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Author Topic: Meeting You (AtsuMina, TomoTomo, WMatsui, MariMii, KojiYuu) - COMPLETED  (Read 59128 times)

Offline BbSis

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Your story is so cool! O/ the couples are so perfect *.*

Nhyaaaa I want to know Takamina's answer ><

Please update soon!

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
Oneshots at Perv area

Offline Hii_chan

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  • love all Takamina's pairing
Takamina please say NO
and Acchan,  you should go for your husband
thanks for your update :welcome
\\(''^0^)// Sou-chan  \\(^0^)//

Offline chichay12

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  • atsumina for life....
minami say NO!!
Just think about acchan!XD

Offline cisda83

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I hope the answer is yes....

At least let them... have a good memory even for their childhood love....

Then, may be they can both relies their feeling is just a monkey love... not a romantic love...

Well then they break up in good term... and go to their specific partner....

Or something like that... That was just my opinion....

Tomo~mi and Atsuko are heartbroken even before confessing their loves.... it's heart-breaking screen.

Thank you for the update... can't wait to see the next

 :wub: :inlove: :heart: :love:

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline chemicalstar

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Aaaahhhhh NOOOO!! Make it ATSUMINA!!!!!!

Offline hitomi hagiwara

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YES or NO? only you (author) know the answer. keep it up!

Offline FNK23

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make it YES pleaseee
its quite interesting to see acchan and tomo suffering for their takatomo pairing jajajaaa

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

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Meeting You (Atsumina,Kojiyuu,TomoTomo,Wmatsui,MariMii) VOTE! [2/13/13] ch.6
« Reply #68 on: February 23, 2013, 01:22:56 AM »
@Chi: ahahahaha yepp xD you'll see the asnwer as soon as you read the first line? lol
@no-chan: ahahaha thanks....and you'll see... might get mad though or not... ;p
@stepk: yes...she decided to do it...and'll just see and soon enough.. hehe
@Haruko: lol, sorry, wanted to end it there... xD
@TakaminaBG: hahahaha  :peace: :peace: :peace:
@Bbis: lol thanks~ you'll see it...btw love ur latest story :D
@Hii_chan: ^_^ you'll be surprised
@cisda83: nice
@chemicalstar: hahaha think of it as a xD
@hitomi hagiware: hahaha yepp, thanks~
@FNK23: lol you wanna see 'em suffer eh? ;)

~Thanks for the comments.....  :)

my five day update was broken...  :badluck: gomen..... even though we had like 3 days off school since there was a snow storm I didn't work on this... :depressed:
I a game....  :smoke: hahahaha....and I needed to upload things on YouTube since I never uploaded for a month and a half...ever since i got glued in this website...  :on lol: hahaha... and wow.... close votes on that voting thingy..... xD well let's see what happens~  :hehehe:
                                                                                                               Chapter 7
Tomochin held her breath waiting for the answer. Her heart pounding.
"...My answer is...yes..." Said Takamina.

Tomochin's eyes widened at the realization, and at the same time she really felt that she could do anything. She felt that she was:  joyful, upbeat and excited but she stayed calm and didn't try to show how delighted she was.

She watched a couple of feet away from the two figures. She couldn't believe her ears and what she was seeing. She thought that they were going out since of the kiss but 'as in' today they were really officially going out. If she knew. If she only knew that they weren't together at the beginning. Then, she would've made a move. Just watching the scene laid out in front of her made her heart ache; every second. Hearing it with her own ears; she was ready to give up her love for the other person. She murmured, "if you really love her then I won't get in your way but I'll always be here for you...cheering you on the sidelines." Saying the last word, she turned away and left. A tear forming up, rolling down on her cheek.

Takamina smiled at the reaction of the other girl. She was about to say something, when she suddenly thought that she saw someone. Looking again at the same spot, she saw no one and just shrugged it off. Turning her attention to the person in front if her she said, "so...what now?"
"Want to go somewhere?" grinned Tomochin.

Days passed and the two went out, enjoying there time together. Not even aware that there were two people that was hurting. They didn't know why, but they decided to keep there relationship a secret. Not telling anyone. However most of there friends kind of knew that the two were dating, since Tomochin was all over Takamina.

