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Author Topic: Vanui's OS Collection (WMatsui, CenNezu, AtsuMina)  (Read 52603 times)

Offline kahem

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Re: Vanui's works (Fire!, CenterxNezumi 10/22)
« Reply #100 on: October 24, 2011, 06:29:46 PM »
Woo I really thought they will die lol

Offline immortal_K

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Re: Vanui's works (Fire!, CenterxNezumi 10/22)
« Reply #101 on: October 25, 2011, 01:11:52 PM »
Thanks for the story, I love the quote and some how I am not surprised Team Hormone end up burning down the school, always wonder why it never happen before with all the time their stove get kicked over  XD

But what did surprise me was Geki O.o, nooo don't cheat on Black and go for Center! Even though I like you as a pair too, but in MG Center is only for Nezumi! haha

Jealous Nezumi is scary.... *hides*, OMG Team hormone almost killed Center and Nezumi..... in Center's dream.....

Awww Center got a injured to protect Nezumi, a scar on the face across the eye too, at least they were able to save the eye.

Thank you! Please write more!  :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: Vanui's works (Fire!, CenterxNezumi 10/22)
« Reply #102 on: November 08, 2011, 05:35:07 PM »
I love it! Really really love it! NezCen is kawaii!    :mon inluv:

Offline Vanui

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Re: Vanui's works (Two Roses Chapter 7, WMatsui 11/12)
« Reply #103 on: November 12, 2011, 11:31:45 PM »

Thank you for all the kind comments everyone~

I sincerely apologize about the delay for this chapter, but I had such a hard time trying to figure out what to do. It took me 4 rewrites to come to this.


Please enjoy~ And special thanks to Nish for her epic PR skills!

Two Roses Chapter 7

“Ju... ri... na?”

Jun remained mute and petrified. The girl stared with wide eyes down at him, mouth parted in surprise. Both seemed unwilling to speak and converse about the issue at hand; the girl because she did not know what else to say, and Jun because he didn’t want anyone else to know about him. In the small likelihood that his former friends actually believed him (Yuko and Haruna were the exceptions. He would be living with them, and they would have eventually believed him with constant observations and conversations if they hadn’t already acknowledged that he was Jurina), there would be a multitude of problems. First of all, he was a man. A man hanging out with an idol forbidden from dating was obviously going to attract a lot of unwanted attention, and he didn’t want to jeopardize his friends’ careers (again, Yuko and Haruna were the exceptions. He would be considered family, after all).

Second of all, if word ever got out to Rena, then any chance of him rebuilding his relationship with her were slim. Rena had always been more down to earth than Jurina ever had, and thus she would never believe that he was Jurina. Not until he proved it to her, anyway. And that was the plan: get close to her as Jun, convince her that he was Jurina, and they would live happily ever after.

If, however, he just blurted out to her, saying he was Jurina, then he could kiss Rena goodbye. Not literally, of course.

That meant the best course of action would be to avoid his friends until he had met up with Rena and spoke with her first, something he was still afraid of doing. He blamed his fear on the fact that his mind was still that of a fourteen-year old’s.

Luckily, his savior came in the form of a sexy and cute goddess.

“Mayu? Mayu, where are you?” a light, gentle voice called out from across the park. The girl in front of Jun jumped and turned to look for the owner of the voice, almost as if she was a puppy obeying the command of her master.

Remembering that the CG idol was not programmed for running, he took advantage of her distraction (a.k.a. Yukirin) and launched himself off the ground, praying that his manly legs would get him out of reach. He heard a surprised shout of indignation behind him, but he didn’t dare look back.

Which was a good and bad thing, though it didn’t prevent him from slamming into a massive man dressed in a black business suit and sporting a pair of dark sunglasses. Jun looked up and choked on air as he became petrified at the man’s stature. Oh God, he had run into a man who looked like he could pound Jun through the nearest wall and toss him effortlessly to the side as if he were nothing more than a rag doll. Upon closer inspection, he realized the man had jagged scars running across the bits of his visible face. He stammered to hack out an apology as the man (whose hair was cut military style) merely waved down at him and walked away.

