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Author Topic: My KojiYuu Story (OS: PSP - 2013 Christmas Special)  (Read 52531 times)

Offline freakymonday

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 23/27) + *End of the World Special*
« Reply #100 on: December 22, 2012, 10:26:20 AM »
thanks to all who have read and loved the End of the World special~~ :shy2:

@mae - here's the update! i hope you'll love this too~ :oops:

@Tam_atsu - I was really flattered by that demand of yours... thank you thank you... :nervous :nervous and nope... i'm not really a sweet writer... :nervous

@stepk - yeah~ i actually imagined it like that! kojiyuu running away from the falling meteorites holding hands...  :twisted: and then them finally kissing as the rocks from the sky killed them both!!  :? :? but i realized it's that my vocabulary will makes the everyone confused so there goes a cute version instead!  :shocked

@haruhi16 - OMG!!! I'm so glad you liked it!  :bow:

@AkemiHomura - AW YEAAAHHHH~!!!!! O0 there goes me trolling my oshimen! :lol:

@kahem:twothumbs i am on the same page as your mind in there! good job!  XD XD ... and nope, i'm more of chocolatey than cheesy XD

please enjoy their last day in Paris!! Then I promise to give you all the last 3 chapters as a christmas present!! Yey! :shy2:


- Seine River -


++[Yuko’s POV]++

This will be our last day in Paris. Truth be told, I had the best days of my life in here, the happiest to be exact. Definitely and without a doubt, this place will be greatly missed along with the memories that NyanNyan and I had shared together. This is Paris, a place where the only thing stressful is the tremendous thumping of my heart whenever we’re together cuddling, holding hands, nuzzling, hugging, and almost kissing. If only we can stay here like this forever…

“Are your things ready Yuuchan?” NyanNyan asked while busily packing her own.

“I’m not really on the mood to pack but it’s all done.” *sigh* “I don’t wanna leave here…” I murmured softly.

She looked at me with a smile and walked right next to me. “You’re the one who told me that you want to die in Japan didn’t you?” she joked giggling placing her hands above mine. “But you promised me that you’ll try your best to have your dreams first too right?”

I nodded in response. Her lips curved a smile as she walked back to her bag and continued packing. “Hmmm, have you taken a lot of pictures NyanNyan?”

“Un! We have pictures everywhere. And I have lots of sleeping-Yuuchan pics too!”

“Eh?! No fair!! Lemme see~~” my feet followed her. “It’s because you’re always locking yourself up inside the bathroom until I’m asleep!” I whispered.

“Still going with that huh?”

“Not really… Although I can’t figure out why, as long as I know that you’re not dating someone in there, it’s okay with me.”

“Me? Dating inside the bathroom? Hmmm.. I wonder.” She replied chuckling.

“What? NyanNyan?! That’s not even good as a joke.”

“I’m kidding… I’m kidding… Besides, aren’t you the one using it first before me?”

“Yeah… a-anyway, why do you want to pack things this early? Isn’t it good to do it later tonight?” I asked her casually as I watch her fold her dresses carefully.

She woke me up before the sun set sail to Paris to say good morning, 2am, and forced me to pack my things up for our departure later tonight which is two hours before midnight, and prepare myself to go out. I don’t really understand it but my body moved on its own packing my things half consciously. Maybe there’s something she forgot to visit and so we’re gonna go there and check it out. Well, I don’t really mind, as long as it’s her, so I put on a jeans and tees and a jacket to keep me warm. I wish I knew what I really am to her though instead of just knowing she likes me back.

“I’m done. Finally.” She said relieved and glanced on her watch. “4am, just on time. Come Yuuchan, let’s go out.”

“Seriously? At this time of the day?”

“Un! C’mon!” her hand stretched reaching mine.


++[Yuko’s POV]++

*sigh* “You should’ve brought a jacket with you…” I whispered as my eyes gaze away from her and take her cold hands with mine.

“It’s okay. I’m fine.”

“No you’re not. You’re looking pale.”

She pouted at me with a sad face. “Geez~ I told you I’m fine.”

*sigh* “Where are we going anyway?” I asked as a sign of defeat.

“…to one of the bridge over the Seine River.”

“Pont Marie?”

“It’s too far. We won’t make it on time.”

“Ehn.. It must be beautiful, dragging me there early this morning.” I joked.

“I hope it is too…”


Two bodies are standing side by side on the sidewalk of Pont Neuf, one of the oldest bridges across the Seine River. Hands clasped together, warmed by the heat emitted by one another. With the shorter girl’s head resting on Haruna’s shoulders, they faced the river to which the sun will say hi.

“So we’re watching the sun rise this time…” Yuko uttered.

“Un! And we’re at the center of this bridge too so it’ll be a very nice view.”

“So the last day in Paris is a new beginning then…”

“Yes it is…”

Haruna’s clasp on Yuko’s hand tightened as they watch sky slowly lightens from dark, with the sun slowly peeking behind the old structures of the city. Their eyes smiled witnessing the uncovering of the land’s beauty.

“I love you… Yuuchan…”

Yuko’s eyes widened. Slowly, she looked at Haruna who is still looking at the peeking sunlight.

“I love you…” she repeated and turned her eyes seriously on Yuko.

“I…” the younger girl stuttered, lost for words along with her eyes captivated by the other’s gaze. “I-“

Her lips were captured by the tall girls’ own, pressed against hers with gentleness and warmth.

“Yuuchan,..” the older girl called as her long arms draped around Yuko’s shoulders pulling her to a hug, leaving the girl totally speechless. “This is the answer… this is why I chose Paris…”


“… Because I love you…”

Their eyes meet again as they are warmed by the king almost half-way out. A smile was painted on the short girls face along with the cute dimples engraved on her cheeks.

“I love you too…”

Yuko’s arms hang around the tall girl’s neck as she planted her lips onto Haruna’s own, pressing a deep kiss, answering all of the other’s feelings with their eyes closed. She slightly pulled away and gasps for breathe and soon pulled the tall girls’ lower lip with both of her own along with the rays of the sun shining on them.

