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Author Topic: Not OS >>> [Chapter 12] Dec.19,2012  (Read 113318 times)

Offline AKBlover_99

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Re: Christmas One Shot - Santa's Christmas Present [Part 2] Preview >>> 13/12/11
« Reply #120 on: December 13, 2011, 11:41:15 AM »
AH! It looks REALLY interesting!
Can't wait to read that! :mon crazyinlove:

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Re: Christmas One Shot - Santa's Christmas Present [Part 2] Preview >>> 13/12/11
« Reply #121 on: December 13, 2011, 07:12:32 PM »
Wow this looks great!  :w00t:

and you have to make me wait!  :catglare:

it's okay i know life gets in the way!  :grin:

sorry for not commenting and just leaving "thanks" as you know life got in my way! :rofl:

please update soon! :cow:

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Re: Christmas One Shot - Santa's Christmas Present [Part 2] Preview >>> 13/12/11
« Reply #122 on: December 13, 2011, 07:24:17 PM »
Oh what a preview. It really makes me impatient ^^

Offline Haruko

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Re: Christmas One Shot - Santa's Christmas Present [Part 2] Preview >>> 13/12/11
« Reply #123 on: December 14, 2011, 06:13:23 AM »
yeah!! preview -___ - you are a teaser too

Offline Yagami.Rai

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One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> OS [Gladiator] Atsumina >>> 16/12/11
« Reply #124 on: December 16, 2011, 05:16:49 PM »
Yea!! Thanks for the comments!!! XD and Thanks for the Thanks too!!! :thumbsup
Haha.. I've got free time today so I wrote an OS :) Sorry but the Santa's Christmas Present will be posted on December 24/25 :P
Maybe I'll post the Not OS tomorrow XD Thanks again everyone for reading!!! Yea!! Yea!!
BTW.. This OS is too long.. so I had to break it into parts... :nervous

One Shot – Gladiator

Part 1

“Waa… wa…” sound of baby crying could be heard
“Hm?? Did I hear baby’s crying??”
George, the trainer/teacher of all new Gladiators was checking around the seats in the Coliseum and found a baby crying on a seat of the Coliseum.
“Why is there a baby here?? Did his parents got too high during the match and forgot him??!!! Eh??!!!” sigh* Hold the baby in his arms “What forgetful parents you got..” Then he notices a name tag around the baby’s neck ‘Takahashi Minami’ “Oh! So you’re name is Takahashi Minami, what a good name you’ve got!”
George decided to keep the baby until he found the baby’s parents.

Few months have passed but George wasn’t able to find any news about the baby’s parents at all…
Sigh* George looked at the sleeping Minami and smile, in these few months George has grown attached to the baby.
“I can’t find your parents little one.. but I guess I could keep you.”


8 Years Later…
From then on when Minami has grown old enough to fight, George, trained him to become a Gladiator since that is the condition of keeping Minami with him from his boss.

As usual Minami is training alone since George has to attend other new Gladiators.
“Ha! Ha!” Minami shouted while swinging his sword powerfully.
“Kya!” a girl screamed, surprised and fall on the ground landing on her butt.
Seeing this Minami dropped the sword and hurried to the girl’s side.
“I’m sorry.. Are you okay??” He helps the girl stand.
“Un, I’m fine. I was just surprised..” the girl answered shyly.
“Yokatta..” Minami sigh in relief
“Ne, ne.” the girl pokes Minami “Can you play with me?? I’m bored and I’ve got no one to play with”
“I’m sorry but I still got training to do..”
“Onegai..” the girl asks again and this time also showing her best puppy eyes to Minami.
Seeing this Minami can’t say no… “sigh* Fine…”
“Yatta!!” The girl cheered and smiles widely
“I’m Maeda Atsuko but call me Acchan, what about you?”
“I’m Takahashi Minami and you can call me Minami”

Then the two kids play happily together until its sunset and now they were resting on a bench.

“Thank you Minami. I have a really fun day today” Acchan says thankfully
“Nah, I also had fun so I should be thanking you instead”

Suddenly Acchan heard a voice calling her name “Acchan! Acchan! Where are you?? Time to go home!!”

Hearing this Acchan immediately stood up from the bench.

“Sorry.. I’ve got to go home now” Acchan said sadly
“It’s okay, I hope we can play together again” Minami says and smiled handsomely at Acchan causing her to blush
Then Acchan kiss Minami on the cheek “Un! Let’s play again next time! Bye!” then ran to the person calling her name.
Minami was too stunned to say bye to Acchan.. he just sat there hours and hours before he finally go home.

“Who is he?? Your boyfriend??”
Acchan blushed and replied “No.. he’s just a friend..”
“Then why did I see you kissing him??”
Acchan face turn as red as tomato “It.. it’s just a thank you gift since he played with me all day today”
“Hoho.. Are you sure only that??” asks the squirrel like girl while wriggling her eyebrows.
“Mou! Yuko, stop teasing me!!!” Acchan then ran into her bedroom.

