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Author Topic: Destiny's Game - chapter 22 (MaYuki) 11/09/2013  (Read 33360 times)

Offline alexsher99

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Re: Destiny's Game MaYuki (Chapter 16)
« Reply #120 on: June 21, 2013, 04:55:44 AM »

---Chapter 16---

---1 week later---

Mayu's thigh fully healed and it's currently Monday morning.

---Mayu and Yuko's house---

“Mayu! Wake up! We're gonna be late for school!” Yuko yelled from the bathroom (Currently brushing her teeth)


After brushing her teeth Yuko went to Mayu's room and saw the smaller girl all curled up into a ball with her knees drawn up and her chin tilted down. A grin flashed across Yuko's face as she took out her phone and *snap* took a picture of the sleeping Mayu with her phone

“Can't wait till I post this on Google +” Yuko said she then put her phone back in her pocket and proceeded to Mayu's bed


“Hunyaa~” Mayu mumbled after Yuko poked Mayu's cheeks

“Ka... kawaii!!!!” Yuko yelled because she couldn't control her excitement

“Hmmm... Yuko? Ohayou~” Mayu said as she sat up and rubbed her eyes but all of the sudden she stopped “Wait... Yuko?” Mayu opened her eyes and saw Yuko smiling at her. Mayu put out her hand in front of Yuko as if she's asking for something

“What?” Yuko asked

“You know what... give me it!” Mayu said. Yuko sighed and gave Mayu what she wants. (Her cellphone) Mayu gladly took it and deleted Yuko's picture of her sleeping.

“Mayu, you meanie!!!” Yuko ran out of Mayu's room pretending that she's crying

“Does this have to happen everyday?” Mayu asked as she stepped out of her bed and stretched a little after that she started preparing for school


Yuuta and Yuu met up with Yuki, Sae and Sayaka along the way and they walked to school together


The bell rang

“Today's class will start with mine and tomorrow will be P.E.” Rena said and started taking attendance


“Watanabe Yuuta-san, *no response* Watanabe Yuuta-san, is he here?” Rena asked. Yuki didn't know what to do since she already tried to wake Yuuta up countless times but he still won't wake up

“Watanabe, Yuuta-san?”

“Yuuta, Yuuta~” Yuki kept on calling him but Yuuta's still down. Rena looked up since Yuuta won't respond and saw Yuuta's right hand up. Rena sighed and wrote a check besides Yuuta's name indicating that he's there

Yuki sighed and gently put Yuuta's right hand on his desk while Sayaka and the others just quietly laughed at the two as for Sae, well she's pouting

“There! All done!” Rena exclaimed

“Sensei~ you didn't called Jurina-sama's name~” A girls said

“Sama? Why would they call her sa- oh! I forgot Jurina-chan's also one of the most popular kids in this school” Rena mumbled while her students are just staring at her

“I already checked her name here” Rena said and looked at Jurina. They shared a brief eye contact and smiled to each other then Jurina looked back out of the window “Before we start our class, I have a news for you!” Rena announced

“But first we have a question for you, sensei!” A group of girls in the lower right corner of the room said

“What is it?” Rena asked

“Why are you wearing glasses today?” The class president asked

“Why? Is this the first time you see me with glasses?” Rena asked and everybody in the class nodded except for Jurina who's looking out the window as if she's spying somebody

“Oh, is that so? Well I'm wearing them because I lost my contact lenses” Rena said as she re-adjusted her glasses on her nose-bridge with her index finger

“Hmm~” The whole class responded coldly

“Let's proceed to the news then!... well you all have a new student!” Rena announced

“Whoa!!! Is it another guy?” The class asked excitedly. Except for Yuki and the others who looks bored and of course Yuuta who's taking a nap

“It's a girl!” Rena said and the tension died down

“Er... well then transfer student! You can come in now” Rena said. The new girl came in the room but it nobody's looking at her not even a single glance

“Gomenne, they're not usually like this” Rena said

“No, it's okay, sensei, Etto, hello! My name is Watanabe Miyuki, please to meet you” The girl named Miyuki introduced herself and bowed afterwards. Everybody looked at her at the same time and their tension suddenly rose

“KAWAII!!!” The whole class said. This time Yuu also said it and he even almost fell on his chair while Yuki's eyes were twitching

“Yuu-chan~” Yuu looked down and saw Kojiharu smiling at him. Yuu smiled awkwardly and slowly sat down

“Gomenasai” Yuu said like a little kid and Kojiharu looked back to the transfer student

Miyuki looked around and saw the person that she was looking for

“Sensei, can I seat next to him?” Miyuki pointed towards a certain sleeping person

“But there's no available seat over there for you” Rena said, Miyuki pouted

*yawn~* Yuuta sat up and stretched

“Aw~ Yuuta-sama's so charmy~” A girl said with her hands clasped and put up against her cheeks

“Oh great~ Now Miyuki's here” Yuuta thought he put down his hands and rubbed his eyes but suddenly halted “Wait... MIYUKI????” Yuuta yelled across the room

“You know each other?” Rena asked

“Hai! Actually Yuuta-chin's my friend from 3rd grade!” Miyuki said

“What are you doing here?” Yuuta asked not so happy

“I'm here for you!” Miyuki answered

“Yuki's sitting quietly with her hands under the table and suddenly Yuuta heard multiple papers being teared up then he looked in front of him and saw Yuki's arms moving.

“Okay! Miyuki-san, your seat's two seats behind Yuuta-san” Rena said

“Hai~” Miyuki saluted at Rena and headed to her seat

Yuuta heard two girls whispering behind him

“It looks like Yuuta-sama will be trap in the middle of a love triangle”

“Seriously? With who?”

“You don't know about the rumor that Yuki-chan and Yuuta-sama are in a relationship?”

“No, nobody told me, *sigh* so if that rumor's true I might as well give up on Yuuta-sama and just admire him from afar”

“If the transfer kid have feelings for Yuuta-sama, I think this will be a scoop for the school's newspaper!”

