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Author Topic: my fanfics (MASK-MJGK world) TomoTomo + others - Side Story  (Read 127108 times)

Offline lollita90

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Re: my fanfics (MASK-MJGK world) TomoTomo + others - Chap 27 - 1
« Reply #260 on: January 29, 2013, 05:56:23 PM »
chapter 26-3 : HUUUUWAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!  :mon runcry: :mon runcry: :mon runcry: :mon runcry: :mon runcry: :mon runcry: :mon runcry: :mon runcry: :mon runcry: :mon runcry: :mon runcry: :gmon tears: :gmon tears: :gmon tears: sobsobsob...

chapter 27-1 : yeay, finally tomo's gonna live with tomo for real soon!!  :ding: :ding:  and shibuya wants to make ookabuki as her waifu, for real now? i don't think she has ever said the 3 words already, right? or did i miss it?

anyway, i'm just happy and really33333 appreciate the updates!  :bow: :bow:  thanks wong-san! don't worry, i won't disappear. i'm just taking a hella loooong break tho. lol. keep up the good work!  :on GJ:
I love FTM. Nuff said.

Offline nao707

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Re: my fanfics (MASK-MJGK world) TomoTomo + others - Chap 27 - 1
« Reply #261 on: January 30, 2013, 09:40:30 AM »
stv-wong-san!!! thank you for the update! as always your update is fantastic :farofflook:.

I glad that chiyuu is still alive... chapter 26-3 totally heartbreaking..  :ptam-cry: :ptam-cry:

i love when atsuko seems jealous when minami's shintennou appeard. hehehehe i wonder what happen with them in the future.. :hehehe:

Tomo soooo coooolllll!!! i love when she defended chiyuu and the rappapa when chiyuu's mom insulting them.  :on GJ:

the kokaboki-tomo-chiyuu scene is so hilarious :on lol:! hahahaha. i feel bad to kokabuki, she become a victim of tomoxtomo loveydovey scene. maybe she will have partner in the future? hehehehe...

I'm waiting for your next update~  :kneelbow:
Keep Calm and Support AKB48 and their sister group :D

Offline stv_wong

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Re: my fanfics (MASK-MJGK world) TomoTomo + others - Chap 27 - 1
« Reply #262 on: February 02, 2013, 03:36:26 PM »
Here's the side story for the atsumina  XD  and a bit kojiyuu

*About a few hours before, in an izakaya near the hospital.

“Damn… it’s just a pure luck that they’re still alive, with their opponents using weapons like that, and not just pipe or baseball bats, they even used katana for God`s sake!! They’re not played fair. But, what can you expect from drug junkies? Dammit!!” A certain squirrel said with a deep frown on her face. “If we lose them, we might lose another person too.”

“Who?” Captain Takahashi asked, earned herself a pointed look by the Rappappa`s Sachou and understanding dawned on her, “Ah… Itano-san.”

“Yep.” Yuko said as she playing around with her chopsticks. “She was blinded with rage when I said Ookabuki might’ve died if the ambulance came late. Imagine what will happen if it was true?”

“She’ll raid their base all by herself for revenge and if she still alive after that, she’ll kill herself right after.” Torigoya said with a sad pout after sipping on her drink on her seat beside the Rappappa`s Sachou, “And she won’t listen to whatever we’re saying.”

“Well, now that we’ve got the information we need, we can finally move forward in this investigation. To tell you the truth, we’re kind of stuck with this case for years.” Captain Takahashi said with a sigh. “And with yesterday`s event at least we can capture some of the culprits. Some people in my team have started to investigate things further to find the mind behind all of this.”

“Do you have some guess who it might be?” Yuko asked.

“Hmm… I have my guess but… perhaps it’ll be better if I wait for more clues and evidences before I tell you all.” Captain Takahashi said. “Perhaps, I’ll let my subordinates to do the work and rest you all till the final raid. I don’t want any of you to get injured before it.”

“Yeah… And, it may seem cruel to you, Maeda,” Yuko said with a pointed look towards the said Maeda and the same deep frown still etched on her face, “and it’s not that I don’t care about what happen to you all, because I do care. But… Shibuya…, I mean, Sado and my Shitennou, after these three years, they’re not just my friends, they’re my family now. And I don’t want anything bad happen to them, especially after what happened to Shibuya two and a half years ago.” She sighed and added, “and of course to you and the others as well. Because, we’re all Rappappa now, right?”

Maeda smiled slightly, “I understand that.”

“Me too,” Captain Takahashi added and she slumped to the chair and asked, “And you all still have the situation on Majijo too. How is it now?”

“It’s all died out after they often came to school again.” Maeda said as she looked at Torigoya.

Yuko smirked and added, “Yep, those chickens afraid at our joined forces. The rumors of me, can’t fight yet has already spread in the school, and yet no one ever dare to cross way with me. Because they know they’ll face the Shitennou if something happen to me. Both teams of Shitennou.”

“Hm… but we have to be careful with surprise attack.” Captain Takahashi said as she picking on her vegetables. “The junior that you told me… Nezumi? She looks like a clever person. She might take advantage the situation right now. Three of our people are down now.”


“Ah!” Torigoya loudly exclaimed after she took a glance at the clock on the wall, surprising the other girls and people who sat near them. “Yuu-chan, let’s go, I have an interview with Shibuya`s Dad`s assistant tomorrow morning.”

“Oh, right. It’s late already.” Yuko said as she stood up and took her and Torigoya’s belongings. “So, see you later Cap’n, Maeda.”

“Alright Oshima-san, talk to you later.”


“Argh… Cap’n, how many times should I tell you. Yuko is fine.” Yuko said as she grimaced at the Captain. “You make me feel old.”

The Captain smiled at her successor and bowed her head slightly. She watched as they walked out the place, holding hands, and her smile turned into a melancholy smile.

“They’re all couples, huh?” She mumbled out.

Maeda, who’s sat beside her, heard the mumble despite the low volume and asked, “What?”
“Huh? Oh… Nothing, just kinda amazed with how your senpai are all couples.” Captain Takahashi said while laughed nervously. “It’s not unheard of in Majijo, but it’s kinda rare for Rappappa`s members all dating each others. We don’t know yet about Shinoda-san though.”

“… What about your Rapppappa? Did you date your friend too?”

“Um… no… we were… not like that.” Captain Takahashi slowly said. ‘But… one of them…’

“What about now?” Maeda asked as she fondled the paper napkin, in an out-of-character nervous matter.

“Now… huh?” the Captain mumbled again and she seemed lost in thought for a few minutes, unknown to her the younger girl beside her grown more nervous with each passing seconds. “Ah, well, for now, I just want to do my job. I don’t want any other person has to die due to drug abuse.” She said with a charming smile. ‘Like… Erena and… her…’

“O-oh… right… that’s good…”

“U-um… shall we go now?” The Captain said after a few moments of awkward silence. ‘Damn, what’s wrong now? We’re never like this before. How come I don’t know what to say to her now?’

“Y-yes, it’s late.” Maeda said without even looking at her ex-best friend.


*On Yuko’s apartment.

The smaller girl walked inside without even waiting for her girlfriend, almost stomped on the floor on her way to her bedroom and instantly collapsed on the bed.

