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Author Topic: You Are My Sunshine - chapter 30 (4/11/2014)  (Read 98987 times)

Offline cisda83

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 7 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #80 on: February 17, 2013, 03:00:21 AM »
Hehehe... Atsuko is thinking about Takamina all the time...

Yeah... all the Yankee seem to have all kind of trouble in their real life that they want to forget....

Who is he that hiring Sae to spy on Mayu and Yuki...?

What's going to happen with Mayu and Yuki...?

Will they start to disturb the life of Mayu and friends?

What's going to happen with Atsuko and Minami?

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :wub: :inlove: :love: :heart:

Offline chiqinna

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 8 part 1 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #81 on: February 18, 2013, 12:15:55 PM »
Chapter 8 part 1

The next day...

Acchan has promised to Takamina that she will play with her in the evening.
Maybe she was too excited that she woke up earlier than usual.
“Acchan, where are you going this early morning? It’s not usual to see you woke up early...Is there something wrong?” asked Mariko
while having a breakfast when she saw Acchan all dress up in her usual clothes.
“Ermm...everything’s fine... I just want to take a walk...need to stretch out a bit...” said Acchan while stretching her arms.
“Oh...okay...” replied Mariko calmly.

After that, Acchan got out to take a walk.

‘*sighed* Why am I so excited to see her again... I’ve never been this excited before....’ thought Acchan while walking on the sidewalk.
‘But I love the feels...the excitement~ ‘smiled Acchan when she thinks about seeing Takamina this evening.
‘I wonder if she knows who I really will she react to it...and know Black is there’ thought Acchan again...

As she walks, she suddenly bumps into an old lady causing the old lady to fall.
“S-sorry...I’m really sorry...” said Acchan while helping the old lady to get up and then picking up her things.
“Its okay dear...” replied her smiled to Acchan.
“Are you okay? Do you hurt anywhere?” asked Acchan concerned.
“I’m okay, don’t worry dear...accident happen everywhere...” answered the old lady.

Acchan feels relieved after hearing that.
“W-well, where are you going Obaasan? Let me help you then...” offered Acchan smiling to her.
“I’m on my way back home actually...but is it okay for you?” said the grandma.
“It’s okay, I don’t have anything to do anyway...” replied Acchan.
Acchan helping the grandma with her things.
They already arrived at the grandma’s house.
“We are here...thank you so much my are really a good person.” Thanked the grandma to Acchan while holding Acchan’s hands.
“My pleasure Obaasan, but to be honest, I’m not a good person as you see...” Said Acchan giving a small smile to the grandma.
“What do you mean my dear?” asked the grandma confused.
Acchan just smile to the grandma then look down. “It just... I’m a bad person...”
The grandma chuckled when hearing Acchan’s answer.
“If you are bad person then, why are you helping me just now?” said grandma again.
Acchan keep silent. Looks like she doesn’t what to answer to the grandma.
“Look, my dear, whether you are a bad or good person, you still have a good heart to help other me. Tell me, do you have someone you love?”
Acchan think for a while. ‘Someone I love?’ asked her in her mind.
“I don’t think so...I never have a boyfriend actually.” Answered Acchan.
“It’s okay, maybe soon or later you’ll find your sunshine dear...” tell the grandma smiled.
“Sunshine?”Said Acchan confused. The grandma just nodded then explained to her.
“Yes...sunshine...your happiness, hopes, lighten your days when you are down, the one that will always love you no matter who you are...when you found the person, then that’s your sunshine dear.” Smiled her to Acchan.
Acchan smiled back.

“I hope someday I will find my sunshine...then, I’m going now Obaasan.” Acchan was about to go.
“And one more thing dear, when you found your sunshine,
don’t ever let them go away from you.” Said the grandma smiling.
“Take care, Obaasan.” Smiled Acchan.
“You too my dear and thank you again for helping me.”
After that Acchan walk away.


Last night Sae was thinking about a plan on how
to approach Mayuyu since she always has a bodyguard with her.
“Hmmm…maybe I should approach her bodyguard first...” smirked Sae.
“But…she doesn’t look friendly...hmm….” Sae thinks again.

Laying on the bed while looking at the ceiling trying to find an idea.

