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Author Topic: Quid Pro Quo - Chapter Ten (11/28)  (Read 26263 times)

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Quid Pro Quo - Chapter Three 6/19
« Reply #20 on: June 20, 2012, 05:51:57 PM »
I feel like Ai here, there's a lot of stuff going on, but I'm not a hundred percent sure of what. I'm not even sure that I want to know what the punishment is.... except that I totally do! If only because my damnable curiosity is eating me up. I guess I'll just wait for the next chapter then.

Offline mochi.rini

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Re: Quid Pro Quo - Chapter Three 6/19
« Reply #21 on: June 23, 2012, 07:49:01 PM »
finally getting off my lazy butt and commenting you and others for all the hard work~ :bow:

Whew~  So it wasn't cannibalism!  You scared me! I was all "Nooo she did it!  SOMEONE GOT EA~AAAATEN!"  You shifty word manipulator XD  I should probably stop googling cannibalism too XD

Poor Risa~  She got punished via sexual abuse (theory~)  cause I'm pretty sure a slap+kick in the butt doesn't take THAT long...DI~IIIIIIIIIIIE Papa T! DIE Dx

I wonder who the crazy killer gals are...S/milage perhaps?  Though the numbers are a tad off depending on which "gen" is in...

C-ute=weapon faces
Aika+Koha=nut-so hackers

Hmmmmmm :O 

UPDATE SOON PLEASE~  I wants to know more about this freakiness called "discipline"!~
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Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Quid Pro Quo - Chapter Three 6/19
« Reply #22 on: June 23, 2012, 07:54:20 PM »
i was thinking that the crazy killer girls were 9th/10th gen mixed in some weird way....idk lol
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Offline mochi.rini

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Re: Quid Pro Quo - Chapter Three 6/19
« Reply #23 on: June 23, 2012, 07:58:21 PM »
That's a good thought actually!  Cause the numbers fit and all and they're young! :O  PWNED BY KB!~  :lol:
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Offline kjpop

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Re: Quid Pro Quo - Chapter Four 6/26
« Reply #24 on: June 27, 2012, 02:23:33 AM »
Can i just go ahead and post the next three chapters? LOL I was on a roll today and worked up to chapter 6 bahahhaha oh well~  :P

Fim-face: OH MY GOD LOL There you go creepin' in my head again~ Blue was actually the inspiration behind Tsunku's character ahha Movie reference #2~

darkacex99: You'll see eventually~ Or well, it's heavily implied LOL I'd rather not go into details this early...or ever for that matter HAHHA

rndy: Curiosity killed the cat haha jk jk Ai is gonna slowly piece everything together because she's a master at playing CLUE lol no but seriously, she'll learn everything, but it's just gonna be the hard way =[

mochi: oh my god, please dont google that >_____< And LOL I won't say anything yet about the punishment *cough* but yeah, let's just keep pointing fingers and sharpening our kitchen knives to hurt Tsunku lol I think this is my personal, uncanny way of like playing off of the whole "BLAME TSUNKU" trend in the H!P fandom ahhahah payback's a bitchhhhhhhh~

Kiwi: bahahha it's like you've read my mind~

Well, fim-face wanted some heavy, so here's some heavy!!! Actually, it's probably more than some T__T I kind of went overboard, I reckon~ Derp~ Well, I'll let ya'll decide ahha The madness really begins here =D Put in some random pseudo-loli Sayu shoutouts in there lol it's not meant to be humorous but i couldn't help myself xD

Prison's shady yo, nothing is ever what it seems. Just remember that while ya put the pieces of the puzzle together~

Please pardon the offensive amount of profanity I use in the latter half of the chapter.

Chapter Four: Albatross

Day 23

It had been 23 days since the incident, 23 days since the arrival of their latest convict, and 23 days since the penitentiary had suffered any bouts of noise and rowdiness that was deemed punishable in nature. The relative silence would have been a saving grace for any other officer at the penitentiary, but Niigaki Risa was not just any other officer. The quiet was a damning reminder, allowing her to think and reflect upon everything she had done and had left to do. Occupational justice and deliverance to another world of eternal damnation, this was her new calling, her private curse. She hated the silence and she hated being alone to dwell on these matters...

But tumultuous thoughts were interrupted by a knock on her office door. After muttering a brief invitation to enter, her eyes briefly left the files she had in her hands to see two muscular guards stepping before her desk, with the two juvenile delinquents passed out and hanging limply in their arms. Sayu emerged from behind them, awaiting for further instructions from her senpai.

"What do we do with 'em, chief? Are they dead?" one of the guards asked, shaking the juvenile in his arms for emphasis of their lifelessness.

Risa peered from above the manila folder in her hands to observe, eyes cold and uncaring as the limbs of the poor child swung listlessly from the man's actions. "Do you feel a pulse?"

Both guards placed two fingers against their convicts' jugular pulse points, but found nothing but cold sensations against their fingertips. "No, chief."

The head of the guards nodded and returned to perusing the files she had in her hands. "Then burn them. Make sure the others watch."

"Yes ma'am," both guards responded, marching in synchronization with one another as they exited the office to take care of business.

As the two male officers and the dead juveniles left, the dark-haired officer remained, staring at her senpai with wide eyes and total disbelief. Yes, she was a fairly new addition to the team, and though her elite training regiment had allowed her to bypass all the inferior positions at the penitentiary almost immediately, it seemed as though Sayu was still very much a novice when it came to the matters of discipline and "taking care of business," even in comparison to the underlings.

"What did we do to them?" She hadn't had a damn clue what Risa had done that day. She was simply ordered to follow, and stay outside of the underground facilities while Risa had went about with her business. The duo had managed to eventually enter the solitary confinement cells that imprisoned and isolated the two murderous juveniles, and they had done so every day for 23 days straight. Everything was just as Sayu expected: they simply came to feed the girls, and ward off any of the imbecile guards that hung around to taunt the children. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary...

"Nothing they didn't deserve," Risa answered simply, eyes still scanning the two manila envelops in her hands.

Sayu did not know much about her senpai. There really was no such opportunity to learn about her. And with the way the woman was handling this situation so chillingly, so heartlessly, Sayu was beginning to believe that there was no point in trying. Her senpai always struck her as strict, but she had never imagined her to be so cruel. "Isn't that a bit too harsh? They're just children!!"

The head of the guards eyed her kouhai from above the folders before dropping the files to her table altogether to properly address the woman. "When it comes to proper discipline, nothing is too severe, Sayumi. It's about time you understood that."

