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Author Topic: The Deal - Ch.16 (RenaYuki, other pairings) 9/12/16  (Read 53840 times)

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 5 Dec. 2
« Reply #60 on: December 03, 2011, 04:43:47 PM »
Hahahah Miichan is crazy !

Offline Sok

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 5 Dec. 2
« Reply #61 on: December 04, 2011, 01:09:10 AM »
Sorry, Flean and to anyone that found it confusing.  :kneelbow:

Thank you all for reading. I'll try to update as soon as possible.  :mon sweat: Maybe next week.

Once again Thank you.  :hee:

Offline Megumi

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 5 Dec. 2
« Reply #62 on: December 04, 2011, 02:25:18 AM »
 :hiakhiakhiak: SoK why do you write funny fics....omg my stomach!

Ch.5 was nothing but 

Thank you for your update!
Have tumblr have twitter. Just ask ^^

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"The Deal" Ch. 6 Dec. 6
« Reply #63 on: December 06, 2011, 10:25:22 PM »
Hello everyone. Thank you all for reading. Hope this chapter isn't confusing. There may be some misuse of words.

Chapter 6

The next day
Rena bought guy clothes for Takamina and gave them to him. They were now waiting for Takamina girlfriends to come.
“Hey, guys how many time do I have to tell you, they’re not my girlfriends. Only one is.” Takamina said depressed. “Yeah. And I’m not Rena’s girlfriend.” “U’r not my girlfriend!” Rena shouted trying to push Jurina off her lap while Tomochin and Miichan smirked. “Aww. Aren’t they a nice couple?” Miichan said smiling at Rena. “Hey! What have you been teaching her this past 50 years Miichan?” Rena asked pissed off. “She’s never been this aggressive towards me before.” “Nothing?” Miichan said with a smirk. While Rena had her attention on Miichan, Jurina was about to kiss Rena but she was suddenly tackled to the ground. “Itaiii! WTH!” “Rena! You’re back!” *Chuu~* “OI! Don’t be kissing her! She’s MINE! KUMI!” “No! She’s MINE! JURINA!” “NO! I’M NEITHERS! I’M SINGLE!” Rena yelled pushing Kumi onto Jurina. Miichan and Tomochin sitting back laughing at their ‘love triangle’. Takamina looking around in panic when a chill ran down her spine.   
“Takamina!” two voice shouted from the entrance of the mansion. “Takaboy, you’re girlfriends are here.” “They’re not my girlfriends!” “That’s right. I’m takamina’s girlfriend. Mocchi’s just her stalker.” “OI! I’m not a stalker. Do you see me chasing her all the time?” “No!” “See than I’m not a stalker.” “Ok. But you’re not her girlfriend. I am.” “Erena’s right. She’s Takaboy’s official girlfriend. While Mocchi’s Taka’s ex.” Meanwhile they talked Takamina tried to escape. But was stopped. “OI! Takamidget what happened to ya?” “Yuko! Wth! I was so close.” “Sorry, but I won’t let you escape.” Devilish smirk.
Everyone settles down in the living room. Takamina explains why she’s a man and that she can’t use her powers to turn back into a woman. “So, any clue how to turn me back?” “No. but isn’t better for you to still as a man since your only interested in women.” Yuko said in a bored tone. “Ture. And it’ll be easier for us to go out when we’re in school.” Erena says to Takamina while holding his arm between her chest. “u’r right.” “Wait, what?! SCHOOL?!” Rena, Tomochin, Miichan, Takamina, and Jurina yelled surprised. “what do you mean school?” Miichan asked thinking she might’ve heard wrong. “What Sayaka didn’t tell you?” Mocchi said taking a break from nibbling Takamina’s ear. “No. She just told me that she needed a few more students.” Takamina said while trying to get Mocchi off him. “Yeah. And the fact that people want to meet the richest and wealthiest Family. As in you guys. At they’re even petitioning to take your fortune as their own.” “So to stop them, we have to go to school?” Rena said uninterested. “Yes. It’s the easiest way to introduce you to the country, well to those greedy people.” Yuko said. “Besides the school you’ll be attending is the very school Takamina found.” Erena said proud. “You mean AKB Private Academy. Where all those rich brats attend?” Miichan said. “Yes.” “What other school have I found?” Takamina asked Miichan. “Well just making sure Bakaboy.” “SO Yuko do we need anything?” Tomochin asked. “No Sayaka already fix everything for you all including us to attend. And don’t worry Mocchi will be the school nurse so she’ll have to stay there.” “It’s not fair that you guys are students and I’m the school nurse.” “Okay that’s too bad for you but it’s still good news for us.” Miichan said going back to topic. “So when do we start?” “This Monday, well tomorrow.” “Do we really have to do it?” Jurina whined still wrestling with Kumi over who’s going to sit on Rena’s lap. While the said person seems to have given up on protesting. “Yes. Well you don’t have too. Since you and Kumi will be in a different grade from us.” Erena said. “What?!” Kumi and Jurina shouted. “so we have to attend so people know who we are, so they don’t take our money and fortune.” Rena and Tomochin said realizing the only logical reason they would have to go public. “Yes, wait how did you know?” Mocchi asked. “Well, since the government and other rich families have been looking into our history, family and backgrounds, it kinda makes sense that they want to know who the members are.” Takamina said standing up. “So, we’ll start school tomorrow. Get ready to enter society.” “You guys can do that. I’ll stay in hiding.” Rena says going upstairs to her room. “Rena, you will no longer have rights to your company and money. IF YOU DON’T GO TO SCHOOL!” Takamina said with a strict voice. “Fine. I’ll go. Father.” “OI! Don’t call me Father!!!” Everyone laughed. “Yea, yeah. Father. Old man whichever you prefer. Remember to take care of them gray hairs!” “OI! We’re the same age!” Everyone’s still laughing at Rena’s reply.

