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Author Topic: Meeting You (AtsuMina, TomoTomo, WMatsui, MariMii, KojiYuu) - COMPLETED  (Read 59188 times)

Offline Hii_chan

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Re: Meeting You (Atsumina,Kojiuu,TomoTomo,Wmatsui,MariMii) update~ [1/27/13]
« Reply #20 on: January 28, 2013, 09:29:48 AM »
thanks for the update :thumbsup :thumbsup
I like sweet moment of Atsumina and Kojiyuu :heart: :heart:
Acchan blush is so cute XD XD
waiting for your next update
\\(''^0^)// Sou-chan  \\(^0^)//

Offline Elo

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Re: Meeting You (Atsumina,Kojiuu,TomoTomo,Wmatsui,MariMii) update~ [1/27/13]
« Reply #21 on: January 28, 2013, 07:29:50 PM »
sweet i want more

of course atsumina kojiyuu and tomotomo and please marimii too

Love AKB

Love this Pairing
                                And more ^^

Offline cisda83

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Re: Meeting You (Atsumina,Kojiuu,TomoTomo,Wmatsui,MariMii) update~ [1/27/13]
« Reply #22 on: January 29, 2013, 05:55:41 AM »
So cute... the interaction between Atsuko and Minami... Minami is really dense about the matter of feeling....

Yuko and Haruna, Miichan and Mariko.... they are together so... that's good...

Rena and Jurina.... are they together too?

Can't wait to see more

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

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Re: Meeting You (Atsumina,Kojiuu,TomoTomo,Wmatsui,MariMii) update~ [1/27/13]
« Reply #24 on: January 30, 2013, 12:15:51 PM »
KojiYuu, so cute!!!
Both Acchan and Tomochin like Takamina. Hm.... More TakaTomo!!!!! *pouting*
Update soon!!

hmm...well I can say there is something that will happen....for TakaTomo *cough* *cough* but idk when ;p or is there? xD hehehe

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

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Meeting You (Atsumina,Kojiyuu,TomoTomo,Wmatsui,MariMii) update~ [1/27/13]
« Reply #25 on: February 02, 2013, 12:16:20 AM »
Chapter three~ just went back to school so i dunno if i'll be really really fast on updating...I'll try to update once every five days...ahahaha...well that's my tempo... o.o" well enough talking... :on drink:

                                                                                                            Chapter 3

Laying on her bed reading her favorite manga, she heard her phone beep. Picking up her phone she saw that it was Yuko and read the message.
"Oi~ Takamina Nyan-Nyan and I are thinking of going to the amusement park tomorrow. So want to go? The others might be coming also." Replying she said she would go. *Wonder if Acchan would make it* thought Takamina realizing what she was thinking she slapped herself and mumbled, "what am I thinking." Picking up her manga she shouted, "noooo!!! Lost my page."

Acchan who was cleaning her apartment took a break. Noticing that she got a text message she went over to read it,
"hey Acchan~ we're planning on going to the amusement park tomorrow~ would you like to come?

Ps. Takamina is going~ (^_−)−☆"

Thinking of the girl she replied back, "ok I'll come (~_~;)"
"Yosh! Time to go to work." Said Acchan excited and grabbed the vacuum cleaner.

Tomochin was looking at magazines. Feeling thirsty she stood up and went down to the kitchen to drink some water. Upon returning she saw that she got one new message. *oh, it's only Yuko* thought Tomochin and read the message,
"Tomochin~ are you busy tomorrow? If not then you should come to the amusement park with us also Takamina is coming (^_-)."
Agreeing she replied that she can make it.

Flipping through the channel she heard her phone. Checking on who it was she thought *It's only Yuko, wonder what she wants* and read the message,
"Hey, Tomo if you're not busy tomorrow (which I'm sure you're not) you should come to the amusement park, btw a 'certain someone' will be there~"
While she read the 'certain someone' Tomochin suddenly popped in her head, replying she said, " doing anything tomorrow, so I guess I'll come."

"Ok that's four people and I should also invite those four and I'm assuming the pairs are together", grinned Yuko. At first Yuko said to Nyan-Nyan that they should go on a date and said to the amusement park. However, Kojiharu suggested that they should also invite the others since she felt that Yuko was planning on something if they were alone.  Yuko protested but you know she can't really put down a request from her beloved, plus Kojiharu told her that she'll get a reward if she invited the others.So she agreed and texted the others. "Ok next is the MariMii then after that the other two." sighing as she picked up her phone.

Miichan who was with Mariko were eating their lunch. Apparently Mariko asked Miichan if she would like to go somewhere with her. Miichan agreed since she wasn't doing anything.
"You have a text." Said Mariko.
"Didn't even notice it." said Miichan and checked who was it from, "oh it's from Yuko."
"What did she say?"
"She's said that the group will be going the the amusement park tomorrow so she's asking me if I could go...oh and also she told me to ask you if you would go."
"Hmmm...amusement park...I guess it'll be fun especially with 'them' around... so are you going?"
"Yep, since I don't have plans tomorrow are you?"
"If you're going then I'll go too." Grinned Mariko.
Blushing she made her reply, "ok we're coming." Getting a reply back from Yuko it said, "since you said 'we' does that mean that Mariko with you? Eh? (^_−)−☆ hehehe..."
"Ok yeah she's here with me, she asked me out today." Replied back Miichan.
"Hahaha ok...I shouldn't disturbed your date then~"
Mariko who was sitting in front of Miichan asked, "what is she saying?"
"O-oh...u-umm...n-nothing." stuttered Miichan embarrassed.
Getting back to their meal they talked about what else they should do and where to go.

Jurina spends 'most' of her time with Rena. They were together all the time ever since they were kids, also they're neighbors. Her family had to move because of her father's job. She thought that she wouldn't like the new place called 'home' to her, however it all changed when she met Rena.
She sat on Rena's bed and looked through Rena's photo album. *Cute* thought Jurina. Finished, she skimmed through the bookshelf and heard Rena's phone but just ignored it. Opening the door was Rena carrying some snacks and drinks, "what are you doing?"
"Just looking through your bookshelf to see if there's something  interesting." grinned Jurina.
"You won't find anything there." Said Rena as she set the snacks on her desk.
"Oh by the way I think you have a message."
"Oh ok, I wonder who is it." Said Rena and checked her phone.
"Oh, it's from Yuko senpai."
"What did she say?"
"She's asking if I'm busy tomorrow."
"They're going to the amusement park and is asking if you and me would like to go."
"Oh~amusement park~ we should go~" smiled Jurina.
"I guess...since we're not doing anything tomorrow." Said Rena as she sent her answer.
"Yay~" cheered Jurina going over to the desk to eat the snacks that Rena brought.

