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Author Topic: My KojiYuu Story (OS: PSP - 2013 Christmas Special)  (Read 52528 times)

Offline stepk

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 15/27)
« Reply #60 on: December 17, 2012, 06:51:27 PM »
mooou yuko, hope she is okay.  :(

thanks for upload, great chapter.

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 15/27)
« Reply #61 on: December 18, 2012, 01:15:55 AM »
No!!!! Don't kill Yuko!!!!

Offline freakymonday

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 15/27)
« Reply #62 on: December 18, 2012, 01:30:43 AM »
@Pdpond - long wait is over... :yep:

@mae - thank you! :oops:

@Tam_atsu - yeah.. my mind is a little messed up writing this. :thumbsup

@BbSis - haha.. i'll be flooding this with happy moments. :oops:

@Minami-chan - let's see what will happen... :twisted:

@stepk - another chapter coming up!

@kahem:oops: hmmm.. i love haruna more than yuko..  :twisted:

i forgot to update this yesterday.. geez~~ :thumbdown: :thumbdown:


- Welcome to Paris -


++[Yuko’s POV]++

I slid my fingers onto her hands. It was cold just like the last time. I gave her a squeeze and she answered it back by clasping onto mine tightly. She’s still quiet and exhibits a straight face, although her eyes really look lonely.

“I’m sorry NyanNyan… I won’t…”

I can’t seem to find the right words to say. She’s really looking forward to this day, the day when we can go out together overseas with just the two of us. I remember years ago when she asked me to go overseas with her and she got no response from me but a smile. And now that finally we managed to have time, I instantly ruined it with a very stupid question. But, can you blame me if that’s how this really felt?

“It’s okay…” she answered me with a very mild tone. It’s so mild that it hurts that I doubted her feelings.

“I won’t ever…”

“Stop it... Stop it Yuuchan~” she interrupted me along with a tight squeeze on my hands. “Let’s just… enjoy the moments we at last was able to have.”

“Hai!” I answered her with a smile.

Like any other days of us together, this sudden feeling of just wanting to embrace her with these arms poked my heart. This feeling that takes me to another world with her, a world that’s just the two of us alone. And so my head rests on her chests again. Every time my ears comes close to her heart, those thumping sounds that travels through my ears makes me happy, it makes me happy every time.

“Yuuchan, you’re enjoying too much of my chest…” she said to me shyly. Whoever hears that would definitely envy me.

“Why not? I think heaven made your body for me, specifically for me NyanNyan…” I joked.

“Weird answer Yuuchan. You just don’t want to let go, don’t you?”

“Yay! You got me!”

Part of what she said was right. I really don’t wanna let go. My arms only agree to wrap around her body, and my hands would only want to hold hers. Every part of me wouldn’t wanna be without her. I’m afraid and at the same time happy that her soft silky skin will continue to linger on my memories if we are to separate. What magic has she used on me to be like this? I wonder.

“NyanNyan, why did you choose Paris?” I asked her out of curiosity as we make our way outside the airport.

I can see her blushing. There might be a something in my question. “Eto… Hmmm… because I love fashion?” she answered.

“Fashion huh? Well, my NyanNyan suits here. You’re as beautiful and lovely as France!” I blurted.

She seemed speechless with my joke though. Maybe the quarrel we had earlier at the plane still makes her feel uncomfortable. “Let’s just leave our things at the hotel first.” She murmured.


Their eyes were gleaming as it wanders around the city through the cab that they were riding. Their held hands remained together giving them comfort that they need from being away from home.

“NyanNyan has been here before right?”

“Un! But I wasn’t able to go to the places that I want.”

“Uwaah~~Then you’ll be my tour guide!” Yuko replied with joy.

“Were you even listening to me Yuuchan?”

“Hai! Hai!”

“You’re not listening at all.” Haruna reacted meeting her face with her palm. “Seems like I brought a child with me.” She whispered!

“NyanNyan, let’s not sleep at all! I want to make the most out of this visit! This is Europe after all.”

“You’re kidding me, right?” Haruna frowned.

“I’m not!”

