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Author Topic: Random One Shots: |NyanNyan's Bday SP| One Cliché Story [KojiYuu OS] (04/21/15)  (Read 36829 times)

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Re: True Love (A Birthday Present For My Dearest Oshimen Yuko-sama)
« Reply #20 on: March 03, 2013, 07:34:46 PM »
This is a collaboration OS from me and miyumi, so I hope you all enjoy it. It's a bit late, but HAPPY ST. VALENTINE!!!

Lovely Surprises

Lightly shimmering in the sunlight, thin and nearly transparent spider webs are everywhere, covering branches, grass, rocks and even bunny’s lair. They make the area look magical, mystical and breathtaking. When you look up closely at those cobwebs, you could see dust residing on those sticky threads or dewdrops traveling down to quench the thirst of the flora down below. The spiders reside in the shadows, waiting for a fly or some bigger insects to fall into their sticky traps so they could feast upon them and feed their children. In this mesmerizing place you just need to stand and look closely. Can you see those tiny dewdrops on those webs? Can you see those spiders in the shadows? Can you see how ants hurry from their anthills to pick up tiny branches, rocks and even huge insects? Now try to listen carefully. Can you hear squirrels racing each other from tree to tree? Can you hear a wolf howling somewhere deep in the woods where the sun can’t reach? Can you hear your own heartbeat in this magnificent place? Now close your eyes and relax. Can you feel the warmth spreading through your body? Can you feel the wind brushing past your face coloring your cheeks reddish? Now try to listen again. Ignore the sounds around you, try to hear them from far away and follow the sound. Past the cobwebs, the tangled branches and leaves, barely walked on paths, huge rocks, a gurgling waterfall and a long cave. Now open your eyes. What do you see? It’s impressive, right? Welcome to Eripsa, a place where this story unfolds.


“Oh, oh, I see the target, chiyuu~”

“How come you find this all so enjoyable? What’s fun in shooting people with an arrow so they can fall in love?”

“Tomochin… We are cupids so of course we bring love and joy, chiyuu. Why are you so grumbly these past 200 years?” Tomo~mi tilted her head to the side and sighed. She was a beautiful cupid with medium brown locks reaching her waist and huge sultry eyes that would attract everyone…but the one she wanted the most. She was wearing a pink dress, had beautiful baby blue wings and carried a golden bow with silver arrows. She looked at her secret love interest and waited for her answer.

“What can I do? I just dislike all this. I don’t believe in love.” The other cupid scoffed and shook her head. She also had beautiful locks reaching her waist but they were light brown. She had her front teeth crooked but that only made her more charming. She was wearing a white dress with a black belt, had greenish wings and carried platinum bow with ruby arrows. She had a crush on her partner in ‘crime’ but she was too much of a tsundere to admit it.

“Mou… Chiyuu wants to have fun, you grumbly Tomochin!” the cute cupid looked back at her target and aimed straight to the heart.

“Stop!” Tomochin shouted and hugged a surprised Tomo~mi. “Let her be. I feel she will find love herself, let’s not interrupt.”

“Finally you used your power….” The seductive cupid sighed and then chuckled. “Chiyuu loves it when Tomochin hugs her.”

“Baka…” The fashionable cupid blushed and buried her face in Tomo~mi’s neck. “You can feel it without even trying… It’s very strong…”

“I know. But I wanted Tomochin to react to things. I knew you care, chiyuu~” It felt so good being hugged like this.

“Come to my place tonight..” whispered Tomochin and turned away releasing the hug.

“?!! H…hai!!! Chiyuu chiyuu chiyuu~”


She was walking down the empty streets and thinking to herself about this unfortunate day. It’s St. Valentine, and yet she was alone, wandering on the streets while others were at the main stadium, popping heart balloons, sharing heart candies and baking heart shaped cakes. She was the only one in this area who had no fun on St. Valentine. The reason was disturbing and unwanted. They all hated her because she was creepy. She was pale as snow, she didn’t eat what others ate and she loved to bite on her nails, preferably bloody. They never let her show her feelings and her true self. She was shunned out of their community yet she lived here and she could do nothing about it. She had nowhere to go, especially on St. Valentine.

Rena had no friends, no family, no one she could trust, just a baker down the other street who baked melonpans and gave them to Rena for free only out of pity. And then there was her landlady who had a few quirks of her own so was also disliked by the society. She giggled and started biting on her nails again. Yokoyama-san wouldn’t ask for the money as Rena could bring her more valuable things. She was good at fighting and hunting, as was her landlady so by silent agreement they would go hunting at nights and bring to town some wild animals and sell them. Money was decent and Yokoyama-san always shared it equally, sometimes even giving Rena more.

She heard a twinkle. Cupids. Rena ignored them as they tried to shoot her every year and yet until now they did not succeed. She wondered why. The pale girl waited for another fail shot but it didn’t come. She knew what that means and jolted in her steps.
Is it really possible that she might fall in love and actually someone might fall in love with her too without the cupids interfering?!! Who could it be? She could think of no one. Rena sighed and continued her journey to the bakery while still wondering about love.


She shouldn’t have come today. She knew that person won’t be here. Yuki believed this time she could find the courage to confess but without someone to confess to it was impossible. She looked around and scoffed. She hated this place where people were all fake. She knew only maybe 10 good hearted ones. They all came to her for advice. Others did too but with Yuki’s gift no one could deceive her. Just holding their hands she could tell about their lives and what awaits them. It’s because they had dark hearts. Only those 9 good hearted people were the ones she couldn’t read. And then there was that other person she had no opportunity to hold hand of, but she felt the person was good despite what others said.

There was Acchan and Takamina, nurse and police chief. Atsumina couple was always helping others in any way they could and their love was the strongest ever. No one could separate them no matter how hard others tried. Acchan was very possessive, of course in a good way. Also, everyone knew she was a perv but that didn’t scare Takamina when she asked Acchan on a date. Now some people even choke on how sweet Atsumina is. Yuki liked them and wished them the best.

Yuko was a dance couch and was the best dancer not only in Eripsa but in the whole area around. Kojiharu, or NyanNyan how Yuko called her, was the best masseuse you could find. She was also a fashion icon here at Eripsa, together with the cupid Tomochin. Kojiyuu couple was the second strongest couple, with Yuko always clinging to Haruna and Haruna being all tsundere and pushing her aside. Only the closest ones including Yuki knew how lovely this couple was when at home and how much Yuko was loved back for all the times Kojipa shoved her aside in public.

