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Author Topic: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 4] 10/2  (Read 19666 times)

Offline dark-atrox

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 3] 9/28
« Reply #40 on: September 28, 2011, 08:28:19 PM »
this fic was a lifesaver!
I'm at the hospital ryt n0w having
my 16hour duty, was about to doze
off when i saw u updated!
...lo and behold, i'm suddenly genki,
no signs of sleepiness! Lol
Nice update, will edit my comment
later when i get home! Ja~

Offline blughise

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 3] 9/28
« Reply #41 on: September 29, 2011, 02:39:02 AM »
LOL :rofl:

Tomohin so tsundere... so what Akicha meant of problem was the Yuri
Tomochin's being caught up to Chiyuu's pace XD

very nice update!!!
I can't wait for the next chapter.....update soon

Offline Haruko

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 3] 9/28
« Reply #42 on: September 29, 2011, 06:43:28 AM »
*fangirly scream*

jajaja poor tomochin.. chiyuu dont let her think clear...

Offline akinyan

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 4] 10/2
« Reply #43 on: October 01, 2011, 06:39:55 PM »
@Kid_Alpha: I'm sorry if I didn't meet your expectations... m ( _ _ ) m

@Kahem: I wonder about that? xD There's always sad endings and all, you know~

@Alex.S1: Yes! All-Girls School is AWESOME! :D

@dark-atrox: Trololol hopefully, this chapter will be just as good. xD

That aside, this is a short update, I know. xD
Sorry, I seem to fail slowly as time passes by. But hey, at least I'm still trying, right? Right?! ;A;

Chapter 4

I stared at the pack of girls before us in disbelief with my brows slowly dropping down in annoyance. Sighing out loudly, I suddenly felt a soft tug on my sleeve.

“So, about Tomo going to Tomochin’s home…” Tomo began, beaming out her blinding smile not only to me but to the fangirls as well. I swear, this girl is secretly a sadist. I can’t help but think that she’s planning something evil behind this eye-piercing smile of hers. “I was wondering if Tomo can sleep there, chiyuu~”

The fangirls let out a girly squeal.

I knew it.

Mentally slapping myself on the forehead, a sigh left my lips one more time as I pinched the bridge of my nose. Seeing as how the fangirls were beginning to look more scary and ‘dangerous’, I grabbed Tomo by her uniform’s collar and dragged her inside the school with me, pushing aside some of the said girls who were blocking our way. I tried ignoring their whines as I stomped inside the school. Really, any more of this and I’ll surely snap.

As soon as we entered the school, my hand released Tomo’s collar.

“Mou, what was that about? It’s not easy to try and balance yourself while being dragged away, you know!” She pouted with her lips puckered out childishly. I simply rolled my eyes in response. “So,” she suddenly added, her grin appearing on her face again, “Can Chiyuu sleep in Tomochin’s apartment?”

Opening my locker, I quietly dropped my indoor shoes on the floor after pulling it out, exchanging it with my outdoor ones. “Chiyuu or Tomo, only choose one name for yourself for heaven’s sake, it’s confusing.” I finally answered- though it wasn’t really the answer to her question.

She pouted again.

I rolled my eyes to the side, “And no, you can’t sleep in my apartment.”

She puffed her cheeks even more, making her resemble a hamster filling its cheeks with food- which, I must say, is kind of cute. I’d be lying if I said it didn’t, after all. But there’s no way in heaven I’m saying that out loud. Especially around her, she’d just start being all girly if I do.

Finally ending her long stare at me, she walked closer to her locker and changed her shoes as well.

“It’s because Tomochin’s like this…” She trailed off as she picked her shoes up from the floor and shove it inside her locker.

I was waiting for her to continue, but to my dismay, she didn’t; leaving my thoughts hanging. My frown slowly crept up on my face, with my curiosity slowly growing bigger. “What do you mean ‘it’s because Tomochin’s like this”? Don’t leave me hanging, oi.” I finally voiced out while watching her walk away. I followed her soon after.

“Like~ I~ said~” She sing-sang with her index finger playfully pointing up. “It’s because Tomochin’s like this tha~t~” she trailed off again.

“That…?” My frown grew. Is she trying to toy with me?

“That I love her, chiyuu~”

I knew it.

A sigh immediately followed her answer as I slapped my hand on my face, earning a puzzled look from her in response. “Will you please stop saying that word so easily?”

“Eh? Do you mean the Chiyuu or Love?”

I rolled my eyes and faceplamed once again, but this time, mentally. “No, I meant the Santa.” After answering her idiotic question sarcastically, I immediately made my way to my classroom, walking ahead of her without even waiting for her to catch up.

