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Author Topic: [MariHaru] Basket Case - Under Construction (HPOV Chap3 Posted) 7/20  (Read 130570 times)

Offline lovemariharu

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 15: Status? In a complicated relationship!)
« Reply #160 on: December 08, 2012, 07:04:58 AM »
FoF-san!! Finally updating! I LOVE YOU!! :heart: :heart:

You know.. You know..
when I saw the title changed, I'm just so so so happy..
Opened and read it.. It's just.. OMGGGGGGGGGGGGG..

I know it'll be happy one, so by the time I read it, I keep on smiling like crazy..
It's not only them who is happy, but me, the one reading is also happy.. SO HAPPY if I could say..
OMGGGG.. serioooooouuuussssslyyyyyy.. :heart: :heart:

Mariko's mom.. giving an immediate call because of Miichan.. Miichan is definitely a spy..
XD XD best spy, eh? hahahaha

andddd.. seriously.. waiting for your next update.. really.. next update.. WEIRD FIRST DATE?!
I'm going to read it while laughing imagining them.. imagining how weird this couple could be!! :D :D

Thank you so much for the update.. reallyyyyyyyyyyyy.. after 1 month?
This worth it!! :D :D
« Last Edit: December 08, 2012, 08:28:47 AM by lovemariharu »

Offline chichay12

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 15: Status? In a complicated relationship!)
« Reply #161 on: December 08, 2012, 07:29:48 AM »
Finally!there together!!
Im literally rolling in my bed after i read this!!
This is to much!!
Thank you for the update!
I mean it!THANK YOU!

Offline dee1711

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 15: Status? In a complicated relationship!)
« Reply #162 on: December 08, 2012, 08:10:41 AM »
*SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE*  :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco: :deco:


and I gotta run now, too, I promise I'll edit everything and go all crazy about how your update made me squeee in delight since it's way too cute I CANT  :panic:  :panic:  :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:

Offline yanouchi

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 15: Status? In a complicated relationship!)
« Reply #163 on: December 08, 2012, 10:25:05 AM »
FoF-san!!! how are you? what happen to your eyes?, hope its not like your bloody smiley icon you put there  :bleed eyes:....
hows your vacation?  :whistle:
Love this chapter,...reading it until the asking her out scene more that 10 times!!!!  :on study:
Mariko so cool and romantic in that scene and not like the previous chapter where shes not ready and totally messed up.  :on cloudeye:
but why you didn't like it? which part? i kinda like Mariharu scene, and love the other side Mariko that we didn't know
and its great...hope their weird date will be in good not in bad way...
come to think of it, this is their 1st date experience it and sure it'll be awkward and
hoping that Mariko can take the lead. there'll be kissing scene on 1st date? naaaahhhh, maybe too early for that.... :D

i wonder after the confession what will happen when they together in their dorm room? (not in pervert thinking way  :twisted:)
will Haruna continued in shy mode? Mariko in new side of her when shes with Haruna? and turn up to scrooge type with her friends?
aaahh so many question....i should stop here...

Great chapter btw, thanks so much FoF-san...
« Last Edit: December 09, 2012, 12:23:21 AM by yanouchi »

Offline flameeyes

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 15: Status? In a complicated relationship!)
« Reply #164 on: December 08, 2012, 11:25:11 AM »
saving ma'space~

anyway happy burthday again and again and again~ :deco:


so that it~ happy in here~

i never felt satisfied like this before as in really~!!! SATISFIED~ :D

URGH~ i LOVE YOU a lot nee-san~ as in A LOT :lol:

I thought it's the end and when I see the TBC

it is like


 :tama-heart: :tama-yeeaah: :tama-apeshit: :mon lovelaff: :wriggly: :mon angel: :wriggly: :mon lovelaff: :tama-apeshit: :tama-yeeaah: :tama-heart:

yeah~ heaven~!!!! that's it . . . it really means a lot to means~ the TBC I mean~  :on speedy:
ow GOD can't wait for the next updato~  :twothumbs

I'm laughing at some part of this:

"W-well, if you ask me, I think she does." I answered as I leaned back on my seat. I tugged on my collar slightly, feeling a bit uncomfortable at the sudden heat that washes over me. You're asking if I was blushing? How the hell should I know! I can't see myself, can I? But...for the record, I did feel hot so...maybe I was blushing. Slightly blushing that is.