Then there comes those two cupids who loved each other too much but were too dense to show it to each other and too busy. Only on the St. Valentine a cupid could confess but they were too busy on St. Valentine trying to shoot Gekikara with an arrow. They failed every time and it drained their energy. Yuki knew those two might just find some time one day. Somehow she felt that maybe today is the day. She just felt it. She started walking towards the park and then her eyes spotted the bakery. Maybe there she can find a person in need…

Other three good people were baker Mayu, vet Milky and the main landlord Yui, Yuki’s cousin. Mayu’s melonpans were the most delicious ones in the whole area and people were standing in long queues for the whole day so to buy them. Yuki knew Mayuyu always gave a few to Gekikara. It wasn’t surprising knowing how kind-hearted Mayu was. Milky was also a sweet person, always wearing a smile on her face, no matter what’s the situation. Yui was friends with Gekikara, no other proof of her being good was needed.


Gekikara was on her way to the bakery walking down the street. As she was walking, she saw a fight going on and stopped to look at it. As she watched the men struggle and roll in the ground, Gekikara felt her instincts start to awaken. Her blood boiled and her smile began to form. She cracked her neck and started to walk over to the fight but then she suddenly felt someone pull her back. She turned around saw Yui staring at her. She pulled her in close and said,

"We're going to the bakery. Now."

Looks like Gekikara wasn't going to get the fight that she wanted but she didn't care because she knew there was a fresh warm melonpan waiting for her. When they arrived at the bakery as usual the place was packed. Customers were in line trying to get their food and others were at table drinking coffee or using the free wifi on their laptops. The line was long but that was no problem for Gekikara. She just walked past all the people all the way up to the front where Mayu was trying to take orders. Gekikara held out two fingers and Mayu nodded her head. Within a couple seconds Mayu pulled out two melonpans fresh from the oven. She handed it to Gekikara  who thanked her and started to leave. However one of the customers stopped her and said it wasn't fair that she could cut through and he couldn't. Mayu tried to calm him down but he wasn't listening and tried to hit Mayu. Gekikara defended Mayu by grabbing the man's fist and pushing him back. As he was trying to get up she placed her boot right in the groin area and started to press down making the man shout. Then she backed off and walked over to an open table. She sat down and soon after Yui showed up.

"Meet me at the park at ten. We'll hunt then got it?"

Gekikara nodded her head and started to eat her melonpan. As she was eating she felt a presence come up from behind her. She turned around and saw Yuki staring at her. Seeing Yuki made Gekikara freeze for a moment not sure what to do. Then she got up and quickly rushed out of the bakery before Yuki could say anything. Yuki sighed and was about to leave as well but then Yui made her sit and talk.

"What brings you here?" Yui asked.

"I wanted to talk to Gekikara." Yuki said.


"I wanted to tell her something important."

"Let me guess... you love her."

Yuki's face turned bright red and looked at Yui. Then she nodded her head and kept her head down.

"I knew it." Yui said.

"For how long?" Yuki said.

"Since the day you two met."



After the chat, Yuki and Yui left the bakery and Yui went to go meet up with Gekikara. They were going to hunt deer this time. Yui had to get down there before Gekikara shredded them to bits. She knew how much she loved catching deer. When Yui arrived Gekikara was already there biting her nails and staring at the trees. She walked over and patted her shoulder. Gekikara gave Yui a twisted smile and then ran into the woods dead set on a killing spree. Gekikara was moving fast through the woods. Only the moonlight illuminated the path and every step Gekikara took brought her closer to her target. With a couple more steps Gekikara's target was in sight and she had locked onto it. The deer tried to run a different direction but Gekikara ran after it and slammed it into the ground. Gekikara started punching the deer to a pulp to the point where you couldn't even see the deer's face. When it stopped moving, Gekikara dragged it over to Yui who had already caught two deer. Yui sighed when she saw how messy Gekikara looked covered in deer blood and she wasn't. They hunted five more before calling it a night and finally heading back. However Yui told Gekikara to stay behind and wait. Gekikara wasn't too fond of the idea because she was tired and wanted to sleep. However she did what Yui said and waited in the park sitting on a bench.

As she sat there she didn't notice the person coming from behind. Just as the person was about to touch Gekikara, Gekikara turned around and almost punched the person but then stopped when she realized it was Yuki. Gekikara was about to walk away but then Yuki stopped her.

"I just wanna talk. Is that ok?" she asked.

"Fine." Gekikara said.

"Well I wanted to say.... I love you!"


There was a moment of pause and then Yuki said,

"Ever since the day I met you, I knew I had found the one I love. I had always admired you from a far and watched you struggle with society. Being shunned by the others being all alone... It must have been so hard and painful... I want to put an end to your loneliness and pain. I love you Rena. Not the Gekikara that is known for killing people like crazy but the person inside. I love Rena."

Gekikara was taken aback by Yuki's sudden confession. She didn't know what to say so she just stood there staring at her. Not sure what to do, she thought about running away but then suddenly Yuki reached out and pulled her in for a hug. When her body hit, Rena's body started to tingle with a strange warm sensation. She had never felt such a feeling before and this was new to her. The thing in her chest started beating frantically racing like the wind. Yuki held her close nuzzling close. After a while Gekikara started to feel something else. A smile appeared on her face but it wasn't a wicked one. It was a kind innocent one filled with happiness. She held Yuki close and Yuki smiled. Then she reached out and held Gekikara's hand. She was expecting to see some tragic past but instead she saw nothing. Yuki was surprised and realized that Gekikara was one of the few good people in the world. Even though she looks scary and can be scary, she's still a good person. This made Yuki love Gekikara even more and held her tighter in a loving embrace.

As the two were hugging, up in the sky there were two cupids staring down upon them. One was smiling while the other was flying in circles.

"Alright she did it! Rena found someone to love!" Tomo~mi said.

"Yeah and we didn't even have to lift a finger." Tomochin said.

"I'm so happy for her."

"Me too."

Back down with Yuki and Gekikara, Yuki leaned in and kissed Gekikara on the lips and said,

"Happy Valentine's Day Rena. Let's be good friends from now on."


They held hands and walked out of the park carrying their new found love with them.



@miyumi: I will continue someday...  :nervous I'm happy you liked it  :)
« Last Edit: March 03, 2013, 07:41:38 PM by sakura_drop_ »
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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Re: Lovely Surprises OS (YukiRena) Mar 3rd
« Reply #21 on: March 04, 2013, 11:41:34 AM »
Sugoi!!!! Better late than never! It can be your late Valentine's and early White Day gift to all of us! Even if Yuki here is not Black, it was still perfect. I love how you twisted Yuki's Mielino special talent/skill/ability to produce that kind of result. Rena as Gekikara is always epic.

