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Author Topic: The Betrayal towards a New Love (KaixAcchan) - COMPLETED  (Read 141014 times)

Offline karupin12

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@karupin12 : Hey! You! I know how your feeling! It's about Acchan's scandal isn't it? I'm also sad too...ermm....when thinking back I'm with you with KAIXRAY Moment...BUT!!! I can't accept ACCHANXTAKERU moment! pls don't do their moment!! Don't making AtsuMina shipper suffering!! I can't take it!!!  :pleeease:

At first, of course, but now I'm a bit relieved on it  :lol:
in fact, I'm waiting for the next bunshun story about it  :lol:

Don't worry about AcchanxTakeru .. remember this is a KaixAcchan fic  :lol: :deco:

Offline karupin12

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Chapter 7: Let's Get Divorce

Kai and Ray made a turn and reached the parking lot where their car is located, Kai’s expression and feeling remained the same; his eyebrows meeting each other while the feeling of being jealous is dominating inside him. When both of them went inside their car, Kai can't hold his feelings anymore so he blurted it all out.

"Damn it! Who is that man!? Why he's holding Atsuko like that?!" Kai shouted with an angry tone as he angrily put his vest on the seat. Ray noticed it but she just let the blond; letting him to be angry at Atsuko. She didn't plan this but it seems getting along and she truly like this.
"It's only a few weeks and yet she found another guy easily!? Does she truly hurt about our separation or she's celebrating about it?!" Kai grits his teeth.

Ray smirked and thought that this might be the right time to take advantage to encourage the blond to make a special decision; a decision that will change both of their lives. She moved closer to the midget, who relaxed a bit as he rested his back on the seat, then put her chin on his right shoulder while playing her fingers at the blond’s chest.
“Maybe Maeda really forgot about you already. What do you think about it? It’s easy for her to forget you. I wonder how she did that. Hmmm … maybe she really wants this? Maybe she really wanted to be with Sato-san” Ray said near Kai’s ears with a bit demonic voice. *lol*
“Sato-san? You know that guy?” Kai questioned her.
“Of course. He’s a good actor and as far as I know, he’s doing a drama with Maeda. I think he is her love interest on it”
“WHAT?!! LOVE INTEREST?!!” once again, the flame of anger surrounded them.
“Yes. Hmmm …….. I wonder if they will do it as acting or a true one” Ray said like putting bunch of easy-to-burn materials on the fire to get it worst.

Kai just remained silent but Ray knows that deep inside him, the anger and jealousy is totally dominating. She noticed that the midget closed his fist strongly and shaking like he wanted to punch someone but instead of comforting him, she just hold Kai’s hand and decided to fire him up by saying,
“You know what, I know you might get hurt but I know this is right to say so you will know what’s the truth. Actually, anou ….”
“What?!! Say it now!!”
“Actually, before you came earlier, I saw them ………….. kissing each other while Sato-san carrying her. They are like newlyweds” Ray lied.
Of course, Kai’s anger rose up quickly. He even didn’t think if the Diva was lying or not. All that he know now is being jealous and at the same time, being mad. He grits his teeth and the vest that he wear earlier might tore into pieces as he put his anger onto it.

'Why Atsuko? Is this the way of taking your revenge on what I have done to you? You easily found another guy to replace my position in you heart. I. .. I can't believe this but. .....' he thought.

Kai was not in himself now as he keep on thinking negatively about Atsuko. Ray know that Kai can't think properly now so she took advantage on it. "Kai. ... remember what I said on our presscon before? That you and Maeda will divorce. Maybe this is the right time...... File a divorce papers now. I know Maeda will be glad on it instead of being sad about it since she had Sato-san now"
Kai looked directly to her eyes with serious expression and said "I know what you're trying to do. Taking advantage eh? Even though you said those things about her, I still want to trust her" He convinced himself and continued when his mind seemed a bit normal now, "I will not file a divorce. I don't know if you're telling the truth or not. I need to see it personally first or if she will tell it directly".

