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Author Topic: BLACK MOON [Update 4/12 - Prologue]  (Read 3847 times)

Offline kaizoku_gal

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BLACK MOON [Update 4/12 - Prologue]
« on: December 04, 2011, 12:01:16 PM »

Index: 00 (Scroll down)

A/N: Hey everyone, I'm back with a new fic!  :) If you remembered about over 2 months (or was it 3?) ago I posted a tiny bit of this fic's prologue and a poll to see if people are willing to read this kind of fic, so here it is. This one is completely different than all my previous works, which you can find here. I'm still not sure where to go with this ongoing fic, so please, if possible, leave me a comments so that I have the motivation to continue on.  :nervous

With all that said, I hope nothing more than for you to enjoy this fic. Thank you for reading!  :heart:

00 Prologue: The World Not as I Know It

The clock had just struck midnight for the city of Tokyo. Somewhere within the still very lively city, a girl appeared to be having trouble with her sleep. She was thrashing on her bed and her facial expression showed signs that she was in pain as if she was having a nightmare but she was not. It was not a made up reality created by her mind that the girl was seeing in her dreams but actually fragments of the uncertain future. The girl was actually having visions of what yet to come.

Pain. Tears. Screams. Betrayal. Deaths.

After a few minutes of stirring about violently, the girl woke up with a start.  There was no trace of confusion and surprise reflected in her eyes, only fears and panics. It was not the first time she had experienced such event but it seemed that this time, what she had seen had clearly got her shaken to the core. She sat on her bed panting heavily, trying to catch her breath and calm down her erratic heartbeat. Sweats trickled down on her forehead causing several strands of her short hair to stick to her pretty face. 

“It’s no good at all. “ The girl said, her Kansai-ben prominent as she spoke.

------------- •ᴥ• -------------- •ᴥ• ------------------ •ᴥ• --------------

In another location, two bodies lay down on a queen sized bed, sweating for a completely different reason. Not a single article of clothing was on them, their nakedness covered only by the blanket that they both shared. Once their breathing had returned to a steady pace, the older of the two rolled off the bed and proceeded to pick up the pieces of what she was wearing several hours ago which was scattered on the floor. The younger female who was still lying on the bed only watched in silence as her companion getting dressed, making no attempt to plead the other to remain. The one leaving did not asked if she could stay either.  It was like an unspoken agreement for the pair.

The taller one was in the process of buttoning her shirt when she suddenly stopped, seemingly to be startled by something. She turned to face the only window of the room and stared at the dark sky, worry was written all over her face.

“What’s wrong?” The one on the bed asked. Concern flashed in her eyes briefly before it disappeared to return to their expressionless state. The older female did not answer right away but closed her eyes, as if trying to sense something.

“A storm is coming.” She finally replied with eyes still closed.

A frown appeared on the younger’s face. She directed her gaze from the half dressed woman in front of her to look at the night sky as well but it was too dark to tell anything. For all she could tell, the weather was as calm as a millpond.

The only thing that she could notice amidst the darkness was the absence of the moon.

------------- •ᴥ• -------------- •ᴥ• ------------------ •ᴥ• --------------

Three days had passed after the premonition was made.

The sky was a mixture of red and orange. It was already dusk. A female, all by herself, walked lazily on an empty street as she made her way back home. On the bag that was slung across her shoulder, there was a handmade charm hung as part of the bag’s decoration.  ‘Maeda Atsuko’ was written on it. It seemed to be the name given to the girl on her birth. 

A sigh escaped her lips. It was a day just like any other day.

Atsuko was tired of her consistent, boring, daily routine. She was a twenty-one years old college student, with an average look (Atsuko thought so, though most people may find her to be rather on the attractive side), average brain and average social standing. She lived alone in an apartment and worked part time at a convenience store not too far from where she lived for extra income. There was nothing extraordinaire about her, or anything associated with her. She didn’t even have a special someone to share all her happiness and worries with (only her pet cat and her dogs would listen to her daily ramblings). Atsuko was very much a plain person, leading a very plain life.

