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Author Topic: Meeting You (AtsuMina, TomoTomo, WMatsui, MariMii, KojiYuu) - COMPLETED  (Read 59142 times)

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

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  • Atsumina~! ♥ forever <3
I could've updated Friday night but I spent my weekend with friends so couldn't put it up...ahahahaha.. yeah...anyways...this will be could say something BIG (well probably) will happen!!! xD     I want to end this quickly so yeah...  :kekeke:

                                                                                                                               Chapter 10
For the past few days Takamina really began to question her feelings for Tomochin and what her thoughts about the girl. The smaller girl went back to her 'spacing self' again. It's been five days since that night.
"Oi! Kaichou! Stop staring in to space! You're spacing out!" shouted Yuko who was talking with Jurina. Takamina didn't even hear what the othe girl said and just kept doing what she was doing.
"Seriously...lately she hasn't been herself." mumbled Yuko.
"Hahaha...she always have troubles...I think." said Jurina.
" might be right." chuckled Yuko patting the girl on the back.
"Love life...I guess."
"Hah! Speak for yourself." grinned Yuko. Jurina looked at the older girl, giving her a weird look.
"Hohoho...Why are you looking at me like that, I'm right, ain't I?"
"Oh~ Right on~ hit the spot~"
" keep on teasing people on this stuff."sighed Jurina.
"Hah! If they* were here I'm sure you'll get more teased."
"Good thing they aren't then."

"You two! Stop taking a lot of breaks all the time, go back to practice." yelled Rena who was still sparring with Tomo.
"Stop looking at your precious Jurina, you'll loose focus~" teased Tomo.

"Your Rena is so bossy~" said Yuko.
"Hahaha she's more than that." chuckled Jurina. Yuko just sighed and went back to practice while Jurina took her time and watched Rena.

Takamina stopped moving, putting down her shinai she sat on the floor and sighed. For the past few days, she had been thinking and finally came to a conclusion. She thought that the sooner it is done it'll be better for both of them; so they could stop living in a lie anymore. Earlier during after their last period, Takamina asked Tomochin if she could wait for her so they could talk. Looking at the time it was almost time to go. Every time that the time gets closer and closer to the agreed meeting, Takamina really felt nervous and... guilty for what she have to do. Taking a deep breath she shouted, "yosh!" making the whole group look at her.
"Ah, ignore that." said Takamina.

After a few minutes their practice finally ended. As soon as they were finished Takamina changed quickly  and dashed out of the dojo.

"Takamina! Where you going!?" asked Yuko as she saw the other girl leave quickly. Takamina just raised her hand on the air, waving goodbye while she ran.
"Where is that girl going in a hurry. I hope she doesn't stay out late they say that it'll start snowing this evening."
" meet Tomochin." said Jurina.
"Maybe~" said Yuko in wonder.

Takamina ran up to where Tomochin is standing, waving at the other girl.
"I came here as soon as I could." said Takamina breathing heavily.
"So...what did you want to talk to me about?" asked Tomochin in wonder.
"Should we go for a walk."

As they walked it was silent. Walking for a few minutes they reached the place where everything started. Takamina stopped walking and looked at the river. Tomochin did the same and sensed that there was something wrong but kept quiet. Tomochin would wait for the other girl to tell her whatever it was. Takamina opened her mouth and started talking, "Tomochin...I...I enjoyed our time together." As soon as Tomochin heard those, she knew what was coming. She clenched her fist and shut her eyes.
"...Spending our time was really fun, it was really fun." said Takamina and turned around to look at the other girl. The smaller girl placed her hands on the other girl's shoulder and urged Tomochin to look at her. Tomochin didn't look at the tiny girl, she kept her head down and looked at the ground.
"I'm sorry...Tomochin...sorry." said Takamina sadly. As she said those words snow started falling.

Tomochin felt her knees wobble. She knew what the other girl's words were. She felt weak and shut her eyes trying not to let her tears flow as they pleased. She didn't dare to open her mouth as she didn't know what words will come out.

"...I'm really sorry.  I can't keep loving you that way. I really am flattered that you feel that way for me. But now that I really think about it there's another person out there that is far more greater than me and I think I know who that person is." Takamina smiled while saying the last sentence. Tomochin who tried not to cry, finally let herself go and sobbed. The shorter girl saw this coming and grabbed Tomochin, squeezing her for a hug.
"...During our time together I came to realize that for me, you're more like a dear sister. An irreplaceable person. You're an important part of my life: as a friend, like a sister and a cousin." said Takamina smoothly and patted the taller girl on the back.

Takamina stayed with Tomochin watching over her. It took a few minutes before Tomochin finally stopped crying.
"You ok to go now?" asked Takamina.
"Yeah...but can I have a last request?" said Tomochin still wiping her tears away with the handkerchief that Takamina gave her.
"Sure anything you want, what is it?" smiled Takamina.
"C-can I have a one last kiss?"
Takamina was surprised with the request but agreed to it, "sure."
Takamina tiptoed and kissed the taller girl sweetly, making it really special since it was there last time. Tomochin closed her eyes as the kiss was engaged, a final tear rolling down on her cheek. The kiss finally broke off, they looked into each other's eyes and hugged each other as a final goodbye to their relationship.

"We should probably go, it's getting really late and there's the snow." said Takamina. Tomochin nodded and they started walking.