Then, Sae grinned like she has found a good idea.
“Sae can do anything…*smirk*”

Mayuyu was skipping school again…
Usually at this time she spends her time at manga store.
But this time she’s not alone, of course her bodyguard was with her.
Actually this morning Miichan ask her to bring Takamina along with her but
she refused and said that she will only take Takamina to the playground in the evening.

At the store…

Mayuyu is searching for a new manga.
But it’s kinda annoying that someone keeps standing beside her.
“*sighed* Black, can you just wait outside?” asked Mayuyu with a blank expression.
Black looks around before she goes outside, to make sure that there is no suspicious person in there.
After that, she walks away from Mayuyu silently.
“*sighed* finally…” mumbled Mayuyu while her eyes searching for the manga she likes.

But Mayuyu is being Mayuyu…

She asked the worker in there whether there is an exit door on the backside of the store.
Then the worker shows her to the door at the backside.
“Thank you” said Mayuyu to the worker.
Mayuyu is putting a victory smile on her face while she walks away from there.
“Find me if you can Black…let’s start the game” whispered Mayuyu to herself.

Well, Black still doesn’t realize that Mayuyu is not in the store anymore.

Outside the store, Black saw some guy with a black jacket keep looking at her direction.
But then they look inside the store.
‘Something is wrong…why is Mayuyu taking so long inside....’ thought Black.
Then she decided to go inside.
Once she’s inside, Mayuyu is nowhere to be found.
‘Where is she?’ said Black in her mind.
‘Don’t tell me they got her!’ thought Black again remembering the guys outside the store just now.
Then she asked the worker if they saw Mayuyu. Since she didn’t see Mayuyu walk out from the front door.
After the worker tells her that Mayuyu used the back door, Black quickly runs to the back door.
The worker was shocked because Black suddenly disappears from her sight.
“What was that…” said the worker shocked.

Black already at the back of the store but she didn’t see Mayuyu.
‘Damn, where is she?’ said Black in her mind looking around.
Black is using her speed to find for Mayuyu around.
Since Mayuyu is not a fast runner so she should still be around the place.


Mayuyu is now walking on an alley. There was no one there.
But Mayuyu felt like she was being followed.
‘Maybe its Black…she is fast than I thought’ thought Mayuyu so she just walk.
But then a bunch of man appeared in front of Mayuyu making her to stop walking.
“Hey there…” said one of the guys smirked. They look like a gangster.
“Oh no…wait, Black is behind me…why I have to be worry.” Thought Mayuyu then smirk to them.
“Hey…” replied Mayuyu to them.
Then Mayuyu start reverse slowly still facing them.

“Black” she called Black.

No answer.

Mayuyu look behind her then she saw no one.

“Black?” realizing that Black is not behind her, Mayuyu looks at her front again.
They were smirking to Mayuyu while walking towards her.


I'll post the next part tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or maybe sooner or later or...
*sighed* I'll update it soon~  :D
thanks for reading!  :kneelbow:
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 08:56:12 AM by chiqinna »

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 8 part 1 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #82 on: February 18, 2013, 12:23:55 PM »
Oohhhh~~~~ yeah Atsuko don't let go of your 'sunshine' when you fine 'er! XD lolol and sigh* Mayu, stop neglecting your bodyguard >_< well I'm sure she'll be there to save ya. Or maybe Sae will show up instead... O.o

Offline cisda83

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 8 part 1 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #83 on: February 18, 2013, 01:02:19 PM »
Hehehe... Atsuko such a nice girl....

Well she already find her sunshine... she just didn't know it...

What's going to happen with Mayu...?

Will Black be there on time...?

Or Atsuko will be the one meeting and saving Mayu on her way to meet Takamina?

Well can't wait to know what happen next

Thank you for the update

 :wub: :inlove: :heart: :love:

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 8 part 1 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #84 on: February 18, 2013, 09:40:21 PM »
atsuko  :wub:
now mayu is in trouble
black you have to go there...  :panic:
thanks great update  :w00t:

Offline Haruko

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 8 part 1 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #85 on: February 19, 2013, 05:49:10 AM »
yeah soon acchan you gonna found it!

o_o mayu?

Offline Chanaline

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 8 part 1 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #86 on: February 19, 2013, 06:38:54 PM »
Waaah Mayu!!!!

