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Author Topic: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Completed) (Update 05/02)  (Read 76338 times)

Offline JuRikki

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 10) (Update 25/11)
« Reply #100 on: December 14, 2012, 01:59:23 AM »
WMatsui, sharing, a bed *o*

Offline Juribait

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 10) (Update 25/11)
« Reply #101 on: December 14, 2012, 05:53:38 PM »
Hello guys
I'm here to make a little announcement, you guys now can find my fanfic in akblasphemy48 blog too , there have lot of others works of others good writers too.
Heres the link:
In the moment I'll post the fanfic here and there too, but I think that everybody here knows the new rules about fanfics in the forum that involves members underage so if I have to delete the fanfic from here, you guys can still follow the story there or in my tumblr.

I'm already writting the chapter 11 and I think that will be able to post before the day 20 of next week, I want inform that after the day 21 I'll be 2 weeks without internet because I'll be in a trip enjoying my holidays so the chapter 12 will take more time to be post, thanks for you attention guys and I see you when I post the next chapter.

Offline Juribait

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 10) (Update 25/11) [ANNOUNCEMENT]
« Reply #102 on: December 18, 2012, 09:55:17 PM »
Hello guys~~ here is another chapter of my fanfic, this one is more long than the another ones so I hope to you guys enjoy  :onioncheer:

@Haruko: Well they will have lot of time in these holidays  maybe something can happen, we never know hehe~~   :kekeke:

@qweakb: Here is the chapter that you was wanting so much  :on GJ:

@Bbsis: Yes Churi still not give up of Jurina but the destini have some surprises for her hehe

@JuRikki: The dream of all wmatsui shippers don't you think?  :lol:

Thanks for have wait and for still follow my fanfic, and how I said before the end is really near and because of this the next chapter will be more long (I think)
Well the next chapter will just come in the next year and will take some time to me write him and update. So happy chrismas and holidays to guys and I see you all in the next update ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ


Chapter 11

Sleeping with Jurina was not exactly how Rena have imagine, when Mizuki told her that Jurina move a lot when is sleeping the older girl not believed but now she see that she was wrong, Jurina just not move a lot, she kick and punch the air, make weird sounds with her teeth, mumbled some random words. After 3 hours without be able to sleep because of Jurina finally the young girl stopped to move after she find a ‘’comfortable’’ position, well Rena was suppose to be relieved that now she was able to fall in sleep if was not the comfortable position that Jurina found was on top of the older girl. Now Jurina was hiding her face in Rena’s neck, making the older girl fell the young one breath, Jurina arms was holding the older girl waist and one of her legs was between the Rena legs.

Oh God, why?!

If was in another moment that this happen Rena could not be so annoyed and she probably just blush, but now she was really tired and needed to sleep. With a little of effort she was able to remove Jurina from her and put the girl by her side, but still Jurina was hugging her and Rena still could feel the young girl hot breath but now the things was a little better the younger girl was with her leg interlaced with one of Rena legs and now Rena was not feeling Jurina weight on top of her, what make the older girl finally be able to fall in sleep.


Jurina wake up sensing a scent familiar that she loved, the young girl feel herself in a good position, was a little cold in the moment but she was hugging something hot and soft, she was really happy because this time she have a good night of sleep because of this good position that she found, the young girl tightened little more her hug, but after she make her move the thing that she was hugging moved and the young girl felt fingers playing with her hair.


The young girl opened her eyes and looked what she was hugging, and for her surprise that thing was Rena, after notice the position that she was with the older girl, Jurina asked.

“H-How we ended like this? “

Rena sighed, how can that girl some times be a kissing monster but in another’s be embarrassed with little things?

“You was sleeping and then you rolled the bed until ended in top of me and hugged me, I push you away but I was just able to let you by my side because you was hugging me really tight and was this what happened.”

“Oh, I understand.”

Jurina released Rena from the hug and placed herself in top of the girl.

“Thanks for be so patient with me.”

She placed a little kiss in Rena’s head and then gets up from the bed.

” We should get ready and go eat the breakfast, the others one probably are already awaken and getting ready to go to the beach. ”

The older girl nodded and get up too.


