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Author Topic: The Betrayal towards a New Love (KaixAcchan) - COMPLETED  (Read 141002 times)

Offline acchaniu

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Ohh Ghadd Karupin san WHY???!!  :angry:
why are you doing this to me?????  :banghead:
KILL!!!!!    :bleed eyes:
soo what acchan will do after that?
going back to TEGO???   :tama-mad:
NOOOOO dont even try to do that i'll kill you twice   :bleed eyes: :bleed eyes:

Offline Haruko

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As I promised, this is will be Kai x Acchan so just relax   :panic::lol:

btw, I decided to cut some chapters and jump to the turning point of the story
So the next chapter will be their graduation and get ready for another twist/revelation/announcement etc.

remember the "turning point" and the next "twist/revelation/announcement"  :twothumbs

me too.. aww i cant blame kai so much.. yeah maeda deserve it but... come on everybody make a mistake and acchan come bak to you, isnt it?.. come on acchan get up i fight for your men..

Offline karupin12

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Tego is out of the picture now ..  :lol:

Stay tune for the SOMETHING and SOMEONE :kekeke:

Offline acchaniu

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LOL.....youll update it later? or later later? later later later?
XDD  :twisted:

Offline Tanchan

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More dramas :mon wind:

Offline karupin12

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Chapter 13: Goodbye and Hello

As expected, the news between Kai and the Charismatic Diva, Ray spread rapidly not only in their school newspaper but also in the other schools. The issue between them is still one of the topics in every student; especially when Ray confirmed that she do really have a relationship with Kai when one of the editors of their newspaper interviewed her. The Kai and Ray issue subside after two months as their graduation ceremony comes close. For the past two months, the two of them keep on going out together. They really look like a couple now unlike before. Even though sometimes Kai was still pushing Ray away but it's obvious that both of them are enjoying it. The midget is really different now, he cares a lot for the diva now, he's doing everything that Ray did for him before. While doing those things for her Diva, Kai didn't notice that someone behind his back is experiencing the opposite feeling that he's having right now. Atsuko is still ignoring the midget for the past two months up to now. She's really having a bad time everytime she remember the scene where Kai and Ray kissed in front of them. Atsuko can still feel the hurt inside her heart. Until now, she still love the midget even though he's now happy with someone else.

Today is their last practice day for the graduation ceremony then later, they will have a meeting with their Shachou. The sun shines brightly today as they can feel the heat from it. The members of the band formed a circle while waiting for the practice to start except for Kai who is now with the Diva sitting under a tree and cuddling. Atsuko can see directly what they're doing and it's obvious that her heart is breaking once again. Everyone can see the situation of their Ace so Kuu decided to break the silence. .....

"Aaaaahhh!! It's so hot today! Why do we need to practice under the sun, it's burning my soft and perfect skin!"
"Baka! You don't have a skin like that so it's ok for you!" Mariko rolled her eyes.
"Heeeh? Really? Then why do you keep on touching them lashhhhmmmmppp!" Mariko immediately covered Kuu's mouth to prevent him from continuing. This made the Ace to look at them and chuckled.
"At last! You look more beautiful Acchan when smiling. Cheer up!" Kuu said after he free himself from Mariko's hand.

"I'm sorry guys if I made you worry. I. .. I. .. I just don't know what to do. I miss him so much" Atsuko look down amd frowned.
"Did you talk to him again?" Riku asked.
"No. .... I'm afraid Riku. I always wanted to talk to him but. ..... He might still mad at me"
"hmmm. ... after two months?! I don't think so. Give him time and I think he will be the one who will approach you" Riku smiled.
"I hope so. ...."


Riku decided to talk to Kai about Acchan when he can't take anymore the sadness and depression of their Ace. Riku cornered Kai in the men's room; he knows that the Diva can't go inside so this is the best opportunity to talk to him.

