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Author Topic: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread  (Read 337241 times)

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #140 on: September 26, 2012, 09:21:53 AM »
Hi Hi... I need help,
I like to read Shinoda Mariko fiction,
Anyone introduce some for me?
due I abit lazy to find page by page,
and I think this is the fastest way to get,
and Mariko Fiction also can.

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #141 on: September 26, 2012, 07:24:26 PM »
( write to much about sex due I know is others request but i think is too over )

Relating to this, I just want to toss something into the discussion. This is only my opinion, but it'd be interesting to see what others think about this.

I often have to remind myself that we're writing about real people. These aren't anime characters or video game characters or anything else. There are actual people that go by these names and live semi-normal lives and have to deal with the consequences of whatever they do.

Years and years ago, I want to say back in 2003, but I could be wrong, a crisis hit the mega-site I can't exactly remember what happened, but it seems to me that a few celebrities got upset at the RPF (real person fiction) section on the site and threatened to sue if the section remained. The category and all of the stories within it were deleted. Before that, it was a fantastic resource for finding RPF.

I've personally been writing fanfiction long enough to not feel too strange about knowing that I'm writing about real people (and RPF was my first type of fanfiction I ever wrote back when I was in elementary school, which helps), but there are still certain situations that make me feel a bit uncomfortable, specifically in writing sex scenes. I don't know, but maybe I think it's an invasion of privacy or something? I mean, there's definitely a market for such scenes, else there wouldn't be countless websites dedicated just to that concept (porn and erotica, oh boy), and I really really enjoy writing sex scenes as well.

I'm not a member of the perv forum yet (this post will be #20, so I'll go ask for access right away), so maybe once I'm there, in a forum that's not accessible by the public, I'll feel a bit more comfortable, but... I don't really know.
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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #142 on: September 26, 2012, 08:05:57 PM »
So the point is .... is it okay for me to continue those scene or what? Demn! Actually I want to do it in a romantic way, yes I had wrote too many AtsuMina make out scene in my fiction but it's PG-16 I think? I'm straightforward with my word just in PERV section... so now I'm doubted is it okay to continue make out scene in my story? I just think that the reader only read the make out scene part in my story...urgh.... shoot! What a cheap story that I have in my fiction...ARGH??!!!  :OMG:


Is not wrong for those sex scene, but just hope dont be writen too much of it,
some how I scare that there are some fiction with nice story line but end up with all sex scene,
I know that sometimes author really dont have idea to continue the fiction,
when no idea for the fiction, (yeah u can add some sex scene for getting idea or comment from reader)
but not too much of the sex scene for it.

this is my own opinion

Offline arisa03

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #143 on: September 27, 2012, 07:41:23 AM »
It just so happens that "M Rated" Stories does not only include Smut but also Gore, Blood and Violence. I'm not sure what it is, but some people might confuse "Smut" with "M-Rated Story" here. But I'm not pointing that out for anyone, but I'm just stating.
I know I'm new here but I've been lurking around forever and actually seeing a proper discussion going on here is rather... surprising  :nervous

...on the topic of Out of Character

I don't touch OOC that much, because a person's characterization of a human being is their own perception of that person. I believe in fanfic writing, there isn't such a thing as 'Out of Character' but just a 'difference in opinion.'

It's true that for RPF the characterization is mostly our perception of that person but I do believe that OOC-ness can still happen. Maybe it's a bit harder to classify OOC-ness for RPF, but for me, there are unique traits of the girls that we know which distinguish them from the other girls and when I see writers write differently.. I would still consider that as going OOC. Just think of it, if there is no OOC-ness then you can just easily swap the characters between fics since there is nothing that can differentiate them with each other.

I'm not sure if I have gotten my point across clearly but I'd just like to point that out. And characterization is really one of, if not the most, important elements in a fic for me.  :)

Also, I stated that with the "Unique traits" also as a default. Sure, the girls have unique traits with them and it's a default, and that's how we classify them. However, how they react in certain scenes, such as sex scenes, surprises, drunk scenes and such, is a matter of our own perception.

