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Author Topic: Blank-Faced Woman Day 62 FIN  (Read 21079 times)

Offline kuro808

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Re: Blank-Faced Woman Day 58-59 7/10/2012
« Reply #40 on: July 11, 2012, 08:43:38 AM »
@yellow: pretty much XD

Day 58-59

The group was herded onto the plane and sent off to their next location.  It was another blind trip to run away from the chaos of people get through their rehab stint.  Ai held her hands together and mumbled out a few thoughts to herself while the other two chatted with each other.  It was half-filled with passengers assuming they were heading to the same location.

 “Where is Yossie?”  Eri asked.

The three shrugged their shoulders as they got out of their seats and looked around for the camp leader but couldn’t find her within their area.  With first class restricted, they were stuck in the cabin with the few people who were just exhausted from their experience through security.  The three walked back to their seats and set their chairs back into an obtuse angle and closed their eyes.

The violence that surrounded them was happening for a reason or that is what they thought about through their nap.  The question popped up everywhere wondering why it was happening to them.  The answers were swirled in the events previous and to their next location was another day.

The boarded off the plane and in the lobby was a man with sunglasses and three bags surrounded him.  He took off the glasses and gave them a bow while Yossie, looking refreshed, followed them from behind.  They didn’t have time for questions as he dragged the bags to the streets and a van was there to load up their items.

“Gomen ne, I’m Sakata Yoshinori,” he introduced. “You can be formal or call me Yoshi as you pleased.”

“Where are we?”  Risa asked as she looked around the area.

“Sapporo.  Konno-sensei has requested for you to have shelter here.”  He explained with the bags all in the back and the group boarded.

Yoshi started the van and drove off to the streets.  He was non-talkative in general unless you bring him up with his hobby of horse racing.  His avid knowledge of the sport spanned over his lifetime and betting was a close number two on his favorite hobbies.  He kept his concentration on his mission on hand as the group cramped with their bags waited patiently for their next stay.

“Konno was born in Hokkaido, so we might be staying in her area.”  Yossie noted in trying to remember the past conversations with the doctor.

“I would guess so,” Ai unenthusiastically muttered.

“Don’t feel bad, we all are here to help each other.”  Yossie flashed a smile as Yoshi glanced back at them.

“We are going to a farm in the country.  The family will teach you about working on the farm.  You only have a week of this before you are set for release.”

“Really?”  He nodded slightly as they felt lifted about this nightmare being over soon.

They went down an isolate road and stopped at a small farm where a gleeful woman stepped out with a straw hat.  Yoshi grabbed the bags to take inside the large house as the farmer extended her hand to the group.

“I am Abe Natsumi, you can call me Nacchi, and Yoshi is my close friend who has inherited this farm from his family.”  The man bowed to them and let them inside the large house where it had large areas of modern rooms and upstairs was the bedrooms where they would be staying in.

Ai walked into her room with a view of the sun outside her window.  She was only a week away until freedom.  She was confident it was going to be over.

Reina looked outside her window seat and felt relieved that she was out of the hospital.  She was relieved that Goto wouldn’t be on her tail.  She was relieved that the woman was gone.

The case was finally off her platter and she free to chase after the only woman that had still bother her.  The woman was the anti-Reina, she had the key to take her down.  She wondered why she never used it but always wanted to silence her forever before anything else got out.  Her lie wasn’t really a lie but a half-truth: she was leader of a group but not as dynamic as it was told to her.

It was her final duty as leader of this group to silence the only person who could send her into jail. 

“Tanaka-san, where are you going?”

“I’ll be right back.”

“Where’s my goods?”

“Ai-chan, be patient.”

“Before that…”  Ai threatened with a stack of 10,000 yen notes.

“Where did you get that?”  Reina asked as her finger pointed toward the bed.

“They are here, hide out.”  She informed Ai as she ran into the bathroom and Reina threw the stack into laundry basket.

“You have the money?”

