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Author Topic: Game Cheats (Part 2 SP) YEAAAAAH!  (Read 23699 times)

Offline khryz0421

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Re: Survivors (AKB48)
« Reply #40 on: May 17, 2011, 11:11:35 AM »
so scary .. i don't like scary things... :OMG: but i really like this fic so i try my best to read the next chapter without  imagine  the scene ... :frustrated:

nice fic..:frustrated:

Offline bou-j525

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Re: Survivors (AKB48)
« Reply #41 on: May 18, 2011, 01:15:26 AM »
GHOST STORY. LOL. I enjoy it. It's different from everything I've read before so ^^ Plus, Takahashi survived so  :twothumbs

Offline pretend_2besome1

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Re: Survivors (AKB48)
« Reply #42 on: June 03, 2011, 11:04:24 PM »
Cupid’s mission
I just can't imagine Takamina being a perv  XD
Oh it's beyond good to read Acchan, Yuko and Takamina are okay again  :cow:
Miichan & Mariko = tough love.

Y u no make happy end for them?  :(
It's okay though.

Childish acts
I find this Takamina so amusing because of her cockiness.
“Damn you! Die! Disappear or Evaporate! I hetchu!”
Tsundere Mariko?
Another tough love. It seemed this is the case with Mariko couple.

The genre sure is interesting.
 :shocked the person strangling Takamina disappeared?
I'm hoping there'll be more part to this.

I think it's hard to make a TakaMii regardless of writer's block or anything. So don't stress yourself and have fun writing whatever idea that comes to your mind first. Good luck!

ps. I hate math too.

TakaSemaru  :heart:

Offline Alexander

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Re: Survivors (AKB48)
« Reply #43 on: June 12, 2011, 12:48:56 PM »
I’m here (TakaMii)

A bouquet of roses in her left hand and a bright smile on her face Takamina excitedly walk towards the dressing room of her girlfriend.

“She’s going to love this bouquet!” she excitedly talked to herself. Acchan just finished promoting her new album and Takamina was so proud of her girlfriend. They don’t have time to talk to each other because of their busy schedule so she planned to surprise her girlfriend but before she reach the dressing room she saw two girls in front of the room and they are kissing. Takamina scrunched her nose and squinted her eyes feeling a bit odd because the two girls seem quietly familiar to her. She stopped mid-way and watched them. Feeling a bit disgusted because they’re making out in front of her girlfriend’s dressing room. They stopped kissing and broke apart, she squinted her eyes again and it hit Takamina, it was Acchan and Sae who was kissing. She couldn’t move, her eyes began to tear up and she couldn’t breathe properly. ‘Why are they kissing?’ ‘Is this for real?’ these thoughts flooded Takamina’s mind. They talked for a while and Sae opened the door of the dressing room. Takamina remained hard as a rock at her current spot. She feels like someone is stabbing her heart repeatedly. She spaced out and the tears began to fall. Memories of her and Acchan flashed back in her mind and the happy memories slowly fade away.  She slaps her cheeks for a few times and wiped her tears but they kept falling. Her feet started to move like it has a mind on its own. There’s no point of giving the bouquet now.

Miichan happily skip through the corridor wondering if Takamina successfully gave the roses to Acchan. She wanted to congratulate Acchan for doing a good job. She already gave enough time for the love birds. As she turned left she bumped into someone.

“Oh sorry didn’t mean to—Takamina?!”

Takamina dropped the bouquet and hugged Miichan. She began to sob uncontrollably like a kid lost in the department store.

“W-what happened Takamina?” she asked Takamina feeling protective to her friend. She will never let anyone make her friend cry.

“Let’s go to my house and talk” Sensing that Takamina can’t speak properly right now.

‘Maybe something bad happened between her and Acchan'

They were sitting on the sofa and Takamina is still crying. Miichan just let Takamina cry. It’s the best for her in this situation.

Takamina hiccupped and tried to speak.

“A-Acchan....kissing” she hiccupped again and tried to continue what she was saying but Miichan stopped her. The first 2 words she heard are enough for Miichan to understand what is happening.

“ she.... cheating on... you?” Miichan said it cautiously so it won’t hurt Takamina more.

