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Author Topic: 「Theater Rivals」Rivalry Between The WMidget - Chapter 16 [FINISHED]  (Read 109964 times)

Offline ChuuuPuffss

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Re: 「Theater Rivals」Rivalry Between The WMidget - Chapter 1
« Reply #20 on: November 03, 2012, 08:07:56 AM »
First of all, I only ship AtsuMina and KojiYuu depending on my mood but I like this one~ I'm going to read it till' u finish. Yoroshiku, Karupin-san  :deco:

Second, Woaaah.. I like the way you edit the vid *^* What was the song at the end?

Third, Lol looks like Rena and Yuki are hiding something fufufu...

Fourth, okay, update soon lolol
I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

Offline AkemiHomura

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Re: 「Theater Rivals」Rivalry Between The WMidget - Chapter 1
« Reply #21 on: November 03, 2012, 05:23:25 PM »
God, the trailer is very interesting.
I laughed so hard at "Gaychapin's antics" XD
Is currently waiting for the appearances of badass Yuu and handsome Takamina XD
thanks for updating. XD
♥ I do what I like and I like what I do ♥ Oshima Yuko ♥

Offline karupin12

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Re: 「Theater Rivals」Rivalry Between The WMidget - Chapter 1
« Reply #22 on: November 04, 2012, 06:30:12 AM »
anyway Hush Hush
this two midget will fight for Haruna??
what about my Acchan? LOLOL
I dunt want my Acchan to be hurt
XD anyway I still donnu the plot
sooo Please Update soon our GREAT Karupin san
HEHEHEHEHE  :thumbup
I wonder why Acchan is not famous too? XDDD
Acchan will not be hurt (maybe?), don't worry :lol:
I just want Acchan to be simple here.  :lol:

Mayu-boy and Jurio/Jun is still not in this chapter. Maybe on the next one :sweatdrop:

Chapter 2: Love at first sight?

         While staring at the university’s theater, the bell suddenly rang indicating that our next subject will start in five minutes. We immediately ran downstairs towards the booth where the tickets for the play are sold. When we got there, the student’s line for it, is sooooooo long, but we’re thankful for Kojiharu’s popularity when one of her fanboys is the one who’s selling the ticket as we quickly got one. When the second bell rang, once again we ran upstairs to our next room. Do we really need to be so exhausted just to take a leave on that subject? Well ………. I guess yes. As we arrived in our room, we did not hesitate to take a sit as we just showed our tickets to our boring professor then leave before she could say something.
         We’re now heading to the theater but this time, we’re not running; thank god. I’m staring at the ticket that we bought because I found it so ……. weird. What’s with its title? Uncle Serpy? What the hell is that?

“Do you know what’s this play all about?” Kuu asked while also staring at the lame ticket.
“I don’t know either…..” Mariko said, with the same reaction like Kuu.
“Hey Nyan-nyan! Do you know the story of this play?” I asked.
“I think it’s about Uncle Serpy …..” she innocently answered.
“Yeah, your answer really help us” I guess we just need to watch that play to know what its story. We can’t get any proper answer with this airhead beauty.

-Inside the Theater-

         Atsuko and her friends sat down on the center part, second row of the theater. Actually, they did not want to sit there but since Kojiharu’s fanboys are present, they insisted to make their queen and her friends sit there. The setup of the stage is completely a mess; it looks like the whole story will just happen on the street. There are a lot of pieces of papers, cans, and everything that you can see on a dirty place. By seeing those things, it made Atsuko and the other’s mind to get even more confuse.
         The lights went out as the speaker of the play spoke saying that the play will now start. Atsuko who’s just lazily staring at the stage while resting her chin again on her right palm was shocked when a man suddenly appeared at the stage. He’s wearing a worn out shirt and his body is grimy. He looks like a crazy street man as he keeps on shouting while holding a messy doll. Then suddenly, a troupe of people is running madly to him while screaming a name.

“Uncle Serpy!!!”