Comment: so I'm not laughing at this part . . . I'm smiling a freakin smile  :wahaha: really I found it cute to see mariko like that~ kya~ :deco: :wriggly: and that 'hot' yeah nothing~♫ hehhehe (perv. thoughts go away please~)

I offered her a gentle smile, telling her, "She may not be sure, but that doesn't mean the percentage aren't there. Higher or lower, the percentage just fluctuates which...confuses her." Ain't that the truth. The thing is, there's this side of me that is not sure if I like her only as a friend or if I like her in a way wherein I want to get to know her in a biblical sense. The latter is a bit disturbing and thankfully I haven't felt that way towards her yet. Yeah, I only said that because...that's where a relationship with someone goes right? I mean, after the whole lovey-dovey, couples tend to go horizontal with each other. Or am I wrong? Huh. Well don't blame me if I got it wrong since I don't know shit about being in a relationship besides those cringe delight movies that I've watched with Crazy Psycho. Yeah, most times, the couples there head to R18 after a few dates so...

comment: *nodding* biblical sense hu?... :hehehe: and what's with that I haven't felt that way towards her yet. scratch that 'yet' thing give her some ROMANCE~!!!!! :on thumbb: ahahahhaa I'm on my harem again kya~ :heart:

*thinking some perv stuff*  :on bleed: :mon inluv: :mon blood: ahahahaa :lol:
"Is it just me or is there something different between the Prince and the Princess here?" Creepy suddenly said as her eyes darts between me and Haruna, confusion across her features.

"I think Mariko just had an apple for lunch." Snorlax said as she gave me a knowing look. I narrowed my eyes at her, not liking the obvious, perverted, double meaning she puts there. She seriously needs to stop with the biting of apple thing.

Smiles seems to have gotten what Snorlax said as he let out, "An apple eh? Was it ripe and juicy?" while he wiggles his eyebrow playfully.

ripe and juicy what was that?....ahahaha :lol: *pervert stuff runs to ma'head*

"Want me to offer you some mixed nuts? I can kick them for you if you want." I threatened, glaring at him murderously. Thankfully, he got that and held out his hand defensively, stepping back away from me but still keeping the smile on his face.

comment: that's gross mariko sama as always . . . :grin:

"Apple? Nuts? What kind of combination is that?" Crazy Psycho frowned, her head tilted to the side. "And since when do you prefer Apple over your favorite curry rice?"

"I'm thinking, since now." Snorlax answered, giving me a wink. I rolled my eyes on that.

Creepy, who was getting frustrated, stomped her feet childishly and gave me a pout. "Okay, that's it! The hidden meaning behind the innocent food has got to stop. Explanation! Now!"

"Ditto." Snorlax nodded.

I don't know but I'm laughing~ oh yeah  :grin: :grin: :grin:


Turning back to the screen, I clicked on the dropdown button, hovered at my answer and clicked it. After saving the changes, I suddenly let out a groan as Crazy Psycho tackled me again in a death hug as she began telling me how happy she is for me and a lot of blahs here and there. Creepy quickly followed suit, trapping me in the chair together with Crazy Psycho. The chair moved back from the table as they leaned their combined weight on me. I held out my hand as I groaned out for help while the two continuously hug me to death. I groaned out my discomfort at being squished and was actually hoping that Snorlax would help me, but instead, she held my hand and began shaking it, congratulating me as she wears an annoying smile. This is probably her way of getting back on what I've done to her earlier. Tch.

comment: laughing ma'ass here~  :mon lmao: at this part really . . . I don't know what can I do if that's the case I
mean when you need help and instead she or he shakes your hand . . . What the---ahahhahah :lol:

The torture doesn't end there as a hand was suddenly placed on top of my head and annoyingly began messing my hair like an owner would to a dog. I let out a growl and gave the owner of the hand a murderous glare as he grinned at me, offering me his congratulations. Ugh. I hate it when someone does that. And yeah, he knows how much I hate that but he doesn't care since I'm pretty much stuck here with tweedle-dumb and tweedle-doofus still blabbering about whatever.