Takamina nodded and tightly hugged Miichan. Takamina sobbed loudly while saying incoherent words. An angry frown started to form on Micchan’s face and her fist curled up.

‘No one hurts Takamina. No one can make her cry’

After 20 minutes Takamina stopped crying.  Her dress is damp but it’s okay because it’s Takamina. Takamina is still vulnerable and she needs someone to make
her a bit happy. Maybe eating can make her happy?

“I’ll go get us some cake and tea, just sit here okay?”

Takamina nodded her head. Miichan gave Takamina a last look before she goes inside the kitchen.

Takamina’s P.O.V

I feel so betrayed and unloved with all those years I’ve been with her are a joke? Am I not enough for her? I did everything to make her happy but is it not
enough? I’ve seen them before being intimate with each other but I just ignore it because they’re friends. She’s my first for everything. I gave her my life and soul. Is it not enough? I don’t know what I’m going to now. It feels like everything are non-sense to me. I want to die. My heart is not with me anymore. She broke it into a million pieces. I’m tired and sick of this.

“Here eat this it will make you a bit happy. Chocolate cake makes me happy” Miichan offered me a slice. Only Acchan can make me happy..

“I’ll be back, eat it okay?” she patted my head and gave me a smile

I held the fork tightly..I can feel my hands trembling. Maybe I should just die? Maybe if I die Atsuko will finally realize that she likes me? What if she doesn’t? What
if she won’t even realize that I’m gone? Maybe I should just kill myself right now so everything will be fine.

I was about to stab myself but someone slap my hand.

Miichan’s P.O.V

I gave her the chocolate cake and gone back to the kitchen to get the tea. I wish she will cheer up a little. I don’t want to see her crying. She’s just too precious to
be crying. Those tears don’t suit her face. It’s the biggest mistake Atsuko did. Takamina is one of a kind and cheating at her is the biggest mistake that moron did.

I arranged the tea and put it in the tray.

‘I’ll do anything for Takamina’ I was about to call her name but when I look at her she’s about to stab herself. I dropped the tray and run as fast as I can to slap her hand.

The sound of the glass shattering and my heart beating are the only sound I can hear right now. My tears start falling down.

“WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?!” I screamed at her face. I don’t care if I’m crying right now. Only matters right now is why did she try to kill herself

“ISN’T IT OBVIOUS?! I’M GOING TO KILL MYSELF AND YOU INTERRUPTED IT!” she fired back at me. I can feel myself trembling because of anger.

“WITH A FORK!? ARE YOU INSANE!? DO YOU THINK A FORK CAN KILL YOU RIGHT AWAY?!” I shot back at her. I knelt down and buried my face in my hands.

“You don’t understand Miichan...” she mumbled. I can barely hear it.

I look up and found that she crying too.

‘Why are you doing this to yourself Takamina?’

“Then let me understand it Takamina..” I whispered. This is too much already.

“..................” Silence. It’s killing me. I want to know what’s going on her mind.

“There’s no point of living Miichan...” Did I hear it right? Did she just say it?

“NO POINT?!” I screamed at her and I saw her flinched.

“What about AKB48? What about us? your friends? What about me? What do you think we will feel if you kill yourself?! Do you think it can solve your problems?!
Huh?! Takamina! Do you think it can?! Acchan is not the only girl in the world. There so many fish in the sea! Open your fucking eyes!” I catch my breath. There are many things I wanted to say to her. Didn’t she think that we will feel sad if she died?! Damn it. This is your entire fault Atsuko.

 “STOP SCREAMING AT ME! YOU DON’T KNOW ANYTHING MIICHAN! SHE’S THE ONLY GIRL FOR ME!” She pointed an accusatory finger at me. That left me
speechless. She looked at side and sighed. I wiped my tears with my hands and stood up. I turned my back to her.

“You are so blinded by your love for Atsuko, that you can’t see other people’s feelings..Can you please open your eyes and looked around? There are many people that’s going to be sad if you kill yourself...and you don’t see that I love you..” I mumbled the last word. I wish she didn’t hear it. I’m so sick of this. I’m tired of being the 3rd wheel.