She looked at her ticket and curled her lips as her next location was confirmed the landing place as she tracked the car Goto was riding in.  A one-way trip to Hokkaido with the hopes of either finding her or her soul returning to her hometown lost forever.  She boarded the plane with a small bag filled with weapons and flew off to her match.

Goto observing her from behind requested a trip while in disguise and kept her distance with knowledge of the kitty’s true intention.  She had to display caution and carried what was needed for a cross-country trip and closed her eyes while standing behind her with a thick coat and sunglasses.

The next morning they were awaken by roosters and dragged out to the barn for training.  Risa was assigned to egg duty, Eri was to milk cows, and Ai had to mix the feed for the chickens.  The trio struggled throughout the day with various problems with the animals but was done without any animal critically harmed.  After their adventure, they were given breakfast.

Their midday assignments were easy with grooming their horses and naturally they adapted to them as they neigh and greeted the new workers.  Eri had the mischievous one when it defecated near her as it was brushing its tail; her scream was the comic relief they needed to take off the pressure.

After lunch, the group watering crops with the can and fertilizing the new ground with manure.  They rock-paper-scissors to see who would water and who had to fertilize, Risa came out the winner leaving the other two with the fragrant manure.  Ai and Eri grabbed their hand shovels and spread the dark matter around the crops while Risa chased them to water it down.  Yoshi assisted with the laying down of manure with his big shovel and looked happy with the results.

Ai finally looked up at the sunset and knew dinner was ready for them and rushed over to the group shower where the three were corralled to wash each other off.  Since the water was lukewarm, they had to rush out before it got cold outside, and walked in with a feast laid out for them.

“Thank you.”  They cheered all at once.

They each took a bowl of rice and bowed their heads to the food provided to them.  Nacchi watched them eat the food in front of them with a motherly observation.  She always thought about children but with her tough past, no one would accept her as a suitable wife.  Yoshi was a close friend to Nacchi and had offered advice when she needed some, mostly for encouragement.  The duo created the house where rehab patients could be safe from the outside world by living on a farm.

The trio was enjoying the food before Ai noticed the omission on the dining table.  She stood up and looked around for her before sitting back down.   Nacchi noticed she was missing and headed upstairs where she was on the phone with someone.  The concern on her face was evident to the leader of the farm.

“Yossie, you should eat before it gets cold.”  Nacchi informed her.

“I will get there, just need to figure out something.”  Yossie grumbled to herself as the motherly figure left.

She didn’t have to expect trouble when they were sent here, but with an angry kitty coming their way, they had to be prepared for everything.  Yossie dialed Konno, who was surprised with the events happening beyond the farm, and briefed her about the woman after Ai.  Konno wasn’t sure what to associate with the message but was quick to send out protection for the farm.

Yossie closed her phone and headed downstairs where the three rested by the couch leaving the two guardians busily cleaning the table.  They quickly dropped everything and let Yossie let off the concerns to them.  They nodded with every word and tried to see if they could do something on their own accord but Yossie insisted to not meddle in the situation.  The two left her to eat alone while she concentrated on the group.

Goto arrived in Hokkaido with her carry-on and headed towards the security booth to inform them about the woman.  They quickly nodded and she headed towards the main station to do the same but fell to the ground.  Two of them chased the suspect as the rest aided her while ambulance arrived.

The cops chased down a man and wrestled him to the ground.  They arrested him and brought him into custody while Goto glanced at the arrested and shook her head.

“That guy hit you.”

“I guess so, but where is that woman?”  She asked as they all looked at each other.

Goto pounded her fist into the ground in frustration as she had to find the location of the kitty.  She headed to the camera room and replayed the tape of their arrival.

Shit, she wasn’t on the plane.
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Re: Blank-Faced Woman Day 60 7/15/2012
« Reply #41 on: July 15, 2012, 11:41:10 PM »
Day 60

Reina had been well aware of Goto following her and boarded onto another plan headed to Tokyo to meet with her gang.  She arrived to foggy weather and the wind was a non-factor as she looked around for a car.  She looked at her watch realizing that the car was late and walked backed in but was stopped by a tall, tanned man with combed hair and the smell of cologne tainted her smell receptors.