As they walk on the side walk, ahead of them there was an uncontrolled car heading towards their path. The scene happened quickly, the car headed towards them quickly. Tomochin was petrified, she couldn't move. Takamina who started running turned back since she didn't saw the other girl behind her. The car was only a few meters away from them, Takamina ran back. The car was getting closer, Takamina rushed up to her cousin yelling, "watch out!"  and pushed the taller girl away. Takamina was successful but suddenly she felt pain all over her body. The car tried to skid into a stop but the brakes wouldn't work. *thud* The small girl rolled over on the hood of the car and to the windshield cracking the glass. *thud* She fell on the ground, barely conscious. Her surroundings blurred as she tried to look around. She heard someone scream her name. She felt her body ached, blood oozing down her face, she whispered, "Atsuko, I-I'm sorry I c-couldn't tell y-you how I feel." before everything went black.

Tomochin couldn't move as she look at those headlights. She felt hypnotized thus not able to move her feet. As it got closer and closer, she got confuse, her mind blank. Suddenly she felt herself get pushed out of the way. She stumbled on the ground getting a few scrapes and turned her body around to see what happened. Tomochin's eyes went wide as she saw what happened. Everything around her went in slow motion. At first he felt herself get pushed by the smaller girl. Then suddenly as she turned around she saw her hitting the windshield and dropping on the ground. "Takamina!" the taller girl shouted, running over to her cousin. She took out her phone, her hand shaking as she pressed each number to dial the ambulance.

Acchan heard something fall, wiping her hands on her apron, she went to the living room to see what it was. On the floor was a frame. Acchan went over to pick it up and saw that it was the picture of her and Takamina taken when they went to the amusement park. Seeing that the glass was shattered she said to no one in particular, "ah, I should get a new frame later, this one really got broken." As the girl set it back on the shelf, she thought she heard Takamina's voice and looked around but saw no one. "Hah, am I delirious now or what." she said to herself laughing since she thought she heard Takamina's voice, felt uneasy and that something wasn't right.

Mariko and Miichan sat inside a cafe drinking tea. The couple loved spending their time together outside.
"Ne...Mariko~ can I stay with you tonight?" asked Miichan, her voice seductive. Mariko paid attention to her phone but looked up to the girl across from her.
"Hmmm...I don't know." said Mariko thoughtfully but inside she was grinning.
"We haven't really spent a lot of time together." pleaded Miichan making a cute face.
"Errr...I have things to do." lied Mariko, having fun teasing the other girl.
"Fine then." pouted Miichan, giving a 'hmph!' sound and looked away.
"Hahaha, I was only playing with you~ you can spend the night anytime you want." smiled Mariko sheepishly.
"Yay!" cheered Miichan. When she was about to talk again, she was interrupted by Mariko's cell phone.  Mariko answered the phone.
"Mariko! Youhavetocometothehispital!" said Tomochin quickly who was panicking.
"Woah,woah, slow down, calm down and breath. I couldn't understand what you were saying."
"T-Takamina! S-she's in t-the h-hospital. I'm outside the operating room...waiting." trembled Tomochin.
"What!? We'll be there! Just wait." informed Mariko ending the call.
"Who was that?" asked Miichan, taking a sip of her tea.
"No time to explain right now, I'll tell you on our way. We need to go get a taxi." said Mariko grabbing their coat, leaving their payment on the table and ran out of the shop.
Settling into the taxi Mariko instructed the taxi driver to the hospital.
"Why the hospital?" asked Miichan confused.
"Tomochin said that Takamina is in the hospital."
"What!? How!? Why!? What!?"
"I don't know the details, lets just see when we're there." The two were silent during their ride. The taxi stopped in front of the hospital, Mariko handed her payment to the driver and ran. Arriving where Tomochin waited, they went over to her. Tomochin sat on the chair, Tomo beside the girl comforting her. Tomochin and Tomo stood up from their seat when they saw the couple and went over to them. Tomochin hugging them both. The couple were confused and looked at Tomo for an answer but the the girl just stood there looking down on the floor. Miichan and Mariko just hugged the crying girl back.
"Hey, what happened?" asked Mariko softly.
"Takamina *hic* she *hic* got hit *hic* a car." Mariko and Miichan were speechless. They couldn't find the right words to say and just hugged their friend.
"We should umm...probably tell Yuko and Kojiharu." said Miichan.
"I'll tell them." volunteered Mariko and dialled the other couple.

Yuko and Kojihara were alone in the house watching a movie. The couple sat on the wooden floor, leaning at the couch. Kojiharu concentrated on the movie while Yuko tried to think of a way to make a move on the taller girl. Yuko fidgeted on her seat. Kojiharu getting distracted and couldn't continue to watch the movie turned around and asked,  "what's wrong with y-" Suddenly the small girl threw herself  on top of the taller girl and pinned her down on the floor.
Yuko kissed the other girl deeply, her hand snaking into Kojiharu's shirt. The pinned down girl moaned at Yuko's every touch. Yuko made a trail of kisses starting on Kojiharu's forehead and made her way down to the taller girl's neck, teasingly nipping and dabbing tiny licks. Kojiharu laid there helpless, the smaller girl's youth making her vulnerable to do anything. Yuko's hand trailed off down to the taller girl's groin, unbuttoning Kojiharu's pants. Before anything could happen, Kojiharu's cell phone starting ringing. Kojiharu tried to reach for her phone but the smaller girl wouldn't let her. The taller girl tired to reached the phone again because it kept ringing and this time she was successful. She answered the phone said breathing heavily, "H-hello?" Yuko was still touching her.
"Oh, hey Kojiharu, something happened you have to come to the hospital." said Marilo calmly.
"W-what h-happened?" asked Kojiharu still breathing heavily and moaned.
"Just come quick and...wait...why are you moaning and breathing heavily?" smirked the girl on the other side of the phone and added, "...I tried calling Yuko but it seems her cell phone is off..."
"'s not what you think."
"OH.MY.GOD. No way. I can't believe this. You two are in the middle of it aren't you." grinned Mariko.
"We'll be there. Ja ne!" answered Kojiharu quickly, hanging up the phone.
"Yuko! Stop! Stop! >_<"
"Mmmm~ why?"
"We have to go the hospital."
"Ehhh...why, I wanna stay here with Nyan-Nyan." pouted the squirrel.
"Noooo...we have to go! c'mon!" ordered the taller girl. Yuko wrapped her arms around the other girl's waist not letting her go.
Having no choice Kojiharu hit the girl on the head.
"Itaii..." complained Yuko, clutching her head. Picking up her things, Kojiharu went and took a shower quickly (just for reassurance).
"They better have a good excuse for this." murmured Yuko annoyed that her time with her lover was interrupted.