Offline Chanaline

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Re: Lovely Surprises OS (YukiRena) Mar 3rd
« Reply #22 on: March 04, 2013, 01:17:12 PM »
I love the end!!!!! Gekikara is just too kawaii!!! And she is a good person!!! 8)

And Yuki loves her since their first meet  :wub:
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

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Re: Lovely Surprises OS (YukiRena) Mar 3rd
« Reply #23 on: March 04, 2013, 04:07:14 PM »
kyaaahh!!!  :gyaaah:

M-my feelings...........y-you k-killed m-my feelings! You! What did you just do?!

Jkjk  :P

Nice updates!

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Re: Lovely Surprises OS (YukiRena) Mar 3rd
« Reply #24 on: March 05, 2013, 02:54:25 PM »
Waah...~! YukiRena OS! I miss reading fic about YukiRena xD

It's so sweet~! Hahaha
Rena become Gekikara is always awesome! XD

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A New Beginning OS (Mayuyu belated birthday special) Mar 27th
« Reply #25 on: March 27, 2013, 11:04:03 AM »
A New Beginning

We humans tend to have really strange personalities. We all are different yet we are so similar it makes one cry.

What is it that we have to exist everyday without enjoying it? Why do we rush and push people around so we could gain money? We won't need them when we die.

Why can't we keep those we care about close to ourselves? Why do we meet our relatives only at funerals or weddings but do not meet occasionally, even if we miss them?

When did this world tuned into one huge money and pollution making machine? How come did we forget about love, caring, generosity, nature?

Why does the person you should trust the most turns you down and makes you feel miserable and unwanted?

It is said that a butterfly lives only one day. People stare at them flying from flower to flower. Those butterflies flap their huge colorful wings, enjoy the beauty around them.

Probably they know they're gonna die in the evening but they do not close themselves in the shadows and they do not push other butterflies of their way.

They just live and enjoy each other's company. They know what it's to come yet they use all the means to make their short lives worth something.

Can we humans sincerely admit that we live such lives that are worth more than money? We cannot. And we only blame each other instead of sharing the burdens together....

Abandoned children, abused children, ignored children, hungry children... Jealous wives, husbands, sisters, brothers, girlfriends, boyfriends.

Hateful mothers, drunkard fathers, creepy coworkers and perverted bosses. All we care about is power and money. Why do we exist?

I always thought mother and child has a deep connection between each other until I grew older enough to understand mother never loved anyone but herself. She could nag all day long about how tired she is, how sick she is, how caring she is, and so on.

Me or papa, we never had the right to be sick or to be tired. We were, many times but if you think she cared even one bit... When granny called and asked about my health my 'dear' mother murmured one sentence about me and then started her usual ramblings about herself.

At that time I ran to my room and cried while clutching onto the pillow tightly wishing it was a sharp glass which would crash and cut me so she would start caring.

No one knows how many times I thought about hurting myself but I never found the courage in me to do that. Not because I am a coward but because those who try to hurt themselves are cowards.

And yet it crossed my mind many times how nice it would be to die just like that then maybe, just maybe I could feel mother's love. Once I told her she probably hates me and wants me dead.

She said she will send me to psychiatry clinic if she ever hears me saying this again. I stared at her and couldn't believe my own mother could say things like that to her own daughter.

I have a younger brother, Jun. He always got lots of love from her, maybe because he's a man... Papa, even though mother did not sincerely cared about his health, she pretended to and gave all the love to him and Jun.

As for me... I have a deep connection with papa, he is the one I can confine in. Also, I have granny too. And I am close with Jun, yet somehow I never called him brother... It just doesn't sound right, coming from my mouth.

But he said he doesn't mind as he likes how I call him by his name, showing we are more than family. We are friends. He always defends me from mother, changing the topic or telling about his day at school so her rage would not go to me.

He is the person I love really sincerely with all my heart and I hope he does well in the future. Do I sound pessimistic or suicidal? Like I said, I would never raise a hand against myself. It is a low and cowardly action.

Of course there are times when she is good and caring towards me and I treasure those tiny moments of happiness but they are so rare... It feels sometimes like back at school where I was bullied for not taking care of my looks, for being into anime too much or for going to such crazy lengths as in loving alpacas.

The clothes I wore were not okay to them, those rich spoiled brats. They always made fun of me, knocked food out of my hands, talked behind my back, sometimes even humiliating me in public with their remarks.

The whole school 'knew' me because of their rumors and I never had the chance to prove myself being different. Then I couldn't defend myself.

One good thing about school was having a best friend. If not Lovetan I probably would have gone crazy. She helped me to go through everything by supporting me and staying by my side, by showering me with care and jokes and friendship.

Even now I have no one I can compare to her. I proudly call her my sister as to me she's more like a family than my real mother... Whenever I feel down, I call Lovetan and cry my heart out. She consoles me and makes me laugh a lot so I would forget bad things.

It's hard to trust people for me and I don't have many friends. Most of my friends are online anime lovers from abroad. But that's it.

Today is my birthday and yet I am alone. Of course, I got people congratulating me but no one could celebrate it with me. Jun is busy with his school project, papa is on a business trip, mother has a drinking outing with her co-workers and my best friend is studying abroad...

Passing the streets aimlessly in a cold spring breeze, looking for a someplace fit to sit  alone and drink some tea and have a cake. Ah, maybe that cafe over there, it looks really nice... Even though it's exterior looks old and the name "Jester Cappe" is not a very nice name for a cafe it somehow attracts me.

I feel somehow drawn inside. The interior is different, it has a cozy and warm feeling. A waiter leads me to a table and I order some tea and a strawberry shortcake. The waiter leaves and I look around.

There are not many people here but it feels like this place is for lost souls to mend their hearts. The piano music in the background is nice, the dimmed lights and pastel furniture gives a natural warmth.

I see a waitress approaching me with my order. She is taller than me, her black raven hair is in a tight ponytail, her curvy body in a waitress outfit looks rather de... Wait... WHAT THE HELL AM I THINKING?!!

She comes and gives me my tea and shortcake. And then asks me in a gentle and soothing voice what am I celebrating. I look down and murmur the word "birthday". She asks if Iam celebrating alone. I nod my head and look away from embarrassment.

