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Author Topic: The Betrayal towards a New Love (KaixAcchan) - COMPLETED  (Read 141040 times)

Offline yourockme

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  • Don't do something that you'll regret later.
 LOL Kai
and that RAY!  :on voodoo:
:frustrated: :frustrated:.
Update na po karupin san
Atsuyuu ♥ Takayuu ♥ Atsumina ♥ Mayuki

YOSH! I'M BACK! FINALLY!!! (notreally)
Been inactive these past few months. =__=

Offline karupin12

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Finally, I'm done with this fic :dizzy:
This is now the full (last) chapter ..
Thank you to my dear readers who keep on reading this since the start :kneelbow:
See you on my next fic (?) :kekeke: :on gay:

Chapter 12: Final Chapter - The Wedding Disaster

                  Weeks had past, weeks that was really like living in hell for Kai as the Diva was always keeping an eye for him and always beside him whenever he goes. Despite on being always with him, Ray didn't know that her midget was still in touch with his wife and preparing for a counter attack if Ray will do something. On the past weeks, as Atsuko expected, Ray was really doing anything just to make their divorce process quickly. Her lawyer was often going to her house to convince her on signing the papers but of course, she also often rejects it.

                  Mayu and the two detectives: Yuko and Kuu with their love ones noticed it so they quickly have a meeting in Atsuko's residence to discuss about their plan. It was a cold night but bit by bit, it's getting hotter as Mayu was telling all her interesting plans. She also told them the recent findings about Ray and her plans and how to prevent it. She also figured out how to remove the small tube of poison inside the little boy's foot but for Atsuko's sake, she still did not say about it. After their meeting finished, Atsuko called Kai and tell him everything that they had talked about and their plan will start soon. Kai was smiling and felt happy whenever he had a call from Atsuko and especially when it's about their plan. He was thanking Mayu in his mind for helping them to defeat her evil cousin.

                  Meanwhile, Ray was still impatiently waiting for Atsuko's sign. As she can't wait any longer, she contacted again her lawyer to send a message to Atsuko on going to a court to settle it. It was the day after they had a meeting about their plan then Ray's lawyer came back again holding piece of papers and explained to Atsuko that they will settle their divorce at the court. Atsuko was really annoyed not only with Ray but also to her lawyer so for them to be quiet and also to avoid the media to talk about them again, she took the papers and said that she will sign it and she will give it to them later in the afternoon. The lawyer was relief on the woman's decision and immediately told it to his boss.

Ray and Kai were eating quietly at the dining table when the lawyer called. After the conversation ended, Ray had a full smile on her face while happily eating her food. Kai noticed it and he found it intriguing and at the same time, creepy.
"Why are you smiling? Who called you?" he asked.
"Oh it's my lawyer....... I'm smiling because I'm happy. I'm happy because we can now get married" She answered; still wearing those smiles.
"Huh?! We cannot get married unless Atsuko signed the papers"
"Well, she will sign it now" Ray smirked.
"Whaaaaaaat?!!" Kai exclaimed as he was shock on what the Diva said.
Ray ignored the shock status of the midget as she go closer him and wrap her arms around him and said, "Finally, we can be together now. We can now live far away from her. We can now have our own family"

                  Kai didn't know if it's just the weather today that's making the Diva's cheeks red or is it because her last words. Having family? With Ray? He can't imagine that he will live for years in that. He already have a family and it is the only one that he have; nothing more. While the Diva was busy clinging on him, he suddenly remember something; the night that something happened between them and the other days that Ray were keep on vomiting in the morning, like a morning sickness. He still doesn't know if it had a result or not as the Diva remained silent about it. As his negative thoughts were running badly on his mind, he decided to ask the woman about it.

"A-Anou. .... Ray, can I ask something?" He asked with a trembling voice.
"Uhn? What is it?"
"Anou. .. It's about..... uhm... the night that..... err! that something happened....... on us"
"What about it?"
"Have you...... checked it? Have you been in a doctor?"
"Oh~ Papa Kai is worried. Are you excited if we will soon have our baby?" she asked while cuddling even more.
"No... I mean.... Oh how will I put this.... ugh"
"I will go to the doctor later after I get the papers from my lawyer. Do you want to go with me?" Ray blushed.
"Hmm. S-s-sure. hehe" He answered nervously. Even though he's nervous about it, he still need to know if that will cause another problem for them.