‘Ehh~? The TomoTomo pair is having a quarrel?’ ‘It’s lover’s quarrel~’ ‘I’m telling you, that’s how they share their love!’ The students standing by the hallway whispered to themselves all too loudly. I could even hear it even though I was still ten inches away from them; So much for trying to hide it by hissing the words out and covering their mouths with their hand, I see.

Since when did this school turn into a ‘Girls love’ heaven anyway?

Ah… Since it was made, I bet.

Maybe I was just too captivated with my own problems. That might be the reason why I never realized how the students in this all-too-girly school are actually lesbians and bis. Well, sad for them, I’m actually straight. And I, without a doubt, have no plans of making their TomoTomo dream come true. Never.

I’m simply treating her like how a normal person would do to a... an acquaintance, right?

Or am I…?

Maybe I’m treating her a little bit too much than that? Perhaps like how a friend would? If so then I have to break my ties with her. I have a promise to keep, after all.

But I doubt that she would give up so easily, judging from how much she whines and pouts whenever I disagree with her. If so then what am I supposed to do? I can’t possibly just wipe her memory away now, can I? If only I had such ability then I would make my father completely forget about me instead, and then, I would be able to live peacefully like how a normal girl would. But no, reality’s just too cruel for ‘super powers’ like those.

Why am I even stressing myself about this anyway? I can just ignore her until she loses interest and leaves me alone, right? But then again...

I quietly turned around, directly facing the girl who has been running in my thoughts in an un-sweet and un-romantic way for awhile now. She looked up at me with her head slightly tilting to the side- her normal puzzled face plastered on her face.

…Then again, her cute expressions are too much for me to ignore…

I mentally slapped myself on the forehead again.

I have to stop thinking like this. I have to stop thinking that she’s cute. I know that she really is cute, but there are other people who are much cuter than her. Like the school’s muse, Maeda Atsuko. Or the School’s Discipline, Kuramochi Asuka. But they already belong to a certain class President and a certain student council member…

Wait… Oh… Another L pair I just noticed…

I must be turning into Haruna Kojima the second. I really have to start noticing things around me, seriously.


At least I know for sure that I’m not a naturally born air-head.

“Tomochin!” I blinked, slowly turning my head to Tomo only to see hear wearing her pout again. “Mou, what’s wrong? I’ve been calling for your attention for awhile now!” She pouted even more. “Anyway, if you don’t stop walking, we’re going to walk past our classroom, chiyuu~”

Blinking once again, I quietly shifted my eyes up, staring at the small sign above the door beside us. “Ah- We’re here already… Wait- OUR classroom?” I turned my attention to her again, with my brows furrowed to the middle.

“Eh? We’re classmates, right?”

“Eh? We are?”

“Mm. Since we were in first year.”

… I seriously have to start noticing things around me.


As expected, as soon as we entered the classroom, the first thing that greeted us were several teasing from our classmates- even though I only ended up ignoring them as I made my way to my self-claimed new seat. Lucky for Tomo and I, the school’s bell rang as soon as we sat down, indicating that classes were about to start, and at the same time, announcing that it was time for our classmates to shut their mouth.

The class was boring though… Too boring. And thanks to my lack of sleep, my eyes were starting to close itself- which I did without any second thoughts. I hardly doubt that my teacher would notice me anyway, knowing that I’m sitting down on the furthest seat.

I quietly placed my arms on the table infront of me, resting my head above it soon after.

Time for me to sleep, then…


Kasai’s PoV

Lunch break came faster than I thought.

And as soon as the teacher said his goodbye and left, I hurriedly left my seat and walked closer to Tomochin’s, only to find her with her head down on her table, sleeping quietly. I then seated myself on the empty seat in front of her, observing her quietly with a small smile on my face.

Tomochin really is cute. Especially when she’s asleep. I actually almost spent the whole night staring at her when she stayed in my apartment. Thankfully, I suddenly blanked out, because if I didn’t, I would have kept on staring at her. It’s kind of sad that she keeps on hiding this cute side of her by putting on a scowl, really. Even though her scowl looks cute on her too, I still love it best when she smiles.

I think the only time I saw her smile was when we were eating that certain ramen…

Well, it was more like a grin, but it still looked irresistibly adorable on her!

Ah, wait… I should stop with this girly trance of mine and wake her up already- if I don’t then we won’t be able to eat our lunch.

“Okay class, get in your seats, classes will be resuming already.” The teacher announced as soon as she opened the front door.


“Kasai Tomomi, please go back to your proper seat.” She glared at me.

“A-Ah, I’m sorry.” Standing up from the seat I was on, I quietly furrowed my brows down to the middle.

Eh…? Wait… I actually spent the whole lunch staring at Tomochin?

