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Author Topic: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 9 (6/10/12) - COMPLETED  (Read 20451 times)

Offline saeseki

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 2, 10/7/12
« Reply #20 on: July 10, 2012, 11:38:01 AM »
whaaaat~~~ you've updated!!

Kanon make a move or else i will  :P :P

Kumi's popular?? i will be one of crowd kyakya-ing over her XD XD

ok, pls continue i love your story  :bow:

Offline Souju

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 2, 10/7/12
« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2012, 05:37:05 AM »
Non-chan is so cute! and kumi is so cool!!  :panic:

Kanon is really in love whit Kumi  :cry:

I love this fic! ;)

Offline jehovachiabi

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Coming soon! Chapter 3~
« Reply #22 on: July 15, 2012, 05:08:01 PM »
Hi all thanks for all the comments! Chapter 3 will be coming soon as soon so please sit tight and wait for it hahah! Im sorry i didn't update this for a long time because i didn't have any ideas~ So~ see you on chapter 3! :D

Offline karomuwi

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Coming soon, chapter 3~
« Reply #23 on: July 15, 2012, 05:19:44 PM »

It's the first LONG KumiNon fic I've ever read!
And I'm craving for more!

I hope that you find your inspiration quickly, because the plot is really good!
I want more!!! RAWR! :3
Sorry that I've been playing the lurking game on this thread.

But seeing how you said that you didn't update cuz of any inspirations...
I've decided to come out of my hiding! :mon beam:

Please update soon!
I want to read more of KumiNon goodness.
Had a withdrawal, so now I'm planning to fall in love with the couples all over again

\(^ - ^)/
Here are my fics~! They can be found amongst these three. :hee:

Love's A Mission
Oh My Dolly!

SoUL (Series)

The Akiba Family (T.A.F)

Offline kahem

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Coming soon, chapter 3~
« Reply #24 on: July 15, 2012, 10:12:32 PM »
Does Kanon have some power or something?

Offline jehovachiabi

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 3, 16/7/12
« Reply #25 on: July 15, 2012, 11:50:41 PM »
@Saeseki - hi! thanks for commenting hahah Yeppp kumi is popular the rising star hahha! IKR she is so cool in MG3!

@Souju -  :wub:I'm trying to make canon as fluffy as possible cause she is so cuteee!!!!  :twothumbsthanks for commenting!

@karomuwi - Hi! hahaha lols thanks for coming out from your hiding! i typed this after i read your comment lols!!  :two thumbs your comment is greatly appreciated hahah! Here is more goodness from the kuminon pair~

@Kahem - lols nope she doesn't have powers hahah it was just a dream when she met kumi~ Now here is chapter 3 where she really meets her! :D enjoy! :D

Thanks for commenting and reading this fanfic! here is chapter 3!!! I tried to make it longer hahaha please comment feel free feel free~ its ok to be a lurker too hehe i am just happy that people are reading my fanfic xD :wub: Thank you all!

 :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow: ENJOY~

Chapter 3

“Yagam…Yagami… kumi…”

Kanon was spacing out when the other four were chatting happily, getting to know each other.

“hahahah! Yagami-san is so funny! No wonder you’re getting popular!” Jurina was laughing at kumi’s joke.

“Hahaha! Please just call mi kumi, don't be so formal! You two are funny people! HAhahha!!”

“Kumi!” Jurina and churi both giggled as they called kumi’s name.

“Hai!” Kumi jokingly salute them.

“Oh hey! We should get going! There are still ton’s of homework to do.” Rena said as she looked at her watch.

“Yea let’s go!” Jurina picked up her bag and they were about to leave the classroom when she saw kanon spacing out.

“Kanon?” jurina slanged her bag on as she called out to kanon.

“What happened?” Churi, who was about to walk out of the classroom walked over and peered over jurina’s shoulder.

“She’s spacing out again…” Jurina pointed at kanon who was still sitting at the same spot and staring into space.

Rena and kumi looked back to see what jurina and churi was talking about.

“What’s wrong?” kumi asked.

“Ah… I wonder what’s wrong with kanon today, she has been spacing out since this afternoon…” Churi said, as she looked worried.

As soon as Kumi spoke, kanon looked at the 4 persons who were looking at her.

“E-eh? W-why are you staring at me like that?” kanon picked up her bag and said: “W-we should get going now…” She walked pass the group without looking at kumi nor the others and they were left dumfounded before jurina awkwardly introduced kanon: “E-er, H-hahahha! Kumi, her name is kimoto kanon and she is abit shy around strangers so don't mind her A-ahahaha, let’s go…” She followed kanon out of the classroom.

“…” Kumi didn't say anything but just looked at kanon’s back when they were walking at the hallway.

“Hey kanon? Are you really ok?” Churi asked in concern.

“Yea, im fine churi, don't worry about me” kanon gave a small smile and sensed someone looking at her.

She turned back to look at rena who was talking to kumi and kumi was staring at kanon.

“…” kanon turned her head around quickly and asked jurina a question in order to avoid kumi’s eyes.

“A-ah jurina! Y-you, you have been saying you want to eat one of the onigiri’s that I made right? Shall I make it for you tomorrow?”

“Ehhhhh?! Yes Yes! Yes please!” Jurina clinged onto kanon like a koala bear.

“No fair! I want one too! Kanon~ make me one onigiri please!!!” Churi whined as she clunged on kanon too.

“Ahahaha, y-you two! I can’t move!!! All right! Two onigiris for the both of you tomorrow!” Kanon struggled to walk as the two ‘kids’ clung onto her.