“I won’t allow that. Stop being so childish.”

“NyanNyan so cruel~”Yuko pouted.

“Yuuchan..” Haruna called out, but Yuko seems to be enjoying the view. “Listen here Yuuchan. “ She repeated placing her palms on Yuko’s face and turning it to face her. “Listen, first, we have a week to explore the place. Secondly, you’re sick. You need to rest. And…”

“That’s not a valid reason NyanNyan. Exclude my sickness from your reasons!” Yuko interrupted frowning.

“I’m not done speaking yet.” Haruna gave Yuko a glare. “Yuuchan, I also need to rest, besides, don’t you want to share the bed with me at all?”

Yuko’s eyes brightened and sported a wide smile. “R-really? We’ll share th-the bed?”

“Isn’t it you who booked our hotel? We only got one bed! Do you want me to sleep on the couch?”

“We’re here ladies~ Enjoy your stay!” the cab driver announced but Yuko seems toxic from the words of Haruna about sharing the bed.

“N-no~ Not… not at all!!! I… I can’t wait to sleep!!!!! L-Let’s sleep now!!” Yuko said jumpily as she hops off the cab.

*Sigh* “I shouldn’t have mentioned that…” the tall girl whispered.


Haruna can see Yuko grinning. Her eyes were gleaming, looking at her phone. Her cheeks were carved again with those cute deep dimples of hers.

“Well, this is exciting.” Yuko muttered.

“What is exciting?” Haruna asked and sat beside the empty space of the couch the short girl is sitting.

“Paris! Paris is exciting!” Yuko answered back enthusiastically with her bright smile facing her princess. She was all giggly and jumpy like a kid.

“Hmm? Of course! This is the best place for fashion so, it’s expected to be exciting.”

Haruna frowned seeing Yuko not react on her words. “Let me see what you’re looking at.” The older girl sounds curious as she stretched out my palms, asking her to hand over the phone.

“Here!” Yuko placed the phone on the girl’s palm.

“Hmm? Romantic Paris. Paris Attractions for Couples and… Honeymooners????????? Yuuchan?!!” Haruna exclaimed as she read the display on Yuko’s phone.

“I’m at the most romantic city in the world… I’m here at the most romantic place in the world… with my NyanNyan. Ureshii~~”

“Yuuchan?! What are you thinking?” Haruna asked giggling while grabbing Yuko down to stop her from being too jumpy.

“Aaaahh~~ I can’t wait to snuggle and smooch my NyanNyan~~” the younger girl said dreamily earning a knock on the crown from Haruna. “Itaii~~ that hurts!”

“Remember the no-kissing rule Yuuchan?”

“Noooo~! You can’t do this to me NyanNyan!!! We’re in Paris!!! You’re so cruel~!! Just once!!!” Yuko pleaded clinging onto Haruna’s arms. “Please~ Please~”

“If you promise to eat well from now on, I’ll think about it.” The tall girl commented.

“I will!!! I will do everything you like my Hime-sama!” Yuko excitedly replied.


“Hai!!! Everything!! I’ll be your servant! Everything you asked! Everything! Just don’t make me leave this place without a kiss~!!”

“Hmm. Make me change my mind then!”

Yuko’s ears clapped in joy from what she heard. She was stoned like a statue, grinning like an old man. “This time!! This time I’ll definitely succeed!”

Haruna giggled. “We’ll see.”

“I’ll get myself a French kiss from NyanNyan!!! Yosh!!!!!”

“French Kiss?????”


“What took you so long NyanNyan? You’ve been there for an almost an hour!” Yuko pouted.

“Ah~ Gomene~” the girl in question replied with a forced smile.

“Hmm, you’ve been spending too much time on the bathroom lately.” Yuko commented as she took a sip of her iced tea.

“Eh? I am? Gomen~ I’ll go faster next time.”

“It’s okay with me. I’m just worried about the people who need to use it though.”

“Ah~ Gome~” Haruna sighed speechless.

Yuko pouted and gazed at the girl sitting in front of her, a deep gaze with expressionless eyes. Her intent look made Haruna’s cheeks redden and uncomfortably fixed her bangs.