Ah… I’m hungry…


Tomochin’s PoV

Slowly opening my eyes, I lifted my head up and let out a quiet yawn. Rubbing my eyes groggily, I then shifted them from one side to the other- only to find the room already coated with the color of orange-yellow and empty.

“Classes must have ended already…” I mumbled to myself before fixing my things up.

“Ah, you’re awake already?”

“Well, my eyes wouldn’t be opening right now if I was still asleep.” Turning my head up to the direction where the voice came from, I immediately met Tomo’s face- which was, in fact, only a few centimeters away from me by the time I noticed our short distance together. I frowned inwardly before pushing her head away using my right palm. “Your face is too close.”

She let out a whine as I pushed her away. “You don’t have to push me away like that, mou! And to think that I waited for you to wake up as well.” She puffed her cheeks.

“I would have been happier if you woke me up instead.” Closing my bag after shoving some of my notebooks in, I then stood up from my seat and made my way towards the door, quietly hoping to myself that she wouldn’t follow me.

To my dismay, she did. “But you were sleeping peacefully! Tomo can’t possibly ruin such a nice scene. It’s rare to see Tomochin without her frown on after all.”

I frowned.

“See? There’s that frown again.”

“I was born with this face. So get used with it.” I continued on walking away from her, hastening my pace every time she catches up to my side until we finally reached our lockers by the school’s entrance. Without any delay, I pulled my outdoor shoes from it and wore it.

Hearing a light metallic slam, I quickly turned my attention from my locker back to Tomo, only to see her staring blankly right past me. “Tomo?” I slowly lifted my right brow up; turning my head to the direction she was staring at soon after.

Right before us, standing by entrance’s door, was an unfamiliar girl who somehow had a devious smile on her face. She didn’t look like she was a student from this school. Well, duh, she was wearing a different school uniform. But aside from that, she looked way too old to be a high school student. Is she from a University, I wonder?

I furrowed my brows down again, shifting my eyes from her to Tomo, then back at her, finally noticing how the two of them has been staring at each other intensely for a short while now. Just what is going on here?

“M… Meetan…” Tomo finally muttered out- though it sounded like she was reluctant.

The stranger’s smile grew after hearing her talk, nodding her head silently before walking closer to Tomo. Tomo responded by taking a step back, her lips slightly unlocked into an ‘o’ shape as though the person before her really was a ghost.

And once again, I’m going to ask this inwardly; what is going on here?

“Tomo~mi~ it’s been awhile, hasn’t it?” My body shivered from hearing the female’s overly seductive voice. What is she, a dark denpa angel?

Before Tomo could even say anything, the female suddenly placed a finger right under her chin, slightly tilting her head up as her smile became even more devious. “How have you been, I wonder~?” I furrowed my brows down after hearing her overly seductive voice again. I swear, it’s too… Well, seductive.

“M-Meetan… Please… Not here… Rather… No more…” Tomo took another step away from the overly seductive voiced stranger. (A/N: Sorry, OVERLY SEDUCTIVE VOICE is just too catchy for me not to repeat xD)

The said stranger lifted her brows up in response. “Oh~? Is something the matter?” blinking once, she slowly shifted her eyes to me, letting out an ‘ah’ as soon as our eyes met before smiling even more, making her look like one of those villains in a movie. With her smile still on her face, she took a few steps closer to Tomo again, cupping her chin with her hand before slowly leaning her head closer to her…

And then….

Their lips met.

MEETAN APPEARS! Kyaaa~~ <3 <3 <3  Seriously, I love her too much to just leave out on this fanfic. xD Thankfully, there's KaMee's Oshibe to Meshibe yuri duet which I can use as an excuse why this pair suddenly jumped out from the blue! :D Yay for Yuri songs!

x.x I'm sorry if this one failed xD

Offline dark-atrox

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 4] 10/2
« Reply #44 on: October 01, 2011, 07:18:01 PM »
lol, baba appeared!  :lol: :lol: :lol:
i really dislike it when Tomomi just let Meetan kissed her :smhid
But i really loves likes it when Tomomi plays a prank on Tomochin XD
(talking about the kissing prank when Tomochin was sleeping :inlove:)

Anywho, Meetan's dirty appearance would trigger the dere side of Tomochin
and i really can't wait for it... :thumbsup

PS: stop being lazy and make ur chapter :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
(more fluff cute scenes)

Offline blughise

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 4] 10/2
« Reply #45 on: October 01, 2011, 07:49:02 PM »
Wifey!!!!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

you really Meetan huh..... I just hope u don't become like her.

anyways.... Since Meetan appeared, it's time for Tomochin to stop being tsundere and  be honest to herself and feeling as  if she don't Meetan will for sure take Chiyuu......

