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Author Topic: Space Love/48 Days  (Read 85503 times)

Offline miyumi

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 4
« Reply #20 on: August 13, 2012, 06:42:08 AM »
@sakura_drop_: I'll be waiting for your comment.  :)

@Nab: Thank you for reading my fic! I hope you enjoy the rest of it.  :P

@kurogumi: Ah thank you for telling me their names! Oh and don't worry, Wmatsui will become a couple. Just give it time and we'll get there.   XD

Now that Haruna has gotten used to school, I think it's time we throw in a little chaos into the mix. Let's see what happens when Haruna encounters a dog for the first time shall we? Please enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 4

It was the weekend which means Yuko didn't have to get up early. However Haruna didn't know that so she instinctivly got up and dressed. Then she tried to get Yuko up thinking they were going to be late.

"Yuu-chan get up!"

"Nyanyan it's Saturday. We don't have school today!"


"Yes. That means that we don't have school. So go back to sleep."

"Nyannyan not tired."

"Go drink some milk or something."


Yuko heard Haruna walk into the kitchen and tried falling asleep again. But then there a crash and the sound of glass breaking.

"What happened!"

Yuko came running in and saw Haruna had dropped the glass and now there was milk and broken pieces of glass everywhere.

"Nyannyan sorry Yuu-chan. Nyannyan only trying to get milk."

Haruna was about to start crying but Yuko stopped her.

"There there no need to cry over spilled milk."

For once the saying actually made sense.

"You stay here and don't move. I'll clean up the mess."

Yuko carefully picked up the broken glass without cutting herself and cleaned the milk. When she was finished cleaning, she sat Haruna down at the table and started to make breakfast.

"Here eat this."

"What this?"

"It's pancakes."


"Try it."

Haurna took her fork like Yuko taught her and stabbed the whole pancake. Then she shoved it into her mouth and started chewing.





"Yuu-chan no pants."


Yuko looked down and realized she was still in her underwear and pj shirt.


Yuko ran into her room and put on pants.

"Sorry about that Nyannyan. Nyannyan?"

"1,2,3,4 yoroshiku!"

Yuko walked into the other room and saw Haruna dancing to the song playing on the TV. She was copying the girls on the TV and to be honest she looked good.

"5,6,7,8 aishite!"

"Nyannyan how about you dance to this song."

Yuko changed the channal and another song came on.

"Watch me Nyannyan!"

The music started playing and Yuko started dancing.

"I want you~"

"I need you~"

"I love you~"

"Atama no naka!" 

Yuko looked ove and saw Haruna copying everything Yuko was doing.

"That's it!"

"GANGAN natteru MUSIC."


The song ended and Yuko started clapping.

"Yata! You did it Nyannyan!"


"Ne Nyannyan let's go outside today. I'll teach you some more things about Earth."


The two got dressed and then Yuko took Haruna to a local playground she used to go to when she was a kid.

"Nyannayn come sit over here!"

Yuko had Haruna sit on a swing set.

"Hold on tight."

Yuko started to push Haruna and the more she pushed the higher she got.

"Now start swinging your legs!"

Haruna did what Yuko said and was now swinging on her own. Soon after Yuko got on the swing next to her and started swinging. Then once she caught up to Haruna the two were swinging at the same level.

"Nyannyan watch this."

Yuko jumped off the swing and landed right in the grass.

"Nyannyan try to!"

Haruna took one last big swing and then jumped off the swing. She landed right next to Yuko on her feet.

"Good job Nyannyan!"

"Again again!"

Haruna started running towards the swingset but the swings were still moving and one smacked Haruna right in the face.



Yuko ran out in front of Nyannyan to stop the swing. Then she turned to Haruna was crying.

"Nyannyan are you ok? Let me see it."

There was a little blood coming out but otherwise nothing serious.

"Mou what am I going to do with you. Here."

Yuko pulled out a handkerchief and placed it on Haruna's head.

"Don't move ok? Now don't cry anymore ok. Yuu-chan will make the pain go away just calm down."

"It hurt real bad Yuu-chan."

"Aww I know I know."

After a couple minutes Haruna stopped crying and the bleeding stopped.

"Ok now let's do something about that wound."

Yuko reached into her pocket and pulled out a band aid and placed it on Haruna's head.

"There all better."


"Let's go down the slide now!"


Yuko took Haruna to the very top of the play ground and sat on the slide.


Yuko slid down the slide and safely landed on the ground.

"Now you try it!"

"Nyannyan scared!"

"It's alright. I'll catch you. Trust me."

Haruna slowly slid down the slide and when she reached the bottom Yuko grabbed her hands and pulled her the rest of the way.

"You did it!"

"Slide fun! Nyannyan go again!"

Haruna ran back up to the top of the slide and this time went down it a lot faster. She was coming in too fast so when she reached the bottom, her feet slammed right into Yuko. Yuko fell back and Haruna ended up sitting on top of Yuko.

"Yuu-chan hurt?"

"No I'm ok!"

Haruna got off Yuko as she slowly stood up.

"Not so fast ok?"


Haruna went on the slide ten more times before finally getting bored. It was during that time Yuko saw a very familiar person.

"Hey Yuko!"

"Hey Acchan!"

Acchan walked over to Yuko with her pet dog walking along side her.

"Taking your dog out for a walk I see."


"Where's Takamina?" Yuko asked.

"I'm on my way over to her place right now." Acchan said.

"Ahh I see."

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to show Nyannyan what a park is."

"Ohh. Are you having fun?"

"Lots of fun!"

Yuko and Acchan didn't see it but below them, Haruna was playing with the dog making it mad. Then when she accidently took off the collar, the dog started to chase after her.