“What did you say?” I heard her whispered. I just stood there not caring if she just asked me a question.
I heard footsteps and she turned me around.

“Pardon?” There’s a serious look on her face. I looked down and kept quiet. She tightly held my wrist.

“Ouch! You’re hurting me Takamina..” I heard her gasp and her grip loosen.


We just stood there.

“I-I I said..I said..I said...I-I..I like..No..I...I..l-love you” I can feel my tears start falling down my cheeks.


“Please don’t talk Takamina..please..” I hiccupped. It’s my turn now to cry. I know that she will reject me. I know that this is not the right time to confess but I just
can’t help myself. The anger and jealousy are building up inside me.

Takamina’s P.O.V

My hands started to move. I just had a urge to hold you in my arms and say sweet things to you. Your confession is so sudden for me it to sink it in my head.
You’re my best friend and I don’t know what I’m going to do if I lose you.

I held you in my arms.

You asked me why I’m doing this but neither do I know why. I looked into your eyes and I never knew that you have a pair of beautiful eyes. My face started to
move like you have some kind of hypnotic powers. You look so beautiful.  I didn’t even notice that we’re already kissing. We broke apart and you looked at me with questioning eyes. I wish you can help me to forget about her. I know that you will not do what she did to me. I believe you Miichan. I know that I’m just using you right now to forget the hurt that I’m feeling but I guess I’m releasing all my desires to you when I heard you said you love me. Does it even make sense?

“Takamina...” you said breathlessly. I kissed you once more. I will try my best to love you.

Sorry I don’t know how to end it :cry: I suck  :cry: Thank you for the comments and I'm still thinking if I should write a part 2 of Survivors  :cry:  Cry baby Alex  :cry: I finally posted this and I think that I'm going to disappoint you because I suck and I blame my math teacher :angry: (still blaming him)  :angry: Sorry for wrong grammar or anything too lazy to change it :D
Upcoming one shots:
1) Taka x Erepyon
2) MariHaru
aaaand Advance Happy Birthday to Kumi Yagami of SKE48  :) Tomorrow is her birthday  :D Happy birthdaaaay happy happy birthday to yooou  :pen_whirl:

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Re: I'm here (TakaMii)
« Reply #44 on: June 12, 2011, 11:01:20 PM »
Oh my golly gosh!!! Sae and Atsuko?! I cant imagine. xD The story is soooo sad for the fact that Takamina really love Acchan and Acchan cheated on her.  :angry: :cry:

Miichan. :[ How about Mariko? Lol.

And LOL at Takamina uses fork to stab herself.  :smhid

Can't wait for Mariharu. :]
Defeating Gekikara is a dangerous dream.

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Re: I'm here (TakaMii)
« Reply #45 on: June 13, 2011, 12:33:14 AM »
It's too sad T_T poor both minami

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Re: I'm here (TakaMii)
« Reply #46 on: July 09, 2011, 06:02:11 PM »
Game cheats (SNEAK PEAK)

“ Tutor?”

“Yes” Minami shortly replied

“Go introduced yourself Honey” her Mom glared at her. She forgot to introduce herself.

“Go eat your food Erena or it will get cold. We’ll talk about this later” Mrs. Ono sternly asked her daughter. Erena obediently eat her supper.

“You’re too cute sometimes” she kissed her girlfriend's plump lips and lay back again

“Yeah you are beautiful” Takamina mumbled

“NO! I-I mean uhh. It-it’s okay. I’m okay! Look! I’m okay! Ahaha haha ha!” She made silly gestures and a fake laugh at the end

“Huh? I said ice cream Erena not Taka-”

SOOOOOO yeah lol I don't know what to say. I just want to tease you readers. I love teasing people. Yeah... right...
Guess what is the meaning of the title. A prize is waiting. Maybe a personal request, I could write you a oneshot if you get it right. This is to easy to guess lol

Offline khryz0421

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Re: Game Cheats
« Reply #47 on: July 09, 2011, 06:09:57 PM »
argh!  :cry: continue..

btw i'm not good in gueesing :smhid

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Game Cheats
« Reply #48 on: July 09, 2011, 10:39:55 PM »
I Hope Erepyon is here in this fanfic~  :sweatdrop:

Offline pretend_2besome1

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Re: Game Cheats
« Reply #49 on: July 14, 2011, 10:53:24 PM »
I’m here
Sae and Acchan, why?  :depressed:
Somehow it feels like this Takamina got karma for what she did to Acchan in your TakaHaru shot even though it's unrelated  XD
Despite the seriousness of the situation...with a fork, really? lol
I hope Miichan doesn't end up as a rebound

I think most author love to tease their readers and sorry don't know the meaning of the title. I think you need to give out more hints

TakaSemaru  :heart:

Offline Alexander

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Re: Game Cheats
« Reply #50 on: November 01, 2011, 06:53:05 PM »
Game cheats Part 1

“I’m home!” a certain high school girl shouted and throws her shoes at the corner. She happily skipped to the living room but stop mid-way when she noticed that they have a visitor. There’s a girl in front of her parents. They were talking seriously and that made her curious. She dropped her bag at the side and because of the heaviness of her bag it made a creak sound earning looks from the people at the living room.

“Oh, Honey you’re home. Come here. I want you to meet Takahashi Minami” her Dad introduced their visitor. The girl stood up from the sofa and bowed. The high school girl walks beside her father.

“Hi, my name is Takahashi Minami but you can call me Takamina and from now on I’ll be your tutor” the girl named Takahashi Minami smiled at the other girl.

“ Tutor?” the girl asked. Hearing someone suddenly say that they’re her tutor from now on is shocking to her because she just failed her English test once! Feeling a bit pissed to her parents. She doesn’t want a tutor.

“Yes” Minami shortly replied.

“Go introduced yourself Honey” her Mom glared at her. She forgot to introduce herself.

“Hi, my name is Ono Erena. Please take care of me” Erena bowed at her tutor earning a chuckle from no other than her tutor

“She’s a good girl. I think it’ll be easy to tutor her” Minami said.

They talked about the fee, the days when she will be tutored which is every day after school and so on. Takamina bid a goodbye because it’s already getting dark. She refused to eat dinner with them.

“Mom! Dad! Why would I be tutored?” It’s been bugging her since few hours ago. She’s been itching to ask this to her parents.

“You failed your English test and your grades are getting low. Minami is from Tokyo University. I’m sure that she will do a good job tutoring you” Mr. Ono put down his chopsticks and explained it to her daughter

“Go eat your food Erena or it will get cold. We’ll talk about this later” Mrs. Ono sternly asked her daughter. Erena obediently eat her supper.

“I just failed my English test once” they just finished eating dinner

“And don’t forget that your grades are getting low too”

“But Mom I don’t need to be tutored”

“Yes you are”

“Erena, Minami is a good kid. Don’t be scared of her” Mr. Ono chuckled

“Daaaad! I’m not scared of her” Erena whined.

Saturday means no tutoring session for Takamina. She just woke up from her sleep. She sits up straight and stretched her numb arms. Takamina yawned and
scratch her cheeks. Two pairs of slender arms engulf her from a tight hug.

“Minami it’s only 6:00 am let’s sleep till noon” her girlfriend sleepily said

“Tomo you know I always wake up 6:00 in the morning”

“But its Saturday can’t you just relaxed today? I can’t see you starting next week because of your tutoring” Tomochin pouted. Takamina will be certainly missed by
her girlfriend.

Takamina pinched Tomochin’s cheek and stretched it.

“You’re too cute sometimes that I can’t help to harass you” she kissed her girlfriends plump lips and lay back again. Tomochin wrapped her arms around
Takamina’s waist and put her head in the crook of her neck.



“Nothing I just want to say your name”

“Takaminaaaaa~” Tomochin’s hot breath tickled Takamina. Takamina giggled and responded with a ‘hmm’

“Is she beautiful?” Tomochin draw circles on Takamina’s right cheek and constantly kissing it

“Yeah she is. She’s very beautiful” Takamina lovingly answered. Tomochin pushed Takamina after hearing her answer, she pushed Takamina hardly enough for
her girlfriend to yelp in pain. Takamina landed on the floor with a loud thud.

“WHAT?!” Tomochin furiously asked to her girlfriend who is caressing her aching butt at the moment.

