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Author Topic: umichan's one shots [Sae's Keys] part 2 Update!!!!!(Saeyaka Date)  (Read 18794 times)

Offline mayuyuXlyukirinlover13

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Re: umichan's one shots [Sae's Keys] part 1 what paring do you think it is??
« Reply #60 on: January 19, 2013, 10:57:25 AM »
update...uh...update just update please~~ SaeYuki~~

Offline fuu_kun

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Yeah ><)/ please update! :bow: and how about your last test? I hope you get excellent score.. XDb

Offline Kazan

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 XD update...update....

Offline fuu_kun

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Update.. Pwease TwT

Offline umichan

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I apologize for taking a long time to update but right now i'm in that type of situation in which you don't know if your hobby is more important than you studies. I don't want to disappoint my parents so I choose my studies. I got so stress with it and now i'm near my exam time, so yeah I need to study.
i'm sorry fuu_kun.

Sae’s keys: keys and acceptance


“Hey how you been?”  Sae asked as she got out of the bathroom. With the events that had happen to her that day she was tired and took a hot shower. Today had been the last confession that was from Kasai.

“well….if you consider alright as If I have two people who say that love me, and me ignoring them because I don’t know who am I in love with; then yeah, I’m alright” Minami said sarcastically.

“Well… got problems, but I think my problems are the worst” Sae said as she sat in her bed, which was across from Minami’s bed.

“What problems….you got confess again?” Minami asked sarcastically.

“As a matter of fact I did” Sae nodded. She didn’t felt good about it; it was actually more confusing than kissing Mayuyu for the second time by accident.

“By whom?”


“Oh….well at least she didn’t gave you a key like Mayuyu and Sayaka” Minami got up and get to the kitchen to get some water and then came back.

“Well, she did gav- be careful when you swallow water”

After a few seconds Sae got up to help Minami clean the mess she just did. When they finish, they sat again in their Minami’s bed this time.

“You got 3 keys, you are….I can’t even say it” Minami look at Sae. Sae was confused as why they had given her keys, but she notice that Minami was getting closer to

“Why are you gett-“she did have time to finish her question as she felt Minami pushing her down, so now Minami was on top and Sae was on bottom. Sae blush.

“Okay…..why” Sae that only thing that Sae could ask.

“Do you tha-“Minami was interrupted when she felt Sae’s hand on her cheek. She moved her hand that was in Minami’s cheeks so they could be closer.

“I never thought you like me, I know I’m a pretty and all, but.”

Minami was looking at her like ‘are you crazy or something’. Then she burst out laughing.

“stupid I wasn’t going to say that….i was going to say that did you knew that in this town when you give someone a key that means that they love you and they are
able to wait for your choose. That something that the people of Akihabara have been doing years ago” Minami move away her face from Sae’s.

“Then why did you do this” Sae looked at her. This was new to her; she had never had a girl do that.

“because the only reason they all gave you their keys was because they planned it out, and because people kind of get into shock or faint, so I didn’t wanted you to fal-

“ Minami stop talking as she saw her friend with her close.

“Sae, are you okay?.....SAE!”

“Uhm” Sae open her eyes and look at her friend on top of her.

“I need air” Sae push away Minami. “What do you mean by that, did they plan it” Sae sat up. She was now more confused than ever. Did they know that each other loved Sae? Was this even possible?

“That’s probably like it seems” Minami sat up in her bed, and look to the side.

“Remember when you came in the beginning of middle school, well that’s probably why you don’t know about the keys; you are not from here” Minami continue

“So you are telling me that they knew that the tree of them loved me!” Sae sat up and look at her friend with confused eyes.

“yeah pretty much, just like Haruna and Atsuko, they both knew that they were in love with each other; Yuko told me that they once meet up, and they got into a fight
because of that, so they decided to confess to me, and use the keys” Minami said.

“But Atsuko confess to me first; and Yuko told me that they saw that in the classroom, so Haruna had to tell me that they. That’s why Yuko dragged me that day” Minami added.

“But…..wait, you got me confused. You are telling me that they are both in love with you and they knew it…..wait, isn’t Yuko in love with Haruna” Sae turn to her friend. Now this was very interesting; after all those years……well 2 years…..Sae thought that Yuko was in love with Haruna.

“Well, Yuko told me that in fact they were dating, but she realize that Haruna was in love with me, so….yeah” Minami look to the side.

