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Author Topic: Jack's Tales from A Wota: "Steel Heart" [12.22]  (Read 9166 times)

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: Jack's Tales from A Wota: "Steel Heart" [12.18]
« Reply #20 on: December 18, 2011, 03:28:59 PM »
OMG! It sounds so interesting XD
I wonder who's that girl under Yuki :?
Perhaps Mayu?? :wub:
The princess Mayu that is dead is it Mayu?? or just the same name or she actually didn't die??

Thanks for the update :thumbup :thumbup
Please update soon :bow: Can't wait to read more :mon cute:

Offline oddball

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Re: Jack's Tales from A Wota: "Steel Heart" [12.18]
« Reply #21 on: December 18, 2011, 06:08:22 PM »
Awesome chapter, gotlots going through myhead atm

Japan and Britannia are they involved in all this

And what was that dream, was it Yuki or someone else and if it was Yuki, which one may it be?

and who is this beautiful girl that Yuki fell onto, Mayu? the one that should be dead, or a new Mayu to replace the one that was killed

so many questions I want the answers for!  :panic:

Offline Megumi

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Re: Jack's Tales from A Wota: "Steel Heart" [12.18]
« Reply #22 on: December 18, 2011, 09:10:55 PM »
Waaaaa!  :panic:

I totally adore Steampunk! Especially Haruo Suekichi watches...they are so cool!
Anyway! Interesting I  :drool: through the story. Yukirins dream or was it dream?! it was interesting.
Mayu died?!  :shocked Noo!  But what?! Who is the cyborg that Yuki fell over?!?!?!

Can't wait for the next update! I'm so curious!

Arígatou!  :kneelbow:
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

Offline RenaChii

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Re: Jack's Tales from A Wota: "Steel Heart" [12.18]
« Reply #23 on: December 18, 2011, 09:24:55 PM »
Mayuyu~!! poor you~

But now you meet Yukirin so it's must be ok~

I hope . . .

Please update soon~

Offline kahem

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Re: Jack's Tales from A Wota: "Steel Heart" [12.18]
« Reply #24 on: December 19, 2011, 08:39:12 AM »
Oh cyborg and inspiration from FMA interesting ^^

Offline atlowjack

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Steel Heart: Connection.002
« Reply #25 on: December 22, 2011, 08:46:30 AM »
Thank you for all your comments and thank yous! I think I might be a little of a... M. Night Shamalon! So... please don't hate me or anything! I just love twisting things up!

Anyways, here's the second chapter as I promised that I would continue on with this story! ENJOY!~

Steel Heart

I had a problem.

Despite the young cyborg girl looking very delicate, she was extremely heavy. Was it the metal that was on her body? Or was it that I was an extreme weakling? Not wanting to drag her body across the cobblestone floor, I pulled out my phone and searched through my contacts. I figured my assistant was probably the only other person (other than Yuko and the café crew) wide awake right now; probably watching her 'doramas' at this moment.


"Sasshi! Get over here quickly!"

"Yukirin-sensei? What's wrong?"

"Just get over the alley between Don's and the Theater!!"

As I hung up the phone, I kneeled down to observe the girl more closely. If it were not for the dirt and bruises on her body, I could tell she had amazingly fair skin. Her fringes didn't even seem in disarray and her twin tails were oddly familiar. Though it wasn't the time to be distracted by her beauty! My eyes quickly darted to the damage on her left arm and the circuits and steam that was emitting from the wound. I cursed myself for not bring my traveling kit with me knowing this damage could be taken care of. I placed my index and middle finger on the pulse of her neck realizing how soft this girl's skin was before managing to confirm she was still alive.


Cyborgs don't have a pulse…

Or fair, soft human-like skin…

Curious, I placed my ear on her exposed chest (she was wearing a tattered, white gothic Victorian dress) feeling a metal plate which nearly burned my ear off. I yelped in surprise only to fall backwards onto the floor with a figure looming over me. My eyes widened in fear with the ideas of protecting the girl flooding my thoughts.

"Sensei…" the figure spoke, "what're you doing…?"

I blinked. The breath I didn't realize I was holding left my throat as I sighed a relief. I got up from my position only to be glad that my assistant was here. "Sasshi! Thank goodness! Let's get this girl back to the shop immediately!!"


I loomed over the injured cyborg/human with a look of mild curiosity written on my face. She was unusual, I thought as checking to see if her bandages needed changing. It looked like a small wound when I had seen it first but it seemed that she was running a high fever which was unnatural for cyborgs. She certainly wasn't from around here. A foreigner maybe? No... she was Japanese. Sasshi and I had worked for several hours trying to repair, er, treat her wounds… uh damages. This is a lot more complicated than I could explain... As it was, it had been about 4 hours since I had gotten home. I sighed. Casting a sideways glance to the young girl who seemed about a few years my junior, I examined the various wounds on her body—some old, some new, and silently,  I wished I could do more for her. Whatever had gotten a hold of her must have been particularly nasty to leave injuries as severe as hers. A yakuza problem, maybe? No…

Then again... she didn't seem like the type of cyborg you would see in the other mechanic shops. She was packing much more expensive metal as her body kit. I sighed again as I turned toward my supplies, my thoughts on the yakuza making me suddenly very wary of our guest. It was a scary thing but hey, she was injured.

