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Author Topic: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [Chapter 12 - 7/15/13]  (Read 47086 times)

Offline Amakuchi

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [CHAPTER 4]
« Reply #40 on: October 27, 2012, 06:18:22 PM »
huwaa that'll be amazing can holiday in singapore x) update soon :bow:

LOL. Thank you. xDD
Y'know, you almost made me think that your nickname is 'UPDATE SOON'. Joke. xDD
It's cuz' you always repeat it. xDD

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Offline fuu_kun

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [CHAPTER 4]
« Reply #41 on: October 28, 2012, 04:43:49 AM »
nyahaha XD sorry for too demanding.. :bow:
and then i think i must change my nickname become "update soon" later XDb

Offline SakuraKyoto

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [CHAPTER 4]
« Reply #42 on: October 28, 2012, 05:17:29 AM »

Yuizou-san was appear !!! Yatta ~  my troll man  :heart:  *LOL*

Waiting for another update  :kekeke:  and please don't forget about Paruru & Yuizou  :luvluv2:

Offline Amakuchi

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [CHAPTER 4]
« Reply #43 on: October 28, 2012, 06:17:03 AM »

Yuizou-san was appear !!! Yatta ~  my troll man  :heart:  *LOL*

Waiting for another update  :kekeke:  and please don't forget about Paruru & Yuizou  :luvluv2:

LOL. Hahahaha! xDD
I won't forget them. xDD

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Offline Amakuchi

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [CHAPTER 4]
« Reply #44 on: October 29, 2012, 10:33:43 AM »
So this is my longest update, I think? O w O Please enjoy. I'm thinking that I didn't give my 100% effort in this chapter so... Please forgive meh! T A T

[A/N: I almost got mental blocked. DDx Anyways, enjoy le new chapter. :DD]

Shimazaki Haruka POV and Introduction

Genkipparuru~! Shimazaki Haruka, 18 years of age! Nice to meet you all! :)) Unlike normal idols who stop after High School, I am studying in College. ^ _ ^ I want to make sure that when I graduate in this career, I'll land in a sure job! :)) The course I chose in college is Legal Management. ^ _ ^ It's because Saito-kun chose it! :DD I'm sure that when he chooses a course, it'll be easy so I chose it too! ^ _ ^ Well, I also chose this course because... ///./// I want to be by his side forever... Though he never even shed a bit of interest in me. :((

Moving on, if it's about my parents... - w - Only my Mom is living with us. Dad died a long time ago and my mom is the only one supporting the two of us! :)) Atsuki-nii is currently working as a photographer so Mom is not the only who's supporting me in my studies. :DD Oh yeah! My Mom's name is Mina. ^ _ ^ They all say that she looks a little older than her age but I think it's fine since her attitude is currently on her age! :)) The only thing I don't like in Mom is her drinking habit. :(( She always drinks hard liquor on a weekend and when she wakes up, she'll be complaining that her head hurts much to Atsuki-nii's chagrin.

Next will be my love life, right? O w O Like ordinary idols, I also have that total ban in lovelife. :(( But I'm currently inlove with Saito-kun. T ^ T No matter how I express my love to him, he never notices! >:(( I always give him chocolates in Valentines Day but won't even give me any present back in White Day just because he thought it was friendly chocolates! DDx That's why I always hang out with my other friends in Black Day. T A T I hope he notices it soon. :)) I'm planning to confess to him after my first appearance in the theater as a fully-fledged idol! I hope I can do it! T ^ T

[A/N: The bets are in. So Saiki will be taking the paycheck tonight, eh? xDD]

End of Shimazaki Haruka's Introduction and POV

Normal POV

In a Private Room in the Dancing Studio...

Yuizou: So Paruru-chan, let's decide your selling point now. :DD

Haruka: Uhm, s-sure! ^ _ ^ (Why do I feel something bad about this? > w >)

Yuizou: Hmm... Let's see... *brings out a thick book* - w -

Haruka: *reads* Neurology? What are you planning? O w O

Yuizou: Hmm... I just noticed that there are no Neurologist Idols! xDD Now study and become a Neurologist. >:DD

Haruka: HUH?! O w O!!! Certainly your recklessness should have some limit, Manager Yuizou. > w > If it was that easy to become a Neurologist then everyone can be one! DDx

Yuizou: Hmm... - w - I see... Paruru is really hard to please, eh? > w > *brings out a buddha outfit*

Haruka: > w > Hmm... What's that? O w O

Yuizou: Memorize the chants of buddhists and become a Buddhist Idol! :DD

Haruka: No way, I won't do that! Don't you have a realistic idea? > w >

Yuizou: Paruru is really hard to please, huh? - w -

Haruka: (Why do I get this annoying feeling around him...?) > w >

Yuizou: *brings out his driver license* How about this? ^ _ ^

Haruka: What're you planning now? = w =

Yuizou: Obtain your driver's license and become a Racer Idol! xDD

Haruka: *hits Yuizou* = w = Think about it tonight and decide my selling point. Your ideas are too much for a normal person like me! > w >

Yuizou: Hai, hai! ^ _ ^

*Haruka leaves*

Yuizou: Hmm... Isn't she quite the cutest? ^ _ ^ Makes me want to court her. NAH, She's under the ban! Can't do that! xDD *looks behind his couch* Right, Yuuko-chan? ;))

*Yuuko appears beside Yuizou*

Yuizou: Knew that you would eavesdrop, Yuuko-chan. :DD

Yuuko: Eh...! Party-pooper! DDx

Yuizou: So what do you think of my Paruru-chan? ^ _ ^

Yuuko: What's with the 'MY' part? = w = Well, she's cute and I think you two will suit together! xDD

Yuizou: Don't joke around. She's under the ban. And you're under it too. :DD

Yuuko: I know about that. > w > And I'm guessing that she'll be the first girl who'll disregard the ban. = w =

Yuizou: You think so? O w O

Yuuko: Yeah. > w > And I'm not liking it. = w =

Yuizou: Ooshima-chan, > w > Cheer up! xDD Your yankee self is showing again. - w -

Yuuko: Stop it, Otabe. = w = Or else I'll beat you to the ground. > w >

Yuizou: Whoa! Whoa! xDD I'm just kidding! :DD Anyways, I think Atsuki is too lucky to see her everyday. *sigh* Seeing her from her childhood up to now... That Atsuki is a one lucky bastard. xDD

Yuuko: Aww, shut up. > w > You're making me think that you're a pervert with those words. = w =

Yuizou: *smells Yuuko's skin* So what if I am? > w > Fufufu... Ooshima-chan Kawaii~! xDD

Yuuko: *hits Yuizou* No wonder you and Sado are pals. > _ > *sigh* As expected from the Rappappa's troll duo.

Dance Studio Main Hall...

Yuki: *sees Paruru* Oh, Paruru-chan! How's the meeting? O w O

Haruka: He's quite the weirdo. > w > His ideas about my selling point are quite impossible. = w = I think Saito-kun can think even better than him.

Yuki: Saito-kun, eh? > w > Don't tell me... *whispers to Haruka* You're inlove with him? > w >

Haruka: *looks around* ... *whispers back* Actually... I've been planning how to confess to him. Don't tell anyone, okay Kashiwagi-senpai? ^ _ ^

Yuki: I see... ^ _ ^ Don't worry, I won't tell anybody! :)) And about Yokoyama-kun, he's a kind person. :))

*Mayu hugs Yuki*

Mayu: Mommy! xDD

Yuki: Yes? O w O

Mayu: I just remembered! ^ _ ^

Yuki: Remembered what? O w O

Mayu: That creepy guy's sibling! xDD

Yuki: Mayu, his name is Miyazawa Ren-kun. And he's not a creepy guy! >:((

Mayu: Whatever, Mommy! Anyways, I interviewed his older brother for AKBINGO! xDD

Yuki: O w O Oh! So what was the interview about? ^ _ ^

Mayu: His oshimen! :DD

Yuki: So who's his oshimen? O w O

Mayu: *looks teasingly at Yuki* Secret... You'll know later. >:DD By the way!