                  After their lunch finished, both Kai and Ray went to a restaurant to meet the lawyer and to get the papers that Ray wanted and needed badly for her own happiness. Kai on the other hand just stay inside the car as he didn't want to look at those. Before the two part their ways, Kai noticed that they seemed having a very serious conversation and he thought that it might just about him and the Diva's wedding. He didn't care much about it as he knew that he can't do anything on it. The Diva go back inside the car with a wide smiled while waving her hands with the papers. She quickly put it inside her bag so she could cling on the blond's arms.

"We're going to the hospital now. I'm excited Kai" she said; still wearing the wide smile on her face. "Take us there now Sayaka". As the Diva ordered and when Sayaka started to drive, Kai just gave her an awkward smile and deep inside, his heart was skipping badly because of nervousness.

                  Slowly, when their distance is getting closer to their destination, Kai felt uneasy as his heartbeat is getting more and more fast. Deep on his mind, even though the negative thoughts are dominating him, he's still praying for a negative result. It's not that he doesn't want a child but if he's going to have it, it should be only with Atsuko. As they arrived inside the hospital, the doctor that is seemed to be the Diva’s private doctor greeted them with a smile. She assisted them to go in a room for check up but Kai insisted that he will just wait for them outside. While waiting, Sayaka was irritated and annoyed by the midget’s behavior as he walked back and forth while his hands are on his waist. He’s in the same situation when his wife was having a delivery session with his son but this time, it’s different. If before, he’s hoping that Atsuko will be safe same as his son, this time, he’s hoping that there’s no other life in the Diva’s body.

“Anou … Kai-san … You’re making me dizzy by your moves. Hehe. I know you’re nervous but can you please calm down?” Sayaka said.
“I .. I’m sorry. I just can’t help myself. What if Ray is ……….. Argh! No! No! No! That can’t be!” Kai messed up his hair.
“Here. Sit” the tall woman grabbed his shoulders and made him to sit beside her. “I know that will be a big problem but we can’t do anything if that another life is now with Ray-san”
“You’re really helping me to calm down, you know?” he rolled his eyes and stood up again.

Sayaka just let the blond to do whatever he wanted while her eyes were closed to avoid being dizzy again. Then after a few minutes, the disconcerted Kai stopped on what he was doing and the closed eyed Sayaka opened her eyes when she heard the doctor’s voice from the open door. The doctor called the blond to go inside. Before he start to walk, he looked at the tall woman with a teary eyes and looks like he’s going to cry. Sayaka found it so funny as she hold his laughter first then burst it out when Kai finally went inside.

As Kai went inside the room, he felt that his world is now doomed as he already knew the result by just looking at the happy faces of Ray and the doctor. His face is now stressed while he’s giving a slight and awkward smile to the two.
"So. ....... How was it?" He still asked. Hoping that his thoughts were wrong.
"Omedetou Kai-san. Soon you'll have a beautiful or handsome baby" the doctor smiled.
Kai sat down as he felt his weaken knees when he heard it; now, another problem came. He doesn't know how he will say it to Atsuko and his friends; they will surely kill him.
"Kaaaaii~ Are you not happy? We're going to have our child" Ray said as she cling on the blond's arm.
"I. . I'm happy. Of course. I'm just shocked. hehe" he reasoned out.

As they left the hospital, the smile remained on the Diva's face same as the depressed and problematic look of the blond. When they got home, Kai quickly go to the balcony to think of his current situation and problem, to think how he will say it and how they will make a solution to it. Then suddenly, his phone rang.