“Give me a break” Yuuta mumbled and went back to sleep


Jurina finished packing her things and started heading towards the tree that's near the library (Nobody goes there)

“Jurina-chan!” Rena ran towards Jurina

“Ah, Rena-san”



“Call me Rena-chan! There's only one year difference in our age (in this fic) so just call me Rena-chan! When you had your fever you called me Rena-chan” Rena pouted

'But we're in school' Jurina thought

“So, what are you doing here?” Jurina while sitting down and eating her bento

“I was going to the library to eat with Airin”

“Airin? Oh! That girl?” Jurina after remembering her

“Yeah! Wanna eat with us?” Rena asked

“No thanks” Jurina said coldly


“Just go!” Jurina said stubbornly

“Okay, see you later” Rena said while looking at the ground

“What? I thought you're going, Why are still here?” Jurina asked

“O-oh right~ w-well I'll be going now” Rena said and Jurina just nodded without even looking at Rena then Rena walked away

“Baka” Jurina mumbled and started eating like a monster


“Ma- ehem! Yuuta-kun! Let's go eat at the rooftop!” Yuki suggested

“You two are going to the rooftop? Can we go too?” Sae asked while pointing her thumb towards the smiling Sayaka

“Sure” Yuuta said while taking out his bread

“Yuuta! We'll go too!” Yuu blurted out while hugging Kojiharu who's daydreaming

Yuuta nodded, everybody gathered up with their foods around Yuuta

-1 minute later-

“Let's go then!” Yuu said and they all walked away, half way to the classroom door Yuki turned around to see Yuuta in front of his desk looking at the transfer student who's sleeping with her head down on her desk. Yuuta sighed and walked to the girl

“Milky~ Milky wake up, it's lunch time” Yuuta is gently shaking the girl enough for her to wake up

Milky sat up and yawned while stretching the both of her arms up in the air with closed eyes.

“Ah~ Yuuta-chin! Ohayou~” Milky said in a cute way

“It's lunch time already, want to go eat with us at the rooftop?” Yuuta asked in a soft voice

“Is it really okay with your friends?” Milky asked

“Yuki-chan~ let's go” Sae looked back and saw Yuki who's looking at Yuuta and Milky, talking and smiling at each other

“Yuki~ stop looking at them and let's go! Yuuta will come later, and stop clenching your fist that hard! If you continue that it will bleed” Sae said and dragged Yuki out of the room

“Since when did I clenced my fist?” Yuki asked while looking at her pail looking palm

“Since when did you became considerate?” Yuuta asked while chuckling

“It's just because somebody's being extra nice today!” Milky said reffering to Yuuta

“Just hurry up and get your food!” Yuuta said coldly

“Ehh? You changed your mood too fast!” Milky teased

“Whatever” Yuuta said and walked away. Then he stopped in front of Yuki's desk and saw a bunch of torn up papers under it.

“I knew it” Yuuta sighed and cleaned up the mess that Yuki made.

While walking up the stairs Milky soon caught up with Yuuta and hugged him by his arm

“Nee, Mayu, is your dad making you disguise into a guy again?” Milky asked

“No, it's my manager, she also made Yuko wear it” Yuuta replied


“For us to study in school”


“Don't call me Mayu when we're at school”

“Roger” Milky saluted

“You never changed” Yuuta said while smiling

“You think so? So who's that Kashiwagi in your life?” Milky asked

“She's my friend, just... a special... friend”

“Then if she's just a friend, why are you blushing?” Milky asked like a jealouse girlfriend

“Nothing! It's just the heat! It's just a little hot today that's why” Yuuta said while scratching his left cheek with his index finger and Milky just pouted with her arms crossed

“And~ of course you wouldn't believe it” Yuuta sighed

Once they got on the rooftop Yuuta sat next to Yuki and Milky sat next to Yuuta, so now Yuuta's in between Milky and Yuki who keeps on sending death glares to each other

“My Yuuta's growing up into a fine you man!” Yuu said with his arms crossed and eyes narrowed as if he's imitating an old man

“More like a miserable young man” Sayaka said while smiling. Sae just sighed and silently watched
Yuki hoping that she's gonna look at her. Kojiharu's too busy playing her games to pay attention to the squirell that's hugging her from the back

Then the door opened revealing a short brow-haired tall guy that looks like a model

“Nyaro~ I'm back!” The tall good looking guy said. For once Kojiharu put down her ps vita for somebody and it's not for Yuu which made our squirrel jealous and let go of Kojiharu

“Ah~ Marichan!” Kojiharu said with a soft voice

“So~ did you missed me?” The tall guy asked as he kneeled in front of Kojiharu

“Who are you?” Yuu asked with a little boss accent

“Shinoda, Mariko. Childhood friend of Kojima Haruna, and you are?” The guy named Mariko asked Yuko as if he's challenging him

“Oshima, Yuu! Kojima Haruna's boyfriend!” Yuu blurted out which surprised not just Kojiharu but also everybody that's on the rooftop

“Nyaro, is this true?” Mariko asked

“No, Yuu-chan stop joking around” Kojiharu said

“Hehe, gomen, but one of these days I'll surely make you mine!” Yuu declared while pointing at Kojiharu

“You sure have guts, but I won't loose” Mariko said and the two glared at each other

“Eh? Would somebody please explain to me how it all turned out like this in just a few minutes!!” Sayaka said, but unfortunately everybody's too busy to answer her. The MariKojiYuu are too busy with each other and Yuuta's having a really tough time since he's in the middle of two (cute) monsters that are ready to eat (fight) each other and Sae who's too obsessed at guarding Yuki.