Sayu stared straight back into the eyes of her senior - those dark, cold eyes - silently begging to find some form of life, a bit of warmth in their depths. But Risa broke contact before any such thing could be found, and made her way through the exit of her office to handle the job she had just assigned personally.

And like an obedient kouhai, the dark-haired officer began to follow, but curiosity was a difficult thing to escape. Sayu walked up to her senpai's table to examine the two files that were resting upon it. Inside the manila folders were a detailed account of personal information and all related activities, as well as a picture paper-clipped onto the typed document. Upon further examination, the dark-haired officer found that the files she was looking at belonged to the two now-dead juveniles.

Sayashi Riho. Ishida Ayumi.


Day 44

The bombers had to simply face one night of punishment, as deemed necessary and sufficient by the warden. And despite the meager hours spent in comparison to the other victim, the bombers had not spoken once of the incident to anyone. Not that they had to; everyone knew. Even the ever curious Ai had kept her mouth shut and settled to keep her wondering solely inside her mind once she had seen the group the next day, looking particularly gaunt and dragging themselves sluggishly on their daily jog routine around the recreational grounds. Perhaps some things were better left unknown.

As for the occupant in cell #1111, she and the head of the guards had developed their routine for well over a month now. Shortly after dinner, the chief guard would fetch the yankii, ensure the convict was well-locked in handcuffs, and drive the both of them to a small building well-isolated from the grounds of the penitentiary. Once dawn broke, the officer would return to fetch the convict and deliver her back inside her cell before the morning roll call.

Usually, the convict would have no wise-ass remarks to spurt at the cold officer as they walked the still halls in the early morning darkness. She was simply too worn, almost broken to do so. But today, the officer looked particular deserving of a verbal throw-down, and the yankii was going to take advantage of it, no matter how much "punishment" she would get as a result.

"Does it make you feel all high and mighty, Risa? Does breaking me, breaking the others for this bullshit about 'God' make you feel like everything you've done is forgiven? Are you happy now?"

The yankii made no effort to whisper as she walked before the officer. She didn't care who she had to wake up in the process to make her point, and fine by her since she hadn't had an ounce of sleep since the start of her punishment period. And when all she received was the sound of heels clanking against the iron floorboards, the yankii continued with her tirade. "You know what he's doing to us. You know you've dealt with it before. Hell, he's still probably doing it to you now, and you're letting him get away with everything!! Just admit it, you're weak."

The head of the guards growled under her breath, and slammed the insolent convict against the metal bars of her own cell. Fiery eyes were clashing, and had the convict not been worn and bound by handcuffs, a fight would have no doubt spurred between the two.

"Shut up before you say something you'll regret."

The yankii remained unyielding. She had done her damn time in this hell, and she wasn't about to continue suffering in this alone. The guard was closing the proximity between them as her typical means of intimidation, but the convict would have none of it, and stood tall. "Is it worth it, Risa? Is it worth being a tool for that hypocrite son of a bitch?"

"I may not believe in him, and I will never agree with his methods, but this is worth more to me than you will ever understand." Risa unlocked the bars of the yankii's cell and shoved the woman inside. Her glare was furious, vengeful, but so broken and tired. The officer wondered if it was alright to pity her. But as she closed the cell and began to walk away, the yankii spoke up again with daring insolence.

"Is it worth being a real criminal for? You talk about justice and virtue like you actually have any. You've regressed, Risa. You're worse now than when I first met you, and you truly are the most pathetic human being in this facility. You, that bastard of a warden, your bitch side-kick, and all the mother-fucking guards and scumbag men out there...I hope you all fucking rot in hell!"


Day 45

As Sayu continued with her rounds as usual around the cafeteria for the evening, she had noticed the absence of the ever present head of the guards. Looking around further, she noticed that the yankii was still sitting by her lonesome. Odd. The two would have made their exit this late into dinner by now. After delivering the usual set of orders to deliver the inmates back into their respective cells after dinner, the dark-haired officer made her way to her senpai's office.

She grew concerned when she heard nothing on the other side of the oak door, and saw no light shining from underneath. Hesitantly, she turned the doorknob of the officer's door and peered inside to find her senpai sitting in her chair, shrouded in darkness with a near-empty bottle of whiskey atop her desk. It had taken the head guard much longer than necessary to realize that someone had just joined her, and from the amount of alcohol Sayu could smell permeating throughout the office, she could tell her senpai had been at this for quite some time now.

"Ne, everything alright?" she asked timidly as she slowly walked over to her drunken companion. Thanks to the moonlight, Sayu could see her senpai's red eyes and tear stains that adorned her sullen cheeks. This was an image she had never imagined ever seeing upon the stoic wall of disciplined character, and admittedly, she had no idea what to do.

The junior officer placed a hand against her senpai's back, meekly patting and rubbing in hopes to console her partner from whatever it was that made her this way. Shortly after contact, and even without a word spoken in response, the head of the guards was reduced to tears, crying into the palms of her hands without care.

Still confused over what could have possibly caused this, Sayu took the crying woman into her arms, letting her senpai shed warm tears against her uniform because there was nothing much else she could have done to console her.

"She's right!" Risa shouted. "I have changed. But, it's for her you know? I do everything for her. She needs me, and she's dying. And everything is my fault! It's always my fault. I'm a liar, I'm a two-faced hypocrite. I killed them all! And, and she shouldn't be facing this alone!! She doesn't have anyone else! I'm a murderer!!"

It wasn't her place to ask, but there was apparently more to her senpai than she had initially conceived. Who was she talking about? But personal questions would have to wait to be answered. Sayu could only take her partner into her arms and hold her until all these guilty tears were shed.


After Risa had fallen asleep in her arms, the dark-haired officer carried the woman to the sofa in her office to let her sleep restfully. She glanced at the clock on her wall and found that it was 10 o'clock and she could bet that none of the other guards had bothered handling the inmate in cell #1111 since Risa had made it all too clear to everyone that Tanaka was her burden to bear, and her burden alone.

The junior officer scurried over to her senpai's desk, turning on the table lamp to aid in her search for some instructions from the warden regarding the inmate and her punishment sentence. Thankfully, Risa was very particular with her organization of files, and Sayu was able to locate the manila envelop for Tanaka. Skimming through the personal information of which she had little interest for the time being, she had finally found the scribbled instructions on a loose sheet of notepad paper clipped behind the convict's facial profile shot.