When the two matsui’s arrived the kitchen everybody was already there eating they breakfast, the Mrs. Matsui was more food while other girls stared them sit and start to eat.

“Rough Night Rena-chan?”

Spoke Mizuki, the older girl stared Mizuki with an expression of confusion while drink her juice, noticing Rena reaction Mizuki laughed.

“ The dark circles in your eyes, is obvious that my sister not let you sleep this night~~”

Rena blushed and choked with the juice, Jurina slapped her sister head but the girl didn’t even minded with that because she was too much busy laughing with Kumi, Anna and Kanon while Airin and Churi was with a depressed expression in they faces. Mrs. Matsui joins to them and giggled.

“Mizuki don’t be bad with Rena-chan and your sister, is not her fault that she can’t stop moving herself even while sleep.”

Jurina sighed after hear her mom words.


“Sorry honey but is true that you move a lot while, but at least you are not having that dreams anymore… ”

The Mrs. Matsui words died after she notice what she said, Mizuki, Anna,Kumi and Jurina stared the woman serious like she have spoke secret that nobody should know, the girls reaction made the others 4 girls confuse.

“ What dreams Jurina?”

Instead of answer Rena question, the young girl ignored and changed the conversation topic, leaving the older Matsui worried.

What Jurina is hiding from me?


The sky was clear of clouds and the sun shining, the day was perfect for them enjoy the beach; the Mrs. Matsui was enjoy the shadow of they sunshade while the girls was having fun swimming. For all the girls surprise Rena won Jurina in a swim competition between they two, they all was having fun until a curious Airin decide to ask Jurina about the scar on her abdomen.

“ Oh, this scar… well I gained her when a Yankee stabbed me.”

Replied uncomfortably the young girl, noticing Jurina reaction without think Rena hugged the young girl from behind. Airin turned her stare in other direction and changed the topic.

“ Oh, sorry, I just can’t help but be curious about… So who want some ice cream?”

Churi and the girls decided to go take some ice cream while Jurina and Rena decided to walk a on the beach and admire the view. They walked holding each other hand in silence with the seawater wetting his feet with each wave that arrived the sand, giving to the couple a feeling of peace, but still worried about what Jurina mommy wanted to say early about the young girl, Rena decided to break the silence.

“Jurina, you mother talked about some dreams that you normally have, what are they are about?”

The young girl froze with Rena question and stayed in silence for a moment until decide to answer her.

“Is complicate Rena-chan, I can’t talk about this now but I promise that when I feel able to do this, I will tell you about what my mother was talking.”

Rena nodded with her head in affirmation, even that she understand why Jurina don’t want to tell her something’s, she can’t help but feel worried about the young girl, when they look the sky the girls realized that was the sun was setting. The view was beautiful and romantic at the same time, noticing that Jurina see an opportunity to take some advantage.


“Yes Jurina?”

“I love you”

Rena not replied Jurina, she just stayed in silence while staring the sunset.

It’s just like that time but now we are more mature and with some sad memories.

Rena give to Jurina a gentle smile, they faces was very near of each other, but they was interrupted by Mizuki.

“Girls we are going to home.”

“Okay we are going!”

Jurina sighed in frustration while Rena just giggled.

“ Let’s go Jurina”


For the dinner they chose pizza, so Mrs. Matsui took the girls for the pizzeria. Like always they was talking loud and laughing with stupid things that Mizuki and Kumi was doing. Airin was staring Rena for minutes taking courage for what she wanted to do, Churi have helped her to make her mind after she and Churi discovered that Rena and Jurina was not really dating, thanks to Kumi who without think blurted out about a deal that Jurina and Rena make that if the young girl don’t make Rena in love with her she will have to give up, Now knowing that Rena don’t have strong feelings toward Jurina, Airin was more confident in make her confession to her friend.
“Rena-chan… erh, can we talk a little?”

“Of course Airin, what’s happening?”

“I wanted to talk to you, in private.”

Rena frowned but not complaining about her friend request, she was curious about what Airin wanted to talk about, so she follow the older girl to the exit of the pizzeria, when Airin was sure that they was completely alone she started to talk.

