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Author Topic: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Completed) (Update 05/02)  (Read 76372 times)

Offline kurogumi

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui/KumixKanon) (Chapter 8) (Update 4/10)
« Reply #80 on: October 05, 2012, 02:51:11 AM »
Yeah 2 weeks like a hell for jurina...

and if airin can make the result change toward wmatsui 2 weeks relationship...

Sooo i think churi can make it too...
she have a second chance to win jurina heart LOL to make rena jealouse and realized her feel toward jurina..

In this fic, i dont see that rena can clearly know her feeling toward jurina because she has airin too in her heart..
You can't deny the fact that rena spend 4 year with airin...

Thank for the update juri-san


Offline Haruko

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui/KumixKanon) (Chapter 8) (Update 4/10)
« Reply #81 on: October 05, 2012, 05:15:00 AM »
Im a bad person.. Im really wanto to feel sorry with airin BUT ... wmatsui make me so happy with their kiss... T_T...jeje sorry  i prefer wmatsui!! :D

Offline ChuuuPuffss

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui/KumixKanon) (Chapter 8) (Update 4/10)
« Reply #82 on: October 05, 2012, 07:46:28 AM »
You should update faster :rofl:

Im shipping too hard xD

I wonder which side Rena will go lol

Update soon -Puppy dog eyes- I need more WMatsui Madness  :cathappy:
I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui/KumixKanon) (Chapter 8) (Update 4/10)
« Reply #83 on: October 06, 2012, 11:54:30 AM »
a passionate kiss   :shy2:
good job Jurina :ding:
It makes me sad about Airin but Rena and Jurina are for each other from long time ago  :sweat:

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui/KumixKanon) (Chapter 8) (Update 4/10)
« Reply #84 on: October 08, 2012, 12:45:57 AM »
Just noticed this fic and saw it was WMatsui so I just had to read it and boy do I love this story :D
Definitely going to be following this now and really looking forward to your updates :)

Offline Trickster

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui/KumixKanon) (Chapter 8) (Update 4/10)
« Reply #85 on: October 20, 2012, 01:50:45 AM »
I wanna feel bad to Airin but I just can't..
WMatsui just took my humanity :lol:

Offline Juribait

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui/KumixKanon) (Chapter 8) (Update 4/10)
« Reply #86 on: November 01, 2012, 03:41:37 PM »
Guys I'm posting here just to say that I'll take more time to write the chapter 9, well I was already writting him but after Kumi graduation announcement my inspiration died and I'm could help but feel sad, so sorry for be making you guys wait, is just that in the moment I'm not in the mood to write  :err:

Offline Jessye

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui/KumixKanon) (Chapter 8) (Update 4/10)
« Reply #87 on: November 01, 2012, 10:47:02 PM »
Just take your time ^^

I shocked too..  :cry:  :cry:  :cry:

Offline Juribait

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui/KumixKanon) (Chapter 8) (Update 4/10)
« Reply #88 on: November 07, 2012, 08:01:10 PM »
Hello guys here I'm with the chapter 9  :badluck:
Sorry but this chapter is short and boring, sorry for making you wait for this, but he will make the things start to walking for Jurina and Rena love story, because the next chapter will be funny and cool (I hope)

@JuRikki: Well I that write to make complicate so I'm happy that the chapter pass the feeling that I wanted  :farofflook:
@BbSis: Yes, now Rena will  be in a really complicate situation, who she will choose? well this is Wmatsui story but the end can be sad you know  :kekeke:
@kurogumi: Yes this two weeks will be a hell for Jurina, I'm feeling a little bad for her because but every love story even the real one's have some drama you know :bigdeal:
@Haruko: Is okay, I feel the same when something like this happen in a Wmatsui fanfic that I'm reading  :kekeke:
@ChuuuPuffss: Yeah I should but sometimes is hard to me be able to update  :sweat: but is okay in the next months I'll update more fast (I hope)
@Trickster: Wmatsui is like a drug, and I'm addicted to her like you  :ding:


Thanks for the coments and for wait, sorry for this chapter be boring but I need to write him to be able to continue the story to the way that I want.
So sorry for the grammar mistakes ans enjoy  :onioncheer:


Chapter 9

Rena was feeling a strange feeling since Airin saw her and Jurina kissing, the older girl not knew exactly why she was feeling like that, maybe was guilty, but why she was feeling guilty? Maybe because she not told to Airin about her relationship with Jurina? Well she not did that because she even not know if she will accepted Jurina feels, she stayed thinking for some minutes until she decide that was just her imagination, Airin probably was surprise by seeing her kissing a girl, was just that what happened.
After what happened her and Jurina gathered with her friends again, Kumi seeing the two girls holding hands and smiling to each other sighed in relief and smiling started to talk.