"Anou Kai. .... how are you now? you're not going with us lately huh. ... Busy with the Diva?"
"Uhnn. ... Sorry Riku. You know what's my situation, right?"
"How's the relationship between you and Atsuko? No progress? Still avoiding her?"
" ....... "
"Are you still mad at her?"
"No. ..... Actually, I wanted to talk to her. I kind of miss her" Kai looked down.
"Then talk to her. Do you know that she's suffering every single day that you're avoiding her?!"
"But I don't know how I will approach her and what will I say"
"Anything will do. ......... so I'll take my leave now. I'm expecting that you'll do it before or after graduation huh"

When Riku was in front of the door, He stopped and asked Kai a question.
"Kai. ..... Do you really love her?"
“Huh? Of course .. I .. No .. Anou … Well …. Eh? Of course I don’t love Acchan. I have Ray now, how will I love her? Hehe” Kai answered in a disconcerted tone.

Riku just smile and leave the midget who didn’t notice that there’s no name indicated in his question yet he still answer Atsuko’s name rather than Ray. “I thought you finally realize your true feelings Kai but ……… I’m wrong ….. You’ve made the wrong choice. Well, I guess you still need more time to figure it out”

-End of Flashback-

After the graduation practice ended, the entire band members went to their club room for the meeting. Their Shachou didn’t allow Ray to enter because Kai might not focus on what she will say. Soon she gave her farewell speech, which is really unusual. She thank everyone for their hard work and bringing back a lively band in Akihabara University. In return, Shachou planned something for their future careers which really gave them a shock.

“Eeehhhh???!!!” Kai, Kuu and Riku screamed in chorus.
“Really Shachou? Ureshii~ I’m so excited” Kuu clapped his hands in excitement.
“We’re definitely not going to do it!!” Kai and Riku rolled their eyes.
“You don’t have any choice. Don’t worry, you’ll be successful” Shachou grinned then continued, “and for the others, it’s ok if you’ll accept it or not. Just inform me”
“That’s unfair! Why the others can decide if they will accept it or not?!” Kai pouted.
“It’s because I love the three of you” Shachou smirked and it made the two felt a chill run over their spine while Kuu just nod and said, “I love you too Shachou”.

“Anou .. for you Acchan, I’ll talk to you later. I’m sure you’ll like it but it’s your choice if you’ll take it or not because of SOMEONE” Shachou immediately look at Kai who look confused if he’s the SOMEONE that their shachou is talking about.
“Does the two of you still ignoring each other? Oh come on Kai, it’s almost two months now” Marilyn added when she noticed that the two are still avoiding each other’s glare.
“I .. I .. I need to go now. I think there’s no more you will say Shachou. Ray is now impatiently waiting outside” Kai dashed out without noticing the sad glare from Atsuko. Marilyn just pat Atsuko’s shoulder and said, “Soon everything will be fine”

After few days of preparation and practices, the day that they have been waiting for, finally came. Today they will take all their diplomas and leave their beloved school. The school that witnessed all of their happiness and struggles in life. The school that taught them to be a better individual and of course, the school that gave them friends and partners in life who will always be beside them. Even though they didn’t belong to the top students, they’re still proud of themselves that their names will be called to come up on stage. When the ceremony ended, all of them form a circle to discuss on what they will do next.

“Ahhh! I can’t believe it! We already graduated!” Jurina said while stretching her arms.
“Me too! Ugh, I’ll miss our club room” Rena added.
“So what are we going to do now? Let’s celebrate!” Kuu said while jumping excitedly.
“Let’s just go back to our dorm house, my mom sent foods for us” Kai suggested.
“That’s great! That will be our last night in that dorm. Waaa~ I’ll miss everything” Riku said.
“How about me? Are you going to miss me?” Yuko pouted.
“Of course not …..”
“Ehhhh??! Why?” Yuko frowned and let go Riku’s hand.
“How will I miss you if you’re going with me?” Riku smirked as he lifts up Yuko’s chin to face him. His pervert squirrel smiled widely and hugged him.
“Stop that lovey dovey scene now and continue it later after the celebration. By the way, have you seen Acchan? She’s not with us” Kuu started to wander around to find their Ace.
“I think I know where she is. The foods might arrive already so go ahead to our dorm and we’ll follow later” Kai smiled then run quickly to the place where Atsuko is.

