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Author Topic: Not OS >>> [Chapter 12] Dec.19,2012  (Read 114099 times)

Offline Megumi

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> Not OS [Chapter 6 Part 1] >>> 29/11/11
« Reply #80 on: November 29, 2011, 04:33:22 PM »
Bwahahaha! OMG! LoL!
Kuu&Acchan& the cake scene was totally epic!

If you want to ask where is the squirrel who is not climbing on its tree then your answer will be, the squirrel has some work to do since she is an actress so she has to leave her favorite tree for the day.

 :lol: Kojipa/Riku is a tree

thank you for your update  :bow:
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline cmze

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> Not OS [Chapter 6 Part 1] >>> 29/11/11
« Reply #81 on: November 29, 2011, 04:53:56 PM »

Kai,Riku and Kuu..they totally know how to make me smile! XD

thanks for your update! :D

please update soon!  :bow:

and yes you're a murderer...Just kidding!  :grin:

Offline kahem

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> Not OS [Chapter 6 Part 1] >>> 29/11/11
« Reply #82 on: November 29, 2011, 07:55:55 PM »
You never fail at make me smile or laugh especially at the cafe part lol

Offline RJay

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> Not OS [Chapter 6 Part 1] >>> 29/11/11
« Reply #83 on: November 30, 2011, 01:18:28 AM »
LOL :mon lmao:
Kai and Atsuko getting jealous with each other
How can Kai be so clueless? :err:

please update soon
I'll say "I love you" to the person I love
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Offline Sok

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> Not OS [Chapter 6 Part 1] >>> 29/11/11
« Reply #84 on: November 30, 2011, 05:41:21 AM »
Awesome. I liked the part about The all you can eat. Poor Kuu well at least he got free food for a week. XD

Thank you for updating.

Offline Haruko

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> Not OS [Chapter 6 Part 1] >>> 29/11/11
« Reply #85 on: November 30, 2011, 06:10:50 AM »
so funny.. both are jelousy person... come on acchan fight for your takaboy like a boss

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> Not OS [Chapter 6 Part 2] >>> 30/11/11
« Reply #86 on: November 30, 2011, 01:24:02 PM »
@Sydney W/AKBlover_99/Megumi/cmze/kahem/RJay/haru9210/Sok/Haruko Thank you all so much for the comment and I was really happy about it XD I worked hard today :peace: and decided to post the next part 8) Thanks again for the comment since I really appreciate it :)

Thanks everyone for reading this :) I hope this chapter won't be too boring :nervous Please excuse me for my English :P and Please Enjoy reading it XD

Chapter 6

Part 2

After their ‘kiddy fight’ they were all exhausted and were lying on the ground panting then suddenly they heard Ring! Ring! Ring! it was from their mission use purpose laptop that was ringing, so Kai got up and went to answer the call who happens to be Takahashi Hiroshi.

“Hello Dad”

“Hi, my boy” says Hiroshi smiling

“What is it?”

“I just want to tell you that there are two helpers in the AKB High school and they could provide you more information about your mission.”

“Eh?! Who are they?” asks Kai curiously

Hiroshi just smiles and says “You’ll know. They will approach you within these few days and I’m sure you guys will be glad to see them and that’s all that I want to say. Bye, Goodnight and Good Luck in your mission” Beep*

“Wai..Wait…” Kai didn’t get to finish his sentence yet and the connection was already cut... Sigh* What a my pace dad I’ve got… Kai thought while shaking his head.

Living Room

“Who is it?” asks Kuu who was still on the floor.

“It’s dad” Kai answers

“What did he say? Something about the mission?” asks Riku

“Yea… He says that there are 2 helpers in the AKB High school that could provide us more information about the mission and that we’ll be glad to see them” Kai replies

“Eh? Who are they??” asks Kuu and Riku

“I don’t know… He said we’ll know eventually… Anyway there are some things about the school system that I heard from Acchan today”


Kai then explained the whole thing that he learned from Acchan today at school to Kuu and Riku; about the AKB points and that everyone has to join a club, the random events the school principle throw sometimes and the most popular clubs, Host Club, Entertainment Club and Science Technology Club and how Kai feels that the Science Technology Club is suspicious.