Acchan walked with  Miichan going to there usual place for lunch. Miichan who was worried asked, "Ne, are you holding up?"
"Don't worry, I'm fine." answered Acchan smiling weakly. Obviously a lie. She tried to forget about her feelings for the smaller girl but her heart and mind wouldn't obey. Her mind racing with a lot of thoughts, *Why can't I just forget my feelings about her? No matter how much I try it just wouldn't go. I thought that if I keep my distance away from her then I would forget, but the result is just the opposite. Takahashi Minami your a daredevil that took my heart. I've deeply fallen for you, but my wish will not come true, since you love another person. I will still stand beside you.*  Breaking out of her thoughts as she heard her friend say something, she just said yes without knowing what it was.
"Ok! So we're gonna go out today after school, oh, meet me near the gates."
"Huh? What? Out?"
"Yep!" Grinned Miichan and whispered, "maybe you'll find someone."
"Hey I heard that!" Said Acchan hitting her friend lightly on the shoulder, laughing.
"Well you never know...and glad to see that you're now laughing." Smiled Miichan, happy to see that her friend was laughing once again.
"Hmm, but I thought you have a 'date' with Mariko?" Winked Acchan.
"Errr...well we had a plan but something came up for Mariko~ so I'll be using you as a substitute!" Laughed Miichan.
"I heard that." Said Mariko who was running after them, "so...does that mean that I'm not so special to you." She added, dramatically posing.
"Oh, my love~ you know that I only love you and you alone." Said Miichan playing along.
"...b-but you said that I can be substituted, meaning that anyone is fine as long as you're spending your time with them." Answered Mariko raising her right arm and put it on her forehead covering her eyes.
"No, I didn't say anything like that."
"Kind of like that."
"Didn't we promise that we'll be together?" Said Miichan moving towards the taller girl.
"How could such things happen when you...when you-"
"Hush, my love." Said Miichan putting her finger against Mariko's lip to stop her from talking. She looked into the taller girl's eyes. She leaned in closer to Mariko's ear, whispering, "your mine and I am yours." Their faces were only a few centimeters away, leaning in for a kiss. However Acchan who was watching the 'make up drama'yelled,
"Ok guys, stop! Do that at your own free time!"
"Ehhh? Acchan why'd you stop them, it was totally getting to the good part." Grinned Yuko, appearing behind them along with Kojiharu. Saying that, Kojiharu hit her.
"Iiitai Nyan-Nyan, you know one day I'll have a big bruise because you keep hitting me a lot."
"And who's fault do you think it is." Said Kojiharu raising her eyebrow at the smaller girl, making her stop talking.
"Oh, Yuko if I would've known that you were watching, I would've spiced it up a little." Grinned Mariko, who was now just holding hands with Miichan.
"Awww, too bad maybe next time." Replied Yuko who earned another smack from her girlfriend.
"If there will be next time."  Winked Miichan.
"Seriously guys, can we like go and eat out lunch now?" Sighed Acchan, but she got to admit it was pretty funny.
"Is someone lonely?" Teased Yuko.
"No, I'm not!" Denied Acchan.
"Hahaha, I'm only teasing you."
"Hey guys, what's up?" Asked Takamina who appeared with Tomochin. Ever since they 'went out' the two are 'always' together. Well almost.
"...You know...usual stuff." Grinned Yuko.
"Enough talking girls~We should go eat now~ I'm hungry~" said Miichan as her stomach growled, "yup, see, my stomach agrees." joked Miichan making everyone burst into laughter.

Acchan who saw the two, just nodded and smiled. Acchan thought. *Takamina and I really have drifted apart. We don't have a lot of time together anymore ever since..." She was saddened by that thought. She missed her company. She missed her smile and laugh that was directed at her. She even missed the smaller girl's joke even though it always fails, however Takamina didn't fail Acchan to make her laugh. Acchan just missed spending there time together and everything about the smaller girl.

Few minutes later Jurina and Rena  showed up.
"What did we miss?" Asked Jurina having a feeling that her senpai did  something.
"Just missed a lot~" replied Yuko.
"Eh? What was it?"
"Aww, c'mon, it'll bother me the whole afternoon." Exclaimed Jurina who was eager to know what happen.
"Stop asking our senpai questions!" Scolded Rena lightly making Jurina stop.
"Hahaha, this is amusing." Laughed Yuko.