Turning off the light of the room, Sayu quickly and quietly closed the door to her senpai's office and raced to the housing cells to find that Reina was still in her cell, waiting for a someone to come fetch her. The junior officer made her presence known by tapping her officer's baton against the metal bars of the cell.

Reina turned her head to examine the lanky-looking officer with disgust and disapproval. "Where's Risa?"

Caught off-guard by the yankii addressing her senpai with such familiarity, Sayu began to unlock the cell to fetch the inmate. "She's off for the evening. I will be escorting you for tonight."

"...That coward..."

The two marched through the corridors now bereft of life, and to an officer's vehicle to deliver the convict to her destination. The ride was silent and not a single word was shared or action acknowledged between the guard and the inmate. Sayu found herself often stealing glances at the rebel, not entirely sure what she was looking for, but found it necessary regardless.

Once they found their destination, the guard escorted Reina from her seat and found tears rolling down her sunken cheeks. Her eyes traced the path of those tears, finding faint marks along the woman's jawline, all the way down to the bit of skin on her collarbone that she could see from the orange uniform. From what she could see through rolled up sleeves, the officer found similar marks along the thin arms, welts of pink and red tattooing her pale skin. Once again, Sayu had several questions that were begging to be asked, but she had a duty to deliver. And right now, her duty was to make sure the convict would walk through the doors of this off-path building, no questions asked.


YAY INSIGHT! AND WE'RE ALMOST TO THE HALFWAY POINT WOOOOOO~ ahha chuggin' along~ 8 more chapters, a two part finale, and an epilogue. WOOOOOOO!!!! lol over-caffeinated me~

Warning: the next chapter is not going to be a pretty one. Don't read it if you can't take gross detail.

Offline mochi.rini

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Re: Quid Pro Quo - Chapter Four 6/26
« Reply #25 on: June 27, 2012, 02:39:55 AM »
 :on freeze: they died....yeah, this place is scaryy.

So it seems that Sayu is just as confused as the inmates.  I thought that she was all stoic and secretive like Risa, the guards, and Papa-T...but she's just doing her job...maaaaaaaaaaan that sucks.  She's like...a murderer's accomplice :O  And she doesn't even know it~

So C-ute has been here longest next to some point in time between Reina first coming and C-ute coming, Risa was an inmate too? :O   :shocked  I the heck did she end up as head of the guards?  and why the heck is she beating Reina if she "cares" so much? :O  ...Tsunkupapa must have some ultimate punishment or something...

geeeeeeeeez I'll be thinking about what happens next for the next few days XD  Caaaaaaaan't wait for more :D

Yay for gross details~ \(> w <)/

P.S....Rini googles lots of weird things...yeah. :3
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Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Quid Pro Quo - Chapter Four 6/26
« Reply #26 on: June 27, 2012, 02:41:47 AM »
omg post them! post them all!!!
and yay i finally guess right on something! XD trust me this makes me happy cus i usually dont^^;

tanagaki's relationship is making wonder a bit, like was risa a convict too and like she got an easy way out of it by being an officer? or something else? and im guessing her crying and "doing it for her" is for either reina or her mom? and i gots 1 more question


cant wait for the next chapters
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Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Quid Pro Quo - Chapter Four 6/26
« Reply #27 on: June 27, 2012, 03:25:32 AM »
*marks off two kids who won't be in the story* Welp! Guess that takes care of Riho and Daishi... Though every paragraph and sentence only raises more questions for me...

What the hell is going on!?!?!?!?!?

Warning: the next chapter is not going to be a pretty one. Don't read it if you can't take gross detail.
*nods* I'm ready.

Offline Quietriot

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Re: Quid Pro Quo - Chapter Four 6/26
« Reply #28 on: June 27, 2012, 03:52:04 AM »
Well damn. If Tsunku's based off Blue they're all in for a really shitty ride (as if that weren't obvious enough lol).

Is it bad to say I'm kinda glad Riho and Daishi are dead? No more suffering for 'em, imo. Glad to see Sayu isn't really much of a villain here, it's a refreshing take on her, but I have a feeling she'll end up just as corrupt as the other guards or at least as defeated as Risa.

Mou... None of these chapters are pretty XD I think all of us are aware of that now. That being said, ready to see how this plays out. I gotta know what happens, no matter how gruesome; way too invested now.

Moar chapters plz? I could be convinced to ease up on the cockblocking in my own fics XD

Offline darkacex99

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Re: Quid Pro Quo - Chapter Four 6/26
« Reply #29 on: June 27, 2012, 04:28:01 AM »
Oh snap an update :)

Rihoriho and ayumi dyin was a shocker, but hey it happens

Omg i luv reinas boldness and risa breaking down in this chapter

Warning: the next chapter is not going to be a pretty one. Don't read it if you can't take gross detail.
Hit me with ur best shot, im ready for dis  :cathappy:

Offline kjpop

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Re: Quid Pro Quo - Chapter Four 6/26
« Reply #30 on: June 28, 2012, 12:55:01 AM »
mochi - yeah lol but as to how they died, that's more important~ keep fishing for details! haha

Fooled ya with Sayu, didn't I? As for Risa, I won't say a word but +1 for you ^__^ All your questions will be answered at approximately chapter 8 lol And dude, I totally google everything too ahhah I had to google the japanese prison system and I got nothing recent lol I probably just didn't look hard enough xD

kiwi - you get +1 for your speculation too ahah obviously I'm playing CLUE with pros here ahah damnit.

rndy - making that list and checkin' it twice!!...oh wait, not the right time for this ahhaha

fim-face - haha I throw in my positivity in small doses. I don't like spoiling~ AND SAYU!!! OH sayu <3 I don't wanna spoil anything, but I will anyway: Sayu is the biggest badass mofo ever. It'll take time, but you'll see~ Like, I love her the most here LOL just putting that out there.


darkacex99 - bahaha your comment made me laugh LOL like "Oh, so that happened. lulz whatevs yo~" hahah that's amazing.

AND I'M SORRY. I DIDN'T WANT TO KILL OFF RIHOxAYUMI. And really, not those two in particular lol I put the names of the 9th and 10th gen on a dart board and had my roommate toss the darts and it just landed on those two haha so if you were wondering how we decide things around here, it's through darts ahah just blame my roommate xD I'm obviously putting a lot of thought into this  =P

We're gonna do a bit of time traveling in this chapter lol so hang tight.