Yuki’s POV
It’s finally Monday and I have to go to school. Hopefully I can meet Mayu and Sae when I come back home. I get ready and go down stairs, eat my breakfast and say bye to my father. Now it time for school.
I walk into my class and see my bestfriends. “Hey girls.” “Hey. Yukirin.” They all greet me at the same time. “So, Tomomi here was telling me that you finally met your fiancé?” “Yes, Acchan.” “Will is he hot?” “Well they’re both attractive, Lovetan.” “Wait did you just say both? As in two?” “Yup, Maachan. As in two very attractive guys fight over my love.” “WHAT?!” “How can that be?” Lovetan said curious. “Well it’s just that they agreed to see which one wins my heart.” “They must be ugly. And not attractive” Acchan deadpanned. “No. they’re very attractive.” “What family are they from?” Maachan asked. “Wild Family. Why??” “Oh. They must be attractive since the guys in that family are known as players.” “Really? I didn’t know that?” Acchan, Tomomi, and Lovetan responded to Maachan’s statement. “Yuki be careful.” Lovetan said before leaving with Maachan to their classroom. Lovetan and Maachan are a year young than me, Acchan and Tomomi.
The teachers comes in. “Good morning everyone today I have a few new students to intro duce to you today.” My classmates begin to whisper about the new students. “Unfortunately, there’s only one of them here right now, so he introduce them himself. Then when the others are here their introduce themselves.” I wonder who the new students are. I quickly fix my eyes on the guy how walked in, it’s him. “Hello, My name is Sae Miyazawa. Nice to meet you.” I can heard Acchan. “Wow he’s hot.” “Sae, please take a seat at the back next to Tomomi. Tomomi raise your hand.” “Here. Chiyuu~” 
I walk into my class and spot Yuki. I’m so glad Mayu is a year younger than me. Now I have all the time I need to play with her. From the looks of things here I’m the hottest guy in class. I introduced myself and can heard girls whispering. “Aww he’s hot.” “So cool.” “Does he have a girlfriend?” Man, I’m loving this place, but I have to be careful around Yuki can’t lose her to Mayu, well not until I’ve played with her. I then go to my sit. Whoa she’s cute yet sexy. “Hey, I’m Tomomi kasai. But call me Tomo or Chiyuu~” “Hey I’m Sae.”
Yuki’s POV
It’s already lunch break and the other new students haven’t shown up. Sae then gets up from his seat and come towards me. “Hey Yuki.” “Hey Sae.” “Wait you know each other?” Acchan and Tomomi asked confused. “Yeah, he’s one of the guys who has to win me over.” “Yuki consider it done.” Sae says in a seductive way. “Oh no you don’t Sae!” “Mayu? How did you know this was our classroom?” I asked a panting Mayu. “Sorry” Mayu straighten up and walked over to me and my friends. “Hello, I’m Mayu Watanabe and I’m the other guy completing for Yuki’s heart.” “Hey bro. you still haven’t answered Yuki’s question.” Sae says glaring at Mayu. “Sorry. Lovetan and Maachan told. I thought they were right behind.” He turns to see a panting out of breath Lovetan and Maachan entering the room. “Mayuyu, you run to fast.” Lovetan said sitting down. “Yeah.” Maachan sitting on top of lovetan. “Sorry.” Mayu bows. “It’s okay. And it’s nice to see that Yuki has two hot guys fighting for her.” I blush. We talk until break’s over; Mayu, Lovetan, and Maachan go back to their class.
“Everyone the new students are here.” Two guys and two girls enter the classroom. “Okay, please introduce yourselves.” “Hello I’m Minami Takahashi. You can call me Takamina. Since Minami is a girl’s name, but you can still call me Minami if you want.” A short black haired guy said with a kind smile. “I’m Erena Ono and I’m his girlfriend so back off.” A black haired girl said taking Minami’s arm. “I’m Tomomi Itano.” “Oh you have the same name as me. I’m Tomomi Kasai. Chiyuu~” Tomomi said waving her hand at the male Tomomi. “CALL ME TOMOCHIN!” Hearing the new student quickly yell to everyone to call him Tomochin made Tomomi sad. “Yahooo~ I’m Minami Minegishi, but call me Miichan. And Tomomi Chiyuu over there back off! He’s my man!” you can hear the guys and girls say “What? They’re taken?” “No single boys.” “No cute single girls!” “There goes our chance.” The all sigh.
The four new students take their sits. Minami next to Acchan in front of me next to the window, Miichan next to Erena on the opposite side in front of the class next to the door, and Tomochin behind Tomomi and Sae in the back near the back door.
The lesson continues until the teacher stops and turns to Minami-kun and asks him. “Where’s the other new student? Minami-kun?” “Oh he’ll be here.”
“What there’s another student?” Some of the guys say. “I hope it’s a hot girl?” “No, I hope it’s a guy.” “Cute, sexy, hot or handsome is okay by me.” Acchan leans backward and whispers to me. Then the classroom door opens wide with a loud *THUMP* a tall handsome pale white skin with dark black hair guy comes in. He looks familiar, but I can’t remember from where. He then introduces himself before the teacher could even say a word. “Hello, I’m not really interested in getting to know any of you. But I’m force to attend school, don’t except me to be nice and sweet like other guys who wanna get into ya know. We ain’t kids. So don’t bug me! Don’t ask any personal questions!” He says annoyed and spots the only empty seat in the room which happens to be right next to me. He walks over and sits down. Sae keeps on glaring at him. “It’s good that you found a sit Mr.?” “Matsui. Ren Matsui!”
In the background you hear the students. “Kyaaa! He’s so cool and cold.” “Even his name’s cool.” “Does he have a girlfriend?” “He’s like a prince.” “Wow.” "Yuki and Ren look good together." "Kyaaa!" "Hope he doesn't fall for Yuki." The girls whispered loud enough to be heard. “We should become friends with him.” “Yea, maybe we can get girls with his help.” The guys said. “WTH?!” Sae says giving Ren his death glare.
Wait. Did he say his name was Matsui Ren? Why does that name sound so familiar?
I then felt a hand squish my ass. It can’t be. “Hey! What r u thinking?” “What princess?” He looks down at his hand. “It’s just that you’re so hot I couldn’t help myself.” “We’re in the middle of a lesson.” I slapped his hand away. “Ren! Stop, or else.” Minami leans back as if scratching and smacks Ren. “Okay.” He turns and looks at me with smirk that reminds me of someone. “I’m sorry, Princess.” Ren said. Wait. It can’t be the demon can it? But she was a girl not a guy. Right? But now that I look at him up-close they have the same eyes, lips and devilish smirk. Those lips are exactly like hers, wait. What am I thinking? Ren Matsui, Rena Matsui? It can’t really be the same person, can it?
Ren’s POV
I slam the door to class. I introduce myself self before the teachers asks. “Hello, I’m not really interested in getting to know any of you. But I’m force to attend school, don’t except me to be nice and sweet like other guys who wanna get into ya know. We ain’t kids. So don’t bug me! Don’t ask any personal questions!” I’m annoyed due to two reasons. 1. Kumi and Jurina wouldn’t leave me alone. 2. I hate being a guy! Girls are looking at me like a piece of meat. Both guys and girls ask about personal information and other stupid things, like: what family are you from? Are you rich? Does your family have good genes? Do you think if we have a kid they’ll be good looking? Do you have a girlfriend? Let’s go shopping. Be my boyfriend. Hey help me get in with this chick. Teach me some moves.
They all bug. Sometimes I just wanna beat them an inch from death. I like people who don't ask or care about who your family is or does.