Yuki: Hmm? O w O

Mayu: Do you still love my Maki-niichan? O w O

Yuki: Shut up. I'm banned. > w >

Mayu: What about my Izaya-nii? *smirks* > w >

Yuki: = w = You do know the meaning of BANNED, right? > w >

Mayu: I see... So now you're liking/loving that guy who got hit by a car just because of Honmayan? > w >

Yuki: NO! NO! NO! DDx I'M BANNED! DD:<

Mayu: What about his older brother? O w O Hmm... What was his name again...? - w - AH! xDD Saito-kun, was it? > w >

Yuki: *blushes* E-EHH?! DDx *looks at Paruru for a second* N-no... NO! DDx I'm banned! REN-AI! JOUREI! KINSHI! > w >+ (That's right! I should be supporting Paruru-chan in her love life! DDx)

Mayu: Mommy sounded guilty... xDD


Haruka: *laughs* Kashiwagi-senpai and Mayuyu-senpai, you two are really interesting! ^ _ ^ *receives a text message* Hmm...? - w - *looks at her phone*


-Your super cool and handsome gerMana, Yokoyama Yuizou'

Yuki: O w O Paruru-chan, who's that? *looks at her phone* I see... ^ _ ^ He's supporting you now, aren't you glad? :))

Haruka: No offense but... - w - I'm feeling weird when I read this text more than feeling grateful to him. = w = And...

Yuki: And...?  O w O

Haruka: When the heck did he get my number? > w >

Yuki: Ahahahaha... ^ _ ^' I think that's normal. He has connections. Like Yuuko-chan. > w >

In the shooting of AKBINGO...

Mayu: Oh! Thank you~Mayuyu! So, who's your oshimen?

Saito: Oh... It'll be... Kashiwagi Yuki! ^ _ ^

Yuki: EHH?! O w O!!! I'm his oshimen! O///O

Mayu: Mommy, be careful! The ban! The ban! xDD Don't give in! >:DD

Yuki: *glares at Mayu* I knew that! >:(( (But why do I feel something weird when I look at him... It's just so... So... So different! Like I'm not supposed to feel like that! DDx I'm getting confused! I'm suppose to support Paruru-chan! DDx)

Yuuko: Oi, oi, Yukirin! xDD Akimoto-sensei's watching! >:DD

Yuki: I knew that, Yuuko-chan! DDx

Haruka: :(( (That Saito-kun... He knows that I'm a Kenkyuusei and yet he chose to say her name.)

Yuki: *sees Haruka's reaction* Don't worry, I know he has a good reason why he chose to say my name. :))

Haruka: I hope so... ^ _ ^ (But somehow... I feel jealous. >:(()

Mayu: O w O Paruru-chan, don't tell me... You're jealous?! O w O!!!

Haruka: No, I'm not, Mayuyu-senpai. ^ _ ^

Mayu: Really? O w O

Haruka: Yes. ^ _ ^

Mayu: Really? O w O

Haruka: Yes. ^ _ ^'

Mayu: Really? O w O *trolling mode*

Haruka: Y-yes... ^ _ ^+

Mayu: Real- *gets hit by Yuki*

Yuki: Don't even try to annoy her. > w >

Yuuko: Yukirin's right. - w - Her eyes tell me that she will eat the souls of those who annoy her. Especially her haters... > w >

Haruka: I-I can't do that, Yuuko-senpai. Ehehehehe... ^ _ ^' (I think I can... If there are enough reasons... > w >)

Yuuko: Oh... = w = (How boring... > w > Aww... How I miss beating the crap out of those yankees on the streets... = w =)


Yuki and Yuuko: H-HAI! > w <

Haruka: (I don't know why but... T ^ T I feel like crying...! SAITO-KUN, YOU IDIOT!)


Ren's Room...

Saiki: *sigh* Ren, we need to go to our specific paths. I'm going to teach them P.E. and Saito's going to his class. And I still have a tutoring part-time job later. Will you be fine without us here? > _ >

Ren: Of course, I'll be fine! ^ _ ^ Sado-kun will visit! :DD

Saiki: > w > Oh, it was just Mario. I don't know why but whenever I hear his name I know that something bad is bound to happen.

Ren: He prefers to be called Sado when it comes to me. ^ _ ^ And. Not everything that he does is bad! :))

In Mario's Location...

Mario: *whistling* Hmm... *vandalizing a wall using a caligraphy brush* I knew it! :DD This wall looks more beautiful when the word TROLL is written! xDD

Haruna: - _ -+ *hits Mario* ... *snaps her fingers* Take him away, guys. I don't even know him. > _ >


Back to Ren's Room...

Saito: *just woke up* Could you stop all the yankee talk? > _ > I can't even connect to you guys cuz' I was raised as a normal citizen, not a yankee. = _ =

Saiki: Ehh?! O _ O!!! But being a yankee is fun! xDD

Ren: Saito-nii is such a KJ. xDD

Saito: Shut up. > _ > Anyways, I'll go to school now. You two talk about yankees as much as you like. = _ =

Saiki: Oi, Saito. > _ > If you lost in our deal... Give Haruka a chance... - _ - I don't want to see Atsuki in trouble with his sister, okay? > _ >

Saito: Yeah, yeah, I'll do that. > _ > *leaves*

In Shinoda University...

Saito: What the!? O _ O!!! Our School Owner is imprisoned?! DDx

Haruna: Yeah, yeah, yeah... He is. > _ >

Saito: But why? O _ O

Haruna: He vandalized a public wall. = _ =

Saito: Will you help him in getting out of the prison? O _ O

Haruna: Hell no. > _ >

Saito: Why don't you help him? = _ =


Saito: What happened? O _ O


Sakurazaka Mall...

Haruna: Good! So what were you going to tell me?

Mario: I... *looks around* >///>

Haruna: You what? - _ -

Mario: I... ARGH! D:< I JUST CAN'T SAY IT! DDx

Haruna: HUH?! O _ O!!! JUST SAY IT! DDx

Mario: I... *says something different* Forgot to wear my underwear... Happy troll day! >:DD (ARGH! I SAID THE WRONG THING! DDx WHAT SHOULD I DO!? SHE SHOULD BE HELLA PISSED ON ME RIGHT NOW!)

Haruna: ... - _ -+++++ *gives Mario an uppercut* ARGH! DDx I knew you would just troll me! D:< AND STILL I WENT HERE JUST TO LISTEN TO YOUR PETTY TROLLING! DDx I'M OUTTA HERE! YOU GO EAT THOSE! HMPH! *walks out*

Back to the present...

Saito: ... = _ =' I... I see... Everyone would really be pissed off on what he said. > _ > (He failed. HE FAILED BIG TIME. Poor School Owner. Now hated by the love of his life...)

Haruna: SEE?! DDx Now go to your class! >:/

Saito: M-ma'am, yes, ma'am... O _ O

Break time...

Saito: - _ - So how's your practice today, Haruka?

Haruka: Hmph! I'm not talking to you. > w >

Saito: EHH!? O _ O!!! What's wrong?

Haruka: You could have just said that it was me... >:((

Saito: Said that you're what? > _ >

Haruka: That I'M YOUR OSHIMEN! D:< AND YET YOU DIDN'T! T ^ T You chose Kashiwagi-senpai over me... :(( DO YOU LOVE HER!? T A T

Saito: What the heck's happening to you Haruka!? O _ O!!! First of all, I said that it's Kashiwagi-san because I can't think of anyone! I was pressured to answer! DDx I was also pressured by that creepy stalker! D:< SO HOW CAN I THINK WHEN SOMEBODY'S WATCHING THE HECK OF ME!? DDx AND WHY THE HELL ARE YOU SO AFFECTED!? IT'S NOT LIKE YOU'RE MY GIRLFRIEND OR ANYTHING! DD:<


Saito: *thought about their deal last night* ... ('If Haruka confesses to you in this chapter or in any other chapter this Author creates, I win your monthly paycheck in your highest paying part-time job.' 'Deal!' I lost... T ^ T Goodbye Paycheck... I shall not see you for a month...) So... > _ > What should I do to ease your pain? Be your boyfriend? [A/N: That way of thinking and those words are NG. > w > Saito is such an idiot. Say no to Saito for boyfriend material. = w =+]

Haruka: Will you be if I ask you to? Q w Q

Saito: > _ > ('Oi, Saito. In case you lost in our deal... Give Haruka a chance... I don't want to see Atsuki in trouble with his sister, okay?') I can't do anything. I don't know the feeling of being in love but... I think I want to try to fall in love. > _ > (Oh dear Lord, just take me now... > _ < Lost the bet + No paycheck + girlfriend = I'M GONNA DIE FROM TOTAL TORTURE! DDx)

Haruka: O w O!!! T-then!-

Saito: *Saito puts his index finger in front of her lips to shush her up* Don't be noisy now. > _ > I still remember that love ban in AKB. Will you be fine? > _ >

Haruka: I-if it's with you... Then I'll be fine! ^ _ ^

Saito: = _ = I... I see... > _ > How about we go to our next class?