“Yuko, what happened to the princess??” asks one of the royal maids.
“Hm?? Nothing~~ It’s just it seems like the little princess is in love~~” answers Yuko as she skips to the kitchen to grab Acchan’s dinner.

The next day the Queen has been assassinated when she went to the local market to see the locals. The whole kingdom mourns for losing a good Queen, the King fall in to depression and the princess was very sad and cries every day. From then on the King bands the princess from going out of the castle for even a step because he is afraid of losing his beloved daughter too…

The King kept himself busy with work and spend less and less time with the princess because seeing the princess reminds him of his beloved wife… The king will do anything that will keep him busy and that includes war… it was a suggestion by Snape Rindervous, the King’s sister’s son which is his nephew. Snape was known to be a man with greed and there are a lot of bad rumors about him but now the King has somehow start to take his advices like starting war with other countries, drink alcohol and have fun every day.

The King has started to take a liking to killing so he made a new rule for the matches between the Gladiators… which is fight to death… only winners will stay alive while losers shall be dead…


10 Years Later…
Takahashi Minami is now an 18 year old handsome young man. He has become a super rookie in the world of the Gladiator. But you could see coldness in his dark, brown eyes…

In the Gladiator’s world, there are no friends… Friends today could end up as an enemy the next day… what awaits in friendship is only betrayal…

Minami is really skilled but he doesn’t trust anyone easily, he only trusts his teacher, George, and his only 2 best friends Kojima Riku, a doctor, and Minegishi Kuu, a mysterious traveler.

Minami used to have friends… Gladiator friends… but they end up killing each other… From then on Minami stopped making friends because he didn’t want to experience the pain of betrayal from friends anymore… it hurts more than any kind of physical wounds… it stays in his heart…

As usual Minami is training alone then suddenly someone calls his name.

“Oi! Takahashi, your turn in the next 2 hours prepare yourselves and you better win because I’m going to recommend you to the King”

“Samuel, you didn’t have to tell me, I’ll win the match.” Minami said coldly and continue his training.

“kk, I won’t bother you now bye”

Samuel is the dealer in bet of the matches, he collect bets and tells the Gladiators when their turn will be.

When Minami is going to go to the Coliseum someone called him.
“Takamina, are you gonna hold back on your opponent??”
“Of course not… since it's a death match, Kuu…” Minami replied coldly
“Just asking, anyway Good Luck don’t die yet~~” Kuu replied cheerily and left.

The dealer is calling out to the crowd to make it exciting. “Welcome Everyone!!! To the Coliseum!!! Today our fighters will be the super rookie versus the ripper!!!” “Woo!!!” crowds cheering.
“Everyone has you placed your bet?? Are you ready?? Then let’s welcome the fighters today!!!”

Coliseum’s Waiting Room
Minami was going to go but then was stopped by a hand, Minami then turn to see the owner of the hand… George.

“Be careful” George said with concern
Minami smiled weakly and replied “I know..” and left.

George felt sad seeing Minami like this but there is nothing he can do about it… Sorry kid… If I wasn’t the one who picked you up maybe you wouldn’t be suffering now…

Minami is really tired of killing but there is nothing he can do. The moment you’ve become a Gladiator then for the rest of your life you’ll remain a Gladiator it’s an absolute rule here in the kingdom. Minami took a deep breath and stepped into the Coliseum.


I wonder how is he now… I really miss him… I want to see him again… A girl was looking out through the window with sad eyes.

“Acchan, Acchan!” a squirrel like girl called out to her.
“Yes, Yuko? Why are you so excited?? You’ve got a date with your boyfriend again today??” Acchan teased
Yuko blushed and replies happily “Yea.. I’m having a date with my Nyan Nyan today”
Acchan suddenly have lonely eyes “Good for you… enjoy your date”
“Oh! I remember now!! I came here because your majesty, the King, as called for you!!!”
“Eh?! Really???”
“Yes, so hurry and go now”
“Okay, I got it!”

It was really rare for her father to call her so Acchan was really happy as she hurriedly rushes into the throne room.

Throne Room
“Your majesty, princess Atsuko has arrived”
“Call her in”
“As you wish your majesty”

Acchan then ran in and hug her dad tightly “Dad!”
“Hoho… so full of energy aren’t we??”
“Hehe.. BTW, dad why did you call for me??”
“I’ll bring you to the Coliseum today with me and have some fun”
“Really??!! What will we do there??”
“It’s a secret~ you’ll know when we arrive there”

“Your majesty, the carriage is now ready” a pale, skinny middle-aged man called out to the King.
“Oh, Snape. Good Job, now accompany me and the princess to the Coliseum”
“As you wish my lord” Snape said and bow to the King.