“ Rena… I have been you friends for four years already and we have a lot of interests in common what make our two turn into best friends, I know that this is not the best time but I have to tell you this before I miss my chance, Rena-chan I love you!”

Rena could not believe in what she heard, now all the things that happened after Airin arrived Nagoya was making sense, she felt like the world was spinning under her feet in that moment.


Hear a familiar voice shouting her name make Rena go back to reality, she turned to the pizzeria direction and there was Jurina staring her and Airin, Rena saw Jurina eyes, the young girl seemed to be almost to verge of tears.

Oh god she saw Airin confessing to me

Rena turned to Airin who was looking to her with hesitation and then she turned to Jurina that was looking her with pleading eyes.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t!”

Without say any more words Rena leave the two girls behind. Airin didn’t know what happened, Rena didn’t leave her to go to Jurina but she not stayed by her side too. While Airin was lost in her thoughts Jurina screamed: “Rena! Wait!”
The young girl then rushed after Rena and not even looked back, when Airin saw that scene she notice something.

I lost

In that moment she realizes that she lost, she lost Rena to Jurina. Rena not stayed by her side or leaves her to go to Jurina because she not wanted to hurt Airin and not wanted to hurt Jurina.

She not wanted to hurt me, but still I lost her…

Airin lost because if Rena felt something for her she would leave Jurina and talk to the girl, but no, she decided to leave them two.

I lost

Before Airin realize tears was falling from her face and the girls come out and was asking her what happened, Churi understanding what happened hugged her friend while said to the girls something that Airin could not understand.


More DRAMA!  :kekeke:
And finally the wmatsui couple destiny will be reveal, you will see more in the next chapters  :kekeke:

Offline ZeriusLei

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 11) (Update 18/12)
« Reply #103 on: December 18, 2012, 10:23:57 PM »
Poor Airin.. ;_;
Ah, Go Jurina~! Chase Rena!
( '-') I wonder what's going to happen afterthis orz.
Please update~! :3
Thanks for updating this btw :33
Just a hiatus KojiYuu/WMatsui butthead.

Offline BbSis

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 11) (Update 18/12)
« Reply #104 on: December 18, 2012, 10:37:25 PM »
Yeeey o/ update o/

I liked Airin's courage o/ though ahe got rejected ;.; I wonder what Churi will do now ><

And what Rena will do now ><

Wow really good chapter hauhauhauahua

Good holiday o/ i'll patiently wait for next chapter o/

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 11) (Update 18/12)
« Reply #105 on: December 19, 2012, 12:22:59 AM »
oh god, this was amazing~~ sorry for not commenting on earlier update~  :bow:

I love wMatsui~ I love so much them, that~ no, it won't overthrow my love for YukoRena, but~~~

God, thank you really for this update~~  :bow: :bow:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline JuRikki

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 11) (Update 18/12)
« Reply #106 on: December 19, 2012, 06:36:30 AM »
Ahaha the bed scene >.< I love it..

Poor Airin ;__;
But I love her thoughts. Don't worry Airin, you have Churi now.

Jurina, go! Rena love you too >.<

And Juribait-san, thank you :3

Offline kurogumi

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 11) (Update 18/12)
« Reply #107 on: December 19, 2012, 11:22:45 AM »
Yes i want the next chapter,want more drama,a little sad part and a good part LOL

Thank for the update


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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 11) (Update 18/12)
« Reply #108 on: December 29, 2012, 12:17:48 PM »
gaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!  :frustrated: what's going to happen next!?, this story is really interesting! i love it!  :on GJ:

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 11) (Update 18/12)
« Reply #109 on: December 29, 2012, 01:04:07 PM »
Airi~in! No! Please update soon

Offline Juribait

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 11) (Update 18/12)
« Reply #110 on: January 09, 2013, 09:09:03 PM »
Hello guys here I'm with the chapter 12 Yayyy, It's take a time but finally I'm posting this chapter  :onioncheer:

@BbSis: I'll see what Churi will do in the next chapter haha (this one is just about ur dear Wmatsui couple).

@sakura_drop_: It's okay, I'm already happy to see that you are liking this fanfic.