WARNING: The following chapter is slightly graphic in detail. Please don't read the chapter if the thought of blood/death/bad things makes ya queasy and uncomfortable, and don't say I didn't warn you. Happy reading~


Chapter Five: Monster

Day 23

Ai was strolling the recreational grounds once again, hands in her pockets and scanning the area for nothing in particular in her moment of leisure. After the short stint the bombers had to suffer earlier this month, things had returned to normal: Airi and her group were still smuggling goods to auction off to their fellow inmates, the bombers had finally regained the energy and will in their step as they jogged laps around the area, the hackers were still bickering with one another in the shaded region of the open spaces, and Reina, although looking more and more enervated by the day, still scanned the vicinity for anyone daring to come near her. It was as if nothing had really changed.

As the latest addition to the penitentiary walked toward her contraband companions, a loud whistle rang throughout the open air and turned all convicts' attention to the fenced in area within the recreational grounds. The inmates gathered around the separated area, watching in silence as officers Niigaki and Michishige emerged from the gated corridors and into the fenced grounds. Following the two females were a burly set of male guards, the six remaining juveniles, and finally the two muscular guards who carried the dead delinquents in their arms.

Hushed whispers and muffled speculations spurred throughout the members of the crowd, and Ai shot her comrades a worried look. What had happened to those girls? None in the crowd had an answer to offer her. Ai watched as the head of the guards nodded, apparently signaling the two male guards to drop the dead juveniles one on top of the other in the center of the isolated area.

"Misdemeanor will be rewarded with punishment. Murder will earn you solitary confinement, and death will welcome you shortly after if you lack the will or self-discipline. Let this be a lesson to you all." In contrast to the silence of the crowd, Risa's voice was an omnipotent adjuration to anyone that had the audacity to defy her authority.

With another nod, the two male officers did as previously instructed, dowsing lighter fluid on the corpses and setting them on fire. The odor of rotting flesh and the sound of horrified gasps from the inmates, and screams from the remaining six delinquents filled the air. Faces turned at the sight of cloth disintegrating and skin curling to a brown crisp off the young girls' once limber bodies, flames stripping their flesh layer by layer to slowly expose the skeletal structures underneath. The smell culminated into a putrid concoction of rancid, rotting meat laced with hints of sulfurous sweetness as the fire blazed through the corpses' hair and spinal columns. As the fire grew into a blazing fountain of flames above the girls, their bodies rolled into an ashed pile of fluid-rich innards and bone, unleashing another round of unpleasant aromas reminiscent of grilled meat, though much less appetizing as one could only imagine. One can never forget the smell of rotting flesh once they've experienced it, and perhaps that was the head officer's intention. Immediately, several inmates forced their way from the crowd to vomit after smelling and seeing the gruesome act of inhumane savagery, while others shouted curses at the authoritative figures that surrounded and restrained the young girls as they cried and screamed for their fallen companions.

Officer Niigaki stared at the magnificent fire with merciless eyes, observing the verbal and physical expressions of absolute horror from the crowd, her junior officer, and most of the male officers on her team. None had expected this act of heartless brutality. She took in a trembling breath as she watched the remaining six cry and screech their anguish with more emotion than she had ever seen any of them portray since their arrival. But obligation reserved no space for sympathy, and the head of the guards felt that she had made her point perfectly clear. Wordlessly, she began to walk back in through the corridors to continue with her remaining duties for the day.


Day 39

Not much time had passed since the fire display, but Niigaki had taken notice of the drastic difference in the atmosphere amongst the inmates. Whenever she had stepped inside the cafeteria halls or any part of the penitentiary really, one could hear a pin drop: all actions, all conversations, all thoughts seemed to stop in fear of the savage figure in their midst. The most cold-blooded of murderers seemed to even cower in the woman's wake, and that was a terrifying truth in itself.

As she paced the cafeteria hall with routine steps, her stride was interrupted by her junior officer. The dark-haired guard passed her a piece of paper, indicating that they had lost five more officers to murder, and one more delinquent to starvation. The head of the guards sighed and exited the dining hall to race toward the special confinement cells that held the juveniles. They had already lost two under direct orders from the warden, and three more due to starvation. After the burning, the girls would not eat a damn thing they were fed. Perhaps they did it in protest for their fallen comrades, but Risa felt it was done out of uncalculating stupidity.

"Cross out Fukumura, Iikubo, and Suzuki from the list when we're through, Sayu," Risa ordered as she entered the security code to the isolated facilities.

Entering the special confinement area, the two female guards were welcomed by the sight of five of their fellow officers shredded and clearly dead on the ground. Standing above the lifeless corpses were the three remaining delinquents, drenched expectedly in their victims' blood. There was no room for negotiation or forgiveness as the two female officers immediately found themselves being attacked by the juveniles.

Sayu was offering no retaliated struggle against the two girls leeching onto her, biting, scratching, and punching every inch of her. She couldn't do it; she didn't have it in her heart to harm these children no matter how they tore at her flesh with their sharpened teeth and nails. The dark-haired officer flinched once the sound of a gunshot had echoed in the room.

And another.

And another.

Suddenly there was nothing to struggle against, no teeth shredding skin, no nails tearing her hair or her uniform. Just three lifeless bodies tacked on to the ones that were long dead from the previous confrontation. Sayu looked up from where she lay on the ground, finding her senpai with a smoking barrel aimed at her. Eyes peering down, she found the bodies of the two girls that had attacked her now toppled heavily above her, bullet wounds straight through their chests. Fearfully, the junior officer looked back at her senpai, and found the body of the other attacker dead at the woman's feet.

"W-what kind of monster are you, Niigaki-san?"

The head of the guards reached a hand out to lift her kouhai from the ground, and swiftly pushed her junior against the walls of the confinement area, with her gun shoved directly at her forehead. Risa's cold eyes took in her junior's frantic heart rate, her extremely dilated pupils, and overall character drowning in trepidation. "I am not a monster."

With that, the senior officer released her hold on frightened Sayu, and placed her gun back inside its holster. "Cross out Kudo, Ikuta, and Masaki from the list and go fetch some other officers to clean this mess. We have work to do."


Day 50

It was agreed amongst the inmates to not discuss the whereabouts of the remaining juvenile delinquents and to keep any personal speculation within private conversations in far isolation from the guards. Their sudden disappearance had sparked all sorts of rampant gossip exchanges and rumors of hearsay from whomever, and it had undoubtedly instilled a sense of fear in the hearts of most even further. It was clear that at this penitentiary, these women had everything to fear.