"Me and Jurina are in." Read Yuko on her phone. "Ok, so they're all coming, I guess it'll be a big group but it'll be fun." Said Yuko sighing. "Nyan-Nyan they can all make it~" shouted Yuko to Kojiharu who was in the kitchen. "Oh really? It'll be fun." Answered back Kojiharu. Getting up and heading over to the kitchen, she put her arms around Kojiharu and whispered to her ear, "so where's my reward~?"
"It'll be done in a minute." Laughed Kojiharu who was preparing the food.
"Ehhh..." said Yuko who was expecting 'something else'.
"I'm joking." teased Kojiharu and turned around to look at the small girl in front of her. Staring into the small girl's eye she leaned down and kissed her on the lips. Pulling back she said to Yuko who was stunned, "was that the reward you were thinking of~" and smirked. Recovering, Yuko said, "maybe~" and grabbed Kojiharu's collar down, crashing their lips together.

~At the amusement park~
Takamina was the first one to arrive at the meeting point. "I got too excited and came 20 minutes early." she mumbled and waited. After 15 minutes of waiting they finally showed up one by one. Arriving last were Rena and Jurina. "Sorry we're late, someone couldn't wake up." Apologized Rena and looked at Jurina.
Laughing Yuko said, "it's ok, come on let's go have fun!" and linked arms with Kojiharu.
Jurina who thought that her senpai's are being bold she looked at Rena.
"Why are you staring at me?" asked Rena.
"Nothing." Said Jurina with a bored tone and grabbed Rena's hand.
"Ju-ri-na, Why are you holding my hand?"
"Hmm...because I don't want to get lost~" smiled Jurina innocently. "...and you don't want me to hold your hand?" She added with a slight of disappointment.
"How old are you? Six years old." teased Rena trying not to let the girl get to her.
"Maybe~"grinned Jurina.

Meanwhile Tomochin grabbed Takamina's arms, clinging to her. Following behind them were Tomo and Acchan not too happy at all. Mariko who was watching, smirked, "told you, this will be fun~" Miichan nodded in agreement. Mariko and Miichan just watched from behind expecting to see something today.

"Ok first let's go to the roller coaster!" Said Yuko excited pumping her fist. Having no choice the group just followed.

Getting in the ride first were Yuko and Kojiharu who took the front followed by Rena and Jurina. Third row were Takamina and Tomochin,behind them: Acchan and Tomo who doesn't look too happy. Lastly the pair who boarded last were Mariko and Miichan. Miichan who was filled with unease was fidgeting on her seat. *It's too late too go back* thought Miichan closing her eyes. Mariko who noticed that something was wrong with Miichan asked her, "Are you not good with roller coasters?"
"I-it's just that I'm afraid of heights." Answered Miichan as the  ride was going up. Not knowing what to do Mariko just grabbed Miichan's hands.

Acchan closed her eyes as the ride went up higher and higher. *I'm getting dizzy..."* were her thoughts. Rena and Jurina were totally into the ride and couldn't hide their excitement as the ride climbed its way up.  The Kojiyuu couple who didn't have any problems just enjoyed the ride.

Finally reaching the top, the roller coaster dropped down making Tomochin scream and held Takamina's arm tightly. *awww m-my a-arm, Tomochin has a strong grip, I think I'll have a bruise later.* Thought Takamina.

Reaching the exit, Miichan who tried to get out couldn't since she was too nauseous. Worried about her Mariko helped Miichan.. Takamina who watched Acchan was worried since she did look dizzy. Seeing that Acchan who was stumbling almost fell, she reattached herself from Tomochin and caught Acchan before she could fall. Takamina who was worried asked,"are you ok?" Acchan who noticed that she was in Takamina's arm turned pink making her heart skip a beat.
"You're face is red, are you sure you're ok?" Asked Takamina concerned.
"I-I just n-need to sit for a bit." Said Acchan feeling dizzy. "Guys is it ok we we go rest for a while seems like Acchan and Miichan needs rest." Said Takamina.
Heading to one of the benches Takamina helped Acchan walk while Mariko carried Miichan on her back since she fainted.
"Seems like roller coaster wasn't the best option." Said Yuko.
"I'll be fine after a few minutes of rest, sorry guys I'm holding you back." apologized Acchan.
"No it's ok and you're not holding us back." Reassured Takamina.

Finally reaching the benches Takamina helped Acchan lay down while Mariko helped her Miichan.
"Tomo and I are going to get  some drinks anyone wants something else?" asked Yuko.
Shaking their heads, Yuko and Tomo headed to buy some drinks.

After a few minutes Yuko and Tomo arrived with the drinks. Each grabbing a drink they just sat down and waited for the two to wake up.
"It sure is crowded today." Said Yuko while she watched the people pass by and tried to make a conversation. *why is the atmosphere so gloomy...we should be having fun.* thought Yuko when no one answered her.

10 minutes passed and finally Acchan recovered, feeling that she was laying on something soft. She sat up quickly and hit Takamin on the chin.
"Itaaaiii" yelped Takamina touching her chin. 
"S-sorry Takamina, I'm really sorry." Apologized Acchan.
"Really Acchan you need to stop apologizing, it's all good~ our captain wouldn't be defeated by that~" joked Yuko.
Nodding she stood up and said, "I think I need something cold, I'll just go buy some ice cream."
"I'll come with you." Said Takamina a little bit quick and almost shouting it.
"Umm...ok...thanks Takamina."
Standing up Takamina was about to go with Acchan however they heard a voice, "Atsuko  is that you?" Asked a certain voice.
Turning around to see who called her, Acchan was surprise to see him here.
"Ehh? Is that you Takeru-kun?" Said Acchan surprised and went over hugging him.

Whistling Mariko said, "Ne, Takamina what do you think?"
"Huh? W-what do you mean?"
"Don't play dumb, right now Acchan is over there talking with a guy~" teased Mariko eyeing Takamina.
"I don't really mind." Lied Takamina,but somehow seeing Acchan with that guy being all so close to her, want Takamina to rip his throat off. 

Waking up suddenly, Miichan yelled, "huh? Where am I?!" And looked around.
"Calm down Miichan, you fainted from riding the roller coaster." Said Mariko smirking.
"Oh." Was all she could say. Noticing that Acchan was talking to guy she said, "Dare?"
"Hmmm...we don't know, he suddenly called Acchan and then it lead to that."
"Oh." Was all she could say again and just took a drink of water still feeling lightheaded.
"Wonder what they're talking about." Said Jurina in wonder.

"Hey, Atsuko I didn't expect to see you here."
"I'm with my friends and also same with you."
"Well, I'm with my friends, they wanted to come here and I tagged along."
"I see glad you're having fun!" Teased Acchan.
"Hmmm...I guess so." Smiled Takeru. Shuddering feeling a bit  uneasy he turned  around and saw a small girl glaring at him.
"Ummm...well...I think I'll go now, my friends are probably waiting...but I hope I'll get to see you again." Said Takeru hugging Acchan and slowly jogged away.