“Come with me, missus.”

“Who are you?”  Reina jerked her arm away and he managed to get control enough to shove her into the car.

“Ms. Tanaka, welcome.”

The man looked the same but was much shorter and the smell wasn’t as horrid as the guy who brought her into the car.  He had a crooked smile like someone had busted his jaw and it seemed out of place.  He moved his jaw once before handing Reina a business card.

Kimura Takenori
Sales President/CEO
Kimura Enterprises

“You look too cute to be a yakuza boss, did you let your body do the talking or your gun?”

Reina smirked at him with the deceptive eyes she liked to show before ripping the enemy’s head off but something was telling her he could be off great use.  She pressed her body up to his and rubbed his cheek before taking a seat across of him.

“Of course, I use my gun.  I’m no slut.”

He let out a laugh as he figured she was more seductive than his wife was at her age.  However, she had no weapons on her, which meant she was defenseless to any of his attacks but he had an important matter on his mind.  Kimura slipped out a picture and showed to her as she glanced at it for a bit seeing the beauty of his wife in front of her.

“She died.”

“I know.”

“So, I guess you knew about me before you came here to kidnap me.”  He nodded his head.

“Well, we are not going to do anything to you unless you disagree, that I know won’t happen.”  His awkward smile came out again and Reina shook it off in her memory.

“What’s the deal?”

“I’ll let you run away free if you let your group off my territory.”

“Hmm, my territory is in the industrial area.”  He nodded slowly.

“Yes, we are manufacturing items for smuggling and your second in command has asked to wait as you would come back to Tokyo one day.”

“Well, what is the figure?”

“No money.”  Her eyebrows twitched up and nothing ever goes well if it does that.


“Because if you don’t we have the group surrounded.”  Reina gave him a smirk and took a seat next to him.

“I give in.  You have the area to yourself but I need to tell them myself, is that okay?”  He grinned and pointed toward the glass.

“Let’s celebrate.”

Reina was instructed to get the half bottle of whiskey and poured into the glasses.  He took his glass while she poured hers and began to get a chill down her spine like something was wrong here.  She knew that he liked young tail so the ass staring wasn’t the issue but with her glass she grabbed bottled water hiding from his view .  Reina raised her glass to the agreement and placed the glass on her lips watching him take down the drink.  She opened the bottled water and sipped from there.

“Don’t like alcohol?”

“I prefer water at this time of day.”  Without notice, he took the glass from Reina and chugged it down.

It took a few seconds to realize his mistake and wrapped his hands around his choke as he gasped for air.

“You poisoned me.”

“No, you poisoned yourself.”

She pointed toward the vial next to the whiskey and he quickly became paralyzed before exhausting in the car.  The driver pulled up to the gate and stopped the car.  Reina knew that he was probably at the site and she quickly took the gun from his holster and hid it into her pants.  She waited for him to open the door as she was behind the shade but it was a deputy who opened it up to find their deceased boss on the ground foaming.

“Who did this?”

One shot to the chest and the deputy fell to the ground.  She stepped out of the car and the gang turned against her with the opportunity they were caught between the boss and her gang.  Reina showed her gun and dropped it to the ground as another group arrived with their weapons facing at the Kimura gang.

“Drop your weapons, everyone.”

No one did so and Reina walked up to the first guy and disarmed him with a punch to the groin.  He fell to the ground holding his jewels but the boss went further and grasped it hard in her hands.

“Do what I say or he will suffer the worst of the consequences.”

The rest of the group dropped their weapons and glanced around the perimeter before letting go the package and ran to the group.  Reina picked up her gun and slid it into her pocket.

“Kimura is dead.  I run the group for the time being and I need a person to help me rid of a person.”  Reina saw the hand shot up from the middle of the pack.

“What is the reward?”

A woman walked up with a bandana over her mouth.  Her red, wavy hair caught her eye and waved her finger to move up to the front.

“The reward is 10 million yen.”

“How are you going to guarantee the money?”  The man spoke from behind.