“Yuu-chan, what’s with you?” Torigoya asked with a pout after she was finally able to catch up with her girlfriend. “You’re all sulking and brooding on the way home. And now you’re ignoring me.” She sat on the bed and poking her girlfriend. After she saw no reaction from her, she was about to stand up when the other girl grumbled.

“Why you never tell me anything about you and Shibuya?”

“What is it there to tell? As she said, it was outings between friends. And why you’re the one who took the bait?”

“What bait?”

Torigoya flicked the other girl`s forehead and with a mischievous smile she said, “I said it to see Ookabuki`s reaction, since I’ve heard from Shaku that she was a bit apprehensive to me. Don’t you notice how she always seemed to have this displeased look whenever I talked to Shibuya?”

“Um… no…”

Torigoya flicked the other girl`s forehead again, “And why did you were the one who take the bait? You supposed to help me back then.”

“So that’s why you were ignoring me,” Yuko said as she sat up on the bed and immediately pouted, “you should’ve tell me before. How could I know that if you didn’t tell me anything before?”

Torigoya held the smaller girl in her arms and whispered lovingly, “Baka-Sachou. And I thought you will be the first when it comes to teasing and trolling people.”


*In the front of Maeda`s house.

The two girls were standing in front of the house of one of them. The smaller one fidgeted nervously and said, “Um… so…”

“See you later?”

“Yes… and… thank you,” Captain Takahashi said with a small smile on her face, “Thank you for giving me another chance.”

Maeda looked away shyly and mumbled, “It’s your job, even though I don’t like it, you’re not the one to blame.”


*Flasback, about two weeks ago.

Captain Takahashi was knocking on a door and not long, the door opened with a middle-aged man behind it, who’s immediately looked back at her with mouth and eyes wide open. She smiled at the agape-man and said, “Good night, sorry to interrupt your time, but… is Atsuko here?”

“… Minami-chan!?” The man, Maeda`s father, said after he got over with his shock of seeing his daughter`s best friend that in his knowing was already dead. “You… you…”

“Otou-san, who’s there?” a soft voice asked from inside the house, and when the owner of the voice seeing their guest for the night, she gasped and coldly asked the guest, “What do you want?”

“Atsuko…,” Captain Takahashi said with the same smile intact, “can I talk to you for a moment?”

Maeda only looked at her for a few seconds, and then she nodded slightly and walked inside towards her room with the Captain followed her after gave a nod to the younger girl`s father.

“What do you want?” Maeda asked again with the same amount of ice in her voice after they got to her room.

“I’m sorry.” Captain Takahashi said earnestly. “I’m sorry for faking my death, for leaving you. And I’m sorry because I lied to you about who I was and about me wanting to become a nurse, but the other things I said… it’s not lies. I do cherish the moments we spent together. And, I’m not lying when I said I’m happy to have you by my side. That being with you was worth all the pain that I had gone through before, and leaving you that way, was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. But, I have to do it. I have to go back to my true life. And at that moment, even if I want you to still be a part of my life… with the kind of danger that I have to go through everyday… At that time, I’m not even a Captain yet, I often went to the field and facing danger every day. Not just a yankee fights, it was a fight with guns and… other kind of weapons. I could’ve died in every single day when I was working, and… I don’t want to drag you to that kind of life too. I don’t want my enemy to take you as a bait to get me.”

After she saw Maeda wouldn’t say anything and even kept on looking at the floor, refused to look back at her, the Captain added, “I might get to know you because of my job, but my job didn’t require me to be your friend. It was all me. I came to you, I talked to you, because I thought you are a good person to befriend with. I saw… something in you….” She sighed and took off her glasses, “I’m not asking you to be my friend again… or to forgive me, because if anyone do the same thing that I’ve done to me, I’m sure I’ll truly send them to their grave myself, not just a slap. I just… I want you to know the truth.” The captain sighed again and put her glasses to the front pocket on her coat, “I’ll go now. I won’t bother you anymore after this.”

The Captain had walked towards the door and just about to open the door when the younger girl`s voice stopping her, made her turned back to face the younger girl and found the younger girl was still stood on the same place while looking at the floor.

“Minami…,” the younger girl whispered, but then she snorted, “I don’t even know if that’s your name or not.”

“It’s my name.”

For a moment, both of them didn’t say a word, each waiting for the other to break the silence. And after she took a deep breath, Maeda said, “I know that the situation forced you to do it. At least I know that now. But… can you give me some more time?”

Even thought the younger girl couldn’t see it, the Captain still found herself smiling, ever so brightly. “Of course. I’ll see you later.”

After that, the Captain went out of the younger girl`s room and when she was walking in the hallway, just a few steps from the door and she found herself being pinned on the wall by the younger girl`s father who’s glared at her dangerously. After she cursed herself for being careless, she brought her eyes to met the man`s without hesitation.

“I don’t know why you did it or who are you really is. But I do know one thing.” The man said dangerously. “If you hurt Atsuko again, if you leave her again. I. Will. Kill. You. Do you understand?”

“Of course. I’ll try my best… to be a better friend for her.” The captain said straightly without hesitation or even doubt.


*Back to the present, in the front of Maeda`s house.

“Alright then, I have to go back to the office. See you later.” The Captain said as she turned back.

“Minami, wait.” Maeda said as she pulled the Captain and hugged her. And after a few seconds, she pulled back and went off inside her house without a word, left the dumb-founded Captain all alone in the middle of the road.


@cisda83: as Shibuya had said, Ookabuki`s mom is a typical high class socialite. And... about Ookabuki`s parent... hm....  :banghead:

@haruko: ah... sorry... we're living in a very different time-zone it seemed.  :)
               and here's your atsumina XD

@hikari_043083: hello  :welcome, thanks for reading. Um... here's the atsumina, but black and geki has to wait. And for takadeka 4th Queen... hehehe... we'll see... :twisted: :twisted:

@kahem: geki is so sweet during their little talk, yes? XD As for Kokabuki... I started to feel bad for always making her as a third-wheel :nervous

@minami-chan: Ookabuki still have to stay in the hospital for a few more days though :P

@yuki88:  :lol: In her defense, it has been more than two weeks  :lol:
               and you know how thin and flimsy the hospital dress is.  :twisted:

@BbSis: Told you that you wont like Ookabuki`s mom  :nervous
            The box, huh? We'll see :twisted:

@kojiyuu44: Shibuya`s short temper and protective side is finally put on a good use :lol:

@songbac: we'll see what happen later when they live together  :lol:
                 as for geki and black, their stories has to wait for a bit

@lillita90:  I thought I'm not that good in angst  :nervous (since my specialty is romantic comedy  :lol:)
               you miss it  :nervous it's a few pages back.
               Ah... I understand, sometimes life took us away from the fandom. Same thing has happened to me as well :)

@nao707: thank you :oops:
               yeah... poor Kokabuki, I should pair her up with someone, but I don't know who  :nervous

And my Kami-Oshimen has announced that she'll graduate. :( I knew she'll graduate this year. I hope Aki-p gives tomotomo a duet song for their graduation from AKB or better, a final concert together.  XD

Thanks for reading, commenting and reviewing, guys. Till the next update. XD

Offline Haruko

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Re: my fanfics (MASK-MJGK world) AtsuMina & KojiYuu side story
« Reply #263 on: February 02, 2013, 08:41:54 PM »
yeah!! atsumina.. aww cute hug.. but you know that we want a passioante kiss.. :B ok it tooo early for that..

awww my kojiyuu :B you make me happy

Offline cisda83

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Re: my fanfics (MASK-MJGK world) AtsuMina & KojiYuu side story
« Reply #264 on: February 03, 2013, 01:00:44 AM »
Ah... everything is great now...