"I'm surrounded by kids" Sayaka sighed


leEwẬy: "I forgot to comment on your last chapter" That's okay  :)  "When I read the part of WMatsui, something pervert appear on my head" I can't stop laughing at this! yeah~ that was my intention when I was writing that part  :lol:

Shinoki:  "The sousenkyo are killing me T_T Mariko-sama" yeah the sousenkyo this year is both sad and funny  :nervous . "Yui stepped into a awkward moment~~" Yes, she sure did!  :D

cisda83: "Ah... Yuki and Yuuta were found in compromise position..." That would be really awkward if Yui saw them kissing instead of seeing them in that kind of position (probably exploded)  XD . "good luck Yuki.." Yeah~ she would need that  :thumbsup

rochilu: "i loled so hard with the last part" Haha glad you liked it!  :w00t:

kurosawa87: "Yuu's attempts for nyan was entertaining" Glad it entertained you  :D

DC2805: "Thanks for the short but cute matsui moment" No prob! Thanks for commenting  :yep:
« Last Edit: June 21, 2013, 06:31:50 PM by alexsher99 »

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Re: Destiny's Game MaYuki (Chapter 16)
« Reply #121 on: June 21, 2013, 05:50:52 AM »
 :lol: Mayu is stuck in love triangle now  :lol:
So Milky knew Mayu's identity, too :3 Interesting. I wanna see how Yuki will separate her from her Mayu  :P
Thanks for the update

Offline leEwẬy

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Re: Destiny's Game MaYuki (Chapter 16)
« Reply #122 on: June 21, 2013, 10:29:01 AM »
Milky appeared :onioncheer:
Love triangle between Milky--Mayu--Yuki :ding:
I always love triangle love :shy2:
Mariko also appeared so there's another love triangle between MarikKojiyuu :wahaha:
Yuki's totally jealous with Milky and the way Mayu woke her up :hehehe:
Now Mayu's stucking and not know what to do :ding:
I think Jurina's a bit jealous with Airin when she heard Rena said that she'll eat with Airin in the libary :on gay:
Yuko, Yuki, Jurina ganbatte :on woohoo: :on woohoo:
Sayaka's living with kids :hiakhiakhiak:
Can't wait to see what'll happen next :on cloudeye:
Update soon, please :kneelbow:
Working on translating an awesome Kojiyuu fanfic, right now ☆〜(ゝ。∂) :mon beam:

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Re: Destiny's Game MaYuki (Chapter 16)
« Reply #123 on: June 21, 2013, 12:10:54 PM »
Oh... Miyuki joined them in their class and Yuki was so unhappy with this new development

AH... Miyuki seemed to know Mayu identity even about her father too...

Well...What kind of troubles Mayu is going to get from Miyuki..?

And Mariko was also present in this story now... she was Haruna's childhood friend

Both Mariko and Yuko were fighting for Haruna

Who will Haruna choose...?

Can't wait to see the rivalry between Miyuki and Yuki for Mayu & between Mariko and Yuko for Haruna going to go about?

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: Destiny's Game MaYuki (Chapter 16)
« Reply #124 on: June 21, 2013, 05:33:22 PM »
alexsher-san you're super awesome~ once again, I've confirmed that...
hrm, milky tends to have a lot of interesting sides to her...
truthfully, I would want to see Mayuyu's sleeping position~
ah, jurina is jealous of airin?
in my mind at the moment, milky = chapu chapu
that sentence had nothing to do with anything~

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Re: Destiny's Game MaYuki (Chapter 16)
« Reply #125 on: June 22, 2013, 03:04:06 AM »

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Re: Destiny's Game MaYuki (Chapter 16)
« Reply #126 on: June 22, 2013, 09:32:17 AM »
poor yuuta and poor nyanyan  :lol:

i like how things turned for mayu XDD

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Re: Destiny's Game MaYuki (Chapter 16)
« Reply #127 on: June 22, 2013, 09:41:19 AM »
Milky can expose them easily but she's playing it out perfectly to help them
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline alexsher99

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Re: Destiny's Game MaYuki (Chapter 17)
« Reply #128 on: June 30, 2013, 02:05:48 AM »

---Chapter 17---

Mayu and Yuko just finished their work and it's already midnight.

“Mayu-chan, Yuko-chan are you sure you just want to walk from here on?” Mayu's manager asked while looking back at Mayu and Yuko who's sitting on the back passengers seat.

“Yes. we're sure we can walk here on now, and we also need to go somewhere” Yuko said while packing up her stuff.

“I can just drop you off at that place that you're going” Mayu's manager said

“Relax, I know I'm like your daughter now and that's why you're really concerned about me but I'm a big girl now. I'm not like the 13 years old Mayu that you know” Mayu said as she took a step out of the car

“But May-

“I told you just relax~ you still have your kids waiting for you to some home right? Well go home already. Bye~” Mayu said and shut the door close before her manager can say a word again. Mayu just kept waving until her manager drove away while Yuko's stretching

“*sigh* She's so~ stubborn” Mayu said and started stretching also.

“You have a kind manager Mayu” Yuko said while yawning

“Well, she can also be a monster sometimes” Mayu said while trembling from her memories of her harsh manager 

“Let's go take the long way home!” Mayu suddenly said

“Eh??? Why??? The sousenkyo just finished today and even though it doesn't look like it I'm  depressed about my position, so I want to go to bed already”

“Stop whining like a little kid and take the long way with me! You don't know we might get to see a cute chick with an awesome oshiri while walking”

“And we might see a chick that doesn't even look like one and one that have a horrible oshiri!”

“Stop being negative and let's go!” Mayu put on her wig and after that she put Yuko's wig on her (They're both wearing jeans and shirt so that part's okay)

“Let's go!” Mayu said and dragged Yuko with her

“This sucks~” Yuu mumbled


“Yuu! Let's go to the park!”

“Eh? Why? It's already midnight! What if a drunk man comes up and attacks us?”

“Like I said! Stop being negative!!!”