Hearing that Snape is coming too Acchan frowned… she didn’t like Snape because he is the one who keep telling his father to have war with other countries and she didn’t like it at all… Some Generals told the King that Snape is bad and the King shouldn’t listen to him but they were all executed…

Outside of Coliseum
The King and the princess have reached the Coliseum.
“Welcome, your majesty and princess. We have prepared special seats for your majesty and please allow me to show your majesty the way” Samuel said politely and bowing to the King and the princess.
“Okay, lead us to our seats and who are the fighters today?” asks the King
“It would be our super rookie versus the ripper, your majesty”
“A rookie?? That would be no match isn’t it??” asks the King frowning.
Huh?? Fighters? Match?? What are they talking about?? Acchan is thinking to herself.
“No, no, no. Your majesty, he may be young but he is fierce and very skillful”
“Hm… Are you sure??” asks the King doubtfully
“Yes your majesty.”
“Fine, I’ll believe you but better not disappoint me. I’ll place 100,000 Gold on that rookie.”
“Hai! Kashikomarimashita, your majesty” Samuel answers and bows slightly.
What is going on?? Bet?? Gambling??? Why did dad bring me here??

After leading the King and the princess to their seats Samuel leaves to collect the bets from the crowds.

“Welcome Everyone!!! To the Coliseum!!! Today our fighters will be the super rookie versus the ripper!!!” “Woo!!!” crowds cheering.
“Everyone has you placed your bet?? Are you ready?? Then let’s welcome the fighters today!!!”
“First the ripper, Jack!!!!” the announcer screamed as the crowds cheery loudly “Yea!!!!!”
Then a man came out from one of the door, the man has a long neck and he is limping while holding two knives swaying back and forth while his tongue licking one of the knife and laugh creepily…

Ew… That man is so creepy…. He’s so scary…
“Dad… What is this about??”
“Ah.. Forgot to explain.. This Coliseum is where Gladiators fight each other to death and the crowds will bet and enjoy the match. It’s one of the best sports ever.” The King said excitedly to his daughter.
What??!!! Fight to death??? It’s not fun at all!! It’s cruel!! Why did dad bring me here?? And… when did he come to like killings when he used to hate it so much… Acchan thought to herself sadly and was about to leave but was stopped when the announcer announced the next fighter.

“Now the opponent of Jack is our super rookie, Takahashi Minami!!!”
“Yea!!!” “Go Jack!! Kill that young man!!!” “Minami don’t lose, we’ve bet on you!!!” crowds cheering.
Acchan was shocked when she heard the name then she hurriedly try to see the face of the young fighter.

Although 10 years have passed Acchan would never forget that face… the face she missed so much…

Is that really Minami?? I finally get to see him again!! But… his eyes are so cold.. so different from the ones I’ve known…

Then the fight begun!! Minami was able to fight head to head with Jack and this irritates Jack. Damn this rookie is good… I’ll let you know why I’m called Jack the Ripper!!

Jack then swing both his knives heavily and manages to swing away Minami’s sword from his hand, this gives Jack the opportunity attack Minami. Jack then starts slashing his knives towards Minami but Minami was able to dodge all the attacks.

“Go Jack!!!” “What are you doing rookie!!!”
I’ve got to get my sword back… Minami then dash and dive to get his sword but Jack manage to slash him on his back.
“Arg!” Minami cried out in pain.

Seeing this Acchan screamed out “Minami!!!” while the crowds are saying BOOS!!!
Minami was hurt quite badly and he knows that he got to finish this fast. Then he heard a voice… a voice he seems to know.. a voice of long ago… He then turn toward the source of the voice and he immediately recognize the owner of the voice..


As Minami is looking at Acchan Jack then charge towards Minami aiming for his throat.

“Minami, Be Careful!!!” Acchan shouted
Hearing this Minami hurriedly turn back to Jack and manages to dodge the fatal attack.
Minami then becomes serious and starts to counter back… his eyes turned ice cold as he starts to slash Jack’s arms, chests, legs and finally stabs his heart…
“Arg!! No!!!” Jack shouted in pain as he drops on the floor… dead…

The crowd freezes awhile then cheers again for the winner has been decided.

Acchan was shocked to see how Minami can kill someone so easily and coldly like that… Is that really my Minami??? Acchan didn’t want to admit how much Minami have changes but it’s the truth….

“Yes!! Wow! That was a great match wasn’t it Atsuko??” asked the King excitedly
“It’s fun right?? I could see how desperate you were cheering that rookie, hahaha” the King laughs
“Please excuse me…” Acchan then left and tears starts to drop from her eyes as she realizes that the Minami she knows and loves is no longer the same Minami anymore… Minami… What made you change so much???


After the match Minami went to the clinic to have his wounds cleaned.
“This is quite a nasty injury… It would hurt a little.. Here bite on this as I stitch your wound” Kojima Riku, Minami’s best friend and the clinic’s doctor says to Minami.