" Hey, let’s go to other place girls, we can go to the cafeteria. "

Seeing the girls nodded in approval, they all went to the cafeteria that was curious the same one were Jurina and Rena argued some weeks ago. But this time the atmosphere in the place was complete different from that one, Rena was giving some attention to Jurina who looked like a dog puppy while hugging and give some kisses in the cheek of the older girl.

" Oh god, these two together are really cute and sweet."

Commented Anna seeing the two girls all lovey dovey  with each other, Mizuki just sighed, and Kumi laughed.

" I said that they was perfect for each other don’t ya ? "

" Yes you said, but you forgot something your idiot. "

Said Mizuki interrupting Kumi happiness.

" What? "

" Churi, what we will do about her? My stupid sister is so happy being all clingy with Rena that even forget about the other girl, you saw how she reacted when she saw that two together. "

Anna and Kumi nodded, Mizuki was right, they should try to do something to make Churi forget about Jurina and be happy, and again Kumi smiled, she have another incredible idea.

" Well, you know what some people said: the best way to forget a old love is get a new one. "

Anna looked to her friend in a suspicious way.

" What the hell you’re planning now? "

" Simple, we just have to make Churi fall in love with another person, so she will forget Jurina and everything will be okay. "

After hear Kumi words Mizuki cold not hold herself and slapped Kumi head.

" This is stupid, how the hell we will be able to MAKE her fall in love? This is not something that you can do because you want! "

Cried the old girl.

"Ouch! Okay I understand, I was just trying to help. "

Anna sighed, Kumi idea was good but stupid at the same time, Kumi and Mizuki stopped to argue when Jurina sudden started to talk.

" Hey Mizuki,  in the next week we will have that 3 day of holiday right? "

" Yeah, you’re right, but why you’re asking this? "

" Well because normally when we have so much time free our mother bring us to the beach, so I’m asking myself if she will do this again this month. "

Mizuki scratched her head while was thinking.

" I think that yes, the holidays will be in a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday counting with Saturday and Sunday will be five days free. "

Jurina raised her fist in the air after hear her sister answer, for some reason that make her excited.

" Yes! So I’ll talk to her if we can bring the girls with us. "

In this moment everybody in the table looked to Jurina, confused.

" What?"

"If she get that big house we can do like when Rena was here you know, like in the old times! Everybody going to the beach, you, me, Rena, Kumi and Anna. "

The group could not help but get excited with Jurina said, its have been a long time since they went to the beach together, in reality the last time that they did that was before Rena move to Tokyo. But the happiness doesn’t last too much because Mizuki remember about something that her sister forgets.

" But… Jurina, you forget about Churi, she is our friend too, we can’t go to the beach all together and don’t invite her too."

For some reason that Rena could not explain when she Mizuki say the other girl’s name she felt annoyed, the older girl felt that if the girl go with them she probably will stolen Jurina attention to her and was not happy with this thought.
While Rena was thinking about why she was annoyed, Jurina was feeling bad for forget about Churi, she knows that if they don’t invite Churi the girl will be sad but if they do this, the things will be awkward because she is with Rena now. Lost in her thoughts the young girl sighed before give an answer to her sister.

" You’re right Mizuki, we should invite Churi too."

Mizuki, Anna and Kumi sighed at the same time.

" This is not good, Anna-chan."

Complained Kumi, Anna looked her friend who was resting her head in her shoulder and nodded.

" You’re right Kumi, more drama is coming, but you know the worst?"

" No, what worst can happen now?"

" Airin is in the city, and this means that more problems can come too. "

" Oh god, why?"


Airin don’t know how much she have run until lost her breath, she still was trying to stop the tears that was falling from her face, after she compose herself, she sighed and looked the place where she was. The girl was into some time of Bird Park with a lot of people walking and seeing the beautiful birds.

Where the hell I’m?

For her unlucky when she was running she don’t looked to where she was going and now she was lost, Airin sighed, today was without doubt the worst day in her life. The girl started to walk into the place and look the birds, some was cute, others strange and others really beautiful. Being there for some minutes make she forget about what happened early, she reached a place where have one of the most beautiful birds that she saw, was a blue macaw, she being there for minutes gazing the bird.

" Is a beautiful bird don’t you think?"

