was answering to all the questions the members asked her, crying at the same time. Yes, she had decided it by herself. Yes, Akimoto-san knew it before the show. Yes, she wanted to tell them but changed her mind. No, it wasn’t because she didn’t want to do this job. No, it wasn’t because she had problems with some members. No, she wasn’t drunk. No, she hadn’t taken drugs or anything suspicious before the show... Yes, she would miss them. No, she didn’t want them to be sad. Yes, she would still encourage them and talk to them. Yes, she was aware of what she was doing…

Yes, a part of her decision was linked to Acchan.

The fans had stayed in silence for a few minutes after the announcement. Takamina had surprised everyone by saying this so suddenly. But her graduation party had been extraordinary, magic, awesome, splendid. A graduation at Tokyo Dome, a perfect choice to represent and celebrate the graduation of the extremely important member she was. Some had been angry… but she couldn’t blame them for it. She had no idea she was going to graduate… until the second meeting with Akimoto-san. At the first one, he had told her he was not sure she worked as much as before Acchan’s graduation. He had even offered her to take a break from the group activities, which she had refused. He had insisted, telling her she would be not useful if she kept doing this way. It had hurt her, but it was true. And at the second meeting, when she had agreed with what he had told her before… she had thought about Acchan’s trip to South Korea, thinking she would have no time to see her anyway… She had thought about her feelings, how she was going to work from now on… she had finally decided it was better for her to leave the group. She didn’t want it, but it was an undeniable truth that she was becoming useless with the way she was right now. 

Takahashi Minami, useless? Even thought there was thousand persons ready to tell her the opposite… she knew herself better than anyone would.

And at the end… she was exhausted because she had cried too much. They were thousand to tell her how much they supported her… She had been surprised that there were fans waiting for her outside Tokyo Dome. They had learned the new by Mixi, Twitter or Facebook and had came here as fast as they could to “talk” to her... or at least to wave their hands to her. Some of them asked her if Acchan had something to do with that… and she had not answered. She couldn’t tell the fans anything about it. It was the same thing as when Acchan had graduated… the end of an era in AKB48’s history.

She would always remember… when Miichan had hugged her, saying hardly:

“Nothing will ever be the same here… Today, you brought us sadness by graduating this way…  and tomorrow, be sure to bring happiness in Acchan’s heart.”

Reporters had been there at this moment, taking pictures and filming for the latest news… The title of the front page of tomorrow’s newspaper already had a title:

“Takahashi Minami, one of the most popular members of AKB48, Team A’s captain, graduates because of the other ex member, Maeda Atsuko!”

And like it wasn’t enough, Miichan’s words where there too as subheading:

““Today, you brought us sadness by graduating this way…  and tomorrow, be sure to bring happiness in Acchan’s heart.” Minegishi Minami said to her friend!”


Acchan had woken earlier than usual. Today was special. It was the day Hiroko would leave the hospital. It was the day… they would start together again. Will it be better or worst, the actress didn’t know anything about it. She could only hope what Takamina had told Hiroko would help to start a better relationship with her manager. And who knew, maybe Hiroko would be nicer because she almost died a few months ago? Maybe she knew how precious life was now and how she should just be happy instead of sad… maybe.

The actress sighed. Whatever was going to happen between them from now on, she would have to endure it because she would spend half a year alone with her… She could already wish herself good luck because she knew she would need it. She just hoped she would still be… alive when she’ll come back. And if she were not… she hoped Takamina would have enough courage to take revenge on her… Yeah, it reassured her to think this way.

She dressed and ate breakfast, wondering how the last Tokyo Dome went for her old group. She didn’t know anything since she hadn’t listened to the news. She didn’t know how it went since she hadn’t looked on Internet. But, hey, it was their second show right? Except the end of the accomplishment of their dream, there could be nothing really important. Maybe an announcement for a single or something, but she knew there was nothing really huge. If so… Takamina would have talked to her about it, right? She was sure the most important point had been there, they had had fun yesterday night. She had sent a mail congratulating Takamina, but she had not received an answer yet. She thought it was because her friend was really tired… it would be logic after all.

As usual, before going out, she took a few minutes to update her blog and read some comments the fans had written to her. It was something she liked to do because it gave her strength for the day. And it was also a wonderful feeling to start a day by knowing she was loved and admired by so many fans. Though she thought waking in Takamina’s arms would be better… but she knew it was kind of impossible.

She opened her phone and read some comments before deciding of what to say in her next update. Some “I love you” comments as usual… it was nice though, she couldn’t get over it. There were some asking her questions, but she had never time to answer them. And there was so much! How was she supposed to find the time to answer to everyone! If she answered for one, the others might become jealous, so she’d rather no mention the comments she received anyway. She frowned as she read the latest comments. Judging by the hour, they were sent after the end of the second Tokyo Dome concert and had a link with AKB48, which was strange since the fans mostly knew her as an actress now.

“Are you happy, Acchan? We are, but it’s sad for AKB48!”


“I hope you will take care of her now! We’ll keep on supporting both of you!”


“Acchan! How could you steal AKB48’s captain? Just kidding! Do your best together!”


“AKB48 will never be the same, but we hoped you the best! We won’t blame anything on you since you’re cute together!”

Wait a minute, “cute together”? What did that mean? Honestly… she had no idea, but she was sure it was about Takamina. But seriously, Takamina? She had nothing to do with her now… she meant in a business term of course. She left her house, keeping those strange comments in mind, forgetting to update her blog.

Wherever she went, there were always people looking at her and whispering things about the famous actress, but this time… it was even worst. She felt she couldn’t hide herself anywhere. There was always a couple of person pointing her with a strange look on their face, which quickly made her feel uncomfortable. She decided she would just stare at the ground until she arrived to the hospital. By doing this, she could see nothing around her and she completely missed the new about AKB48 on the huge screen in the middle of the street, the one about the latest graduation…

She arrived at the hospital, half trying to cover her face with her bag. Seriously, the world was getting too strange now. She had the impression everyone was drunk, staring at her like she should become part of the “party” too. Strange party indeed…

Hiroko was waiting for her in the doorway of her room. She was talking for the last time to her doctor, the one who said it was a miracle she was still alive after so long time. Her manager looked fine. She was receiving some last advices about her heart’s weakness, but nothing too important. She could do like she wanted without any problem. She could also go to Thailand without problem. She saw Acchan and waved her hand at her as the doctor left the room. The actress approached her, smiling slightly. It was still hard to forget about what her manager had done to her a while ago… but the car accident thing kind of helped her to appreciate the situation she was in right now. After being so close to death, she could love her life in a new way… though she still felt pain because of something she was supposed to keep secret, but which wasn’t anymore because of her manager. Right… just because of this point, she didn’t know if she should like or hate Hiroko… What a dilemma…

“Hi girl, ready to endure me again?” Hiroko told Acchan with an amused voice.