Atsuko forgave Minami... and working on their friendship

Minami's past... her sister is dead..(Erena) and her.... (who is she? her missing shintenou, someone that loved her or who Minami loved too)?

more mystery....

I like the thing between Yuko and Haruna... they are so cute together

Thank you for the update.... can't wait to see the next

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: my fanfics (MASK-MJGK world) AtsuMina & KojiYuu side story
« Reply #265 on: February 03, 2013, 04:29:45 AM »
I thought you would be depressed at tomochin's announce but you seem to take it well lol
Atsumina!!!!! Slowly but surely hehe
Did minami love one of her queens?

Offline fael_c00l

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Re: my fanfics (MASK-MJGK world) AtsuMina & KojiYuu side story
« Reply #266 on: February 03, 2013, 08:57:23 AM »
Nice,, AtsuMina being a couple slowly  :grin: :grin:
oh btw about Tomochin announcement, don't be sad,, u still can see her shine even she is not "Itano Tomomi from AKB48"  :) :)
TomoTomo is my OTP

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Offline hikari_043083

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Re: my fanfics (MASK-MJGK world) AtsuMina & KojiYuu side story
« Reply #267 on: February 03, 2013, 12:09:14 PM »
Oooh! Thank you for this chapter. Makes me wonder who Takadeka's 4th tennou who she possibly loved in the past who possibly loved her as well who possibly became her lover who possibly died because of her. So many possibly's. I guess I'll just have to wait until you reveal more. It's good that we get to see in this chapter how Acchan and Takadeka got in good terms again. How long will it actually take before they get together or something?

And I will be waiting for BlackGeki's chapter. Give us a long one for that, please?

When TomoTomo start living together, does that mean they will just keep doing it every night? Hehehe!!!

Offline LukeMatsuda

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Re: my fanfics (MASK-MJGK world) AtsuMina & KojiYuu side story
« Reply #268 on: February 05, 2013, 09:08:02 PM »
very good fanfic!!! TomoTomo is so kawaii....

When can we see some BlackXGeki? XD

I wonder if there is anything going on between Youran and Kokabuki? Or is it just my imagination?  :?

please continue the great work... :twothumbs

Offline KojiYuu44

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Re: my fanfics (MASK-MJGK world) AtsuMina & KojiYuu side story
« Reply #269 on: February 06, 2013, 05:47:22 AM »
Yay!!! They are slowly getting together  :twothumbs
slow is ok as long as there is progress... i can wait

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Re: my fanfics (MASK-MJGK world) AtsuMina & KojiYuu side story
« Reply #270 on: February 06, 2013, 03:31:31 PM »
Nhyooo atsumina here is cuteo/

Yuko jealous was kinda funny hehw

Thank you foe thw update o/

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
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Offline stv_wong

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Re: my fanfics (MASK-MJGK world) AtsuMina & KojiYuu side story
« Reply #271 on: February 12, 2013, 02:51:50 PM »
@haruko:  XD it has to wait... XD

@cisda83, @kojiyuu44: they're going at a snail pace :lol:

@kahem, @fael_c00l: it's because I had predicted that she'll graduate in the middle of this year :nervous and another factor is because I know that she'll do well with her solo. :)

@hikari_043083:  :P
                         every night?  :twisted: :twisted:

@LukeMatsuda: thank you XD
                       about Kokabuki... I don't know too :nervous

@BbSis: payback time for Torigoya :lol:

Emm... btw, I'm sorry but I currently on a writer`s block right now.  :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: I had the basic plot for MASK in my head already and I had written the line too, but somehow, the words couldn't come to me. So... I don't know when I could update MASK again. And not to mention that for now, I have another stories in my head.  :panic: :panic:  The first story is the usual dorm slash high school life and the other one... the inspiration came from AKB in Hogwarts Drabbles by tkmnwen or wen48 in tumblr. And here it is... my version of AKB and Hogwarts crossover.

“What’s going on here. You’re all blocking my way.”

Upon hearing the husky voice, the group of teenagers, boys and girls, all wearing similar black robe, and mostly with a green crest on the chest, opened in the middle to gave way for another girl with green crest with silver snake in the middle and a ‘P’ silver badge on her robe to walk into the middle of the commotion, the one with the husky voice. There, in the middle, were two girls in their late teens with a yellow crest and other silver badges with the letter ‘P’ on their robes, and they currently were being bound with an unseen tie, made them lay on the hard and cold floor of the dungeon like a mummy.

The husky voiced girl with a hint of a fang on the side of her smile, though she was clearly not in the mood for smiling, sighed and mumbled a “petrificus totalus” under her breath. And she turned around to face the other teens nearby. “Who did this?” She asked them, when she noticed no one made a move to answer her, she was quick to add, “You know, I’m a Prefect, I can send you all to detention if no one answering me.”

“It’s their own fault,” a voice came from the middle of the group, “why are Hupplepuffs mingled around Slytherin`s Common Room.”

“Yep… detention it is.” The same girl said in exasperation. “That’s not a good reason to attack your fellow students AND they are PREFECTS!” She took out her wand from her robe and mumbled a “Finite Incantatem” while making a fluid movement in the air with her wand towards the two girls on the ground.

The two girl gasped when the body-bind curse were lifted off from them by their fellow Prefect, while the crowds murmured in dissatisfaction, mostly about ‘their ice-princess-Prefect going soft lately’. One of the girls that were cursed before, a short-haired-boyish looking girl immediately jumped to stand on the floor and grinned towards the husky-voiced girl, and she energicaly said, “Thanks, Itano.” Which the husky girl only replied with an even stare towards her.

While the other girl with droopy eyes and a dark-brown hair slowly sat on the ground and pouting and rubbing the side of her hips, the side that was hit the ground when she fallen because of the curse. “Ow… it’ll bruise latter.”

The said Itano, was fighting with the urge to rush towards the still sitting girl and helped her to stand up. She knew better than to ruin the image of the cold-hearted Slytherin`s Prefect she’s holding. Not that she like it of course, well, she was a cold person, but that’s before one certain Prefect girl from Hupplepuff claimed her heart, and now, she was only playing her part. She knew better. When people from her dorm know that she’s dating a girl from another dorm, a half-blood at that, she’ll lose the respect from them. Instead of doing what she wanted to do, she played with her wand and twirled it around her finger while looking up to the low-ceiling in a thinking manner.

“Now… what should I do to you all… Hm….” She drawled slowly in deep-thought, unknowingly made her voice huskier and lower. The droopy eyed girl was fighting with the blush that she felt was about to rose in her cheeks upon hearing Itano`s voice, instead she stood up and lowering her gaze so that people won’t be able to see her face.

“What’s happen here?”

