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Author Topic: JPH!P Code of Conduct (PLEASE READ FIRST!)  (Read 163559 times)

Offline daigong

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JPH!P Code of Conduct (PLEASE READ FIRST!)
« on: April 02, 2006, 06:09:45 AM »
The JPH!P Code of Conduct

aka The Code. This set of rules is NOT perfect. Every set of rules and regulations are however made for a purpose. If you have done/said something that goes against the basic purpose for which these rules made (i.e. to keep it POSITIVE in JPHiP), be prepared to face the consequences. They apply to every part of JPH!P - the forum, the IRC Channel, the radio, etc.

Situations may change, and thus rules may change. Furthermore the topics described in here are guidelines and not laws, and thus enabling us, The JPH!P Crack Staff, to do case-wise decisions on special issues. (See Part C)

So take a moment to read before continuing.

A. General Posting

1. Behavior

a) Respect Others

i) No attacks on race, gender, religion and sexual orientation allowed.
ii) Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. If someone does not want to accept what you think, drop the issue and move on.
iii) don't be a wannabe mod. JPH!P is here to help people out, do not talk down to others.

b) Think Before You Speak/Act

i) If you know that something that you are going to do/say is going to potentially upset people, do NOT do/say it.
ii) If something you have said/done has already upset someone, be smart and stop it.

2. "Have a take, don't suck or you'll get run." preached by Jim Rome. The same applies at JPH!P

a) Postwhoring is allowed, but at least try to be creative.
b) Make sure to post in the proper forum.
c) If you are rapid-spamming to gain access to the Special Forums, you run the risk of gaining an unfavorable impression among your fellow HiPsters.
d) Being inactive after 1 months will result in Special Access being revoked unless given a heads up.
e) Spamming for personal gain, such as advertising websites, cash for links, click bait, etc.
f) Anything judged to be non-beneficial and detrimental to the community as a whole.

3. Give Credit Where Credit Is Due

b) Give credit when you are sharing something from somewhere else in JPH!P. Do not pretend it is yours.
c) Give credit when you are sharing something FROM JPHiP somewhere else. Ask the member permission before doing so. For example, if the member is named Charlie Credit: Charlie @ JPH!P

4. Signatures/Avatars

To provide a pleasurable experience for all members, there are limitations on signatures and avatars.

a) Signatures : Maximum 700 pixels wide, 180 pixel high (one line of normal text OK), 500KB in filesize.
b) Avatars : Maximum 100 pixels wide, 150 pixels high, 200KB filesize
c) You have ONE WEEK to change your signature/avatar when contacted by staff to do so. If you do not take action after a week, The JPH!P Crack Staff will.

A JPH!P Crack Staffer will allow members 1 week to change their Sig/Ava before he/she will PM you.

B. Mature Content

Pornographic material is allowed. Please remember to add a warning if the material is too graphic in nature. The sky is the limit except:

1. Any Perv talk/images/video/etc. of underage artists are not allowed

The first rule we ever wrote still holds true and will be most strictly enforced. ZERO tolerance will be applied. That is, No warnings. Instant ban.

a) Strictly NO sexual themed images, videos or talk about persons below 18 years of age.
b) NO bikini/gravure pictures of persons below 16 years of age. Exception will be made in some cases.

Be tasteful. Making Perv jokes will get misunderstood 99.99999% of the time. For example, BK is an inside joke to only a few. If you are seriously horny for H!P Kids or own fakes of underage H!P members then please go to the forums that tolerates that shit. This a mature forum but please use common sense! We just don't want to attract the pedos nor have the feds up our asses so please cooperate! Hell, the only reason H!P Kids talk is even allowed is because of our weakness for females and we do whatever they say. The Infamous Toilet Video will not be shared. No one has it. Don't ask for it. JPH!P is better than that.

If you wonder whether your content should be posted here, please contact one of the JPH!P Crack Staff and ask for their help!   

JPH!P will comply with any government requests for information involving investigations of the exploitation of children. Bottom line: If you need to talk about "lolis" do it somewhere else.

2. Member Age Limit

This board is intended for a mature audience. Members should be of at least 16 years of age. Members who wish to access "The Perv" forums must be of at least 18 years of age. Any false misrepresentation of one's age will not be tolerated.

C. Punishments

Not adhering to these guidelines will lead to an investigation by our JPH!P Crack Staff. It's up to them to decide if and how to punish you for your failures in complying to the rules. ZERO tolerance infractions (see above) will result in instant banning.

Whenever you get a punishment, the JPH!P Crack Staff will give you a warning about what you did wrong and future punishment if you do not comply. If you have an option to appeal or have any questions please do it via PM and not on the forum. We're serious about this.

When hit with a warning/kick (IRC) or warning PM/email (Forum): Respect Your Staff! DO NOT IGNORE WARNINGS FROM THE CRACK STAFF.

If warnings are ignored and/or problematic behaviour continues, a permanent ban will be put into effect.  Translation: If you choose to be a habitual line-stepper, you leave us no choice but for us to fuck you up.


- The JPHiP Administration, on behalf of your JPH!P Crack Staff


1.0 - 08-20-2005 - 1st Draft Complete/Posted
1.1 - 08-21-2005 - added section numbers
1.2 - 09-30-2005 - corrected grammar, added more random pop culture references. Inserted Crack Staff into this thread for easy reference. Added 2 sentences to No forum/IRC chat member personal attacks! section; added last few sentences to Punishments section. Revised Getting To Know Your JPH!P Forum with in depth descriptions of the different forums.
1.3 - 10-05-2005 - actually cut and pasted this into this post.
1.4 - 10-20-2005 - Renamed Getting To Know Your JPH!P Forum to Guide to Teh HiP. Hell, renamed the thread to "Welcome to Teh HiP" ... edited Moderators names.
1.5 - 12-30-2005 - Blankity Blank Blank. If you know what I mean.
1.6 - 01-04-2005 - Translation added.
1.7 - 01-12-2005 - Added note about junior idols in Section B. Part 2.
1.8 - 04-01-2006 - Guidelines rewritten (thx suki* and Asmodai) - both reworded and rules about hotlinking, plagiarism added. Porn is allowed again after 9 month absence.
1.9 - 04-17-2006 - With new forum by vBulletin, new sig rules in effect :P
1.10 - 04-19-2006 - Fixed font size. Added cool icon. Re-added No Toilet Video please.
1.11 - 04-22-2006 - Added Tracker Rules to Under "General Posting"
1.12 - 05-03-2006 - Fixed broken links.
1.13 - 06-04-2006 - Renamed it "The Code" cuz it sounds cool.
1.14 - 12-07-2006 - Added a line about wannabe mods.
1.15 - 01-22-2007 - Updated sig rules and more.
1.16 - 07-03-2007 - Fixed links.
1.17 - 08-12-2009 - New Sig Rules.
1.18 - 08-09-2016 - Clarifying what is wack.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2016, 04:00:09 AM by daigong »

JPHiP Radio (20/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Wonder Girls - Rewind