“Wow! It sounds fun! Kuu says while jumping up and down excitingly

“I agree that is fun and that the STC (Science Technology Club) is really suspicious” says Riku

“Then why don’t we join in the STC and be like a spy and dig out all the secrets that they are possibly hiding?” suggests Kuu

“Hm… It’s not a bad idea” replies Kai and Riku also agrees with the idea

“Wow! It’s the first time you two agree with my idea!!!” exclaim Kuu

Kai and Riku just look at each other and say “Well… it’s the first time your idea sounds reasonable.. Duh!”

“Hey!” shouts Kuu

Kai and Riku just ignore him as they were already exhausted today and went to their own rooms to sleep. While Kuu just pouted and also went back to his own room to have a good-night sleep.



“I can’t wait to work with them! I miss them so much!!!”

“Yea! I totally agree!!! Haa…. I miss the old days where we all used to play together in the park…” says a male as he starts to drift into his memory about the old days…

“Hey! Don’t go day dreaming yet!!! We should not forget how cold they were to us!!! I know they were busy but they didn’t even contact us for years!!!!” shouted the other male.

“Yea! You’re right!!! I was so lonely that time…”

“Me too!!! Let’s make them pay for making us feel lonely all these time!!!” smirked one of them.

“I totally agree!!! But… How???”

“Hehe… You’ll see… Anyway let’s sleep for now so that we’ll have the energy to execute my plan tomorrow… Hehehe… just you wait…”

Sigh* There he goes again with his evil plans… Luckily it won’t be executed on me this time… “’Kay Goodnight”



The Next Day – AKB High school

3 figures were standing at the rooftop looking blankly at the sunset as they remember what happened today one of them rub his red cheek, one of them cursing to himself and the other one dripping muddy… The three figures were the transfer students Kai, Kuu and Riku, they had a very terrible day today…


Kai was on his way to the cafeteria when he accidently stepped on a banana peel (who knows why it was there) slipped and fell on top of a female student who was blushing hard because of their close proximity. Kai also blushed and quickly move away then apologize to the female but then he saw Acchan with black aura leaking out around here who glared at him and walks away really mad… Kai hurriedly chase after Acchan, wanting to explain the misunderstanding to her but before he was able to say even a single word slap*… Yes… he was slapped by Acchan… After that Acchan then left, leaving a dumbfounded Kai there alone on the hallway…

Kuu founded a beautifully wrapped box in his shoe locker which he assumes is from his fan girl so he hurriedly open it and founded a delicious-looking cake which he hurriedly engulf. But then… after a few minutes something went wrong with his stomach causing him to rush to the bathroom… and for the whole day he was not able to leave the toilet… and now… his butts hurt a lot because of that…

Riku was splash with water from the second floor when he was going to go in the school and the way how hot he look when wet makes all the girls go crazy and chase after him. Yuko who sees it became berserk and starts ‘killing’ those girls who were chasing after Riku and lastly she charged at Riku and crash on him… together they fell into a mud causing his uniform to get all dirty and was scolded by the teacher for causing such a ruckus in the school… of course… he got detention and was punished to clean the toilet for a whole week…

Flashback Ends…

Kai, Kuu and Riku sighs* again as they remembered what happen today and thought how unlucky they were today and what a terrible day it was… little did they know that in the shadow two little figures were hiding near them and was laughing softly at their reaction.

“Hey, your plan was totally epic!!!”

“Of course! Who do you think I am??!!! Hahahaha….”

They were too high and were laughing too loud which causes Kai, Kuu and Riku to hear them which made them really pissed off. They realize their mistakes and wanted to escape but they were too slow… Kai, Kuu and Riku were now in front of them cracking their knuckles and were ready to kill someone…


“What??!!!” says Kai, Kuu and Riku impatiently

“Don’t you guys remember us???”

“I don’t know you” replies Riku coldly as he is really pissed off about what they did to him.

“Oh come on! Takamina, Mii-chan and Haruna!! Have you guys really forgotten us??!!! We used to play together all the time in the park… You guys are so cold…”

After a few minutes of deep thinking and recalling of their past...