Returning back to where the group was waiting Yuko was the first one to speak, "So...Acchan, who was that? Hmm?"
"Just a friend that I haven't seen for a long time."
"Oh? Really? Just a friend?" Teased Mariko while observing Takamina.
"Yep! and oh, I think I really need the ice cream now."

Takamina who was quiet spoke, "Should we go?"
"Ehh... Ummm yeah." And headed to buy some ice cream.
"Ne, Acchan what's REALLY your relationship with that guy?" Asked Takamina.
"Hahaha...seriously you too? He's just a  friend back home." Replied Acchan who thought, *is Takamina jealous?? No way right?*
"Oh really?" Said Takamina who wasn't fully convince.
"Yes I'm sure." Said Acchan, making up her mind she just had to ask, "could you be jealous~?" 
Caught off guard Takamina stuttered,"ehh? N-no w-way...why would I be j-j-jealous." Denied Takamina, "...and why are you asking me?"
"Hmmm...that's for me to know~" replied Acchan.  Feeling awkward Takamina tried to change the subject.
"S-so how do you feel?"
"I'm feeling better now." Smiled Acchan.
"Hehehe...that's good." grinned Takamina.
"Thanks for taking care of me and sorry for causing you trouble."
"It's no problem besides I don't really mind."

Buying their ice cream they headed back.
"Here guys,I bought some ice cream better it eat before it melts." said Takamina handing them each an ice cream.
"Thanks~" said the group and started to eat.

Feeling refreshed the group made there way to look for something fun to do. Thinking of an idea Yuko said, "why don't we go on a date!"
"Hmmm... I think that's a good idea." Grinned Mariko.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Asked Takamina."
"Yay~ a date with Rena~" squealed Jurina.
"I don't mind! I'll go with Takamina~" cheered Tomochin.
"Chotto~" said Yuko, "let's do this instead, I'll write  two set of numbers 1-5 then we each pick a number, of course no one knows what numbers we're each getting."
"That works." Said Miichan thinking about it.
Picking up each numbers they announced their own numbers.
"I have number 3..." Said Takamina.
"I guess it's you and me old friend!" said Yuko.
*Awww...I was hoping to be with Takamina* thought Acchan.
"Who's number 5?" asked Miichan.
"Ah, That would be me." Answered Acchan.
"I got number four~ so who's supposed to be my date~?" Said Tomochin.
Tomo who heard 4 suddenly looked up surprised.
"Eto...that would be me." Said Tomo shyly.
"'s the two Tomomi~" joked Yuko. Ignoring Yuko's comment they continued.
"Number 1" said Rena.
"Noooo~ I thought I could be with Rena~" said Jurina.
"So you don't want to spend your time with me." Said Mariko dramatically, making the group laugh.
"So me and Takamina, Acchan and Mariko, Tomo and Tomochin, Rena and Nyan-Nyan and lastly Mariko and Jurina. Well now that it's all settled, we have two hours, so enjoy your 'date'~" and let's meet up here when we're done." Said Yuko. The pairs scrambled and went there separate ways.

"Yo! Takamina we should go try some extreme rides! I want to try the drop tower I heard it's a 390 feet tall!" Said Yuko with twinkle in her eyes.
"Uh-oh she's starting." Said Takamina.
"Come on let's go!" Said Yuko and pulled Takamina to the ride.

The two girls who doesn't go along with rides just stayed on the ground. Going to a cafe they settled down,
"Hey Acchan, what do you think of Takamina?" Asked Miichan.
"She's charming, cool, cute, kind-" was all Acchan could say before Miichan stopped her.
"Ok, stop there, you were looking at a distance or something and looked like you were going in another world." Joked Miichan.
Blushing she asked, "Why'd you ask me anyways?"
"Well I think that... you really like Takamina..... do you?" Asked Miichan with a serious tone.
"I...I..." Said Acchan fidgeting, trying to look for an answer.
"Hahahah...I think I already know the answer~" smirked Miichan," don't have to answer me~"
"Ehh...umm..." Said Acchan speechless, not knowing what to say."
"Hahaha...I think I know the answer now, well Takamina is quite dense, I feel sorry for you~" said Miichan patting Acchan's head, "we should get our orders now, I'm quite hungry." Said Miichan as her stomach growled making Acchan burst in laughter.
"I've been meaning to ask, are you and Mariko...umm...d-da-dating?" Said Acchan.
"Hmm...I'll let you think on whatever you think." smiled Miichan.
"That doesn't answer my question~ come on tell me...aren't you my friend." Said Acchan dramatically.
"Yes I'm your dear friend in the world but nope~, I won't tell you I'll let you think if it's a yes or a no."
"Stingy~" joked Acchan.

Tomo who was happy inside tried to hide her excitement. *thanks Yuko.* she thought.
"Ne, Tomochin where do you want to go?"
"Hmm...I think I would want to go look at the garden here. I heard that it's really beautiful."
"Ok let's go!" Cheered Tomo.
Heading to the place, two guys suddenly appeared and said to his buddy, "wow we're lucky, bumping to two cute girls."
"Hey, you two are cute...want to go somewhere else with us?" Said the guy.
"No...thanks." Said Tomochin bored.
"Oh, come on it'll be fun." Said the other guy.
"We said no, can you go already." Said Tomo.
Taking no for an answer, the guy grabbed Tomochin.
"Let go of her!" Said Tomo glaring at the guy.
The other guy tried to grab Tomo but he received a kick in the nuts. Kicking the guy in the groin that was holding Tomochin, she yelled, "run!" and grabbed Tomochin's hand.
"That bitch!" Yelled the guy and ran after them. Looking behind them Tomo said, "those guys are persistent." and went to hide.
"Tsk...we lost them." Said the guy.
"Let's just go." Said the other guy.
"*phew* finally..." Said Tomo who just noticed that she was holding Tomochin really close.
"Ah, sorry." Apologized Tomo, letting go and putting some distance between them.
"Hahaha, it's ok." smiled Tomochin and thought to herself, *is Tomo blushing?*
"Come on, let's go" said Tomochin grabbing Tomo's hand making the other girl blush more.
Arriving in the garden Tomochin was amazed, "'s really beautiful." And started to run.
"Hey! Tomochin that's dangerous!" And ran after the girl.
Tripping Tomochin was about to fall but instead Tomo was fast enough to catch her. However she lost her balance and fell along with Tomochin who was now on top of her.
"Itaaaai!" Said Tomo feeling the pain of the fall. Noticing that someone was on top of her she opened her eyes and was surprise  to see Tomochin looking at her.  Their face was only an inch apart. Captivated by her, Tomo looked deeply in Tomochin's eyes.  Staring into each other eyes seemed like it was forever. Realizing which position they are in Tomo suddenly stood up, it felt so awkward. Breaking the silence, Tomo said, "I'm sorry."
"E-eh? What are you apologizing for? If it wasn't for you I would've fell badly." said Tomochin averting her eyes as she couldn't look Tomo straight in the eyes. *why is my heart beating so fast...* she thought feeling anxious and felt that her face was getting hot.