"Oh yeah what happened to Tomo? She wasn't here this morning." Asked Takamina, noticing that her friend didn't show up.
"Oh, she sent me a message this morning, saying that she's sick." Answered Yuko who also thought, *maybe a little love sick too.*
"Eh? She's sick?" Said Tomochin somehow a little hurt that Tomo didn't tell her anything.
"Yeah, she didn't tell you?"
All of them shook their heads.
"Uh...she probably wanted me to tell you instead of her sending a lot of messages."
"How about we visit senpai later? After club practice." Suggested Jurina.
"Ah, Acchan and I have a 'date'." Said Miichan who earned a questioning glance from the others and they also looked at Mariko.

Takamina was bothered when Miichan said that Acchan and her will be going on a date. She looked at Acchan and Miichan. Acchan just sat there, not a hint of expression on her face while Miichan just ate casually. Couldn't help herself she said, "a date?"
"Yep, a date!" Grinned Miichan who was getting amused at Takamina's expressions.
Takamina then looked at Mariko but she didn't say anything, instead she was smirking. Even though she was 'going out' with Tomochin, she suddenly felt a pang of jealousy, hearing that. Ignoring whatever she was feeling. She shook her head dismissing the thoughts that will probably pop out.

"...oh yeah I can't go, I would want to go but I can't skip this one...sorry guys." Apologized Mariko.
"Actually me and Acchan could postpone our so called 'date', friends are important too you know." Said Miichan.

Hearing that Takamina somehow felt relieved. She doesn't even know why but she just do.
"Tomochin and I can go." Said Takamina.
"We're also coming along of course!" Said Jurina.
"Nyan-Nyan and I will come too~" said Yuko.
"Ok so we're all going except for Mariko then?" Said Takamina.
"Yes~" they all answered in unison.
"Ok now, that is  all settled, what should we bring her?"
"Umm...what about fruits?" Suggested Kojiharu.
"Yeah, that's good."

After their practice, all of them set out to go to Tomo's house.
"Hmm, where can we buy fruits?" Asked Takamina.
"Oh, there's a shop near there." Said Tomochin.
Takamina just nodded.
"Oh yeah, you live in the same neighborhood, right?" Asked Yuko.
"Kind of."
"Oh, so can we go to your house after the visit?" Asked Miichan.
"Yeah, I want to see your house!" Said Yuko, backing up Miichan.
"Wanna go to~" said Kojiharu cheerfully.
"We wanna go!~" claimed Jurina and Rena just sighed.
"Ok, fine." Agreed Tomochin while Takamina just laughed lightly.

Reaching the store, they bought some fruits and some of them bought a few snacks.
"Is this enough?" Asked Takamina who was carrying the fruits.
"Yeah, that's plenty to me." Said Yuko.
"Ok, I'll go pay."
"Oh, I'll come, I need to pay these too." Said Yuko who was carrying junk foods. Jurina and Miichan followed them with their 'goods' too. Acchan, Tomochin, Kojiharu  and Rena headed outside to wait.

After a few minutes of waiting the four people finally showed up.
"Sorry, the line was kind of long." Apologized Takamina.
"No, it's ok, we didn't mind." said Acchan.
"Shall we go?"

After 10 minutes of walking they finally arrived at Tomo's house. Yuko went in front of the door and rang the doorbell. The others behind her.
"You know I've never been in Tomo's house." Said Miichan.
"Same here~" said the others except for Takamina and Yuko who has been in there a million times.
"'ll see now." Said Yuko.
The door finally opened and revealed Tomo's mom.
"Ara, if it isn't Minami-chan and Yuko-chan, it's been some time since you visited. Oh and you've got quite a large crew, why don't you come in."
"Konichi wa." All of them said in sync and bowed.
While they entered all of them also said, "Ojamashimasu."
"Ummm, we heard that Tomo is sick, so we came to pay a visit." Said Takamina.
"Oh yes yes, she's in her room. I don't think she's asleep so go on ahead." She answered and excused herself.
The eight of them climbed up the stairs quietly since they wanted to surprise Tomo. Arriving in front of her door, Yuko burst in the door shouting, "Hey! Tomo!~"