She chuckles lightly and says that I am the cutest person she ever met. I stare at her while she wishes me happy birthday. Her eyes are so pretty... I cannot take my eyes away... But she leaves and I feel disappointed.

I start drinking tea, not having the mood to eat the cake. Suddenly the music changes the lights concentrate on a small stage and I see that waitress in a short tube dress. She sings a song and I can only stare and listen feeling her gaze takes me away to somewhere where there's only her and me.

kodomo no koro kara
kyoudai no you ni
issho ni otona ni natte kita yo ne
ICHIGO de kenkashite
futari wo kikazuni
toukou shita

mawari no tomodachi ga
kekkonshi hajimete
chikaku ni aru to
ima ni natte omotta yo

suki to ietara rakunanoni
iji wo hatte ita zutto
katakuna ni
te mo furezu ni...
koi ni taishou ni naranai
osonajimi datta kedo
nanika ga kawatta
mune ga DOKIDOKI shinakute mo
futo HOtto suru you na
renai mo arutte kizuita yo

ochikondeta toki
riyuu ha kikazuni
kankeinai hanashite warawa seta
totsuzen anata ga
shoutengai itsumo no mise e
katte kita

watashi ni dake ippai
ICHIGO wo kureta ne
konna fu ni
jin to suru koto dayo ne

imasugu ni suki to iitai keno
SOPPO mui mama kitto
anata wa
"nanika itta?" nante...
mou ichido iwa seru tsumori?
watashi yuuki dashita no ni...
nani mo kawattenai
kikoeteinakutemo ii
ichiban daisetsu na I love you!

watashitachi no
ICHIGO ha ikutsu?
kazoenagara wakeatte
issho ni kurasou yo
moshi anata ga
ochikonde iru toki wa
watashi no ICHIGO mo ageru
namida mo wakeaou

suki to ietara rakunanoni
nani wo tameratteta no darou

kono koi

suki to ietara rakunanoni
iji wo hatte ita zutto
katakuna ni
te mo furezu ni...
koi ni taishou ni naranai
osonajimi datta kedo
nanika ga kawatta
mune ga DOKIDOKI shinakute mo
futo HOtto suru you na
renai mo arutte kizuita yo

After singing she comes to my table and puts a candle on the shortcake. She lits it and sings me a 'happy birthday' with people inside the cafe joining in. I feel tears in my eyes, make a wish and blow the candle.

I thank her but she shakes her head and kisses my forehead. I blush and froze in place while she leaves, probably to change back into her waitress outfit. After I regain myself I eat the cake and leave some money (more than needed).

When I go outside I see her standing there in a black coat and smiling at me. She says she doesn't want me to spend my birthday alone and suggests we go for a walk. I never knew wishes can come true that fast.

You wonder what I wished for? It's simple. "I don't want to spend my birthday alone... I want to take a walk with this beautiful girl. It's all I ask." Well, my wish came true...

By the way, her name is Yuki. It's such a nice name. The moment she took my cold hand into her warm one my heart melted and I felt butterflies in my stomach. I think this is my best birthday present ever. A new friend. A new beginning.



@hikari_043083: thank you for understanding an a nice comment :bow: yes Gekikara is EPIC  :wub:
@Chanaline: thank you for commenting :bow: glad you liked it
@K-popJ-popAWESOMENESS: uwa... your reaction  XD I'm happy you liked it :bow:
@White Hawk: Gekikara is awesomeness itself :deco: thank you for commenting and liking it :bow:
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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Re: A New Beginning OS (Mayuyu belated birthday special) Mar 3rd
« Reply #26 on: March 27, 2013, 11:29:32 PM »
kawaii mayuyu :heart: :yep:
im glad mayu's dad, jun and lovetan are nice to her :deco:
but mayu's mother,  :angry: I HATE HER!!
thanx for the fic :cow:  :bow:
and happy belated b-day to mayuyu!! :cathappy:
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

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Fateful Birthday

Once upon a time in a little cabin deep in the woods there lived a husband and a wife who had five children. They all were boys and the couple loved them dearly but there was something missing in their lives. They wanted to have a daughter. Yet no matter how hard they prayed and how hard they tried they just couldn't have any more children. The couple gave up and decided that what God gave them were five sons and they must not be too greedy. So the family lived their life for some years until three of the boys left the cabin for some adventures as they were adults already. The other two were too lazy and too young to set their foot further from the known grounds.

One day suddenly the mother got sick and fell ill. She slept in bed for days, all sweating and eating just apples. Her husband didn't know what to do so he sent his sons out for help. He waited for days watching his wife grow thinner and thinner. When the sons came back they said they couldn't find any help along their way just some useless old granny. The man got angry at them for not proceeding further after meeting the old woman and ventured to seek for help himself.

After ten hours of walking he met an old granny, just like his sons said. The woman looked harmless and poor and the man decided to talk with her.
"Good day. My wife is sick and I'm looking for some help. Maybe you know where I could find a doctor?"
"Son, I'd love to help you, but I'm sick too. Maybe you can help me and in return I'll help your wife."

“Just tell me how can I help you and I’ll see what I can do.” The man asked humbly.
“I cannot have children and it saddens me… If only I could have a daughter I would be the happiest woman ever…”
“And how exactly you think I can help you?” The man became suspicious as he woman has the same problem as his wife but he was curious and also polite.
“Don’t ask me how I know it, but your wife cannot bear girls, right? And now she is sick and eating only apples. That means, she is pregnant with a girl.”

“What?.. How?... EEH?!!”
“But a special care is needed in order for her to come back to her normal self and bear the child safely. You have to promise me that after your daughter turns eighteen you will give her to me.”
“… Is that the only way, dear lady?” The man’s heart was slowly turning into broken shards as he couldn’t even imagine giving his child to someone else.
“Apparently it is the only way. But don’t worry. When your daughter marries someone she can return to you. If you keep my promise I will keep mine.”

“…” The man sat on the ground and thought a lot about the issue. Then he stood up and looked straight into the old woman’s eyes. Something about her eyes was different but he couldn’t point it out.
“Okay, I’ll do as you say. But how can my wife turn better?”
“Easy. You have to kiss every piece of this apple that I will give you and feed it to her. I promise, it will get her back on her feet and she will bear a healthy girl.”
“Deal.” The man took an apple, gave a firm handshake to the old lady as a promise to keep his word and then went back home.

*five years later*

“Mommy mommy, look what I found!!!” A very excited little girl ran into the kitchen and shoved a huge caterpillar into her mother’s hands.
“Oh, Minami, what a nice friend you are to all animals. How are we gonna name this one?”
“Mhm…” The girl started to think.