Upon hearing the voice, the crowd opened again and gave way to another tall girl with short-brunette-hair, and a green crest and a ‘H’ badge on her robe, symbolizing her position as the Head Girl of the Slytherin House. The crowd simultaneously greeted her with, “good afternoon, Miss Shinoda” or “good afternoon, Head Girl”, save for a few people from the different dorms that was mingled there after their Potion Class.

“Ah, Mariko, you came at a perfect time.” Itano said to the new-comer.

Shinoda raised one eyebrow at her fellow Slytherin and she finally noticed the two Hupplepuff, “Kasai, Miyazawa, why are you two here?”

“One of them,” Itano answered while pointed at the group, “Petrificus Totalus them,” now, she pointed at the two Hupplepuff`s Prefects whose by now were smiling awkwardly at the Slytherin`s Head Girl, “and no one admit who did that. And now, I’m wondering what kind of detention I should give. Because you see, I don’t want to reduce our House`s Points.”

Shinoda frowned at that. She knows as Slytherin Head Girl, she should protect her fellow House-mates, but it was quite a serious miss-behave from them to curse at Prefects. And yet, she also blamed the two Hupplepuff for mingled near her Dorm. They should’ve known that it literally means ‘looking for troubles’. And yet, she can’t blame it fully on them, especially since she knew the reason why one certain Hupplepuff came here. Well, not really, but she can guess why.

And now, she was torn in between her duty to her House and to her friends. Yes, her friends. Most people don’t know it, but, the Prefects and Head Girls were all friends even though they came from different Houses. At first they were all hostile with each other due to the rivalry between each house, but time after time, they became friends. Yes, even the Slytherins. It was their little secret.

After a few seconds, she has made her decision, and she said in a bored manner to the crowd, “minus one point from each of you because of the attack to Prefects.” The crowd started to murmuring in dissatisfaction and then she added while glaring at them, “you would rather me send you all to Filch?” The crowd went silent at that, and slowly, one by one they started to leave the hallway. After the four of them left alone in the hallway, she pointed at an empty classroom and led them all there. With a flick of her wand, she cast spells on the door to ensure no one will interrupt them or heard what they’re talking about.

“Now, care to tell why you two are reckless enough to stood outside our Common Room?” Shinoda asked the two Hupplepuff while crossing her arms.

Miyazawa sighed and poked her friend as she mumbled, “Someone miss her girlfriend, and I couldn’t let her go by herself, right?”

The two Slytherin gave an exasperated stare towards the said girl who’s only pouting at them. “Why don’t you send me an owl or something?” Itano growled at the still pouting girl. “You know our House wouldn’t even care you’re a Prefect or not. For a Slytherin, students from other Houses are only for spells practice.”

“Or wait till night come and meet each other at the bath like usual.” Shinoda added and then she shook her head in disgust, “And please do us a favor and lock the door. I don’t want to barge into a ‘couple times’ again.” She shook her head again as she remembered the time when she barged into a Gryfindor`s Midget-Head Girl and their Quidditch Ace in the special bath for Prefects, Head Girls and Quidditch Captain. And it happened quite often too.

“Ew…,” Miyazawa scowled in disgust, “You reminded me of the time when I barged in on Yuko and Haruna. Or when I heard someone that clearly sounded like that Ravenclaw`s Head Girl and her CG Prefect in the Room of Requierements.”

“Mmm… Room Of Requierements, huh?” Itano mumbled softly, and then she averted her gaze upwards and grinned towards the still pouting girl, “Yep, that it’s. I’ll wait for you near the Room of Requirements at nine tonight.” And she sent a mischievous smirk towards the same girl, “Room of Requirements has… better stuffs than the Prefects` Bath.”

Kasai pouting even more at the Slytherin`s Prefect, not long after she whined at her, “But, I want to take a bath…” and she looked away shyly and added, “… with you….”

At her little speech, three different reactions came from three different peoples. Her fellow Huflepuff sighed, since she knew, because of the massive amount of home-works for Winter Holiday and the Winter holiday itself, her friend hasn’t been able to spend time alone with the seemingly cold-hearted Slytherin`s Prefect for a few weeks. Even though they’re Sixth Years Student, that didn’t meant the home-works lessened, if else it seemed like it were much more after they were starting their N.E.W.T. classes.

As for Shinoda, she face-palmed herself, literally, and made a note in her mind to go to the bath earlier tonight, before the infamous ‘couple times’ started. As a Seventh Year student, she has been a Prefect for more than two years and has been visited the Prefect`s Bath daily since her Fifth Year in Hogwarts, therefore, in her opinion, she has enough experience of barging to some couples in the bath. And that was an experience that, if she can, she wouldn’t go through AGAIN. She glanced at her fellow Slytherin, which seemingly has a hard time to controlling herself and not just jumped at her girlfriend as of now, and Shinoda sighed. Yep, she definitely would go to the bath earlier tonight.

“Damn it! Why should I get surrounded by couples?” Shinoda muttered in irritancies before walked out of the room.

“Where are you going, Mariko?” Itano asked when she noticed her friend wasn’t standing beside her anymore.

“Common Room.” Came the short reply. “I have to study for the N.E.W.T.,” and Shinoda added before she opened the door, “and Tomo, be careful. Your image has been a little tarnished lately.”

Itano frowned at what her Head Girl said, though she can’t exactly say she didn’t know it. She was going softer lately, and it’s all because of one Hupplepuff`s Prefect. The Ice Princess from Slytherin going soft because of the childish and whiney Prefect from Hupplepuff, and a half-blood at that. Great, right? Especially for breaking the respect she has from her House-mates into a pile of debris on the ocean floor. Only a year and a half left. After we graduate… then…. After a few while, she noticed that she had been staring intently at the girl that has constantly stayed on her mind after she saw the girl blushed.

Itano coughed lightly to rearrange her mind and while looking away, she said, “Alright. I’ll see you later tonight. In the same time.” And before she walked out of the room she muttered. “Um…, be careful on your way to your room.”

So... How is it? Continue? Burn it?  :nervous

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Re: my fanfics (AKB48 & HP cross over)
« Reply #272 on: February 12, 2013, 03:55:27 PM »
you should totally continue this *.*

You should write what inspires you. So I'll wait until you find your inspiration for MASK again o/

And I really want to read more about this crossover one o/

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
Oneshots at Perv area

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Re: my fanfics (AKB48 & HP cross over)
« Reply #273 on: February 12, 2013, 07:55:23 PM »
Kyaaah  :mon inluv:
you should continue this  :)

Offline sofylerry

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Re: my fanfics (AKB48 & HP cross over)
« Reply #274 on: February 12, 2013, 10:51:25 PM »
wo wo wo wo wo... great GREAT!! :cow:

Offline bunny_rabbit

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Re: my fanfics (AKB48 & HP cross over)
« Reply #275 on: February 13, 2013, 06:58:43 AM »
ahh...harry potter's universe

been ages since last time I read those books...

will the teachers still the same?

please continue...but don't forget to continue MASK too...

Offline cisda83

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Re: my fanfics (AKB48 & HP cross over)
« Reply #276 on: February 13, 2013, 01:33:46 PM »
AKB and Harry Porter crossover...

Interesting beginning of new fic...

I can't wait to see the next chapter...