What. What?

Jun struggled to breathe as his heart pounded relentlessly in his chest. That had not only been a close call... That... That had also been...

He knew that man. Jun twisted his face in concentration and tried to remember. Surely if he remembered being Jurina, he wouldn’t forget a face like that in any lifetime. Then it came to him.

That was the man who had pushed Rena out into the street.

With the realization, Jun whipped his head around and frantically searched for the terrifying man, but he was gone.


“Hmmm... I’m kind of hungry. Acchan, Rena, do you guys want to eat?” Takamina asked, blushing slightly as her stomach roared. Atsuko giggled and poked the captain’s growling belly.

“Wherever you’re going, I’ll go too~” the ace grinned. Takamina flushed further.

“S- so, Rena, are you coming?” she stammered out, looking pointedly away from the predator-like grin on her girlfriend’s face. Rena gently smiled at the two of them and shook her head.

“No, thank you. I’ll just walk around a bit,” she told them. “Enjoy yourselves.”

Acchan stopped her flirting and put her serious-face on. “Are you sure? Feel free to come with us! We’re used to third wheels, so don’t feel like you’re intruding.”

Rena knew she’d be feeling like a third-wheel anyway, because she already was now. “No, no. I’m not that hungry,” she politely declined.

“Well... alright,” Takamina conceded. They looked at her for another moment, hoping she’d change her mind. She merely shook her head again. “We’ll be going then. Want us to call you when we’re done?”

Rena agreed and then watched the couple walk away before they were swallowed up by the crowd.

She dropped her false smile and sighed. No matter how hard she tried, looking at her other friends and seeing how happily in love they were gave Rena an uncomfortable feeling of someone strangling her throat.

Would she have had a chance to experience that sort of happiness if Jurina were alive right now?

No, no, she mustn’t have those thoughts. Rena couldn’t afford to have those thoughts. Ignoring the painful constricting sensation in her chest, she concentrated on the roar of her stomach. Takamina had the right idea: it was lunch time after all. With a quick glance around, she spotted a bakery and made her way inside.


Hands shaking, Jun winced at the loud ring the bell made as he pushed open the door to the bakery. This was just the place to escape the massive crowd outside and also get something to eat. His stomach had been complaining after his near heart attack, something his heart still beat furiously from. Geez, what were the chances of meeting that man again? And... damn, what if he was imagining it? Maybe he was really going crazy? Because everything else that had happened so far was unreal.

He missed his normal life. Then again, if he recalled correctly, he had thrown his normal life away when Jurina became a part of SKE48. He signed himself up for this.

Heaving a dejected sigh, he trudged over to the treasure trove of delicious pastries and bread hidden beneath shining glass. At least food wouldn’t let him down. He approached the counter and waved over at the attendant. When she didn’t respond, he called out.

“Hey, can I get something over here?”

“Excuse me, can I order?”

… Eh?

Jun turned to his left and felt his heart stop. And as he gazed upon the elegant beauty of Matsui Rena wrapped up in a scarlet scarf and dressed in a warm black jacket, he thought, I’m really gonna die at this rate. Like, really die. No more coming back to life as the opposite sex. Though if I died at this time and did come back to life, would I come back as a girl? Ah, but then I couldn’t possibly be Jurina because she’s dead, or if I did, then I’d be a zombie or someth-

“Ah, I’m sorry sir. Please, go ahead,” Rena smiled at him. Before long, the smile slipped off her face and a look of surprise replaced it. “You...”

Jun braced himself, swallowing heavily and wondering if his face was red or turning blue. Judging by the burning sensation all over his skin, he was probably flushed scarlet. Not that the situation here called for blushing, but it was as if a veil had been removed from his eyes and he was really seeing Rena for the first time.

“You’re Matsui Jun, aren’t you?” she asked, smiling up at him again.

Jun blinked a couple times.

Then he blinked a little more.

Finally, he dropped the shopping bags in his hands, gripped his hair in one hand, and slapped himself with the other. “Ow, okay, that hurt,” he whimpered. So this was real then.