@JuRikki: I'm happy to see that someone loved the bed scene  :lol:

@kurogumi: Whoa more drama O.O? Well the fanfic is in the end, I don't think that more drama will come, sorry  :sweat:


Chapter 12

Jurina don’t know for how much time she ran after Rena, maybe some minutes or maybe one hour, but that don’t minded at all, when she reached the older girl they two was on the beach, in the same place that they both some years ago walked together and holding hands.

But this time she can want not be with me like before…

Even that Rena know it that Jurina was there she not turned to look the young girl face, and that just make Jurina more scared, she was feeling again that loneliness that she felt when Rena move to Tokyo, the feeling that started to accompany her when the girl that she loved was not with her anymore.

Please god, I don’t want to lose her again.

Jurina slowly started to approach of Rena, she don’t know why exactly she was doing that but inside of her she knows that was the fear of Rena run from her again.


For Jurina surprise Rena finally turned to her direction and hugged her really tight, she felt the older girl tears fall in her shoulder while she patted Rena’s hair.


“I-I’m sorry Jurina, I don’t wanted to run but I just didn’t know what to do! I-I don’t wanted to hurt Airin, I thought about accept her feelings but then I saw you and then…”

“Shhh, is everything okay Rena, you don’t have to say anything, is okay if you…”

The words died in Jurina throat, she needed to say that but still was hard, still hurt her just to think about it.

“Is okay if you decide to leave me and be with Airin, I’ll understand…”

Before Jurina continue to talk sudden something smashed against her lips interrupting her to talk, Rena was kissing her, realizing what was happening Jurina closed her eyes and returned the kiss, this time for some reason that Jurina could no explain the kiss was more intense than the others ones.

Maybe because this is our last kiss?

When the kiss was broken Jurina didn’t know what to do and trembled.

“So you will leave me?”

After hear what Jurina said Rena face was took by surprise.

“What the hell are you saying Jurina!? Leave you?! You’re stupid!? I love you, your idiot!!”

The young girl was shocked with Rena reaction, but she was shocked too with she has listened.

“Wait… You love me!?”
Rena looked at Jurina with disbelief.

“Yes! For this reason I kissed you!”

“Oh, I see…”

An awkward silence stayed between the two girls until Rena decide to talk.

“When Airin confessed her feelings for me, I initially felt lost, how I said I thought about accepted but then I saw you and notice something… I notice that even that Airin is my best friend and I love her, my love for her is not the same has my love for you, I love her but has a friend not like a lover…”

Rena sudden stop took Jurina attention, the older girl seemed a little hesitant to continue but Jurina nodded to her continue.

“ All this days I was thinking about how I feel about you and I remembered about the time when I was here, when I have to move on and when I comeback and then I noticed that I loved you, I always have been, you was my first love, but when I was in Tokyo I forget about it because all the things that I was passing through and when I move to Nagoya again and when I see you, you was so different,  and again you make me fall for you… I-I’m in love with you…”

Happiness and surprise took Jurina, that was the most complex and cute way that Rena could confess to her, thinking about that make the young girl giggle.

“You know that you could just say: I rejected her because I love you.”

Rena blushed with Jurina words while the girl just made a wide grin and winked to her in a playing way.

“Mou! Jurina!”

“I’m kidding, I loved the way that you confessed your feelings, and…”

Jurina pulled Rena by her waist making they faces’ be just some few inches distant.

“I love you too Rena-chan.”

And then Jurina kissed Rena, a long and sweet kiss, they both was so concentrated that not even notice a stardust pass while they kissed.


Mizuki was waiting patiently in the living room.

What a mess my little sis made.
It’s been some hours until they arrived from the pizzeria, Churi was hugging Airin while they was on the car and holding the girl hand while they walked to the room. Mizumi mom not asked a nothing about what was happening, when Mizuki tried to explain the older woman interrupted her. “These are Jurina and Rena problems and they two will resolve this, she is my daughter but there something’s that just she can do something about.” Mizuki sighed annoyed by when she remembered about that, her mother was right, that was a problem that just Jurina and Rena can resolve.