“Don’t look at me like that.” Haruna whispered. “It’s uncomfortable.”

Yuko sighed. Her head is filled with questions she can’t seem to bring up. However, she chose to give her best smile instead and enjoy the time she had with Haruna.

“It’s 3pm! Let’s go and check the places you want, NyanNyan!” she said cheerfully as she bring her fork down.

“Eh?! You’re not done eating yet!!”

“I wanna go explore now!”

“No! Finish your meal!! Try the cheese~” Haruna insists.

“NyanNyan… I’m full already~” the short girl answered with puppy eyes, trying to convince the other girl.

“Don’t ‘NyanNyan’ me with puppy eyes Yuuchan! I thought you’ll do everything I say?”

“Mou~ but I’m full~” Yuko whispered grabbing the fork and looking sadly on her plate still half full, attempting to have it empty.

*Sigh* “Sometimes, I thought, that you don’t really want to kiss me.” Haruna teasingly replied smiling and stood up. “Come on~ Let’s go start the tour!” and placed a bill on the table before walking away leaving Yuko astounded.

“Eh?! Eh?!” the short girl blushed and quickly stood up to catch Haruna. “NyanNyan wait! I’ll finish my meal~ wait!”

“Another chance lost, Yuu~chan~” Haruna replied giggling.

---++[ "It's unfortunate that there was a misunderstanding. After all, as far as Yuko is concerned, the 'you' in 'no one but you' refers to me," ]++---

Offline stepk

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 15/27)
« Reply #63 on: December 18, 2012, 02:04:52 AM »
 I'm really sad because of graduation kasai, I found out now.  :cry:

but I read the episode and really like it with yuko so childish, thanks for upload.  :thumbsup

Offline BbSis

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 16/27)
« Reply #64 on: December 18, 2012, 02:41:18 AM »
Nhyaaaa sweet moments! More sweet moments pleaaase*.*

O/ I liked the update thank you^^

I'm really sad because of graduation kasai, I found out now.  :cry:

I'm sad too :cry:

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 16/27)
« Reply #65 on: December 18, 2012, 06:55:12 AM »
yeah Paris !!! lol
nice update ;)
I wait with impatient  to know the end of this relation I hope a great future :)

Offline freakymonday

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 17/27)
« Reply #66 on: December 18, 2012, 08:45:05 AM »

@stepk - i'm shocked of what happened as well! :cry:

@BbSis - expect more of it~ :D

@mae - i think there are 7 chapters of them in Paris before I wrapped up this story. :?

I guess I'm done uploading the rest of the story until the weekends.. so yeah... Expect this finished before christmas. ^_^) :k-great: :k-great:


- Champ de Mars -


++[Yuko’s POV]++

We are walking hand-in-hand to some huge garden beneath the Eiffel Tower. There were lots of people sitting, some are lying on the grass, reading books, chatting, eating, and others are almost doing nothing.

“Are we going to the Eiffel Tower NyanNyan?” I asked her as I tightened my hands on her.

“Mm~” She hummed a no. “They call this place Champ de Mars”

“Champ de Mars?” I repeated in question. “We’re not going to the Eiffel Tower?”

I didn’t get a reply. We just continued walking. “Anyway, what’s in your bag?” I asked eyeing on the big bag hanging on her arms. She just blushed in reply. “Mou~ NyanNyan~ You’re not even talking to me~”

“Hai~ Hai~” She finally replied smiling at me.

We stopped walking somewhere shaded by the trees. She opened her bag and took out a fabric.

“A blanket?” I whispered asking.

“Hai! We’ll rest here under the tree” she answered while spreading out the blanket on the grass.

She sat down, leaving me standing looking at her. I wonder what’s on her mind. She seems to be enjoying keeping me clueless of her plans. Her big brown eyes stares at me gently, inviting me to sit beside her. My NyanNyan is really pretty. The red blanket that covers the grass compliments her skin white legs. Oh~ And have I mentioned that I love her long hair? I especially love it straight, just like it is today.

“Yuuchan~” she interrupted my thought, tapping on the space beside her.