Like if I wrote a drunken Kojima Haruna as a more honest person, you can't tell me "That's OOC." because in my perception she'll be an honest person when drunk, but you may or may not agree with me. But I still wrote her as the "Quiet but Troll" Type of character, which is her default characteristic.

I'm not sure if I stated this well, but that's what I meant by my previous post. I apologize if it was confusing.
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #144 on: September 28, 2012, 05:01:48 AM »

Also, I stated that with the "Unique traits" also as a default. Sure, the girls have unique traits with them and it's a default, and that's how we classify them. However, how they react in certain scenes, such as sex scenes, surprises, drunk scenes and such, is a matter of our own perception.

Like if I wrote a drunken Kojima Haruna as a more honest person, you can't tell me "That's OOC." because in my perception she'll be an honest person when drunk, but you may or may not agree with me. But I still wrote her as the "Quiet but Troll" Type of character, which is her default characteristic.

I'm not sure if I stated this well, but that's what I meant by my previous post. I apologize if it was confusing.

I'm not saying that sort of thing is wrong. Definitely, there is some degree of flexibility in characterization in writing. Like I said before, it's hard to classify the degree of OOC-ness for RPF characters because, well, we don't know what's going on behind the cameras do we? And yes, you can write the girls as an honest drunk or a happy drunk or anything that fits the story and I would accept that sort of character. I think the key point for the ideal characterization I had in mind here is that the personalities of the girls are blended to fit the story, while staying true to their default traits? Of course, when it's an AU situation, the flexibility is even greater because then it will depend on the author to shape their role in the story. Like, how there's gotta be the badass one, the nice one, the smart one, etc. in those kind of stories.

Not sure if you get my point there, it's pretty hard to explain. But I'm not that mean. I'm not gonna bite every author who writes my girls differently than what I thought of them. What really frustrates me is that some authors who potray them like, for lack of a better word, horny pornstars.  :smhid  I have too much respects for the girls and seeing them like that, even if it's just in fiction, makes me... sad.  :(

Is not wrong for those sex scene, but just hope dont be writen too much of it,
some how I scare that there are some fiction with nice story line but end up with all sex scene,
I know that sometimes author really dont have idea to continue the fiction,
when no idea for the fiction, (yeah u can add some sex scene for getting idea or comment from reader)
but not too much of the sex scene for it.

Unfortunately, it is my belief that this happens too often.  It seems to be that the popular opinion is that smut = a good story.  As stated in one of my earlier posts, I am not impressed when writers use smut as a crutch.  (By this, I mean that they use it to 'save' or 'support' a story.)  Yes, smut is popular, and yes, its inclusion will get you more hits, views, and comments.  However, if tactlessly placed/used, a smut scene (or scenes) can ruin a good story.  Honestly (and yes, this is just my opinion), smut only has a place in a story when that story's sole purpose is to be a smut story.

These two opinions, I couldn't agree more. I know scenes like that fish out more comments  (oh this sad, sad reality)  and naturally authors would like to get more feedback from their readers but, a smut, for me, is never a good story. Now, if you write a story with mature scenes that will help to expand the plot, that my friend, sounds like a better story to me.
Call me old fashioned, call me a hopeless romantic, but I'd prefer a nice romance story full of emotions rather than some tasteless smut/make out/sex/ scenes. I thought we have porn and literotica for those dirty things.... But yeah, if people still wanna go read all those things, I'd prefer if they just keep it in their head the perv section.

What happened to the good ol' romance anyway? Surely it's not dead?  :nervous Or kids these days prefer to just get it on and over with. LOL

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #145 on: October 01, 2012, 11:16:33 AM »

Not sure if you get my point there, it's pretty hard to explain. But I'm not that mean. I'm not gonna bite every author who writes my girls differently than what I thought of them. What really frustrates me is that some authors who potray them like, for lack of a better word, horny pornstars.  :smhid  I have too much respects for the girls and seeing them like that, even if it's just in fiction, makes me... sad.  :(