A Few Minutes Later…
“There done but be careful not to move too much and don’t let water in it”
“Hai, Hai..” Minami answers lazily
Sigh* “Anyway that’s it… I’ve got to go now since I have an important appointment today, well then c ya”
Minami smirked and says “Have fun with your girlfriend~~”
Riku blushes and replies “Whatever!!”

Now Minami is alone… He then remembers about the match today… remembers about the girl that call out his name.. Acchan…

Minami then walk to the place where he and Acchan first met and stopped when he sees a girl sitting on the bench crying.

He slowly approaches the girl “Miss, are you okay??”
The girl slowly raises her head and sees Minami.
Minami realize it was Acchan and decide to leave but was stopped by a hand…
“Wait!” Acchan cried out.
“You… you’re Minami right??”
“…” Minami just nodded slightly
Acchan can’t hold her feelings anymore as she hugged Minami tightly..
“I missed you so much.. sob* sob*”
Minami was a little bit surprised by then hug Acchan back “Un.. Me too..”

Then the two faces each other and look at the face that they both miss so much and slowly, slowly the distance between them is getting smaller… From 5 cm, to 4, then 3, 2, 1 and…. 0.. Their lips are on each others’… They were kissing slowly but passionately, pouring out all their feelings that they’ve had for the past 10 years…

After they break apart from the kiss they both blushes furiously when they realized what happened a few seconds ago…


Thanks everyone for reading :kneelbow: I'll post Part 2 soon :)


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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> OS [Gladiator] Atsumina >>> 16/12/11
« Reply #125 on: December 16, 2011, 05:41:20 PM »
Woah!!! Gladiator!!! seriously!!! Man, you're awesome!!!  :twothumbs

need part 2!!!  :bow: :bow:

Offline AKBlover_99

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> OS [Gladiator] Atsumina >>> 16/12/11
« Reply #126 on: December 16, 2011, 05:45:31 PM »
WOW ! Minami was so cool.... :mon lovelaff: Thx for updating! :mon innocent:
Can't wait to read part 2 !    :tama-apeshit:

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> OS [Gladiator] Atsumina >>> 16/12/11
« Reply #127 on: December 16, 2011, 05:52:44 PM »
WOW! this is great.  :mon angel:
Minami's so cool.  :luvluv1:
Thanks for the update. Wonder what will happen next.  :mon huh2:  :mon dunno:
Can't wait for part 2.

Offline kahem

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> OS [Gladiator] Atsumina >>> 16/12/11
« Reply #128 on: December 16, 2011, 07:47:55 PM »
Yay so cool gladiator Minami!!!
Acchan's cousin, just reading his name makes me hate him lol

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> OS [Gladiator] Atsumina >>> 16/12/11
« Reply #129 on: December 16, 2011, 07:48:18 PM »
Minami as gladiator (ice cold) but when he met Acchan everything become melting. Please post the 2nd part sooner. Thanks

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> OS [Gladiator] Atsumina >>> 16/12/11
« Reply #130 on: December 16, 2011, 11:09:38 PM »
I can't wait for the next update
especially the other fics :tama-laff: :mon inluv:
continue the hard work

please update soon
I'll say "I love you" to the person I love
Even if these feelings aren't returned, saying "I love you" to the person you love
That is the most beautiful thing in the world

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> OS [Gladiator] Atsumina >>> 16/12/11
« Reply #131 on: December 16, 2011, 11:36:09 PM »
Omdz your fics are all so gd xD :thumbup
All mighty Minami the gladiator loool :w00t:
Hmm i wonder why he changed ... :lol:

Oh well ~ update soon  :deco:

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> OS [Gladiator] Atsumina >>> 16/12/11
« Reply #132 on: December 17, 2011, 07:09:16 AM »
@Flean Hehe.. Thanks :) I've just finished typing Part 2 :peace:
@AKBlover_99 You're welcome and I'll post part 2 after posting this XD
@Sok Thanks for reading :) Part 2 will be posted really soon ;)
@kahem Haha.. It seems everyone loves the Gladiator Minami XD
@Sydney W Yup! Acchan is Minami's sun :oops:
@RJay Thanks for the comment and I'm working on other fics right now :) Hopefully I got great ideas soon XD
@Popsicle Thank a lot for your compliment :oops: You'll know :)

P.S. Ahem.. although it' Gladiator and much action scenes are expected but.. I'm not that good in writing action scenes.. :nervous So.. um.. sigh* Please read Part 2 instead... I don't know what to say...