I gladly complied. Who on earth would not want to sit beside a goddess? Only crazy people wouldn’t find my NyanNyan an angel from heaven.

“What are you thinking, looking at me like that?” She asked me with a smile.

I just shrugged my shoulders and stretched my arms. The shade of the tree calms me, making me want to sleep. So, instinctively, I lied down and supported my head with my intertwined hands.

“Yuuchan…” she called. “This… is free.” She continued while tapping on her lap.

It felt so good to even just imagine that, so I took the opportunity to make her my human pillow. My head lay on her thighs. Her nice smell has visited my nose once again, making me remember how sweet she smells.

“I was wrong.”

“Huh? About?” she asked me with her winning pout.

“…about what I said earlier. You’re not as lovely and beautiful as France.”

“Eh?... Of course! Nobody would agree~” She said giggling.

“Hai~ because you’re still much beautiful than France~ much more lovelier than Paris~”

That left her astounded and I received a poke on my cheeks. “Baka~” she uttered and started stroking my hair adding to the sleepiness that I felt. “You don’t have to force yourself to stay awake, Yuuchan.”


++[Haruna’s POV]++

Ara~ she’s deeply asleep. Yuuchan must be really tired from travelling. I will wake you before dusk though. I’m glad I chose this place as our first stop. she’ll have a nice rest here, cooled by the gentle wind and the shades of the trees.

I can’t help but trace the contours of her face with my fingers, her face that made me smile every day, her face that I dreamt of every night, her face that calms me when I’m in pain. Who would’ve thought she’ll be the one to capture my heart. I myself couldn’t figure out when this all started, when did my heart was no longer my own.

Sitting here on the blanket atop the grass, with sleeping Yuuchan by my side, there’s this feeling of comfort as I watch her steady breathing. I stroked her hair gently as my eyes reached the Eiffel Tower, standing gallantly from a place a little far from here. The sun will set soon and we have to reach the tower by then.

“Yuuchan~” I called out softly while touching her lips. She’s so asleep that my call can’t reach her.

“Yuuchan~” I bend down and kissed her forehead. I sighed seeing that there’s no reaction.

“Yuuchan wake up~” I poked her nose and kissed her closed eyes. Ara~ she’s still asleep. I giggled.

Opportunity. I gently pressed my lips onto hers. It’s funny. She’s still sleeping soundly. If she continues this way, we won’t be able to watch the sun set.

My fingers poked her lips. “Chuu~ Chuu~” I whispered. “Wake-up Yuuchan~” I pinched her cheeks a little and saw her frown.

“NyanNyan~French Kiss~” she murmured in her sleep.

“I already kissed you, so wake up already.” I whispered in response.

“French Kiss~~” she continued murmuring making me blush.

“French Kiss huh? Kissing you off guard is much more romantic to me~”


“Yuuchan! Wake up!” I pinch her cheeks hard to finally stop her from mumbling.

Her palms reached her pinched cheeks as she slowly opened her eyes. I greeted her with a smile.

“NyanNyan~ Ohayo~” She whispered at me smiling with her eyes still looking sleepy. How cute!

“Ohayo? It’s already almost the sunset Yuuchan.” I joked giggling. “Let’s go to the Eiffel Tower!”

“Oh yeah~ I’m in Paris with my princess.” She smiled and reached for my cheeks. Her palms warm it. “It feels like a dream~” She murmured loud enough for me to hear.

She slowly stood up and fixed herself. I’m happy watching her prepare herself from sleep. She lowered herself down and faced me smiling. Her hands reached my hair and stroke it gently, fixing it.

“Ja~ Let’s go to the Eiffel Tower!” She said excitedly as she extends her hand to me.

---++[ "It's unfortunate that there was a misunderstanding. After all, as far as Yuko is concerned, the 'you' in 'no one but you' refers to me," ]++---

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 17/27)
« Reply #67 on: December 18, 2012, 10:16:33 AM »
I really want this to be a happy ending  :inlove: :inlove:
Ohh~ nyan nyan always stole a kiss from yuuchan  :inlove: :inlove:
Thanks for the updatee!! More more ~ (≧∇≦)

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 17/27)
« Reply #68 on: December 18, 2012, 11:09:51 AM »
wow so cute and cheesy~ I love cheese!