Rena and Kojiharu was actually enjoying there time. Rena who was curious ask, "Senpai, why'd you go out with Yuko senpai?" Hearing this Kojiharu almost chocked on her drink.
"Well, at first when I met her she always tried to hug or kiss me and I tried to avoid her a lot of times. However the more time I spent with her I got drawn into her and didn't actually mind it when she was kissing or hugging then after that we spent more and more time together then before I knew it she asked me out and I said yes." Explained Kojiharu remembering the scenes like they were yesterday.
"Oh, wow~" said Rena.
"Hahaha yep and what about you? About Jurina?" Grinned Kojiharu.
"E-eh? J-jurina is just my best friend."
" that so? That's not the way I look at it..." Teased Kojiharu, "...and here I thought that you like Jurina because it seems like she likes you a l-o-t."
"Well... I think" Said Rena blushing.

Mariko and Jurina just roamed around talking to each other.
"So when are you confessing to Rena?" Asked Mariko.
"C-co-confess?!?!?!" Said Jurina with wide eyes.
"Hahaha calm down... don't you like her?"
"I do like her...but I'm scared that she doesn't feel the same way and I don't want to lose our friendship." Said Jurina sadly.
"Is that so? You know... my advice to you is, you should do it, and it seems to me that she likes you too." Said Mariko smiling.
"R-really?!" chirped Jurina.
"...but maybe that's just my imagination." Joked Mariko.
"Ehh, so she doesn't like me then." said Jurina looking sad.
"I'm only joking with you." Teased Mariko, "...but seriously I'm sure that she likes you." 
"Ok, I'll do it BUT I'll wait for the right time."
"Ehh? You're waiting, you're still scared aren't you."
"Huh? Pshh...of course not!" Said Jurina trying to deny it, wanting to change the subject she asked, "what about you? Are you and Minegeshi senpai going out?"
"You could say that~" grinned Mariko with her poker face.
"Is that a yes or a no? That doesn't really answer my question."
"Hahaha... I'll let you think on whatever you think."
"That's complicated."
"Oh is it? I thought it was quite easy.

"Yuko this is the fifth time, can we take a break or something?" Sighed Takamina.
"Ok fine, fine but next I want to ride the 'Steel Dragon 2000'."
"Ehhh??? There!?!? That ride is really fast, I've heard that it reaches 150 kilometer per hour!" Informed Takamina talking really fast.
"Woah seriously?! I didn't know that but it makes it more awesome! I really want to go now!" Said Yuko with delight.
Face planing herself she said, "ok! But can we go rest now?"
Reaching the bench Takamina ran over slumping.
"Gah, I'm tired." Sighed Takamina.
"Hahaha...sorry I got too excited." Said Yuko and tossed a drink to Takamina who almost missed it.
Sitting beside her friend she was quiet for a while,  finally talking she said, "Takamina do you like Acchan?"
"Of course! I like her like everyone else." Smiled Takamina.
Face palming her self Yuko said, "I mean do-you-have-ro-man-tic-fee-lings~ for her?"
"H-huh, w-what do you mean?"
"It means what it means."
"I...umm..still don't get what you're saying."
Sighing she said, "ok,I gave up." And threw her arms up.
"Ok, enough rest let's go!"
"Hey~Yuko what do you mean? Tell me clearly."
"Nope, you won't get it anyways, I'll give you some time, come on we only have twenty minutes before two hours is up.
Having no choice Takamina just followed her friend and thought about what she said.

After minutes of convincing Yuko that they need to head back, Takamina finally succeeded after saying that Kojiharu is waiting. Arriving at the decided place Yuko ran over to Kojiharu and kissed her.
"Hey, people are watching!" Said Kojiharu hitting her on the head.
"But I mish you~ and it was so boring..."
"Hey! Sorry for being a boring companion." Said Takamina.
"Hahaha... I was only joking, I had fun!"

"Hey guys! What's up?" Said Mariko followed by Rena. Behind them were Acchan and Miichan.
"Nothing, so how'd it go?" Asked Yuko at them.
"We had fun and learned some interesting things." Said Miichan looking at Acchan.
"That's good, well who else are we waiting for?" said Yuko and looked around.
"TomoTomo isn't here yet." Said Jurina.
"TomoTomo?" Said Mariko with a questioning look.
"You know what I mean." Replied Jurina smiling.

Glancing at Takamina, Acchan greeted her shyly since she was thinking of what Miichan said.
"Hey, Takamina."
"Hey Acchan, How'd it go?"
"I had fun." smiled Acchan, "what about you?"
"Tiring~" sighed Takamina.
"What happened?"
"Don't want to think of it."
"Hmm...knowing Yuko, it must have been an enjoyable time." Teased Acchan.
"You don't wanna know." Groaned Takamina trying not to think about it.

After a few minutes of waiting they finally saw Tomo and Tomochin. 
"Hey! What took you so long!" Said Yuko. The two remembering what happened blushed and said simultaneously, "nothing!" 
"Oh really? Doesn't seem like 'nothing' to me." smirked Mariko and teased the two.
"Mou, I'm serious." Said Tomo.
"Hai,hai." said Mariko patting her on the back.

"It'll be dark soon, we should go." Said Tomo looking at her watch.
"Hmm...I suggest we should go eat before we depart?" said Takamina with a questioning tone.
"I agree! We should go eat first!" claimed Miichan.
"So where to?" Asked Yuko who was clinging to Kojiharu.
"Ummm...if I can suggest we could go to a place that I know?" said Tomo.
"And where is 'this' place?" Asked Takamina.
"It's close here, maybe five minutes walk."
"Ok, let's go~" said Yuko walking to the opposite direction.
"Yuko you're going in the wrong direction, we're going this way." Said Takamina while the group walked in the opposite direction.
"Ah, I knew that!" Said Yuko, running back to catch up with the group.
Takamina just sighed and shook her head.

As they entered the restaurant they were greeted by 'someone'.
"Tomo! Long time no see." Said the girl.
"Hey, same here...I was busy with my part time job and club activities so I couldn't visit."
"Nice seeing you and wow you have a big group here." Said the girl looking at the group.
"Yeah, these are all my friends from school and guys meet Kikuchi Ayaka, she's a close family friend of ours." [A/N: I just randomly picked her since she's in the cooking club...hehehe...]
"Nice too meet you." said Ayaka, hearing her father call her she apologized saying, "Sorry, I need to go, need to help otou-san in the kitchen. Well nice meeting you and tell you what the desert will be on the house " Said Ayaka smiling and went to the kitchen.