Rena stared worriedly at his strange behavior. “Are you alright?”

“I... Y- you... aren’t going to say anything about me looking like Jurina?” he asked, incredulous. Rena cocked an eyebrow at the question.

“You may look like her,” she said. “But... you can’t be her, so what’s the point in saying anything?” A bittersweet smile settled across her features and she looked away. Jun gulped, knowing he had screwed up.

“So... how did you know my name anyway?” he questioned, determined to change the subject. Rena started from her reverie, reached quickly into her purse, and pulled out a folded piece of paper. Quickly unfolding it, she thrust it in front of his face.

“I think you might’ve left me a gift that night you took me home,” she grinned. Jun gawked at the sheet.

“This is my information sheet! I wondered where it went! Geez, I must’ve dropped it in... your... house?” His mind registered the entirety of Rena’s sentence. “Wait, you remember me taking you home!?”

She seemed amused at his panic. “Some parts are hazy, but overall, I do remember quite a bit of it. Like your parting gift; I suppose you’ll take responsibility for that?” she smirked.

His jaw hit the floor and his face was burning. This was not what he was expecting from his first encounter with Rena. Perhaps this was a little of Gekikara showing through? “Uh... I... Uh... Y-Yes? M-Maybe? What do you mean by t- taking responsibility?”

“We can start by being friends, right? I look forward to our friendship, cousin of Haruna-san,” she pleasantly stated, offering a hand. Jun had no idea what was going on through Rena’s mind, but nonetheless, he took the hand and shook as a proper gentleman should.

“As do I, Rena-san,” he replied. He cursed the blush that still wouldn’t go away.

Perhaps this was the best possible outcome that he could have expected. After all, Rena didn’t seem too bothered by his appearance, nor was she as depressed as he thought she was going to be. Was his luck finally starting to look up?

“I wonder though... How did Jun-chan even know where I live?”

“E- eh!? That... I mean... ah! I called Haruna-san and asked!”


“So... let me get this straight. You accidentally ran into Mayu, yes?”

He nodded.

“And then you ran into the man who killed you?”

He nodded agian.

“After which, you met Rena-san not as Jurina, but as Jun?”

He nodded a third time.

Haruna sighed. “You know, for a person recently deceased, you’d think they’d take a little more time to think about their actions before playing around with their second life.”

“Awww, come on, Nyan-Nyan! Go easy on the kid, will ya? He’s still only a kid at heart, after all,” Yuko smiled, clinging on to her girlfriend at the dining room table. Haruna’s eyebrow twitched.

“Don’t even get me started on you, Yuko, the child who thought it was a good idea to run through the streets with a pair of boxers over her head.” Yuko immediately shut up. “Anyway, Jun, what are you going to do now? Surely you aren’t planning on telling everyone from your previous life about your true identity, right?” Haruna fixed the boy with a surprisingly hawk-like stare.

“I don’t know, Haruna-san. I don’t know,” he sighed, slamming his head against the table.

...I still don't like how I did that. Oh well. Look forward to more, yes?
« Last Edit: November 13, 2011, 12:30:23 AM by Vanui »

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Re: Vanui's works (Two Roses Chapter 7, WMatsui 11/12)
« Reply #104 on: November 13, 2011, 12:01:38 AM »

Offline CrimsonGrxy

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Re: Vanui's works (Two Roses Chapter 7, WMatsui 11/12)
« Reply #105 on: November 13, 2011, 12:17:57 AM »
ARGGHHH~ Update fast lol  :bow:
things getting more intresting  :peace:

Offline Kiri-el

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Re: Vanui's works (Two Roses Chapter 7, WMatsui 11/12)
« Reply #106 on: November 13, 2011, 12:21:34 AM »
Thank you, you saved my day.  :)