Wher are you Black!
Thank you for this chapter!
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

Offline kahem

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 8 part 1 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #87 on: February 19, 2013, 11:56:21 PM »
hehe I think I know what is in Sae's mind and it's funny how she speaks at the third person ^^

Offline chiqinna

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 8 part 2 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #88 on: February 20, 2013, 08:07:14 AM »
Chapter 8 part 2

“Black” she called Black.
No answer.
Mayuyu look behind her then she saw no one.
“Black?” realizing that Black is not behind her, Mayuyu looks at her front again.
They were smirking to Mayuyu while walking towards her.

Mayuyu step back slowly.
‘Think Mayuyu! Think! What should I do now?!!’ thought Mayuyu panicked.
‘If I called Black, they might already kill me if they saw me taking out my phone’ said Mayuyu in her mind.
‘If I run, no…that was stupid action…even Takamina is faster than me!’ thought her again.
“Let’s play little mouse~” said the guy try to touch me.

“Oi!!” a shouted can be hearing from behind.
Mayuyu turn around to looks at the voice’s owner.
‘And now who is this?’ said Mayuyu in her mind while looking at the tomboy girl.
“If you want to touch her, fight me first!” said the girl glaring at the guys the she step in front of Mayuyu with her back facing her.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take care of them.” Said the girl to Mayuyu.
Mayuyu just standing there not knowing what to do.
Then the guys start attacking the girl.
She dodge all the of the attacks.
Mayuyu watched her with mouth open amazed. ‘Wow’
Then she kicks and punches the guys.
But the guys keep attacking her.

When they still having a fight, Black appeared and she saw Mayuyu.
“Mayuyu!” said Black.
Mayuyu turn around and saw Black coming to her.
‘Mayuyu?’ said Mayuyu in her mind.
“Stay behind, let me handle them.” Said Black then walk towards the guys then finished them all in a minute.
Mayuyu and the other girl were impressed by what they just saw.
All of the guys are now laying on the ground.

Black then walks back to Mayuyu with a death glare.
‘Ooppss’ said Mayuyu in her mind.
“Hehe…Black…how you found me? I-I was actually-“before Mayuyu could find any excuses, Black stops her.
“Shut up.” Said Black still glaring at her.
“O-Okay…” replied Mayuyu looking away from her glare. ‘This girl is scary sometimes....’

Then she looks at the other girl.
“Ah! I forgot about you! Thank you for helping me…even though Black already finished them.” Said Mayuyu to the girl.
“It’s okay! For a cute girl like you, I can do anything! By the way, my name is Sae…” said her to them.
“Mayuyu-desu” replied Mayuyu shortly. ‘I think she is a player…’ thought Mayuyu.
Then both of them looking at Black. They are waiting for Black to introduce herself.
“And you?” ask Sae to Black. Black did not answer her.

“She is Black.” Answered Mayuyu instead.
“Black?!”Said Sae confused. She watched her from the top to the bottom.
‘All black…No wonder her name is Black…’ thought Sae.
“*sighed* let’s go Black.” Said Mayuyu as she walks away then followed by Black.
“W-wait!! Ano… Mayuyu, can we meet again next time?” asked Sae smiling.
Mayuyu looks at Sae strangely. “Why?” asked Mayuyu curious.
“Err...Emm...I just want to be your friend!” Said Sae while smiling widely.
“I don’t want to be your friend.” Said Mayuyu to Sae with a cyborg face then walks away.
“B-but…Mayuyu…I just...” Mayuyu and Black just ignored her and walk away.
Sae sighed.
But then she smirked to their back.
‘Sae never give up that easily, Mayuyu…” said Sae in her mind.

That evening…

Mayuyu brings Takamina to the playground since someone already promised to play with her today.
Acchan haven’t arrived yet so Takamina is playing at the playground while waiting for her.
Mayuyu is sitting on a bench facing the playground.
‘Why she always standing when there is a place to sit here?!’ thought Mayuyu as she looks at Black who stand near the bench.
“Black-san, could you please have a sit? It’s irritated my eyes seeing you stand like that...” said Mayuyu to Black ‘politely’.

Black silently sits on the bench.

There was awkward atmosphere around them since no one is talking.