         Okay, now all of them know what the play is all about. Atsuko closed her eyes to take a nap but since the lead actor is too noisy, she can’t visit the dreamland now. She had no choice but to watch the whole street man’s scenes. Almost twenty minutes had passed, the play seemed it’s on climax as the lead actor is in a judicial street court because her fellow men was accusing him for stealing foods and stuffs. There’s a box with a lock at the middle and it is said to be the property of Uncle Serpy. The actor doesn’t want to open it so they had no choice, they need to open it forcefully. When one of the casts called someone to open it, a squirrel look like man who is riding on a skateboard as he seemed to have disabilities came and tried to open it with bare hands. After a few minutes, the squirrel look like called another person to help him. When the person entered, Atsuko’s attention same as Haruna, Mariko, Rena and Yukirin caught and pointed at him. Even though he’s having a clutch while walking, on Atsuko’s and her friends eyes, he looks so cute. All of their attention is still pointing at him as he sat on the ground and trying to open the box with a piece of metal that he bought.

‘Damn it. Is it only me who thinks that he’s cute?’ Atsuko thought.
“Ne! Ne! Ne!. What do you think of that guy? The one who’s trying to open the box now” Yukirin said excitedly then looked directly on her friends’ eyes.
“Yaaa~! I know that smile on your faces! I know we’re thinking the same!” Rena added.
“He’s cute right? I mean not so cute, not so handsome but there’s something on him! I don’t know what it is!” Haruna said with an unfading smile on her face.
“I like him” Atsuko said plainly while her eyes are glued on that person.

         All of them look at Atsuko with a smirk but when the woman seemed not distracted on what they’re giving to her, they just look again at the man who’s still trying his best to open the box. Then suddenly ……………

“Kyaaaaaaaaa~!!!” The five girls yelled while the only Gachapin who’s with them are busy apologizing to the other audience for disturbance.
“Damn it! He’s cute there! He’s cute when he opened the box unexpectedly! When the padlock suddenly flew away from his hands! His eyes and his round lips expression are totally killing me!” Atsuko said without any pause from her words. If you will look into her eyes right now, it’s slowly forming into a heart shape. The remaining four girls are shocked on the sudden behavior of their friend as they’re just looking at her with an ‘eh?’ expression.

         After a few scenes, the play has finally ended but before the curtains will close, the speaker introduces the cast. It started with the lead actor down to the minor roles. Even though they’re just a few members, it feels like eternity for Atsuko as she keep on waiting for ‘that’ cute guy to be called without knowing that there’s also someone doing the same.

“Oshima Yuko as the box opener and garbage man” The speaker introduced the ‘squirrel look like’ that they saw earlier. As the man walked beside the other cast, Atsuko’s feeling became more excited as she can feel that the ‘cute’ guy will be next.

“Takahashi Kai as the box opener and garbage man also” Finally the man that Atsuko is waiting showed up. The most awaited name that Atsuko is waiting, finally called by the speaker. Atsuko can’t explain her feeling. She can’t explain why her heart is thumping so hard like it was going to burst out anytime.

         Until the curtains are finally closed and all of the audience is already outside, Atsuko is still wearing the ‘in-love’ smile. The play ended same as the time of their last subject so they are heading home now. While they are walking, Atsuko keep on talking and talking and talking about the guy named Takahashi Kai.

“Did you see his expression? It’s so cute! I like his shocked expression…… His eyes…… His smile……. Hmmmm……. His eyes!”
“Acchan, you’ve already said that for the nth time. Our ears were tired hearing those! We never thought that you’re worst when you’re in love” Mariko sighed.
“Me? In love? No I’m not” Atsuko denied but her redden face couldn’t hide what she really feels.
“Okay. Whatever you say …..” Mariko rolled her eyes.