Finally, Kai's mind set positively. Even though his heart hurt when Ray said it, he still tried to convince himself that Atsuko and that Sato don't have a relationship. By the sudden change of the midget's mind, Ray crossed her arms and said,

"Whether you like it or not, you're going to file a divorce as soon as possible!"
"I don't want to!" Kai half shouted and aim to leave the car.
"Where are you going?!"
"Inside. I forgot something" He said and when Ray was about to say something, Kai already knew it so he interrupted her by saying, "Don't worry, I will not go to Atsuko so just stay here. I'll be right back in a moment". Kai left the Diva without having any response from her.

Kai went inside the building. He’s walking at the hallway like he’s walking on the moon; he didn’t care much if he bumps on someone or something. Actually, he just went inside just to get away from the Diva who just making his heart to ache more. Kai keep on walking and walking as he didn’t notice that he reached the set where their recording held. The staffs who are still working looked at him with a ‘why’ on their faces.
“A-a-nou …..” Kai didn’t know what to say.
“What is it Kai-san? Do you need something?” One of the staffs asked.
Atsuko was the first one who came into his mind. Even though the Diva will surely be mad about this, he still thought of seeing his wife. He wants to know everything about her, about her relationship with this Sato Takeru.
“Anou …… Do you …… hmm ….. Do you know where Atsuko’s dressing room is? I’ve heard that they’re filming here. hehe” Kai laughed awkwardly when the staff look at him with confused look.
“As far as I know, they are at the same hallway but I don’t know where the room is. Sorry Kai-san”
“It’s fine. Thanks for the info by the way” he smiled and leave.

Kai traced the hallway and searched for every room on it. While searching, he thought, ‘What am I going to say to her? After what I’ve said to her earlier, I think I can’t face her. Argh! I need to do this. I want to know everything’
As he continued on searching, he found an open door and he can hear that someone is talking. He decided to take a peek and when he looked inside, it seems that he regret taking a peek as his eyes widen on the scene that he witnessed.

Earlier, inside the dressing room of the cast of Atsuko's new drama, there's only Riku and Kuu left inside while the other cast left to go to a near restaurant to have lunch. Both of Kai’s co-members saw Takeru carrying Atsuko as both of them were heading inside. They have a confused look why he’s carrying their friend and why Atsuko was full of tears on her eyes.
“Acchan!” they called as both of them stand up quickly to help Takeru.
“Acchan …… what happened to you?” Riku asked but Atsuko didn’t answer as she continued on crying.
“What did you do to Acchan?! Huh?!” Kuu glared at Takeru.
After he put Atsuko on a couch, he quickly waved both of his hand and quickly said, “I .. I didn’t do anything to her. I’m not the reason why she’s crying now”
“Then why she’s like this now? Why are you carrying her?” Riku questioned him.
“She slipped earlier so her foot got injured that’s why I carried her” he answered.
“And why she’s crying?” Takeru was about to answer but he got interrupted by Atsuko.
“I saw Kai earlier” She said between her sobs.

Riku and Kuu looked at her worriedly; they know that something bad happened that’s why their friend is being like this. Atsuko continued on explaining as she noticed her friends’ expressions.
“I saw him with Ray earlier …….. and before that, I saw their PV recording. Then like Sato-san said, I slipped and got injured that’s why he carried me and when we’re heading to our dressing room, both Ray and Kai saw us” Atsuko paused for awhile to prevent herself on crying again.
“Then Kai might thought something about me and Sato-san” Atsuko wasn’t able to control her tears again as she remember what happened and what Kai said to her earlier. Those hurtful words; words that showed that her husband didn’t care about her.
“I tried to explain but all that I got was ‘I don’t need your explanations. You can do whatever you want and I don’t care about it Maeda-san’ then he left with Ray while holding that Diva’s hand” Atsuko continued on crying and as the time passes by, she wasn’t able to continue her words when she experienced a hard time on breathing.