“Yay! Kanon is the best!!” Jurina and churi both stole a kiss from kanon before running away at full speed.

“M-mou! You two! Get back here!” Kanon chased them with her full speed. Another reason for running was because she didn't want to face kumi. She still didn't have the courage.

Rena smiled as she saw the three having fun and so energetic.

“Hahaha they are so energetic even at this hour, that's nice.” Rena said.

“Yea… and very cute too…” Kumi gave a mysterious smile as she looked at the back of kanon who was running away.

“hmmm~” Rena looked at kumi with a smirk.

“… I know that look… That’s your smirking look, why are you smirking?” Kumi narrowed her eyes as she looked at rena in suspicion.

“Hmmm~ I wonder why~” Rena said as she let out a fake laughter and went on ahead, leaving kumi dumbfounded.

After a long chat and a bit of teasing, the group of 5 finally walked out of school.

“That was the longest time it took me to walk out of school. Ahhh~ it was fun~” Jurina stretched out her hands and let out a small yawn.

“Hya!” Churi slapped jurina’s bag and said: “Come on old lady! Don't fall asleep while walking hahaha!”

“Ehhhhh~ but I’m exhausted~” Jurina whined and rubbed her bag and said: “Awwww now you hurt my bag! See this dent…” She pouted.

“Hahahaha sorry~ in return, I will let you slap mine~ Here!” Churi handed out her bag and jurina began violently punching it.

Kanon was watching them but her mind wandered to another person.

“Errr, so… whats up with that bag slapping game?” Kumi said when she saw churi and jurina slapping their bags.

Kanon perked up her ears like a rabbit when she heard kumi’s voice.

“Hahaha! That's just their way of communicating.” Rena said.

“Er, do you mean bag slapping? Or do you mean they are having fun?” Kumi said with a raised eyebrow.

“I meant that they are having fun” rena said as she hugged her bag.

“…” Kumi gav rena a mysterious smile and prepared to grab rena’s bag when she saw how rena was so protective about her bag.

“No no no don't even think about it” Rena gave kumi a cold look as she clutched her bag even tighter.

“Hahaha kumi! You better not mess around with her when she has that look! I bet her melon pan are in that bag hahaha!” Jurina shouted to kumi. Jurina saw kanon walking in the middle and she walked over to kanon and grabbed her bag.

“Hehehe your turn!” Jurina started slapping kanon’s bag to get her involve in the conversation.

“Hey! I want to play too!” Churi rushed over and they started playing aroud with kanon’s bag.

“H-hey! Stop torturing my bag!” Kanon snapped out of her thoughts and started snatching her bag back from jurina and churi.

Kumi stopped teasing rena when she heard kanon’s voice. She turned her attention to the kanon who was now jumping up to get her bag back from the other two.

“hmmm~ Isn’t she cute? Just like a bunny.” Rena commented when she saw kumi looking at kanon again.

“Yea~ Cute…” Kumi’s eyes widened and she looked at rena and said: “W-wha?!”

“Hahaha! Heh” Rena smirked again.

“… Why are you smirking again?!” Kumi looked at rena.


“I-i?” Kumi stuttered.

“It’s nothing, you will figure it out soon.” Rena said and smiled a mysterious smile before shouting: “Hey you girls, give kanon her bag back and we should get home soon!”

She walked towards the three, leaving kumi behind with a question mark on her head.

Soon, it was time to part ways. Kanon got her bag back and she reminded jurina and churi again to do their homeworks.

“See you tomorrow, remember to do your homework’s.” Kanon said.

“We know, we will remember thanks! Bye bye kanon~ see you tomorrow too~” Jurina and churi smiled

“Let’s go then. Bye kanon~ bye kumi~” Rena said.

“Eh?! Kumi is taking the train too?” Jurina asked.

“Yep, I have to take the train to get back home.” Kumi said as she glanced at kanon.

“Ehh? So you are taking the same train as kanon? Hey that’s good! She wont be alone from now on~” Churi hugged kanon and said: “isn’t that great? You wont feel lonely on the way home now~”

“… Y-yea…” Kanon was almost blushing if she wasn't holding it in.

She was excited to take the same train as kumi but she was afraid too. She didn't have the courage to talk to kumi and since school ended, she had not face kumi, not even once. Now, they had to take the same train and she didn't know what to do. She was too shy.

“Well I guess we will get going now, see ya.” Kumi waved at them and she caught rena smiling at her again.

“... Those smile again! What did she mean just now?” kumi thought to herself.

“B-bye rena, jurina, churi…” Kanon followed behind kumi.


“Will she be okay? Kanon didn't seem to talk much ever since school just now.” Churi said worriedly.

“Don't worry she will be fine. Let’s go.” Jurina held churi’s hand and followed rena.


Kanon was walking behind kumi, looking down at her feet as she walked.

Kumi on the other hand was walking in front thinking about how to start a conversation to break the silence.

She stopped in her track suddenly and kanon who was looking at her feet bumped her head on kumi’s back.

“A-ah, s-sorry…” Kanon hugged her bag.

“…” Kumi did not say anything. She just looked at kanon silently.

Kanon felt weird that kumi didn't say anything and she timidly looked up to see kumi looking at her.

“…” Kanon turned her head and looked at the sky, not facing kumi.

“… Do you hate me?” Kumi suddenly said.

Kanon looked at kumi wide eyed and was shocked to hear that kumi thought she hated her.

“…” Kanon didn't know what to respond.

“… I don't know why you hate me but… if you don't like me being around you… I… I’ll leave…” Kumi had a very sad face and she turned to leave when she did not hear any response from kanon.