"Ahh Nyannyan get back here!"

"Pico! Bad boy don't chase Haruna!"

Haruna ran as fast as she could away from the tiny dog making it look like it was a lion. Yuko was having a hard time keeping up with her and almost lost her. But then up ahead Yuko saw Yukirin and Mayuyu walking and they were right in the way.

"Shiriri-chan emergency oshiri cushion!"

"On it!"

Mayuyu turned around and stuck her butt out. When she did, Haruna ran right into Mayuyu and Mayuyu's butt chusioned the crash. Haruna fell into the ground while Mayuyu was pushed forward into Yukirin.

"Pico come here!"

Acchan hooked the collar back on and picked the dog up.

"I'm really sorry about that."

"Oh don't worry it's nothing."

"Well then I'll get going. Bye!"


Acchan walked walked away leaving Yuko with Haruna.

"Nice call there Shiriko-chan." Mayuyu said.

"Thanks for hearing me Shiriri-chan." Yuko saiid.

"Hey quit with the butt talk. It's annoying." Yukirin said.

"Then how about we call you oppai-chan."

Yukirin got quiet and tried to hide her red face.

"Hey only I get to talk about Yukirin's oppai." Mayuyu said.

"Sorry sorry. So what are you guys doing out here?" Yuko asked.

"On our way to get ice cream. Want to come with?"

"Sure! Nyannyan let's go get ice cream."

"Ice cweam?"

When Yuko entered the ice cream shop she was hit with a blast of cold air.

"What do you want Nyannyan?"

"That one!"

Haruna pointed to the picture of the large strawberry parfait.

"Ok uh two strawberry parfaits please."

"That'll be 500 yen please."

Yuko got the ice cream and then walked over to the table Mayuyu and Yukirin were sitting at it.

"What did you get?" Yuko asked.

"Hot fudge sundae." Mayuyu said.

"Banana split." Yukirin said.

"Looks good. Let me try!"

"No way. You got your own."

"Oh yeah. Nyannyan watch me."

Yuko picked up the spoon and scooped some ice cream into her mouth. Haruna copied Yuko and a happy expression came across her face.


Haruna started eating her ice cream like she ate shrimp. Fast.

"Is this her first time eating ice cream?" Yukirin asked.

"Yeah." Yuko said.


"Hey Yukirin let me try some of yours." Mayuyu said.

"Ok say ahh."


Yukirin placed the spoon in Mayuyu's mouth who happily ate it.



"What's wrong?"

Yuko saw Haruna clutching her head and bent over.

"Nyannyan what's wrong?"

"Head hurts!"

"Brain freeze." Yukirin said.

"You ate your ice cream too fast didn't you?" Yuko said.


"Nyannyan you need to slow down. Here let me show you."

Yuko scooped some ice cream and placed it into Haruna's mouth.

"Now eat it slowly."

"Nyannyan want to feed Yuu-chan."

"Well ok." 

Haruna tried to feed Yuko but missed and got ice cream on her face.

"Hey watch where you're aim that thing."

"Nyannyan sorry."

Haruna leaned in and licked the ice cream off of Yuko's face.


Mayuyu and Yukirin sat there frozen at what they just saw.

"It's nothing you guys!" Yuko said.

"We better get going." Yukirin said.

"You two have fun now!" Mayuyu said.

"Wait it's not what you think! Nyannyan don't do stuff like that in front of others. Only do it when we're alone ok?"


"Alright then let's finish up and head out."

Yuko and Haruna finished eating and then headed out again. While walking in the streets, Yuko saw a store that she thought would be cute to take Haruna in.

"Nyannyan come with me."

They walked into the store where they were greeted by a staff worker.

"Nyannyan put this on."

Yuko handed Haruna a hat who just looked at it blankly.


Yuko took the hat and placed it over her head.

"Ahh kawaii! I'll take it!"

Yuko ended up buying the hat for Haruna because she thought she looked really cute in it. It was a hat with cat ears on it. Yuko tought it was perfect for hiding Haruna's cat ears if they ever came out.

"Hey Nyannyan let's go take a picture!"

Yuko pointed at the photo boothe on the side of the store. Haruna and Yuko walked into the boothe and Haruna freaked out a little.

"It's ok Nyannyan. Just look at the screen."

"Hai cheese!"

The machine took several different pictures. When it was done, Yuko pulled them out.

"Ahh we look so cute!" Yuko said.

"Haha Yuu-chan look funny." Haruna said.

"Well that was fun. How about we head home now ok?"


They started to walk home when they passed by a store that sold TV's. There were some in a display window all set to the same program. Suddenly the song Yuko and Haruna had danced to earlier came on and Haruna couldn't resist the dance. Yuko couldn't let Haruna do it alone so she decided to join.

"I want you~"

"I need you~"

"I love you~"

A crowd of people started to gather around them and cheer them on. When the song finished, everyone clapped for them and then moved on.

"That was fun!"


Yuko and Haruna walked back home and ate dinner. Then they got ready for bed but then there was something on Yuko that caught Haruna's attention. There was a huge bug on Yuko's back and only Haruna saw it. Haruna carefully snuck up behind Yuko and smacked her right in the head with a broom.


"Got it!"

"Got what?"


Haruna pointed at the dead bug on the ground.

"Wah! Gross!"

Yuko took the broom and swept the bug out.

"Nice job Nyannyan."

"Yay Nyannyan did good!"

From then on Yuko found a new skill Haruna had. She was good at killing bugs.

