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Author Topic: The Parent Trap - AKB48 Version (Coming back SOON!) Teaser Banner  (Read 9457 times)

Offline AFLynx

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Notes/Disclaimers:Hi Minna~  :mon hi: This is my second story EVER lol  :nervous I just had a lightbulb moment to write about this and I hope everyone will like it  :) Also, here are some of my disclaimers for clarifications...
- This is based on the 1998 Parent Trap movie but I made some of the AKB members as the characters in my story (obviously  :P). The movie is not mine, but this story is  XD
- This is purely fanfiction. Some characters may be older or younger in real life.
- Some locations are real... some situations are fictional.

Anyway, enough of that rambling lol, I'll be putting up an index as this story progress. For now, please enjoy what I've written for everybody.  :kneelbow:



November 26, 2000 – at the New York Presbyterian University Hospital

A twenty year old Japanese woman nervously bit her right thumbnail as she paced back and forth in front of the Delivery Room door. It’s been six hours since her wife calmly informed her that her water just broke while they were watching a movie at home.

“If I’m the one who’s pregnant in this relationship, I don’t think I could’ve handled the situation calmly like she did…” She chuckled inwardly as she continued with her pacing. “…but then again, I didn’t know that she knows that much swear words in three different languages when her contractions started to kick in.” She thought, giving out a small laugh.

“Stop pacing, will you! You will wear out the soles of your sho… um… bunny slippers.”

The woman smiled at her complaining best friend then stopped short when she realized what her friend just said, looking at the feet. “I’m sorry… with all that excitement and panic, I forgot to wear my sneakers.” She said blushing.

“You’re excused. Let’s go to the waiting area… I don’t think your wife will like the idea that you’re stressing yourself too much. You should save your energy to be able to meet your newborn child later when he… or she… finally decides to get out of your wife’s womb.” Her friend said, guiding her to the waiting room.

“Stress myself? Tell that to my wife who is still in labor.” The woman deadpanned as they sat down in one of the chairs in the waiting area.

The woman’s friend laughed inwardly, relieved that the woman’s sense of humor is still intact. “So… have you and your wife thought of the baby’s name yet?”

“Not yet since she never asked for the baby’s gender whenever I accompanied her in her doctor’s appointments. She said that she wanted it to be a surprise, but I have this feeling that she already knows it and just wants it to be a surprise for me.” The woman smiled.

“I’m sure you’ll think of a good name.” her friend said, patting her shoulder.

The woman smiled, “My wife and I talked about something else though… since you and I have been friends for like forever and my wife also thinks of you as a very good friend… we want you to be our kid’s godmother.”

“Awesome! I would love to be the kid’s godmother! I’ll be the coolest godmother for your kid.” Her friend beamed at the woman’s request.

“I certainly hope so my friend. I’m thinking that you’ll spoil our kid rotten.” The woman giggled.

After an hour, a doctor patted the woman’s shoulder, “Congratulations ma’am, your wife gave birth to a healthy baby girl.” The doctor smiled as she removed her surgical mask.

The woman beamed at the doctor’s news, “Yatta! Did you hear that my friend! We have a baby girl!” she squealed, grabbing her friend in a tight hug. “Um, Dr. Montgomery, when can I see my wife?” she asked, turning her attention to the doctor.

Dr. Addison Montgomery, the best neo-natal surgeon and Head of the OB-Gyne department of the hospital smiled. She’s assisted delivering a lot of babies since she was an intern and is not surprised that there are wives who would keep surprises from their husbands, in this case, from her partner. “I’m sorry ma’am but you can’t see your wife yet. We’re not yet done delivering your second child.”

The woman and her friend blinked at the doctor’s response. “Uh… second child?” the woman stammered.

“Yes, second child. You and your wife have twins. I’m sorry ma’am but I have to get going. I just went out of the delivery room to let you know that your wife and daughters are in good hands. ” The doctor said putting back her surgical mask on and briskly walked back to the delivery room.

“Hoho! Congratulations my friend! Did you hear that?! Daughters! That means I have two godchildren! Very awesome!” the woman’s friend exclaimed, shaking the lights off of the woman.

“D-daughters… We… have… twins…” the woman stammered as she fainted in her friend’s arms.

“Yes daugh-… O-oi… get a hang of it will ya?! Oi. OI! Don’t faint on me now! God you’re making my arms ache… OI!” her friend yelled as both of them plopped on a chair.


The woman rubbed her cheek as she stood in front of her wife’s private recovery room. “She doesn’t have to slap me that hard.” She mumbled, pertaining to her friend who slapped her silly to wake her up from her fainting spell. Letting out an excited yet nervous breath, she softly knocked on the door and slowly opened the door.

The woman approached her wife’s bed silently and smiled when she saw her wife weakly smiled at her. “Hey… how’s my very beautiful wife?” she softly asked, sitting on the bed and placed a gentle kiss on her wife’s hand.

“Your very beautiful wife is very tired, thank you very much. What happened to your cheek?” her wife asked softly, her throat hurts from screaming during her labor.

The woman rolled her eyes. “I called my best friend to come over to keep me company. I got a good slapping because I fainted when Dr. Montgomery informed us that we’re having twins. She just went out to a nearby café to get us some food. She’ll be back in a couple of minutes.”

Her wife chuckled, knowing that the woman and her best friend caused a ruckus while she was giving birth. “Gomen ne my love, I didn’t tell you that we’re having twins.” Her wife replied huskily.