“I…” Kanon couldn't say anything but when she look at the back of kumi, something came over her. Something named courage.

She ran over to kumi and grabbed kumi’s uniform, stopping kumi from going.

“… I… I don't hate you…” Kanon said in a small voice.

Kumi looked back to see kanon pulling on her uniform. She thought it was super cute of kanon to do that. Just like a timid rabbit. Fluffy and cute.

“But… I thought… you hated me…” Kumi turned around to face kanon.

“N-no I don't hate you… I just… I’m shy around strangers…” Kanon said as she glanced at kumi.

“It’s ok… you will have plenty of time to know me. So… don't be afraid.” Kumi said as she looked at kanon with a gentle smile.

“un…” Kanon nodded and blushed. This didn't go unnoticed by kumi and she smiled again which made kanon blush deeper.

“To start it off, hi, im yagami kumi. Can I be your friend?” Kumi reached out her hands and waited.

“H-hi, my name is Kimoto kanon… nice to meet you…” Kanon took kumi’s shook kumi’s hand and felt the soft warm feeling. She didn't thought she would have the courage to talk to kumi and now she was shaking her hand.

With the first step taken, kanon and kumi had a small chat on the train. Although the atmosphere was still awkward, kanon started to chat and occasionally laughed at kumis joke. She found out that kumi had moved into a new apartment 2 days ago.

“Ah! I am going down at this stop.” Kumi said.

“Eh?...” Kanon stood up at the same time as kumi and they shared a small chuckle.

“I didn't know you that you were living in the same area hahaha” Kumi said as she received a message from her phone.

“Oh! I have to go somewhere else now, see you tomorrow… kanon~” Kumi smiled and felt something in her heart when she said kanon’s name.

“S-see you tomorrow… k-kumi.” Kanon blushed again when she said kumi’s name and they went their separate ways.

Kanon reached home and went to her room and took a shower. She changed into a hoodie and a pair of shorts before sitting at her desk.

She took out her homework and was ready to do her homework when she received a text from jurina asking her about the trip home.

From: Jurina
Subject: How was it?
Kanon~ how was your trip home with kumi?
I believe you two will be good friends in the future!
Open up more and try to be friends ok?
See ya tomorrow! <3

Kanon smiled and typed a reply.

To: Jurina
Subject: Thank you.
Jurina~ Thank you for worrying about me again~
We are friends now! The trip home with kumi was filled with laughter
Although the mood was still a little awkward… hahah
See you tomorrow too! <3 >.<

Kanon put down her phone and continued doing the last bit of her homework.

“ah, it’s time to cook some dinner. Yuka-nee is coming home soon.” Kanon tied up her hair and went to the kitchen.

She took out the some tomatoes and vegetables from the fridge.

“Eh?! Did nee-chan finish the drinks again?!” Kanon let out a small sigh and texted yuka, telling her that she will be out buying some drinks.

Kanon stepped out of her house and was greeted with a star filled sky. The breeze was cooling as she walked a short distance to the convenience store. She reached the convenience store and as she walked in, the sound of the bell in the convenience store refreshed her mind.

“drinks drinks.” Kanon mumbled to herself.

“There it is!” She reached out to grab a bottle but another hand had grabbed it first.

“Kanon?!” Kumi said in surprised.

“K-kumi?! Eh?” Kanon was surprised to see kumi here. Furthermore, their hands were touching when they reached out for the same bottle.

“W-what are you doing here?” kanon withdrew her hands and blushed again for the nth time of the day.

“Oh I was just going to go home but I felt thirsty so here I am.” Kumi chuckled and looked at kanon’s blushing face with a small smile.

“O-oh… Yuka-nee finished the drinks at home again so I came to buy some.” Kanon said and felt kumi staring at her again.

“Here, you can have this, I will get another drink.” Kumi handed the bottle that she was holding to kanon.

“E-eh, but… t-thanks.” Kanon smiled and took the bottle from kumi, not wanting to reject her.

They paid for their drinks and walked out of the store.

“Umm, I’m going this way.”Kanon pointed to the right.

“hahah! Such a coincidence! I’m going this way too!” Kumi said as she pointed to the right.

The two walked together under the star filled sky and enjoyed the small breeze that were blowing on their faces.

“Did you… finish your homework yet?” Kumi facepalmed herself mentally as she asked a stupid question to start the conversation.

“Yep, I finished my homework… how about yours?” Kanon sayed and showed her dimple smile to kumi trying to start the conversation.

“Nope I haven’t done anything yet. I will finish it when I get home.” Kumi laughed a little and felt her heart beating faster than usual.

The walk was short because the convenience store was just a few blocks away from kanon’s house. Soon, they arrived at kanon’s house.

“T-this is my house.” Kanon pointed at a simple two storey high house.

“T-this is your house?!” Kumi shouted in surprised.

“Y-yea.” kanon was confused.

“That’s my house!” Kumi pointed the house right next to kanon’s.

“Ehhh?!” Kanon looked at the direction kumi was pointing at.

“Wow, I didn't know we were neighbors!” Kumi laughed in excitement.

“Oh btw! Kanon… C-can I have your phone number?” Kumi looked shyly at kanon.

Kanon thought kumi looked cute with that shyness.

“Y-yes, of course!” Kanon unknowingly let out a louder voice that she intended to.

They exchanged numbers and said goodbye before heading into their own houses.

As soon as she set foot in her house, kanon received a message.