Yuko and Kojiharu showed up and got surprised to see their friends all huddled up.
"You better have a good reason for this." said Yuko approaching the group.
"It's not JUST a reason, it's something serious." answered Tomochin clearly upset.
"Hehey! Yuko! Did I interrupted something earlier." winked Mariko at both of them. Yuko just grinned while Kojiharu blushed.
"Ahem*" coughed Miichan and softly jabbed her girlfriend's ribs.
"So, why are we all here?" asked Kojiharu.
"Takamina." said Tomo and looked at the 'operation room'.
Yuko and Kojiharu understood what Tomo meant, an 'oh' sound escaping from their lips.
"Does Acchan knows about this?" asked Yuko thinking on how the other girl  will react to this.
"Not yet." answered Tomo.
"Why didn't you call her?"
"I don't know how to break it to her."
"Hmmm, ok I'll call her then." said Yuko, determined to tell the other girl about the situation and took out her cell phone.
"Wait, Yuko." said Tomochin.
"Hmmm? What?"
"Can I talk to her instead?"
"Oh, uhh sure." answered Yuko looking at the group.

Acchan was still cooking, hearing her phone ring, she went over to answer it. Having the phone on her left hand, she went back to the kitchen to check her dish. Thirsty, she got a glass of water to drink.
"Tomochin? What's up?"
"Acchan...something...something happened to...Takamina."
"Huh? What do you mean?" asked Acchan confused.
"Takamina...she's in the hospital. She got into an accident." said Tomochin hesitantly.
Acchan held her breath and suddenly dropped the glass that she was holding. She was shocked.
"Where are you? I'm coming right now." said Acchan in a daze. Her mind raced, thinking about the girl that she love. After Tomochin told her the details, Acchan turned off everything, cleaned the broken glass quickly and went to change.
She thought to herself, *was that why I felt strange earlier?* shrugging her thoughts, she just hope that the girl will be fine.

The worried girl made her way to the hospital quickly and when she saw her friends she asked, "How is she?"
"We don't know yet, she's still in the operating room." answered Miichan.
"Did someone call her parents?"
"Yeah, I called them...they will be here in a few minutes." said Tomochin who leaned against Tomo.
"We should go sit and just wait." suggested Miichan. The others agreed and sat down however Acchan was anxious.

After waiting patiently for about an hour the doctor finally came out. As the doctor approached them, they all stood up eager to know how their friend is doing.
Yuko worried about her friend; she ran towards the doctor, gripping his shoulder and shook him  asking, "how is she!?" The others ran towards Yuko and peeled her off from the startled doctor.
"Yuko! Calm down!" said Mariko,
"But, Takamina's my bestfriend and I'm just worried." mumbled the small girl.
"I know, we all are, especially one of us here." assured Mariko, looking at Acchan as she said her last words. Tomochin was confused on why Mariko suddenly looked at Acchan but just shrugged it off.
"Sorry about that doc. so how's our friend?" asked Mariko.
"What's your relationship with the patient?" asked the doctor.
"We're her friends, however please just tell us, her parents are still on the way." said Tomo.
The doctor nodded, took a deep breath, the others could feel the tension build up, finally he said, "Your friend is-"

To be continued...

WAHAHAHAHAHA! ended it right there! xD Cliffhanger!! :on lol: but ummm yeah....heh...I don't know what I'm writing anymore....  :depressed: I just write what pops out to mind...ahahahaha   :smoke: (never thought this through but it's working somehow...)  :whistle:

Offline stepk

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and now is when... you kill her.  :smhid
don't kill minami, she just finished with tomo.  :(
minami with atsuko like a couple. :inlove:
but great chapter.

Offline kahem

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No!!!! Takamina!!!! T_T How could you?

Offline arrow27

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:O Woah, awesome and shocking chapter! Minami did the right thing breaking up with Tomo since leading her on wouldn't have been right. & she broke up in such a sweet way saying all those nice things so all is well :D

But that cliffhanger! I'm really curious as to what'll happen!!! Def looking forward to the next update!

Oh, & i like how you wrote about the different scenes where each group/person got the phone call about Minami.

Thanks for the update!

Offline Haruko

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wait what no!! minami!! T_T

Offline no-chan

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you made me nervous!!
please update~ :bow:

Offline mae

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  • sorry for my english :)
It's a great fic please update soon I want Atumina and Tomotomo :)

Offline Hii_chan

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how could you kill my Minami  :angry: :angry:
finally Minami realize her feeling for Atsuko and you make her injured :banghead:
dont you dare to kill her :mon worklate: :mon worklate:
\\(''^0^)// Sou-chan  \\(^0^)//

Offline cisda83

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Wah... Takamina is being hit by a car....