More than often Atsuko would find herself wishing that there was more in her life. Something exciting. Something that could make her life a more interesting. Or anything that could give colors to her currently very dull world.

Be careful of what you wished for, people said. Because it may just came true.

Atsuko’s wish was about to.

The young adult stopped in her tracks when she saw a girl suddenly materialized a few meters in front of her. Atsuko thought that her mind was playing tricks on her however, when she rubbed her eyes a  couple of times to clear her vision, the girl was still standing at the same spot, looking as real as the next person that Atsuko would see on the streets. But of course, normal people could not just pop out of nowhere. Before Atsuko’s mind could process what was going on, the girl, who apparently was still unaware of Atsuko’s presence, abruptly jumped just in time to avoid a series of black spears that came raining down from above. Baffled as to where the spears had come from, Atsuko looked up to find nothing that could have thrown those pointy weapons. She frowned and directed her attention back to the scene in front her. The spears had melted after missing their target and the resulting dark liquid lumped together to form something, to Atsuko’s horror, resembled very much like a monster.

The big, black ‘thing’ had claws, fangs and a pair of red eyes; all the characteristics fit for a creature of terror.

Atsuko didn’t know how to react to the magic show that she had seen right before her eyes so she retreated few steps back and hid herself behind a lamp post, praying that her existence would went unnoticed by the two beings.  Atsuko watched in fascination as the unknown girl skillfully evaded the monster’s ongoing attacks, and countered with her own series of assaults using her weapons, which was in the form of a pair of dagger. Judging from the circumstances alone, Atsuko thought that there was no way the female could win that fight. The monster was able to stretch itself or evolve to any shape, allowing for both short and long distance attacks while the small blades that the girl was carrying would only work in close ranged combat. As Atsuko continued observing, her heart raced in fear. Somehow, Atsuko wanted the girl to win, although it was still unclear whether the girl was hostile or not. At least the girl looked human, despite her inhuman abilities.

A wrong step taken by the female fighter caused her to lose her footing and fell to the ground. The monster wasted no time in taking that chance. It launched itself on its cornered opponent, ready to end that fierce battle with a victory. Atsuko let out a small gasp and covered her eyes with her hands, afraid to see something that would scar her forever. However, no blood piercing scream could be heard the next few seconds. Atsuko slowly uncovered her eyes, baffled at what had happened. The girl was missing, leaving the monster as bewildered as Atsuko was.

Out of the blue, the girl reappeared in mid-air, just right behind the monster. With both daggers raised high, the girl prepared herself for her final attack. A smirk was plastered on her face. Surprised at the unexpected turn of events, Atsuko clamped a hand over her mouth, her eyes widened.


And the unidentified creature was slashed into two.

The monster let out a howl of defeat before bursting into million tiny pieces and dissipated into thin air. The battle ended. The girl had won! Atsuko released the breath that she didn’t realize she was holding. She had just witnessed the most amazing thing ever, whatever it was. She felt like she had jumped out of reality that she had known all along into a different one. She stood there dumbly; her mind was still busy processing everything until the sensible part of her brain started working again. Shouldn’t she be running by now? There was no way to tell that the girl wouldn’t harm her. Heck, Atsuko couldn’t tell if the girl was really actually a human too. Not wanting to take any chances, Atsuko ran off as fast as her legs would take her, begging to the heavens above that she wouldn’t be caught.

“Phew! That was close.” The victor of the battle said, wiping the sweat off her forehead. She still had yet to notice Atsuko’s presence as she was busy dusting off her clothes and stored away her weapons.

It was when ‘magic girl’ heard Atsuko’s running footsteps only did she realized that she was being watched all along. She spun around to see Atsuko’s back which disappeared into the next corner.


The girl cursed under her breath and immediately gave chase the unwanted witness but when she reached the next junction, Atsuko had already fled from the scene, with no signs which direction Atsuko had chosen. The girl swore again and then quickly reached into her pocket to retrieve a mobile phone. She flipped the cover open and pressed a number on her speed dial before holding up the device to her ear.