Offline arisa03

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Re: Vanui's works (Two Roses Chapter 7, WMatsui 11/12)
« Reply #107 on: November 13, 2011, 12:50:47 AM »
Yuko:facepalm: that girl. LOLOL Mayu. Yukirin and her pet chihuahua. LOLOLOLOL. I think Mayu's just gonna cyborg her way once she learns... and Yukirin is gonna Kashiwagi Reaction. LOLOL. Rena, flirting with Jun, I see. >=DDDDD I can't wait to see more Padawan! You should update next Sathday! >:UUUU
Like I’m the most calm... Like, it must definitely be because, Like when we enter, I’ll be hurrying. But Because Junjun is older, I can calm down? I don’t really know, Like I just absolutely want her there beside me. Whenever we go abroad, if Junjun is absolutely not beside me, I absolutely won’t go. Something like that. -- Tanaka Reina about Junjun.

Offline Nyanoha

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Re: Vanui's works (Two Roses Chapter 7, WMatsui 11/12)
« Reply #108 on: November 13, 2011, 01:43:13 AM »

Jun really is unlucky 8D and Rena-chan LOL Once Jun finds that man, he's gunna kick him in the balls, new-man style!

Anyways, I'm glad you updated  :heart:

Update when you can Vani-chan~~
That which does not kill you, makes you stronger.

Offline karomuwi

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Re: Vanui's works (Two Roses Chapter 7, WMatsui 11/12)
« Reply #109 on: November 13, 2011, 03:59:12 AM »
YAY~! They finally meet!!!  :w00t: :w00t: :w00t: Thanks for the update!!! I enjoyed it! I loved it!
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

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Re: Vanui's works (Two Roses Chapter 7, WMatsui 11/12)
« Reply #110 on: November 13, 2011, 04:10:53 AM »
wow thanx for update.. but i wanna know what rena going to do.. i think she looks very suspicios about that..

Offline caghaunt

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Re: Vanui's works (Two Roses Chapter 7, WMatsui 11/12)
« Reply #111 on: November 13, 2011, 04:42:18 AM »
Ah! You updated! Great one!
Mayu getting slow to react. Distracted by Yukirin.
Rena shows her Chuukara and Amakuchi side to Jurina. Err, Jun.
Jur-- Jun met the man who pushed Rena to the road. I'm curious about his motive.
I'll wait for your update!
One-shots: SKE48 fic - Silent Understanding (Matsui Rena/Furukawa Airi) [2015.05.15]
Twitter: SKE48 fic - Silent Understanding (Matsui Rena/Furukawa Airi) [2015.05.15]
SKE48 fic - Silent Understanding (Matsui Rena/Furukawa Airi) [2015.05.15]

Offline haruhi16

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Re: Vanui's works (Two Roses Chapter 7, WMatsui 11/12)
« Reply #112 on: November 13, 2011, 05:16:23 AM »
Yay finally an update!! LOL Atsumina flirting.. hehe

Mayu, a pet? haha xD

Yeah, Rena is flirting with Jun..wew

Please update soon!! loving this chapter~

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Vanui's works (Two Roses Chapter 7, WMatsui 11/12)
« Reply #113 on: November 13, 2011, 05:45:23 AM »
Finally you updated~!!  XD

MaYuki & W Matsui~  :inlove:  :heart:  :heart:  :heart:

Please update soon~  :bow:

Offline AKBlover_99

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Re: Vanui's works (Two Roses Chapter 7, WMatsui 11/12)
« Reply #114 on: November 13, 2011, 07:37:14 AM »
I......I....I..... I LOVE YOUR STORY!!!!!!!! :mon lovelaff:

Offline kahem

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Re: Vanui's works (Two Roses Chapter 7, WMatsui 11/12)
« Reply #115 on: November 18, 2011, 07:35:11 PM »
Hahaha I like the part when he threw himself on a man lol

Offline Vanui

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Re: Vanui's works (Christmas Special Part I, Atsumina 12/30)
« Reply #116 on: December 30, 2011, 06:46:33 PM »
I am so very, very sorry for disappearing for so long. My grades dropped so hard and I needed to fix them, and now it's finals, AP exams and the ACT test coming up. My junior year is busy. Between my birthday and getting a girlfriend, life has been hectic yo. Real life has been kicking my butt, and it will continue to do so until summer. So expect Two Roses updates to be slow. Nonetheless, I will definitely finish.