From: Kumi
Subject: Hi!
Kanon, umm, I am happy that you don't hate me and I am very surprised that we are living so near. This is the first time I have a friend that live’s this near.
S-so… see you tomorrow! :D

Kanon felt like her dream had come true and not only that. It was even better than just meeting kumi. They exchanged their numbers, shared a few jokes.
After 3 months of watching from afar, being so close to kumi almost seemed like a dream. Her heart was beating faster with every moment that she spent with kumi. She typed a message to kumi.

Subject: Hi.
I-i am happy to be able to have you as a friend to.
I have always been shy around people and I am sorry that I made you think that I hated you. But I don't! You are kind and funny. S-see you tomorrow. ^^

After a long tiring day, kanon changed into her pajamas and plopped onto her bed. She felt a cold wind and saw that she had forgotten to close her window. She stood up from her bed and walked towards the window, still thinking about the amazing meeting with kumi. Just when she thought that things could not get any better, she reached the window to find a familiar face staring right back at her.

“Hey!” Kumi smiled at kanon through the window from her own room.

“H-hi.” Kanon said, feeling another rush of heat on her face.

“Another coincidence huh, hahaha” Kumi chuckled again.

“Y-yea… are you sleeping soon?” Kanon asked.

“Yep, you?” kumi leaned her hand on the window grills.

“Yea I was just going to close the windows before I sleep.” Kanon smiled.

“Ok, see you tomorrow. Goodnight kanon~” Kumi said with a gentle tone as she felt her heartbeat increase with the meeting with kanon.

“G-goodnight…” Kanon closed the windows and plopped back to bed.

“haaa~” Kanon sighed in bliss as she looked at her doll and said: “I wonder what tomorrow is installed for me… this meeting is like a dream! And… I cant believe she is so close to me… Kyaaa~” Kanon hugged her doll, covered herself with the blanket and dreamt a sweet dream for the first time after the 3 long months of insomnia.


Offline kahem

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 3, 16/7/12
« Reply #26 on: July 16, 2012, 01:42:42 AM »
hehe I feel like it's just the beginning of something interesting

Offline gekirena

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 3, 16/7/12
« Reply #27 on: July 16, 2012, 03:08:32 AM »
this is getting even more interesting!
i love it!!!!
Kumi likes Kanon too! they are sooo cuuute~  :wub:
and they are neighbors too!!! ahhh!!!! this is gonna be fun  :cow:
cant wait for the next update!!!  :cow: :cow: :cow:

Offline chiqinna

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 3, 16/7/12
« Reply #28 on: July 16, 2012, 12:37:16 PM »
wahhh~~  :wahaha: now I started to read more fics lol~~  :on study:

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 3, 16/7/12
« Reply #29 on: July 17, 2012, 12:31:12 PM »
 :shy2: KumiNon so cute!

*squeal  Can't wait for next update!
ArígatoU! :kneelbow:
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Offline jehovachiabi

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 4, 21/7/12
« Reply #30 on: July 21, 2012, 12:10:46 AM »
Hi all~ Thanks for the comments hehehe school will start next week and this is a short chapter:P next chapter will be longer though, and as i said, school is starting next week but i will still find time to update my fics please continue waiting hehe Thank you! Please enjoy chapter 4~  :cow:

Chapter 4

It was a friday morning and kanon was still asleep. Everything was very peaceful until a loud knock on the door could be heard.

“Non-chan!! It’s time for school! Non-chan?!” Yuka was knocking on the bedroom door.

“enn…” kanon didn't answer and just rolled over, covering herself with her blanket.

“Non-chan!! I’m going to school for early club activities! Wake up and get ready for school! I’m going off now! Non-chan do you hear me?!” yuka knock on the door and facepalmed mentally.

“ennn… Ok yuka nee! Byee!” kanon yawned and sat up sleepily.

“ehhhh?!!! It’s only 7… school starts at 9… nee channnn…” kanon looked at her phone and mumbled.

She was already up and didn't bother to lay back in bed just in case she overslept.

She groggily stood up from bed and walked to the window and opened the curtain. The sunlight was strong and she shut her eyes because of the brightness.

“uwahhh…” Kanon stretched and yawned again.

After a few moments of shutting her eyes, kanon opened her eyes and the next thing she felt was heat raising up to her face and it flushed red.

“hehe morning kanon~” Kumi was leaning on her window rail with her hands cupping her face and watching kanon.

“M-morning…” Kanon was shocked that kumi was up so early and had caught her in an embarrassing moment.

“Y-you saw that?” kanon asked kumi.

“Saw what? You yawning and stretching like a cute kitten? Heheh yep I saw that. Hahahaha.” Kumi laughed and smiled at kanon.

“… W-why are you up so early… s-school is not starting until 9” kanon stammered and blushed again when she saw kumi smile at her. It was like a dream, speaking from the window to the one she liked.

“Hmmm, I heard someone shouting for someone to wake up, so I woke up.” Kumi said and grinned at kanon.

“… S-sorry for being so loud in the morning. My sis was in a hurry.” Kanon rubbed her eyes and apologized.

“Nahh, it’s ok. I am a morning person anyways hahaha. You look sleepy why not go back to sleep?” kumi asked.

“I… I’m afraid that I would oversleep and be late…” kanon said in a small voice, embarrassed.

“hahaha! It’s ok you can go back to sleep I will wake you up later.” Kumi said.

“N-no it’s ok, I will just do something to keep myself awake… t-thanks.” Kanon said and scratched her forehead, thinking about what she should do.

“hmmm~ ok then, I will see you later.” Kumi said as she smiled again and went into her room.

“S-see you later…” kanon backed away from the window slowly and sat on her bed. She grabbed her pillow and hugged it.