Lmao, yes, this seriously. True, if you write romance, you can't help but have some 'smut' as well, because even if a lot of people doesn't believe, sex is a necessity in romance. But that doesn't mean they're always sexually frustrated towards each other. That just by standing beside each other, they already want to make a jump on them and take them there lmao.
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #146 on: October 13, 2012, 06:41:44 PM »

These two opinions, I couldn't agree more. I know scenes like that fish out more comments  (oh this sad, sad reality)  and naturally authors would like to get more feedback from their readers but, a smut, for me, is never a good story. Now, if you write a story with mature scenes that will help to expand the plot, that my friend, sounds like a better story to me.
Call me old fashioned, call me a hopeless romantic, but I'd prefer a nice romance story full of emotions rather than some tasteless smut/make out/sex/ scenes. I thought we have porn and literotica for those dirty things.... But yeah, if people still wanna go read all those things, I'd prefer if they just keep it in their head the perv section.

What happened to the good ol' romance anyway? Surely it's not dead?  :nervous Or kids these days prefer to just get it on and over with. LOL

Sorry for butting in, but I do think the same with you. It's kinda sad when you saw a nice story and in the end it was turned into a smut story :banghead:
Perhaps I am a hopeless romantic, but I rather read a romance with a minimal bed-scenes rather than a smut

Lmao, yes, this seriously. True, if you write romance, you can't help but have some 'smut' as well, because even if a lot of people doesn't believe, sex is a necessity in romance. But that doesn't mean they're always sexually frustrated towards each other. That just by standing beside each other, they already want to make a jump on them and take them there lmao.

Yeah... I agree sex IS a necessity in romance life, but when I read a story full of it (smut) that is just... kinda destroying the story.  :smhid But, that's my opinion.

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #147 on: October 27, 2012, 05:18:53 PM »
Please read the new guidelines regarding kiss scenes involving underaged members in fanfics:

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #148 on: October 27, 2012, 05:49:22 PM »

These two opinions, I couldn't agree more. I know scenes like that fish out more comments  (oh this sad, sad reality)  and naturally authors would like to get more feedback from their readers but, a smut, for me, is never a good story. Now, if you write a story with mature scenes that will help to expand the plot, that my friend, sounds like a better story to me.
Call me old fashioned, call me a hopeless romantic, but I'd prefer a nice romance story full of emotions rather than some tasteless smut/make out/sex/ scenes. I thought we have porn and literotica for those dirty things.... But yeah, if people still wanna go read all those things, I'd prefer if they just keep it in their head the perv section.

What happened to the good ol' romance anyway? Surely it's not dead?  :nervous Or kids these days prefer to just get it on and over with. LOL

Sorry for butting in, but I do think the same with you. It's kinda sad when you saw a nice story and in the end it was turned into a smut story :banghead:
Perhaps I am a hopeless romantic, but I rather read a romance with a minimal bed-scenes rather than a smut

Lmao, yes, this seriously. True, if you write romance, you can't help but have some 'smut' as well, because even if a lot of people doesn't believe, sex is a necessity in romance. But that doesn't mean they're always sexually frustrated towards each other. That just by standing beside each other, they already want to make a jump on them and take them there lmao.

Yeah... I agree sex IS a necessity in romance life, but when I read a story full of it (smut) that is just... kinda destroying the story.  :smhid But, that's my opinion.

I just noticed this now, and for me it seems quite important.

I agree on both of your sentiments. Where exactly is the romance from before? When everything is just pacing around slowly instead know okay, I don't really need to expand. I also agree on that, the smut scenes should just be used to move the plot or complicate it, well, for me I like the use of smut to complicate the character's life and make them feel bad in their demise because that is exactly how I use smut, its a lot powerful actually to use, just that how you use it and how you write smut is the main problem. :sweatdrop:

Smut is used mainly for powerful and emotional scenes in a fic, I need not want to say that it was there for the pleasure of just feeling...well, just feeling as an excuse, it just ruins the fic if its straight out smut without plot, or rather, lacking in a concrete plot that can move or convince a reader more on the plot and less on the smut scene. I'd like to point out that the best example of a fanfic with a good plot that overpowers the smut scene, but makes it a perfect addition to the whole read is LeNosferatu and melon-lover's Never Let Me Go. Also, the fact that LeNosferatu-san and melon-san didn't so as to bluntly write the words out and instead beautified it in a way that it didn't sound so foul was wonderful to the eyes because it was the best option. I'm quite surprised at how well it went to be honest...not a lot of people try to make it seem that way...and I'm quite pleased in what they did.