“I can't help it remember still affected by the results!” Yuu said while releasing a depressive aura while Yuuta just sweat dropped

“Wait! Yuk- I mean Yuu! Look over there!” Yuuta's panicking while pointing at something

“I don't wanna what if you're pointing at a ghost? I don't like ghosts!”

“Why are you being so negative today? Stop yapping and let's go! That girl looks like she's in trouble we need to save her!”

“I not being nega- wait! Did you just said girl in trouble and save?” Yuu asked as he grabbed Yuuta's collar while Yuuta just sweat dropped from his friend's attitude


“I learned this equation in math! Girl in trouble + Save her = Me becoming her hero! and if I become her hero means I get to touch her oshiri! Man! If this was a pop quiz in Math I would ace it!” Yuu said and ran ahead of Yuuta

“I never heard of that equation in my life” Yuuta said

“KYAA!!! Tasukete!!!”

“Don't worry!!! Supper Yuu's coming to the rescue!!” Yuu yelled while running and smirking

“*sigh* and that's what happens when Yuko I mean Yuu gets fired up” Yuuta shrugged his shoulders and decided walk away leaving Yuu to deal with the drunken man alone since he knows that Yuu's strong enough to defend himself and the girl

While walking pass by the park saw another high-school looking girl being attacked by a drunken salary man he saw him tearing up the girl's clothes while the girl's screaming for help.

“Another one? *sigh* This is what happens if girls get out of their house in the middle of the night!” Feeling that he needs to do something Yuuta ran towards the two to stop the man

“Get your hands off her” Yuuta said while standing behind the guy

“What did you said punk?” The guy said as he turns around to face Yuuta

“I said get your hands off her” Yuuta repeated calmly. The guy popped his neck and fingers. Yuuta is trying to be as patient as he can

“Who are you to tell me that huh?”

Yuuta took a glance at the girl who's covering herself with nothing but her teared up shirt. Yuuta recognized her face. Yuuta bit his inner cheek as he removed his jacket with one hand

“Take it” Yuuta said and tossed his jacket to the girl who gladly caught it and put it around her body. Yuuta turned around to face the guy and anger can bee seen through out his face

“You're gonna pay” Yuuta said as he balled his hands into a fist

“Heh! You're just a small fry! Don't act so though kid” The guy said as he took out his brass knuckles

“Mayu!” The girl shouted

“Mayu? Heh~ so you're a cross-dresser huh? But too bad for me it doesn't matter if you're a boy or a girl if you challenge me to a fight..... I'll beat you to a pulp!” The guy charged towards Yuuta but he dodged

“I can't afford being punched by this brass knuckles in my face! I wouldn't be able to explain it to the media! And I'll look supper uncool if that hits me in front of Yuki” Yuuta thought so all he can do was just dodge

“What happened to your arrogance you small fry?” The guy asked while he just punch back and fort not caring if it hits Yuuta

“Oh don't worry I'll make you call your mama later” Yuuta said

“Oh yeah? Why don't you do it now?”

“Because I'm still warming up” Yuuta said as he took a step back he felt a cold metal touch his skin. He looked back and saw that he's leaning on a slide a smirk can be seen across his face

“Mayu!!!” Yuki shouted. Yuuta took that as a signal and looked back to the guy who's fist is about to hit his face. Yuuta was able to dodge the punch again. Yuuta took a deep breath and got to his fighting stance

“Finally decided to fight back huh?” The guy said

“Bring it” Yuuta said as he bounced back and forth only to enrage the guy

“Stop bouncing! Are you a bunny or something?”

“Even a bunny can fight better than you” Yuuta smirked while Yuki chuckled in the back which caught the guy's attention

“You B&%$^!” The guy ran towards Yuki but something obstructed his track which cause him to tumble and roll on the rough surface of the ground

“Hey, it's not good if you look away from your opponent, you might regret it” Yuuta said while looking at his watch “And I really don't appreciate you calling my girl a B, you know” Yuuta looked down on the guy with one of his spine-chilling look “You're finish” Yuuta said in a calm but scary way as he brutally kicked the guy from his chest to his stomach while laughing and the cycle keeps repeating

“Yuuta! Calm down!!” Yuki's also trembling from the sight of Yuuta's dark side but she's doing her best to calm Yuuta down “Yuuta!” Yuki kept on yelling out his name but Yuuta still won't stop it's as if Yuki's voice won't reach him. The guy started coughing blood but Yuuta looked like he's enjoying it. Yuki clenched her fist close to her chest and nodded



Yuki slapped Yuuta across his face which caused him to fall backwards and slumped on the ground. Yuuta slowly lifted his right cheek and held his supper red right cheek from Yuki's slap

“D-did I d-do this?” Yuuta asked in a sad tone while looking at the guy laying on the ground coughing. Yuki looked the other way and nodded. Yuuta bit his inner cheek until it's bleeding and punched the ground. Yuki fliched a little but she hugged Yuuta from behind

“It's not your faul-

“It is! If I just did a better job controlling myself did wouldn't happen!” Yuuta punched the ground

“Yuuta-chin?” The voice can be heard 10 meters away from Yuuta and Yuki. The two looked up and saw a certain girl that's running towards them

“What happened here?” The girl asked while Yuki just pointed towards the coughing guy

“Milky, what are you doing here? School girls should just stay home!” Yuuta asked

“Look who's talking! *sigh* What happened? I thought you can control your dark side now?” Milky asked as she lifted Yuuta's chin up and examining his face while Yuuta just avoided making eye contacts with the girl

“Well looks like your face is not damage except that you bit your lip too much!” Milky hit Yuuta's head

“Itai!” Yuuta complained

“And you dare complain with just that! Think about this poor guy also! You mercilessly beat him to the point that he's coughing too hard and can't stand up!” Milky said while Yuuta looked away. Milky smiled and for a brief second she made an eye contact with Yuki

“*sigh* Okay, I'll take care of this mess that you made. Just go ahead and go home, I bet your tired from today's work” Milky said with her palm on the top of her head

“Thanks” Yuuta said and the two went home

“Are you sure it's okay to leave her alone?” Yuki asked

“Yeah, it may not look like it but that girl's an expert at fighting so she can take care of herself and she knows what she's doing. Now it's my turn to ask, why were you there?” Yuuta asked while Yuki just diverted her face to the other side so Yuuta won't see her face

“Let me repeat it again, why were you there in the middle of the night?” Yuuta asked

“I-I was going to buy somethin-

“Don't lie! Every store is closed in this hour! I'm sure there's a different reason”

“Okay I'll tell you! I erm.. I-

“Just hurry up already!”