"GET OFF OF ME!" I bellowed as I began to struggle. My scream of anger seemed unheard as they kept on torturing me. Again, Goddamn crazies!

"--so happy that my bestie has found a perfect girl for her! Your mom is going to flip when she finds out and she'll reward me with kisses and--" Crazy Psycho. I'm tuning her out for the reason that she's going on relieving her fantasy that involves my mom. Barf anyone?

"I'm happy for you Prince, but can you at least say my name once? C'mon, you can do it. Just say Sae. That's say space Sae by the way. Oh and since you have a girlfriend already, how about that Danso club? Eh? What do you say?" Creepy. She's just goes on and on and on. Ugh.

oh! poor sae ahahhahah she hasn't experince the doki-doki thing when mariko call your real name ahahhahah  :lol:

"Nice job lover girl! Oh hey, I see you haven't accepted my friend request yet. What gives? Oh, wait. You only have three friends there, hundreds of friend requests. What the--" Snorlax. She can be cool at times, but now? NO.

"Scrooge, as your guy bestfriend, you have to come to me for advice and all that, okay? I'm expecting a full detailed story from you so I can help you out. And by full detail, I mean FULL."
Smiles. Definitely harmless yet annoyingly perverted at times.

what was that? ahhahaha

These are the damn crazies that are torturing me right now! The Goddamn crazies that obviously has taken a liking at me. Me, a sarcastic, apathetic, sucky, Scrooge incarnate bitch sent from earth to spread needless emotions throughout the land. Can you believe that?

Hmm? What about the last crazy inside the room?

I really fogot whose the last person and yeah after a several thought i hits mean I am like :w00t: " Oh! it's FANG!! " then after that I'm laughing. you're asking why 'cause I am used to call tomochin by her nickname FANG~ even when we [wmatsui22 and I] were talking about akb or something and there's tomochin there we simply say "fang~ is there at XXX vid~" and yeap~ we used to say fang now ahahha

Well, she's just standing by the table, leaning close to my laptop, smiling at the words on the screen.

What was written on the screen?

Shinoda Mariko - In a relationship with Kojima Haruna

Comment: and this!!! yeah this~!!! that makes me smile the most kya~ :deco:

My phone on my pocket suddenly began ringing, making everyone freeze. Crazy Psycho and Creepy moved away from me as I pushed them lightly. I looked at the screen on my phone and frowned when I saw that it was my mom calling me. Thinking that the call concerns Maachan, I pressed the button and held it against my ear.

Comment: I wonder at that too I mean who's the one calling? and then oh! it's her mom . . . and then~  :yep: ah I see maachan but then~

"Mom?" I let out, blinking a few times.

ahahahhah!!! the shock of her life~  :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

"Oh, honey! Congratulations! You got yourself a girlfriend! I'm so proud of you!"
My mom gushed out, sniffing a few times as if she's about to cry. But that's the least of my problem now. I mean, how did my mom--

what a nice mom she got ahahhaha :mon lmao:

A movement has caught my eye and I found myself looking at my Crazy Pscho bestfriend who was making an escape towards the door. She jumped when she saw me looking at her and without a word, she quickly made a run for it, smiling sheepishly.


and with that Mariko-sama is pissed off  :lol:

so that's all for now

 :skull: :cat: :pen_whirl: :pen_wave: :pen_whirl: :cat: :skull:

  take care always  :pour:   and keep up your good work nee-san  :flower:

I will wait for you next updato~ :clock:

Ja ne~  :poof:

 :tama-bye::on gay::tama-bye:

Proud to be an E-book reader

 :pen_read: :pen_read: :pen_read: :pen_read:
« Last Edit: December 12, 2012, 02:14:55 PM by flameeyes »

(´∩`。) 。:゚

Offline kahem

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 15: Status? In a complicated relationship!)
« Reply #165 on: December 08, 2012, 03:16:02 PM »
YAY!!!! I was grinning during the whole reading ^^
I grinned even more at the unBetty thing xD
Finally they are together!!!! Thank you for this awesome chapter!!!!
And Miichan is still the best!!!