Riku and Kuu panicked and decided to leave for awhile to get some water and ask for help on the staffs. Takeru on the other hand was trying to calm the woman while rubbing her back and saying, “Maeda-san, please stop crying before something bad happen to you”.
"I. . I'm sorry. ... Don't worry, I'm fine" Atsuko managed to say and tried to smile.
"No you're not. Ugh, if only I can take all your sadness away" Takeru said and later on, without noticing, his body moved closer to Atsuko then hugged her.
"Stop now. I'm here to help you. I'll try my best so you will forget all the sadness that you're feeling right now" he said.
Atsuko seemed carried away on the situation so she hugged back the man while still crying and said, "Arigatou Sato-san. Thank you for being here with me"
Takeru broke the hug and wiped the woman's tears by his thumbs, "You can call me Takeru and you don't need to thank me. It's my pleasure to comfort you. I know your situation right now"

Takeru didn't notice that he's blocking Atsuko as his back was facing at the door. Both of them didn't notice that someone was standing and looking at them suspiciously in a wrong way. There was Kai looking at them in a wrong angle and thought that the two were kissing each other instead of just comforting. Kai closed his fist but he prevented himself to punch the man when he remembered what Ray said to him; that the two might really have a relationship so it’s better to leave them and have their private time. Even though he wanted to talk to his wife, he just leave; leave with anger as all of the feeling that he felt earlier came back again.

‘Is that what you want? Then I’ll give it to you’ he thought while walking hurriedly with a wrinkled forehead. Riku and Kuu who are returning to their dressing room saw Kai and called him but the midget ignored them.
“What’s his problem? Are we also affected with him and Acchan’s issue?” Kuu asked.
“I don’t know and I really don’t know what’s going on with his mind. Just let him for now, we better go to Acchan now” Riku and Kuu start on walking again.

As Kai tracing the path to the parking lot, Ray was also heading towards him. When Ray was about to say something, Kai quickly hold her hand and start walking again to their car.
“Chotto Kai .. What’s happening to you?! Where are we going?!”
“We’re going to your lawyer or to wherever I can file a divorce”
“I said I’m going to file a divorce! So let’s go now!” Both of them went inside the car. Even though the Diva was still confused about the sudden decision of the midget, somehow, she felt happy about it. Her plans are going smoothly.

Back to Atsuko’s situation, after an hour of making her to relax, Riku and Kuu excused themselves and ask for permission to cancel their filming for this day to assist Atsuko on going to her house. Takeru also go with them so the director doesn’t have a choice to reschedule their filming. When they reached Takahashi/Maeda’s residence, Atsuko talked with them for awhile to let out what she feels; all the hurt that she felt inside. The three who assisted her could see that Atsuko was badly hurt, specially Takeru, he could see on the woman’s eyes that she really love her husband. Even though he wanted to help her to forget the midget, he’s not on the right position and situation to do it.

‘Someday, I’ll make you to forget everything on him specially what you feel’ he thought.

When Atsuko’s mother arrived with Anami, the three men took their leave as they know that Atsuko will be fine now with her mother on her side. Both of them have a mother and daughter conversation about the current status of Atsuko’s relationship with Kai inside the room.
“So what are you going to do now? This is affecting your career my daughter” her mother asked.
“I don’t know mom. I really don’t know” Atsuko frowned.
“You know what …. Even though you said those things about him, the things that he did and said to you, I still believe that he still love you. I know there’s a reason why he’s doing that. He’s not that kind of man that’s why I agreed on him to be with you”
“What am I going to do now mom? Help me. If there’s really a reason why he’s doing this, then he must tell it to me so I won’t get hurt like this” Atsuko starts sobbing again.
“Don’t cry Atsuko. Like what your friends said, be strong. Soon we’ll know everything about this problem” Mama Maeda smiled at her as she patted her daughter’s shoulder.