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> OS [Gladiator] Atsumina (Part 2) >>> 16/12/11
« Reply #133 on: December 17, 2011, 07:12:05 AM »
Thanks everyone for the comment :) and the Thanks ;) It ends up too long again... so I had to break it again... :nervous Part 3 will be shorter, please don't expect too much :P I'll post it soon and I'm also working on Not OS right now, hopefully I can update soon XD Please excuse me for my English :P

One Shot – Gladiator

Part 2

“I missed you…” Acchan said softly and shyly
“Me too…” Minami replies gently
“Why were you crying?” Minami asks with concern
“Because… I see your eyes so cold when you killed your opponent and I think you’re no longer the Minami I know… Minami.. Why did you your eyes become so cold when it used to be so gentle and warm??” Acchan asks desperately
“Acchan… That’s how I am…”
“No! I know you are a very warm and kind person, you are not cold!”
“Acchan… sigh* It’s just that I’m tired of betrayal and killings. Every friend I made end up betraying me and it’s easier this way if I remain cold…”

Flashback… 3 Years Ago…
“Hey Minami!” a young man call to the young 15 year old boy who was training alone like usual
“Oh, Ryuu. Finish with your trainings already??” Minami asked
“Yup! So I’m free now. Wanna go and grab some food??”
“No problem, wait let me get change first”
Then the two of them went to the Ohaiyo Bar and grab some food. They were chatting and laughing as they ate their food, from any one’s point of view you could tell that they are very close to each other, they are best friends.

Few Days Later…
“Oi! Takahashi”
“You’ve got your a match tomorrow in the morning” Samuel says
“Okay, I got it.”

The Next Day… Coliseum..
“Everyone are you ready??” “Yea!!!”
“Let’s welcome the young warrior Ryuu versus our new rookie Takahashi Minami!!!”
(Gladiators should at least fight in the Coliseum for 5 years to earn a title and graduate from being a Rookie)

“Eh??” Minami was shocked to hear who his opponent was… his best friend, Ryuu.
Minami then walk into the Coliseum hesitantly and saw Ryuu there swinging his sword for warm up.

“What’s wrong Minami?”
“I… I can’t fight you…”
Ryuu the smile devilishly “Then die for my sake”
Then Ryuu charged towards Minami but Minami dodge in reflect.

“Wait! Ryuu!”
But Ryuu doesn’t stop his assault to Minami; he kept slashing, stabbing and chopping as Minami dodge and block every assault.

“Ryuu! Why are you doing this??” Minami asks helplessly
“For money, for fame and for my life!!!” Ryuu laughed loudly
“Mr. George always compliments you and says how strong you will be as a Gladiator in the future so I will proof that I’m the better fighter and I will destroy you!!!”
“I thought we were best friends…”
“Hah! That’s one of my plans. So that you will be like this, not able to kill me hahahaha…” he laughed as he continue to attack Minami
“Ryuu.. you mean our friendship was a lie from the start??” Minami asked sadly
“Takahashi.. Let me tell you one thing. Friendship will NEVER exist in this world. Friendships are tactics to get your opponent down and win your matches. There is never any friendship between us, there is only tactics!”
“Ryuu…” Minami is really sad… he thought he finally got a real friend after so many friends who end up betraying him… he thought Ryuu is different… but he is just the same as them…
“Die Minami!!” Ryuu shouted as he charged towards Minami
Minami’s eyes turned cold… he wanted to end the fight quickly… he didn’t want to see his face anymore…
In just a few seconds Minami blocked Ryuu’s attack and stab him right at the heart.
“Arg!!” Ryuu cried out in pain and as Minami is ready for the final attack “No! Please Minami… we’re best friends right??” Ryuu pleaded to Minami hoping Minami will let him have the opportunity to turn the tables around but Minami just looked at him coldly as he stabs deeper into Ryuu’s heart…
“Woah! Great!!! Way to go Rookie!!!” crowds cheering could be heard everywhere as Ryuu died confirming Minami’s victory…

Flashback Ends…

Acchan then suddenly hug Minami tightly
“Not everyone is like that and you can trust me Minami. I will never betray you and I will always stay by your side so please don’t bear all the burdens by yourself.”
Hearing this Minami hug Acchan back tightly and murmurs “Thank you..”

From then on Minami and Acchan would often spend time together. How?? When Minami is free he would sneak into the castle and visit Acchan. How?? Minami’s best friend + mysterious traveler, Kuu, knows a lot of secret passage in the kingdom and one of the passages allow Minami to sneak in the castle without being notice. And when Minami got matches Acchan would always follow her father to the Coliseum to cheer for Minami. Their love starts to grow every day, little by little and they are totally in love with each other.


Today the two lovebirds are spending their quality time in Acchan’s secret garden together. They were enjoying the beautiful scenery in front of them; many kinds of beautiful flowers such as roses, lily, and sunflowers were blooming everywhere with small animals such as squirrels and birds playing around, it is a paradise. They were sitting on the grass with Acchan resting her head on Minami’s shoulder while Minami rest his head slightly on top of Acchan’s head as their fingers interlocked. They were enjoying each others’ presence and would love to stay like this forever but time doesn’t stop…

“Nothing.. I just want to call your name”
Minami chuckles and give Acchan a small peck on her lips “??”
“I just want to kiss my loving princess”
Acchan blushes and kiss Minami “I also just want to kiss my prince”
Then they were playing and give each other small peck on the lips like a relay.