Moving the tables since there were only 4 chairs per table they sat down. On one side sat Takamina, Tomo Yuko, Jurina, Mariko across from them were, Acchan, Tomochin, Kojiharu, Rena, and Miichan. *it seems we're paired up with the right people* thought Mariko smirking.
"What are you smirking about?" Asked Miichan who was looking at the menu.
"I just thought that this is nice." Smiled Mariko.
Letting it go Miichan just nodded.
"Tomo I never knew that you knew someone from here." Said Takamina.
"Well, Ayaka's father is a close friend of my father so yeah...and also Ayaka here helps her father to manage this place since she's really a great cook. Even though this place is not that big there food here are to die for." said Tomo.
"Well, let's order!" Said Miichan who was hungry.
"Tomochin? Are you feeling good? You haven't said a word since we left the park." Said Takamina who noticed her cousin's behavior.
"I-I'm fine, I'm just thinking of some things, that's all." Replied Tomochon which was was true.
"Hmm...if you say so, but if you're not feeling good tell us ok?"
Tomochin replied her with a nod.

Ordering their foods, they talked a bit more while waiting for it to arrive. After a few minutes of waiting their food finally arrive.
"This look delicious!" Smiled Miichan admiring her food.
"Itadakimasu~" said Takamina and started eating her food and the others did the same.
""Wow~ Tomo-senpai was right this food are to die for, this is really delicious~" said Jurina with food in her mouth.
"Don't stalk with your mouth full" Said Rena.
"Hai~ oka-san~"
"I'm not your mom." Frowned Rena.
"I agree with Jurina, this is delicious." Said Takamina. Earning a nod from the others.
"Thank you~" said Ayaka who was now in front of them.
"We didn't notice you, we were preoccupied with the food since its quite delicious." teased Tomo.
"Hahaha it's ok...I just came here to ask how's the food."
"It's delicious!" Chirped Miichan.
"Ok then, it's a little early to ask but I would to prepare it, what would you like for dessert?"
"We are good on whatever you'll prepare." Smiled Takamina.
"Alright~" I'll make 'this' desert yet." grinned  Ayaka leaving the group alone with their meals.

After finishing their meals, Ayaka came out with an Anmitsu dessert.
"It's been a while since I ate this." Said Tomo.
"Umm...what is it?" Asked Jurina.
"It's called Anmitsu, It is made of small cubes of agar jelly, a white translucent jelly made from red algae or seaweed." Explained Ayaka.
"Oh, I see." Said Jurina with her eyes on the dessert.
"Go ahead, it's really delicious." Grinned Ayaka.

Trying the dessert the group was amazed since it was really delicious.
"This is really good~" said Miichan.
"Thanks~ it's my second time on making this so I wasn't entirely sure on how it was gonna turn out."
"So we're the subjects, huh?" Joked Yuko.
"Well, it's fine with us since it's really delicious."
"I'm glad you like it." smiled Ayaka and excused herself.

Paying their meal they bid their goodbye to Ayaka and headed out.
"We're going our separate ways here." Said Takamina.
"Yeah, it was a fun day! I had an awesome time, thanks for the invite senpai~" Said Jurina. The others nodded in agreement.
"Nyan-Nyan,Tomo, Tomochin  and I are headed this way since we're going in the same direction, see you tomorrow at school!" said Yuko.
"Ok, ja ne!" Said Takamina waving at the fours girls.
"Jurina and I are going this way, see you~" said Rena.
"See you." Said Takamina and Acchan and watched as the figures disappeared.
"That leaves us." Said Takamina gaining a nod from the girl who was beside her.
"We should also start walking or else we'll miss the train." Said Acchan.
"Yep! Ikou~" said Takamina.

While the two walked it was becoming colder. Takamina glanced at Acchan and noticed that the girl was a bit cold. Coming up with an idea she took her jacket off and put it on Acchan. After that she grasped her hands and entwined them with her own. *wow her hands are cold* thought Takamina.

Acchan was feeling the coldness and thought to herself, *I should have brought a thicker jacket.* Snapping out of her thoughts as she felt that she was warmer. Her heart skipped a beat when she felt a hand holding her's. Realizing it was her companion's hand she blushed and asked, "A-aren't y-you cold?"
"Nope! It's ok if it's for Acchan." smiled Takamina humming.

While they sat on the train Takamina felt a head lean on her shoulder. Becoming stiff she slowly turn her head to her right and saw that Acchan was asleep on her shoulder. For a while she kept herself gazing at the sleeping figure sitting beside her. *A sleeping face of an angel.* thought Takamina. Putting her left hand on her chest she also thought, *why is my heart beating so fast...* Acchan mumbled something making Takamina snap out of her thoughts. *oh, she's only talking in her sleep* thought Takamina and sighed. Trying not to move an inch since she didn't want to wake up the girl leaning on her, she got rewarded with cramps.

Hesitating on whether to wake up Acchan or just wait, she decided to wake her up. Shaking the girl beside her Acchan slowly wole up and rubbed her eyes still not fully awake. Confused as her mind was still not able to process where she was, she mumbled, "uhh...where am I?"
"You're on the train." Said Takamina looking at Acchan.
Hearing Takamina's voice she suddenly shot up, trying to remember what happened.
"Oh..." was all she could say as she remembered the events that happened.
"Are you ok Atsuko?" Said Takamina worried, not noticing that she called Acchan by her first name.
Acchan of course noticed the change, *did she just call me by my first name?* thought Acchan and blushed.
"Your face is red," said Takamina and put her forehead on the other girl's, resulting herto blush deeply.
"I-I'm fine!" Squeaked Acchan who quickly pulled away who was still blushing.
"Eh? Really? You're face is red but you don't have a fever."
"I-I'm really fine."
"If you say so Atsuko..." Said Takamina and this time she noticed it.
"Ehh...ummm...I..I.." Said Takamina still not knowing what to say.
"You can call me by my first name...I don't mind." Giggled Acchan as she still watched Takamina's expression.
"Eh? Really?" Beamed Takamina.
"Yup, but I have a request also."
"Name it."
"C-can I call you Minami?"
"Sure, I don't mind." Grinned Takamina and added, "here's our stop we better go now."

Walking for a few minutes they finally arrive in front of Acchan's apartment.
"Thanks for everything." Said Acchan.
"No problem, well sleep well and good night." Said Takamina bidding her goodbyes and started to walk away.
"Minami! Wait!" Said Atsuko as she approached Minami.
"What is it?"
Saying nothing, Atsuko gathered all of her courage and kissed Minami on the cheek.
"Umm...really thank you." Said Acchan who was blushing furiously and ran to her apartment embarrassed.

Takamina who was left there was stunned. It took a few seconds before she finally realized what happened. Her heart was beating fast as she tried to process what happened.
"It was just a friendly kiss on the cheek...yeah...yeah..." Mumbled Takamjna trying to convince herself but still she was blushing.
She began walking home but kept mumbling, "it was just a kiss on the was just a kiss on the cheek..."