Offline BbSis

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 17/27)
« Reply #69 on: December 18, 2012, 11:58:00 AM »
Nhyooo so cute*.*

Not fair, Nyanyan! You always kiss Yuuchan when she is sleeping ><

Finish before christmas? Oh I'm happy and sad at the same time ><

Thank you for this cute chapter and let the sweet moments in *.*

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 17/27)
« Reply #70 on: December 18, 2012, 12:21:16 PM »
ooh! they have a nice days in paris !  :)

Offline mae

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 17/27)
« Reply #71 on: December 18, 2012, 07:03:50 PM »
cool 7 chapters for the next  :mon fyeah:
so cute kojiyuu  :mon star:
Kojima always stole a kiss from yuko when the real kiss lol i'm so impatient  :mon innocent:
great chapter please update soon :)

Offline stepk

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 17/27)
« Reply #72 on: December 18, 2012, 08:38:02 PM »
 "Eiffel Tower"  a romantic moment?

I hope so, thanks for upload.

Offline freakymonday

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 18/27)
« Reply #73 on: December 19, 2012, 01:23:51 AM »
@Tam_atsu - thanks for the continuous support.. i'm such a predictable writer.. arent i? :huhuh

@kahem - and it'll get cheesier... :cry:

@BbSis - stealing kisses keeps the feelings on! :twisted:

@Minami-chan - and more nice days to come.. :oops:

@mae - i wonder if it'll ever happen~~  :wub:

@stepk - i wonder what else can we do in Paris...   :roll:

i'll be updating 2 chapters again today... yey! but I'll upload the other one a little later before going home..


- Eiffel Tower -


++[Yuko’s POV]++

“Uwaa~~ Beautiful~” I murmured in amazement of the setting sun.

NyanNyan on the other hand is just quietly looking at the sunset with a calmed and contented face. The way the city sky change from blue to orange and purple is truly breathtaking. With the wind blowing our faces, driving our hair to dance, everything feels so magical. Suddenly, I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I looked at her with amazement, getting carried away by the moment. She embraced me from behind and rests her chin on my crown as we enjoy the view.

“This is one of the rarest moment in my life that I wish I was taller than you…”

“Eh? I like you the way you are~” She replied sweetly.

“I wish I was the one hugging you from behind, snuggling you dearly…”

“Hmmm? Aren’t you the one always doing that when we were together?” She rests her chin on my shoulders and softly whispered “Let me do it this time.”

Her voice was sweet and enchanting, that all I can do is nod. Her breathing warms my ears. Her embrace kept me safe. Nobody wouldn’t want to end this moment whoever is in my shoes. Nobody.

“NyanNyan... Seriously, why do you choose Paris?”

“That question again.” She replied without moving an inch.

“This place… is for lovers.”

“Yuuchan, I know.”

“But… we’re not… lovers.”

“Hmmm? We’re like lovers... a couple.” She replied.

Based on the way she says it, I know she’s smiling for a reason I don’t know.

“Yuuchan, the question can wait until our last day. Can you wait until then? I’ll have you figure out the answer someday.”

“You’re always so cruel NyanNyan…” I replied lovingly.

“I am?”

“Yes you are!”




“I wonder what is taking her so long in the bathroom.” Yuko murmured as she enjoys the comfort of their bed.

She decided to stand up and check out Haruna who seems to be enjoying the bathroom.

“NyanNyan, daijoubu?” She asked as she knocked on the bathroom door.

“H-hai~ y-you can go to sleep. I’ll be out soon.” Haruna replied.

“O-okay~” the short girl answered pouting and dragged herself back to bed.

Yuko was already asleep when Haruna got out from showering. She puts on her red nightie and lay down gently beside the sleeping girl.

“NyanNyan, don’t… let go…” Yuko mumbled from her sleep.

A gleam on Haruna’s face appeared. She wrapped her long arms around Yuuko, resting her head on its back.