I hope she is fine....

Ah... at last Takamina broke up with Tomochin

What is going to happen next.... to Takamina, Aachan, Tomochin and Tomo?

I can't wait to find out

Thank you for the great update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

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The comments made me grin! xD  :on lol: waahahahaha actually I had two first when I thought of it, it was Tomochin and I had good way of it but after a while of thinking again I was like, "wat about if it's Takamina!! xD" and yeah...wouldn't it be more dramatic if it's the heroine... xD lol ANYWAYS...well this chapter might be umm......... well you'll see.... >_>
                                                                                                             Chapter 11

The doctor took a deep breath, the others could feel the tension build up, finally he said, "Your friend is-"
"Matte!" interrupted Yuko raising her hands up, "...before we continue...will it be...good news or...bad news?"
Mariko and Miichan just face palm themselves, shook their head and sighed.
"Would you like to start off with the good or the bad?" asked the doctor.
"The good news first, oh wait no the bad news first, no, no, no start off with the good news, wait...but-"
Kojiharu covered her girlfriend's mouth with her hands and said, "sorry about that again doc. just tell us the bad news first."
The doctor did a fake cough and said, "we managed to save her life." They all sighed in relief, "...BUT she's still in critical condition." finished the doctor.
"Can we see her?" asked Acchan.
"No, not yet." answered the doctor and excused himself. Disappointed Acchan  staggered as she walked toward a seat. The others just look at each other, hurting that they can't do anything.

After a few minutes they all decided to leave since they couldn't see  Takamina yet and also they have school the next day.
"Acchan, do you want us to accompany you?" asked Miichan worried about the state of her friend.
Acchan shook her head, "no it's ok."
Miichan tried to insists but she just got turned down and so they all went their own separate ways.

Acchan woke up groggily, only having a few hours of sleep. After she came back home from the hospital, the worried girl couldn't go to sleep. As she walked to school, she couldn't help but wonder about Takamina. At the gates Miichan waved at her. Acchan managed a smile and greeted her friend.
"Ohayou...Miichan." said Acchan in low-spirit.
"Acchan...don't worry too much, Takamina is strong!" said Miichan confidently, trying to cheer up Acchan knowing that it affected her greatly. Acchan knew that Takamina is strong but she just couldn't help but be concern, "I know that, but I'm really just worried."
"Have faith in Takamina! I'm telling you... that girl has no limits, in no time she'll be better!" grinned Miichan.
Acchan smiled, feeling a little bit better, "thanks Miichan."
"No problem! C'mon we should go, bell will ring soon." said Miichan grabbing her friend and dragged her.

During break~
Jurina and Rena sprinted to their senpai's classroom.
"How's Takamina senpai doing!?" asked Jurina bursting in the classroom with Rena just behind her.
"Oh, hey Jurina! Rena!" greeted Yuko.
"So, senpai ok?" asked Rena.
"Hmmm...well they saved her life but the doctor didn't let us visit her yesterday, we're planning on going today." answered Miichan.
"I see...we'll go today too."

1 week later~
Takamina still didn't wake up. They kept visiting her if they had time, especially Acchan who went to the hospital everyday to look over the sleeping girl. The kendo club's tournament was about to begin in a couple of days. All the members wavered because of their captain. Tomo watched all the members, they weren't concentrating and some were slacking. Getting irritated and obligated to do what Takamina always wanted for them, she shouted, "OI!" everyone stopped and looked at the girl. Yuko just smiled while everyone was confuse.
"Ok, for the past few days we have been slacking jut because our captain isn't here doesn't mean that everyone should slack off. First off we seriously need to win the tournament, we should do it for our captain who is in the hospital and for ourselves. Wouldn't that be a good present for her whenever she wakes up? The tournament is really near, so why don't we take our particles seriously. There are a lot of strong opponents especially the girls from that* school. I'm sure they're stronger than last year. Practice hard for the last few days so we'll be ready to take them on!  I'm sure when Takamina  wakes up and knew that we won, she'll be proud of us! I know I don't have the right to speak but I just can't watch anymore while some of us are slacking. So umm...yeah...that's all I wanted to say." half-yelled Tomo.
"I agree!" yelled Yuko supporting what her friend said.
"Same here!" said Rena and Jurina together raising their shinai and looked at each other grinning.  After that every other member did the same and started practicing for real.
"Good job Tomo!" grinned Yuko patting Tomo's back.
"I kinda hesitated there and nervous too." laughed Tomo.
"Takamina would be proud of you!" grinned the short girl and said dramatically, "ah, Tomo has grown up! *sniff* *sniff*" Tomo just rolled her eyes and said, "c'mon spar with me, it's been a while."

Acchan went to the hospital as always. It became her routine after she finishes school club. She stopped in front of Takamina's room and took a deep breath before going in. Acchan stood beside the bed and watched Takamina. She was still disappointed that the tiny girl haven't woken up yet and their isn't any changes. Her heart pounded at the sight of the girl. Before she knew what had happened, she leaned towards the girl whispering, "I really hope you'll wake up soon." and kissed the sleeping girl on the lips quickly. Looking around the white room to distract herself, she saw that the flower in the small clear vase withered already. Moving towards the vase she thought she thought someone called her name but just shrugged it off. Acchan took the vase and went to change the flower. As Acchan closed the door of the room, Takamina moved her fingers a little bit and mumbled, "Atsuko."