“Wait…. Masaka…!!!!” shouted Kai, Kuu and Riku

Thanks again minna for reading it and I'm really happy about it :kneelbow:
I'll update ASAP :mon study:

Offline Megumi

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> Not OS [Chapter 6 Part 2] >>> 30/11/11
« Reply #87 on: November 30, 2011, 02:20:18 PM »

Thank you for your update as usual it's hilarious!  :bow:
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline AKBlover_99

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> Not OS [Chapter 6 Part 2] >>> 30/11/11
« Reply #88 on: November 30, 2011, 02:26:24 PM »
Woah....An update....That quite fast. But I like it ! :mon santa2:
Feel sorry for them for having a terrible day. Acchan was jealous ! :mon blblbl:
Thx for the update :mon inluv:


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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> Not OS [Chapter 6 Part 2] >>> 30/11/11
« Reply #89 on: November 30, 2011, 02:26:52 PM »
Woh!!! Who are the 2 guys??  :on lol:  their plans were awesome making all 3 of them suffer... hahaha..  :wahaha:

Offline haruhi16

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> Not OS [Chapter 6 Part 2] >>> 30/11/11
« Reply #90 on: November 30, 2011, 03:04:14 PM »
Yagami.Rai please i want the next chapter  :bow: :bow:

Offline Sydney W

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> Not OS [Chapter 6 Part 2] >>> 30/11/11
« Reply #91 on: November 30, 2011, 04:56:44 PM »
Does it mean Sae and Sayaka ?? Please update...

Offline kahem

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> Not OS [Chapter 6 Part 2] >>> 30/11/11
« Reply #92 on: November 30, 2011, 06:42:59 PM »
Epic prank!!! ^^
Who are those news helpers? Update please

Offline Popsicle

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> Not OS [Chapter 6 Part 2] >>> 30/11/11
« Reply #93 on: November 30, 2011, 07:03:22 PM »
This fic is AMAZING !!
It's too too funny  XD

Hmm I have a feeling one of the guys are Sae, but who's the other one..  :lol:

Update soon can't wait ~  :fap

Offline RJay

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> Not OS [Chapter 6 Part 2] >>> 30/11/11
« Reply #94 on: November 30, 2011, 09:55:49 PM »
Lol :mon lmao: epic.
Well I think it's still kinda sad, that something bad happen to them
I wonder who are the two guys?

please update soon
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Offline Haruko

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> Not OS [Chapter 6 Part 2] >>> 30/11/11
« Reply #95 on: December 01, 2011, 06:24:58 AM »
guessing sae-chan and mm jurina?

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> OS [White Christmas] Kai x Acchan >>> 2/12/11
« Reply #96 on: December 02, 2011, 03:23:41 PM »
Everyone Thanks for the Comment and I really do appreciate it XD I'll try to Update it ASAP but I just want to post this today since I wrote it today while I was in the library :peace: It may be long and boring.. :nervous (Hopefully Not) But please take your time reading this and Thank You XD Please Excuse me for my English :P

Although it may be too early for Christmas :lol:

BTW the pairings that you guys guessed so far.. Hm.. Only 1 was right XD To find out who are they you'll have to wait for my update :P

One Shot

White Christmas

I always see him with different girls, he is such a player. But nobody dislikes him, even the girls he broke up with are still friends with him. I wonder why… At that time I never knew that I’ll fall in love with him.

He is good-looking, good in both sports and in studying but he is very flirty… He flirts with almost every girl in the school even when he was dating one of them. I hate players like him and I believe that I’ll never fall in love with that kind of person.

Unlike him, I am always alone while he is always surrounded by friends but I don’t care much about it since I prefer to be alone. I do not know why I would always stare at him when he is around… Maybe it’s because he’s my opposite and opposite attracts… Maybe deep down I actually also wanted to be surrounded by friends… But there is no use about it now, since I’m the one who chose to be a loner; I ignored all people who tried to talk to me because I’m afraid to be hurt again…


She is always alone… always ignoring other people when they tried to talk to her. She always read manga or books alone… But she is really cute like an angel, but I wonder why she is so cold toward others… like she doesn’t trust them. I don’t know why but I feel attracted to her; I want to know more about her, talk with her and be her friend. But, I’m afraid of her rejecting me… We are like the complete opposite of one another… I’m always with friends while she is always alone… Does she prefer to be alone? Or is it that she’s shy? If it’s just that then I’ll be more than willing to take a step, talk to her and befriend her. Normally, I could speak to the girls freely and easily as I also flirt with them but I don’t know why I turned into such a coward who can’t even start a conversation with her… After thinking over and over I have come to a conclusion… I love her…