“I love Paris…” the sleeping girl continued mumbling.

“Yuuchan’s dreaming about me again…” Haruna whispered. “We’ll make lots of memories together. You and me.”


It was almost an hour and a half past midnight in Paris. The two are deeply asleep with Haruna hugging Yuko from behind and her head leaning on the short girl’s back. It was when Yuko turned to face the other side which wakes the tall girl.

“Yuuchan?” Haruna murmured in a concerned voice as Yuko faced her.

She felt the short girl’s legs wrapped hers and arms on her head. Her face rests on Yuko’s chest, making her hear the sleeping girl’s heartbeat.

“Eiffel Tower…” Yuko murmured. “You’re like… the Eiffel Tower…”

“Baka~” Haruna commented. She lifts her face up meeting Yuko’s. Her cheeks blushed feeling the girl in slumber’s breathing.


“Yuuchan~ thank you…” the tall girl whispered softly as she pressed her lips on Yuko’s.

---++[ "It's unfortunate that there was a misunderstanding. After all, as far as Yuko is concerned, the 'you' in 'no one but you' refers to me," ]++---

Offline stepk

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 17/27)
« Reply #74 on: December 19, 2012, 01:54:34 AM »
a kiss, a real kiss? or not  :huhuh

Great fanfic

how many episodes are?  :?

thanks for update  :thumbsup

Offline mae

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 18/27)
« Reply #75 on: December 19, 2012, 06:43:52 AM »
thank for update
please please updaate fast i can't wait the next :)

Offline freakymonday

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 19/27)
« Reply #76 on: December 19, 2012, 10:17:40 AM »
wow... mae-san and stepk-san... thanks for reading.. there are 27 episodes all in all.. so less than 10 chapters left..

please look forward to it. :) :bow:


- Bonjour Paris -


Her eyes slowly opened as the rays of the rising sun meets those lids that cover it. A soft but comfortable pillow is within her arms bearing the same smell as her beloved. Her embrace tightened pressing the pillow further. A pout exhibits on her face.

“Mou~ NyanNyan tricked me~” She whispered softly.

Lazily dragging herself out from bed, with the pillow still held tightly on her right arm, and the other busily brushing her eyes, she met the bathroom door.

“Itai~” She mumbled as her forehead bumped on the wooden door. “Why is this locked?” She whispered to herself. “NyanNyan? You there?” she called out.

No answer was heard which makes Yuko pout more, now accompanied by a frown. Her eyes wander throughout the room, scanning for Haruna.

“Geez~ where the hell did that girl went?”

She occupied the nearest couch and snuggled her pillow and took a deep breath. Soon enough, the short girl moved to the nearest window and gaze at the beautiful scenery outside the room.

“Beautiful~~” She murmured in amusement seeing the blooming flowers that pops out of the green lawn.

All of a sudden, her sight turns dark and felt a palm covering her eyes. She let out a deep sigh and frowned.

“Ara~ why is my Yuuchan frowning this early?” Haruna questioned with a cheerful tone as she transferred her palms from Yuko’s eyes to entwine against the young girl’s shoulders.

“I’m… mad at you for leaving me.”

“Eh? I didn’t.”

“Then where were you when I called out?” Yuko questioned in a soft tone.

“I’m washing my face on the bathroom.”



“I called you out. I even knocked. You’re not there.”

“But I’m there~ See, my face is still half damp.” She reasoned out, loosening her embrace on Yuko to face her.

“Liar~ Why do you even have to lock it if you’re just going to wash your face?”

“Ehhh? You’re really mad at me huh?” Haruna said with a pout. “I’m sorry.”

“You’re not! When I slept last night, you’re inside the bathroom. When I woke up, you’re still there. It feels like you want to be alone by yourself than to be with me. Why in the first pla-“

“Sorry. I said I’m sorry.” Haruna interrupted Yuko with these words and warm tight embrace. “Please don’t be mad. I’m sorry.”

Yuko let out another sigh. “And you let me sleep with a pillow too…”

“Eh? I was sleeping beside you last night, Yuuchan.”