Haruna’s warm breathing reaches Yuko as they part, allowing their foreheads touch and their noses nuzzle.

“I’m so happy…” Yuko murmured earning a smile from the older girl. “I love you so much… I want the whole world to know…”

“They already know…Yuuchan…” Haruna replied grinning. “Not only is the sun watching, but as well as those people driving their cars passing us…” she smiled. “…and… them too…” the tall girl whispered lovingly, keeping their foreheads together as she make Yuko aware of the smiling people around them, watching and some taking photos.



“Geez NyanNyan~ that was embarrassing…” Yuko mumbled as Haruna drags her by the hand.

“Mou~ You’re embarrassed in kissing me? Cruel~”

“No… not that…”

“Then what is it?”

“I’m embarrassed because I was speechless when you told me ‘that’…” Yuko answered blushingly making the other girl chuckle. “Don’t laugh… it’s embarrassing…”

“It’s cute…” Haruna replied lovingly.

“Cute huh?” she murmured. “Ehn… what’s that?” the dimpled girl asked curiously on the thing on her partner’s hand.

“This? It’s a padlock.”

“What for?” the short girl asked curiously as she peeked on the lock.

“You’ll see when we get there…”


“Wow~~ there are lots of locks in here… Sugoi desu ne~” Yuko exclaimed in excitement.

“Years ago, love stricken couples started locking padlocks onto this fence and called it the love padlocks. It multiplied until there were this many love locks, with each one carrying their message of love for one another.” Haruna started as she looked and read some of the locks. “Oh.. this is cute, look…” she pointed on the one on her hand with the lovers’ name engraved and adorned with metal flowers.

“Ehh.. Amazing… Let’s have one for ourselves too!”

“Un! That’s why we’re here…” Haruna whispered, as her cheeks blushed. “Yuuchan…”


“Is it okay?”

“Of course! Why not?!”

“Yuuchan… this means, that… I’m locking you with me… forever…” Haruna whispered in a serious voice.

Yuko turned silent for a few moments while looking sternly on the other’s serious eyes. “If it’s okay for you to be locked with me forever, I’ve got no complaints NyanNyan…”

Haruna took a deep breath and face the sea of locks, scanning for a place to put the one on her hands.

“Yuuchan, once we do this, you will have to swim out there and find this key to unlock this if we-“

She was interrupted by a sudden kiss from the short girl. The key from her hand was slowly taken by her beloved as the kiss deepens. “Do it…” Yuko uttered as she breaks off from the kiss, resting her head on the tall girl’s chin.


The younger girl’s free hand guided Haruna’s hands towards the chain fence and carefully placed their padlock along with the sea of locks.

*click* “NyanNyan, this feelings we have… this feeling I have, It’s now locked for you, forever…”


The lock was finally sealed with a passionate kiss from Haruna, catching Yuko’s lips with hers. A sign of tears can be seen on the side of her eyes. With her lips pushing further onto the tall girl, Yuko slowly throw their lock’s key onto the river along with other thousands of key keeping the promise of love to be locked forever.

The sun shines through the bolts that bond feelings and promises. With the thousands of latches hooked onto that chain fence, for the two lads, that pink padlock carved with an image of a squirrel kissing a cat along with their names caged in a heart-shaped symbol, is the most beautiful fixture placed there that will never be in need of its key.


A/N - just like how I posted this on the other site, you can regard this as the last chapter of the SBFnL series.. :roll: :roll: there are still 4 chapters left but, this chapter is a nice ending to it as well... :shocked i'll post the last 3 tomorrow.. :twisted: :twisted:. then the last one on the 24th! yey! :nervous :nervous
---++[ "It's unfortunate that there was a misunderstanding. After all, as far as Yuko is concerned, the 'you' in 'no one but you' refers to me," ]++---

Offline BbSis

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 23/27) + *End of the World Special*
« Reply #101 on: December 22, 2012, 11:28:13 AM »
Omg! So many updates *.* sorry for not commenting early, flu caught me and I'm still recovering ><

There were so many fluffy and cheesy kojiyuu moments that left me so happy *.* thank you \0/ your fic is really awesome, you know that?

I liked the os too! It was cute and funny heuheuheuhe ^^

If you say this is a good ending, I'm not sure if the next chapters will be happy ><

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
Oneshots at Perv area

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 23/27) + *End of the World Special*
« Reply #102 on: December 22, 2012, 11:29:27 AM »
I dont know what to say...  :on drink:
This chapter.....  :on gay: :mon angel:

ITS REALLY SWEET!!!!! How can you say that your not a sweet writer if you write this kind of fic!????
Gosh i really love thiss!!!  :ptam-glow: :ptam-shy:
They KISSED RIGHT!??  :mon angel: :mon crazyinlove:
And everyone is watching!!!!! Wohooooooo!!!!!!  :mon love: :mon beam:

Silent reader for now

Offline mae

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 23/27) + *End of the World Special*
« Reply #103 on: December 22, 2012, 12:13:50 PM »
Thank for update ;)
So romantic I really love this chapter  :mon lovelaff:
Yeah last chapters tomorrow and monday I looking forward  :mon innocent:

Offline freakymonday

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 23/27) + *End of the World Special*
« Reply #104 on: December 23, 2012, 04:29:01 PM »
Before anything else, i deeply want to Thank you all for supporting my fanfic...  :kneelbow:
To all those who pressed the thank you button, and to all those who commented... To the silent readers... Thank you so much! :kneelbow:

I don't know how to express all the gratitude I felt towards your warm response over this craziness of mine... thank you.