“No, but I have no choice.” Acchan answered, not finding this joke really funny, but still… not with a mad voice.

“It’s not really nice from you…” Hiroko said. “Remember, I made a promise and I have the intention of respecting it.”

The actress nodded, hoping it wasn’t lies.

“I’m going to be honest with you though. The trip will not be funny with me by my side. I have for objective to bring you to the top. Not only the top of Japan, but I want the world to know you too. And believe me, when I decide to be serious, I really am.”

Oh yeah, Acchan needed no help at all to believe the last point.

“So you’re fine now? It’s not dangerous to leave Japan?”

“Not at all. But I have to admit… I fear cars a bit more than before, but I guess this is normal… Now that I am alive, I’ll just take taxis for the rest of my life.”

Acchan nodded at what her manager said. Somehow, she could still see the nice person she had known at the beginning behind Hiroko’s words… but now she was aware there was a new side she needed to look on if she didn’t want threaten to start again.

“But… it’s not me the problem.” Hiroko said, staring intensively at her. “You still want to go to South Korea, don’t you?”

“Of course…” Acchan answered, wondering what she had to answer to such a question.

“Great!” Hiroko smiled. “I was afraid you might have changed your mind. And anyway, the tickets are already paid so it’s sure we’ll be leaving in one month. Keep that in mind.”

“Why would I change my mind?” Acchan asked, wondering what the reason could be.

She had stopped playing in dramas since some weeks and she had to admit she missed it. Stopping all her activities because of her manager helped her realizing it was really the job she wanted to do… and that she would work even harder to have what she wanted: fame. Was she becoming pretentious and superficial? Not exactly… it was more… a pride question… She wanted to show to all the anti fans that she could do whatever she wanted.

“Oh… well if you take it this way… I’m glad you still think that much about working. Honestly, I was sceptic. I thought you would not come here today, but it seemed that you finally realized what was more… Oh, sorry, I mean, I’m glad you came here anyway.”

Even with that mistake she had almost done, Acchan could tell her manager was honest when she said she was glad. Could they start a real nice relationship? Maybe… after she found out what she meant by “change her mind”. Couldn’t she trust her more than that? That would be a great beginning, right?

“Why would I change my mind?” Acchan repeated.

“Oh, forget about it since you seem to take it in a nice way.” Her manager said. “Let’s go!”

“Wait.” Acchan interrupted her as she was about to leave the place. “Take what in a nice way?”

“Come on,” Hiroko sighed, “you know I hate to play this game. It’s not because I can finally leave hospital that you have to act this way with me. I told you, I don’t care about what she’s doing anymore. And I don’t want anyone’s pity, remember?”

Acchan didn’t understand what she meant by this… but… was “she” Takamina?

“And if you’re serious about not knowing what I’m talking about… though it would surprise me, why don’t you just listen to the news or read some newspapers?” Hiroko suggested. “I left today’s newspaper on the bed if you want to see it. I’ll wait outside.”

The actress what about to tell her to wait, but her manager was already gone. Since when did her manager leave her alone?! Damn, that accident had made Hiroko stranger than before. She went near the bed and saw Takamina’s picture in the front page of the newspaper. She smiled. Her friend was crying. Was it because of too much emotion at Tokyo Dome, like before? She wouldn’t be surprise if the entire article talked about Takamina’s sadness/happiness or whatever like this.

“Takahashi Minami, one of the most popular members of AKB48, Team A’s captain, graduates because of the other ex member, Maeda Atsuko!”

She immediately froze at the title and the subheading. One word remained in her mind.


Not only she couldn’t believe the graduation part, but what the hell was her name doing there?! “Because of Maeda Atsuko”? Was it a joke? Was is… just a damn bad joke?! What did that mean? When did… wait…. Takamina had graduated yesterday night?! And she didn’t know it?! And… it was just… impossible! Takamina would never graduate from the group this way! She would never… She was meant to stay with AKB48 for still a long time! “Bring happiness in Acchan’s heart”? Why did Miichan say something like this! It was too weird, too… unusual… too… far from the person Takamina was! Graduation?! Were they really talking about the same girl? The same captain? HER BEST FRIEND? GRADUATION? Was the world going to disappear tomorrow and she didn’t know it?! So many things were crossing her mind that she had to sit on the bed to not fall. She just… couldn’t believe what she was reading now.

But, somehow… Acchan was happy to hear this new while another part of her was against this stupid decision. She sure was glad to hear… that maybe she would have time to see Takamina often… but leaving the group was not really the best idea from her friend. Didn’t she know they needed her? Especially now, when AKB was on top! She quickly read the article talking about this event. Everything was there. The reasons of her departure, the reason of this sudden decision, the rapidity with which she had taken the decision, Akimoto-san’s support toward her, the reactions of the others girls… the reactions of the fans… and from everything she had understood in two minutes, there was only one thing she could clearly remember: Takamina had left the group… because of her.

Grabbing the newspaper, she quickly went out of the room, mumbled some fast excuses to Hiroko and ran in the street, heading to Takamina’s house. She needed to see her now… and understand better what this crazy decision was about. Her manager would have to wait… because there was no way she would let this happen.


After her graduation, she had decided to stay alone at her home. She didn’t want to see the others members. She didn’t want to talk to anyone even if she was aware she should not stay alone at such a critical moment. She was lying in her bed, having three empty tissues box by her side, currently finishing a fourth one. She was hardly reading comments from her blog. There was more than ever, over forty thousand, all about her graduation. And most of them were talking about the “TakAcchan” or “AtsuMina” pairing, which made her cry even more.

Now that everything was done… she could feel the shock better than ever. She could feel the loneliness she was going into. She had… decided to let down the most important thing of her life. She had graduated… even though she knew she couldn’t begin a solo career yet. She wasn’t prepared enough to work alone… She wasn’t… ready to be solo singer. She was scarier than ever. What was going to happen now that she had left the group? What was she going to do in such a huge world? Where should she start? How should she start?