Reina knocked him off his feet with the pistol and handed her a piece of paper towards the woman.  She unfolded the paper and found a ticket to Hokkaido.

“I won’t fail you, boss.”


Ai woke up to the sound of the rooster and headed toward the barn where the light was on.  She rushed inside to find Yossie sitting on the bale of hay with her head hung.

“Reina will be coming here.”

Ai wasn’t surprised about the news, she actually should have felt nervous, but she was calm and placed her hand on Yossie’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry about me, whatever happens, keep Eri and Risa safe.”

“Are you sure?  We can move…”

“No, I want to finish this right now.”

Yossie quickly nodded and left Ai in the barn as the animals were starting to wake up with the sun.  She grabbed the feed for the chicken and was approached by a person with a coat.

“Ai, I’m sorry I can’t protect you now.”

Ai didn’t say a word and continued working as the woman started apologizing but it seemed like waiting for paint to dry.  She finally looked up and dropped the feed bag onto the ground.

“The best thing is to protect everyone else.”

“If it can happen, we will move everyone out soon.”

Ai nodded and went back to her work as she left.  The day went by quietly but the next day Ai was expecting the surprise and went to sleep in the house.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline maikeatoot

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Re: Blank-Faced Woman Day 60 7/15/2012
« Reply #42 on: July 15, 2012, 11:52:47 PM »
 rEina? yakuza boss? hm its too obvious huh? btw maikea wants some raburabu here.!

Offline kuro808

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Re: Blank-Faced Woman Day 60 7/15/2012
« Reply #43 on: July 16, 2012, 12:17:42 AM »
rEina? yakuza boss? hm its too obvious huh? btw maikea wants some raburabu here.!

not with this fic unfortunately :P I should write something more towards that soon enough
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Re: Blank-Faced Woman Day 60 7/15/2012
« Reply #44 on: July 16, 2012, 12:43:01 AM »
 hmp ! *pouts* ! its okay at least this story is interesting..

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Re: Blank-Faced Woman Day 60 7/15/2012
« Reply #45 on: July 16, 2012, 06:40:20 AM »
hmp ! *pouts* ! its okay at least this story is interesting..

thanks, I know you like the love type of fics but if you kinda read some back ones you see I tend to mix it up
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Re: Blank-Faced Woman Day 60 7/15/2012
« Reply #46 on: July 18, 2012, 01:49:58 PM »
to be frank, i already give up the idea to expect raburabu to appear in this story... anyway, yankii boss, reina huh

Offline kuro808

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Re: Blank-Faced Woman Day 61 7/18/2012
« Reply #47 on: July 19, 2012, 10:44:24 AM »
@yellow yeah it was gone long time ago but I still have those mini moments right before the action

Day 61

Ai awoke to the smell of smoke and quickly ran to the window.  The darkness was only visible as she assumed and headed downstairs to find no one was awake yet.  Her body wanted to have a little more sleep but she went to the barn to start up her work for the day.  It seemed quiet for the time being before a car pulled up to the house, Ai grew suspicious of them as they were in the car for a few minutes before getting out with their guns drawn.  They slowly approached the house while Ai headed to the car seeing if there was anything inside indicating they were legitimate officers.

She peeked inside and saw nothing out of the ordinary while the officers were knocking at the door.  Just as Ai was ready to return to the barn, the rooster crowed scaring the officer and accidently letting out a round into the roof.  Yossie was the first to arrive at the door greeting the officers; she welcomed them inside as Ai scurried away to tend the chickens.

The other two arrived fifteen minutes later with sleep in their eyes as they struggled to get their items off the hook.  Ai glanced at them with a smile and took the goods back into the house for preparation.  She headed back outside again now confronting the male officers with Yossie right behind her.

"Takahashi Ai, we are special unit officers sent to protect you," he introduced.  "I'm Honda and this is Shimokawa."

"Hello, why are you here to protect me?  I expected a woman to come here to visit me."  She explained.

"Reina gained some power over these past 48 hours."  Ai quickly nodded.

"Yakuza boss killed?"  The two nod their heads simultaneously.