In conjunction with his leave, Ray suddenly came, “Eh? Where’s Kai?”
“We~ don’t~ knooooow~” everyone smile and sang in chorus while holding the Diva’s hand to go with them.
“Wait! I need to find Kai first! Where are we going?!” Ray tried to free herself but her force is not enough.
“We’re going to our dorm. We’ll celebrate there and don’t worry about your midget, he will follow us” Kuu said while still helping the others to drag the Diva inside the car.

Kai went to their secret meeting place and he’s right, Atsuko is in there and wandering around.
“I’ll miss this place also” Kai suddenly said and it caught Atsuko’s attention. Atsuko can’t believe that the midget is really in front and smiling at her.
“K-k-kai ………. What are you doing here?” Atsuko’s heart keeps on beating fast while the midget is walking closely to her.
“I’m here for you …. I mean the others are worried about you so I just thought that you might go here” Kai smiled awkwardly but he was ignored by Atsuko ….
“If only I can take this place, I’ll do it. There’s a lot of memories happened in here”.
Kai didn’t know what to say so he decided to change the topic, “L-l-let’s go now. They are waiting for us in the dorm”. He grabbed Atsuko’s hand but he was stopped by her from walking.

“Are you ………… still mad at me?”
Kai looked back and answered, “Am I going to find you and talk to you if I’m still mad at you?”
After hearing that from the midget, Atsuko immediately wrapped her arms around Kai and sob. “I miss you Kai and ………….. congratulations”
“Congratulations also Acchan. We finally graduated”
“I’m not talking about graduation …. I’m talking about you and Ray. I’m happy for you”
“Acchan ……….”
“Are we going to celebrate in our dorm? Let’s go now” Atsuko said cheerfully but deep inside, she felt her heart ache so much.

Both of them arrived in the dorm house and walk immediately towards the living room. They did not notice that they are still holding each other’s hand and it made the others specially Ray to stop what they are doing and look at them. Kai noticed that Riku is pointing on something through his lips. After a few seconds of realization, He quickly let go of Atsuko’s hand and said,

“How’s the food? Come on let’s eat and stop looking at me”
Ray pretended that she didn’t see anything and come close to Kai to cling on his arm, “What took you so long? I miss you already”
“A-anou …… let’s have some snacks. I’m hungry” as usual, he didn’t know what to say so he changed the topic.

All of them drank and ate a lot until midnight. They even talk about their future and what they will do. On the past hours, Ray was obviously getting bored and annoyed because of Kai who’s not paying attention to her. She’s getting more pissed off every time Kai is talking and sometimes looking at Atsuko. Her anger increased when the midget left her and sat beside Atsuko so she quickly stand up and get her things to leave the dorm. Atsuko noticed it so she made a signal to Kai that Ray is leaving.

“Ray ….. Where are you going?” Kai stand up and reach the Diva’s hand to stop her.
“Going home. I don’t want to disturb your moment with Maeda” Ray said without looking at the midget.
“I’m sorry ….. Please, stay here …. Stay with me tonight” Ray can’t believe what she heard from Kai and decided to go back to her recent place while the midget stayed beside her and holding her hands.

After a few minutes, the silence is already killing them. They don’t know what to say or even what to do. They almost ate all of the snacks and they almost say all of the words that they wanted to say earlier. Atsuko can’t take it anymore so she decided to say something important to break the silence.

“Minna, I want to announce something important …… “ Atsuko stand up as she received confused looks from her friends.
“I know that I’ve made a wrong decision before, you know what I mean ……….. Now, I’ve made another decision and I hope it’s not wrong this time ……….. I .. I .. I may not able to be with you this following years” Atsuko looked down and avoid the glares that she’s receiving.
“EEHHHH????!!!! Doushite??!!!” everyone exclaimed in chorus.
“Are you going to leave us again?” Kai added with a bit sad tone.
“Each of us was given an opportunity for our future careers by Shachou right? So I decided to take it”
“Speaking of future careers. What did Shachou offered to you?” Kuu asked.
“She gave exclusive acting seminars, workshops etc. that will help me to become a better actress and …… it will be held outside the country. You know that I really wanted to be a successful actress right? So I hope you’ll understand”

“Sou~ …. When will you leave?” Kai asked.
“Tomorrow in the afternoon” Atsuko answered. There’s a moment of silence for awhile then everyone exclaimed after realization.
“WHAAAAAAATTT???!!! How come?!”
“I don’t know. Only shachou knows about it”
“I’m going to kill that platypus!! …. So let’s all go to bed now. We still need to go to the airport tomorrow”. Kai ordered and the others just nod to agree. When Kai and Ray was about to go inside the room, Atsuko borrowed the Diva for awhile from Kai so they can have a serious talk. The two woman head back to the living room and sat down on a sofa.