To be continued...

idk but this seems like this is a bit longer.... or wut :dunno: and well yeah...idk...idk....hahahaha  :depressed:
credits to wikepedia who i just copied and pasted got the info about the dessert....  :on GJ:

Offline TakaminaBG

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Re: Meeting You (Atsumina,Kojiyuu,TomoTomo,Wmatsui,MariMii) update 3 [2/1/13]
« Reply #26 on: February 02, 2013, 01:39:19 AM »
Yuko, hentai as always! Haruna = Tsundere!
MariMii = Troll Couple
Takamina!!!!!! Why the heck are you so dense?!?!?!
Seriously AtsuMina is melting my heart!!
But I'm still waiting for my TakaTomo moment!!! *grining*
Update SOON!!

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Re: Meeting You (Atsumina,Kojiyuu,TomoTomo,Wmatsui,MariMii) update 3 [2/1/13]
« Reply #27 on: February 02, 2013, 02:02:55 AM »
Sweet tomotomo, a spark is about to start  :D
To bad takamina didn't get a date with acchan but still got a kiss  :w00t:
As for marimii, their just marimii hahahaaa....

Thanx for the update ^^

Offline kahem

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Re: Meeting You (Atsumina,Kojiyuu,TomoTomo,Wmatsui,MariMii) update 3 [2/1/13]
« Reply #28 on: February 02, 2013, 02:14:16 AM »
The couples are so cute~
Marimii seems I don't know, fun?

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Re: Meeting You (Atsumina,Kojiyuu,TomoTomo,Wmatsui,MariMii) update 3 [2/1/13]
« Reply #29 on: February 02, 2013, 05:26:44 AM »
Really lovely the episode  :panic:
Tomotomo couple, tomochin is more
cute with tomo  :inlove:
Minami with a deep thought----Atsumina  :wub:
Thanks.  :twothumbs

Offline Hii_chan

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Re: Meeting You (Atsumina,Kojiyuu,TomoTomo,Wmatsui,MariMii) update 3 [2/1/13]
« Reply #30 on: February 02, 2013, 05:39:59 AM »
Atsumina being separated but end with a kiss (on cheek)  XD
Tomotomo seem have sweet moment :)
kojiyuu like always Yuko pervert and Haruna Tsundere :lol:
Marimii seem complicated :?
nice post :twothumbs
waiting for next update
\\(''^0^)// Sou-chan  \\(^0^)//

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Re: Meeting You (Atsumina,Kojiyuu,TomoTomo,Wmatsui,MariMii) update 3 [2/1/13]
« Reply #31 on: February 02, 2013, 06:41:38 AM »
omg all my favorities pairs :B

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Re: Meeting You (Atsumina,Kojiyuu,TomoTomo,Wmatsui,MariMii) update 3 [2/1/13]
« Reply #32 on: February 02, 2013, 10:19:59 AM »
Thank you for the update...

Kojiyuu & MariMii couplings are together already.

TomoTomo & Wmatsui couplings are going to happen soon enough.

AtsuMina coupling is still not there yet.... since Minami still trying to deny anything related to romantic incidents... as friendly actions.

Very interesting interactions between the coupling in amusement park

Can't wait for the next

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline FNK23

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Re: Meeting You (Atsumina,Kojiyuu,TomoTomo,Wmatsui,MariMii) update 3 [2/1/13]
« Reply #33 on: February 03, 2013, 02:25:39 PM »
bakamina!! It wasnt friendly kiss!! When will you realize it *facepalm myself*

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

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Meeting You (Atsumina,Kojiyuu,TomoTomo,Wmatsui,MariMii) update 3 [2/1/13]
« Reply #34 on: February 03, 2013, 05:00:23 PM »
Here's chapter 4!  This is for TakaminaBG who kept asking for it.... wahahahaha so if ur reading this TakaminaBG you'll get it what you were asking a whole chapter, well most of it  :glasses:
writing this chapter well... :err:
Oh umm Just to say for the Astumina fans please be patient... hahahaha :kneelbow:
I'm making this really slow and painful  :kekeke: (am I bad or wut) lol  :hehehe:
This chapter is short.....(is it?) :badluck: but i made it that way...  :whistle:


                                                                                                          Chapter 4  

"You look like hell." Said Yuko.
"Do I?" Said Takamina putting her head on the desk.
"Yep! Did something happen?"
"N-no, nothing...I just couldn't sleep." Lied Takamina but the last part was true.  Takamina couldn't sleep a wink last night thinking about what happened. It was just a kiss on the cheek however every time she thinks about it her heart beats faster. She only slept for about 3 hours before waking up for early.
"Say, I know something happened last night, you're a bad liar you know." Said Yuko pressing the subject further.
"I got-" before she could say anything else the bell rang. *save by the bell* thought Takamina.

As the class started she didn't really pay attention to the teacher. She just look outside the window.
"Takahashi, Takahashi." Repeated the teacher but Takamina didn't notice her name being called. Yuko who was watching kicked  the seat in front of her making the other girl snap out of whatever she was thinking.
"Takahashi solve this problem."
Standing up trying to figure out what question it is, she heard Yuko tell the problem. *oh this is quite easy...* thought Takamina and gave the answer.
"You got it right but pay attention to class next time." Said the teacher.
"Hai sensei~" answered Takamina mockingly and noticed Acchan looking at her. Sitting back down she just looked in front of the class, they had a new sitting arrangement which she didn't mind at all. After all she's near the window. Staring at the figure sitting in front of the class, she observed the girl.

"Oi, Takamina you're staring." Whispered  Yuko with a slight of amusement in her voice.
"Shut up."
"what am I gonna do with you."  Sighed Yuko.
*something did really happen yesterday* concluded Yuko who was nodding.

Takamina just looked bored the whole morning, she couldn't concentrate. The whole time she was thinking about that kiss. Even though it was only in the cheek it bothered her, not in a bad way but in a fluttering way. Trying to convince herself it was just a kiss on the cheek  and it meant nothing; but her heart doesn't seem to agree.

Excusing herself to go to the bathroom she walked out of class. "Takahashi get a hold if yourself!" She murmured  to herself splashing water to her face and looked at the mirror. Hearing a giggle from one of the stalls. She stopped and listened.
"No, not there." Said the girl moaning.
"Aww...come on you like it here don't you." Replied the other girl.
*what the hell do they think there doing.* thought Takamina as she had an idea on what was happening.
Hearing another moan again she couldn't take it anymore and ran out of the bathroom.

Taking her time walking back to the classroom she thought to herself, *whats wrong with me.*  Joining the classroom she noticed that Acchan was looking at her (again). She went to her seat trying not to act, that she knew that Acchan was watching her.