The woman chuckled as she offered a cup of water with straw to her wife. “It’s okay babe since it’s a very pleasant surprise for me. My best friend accepted to be our children’s godmother. She was ecstatic when she heard Dr. Montgomery announced that we have twins.”

“I bet she is ecstatic. She’ll be a great godmother to our children.”

The woman giggled then suddenly remembered something. “Since we’re having twins, I decided to give them a gift.” She said, placing a small velvet box on the palm of her wife’s hand. Her wife looked at her curiously and slowly opened the box. Two white gold necklaces with individual lockets were delicately placed inside, making her wife gasp in surprise. “I uh… bought this at a jewelry store nearby… I was supposed to have the lockets engraved but then I remembered that we haven’t decided on their names yet…” the woman sheepishly added.

Her wife stared at her with loving eyes and smiled. “I love you.” She simply said, pulling the woman closer to her.

“I love you too babe…” the woman answered, giving her wife a long lingering kiss.

Both new parents parted for breath as they heard a knocking at the door, then a team of nurses excused themselves as they enter. “Good afternoon ma’am, we think that your children would like to see their mothers now.” A nurse announced wheeling in two hospital cribs where the twins were sleeping soundly, wrapped in separate pink bundles.

“Ma’am, meet your baby girl number one.” The nurse teased, depositing the slightly fidgeting baby on the wife’s left arm. “And this is your baby girl number two.” She added, placing the youngest of the twins on the wife’s other arm. The nurses excused themselves to give the new parents and their children some privacy, leaving the cribs beside the bed.

“They are so beautiful…” the wife stated, a tear slowly trailing down her cheek.

“Yes, our daughters are very beautiful, just like their mother.” The woman agreed, wiping her wife’s tears with a finger and kissed her on the lips. “Babe, have you thought of a name for our eldest twin?”

“I’d like to name her Serena…” her wife answered softly.

“Ah, I like that… it means peaceful isn’t it? Or did you just watched too many Sailor Moon episodes when we were kids?” The woman asked, wiggling her eyebrows.

Her wife giggled softly so as not to wake up their babies, “Yes you goof, it means peaceful. Now… how about you name our youngest twin then?”  Her wife suggested.

“Let’s give her Serena’s counterpart name… How about Erena?” the woman suggested.

Her wife smiled as the woman seated on the bed and hugged her close. “That’s a nice suggestion. Serena… Erena… we love you.”

To be continued...

The truth is, I wasn't supposed to write about this but when I saw that Erepyon came back to pursue an acting career, I took it as a sign to go ahead and write about this  :nervous Moreover, I think my timing is perfect since today (in my time) is Erena's bday, I decided to post it today.  :lol: I hope everyone enjoyed this! Please leave a comment! Thanks for reading!  :byebye:

P.S. I'd also like to thank Japanime1 for her suggestions and for beta-reading my prologue.  :)
« Last Edit: December 05, 2012, 04:11:45 AM by AFLynx »


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Re: The Parent Trap - AKB48 Version
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2011, 06:58:58 PM »
wah!!!!  :on lol: this is interesting!!!!  :on GJ:  i wonder whos the parent??  :mon fyeah:

Gah!!! can't wait for the first chap!!!!  :mon dance:

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: The Parent Trap - AKB48 Version
« Reply #2 on: November 25, 2011, 06:59:39 PM »
Oh! It seems interesting :w00t:
Serena and Erena :wub: Twins~ XD

Please Update Soon :bow:
It's really intriguing :peace:

Offline kahem

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Re: The Parent Trap - AKB48 Version
« Reply #3 on: November 25, 2011, 07:09:01 PM »
Oh I'm curious about the parents too ^^ but I think the godmother is Yuko

Offline Tejinashi

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Re: The Parent Trap - AKB48 Version
« Reply #4 on: November 25, 2011, 08:56:19 PM »
Erepyon x Myao!!! \o|o|o/
Sorry for get too excited lol, it okay if you dont use it couple, I just have to yell it out loud when I see Erena name XD

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Re: The Parent Trap - AKB48 Version
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2011, 07:50:04 AM »
Hmm.....I can smell something interesting here....... Update soon!    :onioncheer:

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Re: The Parent Trap - AKB48 Version
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2011, 02:32:34 PM »
I'm still waiting for your LiFL update so that stupid director can do something good for once  :)


in the meantime, I do hope you plan on updating this as well keke, I think I already told you what I thought about this idea and I already told you to "go for it" and now you get the "I'm waiting" HAHAHA

I would like to see how this plays out, and what you are planning and how it flows.
Don't wanna say too much here because the others doesn't know who the parents are BWAHAHAHAHA

Offline AFLynx

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Re: The Parent Trap - AKB48 Version
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2011, 07:10:12 PM »
Thank you minna for reading my story! I know it's been quite a while since I decided to reply to your comments... I blame my busy schedule for that  :nervous

Flean: thanks for reading!  :D The parents of the Erena twins (since they are based on Erepyon :P ) will remain a secret after a chapter or so. I'll try to write the next chapter soon since I'm done updating Love in the Fast Lane  XD

Yagami.Rai: I'm glad that you find the prologue interesting  :w00t: I'll try to write it as soon as possible.  :)

kahem: lol you're the first reader to think that the godmother is Yuko  XD the godmother's identity will be revealed in one of the future chapters  :thumbsup