“What do you need from me?” Ray asked with an irritated tone.
“I want to make a deal with you ……… about Kai” Atsuko answered. She’s really serious about this.
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“It’s a deal between us … You know that I really love Kai right? And I know that you feel the same way too for him. Kai decided to choose you so there’s nothing I can do about it BUT if I found out that you’re fooling or betraying etc. on him. I’ll definitely get him back from you” Atsuko said while staring directly into the Diva’s eyes.
“I’m sure that will NEVER happen”
“So it’s a deal?”
“Deal”. After the two lovers of Kai made a deal, they go back to their room to rest.

Early in the morning, all of them started to get up and ready themselves to go to the airport. Even though Acchan’s flight is in the afternoon, they decided to help their Ace to pack up her things. When everything is now properly arranged, their Shachou is just in time to pick them up same as the Diva’s bodyguards to pick Ray. Ray doesn’t want to go so she just let her Kai to go with them for the meantime. While inside the car, Kai sat beside Atsuko so he can talk with her for the last time.

“Do you really need to leave?” Kai asked without looking at Atsuko. He just hold the woman’s hand tightly.
“Why? Does the situation will change if I’m going to stay here?” Atsuko answered with another question that made the midget to think. ‘You’re not mine to lose but why do I feel like I'm losing you’

After a few minutes of silence, they finally arrived at the airport. Atsuko grabbed her bags and ready herself to go inside. She can see that her friend’s eyes are forming tears.
“Hey! Take back those tears. I don’t want to see all of you crying. Why do you need to cry? I’m not going to die or go to heaven right now and I’m definitely going back soon” Atsuko chuckled.
“But we’re going to miss you Acchan” Kuu sobs and hug Atsuko.
“Oh Kuu, you’re being a cry baby again. By the way, where’s the midget?”
“He’s over there, making emo moments again” Kuu pointed Kai who’s sitting on a bench which is a bit far from them.

“Why are you here? Are you not going to say goodbye to me? It’s useless to go here if you will just sit” Atsuko smirked but it was immediately fade away when she felt soft lips pressing on her. Kai gave her an instant kiss that only lasted for a second.
“That’s my goodbye and goodluck kiss. Take care on your trip” Kai smiled at her. Atsuko can feel her heart racing; it’s been a long time since the last time she feel those lips.
“Taking advantage because the Diva is not here huh?” Atsuko smirked again.
“Stop smirking and teasing Acchan. Just go now, the plane might leave you” Kai pushed Atsuko to the main entrance but she was stopped when Mariko suddenly whispered on her,

“Both of you, Take care. We’ll see you soon” Mariko smiled.
“Huh? What do you mean? Do you ……” Atsuko was confused and didn’t know if the great Mariko-sama knows something about her.
“Oh just shut up and go now. Remember, take care of yourself TWICE! Bye bye!” Mariko prevent her from speaking again. Atsuko waved her hand and walked away from them.

-Inside the plane-

Finally, Atsuko went inside the plane and sat down to her assigned sit which is near the window. Before the plane will take off, Atsuko took out her phone and look at the pictures of her friends.
“I’ll miss you guys …. specially you, Kai. I don’t know what will happen to me in that country but I’ll definitely do my best to be a successful actress and someday, I know we’ll meet again”. Atsuko tapped the side of her phone to view the next image; the image of Kai and her before.

“And you, Kai. Take care of yourself and be happy on whatever you will do in life. I’m really happy that you forgive me. I love you so much Kai, even though you’re not mine and you’re already belong to the Diva……… I’m really glad on what you had given to me. I promise that I will protect, care and give so much love to this midget inside me. I will be a great actress and at the same time a great mommy too” Atsuko smiled and looked at her tummy while rubbing it softly.

