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Author Topic: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings) COMPLETED  (Read 112999 times)

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings) UPDATED CHAPTER 5!!
« Reply #60 on: December 12, 2012, 03:43:32 PM »
Yeay! Finally finished the exam. As I promised to you that I'll be back after the exam with a new update. Thanks for keep waiting. ENJOY!!


The day is finally coming. The 2PM concert. Since the interior design major has an important seminar today, Acchan and Yuko decide to go to campus first before attending the gig.

"Argghh.. I can't focus!!" Yuko whisper to Accha who sits beside her while the lecturer is speaking in front of the students.

"Yeah.. Can't wait for the gig!" said Acchan. She keep staring at the clock, wishing it could be running faster. Acchan look around the room, she found that the one who feel so bored with the lecturer's speech is not only her. It's everybody. She found some people are falling asleep, texting on their phone, or even a boy in front of her is drawing cartoon on his college book.

Two hours later, the seminar is over. Almost more than a hundreed students in the room rushing to go out of the room. It's very crowded as everyone wanted to be the first to go out.

"Aahh.. ITTAII!!" Acchan felt like she's being pushed and then she fall to the ground.

"Acchan!!" Yuko shouted then grab Acchan out of the crowd. Seems like Acchan can't stand properly, Yuko take Acchan on her shoulder and put her on a seat.

"Are you okay?!" ask Yuko.

"My ankle..." Acchan groans, seems like it's very hurt.

"Oh my god, how could it happen?" Yuko feel so worried about her friend. Then she think that she have to call somebody. She grab her phone and start to call the one whose picture is being her wallpaper, Riku.


"Rikunyaaan!! Are you busy?"

"Eh? No, not really. I'm still in campus, but the class is over. Why so sudden?"

"Err.. Look, would you like to come to the auditorium near the gym please? Acchan is get injured. We need help"

"Majide?!" Riku feel shocked. Kai who is doing his college task beside him look at him.

"What happened?" Kai said to Riku without voice.

"Okay okay! We'll be there in a minute!" said Riku then he close the phone.

"Acchan got injured, they need our help" said Riku to Kai.

"WHAT??!! How could.."

"Let's go!" just when Kai about to finish his sentence, Riku grab him and they ran to the auditorium.

The two hot and young guys enter the auditorium and find Acchan and Yuko sit on the first row seats. Kai quicky run towards Acchan.

"Atsuko! What happened?" Kai ask worriedly.

"It's okay, Kai. Don't be too worried, it's just my ankle getting hurt" Acchan said.

"She was pushed by the crowd and fell down when we try to go out of the room" Yuko added.

Kai touched and caressed Accgan's ankle.

"Arrgh.. it hurts Kai!!" Acchan shouted.

"Oops sorry. I'm sorry" Kai then massaged her ankle more gently.

"Are you sure you can do that, dude?" Riku ask. Looks like he don't believe with Kai.

"Yeah, my dad is a doctor, remember? And I learned a lot of things from him. Even fixing injured ankle like this."

As Kai keep massaging her ankle, Acchan staring on him.

"Why did he look so worried when he came here? And now he look so serious fixing my ankle. You're so kind, Kai" Acchan thought.

After several minutes, Kai finally stop his 'work'. "Nah.. Is it better?" he asked.

Acchan try to move her ankle a little and it feels better. She nodded, "Yeah, it feels better. Thanks Kai."

"Emm.. But I think it's ni fixed properly. We must go to the clinic to make it better," Kai said. "Let's see if you can walk or not". He stood up and give his hand to hold Acchan.

Acchan try to stand up but she failed. It still hurt to stand up and walk.

"See, we should go to the clinic." Kai said.


"Eh? Yeah?"

"Just go to the concert without me. You can ask anyone to replace me, I think I can"t go to the concert with this condition" Acchan said.

"Eh?" Yuko still confused.

"It's okay, Yuko. It's a rare occasion to watch 2PM's concert. Just go, I'll be fine"

Yuko thinking for a while, the she glare at Riku. "Woul you like to accompany me?"