Although quite disappointing that you are unable to continue Mask at the moment... I'm going to be patient....

Thank you for the new fic... to occupied my time until I can see Mask next chapters...

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline KojiYuu44

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Re: my fanfics (AKB48 & HP cross over)
« Reply #277 on: February 13, 2013, 07:32:11 PM »
omg it's a akb and Harry potter cross over  :wub:
I love Harry potter...
This is a great beginning to a new fic  :)
Pls pls pls continue it I'm begging u

Offline theblueknight

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Re: my fanfics (MASK-MJGK world) TomoTomo + others - Chap 27 - 1
« Reply #278 on: February 14, 2013, 12:26:28 AM »
Here's the side story for the atsumina  XD  and a bit kojiyuu

*About a few hours before, in an izakaya near the hospital.

“Damn… it’s just a pure luck that they’re still alive, with their opponents using weapons like that, and not just pipe or baseball bats, they even used katana for God`s sake!! They’re not played fair. But, what can you expect from drug junkies? Dammit!!” A certain squirrel said with a deep frown on her face. “If we lose them, we might lose another person too.”

“Who?” Captain Takahashi asked, earned herself a pointed look by the Rappappa`s Sachou and understanding dawned on her, “Ah… Itano-san.”

“Yep.” Yuko said as she playing around with her chopsticks. “She was blinded with rage when I said Ookabuki might’ve died if the ambulance came late. Imagine what will happen if it was true?”

“She’ll raid their base all by herself for revenge and if she still alive after that, she’ll kill herself right after.” Torigoya said with a sad pout after sipping on her drink on her seat beside the Rappappa`s Sachou, “And she won’t listen to whatever we’re saying.”

“Well, now that we’ve got the information we need, we can finally move forward in this investigation. To tell you the truth, we’re kind of stuck with this case for years.” Captain Takahashi said with a sigh. “And with yesterday`s event at least we can capture some of the culprits. Some people in my team have started to investigate things further to find the mind behind all of this.”

“Do you have some guess who it might be?” Yuko asked.

“Hmm… I have my guess but… perhaps it’ll be better if I wait for more clues and evidences before I tell you all.” Captain Takahashi said. “Perhaps, I’ll let my subordinates to do the work and rest you all till the final raid. I don’t want any of you to get injured before it.”

“Yeah… And, it may seem cruel to you, Maeda,” Yuko said with a pointed look towards the said Maeda and the same deep frown still etched on her face, “and it’s not that I don’t care about what happen to you all, because I do care. But… Shibuya…, I mean, Sado and my Shitennou, after these three years, they’re not just my friends, they’re my family now. And I don’t want anything bad happen to them, especially after what happened to Shibuya two and a half years ago.” She sighed and added, “and of course to you and the others as well. Because, we’re all Rappappa now, right?”

Maeda smiled slightly, “I understand that.”

“Me too,” Captain Takahashi added and she slumped to the chair and asked, “And you all still have the situation on Majijo too. How is it now?”

“It’s all died out after they often came to school again.” Maeda said as she looked at Torigoya.

Yuko smirked and added, “Yep, those chickens afraid at our joined forces. The rumors of me, can’t fight yet has already spread in the school, and yet no one ever dare to cross way with me. Because they know they’ll face the Shitennou if something happen to me. Both teams of Shitennou.”

“Hm… but we have to be careful with surprise attack.” Captain Takahashi said as she picking on her vegetables. “The junior that you told me… Nezumi? She looks like a clever person. She might take advantage the situation right now. Three of our people are down now.”


“Ah!” Torigoya loudly exclaimed after she took a glance at the clock on the wall, surprising the other girls and people who sat near them. “Yuu-chan, let’s go, I have an interview with Shibuya`s Dad`s assistant tomorrow morning.”

“Oh, right. It’s late already.” Yuko said as she stood up and took her and Torigoya’s belongings. “So, see you later Cap’n, Maeda.”

“Alright Oshima-san, talk to you later.”


“Argh… Cap’n, how many times should I tell you. Yuko is fine.” Yuko said as she grimaced at the Captain. “You make me feel old.”

The Captain smiled at her successor and bowed her head slightly. She watched as they walked out the place, holding hands, and her smile turned into a melancholy smile.

“They’re all couples, huh?” She mumbled out.

Maeda, who’s sat beside her, heard the mumble despite the low volume and asked, “What?”
“Huh? Oh… Nothing, just kinda amazed with how your senpai are all couples.” Captain Takahashi said while laughed nervously. “It’s not unheard of in Majijo, but it’s kinda rare for Rappappa`s members all dating each others. We don’t know yet about Shinoda-san though.”

“… What about your Rapppappa? Did you date your friend too?”

“Um… no… we were… not like that.” Captain Takahashi slowly said. ‘But… one of them…’

“What about now?” Maeda asked as she fondled the paper napkin, in an out-of-character nervous matter.

“Now… huh?” the Captain mumbled again and she seemed lost in thought for a few minutes, unknown to her the younger girl beside her grown more nervous with each passing seconds. “Ah, well, for now, I just want to do my job. I don’t want any other person has to die due to drug abuse.” She said with a charming smile. ‘Like… Erena and… her…’

“O-oh… right… that’s good…”

“U-um… shall we go now?” The Captain said after a few moments of awkward silence. ‘Damn, what’s wrong now? We’re never like this before. How come I don’t know what to say to her now?’

“Y-yes, it’s late.” Maeda said without even looking at her ex-best friend.


*On Yuko’s apartment.

The smaller girl walked inside without even waiting for her girlfriend, almost stomped on the floor on her way to her bedroom and instantly collapsed on the bed.

“Yuu-chan, what’s with you?” Torigoya asked with a pout after she was finally able to catch up with her girlfriend. “You’re all sulking and brooding on the way home. And now you’re ignoring me.” She sat on the bed and poking her girlfriend. After she saw no reaction from her, she was about to stand up when the other girl grumbled.

“Why you never tell me anything about you and Shibuya?”

“What is it there to tell? As she said, it was outings between friends. And why you’re the one who took the bait?”

“What bait?”

Torigoya flicked the other girl`s forehead and with a mischievous smile she said, “I said it to see Ookabuki`s reaction, since I’ve heard from Shaku that she was a bit apprehensive to me. Don’t you notice how she always seemed to have this displeased look whenever I talked to Shibuya?”

“Um… no…”

Torigoya flicked the other girl`s forehead again, “And why did you were the one who take the bait? You supposed to help me back then.”

“So that’s why you were ignoring me,” Yuko said as she sat up on the bed and immediately pouted, “you should’ve tell me before. How could I know that if you didn’t tell me anything before?”

Torigoya held the smaller girl in her arms and whispered lovingly, “Baka-Sachou. And I thought you will be the first when it comes to teasing and trolling people.”


*In the front of Maeda`s house.

The two girls were standing in front of the house of one of them. The smaller one fidgeted nervously and said, “Um… so…”

“See you later?”

“Yes… and… thank you,” Captain Takahashi said with a small smile on her face, “Thank you for giving me another chance.”

Maeda looked away shyly and mumbled, “It’s your job, even though I don’t like it, you’re not the one to blame.”


*Flasback, about two weeks ago.