Offline KojiYuu44

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 15: Status? In a complicated relationship!)
« Reply #166 on: December 08, 2012, 07:43:42 PM »
FoF-san!!!!! Thank you so much for the update!!!
I have been a silent reader but I can no longer contain my joy and happiness so i must comment :)
They are FINALLY together  :lol:
I wonder how things are going to turn out on their first date...
will it be awkward... will it be sweet...
I can't wait Please update soon!

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 15: Status? In a complicated relationship!)
« Reply #167 on: December 08, 2012, 08:28:47 PM »
 :yuki:  AHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! YOU UPDATED!!!!!!!!!!!  :heart:

I was so happy, seriously. Like kicking my feet around happy lol. I don't know why, but like your description of how Betty was glowing from something seemingly divine...that was how I felt about this chapter.  :halo: I actually read this last night just before bed and during the whole time I just couldn't stop smiling.  :pimp: Every scene flooded me with joy yo and after I was done I needed a beer--felt like I should celebrate with the crazies hahahaha.  :cathappy: So proud of Mariko-sama, her character has come such a long way already hehe.

Shinoda Mariko - In a relationship with Kojima Haruna

I almost died from the feels at that status  :wub: I guess Kojibabe is not afraid of what others might say or think? Hmm...whatever I just want them to be happy and they are so  :deco: I am da happy one~ :yep:

Anyways thanks so much for the update I didn't think you would yet and with mentioning the blog again ahah. You have my respect and adoration, let me give you my three kowtows  :bow: :bow: :bow: I am looking forward to their weird date, but most importantly something ecchi kekekekekeke  :P Joking.

EDIT: I can't believe I forgot to add this...and you know what it is...


hahahahhahahahahahahhah, smile big~!

« Last Edit: December 09, 2012, 10:22:26 AM by anonymousdowner »

Offline fffff

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 15: Status? In a complicated relationship!)
« Reply #168 on: December 08, 2012, 11:41:30 PM »
Ah, the awesomeness is back. (And I'm commenting for the first time even though I've been following this story ever since Chapter 5 or something)
When I saw your update I controlled my curiosity(it was hard), went to the kitchen and made myself some hot chocolate before reading, so I could enjoy your story in a proper atmosphere. Seriously, it's like watching a good movie. It's awesome and even more awesome and-you get what I mean.
Thank you so much!

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 15: Status? In a complicated relationship!)
« Reply #169 on: December 09, 2012, 04:02:03 AM »
An update!! Is this an advance Christmas gift for us all?  XD ...and btw you don't have to push yourself to much, though most of the chapters ends in a huge cliffhanger we can wait. I don't want your eyes to end up being like this --->  :bleed eyes: lol

All my Mariharu feels on this updatee. after waiting and waiting and waiting. Finally they are together. Should I throw a party here or something?  :lol:
and Haruna's lip biting is just adorable, though i can't really see it. lol. I really am out of words to say right  now. just woke up and yeah i just wanted to leave a comment and a simple thanks in updating. I know it's really hard to write and your eyes definitely needs a rest.

Anyways.. Such a doki doki update. *Pukes rainbow everywhere* I really am looking forward to their first date, and their first kiss. hehehehe.
Thank you for the update and Take care FoF!  :thumbup

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 15: Status? In a complicated relationship!)
« Reply #170 on: December 09, 2012, 04:18:08 AM »
OMG!!! Finally!!!  :lol: XD

I whispered, "Then you know what you should do." I squeezed her hand. "Prevent it from happening, Haruna. Tell me who she is."

"It's you." She finally admits simply, breathlessly. With a nod, I replied back simply and asked her softly,

"Will you go out with me?"

I really love this part. They're now officially together!!! YAY!!!  XD
FINALLY!!!  :P :P :P I thought this would never come, but it did. hehehe

Can't wait for the next chapter about their so called weird I'm wondering if Mariko is going to shop with Haruna with new clothes... :? hmm...