Haruka: We better! ^ _ ^

After 5 minutes of walking...

Saito: *walking*

Haruka: *walking*

Miyu: *pursuing*

Saito: = _ =+ *still walking*

Haruka: O w O??? *still walking* What's wrong Saito?

Saito: You go to our class first. I'll deal with something I must have done before. ^ _ ^

Haruka: I... I see... ^ _ ^ Be careful! I love you! *kisses Saito's cheek then runs away*

Saito: ... = _ =' I feel weird about the kiss but... *goes to Miyu's location*

Miyu: O w O!!! What's he gonna do?!

Saito: *pulls Miyu's hand* = _ =+

Miyu: W-what?! > w >

Saito: If you wanna talk to me or walk beside me, just do it. > _ > You don't have to stalk me or anything. I'm not really friendly but... I'll try my best to talk to you. By the way, could you keep what you saw on us ago as a secret? I'll do anything for you just to keep it. ;) [A/N: Saito-kun... You now have a girlfriend and now...! YOU'RE FLIRTING WITH THAT GIRL WHO HAS BEEN STALKING YOU!? ... WHAT A CASSANOVA. DDx]

Miyu: >///> I will then.

Saito: Now, let's go to our respective classes, shall we? - _ - (1 problem down, Many to go. > _ >)

Miyu: Y-yeah... >///>

Saito: See you. > _ >

Miyu: W-wait! O w O!!!

Saito: Hmm...? > _ >

Miyu: May I have your phone number? O w O

Saito: Sure. - _ -

Miyu: *lends her phone* Please type your number. ^ _ ^

Saito: Mkay. *dials his number* Here. > _ >

Miyu: Thanks! ^ _ ^

Saito: No problem. - _ - I'll go now, okay? > _ >


In Class...

Professor: So guys, do you still remember the legendary acronym for conjunctions? - w -

*Saito and Jun raised their hands*

Professor: Oh... The battle between two scholars, eh? > w >

Jun: Ohori-sensei... Saito-chan is a financial scholar and I'm just a athlete scholar. ^ _ ^ So you should expect more from him. :))

Professor: Well said, Jun-kun. :DD Now I know why they're telling me that Matsui-kun is so kind. You should learn from him, Saito. *glares daggers at Saito*

Saito: = _ = And Megumi-neesan's favoritism strikes again. > _ >

Ohori-sensei: You saying something Saito? > w >

Saito: Nothing. = _ = I just said Lasagna. > _ >

Ohori-sensei: > w > Lies. Just like Saiki the other day.

Saito: Could you not mention his name for a day in our class? = _ = I feel like I'm a total shadow when compared to him.

Ohori-sensei: Well, you're really a total shadow compared to him. He graduated with Honors, you graduated with barely passing grades. Good thing they even accepted you as a scholar here. > w >

Jun: A-ano... ^ _ ^' Could you two stop fighting in class...? Everybody here are weirded out with you two fighting here. - _ -

Ohori-sensei: Good point, Jun-kun. Whatever Saito. = w = Saito and Jun, write your answers in the board. > w > Let's see who knows it best.

Jun: Thanks, Ohori-sensei! ^ _ ^

*Saito and Jun goes to the board then write their answers*

Saito: So how's your memory collecting going? > _ >

Jun: Going fine. ^ _ ^ I just remembered somebody named Mayu but... > _ >

Saito: But what? O _ O

Jun: I can't seem to remember her face. - _ -

Saito: Mayu? > _ > The only Mayu I know is somebody from the idol group. And that Mayu is my Mom's favorite. = _ =

Jun: Oh... - _ - Those Idols huh?

Saito: Yeah. > _ >

Jun: I'm completely weirded by them but... I think they're cute. :3

Saito: And Jun's pimpness is spreading to the system again... > _ > Level over 9999... = _ =

Jun: Hey! DDx I'm no pimp! You're the one who's a pimp! > _ >

Saito: Say what? > _ >

Jun: - _ - Still don't know, eh?

Saito: You're creeping me out, Jun. > _ >

Jun: *sigh* Never mind it. You'll know it indefinitely. = w =' (What an idiot. It's obvious that many girls here would want to date him and yet lose to Haruka's over protectiveness.)

Ohori-sensei: *hits Saito in the head* What're you two talking about? > _ > Finish answering! = _ =

Saito: WHAT THE!? DDx Why do I get a hit and Jun doesn't!? > _ >

Ohori-sensei: Cuz' Jun is handsome and a gentleman, I cannot hit him. > _ >

Saito: Favoritism strikes again. = _ = This is absolute favoritism. OHORI MEGUMI STYLE. DDx

Dismissal time...

Haruka: Saito! > w <

Saito: Hmm? > _ >

Haruka: Since we're a couple now, you should make sure that I'll be safe in our dance practices! > w <

Saito: That'll be your downfall just in case you don't know. > _ >

Haruka: > w > Then I'll tell them that you're just a fan! xDD

Saito: Oh sure. You go tell them. = _ = But what if they ask why I'm fetching you? > _ >

Haruka: Then I'll tell them that it's because I'm having stalkers lately and Mom asked you to fetch me just in case! ^ _ ^

Saito: Nice brain we have there. = _ =

*Jun sees them then goes to them*

Jun: HEY! xDD Where are you two going? ^ _ ^ Goin on a date? > _ >

Haruka: >///< N-no! Saito's just going to our practice!

Jun: I see... - _ - May I come? ^ _ ^

Haruka: - w - Unfortunately-

Saito: Unfortunately YES, Jun! xDD That'll save me time from boredom! :DD Please do come! Let's become Haruka's fans and bodyguards! xDD (Please do come. You're saving me a lot of trouble. > _ >)

Jun: Fans? O _ O

Saito: She's an idol! xDD Just got promoted. :DD

Jun: I see... - _ - Alright! ^ _ ^ I'll be Haruka-chan's 2nd fan and bodyguard! xDD

*Haruka frowns*

In the Dance Studio...

Mayu: *sees Paruru with two guys* ... *notices Jun* !!! O w O!!! (Why is he here!? DDx)

Yuki: *sees Mayu's reaction* What's wrong Mayu? O w O *looks where Mayu's looking at* Oh... - w - It's just them.

Mayu: Y-yeah... > w > It's just them... - w -

Yuki: - w - I'll approach them then! xDD Saito-kun! *runs to them* ... *sees Haruka holding hands with Saito* ... !!! (They're finally on!? DDx REN-AI JOUREI KINSHI DISREGARDED!? O w O!!!)

*Yuki glares at Paruru*

And Paruru's conversation with Yuki via their eyes started.

Yuki: So he's now your boyfriend? > w >

Paruru: Y-yeah, Kashiwagi-senpai. ^ w ^'

Yuki: Are you sure you're going to ignore that ban? > w >

Paruru: I'm not ignoring it. I'm just hiding from it. - w -

Yuki: Did you make sure that nobody will notice? > w >

Paruru: Y-yeah! > w < Why ask Kashiwagi-senpai? O w O

Yuki: You two are holding hands. Good thing I'm blocking the view so they won't see it. > w > What the heck would they think if ever they saw you two like that? = w = Friends? Holding hands? > w >

Paruru: A-AH! T-thanks, Kashiwagi-senpai! ^ w ^

Jun and Saito: ... = _ = (Why the heck are they staring at each other?) > _ >

*Haruka lets go of Saito's hand*

Saito: ... *realized* Ah. > _ >

Yuki: *sees Jun* O w O Who's this?

Saito: Our classmate, Matsui Jun. - _ -

Yuki: Oh... ^ _ ^ *looks at Mayu* Mayu! Come here! xDD

Jun: O _ O!!! M-mayu!

Yuki: Yes, Matsui-kun? O w O

Jun: N-nothing... ^ _ ^

Saito: It's not nothing. = _ = He's got amnesia. He just remembered a girl named Mayu and now he's bothered by it.

Yuki: I see... - w -

Saito: Well, you're probably not bothered by it so go to your practice. - _ -

Yuki: What's with the attitude? = w = You got PMS? > w >

Saito: I don't even have it. = _ = I just lost a bet. That's all. - _ -

Yuki: > w > What bet?