Captain Takahashi was knocking on a door and not long, the door opened with a middle-aged man behind it, who’s immediately looked back at her with mouth and eyes wide open. She smiled at the agape-man and said, “Good night, sorry to interrupt your time, but… is Atsuko here?”

“… Minami-chan!?” The man, Maeda`s father, said after he got over with his shock of seeing his daughter`s best friend that in his knowing was already dead. “You… you…”

“Otou-san, who’s there?” a soft voice asked from inside the house, and when the owner of the voice seeing their guest for the night, she gasped and coldly asked the guest, “What do you want?”

“Atsuko…,” Captain Takahashi said with the same smile intact, “can I talk to you for a moment?”

Maeda only looked at her for a few seconds, and then she nodded slightly and walked inside towards her room with the Captain followed her after gave a nod to the younger girl`s father.

“What do you want?” Maeda asked again with the same amount of ice in her voice after they got to her room.

“I’m sorry.” Captain Takahashi said earnestly. “I’m sorry for faking my death, for leaving you. And I’m sorry because I lied to you about who I was and about me wanting to become a nurse, but the other things I said… it’s not lies. I do cherish the moments we spent together. And, I’m not lying when I said I’m happy to have you by my side. That being with you was worth all the pain that I had gone through before, and leaving you that way, was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. But, I have to do it. I have to go back to my true life. And at that moment, even if I want you to still be a part of my life… with the kind of danger that I have to go through everyday… At that time, I’m not even a Captain yet, I often went to the field and facing danger every day. Not just a yankee fights, it was a fight with guns and… other kind of weapons. I could’ve died in every single day when I was working, and… I don’t want to drag you to that kind of life too. I don’t want my enemy to take you as a bait to get me.”

After she saw Maeda wouldn’t say anything and even kept on looking at the floor, refused to look back at her, the Captain added, “I might get to know you because of my job, but my job didn’t require me to be your friend. It was all me. I came to you, I talked to you, because I thought you are a good person to befriend with. I saw… something in you….” She sighed and took off her glasses, “I’m not asking you to be my friend again… or to forgive me, because if anyone do the same thing that I’ve done to me, I’m sure I’ll truly send them to their grave myself, not just a slap. I just… I want you to know the truth.” The captain sighed again and put her glasses to the front pocket on her coat, “I’ll go now. I won’t bother you anymore after this.”

The Captain had walked towards the door and just about to open the door when the younger girl`s voice stopping her, made her turned back to face the younger girl and found the younger girl was still stood on the same place while looking at the floor.

“Minami…,” the younger girl whispered, but then she snorted, “I don’t even know if that’s your name or not.”

“It’s my name.”

For a moment, both of them didn’t say a word, each waiting for the other to break the silence. And after she took a deep breath, Maeda said, “I know that the situation forced you to do it. At least I know that now. But… can you give me some more time?”

Even thought the younger girl couldn’t see it, the Captain still found herself smiling, ever so brightly. “Of course. I’ll see you later.”

After that, the Captain went out of the younger girl`s room and when she was walking in the hallway, just a few steps from the door and she found herself being pinned on the wall by the younger girl`s father who’s glared at her dangerously. After she cursed herself for being careless, she brought her eyes to met the man`s without hesitation.

“I don’t know why you did it or who are you really is. But I do know one thing.” The man said dangerously. “If you hurt Atsuko again, if you leave her again. I. Will. Kill. You. Do you understand?”

“Of course. I’ll try my best… to be a better friend for her.” The captain said straightly without hesitation or even doubt.


*Back to the present, in the front of Maeda`s house.

“Alright then, I have to go back to the office. See you later.” The Captain said as she turned back.

“Minami, wait.” Maeda said as she pulled the Captain and hugged her. And after a few seconds, she pulled back and went off inside her house without a word, left the dumb-founded Captain all alone in the middle of the road.


DUDE COME ON!!!!!!  :angry: :cry: :angry: WHY! :angry: it was getting good!!! oh well cant wait for the next update I wanna know if sado ends up with shaku that be awesome!!  :pimp: and I wanna see more of captain takahashi and maeda too  :twothumbs por favor please  :bow: :bow:
Spanish original name es mary es mi amor por leo dan:
Mari(mariko)es mi amor, solo con ella
vivo la felicidad yo se que nunca a nadie
mas podria amar, por que la quiero de
verdad por eso mary por favor dame tu
mano continuemos siempre asi
despues de todo que mas te puedo
pedir si soy feliz...muy feliz.
Si un dia me faltas tu que
Dios me ayude a morir ya que
no volvera a hacer en esta vida feliz
sin ti mari...sin ti estoy
viviendo por ti... 
English ver dow originally name mary is my love by leo dan :
My love is Mari, just with her
I live in happiness
I know I will never again
fall in love with nobody, because I
feel a true love Because of that,
Mari, give me your hand we'll
forever continue this way After all,
what can I ask you more if I am happy...
very happy If one day I will miss you,
God help me to die ,
without you Mari...
If i live my life for you...  -----------<@

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Re: my fanfics (AKB48 & HP cross over)
« Reply #279 on: February 21, 2013, 05:50:34 PM »
The continuation for HP world short story

After the two Slytherin walked out of the room, Miyazawa gave a half-sigh-half-snort while shaking her head. She knew fully that Slytherin students are famous for being individualist, cold, and sometimes, lack of emotions. And even though not all of them are bad, at least she knew three of them are not like that, most of the the You-Know-Who followers, the Death Eaters, were used to be in the House of Slytherin. Of course their friends were an exception. Being the pure-blood herself, she knew some of the trio`s family`s history and she also knew some of the Slytherin Trio`s family members were also the Death Eaters too, but their core families are not.

Miyazawa sighed again at her friend. ‘I know that they are pretty cool to befriend with… but… I still don’t know how or why Tomo~mi can fall to one of them. Itano is gorgeous, sure, but… Gah…. Not my type, I guess…’ Sure, she knows now that not all Slytherin are bad. Especially after hours of hours of nagging from one of her fellow Hupplepuff about that issue, or more precisely about the Ice Princess of Slytherin that, if she want to, can be very sweet and nice, and therefore proves her theories that not all Slytherin are bad. Miyazawa threw her friend a glance again, and it seemed like her friend was in a ‘love-struck mode’. AGAIN. What’s with the heart sign and flower confetti that seemed to flow out of her eyes as she was gazing at the door, well, actually to the direction of her Slytherin girlfriend was.

With a clap of her hands, Miyazawa exclaimed, “Alright, come on, Tomo~mi. We have to get back to the Common Room before Sayaka knows about what happened earlier.” She put her hand on her friend`s shoulder and ushered her outside of the class room, without much resistance from her ‘still on a daze’ friend. While they were reached the Main Hall, she added. “If Sayaka knows about it, I might get a nagging of a life-time.”

“Then you can let me go by myself….” Kasai countered.

“If I didn’t come with you, I’ll get even more nagging from our Gorilla Head Girl!!”

“And who did you called Gorilla?” a dangerous voice said from behind the two Prefects, made them jumped and halted their way towards the Kitchen area, and turned back to face the... Hupplepuff`s… Quidditch Captain.

“Dammit, Yuko!!” Miyazawa cursed loudly at the grinning Captain. “I thought you’re Sayaka!”