Their serious conversation ended when Anami showed in front of the door while holding an envelope.
“What is that Anami-chan?” her mother asked.
“I don’t know mom. A man wearing a formal attire just came by and said that I need to give you this” Anami walked towards them and gave the envelope. Atsuko took out the papers inside and when her eyes pointed on it, the first words that she read that made her eyes widen in shock were,

“Divorce Settlement Agreement”

Then suddenly, her phone beep indicating that she had a mail from an unknown number.
“You husband Takahashi Kai is requesting for your signature to agree on your divorce. He filed the divorce earlier and we’re expecting for your immediate response about this.”
-Ray’s Private Lawyer

TBC ..  :cow:

What a lame chapter isn't it?  :lol:
I'm not in the mood while writing this. I don't know what situations, conversations etc. that I will write  :lol: :sweatdrop:
gomen  :sweatdrop:
Mental block strikes  :nervous

I'll write a better chapter next time :)

Offline Sydney W

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Divorce ?! It can't be happened. Mayu / Sayaka where are you girls? Come out and help Kai x Acchan.

Offline thebotole

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divorce?? that can't be happen  :banghead:

hope someone will help acchan & kai to be together again..

look forward for what happen next..  :bow:

Offline Strawberri

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OMG KAI! You are so stupid!! Acchan don't sign it!  :cry: Thanks for the update!

Offline hidden_player

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More drama now, but I think if I was in Kai's position to see something like this, even it's just misunderstood, I would do the same :roll:

Just poor my Atsuko :(

And I think because it's you so this fic will have more and more drama in upcoming chapters, right??? :lol:

Thanks for updating and looking forward to the next chapter :)

Offline karupin12

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I thought earlier of some KojiYuu/RikuYuu *naughty* moment ..
even I, i'm tired of writing those dramatic scenes  :lol:
Just wait for it  :)
I hope I'm in the mood when writing that  :lol: :sweatdrop:

Offline Pdpond

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ohhh!! it's just misunderstood.
you made acchan hurt more kai don.t do that  :banghead:
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Offline JukeBoxMania

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This is too depressing already  :mon whine:
Please!! Someone, please find a cure for kaison so that Kai can leave Ray and Acchan won't hurt so much..
P.S: thanks for the update  :mon sweat:

Offline Haruko

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no no no no way... kai what are you doing?-.... are you crazy?!?!? .. -_____- my atsumina.. pleaaaaaaaaaase detective kuu and detective yuko.. you need to fix this mess right now

Offline karupin12

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I'll skip some events on this fic so it'll finish as soon as possible  :lol:
This is becoming not interesting anymore  :lol: :sweatdrop:

Chapter 8: KaixAcchan + RikuYuu's Version of Make you wet

Days had passed and still, everyday seemed hard for Atsuko as she keep on crying everytime that she will remember Kai and also the Divorce papers. Anami, who's really a smart child, noticed the problem of her mother. And she knew the reason behind her tears. It is all because of her father. Even though she's smart and can understand things easily, she still have a child's way of thinking. She cares a lot about her mother so she doesn't want to see her crying everytime. Even though she also misses her father, she still feel an anger for Kai for making her mother suffer.
On the following days, Takeru was keep on visiting Atsuko when he knew that the actress took a break as she can't focus on her work. Everyday, he's trying to comfort Atsuko while doing things that will make her to forget the hurt that she felt inside. It's not only Atsuko who's getting closer to him but also her two children: Kaison and Anami. Somehow, Atsuko felt happy for having Takeru on her side; for making her children not to get affected on her situation. The three gets closer with Takeru each day that he's spending his time with them. There was a time that Atsuko agreed on Takeru's proposal to go in a park to relax and have fun. Anami on their side seemed happy on their trip as all of them didn't notice the paparazzo’s who are following them while taking not only pictures but all video clips.

As usual, when a paparazzi got what they want, they will quickly publish it and show to the public. The pictures were quickly printed on newspapers and magazines while the video clips were aired on every television channel. Atsuko and Takeru still didn't know about it but there's an early bird who knew about it already when he accidentally switched on the TV; Kai.