AKB48… her life… her dream… the beginning of everything… she had just… thrown it away. Was it really the best choice to do? Doubts were making her crazy. Had she really no other choice than leaving the group? What if… she had made a huge mistake by graduating? What if it was useless to leave? She closed her eyes. She… couldn’t believe she had done something like that.

She heard the doorbell rang and sighed. She didn’t want to see anybody right now. By graduating… she had hurt herself with a knife, creating a deep wound that couldn’t stop bleeding. She didn’t need to ask herself anymore, she knew she had lost another part of her heart yesterday night… would she just keep on going this way until there was nothing left? Would she just slowly kill herself… until she died?

She heard loud steps in the hallway. It sounded like whoever it was… the person was angry. Wasn’t the door locked? It couldn’t be her mother, she was working. And nobody had the key except her… She raised her head, waiting for someone to come in, hoping she was just dreaming. Damn, she just wanted to come back to past and think more about it… She sighed. Someone was obviously waiting in front of her door without announcing anything. Well, too bad for this person, but she had no intention to answer.

She just closed her eyes, hoping the person would leave if she thought she was sleeping. And more than that, her bedroom door was locked too. So if anybody came in, it ought to be her mother. She heard the door opened. Who in the world had both keys from her house and bedroom except her mother and herself? No one. So she didn’t open her eyes. She was tired from crying anyways.

“Leave me alone, mom.” She growled hiding her face in her pillow.

There was no answer. Thinking the other had left the room, Takamina just decided to stay in her bed forever. Maybe this way she would not hurt anybody else than herself… maybe her death would be less painful this way…

“You…” She heard.

It didn’t sound like her mother at all… she opened her eyes and froze. Here stand Acchan, not really happy… she was furious. Takamina sighed. Right… now she remembered, she had given a key to Acchan because she knew she could trust her forever… and she regretted it. She just wanted to be alone. She really didn’t want her best friend to come and talk to her about her graduation… It would be too much. She was exhausted already.

“What is this all about?!” Acchan asked, throwing the newspaper on Takamina’s bed.

Her best friend stared at it, sobbing a little, answering sadly:

“My biggest mistake ever…”

Acchan stared at her. Her friend looked so… destroyed. She looked like she was lost somewhere she couldn’t go to help her.

“I’m not sure anymore… if I made the right choice…”

Listening to that made Acchan’s heart broke into pieces. She hated seeing her friend like this. She knew AKB48 was a huge part in Takamina’s life. This graduation meant a lot to her. This graduation… was something Takamina couldn’t handle alone.

“Why?” Acchan asked, trying to sound neutral.

She really didn’t want to be harsh with her friend, especially now.

“Isn’t it obvious?” Takamina answered, crying more.

Acchan immediately went to sit on her friend’s bed.

“I don’t know what this joke is about, but tell me it isn’t true.” She said. “Tell me… it’s not because of me… You’re still in the group, right?”

Takamina looked away. Acchan’s reaction was the same as hers two year ago. She was refusing to accept the truth. She was denying the fact that Takamina had left the group. Acchan… was confused. A part of her wanted to be happy that Takamina had done it for her… but another part told her she was responsible for her friend’s sadness right now. She was responsible for Takamina’s graduation… She couldn’t help but feel guilty about it. She wanted to be happy and cry from happiness that Takamina would be able to see her often… but… she had lost something in exchange. Her friend… had sacrificed a big part of herself and it was entirely her fault. Her friend had… put her career in danger… and it was her fault. She couldn’t just accept it!

“Takamina!” Acchan said louder. “Look at me… why?”

“I… thought it was the only way to keep you by my side… It was… the only way to respect my promise…” She answered, trying to smile… failing.

Acchan blinked. No… it was really her fault Takamina had left? Should she be happy or not? She could see sadness in Takamina’s eyes. She wanted it to disappear forever. She wanted to see happiness or joy… not this painful expression.

“You… graduated because of me?” She asked, trying to stay calm.

Her friend didn’t answer.

“Answer me! You… what are you going to do?”

Takamina eyes’ met Acchan’s as the short girl whispered:

“I will still reach my dream… It will be sooner than I would have thought, but I will do what I have to do. I left the group… but don’t think it’s your fault. It’s mine. I don’t know why… I couldn’t just see your sorrow and do nothing.”

Silence remained. Both of them couldn’t say anything as they stared at the other. Acchan knew Takamina wanted her to be happy… but she couldn’t if Takamina weren’t either. She couldn’t smile when her friend seemed so down. She couldn’t help but love her even more now…

“How do you want me to smile when you look this way...” Acchan said, touching Takamina’s cheek to make her tears disappeared.

“Don’t tell me… I failed again?” The ex captain asked, half serious.

Acchan smirked, nodding.

“No way…” Takamina sighed. “Even when I’m not in the group… I still fail.”

Acchan laughed loudly. She couldn’t believe her friend thought about something so stupid at such an important moment. Her laugh made Takamina smiled for a second before she sadly asked:

“Is it… how you felt when you left?”

Somehow… they were in the same situation, except not at the same time. And Acchan was her best friend… she was the best person to ask about this painful feeling she had in her heart since her announcement.

“Probably…” Acchan said, remembering something she didn’t want. “But it wasn’t the same situation… I left someone I really liked behind, so I don’t know if it’s the same feeling you have now.”

“You left someone you really liked when you graduated… And me, I left the group to join someone I really like. Isn’t it a bit similar?” Takamina asked.

They smiled at each other, knowing very well who they were talking about. It seemed that Takamina’s shyness was slowly disappearing at Acchan’s presence today. Yes… their situation was very similar.

“When I left the group, I was leaving you at the same time.” Acchan said. “I know it can be weird… but I don’t think I would have suffered so much if you had left with me. I was not… only leaving the group, I was taking a chance. I was afraid our friendship might disappear someday.”

Takamina nodded slightly.

“I bet it’s the opposite that happened…” Acchan whispered so low that Takamina didn’t hear it.

They had not really talked about Acchan’s graduation since a long time. Now, it was her time to graduate… and Acchan was talking about her own graduation. She was… helping Takamina to forget about it by talking about her own feelings. She was bringing back sad memories just so she could make Takamina stop crying.

“I never felt so alone the day after my graduation… I had doubts about my decision, a bit like you right now. And… to be honest, sometimes, I’m still wondering if I made the best choice. But you know, someday… you have to think beyond AKB48. Sooner or later, you will realize if you made the great decision.”