“Anou guys ….. I’m going this way. I’ll leave you now. See you tomorrow” Rena excused herself then gave an apologizing smile.
“That way? But this way is your home right?” Kuu pointed at the other way of the street.
“hmm .. Anou …… I still need to buy something.... hehe… Oh you don’t need to go with me, I’ll be fine. Ja~!” Rena said quickly then dashed off without hearing any response from her friends.
“She’s really acting suspiciously these days. Have you noticed?” Atsuko said; she seemed back to her normal self.
“I also noticed that….. Oh I forgot, I also need to go that way. I … I … I’ll meet my mom there. Ja~! See you tomorrow” Yukirin answered but after that she waved her hand and left them.
“I can feel it ….. those two are hiding something on us” Kuu said while looking at the direction that Yukirin took.
“We’ll know about it soon…… Can we go home now? I’ll make some researches about that Takahashi Kai” Atsuko skipped joyfully towards their way home even though she’s doing it in a wrong way. The two, Mariko and Kuu just sighed deeply on what their friend is acting while Haruna is looking at her with a serious expression.

-Meanwhile at the Theater’s Backstage-

“Ne Kai … Did you saw the woman earlier?” The squirrel look like asked while arranging his things.
“Woman?” The man named Kai asked. Not caring much on his friend’s question as he knows that he do really like women.
“The woman on the second row. I think she likes you. She keeps on looking at you”
“Maybe there’s something on my face at that time that’s why she’s looking at me. You’re making issues again Yuko” Kai said as he carried his bag and aiming to leave the theater.
“Hey Kai! Wait for me! Don’t you like her? She’s cute …” Yuko ran to follow his friend.
“Cute? Every girl is cute in your eyes. Such a playboy……. If you like her, go for her”
“I’m not a playboy! It’s not my fault if the girls are attracted to me! … Like her? No, I don’t like her. What I like is the person beside her at that time. She’s sooooooo beautiful and she has a beautiful body. hehe” Yuko chuckled like a pervert man. By hearing that from his friend, Kai who keeps on walking stopped and looked at his friend.
“What?? Did I say something wrong? I know you also noticed it because you’re as pervert as me” Yuko smirked.
“No I’m not!” Kai continued on walking; leaving his friend behind; preventing himself to do or say something harsh on him.

“I don’t care about the first woman that you’re talking about. You can do whatever on her. You can do whatever you want on every woman that you like BUT don’t ever try to touch or do something on Kojima-san. I’ll never forgive you. I’ll forget that you’re my friend”

         When the moon appeared same as the dark and cold night, Atsuko quickly took her dinner then immediately went to her room, switched on her laptop and ready herself on researching about Takahashi Kai. She opened her facebook account same as her twitter but as the time passes by, she still can’t find the person that she wants to find. She sighed again while lazily scrolling down the mouse wheel. The search results are too much when she searched about the man. ‘Who the hell are these person?!’. When her eyes was about to close, a loud ping sound wake her up as she received a message from Kuu.

To: Atsuko
-So, have you found something about him?

To: Kuu
-Nothing! I can’t find his real account! There’s a lot of Takahashi Kai here!

To: Atsuko

To: Kuu
-What is that? What does that rar contain? I don’t have time to download it if it’s just nonsense stuffs.

To: Atsuko
-It contains life and hope ……

To: Kuu
-I’m supposed to be serious here you know? What is that?!

To: Atsuko
-Hahaha! All of the information about your Takahashi Kai :p

To: Kuu
-Hontou? Okay I’ll download it now . Arigatou >.<

When their conversation ended, Atsuko excitedly downloaded the file that was attached without noticing that it was not sent only for her but also for someone else.

To: Kuu
-What was that for?

To: Kojiharu
-Information about Takahashi Kai …

To: Kuu
-What am I going to do with that? Why did you send it to me?

To: Kojiharu
-Come on my friend. I know you …. I know you like him. Not the usual like but ……. There’s something on it.

To: Kuu
-But …..
*Kojiharu is typing ….*

To: Kojiharu
-I need to go now. Bye! Enjoy the files :p

“How did he know about it? Am I going to use this or not? But ………. How about Atsuko?” Haruna thought while looking at the mouse pointer which is about to hit attached file.

TBC ..  :cow:

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Re: 「Theater Rivals」Rivalry Between The WMidget - Chapter 2 [UPDATED 11.04]
« Reply #23 on: November 04, 2012, 07:53:53 AM »
aww.. ok im gonna wait about what happen.. kojiyuu ..atsumina!!