Takamina looked at Tomochin with teary eyes.

“Why did you do that Tomo? It hurts” Takamina stood up and lightly tap her aching butt. She pouted.

“You said she’s beautiful” Tomochin turned away at Takamina not even feeling a bit sorry to her girlfriend.

“Yeah you are beautiful” Takamina mumbled

“What?” Tomochin looked at Takamina. Did she just hear Takamina correctly?

“I said you’re beautiful. I answered your question but you pushed me” Tomochin stood up and hug Takamina. She smiled and kissed Takamina on the nose.

“Sorry Minami” Finding it cute that Takamina misheard her question and said that she’s beautiful. She shouldn’t have asked that question. She is sure that
Takamina will never cheat on her.

“You’re getting tutored!?” Miho Miyazaki shouted at her best friend

“Shh! Can you be any louder?! Do you want the whole school to know it?” Erena irritably shushed her best friend

“Sorry but why are you getting tutored?” Miho scratched her head

“My parents said that my grades are getting low so they said I should get a tutor” Erena explained every detail

“Oh that explains it. Is your tutor a he or a she?”

“A she, She’s from Tokyo University” Miho’s eyes widened when she heard the word Tokyo

“Wow! She must be really smart if she’s from Tokyo University! Erena you’re so lucky”

“You’re not helping me Miho! Didn’t I told you that I don’t want to be tutored” Erena pouted at her friend


“We’ll talk later!”

“Good Evening Mr. and Mrs. Ono” Takamina politely greeted them

“Good Evening Takahashi. Erena is upstairs” Mrs. Ono smiled at Takamina

Takamina went upstairs tiredly.

“I really need to exercise” she knocked 3 times

“Come in”

“Let’ start the tutoring” Erena kept silent.

“You’re a stubborn kid huh?” Takamina smirked. Her question is answered by a silence

“You really don’t want to be tutored?” once again her question is answered by a silence. How fascinating she’s like talking to herself

“Okay I’ll go now” Takamina made her way to the door. She opened it slowly and still smirking.

“I’m just going to say to your parents that you don’t want to be tutored” Takamina slowly made her way outside Erena’s room.

“WAIT! Don’t do that! Le-Let start the tutoring thingy” Erena hurriedly tug Takamina’s arm. She doesn’t want to get into the bad side of her parents.

“Okay” The tutoring sessions went quiet well it was already 8:00 pm when Takamina went home. Takamina stretched her aching muscles. Maybe she’s really
getting old.

“I should really exercise more” she mumbled.

“I’m home! Tomo?” she whispered her girlfriend’s name

“Maybe she’s already asleep” she went to the living room and found her girlfriend sleeping like a baby at the sofa. Takamina lightly chuckled. She kissed Tomochin
on the forehead and disappears in the kitchen. She was really hungry. She didn’t feel it when she was in Mrs. Ono’s house so that’s why she declined the offer.

She saw a meat and rice at the table and there’s a note too.

Eat this! I cooked it heart! heart!

Wake me up when you’re already finished eating okay? Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! I love you!


“Tomo” A small smile crept on Takamina’s face. She hungrily devoured the food like a wolf that hadn’t eaten in many years. She finished eating within 25 minutes.
She put the plate in the sink.

“Thank you Tomo” She kissed her girlfriend on the lips and Tomochin made an agreeing sound. Takamina lift up Tomochin and started walking to their room.

‘Because of Tomochin’s cooking I became strong but’ she mumbled

“I didn’t know that you’re this heavy Tomo” she said to her sleeping girlfriend

It’s been two weeks since Takamina started tutoring Erena and it’s been 4 days since Erena started feeling weird whenever Takamina is near. It just started when
Takamina waited outside her school and they went home together. After that waiting and going home together she felt like Takamina is the coolest, prettiest, smartest, and hottest person EVER!

“Spell Enthusiastic” Takamina said in English with an accent. Erena snickered when she heard Takamina. She found it funny when Takamina is speaking in English.

“Is something funny?” and one more thing when it’s tutor session Takamina is serious. Takamina scrunch her eyebrows to look scary.

“No-nothing” Erena gulp feeling a lump on her throat. She blushed when she thought that it was hot how Takamina said it.