Acchan threw the withered flowers in the trash can and cleaned the vase, putting another set of flowers. Upon returning, she noticed something different about Takamina. She couldn't tell what it was but knew there was something that changed. 
Couldn't figure what it was, she gave up.

As usual the tall girl sat on the chair and talked about anything that happened during the day. Everyday when Acchan visits, she talks to the girl even though Takamina is still asleep. She knew that somehow, the small girl listens to her.

Tomochin stayed outside leaning on the door and listened. She heard from Yuko that Acchan visits Takamina everyday but she doubted it. However listening to the girl talk, she believed it. Tomochin asked herself, "why does Acchan come everyday to the hospital?" The saber tooth girl thought about it for a few seconds. Some 'moments' popped up in her head, she never noticed it before but thinking about it now, it made sense. Acchan sometimes gave her 'a look';Tomochin remembered  a time when she kissed Takamina and caught a glimpse of  Acchan who looked away with a painful expression. Putting all the dots together, Tomochin's bewildered expression turned to understanding.

After staying for about an hour, Acchan bid her goodbye to the sleeping beauty and kissed the girl's forehead. As she slid the door open, she was surprised to see Tomochin. Tomochin fell backwards as the door got open.
"Tomochin?" said Acchan offering a hand to the girl.
"H-hey Acchan." greeted Tomochin taking the offer and straightened herself up.
"What are you doing?"
" visit Takamina." inquired Tomochin.
"Oh, uhh...right...well I'll be going. Ja ne."
"W-wait!" called out Tomochin after Acchan.
"Nani?" asked Acchan, turning around and  looked at the girl.
"Oh, ummm...nothing...see you." said Tomochin,  couldn't say  what she wanted to say and ask. Acchan nodded and continued walking.

"Ah, I couldn't ask." sighed Tomochin disappointed.
"Asked what?" said Tomo, showing up. Tomochin was started of the girl' appearance, she forgot that they came together since the other girl suddenly disappeared.
"Don't appear out of nowhere. >_<"
"Ah, gomen ne." apologized Tomo.
"Oh yeah, where did you go?"
"To the washroom." answered Tomo quickly.
"Was Acchan just here?"
"Yeah...she just left."
"Acchan really cares for Takamina, huh." smiled Tomo.
"Yeah." said Tomochin, her mind somewhere else.

The day of the Kendo tournament~
Jurina and Rena were astonished as they entered the big building where the tournament was held. Spectators filled the seats. Other teams were practicing, doing their thing. Lastly, the club members warned up too.

Tomo assembled all of the members and gave them the best of luck.
"So I'll mention our starting lines: Jurina, Hata, me, Rena and lastly Yuko" informed Tomo.
"Eh, why am I the last one, it should be you, Tomo." said Yuko.
"I know you can do it Yuko, just shut up and do your best." grinned Tomo and added, "you're girlfriend is also watching." Yuko didn't know that her girlfriend came since they didn't talk about it. After hearing that she was here, she accepted her position quickly.

The girls look at Hata who buried her face in her hands. The girl was shy and never really stood out much but she's unexpectedly good at the sport.
After that Tomo announced the other groups. Finished with all of that, she asked them to huddle up.
"Ok hands together." said Tomo. The girls put all their hands together.
"Some of us, it's our first time but don't be so nervous. Just do what you do normally and you'll be good." said Yuko.
"Yosh! Let's win this!" shouted Tomo.
All the girls said enthusiastically, "YEAH!"

Starting, the tournament went smoothly for all of them. They kept winning their matches.  It wasn't just them that kept winning, there was also the other school that the girls kept their eyes on.  Yuko watched as their competition won every match, not a single sweat showing, she mumbling, "They've gotten good." Jurina watched beside Yuko and was surprised on how good the other team are.
"Who are they?" asked Jurina.
"They're from Lilian Girl's High School...last year we lost by a point from them." said Yuko, remembering what had happen during the match.

For their last match before lunch break, Hata got knocked out pretty badly. Tomo, Yuko, Jurina, Rena rushed to aid the fallen girl. The girl kept apologizing even though she was about to pass out. Saying that it was ok, they carried her to the infirmary.

After half of the match was finished, they went for their break. As they rested, two girls came from another team.
"Hey guys! Glad to see that you're keeping up!" grinned the long haired girl.
"Hey! Sayaka! Sae! nice job earlier, I can see that you're strong as always." grinned Yuko.
"Sup! short as always, eh and speaking of short where's the other midget? I haven't seen her today." asked Sayaka. The smile disappeared from Yuko and said, "She can't come today."
" she scared that she didn't show up." joked Sae. Yuko glared at the boyish looking girl and said, "She. Is. Not. Scared."
"Woah...woah...calm down I was only joking." Tomo showed up and said, "Ah, sorry about that Yuko here is umm... sensitive if you talk badly about Takamina since Takamina is in the h-"
"No, don't say it." interrupted Yuko, cutting the other girl off. The two girls were confused and said, "what do you mean?" Tomo looked at the smaller girl beside her for confirmation if she should say it, the smaller girl stayed quiet. Tomo cleared her throat *ahem* and looked at Yuko again. Yuko gave up and said, "fine, tell them."
"Takamina can't make it today since she' the hospital and she's still not waking up yet."
"What!? What happened?" asked the two fits in unison, surprised on what they just heard.
"" gritted Yuko and added, "The driver was falling asleep and at the same time they said that the breaks of the car wasn't working either."
"Ah, I see...that's a shame... I really wanted to face her...but I guess not happening." said Sayaka, wasn't sure what she should say.
"...yeah, she was really looking forward to this tournament." said Tomo, remembering the scene where Takamina told them that she wanted the team to win.
"Best regards to her then, I do hope she wakes up soon...maybe we'll visit later." said Sae and excused themselves. Yuko and Tomo watched  the two girls leave.
"Yuko you'll be against Sayaka if you will face her." said Tomo.
"Yeah I know, you don't have to tell me that." responded the short girl.
"You'll win right?"
"Hah! Damn right! I'll win!" answered Yuko determined to win.
"Heh, that's good." grinned Tomo and went back to eating.