Offline chichay12

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Re: 「Theater Rivals」Rivalry Between The WMidget - Chapter 2 [UPDATED 11.04]
« Reply #24 on: November 04, 2012, 08:57:00 AM »

I will never get tired saying that i love ur fic!
Keep it up!hoho

Thank you for the update! :thumbsup

Offline ChuuuPuffss

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Re: 「Theater Rivals」Rivalry Between The WMidget - Chapter 2 [UPDATED 11.04]
« Reply #25 on: November 04, 2012, 10:30:02 AM »
Why do I feel like things are going waaaay to twisted...

Also, I feel that.. it's the other way around between these couples xD

Update soon~
I'm the lazy author who rarely updates.

Offline RJay

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Re: 「Theater Rivals」Rivalry Between The WMidget - Chapter 2 [UPDATED 11.04]
« Reply #26 on: November 04, 2012, 12:54:40 PM »
This is getting even more interesting... XD
Both Haruna and Atsuko like Kai while Kai and Yuko both like Haruna :w00t:

I wonder how this will turn out to be. :?
Can't wait for the next chapter; please update soon. -wink-
I'll say "I love you" to the person I love
Even if these feelings aren't returned, saying "I love you" to the person you love
That is the most beautiful thing in the world

Offline haruhi16

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Re: 「Theater Rivals」Rivalry Between The WMidget - Chapter 2 [UPDATED 11.04]
« Reply #27 on: November 04, 2012, 02:16:20 PM »
WHAT! Are you going to break Acchan and Yuko's heart?!?! WHAT IS THIS MESS!!!  :angry: STOP! DON'T HURT MY ACES~  :cry:


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Re: 「Theater Rivals」Rivalry Between The WMidget - Chapter 2 [UPDATED 11.04]
« Reply #28 on: November 04, 2012, 02:33:21 PM »
A love triangle from both side!
I can't wait to see what will happen with this one.
Especially with the fact that Harunyan and Kai feels something for each other.
Don't worry Yuko, Acchan!!! You have my support.  :mon thumb:
Please update soon!  :mon hanky:

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Re: 「Theater Rivals」Rivalry Between The WMidget - Chapter 2 [UPDATED 11.04]
« Reply #29 on: November 04, 2012, 03:12:38 PM »
Acchan will not be hurt (maybe?)
:ptam-hbk: :ptam-hbk:
what a SADIST!!!!! XD
What did just Kuu DID?!??!?!?!
btw Acchan is so weird in here

please update soon  :onionwhip:  :on hobo:
arigatou    :on cny2:
Atsuyuu ♥ Takayuu ♥ Atsumina ♥ Mayuki

YOSH! I'M BACK! FINALLY!!! (notreally)
Been inactive these past few months. =__=

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Re: 「Theater Rivals」Rivalry Between The WMidget - Chapter 2 [UPDATED 11.04]
« Reply #30 on: November 05, 2012, 08:11:41 PM »
OMG please continue!!!!!!! :bow: :bow: :bow:

Offline karupin12

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Re: 「Theater Rivals」Rivalry Between The WMidget - Chapter 2 [UPDATED 11.04]
« Reply #31 on: November 06, 2012, 03:01:09 PM »
WHAT! Are you going to break Acchan and Yuko's heart?!?! WHAT IS THIS MESS!!!  :angry: STOP! DON'T HURT MY ACES~  :cry:
just like what yourockme-san said, I'm a sadist. :twisted: I'll hurt them first before getting what they want :twisted: :lol:

So here's an update. I think I should focus first on the minor couples before getting into the main characters.
but of course, I'll still give hints about them on each chapter

Chapter 3: The Jealous Gachapin

         Atsuko slept with a smile on her face and satisfied on the infos that she got. She mailed the Gachapin again and thank him before going to sleep. While she's staring at the ceiling, all that she can see is the face of Takahashi Kai then suddenly a thought come up on her mind. 'Why am I feeling like this? Why am I thinking about him? Whenever he comes on my mind, I can't control myself to smile. I've never been like this for a man. What if Mariko is right? What if I'm really in love with him? Aargh!' Atsuko covered her face with a long pillow while hugging it tightly and giggling on her thoughts. After a few minutes, Atsuko end up sleeping while holding her phone. Her phone that is displaying an image of Kai.