“uwahhh, I can’t believe I talked to k-kumi this early in the morning!” Kanon whispered to herself.

“ahhhh, this feels like a dream!” She laid back into bed and as soon as she shut her eyes, she fell asleep.


-Ding dong- -ding dong-

“ennnn…” Kanon woke up when she heard the doorbell.

She went down the stairs and opened the door, still rubbing her eyes when the sunlight shone in.


“…” kanon looked up to see who was the one at the door.

“A-ahh… K-kumi… eh? Why are you here?” kanon asked.

“hahaha! Did you check your phone? It’s already 8:15. School is about to start.” Kumi poked kanon’s forehead and smiled.

“Sleepyhead, go and prepare! We are heading to school now.”

“O-ok…” Kanon rubbed her forehead and blushed. The simple contact made her heart skipped.

“I-i will go prepare now please take a seat in the living room!” Kanon hurriedly ran up the stairs.

Kumi giggled and smiled at kanon’s cuteness before taking off her shoes and went into the living room.

-Kumi’s pov-

3 months ago, I arrived in school as usual and I was playing tennis with the club members. That was when I saw her. She was so cute and when she smiled, she looked like a small rabbit. Her dimples are so cute!

She was chatting with two other friends and her smile caught my attention. The way she jumped around when she got teased. The way she smiled with her dimples showing. It was the cutest thing I had ever seen in a person.

One day, when I was playing tennis with my friends as usual, I saw her looking out from the class window. She was looking at me! This was the first time she had took notice of me and when I realized that she was looking at me, my heart rate increased and I ran faster than usual. I wanted her to continue looking at me. I wanted her attention. I wanted to know her, befriend her. For that reasons, I played tennis with all my heart in order for her to continue looking my way.

This continued for 3 months and my feelings grew stronger. Then, it was finally that day. The day I saw her when I went to call yuka and rena to class. I finally found out her class and that she is yuka’s sister. She looked shock even though I don’t know why, but she was even cuter up close!

She is very shy and I am so glad that I could finally talk to her now. Her reactions are just so funny.

It was another morning, ever since I moved here; I had been trying to adjust to the life here. Now, I was living alone and I had to do everything on my own.

This morning, I was looking out my window after I woked up after hearing a shout. It was sometimes lonely living alone so I could not really sleep.

When I was about to go back into the room, I saw her. She was stretching and yawning cutely when the sun shone on her face. It was a joy being able to see her early in the morning. It was probably the best thing that I enjoyed while living alone.

I started talking to her and as usual, she is still shy around me. Her pink pajamas suits her to the T and she looked cuter and cuter every second. Maybe it was just my feelings growing stronger everyday.

She looked tired and from this, I know she is not an early person. That’s another thing that I know about her!

After texting her, she did not reply and my instinct told me that she fell asleep.

I chuckled to myself, imagining her cute sleeping face. I decided to wait for another hour before waking her up.

I knocked on her door when It was time and I just standing outside her door, my heartbeat started to increase. I was nervous. This was the first time at a friend’s house and when she opened the door, the small blush was so cute on her cute face.

She invited me into her house and ran upstairs to get ready. I am sitting here now, more nervous than usual as I looked around the house. Her house was warm and cozy. Just like the feeling that she gives me.

“S-sorry to keep you waiting.”

I turned around to see kanon all ready for school. Her small voice when she talks to me is really cute! Now I know why jurina and churi teases her all the time. Her reactions to teases are unbearably cute!

End of Kumi’s pov.

“Oh, let’s go kanon~” kumi stood up from the couch and walked behind kanon.

“ah wait kanon!” Kumi suddenly said.

“??” kanon looked around, confused.

“Your ribbon is not tied properly.” Kumi said as she moved closer to kanon and tied the ribbon for her.

“T-t-thank you…” Kanon lowered her head to hide the blush. She could hear her own heartbeat. She closed her eyes, hoping that kumi would not hear her heartbeat.

“all done, lets go” Kumi smiled another kind smile and walked ahead.

“Uwahhh! That close distance almost got to me! I almost couldn't control my heart!” kumi thought as she walked in front with a huge blush on her face.

“haaa… she is kind just like I thought she is…” kanon thought. She clutched her bag tighter and locked the door.

The walk to the train station was quiet as the two enjoyed the breeze.

The train was crowded and they were being squeezed into a corner.

“S-sorry!” kanon said as she accidentally stepped on kumi’s shoes.

“I-it’s ok. Wow it's so crowded everyday!” Kumi whispered.

“Y-yea…” kanon blushed because she was half leaning on kumi. Her heartbeat increased again.

The train suddenly jerked and kanon bumped into kumi. She was now in kumi’s arms as more people squeezed into the train.

Kanon’s eyes widened when she felt something soft. She felt warm and fuzzy.

“S-sorry…” Kanon was lying on kumi’s chest because of her height and now her face was fully flushed and she stiffened.

“N-no problem…” Kumi looked down to see kanon’s face on her chest. She secretly enjoyed the moment.

The two stayed like this for a while before a crowd finally moved out of the train.

They separated and the rest of the trip was in silence. Neither of them talked as they were thinking of the moment that lasted for a few minutes.