Airin gave a jump of surprise, the girl that scared her smiled apologetically seeing her reaction, the girl was not to much tail of Airin and her long hair was tied in the ponytail style, Airin notice that the girl was using the same school uniform that Rena was using when she saw the girl.

" I’m sorry, I didn’t wanted to scary you."

" Oh no, it’s okay, I was so concentrate that I don’t notice you. "

The two girls being in an awkward silence until the strange girl break it.

" Hum, well I noticed that you liked this bird and he is one of my favorites so I was thinking that maybe you wanted to know a more about him, you know, since in this park they don’t give to much information. "

" What? But I thought that the plates with the information about the birds have a lot of information. "

" Well I’m a expert about birds because I love them so because of this I know that are missing some information’s about them… "

The mysterious girl said that while blushing, Airin could not help but think that she was cute.

" Oh sorry I forget to say my name to you, I’m Takayagi Akane, but my friends call me Churi because I love birds, nice to meet you."

" I’m Furukawa Airi, but you can call me Airin, nice to meet you too Churi, but well since you love so much birds can you tell me about them while we walk in this park?"

A excited Churi nodded in affirmation and them the two girls started to walk, didn’t to much time to Airi notice that Churi was saying the truth when she said that loved births, the girl was a encyclopedia about birds. After they saw all the birds in the park the girls decide that was they time to go to home.

" Well and this was the last one, I hope that I was not too much boring with my explanations and obsession."

" No, in reality you make my day really better, now I know a lot more things about birds, thank you for this day Churi."

" Well it’s me who should be thanking you here, my day was really bad too but see the birds that I love with you make me really happy. "

Airin blushed, that girl was really kind, without think Airin took her cell phone from her pocket and asked to Churi to them if she wanted to exchange they email, the young girl smiled and agree, after they save each other email in they cell phone, Churi said goodbye and went away and Airi make the same while smiled.

She is so cute; I hope to see her soon.

But didn’t took too much for her thoughts be broken when she realize something.



The girls are going to the beach and Airin is lost!  :on lol:
What's going to happen? you see in the next chapters  :kekeke:

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui/KumixKanon) (Chapter 9) (Update 7/11)
« Reply #89 on: November 07, 2012, 09:17:05 PM »
Oh, FuruYanagi!!!  :wub:

I'll be waiting for your update!!  :bow:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui/KumixKanon) (Chapter 9) (Update 7/11)
« Reply #90 on: November 08, 2012, 12:13:13 AM »
Yeah! Update *.* Rena being possessive \o/ heuheuheu

I agree with Kumi, Churi have to fall in love again o/

Why Airin didn't ask Churi the directions? ><

can't wait next update *.*

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

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Offline Haruko

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui/KumixKanon) (Chapter 9) (Update 7/11)
« Reply #91 on: November 08, 2012, 05:24:16 AM »
i can´t feel  sorry for airin or churi Im a bad person T_T... but yeah churi x airin sound good! :D

jejej more troubles in the beach.. jeje rena so possesive... and she dont know it!! its more funny :D..

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui/KumixKanon) (Chapter 9) (Update 7/11)
« Reply #92 on: November 08, 2012, 06:02:20 PM »
FURUYANAGI!!!!  :w00t:

whoaa whoaa!!
can't wait for their holidays!

thanks for the update  :bow:

Offline Juribait

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui/KumixKanon) (Chapter 9) (Update 7/11)
« Reply #93 on: November 25, 2012, 10:08:38 PM »
Hello guys here is the chapter 10, this time I was more fast doesn't  :bingo:
This time the chapter is more cool and not boring, so I hope to you guys like  :onioncheer:

@BbSis: Rena being possessive is cool hehehe  :twisted: and I think that Airin pass so much time having fun with Churi that she forget to ask to the girl the direction before she go away  :lol:

@Haruko: Is okay you don't have to feel bad for them hahaha  :lol:

@JuRikki: The holidays will be cool, trust me  :twisted:

Thanks for be reading my story this far, soon the end will come (yes will not be now or in the next chapter but the end is near).
So I hope you guys enjoy until the final my simple fanfic, like always sorry for the grammar mistakes and enjoy  :bath:


Chapter 10

Rena still don’t know how she ended in that situation, in a car full of they things, in the middle of Jurina and Airin who was fighting with each other verbally for 1 hour and the and they still have 1 hour of until arrive to the beach and her friends instead of help her to stop the fight just laughed and enjoyed the trip

Oh god, what I did to deserve this?