“Yosh! I’ll definitely talk to her today!” I shouted my determination before going to school today. My heart starts racing as I can see her there alone on her seat reading manga, she’s really cute and adorable that it made me want to hug and kiss her. I pull out all my courage and walk towards her “Ohaiyo! Acchan” I said as I give her my best smile that always managed to melt away any girls’ heart.

I saw she blushes and turn her head away as she answered “What?! What do you want?? And don’t call me Acchan!” Aww.. She’s so cute when she’s blushing and I can’t help but wanting to hug her tight in my arms.

“I just want to talk to you” I said which I think surprises her since she jumped a little from her seat.

“I prefer to be alone you don’t have to pity me so don’t waste your time on me” she said coldly.

“I am not pitying you! I just want to be friends with you!” I said in a little hurtful voice.

But before she could say anything Mayumi, my current girlfriend, came and said “Kai, why are you talking to his loner? She thinks she’s all high and mighty so she always ignores others! I know you’re nice and kind but you don’t have to waste your kindness on someone who wouldn’t appreciate it!” then she starts to pull me away from her. I could see tears starting to form in her beautiful eyes and it hurts me to see it… I know she would only be irritated if I stay…

“I’m sorry…” I said sadly as I left with Mayumi.


Today, I’m alone again reading manga. Well, this is the cycle that repeats every day. I was too absorbed in reading manga that I didn’t realize someone walking towards me so I was startled when he greeted me. The smile he showed me made my heart beat faster than usual and I can feel the heat in my face when he called me ‘Acchan’ I don’t know why but I’m happy about it. But…

“What?! What do you want?? And don’t call me Acchan!” is the only thing that came out of my mouth…

Then he said “I just want to talk to you” I do not know what to answer but then I’m afraid of getting hurt again…

To prevent myself from getting hurt again
I’ll enclose my heart and
Never let it out again
As I do not want to feel the same pain again…


“Go away! You B****” these girls who are shouting and beating me used to be my best friends until ‘that’ happened… Now they are always bullying me and hurting me… No matter what I said they always ignore it and when I beg for forgiveness they just push me away… “I didn’t mean it…” I manage to say while crying. “What do you mean by you didn’t mean it??!! It’s all your fault!!! You know how Maria feels about him and yet you!!!”

Flashback Ends…

“I prefer to be alone you don’t have to pity me so don’t waste your time on me” I said to him coldly.

“I am not pitying you! I just want to be friends with you!” I can hear that he’s hurt about what I’ve said but…

Scars of the past
Hunted me even now
No matter how long
It will always remain…

Then his girlfriend came and says “Kai, why are you talking to his loner? She thinks she’s all high and mighty so she always ignores others! I know you’re nice and kind but you don’t have to waste your kindness on someone who wouldn’t appreciate it!” then she starts to pull him away. I could feel tears starting to form in my eyes and I think he noticed it as I can see his face furrowed then he said “I’m sorry…” and left. I don’t know why but I feel hurt seeing him and his girlfriend leave… After they leave I rushed to the bathroom to wash my face.


The school finally ends and I hurriedly pack my things as I want to go home as soon as possible. But on my way home I saw my nightmare that has been hunting me even now…

Nightmare becomes trauma
It always stays in your heart
No matter what you do
It will always remain
As it is a disease that will haunt you forever…

I tried to avoid them but they notice me as they came and block my way back home…

“Hi there Acchan, you’re still alive??”