@riderchick - OMG!!!!!! Sparks Will Fly (which i am always looking forward to) author has appreciated my fic! I'm so honored!!!  :bow:

@hyoyoung - my, thank you so much! :oops:

@mae - yey! thank you so much for always looking forward to this one.. well, the last 3 chapters are poster below! yey! :twisted:

@Tam_atsu - yup. They kissed. That's how bold my nyannyan is! :oops:

@BbSis - I believed that I ended this happily... :oops: :oops:

well yeah... so here's the last 3 chapters as promised. :nervous :nervous


- It Was That Feeling -


++[Yuko’s POV]++

“Yuko, have you reached Haruna yet?” Takamina asked me for the third time today.

“I’m sorry, her phone is out of reach.”

“Are you sure you two didn’t get into a fight back in Paris? She hasn’t gone to rehearsals since you came back from your vacation.” She sighed.

“No we didn’t. We actually had a good time.”

When we came back from Paris, I send her home and kissed each other good night before going back to my apartment. I remember her telling me to take care of my health and strive to live before sharing another kiss. The day after that, we could only exchange messages since my schedule is too heavy, and she said hers is as loaded as well. I didn’t know that she hasn’t been attending rehearsals. I didn’t know anything. The last message I received from her was just yesterday afternoon after lunch, telling me that she misses me and giving me good luck on my work. After that, there’s none. I didn’t try reaching her since I thought that she’s really busy. It was a mistake.

“Oh~ I just receive a message from her. She said she’s in a shoot and won’t be back for long so we should quit worrying.” Takamina interrupted my thoughts.

That’s quite a relief but something about it doesn’t feel right at all. She should’ve told me about it. But there’s no helping it. I’ll just give her a kiss when she came back!


++[Yuko’s POV]++

It’s been a week since then, and still no words from her. This worried heart of mine can’t help but feel so distraught. Were all the memories we had in Paris the last one? It somehow feels like a dream.

As I pulled the drawer of my cabinet, the tingling sound of my bundled keys brings my thoughts back to earth. Ah~ this key, NyanNyan gave it to me before she supposedly left to Paris without me. I wasn’t able to give this back to her since then. I didn’t notice myself carrying this around with me the whole time. Will it be alright if I go there and intrude?


++[Yuko’s POV]++

I sent her a message hoping that she’s home to see meat this door, but looks like she’s really out of town, or country maybe. I remember her handing me this key saying that when I missed her, I can come to this house. I never knew I would.

My feet make its way in as my fingers slides to every wall that leads me to her room. The lights remained off as I chose not to bother myself from opening it, she’s not there anyway. I missed her. Where are you NyanNyan? Your bed is empty, it misses you, just like how my heart wanted your warmth.

I threw myself onto her bed and there her scent lingers, giving me much more heartache than what I’m feeling right now. Where is she? Damn it, where are you NyanNyan? At least show me something to hold on to aside from those memories we had in Paris. Show me, and tell me that there’s something more to it. How can I continue strive to live my life if you’re not here beside me? What was Paris all about then? Damn, questions are piling up.

“Ara~ what is this?” I murmured as my hands got a hold of something underneath her pillow. Oh, these small vessels for her vita- What? These are pain killers! Do I happen to left one of mine in here? No, I can’t be wrong. This is hers.

My heart worries more. Feels like those unknown something-is-not-right feelings that is poking me from time to time suddenly grows larger. Damn it NyanNyan! I should’ve asked you about it. Damn it!!!! Now I’m this distressed. This place doesn’t console me at all. It’s making my heart grow fonder.


“Good evening Oshima-san” the lady on the elevator greeted.

“Good evening ma’am” Yuko greeted back with a smile.

“I live two rooms away from your friend. Is Kojima-san out of the Kanto hospital?”

“Eh?” Yuko reacted in surprise.

“I saw you brought her home two weeks ago. She was rushed to the hospital that day as well, poor child” The lady continued.

“Y-y-yeah…” the short girl stuttered.

“Well, tell her I said hi and take care of herself, and you too.” The woman said and got out of the elevator leaving Yuko speechless. “You kids shouldn’t be working beyond what your bodies could handle. You two are still young…” the lady murmured.

“Th-thank you so much!” Yuko exclaimed bowing.


++[Yuko’s POV]++

What? Hospital? Sheesh!! What is this feeling? My eyes… My eyes are watering on its own. Damn it! Why am I crying? And why can’t I stop my legs from running? Damn it!! Aaaargh! Somebody tell me to calm down! Somebody.

My legs brought me to this hospital. Is she still here? NyanNyan…

“Yuko-chan?” a voice I heard from a woman in front of me. My eyes are watering that I can’t see clearly who she was. I felt a hug. “I’m sorry we didn’t tell you… I hope you’ll forgive her.”

It was her mom. I don’t know what’s happening but my eyes that are brimming with tears can seem to get a hold of it. It was like I knew what it was that I can’t help myself from crying.

“…and thank you for making her happy.”

++[Yuko’s POV]++

Her hands are cold. Just like many of the times that I was holding her. I knew it wasn’t normal but I chose to ignore it. She was sleeping deeply. Her bangs that almost cover her eyes are damp, just like many of the times that we’re together. I brushed it to the side to see her sleeping face.

“You’re still so beautiful even when you’re sick…” I murmured looking at her, warming her hand. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

I gently stroked her hand, hoping it would reach her dreams, I’m here.

“Why are you crying? Yuuchan…” her voice rings my thoughts and felt a squeeze on my hand.

“NyanNyan…” tears poured heavily from my eyes, I can’t utter any more words.

“Are you mad? I’m sorry…” she looked at me with her gentle eyes. “Come here…”

I grabbed the seat and pushed my face closer to hers.

“Don’t cry. I’ll be fine…” Her free hand, which is as cold as the other one, wiped my tears away. It cupped my face, giving me a feeling that is strangely warming my disarrayed heart. “I’m strong you know…”

----- FLASHBACK -----

"In her condition right now, I can't believe she was still able to go to Paris. During this stage, her headaches must be giving her a hard time to even stand up, specially during the morning and bed time." the doctor explained.

I can't say a thing. During those times, she was all locked up in the bathroom. I thought she was just taking her time bathing. I was so... clueless... Getting mad at her for letting me sleep while she's inside the bath... What have I done? I'm sorry... I'm sorry...