------- 6 Days ago -------

Rena was really nervous, after months without see her best friend, now instead of to feel the urge to go see the girl she was afraid, afraid because of what happened in the park she was afraid of how her best friend could treat her. The older girl sighed and then knocked the door of the room where she friend was staying, just some minutes before Airin opened the door, Rena then hugged her dear friend.

"I missed you."

"I missed you too. "

After they break the contact Airin signaled to Rena enter, they both sit in the sofa in the middle of room.

"Well, I wanted to say sorry for yesterday Airin, I not wanted to you see me for the first time after this months in that situation..."

"Oh, no, you don’t have to say sorry for nothing Rena, I should say this because I interrupt you two..."

An awkward silence take the room for some minutes until Airin decides to break it.

"So, who is that girl? “

"Is Jurina, the girl that always talk about when I was in Tokyo."

"Ah, so that is Jurina?"

"Yes. "

Airin felt her heart broken, she remembers when she turned into Rena’s friend and Rena talked a lot about her best friend of Nagoya: Jurina, how cute and energetic the girl was, how she was always trying to kiss Rena.

Seems that now she doesn’t have to try to steal the kisses anymore...

Airin tried to ignore her thought and decided to change the conversation topic.

"Erh, so how are the things in your school? "

"Is everything okay, Jurina and the others are good to me and help me when I have difficulty in some object, and you? How are the things with you new manga project? "
Airin scratched her head and smiled shyly.

"Well they are good, I decide to go on a trip to take inspiration, this time I’ll make a romantic story?"

In reality Airin come to Nagoya to confess to Rena her feelings and then take inspiration to her story from that but the things changed completely  when she discover that Rena was with Jurina now; but she decided to keep that a secret to herself.

"Serious? Wow, you know already the main theme?"

"I was thinking about make a Yuri story. "

Rena blushed after hear her friend answer, for some reason that make her remember about Jurina confession.

"I understand..."

"Yeah, but I’m having problems with the romantic part, so I decide to go on a trip to take some inspiration and I decide to come and see you, but seems that I come in a bad moment..."

"Oh no is okay Airin, I was thinking, maybe when can all go out together, you, me, Jurina and the girls so we can all be friends."

Airin not liked that, in the moment the last thing that she wanted was to see the person who stolen Rena’s heart, but maybe if she know her rival better she can change the things and make Rena fall for her, the older girl smiled with her plan.

"Good ideia, Rena-chan, I would love to know you friends better."

---------- Present ------------

And was how everything started, Rena tried to make Airin and Jurina get along but every time that she tried to make them be friends something always went wrong, Airin get along with everyone and for they surprise she even already know it Churi. Took 3 days until Rena be able to convince Jurina to let Airin go to the beach with them, for her lucky Churi and the others girls helped her but she still have to endure the stubbornness of Jurina and threaten her about don’t let the young girl kiss her anymore, until she stopped to treat her best friend so bad, other reason that makes the older girl be able to take Airin in the trip was that Kumi bring Kanon with her, so after a little discussion about why Kanon was part of the group and Airin not, everything went okay. But was not just a jealous Jurina that Rena had to endure; Airin was competing her attention with Jurina every time, and was strangely possessive with her.
After so much time fighting the girls stopped and the car went in silence, the Mrs. Matsui who was driving smiled and start to talk.

"Seems that some people are tired of a childish fight hum? "

Jurina glared her mother, she hated when people make fun of her. Seeing her daughter reaction by the rearview mirror Mrs. Matsui started to laugh.

"Watch out girls, someone is really angry here."


"Sorry sweet heart but I could not resist. "

Jurina sighed and let her rest in Rena shoulder and closed her eyes, Rena smiled with the sweet way that Jurina acted and started to play with Jurina’s hair with her hand making the young girl relax.

Churi and Airin sawing the scene sighed in sadness at the same time, noticing what they did both of the girls stared each other and smiled, Akane and Airi turned into good friends, both of them know of each other feelings towards the Matsuis. Each time that Airin passed together with the group her hope to stolen Rena from Jurina died a little more, even that the older matsui not give a appropriate attention to the older one, and they are totally the oppose of each other, they connection was strong, and for this reason Airin discovered why the girls called they two Wmatsui. Before the others girls notice Rena and Jurina have fallen in sleep, Churi who was sitting in a seat behind Airin called the girl for a conversation.

"Is hard to see them together doesn’t?"

Airin looked again the couple and sighed, Churi was right; even that she was trying to hide, was hurting see Rena with someone else.