Tomo was surprised surprised when she saw Yuko burst in, but got relieved when the others came in. 
"Hey~" all of them greeted.
"How are you doing?" Asked Tomochin who went up to her and put her hand on Tomo's forehead.
Tomo who wasn't expecting to get touched by the other girl blush making her face reddish.
"You look like you're blushing~" teased Yuko.
"N-no I'm not! It's just because of the heat since I'm sick, it's kind of hot."
"And what do you mean by hot?" Winked Yuko who continued to tease her friend. Before Tomo could answer, Kojiharu interrupted saying, "so how's the fever?"
"It's getting better." Answered Tomochin.
"Oh yeah, we brought u some fruits." Said Takamina, "but it's down on the kitchen."
"So, how do you feel?"
"Heh, getting better." Grinned Tomo. She had time to think about her feelings and really she didn't hate her friend. If Tomochin was happy to be with Takamina, then she was cool with it and decided to cope with it. But sometimes she still feel her heart ache every here and then.
"Hahaha, that's good, our juniors were asking about you during practice." Laughed Takamina.
"Well, it just shows how popular I am?" Said Tomo with a amusement in her voice.
"You wish." Teased Yuko.
"You two~ we came here to ask how she's doing not tease her." Said Tomochin.
"Hah, we always do this to each other, whoever is down." Said Yuko and got a sigh from Kojiharu.

Jurina and Rena were looking around the room when they entered. Jurina who saw a photo album took it out and started flipping through the photos.
"Aww, cute~" squealed  Rena who saw a picture of Tomo, Takamina and Yuko when they were younger. All of got quiet and looked at there direction.
"What are you looking at?" Asked Kojiharu.
"Photos of Takamina, Tomo and Yuko s-." Said Rena, she was about to say senpai but she remembered them saying not to call them senpai, instead just there names is fine.
"Nooo~!" shouted the trio at the same time, embarrassed.
"Those times are too embarrassing." Said Takamina covering up her face. Yuko and Tomo just agreed. Seeing their expressions Acchan, Tomochin, Miichan and Kojiharu went to join Jurina and Rena.
Every photos that they saw, they were squealing saying how cute they are. The trio was just quiet not knowing what to say.

Kojiharu, Miichan, Tomochin, Jurina, Rena were commenting how cute they are. Acchan acted calm but inside, when she saw Takamina's child self she was squealing.

"Eh?Tomochin you too? you already knew me since we were kids."
"Yeah~ but I never saw these pictures."

Jurina passed the photo album to the others and looked for more. Seeing another one, she opened it and the very first picture were when they were a 'mess' Takamina who was smiling had a broken tooth, Yuko had a black eye and Tomo who had some bruise.  Jurina was surprise and asked, "woah, what happened here?"
"Here." Jurina showed them the picture, holding it up. 
"Hahahaha, that brings back memories!" Laughed Yuko aloud.
"I agree." Said Tomo.
"I remember that was when we were 10 years old, we were playing on the park, then we saw these boys teasing a girl." Informed Takamina.
"...and Takamina here, went charging to them so we had no choice but to follow and we got into a fight with them." Added Yuko.
"It was 6 against 3...we had a hard time but we beat them, then again we got some bruises on our own. After that we decided to take a photo since that was our very first fight and you know a memory." Finished Tomo.
"Oooooh, that was brave of you." Said Rena.
"...but you know after that we never saw that girl again, I wonder what happened." Said Takamina in wonder. 

Acchan who heard the story suddenly remembered something.

"Ray-chan." She called, on the verge of crying for not getting an answer. Her family came to Tokyo to visit their cousins. Acchan's uncle told his daughter to play with Acchan. She agreed and took her to the playground. They got a along since they were the same age and Ray always wanted to meet her cousin. The two played on the swings. Ray who forgot something, apologized and said she'll be back really quickly. She ran to their house since it's close, thus leaving Acchan playing with herself. Acchan was getting worried since her cousin wasn't coming back and it's already some time before she left. Worried, she called out to her cousin, "Ray-chan?...Ray-chan?" She wasn't getting any answer. Thinking that her cousin probably left her, she was about to cry. Suddenly six boys came around the same age as her and started teasing her. Couldn't do anything she was about to cry, however a small girl showed up and said,
"Leave her alone!"
"Why would we do that?" Said the boy.
"Because if you don't...if you don't...then...I'll beat you guys up!" Said the girl with confidence.
The boys just laughed at the girl ignoring her, and went back to teasing the other girl. Getting angry, the small girl launched herself at the taller boy, punching him. Acchan eyes went wide as she saw what was happening. She wanted to help the girl that helped her as she was suddenly getting beat up, but she knew she wouldn't be much help. Looking a round to look for someone, she didn't saw anyone. Finally, she decided just to help the small girl even though she couldn't fight but suddenly she saw two other girls show up and started fighting. She watched as both parties punched each other. The trio were fighting with two boys each.