“Well, we already have monkey Sayaka, squirrel Yuko, cat Haruna, rabbit Mayu and snail Kana.” The girl’s dad came in, dragging his feet as his right leg was hugged by Sayaka. The monkey noticed a bowl of bananas on a table and happily let go of the leg in order to get the so wanted fruits. Just as she was about to get one, a commotion in the other room made everyone stop in their tracks.

When they all peeked through the corner to see what’s happening in the living room, they were not surprised to see that their cat was chased by the squirrel. For some reason Yuko was infatuated by the lazy and indifferent to her surroundings cat.
“NyanNyan, you can do it!! Run for your life!!” Little Minami shouted excitedly to the cat and then turned her attention back to the caterpillar who was already indulged in nibbling some leaves. “Mommy, I know how I will name this one. Mika-chan!!”

“Good job, darling, a nice name for her. I’m sure Mika-chan will become good friends with our Kana-chan.” Mother looked at the pile of leaves. On the other side of it a snail was also nibbling the leaves, not even knowing about the plans of these matchmakers.
“Yay!! Mommy, let me help you to make cookies!!”
“Okay and daddy can catch Sayaka, as I think this bowl is totally empty and just a few minutes ago it was full of bananas…” Mother shook her head and the family continued their daily lives.

*on Minami’s 18th birthday*

After all the presents were opened and the cake was eaten father looked at Minami with sad eyes and serious face. Her mother was already crying and Minami was wondering what’s wrong with the two. Even her brothers were really silent.
“Um, can you tell me what’s going on?” Minami asked silently.
She listened to her father’s story with teary eyes and by the end she was crying rivers. Yet she was a girl who always kept promises, took blame for others and was always caring and responsible. She wiped her tears and gave her best smile.
“I’ll make you proud, I promise. And some time later I’ll bring you the best son-in-law you could ever have.”

It was hard for her to leave her family but Minami didn’t want to make her father look bad in front of that woman. Minami went to the place where they met while she was still in mama’s belly and found there the old women already waiting.
“Good evening, ma’am.” She bowed politely to the woman who smiled at her and bowed also.
“Good evening. I’m glad your father kept his promise. I’m sorry for taking you away on your birthday. What’s your name?”
“Minami, Takahashi Minami.”
“Nice to meet you. You are a very good looking young lady. You can call me Maeda-san.” The old lady said and then took Minami’s hand. “Shall we go to my place?

After some time walking they came to a nice clearing which contained a huge garden full of unseen flowers and a beautiful big mansion. Minami had so many questions but decided to ask them the next day. The old woman showed her everything around and then led her to her bedroom. Then they wished each other goodnight and the lady left Minami alone.

There were so many things about this place that intrigued the short girl and she didn’t even spent here a day. The mansion had nothing an old person would need; it was full of modern furniture and decorations. Many of the rooms were locked, third and fourth floors were forbidden to go to. Also, the lady said she goes to sleep a 7pm and wakes up at 7am. It was nothing strange about it and yet Minami found it strange. Maybe because the old lady had very warm and gentle hands or maybe because her eyes were shinning so brightly one could never think an old person can have such eyes.

Then she heard a knock on the door and a maid came in. The maid said the dinner is ready and left the room immediately. Takamina was not happy as she couldn’t even see the girl’s face but what she could do really… She went down to the dining room and found everything set for her dinner. Also a box with a ribbon was on a table and a greeting card with ‘Happy Birthday, Minami’ on it.

When she opened the box she found inside a very nice big black ribbon with white polka dots on it. She immediately tied her hair with it as she loved ribbons dearly. Then with a huge smile on her face she had dinner and after it she went to a garden. The garden was magnificent, especially now when the moon shone so brightly. She noticed the maid tending a rose bush and decided to start a conversation with her.

“What a nice evening…” She said aloud with a sigh and looked at the maid. She hoped for her to turn around but instead the maid tossed everything from her hands and ran away. “What was that supposed to mean?...”
She picked things and started tending the bushes herself as she felt responsible for interrupting the poor girl’s job.

*some months later*

Days passed and Minami got more aware that something was not right. Her questions were answered obscurely and she never knew the answers to them. The maid kept running and avoiding her, just sometimes informing about dinner. Evening and night were the only times she saw the maid and it started to irritate her. She decided to take some action about the maid issue as she wanted to see her face for some reason really badly.

So when the evening came Minami as usual went to the garden and sat on her preferred spot, a bench which was in front of the red rose bush. She watched the maid every evening as the maid tended the bush, her back facing the midget. Yet this evening Minami was determined to see the girl’s face. Some secrets are okay to be hidden but this one was just too much for Takamina to bear any longer.

The maid didn’t notice when Takamina approached her so she was really shocked when the midget suddenly turned her around and held her tight with one arm as her other arm raised maid’s face. Two pairs of eyes met and the time stood still for some time as something happened in the air around the two.

“Your eyes…” Minami finally spoke. She felt the maid trying to get away so she tightened her hold on the girl and stared more intensely at her. “Are you the daughter of the old lady? Is she using you as a maid? What’s this all about?”
Yet she had another question in the back of her mind that kept nagging her but she just couldn’t ask the maid why her lips looked so kissable right now.

“I’m not her daughter… I…” The maid tried to look away but it was impossible even if Minami let her go. They both just couldn't break the intense gaze at each other as they felt being drawn closer by an unknown force. “I am her. My name is Maeda Atsuko and I am cursed. The curse can only be broken if a girl I chose falls in love with me within seven months.”

When Minami heard her she didn't even flinch. Others wouldn't believe it but for the midget every secret and all the inconsistencies stood to their rightful places and she sincerely believed it.
“Your eyes, I felt they were out of context with the old lady’s body… Sorry, it’s not an insult. It’s a complement. I can’t take away my eyes from yours…. I just can’t…”

Atsuko sighed and closed her eyes.
“Everyone says that but after the kiss they die… I came to like you, you know… So don’t you dare to kiss me…” A tear trickled down Maeda’s cheek but it soon was wiped away by soft lips. Atsuko’s eyes opened wide and she blushed very hard as Minami's face was so close to hers.