"Finally." Said Takamina while she stood up and stretched.
"What's up? Takamina, you've been acting strange ever since this morning." Asked Yuko.
"Seriously Yuko you worry too much, I'm fine." Said Takamina.
"Oh really? Like I told you-" said Yuko suddenly stopping as she heard a change of names.
"Minami are you going to the cafeteria?" Asked Acchan walking towards them.
"Hey Atsuko, and  yeah we were just planning on heading there...why?"
"I didn't have time to prepare my lunch so I'll just buy some bread."
"Oh I see...well shall we go?"

While they walked to the cafeteria, "what's with the first name basis now?"  grinned Yuko.
"Eh...umm..." Said Takamina thinking of an answer.
"Did something happen last night?" Asked Yuko with amusement in her voice.
Hearing Yuko mention about last night both girls blushed which made Yuko more interested.
"Oooooh? Something DID happen...what was it?"
"N-nothing happened!" Said Takamina.
"Your face tells the TRUTH you know."
"Really Yuko you're expecting too much." Teased Acchan trying to turn around and change the conversation.
"Yesterday was fun! Thanks for inviting us, we should do it again sometimes."
"Your welcome Acchan and I'm planning too." laughed Yuko.

For the whole weekdays everything went back to normal and nothing interesting really happened. Takamina and Acchan didn't mention anything of it at all. The others notice the first name calling basis and teased them about it , especially Yuko who teased them the most but other than that it there was nothing.

~Weekend Sunday~

Having nothing to do Takamina went to the dojo and practiced, not noticing that someone was watching her. Stopping to take a break she finally noticed a figure standing near the door. Takamina couldn't see her clearly since the sun blinded her. Taking a closer look she noted that it was Tomochin.
"Tomochin?" She asked unsure.
"Hey~ good job, as always." Chuckled Tomochin.
"Thanks." She replied laughing softly, "so what brings you here?"
"Hmm...I was bored so I thought I would visit and here I found you practicing, you were so focused that you didn't even notice me." Grinned Tomochin handing Takamina a towel.
"When I practice martial arts I lose sight of my surroundings AND you know that." Said Takamina taking the towel.
"Well I came here to ask you if you want to go out today?"
"I guess I can go, I'm all finished  here and it's been a while since we went out together." Smiled Takamina.
"You should wait in the house, I'll just take a quick shower and change." said Takamina running in the house.

After a few minutes she was ready and met Tomochin.
"Sorry took me long." Apologized Takamina.
"No, it's ok and I talked to Obasan, it was quite fun."
"Alright, so shall we go?"
"Yup, this will be a date."
"D-date?!" Said Takamina with wide eyes.
"Ikou~" grinned Tomochin holding Takamina's arms.
Knowing not to resist since she'll be with Tomochin the whole afternoon, she just let her. Walking around the mall Tomochin was excited since she saw a lot of clothes that she liked. Going store to store, Takamina just followed Tomochin knowing that her cousin couldn't be stopped once she laid eyes on something that she likes.

Sitting on the chair provided by the shop, she waited while Tomochin went in the dressing room to try some outfits.  Trying to look for something to occupy herself she found nothing. Hearing the curtain open she looked up and saw Tomochin wearing a long, flowing, elegant, beautiful, red short sleeved dress. [too much eh?]
"How is it?" Asked Tomochin while she twirled around with the dress.
"Y-you look beautiful." Blurted out Takamina which surprised Tomochin who wasn't expecting that compliment.
"Thanks~" smiled Tomochin, "I think I would get it then."
Buying the dress they decided to take a break and headed to a cafe.

Meanwhile Acchan decided to go to Takamina's house. She never visited before so she wasn't really sure. Texting Kojiharu she asked where Takamina's house is. Getting a quick reply she looked around the area. Finally spotting the house that Kojiharu informed her about, she approached the big house and rang the door bell. Waiting, she heard the front door unlocked. Opening the door was Takamina's mom, "how can I help you?"
" this Takahashi residence?" Asked Acchan unsure.
"Yes it is."
"Oh ok, my name is Atsuko Maeda and I'm looking for Minami."
"So you're the girl that Minami talks about." Smiled Takamina's mom, "...unfortunately deer, Minami is out right now, she and Tomomi went out a while ago."
"Oh...umm ok...well I'll be going then." Bowed Acchan, disappointed  that Takamina wasn't home.
"Maeda-san thanks for taking care of Minami, she can really be reckless sometimes and I'll tell her that you dropped by."
"Ah, it's no problem and thank you." Replied Acchan bowing once again and departed. Going back to her apartment she thought about Takamina and Tomochin together and somehow felt a pang of jealousy.

Mariko and Miichan were on their 'little date'. While they walked around Mariko suddenly stopped noticing something.
"Why did you stop?" Asked Miichan.
"Look." Said Mariko pointing at the two figures several feet away from them. Looking up to see where Mariko was pointing, Miichan finally noticed them.
"Quick lets hide and follow them~" said Mariko grabbing her partner to hide.
"Eh? Why are we hiding? We should just go and meet them."
"Hmmm...well I have a feeling that something really interesting will happen later."
"But we're supposed to be on a date." Said Miichan raising her eyebrows at her girlfriend.
"'re right...but come on, I really have this gut feeling that something will really happen." Pleaded Mariko to Miichan. "...and if we do tail them...after we're done we'll do whatever you want."
"Honto~? ANYTHING?" Grinned Miichan.
"Yep! Anything I promise you that." Said Mariko not noticing that Miichan was grinning since she was too focused observing the two.

After they went to the cafe, they decided to go watch something and went to the theater. 
"What would you want to watch?" Asked Takamina.
"What about a romantic movie?"
"Alright, I don't mind." Said Takamina and headed to buy a ticket asking for two. Going in to the theater Takamina craved for popcorn and decided to go buy some. Stopping, she turned around and asked, "Tomochin want anything?"
"Hmm...what are you getting?"
"I'm getting a popcorn, want any?"
"Just get me a drink, we'll share the popcorn." Winked Tomochin.
Buying the two drinks and a medium popcorn she headed back but stopped in her tracks when she felt that someone was watching her. Looking around to see her surroundings. She dismissed her feelings as she saw that no one was watching her and went back where Tomochin was.

Tailing the two figures, Mariko and Miichan were almost caught. When they saw the two go in the theater, they lost track of them and was just about to leave. However they saw Takamina walked out again and bought a popcorn and two drinks. Seeing her again the duo decided to go in to watch the same movie also. As they followed Takamina, they saw her stop and look around. Good thing they also stopped when Takamina stopped since they were almost spotted. The duo was saved when a group of people passed by them as Takamina looked at there direction.
"*phew* that was close." Sighed Mariko.
"So they're watching a romantic movie...this seems like a date to me." Said Miichan as she looked at the poster of the movie  that Takamina and Tomochin chose.
"Should we go in too?" Asked Miichan looking at the talker girl.
"Do you want to go watch it?" winked Mariko.
"I don't have a choice do I?" sighed Miichan.
"Come on it'll be fun." Said Mariko and bought two tickets for them and entered the same room where Takamina and Tomochin were.