"EEEHHH?! Me?! Watching these dancing boyband??!" Riku looks like very shocked.

"Please... " Yuko shows her puppy eyes.

"Shit. Why does she must show that glare. That's killing me!" Riku though.
"O-okay. I'm going with you."

"Jusy go have fun, dude! I'll take care of her" Kai said as he give his motorbike key to Riku.
"What's this?" Riku asked confusedly.

"That's a key!" Kai answered.

"I know, you idiot! I mean what's for?"

"Take my motorbike."

"Oh.. Okay."

Riku and Yuko then leave the two in the auditorium since the time is closer to the concert show. As they leave, Kai move his body closer to Acchan. Acchan's heart is beating faster as Kai's face is inches away from hers. It's like... "Is he going to kiss me?" Acchan thought.

The she feels Kai's arm move around her back and his another arm moves aroun her legs. He lift her up and carry her out of the room.

"Kai.." she said in lower tone, it makes Acchan shocked when he suddenly carried her up.

Kai look at her for a while but did't say anything. He keep walking to the gate if the college gate. Acchan can see the sweats rolling down his forehead. It must be so hard to carry a girl and walking far enough to the gate.

"Kai, you don't have to do this" Acchan said.

"Why? You want me to throw you into that fountain?" Kai said as they across the college fountain. Kai approach the fountain and act like he's about to throw Acchan inside.

Acchan screamed, makes Kai laughing. Then Kai walk and they both laughing again.

"Okay stop. Don't laughing again.. It makes you heavier, you know" Kai teased Acchan and make ker pout. He giggled by looking at Acchan's pouting face. Makes him want to kiss her or something.

They arrived in front of the gate, a taxi stopped and Kai take Acchan in. He came inside and sit beside Acchan. He ordered the driver to drive them to the nearest clinic. As they arrived in the clinic, Kai carried Acchan inside and a doctor staryed to examine her. After it finished, the sat in front of the doctor's table.

"It's just an litte injury. It will be better at least in two days," the doctor said. "But you don't try to move extremely. Juet take a rest until it's better enough to walk, okay?"

"Okay. Thanks, doc!" Acchan said.

"Ahh.. You two remind me of my younger day. Being married in young age is not easy. But people who can do it well is totally great," said the doctor. It makes the two confused. "So, what year is your marriage now?"

"EEHH?!!" both or them very surprised with the doctor question. But beside that, both of the are blushing. Their cheeks are getting red.

"What? You're not married yet?"

"Not yet!" said Kai. Acchan glare at him. He notice it.

"I mean, we're not even a couple.." Kai correct his answer. "...yet" he added. Makes Acchan giggled inside.

"Oh, souka. I'm sorry. Looking at you carry her here, just like a married couple. Hehe" said the doctor.

After finished their adminiatration in the clinic, Kai carry Acchan again to the taxi and they go home. It's almost 11pm and Kai find out that Acchan's lamp still turned on. Then Kai text Acchan as he think that she may not sleeping yet.

"You haven't sleeping yet?" then Kai send it to Acchan.

Acchan who now is laying on her bed feel so happy when she receive a text message from Kai.

"How could I sleep when Yuko is having fun with my idols?! :'( "

"Ah! That dancing boyband. You still thinking about them? LOL"

"Yeah. It's bad that I can't watch their live concert. It'a a rare occasion."

By receiving that message from Acchan, he think to do something.

Acchan still staring at her phone screen, but there's no reply from Kai. Minutes by minutes she wait but there's still no reply. She feel disappointed then decide to sleep.

Not long before she really fell asleep, she heard a sound of guitar from outside. The melody is sounds familiar to her. Acchan try to wake up and crawl to her window. When she open the curtain, she found Kai is sitting on the window, playing guitar and sing one of her favorite song, 2PM-I Can't.

Acchan open the window and can't help to smile watching Kai playing guitar and singing that song. It really makes Acchan's heart melts.