As Sae and Sayaka returned to their group, a certain girl asked, "who were they?"
"Good question could say an old fiend of ours." replied Sae.
"Are they any good?" asked another girl.
"Yes, be careful if you're facing them especially that girl over there." said Sae, indicating where Tomo was sitting.
"Heh, I won't be beaten so easily." the  girl smirked.
"Oh Mayuyu, you really like fighting strong opponents huh." She patted the younger girl's head and added,   "They have a stronger player but...she's not here."
"That's too bad."
"Indeed it is."

Acchan, Tomochin, Miichan and Kojiharu  got up from their seats and went to greet players. Yuko somehow feeling that her girl is near, she looked around and spotted Kojiharu right away.
"Nyan-Nyan!" yelled Yuko, running towards her girlfriend and hugged the girl tightly.
"Sometimes I'm really surprise by that 'sensing' of hers." mumbled Tomo. Jurina and Rena just giggled beside her.
"Good job Tomo! You did great." complimented Tomochin as soon as she reached where Tomo sat. Tomo blushed at the compliment and nodded a thanks, clearly embarrassed. Miichan behind them made an "oooo~~" noise. Acchan elbowed the girl on the ribs lightly and asked, "what's the 'ooo' for?"
"Well Tomo li-" Miichan managed to  stopped herself from talking, not wanting to reveal things yet.
"What?" questioned Acchan.
"Oh...uhhh...wasureta." said Miichan smiling sheepishly.

"Oh yeah, was the girl that got knocked out in your team ok?" asked Acchan trying to change whatever the subject was.
"Yeah, Hata-chan took a pretty hard blow on the head. She's fine but she can't compete next round." said Tomo.
"So who's going in her place?"
"That's the problem...I don't know, our members are already in their own group so I can't pull one of them out and  put them in our group." 
"That's troubling." frowned Yuko, still sticking with Kojiharu like a glue.
 While they thought  of a possible solution, a tall figure came towards them, wearing an equipment and yelled, "don't worry Mariko-SAMA is here!"
"Ehhh!?" shouted all the girls simultaneously, except Miichan who knew about this (they're both together 'all' of the time).
"Not to be rude but...Mariko-senpai you haven't showed up in kendo." stated Rena.
"No,no,no....wait, that's true but I think I still have my skills. " grinned Mariko.
They all just look at her dumbfounded.
"What's with looks? Impressed hmmm~ Well, you could say that a few people only knows that I do kendo."
"Does Takamina know about this?" asked Yuko.
"You could say yes. She asked me before that if anything happens to her before the tournament and couldn't make it then I should come." explained Mariko.
"Ah, really have this thought through huh?" mumbled Yuko to herself and smiled, "don't worry we'll win."
"Did you say something?" asked Kojiharu. The squirrel shook her head.
"But *whistle* it's so nostalgic being in this equipment and holding this shinai." said Mariko reminiscing her days.
"Hah, what are you? Oba?" teased Yuko, which got a cold glare from Mariko. 
"Woah, I'm only joking." defended Yuko.
"So you'll take over Hata-chan's place then." informed Tomo.
"Seems so."

Final Match~
"I guess I'm up first~" smiled Jurina, feeling a little bit nervous and stood up.
"Wait." called out Rena after the girl. Jurina turned around and asked, "what?"
Rena fidgeted and said, " your best out there." kissing the girl on the cheek. Jurina's face turned red, embarrassed, she muttered a thanks. The older girls behind them made noises making both girls embarrassed.
"Ok, you two love-doveys, separate, match is about to start." smirked Mariko.
"Lovey-doveys!?" said both girls.

Jurina took her a few seconds before she calmed down. "Breath." she told herself. As she met with her opponent she said, "good luck."
"Same to you." said the other girl.
"Namae wa?" asked Jurina.
"Kashiwagi Yuki."
"Heh, may the best girl win."
"Right back at you."
Both girls took there positions and waited for the shimpan (referee).
As soon as it started, Yuki took the offensive, striking a consecutive attack. Jurina could only defend and parry against the other girl's strikes. Yuki attempted to strike a 'kote' (a padded area of the right or left wrist protector) but Jurina block it by turning her right wrist upwards and turning her shinai slightly diagonal.  Immediately she swung her shinai upwards and took a step forward this striking Yuki's 'kote'.
Yuki laughed, "perhaps, a taste of my own medicine eh."
They bowed to each other and returned to back to their team.
Miichan and Yuko cheered at her victory chanting, "JURINA! JURINA! Good job!"
"My turn!" grinned Mariko.
"Good luck!" said Miichan and kissed her quickly on the lips, "a god luck charm."
"Oh, so is this how we'll go before starting our own matched." smirked Yuko.