“Moshi moshi? Yes, yes, I cleared the area. Don’t worry about it.”

The girl paused and cleared her throat.

“But uh… Takamina?”

A nervous laugh came out of the female’s mouth before she broke the bad news to this ‘Takamina’.

“Someone saw me.”

------------- •ᴥ• -------------- •ᴥ• ------------------ •ᴥ• --------------

How was it?  :nervous  Anybody wanna make a guess who the characters are?   :roll:
« Last Edit: December 04, 2011, 01:21:03 PM by kaizoku_gal »

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Re: BLACK MOON [Update 4/12 - Prologue]
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2011, 12:16:05 PM »
Black Moon?? At first I thought it was a vampire fic or something...  :on lol:  and then at the end I was like Sailormoon?? LOL...  :wahaha:

But that was one interesting prologue...  :on GJ:  Please continue this...  :on cny2:

Offline Yagami.Rai

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Re: BLACK MOON [Update 4/12 - Prologue]
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2011, 12:31:08 PM »
Wow! It seems interesting XD
I hope it's Atsumina :mon please:
I wonder who is the girl that Acchan saw... since it was not Takamina..

Thanks for the Update :thumbup :thumbup
Please Update Soon :)

Offline skytsuna

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Re: BLACK MOON [Update 4/12 - Prologue]
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2011, 12:33:19 PM »
 :w00t: Seems fun to read XD
I also hope it's Atsumina :bow:
It's really an interesting prologue :twothumbs
I'm really curious about the girl and what will happen next XD

Please update soon :bow: :bow:
And thanks for the update :thumbsup

Offline haruhi16

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Re: BLACK MOON [Update 4/12 - Prologue]
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2011, 01:24:51 PM »
I guess it's Mayuki? or Kojiyuu...hmmm <333 either of these two would be awesome <333

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Re: BLACK MOON [Update 4/12 - Prologue]
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2011, 03:01:55 PM »
Ah. Procrastination has led me to your fic... Great writing, it flowed really well, and lots of nameless characters (at the moment). Now I can't get back to work because I'm trying to figure out who these people are.

My guess then:
Emo Kansai girl - Masuda Yuka (The only member I can think of right now from that region)
Bed girl - Oshima Yuko, is that you?
Dressing up girl - Kojima? (I'm so biased)
Fighting girl - Minegishi

If the main character turns out to be Yuka, I'll cry tears of joy, ahahaha. :lol:

Offline Nyanoha

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Re: BLACK MOON [Update 4/12 - Prologue]
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2011, 07:45:42 PM »
AH. I can tell this will already be an awesome fic!  :bow: :bow: :bow:

My guess is that it's Yuko, but that is a guess  XD

Anyways, I will be waiting for chapter one! Great job so far, my excitement is at a peak!

Update soon~ :heart: :heart:
That which does not kill you, makes you stronger.

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Re: BLACK MOON [Update 4/12 - Prologue]
« Reply #7 on: December 04, 2011, 10:56:37 PM »
Like a commenter above, I had a Sailor Moon moment too. Mostly with the 'a storm is coming' it gave me Sailor Neptune vibes. XD
Looking forward to where you're going with this. Here are my guesses:

Kansai accent - Yui
Sleeping duo - Yuki and Mayu (based on shorter one's eyes going back to their cyborg expressionless state
Fighting girl - My first thought was that it was Takamina but that didn't work out since she calls her... So I think it's Yuko. Sae would be cool too though... most of Team K would be /bias

Offline kahem

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Re: BLACK MOON [Update 4/12 - Prologue]
« Reply #8 on: December 05, 2011, 10:14:02 AM »
Sounds great! Monster and all ^^

So guess time:

Kansai girl : Yui?
Bed girls : Tomotomo? I hope so lol
Fighting girl : hum hum Sae?

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