Mayuyu try to break the silence.

“Why is your name’s Black?” asked Mayuyu without looking at Black.

Black just stays silent.

‘Is she ignoring me just now?’ thought Mayuyu.
Mayuyu still didn’t give up.
“What is your real name?” asked her again this time looking at Black.
Black let out a small sighed then answer her.
“No need for you to know.” Replied her coldly.
Mayuyu looking at her annoyed by the answer.
“Then, if you didn’t tell me your real name, don’t call me by my real name also…
I’ll only respond to you when you called me….Nezumi…” said Mayuyu smirked.

“Why?” asked Black.

“Simple…because I want to know your real name…” answer Mayuyu while watching Takamina’s playing.
'whatever...' said Black in her mind.


Takamina is playing at the swing when suddenly she heard a voice from behind her.

“Takamina…” said Acchan playfully while standing behind Takamina.
Takamina turn her head around while still sitting on the swing.
Takamina smile widely when she saw Acchan.
“Acchan~ you came…I thought you forgot our promise” said her pouting cutely.
“I already promised you…of course I’ll come~” said Acchan smiling while sitting on the other swing next to Takamina.
Mayuyu already know that Acchan is there so she take out her manga and enjoy her own time.

For Black, it’s uncomfortable for her since Acchan is there also…playing with Takamina.
‘A mafia…likes to play with a ‘kid’ like Takamina…? What is her intention actually?’ thought Black while watching them playing and talking happily.
‘Maybe she was attracted by Takamina’s act.'
‘I’ve never seen this side of her though…’ thought Black again.
 Takamina and Acchan are playing at the playground happily…
Or it was Takamina actually who was so excited playing there…meanwhile Acchan was watching her play.

While she was having fun with Takamina…

“Oneechan!!!” shout Kanon calling her sister who run to the playground still with her school uniform.
Before she runs to Takamina, she goes to Mayuyu who sitting there.
“Mayuyu~*pant*” called Kanon still panting from the running.
She sits beside Mayuyu to rest for a while.

“Kanon, what are you doing here? Where is Jurina? And Lovetan?” asked Mayuyu looking at Kanon.
“I just want to see you guys…hehe…Jurina is still at school, she has martial arts practice…
and…Lovetan is helping Miichan at the bakery, she said you guys are here so I went here…” explained Kanon.
After listening to Kanon, Mayuyu turn her head again to her manga.

Kanon just realized that there is someone else playing with Takamina.
“Who is that?” asked her to Mayuyu.
“Acchan” replied Mayuyu still reading her manga.
“Ah~~ the one that Takamina told me…” said Kanon nodding her head.
Then Kanon went to Takamina to join her.
“Non-chan~~” called Takamina seeing her sister.
“Non-chan, this is my new friend! Acchan~” Takamina introduced Acchan to Kanon.
“I’m Acchan” said Acchan smiling to Kanon.
“I’m kanon, Takamina’s younger sister. Thank you for taking care of Takamina...” Said Kanon while bowing to Acchan.
“Eh…it’s okay, I love playing with Takamina actually.” Said Acchan.
They play together at the playground.

After that day, Acchan often comes to the playground to see Takamina.
Sometimes, she always forgot about her real work as a mafia…
Usually, Sasshi is the one who taking care of the business.

[*sighed* poor Sasshi~  :kekeke:]


hey everyone~
I hope you enjoy this update... since....
WMATSUI HAVEN'T MAKE AN APPEARANCE YET!!!!  :frustrated:  :OMG:  :dizzy:  :scolding: :tantrum:
and KOJIYUU also~~~~ EH??! KOJIYUU??!! THERE WAS KOJIYUU??!!  :dunno:
I don't know yet~~  :bigdeal:
ermm... thank you for reading~  :kneelbow:
bye~~~  :on blackhole:
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 08:56:33 AM by chiqinna »

Offline mo-chan

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 8 part 2 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #89 on: February 20, 2013, 08:48:20 AM »
mayuki are so slow
still waiting for wmatsui.