Offline qweakb

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #61 on: December 12, 2012, 03:57:17 PM »
nice update :)
Become AKB fan after watching AKB0048.
Oshimen : Takamina and Mayu
Favorite pair : TakaAstu, Mayukirin, KumiYuria, Wmatsui, JirinaMayu etc.
(After reading the fanfic, my favorite pair just keep increasing :( )

Offline Sydney W

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #62 on: December 12, 2012, 04:03:33 PM »
Such a romantic that Kai sing Acchan favourite 2pm song.

Offline DC2805

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #63 on: December 12, 2012, 05:41:19 PM »
Wow, Kai is so sweet...yes! please make Acchan yours soon!  8)
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #64 on: December 12, 2012, 07:03:38 PM »
why kai is so sweet??  :wriggly: :wriggly: :wriggly: :wriggly: flail so much in happiness

kai!!! acchan is all yours!  :luvluv1:

Offline mae

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #66 on: December 12, 2012, 10:28:29 PM »
i love this fic please update soon ;)

Offline giakb48ff

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #67 on: December 13, 2012, 03:59:18 AM »
HAHAH so cute Kai!! forever atsumina!!! thanks !!   :heart: :heart: :deco: :thumbup :cathappy: :deco: :deco:
I love Takamina!! and Mariko-sama!!! but MORE ATSUMINA!!!

Offline chemicalstar

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #68 on: December 13, 2012, 04:55:13 AM »
It's like Acchan is mu sister and I'm like "Kai, take care of my sister!' :D
Please update soon AND KISS!!!! I want A KISS!!

SOON!! Be patient. haha

Offline Haruko

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #69 on: December 13, 2012, 06:03:32 AM »
omg!1 so sweet kai.. be my boyfriend you are so sweet... love it!

Offline dark48

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #70 on: December 13, 2012, 02:12:51 PM »
That's so sweet  :heart:

Kai is an ideal boyfriend  :inlove: :inlove:

Tnx for the update

Please continue

Offline giakb48ff

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #71 on: December 13, 2012, 03:15:07 PM »
That's so sweet  :heart:

Kai is an ideal boyfriend  :inlove: :inlove:

Tnx for the update

Please continue
I love Takamina!! and Mariko-sama!!! but MORE ATSUMINA!!!

Offline chemicalstar

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Yo fellas... Here's the 6th chapter for you. But sorry there's no atsumina moment inside. It's a special chapter part for KojiYuu.

I divide this chapter into 2 parts, and the last one will be updated soon. This part might be a little hot. Be ready...

CHAPTER 6 Part 1

Dddrrrrdddd dddrrrrrdddd...

Sound of trilling phone on the table beside Yuko's bed. The light is still turned off, but the room is full of red light from the sunlight through the red curtain. It makes the room feel so warm and the two bodies who still laid on the bed feels like don't want to get up.

Dddrrrrrddd ddrrrdddd...

The phone is trilling again.

"Riku.. It's your phone" said Yuko with lazy voice, still closing her eyes.

Riku lazily move Yuko's arm on his body and trying so hard to reach the phone. It's a message from Kai.

"Dude where are you?! Come pick me up. You still take my bike with you, right? Pick me up at home in an hour. Don't be late, we got a mission!"

"Mission?" Riku thought confused.

Riku try to search his pants under the blanket that covering their naked bodies. After searching it for a while, he finally find it. Then he quickly wear it. Feeling that Riku is about to go, Yuko open her eyes.

"Where are you going? It's still early morning.." Yuko said lazily.

"What is early morning? It's already 8am Yuko.."

"But it's Sunday!"

"I got something to do with Kai today," Riku remove the blanket and start to get off of the bed.

Yuko grab his hand before he leave and pull him hard towards her and make the blanket removed from her body. Riku fell down on the bed and looked down as he saw Yuko's uncovered naked body. He gulped inside.

"What time is your appointment with Kai?" Yuko asked looking deep in his eyes. Their face just like inches close to each other.