“Hey…,” Kasai greeted the other Hupplepuff, “don’t you have a Quidditch strategies meeting with Sayaka and Ayaka? Why are you here?”

“Oh, it’s finished a few minutes ago.” Yuko said while she was still grinning, “Actually we wanted to do some training for the upcoming match against Ravenclaw, but our Seeker has a lot of homework for tomorrow`s Charm class.”

“Urk… I forgot.” Kasai said, looking a bit blue. “Charms homeworks…, sorry, I have to rush.” she said as she ran towards their Common Room with the stare from her two friends following her around as they sweat-dropped.

“Didn’t she saw me working on my Charm`s homeworks last weekend?” Miyazawa mumbled as she massaging her forehead. “How could she forget that she has the same homework too?”

“ah… let her be…” Oshima said and then she grinned mischievously, “and besides, you have another thing to worry about.”

Miyazawa gulped and she slowly remembered what she had said earlier. “Yo-you won’t tell Sayaka that I just called her Gorilla, right? I’m just kidding, you know.”

“Man… I’m sure she’ll be sad if she knows that you also called her Gorilla…” Yuko exclaimed in mock sympathy towards the Head Girl who’s also her room-mate and fellow Seventh Year student, knowing that it would made the tall girl beside her felt even guiltier. “I for sure will be sad if Haruna ever called me gorilla…”

“Don’t tell her… please…” Miyazawa begged to her senior.

“Mm… okay.” Yuko quickly said, made Miyazawa flabbergasted at the sudden change in her demeanor, “But! You have to buy me some butterbeer when we visit Hogsmeade again.”

“Of course! Just don’t tell her… please….”

“Fine… fine… I won’t.” Oshima said as she waving her hand up and down. “ah, by the way…. Sayaka was saying that she want to take a bath when we’re separate… if you know what I mean.”

“You mean….” Miyazawa mumbled, and slowly, her lips quirked a grin, before she ran out towards the Prefect`s Bath on the fifth floor.

“Good luck! It’s usually empty at this time of the day.” Oshima yelled after her friend and then she casted her gaze towards open field from the window. “Mm… I wonder what Nyan-Nyan`s doing right now. Blasted N.E.W.T. Preparation classes and homeworks… separate me from my Nyan-Nyan….” She mumbled as she watched Hagrid chasing the Weasley and Potter Brothers from trying to entering the Forbidden Forest. Again. She smiled at the sight and after seeing the red crest on their robes, her mind reminded her again of her Gryffindor girlfriend.

Of all the couples in her circle of friends, or circle of Prefects, Head Girls, and Quidditch`s Captain actually, only herself and Kojima, and Kasai and Itano, whose belonged to a different Houses. And because of the Houses rivalry for… nearly everything, unlike the other couples, the two couples has to hide their relationship. And she could hardly stop herself from being too friendly whenever she and Kojima has the same classes or seeing each other in the hallway. Of course the double Tomomi pair has more difficulties if their relationship ever came to surface before they’re graduate, because one of them in Slytherin.

Oshima let out a sigh and opened the window. The cold winter wind was blowing softly as if caressing her. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of the wind on her skin before she opened her eyes again and let out a low and long whistle. While waiting, she pulled out a parchment from her bag and ripped some of it into a small piece, and wrote in it with her favorite quill. Just by the time she had finished writing, a beautiful forest owl with sleek white feather standing on the windowsill with its bright green eyes watching at her.  She smiled at the owl and tenderly caressing its` soft feather.

“Hey, buddy. Thanks for coming so fast.” She patted the owl`s head a few times and tied the parchment into its` leg. “Give it to my Nyan-Nyan, okay? And don’t go before she writes me a reply.” The owl hooted to reply its owner. Oshima smiled at her owl again and after she gave some pat to the owl again, the owl spread its wings and fly away, to its` owner`s girlfriend.


In a foggy and warm room with a big round bathtub that’s almost like a mini-pool in the middle, a girl with a chiseled features was sitting with her back leaned on the side of the tub with her eyes closed. The tub was filled with bubbles and the flowerily scent from the foam made her sighing in bliss. The bliss that was soon to be disturbs by her junior.

The said junior was opening the door loudly, only wrapped in a towel and immediately ran towards the tub when Akimoto turned her head to look at the source of the disturbance. Miyazawa shouted, “Saaaaayaaaaaakaaaaaaa…” as she ran and she jumped to the tub, splashing the mixture of water, bubbles and soaps everywhere. Akimoto smiled as she watched the energetic girl`s head finally came to the surface and then she was shaking her head like a wet dog to dried her hair, the action that made Akimoto laughed and shielding herself from the water with her arm.

“How did you know I’m here?” Akimoto asked as Miyazawa swam towards her.

Miyazawa just grinned and sat beside the older girl with her back against the tub too. “Yuko told me.”

“Oh?” Akimoto mumbled as she leaned her head to Miyazawa`s shoulder, “reminds me to thank her then.”

For a while the two of them only sat on the tub in silence, with the occasional blissful sighs here and there. Then, Miyazawa softly said, “I’m going to miss this.” Akimoto looked at her questioningly, so then she continued, “This… You… Me… together like this… and um….” All of a sudden she became shy and she quickly stuttered, “I-I mean… I’m going to miss Yuko too… and um… Takahashi, Kojima, Kashiwagi, Shinoda… um… all the Seventh Years students…”

Akimoto smiled fondly at the younger girls whose still looking a bit red, “Silly, it’s not like we won’t see each other anymore.”

“But… but… it won’t be the same.” Miyazawa whined, “you had always been here from the first moment I came here. It won’t be the same without you here.”

“We still can see each other during summer and winter vacation, right?” Akimoto said with a smile, trying to cheer the younger girl. “And I’ll try to go to Hogsmeade to see you when you have your Hogsmeade visits. And… we still got a few months left until July. So… lets make the most of it.”

“Sometimes I envied Yuko and Tomo~mi. Even though their girlfriends are not in the same House like us, at least they are in the same Year. So even though they can’t be together all the time, they still can see each other in class and such.” Miyazawa sulked even more. “And they don’t have to experience the separation that is caused by graduation.”

“Aren’t you used to pity them though? Because, even though they have the same classes and all, they rarely had the time together.” Akimoto said with a re-assuring smile. “And you the one who told me how sad Tomo~mi was in all your Transfiguration and Defense against the Dark Arts classes, because even when the distance between the two of you and Itano only a few meters away, it’s seemed like there’s an invisible wall separating the two of them.”

Miyazawa sighed and mumbled, “Everyone has their own problems, huh?” She turned her head to look at Akimoto and smiled. “Yeah, you’re right. We should make the most of the little time you have in Hogwarts.” Miyazawa exclaimed, already energetic again.

“Of course.” Akimoto nodded while her hand slowly sneaked to the younger girl`s hand and held it under the water surface. They shared a small smile and let the silence engulf them again. Content and happy with each other`s presence for the time being.
“Puddlemere United sent me an owl earlier.” Akimoto said softly while stretching her body.

Miyazawa whipped her head to face her as she shouted, “eh!?”