Takamina was winning but suddenly she didn't see it coming when the boy punched her on the mouth resulting a tooth to get broken. Surprised with what happened to her tooth, she raged and paid them back...twice the pain.
Yuko was just going all out punching and kicking everywhere; suddenly she felt sting in her eye, not knowing what it was she just ignored the pain and kept going.
Tomo wasn't having a hard time, she was holding her ground pretty well. She only escaped with a few bruises. The boys who realized that they were getting beaten up ran away shouting, "we won't forget about this!" The trio breathed heavily but were happy that they were successful. Acchan was amazed by how brave they are. Acchan approached the trio, thanking them. She ran away quickly and headed back. Returning back she knew the reason why her cousin didn't come back. The reason why Acchan never thought about it was because it was a bad day.

~what happened after that incident~
Before Takamina could say anything Acchan took off. Takamina said, "are you ok?" Even though the girl already disappeared.
"What were you thinking?" Said Yuko.
"...wanting to help the girl?"
Yuko just sighed and said, "you know your an idiot sometimes but that's one good thing about you."
"Hey, I'm not an idiot!" Defended Takamina.
"Let me rephrase it then, you always try to help people, not thinking about your own situation or safety."
" that so? But I'm fine aren't I?"
Yuko sighed again and this time she winced feeling the pain on her right eye.
"Yuko! You have a black eye." Said Tomo.
"Eh?! Nooo..." Yelled Yuko, "my father will kill me if he sees this."
"We would all get yelled at." Said Takamina showing what happened to her tooth.
"We have a lot of explaining to do." Said Tomo, already trying to think of something for an excuse for her bruises.


Acchan remembering that day,  was surprised and looked at Takamina. *Eh, that was them...then...that means I was saved by her twice now. I never really thought about that day since bad things happened.*
"Acchan~ it seemed like you were thinking of something, what was it?" Asked Miichan. 
Miichan knowing that her friend was thinking of something, and if she didn't want anyone to know; then she won't press the subject further and would just ignore it.

While Miichan flipped through the photos, Tomochin found herself
looking at the young Tomo and smiled to herself thinking, *kawaii~*
"'ey, Tomochin what's with the smile~?" Grinned Miichan who noticed her friend's action.
"You're thinking too much, Miichan."
"I don't think so, it's just...I'm quite the observant."
"Is that so? Well should we go then? I think we're disturbing Tomo, she needs rest." Said Tomochin trying to change the subject, however what she said was true; Tomo needed rest.

"Tomo, we're gonna go, you need some rest. Hope you get better." Smiled Tomochin.
"Oh,okay." Said Tomo who was a bit disappointed that they're leaving.
"Bye Tomo, get well!" Said Yuko, waving at her friend. The others bid their goodbyes as well.
"Ja ne~ thanks for the visit, but Takamina can you stay a bit I want to tell you something." All of them looked at one another, wondering what was it all about.
"Yeah sure." Said Takamina. The others went outside but didn't go down yet. Yuko, Miichan and Jurina who was curious put there ears on the door, trying to hear if they could get what the two were talking about.
"What are you three doing? Leave them be!" Scolded Kojiharu.  The three not listening to what Kojiharu said, just ignore her. Seeing that it won't work, she just left them be and waited.
Inside the room, Tomo and Takamina knew that Yuko and them was probably listening but just shrugged it off.
"So, what is it?"
"Come closer." Said Tomo motioning the other girl to come over. Takamina went closer to her friend.
When she was there, Tomo pulled Takamina's collar down and whispered, "Take care of her...if you make her cry, I'll break every bones in your body. Never maker her sad, make her happy..."
Takamina was astonished, as slow as ever she didn't get what her friend was trying to say but she just nodded.
"Ok good, now get out of here." Said Tomo jokingly.
"Yeah, see you." Said Takamina and went to the door. Opening the  door she saw Yuko, Miichan and Jurina and murmured, "I knew it." She sighed and said, "what are you doing?"
"Nothing, it's not like we were trying to hear what you were talking about." Said Jurina nervously. Yuko face palm herself and elbowed Jurina lightly.
"Ok, whatever, lets go."
Heading down the stairs, Tomo's mother appeared into view saying, "leaving now?"
"Yes, we didn't want to disturb her too long." Said Takamina.
"I see...take care then."
"Thanks." Said Takamina doing a quick bow and the others did the same; all of them going out the door.