"Kai, prepare yourself now. We need to be early on our handshake event. Today is the release of our single" Ray said o the midget who's eyes are pinned on the TV screen with both fists are closed.
"What's your problem?" Ray looked to where Kai is looking then she smiled evilly.
"That guy is really making me. ....... Arg! I want to beat him up! Why does he need to carry my daughter?! Acting like a father ha?!" Kai grits his teeth and stood up to go near the TV.
“And you! Atsuko! I .. I can’t believe you can do this to me!” he pointed at the screen while preventing his tears to come out.
Ray come closer to him as she felt pity on the midget’s situation, even though she like the news about Atsuko, she still can’t take it to see her love being like this.
“Stop now Kai. Just leave and let them to do whatever they want. Don’t worry, sooner or later, both of you will officially be separated. Come on now, we need to hurry” the Diva hugged the blond from the back and immediately broke it to help the midget.

After an hour, Kai and Ray arrived at the location where their event will be held. They warmly greeted and smiled lovingly to their fans who attended and bought their first collaboration single. Most of the people who joined are obviously a Kai and Ray shipper as they shook their hands with their idols badly while telling that they’re happy that the two are together again. If there are shippers/fans, there are also antis. Of course, the antis were composed of Kai and Atsuko’s fans. They bought their single just to have a talk with Kai; just to tell what they felt on the separation of the two. Even though they only have a small amount of time to talk to the blond, it's still important to them. After they had a talk to Kai, they just threw the CDs into the trash bin while some of them stepped on it madly. Kai saw it and instead of getting mad, he understands their situation and surely, they will get worst if they will know his recent decision: The Divorce.

In a few moments, their event will end and while entertaining the other fans, Kai resentment and anger grew even more when he heard again about the Takeru and Atsuko's issue.

"What do you think? Does Sato-san really have a relationship with Mrs. Takahashi? Or should I say Maeda-san again?" One of the girls murmured then giggled.
"hmm. . I don't know but actually they look good together. Sato-san looks a great father when he carried one of Maeda's children"
"Yeah. I agree with you"
the two girls left the venue without noticing the glare that the midget giving to them.

After the event ended, Kai quickly leave the venue and go their car same as Ray. When they got inside, Kai ordered Sayaka to switch on the mini TV that is located in front of them. 'What a nice timing' Sayaka said on her mind when the show that has been flashed on the screen was about the recent issue about Takeru and Atsuko. She can see the 'even worst reaction than before' of Kai as he closed his fist again and showing every nerve on it.

When the TV program that showed more detailed picture and video of Atsuko and Takeru, Kai quickly grabbed his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number. While waiting for an answer on the other line Ray looked at him suspiciously and said,
"Who are you going to call huh?". With just a murderous glare that she received from the midget, Ray decided to shut her mouth and just wait for the conversation that Kai will have.

"Moshi moshi. Who is this?" The person on the other line asked.
"Takahashi Kai desu. ..." as Kai seriously introduced himself, the person that he's talking to, have a fast heart beat and didn't know what to say.
"Maeda-san, can I ask a favor to you?" Kai talked again and when the Diva heard the name, her forehead wrinkled automatically. She was about to grab the phone from the midget and ready to scold him but suddenly, the glare that she received earlier flashed back onto her mind.
'Maybe I should wait first what Kai will say to her before scolding him. Right! I should wait first. That’s the right thing to do' Ray said to herself and have an awkward smile on her mind.

"K-K-Kai. .... I miss you" Atsuko managed to say even though her voice sounds like she's going to cry.
"Maeda-san, I called you to ask a little favor" Kai ignored what Atsuko said then have a deep breath before continuing his words.
"Can you please hurry on signing the divorce papers? We only need your signature then you'll free to do whatever you want!"
"Are you really in hurry to get divorced with me and be with that Diva huh?!" Atsuko's tears fell again.
"Me? In hurry? heh! Or you? We're not yet officially divorced then you're clinging and flirting on other man?!" Kai's only intention why he called Atsuko was to ask her to sign the papers but it seems that the hurt that he felt inside is coming out.
"What are you talking about? Clinging?! Flirting?! I never and I will never do that! Kai, you're the only man whom I did those things with!"
"Oh really? Then what about YOUR Sato Takeru huh? Maybe it's not only clinging that both of you did!"