Well there's chapter 4. Look forward to the next chapter. It's time to introuduce someone who I've been holding back. I'll give you a hint, "Ue Kara....." Haruna's sister is coming to Earth! Who will it be? Look forward to the next chapter and find out. Please tell me what you think! Also....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAE! Without you there would be no Twin Tower love! Have fun celebrating and always be that ikemen genking that we all know and love. Happy birthday Sae! I love you!
« Last Edit: August 13, 2012, 02:07:08 PM by miyumi »

Offline kojiyuu109

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 4
« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2012, 09:16:22 AM »
haruna is so cute in this  XD she also have a talent to kill bugs too , that convenient   :lol:
this chapter is good ! hope u update soon btw thanks for the update  :wub:

Offline Sasshii

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 4
« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2012, 09:25:02 AM »
Ahhh, like I said earlier, I'm not the biggest fan of Kojiyuu, but you really know how to write them in a way that's super likable haha. Haruna is so cute, and Yuko is so nice for taking care of her. Also, I can't wait for Mariko!!!

Update soon :D

Offline Wmatsui22

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 4
« Reply #23 on: August 13, 2012, 01:27:57 PM »



I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

Offline yuukimoko

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 4
« Reply #24 on: August 13, 2012, 01:39:27 PM »
lovely Mayuki and Kojiyuu moments~~~~

Harunas sister is coming to earth!?  how would it be.....?

forgive me but when I read the ' I'll give you a hint, "Ue Kara....." Haruna's sister is coming to Earth! Who will it be? ' line, first think that entered my head was 'I sense jealous Mayu or Yukirin........hawever it is, it will be all over Yukirin...'

please forgive me for that throught.....I have Mayuki contagious....

updatte soon ~ I wonder how really is..?
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 4
« Reply #25 on: August 13, 2012, 02:48:52 PM »
Finally Mariko is going to appear! I've been wondering about her role in this story.

"Shiriri-chan emergency oshiri cushion!"

Mayuyu's oshiri doesn't just look good but it acts as a reliable airbag too :shakeit:

"Hey quit with the butt talk. It's annoying." Yukirin said.

"Then how about we call you oppai-chan."

Yukirin got quiet and tried to hide her red face.

"Hey only I get to talk about Yukirin's oppai." Mayuyu said.

Oppai-chan!!! :thumbsup  :thumbsup
And possessive Mayuyu strikes back!

Great job portraying KojiYuu in this story! They are really cute :wub:

Offline miyumi

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 5
« Reply #26 on: August 13, 2012, 04:38:07 PM »
@kojiyuu109: Thank you for reading and commenting on my fic! I hope you enjoy the story as it continues.  :)

@Sasshii: Thank you! I know how hard it is for a fan of one group to read a fic centering another group so thank you for baring with me. I will make sure to include plenty of Mayuki and Wmatsui moments though so they won't be left out!

@Wmatsui22: An atsumina scene? Hmmm well maybe later on in the story. Just be patient and I'll get there.  :)

@yuukimoko: Come one yuukimoko you don't the song? She won the Jan Ken Pon Tournament for this! Well I guess I'll have to tell you in the end. UE KARA MARIKO! Oh and I have no idea what you mean with jealous Mayu or Yukirin. Sorry I'm kinda dumb.  XD

@seigus: Yes Mayuyu has many useful skills. That's what makes her so special to Yukirin!  :inlove:

Things have gotten peaceful for Haruna and Yuko. But now it's time for someone to make her special debut! Please enjoy the chapter!

Chapter 5

Yuko was watching TV with Haruna when there was a knock on the door. Yuko got up and walked over to answer it.

"Yes how can I-"

Standing before Yuko was a very tall girl with short hair. She had the body of a super model if she already wasn't one.



Haruna ran over to the door and hugged the taller girl.

"It's good to see you're alright Haruna."

"Nyannyan miss Mari-chan."

"I missed you too."

"Um I'm sorry to interrupt but would you please come inside and explain yourself." Yuko said.

"Oh yeah. Sorry."

The three walked in and Yuko sat back on the couch.

"Care to explain who you are?"

"Yes I'm Shinoda Mariko. I'm Haruna's older sister." she said.

"Ehh? So have you come to take Nyannyan back to your planet?" Yuko asked.

"No I haven't. Actually I was sent here by mother and father for the same reason as Haruna. Things are getting really bad up there. I nearly escaped myself."

"Well are you hungry? You must be after a long trip."

"Actually I'm starving."

"Well we have shrimp if you like some."


Yuko made a huge batch of fried shrimp and served it.

"Yay shrimp!'

Haruna started eating them like crazy while Mariko just looked at them.

"Try them."

Mariko took a bite and she got the same face as Haruna when she first tried it. Pretty soon they were both eating a ton of the shrimp. Within minutes it was all gone.

"Hey Mariko can I ask you something?" Yuko said.

"What?" Mariko said.

"How come you are able to speak perfect Japanaese while Nyannyan still talks like a five year old?"

"You pulled her out too early."


"Remember the capsule she was in when she first came here?"


"Well when you first land, it takes about five minutes for us to adapt and learn about our new surroundings. You pulled her out too early while she was in the middle of the learning process therefore she only got a little of what she was supposed to get."

"Oh. Is there anything you can do to fix it?"

"No I'm afraid once the information takes place you can't really change it. She's going to have to learn everything a normal human does."

"Darn. I don't mind it but sometimes it get tiring."

"I know what you mean. Back when she was like this I would always be the one to take care of her. Right?"

"Mari-chan take care of Nyannyan!" Haruna said.

"Why do you call yourself Nyannyan?" Mariko asked.

"Because that's the nickname I gave her." Yuko said.