I'll be waiting for your next update wifey :heart: :heart: :heart:

Offline immortal_K

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 4] 10/2
« Reply #46 on: October 01, 2011, 08:14:13 PM »
WOW Chiyuu spend her whole lunch just watching Tomochin  :inlove: she is sooooo in love!

But what is THIS! Meetan makes her appearance!!!! WOW going right for the kiss in front of TOMOCHIN tooo!

trying to make Tomochin jealous  XD Tomochin go save YOUR CHIYUU!!!!!

Please update! MORE!!!!  :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

I wonder what will happen when Chiyuu, stays over at Tomochin's......

Offline Alex.S1

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 4] 10/2
« Reply #47 on: October 01, 2011, 08:16:50 PM »
Meetan is as dangerous as ever. Talking about OshiMeshi song, I think Tomochin once mentioned that she want to do it. LOL, guess someone was jealous with Meetan.

And, I love it when Tomo~mi spend her lunch time watching Tomochin sleeps.

Thanks for the update, please write longer next time  :heart:

Offline haruhi16

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 4] 10/2
« Reply #48 on: October 02, 2011, 03:32:58 AM »
LOL Meetan! Making Tomochin jealous eh?

Please update soon!!!

Offline crazywota

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 4] 10/2
« Reply #49 on: October 02, 2011, 09:04:42 AM »
MORE MORE. Update asap.  :thumbup

i really love how tomochin acts so tsundere around chiyuu~  :heart:
and meetan's appearance, it's getting really exciting! Make Tomochin Jealous  :twothumbs

and btw thanks for the update  :bow:

Offline kahem

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 4] 10/2
« Reply #50 on: October 02, 2011, 09:32:00 AM »
No sad ending for my Tomotomo please *puppy eyes*
Meetan, oh, thing become really interesting ^^

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 4] 10/2
« Reply #51 on: October 03, 2011, 02:45:25 PM »
OMG!!! Meetan!! Now you just made me feel like wanting more!!! ARGH!! Please update fast! I want Tomochin to become jealous! And please, make Tomo~mi and Meetan make Tomochin jealous more!
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 4] 10/2
« Reply #52 on: March 26, 2012, 08:28:42 AM »
Wow, this is a great story!!!!
And I do love it!  :heart: :inlove:

But.. excuse me.. any update??
I can't wait to see what tomochin or metan will do next!
Um.. but it seems that it hasn't updated for a long while ..
Writer forgets to update, perhaps?

Please update chapter 5 :cry:  :cry:
I need Tomotomo's energy....

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 4] 10/2
« Reply #53 on: March 26, 2012, 08:06:19 PM »
Great one TomoTomo!
You will not follow? The truth is that with Meetan introduction the story gets interesting.
Follow it please.

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 4] 10/2
« Reply #54 on: March 27, 2012, 11:53:20 AM »
i hope you can update coz i lov this

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 4] 10/2
« Reply #55 on: April 12, 2012, 06:23:25 AM »
 :) our fics this is great I'm looking forward to what will roll .. Itano hope is sweeter though she's great being tsundere .. haha 'is show! * ---- * is my first time commenting .. but I really liked this and I love reading several fics on this site..  :)

Offline lollita90

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 4] 10/2
« Reply #56 on: April 16, 2012, 11:16:01 PM »
aaa oh my God, oh my God!! what happened??  :mon wtf: Meetan kissed Chiyuu???  :banghead: Noooooooo!!!  :mon headbang: :mon mad: :on blackhole: Please be jealous, dear Tomochin! We all want Chiyuu to be Tomochin's.. Please be jealous, Tomochin!!  :depressed:

Akinyan, thanks for the TomoTomo fanfic! Best!  :on GJ: Please update soon  :kneelbow:
I love FTM. Nuff said.

Offline gekirena

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 4] 10/2
« Reply #57 on: May 01, 2012, 05:03:06 PM »
please please please update this!!!!  :cry:
i really really like your fanfic!!  :wub:
why do you have to abandon it at the most exciting part  :cry:
you left us hanging  :cry:
please update this  :cry:

Offline Pwoper48

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 4] 10/2
« Reply #58 on: May 10, 2012, 10:25:49 AM »
Hey akinyan!!! How dare you left this story abandoned!!

I like tomotomo and this story... So i hope you continue m(_ _)m

Offline saeyukilover

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Re: Tsundere! (TomoTomo) [Chapter 4] 10/2
« Reply #59 on: May 11, 2012, 06:57:02 PM »
 :smhid tomochin better work fast because. Baba appears!!

I love meetan she's soooooo OVERLY  seXXXyyyy!!! :)

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