Their small kissing relay was forced to stop when a voice interrupted them “Acchan!”

Acchan pouted and Minami laughs and gives Acchan one last peck “I win!”
Then Minami got up and bid his farewell to his beloved princess “Don’t pout my princess, I’ll come again tomorrow” and wink at Acchan causing Acchan to blush furiously.

“Mou~ Minami!”

“Acchan there you are!”
“Yes Yuko?”
“sigh* Having your quality time with your beloved prince again??” Yuko asks teasingly
Acchan just ignore Yuko’s tease as she asks “Why were you looking for me?? It better be something important… or else…” Acchan shows Yuko her dark smile as dark aura leaks from her body.
Gulp* It… Your majesty has called for you” Yuko answers nervously Waa… Black Acchan.. It’s really scary… Better not interrupt her quality time with her prince next time… I’m still too young to die…
“I got it” Acchan replies then leaves to the throne room.

Throne Room
“Dad, you call for me??”
“Yes, my daughter. I have an important thing to tell you”
“What is it??”
“I will announce the royal marriage between you and Prince Keita of the Hiroshima Kingdom tomorrow to the people of our kingdom so I’m telling you in advance. Your wedding will be 2 weeks from now.. cough* cough*”
Eh?? Did I hear dad correctly??
Acchan’s world starts to turn black and white and whatever he father told her later didn’t went in her brain, she was in total shock as her brain freezes and keeps replaying the words her father told her earlier…
“No..” Acchan murmurs out softly
“What did you say my daughter, I didn’t hear it”
“No..” Acchan murmurs again but louder this time
“You have no choice in this matter” the King said firmly
“NO!!! I won’t marry who ever the prince is!!” Acchan shouted as tears starts flowing out of her beautiful brown eyes.
“MAEDA ATSUKO, you do not have the rights to refuse this! Cough* cough* you shall follow what I say!” shouted the King
“No.. Dad please.. I don’t want to” Acchan was now begging her dad but the King just look at her coldly and says “Guards! Bring the princess back to her room and lock her up until her wedding day cough* cough*”
“Yes, your majesty”
“NO!!!” Acchan cried out.
The guards obeyed and brought the princess to her chamber and lock her up inside.

Acchan’s Bedroom/Chamber
“sob*.. sob*.. No.. Minami.. save me… Minami…”


The Next Day
The royal marriage between Princess Atsuko and Prince Keita was announced to the people of the whole kingdom and that the King is ill and is resting while the authority is temporarily handed to Snape. On the other hand, Minami was very shocked about the news and decided to go see Acchan and figure out the situation.

Minami sneaks into the castle and is looking around for Atsuko but he can’t find her anywhere. Suddenly he heard some noise and was ready to escape but then the voice stopped him…

“Wait! Acchan needs you!”
“Where is Acchan??!!” Minami asks desperately
“Follow me quietly” Yuko ordered
Minami nods in response.

Yuko then leads Minami to Acchan’s bedroom and unlocked it to let Minami in.
“I’ll leave Acchan in your hands”
“Un! Thank you”

Then Minami went in Acchan’s bedroom and there he saw his princess lying on the ground sleeping, exhausted from crying too much. Minami then slowly approaches Acchan and carry her in bridal style and put her on her bed. He could see how red and puffy his’ angel’s eyes have become from crying all night long and it breaks his heart. Minami then placed small kisses on both Acchan’s eyes gently and Acchan woke up. Acchan slowly opens her eyes then she sees Minami, she then hugged Minami tightly as she starts to cry again…

“sob* Minami, I missed you sob*”
Minami hugged Acchan back and rubs her back slowly and gently “Ssh.. It’s okay.. Please don’t cry Acchan.. It hurts me to see you like this” Minami then cupped Acchan’s face and gently rub the tears off from her angelic face.

After Acchan has calmed down Minami open his mouth slowly and asks “Acchan, are you willing to marry the prince?”
Acchan shakes her head and pouted while thinking why did Minami even asks her that question.
Seeing Acchan pouting Minami lets out a small smile as he continues “Do you love me??”
Acchan nodded “I do..”
Satisfy with Acchan’s answer Minami asks his last question “Then are you willing to run away with me?? I know it may sound ridiculous but…” Minami wasn’t able to finish his sentence as Acchan silence him with a short, deep kiss.
“I do, Minami. And it’s not ridiculous at all.” Acchan replies and smiles.
Then they look at each other lovingly~~ But it didn’t last long as they were interrupted again.. The only difference this time is that it’s not Yuko who interrupted them it was Snape with 20+ royal guards.

“GET THE INTRUDER!!” shouted Snape
“YES SIR!!” the guards shouted in response.

The guards then start and charge towards Minami. Minami was able to dodge while giving the guards a few hits on the back of the neck causing a few of them to faint but there are too many guards, it’s just the time’s problem before Minami will be caught.