Jurina is my oshi forever!! (>w<)/
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Offline Hii_chan

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 8 part 2 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #90 on: February 20, 2013, 09:00:08 AM »
jaa thanks for updating
Mayuyu begin curious about Black
Sae appearand seem will have some Saemayu moment ;)
And Acchan and Takamina is so cute XD
waiting for your next update :cow:
\\(''^0^)// Sou-chan  \\(^0^)//

Offline qweakb

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Re: new fanfic: Chapter 1 [atsumina+other pairings]
« Reply #91 on: February 20, 2013, 09:10:43 AM »



*still arguing*

" LISTEN!!! "

*Sounds familiar to some people isn’t?*  ;p



LISTEN!!! me..haha
Become AKB fan after watching AKB0048.
Oshimen : Takamina and Mayu
Favorite pair : TakaAstu, Mayukirin, KumiYuria, Wmatsui, JirinaMayu etc.
(After reading the fanfic, my favorite pair just keep increasing :( )

Offline cisda83

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 8 part 2 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #92 on: February 20, 2013, 11:44:21 AM »
Ah... so Sae planned this whole attacking Mayu... so she could come out as the rescuer...

But Black came soon enough to be the rescuer....

Ah Mayu knew to be careful about Sae... not to trust her....

Hahaha... Atsuko always there to play with Takamina... nearly everyday...

Leaving the Mafia business for Sashi to take care.... Poor poor Sashi... need to do Atsuko's job

What's going to happen next... with Sae's plan, Atsuko's job, Black's duty....?

I can't wait to find out.... the next chapters....

How about Takamina's background.... why, how and what made her become what she is now?

Thank you for the update...

 :wub: :inlove: :heart: :love:

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline chiqinna

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 8 part 2 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #93 on: February 20, 2013, 12:14:52 PM »
mo-chan: let's wait for wmatsui together!  :)
Hii_chan: will there be SaeMayu....or SaeYuki? or SaeMaYuki? hehe lets see~
qweakb:  :kekeke: high five!
cisda83: hmmm... about Takamina's background...  :glasses: I'll tell you soon~ maybe?

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 8 part 2 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #94 on: February 20, 2013, 02:02:44 PM »
thanks for the update! Mayuki is quite interesting here lol.
As for Acchan and Takamina they are an ongoing of cute! Still curious are Minami's full past :D
& lol for Sasshi having to finish all the work herself :P

Offline mayuki_daisuki

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 8 part 2 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #95 on: February 20, 2013, 02:28:42 PM »
haha black told mayu to shut up and death glare  :lol:
awww atsumina and non-chan are so cute  :inlove:
sae chan's a player  8)
thanx for the update  :cow: :bow:
My kami-oshi is Mayuyu, and my oshimen is Oku Manami.

Offline qweakb

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 8 part 2 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #96 on: February 20, 2013, 03:10:08 PM »
qweakb:   high five!

haha.. high five

I thought you had another update...cheat my feeling..haha (joking)

hope that you will update soon ><
Become AKB fan after watching AKB0048.
Oshimen : Takamina and Mayu
Favorite pair : TakaAstu, Mayukirin, KumiYuria, Wmatsui, JirinaMayu etc.
(After reading the fanfic, my favorite pair just keep increasing :( )

Offline chiqinna

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 8 part 2 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #97 on: February 20, 2013, 03:23:08 PM »
LOL~ no...not that fast~ :P
I don't know when will I update the next chap~

Offline qweakb

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 8 part 2 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #98 on: February 20, 2013, 03:50:13 PM »
LOL~ no...not that fast~ 
I don't know when will I update the next chap~

I see...
lol.. never mind, I will be waiting... ><
I know that being writer is not easy though I am not a writer... :p
Become AKB fan after watching AKB0048.
Oshimen : Takamina and Mayu
Favorite pair : TakaAstu, Mayukirin, KumiYuria, Wmatsui, JirinaMayu etc.
(After reading the fanfic, my favorite pair just keep increasing :( )

Offline Chanaline

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Re: You Are My Sunshine - Chapter 8 part 2 [Atsumina,Mayuki,Wmatsui+more]
« Reply #99 on: February 20, 2013, 05:52:47 PM »
Ooooooh Interesting! Mayu care about Black! She want to know Black's name!

Sorry but I don't like at all SaeMayu... Noooooo! Don't want it! It's your fanfic... What Am I Saying??

Thank you!! Hope you update fast!
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

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