"I have no place to run now; she will come after me no matter where you guys take me."

"That is true but... if we protect you, at least you can have a buffer from facing her alone," he explained.

"I don't care about that for now, you can stay but it won't change anything."

The three agreed to that statement and they parked their car behind the house and insisted to blend into the environment for just protection.  The males were amateurs at doing farm work but they caught on quickly and adapted to the day's work.  Ai switched to house work where Nacchi had been harvesting what vegetables should be used in the stew for dinner.  Ai scrubbed the dirt off in the sink with Nacchi swaying her eyes back and forth between the sink and cutting board.

"Konno told me your story, you are a strong person."  Nacchi breathed.

"Thanks," she replied.  "No one would expect grudges to pop up from years ago."

"Yeah... I hope nothing does happen it is just a warning but if it does, we will have to move out of the area."  Nacchi announced as she started to peel the potatoes.

The area filled with noise was suddenly silenced by the sound of thunder coming from the east.  The group ran into the nearest shelter and hid out while the rain poured down on the farm.  Ai ran upstairs and saw the rain soak up the ground below.  It was a day off for everyone except for Ai who was planning out the events for her confrontation.

“What’s your name?”  Reina asked the masked woman.

“Mitsui Aika.  You can call me Mittsi, if you please.”

“Okay, Mittsi, do your job and I will deposit the money in the bank account,” Reina promised and Aika disappeared into the crowd.

Aika boarded the plane to Hokkaido for the mission while Reina stayed in Tokyo to get the deposit and check on the former headquarters.  She opened the door and smiled at the place.  Empty, it was gutted by the people under her, and with the bank empty, she had to walk to the bank to take out a loan but gave a call to the cronies.

“Go to Nana’s place, set it on fire.”  She commanded in a calm voice.

She knew in an hour 20-30 bodies will be set ablaze so a trip to the café would make the scene better.  As she was ready to turn, she heard a click, and someone had her at point blank range.  The kitty couldn’t recognize the face but with the finger placed on the trigger.  Her words came out softly when the first shot went off and the second silenced her for good.

Reina held her hands over the bullet wound as she fell into the pool of blood.  She had no chance to find the person who killed her but she was a respectable assassin to kill a yakuza boss.  She threw the gun next to her and placed a hand towel over her face.

Rest in peace.

The woman left and took a few steps before the explosion knocked off her balance.  Reina’s last act was accomplished with her body still warm.  She left without any remorse but to do the right thing after, she felt great.

Aika arrived with no knowledge of what happened in Tokyo and took a taxi to the farm based on the knowledge given to her by Reina.  It seemed forever to get there and decided to detour for a meal before carrying out her mission and with the rain slowly pelting the city, she would take the time off to plan accordingly.

However, there was the dark cloud hanging over her head as she felt forced to finish it off before the day was over.  Something in the air didn’t feel right and headed into the inn to check in before heading out to the country.  She slid the pistol into her belt and wore a long black jacket concealing her weapon.

She stepped into another taxi with the rain coming at a rapid rate and drove off to the farm.  Aika dozed off with the sight of gray in her mind and woke up a mile from the entrance and asked him to stop there.  She paid him off and Aika started to walk in the hard rain.  The mud made it difficult but she kept walking until the darkness couldn’t make her go any further and she squatted down to analyze the place and got to the outskirts of the house.

The rain didn’t let up as she was soaked just waiting outside and the plan was slowly falling apart with the mud sinking her into the pit the longer she stayed still.  She rushed to the side of the barn and sat under until she could find the person in the morning.

“The lights went out.”  Risa shouted as the group was on the main floor with dinner ready to be eaten.

“Calm down.”  Yossie scolded the bean with everyone trying to find their utensils.

The group was aware of the impending danger for everyone and being in the house would help them hunt down the person after Ai.  They ate what they could find and stayed by a window to search for anybody that would come onto the property.  Eri crawled from her window and headed upstairs leaving Risa and Ai by the window.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, you can sleep next to me, if you need to.”