“Okay! Okay! I wanted to wait for you there and congratulate you for the result of the sousenkyo” Yuki said looking the other way... blushing

“I-if that's the case... well... thanks... I guess” Yuuta said and looked the other way then Yuki looked at him

“IS WHAT YOU WANTED ME TO SAY RIGHT???” Yuuta quickly said


“What in the world are you thinking??? What if I didn't come there at the right time! Huh? Tell me! What are you gonna do?” Yuuta yelled at Yuki's face which made Yuki quiver

“But you still came, right?” Yuki smiled

“W-well- wait! That's not the question! You're not answering my question!”

“It already happened, just relax okay?” Yuki said in a gentle tone

“It's not okay! What if something like that happen to you again?” Yuuta mumble the last part

“Well when that time comes I'm sure you'll come for my rescue again” Yuki said and started petting Yuuta's head

“But what if I have work at the next time and won't be able to come to your rescue?” Yuuta asked while blushing

“You're still going to come to save me... even if it's impossible I know you're going to save me... I believe in you”

“I-if you put it that way how am I gonna be able to make a comeback?”

“You don't have to always win, you know”

“Stop being so cheeky woman!” Yuuta said and started tickling Yuki. The two started playing a game of chase and the next morning...

“Mayu wake up!!!” Yuko's been trying to wake Mayu up for about 10 minutes now Yuko already tried to jump on Mayu's stomach, Slap her face, Shake her by her shoulder, yell at her ears, but Mayu won't still wake up (Never try this at home  :smh )

“Are you kidding me? You're still sleeping after all that?? You must be a zombie!” Yuko said after wiping off the sweat that formed on her forehead

“I have an idea!” Yuko slammed her fist to her palm and smirked

2 minutes after Yuko came back to Mayu's room carrying a bucket of cold water

“BOMBS AWAY!!!” Yuko splashed all the water on Mayu's face

“That must have woke her up!” Yuko said while grinning. Mayu started groaning and rolled around her bed

“Wake up!!” Yuko yelled but Mayu just went back to sleep. Yuko slapped her forehead and started rolling on the ground yelling a bunch of meaningless words. Yuko stood up after recovering and started huffing and puffing

“MAYU WAKE UP!!! MILKY AND YUKI'S FIGHTING IN FRONT OF THE HOUSE!!!!” Yuko yelled but still no response (Not true)

“Milk's calling you!!!” Still no response (Still not true)

“Yuki's outside waiting for you!!” Yuko yelled (And STILL NOT TRUE). Mayu immediately sat up and looked at Yuko


“Why is my bed wet and why am I wet? And why does my stomach hurts?” Mayu asked

“Ask yourself!” Yuko yelled and slammed Mayu's door leaving dumbfounded girl alone

“I made her mad... Oh! and if I recall it correctly I have P.E today first!” Mayu smirked
I'm sorry if this chapter don't have interactions for the pairs except for Mayuki and sorry for the late update... again... it's just that I'm really running out of ideas right now I have to refuel :err: but at the next chapter there will be a lot of MariKojiYuu and SaeYakaMayuki along with Milky <--- (Don't know what to call it) and probably some Wmatsui with Airin <--- (Still don't know what to call them)  (Too many pairs :smh ) :hee:

clubhappy: 'I wanna see how Yuki will separate her from her Mayu' That's will be a tough one  :lol:
leEwẬy:  :lol:  Well glad to see you energetic! (With all those emoticons I can't help but to laugh)
cisda83: 'What kind of troubles Mayu is going to get from Miyuki..?' Well that will be something we should wait for  :P
Shinoki: 'alexsher-san you're super awesome~ once again, I've confirmed that...' Oh please... those words are too good for me I'm nowhere from being awesome yet but I'm really flattered thank you very much  :D
gek geki: 'YAY AN UPDATE' YAY A COMMENT  :lol:
rise: 'i like how things turned for mayu' I'm glad  :D
kurosawa87: 'Milky can expose them easily but she's playing it out perfectly to help them' precisely  :thumbsup

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Re: Destiny's Game MaYuki (Chapter 17)
« Reply #129 on: June 30, 2013, 02:34:59 AM »
haw, your definitely awesome..
good chap...
lol, that equation was epic!
oh, mayuyu berserk mode!! kaboom...
oh... good chap nod nod nod~ yay~
nod nod, yeah it is sometimes hard to name the pairings when theres like a triangle/ square/pentagon/ any random other shape

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Re: Destiny's Game MaYuki (Chapter 17)
« Reply #130 on: June 30, 2013, 09:36:52 AM »
Luckily Yuki able to stop Mayu dark side

Huh... Yuki and Milky are fighting.... who win?

What's going to happen next

Can't wait to find out

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline kenjoy12

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Re: Destiny's Game MaYuki (Chapter 17)
« Reply #131 on: June 30, 2013, 09:56:56 AM »
Mayu kowai yo!  :( Thank goodness Yuko able to stop Mayu.. :nervous

Wanna know more about Milky.. It give me a strange feelings.. :smhid Wonder what past MayuMilky have? Asides from childhood friend.. Ahmmm :? Milky knows about Mayu's dark side..