TBC ..  :deco: :cow:

So that's the SOMEONE and SOMETHING that I'm talking about  :shifty: :wriggly:
What do you think about it?  :nya:

btw, sorry for the wrong grammars again  :mon sweat:
I appreciate if you'll give some comments, corrections or anything  :sweatdrop:

Offline saeyukilover

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Whaaaaatttt!!!!!! now I felt sorry for that I want Kai for ray.... While! While acchan and baby ... :deco:

W8ting for your nxt update ..,,, :)

Offline chichay12

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 :on gay:
i want next chapter!!!
thank you for the update!!!

Offline acchaniu

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yey an update
soo thats the something YEYYYY
BABY take care my atsuko
update soon yayyayayayay
BTW karupin san update it TOMORROW
Ill kill you if you didnt LOL  :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :bow: :bow: :bow:
« Last Edit: August 08, 2012, 04:40:47 PM by acchaniu »

Offline smarty0821

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WHAT!! Acchan's preggy!!  :O :O

Kai break up with Ray and be with Acchan !!  :angry:  :angry:

She needs you and the baby needs a father!

PLEASE UPDATE!! I need the next chapter.... :panic: :panic: :panic:

Offline Sydney W

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“Both of you, Take care. We’ll see you soon” Mariko smiled.
“Huh? What do you mean? Do you ……” Atsuko was confused and didn’t know if the great Mariko-sama knows something about her.
“Oh just shut up and go now. Remember, take care of yourself TWICE! Bye bye!” Mariko prevent her from speaking again. Atsuko waved her hand and walked away from them.

Did Mariko knew that Atsuko is pregnant ?

Kai, you really love Atsuko very much, just admit it. Atsuko need you more than Ray.

Offline karupin12

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I'll try to update it tomorrow :mon sweat: :mon blood:

Did Mariko knew that Atsuko is pregnant ?
I'll tell on the next chapter how she knew about it :lol:

Offline Tanchan

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Acchan is pregnant???????????
STill I don't want Kai to go back to Atsuko just because she's pregnant, that's more like taking responsibility than really loving her. But you won't do that ,right?

Offline Haruko

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“Both of you, Take care. We’ll see you soon” Mariko smiled.
“Huh? What do you mean? Do you ……” Atsuko was confused and didn’t know if the great Mariko-sama knows something about her.
“Oh just shut up and go now. Remember, take care of yourself TWICE! Bye bye!” Mariko prevent her from speaking again. Atsuko waved her hand and walked away from them.

Did Mariko knew that Atsuko is pregnant ?

Kai, you really love Atsuko very much, just admit it. Atsuko need you more than Ray.

Oh! por dios!!! .. Atsumina´s baby!!! wowowwow...... I dont see this coming..... OMG!!! next season/chapter whatever!! soon please

Offline karupin12

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Chapter 14 Part 1: After Four Years

Years had passed and in all those years there's a lot of changes that happened to them specially on their careers. Jurina and Rena decided to continue on studying in Tokyo University while the two Tomo made their own Bakeshop business. The great Mariko-sama who is now officially dating Kuu is now a famous model not only in Japan but also in the other country. The perverted squirrel of Riku who is now living in the same house with him is now a famous actress that always representing Japan in other countries. Same as Riku and Yuko, The Diva and Kai are also living in the same house. It was all Kai's idea so that he can take care of the Diva and avoid Ray on being jealous that he have another woman. Ray becomes more famous now because of her relationship with Kai but they didn't know that there's a problem between the two now. Meanwhile in the other country, there's an actress who is really famous inside and outside Japan. Even though she's barely coming in her country, the citizens still recognize her as the Award winning actress, Maeda Atsuko. There are a lot of actors, singers and even politicians who tried to court her but they always failed to get the actress' heart. She never been in a relationship since she entered in acting industry so the others made a speculation that she might be in a relationship but she's just saying that she love someone but they're not together. So now, what happened to the three stooges namely Kai, Riku and Kuu? Well they are in the same industry. They're JUST famous idols now and they are The Persona who can beat the Diva on the top song rankings. Can you imagine that the band members before became an idols now? Riku and Kai who don't like to dance is now loving what they were now. It all started when Shachou insisted them to go for an idol audition even though they already know that they will be accepted because Shachou is one of the owners of the talent agency. Yes, all of these careers are all thanks to Shachou who planned everything from the start.