"Mari-chan that Yuu-chan. Be nice."

"Ok Haruna I will. You can call me Mariko."

"And you can call me Yuko."

"So is it ok if I live here with you guys? I tried finding another place but I ended up getting kicked out."

"Uh sure that's fine with me."

"Great! So then what is the first thing I can do as a "human"

"Well you can come with us to school. We have to get going soon."

"Ok let's go!"

Walking with Mariko was a whole new experience for Yuko. Everyone they passed either to stop and look at Mariko and make a comment or move out of their way. When they got to the school building, all the students just started staring at them. They walked into the classroom and Mariko took and empty desk.

"So this is what school looks like. Interesting." Mariko said.

"Yeah. Nyannyan has gotten used to everyone around here and has actually managed to make friends." Yuko said.

"That's good to hear. She was never good at fitting in back at our planet."

"Oh well she's gets along just fine with everyone else."

Just then the mean girls came over and started to pick on Haruna.

"Hey five year old! We're still mad about what you did to our friend."

"You're going to pay for what you did!"

One of the girls was about to slap Haurna but Yuko got in the way.

"Oh look. It's the les protecting her idiot girl friend."

"Back off!" Yuko growled.

"Ha how heroic. Stupid pervert."

The girl was about to hit Yuko but then something stopped her. Yuko looked up and saw Mariko standing over her.

"Now I don't know what's going on but I do know you were about to hit my younger sister. The one you called a five year old."

"And who the hell are you?"

"I'm her older sister Shinoda Mariko and unless you don't want me to rip your hand off I suggest you go away."

Mariko gave the girl the scariest smile she had ever seen in her life. The girl got scared and ran away from Mariko along with the others.

"Hooray Mari-chan save Nyannyan!" Haruna said.

"Why of course. I am your older sister after all."

"Hey what about me?"

"Yuu-chan hero too."

"Thank you."

The teacher walked in and saw Mariko and was a little surprised.

"Um excuse me miss can I help you with something?" the teacher asked.

"Ah I'm sorry my name is Shinoda Mariko. I am Haruna's older sister. Starting today I will be attending school here." Mariko said.

"I don't see you in a uniform."

"They haven't sent it to me yet. I'm still waiting."

"Well I can't have you in the school if you aren't properly dressed."

"You aren't properly dressed either sensei."

"Excuse me?"

"That skirt you're wearing isn't exactly school appropiate length. Not to mention that shirt looks a little too tight and is showing off a little too much."

The teacher stood there in silence just shocked at what she just heard. But then she snapped back to her senses and realized Mariko was right and if the principal saw her in that outfit then she would be scolded for sure.

"Ok I'll let you slide just for today. But tomorrow I expect you dressed properly."

"As to you."

After that, the lesson continued as if nothing happened. When the lesson ended, the teacher ran out the room giving everyone a quick break. Just then Sae and Sayaka ran over.

"You were awesome up there!" Sae said.

"You totally owned the teacher." Sayaka said.

"Hey I was just doing what I thought was right. She was clearly not dressed for school and looked more like she was going on a date." Mariko said.

"Mariko do you want to join the basketball club? You're tall so that would give our team an advantage and your reflexes are amazing. I saw how you protected Haruna like that."

"I'm sorry but I don't really like sports."

"Sayaka you're in the karate club remember?" Sae said.

"Yeah but I also play for the basketball team sometimes and in the track as well."

"Jeez no wonder you have a six pack you're always working out!"

"Shut up Sae."

"By the way I'm Miyazawa Sae and the angry gorilla is Akimoto Sayaka."

"Nice to meet both of you."

"Hey introduce us too!" 

Yuko looked over and saw Takamina and Acchan.

"My name is Takahashi Minami but you can call me Takamina."

"And my name is Maeda Atsuko but you can call me Acchan."

"It's a pleasure to meet you call. Call me Mariko."

"So you're Haruna's sister?" Takamina asked.

"Yes I am."

"You look really pretty just like Haruna."

"Thank you. I like your bow."


"Hey what's going on over here?"

Yukirin and Mayuyu came over to join the fun.

"This is Haruna's sister Mariko." Acchan said.

"Watanabe Mayu is my name but you can call me Mayuyu."

"Kashiwagi Yuki. Call me Yukirin."

"Nice to meet you."

"Now then let me just see..."

Mayuyu reached over and grabbed Mariko's butt.


"Hmmm a little flat but still nice. But not as nice as Yukirin's."

"I have no idea what you mean but thank you I guess."

"Just ignore her." Yukirin said.

"Well then if you excuse me I'm going to leave."

"But why?" Yuko asked.

"I'm going to explore more of the school. You two have fun!"

With that, Mariko walked out of the room.

"Like a boss..." Sae said.

"True that." Mayuyu said.

"Your sister is a very interesting person."

Yuko turned around and saw Rena staring at her.

"Rena, Jurina when did you guys get here?"

"We've been here a while just haven't said anything." Rena said.

"Your sister is really cool Haruna!" Jurina said.
"Mari-chan the best!" Haruna said.

"Aww you're so adorable!"

Mayuyu leaned in and hugged Haruna. While hugging her, Mayuyu was trying to grab her butt but then Yukirin pulled her back.


"I don't think so. That's twice you've done that. Time for punishment."

"Uh oh."

Yukirin dragged Mayuyu out of the classroom leaving the others praying for Mayuyu. Everyone knows that Yukirin's punishments are far more cruel than what the school does. Whoever gets one usually ends up with a sore butt and chest.

"Hey Acchan let's go down to the pool. I forgot something from this morning." Takamina said.