“Why do you have doubts? You knew what you were going to do when you left… unlike me.”

“You were stupid to graduate right now, especially for this reason. When I said I wanted you to stay with me… I didn’t mean you needed to graduate!”

“I’m sorry…” Takamina mumbled.

Acchan sighed. She was here… why had she decided to come here already? Ah yes, she wanted to know Takamina’s reason… but now that she knew it… what was she going to do?

“I wanted to have time to see you before you leave…” Takamina whispered.

Somehow, in her heart, something was changing. She… wanted to stay with Acchan right now, not because she was sad… just because she wanted her to be here. There was no specific reason… but maybe… it was the definition of “love”? Wanting to be with a person so much that it didn’t matter if they had nothing to do… Wanting to stay with this person… without having a specific reason, just to feel her presence… Wanting time to stop each moment they were together… even with sadness coming from the choice she had made yesterday…

“I see…” Acchan answered, understanding that Takamina knew she was going to leave for a long time soon. “So… if I weren’t leaving for six months… you would have stayed with the group?”

A part of Takamina wanted to lie again because she thought it was embarrassing to admit it… but she knew she had to be honest today. She knew… lying was the worst option right now.

“No… Somehow, my graduation was coming and I knew it… I wasn’t myself anymore, I didn’t work properly… I wasn’t a great captain anymore. If I hadn’t graduated yesterday… I would have been fired.” She said, laughing a little.

It was… not a real smile she had on her face. She couldn’t help but think she should have had listening more to her friends. Miichan had told her so much… and most of the crazy things were real… And all the teasing she had had from the others… it was needed, right? It was true, right? She had tried to deny it all the time… but in fact, it was like she was denying who she truly was.

“Really?” Acchan smirked. “I didn’t know you were working so badly right now.”

“It’s your fault!” Takamina laughed, forgetting a little about her sadness.

“Mine?!” Acchan exclaimed. “Why?! I’m not even with you now!”

“Exactly, it’s because you-”

Takamina stopped talking in the middle of her sentence. She couldn’t accuse Acchan of being absent at Tokyo Dome. She couldn’t accuse her of being in her mind all the time… She couldn’t accuse her of… loving her since she didn’t know if everything was true. And now that she thought about it, Acchan was acting pretty normal today. She had nothing special… Maybe she didn’t love her after all…

“I what?”


Acchan frowned. She was responsible of Takamina’s graduation, but she couldn’t know all the explanations behind?

“Really?” She asked with an ironic voice.

Takamina waved her hand, shaking her head at the same time.

“You are the worst liar worldwide.” Acchan laughed.

“I know…” Takamina answered, blushing and moving her head cutely which made Acchan’s heart beat faster.

If she didn’t hold herself… she would kiss her now. But she couldn’t… because it wasn’t the best time to do it. What she needed now was to keep Takamina thinking about something else than her graduation.

“Stupid…” she said as she hit her shoulder. “So, what are you going to do today?”

“I was thinking I could stay in my bed and cry for the rest of the day…” Takamina said.

Acchan frowned. What a nice day…

“You’re kidding?” She asked, half serious.

Takamina shook her head. She was really thinking she could do that… but seeing that look Acchan gave to her, maybe she should find another activity.

“I… am going to take a bath and read One Piece?”

Acchan sighed. She knew today would be hard for her friend. When she had graduated… the day after had been the harder. It was a shock to come back to an “ordinary” life. It was shock to realize there was no practice scheduled or no interview planned. It was like… the end of a dream, the end of a life style. She wanted to stay with her friend and support her… enjoy her presence… and maybe eventually she could confess to her… but she knew she couldn’t. Today, she was supposed to be with her manager and meet for their future trip. And then, they were supposed to go shopping to try to start another relationship on a better note. In fact… she wasn’t supposed to be here and she knew Hiroko must be waiting for her right now.

Takamina stared at her friend. She seemed like she was trying to find something to do. But she wasn’t dumb, she knew Acchan had probably already planned something. She knew she couldn’t ask Acchan to stay here just because that was what she wanted the most. She had graduated without thinking. What would happen when Acchan would leave for South Korea? She would need to have a great conversation with her manager. It was time to begin to think about her solo career… but right now she didn’t want to work at all. She was there, lying in her bed, trying to hold her sadness… trying to forget everything she had done yesterday… but it was impossible. The wound was bleeding without stopping. She could almost see blood over her hands just by looking at them. She could almost hear the sound of the drops falling on the floor…

Acchan smiled as she suddenly realized something. She went outside of the room, asking Takamina to wait a minute. She called her manager, asking her if they could meet later. To her surprise, Hiroko agreed. They would meet later, at one o’clock in the afternoon. Right now… it was about ten o’clock. She went back and sat next to her friend.

“All right, I think you can do the second option.” She smiled, having an idea to change Takamina’s sadness into… something else.

“What? You’re serious?” Takamina frowned.

“Sure, and you know what, we’ll take a bath together!” Acchan smiled even more.

As Acchan’s smile was growing larger than ever, Takamina’s was slowly disappearing.

“No, I think I’ll just sleep finally.” The small girl mumbled as she closed her eyes.

“Ah, come on, Takamina! I told you last time, next time you’re going to take a bath, I’ll go with you. I don’t want to find a dead body in the water… And you don’t have choice.”

Takamina folded her arms, frowning.

“I can perfectly decide by myself, thank.”

What? If she wanted to cry all the day, she would! If she wanted to read, she would! And if she wanted to bathe alone, she would FOR SURE.

“Well… you have two choices.” Acchan smirked with a cruel look on her face. “We can bathe together… or you can come with me and my manager to Shibuya later. I won’t let you alone now anyway.”

Takamina flinched as she heard which choices she had to choose.

“You can go home now if you came only to threaten me.” She pouted.

But Acchan took Takamina’s arm and said:

“Please! It will make you think about something else! And you know… it’s about time you stop being shy with me! We’re best friend, remember?”

Oh yeah, of course she would think about something else! She would think so much about something else that she would probably die instead! Right now, Takamina really wanted to run away and hide somewhere far away from here… Like somewhere where Acchan would never find her… Not only it would help to bathe ALONE, but it would also else her realizing her true feelings toward her friend…

“Well, as my best friend, why don’t you accept how I feel with the idea of taking a bath with someone else and stop asking me to do it?”

Acchan smirked.