Reaching outside, Miichan enthusiastically said, "go forth to Tomochin's house!" doing a weird pose.
"Hahaha, what the heck was that?" Laughed Yuko.
"A pose, duh~"
"Hahahaha, well it was a funny pose!" Yuko laughed harder, while the others laughed too.
"So, can we go now?" Said Miichan.
"Sure." Said Tomochin who was still half laughing.
"Ok, seriously, it's not funny anymore, so stoooooop laughing >_<" said Miichan.
"I got a picture of it." Said Jurina, "I wonder what Mariko-senpai would say."
"I bet she'll laugh too!" Said Yuko who was still laughing.
"Fine, laugh all you want, I'm going ahead." Pouted Miichan and started walking.
"Umm...Miichan?" Said Takamina.
"What!?" She answered, whirling around.
"That's the wrong way, it's this way."
"Hahaha, c'mon let's go." Said Tomochin, grabbing  Takamina's hands, holding hands.

To be continued... yeah... what ya think? I didn't do any details on there date...lolol :p but YES THEY ARE GOING OUT! hehehe...let that sink... ;p and uh...that got a little

Offline Elo

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no i want my atsumina not takatomo

ma ii ka please update soon :bow:
Love AKB

Love this Pairing
                                And more ^^

Offline BbSis

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Great chapter o/

My godi! I squealed so much over the marimii part huahuahuah

I was expecting that answer. Takamina is too kind to turn her own cousin down like this . Plus she didn't even realised she likes Acchan xD and the same applies to Tomochin with Tomo. Huahuahua

What happened on that day that Acchan don't like to remwmber? I smell something bad and sad ><

Btw, I wonder how a snow storm is. :?  Do you want to trade a bit of that cold for a bit of the 40 celcius degrees that. Has been doing here these days? 8D

Waiting ansiouly for the update o/

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
Oneshots at Perv area

Offline Haruko

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omg.. i love atsumina and tomotomo, but yeah we need a little drama.. jeje jealousytakaboy is fun for me :B

Offline stepk

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you change the answer  :panic:
but is really interesting
in this form
tomo threatening  :w00t:
cool  :twothumbs
thanks for upload.

Offline arrow27

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Great chapter! Thanks for the update :D & wow, with Minami dating Tomo it's def bound to create some drama. & Hopefully Tomo won't have to result to breaking every bone in Minami's body lol.

Loved the flashbacks. I like how the trio did everything together & saved Acchan back then :)

Looking forward to the next chapter!

Offline FNK23

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yeaah, takamina going out with tomochiinn, thankss XDD
well lets see, tomochin house = a lot of memories of takatomo, means more jealousy acchann~
looking forward the next update

Offline cisda83

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Yeah... Takamina said 'YES'

Ah... They are always together and get along....

Takamina is jealous of the so called 'date' between Atsuko and Miichan.

Takamina, Yuko and Tomo rescued Atsuko when they were young.. and can't remember who was the girl that they rescued.

What was that bad day.... on the day Atsuko was rescued?

Tomochin thought Tomo~mi was cute when she was young.... hehehe

Can't wait to see the next update

And Thank you for the update

 :wub: :inlove: :heart: :love: :P

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Tomo~mi is threated Takamina.... to take care of Tomochin... such a good person

Offline TakaminaBG

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Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My TAKATOMO!!!!!! But WAIT!! Why are they keeping it a secret. Nothing good ever come out of this....
And Acchan is the kid from Yuko's, Takamina's and Tomo's childhood. Why didn't she say anything?
Please Update SOON!!

Offline chichay12

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i cant take it!!! :banghead:
by the way flamey~~~
NICE UPDATE :thumbsup

Offline LukeMatsuda

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Very good!! :)

Tomo's poor :cry:.  I WANT TOMOTOMO !!!

But I am very interested in your point of view of history.
Tomo will not do anything?  :(

Please continue  :bow:

I can't wait to see the next update

Offline fausto

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Minami regain your spirit!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bow: :banghead: This is Atsuko that you love  :heart: Aaaah can't wait for the update, wish for some atsumina of course!!!

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