Saito: Why are you bothered by it? > _ >

Yuki: Cuz' I'm your friend, Saito-kun. > w >

Saito: Well yeah... > _ >

Yuki: So why? O w O

*Saito opens his phone then sends a message to Yuki*

Yuki: *received a text message* ... *opens her phone*

Screen: From Mr. Unfriendly Plumber Saito-kun

'My older brother and I had a bet with each other. The bet's conditions involve Haruka's confession to me. If she confesses, bro wins. If she doesn't, I win. The winner gets the loser's paycheck for a month. I lost. I lose my paycheck. > _ >'

*Yuki laughs*

Saito: What's funny? > _ >

Yuki: *sends a text message*

*Saito receives message*

From: Dad's Photobook Girl Kashiwagi-san

'LOL. I can't believe you care for your paycheck more than you care for your friend. That's not good, Saito-kun. ^ _ ^ Paruru-chan really loves you.'

Saito: Aren't you too kind today? > _ >

Yuki: HUH!? O w O I'm naturally kind! DDx

Saito: Naturally kind huh? > _ > I don't know bout that.

Yuki: Saito-kun no baka! *slams her fists on Saito's chest*

Saito: OUCH! DDx Stop that! It hurts!

Yuki: Hmph! > w > I'll stop but you should treat me to icecream. - w -

Saito: Heck! I just lost my paycheck! I HAVE NO MONEY! DDx

Haruka: *got jealous* Saito... > w >*

Saito: ... - _ -' A-anyway, Jun-kun and I are here to be Haruka's bodyguards. We'll just... > _ > Go outside.

*jun and Saito heading for the door*

Mayu: A-ano... Matsui-san... > w > *touches Jun's shoulder*

Jun: Hai? ^ _ ^

Mayu: I'm Watanabe Mayu. Nice to meet you. ^ _ ^

Jun: Nice to meet you too. ^ _ ^

Mayu: - w - (So he doesn't really remember me huh? > w >)

Jun: Watanabe-san? O _ O Something wrong?

Mayu: N-no. It's nothing. Nice to meet you again. ^ _ ^ *offers her hand*

Jun: *shakes her hand* Nice to meet you again- *remembers something* ... Ittai... > _ <

Jun's Flashback...

Mayu: Jun-kun! > w < Jun-kun! xDD

Jun: Mayu-chan, What is it? ^ _ ^

Mayu: Do you think we'll be friends forever? O w O

Jun: If it's Mayu then it'll really be forever! :DD

Mayu: YAY! *hugs Jun*

End of Flashback...

Mayu: M-matsui-kun? O w O You alright?

Jun: Y-yeah... ^ _ ^ Just... Remembered something. :))

Mean while in Ren's Room...

Maki: = w = So...

Ren: Yes, doc? O w O

Maki: You said that a guy named Sado will visit. Now, where is he? > w >

Ren: I dunno. O w O

*somebody knocks*

Ren: Must be him. O w O

Maki: *opens the door* ... *sees that it is not Sado* > w >

Ren: Saiki-nii! O w O!!! Why are you here? I thought you had a tutoring job?

Saiki: Well, I'll leave after delivering this. > _ > *puts a flower bouquet on top of the table*

Ren: O w O From who?

Saiki: From Mario. > _ > He's in prison. For vandalizing a public wall. = _ =

Ren: Ehh?! O w O!!! Did Haruna-neesan help him?

Saiki: Not a bit. > _ > I hope Haruna's conscience... Gets the better of her.

Ren: Yeah... > w >

Saiki: And that so-called conscience... Is Megumi. > _ >

In Haruna's location... Dean's Office...

Ohori-sensei: Oi, Haruna-chan! > w < Help Mario now! xDD

Haruna: And why should I do that? > _ > That troll should just die in prison. = _ =

Ohori-sensei: Haruna-chan! DDx You're so morbid! Help him! Our school will be in trouble if he doesn't get out of there immediately! > w < And don't you remember those days when Mario was a yankee? He's always saving you from your stalkers and your bullies! Isn't he like... So protective of you? > w >

Haruna: *slightly blush* ... W-well... I've been thinking of getting him out of prison too. >///>

Ohori-sensei: THEN BAIL HIM OUT NOW! xDD

Haruna: Okay, okay! DDx *goes out*

Ohori-sensei: (Operation Be Haruna's Conscience to Bail Mario out of Prison Successful! xDD) Hehehehe... :3 *texts Saiki*

'Saiki, my plan worked. I'm the perfect conscience of Haruna-chan! xDD Don't you worry. Mario will be bailed out cuz' it's Haruna-chan who'll deal with it.'

*message sent*

Back to Ren's Room...

Saiki: *phone rings* Hmm? > w > *sees message* Nice one, Megumi. :DD

Ren: Saiki-nii? O w O

Saiki: Operation Conscience successful. Mario will be bailed out of prison in no time. xDD

Ren: Megumi-neesan is so amazing! > w <

Maki: = w = ... I don't even know what you two are talking about. I'll just go to the other patients now since your brother is here. *leaves*

Saiki: Good thing he left. > _ >

Ren: O w O Hmm?

Saiki: *sigh* - w -

Ren: What's wrong Saiki-nii? O w O

Saiki: So... > _ > Do you have any feelings for that girl yesterday?

Ren: :)) Well... I guess I do. ^ _ ^

Saiki: > _ > Geez, stop it Lover boy. She's a unreachable in our society.

Ren: But I like her! >:3

Saiki: - w - Do what you want then. I'm not stopping you anymore. If she rejects you or anything... Don't you dare cry in front of me and your brother. > _ > A real man does not cry! >:/ We have guts! xDD

Ren: YAY! xDD Thanks brother! :3

*Saiki receives a text message*

Saiki: Hmm? >:/ *reads the message*

Screen: From Saito

'So yeah, I lost the bet. > _ > Could you just lower my bet to half of it?'

*Saiki replies*

'Hell NO. A BET IS A BET.'

*somebody knocks*

Saiki: *opens the door*

*Atsuki enters*

Ren: Atsuki! xDD

Atsuki: So what happened to you? > _ >

Ren: Just got hit by a car, Atsuki! :3 This is nothing. ^ _ ^

Atsuki: Why do you say it like it's nothing? > _ > It's a something, y'know?

Ren: Nah, I'll be fine in weeks. ^ _ ^

Atsuki: Yeah, keep that up and I'm not wondering if Lord will claim you tomorrow. > _ >

Ren: Don't say that. O w O I'll live. ^ _ ^

Atsuki: Yeah... > _ > So Saiki...

Saiki: - w - What?

Atsuki: What's with Haruka sending me that Saito's now her boyfriend? > _ >

Saiki: Well... > _ > Don't you like it? Haruka-chan's happier than ever now.

Atsuki: Make sure of that... > _ > If Haruka cries because of your brother... I'll beat him to the ground. Like how the leader of Rappappa used to beat others to the ground. = _ =*

Saiki: Do that and Ren and I'll crush you seven fold. > _ >


*everyone laughs*

Saiki: NAH! xDD Can't do that!

Atsuki: I figured! xDD

Ren: You two are funny! xDD

*door opens for no reason then a guy appears beside Ren*

Ren: Black-kun! You're late for the first time! xDD

Black: > _ > Shut up. I just came from my Ramen Delivery. You should be grateful that I even visited you.

Ren: I see... So did you see your sister today? O w O

Black: I have no plans to see her. She's busy wearing those cute annoying costumes anyway. > _ >

Ren: What's her name again? O w O

Black: *tries to remember* Yuki... was it? > _ >

[A/N: Oh yeah, just to explain. Saiki, Ren, Mario, Atsuki and Black belonged to a strong yankee group called Rappappa. Saiki, Ren, Mario and Atsuki knew each other's real names but they didn't know one bit about Black. Black is Yuki's older brother. His real name is Kashiwagi Hiroyuki. So yeah, Rappappa is almost complete.]

Ren: What's your real name? o w o

Black: I have no plan to tell you. > _ >

Ren: Eh? :((

Black: Ask more and I'll say your death verse. > _ >

Ren: Just kidding. ^ _ ^

Atsuki: Ah... I miss the old times. ^ _ ^ Especially when Ooshima-chan is here. xDD

Ren: Ooshima-chan? O w O She's an actress now, right? ^ _ ^

Saiki: No, she's an idol. And Haruka-chan's meeting her everyday. > _ >

Atsuki: I hope Ooshima-chan is being kind to her. ^ _ ^

Ren: I wanna visit her! xDD I miss her dirty jokes! :DD

Saiki: *sigh* No, you can't. = _ = And I still remember how crazy you are while watching Otabe's show on T.V.