“I don’t care about others. Of course, it’s a sad issue and usually I cry over things like these easily but now I feel that you are weaker than me and that I want to protect you. I want to kiss you so badly… But also… I want not only to kiss you… I want to devour you, make you mine… I want to protect you and show you to my parents… This might be love from the first sight and this might be too sudden but we spent so many time together…”

“But I was an old lady…” Atsuko tried to protest yet her heart was beating so fast it could probably jump out of her rib cage any second.
“But your mind was that of a young person. The more I talked with you the more questions I had and the more I was infatuated by you. It’s not the appearance that matters the most, it’s the inside. Even if you were to stay the old lady forever… I would never leave you, ever.

“Minami…” Maeda didn't know what to say but even if she knew she wouldn't be able to as she felt soft lips kissing her passionately as soon as she closed her eyes. It was unlike any other kiss. It was magical, it sent butterflies to her stomach it made her legs wobbly and all she could do was hug the midget tightly and let her take control. Both of them didn't even noticed how they came to Minami’s bedroom and they didn't even knew that the morning already came and Maeda was still young and pretty.

As they woke up in the afternoon, all tangled between the sheets they looked at each other and for the first time Minami heard a giggle followed by a smile. A smile which made a wrinkle appear on that cute nose. Minami kissed Atsuko on the lips and then smiled also.
“Good morning, Atsuko.”

“Good morning…” The black haired girl rolled over until she was on top of Minami and then she grinned widely. “I think you have to marry me in the future if you want to go back to your parents.”
“With pleasure.” Takamina laughed lightly and pulled her new found love for a deep kiss. After the kiss they both stared at each other with loving gazes and then Minami’s face turned all serious.
“I think I can sincerely say that my eighteenth birthday was the best as that was when I first met you. And now I’m sure I’ll never let you go.”


A/n. I know Minami is not 18 irl but I felt like 18th birthday has more impact to us so I wrote about eighteenth. I hope you like it. :bow:


@mayuki_daisuki: I'm glad you like ti and we share the same feelings about Mayu and her family ;)
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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My KamiOshis: Yuuko-sama, Rena-sama  Oshimen: Yuihime Other favorites: Mirukii, Juri-tan, Ripopo

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It's okay 4 years don't make that much difference XD

And this is so fairytale-like. I like it. At first I thought Takamina would be the princess who would get to marry the prince  but it turns out that Acchan is the princess who needs to be loved by the person she loves in order to stay young and pretty instead. Minami promised to bring back a son-in-law but she brought back a daughter-in-law instead XD

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I like 'Fateful Birthday' fic lots

a fairy tale.... very nice

I like mini Minami... she is so cute... making friends with all kind of animals and naming them...

Minami is such a good child... doing the bidding as was promised by her parents

Thank you for the romantic OS

Can't wait to see more

 :wub: :inlove: :heart: :love:

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A Squirrel?

I was walking down the street while looking around, searching for something or someone to catch my attention. Being an artist requires some inspiration. If you don't have the feels you just cannot paint. At least that's how things are for me.

When I saw her at that time in one of the balconies, I knew that image was going to stay in my head forever. She was standing alone, gazing somewhere far away with a sad face. Wind was playing with her hair and sun was basking in that smooth skin of hers.

As soon as I got back home I went down to the basement and started painting, the image of her was so vivid. I knew exactly what colors to use, where to cast shadows, even the proportions went smoothly, exactly how I wanted. I felt a strong craving to see her again. Of course, the painting was not as realistic as she was, yet I felt accomplished, because I was able to capture the moment on the canvas.

"But...Minami...thats a painting of the squirrel... I thought you were talking about some girl..." Kojiharu said. She was disappointed to see some animal on the canvas instead of the beautiful girl she imagined from Takamina's story.

"My Minami sees only me in a romantic way, there's no way she looks like that at other women. I knew instantly it's going to be an animal on the canvas." Acchan said proudly and hugged Takamina. Takahashi hugged her back.

"Still..Well, the painting is nice and I kinda can see the image of what you told if I look really closely and don't think about the details too much but... Nevermind..." Haruna felt like something was missing in the painting, that something was not right with it. She shook her head. Takamina was a good artist so she probably knew what she was painting.


"You came.." The squirrel smiled and was awarded with the hot and passionate kiss. Yuko hugged a slightly smaller girl and felt her relaxing in no time.

"Yuko... I missed you..." Takamina burried her face in the crook of squirrel's neck and sighed with content.

"Haha~ I missed you too~ Nee...did you tell her?" Oshima asked while caressing the shorter midget's back.

"I...couldn't... I didn't even have the courage to reveal the real painting... I showed them the squirrel one..."

"Ah... I see..." Yuko was a bit sad.

"And Haruna was there..." Minami mentioned Yuko's ex-girlfriend.

"NyanNyan.... Okay, I understand. Tell her whenever you two are alone, okay?" Yuuchan raised Takamina's head and stared deeply into her eyes.

"Un." Minami blushed but also stared at Yuko. " I brought dinner."

"YAY~!! You might get a dessert after we eat dinner~" Yuko was happy to have some quality time with Minami and she also brought food. "I love you."

"I love you too." Bakamina smiled then she realized what was said before and she blushed even more. "Dessert... Sounds fun~ Let's go and eat then~"


A/n. So this is a short story I wrote while on the bus, though I had this in my mind for a very long time. Well, I finally wrote it down and I hope you enjoyed reading it. Sorry for it being so short but sometimes it's better to not tell too much...


@Tanchan: Yeah, I'm happy you liked the story. Recently I just love making Minami as a strong, bold and reliable person (she always was strong and reliable but with Acchan she's... We all know you better not mess with Acchan LOL  XD) So yeah, she's gonna bring a daughter-in-law  XD
@cisda83: You like it? I'm happy  :deco: yup, Minami is always the one who takes responsibility for things (the guitar accident-prank on AKBINGO LOL  :lol: I pitied her but also it was funny to watch. AND we just made sure yet again what a good actress Yuko-sama is, nee?  :wub:)
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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wMidgets never fail to amused me... :on lol:

yuu-chaaaan~ :luvluv1:

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Yuuchan and Takamina's moment are so  :luvluv1: :luvluv1:

Well, There's Acchan and Kojinyan....hmmm there are so dense..hehehe  :lol: :lol: :lol:
(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
Kumiyuri X Mayuki X Wmatsui X Atsumina X Furuyanagi X Kojiyuu

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thanks for the update! Cute story about Yuko and Minami :D
lol feel bad for Atsuko though but at least Minami said she's planing to tell her so it'll work out :P

Thanks again! Smart of Minami to paint yuko's "animal" version! :P love her Squirrel nickname haha

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My Model

“Now bent a bit towards the camera and open your shirt a bit.” Cameraman ordered.