Offline bunny_rabbit

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 4, 21/7/12
« Reply #31 on: July 21, 2012, 12:24:49 AM »
gaahhh...those two are cute :luvluv1:

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 4, 21/7/12
« Reply #32 on: July 21, 2012, 01:25:02 AM »
*rubs my own cheeks*
Kuminon are so adorable!!!!
But for some reason I imagined that scene on the train as KumiYuri instead (0.o)
*ahem* Must be all the majuska influence~

Anyway, wow~
I would loooooove to have been in Kumi's position on the train
ahhhhhh askljghaklsjfdhak

Sorry for lack of comments,
my brain is not functioning properly,
and I'm rushing to leave the house~

Just HAD to say, your update is awesome!
And I hope you update again soon!!!! (^^)b

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 4, 21/7/12
« Reply #33 on: July 21, 2012, 06:00:57 PM »
kuminon moments are so cute..gyaahh..cuteness overload..

thanks for the update..

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Offline chichay12

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 4, 21/7/12
« Reply #34 on: July 21, 2012, 06:06:43 PM »
if this fic can KILL...
:imdead: NOW!!!

Offline jehovachiabi

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - chapter 5 coming soon!!
« Reply #35 on: July 24, 2012, 05:38:30 PM »
heyyyyy Anyone ready for chapter 5?! Please sit tight because chapter 5 is coming soon! It will be updated at tomorrow morning! See you all on chapter 5 and thanks for the Awesome comments! XD k back to typing!

Offline gekirena

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 5 coming soon!!
« Reply #36 on: July 24, 2012, 06:08:15 PM »
ahhhh Kumi liked Kanon even before Kanon started noticing her??? awww they are soooo cuuuuute~~~  :inlove:
i love your KumiNon moments~~~  :cow: that train scene is the best!  :twothumbs

can't wait for chapter 5!!! will definitely check it tomorrow morning immediately!

Offline jehovachiabi

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 5, 25/7/12
« Reply #37 on: July 24, 2012, 08:44:11 PM »
HI ALL! WOO LOLS i managed to type this out! YAY! School has started and i probably won't be able to type so fast BUT! I believe if i finish my work on time, i will still be able to update regularly because!! Time is to be managed by myself and with good time management, i can squeeze anything into my schedule and by anything, i mean FANFIC! WEEE LOLS K SO HERE IS THE PROMISED CHAPTER 5!! Please enjoy! :D

Once again thanks for all your awesome thank you's and comments!
 :cow: :cow: :cow: :cow:

Chapter 5

After the heart thumping and several warm and fuzzy moments, the two finally reached school.

“I’m going to class now, see you later… kanon~” kumi smiled a charming smile while opening her locker.

“… eh…” Kumi saw a letter in her locker.

“What’s this.” She flipped the letter around and there was nothing except for a small stamp.

“hmm…” Kumi decided to keep it in her bag and look at it after class.

Kanon peeked at kumi from her locker and saw the letter in kumi’s hand.

“…” Kanon wondered whom the letter was from.

The two bid farewell and went to their respective classes.

“kumi…” A mysterious figure peeked out from behind the locker as she whispered kumi’s name.


“…” Kumi had reached the classroom and she wasn't talking like she usually would.

“Hey wassup.” Yuka tapped kumi’s shoulder.

“Yea what happened kumi? You haven’t talked since you came into class.” Rena said while munching on a melon pan.

“Can I have a melon pan?” Yuka asked rena.

“Sure here.” Rena grabbed one from her school bag and gave it to yuka.

“haaaa…” Kumi laid her head on the table.

“hey what’s troubling you?” Yuka patted kumi’s back.

Kumi looked up as yuka and rena sat down.

“I…” Kumi was about to speak up when the teacher came into class.

“Ah, I’m gonna check on you later at lunch.” Yuka said as she went back to her seat.

Rena pushed her chair back to the table beside kumi and forgot that she was still chewing on her melon pan.

“Ahem. Rena, please keep your melon pan. The class is starting soon.” The teacher coughed and wrote something on the blackboard.

“Sorry, I was lost in the heavenly taste of it.” Rena said jokingly and kept her melon pan.

The comment made everyone in the class laugh as rena mischievously smiled and looked at kumi who smiled back.


Lunch at kumi’s class room

Lunch came as fast as lighting and yuka and rena once again gathered at kumi’s table.

“Ahem, so, what’s wrong?” rena said as she once again began chewing on her half eaten melon pan.

“Haa… I… received this letter this morning. It was in my locker.” Kumi said as she pulled out the letter from her bag.

“What?! You mean you got a love letter?!” Yuka said as she looked at the letter in kumi’s hand.

“N-no I’m not sure if this is even a love letter. Who knows, it may be a challenge letter hahaha” kumi laughed as she looked at the letter again.

“hey open it open it!” Yuka said excitedly.

Rena was munching on her melon pan and when she saw the letter in kumi’s hand, she suddenly shouted.


“E-eh?!” Kumi jumped up in shock.

“I forgot to tell you that this letter was put in my locker by accident. It seems to be for you. Here.” Rena passed the letter to kumi after rummaging around her bag.

“What?! Another letter?!” Kumi sighed as she looked wide-eyed at both the letters.

“Ok! Now! I am really curious! Open it open it!” Yuka said as she shaked kumi.

“ok ok! Erm… I should open this first.” Kumi said as she picked up the one that rena gave her.

Kumi took a deep breath as she slowly opened the letter. The three gulped.

“so… what does it say?” Yuka said as she stared at kumi’s face.

“err… it says…” Kumi stuttered a little.

“Oh come on!” Yuka couldn't contain her curiosity.

  To: Yagami senpai

Senpai, ever since you helped me at the train station, I have always been thinking about you.

I am not really sure how to tell you face to face but I think I have fallen for you. Can you please meet me at the equipment room after school at 4pm?

I…I have something to tell you.

By: K.y

“W-wow so this is a love letter huh? This k.y girl has courage…” Yuka said.