“You have something to hide, don’t you?”

Takamina blushed as she furiously answered:

“What? Me? No! Stop thinking about something so stupid!”

Well… Takamina did have something to hide from Acchan… but it had nothing to do with her body. It was more about… feelings. And yet, she still wasn’t sure about them… Maybe bathing with Acchan would help her to… NO.

“You’re cute.” Acchan suddenly said. “When you’re so shy… it’s cute.”

Acchan knew she was taking risks by talking this way to her friend, but she couldn’t help it. She just needed to say it. And to see Takamina’s reaction was even cuter.

“Wh-Whatareyoutalkingabout?” Takaina stammered quickly.

Acchan laughed and did like Tomochin had told her. She didn’t deny what she just said.

“Relax, it’s not like I just told you I love you or anything…”

She suddenly stopped talking. She just remembered that Takamina might know she loved her… She just remembered… she shouldn’t tell Takamina her feelings yet because… she might loose her. As for the ex captain, she was shyly looking anywhere but Acchan’s eyes, trying without really succeeding to hide her shyness. She still had in mind that… she might really hear those words for real someday.

“So…” Acchan said, breaking the awkward silence. “Wanna come this afternoon?”

Takamina flinched. Acchan wasn’t really asking her to come, right?

“No…” She answered, not knowing what else to say.

There was no way she would go with her… if Hiroko was there too.

“I know.” Acchan answered. “I know you won’t come, don’t worry about it.”

Did she sound… sad?

“I mean… you know…” Takamina said with a little voice.

“Don’t worry.” Acchan smiled as she saw how Takamina was reacting. “I didn’t expect you to answer “yes”. Everything I did since I arrived here was on purpose.”

“On purpose?” Takamina frowned.

“How are you now?” Acchan asked, looking at her like a real friend would.

Takamina didn’t understand what she meant until she added:

“You’re not crying anymore, are you? You’re not complaining about your graduation, are you? You were smiling to me a minute ago… you didn’t finish this tissues box either… I wanted you to think about something else. I wanted you to realize… you could still smile even now in this situation.”

Acchan was staring at her friend with hope in her eyes. Hope that… Takamina would get better. And also… hope that someday, she would finally be able to talk to her seriously… Takamina just sighed, realizing Acchan was right. She would go nowhere if she kept on thinking about it… but still, it was yesterday she had left the group, not two years ago! But she was glad about what Acchan had done. There was nothing better to her than having fun with her friend, no matter what the price was.

“Thank you.” She said, truly smiling. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”

Acchan nodded and decided, for once, to joke a little.

“I don’t either what I would do without myself…” She laughed. “I’m so precious!”

They laughed together. Takamina thrown away all the things that were on her bed and they sat side by side. They spent a long time talking together this way, listening to music, joking, updating their blogs… doing stuff they used to do when they were always together before. It was pure happiness to both of them. They had some awkward moments… like when Acchan, God knew how, was suddenly on top of Takamina without really knowing why she was in such a position. But there was also funnies times, when Takamina and Acchan shared a cake… and that the actress had eaten most of it, much to Takamina’s disappointment. And more than anything… there were those moments when none of them spoke… when they were just listening to the other’s breath… when… they were just looking at each other in silence, without really knowing what to do or what to say. It wasn’t awkward… it wasn’t strange… It was the kind of moment where Acchan would just stare at the girl she loved, trying to confess to her without success. It was during those moments that Takamina would just look at her friend, trying to find out if she really loved her this way…

It was exactly after this kind of moment that the actress said sadly, breaking the eyes contact they had:

“I think… I should leave soon.”

“You’re right. I don’t want you to be late or anything.” Takamina apologized, going out of the bed. “I’m glad you came here today.”

“I am too.” Acchan smiled. “But… are you sure you made the right choice?”

“I guess so… I don’t want to stay with the group if I’m useless. I’m not that kind of person. I want to keep doing my best, and if I can’t do it in AKB48, I’ll do it in something else.”

Acchan kept smiling at her friend, but couldn’t help thinking she had changed. Even if she still had the same personality and the same determination, there was something new in the way she looked at her. There was something new in the way she was talking to her. She seemed really ready to fight to reach her dream. More than ever… it was already a singer standing in front of her. And there was still this feeling she felt when the actress looked at her… the power of love.

“I’m going now!” Acchan said before not being able to hold her envy of tasting her friend’s lips. “Don’t forget to call me when you’re going to take a bath!”

She left the room after a quick hug to her friend. Takamina stared at the door a couple of second… sighed and decided to take a bath in twenty minutes, when her friend would be far enough from her house… because she knew she wanted to hear her voice again.


It was really uncomfortable. Some random people were staring at her like she was mentally sick. She knew she was not walking like usual, but still! Did they absolutely need to make her feel like she was an E.T?! Right, she was stopping every meter to hide behind a tree, right, she was wearing huge sunglasses and a large hat, but still! And it wasn’t her fault if she needed to hide herself! She didn’t want them to recognize her…

“Why did I decide to spy them already? Oh right, to make sure Hiroko would do nothing… I’m feeling stupid right now.”

Takamina had decided to take a bath quickly so she could go to Shibuya and check that Acchan would be alright with Hiroko. She didn’t trust her old friend that much finally… Luckily, she had found them as soon as she had walked in front of 109. She knew she was probably doing too much, but it was stronger than her. Right now… it seemed that they were just walking around, stopping to look at some clothes.

“If I didn’t know them, I would have thought they’re best friends… But it’s me, Acchan’s best friend, right?”

In fact, Acchan and Hiroko looked like they were doing nice. They were laughing all the time, talking and enjoying their time. Acchan had told Takamina it was the moment she and Hiroko tried to become… “friends” again. She had said it was just something so they could talk about the future trip and learn how to support each other. Well, it looked like it worked really well.

Takamina followed them for a few more minutes before realizing what she did was really stupid. She shouldn’t be there. She should trust Acchan’s manager. After all, she would not be there to protect her friend when she would go to South Korea. She needed to learn to trust the others more than that… But still, she had great reasons to be anxious about it.

She saw Acchan and Hiroko being stopped by a man. Reading on his lips, she could tell he was a fan of Acchan asking for her autograph. She frowned, looking at Hiroko letting Acchan signed his shirt. It was weird, but hey, he was a fan… A very big fan since he was now bowing to her very low. Takamina could tell Acchan was not really comfortable with this situation, even thought she was smiling. She knew her friend enough to understand she wanted this guy to leave.