"It's okay Yuko-chan... she just didn't want you to worry." Her mother comforted me as she wiped away the tears that are now freed from my eyes. "You don't have to feel guilty. It was her wish after all... Please forgive her selfishness..."


Her eyes that are smiling gently at me, it literally makes me cry. It was smiling but it felt so sad. It was as if she's saying a lot of things to me in her head, asking me forgiveness and telling me how sorry she was. I know she was never good with words, she never were but she's trying.

"I know..." I replied. Even the doctors said that.

"Please don't cry... Yuuchan..." she whispered as she constantly grazed off the tears from my cheeks. "I'll be fine..."

I just nodded a reply, lost for words. Why, of all the time that I needed my words, it won't come out. "I- I- Why didn't you tell me?"

"Hmm? Then, why didn't you tell me you're sick too?" she asked me with a smile. "I guess my reason is the same as yours, Yuuchan..."

"But, you already know mine. Why didn't you tell me then?"

"I discovered yours by accident. You didn't tell me, and I know you won't whatever happens. You should know the answer why."

I sighed. She's right. "Then, now, you will tell me when you're in pain. Okay?"

She looked at me innocently, tilting her head sidewards.

"Nyannyan? Don't give me that look!"

She smiled.

"C'mon, say yes. You will tell me if you're in pain from now on right?"

"Hmm, I am right now. My head hurts."

"Geez~~ seriously?" I got a nod in reply. I placed my hand on her head feeling it cold and damp. It's that condition I felt in her every time this past months, feeling it more on our trip to Paris. "My~ you're a good actress NyanNyan... does it really hurt?"

"Un! Just not as painful as the other time though. I can manage."

I look at her with a smile and kissed her forehead gently. "There..."

"Ara~ My lips hurts too~~" she mumbled.


She nodded. "Chuu~?"




"But it hurts too..."

"Geez~~ What's wrong with you?"

"But you told me to tell you where it hurts..." she pouted.

"I told you to tell me if you're in pain, not where it hurts."

"But I am in pain, here..." fingers pointing on her lips.

I gave her a peck on the cheek and saw her smile.

"I knew it..." she mumbled.

"Knew what?!"

"You we're only teasing me. All those times, you were only teasing, pretending you wanted to kiss me badly, aren't you?"

"No way~~ I really want to kiss you...badly..."

"eh... so you chose to miss all those chance that I gave you for not resisting?"

" those are chances?"

Giggling sounds emerges from her mouth. "Resistance is futile on you.. or you can say, I want it too.." She laughed.

"Cruel~ So evil~"

"I am?"

"You're always cruel~"

"I am not.. That's just how it is..."


She walks silently towards nowhere. Her eyes are filled with emptiness as her thoughts wanders around the moments they had together. Air gathers up as she breathe deeply in the dark, looking somewhere far away from reality.

"I hate you... I hate you for not being honest with me..." she uttered softly, talking to herself. "I thought... at last, everything we had... we have... is finally official, finally... but..."

Her eyes are holding the tears, sniffing air to keep everything in.

"And for telling me to keep on living knowing you won't be there beside me anymore... I hate you." Tears started to build more on the sides of her eyes. "I hate you... I hate you... I hate you..." she uttered in soft sobbing voice. "Why NyanNyan? Why is your love always so cruel?"

Walking stops near a bridge. Air pushes her hair gently, as her eyes continue to stare onto nowhere. Deep inside, her muscles are troubled by questions she herself know the answer. It was because she know she only cares. It's because she knows she doesn't want to trouble anyone. She knows because she arrived in the same conclusion. It was a mixed feeling.

----- FLASHBACK -----

"NyanNyan, I think we should tell them..."

"I am not really into that idea but if Yuuchan wants it, I'll do it..." she replied.

"We should tell them... They too deserve to know."

"… but, why now? Is it because of me?"

I wasn't able to reply. I don't want them to know I'm sick, but I want them to know that NyanNyan is. They are her friends too. Is that too selfish of me? I don't know what to do.

"Yuuchan, its okay... If you don't want them to know you are, then don't."

"But I want them to know that you are. They are your friends too..."

"They are your friends as well..."

"Yes, but..."

"It's okay... we can let them know about me now since you already know." she sighed.

I can feel her pain of letting me know what is going on, because I did feel the same. The difference is, I doubted her feelings and insisted that it was because of pity. The whole world can know, but not the one you treasure the most, not her.

I held her hands and kissed her eyes. "You know... that I love you right?"

"Hmmm? Yuuchan?"

"You know it, right?"

"You don't have to tell me. I am well aware of it.." She smiled at me and brushed my hair to tuck onto my right ear. "And I... I... I hope my feelings were transparent to you too..."

----- END OF FLASHBACK -----

For Yuko, everything suddenly felt so unreal. When her heart decides to slip away, the love of her life chased her to show her true feelings, and then they became happy. They were so happy that she forgot the real reason why she chose to distance herself. Haruna accepted her shallow stupid reasons that cover up the truth behind everything, not hearing even a single word of question. And when the reason to continue aiming for life appeared, it was shattered by another ending.

"So that's the meaning of living with my dreams in mind and not for you huh?" She sighed.

######################################## AUTHOR'S NOTE #######################################
I have two more chapters to go! This is the reason why the previous chapter can be considered as the last one.. Because life is cruel...

Thanks for reading!!
m(_ _)m
---++[ "It's unfortunate that there was a misunderstanding. After all, as far as Yuko is concerned, the 'you' in 'no one but you' refers to me," ]++---

Offline freakymonday

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 25/27) + *End of the World Special*
« Reply #105 on: December 23, 2012, 04:31:36 PM »
- Private Monologue -


“Lay beside me please, Yuuchan…” Haruna asked seeing Yuko’s eyes clouded with tiredness.

“Hospital bed doesn’t feel nice…”

“Ara~ but I want to sleep beside you… I don’t want you sleeping there at the couch given that this bed is huge…”

“It’s not huge, just big.” Yuko sighed in defeat.