"It-it's a .. it's 9 am" Riku answered nervously.

Yuko move closer to him and whispering in his ear. "We still have an hour, Kai can wait." Then she pull Riku to her as she start to undo his pants again.

"OMG. She wants it again??!! Oh, it must be make me loose a lot of energy for today!" Riku thought.

Yuko kiss his neck and lick his ear. It makes him shivered. Now Yuko can feel 'his friend' is waking up and getting harder on her thigh. She move her hand and start to rub it.

Riku groans heavily, feeling the sensation in the morning. He move to kiss Yuko's lips deeply. While their tongue start to battle, he move his hands and open Yuko's thighs widely. Yuko deepen their kiss as Riku slide his friend inside her, drown their moans in kisses.


When Riku and Yuko in the queue to the concert, Riku felt so awkward. All people around are women. It made him feels lika a gay.

"OMG. What if someone who knows me find out I'm here, watching the dancing boyband, and... They must be thinking that I'm a gay!" Riku thought.

During the concert. Riku just stand still while Yuko and all the people are cheering up, shouting, even when the boyband open their shirts and show their sixpack bodies Yuko screaming loudly.

"This is crazy. My girlfriend screaming at other guy's body in front of me??!! What does she think about?! Oh, I feel like I'm totally a gay now!" Riku thought.

After the concert, Riku keep silence and that made Yuko feel uneasy.

"Rikunyaan.. Why are you so silent?"


"Rikuuu... I know you must be hiding something from me. Come on tell me, honey.."

Riku glared at her. "in the concert, you screaming at that dancing boyband like crazy. It was like, you don't love me anymore... I felt like I'm a gay, going to the dancing gays concert" Riku pouted at her.

Yuko giggled. She pinch his cheek wit her hands. "You're jealous!!"


"Hey, look at me" Yuko hold Riku's chin so that he look at Yuko. "By accompanied me to the concert doesn't mean that you're a gay."

Yuko move closer and whisper in his ear, "We can prove it."

Then both of them spend the night at Yuko's house. Yuko enter her room, followed by Riku. She quickly lock the door and push him hard onto the bed. She climbed on the bed and place herself on the top of him.

"Let's prove it." Yuko touch Riku's nose with her finger. She move her hands down to his chin. "My boyfriend..." then she move to his chest. " not" then move to his stomach, "..a gay," and she stop on his asset.

"Aahh...Yuuchan!" Riku starts moaning when she touch and rub his friend.

After a couple of minutes, Riku took his revenge. He roll their body so now he's on top of her. He quickly undo her clothes, then his clothes.

Lust is fulfilling in his mind, and he start to make a move, kissing her rough and then every bed scene happened that night.

*End of flashback*

Offline mae

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #74 on: December 13, 2012, 06:27:38 PM »
that was hot i want to know the part 2  please  update soon :)

Offline vPANDAv

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #75 on: December 13, 2012, 06:34:15 PM »
YES KOJIYUU!!   :deco: :heart:

yea! you go yuko, get yourself satisfied before riku runs away (lol)  :peace:

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #76 on: December 13, 2012, 09:40:32 PM »
 :on bleed: :on bleed:  :on bleed:
hot scene on the run
Go Go Go kojiyuu!!!
Yuko always the best!  :bow:

Offline chemicalstar

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #77 on: December 14, 2012, 02:00:02 AM »
Wow!! That was HOT!!
Promise to make one of those scenes with Kai and Acchan!!  :hiakhiakhiak: *perv mode ON*
Please update SOON!!

I will!!

Offline chichay12

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #78 on: December 14, 2012, 02:11:46 AM »
Super hot!
I want more!!
Looking forward to part 2!

Offline KojiYuu44

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Re: The Girl Next House (KaixAcchan and other pairings)
« Reply #79 on: December 14, 2012, 02:25:02 AM »
Kai is the sweetest guy ever  :wub:
Jealous Riku is funny  :lol:
Thanks for the updates!!

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