This here is part one of my (late) Christmas specials. The next two should be up soon... If something doesn't suddenly come up and then I can't finish writing.

Anyways, Happy Holidays guys! Special thanks to Nishi for her awesome PRing skills. This was requested by her, so thank her for the Atsumina you're reading.

Christmas Special Part I

*-*-*-*-*Two Weeks Before*-*-*-*-*

“What am I going to do?” Takamina wailed, shaking her midget counterpart by the shoulders. Yuko, for all she could manage as she was shaken, snickered.

“Relax, Takamina. You’ve still got more than two weeks-”

“That’s not enough time!” Takamina shrieked, her knuckles turning white from the grip she held on Yuko. The small pervert scoffed.

“Then stop shaking me and get to it already!” she ordered. Takamina’s face sagged with exaggerated tears.

“B- but... I don’t know what to get her...” she trailed off, looking sheepishly off to the side. Yuko gave the captain an I-am-not-amused stare, lightly pushing Takamina away and stopping her from ripping her arms off.

“Takamina, geez. It’s only Acchan. I’m sure she’ll appreciate anything you get her,” Yuko stated, trying to calm the poor captain down. This, however, only seemed to deflate Takamina more and send her into an even bigger panic.

“That’s the thing! It’s Acchan! Acchan! IT HAS TO BE PERFECT-

Yuko slapped the captain.

“Thank you,” Takamina winced, rubbing her red cheek. Yuko nodded.

“No problem.”

“Still, what if I get her something she doesn’t like? And then she only says ‘Thank you’ out of pity-”

“For the love of all that is sexy and beautiful, Takamina, calm down! You know Acchan the best out of our giant family. I’m pretty sure you’d give her the best present out of anyone from AKB48. Just calm down, okay?” Yuko sighed, rubbing her forehead in irritation. “Is it really that hard to find a Christmas present for your girlfriend?”

“What, and you already have?” Takamina pouted. Soon after, her face went pale at the feral look on Yuko’s face.

“Oh, I have the perfect present planned for Nyan-Nyan, involving red lace and little clothing,” she grinned, giving Takamina terrible mental images and sending her into a flushing mess.

“O- okay, I’ve heard enough, you pervert. That still doesn’t help me find a present for my girlfriend, and no, I refuse to do the same thing as you are,” Takamina rejected, seeing the look on the pervert’s face as she opened her mouth to shoot her the suggestion. Yuko childishly stuck her tongue out, completely contrasting with her impure personality within.

“Alright, fine. Get your stuff together. I’ll go help you look for one! Operation: Find Acchan a perfect gift has begun!”

*-*-*-*-*One Week and Five Days Before*-*-*-*-*

“No. Yuko, no. That is NOT happening,” she growled, looking at the skimpy Santa-themed lingerie hanging on the racks around her. However, despite her protests and Yuko’s knowing grin, her mind drifted to Acchan’s flawless legs exposed by the skimpy outfit, trailing up to her figure highlighted by the tight red cloth, to her smiling face and her perfect lips parting to say, “Merry Christmas, Minami.” She would pull the captain down to the couch, her face highlighted by the orange glow of a dying fire in the fireplace, an alluring gleam in her eyes...

“Oi, oi, Takamina! You still there?” Yuko clapped her hands in front of the captain’s face, causing the poor girl to jump and blink rapidly. “I didn’t think you had it in you to fantasize about Acchan.”

Takamina turned bright red. “I was doing no such thing!” she squeaked, turning the other way and blocking out Yuko’s grin.

“Sureeeeeeee,” Yuko snickered. Takamina’s nostrils flared in annoyance as she turned back and bonked the other midget. “Fucking hell!” She smacked Yuko again.

“Language,” she scolded. Yuko grumbled something about “Nyan-Nyan” and “sleeping on the couch,” but Takamina pointedly ignored her and walked away.