I tried to ignore them and walk away but one of them grabbed me on my arms and said “Don’t you dare to avoid us!!!” then they pulled me into a dark corner of the street and starts beating me like in the past…

It hurts so much… my arms, my legs, my body and my head but… what hurts the most is my heart…

There is a saying that says “Friendship Last Forever” but it is wrong!!! Why? Look at me now… being beaten up by my BEST friends… The pain is starting to get me and I wanted to shout but I feel so powerless… Just when I was going to faint I heard someone shouting “What are you girls doing??!! I’m going to call the police!” then I could see they ran away leaving me there alone lying on the ground…

Friendship does not last
It easily breaks apart
They never gave me the chance to explain
But just throw me away…

“Acchan, Acchan! Are you okay??” I could hear a strong yet gentle voice calling out to me and a small smile creep up my face as I see who it was then I fainted…


I saw Acchan left hurriedly so I try to catch up with her because I want to try to speak to her again. But then l lost her… she walks too fast!!!

Just when I was about to give up and go home I heard shouting in the corner of the street and I decided to see what’s going on in there.

Then I saw a group of girls beating a girl and I realize that it was Acchan!! I could feel my blood boiling but I controlled my anger since it is my policy to NEVER beat girls no matter what even if they act like a B**** So I shouted “What are you girls doing??!! I’m going to call the police!” Then I see them running away leaving Acchan lying on the ground beaten up… I quickly ran and hugged Acchan as I call out her name “Acchan, Acchan! Are you okay??” I could see she showing me a small smile and it melts my heart away but then she fainted… “Acchan! Acchan!” I decided to bring her home to treat her wounds.

I put Acchan on the sofa and went to grab the First-Aid Kit and starts cleaning her wounds. It hurts me so much to see her like this… so weak and defend less… I can’t help but gave her a kiss on the forehead. After treating her wounds I decided to change her clothing since it was all dirtied and ripped up so I went to grab some of my clothes but… how am I suppose to change her clothes without looking at her??? But her clothes are a little wet so it’s better to change it… I bring up my courage and am trying to unbutton her clothes however… someone came home… It was my sister, Minami… She saw me and Acchan…

“Oops! Did I interrupt something?? I’m sorry but I just came home to get something I forgot so… Bye??” she tried to leave but I grab her arm.

“Sis! Can you change her clothes??”


“Well… It’s dirty, wet and ripped up… and she’s sleeping right now…”

“Wait!! Kai… don’t tell me you were trying to rape her??? Or did you already???!!!”

“NO!!!!” I shouted

Then she laugh and says “I’m just joking, come on I know my brother isn’t that kind of person”

I hated it every time when she tries to tease me or make fun of me!!! “Whatever! Just change her will you?? I’m going to be in the kitchen” I shouted then leave the living room.

Few Minutes Later…

“Kai! I finished changing her clothes.”


“I’m leaving now! BTW mom and dad aren’t gonna be home tonight and I’ll be staying at my friends house so…”


Minami smirked and says “Take your time~” then dash out of the house.

“SIS!!!!” I shouted sigh*

I went to get a blanket to cover Acchan because it’s December now and it’s still cold even with the heater on. I cover Acchan with the blanket but then she woke up and was shock to see me.

“Where am I?” she asked in panic

“My home” I answered

Then she quickly checks if her clothes are on or not… She felt relieve when she sees that there are clothes on but her eyes quickly widen when she realize that she was not in her uniform but in clothing that is too big to her which seems to be mine…

She then look at me with her eyes still widen and asked “Did you… do anything??” nervously.

I was trying to control my laughter seeing how Acchan is acting and I decided to tease her a bit “Yes, I did” Well… she didn’t state what that ‘something’ is?? I did bring her back home, ask my sis to change her clothes and cover her with a blanket, who knows what she was asking for :P

Then tears start to form in her beautiful brown eyes and she starts crying which I was taken aback by it. I hurriedly went in front of her and cupped her face with my hands and wipe her tears with my thumbs as I said “Acchan… I’m sorry… I was just joking and I didn’t expect you to cry…”

“But… but… my clothes” she says still sobbing.

“My sis changed it for you, I promise I didn’t see anything”

Then she got angry and starts punching me “Why you!!!” she shouted as she chase after me who was running for my life.

I laugh as I run which I think also affect her since she was laughing too while chasing me. I accidently trip and fall on top of her and we are staring at each other… We were so close to each other and we could feel each other’s breath and before I know it I already pressed my lips on hers and I could also feel her responding to my sudden kiss. It was a sweet and a gentle kiss at first but I can’t control myself anymore as I kiss her wildly and passionately in which she responded by putting her arm around my neck pulling me closer to deepen our kiss.