I look around a spot an empty seat next to a girl that looks familiar. I start walking towards the seat when I notice the girl sitting next to Minami. I smile, bit my lower lip and wink at her, she smiles back and blushes. Then I sit down. “It’s good that you found a sit Mr.?” “Matsui. Ren Matsui!” I said. I feel someone glaring at me but shrug it off. It’s odd I feel like I know the girl sitting next to me. She looks familiar and like a princess I’ve teased before; I feel my hand moving on its own then grading something soft and familiar. “Hey! What r u thinking?” “What princess?” I look down confused and see I’m grading her ass. “It’s just that you’re so hot I couldn’t help myself.” The words come out my mouth. “We’re in the middle of a lesson.” She slaps my hand away and I start to miss the softness that was in my hand. Then I heard, “Ren! Stop, or else.” Minami leans back as if scratching and smacks me hard on my head. Damn he hits hard. “Okay.” I turn and look at the girl next to me with evil smirk on my lips, her reaction reminds me of someone. But who? “I’m sorry, Princess.” And turn to pay attention to the rest of whatever is being taught to us.


Thank you for reading.

Offline Haruko

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 6 Dec. 6
« Reply #64 on: December 07, 2011, 05:53:44 AM »
omg! the pairs are so strange...

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 6 Dec. 6
« Reply #65 on: December 07, 2011, 07:49:04 AM »
Yes!! Update XD
I was :w00t: Eh?? Erena and Takamina?? Then I re-read again because I didn't expect it XD
It was surprising and getting extremely interesting :thumbsup
I wonder if Acchan will fall for Takamina and a love triangle will start :?
And Yuki's part is becoming somewhat a large competition :lol:

Thanks for the Update :thumbup :thumbup
It's so interesting so please update soon :mon cute: I really want to know what happen next :)

Offline RenaChii

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 6 Dec. 6
« Reply #66 on: December 07, 2011, 08:43:30 AM »
Rena become a guy~ REEENN~!!

Erepyon is here too~!!

Please update soon~

Offline kahem

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 6 Dec. 6
« Reply #67 on: December 07, 2011, 09:01:50 AM »
Hum *big grin* I don't know why but it smels drama hehe~

Offline skytsuna

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 6 Dec. 6
« Reply #68 on: December 07, 2011, 09:11:29 AM »
Erena and Takamina!!! :w00t:
I didn't expect that XD

Nice Update :twothumbs
Thanks for the Update :thumbsup
Please Update Soon :bow: :bow:

Offline karomuwi

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 6 Dec. 6
« Reply #69 on: December 07, 2011, 01:27:13 PM »
I apologise for not commenting before but now...