“Ahh….so what am I supposed to do?”Sae got up and went to her bed. She didn’t knew what she was supposed to do now.

“Well, how do you love the most?” Minami asked

“I don’t know……”

“What about you?” Sae added.

 “What do you mean?” Minami got up and undid her bed.  She kind of got the question, but she wasn’t sure if it was that question.

“Yeah, do you love Atsuko or Haruna?”

Then Minami stop what she was doing. She didn’t have an idea of who she like or love. When she was with Atsuko, she felt warm, safe, and calm. Now, with Haruna she felt nervous, happy, and calm.

“I don’t know….I’m going ask them on a date then if I’ll know who is the right for me……I guess I fell in love with both of the” Minami finish what she was doing and went to bed.

‘I guess I’ll do the same’

-End of flashback-

-2 weeks later-

“Are you ready” Sae asked the person in the other line. She was having an phone conversation with Sayaka. Sae decided to ask them out, so she would figure out
what she wanted.

“Yeah I’ll be there…..give me a minute” and with that their conversation stop. This was new to both of them, so neither of them knew what to do or how to act.

“Hey….wow…you look beautiful” Sae look at Sayaka, who to her she look beautiful. Sayaka blush a little with the comment that Sae had made. Then she walk toward
Sae and hugged her

“Well….I got reservations for a restaurant at 8, but its 5p.m, so do you want to go to the movies” Sae said as she pushed away Sayaka.

“Yeah if it is okay”

“What movie do you want to see”

“I want to see….Fantastic Mr. Fox” (I know this movie is old, but its my favorite)

“Really, I wanted to see that movie”

“Okay lets go see that movie” Sayaka and Sae started walking to the theatre. Sae turned a little her head just to see how Sayaka was. She felt normal. ‘I still feel normal, my heart beat is normal, my hands aren’t sweating….and well I think I should do something because, well we are on a date’ Sae thought to herself.
Without Sayaka noting that Sae was moving closer to her, Sae got hold of her hand and Sayaka stop when she realize what Sae had done.

“Uh..” she look at her hand that was hold by Sae.

“What….” Was the only thing that said Sae before she started walking again. Then she felt…..nothing. Right now she didn’t know if Sayaka was her friend or her girlfriend, so she just put that thought away and continuing walking. They got to the movies and as a gentleman, Sae paid for the ticket and snacks.

“Hey, did you did your homework for Miss. Shinoda” Sae awkwardly asked

“Yeah, did you. Hey did you know that Miichan kissed Miss. Shinoda?”  Saeyaka said. The other girl stopped walking and looked at Sayaka.

“Really I didn’t had an idea that she already did that, when was it”

“In lunch, when you were talking to Minami”

“Aahhh, why did I had to miss that”

“I took a picture of it without them noticing, I could sent it to you” Sayaka took her phone out and she sent the picture to Sae. When Sae saw the picture, she
chuckled. The picture was cute because both of them were closing their eyes and it also seems… like they were in pain.

“they look like they are in pain, well…I hope the principal doesn’t find out” Sae put her cell phone back. They heard a loud noise and it came from inside the cinema room, this meant the movie was about to start and so they look at the screen.

They were laughing and looking sad throughout the movie, but aver all they were having a great time. Sometimes they would look at each other, and smile to each other. But there was this time when Sayaka got closer to Sae and kiss her on the lips. This surprise Sae, but not that much.
When the movie finish, they decided to go for a walk. They end up in a random park; there was a ice cream cart going around. Sae ask Sayaka if she wanted some ice cream and she respond with a nod.

When she was going to get the ice cream, she saw Kasai talking to some other girl in shop that was in front of where she was buying the ice cream.

“What is she doing there, and who that girl is” Sae just keep on walking and bought the ice cream. When she came back, she found Sayaka on her phone.

“What are you doing?” ask Sae.

“I’m going to take a photo of us” Sae gave Sayaka her ice cream and she said thank you.

“No you are not” Sae frown.

“Please, I want to keep this moment” Sayaka pleaded.

“Ok but later, we should eat our ice cream” Sae told her while she started to eat her ice cream. Minutes pass and they were almost finish with their ice cream. Then someone shouted, “Hey Minami don’t run”.

The voice sounded familiar. Both Sae and Sayaka turn to see who it was. It was….

“Is that Yuko chasing Minami?” Sae asked herself. You could see how Minami was running away from her like if dogs were chasing her.