         Early in the morning, Atsuko the in love girl, arranged her bed and her school stuffs before taking a bath and eating her breakfast. Her mother noticed that she's like in hurry even though it's still early. When her mother asked about it, she just answered "I'm going to check my fb first before going to school!" then she quickly ran upstairs to her room to open her laptop and login her account. When she saw a lot of notifications, she excitedly checked it but to her disappointment, Kai still haven't accepted her request. After that, she lazily took her bag and started to walk to go to school.

         A few walks after as their house and school is just walking distance, Atsuko arrived near the main university's gate. She took a deep sigh when she saw the line for checking their bags is too long. 'Ugh, Why it's always like this? If only they're not using a manual system for checking our bags, this will not happen'. When Atsuko was about to open her bag, someone catches her attention when she noticed this someone on the corner of her eyes. She slightly looked at the person on the other line then preventing herself to utter a sharp shrill cry. 'Oh my god! Is this for real?! Takahashi-san is here beside me! Oh my! Oh my! I should control myself! Atsuko inhale exhale!’

“Anou Ma’am, can you please open your bag widely so I can check it fully?” the guard interrupted her.
“Oh … I’m sorry. Here you go” Atsuko looked on the ground as her face became red because of embarrassment when she heard Kai laughing a bit.

         When the checking of the bags finished, Atsuko quickly head to their classroom and avoid looking at Kai even though she really wanted to look at him. While walking, Atsuko’s embarrassment seemed fade away when she thinks about her prince charming’s face. She doesn’t care about the embarrassment that she felt as long as she saw Kai again; it really made her day complete. When she arrived inside their classroom, all of her friends are looking with a grin on their faces. She put her bag on her seat then looks at them with a ‘why?’ look

“You’re creeping me out you know…” Atsuko said as she smacked a bit her friend’s head.
“We saw you ….. we saw that you saw Kai at the gate” Kuu smirked.
“And so?” Atsuko blushed.
“Oh Hohoho! You’re really in love! Our friend is in love!” Kuu teased and it made the woman’s face to get redder.
“So do you know any information about him?” Yukirin asked and look excited.
“Yeah! And thanks to Kuu for that” Atsuko aim to kiss the Gachapin on the cheeks but he shun. “Guess what? He’s also a second year student! And another guess what? He’s also an IT student! Isn’t that great? We …. I mean ‘I’ can see him if we have our departments event”
“Really? That’s nice! By the way Kuu, how did you know about it? Where did you get that info? Don’t tell me ……” Rena smirked.
“Baka! I don’t like him! Just be quiet ….. I hacked our university’s system” he whispered.
“WHAAAAAAAAT?!!” the three girls yelled that made their other classmates to look at them.

“I said be quiet! I did that for you Acchan. I know that can make you happy” Kuu frowned.
“Want me to be happy? But what’s with that frowned face?”
“I think I know why … have you notice? Mariko is not here” Rena said then Atsuko look around to find her.
“Owh … so Mariko your love is not here. Where is she?”
“She’s not my love” Kuu blushed. “She said she will go to the ladies room but I saw her with the other student from the other class heading to the cafeteria”
“Who do you think it is?”
“I don’t know who is he and I don’t care who the hell is he! All I know is he’s also a member of Akiba Faces” Kuu roared.
“He? Akiba Faces? The modeling club? Owh our Gachapin here is jealous” Atsuko teased then smirked.
“I’m not jealous! She can do whatever she wants! Let’s go to our seats now the class will start in 5 minutes” Kuu ignored his friend’s smirk then go towards his seat beside Haruna.