AWESOME!!! The pairs are interesting! It's funny and I have no idea what's going to happen!! Why do you have to tease me?! I like Yuki with Sae, Mayu and Rena!! (mostly Mayu and Rena) And Erena with Takamina?! It's just so interesting! It's great to the core!!!! I LOVE IT!!! Please update more! I can't go to school without reading or re-reading the whole story! It's just so interesting even if I keep reading it from the start! (lol. I think I'm fangirling)
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

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"The Deal" Ch. 7 Dec. 11
« Reply #70 on: December 11, 2011, 08:14:54 AM »
Hello everyone.  :mon hi: I hope I didn't fail in this chapter.  :mon POd:

Chapter 7

Once the bell signaling the end of school rang and the first to leave class were Ren, Minami, Tomochin and Erena. Minami, Tomochin and Erena went home while Ren ran away from girls while scream. “WHY THE HELL DID I HAVE TO BE THE ONLY SINGLE ONE BEING CHASE. DAMN YOU TOMOCHIN AND MINAMI. N DAMN U FOR HAVING GIRLFRIENDS.” Girls are chasing him asking. “Ren let’s talk.” “Do u have a girlfriend?” “What family are u from?” “Do u have a girlfriend?” “OMG! Not those QUESTIONS!”
Leaving Miichan a lone to make friends.
“Now that I’m alone. I should make friends.” Miichan said to herself walking out the school building towards the exit gate. “Um.. Miichan?” Miichan turns around and see three girls from her class. “Huh? Oh Hi.” “Hi, my name’s Atsuko Maeda and these are my friends Yuki Kashiwagi and..” “Tomomi Chiyuu Kasai, yeah I know who she is. And sorry about Tomochin’s and my behavior towards you. But still he’s my man.” “Um.. no need to apologize. I understand.” Tomomi said smiling. “It’s weird through. He’s never acted like that before.” Miichan said thinking out loud. “Maybe cuz you’re new here.” Yuki said. “Maybe. Anyways are there any good cake shops here?” “Yeah, there are would you like to hang out with us?” “Yay! Atsuko.” “Oh, you can call me Acchan.” “Call me Chiyuu~” “Why? It’s that you’re middle name.” Miichan asked. “Oh she says Chiyuu~ at the end of her sentence.” Acchan informed Miichan. “Oh, you’re weird! But I like it; it makes you special and deferent. So whe…” Miichan was cut off by a guy waiting at the front gate. “Yuki! Let’s hang out!” He grads her hand and begins to drag her with him outside where there no one. “Aoi. Let me go!” Yuki shouted. Seeing this Miichan graded Yuki’s other arm and pulled her away from the Aoi. “Hey! She ain’t interested. Besides she already has plans with us. Now beat it! Loser!” Miichan yelled at him in an angry voice.“Who da hell r u? Her boyfriend?” Aoi stepped closer to Miichan so now his in her personal space. “NO! I’m her friend.” “So, you have nothing to do with her. She’s my girlfriend. Now back off Gachapin.”

Ren’s POV
“Hhhhhaaaa. Finally I got away.” *panting* “I hope I don’t have to do this every single day.” I said tired from running all over the school. “Ren!” “Huh?” I turned to see who had called me. “Oh Jurina, Kmui.” I feel really tired and emotionless; I didn’t want to deal with them right now. “What’s wrong?” Kumi asked concerned. “Did we do something wrong?” Jurina asked worried. “Huh? Hmmm.. Nah, it’s just that I was being chased by girls from my class.” They both had a ‘OH HELL NO! NO ONE MESSES WITH MY MAN!’ look on their face. I didn’t really care. I was going to say something but suddenly felt a pulse in my head.

“Hey, Ren can you hear me?” “Miichan? WTH?” “Yeah, where are you?” “I’m still on school grounds with Kumi and Jurina. Why?” “Great. First get rid of Kmui and Jurina. Then come outside the front gate and come to area with trees.” “Why?” “I’m kinda in trouble. Hehehe” “What did you do this time?” “I didn’t do anything! The guy’s being a jerk! Come help me. He’s breath is kicking and I mean kicking. Probably he hasn’t brushed his teeth in days or even weeks.” “Hahaha. Okay I’ll help.” “Thanks and don’t tell Tomochin.” “k.”

“en? Ren? Ren?” “Huh? What’s up?” “You’ve been zoning out.” Kumi said with a worried face. “Oh sorry. You two should go home first. I need… sometime to clear my head.” I looked at them with a tired look. “No, I’l..” “No Jurina. I think it’s best if we leave him alone.” Kumi told Jurina pulling her away. “Okay. We’ll see you at home.” Thank you, Kumi. Now to save Tomochin’s pushy, I mean girlfriend.