What messed love story is this, everybody falling for each other and a lot of heart breaks.

The girl looked the clock in the wall was already midnight and Jurina and Rena have not comeback.

If they don’t come in 30 minutes I’ll go call mom and go look for them.

For Mizuki happiness she didn’t have to wait too much to see the two Matsui pass through the door while holding each other hand.

At the least these two are together.

“So where the hell you two have been?!”

Jurina and Rena gave a little jump of surprise hearing Mizuki words, the girl was have stood up and crossed her arms while looked the couple, Jurina approached of her sister and gulped.

“Well I and Rena walked on the beach together for some time and while we was coming to home we passed in a convenience store to buy some sweets that we wanted to eat…”

Mizuki looked better and noticed a plastic bag on Rena left hand and then put her stare again on her sister.

“So let me tell you to you two stupid couple, while you was having your romantic date, me, mom and the girls comeback to home worried about you two who was not answer our calls, and Churi was taking care of Airi who was about to have a breakdown because your girlfriend basically rejected her and not even talk to the poor girl!”

A expression of guilty took Rena’s face, when Mizuki notice that she felt a little bad but someone needed to say that harsh words.

Jurina released Rena’s hand and crossed her arms and glared her sister.

“So you have something more to say to us to make we feel worse than we are already feeling?”

“No, just make me a favor and resolve all this mess that you girls make, I just want to enjoy my holidays without drama.”

And with that Mizuki went to her room leaving Jurina and Rena alone, the older girl sighed and spoke.

“Mizuki is right, tomorrow I’ll talk properly with Airin and you will talk properly with Churi too.”

“Wait, why I have to talk with Churi?”

“Because she still has hoped to be with you and we know that if you don’t talk to her and make the things clear this mess will not be complete resolve.”

Jurina sighed, Rena was right about that.

“Okay we will resolve this tomorrow now can we go to our bedroom and eat this sweets?”

Rena giggled.

“Yes my little puppy, let’s go.”


Was already 2:00 AM and Jurina and Rena still was awake, after they eat a lot of sweets and chat now they was cuddling and whispering things to each other.

“Jurina, can you tell me what about the dream that you mother was mentioned other day?”


Jurina turned to be able to face Rena, was colder than the normal that night and because of this they was hugged really tight.

“After you moved, I was always dreaming with that day on the train station or with you leaving me alone while I tried to run to catch you but no matter how much I run you always leaved me…”
Rena smiled; Jurina was really like a little puppy.

“Don’t worry, I’ll not leave you anymore, I’ll be always with you, okay?”

Jurina happily nodded and Rena pulled her closer and kissed her.
That night they don’t slept, they just enjoying each other company until the sunrise and then when fatigue of all the events of the last night took them they fall in sleep in each other arms.


Yayyyyy Wmatsui is finally together and happy  :onioncheer:
Now we just have to pray for Churi and Airin happiness  :onioncheer:

Offline BbSis

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 12) (Update 08/01)
« Reply #111 on: January 09, 2013, 10:51:53 PM »
Nhyoooowwnnn this was supercute o/

Thanks god Rena realized she liked Jurina *.* they are finally together \o/

I hope Churi and Airin could be happy as well o/

And I think that the last paragraph was cute and harmless, but it was your decision in the end.

Thank you for the update o/

Can't wait for the next chapter hauhauhauha

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 12) (Update 08/01)
« Reply #112 on: January 09, 2013, 10:54:35 PM »
All I have to say:

 :ptam-shy: :farofflook: :kneelbow:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

Offline Juribait

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 12) (Update 08/01)
« Reply #113 on: January 09, 2013, 11:45:14 PM »
How I said before Bbsis, I didn't want to risk because when I decide to look the new rules they was not really especified what will be considered: innocent from something not innocent.
But well everyone can see that paragraph on the Akblasphemy if they wanted, but if I find out that is okay with that part I'll edit the chapter here and post him  :thumbsup

Offline BbSis

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 12) (Update 08/01)
« Reply #114 on: January 10, 2013, 01:40:11 AM »
To know if it's ok to post it is very simple: why don't you send it to a moderator? They will give you an answer and it will be official and not just guesses.