Tejinashi: lol  XD Erena's one of my fave graduated members and I thought it is a great idea to write about her. the Erena twins' parents will be revealed soon! (but not on the next chapter  XD )

AKBlover_99: thank you for reading my prologue  :bow: I hope that i'll finish this story as interesting as how I started it.   :D

immortal_K: lol now that I have updated LiFL (as you have acronymned my other fic as such lol) I know that this is the right time to update this as well... and yes, I know that you're waiting for this story's update so I'll try to start on it soon. Thank you for giving me suggestions and comments on how I want to write this story! Okay, I'm gonna shut up now since as you've said, the others doesn't know about the details that you already knew  XD

Offline AFLynx

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The Parent Trap - AKB48 Version (Chapter 1) 12/26 Update
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2011, 04:48:33 PM »

11 years and  7 months later… Summer of 2012

Erena adjusted her sunglasses as she stepped out of one of the buses that arrived at the Camp Akihabara for Girls. A large number of girls of different ages from all over the country has already gathered up on the meeting area wherein the Teenage Counselors are trying to control the pandemonium without much luck.

“I hope that Papa’s decision to send me to this summer camp is gonna be fun for me. I miss her already…” Erena huffed on her bangs as she looked at the camp’s natural surroundings. Her eyes went wide when she saw a magnificent late sparkling at the distance. “Awesome! Papa might be right after all!” she exclaimed, hurrying down to the meeting area to join her soon to be camp buddies.

Amidst the laughing, talking and squealing mass of girls, the Senior Camp Counselor walked up a makeshift stage and turned on her bullhorn.

“Good morning ladies and welcome to Camp Akihabara. I’m Rie Kitahara your Camp Director. Now girls, let’s find our duffels as we have a very big day ahead of us. I’m now gonna pass the bullhorn to our Senior Camp Counselor and my right hand man, Rino Sashihara. Sasshi, bunk assignments if you please!” Rie, popularly known as Kitarie to the older girls who joined last year’s summer camp, announced in a sing songy voice. Kitarie held the bullhorn on her left hand, waiting for Sasshi to take the offered equipment.

“Um… Sasshi?” Kitarie whispered between her teeth as she kept smiling to the girls in front of her who were waiting for the Senior Camp Counselor. Kitarie groaned inwardly as she scanned for her right hand man.

Oh for crying out loud, Sasshi’s at it again… as she rolled her eyes towards Sasshi who is busy squealing and hugging the new campers around her. “Ahem, again I would like to call on for our Senior Camp Counselor, RI-NO SA-SHI-HA-RA!” Kitarie pointed her bullhorn towards Sasshi’s direction.

Sasshi yelped as she heard her name being stressed per syllable. “Oh! Right! I’m here!” Sasshi yelled, as she let go of a girl whom she’s been hugging for the past minute. Clutching her clipboard, she ran towards the makeshift stage.

“Kitarie! Sorry there are soooo many cute girls and – ACK!” Sasshi yelped for the second time as she stumbled on a rock before she even make it to the stage. Immediately standing up, she patted her shirt free of grass and purposely walked to the stage as if nothing happened. Blowing her whistle, Sasshi pulled the bullhorn from Kitarie, ignoring the Camp Director roll her eyes.

“Alright ladies here we go, listen up…!” Sasshi bellowed on the bullhorn as she randomly called for the girls’ names and their bunk assignments listed on her clipboard.


Erena popped up behind a mountain of bags as she saw one of the Teenage Counselors throw her yellow duffel bag into the growing pile.

“Okay! Found my duffel!” Erena yelled happily. As she reached for her bag, a couple of Counselors threw a couple more duffels, completely burying her bag on the pile. “Now the question is – how do I get it out?” She sighed, raising her sunglasses on her head as she circled the pile.

“Okay, I can do it...” Erena said as she began pulling out her bag the moment she found its strap. “Okay… no I can’t...” Erena groaned, still pulling on the strap with all her might, turning her face bright red.

“You must be new…”

“How can you tell?” Erena sighed. Giving up, she let go of her bag strapped and combed her hand thru her short hair as she faced the other girl.

“You didn’t know how to grab your duffel before the apes we call counselors tossed it into the heap. I’m Aita Ooka, but you can call me Rabutan. I would say you need some serious help.” Rabutan said as she chewed her gum.

“I’m Erena… you can call me Erepyon. Thanks for the help, it’s the big yellow one.” Erena said, pointing at her bag underneath the pile.

As both girls started pulling on the strap together, they shot angry looks at the Teenage Counselors as they toss another half-dozen more bags into the pile. Just then, a girl wearing a tie-dye shirt and a bandana around her head arrived and pulled her duffel easily from the center of the pile.

Erena and Rabutan gawked at the other girl, “Whoa… now that’s my kind of woman.” Erena joked.

“Yo tie-die girl!” Rabutan yelled at the girl who was already walking away. The tie-dye girl, as both girls called her, turned around and looked at them curiously.

“I’m Erepyon and this is Rabutan.” Erena said as she introduced themselves. “Um…  Could you give me a hand with my duffel? It’s the yellow one buried waaaaaay in there.”

“Sure. I’m Miho Miyazaki, also known as Myao. “ Myao replied, then scanned the mountain of bags. “Oh that? No problem!” she said, easily pulling out Erena’s bag. “Hey! You’re from New York?” Myao asked as she read Erena’s bag tag. Erena simply nodded at the other girl’s question.

“Do you live near the Statue of Liberty?” Rabutan asked.