“Fine! See if I help you again, cap’n!” Takamina promptly came back and bowed in apology. “Right, let’s see what we can do...”

Ten stores and five hours later, they were still empty handed.

*-*-*-*-*One Week Before*-*-*-*-*

“Okay, okay, I still have time. I can do this,” Takamina chanted to herself. Hands stuck in her pockets, a scarf wrapped around her neck, she was fully prepared to trudge through the cold weather and finally find her girlfriend the perfect Christmas gift. After a week’s worth of hard dance practice and recording, she was up and ready for a day’s worth of walking.

“You know, talking to yourself is one of the first signs of insanity,” a voice from behind her said. Takamina let out a girly shriek and jumped. Turning around quickly, she faced the owner of the voice.


“Hey~” the mischievous idol greeted. She winked in playful manner and stuck out her tongue, eyes twinkling in laughter.

“You gave me a heart attack, Miichan,” Takamina cried, comical tears streaming down her face as she clutched her chest. Her friend patted her on the head.

“I should say ‘sorry’, but I’m not really, so I’ll spare you the insincere apology,” Miichan laughed. “You’re not normally this jumpy anyways. What’s up with you, cap’n?”

Takamina pouted, smacking Miichan’s hand away. “N- nothing,” she answered, trying to avoid embarrassing herself again in front of a friend. Miichan would probably just laugh at her again if she told her what the problem was.

“Uh-huh,” Miichan said, not convinced. “Right. And Mayu and Yukirin can keep their hands off each other for more than five minutes, Yuko is not a pervert, and Jurina is not a pimp.” Takamina frowned.

“You’re making fun of me, aren’t you?” she pouted. Miichan gave her a thumbs-up.

“Yep. Now come on, tell good ol’ Miichan what’s wrong!”

“No.” With that, the shorty marched out the door and into the bustling streets. To her annoyance, there were footsteps following her. “Please, I really need to get this done, Miichan. Don’t you have other things to do?”

“Not really. I already got my Christmas shopping done,” she told her. Skipping lightly, she continued to follow Takamina all the way to the bustling streets of the shopping district. “It looks like someone here still has to finish up her own Christmas shopping, though.”

“Yeah, alright. Fine,” Takamina growled. “You want to know what’s wrong? I’ll tell you. I can’t find Acchan the perfect Christmas gift!” Miichan cocked an eyebrow at her outburst.

“That’s it?”

“Wha- Yes. Yes, that’s it,” Takamina spat.

“Pffttt, come on, cap’n. This is the reason why you’ve been looking like a zombie during practice? Are you really losing sleep over this?” Miichan’s cheeks were puffed up in restrained laughter.

“... Yes,” she meekly affirmed. Miichan chuckled and patted the captain again.

“Just go with whatever, you know? Acchan’ll love you no matter what you get her, even if it’s a piece of coal. Well, okay, then she’d wonder who put you up to doing that and I’d probably get slaughtered... so don’t do that!” With another pat, Miichan turned around and started walking in the opposite direction. “See ya, cap’n. Good luck!”

“B- but... you’re not even going to help me? Miichan? Miichan! Miichan... Why did I even tell you anything in the first place?”

*-*-*-*-*Ten Hours Before*-*-*-*-*

“Hmm? What I got for Yukirin?” Watanabe Mayu asked. Takamina nodded her head.

“If you could please tell me, I’d really appreciate it,” she requested, putting on her puppy eyes. Mayu stared incredulously at the captain.

“You haven’t gotten Acchan a gift yet, am I right?” she smirked, a sadistic grin spreading across her face at the captain’s panicked look.

“I WAS ONLY ASKING ABOUT WHAT YOU GOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND, OKAY?” Takamina shouted. Mayu winced and covered her ears.

“Geez, okay. All I’m getting Yukirin is something involving red lace and little clothing-”

“You’ve been talking to Yuko, haven’t you?” Mayu stifled her laughter and nodded.