“Come on, Hiroko, you can’t accept everything a fan wants to have!”

As the man was still bowing, Takamina flinched as she saw he was discretely taking out his phone to take pictures. It would be logic since… Acchan was wearing a beautiful dress. Takamina saw him beginning to take pictures. She felt her blood boiling into her veins, wanting to run right toward him and kill him. It wasn’t only jealousy, she was literally ready to murder him! How could he take pictures of her friend this way! Not only was it pervert, but seriously, it was disgusting! She was about to leave her disguise and yell at him when Hiroko suddenly grabbed the man’s phone, much to Acchan’s confusion. It seemed that the actress had not realized what was going on, but that her manager had seen everything.

“What are you going to do, Hiroko?” Takamina asked herself, ready to join them anytime to kill the pretended fan.

To her surprise, Hiroko suddenly threw the phone on the ground and put her feet on it, crushing it. She then began to jump on it a few times before taking it and giving it back to the speechless man. Takamina could hear him screaming at them as they left, but Hiroko just turned back and smiled, pretending she had done nothing.

Hiroko turned to Acchan and began to explain her the situation. From Takamina’s point of view, she could tell Acchan was really surprised and really thankful to her manager. She could tell Acchan was saying “thank you” for about five minute when Hiroko finally told her to stop because she had “done nothing”. They went in a café, Acchan still looking for the guy, but he didn’t appear. Hiroko seemed to tell her something, to which she smiled and nodded. Her manager was obviously trying to reassure her.

Takamina didn’t follow them in the café. She was observing them from a bench outside. She thought Hiroko was really different from the last time she had seen her. Sure, it was normal, but to see her so… happy was a bit unusual. Though she was glad for her. If she could just keep her promise and forget the rest, that would be perfect. And to help her to forget about their common past, Takamina knew she had to stop following them. It was too risked. They could see her whenever. She had to… disappear from Hiroko’s life… and vice versa.

She stared a last minute at them before leaving Shibuya. Maybe she should just see how it would go. She couldn’t help thinking she would have loved joining them… just to spend more time with her best friend. She was walking toward the metro when she suddenly bumped into someone she knew very well.

“Takamina?!” Miichan’s surprised voice exclaimed. “What are you doing here?”

The ex AKB member was glad to see her friend.

“I… I was just thinking.” She answered, smiling a little, still nervous because of her sudden graduation.

“Really? Aren’t you supposed to work to reach your dream now?  Let’s go, become Japan’s number 1 solo singer!” Miichan said.

“I… I guess so…”

“Hey, Takamina…” Miichan said with a serious voice. “Yesterday… you were really serious about it?”

The ex captain nodded, though it wasn’t really convinced.

“Yeah… I had to choose and… well this is the result.”

Miichan stared at her with nothing in her eyes as she said:

“Whatever happens now… Don’t forget, you are still Team A captain. Graduation means nothing to us. You are still in the group. Come whenever you want.” 

She looked at her cellphone after saying these words and apologized. She began to run toward somewhere Takamina didn’t know.

“She’s still working for her dream. She knows where to go… And me… where exactly am I heading to right now?”

She sat on a bench, just staring at nothing… remembering how she had felt during the last Tokyo Dome show…

Flash Back

Empty… black… endless road in front of me… I can’t see anything. I can hardly look in front of me without seeing crying fans staring at me, confusion in their eyes. I am… deeply lost. I’ve never thought I would pronounce these painful words so soon… How ironic, now I can’t speak at all. The words are stuck in my throat, they don’t want to be free and they are prisoner of my mind…

There’s a spotlight shinning on me, creating a round white and pure circle around me… Everywhere else… is black. Why isn’t it the opposite? Why isn’t the light on everybody else? Why am I not surrounded by shadow? After all, right now… my heart is suddenly taken over by darkness. I can’t hear anything… I can’t see the others… But there’s nothing to hear, just silence. And there’s nothing I can look at with my eyes full of tears, it would be useless. The music has stopped… the voices too… I have the feeling I just killed everyone. I’m supposed to be their leader, to help them surpassing themselves… but right now, I’m nothing more than a murderer, am I? Did I just… really announce my graduation? Or is it just another bad dream I’m doing… another warning telling me my heart is bleeding?

Music began to play in background. It was a slow rhythm, making everyone feeling sad… like they weren’t already enough. Members all step backward except Miichan, who stayed by Takamina’s side, unable to move.

I haven’t only killed my friends, they are there too, the fans, my third family… They aren’t cheerful anymore now. They aren’t partying in the dome like a few minutes ago…They aren’t screaming at all. I don’t know… I feel like are just staring at me… I can’t even describe this situation right now… Everyone just stopped talking at the end of my sentence like they didn’t have the right to speak…The tears are gone… they have all fallen down my cheeks, allowing me to see the crowd clearer. But I think seeing nothing was better than seeing them finally… They are looking at me like… I can’t describe it… like I just announced someone’s death. But maybe they are right… Maybe… I am dying right now…

I can hear them whispering. Did I really leave them? They have always been there to support me as the person I am and as a captain… Is leaving the group really my way of thanking them? Some are looking at me like the world stopped moving. Am I… really that important to them? I mean… I’m not their friend or a member of their family… but they all look like they consider me as one. They are… looking at me like real friends would. Some are crying, some are trying to speak with their eyes… I can’t be sure of their feelings. By staying in front of them, I can tell they don’t understand… but how could they since I don’t myself? I just can’t believe that… I have forgotten how much they mean to me. They are posting about my blog everyday… they are always there to help and support me… In fact, I’m not crying for myself. I’m crying for them… I’m unable to stop these tears… because I’m afraid when the light will go off, Takahashi Minami will have betrayed them.

Slowly, one by one, people started screaming at Takamina. If some of them were not comprehensible... others were everything the fans could do… They couldn’t do anything else but cheer for her. They couldn’t hug her one by one… nor talk to her personally about how important she was to them… they could only applause and wish her the best… even if it was really painful for them to watch her this way.

“Do your best!”

“We will miss you!”

“Why?! We want you to stay forever!”

“AKB48 is Takamina’s group!”

“Be happy! Don’t make us regretting accepting your graduation! Be happy and come back one day… just so we can continue to support you forever!”

“Don’t leave! If Takamina is not in the group… I will stop listening to it! I want Takamina!”