After kissing for awhile we have to break apart to breathe and as we panted we were staring at each other and I could see Acchan blushing… it was so cute and I accidently blurted out “I Love You”

She was surprised and she turns her gaze away from me looking sad…

“Acchan??” I asked nervously.. I was hoping to not hear the worst answer from her mouth…

“Kai… I’m sorry” she said as she pushes me up from her “I’ll be going home now…” then she is going to the door.

I quickly grab her arm “Wait! Why??” I asked sadly and desperately… I need to know why she rejected me when I know she also loves me.

She looks at me sad as tears starts to form again from her pretty eyes and said “I’m sorry… I’m really sorry Kai… I’m just afraid of getting hurt again…”

Scars of the past
Hunted me even now
No matter how long
It will always remain…

So to prevent myself from getting hurt again
I’ll enclose my heart and
Never let it out again
As I do not want to feel the same pain again…


“Acchan, Acchan!” a girl call out her best friend. “Yes Maria?” Acchan ask the girl confused in why is she so excited. “I have a crush!!” says the girl excitedly. “Really?? Who??” asks Acchan as she was happy for her friend. “Yamamoto sempai and I’m planning to confess to him on the Valentine’s Day next week” she shyly said. “Congratz Maria! Go for it! I’ll support you 100% and I’m sure so does Kana, Chiyaki and Eba” Acchan happily said as she grabs her friend hands together. “Thank you so much Acchan. I love you” she said happily and hug her best friend.

Maeda, can you come to the gym at 12 noon? I have something important to tell you… Please… was written in a letter that was left inside my table so I went to the gym at 12 noon as requested in the letter. Then I see Yamamoto sempai…

“Sempai??” I asked. “Ah! You came!!!” he shouted happily. “What is it sempai??” I asked confused. “It’s… um…” “Hm??” “I.. I Love You Maeda!! Please go out with me!” he said bowing his head. I was so shock then I quickly decline him “I’m sorry sempai…” “Why?? Do you already have someone you like??” he asked sadly. “No…” “Then why??” “Sempai… I’m sure there is someone who suits you better than me…” “No! I love you Maeda!” “Sorry…” then I ran away…

Next Week – Valentine’s Day
Maria went to confess to Yamamoto… “Yamamoto sempai… I love you! Will you go out with me?” Maria asks shyly to her most beloved sempai that she had fallen deeply for. But Yamamoto just looks at her coldly and said “Go away… I’m not in the mood to play with you… I was just rejected by your best friend, Maeda last week… Unless you’re willing to help me hook up with Maeda don’t talk to me”. Hearing this Maria broken down… she can’t believe how the sempai who was always gentle to her become so cold to her… what she can’t believe the most is that sempai has confessed to Acchan and Acchan never told her about it… She could feel tears pouring out of her eyes and can’t stop crying. ‘Why…’ was the only thing she could think about as she starts to broken down…

Afterschool… Acchan was on her way home when she saw Maria standing in front of her with tears flowing out from her already red eyes… “Maria??!! What happened???” Acchan asks with concern as she tries to wipe Maria’s tears with her handkerchief but was pushed away. “Acchan… Why… How could you??? I HATE YOU!!!” Maria screamed as she ran away leaving a dumbstruck Acchan.

The Next Morning – Classroom
I was really shock and confused about Maria’s reaction yesterday… Is it because of Yamamoto sempai?? I then reached my classroom and I said “Ohaiyo…” but nobody replies me they were all sad and look at me coldly… Then I saw Kana, Chiyaki and Eba “Ohaiyo” I said again but they just glare at me with their teary eyes then Kana came and slap me on the face. “You!!!” Kana shouted as she breaks down into tears again… I was confused I saw almost all of my classmates crying then I see Maria’s table and a vase with flowers was on it… Then a possibility hit me on my head as tears start to form in my eyes… I asked “Wha.. what happened to Maria?? Where is she??” Eba just glared at me and shouted “YOU MURDERER!!!” and she ran out of the room with Kana and Chiyaki… I can’t believe it… my knees fell on the floor as my tears flow down my cheeks… Later that day… I learned that my guess was right… Maria died… to be exact.. she suicide…