         Like what Kuu said, the bell rang after 5 minutes as their professor also came in and start discussing. Kuu remembered something, he noticed earlier that Haruna didn’t get along with them before the class started and when he looked at the woman beside him, he saw that she’s writing something on a piece of paper. When Haruna finished and while their professor is looking at the glass board, she reached the paper to the Gachapin’s desk.

Kuu opened it and read it on his mind.
“How did you know? What makes you think that I like him? That it’s not the usual like?”

“I told you …. I know you a lot ‘coz you’re my friend. I know that you always see Takahashi-san around the university and each time that you’re seeing him, I see it in your eyes that you do really like him or should I say, love?”

“Since when have you noticed about it?”

“I think it’s before our class vacation … I can’t remember. So, did you use the infos that I’ve sent to you?”

“Did you tell it to Acchan?”

“No. Why? Are you worried? Worried that both of you like the same man?”

“Just don’t tell it to Acchan …. I don’t want her to get hurt”

“Hurt? What do you mean?”

         After Kuu gave the paper to Haruna, their professor noticed them so Haruna had no choice but not to answer it. Of course, even though they did not caught on act, she will still not answer Kuu’s question. Two subjects were finished and it’s time for them to take their lunch break. On those times, Mariko who said that she will just go to ladies room didn’t come back until now and did not even contact them if she will take her lunch with them. While heading towards the cafeteria's door, Atsuko can see someone, someone that have familiar face, stand and even movement then when the crowd move just like it's making the way for her to that person, Atsuko squealled on excitement as her heart beats fast again.

"Hey Acchan! What's your problem?" Yukirin asked. A bit annoyed because she was startled by the sudden shout.
"Look over there! Kai-kun is there! Waaa! He's cute while eating a donut! Oh my he's walking over here!" Atsuko stopped her panicking session when Kai walked and passed by them. Then right after he passed by Atsuko, he stopped and picked something on the ground.

"Anou. .. Is this yours? Ha-ru-na, Haruna-san?" he asked as he read the name that was written on the pen.
"Oh. Hai! Arigatou" Haruna blushed when Kai smiled at her before leaving.
"Nyan-nyan!! you're so lucky!" Atsuko said after the blond left.
"He just gave my pen Acchan. Let's go inside now, I'm hungry" Haruna said. Trying to avoid further discussions about Kai as she didn't notice the suspicious look of one of her friends.

         They quickly got their place at the cafeteria when a troupe of Haruna's fanboys gave their place for them. They put their bags on the side then sit for awhile to rest then after a moment of silence, someone appeared im front of them and talked.
"Having lunch without me huh?" they look at the owner of the voice as they recognized it well.
"Where have you been Mari-ra. ....." Kuu didn't continue his words when he looked at Mariko and found that the guy earlier is with her.
"Why you didn't come to class Mariko?" Rena asked innocently.
"I was practicing for our show next week. Sorry if I wasn't able to inform you guys. By the way, this is Nakamaru-san one of the members of Akiba Faces" Mariko introduced the guy.
"Hajimemashite. Nakamaru Koki desu"
"He's going to have lunch with us. Is it okay?"
"hmm.. O-okay" Atsuko was unsure on her answer when she looked at the quiet Gachapin.

After Mariko and Nakamura sat down, Kuu quickly get his bag and left them without saying a word.
"Hey Gaychapin! Where are you going?!" Mariko asked teasingly.
"To the place where you're not around!" Kuu answered without looking back. Mariko gave the others a 'what's his problem" look but they just answered that they don't know even though it's obvious that their friend is jealous.

         They had an awkward moment while eating when the two, Mariko and Nakamaru keep on talking and laughing together as if they had no other people around. When the bell rang, Nakamaru excused himself as he need to go to his next class so Mariko decided to just go their class also. They head to their classroom quickly when they thought that they’re already late but when they got inside, all of their classmates are still playing around but that is not the scene that their eyes caught, but the Gachapin who’s sitting alongside of the window and staring at the university’s ground. Without further ado, Mariko left her friends and start running towards Kuu. She greeted the Gachapin with a pinch on both of his cheeks and it made him to cry in pain. Kuu who’s not in the mood to joke around, harshly removed Mariko’s hands on him and give her a murderous glare. Before he could say something that might hurt the woman, he just go to his assigned seat; just in time that their professor arrived.