Outside the school Gate
“Aoi! Yuki isn’t ur girlfriend she doesn’t even like you!” Acchan said pulling Yuki away from Aoi. “Yeah. And stop saying she is. You stalker. Chiyuu~” Chiyuu said stepping closer to Miichan but quickly went running behind Acchan. “What’s wrong? Tomo?” Yuki asked worried. “He has bad breath. It smells like a toilet that hasn’t been cleans in years. Chiyuu~” Their thoughts: Poor Miichan. We should pay for her cakes, when we go to the shop as an apology.“No! She’s my girlfriend.” “No! She’s not cuz she’s dating my brother!” Miichan yelled pushing Aoi back hitting someone. “Itai.” The person says and turns around. “Hey what was that for?” “Ren! You’re here! I knew I could count on you.” “Oh hey, Miichan. I finally found you. You know you’re hard to find than Takamina.” “What but he’s a midget! And I’m the best average height.” Miichan pouted. “Anyways, what did you need my help for? And who’s this guy?” Helps Aoi up. “Don’t help him!” “Why?” Ren asked tilting his head. Acchan’s thoughts: OMG! He’s so hot. Kyaaa! He looks so cute tilting his head like a kid. Yuki’s: Is he really Rena? I need to know. Seeing him tilt his head is sooo cute! Yuki! Focus. 
 “He’s breath stinks! That’s why!” Miichan says pretending to puke. “That’s not a good reason.” Ren said bored. “So you’re her brother?” Aoi says pissed. “Yes. W..?” Before Ren could finish Aoi punches Ren’s face spending him back a few feet. “WTH!” Ren yelled pissed. “That’s fo…” Aoi couldn’t finish because Ren punched his jaw. “Ugh!” Aoi cried in pain. “GO! REN! GO! BEAT HIS A**. GO! REN! GO! MAKE IT FAST! I WANT CAKE!!!” Miichan cheered while Ren beat the living daylights out of Aoi. Acchan’s thoughts:He looks so hot fighting. You can see his well toned biceps and triceps. Too bad his uniform isn’t tight. By the end Aoi had 4 broken ribs, dislocated shoulder, and his face was beaten, he now look like a zombie. “YAY!!! That’s my brother!” Miichan said jumping up and down.
“OH Shit! What have I done?” Ren said getting off Aoi. “You helped me!” Miichan said happy. “Yeah, but what’ll happen if Minami finds out?” Ren said looking at Miichan. “Don’t worry. Fortunately, for us no one’s here other than you, Acchan, Chiyuu, Yuki and me, oh and that guy on the floor.” Miichan said innocently. “Wait, Acchan, Chiyuu and Yuki? Who are they?” Ren asked confused. “The girls in our class that are behind you looking scared, well except Acchan who looks excited.” Miichan pointed at them. “Hm? Oh sorry if I scared you.” Ren bowed to them. “Oh it’s ok. Btw I’m Atsuko Maeda but call me Acchan.” “Tomomi Kasai, but my friends call me Chiyuu or Tomo.” “Hi, I’m Yuki Kashiwagi and my friends call me Yukirin.” “Hi. Btw Miichan why was he harassing you?” Ren asked. “Oh, he was dragging Yuki with him and claiming he was her boyfriend.” Miichan said kicking Aoi. “Oh. But that’s none of your business.” Ren said shaking his head. “Yes, it is. Their my friends!” “Since when you?” “Since ya left me.” Ren gives up arguing. “Anyways I’ll be going home now.” “Ren wait!” ‘Yes, Yuki?” “Thank you.” “You’re welcome. Now, bye.” “Hey! Ren come eat cake with us.” Miichan said clinging onto Ren’s arm. “Hey, Miichan if Tomochin saw you doing this to me, he’d kill me. Now let go.” “No!” “Let go!” “Come on Ren join us.” Acchan sweetly said clinging onto his other arm. “Yeah! As a thank you. Right Yuki?” “Hm? Yes.” “Fine. I’ll go. But first, Miichan let go.” “What? Why are you only telling me and not Acchan?” “Cuz you have a boyfriend. I’m don’t.” Acchan said while pulling Ren away from Miichan’s hold.
 “So what’s the Cake shop like?” Ren asked walking hand in hand with Acchan. Yuki’s toughts: What the hell! That should be me. “Oh it’s great you’ll love it. Even though it’s old.” Acchan exclaimed. “What do you mean?” Ren and Miichan asked. “It’s been around for years.” Yuki added. “In fact today’s is Tricksters’ Cafe 75 yr anniversary. Chiyuu~” Chiyuu said. Ren’s thoughts: What’s up with the Chiyuu? It sounds like Chuu~

In Tricksters cafe
 Miichan ordered 16 different cakes while the others ordered one cake and a drink. “Wow. Miichan wouldn’t it be better if you buy the cafe instead of ordering all those cakes?” Acchan said. “I can’t do that.” Miichan said as she ate her cakes. “Why not?” They asked and Miichan points to Ren. “Huh?” “She’s pointing at me cuz I own this cafe.” “Really?” “Yeah.” “But doesn’t this shop belong to a member of the Joker Family?” “Yes. Minami, Tomochin, Erena, Miichan, Jurina and I are the Joker Family.” Ren says bored. “What?!” “Yeah. We just never really found it important for others to meet us, but since the Royal Family and other people are petitioning to take our wealth. We had to enter society.” Miichan says ordering her 2nd round. “Oh.”
Acchan, Chiyuu and Yuki turned to each other and whispered. “What are our fathers thinking tiring to take another family’s money.” Acchan said. “I don’t know but maybe it has to be with Yuki’s engagement too. Chiyuu~” “We need to talk with Maachan and Lovetan. But later.” Yuki said turning back to eating her cake.
 “What were you girls talking about?” Miichan asked as she ordered her 4th round of cakes. “Hey Miichan! You’ve already eaten 48 slices of cake. You know that you still have to pay for your order.” Ren said pissed at how many cakes she has eaten. “What? But we own this.” “NO! I own this. Or have you forgotten that you and the others have no right or share of my businesses.” “No fair!” “Yes fair.” “No way! I didn’t bring money or my cards with me today.” “Oh really?” “Yes, now can you make it on the house.” “Nooooo. I can make it on Tomochin. Let me call him.” “No! Alright I’ll pay.” “Good. Cuz I don’t want my Cake shop to go broke cuz of you.” “Ren you’re too strict with money. Haha.” Yuki said unintentionally grading his arm and leaning into Ren. “Oh. Of course. Especially when it comes to Miichan. If not careful you can go broke by just feeding her.” They all laughed except Miichan who pouted. “Ok. Sorry Miichan that was too much.” Ren said. “It’s ok Ren. It’s true after all. I’ll be more careful. So to make it up I’ll pay for everyone today.” Miichan says paying the bill and leaves with them.

