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Author Topic: 2010: In Retrospect  (Read 5076 times)

Offline maliciel

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2010: In Retrospect
« on: December 31, 2010, 07:45:46 AM »
So AKB48 has done a lot of awesome things this past year. But what about you, the AKB48 fan? Has anything changed for you in the course of the year, as a fan?

I tried this last year, and needless to say, no one posted (lol). But I'll make it yearly thing till people decide to not be such assholes. For me, a lot of things happened. Too many, in fact, for me to recall. But I'll list them in point form!

  • Saw AKB48 live twice in the span of one and a half months: I went from 'damn I'll never see them live at this point' to 'holy shit they're coming again?!'. I even got to interview a few girls. Funnily enough, they were almost two totally different groups of girls
  • Met AKB48 fans IRL: Most are actually quite normal. It is fun being able to wota out, sometimes.
  • Got an oshimen: I discovered that I really did like Suzuki Mariya. At first I thought she was just another phase, but after her disappearance (and subsequent recovery), I know she's my only option. Take care Mariyannu ;_;
  • Started buying singles: I've always been opposed to this, preferring instead books. But after Beginner and then meeting Mayuchi & Gang, I thought, "Hey, maybe these girls do need some support".
  • Collecting photos: Good god walletrape.
  • Separation of Idol and Fan: I've learned to never cross the line, no matter how minor it is.

Offline boykun

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Re: 2010: In Retrospect
« Reply #1 on: December 31, 2010, 09:42:12 AM »
I will post for you, mal!

AKB48 has done quite a lot this year indeed. For me as a fan, this year was when I acutally gained interest in the group and all their shenanigans. So now, in point form!

  • Gained interest in AKB48: Well, I've known of AKB48 way back from "Skirt, Hirari", but didnt pay them much attention because at the time Hello!Project already fulfilled my idol quota, lol. However the end of 2009 saw some pretty sweet performances and numerous TV appearances that I could no longer ignore. Actually, from when Ogawa left Morning Musume my life was devoid of any idol-related stuff until AKB48 saved the day, lol.
  • Saw AKB48 in July: Somewhat of a surprise to see them live so quickly after becoming a fan. I had the chance to get up close to the members as press. It was difficult to keep composure while taking pictures/videos when they were a foot in front of me. There were so many things I wanted to say, but press is supposed to keep a "professional" attitude, lol. Though them smiling and posing for the camera as I called out their names was enough for me.
  • Started following almost all TV appearances: Kind of ridiculous, since this year they were on TV all the time, but I guess I like this aspect the most about them, and it's really entertaining. Also helped me get to know more. Its turned from that one girl Maeda Atsuko who I only knew from random schoolgirl roles in dramas, to 48 56 different girls who I can (almost) recognize.

That's it, I guess. As far as music goes, I've only scratched the surface. Haven't had the chance to wota out with AKB48 fans either, but hopefully it'll come in the next year.
2010, in retrospect, great stuff man. :thumbup

Offline maliciel

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Re: 2010: In Retrospect
« Reply #2 on: December 31, 2010, 11:30:20 AM »
I had the chance to get up close to the members as press. It was difficult to keep composure while taking pictures/videos when they were a foot in front of me.

Yeah, this is so hard to do. I had a lot of chances to abuse the press pass that I had, but I decided not to.

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Re: 2010: In Retrospect
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2010, 12:14:11 PM »
    • Separation of Idol and Fan: I've learned to never cross the line, no matter how minor it is.

    Please excuse my lack of comprehension, but what exactly do you mean by this?

    Offline SomethingWild

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    Re: 2010: In Retrospect
    « Reply #4 on: December 31, 2010, 12:26:59 PM »
    ^Took me a while to get that too, but I think something like "don't go around harassing them"? They are artists, respect them as people, don't fall in love with them, etc? 

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    Re: 2010: In Retrospect
    « Reply #5 on: December 31, 2010, 02:55:26 PM »

    Well said mal. The bond you get with Japanese fans is like no other. Me and boyten will be all up in Yuko's ass in 2011.

    I'll copy this thread for Da Chuuch :lol:

    Offline maliciel

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    Re: 2010: In Retrospect
    « Reply #6 on: January 01, 2011, 04:19:09 AM »
    Please excuse my lack of comprehension, but what exactly do you mean by this?

    It is deliberately vague, I suppose.

    When AKB came down, I saw some deplorable fan behaviour that really shouldn't have come from people who would know better. It's stuff that I used to ridicule other people for being so anal about (pressuring girls for autographs, etc), but after seeing them in the flesh, some boundaries are best not stepped over.

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    Re: 2010: In Retrospect
    « Reply #7 on: January 01, 2011, 02:32:54 PM »
    • Became a Fan: I'm not really sure why it took me years to submit to AKB. I had loved 'Keibetsu' & Chocolove (and in turn, Sae), but I simply went on my merry little way, ignoring these awesome girls and everything they do.
    • Fell in Love
    • Idol POWAAAA: AKB & Friends have encouraged me to stop playing games so much (fuck you, WoW!), among other things, and earnestly buckle down for some edumacation & self-improvement, in addition to making day-to-day life much more enjoyable.