Yes, people have the Akblasphemy48 option.

It's just a suggestion  :)

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 12) (Update 08/01)
« Reply #115 on: January 10, 2013, 02:18:53 AM »
Go Go airin & akane .. Furuyanagi  :onioncheer:

good episode I read this fanfic in you blog

you have really good stories there  :twothumbs


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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 12) (Update 08/01)
« Reply #116 on: January 10, 2013, 10:00:34 AM »
Well at last Wmatsui together... after long winded route.

I feel bad for Ainin for falling in love to Rena and getting rejected indirectly.

Thank you for the updates...

I hope it still continue....

 :wub: :inlove: :love: :heart:

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 12) (Update 08/01)
« Reply #117 on: January 10, 2013, 06:17:22 PM »
so it's not the end of the story, right? want to read what happens to Churi and Airin :)
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Offline Juribait

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 12) (Update 08/01)
« Reply #118 on: January 24, 2013, 06:39:57 PM »
Hello guys~~ Here I'm again, and finally the penultimate chapter, yup the next time that I update this fanfic will be to post the last chapter  :farofflook:

@sakura_drop_: I'm happy that you really liked the chapter, I hope to you enjoy this too  :on GJ:

@stepk: Hehe thanks but the blog is not mine, in reality is Akblasphemy48-san who created him, there we have stories of a lot and different fanfic writers so be always taking a look, you can always find new stories there ;D

@cisda83: After this chapter the story will have just more one chapter and them the end  :farofflook:

@DC2805: Yup, still are not the end hahaha ^^


Thanks for be following this story, sorry for the grammar mistakes and how I said the next chapter that I update will be the end so enjoy ^^


Chapter 13

When Jurina wake up she still could not believed in everything that happened last night, the last events seemed like a dream to her, Rena saying that loved her, enjoying each other’s company until the sunrise and have silly chats. When the young girl looked Rena sleeping next to her she knew it that was not a dream.

She loves me and finally we will be together.

The young girl gets closer of Rena and gives a little kiss on the older girl forehead; with Jurina action Rena mumbled some things that didn’t make sense.

She is dreaming.

Jurina stood up out of the bed and went to the restroom to take a shower; she knew it that was going be a long day.

------------- // -------------

Churi was resting on the living room, everybody leaved the house early to go to the beach but she and Airi stayed, the older girl was tired because passed most of the night crying and Churi was tired too because she stayed wake up with Airin trying to comfort the girl. She heard from the girl that Jurina and Rena come late to home last night and because of this they were still sleeping.

Even that Churi not minded so much about Jurina anymore, still hurt a little knew that the young girl was with another person.

I still like her…

Well Churi knew it that was not possible be with Jurina so she decided to give up on her feelings, and with everything that was happening she notice that she was having certain feelings towards Airin, seeing her crying in the last night make Churi notice that. The girl heard footsteps and raised her look in the stairs direction, she saw Jurina with her hair wet and with a tower on her shoulders.

“Good morning, Churi.”

“Good morning, Jurina.”

An awkward silence filled the room, noticing that was better change that Jurina spoke.

“I wanted to talk to you…”

“Well I’m here, you can talk everything that you want.”


Jurina approached of Churi and sat next to her.

“The things have been a mess these days, I wanted to say sorry for hurt your feelings Churi, I never talk properly with you…”

“It’s okay Jurina, is not you fault, after all you always loved Rena, I’m the one wrong here, even with you saying to me that you don’t feel the same for me, I insisted.”


“I just want to you be happy Jurina and I hope to we still be friends after this.”

Jurina nodded in affirmation and Churi smiled.

“Well now I have to go see if Airin is wake up, and Jurina.”


“Please talk to Rena to she have a resolve the things with Airin, I’m hating see she crying and sad like that…”

“Don’t worry Churi, Rena will do this, we don’t want to hurt anyone.”


And with those last words Churi leaved Jurina alone in the living room, the young girl sighed in relief and went to the kitchen to take some things to her and Rena eat has breakfast.