“yea I agree with you” Rena said.

“so are you going to meet her?” Yuka said as she faced kumi.

Kumi was already shock by the fact that someone had gave her a love letter and now, she had to make the decision whether to see her or not.

“I will see her… she was courageous enough to write a letter to me I have to meet her…” Kumi whispered another “even though I have someone I like…” and blushed a little when she thought of kanon.

“yea… I guess that's the way you will do things huh.” Rena took the last bite from her melon pan.

“Well that's settled now open the other letter!” Yuka said.

“o-ok…” kumi put the letter in her bag after she folded it and took the other letter.


To: Yagami Kumi

Give her back to me!

By: -

“w-what is this…” Kumi said to yuka and rena.

“Wow… give her back to me? Give who back to who?” Yuka said as she looked at kumi.

“i… I don't know…” Kumi said and was thrown into confusion.

“Hmm… I think this person will write another letter back to you the next time. Don't think about it. Maybe it’s just a prank?” Rena said as she patted kumi. And looked at yuka.

“Yea, don't worry kumi. Besides, you have us!” yuka said and held rena and kumi’s hand.

“Y-you guys… Thank you…” Kumi said, close to tears.

“Hahaha! Don't be silly! We are best friends! You can rely on us anytime!” Yuka said and thumped her heart.

“hahaha!!” Rena laughed and gave a melon pan to kumi.

“Thanks!” Kumi gratefully accepted the melon pan and took a bite out of it.

“I really wonder where you keep all these melon pans” Yuka said in amazement.

“There, I have a bag just for melon pans” Rena picked up a bag and showed yuka.

“W-wow!” Yuka giggled at the bag that rena showed her. “You didn't have to buy a bag with melon pan design just to put melon pan in it Hahaha!!” Yuka laughed at the melon pan designed bag.

“Nope, I didn't buy it.” Rena said and put the bag down.

“Eh?! Then…” kumi watched in amusement.

“Yep, I got it for free after buying 20 melon pans from the melon pan shop hehehe” Rena hugged the melon pan bag.

The class started again and the three moved back to their seats.


Lunch at Kanon’s classroom.

Kanon was eating her riceball and talking to jurina and churi.

“Hey, can I ask you something?” Kanon asked.

“What is it?” Jurina took a bite out of the riceball that kanon made for her.

“have you two ever received love letters?” Kanon asked.

“Hmm, I haven’t.” Churi said.

“Errr… I… I have.” Jurina said and smiled as she scratched her head in embarrassment.

“Eh? J-jurina you are popular just as they said.” Kanon said, as she got more curious.

“Err, what did you do with those letters?” kanon asked.

“Well… I…” Jurina looked at churi who looked back at jurina and blushed.

“Hahaha… I took churi with me and … and said that she is my girlfriend so people will give up on me.” Jurina blushed as she ate her riceball.

“E-eh, g-girlfriend…” Kanon’s face flushed as she thought about kumi.

“…” Nobody spoke as they were all blushing.

“so kumi will respond to the letters then…” Kanon thought to herself.

Kanon felt a short pain in her heart when she thought about kumi meeting up with the other girl and going out with her.

“what’s this…” Kanon thought again, “this short pain… am I really in love with kumi?” Kanon blushed at the thought of kumi’s face and what happened in the train.

Just as she was thinking, jurina tapped kanon on her shoulder and she jumped up a little.

“the teacher is here.” Jurina pointed at the teacher who was walking in.

“T-thanks” Kumi smiled and thanked jurina for telling her that the teacher was here.


Back to kumi’s classroom. After class.

“Heyyyy kuumiii!!” Yuka ran towards kumi’s table and tapped kumi’s shoulder repeatedly for fun.

“Hey hey yuka you are too excited hahah!” Rena stopped yuka before kumi’s shoulder got bruised.

“Sorry sorry hahah!”yuka stepped back and looked at kumi.

“Err, i…” Kumi thought for a while before continuing.

“Yea I should be going to the equipment room now…” kumi said and grabbed her bag as she head out of the classroom.

“Kumi!” Yuka and rena called out.

“Ganbatte!” They made a peace sign as a symbol of giving courage to kumi.

“Thanks!” kumi gave a peace sign too.

After kumi left, rena and yuka decided to look for their sisters at their classroom.

“Let’s go~” Rena said.

“ok” Yuka said as she grabbed her bag too.


Kumi was walking down the hallway and she thought about it. She went down the stairs and just as she was about to walk around the corridor, she bumped into someone.

“Wahh!” Kumi stepped back.

“Wahh! O-ouch” the person fell to the ground.

“S-sorry!!” Kumi reached out her hand to the person.

“I-it’s okay…” The person grabbed kumi’s hand and stood up.

“Are you okay?” kumi asked, worried.

“I’m oka- Kumi?!” Kanon said in surprise.

“K-kanon?!” Kumi said in surprised, her hand still holding on to kanon’s.

“W-what are you doing here?” Kumi asked.

“I just came back from the toilet and I was about to go take my bag…” Kanon said and looked at the hand that kumi was holding.

“O-oh…” kumi was speechless around kanon as her memory flew towards this morning, the moment in the train flashed across her mind.

“Are you going home now?” Kanon asked when she saw kumi with her bag.

“Err…” Kumi couldn't tell her the truth. She was afraid that kanon will be sad even though she didn't know if kanon likes her or not.

“Err, n-no I’m err… meeting my family for dinner…”Kumi eyes blinked faster than usual and kanon found it weird that kumi was blinking so much.