Takamina and Acchan left along with Sayaka and Sae. Now all that was left was Jurina and Rena.

"Hey Jurina shouldn't you be in class right now?" Yuko asked.

"Technically I am." Jurina said.


"Recently Jurina took a test and it said that she was too smart for the grade she was currently in so they moved her to the third year." Rena said.

"Seiously? Sugoi!"

"It was all thanks to Rena!"

"Oh please you did it all on your own."

"Not without Rena's help."

Jurina leaned in and kissed Rena on the cheek and Rena blushed.



"Yuu-chan where Mari-chan?"

"I don't know. Let's go look for her."

Yuko and Haruna walked out in the hall and started looking for Mariko. So far they didn't see her anywhere. But then where they walked into the cafeteria they found her. She was sitting on a couch while being fed shrimp and two other students were fanning her. She looked like a tyrant with her slaves. But then Yuko remembered Mariko was a princess after all.

"What the heck Mariko?"

"What? I got hungry and I was too tired to do it myself." Mariko said.

"You can do this."

"Hey they offered to do it for me."


"UE KARA MARIKO!" they all chanted.

"See? So there's nothing I can do about it."

"Are you all seriously doing this on your own free will?" Yuko asked.

"Yes. We love Mariko-sama and all that she has done for us." one girl said.

"She's like a goddess." another said.

"What did you do?"

"All I did was be nice." Mariko said.

"Well you have fun there. Haruna and I are going to eat away from all the weirdness."

"Suit yourself. You feed me another shrimp."

"Yes Mariko-sama!"

Yuko and Haruna walked over to a table and sat down.

"Is your sister always like this?"

"Mari-chan very popular back home. Lots people like her." Haruna said.

"Ohh. Maybe she just gives off that likable aura." Yuko said.

"Hey Yuko!"

Yuko saw Mayuyu and Yukirin walk over and Mayuyu looked like she was having a hard time walking.

"Man did you really have to hit me that hard?" Yuko said.

"It was punishment and unless you don't want it to get worse I suggest you quit complaining." Yukirin said.

Mayuyu slowly and painfully sat down on the bench.

"I'm guessing the punishment didn't go well?"

"No it didn't."

"Well that's what you get for being touchy with other girls."

"Hey I can't help it."

"You've been hanging around Yuko for too long."

"Yuu-chan Nyannyan hungry."

"Oh sorry. Here."

Yuko pulled out the usual box and opened it only to find all the shrimp gone. Yuko looked over and saw Mariko with a large stack of shrimp. She probably stole all the ones in the lunch box.

"Thieving cat."

"No shrimp?"

Haruna looked like she was going to cry.

"Don't cry, don't cry I'll find you something else. Hey you guys got anything Nyannyan can eat?"

"I got noodle bread." Yukirin said.

"I got jelly beans." Mayuyu said.

"Mayuyu you're going to get diabetes from all the jelly beans you eat." Yuko said.

"Hey Haruna's bound to have a heart attack in her twenties if she keeps eating fried shrimp the way she does now."


"Here she can have some of my noodle bread."

Yukirin handed Yuko the bread and Yuko showed it Haruna.

"Look Nyannyan try this."

Haruna took a bite but then spat it back out.


"Sorry Yukirin guess she doesn't like it."

"It's ok."

"Nyannyan hungry!"

"I know Nyannyan just give me a minute. Ah Takamina, Acchan help!"

"What's wrong?"

"Nyannyan doesn't have anything to eat and I'm trying to find something she'll eat."

"How about she's trys my omelet."

Acchan placed the omelet in Haruna's mouth and she soon spat it out.

"How about this tofu?"

Takamina showed it to Haruna and she wouldn't even open her mouth for it.

"Hey Rena, Jurina come over here."

"What's up?"

"We're trying to find something for Haruna to eat. Got anything she might like?" Takamina asked.

"I have octopus sausage." Jurina said.

"Ah those are cute!" Mayuyu said.

"Here Haruna."

Haruna ate the sausage and swallowed it. But then she let out a sound of disgust.

"Here try some curry bread." Rena said.

As soon as Haruna took a bite, her whole face turned red and tears started coming down her face.


Yuko had forgotten that Rena likes to eat super spicy foods. They don't have affect on her but it's really spicy to normal people. Now Haruna was on fire and needed something to cool her off.

"Quick does anyone have something for her to drink?"


Jurina handed Haruna a canister of water and Haruna chugged the whole thing.


Haruna nodded her head.

"So what else could we feed her?"

"What's the problem?"

Sayaka and Sae came over with conerned looks on their faces.

"We're trying to feed Haruna. She just ate Rean's super spicy curry bread." Jurina said.

"Hmm here try this croquette I made."

Sayaka handed her one and she stared at it at first. Then she took a bite and her face lit up.



"Good job Sayaka!"

"Here you can have the rest. I'll share lunch with Sae." Sayaka said.

"Thank you so much."

"What happened to Haruna's lnch anyways?" Sae asked.

"Mariko stole it."

"Ohh. Some sister she is."

"Well she did come here without a lunch."

"What's up with all the kohai. They always chant Ue Kara Mariko whenever around her."

"She's really popular amoung the kids in my grade." Jurina said.

"I guess she's just that popular." Takamina said.

"She reminds me of a king." Mayuyu said.

"Hey look over there."

Everyone looked over and saw Mariko's little groupies carrying her around.

"Now that's just cruel." Yukirin said.

"Well they said they wanted to do it." Yuko said.



"Well that's really weird." Takmina said.

"I don't understand kids these days." Sayaka said.

"That's because you're getting old Sayaka."

"Shut up Sae."