Mariko took her position and asked her opponent, "what's your name?"
"Takahashi Juri." answered the girl.
"I see, let's have a good match then Juri-chan." As soon as the match started Mariko moved quickly and hit a 'do'. "Hayai" whsipered Juri, surprise that it was instantly over. She didn't even knew what happened
The judges raised the red flag, meaning another point for them.
"I guess I haven't loss my touch yet." grinned  Mariko to herself.

Tomo, Yuko, Jurina and Rena didn't expect that, their jaw dropped as soon they saw what happened.
"I didn't know Mariko is that strong." said Yuko. Tomo and the others could only nodded.

The other team was surprised as well.
"I never expected Mariko could play kendo." frowned Sayaka.
"Is she another 'old friend' of yours?" asked Yukirin.

"Never expected that from you." said Yuko to Mariko.
"Well...what do you know, I'm full of surprises."
"I guess it's my time." said Tomo standing up.
"Ganbatte!" cheered the others.
"I'll try...I'm against Sae you know." grinned Tomo and looked at Tomochin. Tomochin smiled and mouthed, "you can do it." Tomo returned the smile and headed to the court.

They took their positions, Sae spoke first, "let's see who wins." Tomo just nodded and didn't say anything.
"Begin!" said the shimpan.
The two girls went at it, their shinai clashing with each other.
"Not bad." said Sae.
"I can say the same."
Two minutes passed and both girls still fought fiercely.

"Wow, they're both good" said Jurina, amaze at how both girls could fight so passionately.
"This will be a close fight." said Yuko, watching with intensity.

As Tomo advance for a strike, Sae saw an opening thus striking a 'do' (an area of the right or left side of the armour that protects the torso). The judge raised the white flag, a point given to Sae's team.
Tomo cursed realizing her mistake.

"Sorry guys..if we won that round we could've won." said Tomo disappointed at herself.
"It's ok! They didn't come that for nothing." grinned Yuko.

"Nice job! Sae!" said Sayaka, giving a  high five to the other girl.
"That was close though, if she didn't let her guard down then I could've lost."
"Well a win is a win." said Mayu.

"Mayuyu, ready to go?" asked Sayaka.
"Sure, I'll make up for the point Yukirin lost." grinned Mayu while looking at Yuki.
"Hey! It's not my fault the girl was strong." defended Yuki.
"Good luck!" cheered Juri.
"Thanks, I'll win this for sure." said Mayu heading over to the court.

"Rena you can do it!" cheered Jurina, Yuko and Miichan. Rena smiled and thanked them.

When the match started between the two, they were pretty equal. However Rena started to slow down as time passes.
"I seriously need to build up stamina." mumbled Rena. Mayu noticed the her opponent became slower and thus made it to her advantage. Both of them are in close body positioning. Mayu pushed down Rena's fists with he bade of her shinai. As Rena pushed back, Mayu back stepped backwards with her left foot, surprising Rena, "shimatta!" she cursed, realizing that it was already too late as Mayu hit a 'do'.
"The match was fun." said Mayu and bowed. Rena was surprised at the othergiirl's  words, quickly saying, "I enjoyed it too!"

"Now we're's all up to you Sayaka." said Mayu.
"Great work!" said Yuki, hugging the girl with joy.
"You did great." complimented Sae.
"Good job Mayuyu!" cheered Juri.
Mayuyu blushed at all the compliments, embarrassed she said, "a-arigatou!"
"Well, let's do this!" said Sayaka and went quickly to the court, wanting the match to get over with.

"Gomen ne." apologized Rena, a tear escaping from her eyes.
"It's ok Rena." said Jurina, hugging the girl for comfort.
"Yeah, don't worry about it too much. We came this far with all our hard work, you should be proud." said Yuko.
"Don't feel bad, I lost too you know...I'm glad I'm not the only one that lost." joked Tomo. Rena wiped her tears away and smiled, " this for all of us and for our kaichou  too!"
"You bet!" said Yuko, giving her a thumbs up, "...but before I do that." she looked at Kojiharu, "...can you gimme a kiss too?"
"Yada, I'll give you a kiss, if you win this." said Kojiharu.
" faaaaiiiir!" pouted the squirrel.
"Hmmm, ok come here then." said Kojiharu motioning the girl to come. Yuko obeyed and went to her beloved quickly. Kojiharu kissed her on the cheek and whispered, "you'll get a greater reward later if you win."
Yuko grinned pervertedly yelling, "I will win this for sure!" and ran towards the court.
Mariko watched and smirked, "what did you say to her?"
"Oh, just some encouragement to win the match." grinned Kojiharu.

"I've been waiting to fight you Sayaka." said Yuko as she took her stance.
"Oh, I'm honoured." said Sayaka, " match...let's enjoy this."
"Begin!" said the shimpan.
Yuko and Sayaka shinai's clashed with each other. Not allowing the other person to take the advantage. They went like that for a minute. Wanting to get it over with Sayaka stood at her position and raised her shinai above her head [ if you ever watch bamboo blade, it would be like how Rin does it]. Yuko just watched the girl and knew what the taller girl was planning, Yuko herself took a middle stance and got ready.
Sayaka swung her shinai down but before she could do it Yuko took a step forward thinking of winning and her 'reward' she yelled, "I want the rewards!" and swung her shinai towards the taller girl hitting a 'tsuki' (an area of the head protector in felt of the throat). The judge raised the red flag and announced it was thier win.