“Stop! I order you to stop as the princess!” Acchan shouted
The guards stop but then Snape interrupted “I as the temporary authoritarian order you to capture the intruder! And ignore the Princess order, I will temporary band the princess’ rights”

The guards then continue to charge towards Minami but Minami was caught since there were too many guards.

“Stop! Let him go!” Acchan shouted and tries to go to Minami but the guards stopped her.
“I’m afraid not princess… I’ll have him imprisoned with the royal maid, Oshima Yuko, who let him in your chamber” Then Snape and the guards leaves and locked up the door again.

Acchan was slamming and hitting the door hard hoping to break open but the door didn’t even nudge… “No.. Minami… Yuko.. sob*” Why did this have to happen??


The Day of the Royal Wedding
The king has become really ill and can’t move from his bed at all so Snape is still having the authority to do as he like. Snape uses Minami and Yuko’s life to blackmail Acchan to marry the prince which Acchan agrees.

At the Same Time – Prison
“Damn it! It’s the wedding day today and I can’t do anything about it.. I can’t even protect the woman I love.. What kind of man am I??!! Why am I so useless…” Minami shouts to himself as he keeps punching the floor until his fists is bleeding but he ignores the pain and continues to punch the floor to let out his anger.

“Woah! Calm down Minami”
Minami stops and look at the source of the voice “Kuu…??”
“Yup! You’re mysterious traveler plus best friend plus your prince charming is here at your service to save you” Kuu replied jokingly
Then someone from the back smack Kuu’s head “Ouch!”
“Yup! You’re doctor plus best friend plus um.. knight? Is here at your service” then it’s Kuu’s turn to smack Riku now “Ouch! Why did you do that?? You could’ve cause brain damage!!!”
“Hey! That’s payback for what you did to me!! I also could’ve got brain damage!”
“Even if you got brain damage it wouldn’t change since your brain is already damaged in the first place but mine is different!! Mine is delicate!! Gachapin!”
“Hey! My brain is not damaged and don’t call me Gachapin I’m not green!”
“Would you guys stop this stupid fight and explain the situation to me??!!”
“It’s not stupid!” both shout in the same time
“Whatever..” Minami rolled his eyes in response
“Hmph! You don’t even show your gratitude towards your friend who works so hard to get this key for you??” Kuu says as he unlock Minami’s prison
“Ow.. Thanks” Minami replies
“Anyway let’s go to Yuko’s cell next.” Riku says impatiently
“Hai, Hai.. I bet your girl friend is already missing you so here you might want this before we unlock her cell” Kuu says as he handed an armor to Riku
“Huh?? Why would I need this??” Riku asks confusedly
“Because you might want to keep yourself safe from the squirrel assault when she’s free…” Kuu replies sarcastically
“Oh… You’re right I do need this.. Thanks..” Then Riku starts to put on the armor

Then the three friends start to walk towards Yuko’s cell, Minami and Kuu was way ahead while Riku was way behind.
“Wait Guys!!” Riku says as he walks slowly
“Can’t you walk faster?? After saving your princess I’ve got mine to save too!!” Kai yelled to Riku
“Can’t you see that this armor is so heavy and it’s hard to move in??!!!” Riku shout back as he continues to advance slowly.
(If you want to know how he looks like moving you should check out Ariyoshi AKB Kyowakoku but I forgot which episodes got it :P)

Finally the three friends have arrived at Yuko’s cell and they freed her, as soon as she’s free just like Kuu’s prediction she charged towards Riku knocking him to the ground.

“Nyan Nyan! I missed you~~ And you look so cool in the armor~ I think I’ve fallen all over for you again” Yuko replies as she starts groping Riku “But… I don’t like it because I can’t feel your skin!! Skinship, skinship Nyan Nyan!! Remove the armor!!!”
“Wait, wait!! Yuko calm down!!” Riku shouted
Kuu and Minami grab Yuko from behind as Yuko struggles “Let me go!!”
“Yuko.. Calm down first.. We have to save the princess first” Riku says trying to calm Yuko down from her skinship fever…
“Fine… But you’ve got to let me have my skinship once these is over”
“sigh* Fine…”
“Yea!!! So let’s go to save the princess now!!!”

“Anyway I know a secret path to the Wedding Hall so that we can save the princess but before that….”

Wedding Hall
Prince Keita is very happy to be able to wed the beautiful princess; she is rumored to be beautiful, kind, sweet, caring and gentle. While the princess is very unhappy to have to wed to this Prince who she thinks is the ugliest creature in the world. (He’s not that ugly but you know.. in Acchan’s heart only Minami is considered handsome~~)

Now the priest has start to say his usual words when there is wedding Blah, blah and blah… as the prince says I do and now it’s the princess’ turn.