Watta~! :shocked Mayu such a heavy sleeper! :oops: Heehee Awww.. Poor Yuko did everything she could.. Ahaha :nervoud I guess Mayu being a lazy bum because it's PE for first period. Teehee :P

Will everything's going to be alright? Can't wait to see what will happen next :fap

Thank you for the update :bow: :thumbsup

Offline leEwẬy

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Re: Destiny's Game MaYuki (Chapter 17)
« Reply #132 on: July 01, 2013, 09:16:12 AM »
Mayu has a dark side :stoned: Seem like that Mayu's and MayuMilky's past is a mystery :ding:
Poor that old pervert man :scolding:
I wonder who's the girl Yuko save :dunno:
But seeing the negative Yuko and also the math "Girl in trouble + Save her = Me becoming her hero" that made up by Yuko is kinda funny :hiakhiakhiak:
Oh~ The part that Yuko wake Mayu up is make my stomach hurt :on lol:
Mayu is such a heavy sleeper :wahaha:
Can't wait to see the MariKojiyuu and MilkyMayuki, also JuriRenairin parts :on gay:
Update soon, please :kneelbow:
Working on translating an awesome Kojiyuu fanfic, right now ☆〜(ゝ。∂) :mon beam:

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Re: Destiny's Game MaYuki (Chapter 17)
« Reply #133 on: July 07, 2013, 09:04:42 AM »

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Re: Destiny's Game MaYuki (Chapter 17)
« Reply #134 on: July 07, 2013, 09:24:46 AM »
Mayu having one of those moments where she needs to stay out of the way XD
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Destiny's Game MaYuki (Chapter 18)
« Reply #135 on: July 10, 2013, 03:46:41 AM »

---Chapter 18---

“Oi Yuuta hurry up! We're gonna be late!” Yuu said

“Coming!” Yuu said while running down the stairs tying his tie

“Hurry! Hurry! Let's go!” Yuu said

“I need to put my shoes first... wait a minute why are you in such a hurry to go to school usually you just go around and I have to drag you to school”

“Well I have... reasons” Yuu said and looked the other way avoiding Yuuta's eyes

“Something's fishy” Yuuta said in a low tone

---At Gym---

Everybody finished changing on their gym clothes and left the locker room. As soon as all of them are out the P.E teacher also came out and told them to go on a straight line

“Okay class! Today we have a new student, he just came from America so be nice to him. You can come in now!” The coach said and all the girls started squealing “Why don't you introduce yourself?”

“Hi, Shinoda Mariko, yoroshiku” The guy named Mariko said before winking

“Kyaa!!!! He looks like a model!” All the girl said (Except for the group... you already know who is who)

“Okay! Okay! Girls! Settle down... we still have something to do, and new student! Stop winking!” The coach said to Mariko

“Hai~” Mariko said after doing his last wink

“SHINODA!!! I CHALLENGE YOU TO A BATTLE!!!!” Yuu suddenly yelled which attracted the attention of the people in the gym

“Wait did somebody just talked?” Mariko asked pretending that he couldn't see the little squirrel

“Why you~” Yuu charged towards the new student but the teacher stopped him

“Okay! I don't know what happened between you two, but let's settle this by something safe” The coach said while pushing Yuu to the other side of the gym then he walked in the middle of the gym

“We're gonna play dodgeball! Now you and you! Which ever side wins then the loser have to apologize to the winner” The coach said while dividing the students in half

“The red team will go with Oshima-kun while the blue team will go with Shinoda-kun” Then the students ran to their respective places

14 are on Mariko's side and 14 are on Yuko's side. Kojiharu decided to be the score keeper and Yuki decided to be the one who will assist the ones that will fall on the field that will soon becomes a battlefield for your life

“YOSHA!!! Let's get this started!!!” Yuu pumped his fist and the air and jumped

“Okay, I need one representative for each team to get in the middle”

“You do it” Mariko said while pushing Sae in the middle

“Since you're my best man, I'll let you do it” Yuu said while pushing Yuuta in the middle

“Watanabe, who ever gets win will get Yuki” Sae said while Yuuta just rolled his eyes “I take that as a yes” Sae smirked

“Ready! Go!” The coach tossed the ball in the air

“Go Yuuta-chin!!!!” Milky yelled

“Milky-san Sae's the one on our team” A girl said

Milky looked behind her “Ah! Gomen! I forgot... GO YUUTA-CHIN!!!”

“Who's side are you on?” The girl asked. Then Milky suddenly got out of the way then the ball flew straight to the girl's face knocking her down

“RED TEAM 1 POINT!” The coach said while the people on the blue team ran to the girl and carried her out of the field and to the bench where Yuki's taking care of her

“Resume the game!” The teacher said after blowing the whistle

Mariko took the ball on his right hand and spinned 2 times with a monstrous strength she released the ball and it flew straight in the opponent's field where a girl bravely tried to catch it but failed because the ball ended up hitting her in the face. After the ball was done spinning on the girl's face the girl also got knocked out and the people from red team ran her towards Yuki

“Oi! You three girl over there!” The coach said pointing at three girls that are on the second floor of the gym “Stop taking videos and get down here!” The coach said then the two girls did what the coach said

“Rena-sensei, Airin-sensei what are you doing here?” The coach asked

“Etto... since we have day off today we decided to come here and-

“So you decided to come here at school where it's daylight and wearing your uniforms?” The coach interrupted Rena

“Hai~” Airin said looking down

“Good timing! We need people to carry the dead soldiers anyway, so I'll let you off the hook for now” The coach said and blew the whistle for the students to resume the game

“Shinoda! You're gonna pay for killing my soldier!!!!” Yuu yelled and threw the ball across the room in such a force that Sae who ran to catch the ball was pushed back for a few inches by the ball but she managed to throw the ball back to the red team “Oi! That ball was for Shinoda!!!!” Yuu yelled

“I don't care!” Sae yelled back

Sayaka jumped like supper man and caught the ball then she rolled when she reached the ground “Nice try~” Sayaka said and threw the ball towards Jurina who looks like she's spacing out