They had already dropped off Tomomi and Acchan at their homes and were now walking Yuki. “Ren.” “Yes Yuki?” “Can I talk to you in private?” Yuki asked. Ren and Miichan stopped and looked at Yuki. “What did you say?” Miichan asked. “I need to talk to Ren in private.” Yuki rephrase. “Well. Ren you’re on your own bye. See you at home! N don’t worry I’ll won’t tell Kumi and Jurina about Yuki’s confession.” Miichan yelled back as she was now a good distance away. “Hey! Why are you running!” Ren yelled after her but she was already gone. They continued to walk. “So Ren?” “This isn’t a confession is it?” “No it isn’t. Is Rena Matsui your sister?” “No Yuki I do not have a sister named Rena. That’s my name.” “So it was you.” “Huh? What do you mean?”  Ren asked confused. “You’re the Demon.” “Hey! I ain’t no Demon. I’m an immortal which is way way way different than a demon.” “Okay. But still you’re that girl.” “Yes. Wait, What?! How do you know?” “I’m the girl… k-ki-kissed.” “Oh, wait that was you?” Ren asked surprised. “Yes.” “No wonder you looked familiar. So, um…. is there a reason why you brought this up?” “No, I just wanted to know if it was you.” “Okay, but don’t tell anyone not even my family that you know me from before today. Especially Jurina or Kumi.” “Who are they?” “They’re crazy that’s all you need to know.” “Okay, Ren. But you’re different from when we first met.” “How so?” “You’re funny and don’t really care about status. I like that in guy, in you.” “Huh? Did you say something?” Ren was playing dumb. “I was saying you’re funny.” “How?” “Well the way you introduced yourself today was funny and true. Then in the cake shop.” “Oh ho hope you aren’t falling for me now.” “Oh don’t worry. I got two attractive young men having me fall for them.” “Oh sounds fun. Maybe I should join?” “NOOOOOO!” “Why not?” “You’re not my type.” “Really? So what you said earlier about..” “Oh, we’re here. Thanks for walking me, bye.” Yuki said running into her mansion. “Hey! You haven’t … ha forget it. Well maybe I should join in just for fun.”
“No need for you.” A voice comes from behind Ren.
“Huh?” Ren turns around. “Hey aren’t from my class. And who’s the doll next to you.” “Hello Ren. Long time no see.” The two people say. “Huh? Do I know you?” “Yes. But you won’t remember meeting us or Yuki, in a few seconds.” The shortest of the two says getting closer to Ren. “Huh?” Then everything goes black for Ren. “Hee. Seems we’re not the only two completing for Yuki’s heart.” “Yeah. Anyways let’s leave him somewhere before we go in.” “Yeah, don’t want Mario and Riku to know we used our powers.” “No, I don’t want Yuki to find him here and help him.” “U’r right. Besides I never imagine seeing him again.” “Yeah. Anyways let’s get rid of him.”


Thank you for reading. XD

Offline seabrother

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 7 Dec. 11
« Reply #71 on: December 11, 2011, 09:30:23 AM »
This is getting really interesting.
Lol at Acchan's thoughts :love:
Sae, Mayu, what are u gonna do to Ren? :banghead:
Good job, Sok. Plz update soon  :thumbup
« Last Edit: December 11, 2011, 09:47:50 AM by seabrother »

Offline Megumi

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 7 Dec. 11
« Reply #72 on: December 11, 2011, 04:16:30 PM »
LoL Ren/Rena chased by girls and Acchan?! what the? leave Ren alone!  :P
Hahha Aoi's breath Pfffft! Miichan is so funny as always.
Finally I'm glad that Yuki&Rena remember each other now.
Sae&Mayu hrrm...can't wait for your next update I wanna know what's happening with Ren/Rena

Thank you for your update!  :bow:
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Offline RenaChii

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 7 Dec. 11
« Reply #73 on: December 11, 2011, 10:25:39 PM »
Everyone love Ren~!!! yey~!!

Sae & Mayu why you do something like that?! it not fair~

Please update soon~

Offline kahem

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 7 Dec. 11
« Reply #74 on: December 14, 2011, 08:59:07 AM »
Hahahaa!!!! So funny and Ren is so cool!

Offline Sok

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"The Deal" Ch. 8 Dec. 18
« Reply #75 on: December 18, 2011, 07:20:18 PM »
Thank you  Yagami.Rai, seabrother, Megumi, kahem, and RenaChii for your comments. And thank you for reading. I think I failed in this chapter.  :mon cry: Sorry if it's boring or confusing.  :mon POd:

Chapter 8

Yuki’s POV
Yesterday when I got home, my father was in the living room talking with Mario and Riku after an hour or two Sae and Mayuyu came. We talked about what I like and don’t like, our whole conservation was about me. They didn’t really talk about themselves at all. Which kinda pissed me off. They were getting to know me but I wasn’t getting to know them at all. I don’t really know why I’m happy to go to school today. Is it cuz I get to see Mayuyu and Sae or cuz Ren.
“Yuki! So how was your sleep?” “Hm? Fine. Why?” “Cuz I was dreaming of you.” “Sae, that was too cheesy and made no sense.” Mayuyu deadpanned. “Yeah. I agree with Mayuyu.” Lovetan says while the others nod. “Okay. Fine. Whatever.” Sae said leaning back on Ren’s chair. Now that I think about it he’s not here yet. The day passes without anything interesting happening. I go home with Miichan, Acchan, Lovetan, Maachan, and Tomo. We all go into my room and talk for four hours non-stop, I learned that Miichan has a big appetite just like Acchan. I wake up the next day; go to class and he’s not there. Sae and Mayuyu have been showing a lot of affection towards me and I like it but for some reason he’s always on my mind. I’m getting a long well with Sae and Mayuyu, but Sae is getting more of my attention. It’s been a week since he walked me home.
“um. Excuse me. May I talk to Yuki for a minute?” I turn around to see who it was. “Miichan!.” Acchan gets up and hugs Miichan then turns to face Minami. “What you want midget? Don’t tell me you want Yuki as your girlfriend?” Acchan asked in an annoyed tone. “Hey I ain’ a midget! And I already got a girlfriend!” Minami shouted. “Yeah. But he’s not a midget, he’s miniature sized.” Tomochin said patting Minami’s head. Everyone laughs. “Tomochin, he’s fun size.” Erena says hugging Minami from the back. After laughing for a while. We introduce each other and became friends. “Um. Yuki?” “Yes. Miichan?” “Can you come with us?” “Sure.” I follow Miichan and Minami to the hallway. “What’s up?” “Well, Miichan told me that you were the last one to see Ren last Monday.” “Yes. Why?” “Did he stay at your mansion? Or tell you anything?” Miichan asked worried. “No. Why?” “Oh it’s nothing we should go back to class.” Minami said push me towards class. Now that I think about it they seem worried about him, where Ren could be.
Since then we have talked and hanging out more with Minami and the others. Where can he be? It has already been almost 2 week since he has shown up. “Hey, Yuki is there something wrong?” Tomomi and Acchan asked. “Huh? No, nothing at all. Now let’s go meet the others.” We went to the garden in the school to eat with Maacahn, Lovetan and their two new friends, Wild family, and Miichan and the others. It’s was fun. We learned who the top three families were. The first was Joker family which consisted of Minami, Ren, Tomochin, Miicahn, and Jurina. The second was Dark family which consisted of Sayaka our student president, Yuko our school’s soccer captain, Mocchi our school nurse, Erena, and Kumi. The three was Wild family which has Mario, Riku, Sae and Mayuyu. “Wow. So the new students are from the top families.” Lovetan said. “Yeah.” “But I wouldn’t have guessed that midget was the head of the richest family.” Acchan retorted. “Hey, height has nothing to do with it.” “Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” Acchan said. “Hey, have you seen Ren?” Kumi and Jurina asked looking for Ren. “No.” I say. “ah.” They said disappointed. What’s their relationship with Ren?
“Kumi, Jurina Ren’s probably running away from the girls in school.” Erena says comforting the two girls knowing full well that he hasn’t been coming to school since the day they started. “In fact I heard that he already has a fan club.” Yuko said clinging onto Riku who looked pissed and Mario trying to calm him down. “Yuko’s right. I finished signing the official papers for their ‘Prince Ren Club’ the same day you guys joined school. Which has about 30 members already.” Sayaka said finishing her lunch. “What?!” Sae and Mayuyu yelled pissed. “Calm down you two. You already have Yuki.” Mario said sitting the two. “Yeah you already have our bestfriend Yuki.” Tomomi, Acchan, Lovetan, And Maachan scolded the two. “Hey! What about us?” Kumi and Jurina asked pouting. “What about you?” Mocchi asked. “Hey! Did you forget Ren’s ours.” “No, Ren’s signle. And he’s been telling you two nonstop that he thinks of you as younger sisters.” Sayaka explain making the two pout even more. “Fine. I’ll just make him fall for me.” Jurina confidently said. “Oh no you don’t. He’ll fall for me!” Kumi shouted. “No, he’ll fall for me cuz you two are still little girls.” Acchan said with a smirk. “Oh yeah?” Both say. “Yeah.” Acchan replies.
“Okay. How about we make a bet.” Mocchi says standing up. “What kind?” the three ask. “Okay. How about Minami explains to you cuz I have to go back to work.” Mocchi said leaving. “Okay, how about the losers have to entertain the guys in the group. As in Mayu, Sae, Riku, Mario, Ren, Tomochin, or me. And to make it fair for the losers, they’ll pick the name out of a box, so it’s random.” Minami explained. “The first round will be to get him to carry you bridal style!” Miichan yelled excitedly. “Okay.” “Now whoever gets them to carry them bridal style is the winner.” Erena clarified. “I’m in favor of Acchan!” Miichan yelled. “Wait, Why?!” Kumi and Jurina shouted. “Cuz we have the same class.” Acchan said smiling. “OI, how about we make this more interesting Minami?” Mayu and Sae said. “Oh, you’re right. It’ll also go for Yuki. Whoever gets her to kiss you in a passionate way wins the first round. The loser or losers will have to pick a name from the box and entertain the girl. But Yuki must be the one to kiss you, not you kiss her.” Yuko said excitedly. “What?! We didn’t mean that.” Sae and Mayuyu yelled. “I’m in favor of this Ren guy.” Mario and Riku yelled. “What?! Going against your bros.” Sae and Mayuyu yelled. “Well if this guy already has a fan club before you two.” Mario explains. “He must be very attractive and better looking than you two.” Riku deadpanned. “True, if I wasn’t with Minami. I would be dating him.” “Same for me. If I wasn’t with Tomochin, I would totally..” “Don’t you dare finish that sentence.” Tomochin said in a cold voice. “You know what. I think we should leave Tomochin.” “Yeah. Seems our girlfriends no longer need us.” “Hey, guys don’t leave.” Miichan and Erena yelled but they were already gone. “Wow. Nice one girls.” Lovetan and Maachan deadpanned. Everyone started laughing.