"Moshi. moshi. Who is this?" he asked as he rested his back on the near wall.
"Mayu desu. So what happened? She didn't notice it?"
"I guess not. but. ......."
"But what?"
"We have a new problem" he said as he buried his face on his palm. Mayu remained silent and ready to listen again so Kai continued.
"I think we're failed now. We can't continue this plan because........... Ray is.... carrying our child"
"Giving up already? It can't stop us you know?"
"But. ...... Don't you understand? she's pregnant! and I know she will use it for blackmailing!"
"No buts. Just stick to the plan okay? Trust me. We can still win" Mayu said with an encouraging tone but before Kai could answer, he quickly hanged up his phone when the Diva suddenly appeared.

"Who are you talking to?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow.
"Ah.. Eh.. Anou.. I'm talking with shachou. hehe"
"Shachou? What are you talking about? I heard something like blackmailing" she asked suspiciously.
"hnn. Anou. .. hmm.. I said to her if. .... if she could stop sending me black mails because it's annoying to see a mail that all you can see is black. Right! That's it! hehe" he gave a slight smile while scratching the back of his neck. He thought that was a very bad and fail excuse but it seemed that the Diva doesn't care about it anymore as she hugged that midget.
"I've talked to my designer and the one who will arrange our marriage. They will make it faster so we could get married as soon as possible"
Kai just give her another smile and did not hesitate to talk as he know that his words will not change Ray's decisions.

                  Days had passed and on those days, both Kai and Ray were busy preparing for their wedding. They were going back and forth on different stores and well known designers for the outfits that they will use. Ray does want a white motive for it and a bit royal style, Kai will wear a white royal prince outfit with gold linings that made him look more handsome and gentleman while the Diva will wear a simple but elegant white long gown with a touch of golds also to match up with her groom. Since this is the Diva and the Persona's member wedding, of course, the media know about this and all of them are waiting badly for this will become the wedding of the year. But all of them didn't know that this wedding will be in private as the date that was given to them was just a joke. Kai requested it to the Diva so that if ever their plan will be successful, Ray will not become the talk of the town if her evil plans will be said. Despite of all the things that happened to them, Kai still felt worried for her. *Baka*

                  The most awaited day for the Diva came, today is the day that she and Kai will make vow in a private church with just a few invited visitors and guests. Ray is now preparing herself with a help of her artist inside the assigned room for her. Make-ups, hairstyles and everything on her are now set; the only thing that is lacking on her is the wedding gown that will surely make her more gorgeous. Meanwhile inside the other room, Kai is also preparing himself as he now fixing his a bit messed up hair. He's now wearing the prince suit that the Diva wanted him to wear. He didn't know why but every time that he's looking at the mirror, he found himself as a good looking person. 'Now I know why Ray is crazy over me' he thought.

                  While the two are busy on themselves, on the other side of the town, there are also six persons who are busy. Not busy preparing for a wedding but preparing to ruin a wedding. They're disguising themselves as they wear an all black outfit to look like they are one of the staff organizers. Kai told all of the infos to them and also gave a special invitation so that they can pass through the restricted areas. When they arrived at the location, as expected, no one recognize them so they continued on walking to the place where they will set or do their plan. Atsuko took this opportunity to go to the room where Kai is as she knows that Ray is surely not around him. She knocked at the door and it was immediately responded by the blond.

“Eh? I’m still not ready and it’s still early to start. Tell Ray that don’t be so excited” Kai said as he didn't notice that the person is his wife. Atsuko quickly barged inside and closed the door then hugged tightly the midget.
“Ch-chotto” he panicked and just a moment of realization when he smelled a familiar scent, he hugged back the woman.
“Atsuko….” He smiled.
“I hate you! You didn't know it was me! Did you forget about me because you’re getting married with Ray the witch?” Atsuko broke the hug and pouted sadly as she removed the cap that she’s wearing.
“NoNoNoNo! Gomen if I didn't recognize you. It’s just your disguise is great. Please don’t give that look” Kai cupped her cheeks then she gave a lovely smile.
“I miss you …” she said.
“I miss you too …” Kai was about to kiss the woman then suddenly a loud knock from the door interrupted them.