Ai had indefinitely joined the ranks of those inmates who took caution whenever in the midst of the head of the guards. She had convinced herself she had only seen a glimpse of what that woman was truly capable of. The most recent convict found it particularly odd, however, when she noted the absence of her contraband companions from leisure time today. Ai had wanted to discuss some further possibilities about the happenings surrounding the juveniles, but the group had vanished from the recreational grounds.

Turning her attention instead to the hackers, Ai asked if they had known of the contraband girls' whereabouts.

"What day is it today?" Koharu asked.

Ai furrowed her brows, not quite sure of the relevance of the hacker's question. "Sunday."

The lanky hacker roller her eyes knowingly. "They're probably at their prayer group thing, then."

Peculiar. Airi and her gang had never struck Ai as particularly religious by any stretch of the imagination. Friendly girls with not necessarily the best of intentions, but religious? Even she wasn't that stupid.

Later that evening during dinner, Ai had brought up the whole "prayer group" idea to Airi and the snaggle-toothed inmate could only smile. "How's about you join us next Sunday, new girl?"

Out of her own particular curiosity, Ai had joined the group as they were escorted from their work places to a separate portion of the penitentiary during their scheduled leisure time. The guards waited outside of the room on either side of the door, while the ragtag crew stepped into the empty room. Inside, the group was greeted by two rather friendly looking females, each wielding a Bible in her grasp.

"Oh, it seems we have a new addition," said the shorter female. She had a lovely baby face underneath her perfectly trimmed fringe, and she seemed rather kind at first glance.

The other female was a bit taller in comparison, also kind looking but without the fringe her companion had. What a bizarre combination of women, Ai thought.

"Yep, this here is Ai. She's a triple threat around these parts," Chisato spoke up, taking her designated seat beside Saki and the shorter Bible-carrying female.

Ai smiled sheepishly as she feigned gratitude after receiving her own Bible from the shortest of the contraband girls. The inmate had to admit she was out of her element when it came to the matters of religion and the sort, but even she had a bit more sense and common knowledge on the subject of a worldwide known piece of literature than these two females leading the prayer group. They had managed to stumble upon various phrases and passages that even she had learned once upon a time, and they often referred to religious teachings under incorrect contexts. This "prayer group" must have been a joke...

"Ah, where are our manners? All this Bible talk got us so excited that we've forgotten to introduce ourselves! My name is Mano Erina." The shorter girl bowed in greeting.

"And I'm Kikkawa Yuu," said the taller one, also bowing in respect. "But it seems our time here is up. We look forward to meeting with you again next week, Ai-chan~"

"And do keep an eye on that Bible, dear," Mano said with a wink.

As the girls exited the room, their Bibles were confiscated and they were told that they would be placed in their respective cells while they went back to their daily schedules. Over dinner that evening, Ai had shared her thoughts with Airi regarding the eccentric duo that had led the day's "prayer group." The group could only laugh at the her confession and insistence on taking her own Bible gift from the two women from before.

"Look, Ai, when you go back to your cell tonight, how's about you take a closer look at that Bible of yours? You'll be surprised to find just how helpful the word of the lord really is," Airi said, exchanging sly looks and smirks with her fellow contraband mates.

Well after lights out, Ai had taken the Bible from under her bunk and did as she was told. Using the faint fluorescent lighting from the dimly lit hallway, she flipped through the pages of the book and found nothing out of the ordinary...until she reached about halfway through. Within this portion of the holy book, was a perfectly cut out square indentation. Within this cut out block of paper and text was a pack of cigarettes. Out of impulse, the woman slammed the Bible to a close and slid it back underneath her bunk.

From across the hallway corridor, down one flight of stairs, Airi was looking up at Ai through the bars of her own cell, giving her a thumbs up. Ai returned the thumbs up with a smile and went back to bed. This group's cunning would never cease to amaze her.


That last bit right there was my attempt at making things a bit lighter? Could've been an omake but then this chapter would have been madddd short.

So the next chapter is arguably the most important chapter ever lol but it's also gonna be the last of the more nasty and semi-explicit/pulp fiction-ish scenarios for a while. It has the potential to make you uncomfortable so read with great


« Last Edit: June 28, 2012, 01:59:32 AM by kjpop »

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Re: Quid Pro Quo - Chapter Four 6/26
« Reply #31 on: June 28, 2012, 01:05:14 AM »

Offline kjpop

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Re: Quid Pro Quo - Chapter Four 6/26
« Reply #32 on: June 28, 2012, 01:15:54 AM »
WARNING: Heavily implied assault and pretty blatant torture. Please don't read the chapter if it offends you. I've warned you.

*hides in a bomb shelter*

Chapter Six: Redemption

Day 127

Ai had a tally etched into her stone cell wall, counting the days since her conviction at Project Morning. She had been a resident at this penitentiary for approximately four months now and thankfully things have finally settled down since the juvenile incident; that was no longer a topic of conversation amongst the inmates.

Properly assimilating into jail house life was another seemingly daunting task that had finally been overcome with the grace of time. The cafeteria food hadn't gotten any better, and no one honestly expected it would. But the companionship she had received from her contraband girls, the bombers, and the hackers had helped her survive a little longer than she had initially planned. As curious a character as Reina was, Ai had given up on the chance of striking any conversation with the lone wolf. Her prison occupation situation had not improved in the slightest. It was still a boring, medial job that did little to pass the time, but she had no right to complain.

As she was folding some freshly cleaned sheets, Aika had called out for her. "Yo, new girl, ya mind heading to the storage room and grabbing me some detergent? We're out over here."

Ai nodded and made her way to the storage room through the maze of stacked boxes and empty corridors that lined the basement floor of the vicinity, following the trail of dim lights that led the way through the only functional rooms of the underground path. Once she had reached the door towards the far end of the basement hallway, she entered in search of the detergent that was stored in this musky closet space. She cursed her short height as she struggled to reach for the storage box on one of the highest shelves in the room. Even after pushing her entire weight on one hand and nearly dislocating her other shoulder to attain the highest height, the box was still far from her grasp.

But then she heard the door close from behind her, and found an arm reaching around her to effortlessly grab the prized detergent from the shelf. Ai was about to turn around to thank whomever had assisted her, but the hand wielding the detergent dropped it to the floor and covered her mouth instead. Another arm came from behind and wrapped itself tightly against her waist. Her screams were muffled with the grizzly, calloused hand that covered and squeezed her mouth, and dilated pupils failed to see who was trapping her in their grasp.