“Watch out!!!” Rena yelled then Jurina saw the ball in the last second and managed to dodge the ball but the ball ended up landing on the face of the girl behind her

“Another soldier has left us” The coach said while Rena and Airin just sweat dropped at the level of the stupidity that this whole class is doing

“Medical group! Fetch the mighty soldier” The coach said pointing at the girl

“H-hai~” Rena and Airin said then they both carried the unconscious girl to the bench while the whole class is just saluting

“Seriously... what's wrong with this class?” Airin asked

“Just go along with it” Rena said while smiling

---15 minutes later---

Milky, Sae, Mariko and Jurina are left on the blue team while Sayaka, Yuuta, and Yuu are the only people left on the red team. As for the girls... well they all got hit in the face sitting on the bench with tissues plugged in their noses cheering the teams that they like. On the left side of the bench they're chanting the red team while on the right side of the bench they're chanting the blue team... now who's gonna win?

“4 against 3! Blue team 4! Red team 3! Battle Start!” The coach said and threw the ball to the red team where Sayaka took it and threw it to the opposite side

“Not gonna work!” Jurina said and threw the ball to the opponent's side not giving them time to adjust

“Too slow!” Yuu said as he ran close to the middle, jumped, caught the ball and threw the ball from the air. The blue team doesn't have enough time to go after the ball so the ball landed on the floor with a loud thud

“Red team! 1 point! Score! Red - 41! Blue – 40!”

“Kyyaaa~~~ Yuu-sama!!!!” The girl on the left side of the bench stood up and jumped chanting Yuu's name. Yuu look at the bench and winked at the girls while Kojiharu just yawned and Yuki still tending a girl

“Since, when did dodgeball became such a fearsome game?” Airin asked while Rena just shrugged her shoulders staring at a certain girl running back and forth (The two are seating down on the ground)

Yuuta got hold of the ball and did a fake throw which caught the other team off guard then she threw thel ball and it came flying right in front of Milky's face and

BOOM!!! Milky fell on the ground. The balll left mark on her face while blood is dripping from her nose. Yuuta ran towards Milky and guided her towards Yuki

“I'll leave her to you” Yuuta said and ran back to the battlefield

“You're gonna pay for that!” Yuuta yelled

“You're the one who hit her!!!” Everybody in the field said

“No need for excuses! I'm going to avenge her death!” Yuuta announced

“But I'm still alive over here” Milky said in a low tone and fell asleep

Yuuta and threw the ball towards Sae which Sae caught and for some reason Sae did her evil laugh

“Kya~~~” The girls in the bench squealed

“Rena-chan, what did you do to this kids?” Airin asked

“Eh? I didn't do anything!”

“You're their adviser so you probably did something to bring them to this level” Airin said

“I'm a hopeless teacher” Rena sighed

Meanwhile Kojiharu's staring at Yuu who's energetically playing the game until she recall something that happened last night


“Supper Yuu to the rescue!!!” Kojiharu looked up and saw a certain retarded squirrel running down the stairs like supper man, but ended up tripping on a rock and rolled down the stairs and landed on the drunken man. When the drunken man fell on the ground he hit his head on the solid cement that he lost consciousness

“Ita~” Yuu stood up and rubbed his head

“Yuu-chan?” Kojiharu said and Yuu looked up and saw Kojiharu

“Nyannyan!!!! Are you okay? So this guy's attacking you!” Yuu was about to kick the drunken man but Kojiharu stopped her

“Yuu-chan! Don't!”

“What? Why?”

“This guy's my dad, he just came from work”

“Then why did you screamed for help?”

“Because something not good happened, he threw up on me” Kojiharu said with a disgusting look on her face

“Oh~” Yuu said making the same face that Kojiharu's making “Well here you can just change to this shirt that I brought with me” Yuu said giving Kojiharu the extra shirt that she took with her for work

“why do you have a girly shirt?” Kojiharu asked in a suspicious tone

“Etto~ I-I just came from m-m-my cousin right! I just came from my cousin's house and I asked her for a shirt that's she's not gonna use anymore because I need to use it f-for... for... oh! Because I wanted to recycle it... you see I was planning to make a cover for my bento box but I wanted to make it cute so... yeah... I ended up taking my cousin's shirt” Yuu said while scratching the back of his neck

“If you say so... but where should I change?” Kojiharu asked looking around. Yuu had a pervert look on his face and was about to say something but Kojiharu remembered something

“Oh! Wait here... I'm going to change in the girl's bathroom” Kojiharu said while Yuu just pouted

---End of Flashback---

“I wonder why Oshima Yuko was there in that bathroom last night” Kojiharu accidentally said loud enough for Yuu to hear causing him to drop his guard down

“Yuu watch out!!!” Yuuta yelled but he was too late Yuu got hit in the face sending him flying backwards and fell on the ground

“Why am I seeing too many oshiris?” Yuu asked and fell unconscious

“Blue team! 1 point!”

“Yuu!!!” Yuuta ran to Yuu and this time Sayaka stop Yuuta from running to Yuu because she knows that he's going out field again

“Medical team take him to the nurse!” The coach said

“Ehh??? but it's too hot!” Rena and Airin whined

“Did you said something?” The coach gave the two a death glare which made the two scared

“N-no sir!” The two said and took Yuu to the bench

“*sigh* I was trying to get Rena-chan's attention, but now I can't do that stupid coach!” Jurina whispered then she saw the ball flying towards her so she caught it and threw it to the coach causing him to fall on the ground and students laughing at him

“What was that for?” The coach asked

“Gomen, coach my hand slipped” Jurina faked smile and so did the coach now the two of them are smiling at each other but the same time sparks are flying between their eyes

Minutes later the game resumed... Milky and Yuu are out of the game so it's 3 on two

“Super ball!!!!” Sayaka yelled and threw the ball towards Mariko who's staring at Kojiharu trying to change the score on the score-board