“They want me to join their team as their Beater.” Akimoto said as she was playing with the bubble in front of her.  “Only filling the bench for now. Nothing grand. They sent an owl to Yuko too. They guarantee that she’ll be the starter. She’s a good Chaser, so it’s not a wonder they want her.”

“Oh, well… congratulations. Puddlemere is a good team.” Miyazawa said with a big happy smile, but her smile vanished as fast as it comes. “Awww…,” she whined while pouting, “now I have to be able to join Puddlemere United too. I still want to be in the same team with the two of you.”

“I’ll be waiting then. After that, we’ll be known as the Puddlemere`s Twin Tower Beaters, not Hupplepuff`s Twin Tower Beaters.” Akimoto patted the younger girl`s head.


Dungeon, Slytherin Common Room.

The Head Girl and one of the Prefect were sitting on the sofa near the fireplace with a thick book on their hands with the occasional writing down some notes here and there. The Prefect has a long parchment in the coffee table in front of her and some maps of the night sky by the side of her book. Coco, her pet dog, was sleeping on her lap. The Head Girl has a few books beside her and her eyebrows furrowed together as a sign of her distress from ‘too much to study but too little time left’, and when some early teens on the other end of the room roared in laughter, her eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

“Shut it down it you don’t want me to give you all a detention!!” Shinoda shouted and growled at the same time as she stood up and glared at the group. And after the other Slytherin shut their mouth and earned herself a few grateful look from her fellow Seventh Year students and some Fifth Year who’s having their O.W.L. tests by the end of the school year, she sat back down and muttered to her friend, “Damn those Second Years, they haven’t feel how is it to studying too much…”

Itano raised her head slightly to glance at her fuming friend. “Relax, you let the stress overcome you.” And she turned her attention back to her Astronomy homeworks. “and those kids will know how it feel after their Fifth Year.”

Shinoda sighed and picked another book, and began to read it while teasingly said to the younger Prefect in a low voice so the other students won’t hear it, “and you’re too relaxed. Is it because the promise you had made for later tonight?”

The Prefect blushed slightly, but she was saved from giving any answer to her Head Girl, because at that moment, the door to their Common Room was opened loudly. And the culprit immediately ran towards them after she spotted them. Shinoda was looking at the new-comer with a calculating glare by the time she came closer. The girl, still on her Quidditch robe, dirty Quidditch robe, completed with the body protector, gulped loudly.

“Um… is something wrong?”

“Mariko was just getting stressed from study.” Itano answered the girl, made Shinoda rolled her eyes in exasperation and she scrunched up her nose, “Miss Minegishi, go change your clothes, it’s really dirty.”

“Hey, go easy on me. You’ll be so… love me when we win the Quidditch Cup this year.” Minegishi said with a confident smile.

“Yeah… right… But, Miichan, you forgetting something…,” Itano retorted, “I don’t care much in Quiddicth, Captain.”

“Same here…” Shinoda added.

The Captain looked at her friend sadly and she latched herself on Itano, knowing that it’ll irritate her more. “Tomo… you’re one of my Chaser, how could you say that… and why don’t you help me practice earlier?”

“I have homeworks, and besides, I just like the competition and the adrenaline rush during the match,” Itano said calmly, and then she pushed the other girl off her, “get off, you’ll dirtied my clothes.”

Minegishi huffed at her, but she let the other girl go. Not long after, a little owl with brownish feather flied towards Itano and stood on her armchair with one of its leg headed to her, the leg with the small parchment. Coco, who’s awakened when Minegishi came earlier, followed the owl movement with its eyes, and by the times Itano freed the owl`s leg from the parchment, the owl immediately fled away.

“That’s a school`s owl, right?” Minegishi asked while peeking to looked at the parchment from behind Itano`s shoulder. “What did it said?” Itano blushed completely as she read, which made Minegishi and Shinoda even more curious.

“N-nothing.” Itano stuttered when she answered Minegishi while folding the parchment.

“Booo… what did it said?” Minegishi insisted, “Come on, Tomo… I’m your roommate since our First Year, don’t you trust me?”

“As I said, it’s nothing.” Itano said as she moved her hand that held the parchment away from her friend. But she forgot the other friends, unknown to her, her hand flew right in front of Shinoda who’s grinning evilly and snatched the parchment away. The other Slytherin could only looking at them from a far, curious as to what made their Ice Princess blushing like that, but no one dares to get closer to the trio.

“Mariko!” Itano hissed at the Head Girl, she definitely didn’t think that Shinoda would snatch the parchment from her hand.

Shinoda`s face shown up various emotion as she read the letter. First, her face shown curiosity, then surprised, and after that she grinned mischievously, while the owner of the letters was blushing furiously again. Shinoda pulled out her wand from her pocket and chanting, “incendio”, towards the parchment on her hand and small red light came out from the tip of her wand towards the parchment, and within second, only a small amount of ashes left from the parchment, with the two younger girls, (and the others as well) gaped at her.

“W-why did you burn my letter?” Itano yelled at her, half surprised half angry.

“Because its` got your name and ‘her’ name written in it.” Shinoda coolly said and then she looked around her to see if there’s someone trying to overhear them. “And the ‘I-think-I’ll-wear-my-special-underwear-for-tonight’ will definitely blow your relation with her instantly.” She added with a higher pitched voice to mimicking one Hupplepuff Prefect`s voice while she was saying the sentence with apostrophe and then went back to her normal voice afterwards, made their Quidditch Captain fell off from the sofa due from laughing too much and the letters` owner to blushed again.

Shinoda sighed and muttered under her breath, “I definitely will go to the bath earlier tonight, it’ll be better to miss dinner than to share a bath with them.”

Minegishi calmed down and went to sit on the sofa again. “Ah… She really wrote that, Mariko?” She asked Shinoda while wiping the tears from her eyes and clutching at her stomach. And after Shinoda nodded, she turned her attention to her roommate and teasingly said, “I know she can be a flirt if she wants to. But, maaaaannn…. She wrote ‘that’ in a letter?” She shook her head while making a ‘tsk…tsk…’ sound with her mouth and added, “no wonder she can melted our Ice Princess here.”

“Shut it!” Itano snapped at her and she hurriedly put all of her belonging on her bag.

“Where’re you going?” Minegishi asked Itano when she stood up.

“Room.” Came the short reply.

“Huh?” Minegishi mumbled as she and Shinoda were watching at Itano`s back. “Ahh….” Minegishi shouted loudly and as she ran to chaseher roommates, she said, “waaaaittt…. I need to copy your Transfiguration homework.”


@BbSis: thank you for your understanding :cry:

@K-popJ-popAWESOMENESS, @sofylerry: Hi :welcome

@cisda83: I already scribbled some for MASK, wait for it, please  :bow:
@bunny_rabbit: yeah, me too. I had to re-read Harry Potter again to refresh my memories (and pottermore do helps a lot).
                       As for the teachers, I set the time a few years after the War, by the time James Sirius Potter first came into Hogwarts.
                       So, the Headmaster is McGonagal, and the PM is Shacklebolt

@Kojiyuu44: here the continuation. XD

@theblueknight: hi... :welcome, ah sorry, pleas wait a bit more  :nervous
                       so... another Haruka and Michiru shipper who's pulled over by AKB pairings I see...  XD (Me too)

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