“Is it necessary?”

“Kojima-san… Do we want those who look at your photo book to buy it? Yes, we do. Do we want them to open it and not feel disappointed? Yes, we do. Showing off your breasts is the best selling point and you know it.” The man asserted.

Haruna sighed and opened slightly her shirt. She was a model who they all named ‘The most beautiful woman of the century’. She felt pressured to keep the title and had to do more and more outrageous things to keep the media interested. The tall girl was glad they didn’t tell her to sleep with others or to lose her baka-airhead act she put on. Well, they didn’t know it was just an act and everyone were thinking she was an airhead in real life too.

“I think you’ve done enough today.” A firm and commanding voice echoed through the photo shoot studio and everyone halted and stopped in their actions. It was the person they all respected and always listened to whatever she was saying. “Kojima-san, follow me to my office.”

Haruna wanted to follow but the stare the person gave her made the tall girl flinch. Kojima saw the unhappy stare at her breasts and understood what had to be done. She done the buttons of her shirt so it wouldn’t be as revealing and followed the person to her office.

Soon after she closed the door she was pressed against the wall and kissed with such a passion it could probably blow the whole country. Haruna answered the kiss and held the person really close, then they pulled apart to inhale some air.

“I’m gonna kill my dad one day! He’s not checking upon what his workers are doing with his most precious model and it pisses me off!” The girl was fuming from anger.

“Hey, calm down, I’m all yours no matter what happens at the photo shoots or what appears in the photo book. You know I am only yours and yours only.” Kojiharu smiled and kissed her lover’s forehead.

“Nee, NyanNyan…” The girl hugged Haruna and tugged her shirt. “Let’s tell my dad about us… I am his only daughter and he loves me a lot, so I think he’ll understand…”

“Acchan…” The tall model was surprised by the black haired girl’s suggestion but of course she was really happy. “Are you sure you want this?”

“Un. Then you don’t have to show others your breasts and I can finally have you all by myself. This could save you from more nasty things they might talk you into doing. And you can even attend the same university as I, just not the acting but modeling branch.”

“Acchan…” Haruna was really touched and a tear escaped her eye. “I love you so much…so much…”

“Me too… You are the most important person in my life; you are everything to me…” Atsuko blushed when she felt Kojiharu’s hands roaming under the black haired girl’s blouse. She might have looked tough to others – she had to keep her image – but she actually was a shy and quiet girl.

“So cute and delicate…” NynaNyan chuckled and undone the buttons of her shirt. “I am all yours, Atsuko…”

Maeda Atsuko stared at the view in front of her and then leaned in, planting light kisses on the exposed skin. Even though her cheeks were on fire from the embarrassment she wanted to touch her lover too much to be shy at the moment. She started slowly biting and sucking on the two sensitive spots, sending lots of pleasure waves to Haruna’s body.

Soon the office was filled with sounds of moaning, shouting and huffing, while people outside the office hurriedly packed their stuff and left the lovebirds alone.


A/n. Yes another short story I wrote while on the bus XD sorry for it being so short but oh well, I don't think there is anything more needed in this story to be said, nee? Hope you enjoy it and thank you all for staying with me up till now.. i feel like I have few more haters coz so many people ignore my stories, so whenever I see a comment or a 'thank you' I become so sensitive coz then I feel like there are at least a few who still like my writing...  :bow: :bow:


@bunny_rabbit: They are amazing, aren't they?  XD Yes, Yuko-sama is just  :wub:
@X_Last-Cross_X: Oh, no problem  ;) Here is another one :D yes, those two are dense, and the other two had a nice moment haha thank you for commenting  :bow:
@arrow27: Yes, she can't hide it forever and Acchan has to know. Well, I think she'd be devastated but I don't wanna write about a hurt Acchan, maybe later... *idea* hehe, Minami is oc smart, and Yuko-sama's nickname suits her a lot XD anyway, thanks for reading :)
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

My Blog: J-Pop and K-Pop Abode   The list of my fics in JPH!P: My fics   Let's have fun here: Acchan48   My home and family: United Nations Society of Adorkable Writers

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Re: Random OSs. |My Model| (AtsuNyan, a request by X_Last-Cross_X) Apr 20th
« Reply #35 on: April 20, 2013, 05:56:30 PM »
WOW ITS JUST LIKE  :shocked :shocked :shocked  :drool: :drool: :drool:

(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
Kumiyuri X Mayuki X Wmatsui X Atsumina X Furuyanagi X Kojiyuu

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Re: Random OSs. |My Model| (AtsuNyan, a request by X_Last-Cross_X) Apr 20th
« Reply #36 on: April 20, 2013, 09:41:49 PM »
yay...another unusual pairing from sakura-chan (may I call you that)

can't wait to see another stories with another unique pairings from you...

keep up the good work :on GJ:

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Re: Random OSs. |My Model| (AtsuNyan, a request by X_Last-Cross_X) Apr 20th
« Reply #37 on: April 21, 2013, 04:28:30 AM »
OMG AtsuNyan, I've been wanting to read fic about this couple yet no one writes about it. They're another of my guilty pleasure XD. I just saw Acchan's twit yesterday congratulating NyanNyan's birthday and I was wondering if anyone would write a fic about them and here it comes. Thank you so much sakura-san :inlove:

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Re: Random OSs. |My Model| (AtsuNyan, a request by X_Last-Cross_X) Apr 20th
« Reply #38 on: April 21, 2013, 09:38:35 AM »
Wah... Great AtsuNyan story... Actually this is the 1st time I see this pairing...

This pairing is a very rare one I think...

It's good one too...

Thank you for making this OS, sakura_drop_

And also Thank you for requesting it, X_Last-Cross_X

Hope to see more and more of your OS

Can't wait...

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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What A Day

WARNING. Gender-bender, has swearing.

The chumps were burning in the fireplace creating warmth in the room and giving it a romantic light. Shinoda Mario did the last touches to create a romantic getaway in his bedroom for the birthday girl. The room was full of rose petals; wine was on the table, as well as cake, fruits and a present box. Mario was wearing a suit and had prepared a bouquet of very beautiful flowers.

Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door. Mario put everything aside and went to see who it was. A servant was huffing, presumably from too much running; his eyes were full of fear.
“Shinoda-san… Kojima-san went missing… Her room was found in…” The servant didn’t have the time to explain as he was just barely punched when Mario’s fist went straight to the wall, next to the poor man’s ear.