The last one… was not really serious. It was only… a helpless call to their Team A captain to stop everything. It was only… a desperate way to tell her they didn’t want her to leave.

I don’t know how… but even with all those cheerful words… I manage to turn back. I don’t want to look at them any longer. Seeing them is destroying my soul. I just want to forget everything I did… but I know it’s too late. I am stupid. I thought turning around would help me, but no… now I am prisoner of my own body. I can’t even breathe when my eyes meet them. Miichan has already released my shoulder. I think… she’s trying to understand. Like all the others… she is trying to put a meaning to what I said. I’m so sorry… I know saying this won’t be enough, but it’s the only thing I can do now.

I’m shaking. They are all in shock. They never thought I would leave now. They are right, I wasn’t supposed to. And looking at them this way makes me feel like I made the wrong decision. Was I right to announce it today? Would it be better… to stop and tell them it isn’t true? But even if I do that, nothing would be the same. I spent my life with them. We shared joys and sorrows. Thank to them, I am who I am today. They are all part of me. The group… is all I ever needed to be happy. It saved my life so many times. I’m crying again, trying to know if I will ever be able to forgive myself for doing such a thing.

I am idiot, thinking I could only say that and erase everything. I’m not just leaving AKB48… I’m leaving friends, family, my own life… my childhood… They are everything. I just want to disappear when I’m standing in front of them in such a huge stage. I just… can’t do anything. For what did I leave my everything? I’m leaving them… to join a world I don’t know. I’m scared. I might… loose myself even more when I’ll go backstage

“Takamina…” Miichan whispered, staring at the floor, not talking in the micro.

What she had to say… can’t be hear by everyone.


But she is unable to speak too.

I made the wrong choice. I know it. I feel it. I’m sure of it. I can’t leave everything I am to join… an unknown society I used to live in with them by my side. I… am nothing, am I? I’m not ready to be a singer yet, I know it. When I will leave the group… What will I become? I still have my manager… but now everything is different. Will I be able to begin a real solo career? Without AKB48? I can’t think about my life without them… Did I really leave everyone here… for her?

I had to make a decision sooner or later. I had to choose between the two most important thing in my life… but now I’m surrounded by doubts again. Everything is so hard… I was working without my will when I was with the group… but thinking of leaving everything just for one person… isn’t it a bit too much? I was telling myself it would be alright, that I could manage everything… But finally I’m not strong enough. I am not… able to make everyone happy. Is… Acchan so important to me? Is Acchan… important to the point I leave everything? Did I really… choose her? Why is it so painful? Why do I have to decide?

By leaving Acchan… I realized I would loose a huge part of myself, but by leaving AKB48… I don’t know which is right. I should have thought even more about it! But… time is missing. If I have waited more, I would have made Akimoto-san mad at me… and Acchan would have left me sooner or later. I’m only thinking about others, right? I’m not thinking about what I want. I just want to see everyone’s smile… but what is the most important to me?

Which would be enough to make my happiness bigger than my pain?

Which would help me to survive in this world?

Because right now… I have nothing. I can only hope I made the right choice…

End of Flash Back

“But sometimes… hope is not enough.” She whispered to herself.


Right, Takamina had no idea what she was going to do… Even now, two weeks later. Her life was boring. She wanted to come back to her passion as soon as possible. It was just… too ordinary. From what Acchan had told her recently, everything was fine with her manager. They were back to their professional relation. But Takamina knew her friend was still a bit nervous about the trip. Just by the way she was talking, she could feel her anxiety of staying alone in a different country with Hiroko. They had met two times until now. Acchan had been a bit busier now, but it was normal. Today, they would meet again. Takamina had wanted to see Acchan tomorrow since she was a bit troubled about her future, but her friend had insisted for it to be today. Takamina couldn’t refuse it.

They had decided to meet at Takamina’s house, since her mother wasn’t there. They both didn’t know what they were going to do. Maybe they would just talk… or go outside… or nothing, as long as they were together. Takamina had no idea when she would arrive, and so she was really surprise to see her as she was eating her katsudon. She stopped to talk to Acchan. Usually, there was nothing more important than her katsudon… except Acchan.

“Hey! You’re earlier than I thought.” Takamina said, welcoming her friend.

“Sorry, are you busy?”

Takamina smiled, forgetting her food.

“No, I was waiting for you.” She said.

“Really?” Acchan smirked as she saw the katsudon on the table. “You’re not done, aren’t you? Maybe I should come back later…”

“No!” Takamina insisted. “Don’t worry about that, I’m not hungry anymore now.”

She smiled awkwardly at Acchan. It wasn’t usual for her to insist so much, especially with katsudon right in front of her, but she knew she needed to do it. She needed to forget a little about food sometimes, right? And the real reason was that… she wanted to spend as much time as possible with Acchan. Because in two weeks, it would be too late. In two weeks, she would be alone for six months. She wanted to have fun with her now, so she would not miss her too much later… Though she wasn’t sure if it would work.

“Really?” Acchan asked, half smiling. She knew Takamina LOVED her katsudon more than anything.

“Of course!” Takamina said. “I am completely done! See?” she added as she threw the food away.

“Oh right…” Acchan laughed. “Well… I’ve never thought I would be more important than katsudon for you one day.”

“Hey! I’m not that much into katsudon…” Takamina mumbled.

“Let’s forget about katsudon since you choose me over it.” Her friend smiled. “Let’s just have fun! I bought movies!”

Takamina laughed a bit and join her friend in the living room. They both sat and began to watch the movies. Well… Takamina was trying to watch it, but it was really hard by having her friend by her side. Acchan was acting like they were on a real date, wrapping her arms around Takamina, whispering sweets things in her ears, playing with her hair…
It was cute, yet bothering at the same time. She was really… trying to have her attention. Maybe a bit too much. It was making Takamina really nervous and embarrassing, but judging it was not too bad to act cutely some times, she had just let Acchan doing what she wanted… without going too far of course.

She finally stopped moving and put her head on Takamina’s shoulder around the middle of the movie. They stayed like this until the end, Takamina trying to understand the story, Acchan trying to concentrate on her friend’s respiration.

“So… how was the movie?” The actress asked at the end.

“Nice…” Takamina slowly answered. In fact… she had not understood enough to appreciate it. Acchan had had all her attention.

“Really? I was sure you would like it!” Acchan smiled.

The ex captain just nodded again and again, hoping Acchan would not mind.