A letter was founded on Maria’s table at home that says she was really heart-broken because of sempai’s rejection plus my betrayal since I didn’t tell her that sempai confessed to me and she was really sad and confused so to get rid of her problem… she decided to end it once and for all…

Flashback Ends…

I was crying really hard as I tell Kai about my past. I’m afraid of hurting and getting hurt again that’s why I enclose my heart and prefer to be alone. Then Kai hugged me and said “Cry all you want Acchan, but I want to tell you that it is not your fault and I want you to stop blaming yourself… I’m sure your friends also knows that it isn’t your fault but they are also sad about it and if they don’t blame it on something they will broken down so Acchan I want you to have a good talk with them. I’m sure they’ll understand it in the end.”

“But…” Acchan says hesitantly.

“No But! I’ll be there with you too so don’t worry. I promise you that I’ll always be with you to give you strength, protect you and I will never let anyone hurt you because.. I Love You” Kai said gently and looking lovingly into Acchan’s eyes.

Just tell me you love me
Then I’ll do anything for you
Whether it costs my life or not
All just for your happiness
And that’s what it all matters…

Acchan then smiles and said “I Love You Too” then kiss Kai passionately and Kai also kiss Acchan back passionately and that night they let their lust take over control since nobody’s gonna be home tonight… :twisted: (Please imagine it yourselves :P)

A Few Days Later…

Christmas Eve
Today I and Kai went to confront Kana, Chiyaki and Eba. At first they didn’t want to talk or even see me but Kai forces them to listen to my feelings. I told them everything, like how guilty I felt and how much I missed our friendship and so on. After talking each others’ heart out, crying and hugging we resolve our problems and become best friends again. And Kai also officially broke up with Mayumi today too. I was really happy today and it’s all thanks to Kai.

Friendship may be broken easily
But if you chose to believe
Friendship may last longer than you think
Give you and your friends a chance
Remember the old days…
Remember the bonds you’ve had with each other…
Let’s hold hands and walk towards the future together

After saying goodbye to Kana, Chiyaki and Eba we were on our way back home. “Kai… Thank you for everything that you’ve done for me” I said and looking at him lovingly.

He then smiles and said “I’ll do anything for my princess” then we kiss each other as we snuggle near each other because it’s cold. After we break apart from our kiss Kai smirked said “Now, shall we go back and celebrate our first Christmas together… alone??”

I blushed at his last word “Baka…”

He then chuckles and pull me in for another sweet kiss…

Subsequently it starts to snow…

“It’s going to be a White Christmas this year” I said smiling as I try to reach out to the snow that is falling.

Kai smiles and said “Yea.. And I’m sure this is a present from the God congratulating us to be officially going out now” then he shouted “Thank you for the Present and We Love it!!!” towards the sky.

Scars never heal when alone
But when there’s someone there for you
Even scars will heal one day
As long as there is Love…

I can’t help but smile towards his action… He never fails to make me smile… I then went to hug him as we went back home together to celebrate Christmas.

It’s the best White Christmas I’ve had all my Life!

Thanks minna for reading it :kneelbow: Hopefully it's not too boring for you :nervous
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 03:53:16 PM by Yagami.Rai »

Offline Popsicle

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> OS [White Christmas] Kai x Acchan >>> 30/11/11
« Reply #97 on: December 02, 2011, 04:03:11 PM »
Wahh the white christmas story was so cute ~  :w00t:

Lol oh so one of the guys are either Sae - Sayaka or Jurina.

But who's the other one...  :?

Update soon~  :nervous

Offline AKBlover_99

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> OS [White Christmas] Kai x Acchan >>> 30/11/11
« Reply #98 on: December 02, 2011, 05:00:28 PM »
Your story really makes me cry..... :cry: But I love it!!!! :mon crazyinlove:
OMG......I can feel how Acchan felt.... :mon santasad: If I'm a bad person, I'll kill her best friends.    :mon slapself:
More! More AtsuMina! I love reading your fic!    :mon lovelaff:
Update soon!  :bow: :bow: :bow:

Offline Sydney W

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> OS [White Christmas] Kai x Acchan >>> 30/11/11
« Reply #99 on: December 02, 2011, 05:57:05 PM »
love your story... post more Atsumina....

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