“Come here.” The girl on the bed patted at the space beside her. “Let me be warmed by my sweet little Yuuchan…” she smiled.

“Geez~~ such a baby!”

Yuko climbed to bed and snuggled on Haruna.

“Kiss me…” Haruna whispered lovingly along with heavy breathing which gave the other girl a hint that she’s in great pain.

“NyanNyan.. I…” Yuko looked into the other girl’s pair of tired eyes. “Okay…”

Their lips met. It was a light kiss before the tall girl hesitantly breaks off the kiss to lounge a deeper one. Their breaths were held as they explore each other’s mouth with their tongues and lips, breathing and gasping heavily in between, whispering notes of love while chanting each other’s name.

“I love you NyanNyan… so much…”

“I know…” Haruna captured Yuko’s lips once again with a light pressing of hers. “I do love you too… Yuuchan…”

“I know…” Yuko replied in almost a crumbling voice.

*sigh* “Promise me you’ll stay lively, the way I met you… the way I love you…”

“Don’t say something like that…”

“It can’t be helped.” Haruna smiled.

“You’re still as cruel as ever…”

“But you love me being cruel, didn’t you?”

“No… I hate you… for being cruel… to me…”

“Hmmm… that’s good then.” The sick girl whispered.

“I hate you… NyanNyan..” Yuko whispered softly as she buried her face onto the tall girls’ chest. “I hate you…”

Tears from the younger girl started to dampen Kojima’s shirt. All those heavy feelings she has brought her to slumber beside the sick lady.


++[Haruna’s POV]++

Yuuchan… I’m sorry… I really am…

When I learned that my time is starting to run out, I literally panicked. I got scared. I thought of telling you soon about it that same day, but I can’t seem to bring the topic up. I don’t know why but aside from my parents, you’re the first person in mind that I thought deserved the right to know. I don’t know why, but that’s what I felt. It was probably because you’re the only person who can comfort me, who showed me the meaning of it.

Before everything happened, I came to conclude that I have fallen for you. I came to love you and fall deeply with your hugs, pecks, and words. I want to tell you how I feel, to let you feel that the feeling we have is mutual. Then that day came, and you suddenly became distant, I feared that it was too late to let you know.

Yuuchan, I’m sorry if I forced these feelings to reach you. I’m sorry if I told about how happy I am having you at the wrong time, I too didn’t want it to end just like this.

When I discovered you have cancer, there’s this comfortable feeling that you’re destined to be with me. I’m happy with that, but I want you to be happy chasing and getting a grab of your dreams. I want you to live chasing and going for it. Watching you strive harder each and everyday, showing your energy, boosting up everybody, it makes me so happy too. The world needs you warmth, Yuuchan,.. so I’ll just wait for you up there. I can wait.

“NyanNyan… don’t leave…”

I can only smile along with these tears that are building up in my eyes. I wanted you to go home and rest because you’re sick. But you won’t listen, and insist staying here with me. I wonder what you’re dreaming for uttering those words… I’m sorry… I can only wish that you’re sleeping well as I traced the beautiful contours of your face, as I embraced your body with mine.

Staring at you, leaning onto your crown, nothing beats this comforting feeling. My time, it’s running out. Right now, I don’t wanna let a single moment of you pass me by. If only I could freeze the frame, I would stay right here for good, for you. I wanna stop the clocks tonight, and tear the hands of time right off. I wanna stop the world from turning. I hope the sun forgets to rise so I won’t ever leave your side because I’d rather spend my life motionless with you than see you dancing with another that’s not me.

I’m sorry I’m this selfish.


Her fingers traced the sleeping girl’s eyelids.

“So beautiful…Your eyes, I’m giving it the permission to look for someone that’s not me.” She whispered softly.

It slides down to the bridge of the small girl’s nose.

“This cute little nose can nuzzle with anyone too.” Smile can be seen on the tall girl’s face as her fingers slides to Yuko’s cheeks. “And these cheeks that houses your killer dimples, make sure to always show it to the world Yuuchan… it’s your first charm… They too will feel happy seeing you smile…”

Tears started pouring down, gliding to her cheeks when her fingers reached for the short girl’s lips. She brushed the lips gently with her fingers as she held her breath to keep in the gasping sounds that wants to explode from her crying heart.

“These are mine…” She started sobbing quietly. “Let this be mine until my last day.” Her head rests on Yuko’s. “Then, these can kiss whoever can capture your heart… these can kiss lips that is not mine…” she breathes in. “…it’s okay… even if it’s not mine…”

“Uhhn..” Yuko sounded as she was awaken by Haruna’s tight hug.

*Sniff* “Sorry.. did I wake Yuuchan up?”

“Wh-why are you crying?” Yuko whispered pouting with the look of concern on her eyes as she notices the tears on her beloved’s cheeks.

“Because my head hurts… like crazy.” The tall girl replied a lie. She knows it wasn’t just her head, it was also her heart.

Yuko lift her body up and allow Haruna’s head to rest in between her shoulder and chest. Strokes were gently caressing on the sick lady’s head plus light kisses on her forehead. “It’ll be fine…”

Haruna snuggled more as she silently let all her tears out. “I’m sorry…”

“Shhh… just… rest… okay?”

“I’m sorry Yuuchan…”

“What’s that for?”

“I’m sorry… for…” she sobbed.

“Shhh… enough of that… rest… let’s go to sleep…”

Haruna nodded as she felt the heart of the girl beneath her beating fast. They were both afraid.


++[Haruna’s POV]++

Yuuchan… I can’t thank you enough for loving me. All I can do is to let you know that I do really felt love and that I am thankful, and also that my heart now belongs to you and you alone. I’m sorry if I came too late. I’m sorry if it made you feel worse.

I wanted to suppress all these feelings to myself, so when I leave, you’re not holding onto anything related to me anymore. But, you taught me to be honest with myself. As a parting gift, I want to be all honest with you about my feelings. I wanted it to somehow reach you and let you know that I’m the luckiest girl to have your heart. I hope it does really reach you.