Well, thanks for the update...was waiting for this to come and I was really shock when I saw this update this morning and that I had to read.
(Was reading this while I was at church myself, I know it's bad but it's just boring)

Hope you'll update soon.
I'll say "I love you" to the person I love
Even if these feelings aren't returned, saying "I love you" to the person you love
That is the most beautiful thing in the world

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 15: Status? In a complicated relationship!)
« Reply #171 on: December 09, 2012, 08:16:24 PM »
nice update,
Finally Haruna admit it,
And Mariko is great too playing words game,
so Miichan is a SPY.
what will happen on next?
Mariko's mom visiting?
due this news is what her mom hope for so long,
or we need to know how Mariko punish Miichan after she caught her from her running?

FoF-san this Fic is really nice,
thanks for the update,
Looking forward for the next update.

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 15: Status? In a complicated relationship!)
« Reply #172 on: December 10, 2012, 07:09:41 AM »
I know I said the other day that I'll reply to the previous comments is another tomorrow so... :lol:
Yeah, I got lazy yesterday. Sorry about that.  :nervous
Anyway, let's go with the replies then.  :)

Replies for the previous and the latest chap

@Chichay12: Thanks for liking this enough to bump it two times.  :lol: And wow, you literally rolled in your bed because of that chap? That's...somehow I can't imagine anyone doing that from what I've written. So um...thanks I guess. Makes me feel like I've done something good.  :lol: Oh and the love is greatly appreciated. Seriously. Anyway, thanks for reading and commenting!  XD

@lovemariharu: Thank you for the insight about Nyaro as I really have no idea why Mariko calls Haruna that in real life.  :lol: I'm glad that the latest chap had made you smile like crazy. A happy reader makes me happy as well.  XD Oh and I'll try to make them an interesting bordering towards weird couple.  :lol: And wow, you're right. It has been a month since I updated. Sorry about that.  :nervous Anyway, thanks for reading and commenting! XD

@m00nchild: Well you guessed correctly then as the latest chapter is indeed about what happened when Mariko reached Haruna.  :lol: As for Mariko's mom visiting, I'll be having a chapter like that in the future. But it's the opposite. :lol: Thanks for liking this fic then. :) I'll try to update as soon as I can. Thanks for reading and commenting! XD

@Suicchin: Sorry for the much delay.  :nervous And well, I'm still currently on vacay and I updated! Very late with a bunch of struggles involved though.  :nervous I couldn't help but lol at you guys dying though for the lack of updates.  :lol: Thanks for reading and commenting! XD

@dee1711: I know how it is to be busy so I will wait for the edited version of your comments. Now worries. :) And much thanks for the love.  XD Thanks for reading and commenting! XD

@kahem: I agree with how auto delete function and selection function go hand in hand with each other.  :lol: And I'm glad that the latest chap made you grin the whole time.  :) And the unBetty thing... :lol: Can't argue with you about Miichan being the best. Because, she is.  :lol: Thanks for reading and commenting! XD

@anonymousdowner: Your dorm was broken into and your car got stolen? Bad luck! Tch.  :smhid But then again, at least you're fine though...right?  :? The niece thing, sorry about that.  :nervous Honestly, I was sort of testing the waters on that matter and decided to go with niece since that's the first thing that popped into my mind. If I offend you, I bow dow in forgiveness. I've had my share of perv virus so it's pretty much normal really. Don't worry. I think.  :nervous Props to you on how you only spread love.  :thumbup You shouldn't be honored to be receiving such comments from me. It's actually supposed to be the opposite. I should be the one honored to be the one receiving such praise from such an appreciative gentleman like yourself.  :) Your fondness for  the beautiful things in the world astounds me, as it is quite rare to find a gentle lad such as yourself. Maybe that's why your writing is coated with beautiful words as well.  :) Hmmm, your site. I've seen it and I love the sig you made me.  XD  XD The Nyaro bit? Like you and the others, I think Mariko is just teasing Haruna with that nickname. Maybe she thinks that since Nyan-Nyan is already taken by Yuko, she'd go with something different like Nyaro. :lol: About the latest chapter, I'm glad you liked it and had beer after reading it. :) The status bit on the latest chapter? The thing is, Haruna doesn't have an FB account and Mariko only has 3 friends there. Plus, being home schooled all her life, I'm pretty sure Haruna is still a bit dense when it comes to the outside word. That includes technology and websites.  :lol: So yeah, I'm not going to elaborate on that since I might let out on something if I explained further. Though it is pretty obvious.  :lol: And lol at the appearance of the funky panda once again.  :lol: Thanks for reading and commenting! XD