“Do you like live next to a movie star?” Myao added.

Erena giggled at the two girls’ questions, “What are you two – Lucy and Ethel? I’ve never even been to the Statue of Liberty. I live in New York City near Central Park, but during the summer, we go to our vineyard in Long Island.”

“A what yard?” Myao asked, scratching her bandana on her head.

“A vineyard… it’s where you grow grapes to make wine. My papa’s an architect but that’s also what we do for a living.” Erena answered in a matter of fact tone.

“Erena from New York?” Sasshi bellowed from her bullhorn, just a couple of meters away from the girls were standing.

“Over here!” Erena answered as she raised her hand.

 “Waaah~~ another cute little girl! You’ll be bunking together with the girls of House A!” Sasshi squealed over the bullhorn, waving her clipboard at Erena’s direction.

“Awesome! That’s where I’ll be bunking!” Rabutan said excitedly.

“Me too!” Myao added. The three girls slap hands and immediately grabbed their individual duffels as they head towards their bunkhouse.

“So ah… either of you by any chance know how to play poker?” Erena asked.

“Nah.” “Never played it before.” Rabutan and Myao answered consecutively.

“No? Gee, what a shame. So, how much cash did you guys bring with you this summer?”

Before Rabutan and Myao could answer, a limousine honked behind them and parked in front of the Main Lodge. “Whoa… who is in there?” Erena asked no one in particular as they continued their walking.


A tall, short-haired woman stepped out of the passenger seat of the limousine, looking like a model who just stepped out of a magazine. Removing her big sunglasses, she scanned the vastness of Camp Akihabara and opened the car’s back door. Serena, wearing a matching Burberry top and check kilt shirt daintily stepped out of the car and smiled at the tall woman.

“Well, here we are – Camp Akihabara for Girls… We travelled all the way from Paris for this?” the tall woman asked, looking around with disdain.

“It’s rather picturesque, don’t you think Mari-nee?” Serena answered in her sultry French accent as she smiled at the tall woman named Mariko Shinoda, who has been a part of her family as their housekeeper and her nanny. As always, Mari-nee is someone who’s not gonna get left behind when it comes to fashion. I think we have the most fashionable housekeeper ever!  Serena giggled inwardly.

“I don’t think that’s precisely the term that I would’ve used…” Mariko said, waving a hand in front of her as a mosquito almost targeted her face. Serena smiled at whom she always thought of as onee-sama while the limo driver lined up three matching pieces of Louis Vuitton luggage and vanity case by Mariko’s side.

“Anyway, shall we review your mother’s list?” Mariko asked as she pulled out a small notebook and fountain pen from her coat pocket. “Now let’s see… Vitamins?”

“Check.” Serena replied, removing her flat cap then combed her fingers thru her long hair.



“List of daily fruits and vegetables?”

“Check, check!” Serena teased. Mariko raised a curious eyebrow at the little girl, “Check for fruits, check for vegetables… go on Mari-nee.” The younger girl smiled.

“Sunblock… lipbalm… insect repellant… stationary… stamps… photographs of your mother, grandmother and your trusty oneesama: Me.” Mariko read the items one by one as she ticks them off her list.

“Got it all I think.”

“Oh, here’s a little something from your grandmother…” Mariko snapped her fingers and pulled another item from her coat pocket. “…A spanking new deck of cards. Maybe you can finally meet someone here who could beat you on a good game of poker.” The tall woman added, handing Serena a new deck of cards.

“I doubt it Mari-nee but thanks… thanks for bringing me here.” Serena smiled.

Mariko gave her a tight hug and placed her hands on the the younger girl’s shoulder. “Now remember, if you change your mind, I’ll come here and collect you before the end of camp. You know I’m just a phone call away.”

“Thanks Mari-nee, but I’ll be fine really. See you in eight weeks Mariko onee-sama.” Serena winked at her nanny/housekeeper.

Mariko gave the little girl a light kiss on the forehead, “Missing you already, Queen of our Hearts.” Mariko sighed, calling Serena by the nickname her grandmother gave her for being a good poker player.

After one final hug, Mariko puts out her hand in front of Serena. The little girl smiled as she knew what that meant – it’s the Mariko-Serena-Secret-Handshake. Serena enthusiastically placed her hand over Mariko’s then continued their handshake with extravagantly choreographed hand clappings, butt bump, a wave under the chin, shimmy to-and-fro and ending it with one final handshake.

“Have fun, Doux Bebe…” Mariko hugged the little girl one last time as she entered the limousine.

“I will Mari-nee. Au revoir!”  Serena yelled as she waved at the pulled away from where it’s parked.


“Um… excuse me, do you happen to be Serena – the girl from France?” Sasshie tapped the said little girl by the shoulder.

“Ah, Bonjour madame. I apologize for being late. My flight got delayed due to rains in Paris.” Serena informed the Senior Counselor.

“Waaa~~~ kawaii!!! Oh, I’m sorry if I slipped into speaking Japanese. You do understand Japanese, don’t you? Coz you look like one, and I’ve been seeing a lot of cute lil Japanese girls this year too! I am Rino Sashihara, the Senior Camp Counselor and in charge of House A. You can call me Sasshi.” The Senior Camp Counselor squealed, giving Serena a hug.

“Ah… Nice to meet you too Sasshi… I know how to speak in Japanese as well. My Mama, Grandma and Mari-nee insisted I learn Japanese.” Serena replied, trying to pry herself from the older woman’s hug.