I wish I could tell you to stop loving me so you can be free or at least I could say goodbye. I wish I could tell you goodbye, but I won’t ‘cause every time that I try, I can’t let go. It’s me that can’t let go, and I’m sorry. I’m sure I want you to be free, but I don’t ‘cause I still wanna believe that you’re the one. I know, I’m being selfish that’s why… I’m begging you to un love me. I’m begging you to stop loving me ‘cause I can’t un love you… Yuuchan, let my love reach you as you try to get rid of me silently.

“I love you… I love you so much…” I love you so much that the mere thought of leaving you pains me. “Yuuchan…”

If letting these feeling reach you is a mistake, then I’m sorry. Hate me with the fact that I loved you… Hate me so you can let go…


She stole a kiss on the younger girl, feeding its lips with all the emotions that she wanted for the other to reach and understand. Her lips pressed deeply, sending all the feelings that were left unsaid.

############################## AUTHOR’S NOTE ###############################
Some lines are taken from lyrics as I was listening to those songs when I was writing this and felt that it really fits the mood. I enjoyed those songs and wished you like this update as well. Sorry for breaking everyone’s heart.

Have no doubts on my love for KojiYuu.. I am and will be a KojiYuu shipper for life~ (^.^)m

Thanks all for reading.

m(_ _)m
---++[ "It's unfortunate that there was a misunderstanding. After all, as far as Yuko is concerned, the 'you' in 'no one but you' refers to me," ]++---

Offline freakymonday

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 26/27) + *End of the World Special*
« Reply #106 on: December 23, 2012, 04:38:56 PM »
- Chasing -


++[Yuko’s POV]++

----- FLASH BACK -----

“Are you still… mad at me?”

I didn’t answer the question as I watch her catch her breath. My heart is totally in pain that I can’t utter a word.

“That’s… that’s… for the best… I think…” she murmured in between gasps. “Oh… and hold on… to your… dreams…” her tears fell madly from the edges of her eyes. “You promised me… right?”

“NyanNyan.. save your energy. The doctor is coming…” I replied as I tried to hold in my tears. I have to be strong.

“Yuuchan… don’t swim on… the… Seine River… during… winter… for… the key…” she held my hand tightly as she battles with the pain.

“Don’t talk like that! Stop it…”

“J-just…~arghhh..” it was a series of painful cries, panting and held back screams. “…break the lock… with… a hammer…” she smiled gasping and crying.

“Stop joking non-sense… please…”

“I’m… not…” she held her head and tried retreating the pain, but the tears in her eyes flowed like there's no end to it. “I love you…” she was hyperventilating and all, with her hand clutching her head. “I will… wait…” her breath was hard and heavy, looking at her is just too painful. “I will wait… for you…”

“Stop it… NyanNyan… j-just hold on…”

“I can… wait.~argh~” it wasn't just her eyes that sobbed in pain. “J-just take… your time…” she breathes fast heavily, catching for air as she pressured her head with her palms. Her eyes are brimming with tears of pain. “Have a family… it’s… okay…”

I can only hug her within my arms as we waited for the doctor to arrive. Seeing her like this is too painful for me.

“If you… happen to… love someone else…”

“Stop it…Please…” I can’t hold it any longer, my tears.

“It’s okay… I can… understand…” she murmured in between cries. “Yuuchan…” a ball of air was released heavily. “Yuuchan… I love you…” then feint hiccups accompany those waters from her eyes. “I love you… so much…”


Those were the last words I heard from her. Her continuous cry of how much she loves me in between her battle with pain still lingers freshly into my memory. She didn’t make it. She left me that same day. It was almost ten years ago but, each and everyday makes me feel like it was just yesterday.

“Yuko… how are you feeling?” Takamina asked seriously.

“I feel great, actually.” I replied.

I announced my graduation three months after AKB announced NyanNyan’s death and pursued acting. All was heart broken, but the group still managed to keep it together. The younger members took over the group successfully with the help of Takamina guiding them from behind the year after Mariko left the group. I went after my dreams too, to fulfill my promise to her, and also for myself. I did it for both of us.

The past ten years seems so short but my heart feels it is too long. A lot has happened. I managed to land on great roles and became one of Japan’s most sought actresses. Takamina and Miichan graduated together two years after I left.

“So how about going out after my concert?” Takamina said excitedly.

“Oh sure.” And we went silent for a little while.

Takamina and I remained connected as Acchan and I was constantly working together. She became one of the easiest person to talk to as she was got a free time. Being a solo singer sure has lots of free time than that of us actresses huh?

“Yuko… remember the day when you told us about Kojima-san’s condition?” she suddenly opened up.

“Hmmm? What about it?”

“Remember me punching you for not telling me?”

“Yeah… It hurts you know…”

“But you didn’t tell me that you just learned it… I thought you’ve been keeping it for long…”

“Nah~ I guess I was also in the stage of denial that time… My head is wandering, seeking for someone to tell me that it was all a lie…”

“But it wasn’t… right?”

“Yeah… Kojima-san sure was a great actress… I wondered if she would also pursue acting outside AKB like you…”

“Yeah… I wonder about that too…”

“Yuko… I’ve been wanting to ask this for so long… but, have you two gone to the next level from being friends?”

“What’s with that question?”

“…Because you never commit onto a relationship. You changed when she died.”

“I did? Hmmm…”

“Yeah… You flirted as usual but you’re not that… perverted anymore…”

“Hey! People do change with maturity you know! I’m just one of them!!”

“If you believe in that then I guess you’re right. But even so,… You loved her that much?”

“Loved? I love her so much, until now…”

“I see… that’s why your acting matured as well… Yuko…”

“You think so?”

“Un! But hey! You didn’t answer my question!”

“Oh~ what was that again?”

“Umm… You two?”