Everyone laughed while Haurna was happily eating her croquettes. When school was over, Haruna, Yuko and Mariko all walked home. When they got home, Mariko plopped down on the couch followed by Haruna.

"Looks like you became popular." Yuko said.

"Yep. School is fun." Mariko said.

"School fun!" Haruna said.

"Yeah but for now I need you to sweep the house as punishment for stealing Nyannyan's lunch."

"Ehhh? Mou yada!"

"Hey my house my rules and if you don't like it then you can leave."


Mariko got up and grabbed a broom.

"Something tells me I'm going to enojoy having Mariko here."

Well I hope you guys liked the chapter! Mariko has made it to earth and is already a hit! I can't wait to see what happens to the three in the future. Please tell me what you think and look forward to the next chapter!

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 5
« Reply #27 on: August 13, 2012, 07:33:49 PM »
Jurina is in the same class now  :ding:
Mariko saikko  :onioncheer:
Mayuki are really funny  :on lol:
Haruna is so cute  :shy2:
mmm what about gachapin she is coming?  :dunno:

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Offline kojiyuu109

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 5
« Reply #28 on: August 14, 2012, 01:06:29 AM »
Mariko like a boss , she stilll popular no matter where   XD
Haruna so cute , everytime she hungry she cry  :wub: totally like a child  XD
Btw thanks for the updates  :twothumbs

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 6
« Reply #29 on: August 14, 2012, 05:51:10 AM »
@mo-chan: Jurina is so smart that she skipped a grade! Don't worry Miichan will come. Right now she's back home fighting a war! But don't worry she'll make her appearence soon.  XD

@kojiyuu109: Thank you for commenting on my fic. Haruna really is a kid on the inside. And Mariko is the boss wherever she goes no doubt about that.  :P

Today's chapter going to start focusing on all the other people now. Now that everyone has been properly introduced, let's start sharing the love. First up is Mayuki! Please enjoy.

Chapter 6

It was around five in the morning when there was a loud knock on the door. Yuko staggered over and answered it only to be knocked down.




"Yuko you gotta help me." Mayuyu said.

"What's wrong?" Yuko asked.

"You gotta hide me from Yukirin for a while"


"Let's just say I kinda pissed her off."

"At five in tthe morning?"

"She gets up way too early. Just please help me!"

"Alright alright come in. You can sleep on the couch."


Mayuyu crashed on the couch and Yuko went back to bed. She didn't wake up for another three hours. When she did wake up, she found Haruna and Mariko gone. Yuko walked into the kitchen and found all three of them eating breakfast.

"Why didn't you tell us Mayuyu was here?" Mariko asked.

"She came at like five in the morning." Yuko said.

"Oh. So why is she here?"

"I'm hiding." Mayuyu said.

"From what?"

"A pissed off girl friend."

"What did you do this time?" Yuko asked.

"Ok so last night I came home late after partying with a friend of mine. She starts questioning me like I'm some criminal and then she gets mad at me when I told her I was out with a friend. Now she thinks I'm cheating on her and is on a rampage to find me."

"Who did you go out to party with anyways?"

"I went with Rena."


"It was an otaku only party so it's not like I could've taken Yukirin. Anyways now she's mad at me so I'm hiding out here."

"Mayuyu in trouble?" Haurna asked.

"Yeah BIG trouble."

Just then there was a loud knock at the door.

"Crap it's her!"

Mayuyu hid under the table while Mariko walked over to answer the door.

"Hey Mariko have you seen Mayuyu anywhere?" Yukirin asked.

"No I haven't why?"

"I need to talk to her about something important."

"What would that be?"

"It's none of your business. If you see her tell her I'm looking for her."


Yukirin was about to walk out when Mayuyu suddenly sneezed.

"I see you Mayuyu!"

"Oh crap."

"Come here you!"

Yukirin ran in and started to chase Mayuyu all over the house.

"Ahh Yuko help!"

"No way. Last time I got involved in one of your fights I couldn't sit for a week."

"You're no help!"

Yukirin and Mayuyu kept running around and around the house and still was getting nowhere. Then Mairko said,

"I've had enough!"

Mariko grabbed Mayuyu and sat her on the couch. Then she grabbed Yukirin and threw her into the chair.

"Move and I'll tie you to the chair." Mariko said.

Yukirin stopped moving and settled down.

"Now tell me what the problem is."

"She's cheating on me!" Yukirin said.

"I am not!' Mayuyu protested.

"Then explain why you came home late last night."

"I told you I was at a party!"

"What kind of party?"

"An otaku party."

"And why didn't you tell me about it until you got home at 4 in the morning?"

"I forgot."

"I was worried sick about you!"

"Yuu-chan what going on?" Haruna asked.

"Auntie Mayuyu and auntie Yukirin are fighting." Yuko said.

"Can Nyannyan help?"

"No I think it's best if we let Mariko handle it."

The two kept arguing for another two hours before Mariko had had enough.

"Ahh I'm getting sick of you two arguing. Let's just finish this the easy way. Mayuyu do you love Yukirin?"

"I do."

"Yukirin do you love Mayuyu?"

"I do."

"Ok then kiss and make up so I can go to sleep."

The thing Mariko did sounded like a married couple taking their vows.

"Nyannyan want to help!"

Haruna walked over and pushed Mayuyu into Yukirin making them kiss each other right on the lips. The two held for a while and then Yukirin finally backed off.


"Way better!"

Yukirin grabbed Mayuyu and went in for another kisss. They held so long that they had to stop because Mayuyu couldn't breathe.

"I'm sorry Mayuyu for thinking that way." Yukirin said.

"I'm sorry for making you worry." Mayuyu said.