@flameeyes: You alwways seem to be a forgetful one. :lol: Thank you for the songs, I listened to them and somehow it helped me to write a few things. Though I did had one of that song on repeat for a few times. Can't remember which one though. Oh thanks again for the greet. That's like, three times now! Not counting the again and again though. :lol: Thanks for reading and commenting! XD

@RJay: More study? I'm sure you can do it! Just a bit more! I'll be rooting for you! And yes, I've already known you're a guy. I can't remember how though. :lol: Thanks for the luck and we did have a safe trip. Hopefully we'll have a safe trip back home as well. :) Right now, I'm in a city of the big shoulders. :lol: And lol at the breasts thing. I totally get why Mariko would call Haruna breasts-sama. Mariko shopping with Haruna for clothes? I think Mariko wouldn't like that though. :lol: You read this fic while you're at a church? All I can say to that is :lol: Thanks for reading and commenting! XD

@immortal_k: Thank you for sneaking in during work to comment then. XD The love is greatly appreciated. :) Do study hard and good luck with it. You're still overseas right? Enjoy! Although I don't really need to say that huh. I mean, you're obviously having a great time there. :) Thanks Immok! Thanks for the read and the comment! XD

@O r i g a m i: Thanks for liking the previous chap! XD Oh and the thing about me and my friends having a fight, well they're okay now. I think. I always told them to get a room so maybe they did that now. :lol: Kidding. Hopefully they won't read this or I'm dead. I've seen that video a couple of times. I just love it whenever Mariko teases Haruna. It's like when a boy likes a girl really. XD Oh so the admin helped you with your username huh. I'm actually thinking of changing mine too but I have no idea what. :lol: I see the last chap has made Taka cry again. :nervous Thanks for reading and commenting! XD

@masokun: I get the whole killer schedule, I get that sometimes. :lol: Thanks for making time to read and comment then. Much thanks! Oh so Nyaro isn't a made up word by Mariko then. Thanks for the info! And about the fanfic blog, you better ask anonymousdowner about that since that is his blog. :) The more the merrier I always say. :lol: Thanks for reading and commenting! XD

@yanouchi: You're making onionboy hypnotize me into making this fic longer? :lol: I'm pretty sure this fic is going to be a bit longer because I have yet to bring out the drama. That and there are a couple of things I haven't cleared yet. :lol: So yeah, this fic won't end this year. Maybe next year. :nervous My eyes are A-okay now. No bleeding has occured thank God. It just started hurting because of tiredness and I was typing late at night while the lights were off so...yeah. :nervous I'm not doing that again. Maybe after a few days though. :lol: My vacation is okay, I guess. A few boring moments here and there. :lol: Thanks for asking! :) To answer your other question, the reason why I didn't like that chap is because it felt like it was going on in circles. I have problems with the emotions being shown there as well and a few other things. In short, it wasn't enough for me. Don't mind me, I'm the type that is always hard on herself especially when it comes to writing. But, seeing the comments, I guess I shouldn't be too hard now, don't I? :nervous Anyway, going back to the fic, I'm pretty sure Haruna is still going to be shy around Mariko. So it's all up to Mariko to push her around if ever that happens. :lol: Oh and can I just add that I love your sig and I often look at it because I want the two to interact like that in this fic as well. So I guess, I'm treating your sig as a goal. Just saying. :lol: Thanks for reading and commenting! XD

@KojiYuu44: Wow, I made a silent reader to appear! Yey! XD Thank you for liking my fic! Seriously, Thanks! XD I'm happy that my update had brought you joy and happiness. I guess I get why people would be happy about them being together since it did take them 15 chap to get together. :lol: Their first date? I'll try to sweeten them a bit. Thanks for reading and commenting! XD