“Oh…” I sighed. “Yeah… we managed to go more than friends…”

“So you did become lovers… Amazing~~”

“I prefer not to put us onto that stage.”

“Why is that?”

“We went official on our Paris trip.”

“Oh yeah.. I remember that!”

“We only have two weeks after that trip, with the first week of her missing, then the last week of her on the hospital…”

“Oh… I’m sorry… I-“

“It’s okay. Nothing to be sorry about… It has been a long gone story..”

“That’s a little sad though…”

“Yeah… so I consider our relationship just somewhere between friends and lovers…”

“Hmmm… but you two love each other right? So that falls on the lovers’ category.”

“Well, we’ve been like a couple for years, but we can’t say that we’re lovers since we haven’t even dated when we became official~ It’s like we weren’t able to experience what most lovers do…”

“I see… Kojima-san sure knows how to keeps your paws off her…” Takamina finally joked.

“Hey! That’s not a good joke! NyanNyan… she… loves me.”

“I know that. I am very aware of that… No one in the team thinks she doesn't you know.. I wonder if she’s listening right now…”


“Oshima-san, you’re already thirty-five. Got no plans of marrying yet?”

That was a weird question from a man from the newspaper doing an interview with me for my new film. Yes, I am in a press conference right now doing interviews. And all of a sudden, that question made me miss you even more.

“I was... I am already married.” I replied with a smile.

Sounds of flashing camera resonated throughout the room along with the murmuring voices of curiosity among the crowd of journalists.

“It was almost 10 years ago though…” I continued.

“Oh~ wasn’t that time that you were still a member of AKB? I thought that there’s a no-dating rule during that time…” One of the reporters suddenly rose.

“W-well… our relationship is that special…” I smiled confidently as I imagined your face brightly flashing a grin on me.

“…we haven’t seen you walking around with him though… Is he around?” the reporters continued asking.

“Nope… she’s not around…”

“She’s not around?” the crowd murmured.

“Yes… she’s a she…and not around… but,… we do love each other…” right? NyanNyan?


---------------------------------------------------------- E N D -------------------------------------------------------

I suck at writing endings.  :OMG: But.. yeah.. I hope you had a great time reading my fic! Thank you for all your support and comments! It is my driver to keep on writing  :cool1: and challenge myself to put into words what ever wild is running on my mind~  :kneelbow:

Thank you so much!!!!

Let our KojiYuu hearts unite~ thank you!  :luvluv1:

m(_ _)m

...and yeah, you can kill me now for killing my beloved nyannyan...  :on speedy:

oh! and another thing... yes, you haven't read it wrong!! It's 26/27! .. that means, there really is another one left... it was actually a bonus chapter,... it wasn't a peace offering but you can regard it as that as well... so, will you look forward to it as well??
« Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 04:56:23 PM by freakymonday »
---++[ "It's unfortunate that there was a misunderstanding. After all, as far as Yuko is concerned, the 'you' in 'no one but you' refers to me," ]++---

Offline AkemiHomura

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 26/27) + *End of the World Special*
« Reply #107 on: December 23, 2012, 05:06:47 PM »
oh, ah~
Congratulate on finishing the story again
You may not know me but I did comment on your offical site under the name of Shiro XD
It's good to see you again :)
Thank for writing such wonderful stories :)  :heart:
♥ I do what I like and I like what I do ♥ Oshima Yuko ♥

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 26/27) + *End of the World Special*
« Reply #108 on: December 23, 2012, 05:26:41 PM »
Very nice ending  :thumbsup

“I was... I am already married.” I replied with a smile.

Sounds of flashing camera resonated throughout the room along with the murmuring voices of curiosity among the crowd of journalists.

“It was almost 10 years ago though…” I continued.

“Oh~ wasn’t that time that you were still a member of AKB? I thought that there’s a no-dating rule during that time…” One of the reporters suddenly rose.

“W-well… our relationship is that special…” I smiled confidently as I imagined your face brightly flashing a grin on me.

“…we haven’t seen you walking around with him though… Is he around?” the reporters continued asking.

“Nope… she’s not around…”

“She’s not around?” the crowd murmured.

“Yes… she’s a she…and not around… but,… we do love each other…” right? NyanNyan?

I love these lines here!

Offline Jessye

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 26/27) + *End of the World Special*
« Reply #109 on: December 23, 2012, 05:50:10 PM »
 Good story.. :)

Their love are so pure, deep, and innocent.. :)

I like the plot of this story..

Can't wait your last chapter !!!  :cry: XD XD XD

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 26/27) + *End of the World Special*
« Reply #110 on: December 23, 2012, 07:00:26 PM »
thank you for update good fic   :mon star:
Yuko to marry to haruna is so beautiful  :mon inluv: but it's so sad that she dies  :mon waterworks:
I have to appreciate the reading of this fic thank you very much   :mon innocent:

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 26/27) + *End of the World Special*
« Reply #111 on: December 23, 2012, 07:10:50 PM »
Oh!! I cried out..
But great story.. :heart:
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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 26/27) + *End of the World Special*
« Reply #112 on: December 23, 2012, 08:16:46 PM »
Nhyaaaaaa T.T I cried so hard... my face got all terrible with all the extra fluids from the flu  :bleed eyes:

Nhyaaaaa it was so good! Thank you for this good ;.;

But you said it would have .27 parts "><  just too cueiois about ><

Thank you! It was a great story. It really moved me ;.;

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
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The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 26/27) + *End of the World Special*
« Reply #113 on: December 24, 2012, 03:32:10 PM »
you kill her, you are so mean!  :shocked
but kill nyanyan put more drama in the fanfic.  :P
great history, Im waiting the part 27
Thanks  :twothumbs

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 26/27) + *End of the World Special*
« Reply #114 on: December 25, 2012, 01:16:38 AM »
No!!!! You dared kill Kojiharu!!! I hate you!!!!
I don't really hate you but I'm sad she died T_T
I admire Yuko for being loyal to her NyanNyan even after 10 years

Offline freakymonday

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 26/27) + *Christmas Special*
« Reply #115 on: December 25, 2012, 08:38:55 AM »
I never thought that I would be so busy today and yesterday...   :depressed: so i wasn't able to post the 27th chapter.. I'm so sorry~~ :badluck:

but I managed to post this drabble as a peace offering.  :err: So yeah... MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!!