“Are you okay? You’re red, Erena. Do you want me to stop? I can go home now if you want” Takamina was about to stand up when Erena shouted no

“NO! I-I mean uhh. It-it’s okay. I’m okay! Look! I’m okay! Ahaha haha ha!” She made silly gestures and a fake laugh at the end

“Oookay. Let’s start all over again! Spell Enthusiastic!” Takamina said in a cheery voice

Saturday afternoon means no tutor for Takamina. Takamina and Tomochin agreed to hang out at the mall. They were holding hands just like normal couples while
looking at the stores.

“ACHOO!” Takamina rubbed her nose

“Are you okay?” Tomochin asked. Concerned for her girlfriend

“Yeah just a cold don’t worry about me” Takamina beamed a smile to Tomochin


“Really!” Tomochin’s lips curved into a smile. Takamina changed her cold attitude towards people. She’s more smiling now. It’s all thanks to Takamina.

At the other side of the mall

“Takamina?” a hurt expression is all over Erena’s face.

“Huh? I said ice cream Erena not Taka-” Miho gave Erena a confused expression. She saw her best friend staring at something, she followed it. Erena frowned
even more when she saw that Takamina kissed the girl she’s with.

“Is that your tutor?” Miho looked at Erena concerned at her friend. She doesn’t want to see her frowning it hurts her. She loves Erena so much.

Erena looked away and gave a fake smile at Miho

“Nope! Let’s eat! Wait? Miho what did you ordered?” Erena said energetically. Maybe pretending to be okay is good. Maybe pretending that she’s not in love with
her tutor will set things correct.

“Ice cream, it can help you cheer up” Myao simply answered


“How was your school?” T

“What are you? My Mom now?”

“Yeah maybe I can be your Mom” Takamina said to Erena. They are having a break. They’re both tired. Erena stood up and lay at her bed.


“Yeah” Erena scoot over to the right

“Me too” They were both lying at the bed. Doing nothing and just staring at the ceiling. For a good 10 minutes no one talked.

“Takamina..Do you have a boyfriend?” Erena broke the silence. Her voice crack when she remembered that day.

“Nope. I have a girlfriend” Takamina said proudly

Erena sit up straight and looked at Takamina seriously. Takamina’s smiling face turned into a confused one.

“What? Do I have a booger on my nose?” Takamina joked but Erena didn’t even smile. She didn’t even flinch.

“Why are you hurting me?” Erena asked

“What are you talking about?” Takamina sit up straight too and scratch her head.

“Why are you like that?” Erena asked sadly

“Is there something wrong Erena? Why are you asking me weird questions?”

“Takamina...I like you” Erena said with all of her feelings. She let it all out.

“I like you too! We’re friends!” Takamina smiled. She misunderstood what Erena was trying to say.

“No I mean..Forget it” Erena sighed, feeling thousands of knives are stabbing her right now.

“Okay if that’s what you want”


Is Takamina being stupid? Who do you want Takamina to end up with? Tomochin or Erena? Do you want to see the part 2?

AND I’m back in the game(lol I just want to say that) Sorry for being hiatus for so long. You know life is hard. We’re all busy sometimes. Busy busy busy that I just want to delete my account here. You can kill me now. I am now going to finish my fanfics little by little. I miss writing stories. I think I’ve been hiatus for 4 or 5 months? I’m not sure. Sorry again! Please accept my apology! Thank you so much! Sorry for grammatical errors too tired to check it. For the prize thingy just forget about it. (I'll be fixing this tomorrow.I'm going to sleep now)

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Re: Game Cheats (Part 1) 11/2/2011
« Reply #51 on: November 01, 2011, 08:43:04 PM »
of course Tomoooooooo!  :inlove: I like this fic alot!!! thanks alexander, keep up the good work!!!