@fffff: Another silent reader! Yey! XD FoF had done something good then. :lol: Anyway, thanks for liking my fic. XD And lol at the controlled curiousity. I know how that feels. But most of the time, my curiousity gets the best of me. :lol: A good movie eh? Aww shuchks. Thanks! XD Actually a friend of mine said the same thing but she said it was more like a kdrama. :lol: Anyway, thanks for reading and commenting! XD

@crazywota: An advance christmas gift? Then it's okay if I can update after xmas then? Preferably by next year? :lol: Kidding! :lol: I always like it when I end a chap in a huge cliffy. I mean, it somehow fits. :lol: Oh and thanks for the concern about my eyes. No bleeding occured and yeah, I guess I was pushing myself too hard. :lol: I'm glad you liked that chap. If you're going to throw a party, invite me. :lol: Haruna's biting lip thing, can you imagine Mariko biting it rather than her? I can. :lol: Wow, you just woke up and instantly commented? Thanks! XD And yeah, I will definitely take a rest seeing I updated already. :) I'll try to make your heart doki doki again in their date then. Here's me hoping you'd puke rainbows again. :lol: Thanks for reading and commenting! Take care of yourself too! XD

To the silent readers and thank you pressers, I thank you as well.  :bow: :bow: :bow:

Sadly, this thread bump isn't an update. I actually forgot what's the purpose of this bump thread really.  :nervous Yeah, I am forgetful really.  :nervous
One thing that I do remember that I wanted to do is to make a poll. I'm thinking of maneuvering this fic and head somewhere I've never ventured before and that is smut.  :nervous Okay so maybe smut is a wrong word here. Let's make it a love scene. Yes, I'm thinking of trying to write a love scene in the BC world. I've read the insights of different authors about that in the General discussion thread and I agree to most of them. That writing smut using real people seems wrong. I do get that feeling as well, believe me I do. But, the thing is, I want to get out of my comfort zone as well.  So yeah, I'm thinking about it and I want to know if the readers aren't opposed to the idea of a love scene(s) between the two. I owe it to the readers scene(s) or not, do tell me. I'm all ears.  :) Again, I'm just thinking about it anyway. It's still subject to change.  :lol:

Anyway, that's all I could think of right now to say. The latest chap is still going to be edited someday or whenever I'm not busy or lazy.  :lol: Oh and I'll try to update before Christmas. If not then after? Then if not then after new year?  :lol: Nah, I'll try the before Christmas.  :lol: It is pretty hard writing while I'm in a different country though.  :nervous Again, I'll try!  XD And the poll. Do click on whatever you think.

Comments? Suggestion? Violent reaction? Murder intent? Do tell me what you think.  :lol:

Thanks so much!  :)

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 15: Status? In a complicated relationship!)
« Reply #173 on: December 10, 2012, 07:34:14 AM »
OMO.. I can't believe it I chose the 3rd option~ XD XD
hahahaa.. so silly.. But it's okay I guess.. :D :D
Anything will do! :D :D Love scene or not.. MariHaru is still MariHaru I love :heart: :heart:

update before Christmas? Well, alright! :D :D but isn't it supposed to be 2 weeks before Christmas? :P

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 15: Status? In a complicated relationship!)
« Reply #174 on: December 10, 2012, 09:45:40 AM »
Hahaha!!! No, I wasn't offended. I just had a great  laugh out of it which was awesome :lol:

About the Kojibabe thing...I guess that's true. I almost forgot about that actually. Then back to the perve virus (I love how you were like "Don't worry. I think^^; ) I think you know which poll option I clicked on. In truth, I greatly admire stories that are kept fluffy and innocent...but your characters are just too interesting to pass up on how a love scene would go. Curiosity is a powerful thing lol. Thanks for taking your time to give us the wonderful update again and personal replies.  :deco:

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 15: Status? In a complicated relationship!)
« Reply #175 on: December 10, 2012, 07:23:20 PM »
Ohmigash...... OHMIGASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :mon closeup:
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mon fire:
FoF-SAMA UPDATED THE FIC!!!!  :mon mad:
*cries happy tears  :farofflook:

This chap is really sweet and cute at the same time~ :heart: :shy2:
I dunno FoF-sama, but I can somehow relate to this chapter of yours.... v_v *sigh but Im happy that Mariko and Haruna ended up together... unlike.... someone...I know....  :on cloudeye:
Anyway, the confession part really made my heart go doki doki  :luvluv1:
Im really impressed with Mariko's actions since she clearly shows how she love Haruna by thinking pervy  err I mean umm... :mon sweat: by encouraging Haruna to tell her what she really feels towards her which is really cool  :mon determined: (*sigh... I wish I'll have the same ending as those two... *sigh....)