It’s already after school. Acchan, Jurina and Kumi are busy plotting a way to get Ren to carry them bridal style. Wouldn’t be easy just to say you hurt your ankle and have him carry you? Well now that I think about Sae and Mayuyu have that bet too, hope they aren’t plotting anything. I was walking to the door when Sae kissed me. “That doesn’t count! She has to kiss you!” My friends yelled slapping Sae on his shoulder. If it had been Ren I would have responded the same way I did when we first met. Where can he be? Wait, what am I thinking! “Yuki?” “Yes, Sae?” “Go on a date with me today.” Should I go? It’ll help take my mind off that jerk Ren. “Okay.” “Great I’ll pick you at 9.” Before I could reply he was already out the door then I notice Mayuyu holding flowers? Where did he get those flowers from? “Oh, hey Mayuyu what’s up?” “Would you go on a date with me today?” He hands me the flowers and smiles. “Um. Sure.” “Great, I’ll pick you up at your house at 6.” With that he left.
My date with Mayuyu was a normal classic one; movie and a dinner. During the movie he started stealing kisses from me which annoy me at first but I didn’t really care, I never responded back. Our date ended at 8:30 giving me enough time to get ready for date with Sae. He took me to a night showing of a popular vampire movie. I don’t why people like this stuff, it makes no sense. After the movie he took me to a café shop, I was drinking a hot chocolate, I didn’t notice that wipe cream was on my upper lip until Sae leaned over and kiss me. “I wanna go home, Sae.” “Why? We just starting.” “No, Sae we have class tomorrow so we need to go.” He became annoyed that I was telling him that I wanted to go home. “Fine, let’s get outta here.” We left the café after a few blocks he graded my wrist and dragged me into a dark alley, pushed me against the wall and forcibly kissed me moving his free hand over my body. “St…Stop!...Stop!...Sae!...Let me go!” I shouted between his kisses, I tried to push him away but was too strong for me. I bit down on his lip as hard as I can, making him blood. “U b****! U’ll pay for that!” He shouted and slapped me, I landed on the ground. Blood started coming out of the counter of my lips. He climbed on top of me. “Sae! Stop please.” I begged and started to cry, he’s not the guy I thought he was. “Shut up! This is your fault! No girl has ever rejected my kisses or touch and you won’t be the first! Shut up if you know what’s good for ya!” He shouted kissing my neck. Someone please help me! Rena, Ren, help me. I need you. I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts by a yell. “Hey! What do you think you’re doing! Get off of her!” A dirty, stinky, oily faced man came towards us. “And what are you ganna do about it?” Sae got off me and went towards the man. “Beat the living s*** you!” He said smirking at Sae. Sae and the man began to fight. This strange yellow light was surrounding the man’s fist and feet. While red light surrounded Sae’s whole body. What’s going on? Is it possible that Sae’s a demon? “Oh. So it’s you. I thought we got rid of you.” Sae tells the man swaging his fist. “Sorry, but you own me. And there’s no way you’re getting off without paying up.” The man said punching Sae in the stomach then following with a knee kick sending Sae a couple steps back. He then continued which two right jabs and a left up cut that send Sae flying into the wall behind me totally destroying the wall. “Haha. Seems you haven’t fully recovered from your last beating. Old man.” “Hehehe. You’re right, but I don’t need to be 100% to beat you Sae, but remember you’re older than me. Ne? How about less talking and more beating? hehe” The man said charging towards Sae who blocked it but then he was body slammed onto the ground. The man quickly straddled Sae and started a rain of punches while he giggled. He stopped once he knew Sae wouldn’t be getting up any time soon. “Hey, are you okay.” He says turning to me. “Yes. Thank you.” “U’r Welcome. Please take care of yourself, especially when you’re around men.” “Will do. Thanks.” The stinky, dirty clothed, oily face man graded my hand gently and leaded me to the streets then left me near Tricksters Café.


Offline Haruko

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 8 Dec. 18
« Reply #76 on: December 18, 2011, 08:23:12 PM »
mmm i dont like the behaviour of mayuyu and sae...makes me so sad..

but its a interesting history...

Offline Megumi

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 8 Dec. 18
« Reply #77 on: December 18, 2011, 09:26:48 PM »
Pfft! Acchan is so * face palm she doesn't like Takamina at all  :lol:

 :shocked Mayu&Sae are angels but damn they are so evil well Sae is the most evil...
What happened to Ren/Rena? Did they like turned him/her to an old man? or maybe it's not the same person...

 :panic: Can't wait for your next update!

Arígatou!  :kneelbow:
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Offline RenaChii

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 8 Dec. 18
« Reply #78 on: December 18, 2011, 09:40:16 PM »
Why Mayuyu & Sae become a bad guy?!

Ren~!! you must protect Yukirin~!!

Please update soon~

Offline gekikarabuACE

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Re: "The Deal" Ch. 8 Dec. 18
« Reply #79 on: December 19, 2011, 02:14:47 AM »
Ah, finally had time to go through this story. :)

I gotta say, the more I read through this, the more I'm not liking Sae and Mayuyu's character at all. At first I thought it would be fun to see Sae, Mayuyu and Rena battle it out for Yukirin's affection. But now, with what Sae and Mayuyu did (especially after what Sae just did :smhid), I'm really starting to dislike it. I'm guessing that the old man was actually Rena, and Sae and Mayuyu did something to her and got her stuck looking like her real age. And obviously, Yukirin's more than a little taken with Rena even though she's kind of in denial.

Other than that, I seriously lol-ed because everyone seems to be smitten with Rena. Even Acchan! Lololol, Rena/Acchan pairing, now that is something you really don't see. Anywhere!

Anyway, thanks for the update!

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