----------------- // -----------------

After eat her breakfast and enjoy more time together with Jurina, Rena decided to go see Airin and talk with the girl, she left her room and went to the one where Airi and Churi was and with a little hesitation she knocked on the door, Churi was the one who opened the door, the girl not seemed surprise to see Rena there.

“She is lying on her bed; I’ll leave you two alone to talk.”

And with this she left the room letting the door open, Rena breathed deeply and then entered and closed the door behind her, for her surprise Airin was already sit up and staring her, not knowing exactly what do she sat next to Airin.

“Airin… I….”

“…… “

Rena sighed, her friend silence was not helping her, the girl turned to Airin and locked her on the eyes, Airin eyes was red because she be crying all night, seeing her state Rena felt guilty.

“I’m sorry Airin, I should not have run yesterday, but… You really surprise me and I was so confuse in the moment… I’m sorry.”

In that moment Airi stare went to the floor.


Airi silence was already making Rena frustrated and the things more difficult to her, but then the older girl finally broke her silence.

“You… love her?”

Hear Airin voice surprised Rena; she stared her friend and nodded.

“Yes, even with all the difference between us and the age gap, I fall in love with her.”

Airin breathed deeply and continued to talk.

“I understand… Do you hate me?”

Rena eyes widened in surprise with Airi sudden question.

“No! Why I would hate you?”

“Well, you runaway after my confession so I thought… I was afraid that maybe you didn’t wanted to be my friend anymore.”

Rena sighed.

“Don’t be silly Airin, you always will be my best friend, I really like you but, I can’t accepted your feelings, I already have Jurina, I’m sorry Airin.”

A sad smile formed on Airin lips, the older girl turned her stare for the first time to Rena.

“Is okay Rena-chan, I understand, still be your friend already make me happy… maybe I’m asking to much but… can I give you a hug?”

Rena smiled.

“Of course.”

After they hugged Rena to her room to tell to Jurina what happened,  at that time she felt like finally everything was set in his right place.

---------- // ----------

When the night everybody decided to go to the beach and kindle some fireworks while everybody was playing and having fun to persons was sit on the sand and chatting while stared the group.

“So in the end we two were rejected.”

Sighed Churi.


Agreed Airin.

“You know Churi…”


Airin stared Jurina and Rena playing with the fireworks, they two seemed really happy laughing and holding each other hand.

“When I come to Nagoya to see Rena-chan, I thought that she would accepted my feelings, so  with this thought I decided that was the best way to get inspiration to drawn my new yuri manga, but then everything happened and I ended rejected by her…”

Churi noticed what Airin stare was so concentrated and started to look at the same direction.

“So? What you will do?”

“Well in reality I have been thinking about this since this afternoon and I found a better story to write about.”


“Yes, the story is about two girls who for some reason were separated but thanks to the lucky of destiny they have been reunited and even with all the time they has been without be able to see each other they are still in love…”

“Wait… I have seeing something like this before...”

While was lost in her thoughts Churi stared the Wmatsui couple kissing, in this moment she understand where Airin found her inspiration.

“Eh!?? You don’t think that they can be mad with you for using they story?”

Airin giggled.

“Nah, I don’t think that they will be mad, and anyway, is a really beautiful and cute story doesn’t?

Churi looked the couple one more time and smiled, even that she had a broken heart and was sad to see the one that she loved with person she had to agree with Airin; Jurina and Rena was destined for each other.

“Yup, you’re right; just don’t forget to change the characters name.

“Don’t worry I’ll do this.”

In this moment the girls looked at each other and smiled, Churi took Airin’s hand and interlaced they fingers, both of them blushed with this and started to look to the stars together.


Airin and Churi are happy together  :onioncheer:

And the finally is coming  :farofflook:

You guys will see more on the next chapter   :kekeke:

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Re: You're not here Anymore (Wmatsui) (Chapter 12) (Update 24/01)
« Reply #119 on: January 24, 2013, 06:46:44 PM »
Nhyooooo churi x airin were super cute *.* I'm glad that everyone is in good terms now \o/

And I hope, by the end of this trip, Airin would have a complementary story for the one she came up with hauhauahua

Thank you for the update o/

Can't wait to see the final chapter o/

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