“Well now, before we get going, I’d like to welcome you to the U.S. of A and to what we like to think of as the most beautiful spot in North America – Camp Akihabara.” Sasshi exclaimed, closing her eyes as she takes a huge sniff of fresh air. As she opened her eyes, a bee landed on her nose making her cross-eyed. Sasshi immediately slapped her clipboard on the offending bee, missing the insect as it flew away, and hit her nose with deadly accuracy.

Ouch, that’s gotta hurt… Serena winced inwardly. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine, thanks” Sasshi said, massaging her nose with one hand. “Anyway, let’s get this show on the road. You’ll be bunking in House K.” she added, awkwardly gathering up all of Serena’s luggage and leads her towards her bunk house.

“I know this sounds weird but… have we met before?” Sasshi asked, accidentally stepping on a gopher hole, making her stumble forward.

Serena furrowed her eyebrows, “Met before? No, I don’t think so. I’m sure I’d remember you.”

Finally after a few minutes of walking towards the bunk house, Sasshi held the screen door open with her leg as she balanced Serena’s luggages under her arms. “Welcome to House K.” Sasshi panted as Serena walked in the bunk house.

Serena scanned the tidy bunk house. Two Japanese girls eyed her curiously as Sasshi pointed out her assigned bed.

“New arrival, girls. Her name’s Serena, make sure to introduce yourselves to her okay?” Sasshi smiled as she exited the bunk house, tripping over a sneaker on her way out.

“How scary is it that that woman’s in charge?” A girl sporting two pig-tails tsked, finally looking up from her sketchpad. “I’m Mayu Watanabe, you can call me Mayuyu.”

“I’m Manami Oku, nickname’s Maa-chan.” The other girl introduced herself.

“Like Sasshi-san said, my name’s Serena… but you can call me Ree-chan.” Serena smiled and began unpacking her things.

“I’ve heard from the other campers in the other bunk houses that there are three more Japanese girls in House A. We should get to know them one of these days.” Mayuyu suggested.

“Yeah, I already saw them Mayuyu.” Maachan said. Slowly, she made her way towards Serena and eyed her curiously.

“Um… is there something wrong Maa-chan?” Serena sweatdropped.

“Funny you said that… nah, I must be seeing things.” Maachan shook her head as she plopped down Serena’s bed.

Serena smiled as she knew she just made new friends. “Anyway, either of you by any chance know how to play poker?” she asked, opening her new deck of cards.

To be continued...

Merry Christmas minna!  :mon santa2: I'm sorry if I wasn't able to update immediately like I promised  :mon duh: work and choir-related stuff has been keeping me from writing. Anyway, I hope everyone will like this chapter! Please do leave a comment! Thanks!  :luvluv2:
« Last Edit: January 20, 2012, 04:46:23 PM by AFLynx »

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Re: The Parent Trap - AKB48 Version (Chapter 1) 12/26 Update
« Reply #9 on: December 28, 2011, 07:52:08 PM »
Euh who is serena? Lol
An AKB camp hehe must be funny ^^

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Re: The Parent Trap - AKB48 Version (Chapter 1) 12/26 Update
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2011, 03:11:58 AM »
@kahem: hehe... she's the twin sister of Erena  :mon sweat: I want Erena to have an identical twin to follow the storyline of the movie Parent Trap.  XD thanks for reading kahem!

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Re: The Parent Trap - AKB48 Version (Chapter 1) 12/26 Update
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2011, 04:38:39 AM »
So this will flow close to how the movie is? Interesting. Want to see what happens next.

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Re: The Parent Trap - AKB48 Version (Chapter 1) 12/26 Update
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2011, 04:59:38 AM »
@Sok: yup, it will! :D thanks for reading!  :twothumbs

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Re: The Parent Trap - AKB48 Version (Chapter 1) 12/26 Update
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2011, 01:09:50 PM »
Hey Lynx =D I finally had time to visit here haha, Slept for a good 12 hours after a week of work. I was that exhausted.... feeling a bit better no more headaches too!!!! YAY
ROFL at Sasshi, I'm sure she loves her job because she get so much time with her Loli's. Poor KitaRie she has to babysit Sasshi along with all the other kids.

So Erena finally meets up with her new camp friends, and her sister has arrived with Mariko-sama!!!!! Bwahahahahaha another Sasshi moment =D Totally loving sasshi in this.

I see you still have the parent's identity hidden, keke, keep everyone thinking?

 :twothumbs :twothumbs

You need to update faster =P making me waitttttttttttttttttttttt all the time!

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Re: The Parent Trap - AKB48 Version (Chapter 1) 12/26 Update
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2011, 03:26:53 PM »
I like it~ :tama-bigheart: Sasshi,you're just thinking about cute girls! :mon blowhorn:
Can't wait for the next update! Update soon~ :mon innocent:

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Re: The Parent Trap - AKB48 Version (Chapter 1) 12/26 Update
« Reply #15 on: December 31, 2011, 05:56:29 AM »
And now I have commented! Yay~! Sheesh! I can’t believe you had to blackmail me just to make me comment. XD

Anyway, I thought that Erena would have been the one with the maid, and Serena as the rougher one out of the pair, since I always imagined Erena as a gentle person. For the camp, I sure wish that there IS one. That would be the best! I’ll make sure that I go to that camp! And with Sasshi as the Senior Camp counselor, everyday would just be the interesting!