    I'm still catching up on AKB past, SKE entirely, and everything else. This shit is intense :cokecat:

    Offline Anariel

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    Re: 2010: In Retrospect
    « Reply #8 on: January 01, 2011, 03:11:40 PM »
    January: I saw SNSD - Oh! video on YouTube, I very liked it, I found this site (only picroda) and even added to bookmarks
    February: Lost interest in SNSD, deleted this site from bookmarks
    March: I saw 1st AKB related video on YouTube Watarirouka Hashiritai - Akkanbe Bashi, It was funny and I listened it 10-15 times, I forgot about it very fast
    April: I was boring that time and began to watch dorama's
    May: Almost all doramas I can found and what was interesting for me I watched, I wanted to watch "something unusual" and found "Majisuka Gakuen" in internets. I don't care about girls and I didn't know who are they till moment when I saw Matsui Rena in 8th episode, This girl made a great impression on me and I surfed internets and again found this site(now with forum too) lawl
    June: I knew very much stuff about AKB, SKE and it's hard to digest for me that time
    July-now: *48 projects Wota
    September: First buyed AKB/SKE staff
    November: Saw idols live in Moscow
    December: Can recognize ALL AKB48 girls and over 100 girls summary AKB/SKE/NMB/SDN

    Offline hibachifinal

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    Re: 2010: In Retrospect
    « Reply #9 on: January 01, 2011, 06:28:37 PM »
    This is more of an account of how AKB changed me this year :3

    • Unwarranted revelations of utmost enjoyment and desires - in the past few years, i have been denying, even denouncing anything related to idols. I did not want to get into such things (again) and mostly lost interest (with the method of other interests taking over). But in 2009, I was bit by the AKB bug, granted it wasn't full-on conversion taking place instantly, it was around 2010, mainly due to Majisuka Gakuen (and how it reminded me so much of pinku eiga), it was at that time that i said to myself "I Want This, and I Shall Take It". Soon, found myself watching more AKB tv shows, more Stages, more concerts, enjoying myself, guilt-free.
    • Reorganization of skill and habits in accordance to a vice - As with this dedication taking place, I had to let go of a few loyalties. I sold some antiquities and merchandise just so i can buy more AKB stuff. This year also gave me motivation in my other hobby, which is guitar playing. Thanks to AKB48 songs, i can gladly say i have improved a lot over the year, AKB (jpop) music has taught me all sorts of things about playing that i never would have learned otherwise, broaden my view. AKB also motivated me to try and do my humble contributions to the community, when procrastination doesn't get it in the way.
    • Activity of worship with the flock of cool - It was this year that I became more active in JPH!P. I can finally relate to more people here, and have met lots of new friends (online). There is this need to express your fandom with others, and places like jph!p (and a few others :V) was there to satisfy the need to for a collective support towards AKB. Granted most of these people I've never met, its still cool cause of the (worrisome?) daily interactions with most of them. AKB48 and AKB Fans have been a high point in my days in 2010. Hearing the experiences of the people who have seen AKB48 live with fellow fans just further empowers me to commit and do my best to see them live as well in 2011.


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    Offline Datalanche

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    Re: 2010: In Retrospect
    « Reply #10 on: January 01, 2011, 11:24:20 PM »
    I'd say a lot has changed. Though I've been into this group a pretty long time now, 2010 was definitely my biggest year yet.

    • Got to see them live - I already wrote practically everything that happened, so I won't repeat myself. It was a blast seeing them live.
    • More "into" them - Like I said, I've been an AKB fan of some degree since late 2006 or so, but my dedication and attention to them skyrocketed this year. I've begun to watch pretty much all of their regular shows as they come out. Overall I'm more excited about them than I used to be. I think the current iteration of AKB48 is the best yet.
    • More welcoming of change - I used to be one of those people who said stuff like "B3 is the best stage, nothing will ever beat it!", "Oshima Mai, nevar forget!", "The past AKB is where it's at", and so on. As I am now, I find that kind of talk to be really irritating. Indeed, the older stuff of AKB48 is still really special and I'd sit down and watch it any day, but why does that have to mean that the new can't be embraced? We've got amazing kenkyuusei coming up. Yeah, it sucks to lose a liked member, but this is an idol group. Change happens and it can be rapid. This is just my thing, people can enjoy AKB48 however the hell they want, but I find it more fun being excited by change, rather than fearing it. Even if the initial news is bad, it can lead to something awesome. Personal example: the team changes. Didn't like it at first, then K6 happened. Edit: I don't mean I'll just blindly follow whatever AKB48 does. If I don't like something, then I will definitely not pretend to like it. I'm just referring to the mindset that all change in and of itself is bad.
    • It's not just AKB48 anymore - Although my SKE48 fandom was well on its way in 2009, I consider 2010 the year I really became a fan of "the 48's". SKE48 has really come into their own and now we have the brand new NMB48, which I am also very excited about. SDN48 is even doing singles and a TV show now!
    • Personal revelation of srs business - I've come to realize that several times this year, I've taken the fandom side of things too seriously at times. I've even let it affect my opinion of the group some. It has also led to me behaving in a way that I definitely shouldn't have. It took me quite a while to see this, and now that I realize what I've been doing I feel like a complete retard for doing it several times over. I intend to correct this behavior and repeat history no longer.
    • Reconsideration of wallet rape - If I can afford to buy shit, I will buy it. But lately I'm starting to reconsider just how much I buy. I'll definitely keep supporting them, but I think the days where I buy all versions of a single might be over. It's just way too much at this point to do that for a single I only moderately like or whatever. I'm definitely going to consider how much I like something before I toss down some cash on it. The only thing I'm really torn on is concerts. I really love buying SKE's concerts because they kick so much ass, but if they are going to get into AKB48-tier pricing, I just can't do all of them. It's too wasteful.
    « Last Edit: January 02, 2011, 05:39:18 AM by Datalanche »

    Offline digital clone

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    Re: 2010: In Retrospect
    « Reply #11 on: January 04, 2011, 07:50:41 PM »
    - I found out about them when listening to the podcast Daizenshuu EX
    - I got interested in the music after watching the PV for Aitakatta
    - I found out about the other 48 groups through a episode of Unlucky Laboratory
    - I started to watch their AKbingo and Shukan AKB
    - started to buy the stage albums

    « Last Edit: November 10, 2011, 04:31:55 AM by digital clone »

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