"Let's not fight again ok?"


"Now that you two have made up, get out!" Mariko said.

Mayuyu and Yukirin ran out the house holding hands happy that they fixed everything.

"Ahh I'm tired." Mariko said as she plopped on the couch.

"How can you be soo tired?" Yuko asked.

"Talking takes a lot of effort."

"You're lazy you know that?"

"Yeah yeah I know."

"Yuu-chan Nyannyan hungry."

"Ok I'll go fix you some lunch."

Yuko started to walk to the kitchen when there was another knock at the door. Yuko walked over to answer it and this time Yukirin came in.

"What now?"

"I ticked Mayuyu off."

"What did you do?"'

"I told her I went out with Sae while she was gone."

"Ahhh jeez not again."


An anfry Mayuyu stormed in and grabbed Yukirin by the legs when she tried to escape.

"I'm going to kill you." Mayuyu said in a robotic voice.

"Mayuyu please let me explain." Yukirin begged.

"With Sae? You went out with the shemale?"

"Mayuyu you were gone for eight hours. What else was I supposed to do?"

"Watch TV, read a book, clean up the house, anything but go out with the shemale."

"You're mean."

"Bite me."

"Fine I will!"

Yukirin pulled Mayuyu in closer and then started nibbling on her ear lobes. Whhen she was finished, Mayuyu had a happy look on her face.

"Do you forgive me now?"


The two kissed and then waked out again.

"And don't come back!"

"Humans are sooo strange." Mariko said.

"Oh shut it Mariko."

"Nyannyan try to!"

Just then Haruna leaned in and started nibbling on Yuko's ear.

"Nyannyan what are you doing?"

"Haruna finished and then back away.

"Yuu-chan has small ears." Haruna said.

"Hey I don't do that." Yuko said.

"But Haruna want to because Haruna love Yuko!"

"You are the weirdest person."

But then Yuko remembered that Haruna wasn't a person. She was an alien.

Super tired when I wrote this. I'm sorry mayuki fans I'll make up for it next time. But for now goodnight.

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 6
« Reply #30 on: August 14, 2012, 06:10:53 AM »
Yes! Another update, I love this story! Hope you update soon~

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 6
« Reply #31 on: August 14, 2012, 06:20:20 AM »
OMG!! kojiyuu fics !! love it... but in the past chpater you said that  haruna learned to talk because she kiss yuko.. but mariko says another different story about that.. what is the correct version?...

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 6
« Reply #32 on: August 14, 2012, 06:42:33 AM »
mariko has the fastest way the solve the problem and somehow haruna is a big help too  XD
and i like the way yuko turn to a protective person when it come to haruna   :inlove:
this chapter is great , thanks so much for the update  :twothumbs
u are great author too  :P

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 6
« Reply #33 on: August 14, 2012, 11:12:41 AM » was a little without soul......but I still liked it! Mayuki is always sweet!!
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 6
« Reply #34 on: August 14, 2012, 03:30:24 PM »
Mayuki stupid couple fool of stupid problem  :on lol:

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 7
« Reply #35 on: August 14, 2012, 04:43:13 PM »
Today's chapter is about a midget we all know and love. I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 7

Yuko and Haruna were walking into school when Acchan came up to them crying.

"What's wrong Acchan?" Yuko asked.


"What about Takamina?"

"Takamina hates me!"


Yuko couldn't believe what she just heard. For Takamina to hate Acchan then some bad must have happened.

"What happened?"

"Earlier today we got attacked by a bunch of guys. I was trying to get Takamina to stay back so she wouldn't get hurt and in the end Sae and Sayaka came to help us. But Takamina got mad at me and said she hated me!"

"Alright let's go find her and try to talk some sense into her. Where's Sae and Sayaka?"

"On the roof I think."

"Ok Nyannyan come with me. You too Acchan."

The three of them ran to the roof and found Sae and Sayaka sleeping. Acchan was about to wake them up but then Yuko stopped her. She decided she wanted to play a prank on them. Yuko carefully took Sayaka's arm and wrapped it around Sae's body. Then she took Sae's leg and put it between Sayaka's leg. When everything was set, Yuko woke them up.

"Sayamama Saepapa!"

The two woke up and almost screamed when they saw each other. Sayaka curled into a ball and blushed while Sae was spazing.

"What happened?" Sae asked.

"I don't know. Maybe your bodies are trying to tell you something."

"Oh god!"

"Anyways have you seen Takamina anywhere?"

"Yeah she's down in the courtyard."

"Ok thanks. We'll leave you two to get back to what ever it is you two were doing."

"Sayaka we were asleep so it doesn't count!"


Acchan, Yuko, and Haruna ran down to the courtyard where Takamina was huddled up on a bench. Yuko didn't want Acchan to go near so she had her stay back.

"Hey Takamina."

"Hey Yuko."

"Mind if I sit here?"

"Sure." Takamina said.

"So what happened between you and Acchan?" Yuko asked.

"It's kind of hard to explain."

"You can tell me."

"Well today we were attacked by these jerks. I tried to protect Acchan but she held me back. I got so mad that I shouted I hated her."

"Why do you think she held you back?"

"Because she thought I was weak."

"Now I don't think she thinks that."

"But she treated me that way."

"Takamina I think she held you back because she was trying to protect you."


"I think that if you got hurt protecting Acchan then Acchan would blame herself for your injury and be down on herself about it."

"You're right! Oh god I have to go find her and apologize!"

"You don't have to."

Takamina looked over and saw Acchan with open arms.

"Acchan I'm sorry!"

"I'm sorry too Takamina!"