If only Kai is right in front of her, she might slap the midget because of his words.
"Are you questioning my loyalty?! Look to yourself first before saying that to me! You’re the first one who left me so you can flirt with that Ray! Maybe that's the reason why you've agreed on your project with her before. Getting ready to leave me right?! ..... I don't know what you’re talking about me and Sato-san, he's just my friend. Nothing more nothing less. I'm going to hang up now. ....... Oh by the way, I will NEVER sign up those stupid papers. We've bowed and take a pledge not only in front of the priest but also in front of god so I will never break what I've promised. Bye!" Atsuko said those words bravely, proving that she will fight her love for the midget even though it's really breaking her heart every time she will encounter a conversation with him.

Kai left speechless on what his wife said to him and thought, 'I really don't know what to do now. Her words. ....... it sounds that she’s telling the truth. That she really don’t have a relationship with that Sato but …… but ……. How will she explain the scene that I saw? Aaargh! I forgot, she’s an actress! My decision will not change!’

Kai’s thoughts were interrupted by Ray when she said, “Can I say something now?”
The midget just look at her with his eyebrows meeting each other and said, “Talk to my hand Ray. I’m not in the mood…….. Sayaka, please take us home. I want to take some rest”
Kai was about to close his eyes when Ray interrupted him again, “Come here. You can rest by my side”
“I said, I want to rest, not to become more stress”
“O-o-okay .. If you say so” Ray smiled awkwardly when the blond gave that murderous look again.
‘Kowai~’ she thought.

-Meanwhile at Kojima's Residence-

Riku, who's wearing an apron and without a shirt, was busy preparing their food for lunch in the kitchen while his fiancé was busy on watching something at the living room. After a few minutes, Yuko went at the doorway of the kitchen and stare at the sexy back of her future husband. She can see the sweat that slowly falling down from his back and it really made him to look more sexy. As she continue on staring, she didn't notice that Riku knew what she was doing until she was interrupted.

"If only your stares can make me melt, I might be gone now" he said without looking at the woman.
"Did I tell you before that you look so manly and sexy while cooking?" Yuko walked closer to him.
"No. You don't need to say it because I already know that" Riku continued on chopping.
"Woah! What a great confidence you have" Yuko giggled then hugged her fiancé from the back and continued, "Are you done? Can I taste it now?"
"Not yet Yuuchan. Just wait" He smiled cutely and didn't notice that Yuko was determining for something else.
"Do you really need to smile like that while saying it? Trying to be cute huh?"
"Why? Am I not cute?" he pouts.
"No. .......... because you're handsome" Yuko said as she hugged tighter Riku who just earned a blush from what he heard.

After a moment of silence, Yuko remembered something and withdrew herself from Riku to go to the near chair to sit.
"By the way, what's the situation of Kai and Atsuko now? Anything new?"
"Nothing new. Ugh. I don't want to talk about it. It just making my head ache by thinking on how they will fix their problem"
"Oh, sorry Nyan...... how about Kai and Ray's single? Have you seen its PV?"
“Today is the release date right? I haven’t watched it. I’ve heard some rumors that it will make you so aggressive after you watched it so it’s totally ………… ugh. It’s only for perverts” Riku said without looking at her girl who’s having a smirk on her face.
“I’ve watched it earlier”. Yuko suddenly admitted as she is now walking closer to the man.

Riku stopped what he was doing and widen his eyes. He didn’t even dare to look at the woman as he already know what will happen. He took a gulped when he felt the woman’s body pressed on his back again and slowly, her hands are tracing seductively starting from his tummy up to his chest then down again to the ‘sacred part’. Before Yuko could reach that part, Riku removed her hands and look at her.