“KAAAIII~!! Let me see you!” Ray shouted as she continued on knocking. Kai and Atsuko who are in panic mode don’t know what to do.
“KAAAII~!! Open the door! Are you okay there?”
“Hai! Hai! I’m fine. Don’t worry” Kai answered then put Atsuko inside the near closet to hide her.
“What are you doing here? We’re supposed to meet at the church, not here” Kai slightly opened the door to see the Diva.
“But I want to see you. I want to see how handsome you are” Ray pouted.
“You’ll see me later you know. Now go back to your room ……………….. Oh Sayaka, can you please take Ray to her room?” Kai ordered when he saw the tall woman pass by then Ray let the woman take her.

Kai quickly closed and locked the door when the Diva faded on his sight. He quickly went to the closet and when he opened it, he was surprised when Atsuko suddenly jumped on him. Luckily he was strong enough to carry the woman; if not, they’re probably fallen on the ground.
“A-Atsuko, you scared me” Kai said but the woman just gave him a smile then kissed him while her arms are wrapped over the midget’s neck.
“I forgot to tell you, you’re handsome on that suit” Atsuko said when she broke the kiss.
“I know it already” Kai chuckled then kissed the woman again as he pinned her back on the wall. Giving a deep, hot and intense kiss, Kai continued on kissing passionately and wildly like he’s hungry to taste every part of his wife then suddenly, Atsuko interrupted him when she bit his lips.
“Itaaaai~! You’re fond on doing that. Aren’t you?” Kai rolled his eyes.
“Haha.. Sorry sorry” Atsuko laughed a bit. “You’re too aggressive you know? Doing honeymoon first before the wedding? haha” she laughed but upon realization, she removed herself on the midget and gave him a murderous glare. Kai already knew that look so he just gave an awkward smile.

“KAAAII~!!” Atsuko roared. “Come here! I’m going to kill you for doing that to the DIVAAAAA!!! I'm going to cut that sinner long thing!!” she started to chase the blond who’s running away from her.
“Chotto Atsuko. Let me explain first” Kai continued on running around the room while avoiding every things that Atsuko is throwing to him. The woman seemed not listening to him as she continue on chasing him and when both of them felt tired, Kai sat down on the couch while catching for his breathe same as Atsuko.
“Can you ……. Please let me explain first?” he said while gasping for air but the woman remained silent as she just put her arms around him.
"No need to explain, I know everything"
'No you not. Atsuko, I'm sorry' Kai thought when he suddenly remembered about Ray being pregnant. He's still not ready to say it to his wife as he doesn't want to ruin the mood that they're sharing right now.

After a few minutes of silence, another knock from the door interrupted them. Kai quickly opened it while Atsuko went to her recent hiding place. To his surprise, Riku is now standing in front of him. He easily recognized the airhead when he noticed the mole on his lips.
“What are you doing here?” he asked.
“I’m looking for Atsuko. She suddenly disappeared earlier and I thought that she might with you”
“Oh Yes she is. She’s with me. Any problem?”
“Nothing important. We’re just scared that she might get caught if she will not be with us” Riku looked both of his side to check if somebody is listening.
“Atsuko … come out now, Riku is waiting for you” Kai called then the woman quickly responded on it.
“Riku ……. Sorry. Hehe” she said.
“Ugh Atsuko. Let’s go now before someone will catch you here. Don’t worry, you’ll be with your ……...” Riku looked at Kai then chuckled a bit. “with your Prince Midget” he continued.
“Stop it Riku. Just go now” he rolled his eyes and looked on his side to avoid the smirking look of the airhead then suddenly, a pair of lip touched on his cheeks that made him to look again.
“See you later” Atsuko winked after she fixed the cap that she’s wearing before then ran away from him with Riku.
‘I still wonder what will happen later. What will be your reaction if you’ll know about it’ Kai frowned on his thoughts.