The two embraced in a heart warming hug and cried on each other's shoulders.

"Come on Nyannyan let's give these two some private time."

Yuko and Haruna walked into the hallway where Mayuyu was standing. When she saw Yuko she ran up to her.

"Yuko big problem!!"


"Yukirin's pregnant!"


"Yuu-chan what pregnant?" Haurna asked.

"It's when you're going to have a baby."

"Oh Nyannyan want a baby!"

"No you don't."

"Yeah she's been having mood swings and cravings for celery." Mayuyu said.

"Have you asked her if she's gotten her period yet?"

"No that's not something you ask your girl friend."

"Yuu-chan what period?"

"I'll tell you when you're older. Where is Yukirin now?"

"In the cafeteria."

"Let's go."

The three ran down to the cafeteria where Yukirin was eating a lot of celery.

"Hey Yukirin."

"Hey Yuko."

"Mayuyu ask her."

"Ask me what?"

"No way you do it!"


"Well Mayuyu was wondering if you got your period recently."

"No I think it skipped why?"

Yuko and Mayuyu looke at each other with wide eyes.

"She hasen't had it.."

"Which means..."


"Oh nothing!" Mayuyu said.

"Tell me before I get mad."

"Yuko help!"

"Well Mayuyu thought you were pregnant."

Yukirin didn't say anything. She just reached over and smacked Mayuyu in the head.

"Ouch what was that for!" Mayuyu said.

"For thinking I was pregnant." Yukirin said.

"You are right?"


"Then what about the celery and the mood swings?"

"I get mood swings when I skip a month and celery is supposed to help regulate it!"


Yukirin facepalmed herself and then sighed in relief.

"Well at least now I know you're not pregnant."

"I can't believe you thought I would go get knocked up by some guy that easily. I'm saving my virginity for a certain someone to take."


"You're an idiot."

Mayuyu thought about it and then facepalmed herself when she realized it. A perverted smile came up across the cyborg's face.

"Well since you're not on it..."

Mayuyu slipped her hand under Yukirin's skirt.

"How about you and I go make some babies. I'll take away that virginity of yours."

Mayuyu was about to kiss Yukirin but then Yukirin slapped Mayuyu with a celery skick.


"I'm still mad at you for thinking I was pregnant."

"Oh come on!"

"Come on Nyannyan let's get out of here."

Yuko and Haruna walked away before things got violent.

"Hey Yuu-chan."


"Can Nyannyan make babies with Yuu-chan?"

Yuko almost ran into the walll when Haruna said that.


"Can Nyannyan have baby with Yuu-chan?"

"Uhh sure maybe in the future."


Just then Mariko walked over.

"What are you so excited about Haruna?" she asked.

"Yuu-chan and Nyannyan gonna have babies!"

"Haruna it's impossible for you two to have a baby."


"Well when a man and a woman want a baby they-"

Yuko smacked her hand across Mariko's mouth and gave her a "don't you dare tell her look"

"Don't listen to her Nyannyan she doesn't know what she's talking about." Yuko said trying to protect Haruna's innocence.

"But Mari-chan is always right." Haruna said.

"That's right."

"So how do man and woman have babies?"

"Well a man and a woman have a baby by calling the baby making company and they send over a cabbage. The man and woman have to plant the cabbage and in nine months a baby will come out."

"WOW really!"


"Wow Nyannyan never eat cabbage again."

"Mariko I think you made things worse." Yuko said.

"It's better than what I was going to tell her originally."

"Lady don't eat that! There's a baby in there!"

"Nyannyan no don't attack the lunch lady!"

Please tell me what you think and look forward to the next chapter!

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 7
« Reply #36 on: August 14, 2012, 05:19:51 PM »
Haruna wants a baby  :hiakhiakhiak:
I like it when Mariko explains thinks to Haruna  :wahaha:
Mayu is like a pervert old man  :pig laugh:

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 7
« Reply #37 on: August 14, 2012, 05:21:17 PM »
It was very funny when Mayu thinks Yukirin were pregnant. :rofl:

And at the end when Haruna want to have a baby with Yuko  :rofl:

Don't forget the mariko's explication :rofl:
Mayukiiiiiiii !!!!!!!

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 7
« Reply #38 on: August 14, 2012, 05:33:55 PM »
this time Mayuki where the best!!!!!! :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv1: :luvluv2:

Yuki needs to lets Mayu have her way at a moment in this story.....Mayu so perv!  she surely wants Yukirin to carry her babies~ :ding: :shy2:

Love Mayuki! and Nyannyan was cute too~ :shy1:

please update soon!!! :byebye:
“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no.”

I'm glad I'm not popular.I'm already a bitch, no need to make my ego bigger.

You were always my favorite, no one loved me as much as you did.-Alison DiLaurentis.

Your first kiss isnt always the first person you kiss, or the first person you date.Your first love is the person that you will always compare everyone to.The person that you will never truly get over, even when you have convinced yourself that you have moved on.

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Re: Space Love update Chapter 7
« Reply #39 on: August 14, 2012, 06:18:14 PM »
 :OMG: I'm gone for a couple of days and then you came up with a new fic?
And the "Akiba Fight Club" was already finished?(superb  :thumbsup by the way the saddest story so far) (funny too)
(I was like for real? how can the author came up with so interesting and funny story at the same time?)

Your fics are epic! I just ADORE IT! And for this fic Haruna is best suited for being an Alien (Nya!)
Oh my God "Ue kara Mariko"  hahaha  :rofl: I'm laughing so hard!  :bow: Mariko-sama!
 :ding: Looking forward to your next update!
ArígatoU! :kneelbow:
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