“I want to stay up with you.”

“Just keep your head down.”  Ai murmured as she saw a shadow walking from the left side of the road.

Ai tracked the shadow to the barn and signaled to Shimokawa that someone was near the house.  Honda cocked his gun and sat by the door as the rain pelted the door.  Ai moved to the other window near the barn and caught sight of the woman.  She grabbed a vase from the table, throwing as far as she could, hitting the barn door.  The shadow was not startled by the noise but Ai knew that the shadow wasn’t aware of the window to the left of her.

“Ai, leave the rest to us.”  Shimokawa whispered.

Ai and Risa lay on the floor closing the eyes for the night.  Ai was happy with the people around her but the shadow was starting to linger in her mind.  She saw her partner sleep and got out of her position as the lightning struck across the sky giving her a better view of the shadow and it let out a surprise.

Reina… that’s not here.

“Ai, what’s wrong?”  Honda asked.

“That’s not Reina, she sent an assassin.”  She croaked as Yossie confirmed the identity.

“We shall nullify her.”  Honda and Shimokawa walked out the back door as quietly as they could.

Ai lowered her head to the ground and within seconds shots were fired.  Ai heard a few screams but she was afraid to lift her head up to see anything.  She closed her eyes and pretended they got her but the shots were becoming loud around the house.  Then, there was a silence; it was the type indicating it was over.

“Shit, she ran away.”  Someone yelled.

Two shots later it was silent again and then another two shots.  Everyone began to feel curious as someone knocked the backdoor down.  Ai could see the shadow coming closer with her gun raised observing the area and with one strike, Ai managed to tackle her to the ground knocking the gun out of her hand.  She let out a barrage down on her upper body and when she felt the fight was over, she kicked the gun outside and wrapped twine around her wrists onto the door.

“Shimokawa and Honda…”

Everybody knew the result and they were trapped by an impressive shooter but without the gun she was vulnerable to the attacks and they waited for the morning sun to find the face of the killer.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Blank-Faced Woman Day 61 7/18/2012
« Reply #48 on: July 19, 2012, 01:23:16 PM »
don't tell me that you are planning to have all the musume to appear in your this fic?!

Offline maikeatoot

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Re: Blank-Faced Woman Day 61 7/18/2012
« Reply #49 on: July 19, 2012, 02:32:15 PM »
 that's good lol !haha you know our dear kuro-kun.. ! yeah!  keEp it up yoh!

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Re: Blank-Faced Woman Day 61 7/18/2012
« Reply #50 on: July 19, 2012, 05:55:37 PM »
don't tell me that you are planning to have all the musume to appear in your this fic?!

That wasn't the intention, it is actually ending soon

@maike you'll see more of this eventually XD
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Blank-Faced Woman Day 62 FIN
« Reply #51 on: July 22, 2012, 09:17:06 AM »
Day 62

“Wake up.”

“… Where am I?”

“You are in a house, Reina sent you here, right?”  Ai commanded.

“I am on my own,” she replied as Yossie stepped forward.

“Reina is dead.”  Aika’s eyes ballooned looking at the group in front of her.

Aika was looking at her victim straight in her eyes and began to shed tears.  She couldn’t keep herself from letting out her frustration on them but they were not going to let her off easily and they let her take a seat while they waited for the officials.  Aika was aware that escaping would be her only choice to freedom but the mud would hinder her progress.  It was slowly coming to an end. She was going to be sent for killing authority figures.

“Are you sure?”  Aika asked as she heard the sirens.

“I have my sources.”  Yossie said bluntly with the officers coming into the house.

The two men took the woman off into their cruisers and only spoke to Nacchi about the situation.  From the back door, another person entered the house surprising the group.

“Konno-sensei, nice to see you here.”  Yossie greeted her.

“I’m here to grant these three their release from rehab.”  Ai collapsed to her knees thanking her for the good news.

Konno delivered three tickets to them and left them as Yossie shook their hands congratulating them for achieving the goal.  By the afternoon, they were on a plane to Tokyo.  Eri quickly went to sleep in her seat while the other two exchanged looks while waiting for liftoff.