As the group watched and heard what Yuko yelled, some of them were confuse and looked at Kojiharu. Kojiharu just looked at them with an innocent face. However when  it was their win, everyone just went crazy. They were jumping around and hugging each other in a bliss.
Tomo and Tomochin looked at each other smiling. Miichan grabbed Mariko on the collar and pulled her down for a kiss, with everyone watching. They could hear the other oooowing but ignored them. Jurina and Rena hugged each to her and grinned at each other. "Can you meet up with me later?" asked Jurina and went to the others for celebrating leaving Rena confused. Kojiharu was happy but thinking about it, she has to complete the promise to her girlfriend. Acchan was glad that the team won, she could only imagine Takamina's expression if they tell her the news thus smiling to herself.

As Sayaka fell on the floor with a thud she said, "what the hell was that."  She stayed there, laying on the floor and  looked at the ceiling thinking, 'tsuyoi...never underestimate the midgets huh' and giggled to herself. After a while she saw Yuko in front of her, offering her a hand. Sayaka smiled to herself and grabbed Yuko's hand to get up.
"Congratulations." said Sayaka extending her arms for a shake.
"It was good match, it felt too quick though." laughed Yuko and shook hands with the taller girl.

Sayaka returned to the group looking  dismay, "Sorry guys...I let your efforts go to waste." They all ran towards their captain and comforted the crying girl.
"It's ok." they all soothed her down.
"Let's go out and celebrate! My treat!" grinned Sae.
"Celebrate?" asked Sayaka.
"Second place...I'm proud enough."
"Don't blame us if you ran out of money then." smiled Sayaka.

As Yuko went back to the group, "Yuuuuukoooo!" shouted Miichan, "you did it!" grabbing the small girl for a bear hug. She was ambushed by her teammates. Yuko gave high fives to all of her teammates, triumph of their win. A few minutes later they were called to receive their award. Each member was awarded a medal and lastly the trophy.

As all of them exited the building,
"We need to go celebrate!" shouted Yuko, "....but before that we should go visit our kaichou! What do you say?" The others nodded in agreement. Miichan looked around and counted all the people. She counted thirteen members of the kendo plus Acchan, Tomochin,Mariko and her making it seventeen. "Wait, someone is missing." The others looked around at each other and said, "yeah...Jurina and Rena aren't here."

Rena walked the place where Jurina told her to go. Jurina waited patiently. The girl felt nervous, scared and excited at the same time. Rena approach the girl, "Jurina what is it? The others are probably wondering where we are you know."
Jurina looked up at the girl, her face serious. She thought, 'it's all or nothing.'  and took a deep breath. "Jurina y-" stopped Rena when she saw the serious look on the other girl's face. Jurina looked at Rena's eyes, they stared at each other. Finally gathering up all of her courage she shouted, "Rena..."

To be continued... yeah....I don't seriously know anything about kendo...I don't know how it works if u win... >_> couldn't find info about it DX so I was like screw it...(I only know some since I watched animes) got some of my info about that from wikipedia! xD so credits go to them for that!....  well next time again! xD (next  :byebye:

Offline arrow27

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Thanks for the update! Glad to know Minami's life was saved! Looks like she's in a coma now though. Hoping she'll awake soon :)
Also seems like Tomochin has caught on that Atsuko could like Minami.

& Glad the kendo team won! That was a great tournament! Everyone did well :D

Interesting cliffhanger with Rena and Jurina.

Can't wait till your next update!Looking forward to it as awalys.

Offline chichay12

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  • atsumina for life....
Update..but but minami why?
pls wake up now!

Offline cisda83

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Ah... Tomochin now has relies that Atsuko loves Minami...

Mariko is so strong... so cool

Yuko is so funny... like she won the match due to her perv. power

Ah... Jurina is going to confess to Rena...

What's going to happen next

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the great update

 :wub: :inlove: :love: :heart:

Offline Haruko

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ohh poor minami T_T...

yeah kojiyuu!! and wmatsui!!

Offline DC2805

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What a cliffhanger! I can feel my legs floating in the cold breeze while hanging and tangling at the edge of the cliffs!  XD XD
Visit my FFs:
We Love the Hospital! OS (Mayuki + Wmatsui) + Omake

The Foreigner Husband and The Traditional Wife (Wmatsui)

[Short OS] "Puppy" Love (Pairings: JR + YH)

My Little Brother Can't Be This Cute!

Derailed - OS featuring Aya x Nao

Offline Hii_chan

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  • love all Takamina's pairing
Minami not in danger anymore but now she in coma
seem like Tomochin relize Acchan' love
yeah..Mariko'strengh make me surprise
thanks for update and please nake Minami wake up soon
\\(''^0^)// Sou-chan  \\(^0^)//

Offline mae

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Wow great update thank you
Please update soon :)

Offline BbSis

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  • Clean the nosebleed and keep reading/writing! @.@

This chapter was awesome! Acchan's efforts wont be in vain! And that tournament was incredible! and and and Miichan pulled Mariko for a kiss *.*

Now Jurina have to confess *.* She needs too!  :yep:

Sorry for not commenting earlier, I've been silent reading for a while now >< I'm not very inspired for comment lately, sorry  :bow:

Thank you for the update! Can't wait for the next one o/

Sorry about my lack of activity... I'm kinda stuck in life...

My fics:
It started in a wedding (MariMii + usual couples) - ongoing
The fanfiction post thread (KojiYuu, WMatsui) - ongoing
The cry of a lonely star - ongoing
Oneshots at Perv area

Offline DeadSouls

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UPDAAAAATE!!!!!!!! xD can't wait for the update! :3 hehehehe... chapter was awesome! keep it up! lol  :thumbsup

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