Ren: But Otabe is awesome! xDD

Atsuki: - _ - I don't really think so. His show only revolves about his doubts.

Black: Yeah, eveytime he would say something all I can think about is... 'That's a lie.' or 'You'll just laugh at me if I do it, right?' > _ >

Ren: T ^ T But I tell you he's awesome!

Saiki: *sigh* Just accept the fact that you're the only one here who like Honmayan. xDD


Black: Now that I've visited you, I'll leave now. > _ >

Ren: Black! Wait! O w O

Black: What now? > _ > I still have something to do in the Supermarket.

Ren: Are you going to fight beside me again? O w O

Black: *sigh* Sado, Saiki, Otabe, Ooshima-san, Atsuki and I had graduated in our yankee days. So Sorry, I can't. > _ > *leaves*

Ren: :(( Why won't you guys go back to your yankee lives? O w O

Saiki: We have jobs now. We have to be serious in our lives now. Or else... We might die out of hunger. > _ > Oh yeah, I still have my tutoring job. I'll leave now. *leaves*

Atsuki: I'm also supporting Haruka so I can't fight. > _ > *receives a text message from somebody* - _ - Hmm? *views message*

Screen: From Akimoto Yasushi

'This is Takahashi Minami, one of those people who'll have a photoshoot with you. Where the heck are you!? DDx We need you for the photoshoot of Gingham Check! DD:< If you still intend to make us wait for an hour, we'll fire you! We can still find another photographer! DDx'

Atsuki: *scratches head* And this is why I hate idols who follow their schedules. Goodness, I wonder why Haruka even admired them. > _ > I'll leave now. *leaves*


*somebody enters*

Ren: O w O

Random Guy: Oh sorry, wrong room. *leaves*

Ren: T A T They really left me.

*somebody enters the room*

Ren: Y-yes? O w O ... O w O!!! Sado! xDD

Mario: Yo~! xDD Thanks, Haruna! ^ _ ^

Haruna: *blushes* I-it's not like I really wanted to bail you out, okay!? >///> I bailed you out just because of Shinoda University!

Mario: *hugs Haruna* Still, thank you. ^ _ ^

Haruna: *blushes more* Hmph! >///>

Back to the Studio...

Takamina: ARGH! JUST ARGH! DDx The Photographer is late! And we're all in our costumes! DD:

Yuuko: Chill, Takamina-chan! He'll arrive soon! xDD

Takamina: > _ > Seriously, that guy is always late. I wonder why Akimoto-sensei even picked that Atsuki to be out photographer. = _ =

*Haruka hears his Brother's name*

Haruka: Atsuki's the name of our photographer? O w O

Takamina: Y-yeah. Why ask? > _ >

Haruka: Is his surname... Shimazaki? O w O

Takamina: Y-yeah. *remembers that Haruka's surnam is Shimazaki as well* Don't tell me! DDx

Haruka: Yes, I'm his sister. ^ _ ^

Takamina: *bows* S-sorry...

Yuizou: Taka-chan, chillax! What happened to your patience? xDD You should control your FAT. :DD


Yuizou: = w =' Wait! Stop her, Yuuko-chan! DDx

*Yuuko stops Takamina*

Yuizou: FAT doesn't mean those fatty cholesterol in your body. It's Frustration, Anger and Temper! xDD


Yuizou: Sorry then. ^ _ ^ *winks at Paruru*

Yuki: *hits Yuizou in the head* Oi, Oi! > w > REN-AI JOUREI KINSHI. Don't you even try to ensnare Paruru-chan into a relationship using those winks of yours. = w =

Yuizou: Sorry, Sorry. xDD

-End of Chapter-

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Offline fuu_kun

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [CHAPTER 5]
« Reply #45 on: October 29, 2012, 02:34:52 PM »
saito kuuun you are very2 'naughty' there... XD
it's soooo funny to see haruka jealous at yuki XD
and yuki jealous too :lol: please saito don't hurt paruru :( she too cute for being hurting
poor maritroll just confess to harunyan already :grin:
i sniff some atsumina here~~ :? yeaay jun remember!! *just a bit* go mayu chaan!!!
wawww many character appear x) it made me a bit confuse, sorry :bow:
thankyouuuu for the update :bow: you made my day XD
and update soon :grin:

Offline fuu_kun

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [CHAPTER 5]
« Reply #46 on: October 29, 2012, 02:35:06 PM »
*double post (-___-) sorry* thankyou again :kneelbow: :grin:

Offline Amakuchi

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [CHAPTER 5]
« Reply #47 on: October 29, 2012, 03:16:40 PM »
saito kuuun you are very2 'naughty' there... XD
it's soooo funny to see haruka jealous at yuki XD
and yuki jealous too :lol: please saito don't hurt paruru :( she too cute for being hurting
poor maritroll just confess to harunyan already :grin:
i sniff some atsumina here~~ :? yeaay jun remember!! *just a bit* go mayu chaan!!!
wawww many character appear x) it made me a bit confuse, sorry :bow:
thankyouuuu for the update :bow: you made my day XD
and update soon :grin:

LOL. You're welcome? xDD
Ahahahaha... xDD Sure. I'll start updating as soon as I finish the 6th chapter. (Which is not yet existing in my database. > w >)

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [CHAPTER 5]
« Reply #48 on: October 29, 2012, 03:43:28 PM »
\ (^o^) / one more kind author appear from saeyuki fic <3 keep the excelent job b^^d and yeah.. whether now saeyuki pair is not to very popular in this forum :( and not to many even care for it :( please still continuee your fic :bow: :kneelbow:

Offline fael_c00l

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [CHAPTER 5]
« Reply #49 on: October 29, 2012, 03:57:27 PM »
Wow,, it's so wow,, amazing, funny, update soon :D
TomoTomo is my OTP

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Offline Amakuchi

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [CHAPTER 5]
« Reply #50 on: October 29, 2012, 04:01:41 PM »
\ (^o^) / one more kind author appear from saeyuki fic <3 keep the excelent job b^^d and yeah.. whether now saeyuki pair is not to very popular in this forum :( and not to many even care for it :( please still continuee your fic :bow: :kneelbow:

LOL. Another author? O w O I wanna read the fict! xDD Le title please? Yeah... T A T Not too popular nowadays... Hahahaha! I will! xDD

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [CHAPTER 5]
« Reply #51 on: October 29, 2012, 04:14:45 PM »
yaayyy glad to hear that XD well i think you had read them allllll XD *cause not too many fic saeyuki in this world* :(
the best fict saeyuki that i ever read is "the way i grew up" "god of rock" "to judge by the cover" and many moarr i can't write them all *i forget* :grin:

Offline fuu_kun

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [CHAPTER 5]
« Reply #52 on: October 29, 2012, 04:14:51 PM »
yaayyy glad to hear that XD well i think you had read them allllll XD *cause not too many fic saeyuki in this world* :(
the best fict saeyuki that i ever read is "the way i grew up" "god of rock" "to judge by the cover" and many moarr i can't write them all *i forget* :grin:

Offline Amakuchi

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [CHAPTER 5]
« Reply #53 on: October 29, 2012, 04:21:54 PM »
Wow,, it's so wow,, amazing, funny, update soon :D
I'll update as soon as I finish Chapter 6. xDD

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Offline fael_c00l

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [CHAPTER 5]
« Reply #54 on: October 29, 2012, 05:52:46 PM »
Ah,, now i have a fresh mind to reply (again). So, the boys is belong to Rapappa. And dafuq with Yuki and Haruka,, they both idol but their bro are a yankee --" (same as Saito). And that conversation (i don't think that's a conversation either) between Haruka and Yuki, it'll end with a love contest. Aaa, i want to read the next chapter!! (sorry, i'm starving and i want your next chapter as my meal :D
TomoTomo is my OTP

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [CHAPTER 5]
« Reply #55 on: October 30, 2012, 02:46:11 PM »
i'll always wait patiently for the update x) ganbatte amakuchi san :twothumbsup \ (^w^) /

Offline Amakuchi

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [CHAPTER 5]
« Reply #56 on: October 31, 2012, 05:37:14 PM »
[A/N: I'm a ninja, It's your birthday! xDD Enjoy le chapter.]

Shinoda Mario's Introduction and POV...