“W-well i-I gotta go now!” Kumi dashed out of kanon’s sight and left a stunned kanon behind.

“… kumi is weird today… is it because of the l-letter?” Kanon hung her head down and thought about it for a few seconds.

“…” Kanon decided to follow kumi to see what kumi was going to do.


“Hey anybody seen kanon around?” Churi asked.

“She went to the toilet right? But it’s been quite a long time since she had gone to the toilet…” Jurina said as she looked at churi.

“let's go find her, bring her bag along.” Churi said as she grabbed kanon’s bag and went out of the classroom with jurina.

They bumped into rena and yuka on the way to the toilet.

“Wow wow slow down, where are you guy’s going in a rush?” Yuka said.

“Kanon has been gone for a long time and we decided to look for her in the toilet.” Churi said.

“eh? Kanon? I saw her with kumi a little while ago though.” Rena said.

“wait… with kumi? But wasn't kumi going to meet that k.y girl?” yuka said as she looked at rena and rena just shrugged.

“Eh? what k.y girl?” jurina asked in curiousity.

“She received a love letter this morning and went to meet the girl just now.” Rena said.

“Eh?!!! Kumi received a love letter?! WOW!” Churi said in excitement.

“So that;s why kanon asked about love letters just now?” jurina said as she tapped her chin.

“Wait! Let’s think about it, kanon has been looking out the window and… Kumi was playing tennis at the tennis court and… Kanon likes kumi!” Churi shouted.

“Argh! We should have figured it out sooner!” Jurina said as she looked at rena and yuka.

“We should go find kanon now! She is shy with her feelings and this is probably the first time she has ever like anyone! We can’t let her get hurt! We have to stop her from seeing kumi reject the girl!” Rena said.

“Yea we must go find kumi too!” Yuka said.

“eh?! How did you know kumi will reject the girl?!” Jurina asked.

“Cause she is in love with kanon too!” Yuka said.

“EH?!!! H-how?!” Churi asked again.

“Kumi had been texting kanon everyday ever since she got her number and to be honest, I saw her looking at kanon since the first day we met. Her eyes would fall on kanon’s back whenever she walked behind her.” Rena said.

“W-wow, what a discovery… they are in love with each other but they themselves do not know about it…” Churi said as she peeked at jurina.

“Well anyway! Let’s go! We have to find them now!” Jurina said.

“They are at the equipment room! Let’s go now!” Rena and yuka said.

The four rushed towards the equipment room and it was almost raining. The sky was dark and dark clouds had gathered.

“There! The equipment room! Let’s go!” Churi said.

“Wait! Someone’s there!” Jurina stopped churi as she saw a person sitting by the tree opposite far side of the equipment room.

“I-is that…” Yuka ran towards the figure and true enough, it was kanon.

“Non-chan?” Yuka slowly approached kanon.

“Non-chan?... What happened?” Yuka said as she kneeled down beside kanon.

Kanon had her head hidden between her knees and she was crying.

“N-non-chan…” Yuka said in a whisper.

“Yuka! Is that kanon?! W-what happened?!” Rena said as she rushed over with jurina and churi.

“…” Yuka didn't answer but just looked up at the rest.

“kanon…” Jurina and churi said in a soft voice.

“…” Rena could only watch as the petite girl cried.

The weather did not help with the mood to cheer someone up because dark clouds were gathering and a storm had arrived.

Soon, droplets fell from the dark sky and it started pouring.

“… non-chan?” Yuka slowly touched kanon’s head and stroke it.


Yuka could feel kanon trembling even with just that simple stroke.

“Non-chan…” Yuka called again. This time, kanon finally looked up.

“Hic* Sob* Huk*Sniff*”

The sight of kanon crying made the group freeze and they felt extremely sad. Rain was pouring and they were all drenched. Kanon was still sitting at the same spot and her face was filled with rain and tears.

“non-cha-“  Yuka did not finish her sentence and kanon kneeled up and hugged yuka tightly.

“HiC* UWAHHHHH!!!! UUUUUWWWWWAHHH!! * sOB * Huk* Uwaa, Yu-HIC* Yuka-nee!!! Sniff* Hic* UWAHHH!H!!AUAUUAAHW!!!” The cry of kanon filled the dark air and everyone was speechless. The kanon who never cried even though she was filled with troubles months ago, was now in tears. This was the first time the group had seen kanon cry and it broke their hard to see the small, cute, cheerful non-chan to be crying. The blank look that kanon had on her face as she cried was the face of despair and sadness. They didn't know what happened but they knew it was something to do with kumi and that k.y girl. What did kanon see? What exactly happened in the equipment room? They all had the same questions in their mind.




“Non-chan… let's go home…” Yuka kneeled in front of kanon and stroked her head before carrying kanon by piggy backing her.

Somewhere far from the group, kumi could feel a sharp pain in her heart and she felt extremely sad.

“W-what was that…” She held her chest and wondered but brushed away the feelings in her heart when she filled her mind with happy thoughts about kanon.

“Now, its time I tell kanon that I love her…I…I need her smile. I want her smile. I will make her smile everyday.” Kumi thought about how to confess as she smiled happily and blushed at the thought of kanon.


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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 5, 25/7/12
« Reply #38 on: July 24, 2012, 09:50:28 PM »
I guess K.y is Yuria but I wonder who sent the other letter

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Re: Kuminon fanfic - Chapter 5, 25/7/12
« Reply #39 on: July 24, 2012, 10:16:57 PM »
yeah, i also think that k.y is kizaki yuria..
ehh, what happen to kanon??? why she cried??
can't wait for the next chapter..

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