“In all seriousness though, Yukirin and I are going to eat at a nice restaurant and cuddle up on the couch to watch some movies afterward. I got her a nice necklace as a gift, but what’s most important is that we spend time together,” Mayu explained.

“Spend time together, hmm...” Takamina hummed to herself, rubbing her chin in thought. “Thank you, Mayu! I owe you one!” The small captain sped off in a rush, leaving Mayu chuckling to herself.

“Man, Takamina. There is such a thing as trying too hard, you know...”

*-*-*-*-*Christmas Day*-*-*-*-*

They were sitting on Takamina’s couch, snuggled comfortably together in a tangle of limbs, Takamina on the bottom while her ace planted herself between the captain’s legs, back to her chest.

“I had a good time today, Minami,” she gently said, words as soft as a cat’s purr. Takamina buried her face into the back of Acchan’s neck and hummed in agreement, hands playing with Acchan’s longer ones.

“As did I... I have one last present to give you, Acchan,” the captain said, reluctantly picking her girlfriend up and setting her aside on the couch. She got up and walked over to her closet, rustling around for a moment before reappearing with a medium-sized package in her hands.

“Merry Christmas, my ace,” Takamina smiled, holding it out. Acchan blushed and hesitantly took the gift. “Well, go on, open it!”

With a rip and a tear, the holiday-themed wrapping paper was thrown to the side as a plain white box greeted her. Great anticipation gripped Atsuko’s mind as she gently lifted the lid off the cardboard box. And for good reason. Unbidden, a small squeak of surprise escaped the idol’s lips as she gazed at the gift inside.

“Wow, Minami... this is...”

The purest white dress greeted Atsuko’s eyes, a simple yet elegant design of roses on the edges of the dress. Picking it up, she noted that the straps connected seamlessly to the dress and that the dress itself would hug her curves nicely.

“It’s uhh, in anticipation for the New Year’s party. I remembered you saying you didn’t know what to wear, so I uhhh... Yeah...” Takamina’s blubbering explanation broke through Acchan’s reverie. In a split second, the captain found herself on the floor, girlfriend enveloping her in a tight hug and then kissing her senseless.

“Thank you, Minami,” Acchan grinned, lips inches apart. Takamina struggled for words as the world around spun from the ferocity of the kiss.

“Y- you’re welcome.” They gazed into each other’s eyes in silence, a restrained passion passing between them before-

“I love you, Minami.”

And then-

“And I you, Atsuko.”

*-*-*-*-*New Years Party*-*-*-*-*

Acchan fidgeted uncomfortably in her seat, Takamina by her side chattering excitedly with Kojiharu and Yuko. Her girlfriend turned around, noting her discomfort.

“Something wrong, love?”

“No, nothing,” she smiled innocently back.

Perhaps I should have told her that the dress is a bit tight around the chest area...

Well, Happy Holidays everyone! And Happy New Year! Don't you people get too drunk now!

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: Vanui's works (Christmas Special Part I, Atsumina 12/30)
« Reply #117 on: December 30, 2011, 07:09:42 PM »
LOL Takamina didn't know what to give Acchan XD
It was nice :D

Thanks for the Update :thumbup :thumbup

Offline blughise

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Re: Vanui's works (Christmas Special Part I, Atsumina 12/30)
« Reply #118 on: December 30, 2011, 10:27:57 PM »
Takamina!!!! XD XD XD
that was so sweet

Hey Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, its been awhile seen I've read your update Vanui, I totally feel like I missed alot of things around here lately. Damn stupid school for taking up my free times!
anyways back to commenting, I just read the last update of your Two Roses fic, and I got to say I really feel sorry for Jun/Jurina :D :P
though even though all those mishap that  happen to him, in the end it ended pretty well for him now that Rena and him are friends...
and I got to say Yuko running with boxers around the streets of tokyo or wherever  the heck they are was pretty hilarious. I could totally see that though in a way happening.

Update Soon :grin:

Offline kahem

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Re: Vanui's works (Christmas Special Part I, Atsumina 12/30)
« Reply #119 on: December 31, 2011, 12:04:55 AM »
Great gif hehehe

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