I sat on the edge of the bed, taking another good look at the girl as I wondered where Sasshi went. My idol-worshipping assistant said she wanted to check something online due to the familiarity of this girl. My hand wandered towards her inanimate one. Her porcelain skin wasn't something I was hallucinating about in the alley. It was very much real. Her straight black hair, her petite physique, even the adorable mole beneath her right eye made me feel like I stumbled across a doll. Maybe even…

The perfect cyborg.

I froze when I felt the girl's muscles tense under my touch. I blinked in speculation—was she awake? Well it was best to try. "Hey-"

She seem to hesitate. As if she was trying to test if this was a dream. Her body arched a little and the hand I was caressing went straight to her forehead, removing the cloth that was on her forehead as it slipped and fell to the floor. A look of pain shot across her face which was odd for a cyborg. But thankfully, she was alive.

"W-where am I?" she uttered to say, a soft moan also escaping her lips.

A soft smile spread across my lips. She slowly sat up with as little movement as possible; possibly because her head was pounding mercilessly. I bet she was nauseated and dizzy. She did just recovered from an extremely high fever. I ran my fingers across my ear remembering how this said fever nearly burned my left ear off. Not to mention, it was difficult to take her here without burning our hands or dragging her due to her weight. For someone who didn't even look over 45 kg, it nearly took Sasshi and I an hour to get her here. Pushing those thoughts away, I realized we were both staring each other; no one breaking eye contact. How long had we been staring? No one had made a sound when finally, a breath I didn't think I was holding released, she spoke. "Who are you?"

I fidgeted slightly, well, okay… I nearly jumped in surprise (they didn't call me Reaction Queen at Don's for nothing). "Ah! Yes! Sorry about that!" I stood up from where I was. "You're in 48 and I'm Kashiwagi Yuki, the owner of this mechanic shop!"

Her eyes didn't leave mine. Not even once. I felt as though she was contemplating whether or not I was telling the truth. Fear, hesitation and other emotions were running through her eyes. Somehow I could tell she didn't trust me which made me feel uneasy. As if, I wanted to tell her that I was going to protect and that nothing bad was going to happen to her anymore. That…

"You're safe here."

Those words automatically left my mouth. Was I not just thinking it right now? Wait! I said it!?

She finally turned her head, breaking eye contact. But I did see a sense of relief wash over her eyes. I could see a small tint of pink forming on her cheeks which oddly, I found adorable. The young girl slowly pulled the covers over her exposed bandaged chest. Then it hit me. "Oh! Right! Let me get you a set of cl-"

A small shriek escaped my lips.

I had slipped on the forgotten wet cloth and now, adding to the already awkward moment, I - Kashiwagi Yuki - was once again making eye contact with this young girl. Only… our faces were nearly inches apart. Were it not for my hands stopping my fall on the completely vulnerable girl, disaster might have struck. I could not move from the position I was in nor did my body seem to want to. It nearly took all the restraint I could muster to stop myself from doing unspoken things to this girl. I just met this girl merely hours ago and has it already come to this!? She was just… too… cute.

Eyes searching endlessly for comfort in mine due to the fear that over came her. Her arms close together trying their best to hide the small chest that I had treated earlier (and no! Not in that way!). The way she bit her lip, the blush on her cheeks. What was with this Moe moment!?

I dare did ask, "What's your name…?"

What shocked me more was that she responded. This time in a softer voice, barely above a whisper.

"I am…"



Short... I know. I realize that the first few chapters are going to be short.

Well? Interesting yes? I hope so! Please comment or critique. Both are appreciated and encouraged!

Hopefully my bad English doesn't bother you guys at all! Thank you for reading! :3

Offline kahem

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Re: Jack's Tales from A Wota: "Steel Heart" [12.22]
« Reply #26 on: December 22, 2011, 09:13:20 AM »
*big grin* go Yuki go!!!
I wonder if Mayuyu's body is like Franky's one in one piece

Offline oddball

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Re: Jack's Tales from A Wota: "Steel Heart" [12.22]
« Reply #27 on: December 22, 2011, 11:05:15 AM »
So Yuki has stumbled upon (well more fallen ontop of) Mayuyu and it seems as though our earstwhile mechanic has had her heart stirred already by this 'cyborg' a cyborg unlike anything Yuki has seen, the perfect cyborg... (at least Yuki was thinking so though her view might be slighty one sided...)

Hmm, was that Sasshi coming in with the Watanabe Mayu at the end, has she realized who Mayu is and what herself and Yuki might have un-knowingly gotten themselves into.....

Offline atlowjack

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Re: Jack's Tales from A Wota: "Steel Heart" [12.22]
« Reply #28 on: December 22, 2011, 06:52:13 PM »
kahem: Ahaha. Well yes and no? You'll see, you'll see!

oddball: Is it, love or mainly curiosity? Mmm we will see in the next chapter xD


Offline RenaChii

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Re: Jack's Tales from A Wota: "Steel Heart" [12.22]
« Reply #29 on: December 22, 2011, 09:54:12 PM »
You got a good chance Yukirin~ KISS HER!

JPHiP Radio (16/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: SKE48 - KISS DATTE HIDARIKIKI