And one more thing! There’s Myao! And Mayuyu! And Maachan! And Rabutan! YAY~! Are you going to make them pair up, huh huh? *nudges you* XD Plus Marichin as the maid! She’ll probably be the best maid in the whole world, since she’s so fashionable and all!

Anyways… *sigh* Sorry if this is not long enough, but come on! I have forgotten what I wrote back then!

Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

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Re: The Parent Trap - AKB48 Version (Chapter 1) 12/26 Update
« Reply #16 on: December 31, 2011, 11:14:06 AM »
Ah I got it. I didn't recongnize the movie beacause in french it calles "A nous quatre" *facepalme"

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The Parent Trap - AKB48 Version (Chapter 2) 01/25 Update
« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2012, 02:08:09 AM »
Author's Note: just for everyone's convenience and to avoid future confusion, the characters Serena and Erena (the identical twins) are both based on the likeness of Erena Ono  :) Without further ado, on with the next chapter!  :on cigar:


Dear Maman,

It’s been a week now since Mari-nee accompanied me here in camp. I’ve managed to make new friends who are Japanese, and what’s funny is that we have counselors who are Japanese as well! Thanks for buying me a new digicam for this trip Maman. I wish I could send you some pictures so that you all can see how beautiful Camp Akihabara is, but I guess it will have to wait.

Have you received my postcards? I’ve been writing every day. : )

Today’s activity is swimming. I do hope that I’ll be able to practice what I’ve been taught in our swimming class in school since we’ll have our activity in the lake. The lake is beautiful – don’t worry Maman, I’ll take a picture of it too.

Je suis désolé Maman, I’m going to make this short. It’s already lunchtime, and Kitarie (our Camp Director) doesn’t like it if we’re late. I’ll write about our swimming activity tomorrow.

Give my hugs and kisses to Grandma and Mari-nee! I love you Maman!

Your Deux Bebe,



You were right! I’m having lots of fun here in Camp Akihabara! I have two Japanese friends in my team house and it’s actually great because I get to practice talking in Japanese with other people. Oh, thanks for lending me your DSLR camera Papa…

I know what you’re thinking Papa - don’t worry I’ve been taking good care of it and I’m doing what you’ve instructed me to do in keeping it clean and dust-free.

I wish you’re here so that we can have a picture by the lake… it reminds me of our home in Long Island. I can’t wait for the camp to end so we can go camping like we do every year!

Have you sent out my package yet? A growing kid like me will not survive the camp life without her snacks. I promise I’ll share it with my new friends.

Say hi to everyone for me, especially to my dog, nanny and ever coolest Godmom!

I love you Papa!
Erepyon ^.^d


During Lunchtime…

Serena, Maachan, and Mayuyu giggled as they entered the camp’s Dining Hall. A lot of girls have already gotten their lunches and have settled happily on the tables. Amidst the loud chatters and laughters, there are still some girls who waited patiently as they queue on the two lines that approach a central buffet table.

“Quick Maachan, Ree-chan! Let’s head towards that line, it’s shorter than the other one. I’m famished.” Mayuyu pointed at the right line towards the buffet table.

“Of course you are Mayuyu. It’s a wonder that you don’t get fat from all the food that you’ve been eating.” Maachan rolled her eyes as they passed by the left line where Erena, Myao and Rabutan were already getting a tray for their food.

Both Serena and Erena were oblivious of each other as they pick out the food that they like for lunch. Talking to their friends, they both reached the center of the buffet were the different kinds of dessert are neatly arranged. For a split second, both girls stood next to each other and was about to reach the remaining piece of blueberry cheesecake when Kitarie stepped between them holding a dessert bowl.

“Excuse me girls, I’ve got to have another helping of this wonderful fruit salad.” Kitarie said as she reached for the large spoon inside the salad bowl. Serena and Erena sighed at the same time and waited for the older girl to get her dessert. “Would you care for some dear? The pineapples in the salad are sweet and we just had it shipped from Hawaii this morning.” Kitarie offered as she tilted her head towards Erena.

“Oh, no thanks Kitarie… I can’t, I’m allergic to pineapples.” Erena informed her, quickly grabbing the last blueberry cheesecake and left the line with her tray.

“How about you dear… want some fruit salad?” Kitarie offered again to Serena, who is waiting patiently on her other side.

“Sorry, I wish I could but I can’t… I’m allergic to pineapples.” Serena said, reaching her hand to where the cheesecake was supposed to be waiting for her. Eh? I swear there was a blueberry cheesecake here. Oh well, I’ll settle for some American dessert then – apple pie. Serena thought disappointedly as she grabbed the said dessert.

“Yes allergic, you just told me that…” Kitarie paused and looked at Serena. Confused, she looked back to her left expecting Erena still standing in the left line. “How did you get over there?” she asked Serena who simply shrugged her shoulders. Serena quietly picked up her tray and left Kitarie still getting her dessert.

Kitarie laughed as she thought that she’s seeing double. Must be seeing things because there are a lot of girls this year… “Oh well, you have to excuse me. At least I’m not putting salt in the sugar shakers yet. I mean, sugar in the….” Kitarie attempted the joke to Serena and almost yelped in surprise when Mayuyu smiled at her while getting two dessert plates on her tray. “Now where did that girl go?”