-The Wedding-

                  An hour had passed and everything is now set as some guest and relatives are now at their respective seats same as Atsuko’s comrade. Mayu who’s in charge of all the things that will happen now are now readying herself and stuffs that she will do later. Kai is now on his position standing manly while looking at the aisle and sometimes seeking for Atsuko and looking at her nervously. Ray's tons of bodyguards are also present as all of them are guarding outside around the church with Sayaka as their head guard. The only person that is lacking in this event is the bride that is now heading towards the huge doors of the church. Standing at the doorway, the musicians start to play their instruments with a wedding tune. Ray is now walking on the aisle with a smile on her face while looking at the gentleman prince that is waiting for her at the end. The blond is also giving her a smile and that is really making the disguised wife to grits her teeth.

'I'm really going to kill you Mr. Takahashi Kai. grr!' she thought.

When the Diva reached the end, Kai offered his hand and it was gladly accepted by Ray. They held each other’s hands then looked at the priest. The priest smiled at them and said,
"Here now in this beautiful afternoon, we all gathered together to witness the exchange of the vows of Ms. Ray Kitagawa and Mr. Kai Takahashi for their everlasting love"
Kai body is now slightly shaking as he knows that the priest started the wedding mass and it is the same of their plan. The musicians that are playing earlier stopped and let the priest continue his words.
"But before we start this sacred mass, does someone here who's against in this wedding?" the priest asked.

"Go now Acchan!" Mayu whispered on her. Atsuko move and stand up on the other end of the aisle. Still wearing her disguised look, she looked straight and proudly said, “I AM !!”.
“Huh?! Who are you? How dare you to interrupt our wedding?!” Ray said; a bit pissed off.
“Who am I?” Atsuko smirked then slowly, she beautifully removed the cap that she’s wearing. “I am Kai’s wife! ….. Father, you can’t marry a person who’s still married right?”
“H-Hai!” the priest answered confusedly.
The guards that are guarding around outside noticed the happening. They know the woman who’s interrupting the wedding and they know that she’s banned in this event but before they could capture Atsuko, Mayu pressed something on her phone that made the doors and windows automatically locked.
“Na-ah-ah~ stay there slow pokes” Mayu smirked.

“W-What’s the meaning of this?! Wife? You’re not his wife anymore! You’re already got divorced!” Ray stutter.
“Divorced? Heh! In your dreams Ray” once again, Atsuko gave a smirk to the Diva that really made her more pissed off.
“You signed the papers Maeda! It’s now official that you and Kai are now divorced!”
“Is this what you’re talking about?” Mayu showed herself and the papers then go beside Atsuko same as the rest. They removed their caps and it really shocked the Diva to see them. Then suddenly, upon hearing that from Mayu, the musicians played a thrilling sound.
“Maybe your lawyer doesn’t know how to read and also you. Haha! We gave a fake divorce papers you know? It is indicated that ‘Maeda Atsuko WILL NOT divorce Takahashi Kai’ You didn’t notice the WILL NOT? Baka. Haha!” Mayu continued same as the thrilling sound that the musicians playing. The Diva remained silent while gritting her teeth. She’s not expecting that her own cousin will do this to her. She’s not expecting that the wedding that she had dreamed of will become a disaster because of them. Kai on the other hand is just watching and holding his laugh because of Mayu’s words.

“You should get another lawyer. Haha! By the way, when your fool lawyer gave that to the court staff or should I say FAKE court staff, it just been thrown in the trash bin. Hahaha!” Mayu laughed annoyingly and it was followed by the others. And again, the musicians continued on playing. This time, the Diva noticed it because it’s really making her more pissed off and annoyed. She gave a glare on them and roared,
By that shout, the musicians stopped but after a few seconds, the four of them burst out their laugh and remove the hats and fake mustache that they’re wearing. They quickly leave the instruments and ran towards Atsuko’s while bringing the midget with them.
“Hahaha! Nice one Jurina, Rena, and Tomo’s” Yuko said showing her deep dimples while clapping her hands. All of them are chuckling while the other guests are looking at them confusedly. They didn’t know what’s happening right now, if it’s just a joke or something. Ray can’t hold her anger anymore so she decided to ignore all those guests as she will finally say her threats to the blond to make him back to her.