“You don’t look excited.”  Risa commented breaking Ai from her glare.

“Reina… she sent me into this hell hole and now she is gone, I will miss this.”

“Honto?”  Ai nodded.  “I need to be alone for a while.”

Ai closed her eyes and placed her earphones on leaving the bean alone as she fixed her eyes on Ai for the whole flight.  She never thought about how weird she was just concentrating on Ai but she needed to associate back into reality while Risa could lay low for the near future. 

Midflight, Ai walked to the bathroom and noticed a suspicious man by the bathroom.  He smiled as he went into the bathroom, a few seconds later, she heard a shot, and saw the man fall forward in front of her.  The stewardess noticed the body and dragged him away as Ai stepped inside.  The eerie feeling in her body quickly release with the exit of waste and then she opened the door to find the stewardess pointing the finger at her.

“What did I do?”

“The man, you knew the man was going in front of you.”  She complained.

“It was coincidence that he came in before me.”  Ai explained as someone came between them.

“No one panic, this guy is yakuza, when we land we shall look over everything.”  She explained as Ai returned to her seat.

The plane landed and the trio was escorted to another room away from the rest of the passengers.  They weren’t really sure what was happening but the eerie feelings were equal among the three.  They walked into the room to see Goto on the other side with a gun in front of her.


“Ai-chan, I’m sorry that Reina passed on before you met her in Hokkaido.”  Goto turned her head away from the trio.

“Yossie told me what happened.”  Goto showed her smirk.

Well… if you don’t mind.”  She pointed the gun at them.

Risa and Eri scooted back their chairs as Ai was looking down the barrel and changed her direction to Goto.  She withdrew the weapon and placed it back on the table as they were feeling the pressure in the room.  Goto returned a smile back at Ai-chan as she threw the weapon at her.

“I won’t do it.”

“Well turn around.”  Goto commanded as the three hesitated but the gun forced them to turn and waited for the result.

One pop was heard and Ai headed out of the room without looking back as the two followed her out and headed to the exit.  The police entered into the room quickly while passing by the trio.  Ai slipped into the first taxi and Risa and Eri went into the other taxi.  Ai heard a phone ring and searched through her bag to find a new cell phone.


“This is Ogawa.  Meet me at the bank across of the hotel.” 

Ai was dropped off a block before the hotel where the doctor was holding a briefcase in her hand.  She walked up to the doctor and was given the suitcase.  Ogawa popped it open to show the stacks of yen in the container.

“This is for the lawsuit on your behalf, congratulations.”  She grinned as Ai closed it and walked away without saying anything else.

She was finally rid of the people.  Ai checked into the hotel and saw the two in the lobby as they all walked into the room.  Ai placed the suitcase down and opened to find the money to split between the three.

“I guess it is goodbye.”  Eri said in a low voice.

“No… actually you can stay with us but we have to hide out.”  Ai explained as a set of tickets was on the bottom.


“I guess so, tomorrow morning flight.”

The trio drank to their heart’s content and they all left before any other official could stop them from escaping.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline yellow

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Re: Blank-Faced Woman Day 62 FIN
« Reply #52 on: July 22, 2012, 02:07:57 PM »
finally it has ended... thank you so much for your this fiction...that satisfy my sadist appeal

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Re: Blank-Faced Woman Day 62 FIN
« Reply #53 on: July 22, 2012, 10:26:11 PM »
finally it has ended... thank you so much for your this fiction...that satisfy my sadist appeal

thanks it has been good to finish one in a long while XD
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Blank-Faced Woman Day 62 FIN
« Reply #54 on: July 23, 2012, 01:29:26 AM »
 w-wait.. what?! dis chapter is d last?! aww :(

Offline darkacex99

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Re: Blank-Faced Woman Day 62 FIN
« Reply #55 on: July 26, 2012, 12:47:36 PM »
Oh snap the is the end? Wow time flies XD thansk for sticking to your fanfic until the emd i really enjoyed it  :twothumbs

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