" Yeah... Is hard..."

"I know that is not the best moment but I have to tell you this, you probably know Jurina by hearing Rena talk about her but, Jurina passed a lot of things in these years that Rena was in Tokyo, she love Rena since she was twelve and now Jurina is what? Sixteen? She love Rena for years and she will not let Rena go away from her. "

"And you are saying this to me because? "

"Because when Jurina was waiting for Rena for 4 years, you passed this time with Rena, you should not give up so easy Airin but Jurina will not give up too, this can mess the things but you should confess your feelings for Rena before be too late..."

"I don’t know why you’re saying this to me, look these two, even that Rena gives me more attention than to Jurina they still have this connection and they’re so opposites that they complete each other!"

"I’m saying this because you still have a chance okay? I already confess my feelings to Jurina but… she reject me because she really love Rena, and because you’re my friend and I don’t want to you feel how I’m feeling right know. "

Airin sighed, Churi was right, if she don’t act Jurina will win Rena’s heart permanently, but she was right doing this? The girl have been waiting for Rena for years and then Airin just come and stolen this from Jurina? Well Rena was nobody’s property, in the end, was Rena who will decide if she will be with Jurina of with Airin.
After hours in a car finally they arrive they destination, the place that Mrs. Matsui take was a big house just some blocks away from the beach, was the same house that Rena, Jurina and the girls was used to go some years ago.

"This place bring memories don’t you think?"

Asked Jurina with an air of nostalgia.

" Yeah, really good memories. "

Answered Rena while a smile was taking her face, she really loved that place.
The group entered took they bags from the mini van and entered in the house, the Mrs, Matsui make a signal to they form a circle so she would decide who will be in each room.

"Okay girls the house is big but this time we have more people too, we have three rooms in the house, but two of them are suits and just have a double bed, while the other one have two bunk beds triple, so this means that two of you will have to sleep in the same bed. So is okay for you this? "

After seeing that everybody in the room nodded in affirmation, the Mrs. Matsui took from her bag 8 toothpicks.

"Good, so everybody took one of this, the two people who take the small ones will sleep together when the others will sleep in the bunk beds. "

After each one took they toothpicks they looked to see who has the small ones, and the people who took them was Jurina and Rena, seeing that Mizuki laughed and make a joke.

"Seems that this time the Wmatsui couple will be the ones sleeping in the double bed, well good lucky Rena, Jurina have a really bad sleeping position and she kicks a lot when are sleeping."

Jurina slapped her sister head who just glared her.

"Hey! Don’t be like that, you and mother now that I’m saying the truth!"

The group started to laugh not noticing the red face of the older Matsui.

I’ll be sleeping with Jurina!?

The holidays come and with them fun and drama  :kekeke:
How will be Rena nights having to sleep next to the kissing monster?  :kekeke:
You will discover in the next chapters  :hiakhiakhiak:

Offline Haruko

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 10) (Update 25/11)
« Reply #94 on: November 25, 2012, 10:58:40 PM »
I was worried for juriboy because we know that juribait kick inthe night.. but maybe rena have a free behaviour when she has sleep.. maybe harrass some people.. jejeje yeah that happen in my imagination

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 10) (Update 25/11)
« Reply #95 on: November 26, 2012, 12:09:13 PM »
I love this heaps!
wmatsui for life :deco:

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 10) (Update 25/11)
« Reply #96 on: November 26, 2012, 02:02:05 PM »
This chapter is  :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup !!!!!
Become AKB fan after watching AKB0048.
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(After reading the fanfic, my favorite pair just keep increasing :( )

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 10) (Update 25/11)
« Reply #97 on: November 26, 2012, 04:34:48 PM »
huehue Churi is so smart! If Airin take Rena, Jurina will be hers.

But wow wMatsui sharing a bed*.*

This is gonna ne interesting!!

Can't wait to the next chapter o/

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 10) (Update 25/11)
« Reply #98 on: November 29, 2012, 03:24:28 PM »
This Fanfic................................. is Rice!   :thumbup

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 10) (Update 25/11)
« Reply #99 on: December 13, 2012, 06:31:06 PM »
please update soon  :bow:
Become AKB fan after watching AKB0048.
Oshimen : Takamina and Mayu
Favorite pair : TakaAstu, Mayukirin, KumiYuria, Wmatsui, JirinaMayu etc.
(After reading the fanfic, my favorite pair just keep increasing :( )

JPHiP Radio (20/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: The Back Horn - Mafuyu no Hikari