Minnasan, gokigenyou~! xDD Shinoda Mario desu~! 26 years old~! xDD Ahahahaha~! They all say that I'm a genius! xDD But! But! But! I was a yankee in back in school days! >:D I'm currently a school owner! :DD It's cuz' my parents died while having this school so as their only son, I gotta manage! xDD Ofcourse, I did study for a Doctorate degree! :DD Thanks to Haruna who's always there for me~! WEE! xDD

Back in my College days, I'm a really scary yankee. Whenever they hear my nickname 'Sado' they all cower in fear! xDD I was 22 when I finally had my Doctorate degree! :DD They say I was too smart but... - w - I think it's normal! xDD I still remember when Rappappa was first featured in a tabloid! xDD Good thing Ooshima-chan and Otabe weren't there when we were photographed or else it'll be the end of their career! DDx Hmm... After we were photographed, Rappappa was disbanded! T A T And I still haven't known more from Black! DDx They say he was abandoned by his family or something.- w - Saiki was... > w > Nicknamed a gorilla back then. AHAHAHAHA! xDD Ren was only 11 back then but he fights so well! xDD Especially when his necklace turns to ROCK! >:DD

Anyways, enough of le yankee talk. xDD Next will be my lovelife, right? O w O Since Dad and Mom are dead and I haz no siblings... I'm le Forever alone. xDD So yeah, I'm currently inlove with Kojima Haruna... Le Sweetheart of mine! :DD But... :(( I can't confess to her! DDx Whenever I try to confess to her... My mouth slips and says something different instead! T A T What should I do?! DDx

So that's all. xDD What? O w O You still wanna know more? O w O!!! NU NU NUUUU! xDD

End of Shinoda Mario's POV and Introduction...

[A/N: So here's a random memory of a birthday party of a Rappappa Member years before the story started...]

Flash back...

4 and a half years ago... July 15, 20XX...

Black: *sings in front of his cake* Happy birthday to me~ > _ > No one's even there for me~ My family even threw me~ Happy birthday to me~ Happy birthday to me~ Who the heck cares for me~?  Happy-*sings it in the tune of Happy Birthday*

*somebody presses the doorbell*

Black: Who the heck's ringing the damn doorbell now? Must be the land lady... = _ = *goes to the door then peeks through the peek hole* Oh, it's Atsuki, Saiki and Ren. I'll open it.

*Atsuki, Saiki and Ren enters*

*Black closes the door*

Atsuki: Happy Birthday, Black! ^ _ ^

Saiki: Happy Birthday! xDD

Ren: Happy...? Birthday!? Fuhahahahaha! >xDD *ROCK MODE*

Black: > _ > Why the bloody hell are you three here?

Atsuki and Saiki: Se~no! We came here to freeload on your birthday cake! xDD

Ren: Freeload? O w O Cake!? >:DD Yay! >xDD

Black: = _ = Oh my goodness... Just take me now...! DDx My friends are freaking freeloaders! *face palm*

*somebody presses the doorbell again*

Black: Hmm? *opens the door* - _ - Oh it was just Ooshima-san. Come in.

Yuuko: Here's your gift, Black! xDD Happy birthday! *searches for something* So where's the cake? O w O

Black: *face palm* Why do they want my cake so much? > _ >

Ren: Cuz' it's... Tasty? >xDD

Black: > _ > That all-

*somebody presses the doorbell again*

Black: > _ > Who the heck is this? *peeks through the peek hole* O _ O A ninja? = _ = *opens the door* Who the heck are you? > _ >

Ninja: I'm a ninja. It's your birthday. > . >

Black: > _ > I knew that. So what's the connection of being a ninja to my birthday? = _ =

*Ninja removes mask*

Mario: Don't you even know the word TROLL, Black? xDD

Black: I don't. > _ > Now, you five get out of here.

Mario: Thanks! *gets in*


*Black closes the door*

Black: So what're you four-

Mario: Freeload to your birthday cake, yay! xDD

Black: *face palm*

*somebody presses the door bell again*

Black: I have a feeling a feeling that I know who this is... > _ > *looks through the peek hole* O _ O!!! Why the heck is a Power Ranger here!? DDx *opens the door*

Power Ranger: To Free Load on your cake! xDD


End of Flashback...

Yuki's POV...
Dancing studio...

So Yeah, it's been a while since I had my own POV! YAY! Thank you  Author~! [A/N: Yeah right. When I turn my back from you, you'll be complaining like hell, right? Just sayin'.] Whatever. I'll just make the most of this one. xDD

Now, we're in our Dancing Studio! [A/N: I just put it up there, can't see? > w >] A-anyway... = w =' We're waiting for our dear photographer. Haruka told us that it's her brother!? O w O!!! The world is really small, isn't it? ^ _ ^ Oh here he comes! :))

Atsuki: Sorry, I'm late. A friend of mine was in the hospital so I dropped by. ^ _ ^'

Takamina: A friend of yours? > w > You sure? *glares daggers at him*

Atsuki: Yes, ma'am- *sees Haruka* Haruka! ^ _ ^ So how're you and-

Haruka: *glare* My what? > w > *does something on her phone*

Atsuki: *sees her glare* ... *receives a text message then reads it* Your manager? ^ _ ^'

Haruka: We're fine. ^ _ ^ We're getting along just fine.

Takamina, Yuuko, Me and Mayu: = w =' Lies... So even Haruka has them... > w >

Atsuki: I see! :DD Who's he then? ^ _ ^

*Yuizou taps Atsuki's shoulder*

Atsuki: Otabe! xDD

Yuizou: Maeda! :DD Nobody calls me Otabe now. They all call me Honmayan or Yuizou! xDD

Atsuki: Hmm... :)) *looks at me for a second* = _ = *whispers to Yuizou*

Yuizou: *whispers back something that I cannot hear*

Haruka: > w > Atsuki-nii, you two know each other?

Atsuki: Yeah, he's a friend of mine in College. ^ _ ^ *sees Yuuko* Wait, you're Ooshi-

*Yuuko glares*

Atsuki: ... ^ _ ^' Ooshimen! xDD You're my oshimen!

Haruka: > w > ...

Atsuki: But Haruka is my Kami-oshi! xDD

Why do I feel weird with those glares that they are giving our photographer? = w = And why do I feel that they are hiding something from us? O w O Oh somebody just arrived- > w > Oh it's the persistent stalker. What the!? O w O!!! Why is she heckly happy!? DDx

Miyu: ^ _ ^ Minnasan, gokigenyou! xDD *sees Saito* S-saito-kun! :DD What brings you here? ^ _ ^

Saito: Jun and I are watching our oshimen. > w >

Miyu: So who's your oshimen? O w O I figured it's Kashiwagi-senpai! xDD

Saito: Where the heck did you learn that? = _ =' It's Haruka.

Miyu: Ehh?! O w O!!! But you said on the interview! DDx

Me: *remembers the shooting last night* Saito-kun... *moves closer to them* > w > Why the heck did you tell them that I'm your oshimen? I thought you're not a WOTA.

Saito: *whispers to Me* When that girl is stalking me, I was interviewed by Watanabe-san. I had no choice but to answer you since Dad has told me all those things he knew about you. > _ >

Me: He told you!? O w O!!! What things did he tell you!?

Saito: Secret~ *grins*

Me: EH~? O w O!!! Tell me! DDx

Saito: No way. >:DD

Mayu: > w > Did you two know that from our view here... You two look like love birds? = w =

*I blush, Saito averts his eyes from them*

Me: Impossible!! DDx We're just friends!

Saito: Yeah, she's right. > _ >

Yuizou: Mayuyu-chan ish right~! xDD You two look like a new couple in my view. >:D Did you two have a date or something? Or did your faces' distance became less than 5 inches at least once? > w >

Me: *remembers what happened yesterday then blushes more* N-no! DDx It never happened! W-we're not a couple! You two are just imaging things! DDx

Haruka: *glares at me*

O w O!!! OH MY GOODNESS! Her glare is piercing through my soul! DDx Is this what Yuuko meant by eating the soul!? DD:< I don't wanna die yet! DDx

So the picture taking went as expected. After the photoshoot, Mayu, Paruru-chan, Saito-kun, Jun-kun and I went a Karaoke bar and we sang Until 5:00pm! xDD We then went home! :)) Saito was so kind to accompany me back home!

The days went on and good thing we still have breaks to rest. Lately, I've been feeling that Saito-kun just became an important person to me. He would always tease me when I'm down but... ^ _ ^ I think it's alright. It became plain normal to me as his way of saying 'cheer up'. But everytime he would tease me... > w > Haruka would call him afterwards. Maybe she's gone paranoid and became jealous of every girl who approaches Saito-kun. = w =

End of Yuki's POV...