“Fuck!!” Shinoda cursed and then took out his mobile phone.  He called everyone which could be of any help in finding his fiancée and then hurriedly left the house. He was so furious and pissed of that all the servants and guards got out of his way and hided for their lives. The tall man threw open the car doors, jumped inside and drove away.

He had no idea where to go but he just followed his instincts and went to all the places she liked to go. He visited Acchan and Bakamina’s place but they had no idea where his fiancée was and tried to call everyone they knew. Though the man couldn’t wait and continued searching himself.

He went to the bar where Sae and Sayaka were working. Sayaka was on stage, singing her hit song ‘Mushi no Ballad’ and Sae was behind the bar, staring with loving gaze at the person on stage, ignoring the long line of customers. Mario didn’t have time so he dragged Sae out and told her what happened. Soon Sayaka joined them and they discussed a few more places where Haruna could be.

Shinoda drove to the perverted squirrel’s house. Even though usually Mario would hate it if Haruna was here – jealousy always got the best of him – but now he really wished for the tall girl to be here. Yet Yuko got worried a lot too and called all friends and Haruna’s friends too. Kojima Haruna was nowhere to be found.

Suddenly Shinoda got a call from unknown number.
“What’s up, dude? Wanna see your bitch alive? Then drag your ruddy ass to our meetin’ place, you son of a bitch. If you come without company and unarmed then she’s gonna be fine. So, sucker, whatcha goin’ to do?”

Mario only gritted his teeth and crushed his cellphone into tiny pieces. Yuko only stared wide eyed at him, not understanding what was happening. The man looked at Yuko with determination in his eyes.
“I’m bringing her alive and unharmed, you hear my word. Now lock your doors if you ever want to snuggle in any woman’s breasts. I don’t want you missing too.” He spat out the words.

“You care about me?” Yuko tried to lighten the mood a bit and pretended to be surprised.
“It’s because Haruna cares, you squirrel.” Shinoda jumped to his car yet again and drove away, while Yuko locked her doors and kept on calling all friends. She was scared.

Meanwhile Mario arrived at the abandoned garage where a huge gang was waiting for him. He scoffed but got out of the car. Their boss smirked and clapped his hands.
“So you came, huh?”
“Whatever. Where’s Haruna, you assholes? If you dared to touch her…” Shinoda was shaking from anger and hate towards these men.
“Come closer and you’ll see her.” The gang’s boss ordered and Mario came closer, leaving a car behind. Two strong men held him tight while Haruna was dragged to the car and tied to the chair. She was unconscious, with torn clothes and Mario started squirming, his mouth spatting all the dirty words he knew.

A man next to the car slapped Kojima a few times until she opened her eyes and screamed after seeing her fiancé in the hands of the gang. Yet she couldn’t move and all Kojiharu could do was watch how the men started beating Shinoda. Though her fiancé didn’t give up and fought back as much as he could.

An eerie laughing echoed through the garage and the boss smirked.
“Shinoda, ‘tis your end. I found someone who’s gonna beat you until even your mama wouldn’t be able to recognize you.” The man laughed and looked at the raven haired girl who approached them all while smirking and biting her nails.

She came closer to Mario and looked him in the eye.
“Nee…okotteru?..” She tilted her head and giggled. “Ma.ri.o.ku.n.”
“No and yes.”
“Ah… Then…” She turned around and looked at the gang. Her eyes became deadly scary; she was wearing a serious expression. “Bukkorosu.”

Mario knew he could leave her alone but he was a gentleman – even if trolling a lot – so he helped her and soon they wiped out all but the boss.
“As much as I’d love to make you suffer myself, I think you deserve to be ‘beating until your mama wouldn’t be able to recognize you’. So excuse me, I have to take care of my fiancée. How French say, ‘Au revoir’.”

The man started running but his way was blocked by yet another raven haired female who with one blow knocked the living daylights out of him. Then slapped him until he was conscious and tossed him to the giggling girl.
“Geki, he’s yours.”
“Thank you, Black.”

While the two were indulging in the fighting feast, Mario went to the car and untied Haruna. As soon as he did that she hugged him tightly, all shaking and whimpering. He held her in his arms, rocking and calming down with his soothing words. When she fell asleep, he called his driver to come and take them. Shinoda just couldn’t drive and also he didn’t want to let go of his beloved.

The two just finished the beating and came to check upon them.
“Rena, Yuki… Thank you.” Mario was sincere. If not them, he could have died here and hell knows what would have happened to his precious Nyaro.
“Don’t thank us. We’re glad we could help.” Yuki, otherwise known as Black, answered and reassuringly patted his shoulder.

“Just bring her home safely and make the last hour of her birthday into the best birthday ever. We know you can do it.” Rena smiled. She caught herself still biting on the nails and quickly removed them from her mouth. She glanced at Yukirin nervously and instantly knew it was going to be a long night. “Well then…we’re…going then…ah…good night…”
Mario just nodded his head and watched the duo leaving. Soon the driver was here and through the entire journey back home Mario was holding his fiancée tightly in his arms, his loving gaze not leaving her even for a moment.

As soon as they got back home Shinoda took his fiancée to his bedroom and laid her on the bed. Then he went to the kitchen and prepared dinner. He tried not to think about what happened and so far succeeded. He brought the tray with food to the bedroom and saw that Nyaro was awake. He put the tray down and hugged her, feeling her leaning close to him and relaxing.

“I was so scared… Thank god Rena was there, so I knew things were going to be okay but… When I saw them holding you…” She shivered and cuddled closer to Shinoda.
“Hush… Things are fine now, don’t worry.” Mario caressed her back until she calmed down. He felt her shifting. So the time has come.
“Mario…” She was awestruck at how beautiful the room looked. “Is this all for me?”

“Yes, but at first you have…” He was cut by the eager lips that invaded his personal space and started kissing him with impatience and passion.
“As much as I want to see the gift… Can you do me a favor and make me forget what happened? When his hands tou….” This time Mario didn’t let her finish. Knowing that bastard touched her fueled him up and he totally indulged into the passion’s river and pulled Haruna in with him.

A box was feeling lonely on the table but it knew tomorrow the bow will be taken away and the lid will be opened. Then a very happy Haruna will kiss her fiancé and thank him with all her love. Inside the box was holding the rights to hold the fashion show and then open the fashion line, named ‘NyanNyan Paradise’.


A/n. Sorry if this is lame but inspiration hit me... I am busy so I won't reply To your comments, I'll do it on the next update. THANK YOU MINNA!
« Last Edit: April 23, 2013, 01:26:52 PM by sakura_drop_ »
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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