And with this chap, it's obvious that Mariko-sama is the S and Haruna is M  :hehehe:
(Oh shoot....  :mon closeup: me cant wait for "it"... ehehehe  :mon inluv: )

My heart~ :mon angel:

And what's this?  :mon dunno: I think the "Yadong" virus is spreading on your characters..  :mon fyeah: (which is good  :mon nyah:)
Kinda makes me proud of being a Yadong Freak  :mon nyah: (umm... please dont tell this to the Jpervz group FoF-sama  :mon psst: ehehehe  :mon innocent:)

Anyway, about your "To love scene or not to love scene?" poll...  :mon mischief: I guess you know what I've voted for (which I accidentally clicked it twice....  :mon evillaff: ahahahaha  )~  :kekeke:
And well, I have a feeling that the pervy monkey will appear soon so brace yourself~  :hehehe:

Hope you'll update your fic soon FoF-sama~  :on gay:
And btw, please do take care always  :gmon bang:
Sweets are the enemy so No sweets for FoF-sama!!!! :mon devcandy: Me is taking all the candies just for you~  :mon POd:
Im so sorry for restricting you from eat sweets~  :gmon tears:
Gomene FoF-sama  :mon whimper:
And despite of all the Shenanigans , have a great vacation FoF-sama!!!!!  :on gay:

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 15: Status? In a complicated relationship!)
« Reply #176 on: December 11, 2012, 12:02:26 AM »
Yeah, more study. Thanks, just a little bit more 'til the final session exams, and six more months 'til I get out of that school.
Lol :lol: You knew that I was already a guy, but you don't know how? Lol :lol:
City of big shoulders? Chigago? Interresting. How was it? Have another safe trip back to your home. :P XD

If it's not that kind of date, wonder what kind of date will it be? Hope it's not something that it would turn out really awkward between them.(It'll be weird, especially when they just got together.)  :smhid XD :lol:

Yeah, I read this fic in the middle of church; I'm a bad boy. Don't blame me that church was boring at that time when the preacher was just talking about uninterresting things and just used my phone to read at the back.  XD :lol: :)

EDIT: I even had to pretend that I was reading my bible on my phone, pretending that I was listening to the preacher. I'm such a bad influence to the kids.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2012, 04:43:10 PM by RJay »
I'll say "I love you" to the person I love
Even if these feelings aren't returned, saying "I love you" to the person you love
That is the most beautiful thing in the world

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 15: Status? In a complicated relationship!)
« Reply #177 on: December 14, 2012, 05:38:11 AM »
I almost never comment on a fanfic,but now I'm bursting with happiness.Please update soon!

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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 15: Status? In a complicated relationship!)
« Reply #178 on: December 16, 2012, 08:44:23 AM »
To Fof-san  :)

Author of Basket Case

Good Day FoF-san

I really like your Chapter 15 of Basket Case

(It’s very interesting to find Mariko asked Haruna

To became her girlfriend)

(It’s so sweet  :deco:)

This is a good chapter!  :twothumbs

Thank You for update   ;)

-Waiting for your One-shot  :P


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Re: [MariHaru] Basket Case - (Chapter 15: Status? In a complicated relationship!)
« Reply #179 on: December 28, 2012, 08:28:27 PM »
I read this mainly just for TakaTomo (since MariHaru sounds so weird to me and I just can't imagine them together  :bigdeal:)
But your amazing writing styles really got me  :luvluv2:
I think this is the only MariHaru fic that I can read! Really, I mean it!  :hehehe:
So, please continue this masterpiece and don't forget some  :shy2: and  :on bleed: act! well. we talk about some nun-turns-L here

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