Afternoon Swimming Contest

Erena took a deep breath as she approached the lake. Wearing her matching Speedo swimsuit and swimming cap, she hung her towel on her shoulder and twirled her goggles as she walked towards to were Myao and Rabutan are waving at her. Erena doesn’t consider swimming as a sport but a form of leisure. She’s confident in her swimming skills since she’s been practicing a lot in their outdoor pool at their Long Island mansion. I really miss Papa. I bet she’ll cheer for me if ever there is some sort of swimming competition on the lake.

The girls gathered at the lake shore according to their designated bunk houses. Sasshi stood at the dockand blew her whistle to get everybody’s attention.

“Alright ladies, listen up! For this afternoon we’ll have a swimming contest!” Sasshi announced on her bullhorn as the girls cheered in response. “Each of the houses should choose a representative who will join in the competition. As you can see, there are rally borders that will represent a lane for each house. Every representative will run from the starting point at the shore and swim across the lake to get the flags taped on the bouys floating at the end of the lane. After getting the flag, the swimmers will swim back, and run towards to where I’m standing and grab this mini-version of our camp flag from me. The first one to grab this flag wins!” Sasshi explained, waving the flag for everyone to see. “After the competition, everyone will have the rest of the afternoon for free swimming time!”

“So… who’s gonna represent our team? Maachan, do you know how to swim?” Mayuyu asked Maachan, wading her feet to test the water.

“Me? Oh nononono… I don’t swim that well. How about you Ree-chan?”

“Well, this year I have swimming as our PE class back in Paris. I think I managed to have a good grade in that class.” Serena informed the two as she tied her hair in a neat ponytail before putting on her swimming cap.

Mayuyu and Maachan exchanged devilish looks, “Ne, Ree-chan, you should represent our team then! There’s a good chance that you’ll win.” Maachan encouraged her friend.

“What? But…”

“Come on Ree-chan, you can do it! Maachan doesn’t swim well and honestly, I’m afraid of deep waters. We’ll definitely cheer you on!” Mayuyu added.

Ree-chan sighed, “Fine. Don’t blame me if I don’t win this race.” She caved.

Meanwhile, just beside where House K is huddled, Erena, Myao and Rabutan are having a discussion. “I can represent House A since I know how to swim.” Rabutan said, raising her hand.

“You’ve already represented our team at the relay race with the other girls; you should give chance to others – like me.” Myao reasoned out.

“I know how to swim too and I get a lot of practice every summer. Besides, I haven’t really participated in the games yet so I think it’s my turn now.” Erena interjected.

Three girls continued their reasoning until Sasshi approached them, “Oi oi, what are my girls arguing about?” Sasshi asked as she hugged a now squirming Myao.

“Sasshi, you can let go of me now. We’re still not sure who will represent House A that’s all.” Myao answered as she tried to get off of Sasshi’s grasp.

“Hmmm… I find it cute that my girls in House A are eager to participate….” Sasshi thought for a while, still hugging Myao as she patted the girl’s head. “We’ll just have to deal this in the good ol’ fashioned way.”

“Eh? Good ol’ fashioned what?”

“Good ol’ fashioooooooooooned… JANKEN! Japanese style!” Sasshi winked, making a ‘V’ sign in front of the girls.

“J-Janken?!” The three girls exclaimed as they exchanged curious glances.


Kitarie tapped her foot on the dock as she glanced around impatiently. Turning behind her, she saw Sasshi approach her, whistling happily. “What took you so long Sasshi? All the houses have already chosen their representatives for the swimming game.” She asked, shoving the bullhorn to Sasshi’s chest.

“Ehehehe, gomen ne Kitarie. My team A has a little bit of argument as who will represent the house. I kinda helped them a bit. They’re okay now and has chosen a representative.”

“That’s good. Wait, how did you handle it?”

“Simple, I suggested a one-time janken tournament between three of my overzealous girls. That Erena girl who has a short hair… well, you can’t see her hair since she’s already wearing a cap, won.” Sasshi winked.

“Janken? Really now? Good thing your girls are Japanese to understand what that means.” Kitarie said amused. “Anyway, let’s get this show on the road. We’re already burning daylight as it is, and we promised everyone that they’ll have a free time after this.” She added, leaving the Senior Counselor standing on the dock.

“It’s a good suggestion and you know it Kitarie. Oi… where are you going? Aren’t you gonna praise me for my suggestion? Oi, come back here!” Sasshi yelled to Kitarie who continued to ignore her.

*** **

Erena wore her goggles, adjusting the straps to fit comfortably around her head and to prevent water from entering the goggles once she’s inside the water. That’s the fastest janken that I ever did. Good thing I won by choosing rock against two scissors. she giggled inwardly. She remembers playing janken with her papa whenever they have to decide what’s for dinner, though they always suggest the same meal to her nanny.

“Are each of the representatives ready?” Sasshi belted out on her bullhorn.

“Ready!” Erena eagerly raised her hand.

That girl is full of energy… “I’m ready!” Serena replied along with the other girls from different teams.

Seeing that all the girls are already positioned behind the starting line, Sasshi raised her hand to get the players’ attention…

“On your maaaaaaaaaaaark… get seeeeeeeeeeeet… GO!” Sasshi blew her whistle, sending all the players running towards the lake.

The camp girls cheered as each of their representatives crossed the starting line and ran towards the shore of the lake. Some girls paused to test if the water is cold before they actually swam to their designated lanes. Serena waded until the water reached her waist then started to swim freestyle. Erena, on the other hand, immediately dove when she reached a manageable depth of the lake and then began to swim freestyle.

“Go Ree-chan! You can do it!” Maachan cheered.