--++ BELT ++--


It was past the midnight of December 24.

Her eyes met her long-haired girlfriend sitting on their living room couch still on her satin robe, blankly staring into nowhere. Though spacing out a lot, Yuko find her princess to be at her most beauty when her head is wandering elsewhere, with her naturally straight hair delicately laid on its shoulders. And as much as she wants to know what Haruna is thinking, watching her play with her fingers unconsciously amazes her to the highest degree.

She tiptoed towards the goddess in the said couch and snuggled dearly, giving Haruna a loving embrace.

"Merry Christmas Hime-sama..."

"Ah... Yuuchan..." the tall girl answered with a very pretty smile, and responded the embrace by wrapping her long arms around the short girl's small frame. "Merry Christmas..."

"Ara~ why is my princess spacing out this late? Are you tired?" Yuko asked lovingly,breaking the hug and poking the other girl's cheek.

"Mm-m" Haruna hummed, shaking her head left and right.

"Hnn? I have a gift for you~~" Yuko stated in a singsong tone, exposing her deeply carved dimples, eyes sparkling like a newly washed plate.

"I'm not getting tired of you..." Haruna murmured. "I will never get... tired of you... never."


"I just thought..." the long haired girl continued murmuring, looking deeply into Yuko's eyes. Her voice suggests seriousness along with a few tone of hesitance. "I... I..."

Yuko smiled along with her contented eyes. "I know..." she stroked her girlfriends hair to tuck behind her ears. "I'm sorry for always blurting everything out."


"So... Wanna open my gift?" Yuko grinned earning a blush from Haruna.

The wrappers were then carefully removed, exposing a silver bracelet with little stars dangling. Yuko took the bracelet and wore it on Haruna's hand. It was such a warming feeling, for Yuko, for Haruna. The tall girl's cheeks flushed pink, making the other girl squeal inside.



"You're not... Tired of me yet... Right?" the girl wearing the newly received bracelet asked hesitantly.

"Of course not..." Yuko frowned in worry. "Why would I?"



"Are you sure?"

"So sure!"

"Then..." Haruna stood up and distanced herself from Yuko. Her hands are clasped together on her chest, like she was praying and hoping for something to turn out right. "Then... will you... accept my... Christmas present?"

Yuko's eyes widen with excitement.


"Where is it?" Yuko scoots to the Christmas tree and searched for a gift with her name on it. There she found a small gift, wrapped on a very colorful paper. Excitedly, she opened it and revealed a small key.

"Eh?!" Yuko sounds confused. "Hm?!" she gave another frown. "Now where's...OH GOD!"

She blurted out with the size of her eyes doubled, jaw dropped, when she turned around and saw Haruna blushing with her robe now lying on the floor, exposing her milky white skin complimented by the red ribbon bonding her chest and a leather undergarment with a little lock on you-know-where.

"O- Oh... My... God..." Yuko stutters along with her shaking hand holding the key tightly, as if making sure it'll never leave her hands.

"Merry Christmas... Yuuchan."




A/N: Merry Christmas shippers!!!!!!!! It was fun writing this.. But regarding what Haruna is wearing (on my mind), I hope we all saw it the same... Haha. Happy Holidays!
---++[ "It's unfortunate that there was a misunderstanding. After all, as far as Yuko is concerned, the 'you' in 'no one but you' refers to me," ]++---

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 26/27) + *Christmas Special*
« Reply #116 on: December 25, 2012, 11:41:24 AM »
Oh. Ow!  :panic: :shocked
Aghh! Need moreee!! XD  :wub: :wub: :wub:
Any, thanks for the OS  :twothumbs :twothumbs

Silent reader for now

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 26/27) + *Christmas Special*
« Reply #117 on: December 25, 2012, 12:24:02 PM »
great christmas for Yuko lol i love this fic

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL 26/27) + *Christmas Special*
« Reply #118 on: December 26, 2012, 05:22:57 AM »
merry christmas yuuchan

Offline freakymonday

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Re: My KojiYuu Story (SBFnL Complete) + *Christmas Special*
« Reply #119 on: December 26, 2012, 06:25:46 AM »
...before anything else, i would like to thank everyone who has read and commented and thanked on this fic.. :kneelbow: i'm really happy and grateful for all those lovely messages.. thank you so much!! :kneelbow: i can't describe any more how happy and thankful I was. :hee:

@AkemiHomura - oh!!!! You're shiro-san!!! Nice to finally meet you!!  :farofflook: I'm really really flattered..  :shy1: Thank you so much for reading my story. :kneelbow:
@miayaka - thank you! Yuko is a romantic type~ :nya:
@Jessye - thank you~ well, it was actually just a bonus chapter.. :err:
@mae - thank you so much for reading this... it was actually predictable :depressed: so... yeah.. thank you so much! :kneelbow:
@Pdpond - really? i'm glad it reached you~~   :farofflook: thank you so much!
@BbSis - OMG~ I'm sorry.. :badluck: I didn't mean to make you cry~ but i'm really glad the feelings of the story reached you.. thank you! :kneelbow:
@stepk - yeah~ beacause I love nyannyan so much that I have to kill her.  :shifty:
@kahem - yup... because its true love.. i think that if two hearts are really close, no matter where the other one is, they would feel that the other is just right beside them... :dunno:
@Tam_atsu - thanks so much for appreciating my fic~~ i'm really grateful!  :kneelbow:
@Haruko - thank you... it's short and rush..  :sweat:


« Last Edit: December 26, 2012, 07:12:12 AM by freakymonday »
---++[ "It's unfortunate that there was a misunderstanding. After all, as far as Yuko is concerned, the 'you' in 'no one but you' refers to me," ]++---

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