“Maeda Atsuko, are you willing to stay by Hiroshima Keita’s side no matter how long, how poor, how hard…” the priest wasn’t able to finish his sentence..
“NO, I DON’T!” replied Atsuko

“Eh??!!” Everyone was shocked…
The priest thought he didn’t hear right so he asked again in which Acchan replies with.. “sigh* I THOUGHT YOU WERE ONLY BALD BUT YOU WERE DEAF TOO??? DIDN’T I JUST SAY THAT I DON’T WANT TO MARRY THIS SATA LOOK-A-LIKE??!!!”
(Sata here is Sata from the Bad Boys… XD)

Ahem! In this world Sata is a mythology creature that is known as the ugliest creature in the world…

Everyone was shocked again… with mouth agape this time..
Acchan just rolled her eyes and says “What’s with this double-shock reaction?? Can’t you people think of any better reaction than just freeze there looking shock?? You could’ve cheer on me instead.. sigh*”

Everyone was shocked because the princess they know is how the rumors are; sweet, caring, kind, gentle and loving… but the princess in front of them…

“sigh* as I said are you guys playing Darumasan ga Koronda??”

Silence filled in the room as everyone was too shock to say anything while the princess was too tired to say anything…

Then suddenly!! “Bwahahaha… OMG this is so hilarious” could be heard from under the altar.

The altar suddenly moved to the right hitting the prince in the process knocking him out as 4 figures came out from the hole under the altar.

“A… Acchan…” Minami was totally speechless… actually the 4 of them were there since they heard the ‘I do’ from the prince and just when they were ready to charged out they heard Acchan’s statement and Kuu decided to see what’ll happen next first so they didn’t charge out.

“OMG! Acchan I never knew you could be this… brave… fierce and.. black?? Nah.. I knew you’re black from the start but.. It’s just amazing..” Yuko says excitingly
While Kuu is still laughing hard and rolling on the ground “Bwahahahah!!”
“…” Riku was also speechless

Acchan ignored Yuko’s statement and charge towards Minami “Minami!! I missed you so much!” and hugs Minami tightly.
Minami snapped out from the shock and hug Acchan back “Un.. I miss you too”
Then they separate from their hug and kiss each other passionately.

The people were shock again! Isn’t it suppose to be the princess’ wedding with the prince?? Why is the princess kissing that man??? Again.. The crowd was too shock to even show any kind of reaction aside from freezing.

“Acchan.. didn’t you miss me??” Yuko asks pouting fakely of course..
“I also miss you Yuko” Acchan replies smiling
“Yea, yea but not as much as your Minami right??” Yuko says teasingly

Suddenly Snape has finally snapped out from the shock.. he never see the princess like that.. he thought the princess was timid and weak but… anyway he shouted out “Guards!!! There are intruders!! Get them!!”


Thanks everyone for reading once again :kneelbow: I'll update Part 3 ASAP :) But Part 3 is really short I think..

Offline Haruko

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> OS [Gladiator] Atsumina >>> 16/12/11
« Reply #134 on: December 17, 2011, 07:17:10 AM »
good fic :D

Offline Sok

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> OS [Gladiator] Atsumina (Part 2) >>> 17/12/11
« Reply #135 on: December 17, 2011, 07:46:19 AM »
YAY! This is getting very interesting.  :mon fyeah: :mon nyah: Can't wait for part 3.  :mon cute: Thank you.

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> OS [Gladiator] Atsumina (Part 2) >>> 17/12/11
« Reply #136 on: December 17, 2011, 07:49:23 AM »
WHAT?!??  :shocked  :inlove:

this was.... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Kuu,Yuko and Acchan!  :w00t:

 “What’s with this double-shock reaction?? Can’t you people think of any better reaction than just freeze there looking shock?? You could’ve cheer on me instead.. sigh*” :rofl:

Acchan is so cool!  :twisted:

Omg pleaseeeeeee update soon!  :bow:

Offline haruhi16

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> OS [Gladiator] Atsumina (Part 2) >>> 17/12/11
« Reply #137 on: December 17, 2011, 09:17:04 AM »
thanks for the update!~

Offline Sydney W

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> OS [Gladiator] Atsumina (Part 2) >>> 17/12/11
« Reply #138 on: December 17, 2011, 09:20:24 AM »
Not enough.. i want part 3... please post soon....... thanks

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: One Shot? or maybe Not? >>> OS [Gladiator] Atsumina (Part 2) >>> 17/12/11
« Reply #139 on: December 17, 2011, 09:32:07 AM »
@Haruko Thanks :thumbsup
@Sok Hehe.. :) I'll be posting Part 3 XD
@cmze Haha.. Thanks for the Comment :thumbup :thumbup Just finished Part 3 ;)
@haruhi16 :) Your welcome and Thanks for the comment!!! :twothumbs
@Sydney W Haha.. Part 3 will be posted a few minutes later :peace:

No action scenes... But please bear with it :err: Not good in writing it...
Thanks for reading and the comments :farofflook: Really appreciate it XD

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