Today is the day that they can rest but instead of resting, all of them decided to meet up in a restaurant. It's been a long time that they didn't have a get together because of their works.
"Ah! I miss this. I miss hanging out with you guys" Kuu said cheerfully.
"How's the situation of being an idol now? The three of you are always in the news. You're really popular now" Jurina said.
"It's fine even though it's really tiring" Kuu answered.
"And how's your love lives now?" Rena added while smirking.
"We're pretty fine. Riku and I decided to have a baby" Yuko said suddenly as she receives a tap to her head from Riku.
"It's not true! Don't make stories Yuuchan!"
"Itaaaaaii~ but you're the one who said it last night" Riku blushes and the others laugh at him.

"How about you Kuu? Are you not jealous about the guys who are always staring at the pictures of your model Mariko-sama?"
"Why would I? All that they can do is to stare and fantasize my girl. They're the one who should be jealous at me because I can do whatever I want with her. Right Marichan?" Kuu proudly said but he just received rolling eyes from the model.

"And you Kai? It's unusual that the Diva is not with you"
"I thought we're going to have fun today and not an interrogation session? Well, she's kinda busy lately" Kai smiled but they can see the sadness in the midgets eyes.
"Is there any problem between the two of you?" Mariko asked worriedly.
"Anou. ... Actually we had a little problem. I don't know if WE or I. Lately, she's been busy and don't have much time with me unlike before. I can feel the coldness in our relationship"

"Maybe she has another man" Yuko said without thinking.
"Yuuchan!" Riku tapped her head again. "Yuko is just kidding, don't mind her"
"Do you. .... and her. .... anou. ...... you know, still doing something?" Kuu asked.
"Eh? What do you mean?"
"Oh come on Kai. You're still slow. Kuu mean if you and the Diva having sex!" Yuko.
"Eeehhhhh??!!!! O-o-of course not! W-w-we're not doing it!" Kai said while blushing.
"Weeeeeee? Really? At least once you never did it with her? It's already 4 years now that you're together and yet. ....... Oh maybe I'm really right that the Diva is having an affair with someone and doing something on the bed"
"Yuuchan stop it! Be careful on your words! Gomen Kai" Riku scolded Yuko when he saw a sad look from the midget.
"Kai. .... What Yuko said is not impossible you know, that might happen………. Just give it a try. Sometimes girls are finding some romance with their partners especially when they're already living in the same house" Mariko added.

Kai have a deep thinking after it and realized that what if they're right? What will he do now? Does the Diva can do such things like that? Or maybe she's just really busy with her work? After the get together with his friends, Kai went to their home and wait for his Diva to come. It’s already late in the evening when Ray came from work.

“Okaeri ….” Kai greeted.
“Oh. Tadaima .. Why you’re still awake?” Ray leaned forward to kiss the midget on his cheeks.
“I’m waiting for you. Have you eaten your dinner?”
“Yes. I ate with the staffs. Sorry If I didn’t inform you”.
“It’s okay” Kai smiled. “I’m sure that you’re tired. You better rest now”
“That’s what I’m going to do now. Let’s go, you should rest also” Ray gave Kai a lovely smile.
“O-o-okay .. I’ll follow later. I .. I just need to …… wash my face”

After Kai finished, he stayed for awhile in the living room and thought,
“Maybe I’m just overacting. She’s still sweet like before …… I’m right! She’s just busy at work and that’s the ONLY reason why I felt coldness in our relationship”.
Then suddenly, his friend’s words about having …….. you know with the Diva popped in his mind.
“Nonononononono! I’m not going to do it! But ………. What if Mariko is right? What if Ray needs some …… brrrrrr!” Kai didn’t continue when he felt chills from his back.
“Okay, I’ll try it but ………… Aaaarrrgghh!! What am I going to do??!!” Kai’s thoughts were interrupted when the Diva called him to go to bed.