She continued to struggle in the arms of the intruder, but found that whoever it was, they were in uniform. "Shhh, shhh missy, calm down."

The intruder loosened his grip against the inmate's midsection, only to return with a hand wielding a gun in its grasp. With his index locking the gun into his palm, the attacker used his remaining fingers to pry open his victim's orange jumpsuit, popping a few buttons in his haste. "Now, be a good little lady and keep it down. We don't want to get caught now, do we? Because if we do," he paused to press the cold metal gun against her throbbing jugular and loosened the belt at his waist. "...somebody's going to get hurt."


"Hey, took ya long enough, Takahashi," Aika snorted as she grabbed the detergent from noticeably pale and shaky hands. "...What's wrong? Why are you shaking like that?"

Aika gave her friend a thorough look: she took note of the woman's disheveled attire, with slight tears and portions frayed at the seams, tousled locks matted down in a half-hearted attempt to look presentable, and a frightened expression on a colorless face. A prominent stain on the lower half of her orange uniform was the last bit of information needed to come to the appropriate conclusion. The hacker reached out and held the broken woman in her arms, letting her shed tears freely onto her uniform.

Koharu emerged with a fresh batch of sheets to be cleaned, shooting Aika a questioning look regarding her position at the moment. The other hacker mouthed a single word and Koharu felt the blood rush away from her face. Releasing the cart from her hands, the tall hacker built up the courage to confront officer Michishige. With some caution on the guard's side, she listened to what the convict had to say, only stopping to ask if she had any idea who the perpetrator was.

Without an answer, the dark-haired officer scanned the cleaning area. Her eyes had found Ai in the arms of one of the other inmates and she immediately made her way to the woman. Kneeling beside the curled up inmate, the guard had found all the signs that Aika had seen earlier.

"Takahashi, I need you to tell me who did it."

The crying woman looked up and found the junior officer staring, waiting for a reply. "I...I don't know..."

Sayumi mentally cursed herself for not being more attentive, and lacking the experience to know who had done such an evil thing. She glanced around the room for any suspicious activity from the other male officers, but to no avail. She knew she had no choice but to report this to her senpai, though she feared the worst when it came to that woman's course of disciplinary actions. However, this situation was anything but forgivable and if anyone deserved a Niigaki-punishment, it was this man.

The junior officer left the hackers and Ai to rush toward her senpai's office. She didn't even bother knocking on the door and barged into the woman's office without any formal greetings. "Niigaki-san, there's been an incidence of sexual assault in the cleaning area in the basement level."

The head of the guards raised an eyebrow and gestured her junior to stand at ease. "And...?"

"...And neither I, nor the victim, knows who attacked her? What exactly do you want me to say?"

Risa rubbed the temples of her head with her fingers as she leaned her elbows atop her desk. "It could be only one person..."

"Should I report this to the warden?"

The head guard stood from her seat and escorted the both of them from her office. "I will report the incident after I handle the situation myself."

The atmosphere over dinner had been bleak. Aika and Koharu had managed to inform their inner circle of the incident and each of the girls were on edge, taking great care as to not say anything that would strike the wrong nerve on their latest addition. None had imagined that she of all people would have been the one to suffer this. She was so quiet, so unassuming...

It was almost deja vu.

To add salt to a freshly open wound, Reina had walked over to sit at the far end of their table as she always had, finding the silence at the other end rather incongruous from the usual. The yankii concluded the silence was offensive and asked, "Why the hell aren't you guys being obnoxious like always?"

She wasn't even acknowledged from the motley crew, and of course, this irritated her. "What the hell? Cat got your tongue? You get raped, or punished, or something?" the rebel woman asked, laughing at her own twisted sense of humor.

Oh she struck a chord, alright. Ai frozen upon hearing the word and began to panic in her seat. As the hackers and the contraband girls worked together to ease her, Airi walked over to where Reina sat, glaring at the yankii square in the eye. "Look, Reina, I don't know what you're problem is, but you need to learn to shut the fuck up when you're not wanted, because yes, as a matter of fact, Ai did get raped. So just shut up while you're still ahead."

Reina bit her lip to try and stifle a laugh but it was too late; the yankii had attracted the attention of everyone within an earshot of their table. Cruel as it was, Reina didn't sugarcoat anything for anyone, and if someone had to teach the newbie a lesson, it would be her.

"Look, new girl, you need to get over yourself. We all have to deal with it around here, and just because you're new doesn't make you damn special. Take it from someone that has to deal with it every damn day. You can cry all you want, but no one really cares."


It was late in the evening, and though everyone else seemed to have fallen fast asleep, Ai huddled against the wall as she lay wide awake in bed. Every time she closed her eyes, all she could hear was that harsh breathing and her own muted sobs against his sweating palms; all she could feel as that disgusting, painful feeling of something being forced inside her and the cold metal of a gun that could have very well ended her life. In the showers today, she had scrubbed herself raw, nails tearing through skin in attempts to wash away the grime of the deed. Her arms, her legs, her body were decorated with swelling red welts and self-induced scratches, evidence of her desperate attempts to forget. No, she couldn't sleep because it would only force her to remember.

The sudden illumination in the hallway of their wing had caught her attention, and she quickly jumped from her bed to determine what was going on through her metal bars. As Ai looked around, she found the other inmates of her wing doing the same, but all eyes immediately fell upon the two figures at the bottom floor of their hallway. Under further scrutiny, the inmate identified that they were officer Niigaki and the man that had molested her on her first night, and just a few hours ago. She could feel a cold shiver run down her spine.

"Ito Ryousuke: patrolman, divorcee, and with his own criminal history of rape and battery. Tell me, Ryousuke-san, how do you like working in an all-female penitentiary? Have you been making friends with our inmates?" Risa's voice echoed throughout the corridor, grasping the undivided attention of all the inmates in the wing.

The convicts watched as the head of the guards slowly circled around the pathetic excuse of a patrolman, basking in quiet pleasure as they watched him sweat under the unforgiving fluorescent lights of the hallway. "I-I-I don't know what you want to hear from me N-Niigaki-san," he stuttered, loosening the buttons of his collar with a quivering finger.