“You are really… affectionate today.” She said. “Is it because you’re leaving in two weeks?”

Takamina felt a little bad to talk about something so sad at such a nice moment, but she thought Acchan was… different today. She was acting with her like she was in love and… she wanted to know more about it. If her friend had a problem, she would help her. She didn’t want to see her sad when she was going to leave soon. She didn’t want to have to remember a sad face when she would be gone. Acchan just nodded at her question.

“It’s short, two weeks…” She just said. “You have no idea how…”

Takamina wondered what her friend meant by this, but added nothing. Today… she wanted to be with Acchan, whatever was going to happen later. And then again, she wondered… this feeling… this feeling of wanting to have her by her side… this fear for her when she wasn’t with her… the fact that she just HAD to smile when she was there…

“So… how it’s going since your graduation?” Acchan asked, worrying about it.

“Fine… I miss the stage sometimes… I still can’t look at myself without feeling guilty to have left the group this way.”

“Is this your definition of being “fine”?” Acchan frowned.

“Well… yes?” Takamina asked, half serious.

“I see… Your life must be beautiful right now.” She laughed.

“It’s not that worst!” Takamina whispered. “At least… it allows me to respect my promise. And I’m able to spend more time with you too. So I’m not sad.”

Their eyes met. They both held their breath for a second. It was happening often since Takamina’s graduation. Almost each time they met, twice. Acchan had to fight against her desires again and moved back. Seeing that, Takamina asked:

“Why are you always moving back when we’re together?”

It was really bothering her. She was beginning to think she smelled bad. She was beginning to think she was always doing something bad, but she didn’t know what. Was she… scaring her friend? She… didn’t do anything wrong, right? It was almost becoming insulting to her.

“It- it’s no… nothing.” Acchan stammered, swallowing.

Takamina knew she was lying. She didn’t know if she should be insulted or anxious about it. Not wanting to “scare” or whatever Acchan, she didn’t try to get nearer and repeated:

“What’s wrong? Did I do something bad?”

Acchan shook her head.

“No… it’s just… I still can’t believe you graduated for me.”

“Ah… Don’t worry about me. I did that… it’s true it’s hard… I’m still sad, but I’m thinking it’s just the opportunity to start something new.” Takamina tried to reassure her friend. “You know… I made a choice. I choose you over work. I know it can look like a sacrifice, but you’re my best friend. I couldn’t just pretend I didn’t miss you. I only need… time.”

The actress moved back again. She was at the other extremity of the sofa, still trying to move away. She was slightly shaking. She had come here… because she wanted to see her friend. She had never thought it would be so hard to resist to the forbidden temptation of…

“Will you move away each time I’ll started to talk about my feelings?” Takamina said, starting to look like a tomato a little.

She was embarrassed to talk this way to her friend, but… weren’t friends supposed to talk about everything together? If she couldn’t just say that, she would never be able to find out the name of this mysterious feeling that haunted her day and night. Acchan was looking at her with a painful look that seemed invisible to Takamina. She didn’t want to break their friendship by being egoist and thinking only about her feelings. She knew Takamina was talking to her… with her heart. She was directly telling her how much she liked her as a friend. But… Acchan had come here because…

“Acchan…” Takamina continued sadly, “I know you’re leaving soon and I’ll be the first one to miss your presence… I really hope everything will be fine with your manager… But, you know, we still have two weeks to-”

She was suddenly interrupted by something soft pressing on her lips. She felt her heart beating out of her chest as she realized the distance between them was vanished in less than a second. She shivered as Acchan’s hand passed through her hair. She almost closed her eyes as she felt Acchan’s tongue on her lips, but didn’t, just to make sure… she was not dreaming. She tried to breathe, but her friend had no intention of letting her go. Acchan was gentle. She didn’t try to do more than she could as she was finally listening to her sudden impulse. She needed to breathe too… she needed air soon… but she knew she could die just so she could feel her lips on hers. She couldn’t let her go… before being sure her taste was part of her memories.

They both slowly moved apart, one with shock in her eyes, the other with a look full of… love. Takamina didn’t know what to do except touching her lips with her finger. This strange feeling… had just been increasing thousand times. She had never felt this way before… She just couldn’t put a name on it… it was… like the sun was brighter, like the sky was bluer, like Acchan’s lips were calling hers to join them a second time…

“Why…” she difficultly managed to whisper.

The actress was avoiding her glance, afraid of what she might see through her friend’s eyes. She had done her best to hold herself… but hearing Takamina talking to her this way… her heart had exploded, letting her feelings controlling her mind. She didn’t care if she had surprised her… all she had in mind now was the crazy sensation she had felt when she had finally kissed her.

“I’m leaving tomorrow…” Acchan murmured as silence followed her words.

Their heads were still closed. They didn’t want to move. Takamina couldn’t accept what she had just heard.

Which name should she put on this feeling? Which description should she give herself about it? Which… excuse could she give herself to avoid reality once again?

Or maybe… she couldn’t find excuses anymore.


Offline mangobanana15

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Re: [AKB48] Pink Vitriol (Explanations:chp1)
« Reply #97 on: February 16, 2011, 05:51:12 AM »
I'm glad you didn't stop writing this story its too amazing! and it would be terribly cruel to leave us hanging like that

It must've been pretty hard writing this chapter so much confusion and hurt from Takamina. you did great  :D


gosh 6 months away from each other after this kiss WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN!?!

I hope Takamina's gonna get her solo singer career soon

Will be waiting for your next update! :twothumbs

Offline sorakamiya

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Re: [AKB48] Pink Vitriol (Explanations:chp1)
« Reply #98 on: February 18, 2011, 10:39:08 AM »
OMG... Finally they kissed...  :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked :shocked :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: woooooooaaaaaaaaaaa...  :panic: :panic: :panic: they just stare at each other... what will happend next...  :panic: :panic: :panic: it's getting excited... my... you are so great bou-j525 :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup :yep: :yep: :yep: i'll be waiting for the next update...  :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup

Offline Keichan ^_^

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Re: [AKB48] Pink Vitriol (Explanations:chp1)
« Reply #99 on: February 18, 2011, 11:49:52 AM »
3 words....
 I love you!!!
Can't wait for next chapter arghhhhhh.... we should be friends! ahaha so then you will feel obliged to continue updating for your friends ^_^
Although I was sad about the Takamina grad... the kiss fixed it....and and and then i watch Takamina Danso! ahahahaha v_v; im good now!

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