“Kai! Go back here! We still have our deal! Do you want me to press this?!” Ray showed again that threatening button. Kai widen his eyes and start to get panic. Atsuko was confused about the blond’s reaction on that thing. She didn’t know what was that thing for.
“Ch-Chotto Ray. D-don’t press that. I’m begging you!” Kai beg.
“Then go back here and leave them!”
“Wait! Wait! I can’t understand! What’s happening now? What is that thing?” Atsuko asked.
“This? This thing will kill your son! Baka! There’s a poison inside your son’s body and if I press this …….. You’ll know what will happen” Ray answered.
“WHAAAAT?! Mayu! Do you know about this?!” Atsuko asked with full of nervous and worries to the woman who is just smiling.
“I know about it. Sorry Atsuko for not telling it to you. It’s just I don’t want you to get panic and worry much. Don’t worry everyone, I already handled it. I know that this is going to happen”

“Stop those conversations! Now Kai, are you going back here or I will press this?!” the Diva is really annoyed now and feel hopeless. Kai who’s now a bit calm as he trusted Mayu on her plans said,
“NO! I don’t want to! P-Press it if you want to! I will never be yours even if my son gets killed!”
Without any second thoughts Ray pressed it then laughed evilly but her laughs turn into confusion when she noticed that Kai and the others grouped themselves as they made a circle and laughing also.
“W-What are you doing?! Why are you laughing?! Your son is probably dead now!” Ray said confusedly.
“Huh? Oh sorry. Did you already press it? We didn’t notice it. hehe” Mayu turn around to look at her while wiping her tears because of laughing.
“Yeah. Can you please press it again? So we can laugh on you again? You look like a fool you know? Hahaha!” Mariko added.
“I .. I can’t understand you! You’re all annoying!” Ray shouted; she’s really pissed off by their behavior.
“Here, look at this ..” Atsuko said then all of them move on the side and showed to the Diva a laptop. A laptop that is showing a live video of Kaison who’s laughing cutely with his older sister, Anami.
“He’s cute right? Hehe” she added.
“W-What?! How?! How come that he’s still alive?! That can’t be happen!” Ray shouted then buried her face on her palms. She looks so problematic now and at the same time, looking insane.

Mayu explained everything on them. Why Kaison is still alive? All that she did is to find and contact the doctors who put that poison on him. What did she do to convince them? It's simple, like what her cousin did, she blackmailed them. She found out that the two doctors have another woman besides on their wives. So without further ado, the two agreed on what Mayu wanted. She secretly took Atsuko and Kai's son for the operation. After Mayu explained all of it, the Diva looked more stressed. She's really in a doomed state right now. She didn't know what to do as all of her plans are now failed and it is because of her cousin then suddenly she remembered something; something that might change their situation right now.

"Kai. ... you can’t leave me. Remember, I’m pregnant and you’re the father of this child that I’m carrying inside!”

By the sudden confession of the Diva, the smile that Atsuko wearing earlier fade out as her eyes widen while looking at the blond. She’s expecting for some explanations but Kai just gave her an ‘I’m sorry’ look. Atsuko’s tears are now forming on her eyes and when Kai was about to wipe it, Atsuko pushed him and started to cry. The others are looking at Kai with a ‘why?’ on their faces then suddenly, to break the heartbreaking scene that is happening right now, Mayu spoke.

“What is that joke again Ray? Can you just give up?”. By that statement, Atsuko stopped crying as all of them look at Mayu who’s smirking and looking straight at the Diva’s eyes.
“Huh? I’m not joking! Kai and I went to a doctor for a checkup and we knew that I’m pregnant!” Ray insisted even though she’s feeling nervous again that maybe her cousin did something.
“Oh really? A Doctor? Or it’s just a Doctor Quack-Quack? I know what you’ve done Ray. Don’t underestimate me. I know that you contracted that doctor to say to Kai that you’re pregnant and you’re planning to …… oh how will I say this ….. to rape him again just to have a child! You’re planning to make him drink again with that tequila that Kame-san gave to him before!”
Ray widen her eyes; she didn’t expect that her cousin knows a lot about her and her plans but still she will stand and insist her excuse. “I’m really pregnant! I don’t know what you’re talking about! You don’t have any proofs to prove that your conclusions are true!”
“Do you want proofs? Then listen to this. Listen to your own voice” After Mayu gave a smirk, she pressed something again on her phone that made the speakers in the church let out the Diva's voice while talking to her lawyer and doctor. All of them were shocked and surprised to hear that, and all of Mayu stated earlier are really said by Ray. Somehow, Kai felt relief on that, he quickly hugged Atsuko and said,
"I'm sorry for making you worry and hurt" Atsuko didn't say anything and just hugged back the blond.