After spending two hours watching the movie, it was finally finished. During the movie they both laughed and cried especially Takamina who was emotional.
"I thought you've changed since you've become strong but your still the same old you." Said Tomochin laughing.
"W-well the movie was really sad you know, s-so of course I cried." Said Takamina embarrassed.
"Don't worry, it's cute." Grinned Tomochin.
"Is there anything else you want to go? Tomomi-ojousama." teased Takamina as she bowed.
"Mou~ stop that." Pouted Tomochin.
"Hai, Tomomi ojousama~"
"Seriously stop it." Said Tomochin softly hitting Takamina.
"Aww...that hurts, ojousama~" acted Takamina while she was holding her arm that got hit.
"I'll hit you for real."
"Hai,hai...shall we go then?" laughed Takamina softly.

The duo enjoyed the movie making them forget about Takamina and Tomochin during that time. After finishing the movie they were about to stop following the two however Mariko's 'gut feeling' was getting stronger. Following her gut she convinced Miichan that this will be it then they could go home. Finally agreeing the duo followed the two when they made there way out.

Walking on the side of the river, Takamina noticed the sun.
"Look." Said Takamina pointing at the horizon.
"Kirei..." Said Tomochin, her voice filled with  amazement as she watched the sunset.
"I agree..."
As they watched the sunset Tomochin said,
"Takamina...thanks for everything. I had fun today."
"No problem, you're my beloved cousin after all and glad that you had fun today." Smiled Takamina who was still gazing at the sunset.

"Wow, the sunset is beautiful today." Said Miichan amazed at what she was seeing. The duo hid behind the supporting material for the bridge. They agreed that after this they were going to stop. The duo waited and watched patiently like they were expecting to see something big.
"Ne, said that after this, you'd do anything right?"
"Yeah I said that, why?"
"Hmm...what do you have in mind?" said Mariko having a guess on what her girlfriend wants."
"I'll tell you later." Said Miichan, too shy to say it and went back on watching those two.
"I wonder what there saying." Said Miichan curious.
"Too bad we can't go closer." Said Mariko and added, "Should we go?"  While they were about to give up they saw something unexpected. They leaned in closer trying to get a better view. Their jaws drop while they witnessed what was happening. Snapping out of it, Mariko took out her phone and took a picture and Miichan  did the same.

"You know when we were children, you were really cool and of course  even today you're still cool and cute." Said Tomochin remembering their childhood memories. The things they went through, things that they experienced and all the things that they did together.
"Hahaha what made you bring this things up?"
"Remember when I was getting picked on and you came to my rescue? It was really c-"
"Nooo~ don't mention that, that was really embarrassing." Said Takamina trying not to think of it.
"There was this time also when it was time for us to go far away and you came up to me kissed me on the cheek and you promised me you will m-"
"Stooooooop~ Why are you bringing this up?" Squeaked  Takamina obviously embarrassed.
" came up to me, kissed me on the cheek  and promised me that you will make me your bride." Smiled Tomochin reminiscing  the memory.
"Waahhh... You said it!" Said Takamina covering up her ears even though it was too late and shook her head.
*She only calls me by my first name when she's serious.* thought Takamina and composed herself.
"Minami...look at me."
Obeying her cousin she looked up at the taller girl and saw that Tomochin was really serious. 

Tomochin looked at the smaller girl in front of her. She was only teasing her, however when Takamina looked at Tomochin with those eyes. She got petrified and her mind went blank. Letting her body take over her mind she put her hand on the smaller girl's face tracing every part of it. Putting her right hand on Takamina's chin; Pulling the smaller girl's body toward her with her left hand she tilted Takamina's face upwards using her right hand. Staring into the smaller girl's eyes Tomochin leaned in closer.

Takamina didn't know what to do. She was confused and clueless. Her cousin touched her face which made her shiver. Not expecting it, she was pulled closer to her and her cousin tilted her head upwards. While her cousin looked at her she couldn't process what to do. She was confounded. Tomochin leaned in closer to Takamina. Takamina could feel Tomochin's breathing. Stunned that Tomochin was close to her face she couldn't think on what to do, her mind was blank. Suddenly she felt a warm sensation against her lips; she was frozen in place.

..............................The sky got dark........
                                                      the sun disappeared in the horizon.

The End... :on drink: *cough*  *cough* I mean...  :on beatup
                                                                                                                           .....To be continued...

har, har, har  :onioncheer: :on cigar:

 :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :byebye: :byebye:

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Re: Meeting You (Atsumina,Kojiyuu,TomoTomo,Wmatsui,MariMii) update 4 [2/3/13]
« Reply #35 on: February 03, 2013, 05:18:35 PM »
OH MY GO!!!!! Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
My TakaTomo..... SO CUTE!!!! More? *grins*
The date was amazing. I think they really had fun. And the troll couple saw everything!!! This is getting interesting!
Please update SOON!!

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Re: Meeting You (Atsumina,Kojiyuu,TomoTomo,Wmatsui,MariMii) update 4 [2/3/13]
« Reply #36 on: February 03, 2013, 05:36:45 PM »
Thanks for the update! Aw Takatomo is cute as well but Atsumina is too!!! So complicated! Seems like Tomochin is a step ahead of Atsuko though with that kiss :P

& lol at mariko and miichan following the two...& they even took out their camera phones! guessing they're going to complicate Takamina's life :P

Thanks again, can't wait for the next chapter :D

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Re: Meeting You (Atsumina,Kojiyuu,TomoTomo,Wmatsui,MariMii) update 4 [2/3/13]
« Reply #37 on: February 03, 2013, 05:55:01 PM »
I like Takatomo too but I love Atsumina :)
so..please make it faster :bow: :bow:
I want to see more Atsumina sweet moment

but   :huhuh Tomochin is one who stole Minami's first kiss  :shocked

waiting for your next update :bow:
\\(''^0^)// Sou-chan  \\(^0^)//

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Re: Meeting You (Atsumina,Kojiyuu,TomoTomo,Wmatsui,MariMii) update 4 [2/3/13]
« Reply #38 on: February 03, 2013, 08:09:13 PM »
wow i love atsumina  but takatomo is cute too... and we need more drama.. :B

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Re: Meeting You (Atsumina,Kojiyuu,TomoTomo,Wmatsui,MariMii) update 4 [2/3/13]
« Reply #39 on: February 04, 2013, 02:33:45 AM »
Woow  :w00t:  Takatomo  :wub:
Tomo take the initiative  :O
mariko use that photo for the good and show to acchan. 
really great update you fic
is more good everytime   :twothumbs

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