Bluntly writing out the words makes it seem so...foul and...vulgar you can say, I've read a lot of fics and came across with a lot of smut, and I can say it destroys the mood and set of the scene with just the vulgarity of the words, it makes the fic rather dull.

I however don't agree that sex is a necessity in one's romantic life. :lol:

If one really just loves the other, that itself is enough...but I guess humans are too insecure and distrustful that they need something to prove that their partners love them by asking for a confirmation of something that would solely be theirs alone.......but then there ever such a pure thing like that now? Hmmmm....

Also, I noticed the new post, all writers should keep an eye on what they write, especially on underage members. If ever they want to delve into such a topic, they should place it somewhere else, or, lessen the intensity level to a much more friendly and adequate level. ^ ^
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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #149 on: October 27, 2012, 08:33:05 PM »
I LOL-ed reading those discussions.

Quote from: Sieka on Today at 02:49:22 PM
I however don't agree that sex is a necessity in one's romantic life.

I could not agree more.

Idem. To be honest I don't really enjoy reading a smut. But sometimes there's some smut that I could enjoy.

I would like to confessed something here, and I hope you didn't feel insulted by this.
I don't like genderbend fics. If it was just a crossdressing things I might still read it. But not with genderbend (total genderbend with female turns into male or otherwise around). Especially when the story involving a real person and not the facts.

Genderbend on AKB fics, it feels like disrespects the girls (for me). It was like denying the truth about their gender.

Even Urakawa Minori (Urayama Minoru) in AKB49 is just crossdressing to get into AKB.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2012, 12:37:29 PM by caghaunt »
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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #150 on: October 27, 2012, 08:36:06 PM »
I hate to admit it, but the smut polemic in these recent months has only increased the confusion in me concerning the actual context of this 'smut' word, unfortunately.

For now I would stick to what Hitobo-san said about 'smut',
In regards to smut in fanfiction, as many of you have said, first-and-foremost: leave it in the perv section.

If you're not sure whether or not your story can be on the main board, please check the, "The Golden Laws of JPH!P Fanfiction" thread.

Smut only has a place in a story when that story's sole purpose is to be a smut story.
Being a tasteless wide-opened vulgarity or a beautifully wrapped sweet romance, there's already the proper place and rules that offer us the chance to write those kind of things. After this, it's personal taste.

Pleasing readers and oneself while maintaining self-control in writing is so difficult indeed (and this is kind of discouraging me to write something at the moment)
« Last Edit: October 28, 2012, 04:01:30 AM by aruka »
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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #151 on: October 27, 2012, 10:52:20 PM »
As you all know this forum is run by fans for fans. To keep up with AKB48 is a massive task (in addition to everyday life), so the time we have left to keep an eye on every story and thread is very limited. Fanfics aren't my personal hobby, so most of my time goes towards the "news and releases" and general AKBar48 threads.

If you see something that you think is crossing the line or might be offensive, feel free to hit the "Report to moderator" button on the bottom right corner of that particular post. That way we will be alerted and can take appropriate action if needed. It helps us to use our time more efficiently, which will hopefully lead to a forum where everybody can feel at home and can enjoy their hobby.

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #152 on: October 27, 2012, 11:29:48 PM »
I have a question. If for example a story has a child abduction, some sexual abuse, but that child is made eighteen in the story, though in reality that child is younger. Is it also inappropriate?

Or should I just mention that it did happen, but do not explain or describe the scenes?

It still is in the making process, the scene, so I really want to know what to do... Changing the child would be vital to the whole plot...
« Last Edit: October 27, 2012, 11:49:09 PM by sakura_drop_ »
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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #153 on: October 28, 2012, 12:36:13 PM »
We are of the same opinion, it seems.  I too don't often read total genderbend stories (wherein some members are presented as males from start to finish) for these very reasons.  (I do enjoy some cross-dressing stories.  I believe many of us here are fans of Mendol.)