                  This time, Ray can't think of any lies that can make Kai to be with her again. She's now accepting the fact that she got beaten by her own cousin and she will never be with the person that she love the most anymore. Ray began to cry and slowly sat down on the ground when she felt her weaken knees. She buried her face on her palms to hide her pity look of hers. Then after a few minutes she finally managed to look at them while wiping her tears.
"Mayu. ... How? How did you do all of this? How did you know all of my plans? Why does it seem that you're always with me even though its not?" Ray asked between her sobs.
"I can't do all of this by myself. I've got some help with my friends here and the two acting detectives: Kuu and Yuko. If you're confuse about how I know where you are, how I know all of your plans and etc. it's all because of this important person" Mayu pointed at the corner of the church and all of them were surprised to know that 'that person' made a big help on them.
"Gomen nasai Ray-san or should I say, ‘cousin’? hehe" the person bowed then smiled.
"Saya-neechan! Arigatou" Mayu called Sayaka.
"EEEEHHH???!!! Oneechan??!!" All of them said in chorus.
"Hai! Mayu is my little sister and of course, Ray is my cousin also. It's a long story to tell how I end up working with Ray, so don't ask for it" Sayaka said to confirm.

"I. . I can't believe this. I can't believe both of my cousins did something like this to me" Ray said while looking at the ground. Mayu and the others didn't say anything as they know that the battle between them is over. Mayu pressed something again to make the doors and windows open. They are now heading outside but Ray's guards are blocking their way. Then when one of the guards noticed the situation of the Diva, all of them went to her location to help her. Before Mayu and the others leave, for the last time, Kai goes to the Diva.

"I've told you before, you will find the right guy for you. Do not force things that are not meant for you" Kai said to the Diva and wiped her tears before leaving.
"Kai. ... Why? Why you're still nice to me despite of the things that I did to you?"
"It's because you're once my lover and despite of all that bad things, somehow, in other ways, you made me feel special and happy and specially, I treated you as my friend. That's the reason" Kai answered without looking back at Ray then continued on walking to Atsuko, the person that he love the most.

                  All of them head back happily to Takahashi's residence as their plan go smooth and successful. Anami who's excited to see again her dad, quickly hugged him and cried. Kai carried Anami while heading towards the room where Kaison is sleeping. Atsuko and the others found it so cute to look at them; Kai really miss his children. When the light of the moon appeared, Kai spent an hour with his children and wait them to fall asleep before going back to the room where his wife is waiting. He sang a song for them and it was effective as the two easily closed their eyes then slept. Kai took a shower first before going back to bed to rest but it seemed that he will not take this night as a day-off when Atsuko’s look is like ……….. she’s planning to do something.

“What’s that smirk for?” Kai said after he removed his shirt then laid his back on the bed.
“Nothing. Just happy to see you again here……….. here in our room……… without your shirt” Atsuko said seductively while her hand is tracing the blond’s chest.
Kai felt a thrill over his body as he knew already what Atsuko mean by her movements. He faced at the woman then cupped her cheeks and aiming for a kiss. When the woman closed her eyes, instead of kissing her lips, Kai kissed her forehead and said, “Atsuko, I’m tired”
Atsuko opened her eyes then pouted “Mou~ Kai! Stop teasing me! I hate you!”. She turned her back and continued “I still not forgive you for doing ‘that’ to the Diva. You should’ve controlled yourself, you should’ve think of me before you did that”
“But I was thinking of you at that time, and I thought that you’re Ray ………. Ugh, Atsuko. I’m sorry. How can I have your forgiveness?” Kai decided to tease even more his wife as he smelled its neck and gave little kisses while his arms are wrapped around her.
“I know what you’re doing Kai. Stop it! I’m still mad at you!” she tried to control herself.
“You want me to stop? Okay ……” when Kai was about to remove himself, Atsuko quickly turn around and wrapped both of her legs and arms to prevent the midget on moving.
“You’re not going anywhere! You’ve teased me so much and that made me to want you this night even more!”
“Don’t worry, I’ll give you what you want!” Kai smirked and turned off the light on the lamp then grabbed the blanket to cover themselves. This will surely be an intense and passionate night as they missed each other’s presence and specially, being united again.