Saito's POV...
1 month later...

So now it's been a month since Haruka and I started dating. > _ > As of late, I haven't felt anything which is close to that little crazy thing called 'LOVE' whenever I'm with her. - _ - I've been trying to feel even a bit of it but... ARGH! NOTHING HAPPENS! DDx So yeah, we have adopted something from a foreign country. It's an event called... MONTHSARY. > _ > It's not even in the dictionary, Oh my goodness, I wonder where the heck did Haruka get that. = _ =

In front of Haruka's House...

So I'm now in front of MY GIRLFRIEND'S house. And I'm not even feeling anything!? DDx Know why? - _ - Cuz' this house had been my playground since I was 5. > _ > Do you expect me to feel different everytime I go here? And heck! It's only 2 blocks away from our house!!! DDx

Haruka's Mom: Saito-chan! Come on in! ^ _ ^ Haruka is not yet done on her Handshake event but... You can wait for her here! :))

Oh that's her Mom alright. Always so kind and caring. :)) But rumors say that she was an ex-convict. Nah, too good to be true. But her face kinda looks like a... AH! DDx I'm a good guy so I won't judge her by appearance.

Inside Haruka's house...

Haruka's Mom: So how're things between you and Haruka? ^ _ ^ *prepares tea*

Me: Uhm... I've been a good boyfriend as of late, Shimazaki-san. ^ _ ^

Haruka's Mom: Oh, call me Aunt Mina! xDD Your parents had been too close to me so just feel at home! ^ _ ^ *gives him a cup of tea*

Me: I... I see... Thanks, Aunt Mina. ^ _ ^ *takes the tea*

Haruka's Mom: ... *gets serious* - _ - So... Do you really love my bubbly and cute daughter? > _ > *drinks her tea*

Me: Y-yes... ^ _ ^' (Sorry but... No. I do not even feel a bit of a spark between me and your daughter... > _ >)

Haruka's Mom: > _ > Oh really...? You do not have to act nice to me, young lad. If you're just forced to be her lover, might as well leave her. = _ = Having a boyfriend who doesn't even love you a bit is worse than having no boyfriend at all. Be honest to me, kiddo. > _ >

Me: Aunt Mina, why didn't you ask me about this a month ago? - _ - [A/N: Because the cool author had skipped a month due to laziness. Cut me off some slack, will ya? > _ >] (I don't give a damn about your laziness, Amakuchi. - _ - Seriously... She's so scary right now... > _ >)

Haruka's Mom: It's because Haruka's too happy that you're finally dating. - _ - I just realized that you somehow looked FORCED whenever she clings around you. > _ > So I'm now asking you directly. Do you really love my cute and bubbly daughter who gives me joy and love everyday? = _ =

Me: (What's with the compliments for Haruka? = _ = Is she... THAT protective of hers?) I guess... I should admit it then. - _ -

Haruka's Mom: Admit what? > _ >

Me: Since you're close to my parents' and you've been really kind to us... I'll openly and directly tell you... That I don't love your daughter. I'm sorry. m(_ _)m

Haruka's Mom: Then why did you start this relationship? > _ > Why the heck did you have to make her believe that you love her? = _ =

Me: - _ - You don't understand, Aunt Mina. First, she asked me to be her boyfriend out of jealousy. Second, because Aniki wanted Atsuki-niisan to have no problems with his sister, he told me to accept Haruka's confession if ever she'll confess. Third and lastly, I already told Haruka from the start that I'll try to fall inlove with her.

Haruka's Mom: I see... > _ > So now... What're your plans? = _ = To make her keep expecting that you'll love her someday? > _ >+ When do you plan to end this pointless relationship?

Seriously, Aunt Mina's really scaring me off. *shivers* I don't even know what to do now. Life, y u hav no save point!? DDx

Haruka's Mom: Answer me, Miyazawa Saito-san! = _ =+

Me: I don't know.... *face down* - _ -

Haruka's Mom: If ever my daughter cries because of you... I'll make you suffer a living hell with these fists. > _ >+

Me: I would rather suffer from your hands than keep this useless relationship, Aunt Mina. - _ -

Haruka's Mom: I see... > _ > Do you think this'll end without Haruka crying? *sips her tea*

Me: No, Aunt Mina. I don't think so. > _ >

Haruka's Mom: I see... - _ -

*My phone rings*

What the heck!? DDx Why now!? Lemme take a look.

Screen: From Haruka

'Saito! Where are you? Come and visit me on my handshake event! > w < I already gave you a ticket, didn't I?'

= _ = What the!? Where the heck is the ticket?

End of Saito's POV...

Normal POV...

Haruka: Saito, here's the ticket. *gives it to Saito* ^ _ ^

Saito: *gets the ticket* Yeah. Thanks. I'll try to come by tomorrow. - _ - *talking to someone on his phone*

Haruka: I'll be expecting you! ^ _ ^

Saito: Yeah, yeah... I'll really come tomorrow. *still talking on his phone*

Haruka: Bye! :)) *kisses his right cheek then leaves*

Saito: Yeah, bye Kuramochi-sensei. Ren and I'll drop by the clinic to make sure his bones are now okay. *hungs up* ... Hmm? *sees a ticket on his hand* What the heck's this? O _ O Meh, I'll just put it in my wallet. I'm sure this is one of those tickets to hand shake events again. = _ =

Flashback... 3 years ago...

Saito's Dad: Saito! We're going to Yukirin's hand shake event tomorrow! Aren't you happy? ^ _ ^

Saito: I don't give a damn on those girls who only know how to dance and sing in their miniskirts. I'll just accompany you tomorrow. = _ =

Saito's Dad: DDx Why are you acting like that? LOOK AT THIS TICKET! THIS IS THE LIFE AND DEATH OF A WOTA! xDD *shows him the ticket*

Saito: I'm not one. = _ = I'm sorry. *leaves*

End of Flashback.

Saito: = _ = It's on my wallet? *opens wallet* O _ O Oh, it's really here. ... *sees that it's not only one* = _ = Why the heck do I have two? Might as well go. (I really need to go. = _ =' First, to escape her Mom. Second, cuz' she's so demanding.)

Haruka's Mom: What's that? > _ >

Saito: I'll be meeting your daughter on the handshake event later. I forgot that she gave me a ticket. I would like to discuss some more about your daughter but I'm afraid I would have to leave. I'll take my leave now, Aunt Mina. ^ _ ^ (In reality, I would have escaped this house if an open window just existed here. But all windows are closed so I'm forced to listen to you. > _ >)

Haruka's Mom: I see... - _ - Take care of my daughter, okay? ^ _ ^

Saito: Yes, ma'am. :))

In the handshake event...
30 minutes later...

Saito: Finally... *pant* I'm... *pant* Here...! *pant* I want... *pant* ICECREAM! DDx

Haruka: *sees Saito* = w =+ You're late!

Saito: S-sorry, I totally forgot about it. ^ _ ^'

Haruka: And you call yourself my Fan? = w =

Saito: Sorry. I'm really sorry. ^ _ ^ I'll treat you anything you'll like later. I promise this won't happen again. :))

Haruka: You sure? > w >

Saito: Would this face break one for you? ;))

Haruka: It did. > w > Remember that broken promise that you'll buy me a present on my 18th birthday? > w >

Saito: *sweat drop* ... Aside from that? = _ =

Haruka: That you'll teach me Mathematics in your summer break? > w >

Saito: - _ -' I... I see... I won't break this promise then. ^ _ ^ (I can't believe that I have broken too much promises. > _ > And I thought I was doing good.)

Haruka: Make sure of that. > w > *leaves*

Saito: Yes, ma'am. = _ = (She's become a demanding girlfriend as of late. And I'm not liking it. > _ >) *phone rings* Hmm? - _ - *reads message*

Screen: From the Queen of Reactions Kashiwagi-san

'Hello, Saito-kun! ^ _ ^ Do you know where I am? O w O If you find me, I'll treat you to icecream later! xDD'

Saito: Where is she? > _ > And I want icecream! DDx *runs in circles* Where is- *bumps into someone* Hey, I'm sorry- ... = _ = Jun? > _ > Why the heck are you here?

Jun: ^ _ ^ Yo~! I'm a fan of Haruka and Mayuyu so I'm here. :))

Saito: Mayuyu? = _ = Who's she again?