In my mind, if one wants to read stories about AKB's members, then one likely wants to read stories about the girls as girls.  Personally, when it comes to most total genderbend stories, the changing of a member's physical sex strikes me as a statement that the girls being in same-sex relationships is somehow not acceptable or 'good enough'.  It just... irks me.  (Interestingly enough, most of the total genderbend stories I've read (which isn't many) are laden with sex scenes.)

However, in writing fan fiction, the truth is that we often must deny some facts of reality.  In regards to genderbending, some authors have chosen to change that certain aspect about the members.  Thankfully most of the authors here are kind enough to mark their genderbend stories, so they can easily be skipped over if one so desires.

Aah, this! When read genderbend stories (with or no sex scenes) I often talk to myself, "Why did you wrote straight when the fandom you wrote is yuri/shoujo-ai? Why not make an original character (but not self-insert) if you want to write it as straight?". With a displeased looks on my face and all.

Of course, we often must deny some facts or reality. Even all the romance things might be all-imaginations.

But I often found most of genderbender stories here cannot be tell which one is the genderbend and which one is not without have to take a peek into the story (except the Mendolx fics). Like a SaeYuki story wherein Sae being pictured as a (totally) male and no notice about it.
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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #154 on: October 28, 2012, 07:15:38 PM »
I just want to make it clear that if you make a girl older in your fic than she is in real life, that doesn't mean you can write perv scenes with her.
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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #155 on: October 28, 2012, 07:28:04 PM »
 ^ The rule goes both ways ;)
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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #156 on: October 30, 2012, 05:45:38 PM »
Okay, this might be totally out of the blue, but I can't keep silent about this anymore...

I always loved writing. Be it at school, at home, on the bus, having a picnic, preparing for some feast... I always wrote poems and stories. But I rarely showed them to anyone, and I did not feel confident about it. But one day I came to JPHIP, and my life turned upside down. I felt this is a place where my creativeness is appreciated, where I can post freely any kind of topic, and still get some feedback, even if I feel it's badly written. I felt this is a place where a person can shine despite his/her gloomy past/background, despite the fact that he/she has a bad or abusive family, or is bullied at school. A place where you can escape and feel like at home, get warmness and kindness. Get negative or bad comments, and find the step where to improve.

But with time something changed. I don't know what it is, but I feel like an outsider here... All the new writers, people comment on their posts, press 'thank you', put it on their bookmarks... Even all the other 'old' writers, they get lots of feedback, people press 'thank you' on their posts... but I feel like an outsider.. I wonder if my writing went bad or something...

I mean, the same stories before were highly appreciated, people wanted continuations, pressed 'thank you', asked questions about characters and stuff, about the plot. Now, when I update the stories, I see those people, that were interested in those stories before, commenting on other posts, but my stories are not interesting anymore, they pay no attention, nobody is commenting on them, and I get so few 'thank yous' that my inspiration and all the joy of updating is fading away so rapidly like never before.

For others it might seem like a nonsense that I wrote here, but it is how I feel this last month.. And even some time before.. I know that people appreciate highly only AtsuMina, KojiYuu or MaYuki, and it's fine in it's own way. But even when I write about them... You know, it feels like I said or wrote something that offended people and so they backed away from me. I might be overreacting, hallucinating, being paranoid, but... I even feel like crying, when I update a story, and week after it's still empty without comments...

I know some of you might even laugh at this rant of mine, but I feel like not writing anymore.... I love writing, I have many ideas, and I often hear my friends saying I'm good at English, but... The lack of feedback is making me sulk in the corner, pull my hear and stop writing, because inspiration is leaving me... I'm sorry if this rant was offensive or boring... I'll still try to update stories, though I'm not sure how long I'll be able to do that, if no feedback is coming...
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #157 on: October 30, 2012, 06:16:35 PM »
sakura-san, I felt that before, like many times I'd sulk over the popularity over other pairs, of comparing my work to others and how I might be lacking more than what I know, but it didn't last long. I asked myself before why I write and what's my motive to write, and I find out that the very first motive was to enjoy writing, to learn more how to write and to express my ideas into text. I wrote all my fics out of my own wish and joy, I never tried writing it just so I want to garner everyone's attention and get feedback. I don't really care about it anymore. I do still feel sad, but that only comes a bit and fades since I feel satisfied that I finished writing something anyways, and I still write now because I want to, and I post it because I want to share it, I still do write, I'm just too busy in my own things to post anything.