Without warning, Risa unleashed her baton and held it perpendicular to the man's throat, and forced it against him, blocking his airways as she pushed her entire weight to crush the patrolman against the wall between two of the lower level cells. His gagging and choking noises resonated through the desolate halls, and the inmates continued to be enthralled by the impressive display of strength by the younger woman, for once in admiration as opposed to fear. The patrolman tried to pull the baton away from the woman's grasp, but the lack of air intake was making him considerably weaker.

Before the man could pass out from insufficient oxygen intake, Risa pulled back her baton and began to walk away. The patrolman took a moment to gasp and replenish his air supply, before taking out his own gun and preparing to take fire. As he cocked the gun and prepared to pull the trigger, the head of the guards turned at her heels and took fire, placing a bullet square in the man's groin. "Why don't I do the talking for you, then?"

The man unleashed a ghastly scream that rang throughout the wing. He dropped his gun, fell to his knees and used his hands to shield the wounded area, but the female officer would not stop and her aim was unforgivably true. The head of the guards continued to shower the man's most sensitive area with one bullet after another, shouting the names of various female inmates that resided in this particular wing.

"Shimizu! Mitsui! Kusumi! Yajima! Suzuki! Tanaka!..."

The list of victims went on and on, and a bullet struck deep inside sensitive flesh with every tick off that list. Risa paused only to reload her gun, and continued to shoot the man repeatedly, never once taking notice of the looks of grotesque approval and alarm from the inmates contained within their cells, subjected to watch the torture of this wretched man.

Officer Michishige came running through the entrance of an opposite wing, rushing towards her trigger-happy senpai. "NIIGAKI-SAN, STOP THIS NOW!!" And she had tried to rip the gun from the woman's grasp, but the struggle she offered only earned her a well-placed punch in the gut and a kick that landed her flat on the floor.

Risa walked closer to the profusely bleeding patrolman, the nether regions of his uniform stained crimson from his own blood. The senior officer paused to aim once she was within arm's reach of the man, and shot her last bullet straight into his head.


The head guard breathed heavily, tossing her empty weapon to the side as she stared at the mutilated corpse before her. It could have easily been seen as another act of cruelty, one driven by a need to restore order to the facility once more. But there was only one person in this wing that would understand that it had everything to do with revenge, and sadly, as Risa looked up to the cell containing said person, they weren't there.

Risa walked over to where she had subdued her junior, and offered the woman a genuine helping hand. "Call the other guards and tell them to clean up this mess."

As Sayu ran toward the exit, Risa picked up her gun and placed it back in its holster. She looked around for the first time that evening, eyes moving from one paled face to another. These women feared her and everything she was capable of. The head officer smirked smugly as she walked up the stairwells to the second floor.

It had been quite some time since she had faced their latest addition, but much like their first encounter, Risa had met with wide eyes and a slackened jaw dropped open in shock and horror. But honestly, what else was new? The officer reached a hand through the metal bars of the woman's jail cell, and patted her head as gently as she could, despite the adrenaline coursing through her veins. It was an uncharacteristic gesture, further highlighted by a gentle smile on her lips, but it was more than welcome by the nervous inmate.

", and everyone else in this wing, will never have to worry about that man bothering you ever again."


"Are you a fan of Chopin's Nocturne, Niigaki-san? Nocturne in E flat, of course. A lovely classic."

Risa stood at ease before the warden's giant oak desk, bracing herself for her own punishment to be delivered for how she had handled the previous evening's situation with a lack of finesse and subtlety. She watched as the warden lifted the stylus onto the rotating disk, easing into his velvet throne upon hearing the soft melodies of a classical piano fill the room.

"I murdered patrolman Ito Ryousuke, sir."

Tsunku's head swayed gently with the melody, eyes closed as he basked in the gentle trills of the piano tune. "And do you expect to be punished for that, Niigaki-san?" he asked, his voice drifting dreamily along with the music.

"Yes, sir. We had already lost a number of our members due to the juvenile delinquents, and I had no right to abuse my position to murder another."

The warden leaned his elbows against the oak table, eyes still closed as he drowned in the melody. "Honestly, Niigaki-san, you do need to loosen up a bit. I will not punish you because God wouldn't punish you for your actions. What you did was for the sake of justice, and it was done out of good-will for the sake of others, was it not? As far as anyone's concerned, your 'sins' are forgiven. Perhaps your past can be forgiven as well."


And there ya have it. I had managed to take out a lot of unnecessary detail in that one particular scene, and hopefully it's a lot more tastefully done than I had initially implied it'd be. And did anyone catch that HnK shout out? LOL That was for all the people that don't like Risa's fiancé haha

And now the tides have turned, ladies and gents. Everything will slowly unravel, so keep taking notes! haha And a lot more emphasis will be placed on sayu~ you'll get to see why I love her so much finally hahah Because there's more to her than just being a personal assistant/janitor/clean up crew for Gaki  :lol:

Offline kawaii beam

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Re: Quid Pro Quo - Chapters Five and Six 6/27
« Reply #33 on: June 28, 2012, 01:26:09 AM »
i saw teh update, dropped what i was doing and read like crazy....

holly crap is all i can say im like speechless right now D:
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Re: Quid Pro Quo - Chapters Five and Six 6/27
« Reply #34 on: June 28, 2012, 01:28:55 AM »
 :shocked  :panic:  :bow:

Offline rndmnwierd

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Re: Quid Pro Quo - Chapters Five and Six 6/27
« Reply #35 on: June 28, 2012, 01:36:44 AM »
Omg this is incredible. Its like the gritty reboot I've always wanted! Poor ai, poor everyone! But Gaki and Sayu and Tsunku! *keels over from the amazing story* grgfhgrgfhgrfddfghtgdg!