“A-anou .. Our food will be done in a few minutes. Just wait at the dining room” He said with a shaking voice then smiled nervously but Yuko seemed not listening to him as she just continued on giving her man a smirk.
“My food is already done …… Ri~ Ku~ Nyaaaan~” Yuko move even more closer and wrap her arms around the man’s waist then reach for the knot of the apron and remove it slowly to reveal the smooth and a bit muscular body. Yuko remained looking directly to Riku’s eyes while her hand was busy reaching for the part that she wasn’t able to reach earlier. She slowly unzip the zipper of her man’s pants but when she was about to unbutton it, Riku prevented her.

“Yuuchan, I said go to the dining room. I’ll be done in a minute” he said to Yuko who is now obviously annoyed on the preventing sessions of him. Suddenly, Yuko pushed him with all her might that really made him to fall on the ground.
“Itaaaaii~” Riku whined while rubbing his back. When he looked up, his aggressive squirrel is now on top of him giving a seductive smile then move her face closer and said,
“Their single is really great Nyan-nyan” Yuko move his lips closer to his ears and whispered, “specially the up~ down~ up~ down~ part. You better watch it”
“Hentai Yuuchan! Why you didn’t tell me that you’re going to watch it huh?!”
“Why? Do you want to watch it together? Huh?” Yuko smirked.
“N-n-no! O-of course not! You should tell me so I can avoid you on watching that!" Riku blushed a bit.
"Hontou? Tss~ Reason"
"I'm telling the truhhmmph!" Riku wasn't able to finish his words when Yuko suddenly captured his lips.
When the woman broke the kiss, she whispered again "Make me wet. ...... Baby~"
Yuko aimed to kiss again but the man move his face on the side and said "Yuuchan, I'm not in the mood"
"Then I'll make you to be in the mood. Come on, I'll show you something" Yuko stood up and followed by Riku who's a bit curious on what the squirrel will show. When they arrived in the living room, Yuko quickly turned on the speakers and press the play button of her iPod.

The intro of a song played and while it's playing, Yuko walked in a sexy way closer to Riku and pushed him onto the couch. She positioned himself on top and said,
"It's not only Kai and Ray's single that I've heard and watched but also. ............ The Dangerous Cat by the same singer who first sang the Make you wet" Yuko smirked then start kissing the man's neck.
‘Oh no. Is that really a cursed song? I’m dead. That song awakened the MORE pervert side of this woman’ Riku thought.

While the song is continuously playing, she's also singing the lyrics of it while tasting every part of Riku.
"♫If you think you can touch it boy. ... ♫" she sang as she grabbed the man's hand then continued

"♫Try to touch it. .. Try to touch it♫" she put Riku's hand on her thighs and assists it to her 'sacred part' when she slightly move onto the side. Somehow, Riku can’t control his body and just let his squirrel to do what she wants then little by little, he didn’t notice that his another hand is now reaching for the mounds.

When everything is now set, Yuko continued on singing, “♫If you think you can make me wet …. Try to make me wet♫”.

Finally, the resisting Riku earlier was now seemed to be under the spell of the song as he captured his fiancé’s lips and kissed it in a passionate way. He removed his hands possessions on the sensitive parts to cupped Yuko’s cheeks to deepen their kiss. As he continued on kissing, he slowly moved down on his next target, the neck, while trying to change their position and go on top of his woman. Upon his victory of changing their position, he still continued on kissing, leaving a mark on it, while both of his hands are now unzipping and removing the dress that is blocking his way to taste every flesh of his woman.

Yuko didn’t expect that Riku will easily fall under the song’s spell and to be wilder, she sang again between her moans “♫If you think you can lick it boy ……. Try to lick it~, try to lick it~♫”.