         All through their lesson, Mariko is just looking worriedly at Kuu who's acting really weird to her. It's unusual for him for bothering to look at her and tease her with annoying faces every time that their professor is not looking. Until the class ended, the man is still ignoring her and just lay down his head on his desk; pretending to be asleep. Once again, Mariko tried to approach him but exactly, Kuu looked up and saw her so he quickly stood up and leave the room.

“What the hell is his problem?!!” Mariko twitched his eyebrows. Kuu’s behavior is really pissing her off.
“Try to follow and talk to him. You’re looking an old hag right now you know?” Even though Mariko wants to smack Atsuko because of her words, she just followed what her friend said as she quickly ran outside.
“That’s right follow what I said so you’ll know that he’s jealous ……….. Okay, back to my business. Haaaaii~” Atsuko said then continue her business; her staring at the ground business because Kai is there sitting on the grass with his friend Yuko who’s having two girls on both of his side.

         Mariko started to run on the building’s hallway to find where Kuu went. She looked on every empty room but there’s no sign of his presence there. She asked their other classmates but it sounds like they’re hiding the Gachapin from her. She continued on running upstairs to the university’s rooftop and just like what she thought, Kuu is there lying his back on the ground while his eyes are shut. She slowly and quietly move closer to him and when she reached the man, Kuu felt someone so he opened his eyes and was about to stand up but he was interrupted by the woman.

“See this fist? Not this, this one. This stone, I’ll smack your head here if you’ll run away from me again”
“What’s your problem?!” Kuu asked as he laid his back again.
“What’s my problem or what’s your problem?!” Mariko sat beside him then pointed on his chest.
“I don’t have problem …” Kuu avoided the woman’s glare.
“Yes you have! ……… Is this about last night?” Mariko asked with a serious tone but Kuu remained silent.
“Hehe! I knew it! It was just a joke! In fairness, you really made me laugh there. Haha!” she laughed awkwardly.

Mariko’s laugh was stopped when Kuu glared at her with his meeting eyebrows. Then suddenly, the Gachapin grabbed her shoulders tightly and said,
“That’s my problem! You! Every little thing that I’m doing or saying to you, you’re always seeing those as a joke!”
“It’s because that’s the only thing that you can do! Always joking around! Remember what you’ve said to me before?! Those words that you’ve also said last night?! That’s the reason why I’m looking that as a joke! Because before, I thought that it was all true at first, but you end up laughing at me!” This is the first time that Kuu see this side of Mariko so he doesn’t know what to do. She’s controlling her tears on falling down to her cheeks as she doesn’t want Kuu to think that she’s weak in this kind of situation.

“I .. I .. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. It’s just I’m too scared how will you react on it so I decided to just laugh so you’ll forget about it” Kuu removed his possessions on Mariko’s shoulders and avoid looking at her.
“Don’t you know that it really hurt my feelings?”
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“It hurts to hear the one that you love joking about what he really feels ….”
“Huh? You love?”
“No! No! The other’s love. I’m talking about them! tss~ Baka! Of course mine! You’ve heard it correctly!” Mariko rolled her eyes then crossed her arms.

“EHH?! Don’t tell me …….. Oh that’s impossible because you already like that Koki guy” Kuu pouted.
“Hahaha! Now I get it. You’re jealous!” Mariko teased.
“No I’m not!” the Gachapin turn his back while crossing his arms.
“You’re not? Hmm .. I guess its okay for you that I’m with him …” the taller woman was about to stand up but she was quickly stopped by the Kuu who hold her shoulders again then pinned her on the ground; making himself slightly on top and his face is only inches apart from the woman.