Jun: - _ -' Are you that bad with names? She's that girl who's always with Yukirin. ^ _ ^

Saito: Oh, Watanabe-san, huh? - _ -

Jun: By the way, why were you running in circles? O _ O

Saito: I want icecream. *shows Yuki's message to Jun*

Jun: = _ = You want to eat icecream so you're finding her? Not because she's a friend of yours? > _ >

Saito: Well... - _ - I'll find her because she's kinda my friend too. :))

Jun: I see... Kinda your friend, huh? - _ - I guess I'll meet up with Mayuyu then. ^ _ ^

Saito: Hey, Jun. - _ -

Jun: Hmm? O _ O

Saito: Anything new about that 'Mayu' from your past? > _ >

Jun: None so far but... ^ _ ^ I think Mayuyu kinda looks familiar.

Saito: I see... See you later then. ^ _ ^

In Yuki's Location... Behind a truck near the area...

In this location... All their things are kept. It's quite organized with shelves and dividers so it has a ladder in case your bag is in a quite high place. The ladder has been used for almost 10 years now.

Yuki: That Saito-kun sure is slow. - w -

Mayu: > w > Mom... I just noticed...

Yuki: Hmm? O w O

Mayu: You've been mentioning his name from Day to Dawn lately... Don't tell me... > w > You're freaking inlove with him?

Yuki: *blushes* HUH!? DDx I can't do that! I'm in the ban! D:< THE BAN, MAYUYU!

Mayu: And what if you're not? > w >

Yuki: >///> I dunno. A-anyway! > w < I am still inlove with your older brother! DDx

Mayu: Still inlove with my older brother? > w > Which one? And how do you know that?

Yuki: M-maki-kun... >///> W-well... I dunno. I just like him.

Mayu: I see... So he hasn't told you yet? > w >

Yuki: Told me what? O w O

Mayu: Oh nothing. I'm not KJ so I'm not telling. xDD

Yuki: = _ =

Mayu: By the way, Mommy. - w -

Yuki: Yes, Mayu? O w O

Mayu: Why isn't Mocchii here yet? O w O

Yuki: She has a client. She works as a Doctor when her schedule's free. - w -

Mayu: I see... - w - So she's that smart, eh?

Yuki: Yeah. ^ _ ^

*somebody covers Yuki's eyes*

Yuki: W-who the heck is this? > w

Mayu: *grins* It's me. xDD

???: Thanks Watanabe-san. xDD

Yuki: Hmm... Watanabe-san, eh? > w < Is this Saito-kun?

???: Argh, the way I call you made my downfall. DDx

Mayu: You should've called me Mayuyu to escape it. xDD

Saito: *removes cover from Yuki's eyes* Yeah right. xDD

Mayu: So why're you here? - w -

Saito: Kashiwagi-san told me that if I find her, she'll treat me icecream so here I am. xDD

Yuki: = w = So you find me for icecream? > w >

Saito: Slightly yes and no. xDD *remembers something* Oh yeah, Watanabe-san. O _ O

Mayu: Yesh? O w O

Saito: Jun came here to meet you. We just saw each other seconds ago. ^ _ ^

???: Oi, Yuki-chan! ^ _ ^

Yuki: Aki-chan! ^ _ ^ How're you?

Aki: I'm fine! ^ _ ^ *sees Saito* O q O (My dream guy!? Y U ARRIVE SO LATE!? DDx)

Yuki: O w O!!! AKI!? DDx *wipes her drool*

Aki: E-eh... O w O S-sorry, Yuki-chan! xDD *moves closer to Saito* So who's this guy? > w

Yuki: He's Saito. A friend of mine. ^ _ ^

Mayu: And Mayuyu's too. xDD

Aki: Ah! I see! ^ _ ^ Nice to meet you! > w < *shakes his hand*

Saito: N-nice to meet you too... ^ _ ^

Aki: ^ _ ^ So do you have a girlfriend? > w >

Saito: I-

Yuki: He has. > w > He's taken, Aki-chan. He'll forever be away from you. = w =

Aki: Ehh~?! How rude Yuki-chan! DDx Anyways, I gotta go! xDD I still have to meet my fans! ^ _ ^

Yuki: Bye! ^ _ ^

Mayu: Mayuyu has to meet her fans too! xDD Saito-chan, just send Jun-kun a message that I will be on my booth. ^ _ ^ *leaves*

Saito: Sure thing. :)) *sends a message to Jun immediately*

Yuki: So... > w > How're things between you and Haruka? *finds something on the shelves*

Saito: We're fine. - _ - But lately, she's become demanding. = _ =

Yuki: I see... - w -

Saito: Anyways... Don't you think... Stepping on that stationary ladder is dangerous? > _ >

Yuki: I don't think so. ^ _ ^ I'm used to this so I think- *sees what she's looking for* Found it! xDD *pulls it in a split-second then faces Saito* See? I told you. ^ _ ^

[A/N: Well, the thing Kashiwagi is stepping on is not really that strong so... This thing called accident will now occur.]


*ladder collapses making the two of them kiss*

Saito: HMPH! O///O!!! (What the!? O///O!!!)

Yuki: >///<

*two of them still kissing*

Yuki: *remembers Haruka* ... *pushes Saito away* ///./// S-sorry I wasn't careful... I-it won't happen again...

Saito: *touches his lips* ... N-no, it's alright... >///> I... I'm at fault too...

Yuki: L-let's forget all about this...! I'll... I'll! I'll be going now! >///< *rushes away from the truck*

Saito: Kashiwagi-san, wait! O _ O!!!

*Yuuko appears behind Saito*

Yuuko: So... Does her lips taste like Icecream? *grins*

Saito: *looks at his back* O _ O!!! When the heck!? DDx

Yuuko: I saw that, young man. > w > So... Did you felt a little DOKI DOKI here? *pokes Saito's chest*

Saito: *looks away then blushes* N-no... I didn't... >///>

Yuuko: > w > Orly? I heard from Maeda that you and his sister are going out. What're you gonna do now? = w =

Saito: I... I dunno. >///> And who's Maeda? = _ =

Yuuko: Maeda is Atsuki. - w - We call him Maeda cuz' he's always the one who takes the front when we attack our opponents. We always say that he's in front. In other words... Mae da. xDD [A/N: Mae means front.]

Saito: Dajare?! DDx [A/N: Dajare means word play.]

Yuuko: Anyway... > w > Don't you think it's time to end your little game of patience with Haruka? - w - It's been a month but you haven't felt even a spark when looking at her.

Saito: How the heck did you!? O _ O!!!

Yuuko: I have connections. > w >

Saito: Connections!? O _ O!!! Who are they? > _ >

Yuuko: They? Don't even try to exaggerate things. > w > It's only 1. And it's your friendly stalker, Miyu-chan. >:DD

Saito: What the!? DDx

In Yuki's Location...

Yuki: *daydreaming* ... *remembers the kiss* !!! > w < *shakes her head* (I can't! Haruka loves him! A-and! I love Maki! Or do I really love Maki? I'm so confused!!! DDx)

Mayu: O w O??? What's wrong Mommy?

Yuki: N-nothing. ^ _ ^ I just felt tired. (W-why do I feel this way towards him?! I-it's not like I like or love him! >///<)

Mayu: *sees Jun* Jun-ku- *sees Jun kissing a girl* ... *frowns* :((

-End of Chapter-
« Last Edit: October 31, 2012, 05:42:25 PM by Amakuchi »

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Offline fael_c00l

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [CHAPTER 6]
« Reply #57 on: October 31, 2012, 06:37:47 PM »
I was about to sleep then i see the update,, right now i'm very tired to write long reply,, this update is so "OW YEAH" btw,, thx 4 update :D
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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [CHAPTER 6]
« Reply #58 on: November 03, 2012, 03:00:09 PM »
where are yuu amakuchi san? :( please update soon.. :bow: need dozen of saeyuki fic here :fainted:

Offline Amakuchi

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Re: Ms. Idol meets Mr. Simple (SaeYuki) [CHAPTER 6]
« Reply #59 on: November 04, 2012, 09:14:04 AM »
where are yuu amakuchi san? :( please update soon.. :bow: need dozen of saeyuki fic here :fainted:
LOL. Sorry if I'll update so late. I reviewed my 7th chapter and then I decided to erase it so yeah I'm currently constructing a VER.2. I can't post VER.1 it's so HENTAI AND NOT FOR KIDS. DDx I'll update soon, I promise. D:<

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