Riku managed to remove Yuko’s dress and the only cloth that remains hindrance on his success was the black with red laces bikini. Before he could remove it, his woman’s hand suddenly made him to stop as it go inside and touch his ‘angry sacred part’. To feel more on that part, Riku helped Yuko to remove his pants and everything that is blocking their way. When everything is now clear, their hands are now caressing each other’s body and feel the heat, lust and love inside them. They touched, licked etc. every part; tasting the sweet moments that they’re sharing. After all of it, Yuko was impatiently waiting for the time that the two of them will unite and feel Riku inside her so she whispered between her little moans,
“Riku-nyan …. I want ………. You ……. inside”

Upon hearing that from his love one and as he also wanted to do it, Riku pointed his part and aim to go inside. He earned soft moans from the woman when he slowly move inside and trying to reach its end. Yuko hugged tightly her man and feel his broad and manly back same as 'that' part that is now inside her. Feeling every flesh of it, Riku started to move up and down, inside and outside, from slow then after a moment, it became faster and faster as both of their sweats are dropping. Suddenly, Yuko remembered the song that she was singing earlier, so to finish the song, she managed to continue even though she's letting out soft moans.

"♫You. ..... think you can make. ....... me wet? Hah? ♫"

When she was about to continue the last part, instead of her, Riku was the one who sang it for her while he pushed himself hard to reach again the end and look directly at his fiancés eyes.

"♫My name is Dangerous Cat! ♫"

After hearing that, Yuko have a smirk on her face but it immediately fade away and turn to moans when Riku started on moving again. Both of them continued their uniting sessions in a more passionate and aggressive way. And when Riku reached his limit and gave Yuko what she wanted inside, he stopped and gasp for some air for awhile then said,
"Advance Happy Birthday Yuuchan" he smiled exhaustedly.
"Is this an Advance birthday gift or advance happy new year?" Yuko chuckled.
"Baka Yuuchan!" Riku said as he rested his head on the woman's collar bone.
"By the way Riku-nyan..... You didn't tell me that you already know that song. How come huh?" she smirked.
"Eh? A-anou. .... Of course I knew it. I'm a singer/idol, remember?" he reasoned out.
"Oh really?" she smirked even more as she rose up her right eyebrow.
"Okay okay. .. Remember the first time we did this? It's because of that song. Happy now?" Riku rolled his eyes and look on his side to avoid the teasing look of his woman.
"Owh~ you're so cute Nyan-nyan when you're being shy. Having those pouting lips and blushing cheeks" Yuko pinched his cheeks then chuckled a bit.
"Stop it Yuuchan!" he said; still not looking at the woman.
"Riku-Nyaaaan~ look at me!" Yuko demanded but she was ignored.

After a few seconds, Riku heard sobs which is obviously coming from Yuko so he quickly look at her but the moment he turn his head, he was surprised when a soft lips captured his lips.
"I love you Nyan-nyan" Yuko smiled lovingly at him.
"What a way Yuuchan...... I love you too" he said as he gave a peck on her cheeks.
"This isn't a birthday gift huh. This is separate from it" She smirked then she just received a loud sigh from him.

'Ugh. I should have known that this will happen. It’s hard to have a pervert squirrel. It can make your body pass out …. I should prepare myself now for that day’ he thought.

TBC …  :cow:

I think I should make KojiYuu fic next  :lol: :w00t:

Offline chichay12

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  • atsumina for life....
saving the spot!! :thumbsup

Offline Haruko

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Aww my atsumina T_T...

Offline saeyukilover

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Kojiyuu  :deco: I want more of there moments.... :)


Offline karupin12

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Kai don't believe everything you see......
And Atsuko,  GO GIRL!!! Don't divorce the idiot!!

It made me laugh a bit  :lol:

Offline thebotole

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kojiyuu moment  :wub: :inlove:
wondering what will happen with kai & acchan..
look forward for next update  :twothumbs

Offline Strawberri

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Loving the Kojiyuu moment! And Kai you are such an idiot  :smhid thanks for the update!

Offline Tam_atsu

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  • i love Akb48 and Maeda Atsuko ❤ kojiyuu/atsuyuu
Thank you for all the kojiyuu moment! The latest was really great!! Please make more kojiyuu!! Thankmyou  :) :heart: :thumbsup :bow:

Silent reader for now

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