“NyanNyan’s a liar. You didn’t.”

“Oh c’mon Yuuchan. You were sleeping soundly. You didn’t even notice that you’re suffocating me with your embrace last night, and I endured it.”

“Liar! I was hugging a pillow since last night until this morning! You were never there!” Yuko break off of Haruna’s embrace and walk towards the room.

Haruna was left staring at the open window. Her bangs cover half of her eyes with held back tears. Breathing-in helps calm her now raging heartbeat, sorting thoughts on how to make the other girl believe the truth. Suddenly, she felt an arm wrapping gently on her waist allowing her held back tears to flow down.

“I’m sorry… I…” Yuko murmured as she rests her head on the tall girl’s back.

“Yuuchan, I’m sorry… I really am…”

“No… It’s my fault. I got… carried away.” She reasoned out.

She felt Haruna breathe in, suggesting a hold back of her crying.

“I’m sorry. It’s just that… the atmosphere feels like a movie and the dialogue suddenly plays on my head. You know.” Yuko joked. “I just felt bad that I wasn’t able to see you sleep. Sorry.”

“Baka~ Don’t scare me like that again.” Haruna answered.

“Ehh.. So I scared NyanNyan huh?” the short girl teased and released Haruna from her embrace.

“Of course! I don’t want you getting mad at me Baka~”

“Ehh.. So NyanNyan wants me too.” She continued teasing.

“I just don’t want this trip to end suddenly because you’re mad at me.”

“Ehh.. So NyanNyan won’t continue the trip without me… I knew it!”

“Knew what?!” Haruna sounds confused.

“Ehh… NyanNyan planned this trip with me in mind!” Yuko giggled punching her fist up the air.

“Yuuchan? Didn’t I tell you that already?” the tall girl said with a frown.

“You did? Hmmm… I can’t remember.”

“…because you’re always not paying attention to what we’re talking.”

“Eh~ is that so? So that means you also plan to have a kiss with me. This is Paris after all.” Yuko continued teasing lessening the distance between Haruna’s face and hers, making the tall girl blush. “…french kissing to be exact.” She whispered gently.

“What are you up to this time Yuuchan?”

“Eh… You also want a kiss right? Kiss…” Yuko teased.

“Stop right there! You’re the only one who wants the kiss!!” Haruna answered pushing Yuko away.

“NyanNyan!! Just kiss me already!!!!!!” Yuko finally gave in and blurted out what’s on her mind.

Haruna just laughed in response.

“Why are you laughing? You’re so mean!! This is the reason why I can’t forgive you for not letting me see you sleep!! I should just steal one!!”

“Oh yeah~ You haven’t scored one on me yet!” Haruna paid a tease.

“AAhh!! You’re really so mean!! I’ll definitely have one soon! Soon NyanNyan, I tell you!”

“Haha~ Oh yeah?”

“Yes! And that’s final!”

“You’re so funny~ C’mon, get dressed and let’s start the tour!”

“You’ll see NyanNyan! Your lips will be mine!!” Yuko declared as she drives herself to the bathroom and slammed the door.

“No Yuuchan, your lips are mine.” Haruna whispered with a smile.

---++[ "It's unfortunate that there was a misunderstanding. After all, as far as Yuko is concerned, the 'you' in 'no one but you' refers to me," ]++---

Offline mae

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 19/27)
« Reply #77 on: December 19, 2012, 01:24:21 PM »
Cool 8 chapters for the next i looking foward.
A french title that pleased lol
Great chapter one more time ;)
Please update soon :)
« Last Edit: December 19, 2012, 06:25:25 PM by mae »

Offline BbSis

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 19/27)
« Reply #78 on: December 19, 2012, 06:44:58 PM »
Yeeey double update! Huehuhue o/

Haruna is so mean ><

Steal kiss is good,but not when the other is sleeping ><

Thank you *.*

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
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The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 20/27)
« Reply #79 on: December 20, 2012, 01:33:39 AM »

@mae - thank you... :oops: :oops: :oops:

@BbSis - you think so?? hihi... i find it sweet though.. :huhuh

Let me update two more today... then one a little later.. ^_^)


- Flying Under the Orange Sky -


“Hayakku NyanNyan~” Yuko called out excitedly from the outside of the restaurant they went for lunch to Haruna who is still at the counter paying for their meal.