“Help me” Minami pointed where Sae and Sayaka were. Sae got up and when Minami got to her she hugged her.

“What’s wrong?” Sae sounded worry.

“She is chasing me, so I could just choose Haruna, so she can have Atsuko,, but Atsuko is my friend” Minami was breathing heavily.

“But she likes you” Sae pushed away Minami and suddenly Yuko tackle Minami.

“Choose….Haruna……so I could….have …..Atsuko…”Yuko tried to “attack”(tickle) Minami.

“No let me choose” Minami tried to push Yuko away. Sae and Sayaka were laughing hard, but that didn’t matter to Minami and Yuko until people were starting to look at them weirdly.

“okay , now stop people are looking at us weirdly” Sayaka said as she grabbed Yuko by her shit and pull her up. She was really strong.

“Sayaka is right, we are leaving you two” Sae grabbed Sayaka’s hand and walked to a different direction, they threw their ice cream in a nearby trash can and left
Minami and Yuko to their “battle”.

Hours had passed and it was dinner time. Sae took Sayaka to a New Mexican restaurant that was near, and they had a very fantastic dinner. Everything went smoothly and convenient. When they left Sae decided to take Sayaka a park, so they would admire the starts, and….

“You really want to lay in the grass” Sae asked confused. She didn’t knew that Sayaka was that type of girl that likes laying in the grass, but what kind of girl it that. Are they even alive?

“Yes, for me is the perfect date” Sayaka said as she sat down in the grass and pated the grass so Sae could sit next to her.

“Well, now what” Sae said as she looked around the park. Then out of nowhere Sayaka was on top of Sae. Sae blush.

“Well I always wanted to kiss you, so can I” Sayaka raised an eyebrow. Sae look to her side and there was no escape from her, she thought that this would betray her

“No, I don’t want to kiss anybody until I know who I really love” Sae looked into Sayaka’s eyes whose at this moment were a little disappointed.

“But we kiss in the cinema room” Sayaka pouted.

“but you did it in surprise, so I didn’t knew how to react” Sae  said. After a few moment Sayaka went to her normal position, and then Sae put her arm around her
shoulders as they watch the stars. The night flew away.

It was time to go home and as predicted of Sae, she walked Sayaka home and dropped her there.

“well good night see tomorrow at school” said Sae. she was about to turn around when Sayaka turned her around and kiss her. This took Sae by surprise but she respond to the kiss and then flashback of her dreams came. when they meet in the park and how they broke up.

'I don't her to be unhappy with me' Sae thought. she lightly pushed her away and told her that she needed to got, but once again Sayak stopped her.
"what about my picture" Sayaka pouted. Sae sigh and took a picture with her. That was the first date out of the 4.

Let the dreams continue.

there are other parts.

wait for me.

..until the day comes.......

Offline Kazan

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Re: umichan's one shots [Sae's Keys] part 2 Update!!!!!(Saeyaka Date)
« Reply #65 on: June 03, 2013, 05:43:41 PM »
 :twothumbs i had long been forward to this, i hope the continuation of the story is not too long anymore

Offline fuu_kun

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Re: umichan's one shots [Sae's Keys] part 2 Update!!!!!(Saeyaka Date)
« Reply #66 on: June 03, 2013, 07:41:10 PM »
Sayaka so agressive O w O saee, keep hanging for your yuki! Okhay? XD Umiichaaaaan Dx where are you. TwT)/ it has been a long time :cry: good luck for your exam..

Offline AshuraX

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Re: umichan's one shots [Sae's Keys] part 2 Update!!!!!(Saeyaka Date)
« Reply #67 on: July 16, 2013, 06:31:08 PM »
So Yuko's in love with Atsuko...

Offline fuu_kun

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Re: umichan's one shots [Sae's Keys] part 2 Update!!!!!(Saeyaka Date)
« Reply #68 on: July 16, 2013, 07:06:12 PM »
Umiichaaaan.. Im still waiting >w< whenever you update, I will there.. Please do continue when u have free time :bow:  :twothumbs
« Last Edit: July 15, 2014, 04:33:49 AM by fuu_kun »

Offline Kazan

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Re: umichan's one shots [Sae's Keys] part 2 Update!!!!!(Saeyaka Date)
« Reply #69 on: July 14, 2014, 11:15:49 PM »
i had long been forward to this, i hope the continuation of the story is not too long anymore

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