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Re: Quid Pro Quo - Chapters Five and Six 6/27
« Reply #36 on: June 28, 2012, 02:05:27 AM »
I have issues.  I was laughing the whole time, especially once Ryousuke's name came up :lol:  Way to go wonderfully, awesome, word's-can't-further-explain-this-epic-ness Officer Niigaki :3
Hi~iiya!~  (>^_^)>
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Re: Quid Pro Quo - Chapters Five and Six 6/27
« Reply #37 on: June 28, 2012, 06:57:22 AM »
 :imdead: holy crap  :shocked intense intense intense....omg SSOOO GUDDD!! The rest of 9th and 10th gen got killed off :bigdeal: at least they wouldnt have to mourn long for the death of rihoriho and ayumi

Im sooo excited rite now, i luv how things are turning out XD ai randomly getting rapped when she juss wanted to get some detergent :mon scare: its not safe anywhere nowadays

Dat rapist officer got tore up :on beatup oh man
He mustve rapped all c-ute, koubou, and the ones from morning musume...he has been busy

Aite enough of me talkin, i really enjoyed these two chapters  :on GJ: im uber excited even though this is an angsty story, cant wait for your next update

Offline kjpop

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Re: Quid Pro Quo - Chapters Five and Six 6/27
« Reply #38 on: June 29, 2012, 04:58:29 PM »
darkacex99: yeah I'm kind of sorry about the angst lol but most of the angst and violence will pretty much be over with after chapter 8. And after that chapter, it's gonna be more of a detective case than an action plot (actually im just kidding lol), but you'll just have to keep reading to find out where I'm headed haha. At least the ending will be "nice" lol relatively speaking...

LOL well everyone took that better than I thought ahha So here's an omake for some fun-sake and whatnot. We're gonna follow Sayu around, so get your Sherlocke Holmes on, errbody~

Omake II

Day 128

The last thing Sayumi needed was her senpai, with her extensive history of violence, holding any suspicions regarding her self-proclaimed, confidential mission to discover the truth. It was terrifying enough to be on the other end of the woman's gun once before, and that was an experience that required no repeating. And despite the head officer's well-meaning, wicked murder of the rapist patrolman, Sayu still had reason to believe that her senpai would only continue with her path of destruction if she did not get to the heart of the matter. The warden being so quick to dismiss her senpai's actions were also troublesome when she tried to wrap her mind around his reasoning.

Accessing the penitentiary archives was a bit ambitious, and would surely raise suspicion. For now, the junior officer had to settle for sacrificing a few hours of sleep in order to begin her detective work. First stop? The cafeteria.

The evening roll call had just concluded. The head officer had returned from delivering Tanaka, and retired to her office for some rest before her graveyard shift. Sayu had only 2 hours until that time, so she asked another officer on duty to take her rounds briefly while she went on her personal business. Sneaking through the dimly lit halls of the desolate penitentiary was something the junior officer noted she needed to grow accustomed to if she wanted to delve deeper into her senpai's records.

The dark-haired officer came to the expectedly empty cafeteria, and crossed through the double doors to the kitchen to find two women still awake and busy cleaning the piles upon piles of dirtied trays. Their matching orange uniforms indicated they were inmates, but their off-hours of work were incongruent with the reformatory's schedule.

"Aren't you two supposed to be in your cells at this hour?"

The taller of the two women turned around with a cocked eyebrow. "And are you going to clean these trays for us then?"

The officer shot the smart ass a glare and walked over to the sinks, flashing her badge to the two women. Neither happened to be impressed. "I need to know why Niigaki-san came down here before going to the solitary confinement cells with the juveniles. What business did she have with you two?" When neither responded to her question, the dark-haired officer grew irritated. Taking her gun from its holster and directing it at the two chefs, she asked her question again.

"Jesus, put that thing away!! We'll talk, we'll talk!!" Lin Lin shouted, soapy hands up in the air in surrender.

Once the junior officer placed the gun away from sight, the two chefs relaxed and returned to their evening duties. "Officer Niigaki wanted our assistance in the disposal of the two perps," Jun Jun replied.

"Yeah," the other woman added, "She just wanted to take advantage of our expertise with poison chemicals."

That answer was certainly unexpected, but the officer had to push further. "But you two are just criminals assigned to dining services. How are you accessing these chemicals?"

"We can't," the two replied in unison.

Jun Jun nodded her head for her partner to explain while she carried their fresh pile of clean trays off to the drying rack. "Officer Niigaki and the warden are the only ones who have access to the medical labs with all the chemicals, you know, in the infirmary. Besides the doctors and medical personnel, but we never see them anyway."

"But why would she entrust you two criminals to carry on this task?"

Jun Jun returned with a huge grin on her face. "You'd be surprised by how much Niigaki-san happens to let us get away with. And for your information, officer, you just so happen to be talking to two of China's greatest meth lab scientists and drug trafficking agents. We know a thing or two about chemistry, more so than your average junkie and street pusher. Who better to turn to?"

"And so officer Niigaki had ordered you to...?"

"Poison the two perps. She watched us while we made the batches, of course. Probably paranoid that we'd go a little crazy or poison the other inmates or something," Lin Lin explained.

"But we were ordered to keep the dosage fairly small, to keep things a little more humane. Niigaki-san made that request very, very clear. Just a little bit into their meals each and every day until the effects probably overwhelmed their defense systems. They were young girls after all, they most likely died in their sleep."

It was a shaky foundation to start with, but the junior officer needed more. She couldn't rely on the convicted population for the time being; most, if not all, had been driven to fear the living hell out of her senpai and would most likely remain on their best behavior for a long time. There would hardly be another chance to fish for information in that pool, sans Reina, but that would require her to tread even more dangerous waters, considering how Risa had her hawk-eyes set solely on her. Tomorrow, her journeys would have to lead her to either the infirmary for the medical records, or to the reformatory's archives, but for the remainder of the evening, she would reserve that for plotting an alibi in the case of getting discovered.

And so it begins...

Everyone at PMR is a badass lol So whoa. Poison, sound familiar?

Where will Sayu's nosy head lead her? Probably nowhere good =P anywho, I'm gonna be a bit busy this next week so idk when chapter 7 will come along T__T lol darn, right when it was starting to get sort of interesting too =P bear with~ and I kinda wanna get the happy going again with HnK so who knows lol we all want a break from the heavy, ne? =]

Anywho, this story is headed on a steady pace and everything about the plot is pretty much set in stone now, but did you guys wanna see something in particular? Just wanna get an idea of how I wanna break your hearts go about delivering this properly lol

« Last Edit: June 29, 2012, 05:24:59 PM by kjpop »

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Re: Quid Pro Quo - Chapters Five and Six 6/27
« Reply #39 on: June 29, 2012, 05:15:03 PM »
*rolls around in anguish*


i had a feeling that the pandas were part of that killing of the two kids ;3; like something was kinda fishy that both of them died so suddenly if that makes sense...eventhough it was totally wrong to poison them atleast risa had some kind of heart in the matter, but then again she could've just let them die in 1 go instead of little doeses...GAH TOO MUCH FO MAH HAATO! :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:

have a good weekend and good luck ne~? :deco:
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