While walking towards their room, Kai’s heart is beating fast like there’s no tomorrow. He stopped in front of their bed and gulped when he saw the Diva wearing sexy lingerie night dress. He doesn’t know why but the room seems a bit hot so he took off his shirt and lay down beside the Diva and thought that tonight will be THEIR NIGHT.
Ray closed her eyes and turned a bit; her back is now facing the midget. Kai wrapped his arms on the Diva’s belly and kissed her neck down to her shoulder. Ray felt soft lips and it made her to turn to face the midget. She didn’t expect to see Kai without his shirt and when she’s about to say something, her lips was already captured by the midget and without any second thought, she answered Kai’s kisses to make it more passionate. Kai can smell the sweet scent of the Diva and it made him carried away with the situation so he slowly rest Ray’s back properly on the bed and gently go on top of her without breaking the kiss. He can hear soft moans from the Diva when he kissed again her neck while his hand traced her body starting from the thigh. When he’s about to reach the two soft mounds, he was interrupted when Ray said something.

“Stop it Kai. I … I … I’m tired”. But the midget ignored it and continued again. He tried to capture again the Diva’s lips but he was startled when Ray increased a bit her voice and said, “I said Stop Kai!! I want to rest”

“I .. I’m sorry” Kai withdraw himself from the Diva’s top and just sit on the corner of the bed. He didn’t hesitate to look and talk again at her because of embarrassment. Luckily, his phone rang and it made him to sigh in relief; saved by the bell. He went outside to answer the call from Mariko.

“Moshi Moshi”
“Kaaaaaaaaaaiiiiii~ !! How’s the ‘doing something on the bed while the night is cold?’” Kai draw away his phone from his ears to avoid the loud voice from Kuu who obviously uses Mariko’s phone.
“Kuu!! You don’t need to shout!!”
“Gomen. So how is it?”
“I was on my way then you suddenly call. So it means you interrupted us”
“Oh sorry again. Go head please continue”
“No no no! I’m just kidding. Actually, she stopped me from doing something when I’m on her top and thank god that you called me because I really don’t know what to say and what to do next”
“WHAAAAAAATT??!! But why?”
“I think she’s really tired. I don’t want to force her so I stopped when she said it”
“Then try it again on the next day and on the next day and lastly on the next day”
“Baka! Did you call me just to ask about it? If yes, then I’m going to hung up the phone”
“Chottoooooo~ I need to say something ….”

Kuu whispered something on the phone that made the midget to response with a,
“Ah ..”
“Okay ..”
“Then ?”
“WHAAAAAAAATTT??!!!! Really??!!” Kai immediately covered his mouth to prevent himself on shouting again.
“I’ll hung up the phone now. My Marichan is waiting for me. I’ll talk to you again tomorrow. Ja!” Kuu hanged up the phone and didn’t even bother to hear any response from the midget.

TBC …  :deco: :cow:

I'm a bit tired and sleepy, we still have classes tomorrow  :mon nap:
I'll continue this after school  :sleep:

Offline chichay12

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saving the comment for later.. :thumbsup

Offline Sydney W

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  • Atsumina & KaiAcchan
Kuu always interrupt the sweet moments. ^^

Offline TakaminaBG

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Ray are you serious?!?!!? Pushing him away?
And no sex for 4 years and they are still together???
There is seriously something wrong. I want to know what is the reason Ray pushed Kai away!
UPDATE SOON, PLEASE!!!!!!! :thumbup :thumbup :thumbup

Offline Tanchan

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I find it strange that they sleep on the same bed yet don't have sex. Isn't that too abnormal? Especially when Ray wears that to bed, didn't Kai have any such thoughts? And yet he couldn't resist Acchan!

Offline Haruko

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OMG! 4 years without sex... come on kai you are so clueless of course something happen.. you are hot ray is hot and you two dont have sex... impossible. just one word.. "affair" my yuuchan say the true..

acchan!! you too zero sex.. OMG!! i wanna knoe the atsumina baby:D

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