Also, before, when I was writing Chinmoku, I tend to get distracted, disappointed and unmotivated, I attempted to discontinue Chinmoku for more than once, but I didn't. I've had a lot of conversations with some writers and readers in skype and talked about it before, but the question itself repeats, what was my aim to write this? My aim was to improve in writing. Making fics are just my hobby, its just my pet project and my training ground for writing documents and such. I also write because fics are my outlet for my own frustrations, depressions and happiness. Whatever emotions I place in my fics it what at times reflect on my mood and mind.

Why did you write your fics in the first place? To get feedbacks? To become popular? or to share what you like and love with other people?

You might not know but there are people out there you reads your fics, they just don't leave anything, they are always in the dark. Everyone has a lot of silent readers, this thread is basically open for read anyways, you should even try counting just how much a lot of people lists you as a favorite author, you'd see a lot. I always look around in all three pinned threads here in the fanfic thread, and I know who's famous around here in the fic thread.

This might come rude, but I'm just asking you, what was your aim...maybe if you try asking yourself the reason why, you might realize that it doesn't matter. There are still some writers who still write, no matter how little comments they get, and its because they enjoy what they write. Writing becomes a task when you're always thinking of wanting to get comments, and surely, it'll be the reason for your poor performance. Don't think of it, just write what's inside your mind and what you feel and incorporate it in what you write.

I do hope I didn't sound too rude there.
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~I also ship NMB48's SayaMilky~
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~Shipping hard BlackGeki, and the princess pairing, YukiRena~

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Status: Semi-hiatus, Semi-I-don't-know-if-want-to-come-back-now

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #158 on: October 30, 2012, 08:49:06 PM »
Sakura-san, I think Sieka-san is right. I passed through the same feelings when I posted my writings on another forum. You know, the people who used to comment on them, didn't commented anymore, though on others fics they still commented. Their forum didn't have the "thank you" button. And I get really sad with that. I know that get comments and "thank yous" is great, but another great thing like what you are writing. One day I realised why I liked to write fics. In my case it's because I like to create stories (even though I still think I have no creativity and that my stories are to predictably xD). But that feeling was also because something changed in me. Something changed on my on my tastes; my opinion about few things changed as well. I changed. People change with time. Please don't get me wrong, but maybe that might also be happening to you.

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
Oneshots at Perv area

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Re: The General AKB48 Fanfic Discussion Thread
« Reply #159 on: October 30, 2012, 09:00:11 PM »
Totally Agree with @Sieka

@Sakura_drop u write the fiction is for sharing ur idea and showing ur love toward the member u love,
u dun need to care so much about those comment and like/thank you,
maybe this sound selfish, the more u care, the more u get disappointed,
everything have like and dislike, there are always people like ur fiction or dislike it,
you cant satisfied everyone request, because there are always a lot of request from reader or author,
I know that sometimes author get idea from reader comment, due I'm not an author,
As long as u enjoy ur story and ur writing that enough,

Just like @Rukaeru previous she is always having problem with fiction, because of those smut scene,
there always have reader or author dislike her smut scene on the fiction, because too much of it,
but now she overcame it, she just didnt care about those dislike,
as long as she enjoy writing those smut scene with the member she love the most.
I'm also the member that didnt like about her smut scene too much fiction,

Maybe I sound selfish,
But in this forum I always feel that I was home when i access,
I just do what I wan, due there are rules for every threat,
due that sometimes will againts the rules, but still have to follow the rules
sometimes I will criticize some fiction, especially @Rukaeru fiction,
that why sometimes I end up argue with her.

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