END  :deco:

Offline chichay12

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saving the spot :thumbsup

 :farofflook: :farofflook: :farofflook:

this is one of my fav fic here!!
kaixacchan is the best!!
and karupin-san to!!hohoho

looking foward to the next fic u will write!!!
 :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
and again..thank you for writing this amazing fic!! :wub:
« Last Edit: November 02, 2012, 07:18:31 AM by Chichay12 »

Offline fael_c00l

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Dafuq,, so Sayaka and Mayu is sisters??  :doh: :doh:
Nice update and Nice ending  :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup
(Maybe i'll comment again later)
TomoTomo is my OTP

Twitter : @Raphael_Raditya
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Offline giakb48ff

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I love Takamina!! and Mariko-sama!!! but MORE ATSUMINA!!!

Offline chiqinna

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Happy ending~~~~!! :leek:  :onioncheer:  :luvluv1:  :wriggly:  :mon fyeah:
thanks for the fic karupin-san~   :)

Offline Pdpond

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Finally their together :heart: :heart: :heart:
Thank you for awesome story!!! :thumbup
see you soon in new your fic!! :peace:
« Last Edit: November 01, 2012, 04:54:36 PM by Pdpond »
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Offline flunicsnaz

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 :on woohoo: finally sayaka help them!!!..
thanks karupin12 for the great ending and the superb fic. :farofflook:
 :glasses: looking forward your next story  :stuffed:

Offline Strawberri

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This is the best ending you could ever get!ATSUMINA forever!!!! Best ending ever! Thanks for writing this fanfic :) :heart:  :cow:

Offline karupin12

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Thank you for reading this long (and sometimes boring) story  :lol: :kneelbow: :wahaha:
I'm glad you enjoyed it  :deco:

Offline Haruko

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boring?! are you kidding me.. its awesome i love it :D... later im gonna read it again :D

Offline karupin12

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Make another story of kai acchan!!
I'm making my second fic's video trailer ..
I might post it later  :deco:

boring?! are you kidding me.. its awesome i love it :D... later im gonna read it again :D
eh? really? if I'm in your position, I'll probably not read it again because it's tooooo long :lol: (Laziness Attack  :lol:)

Offline saeyukilover

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Fabulous! Still can't hide Kai's kind hearted self :)

Somehow knowing my self I'm going to read this again in future well
I always do same goes with the other fic as long as I have come to like the fic :)


Offline dark48

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Thank you for this wonderful fic :kneelbow:
Really love the ending :twothumbs

Please continue to write more Atsumina/KaiAcchan fics

Offline Haruko

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^ I will read it at the interesting part ONLY?? LOL!! Don't be mad at me!!  :on gay:

Offline takamae

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Great have a great imagination
Thank u for the great fic n happy ending ^^
Please continue making a great fic

Offline cisda83

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Keep up the good work and looking forward to the next chapter

Thank you for the interesting fanfic

Good for Atsumina  :twothumbs :D but Ray... poor Ray  :cry: :bleed eyes:

Offline qweakb

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this is one of the nice fanfic that i had read so far in JPH!P AKB48 fanfic :)
Become AKB fan after watching AKB0048.
Oshimen : Takamina and Mayu
Favorite pair : TakaAstu, Mayukirin, KumiYuria, Wmatsui, JirinaMayu etc.
(After reading the fanfic, my favorite pair just keep increasing :( )

Offline mae

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great fic i love ;)

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