Offline chibi-nyao-chan

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Re: Game Cheats (Part 1) 11/2/2011
« Reply #52 on: November 01, 2011, 10:38:29 PM »
waaaa I want the 2nd part !!!!
I like Tomo and Erepyon so... I don't know what Takamina must do !!!!!
She can not have two girlfriends ?? xD

The 2nd part pleaaaase  :luvuluvu:

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Re: Game Cheats (Part 1) 11/2/2011
« Reply #53 on: November 01, 2011, 11:06:05 PM »
Erepyon love Takamina?!  :panic:

New pairing~  XD

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Re: Game Cheats (Part 1) 11/2/2011
« Reply #54 on: November 01, 2011, 11:52:54 PM »
first time to comment here!  :)

I can see you did a lot of rare pairings here! You know what? i was face palming the whole time while reading all your OS!! I admit, i don't really like the pairings here, except for MariMii! i love those troll couple!  XD   

but you did a nice story for the rare pairings here  :) :)

Hope you update soon!  :thumbsup

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Re: Game Cheats (Part 1) 11/2/2011
« Reply #55 on: November 02, 2011, 06:12:57 AM »
 :w00t: I like the Takamina x Mariko~ My first time seeing it and it's GUD!!!!  :twothumbs

AND..................................... >>> GAME CHEATS PART 1 >>>

Oooooh~ :heart:!!!!! I like it  :love:
It's my first time seeing Erena x Takamina and it interests me~~  XD
And I also like the Takatomo pairing~~~  :inlove:
 :thumbsup It's awesome~!!!
Thank you for updating this~!!!  XD :cow:

 :bow: :bow: Please update the continuous soon  :bow: :bow:

Offline kahem

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Re: Game Cheats (Part 1) 11/2/2011
« Reply #56 on: November 02, 2011, 08:16:43 AM »
Oh Takatomo and Takapyon!!!
I don't know which pairing chose lol
Takamina is so clueless xD

Offline Megumi

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Re: Game Cheats (Part 1) 11/2/2011
« Reply #57 on: November 08, 2011, 06:57:47 PM »
Hrrm how did I miss this topic? Cupid’s mission (Mariko x Miichan)

5.   You tell her things that you do not tell other people. Usually, when are talking to someone we like, we usually slip up and tell them things about us that we do not tell people every day. This may mean that you feel comfortable around her and that you can tell her almost anything.

‘I told her that I’m the one who ate Takamina lunch'

I laughed so hard at this  :rofl:

And for W Matsui story... :shocked  :bleed eyes:

Waiting for your next update   thank you :bow:
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline blueangel65

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Re: Game Cheats (Part 1) 11/2/2011
« Reply #58 on: November 08, 2011, 09:02:38 PM »
WOW!  :w00t: The Game cheats Fic is Nice..  :twothumbs I Like it, heHe!
Even when no Acchan, heHe!  :lol: I like TakaTomo too, but Erena is new..

I don't know too who Takamina wants to be with, but I think TakaTomo is OK, 'coz they are together now..

Huaaah~! It's difficuLt to pick, 'coz it's aLways someone will hurt, and it's a probLem..

weLL! I Like it, pLease update soon.. :) Thanks!

Offline Alexander

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Re: Game Cheats (Part 1) 11/2/2011
« Reply #59 on: January 04, 2012, 04:23:31 PM »
Game Cheats Part 2 Sneak Peak!  :cow: :otomerika: :yossi: YEAH! YEAH! YEAAAAAAH!

“Miho...What is love?” Erena asked her friend. Feeling a little bit blue because of what she saw yesterday.

“Love? Hmm. Let me think first Erena. Ah! To me Erena, love is a game that sometimes you use game cheats to win it but every game there’s always a winner and a loser, that my friend is my definition of love” Miho answered.

I'm a halfway done with Game cheats Part 2. Yes I was hiatus! I am always hiatus because I'm so lazy. I am terribly sorry for being such a lazy person. I'm so sorry. I am really sorry. Sorry sorry sorry~ I just want to ask something to you guys, What is love? Yes I just asked what is love! YEAH! I need answers! Yeah! I don't know what to write anymore. I want your opinions! YEAH! :D  :twothumbs

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Game Cheats Part 2 - Takamina x Erena
Untitled - Haruna x Mariko (I am so sorry to the one who request this pairing. I am so sorry. Again, I am terribly sorry for being such a lazy person.. Gomen. Please forgive me. I promise you that I will write this beautifully. Lol. Sorry again  :cry:)

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