“Yes! I’m jealous because I don’t want MY woman to be SO close to any man out there!”
Mariko gulped as she feel nervous on their current position and said, “Don’t worry, he’s not a man. He’s gay! And ………… Hey! What did you say?! YOUR woman?! I’m not yet your woman!”
“It will also lead to that!”
“How sure you ……” the woman wasn’t able to continue her words when Kuu quickly said,
“Owh you’re talking too much …” Kuu managed to capture her lips. At first, Mariko is trying to resist on it because of the fear that someone might see them but after a few seconds, she didn’t notice that she’s already answering the kiss from the person that she love.

When the two stopped and let go each other’s lips to breathe some air, Kuu looked directly on Mariko’s eyes and said,
“I love you Mari-raffe”
“I love you more my Gaychapin” she smiled.

TBC ..  :cow:

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Re: 「Theater Rivals」Rivalry Between The WMidget - Chapter 3 [UPDATED 11.06]
« Reply #32 on: November 06, 2012, 03:27:53 PM »
Oh Yuko-sama is such a player...   :lol:

And MariMii on the rooftop :w00t:

Ah, please continue this!!!   :bow:
« Last Edit: November 07, 2012, 01:18:21 PM by sakura_drop_ »
"人間みんな変態だから" - 古川愛李, SKE48 新高柳チームKII 「シアターの女神」千秋楽公演, 2014.04.18 <"Because all people are perverts." - Furukawa Airi, SKE48 New Takayanagi Team KII [Theater no Megami] Last Stage, 2014.04.18>

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Re: 「Theater Rivals」Rivalry Between The WMidget - Chapter 3 [UPDATED 11.06]
« Reply #33 on: November 07, 2012, 12:27:23 AM »
the trailer that you made is so awesome, love it ^^

and as expected the fic is as awesome as the trailer, really good fic i must say  :cathappy:

i'm really excited to next chapter, please update as soon as possible~~

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Re: 「Theater Rivals」Rivalry Between The WMidget - Chapter 3 [UPDATED 11.06]
« Reply #34 on: November 07, 2012, 03:01:36 AM »
I love Takamina!! and Mariko-sama!!! but MORE ATSUMINA!!!

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Re: 「Theater Rivals」Rivalry Between The WMidget - Chapter 3 [UPDATED 11.06]
« Reply #35 on: November 07, 2012, 04:09:27 AM »
Awww so cute!! Marimii!! :D OMG!! haruna and acchan falling in love for minami T_T...

my kojiyuu..

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Re: 「Theater Rivals」Rivalry Between The WMidget - Chapter 3 [UPDATED 11.06]
« Reply #36 on: November 07, 2012, 07:24:52 AM »
Awww~ MariMii is so cute  :wub: , I also love MariMii together with KojiYuu  :wub:

And hey! So you're added up to one of those sadistic authors here on Jphip, so i bet this is going to be so heart-breaking eh? Although i also love the idea about the complicated situation between these couples, still i want them to end up together at the end of the story. Just don't give us a long long loooong heart-breaking chapters 'cause my heart couldn't take that!  :(


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Re: 「Theater Rivals」Rivalry Between The WMidget - Chapter 3 [UPDATED 11.06]
« Reply #37 on: November 07, 2012, 11:31:23 AM »

ACCHAN :mon cry: :mon cry:
anyway MariMii  :mon yoyo: :mon yoyo:
waahhh i feel nervous for the next update and next next next  :mon chilly: :mon chilly:
SADIST!!!  :mon psst:

arigatou  :mon kungfu: :mon dance:
Atsuyuu ♥ Takayuu ♥ Atsumina ♥ Mayuki

YOSH! I'M BACK! FINALLY!!! (notreally)
Been inactive these past few months. =__=

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Re: 「Theater Rivals」Rivalry Between The WMidget - Chapter 3 [UPDATED 11.06]
« Reply #38 on: November 09, 2012, 05:01:59 PM »
Takaboy always look at haruna :banghead:
Keep going on acchan! :peace:
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Re: 「Theater Rivals」Rivalry Between The WMidget - Chapter 3 [UPDATED 11.06]
« Reply #39 on: November 10, 2012, 03:29:35 PM »
Love this fics poster/banner
Taka so cool!!!!

Tnx for the Update ^^

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