“Chotto matte~ mou~”

“Ne, ne,.. where do we go next?” the short girl asked jumpily as she clings on Haruna’s arms.

“Eh? You called me hurriedly without an idea where we’re going? You’re funny!”

“You’re my tour guide so I’ll just follow you. You’re just pretty slow today. And spacing out a lot too~”

“Hmm~ We’re going to fly with the balloons today Yuuchan!” Haruna replied with a smile pointing at the hot air balloons floating at the sky blocks away from them.


“Hai! Balloons! We’ll fly and see Paris from above together~”

“B-balloons huh? Seriously?”

“Ara~ Don’t tell me you’re still afraid of balloons!? I thought you’ve already conquered that fear a long time ago!” Haruna’s head tilted while reminiscing that footage. “Hmm, well, it isn’t the balloon that pops though, so I’ve got no second thoughts on bringing you there.”

A pout was spotted on the young girl’s face followed by a big sigh and a smile. “Let’s have a deal!” she uttered.

“Deal?” Haruna frowned.

“Hai~ Let’s hold-hands until the balloon lands.” Yuko suggested happily.

“Just hold hands?” the tall girl asked in a confirming tone.

“What? Do you want something else? Want us to kiss the whole ride?”

“That kiss again! Why do you want to kiss me that bad?”

“Why are you asking that kind of question NyanNyan?! You should know the answer to that!!”

Haruna was taken aback of Yuko’s question as she was reminded by the stolen kisses she’s done to Yuko. “A-ano~ because you’re a pervert?” She jokingly answered making Yuko feel a little annoyed.

“I hate you!” Yuko answered breaking off from her clinging onto the tall girl’s arms and walks away.

“Wait Yuuchan~” she calls as she fasten up her pace to catch-up on the other. “I’m sorry! I’m joking! Hey~”

“I hate you!! I’m not a pervert! I was never a pervert!”

“I know that! Hey!” she hurried walking, still not able to catch up. “I’m sorry~ Hey~ wait~”

Yuko stopped for a moment allowing Haruna to catch up. Now breathing heavily, catching for air.

“I’m sorry… I was just joking…” the tall girl whispered and hugged Yuko as she catches her breath. She rests her head on the short girl’s shoulder and snuggle her cheeks opposite the other. “Anything. Just don’t get mad at me.” She heard a sigh. “Okay, let’s just skip the balloons.”

“No… don’t do that~ I’m okay with it.”

“Eh~ I thought you don’t want to?”

“When did I even say that? I just offered you a deal… and you-”

“Spare it another time.” Haruna cut the short girl. “The balloons are waiting…” she grabbed Yuko’s hand intertwining their fingers.


The sun is beautifully waving goodbye in their eyes as they were carried away by the gentle wind. The wind plays with their hair and whispers calmness on their skin. With their fingers still crossed, everything feels so light and familiar while watching the orange sky morphed with the purple blue clouds.

“I’m glad I chose this over the yacht…” Haruna mumbled.

“Yacht?” Yuko confirmed.

“Un! A private yacht sailing across Seine River.”

“And private too?”

“Mm! I wanted to us to cruise together on a yacht and enjoy the setting sun with the river… with me lying beside you holding a glass of wine.”

“Ehh~ Isn’t that romantic?” Yuko smiled with her squirrel teeth brightly showing along with her well-known enchanting deep dimples.

“It is! And so as this…” Haruna replied with a very gentle voice.

“Ehh~ Is that so?” Yuko looked at Haruna who’s softly smiling along with her eyes watching the city sky. She sticks her small body with the tall girl without letting of her hand and rests her head on its shoulders. “I’m happy.”

“I’m glad you are Yuuchan…”



---++[ "It's unfortunate that there was a misunderstanding. After all, as far as Yuko is concerned, the 'you' in 'no one but you' refers to me," ]++---

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