“Wow, look at Erepyon go! She and that girl from house K are evenly matched.” Myao commented to Rabutan as she squinted at the two rivaling girls.

Erepyon gasped for breath as she reached the bouy at the end of her lane. Phew! Finally got the flag. Time to go back to the shore! she encouraged herself. On the other side of the lane, Serena grabbed her flag at the same time and dove back on her way to the shore.

All the campers cheered as the two leading contenders from house A and K swam with the same speed towards the shore. Removing her goggles, Serena waded at the shore and ran towards the dock where Sasshi was also cheering. Erena on the other hand, didn’t bother to remove her goggles and quickly ran to keep up Serena.

Oh no, you’re not getting that flag from Sasshi! Erena thought as both girls stepped on the dock at the same. Serena and Erena stretched out their hand towards the flag in Sasshi’s hand as they ran. Both girls reached the flag at the same time however, Serena accidentally bumped into Erena as she skidded to a stop, making the other girl stumble back to the lake as Serena grabbed the flag from Sasshi.

“AAAAAAAAAAAH!” Erena squealed, making a huge splash in the water.

Serena gasped as she saw Erena fall to the water. Quickly kneeling at the dock, she stretched her hand out towards Erena who was gasping for breath as she surfaced the water. “I’m sorry, let me help you!”

Erena growled inwardly and glared at Serena, Good thing I’m still wearing my goggles. “No, let me help you!” Erena said and yanked Serena back into the lake. Myao and Rabutan exploded in laughter, ignoring Maachan and Mayuyu’s glare.

Serena sputtered after she fell to the lake beside Erena. “What did you do that for?” she asked incredulously.

“Me? You pushed me back to the lake!” Erena retorted.

“I did not!” Serena snapped back as both girls climbed back at the dock where all the campers have already gathered around them.

“Whoa! Alright, that was quite a show! It’s was supposed to be a tie but since the house A representative accidentally let go of the flag, the winner is House K!” Sasshi announced. Maachan and Mayuyu jumped with joy while Myao and Rabutan simply rolled their eyes.

“Alright girls, let’s shake hands.” Sasshi encouraged Serena and Erena who is still standing behind each other’s backs. Erena yanked her cap off of her head in irritation while Serena just sighed as she removed her goggles and swimming cap. Seeing that the two girls will not make a move anytime soon, Sasshi tried again. “C’mon girls… shake hands…”

Serena and Erena let out a sigh and turned towards the other. For the first time, they look into each other’s faces and froze speechless.

“Oh wow…” Sasshi whispered in wonder as she looked at both girls.

She looks… just like me, only with short hair… Serena thought as she extended her hand to Erena.

It’s like looking into a mirror… Erena observed as she reached for the other girls hand. Both girls gasped at the same time as they felt some kind of electricity pass between them. Hearing the other campers whisper about them looking alike snapped out of their reverie and quickly let go of each other’s hands.

“Why is everyone staring?” Erena asked Serena as she consciously grabbed her towel from Rabutan and Myao who is already standing behind her.

“Don’t you see it?” Serena asked, not answering her question. Maachan and Mayuyu also joined in beside her with jaws open as they look from Serena to Erena – still stunned at the resemblance.

“See what?”

“The resemblance between us…” Serena answered back.

Erena gave out a short laugh. “The resemblance… between us?” Erena asked, Serena nodding in response. “Let me see… Turn sideways…” Serena rolled her eyes as she followed what she was asked. “Now the other way…” Erena made a thinking pose as Serena turned to the other side.

“Well, your eyes are much closer than mine… Your ears – well, don’t worry you’ll grow into them… your teeth are a little crooked. Oh, and that nose! Don’t worry dear, those things can be fixed.” Erena’s taunting together with Myao and Rabutan’s laughter made Serena conscious of her looks.

“Want me to deck her for you Ree-chan?” Maachan squinted dangerously towards Erena with her fists in front of her chest.

“Hold on, I’m not quite finished yet.” Erena said off-handedly to Maachan and turned to Serena. “You wanna know the real difference between us?”

Such a rude girl! Time to teach her some manners… “Hmmm… let me see… I know how to swim and you don’t? Or I have class and you don’t? Take your pick.” Serena raised an eyebrow as she retaliated back to the other girl.

Erena growled inwardly, “Why I oughta…”

“OOOOOOOkay Ladies! It’s time to break this little love-fest.” Sasshi interjected as she stepped in between them. “Serena… Erena…” she looked at the girls and stopped short when she realized again how much they look alike. “I-I mean… Erena… Serena… I mean… WHOA!” Sasshi stuttered in confusion, now not really sure which girl she is talking to.

To be continued...

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Re: The Parent Trap - AKB48 Version (Chapter 2) 1/25 Update
« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2012, 08:48:16 PM »
Hahahhahaha!!! Poor sasshi which one is Erena and which one is Serena? This is the question ^^

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Re: The Parent Trap - AKB48 Version (Chapter 2) 1/25 Update
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2012, 06:06:18 PM »
@kahem: thanks for reading and commenting! i can imagine Sasshi being confused and all in this chap :P i bet she just got caught in the moment of staring at the two ^^

I know everyone is still wondering who the parents are. I have to apologize that i didnt drop any hints... all the members of this forum are perceptive and I know once I gave just one hint, it's enough for them to know who they are  :nervous I hope everyone is patient with me, I'll do my best to make this fic interesting  :)

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