“Watch out!” Sae yelled but it's too late Mariko got hit on the part where if you hit a male on that part they will twist from the pain

“I~te!!!” Mariko yelled jumping up and down while holding 'that' part

“Gomen~” Sayaka said trying to hold her laugh while a certain squirrel is laughing too hard on the bench

“Even I don't know what to do about that, since I'm a female” The coach said holding her laugh. While Mariko's just jumping while going to the bench

“Aahhh!!! I'm laughing too hard that my stomach hurts!!” The squirrel said while rolling on the floor laughing

“Why don't you help him, Yuu-kun? Besides you're also a male right? I bet you know what to do” Sayaka said then Yuu laughed even harder but this time his laugh sounds like he's forcing a laugh

“He's definitely trying to avoid the subject” Yuuta said in a tone where only he himself can hear


“Game over!!! Red team wins!!!” The coach announced. In the end Yuuta was the last one standing

“Ah!!! Too much running~” Yuuta complained

“Here” Yuki gave Yuuta a cold water. Yuuta gladly took it and put it against his cheeks

“Thank Yuki”

“Yuuta-chin!!!” Milky jumped on Yuuta and both fell on the cold floor of the gym

“Ita!!!” Yuuta complained “Milky? Get off me... it's too hot” Yuuta said but Milky just stayed there and kept on hugging Yuuta. While Yuki's just trying to put down her fist that's ready to punch Milky

“Nyannyan!!!” Yuu jumped on Kojiharu and hugged her

“Get off her!” Mariko said and pulled Yuu away from Kojiharu then he hugged kojiharu

“Get off my girl!” Yuu said and pulled Mariko away from Kojiharu

“What's your problem?” Mariko asked

“You!” Yuu yelled and jumped on Mariko

“The two of you! I thought we already solved this problem?” The coach said and the two boys that are fighting just looked at the coach and punched her at the same same knocking him out "How... can you hit a... girl like me?" was the coach's last word. The two boys smiled and continued fighting

“Rena-chan! What are you doing here?” Jurina asked

“Oh, so now you call me Rena-chan” Rena said

“Yeah it's because you're wearing your uniform” Jurina said forcing a smile because Rena's hugging Airin in front of Jurina  “Well I'll be going now” Jurina said and left without letting Rena say a word

“Yo! Yuki-chan!” Sae said putting one of her arm around Yuki's neck

“Sae-chan!” Yuki said while smiling

“Okay! Time's up! You're going with me!” Yuuta said as he grabbed Yuki's hand and started dragging her with him

“Hey! Yuki-chan's with me first!” Sae said

“Yuuta-chin~ why did you leave me?” Milky asked as she hugged Yuuta's arms causing Yuuta to let go of Yuki's hand

“It looks like Milky wants to go with you somewhere... Yuuta-chin” Sae said

“Yeah! We need to talk about something... bye~” Milky said and dragged Yuuta with her. Sae looked at Yuki but she can't see her face since she's facing her back

“Yuki-chan?” Sae called out and she saw Yuki flinched when Sae called her name

“Oh! We have free time at the next class right?” Yuki asked and Sae nodded

“Let's go by the fountain then!” Yuki said. Sae smiled “Sure!”

“What's gonna happen next between the four of them?” Sayaka asked while looking at Milky who's being too clingy at Yuuta while Yuuta's looking at Yuki without Yuki knowing because she's too busy looking at Milky and Yuuta's arm and finally at Sae who's looking at Yuki's back

“The two love triangles are also troublesome in their own way” Sayaka said while looking at Jurina who's walking away from Rena and Airin and at Kojiharu who's just playing her ps vita while the two boys are fighting in front of them

“Well I guess this just makes my job easier... or not” Sayaka said while looking at Sae who looks so happy talking to Yuki
Sorry for the boring chapter... I just have to put this one so it will open a door for something (not gonna say it) at the future updates and also this chapter is necessary for Mariko-sama's entrance  :bow:

Shinoki: Haha glad to see that you like it!  :lol:
cisda83: Yuki and Milky are not actually fighting it was just something that Yuko invented so Mayu would wake up  :nervous
kenjoy12: Milky and Mayu's history will still be remain a mystery for now but I will slowly~ reveal it as chapters pass  ;)
leEwẬy: I know I also hate that pervy old man  :P  MilkyMayuki, also JuriRenairin Hey that's a good one!  :grin:
gek geki: Yes... yes there is  XD  here's a hint one of the mysteries will be uncovered at the next chapter
kurosawa87: LOL I agree  :D

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Re: Destiny's Game MaYuki (Chapter 18)
« Reply #136 on: July 10, 2013, 04:03:07 AM »
This is just a mess XD

Mariko and Yuu are fighting over KojiHaru although I wonder how long Yuko can hold up the charade and Jurina calling Rena was something quite interesting

Dodgeball solves many problems
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

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Re: Destiny's Game MaYuki (Chapter 18)
« Reply #137 on: July 10, 2013, 09:15:13 AM »
Now, Mariko's their classmate :on ksweat:
This class sure has a lots of triangle loves :wahaha:
I'm laugh hard at the flashback that Yuko intented to save Haruna but end up kicked her father :hiakhiakhiak: also his reason for having a girly shirt :on lol:
Poor Rena and Airin :on drink: Having carry those death soliders out, it must be very heavy :sweat:
Mariko and Yuko just like dog and cat, always fighting, compete to have Haruna :on gay:
I think Milky is another version of Yuko since she's always clinging on Mayu :bigdeal:
Can't wait to see more and more love triangles scenes :ding:
Update soon, please :kneelbow:
Working on translating an awesome Kojiyuu fanfic, right now ☆〜(ゝ。∂) :mon beam:

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Re: Destiny's Game MaYuki (Chapter 18)
« Reply #138 on: July 10, 2013, 12:45:47 PM »
I'm smiling a lot~
Lol, the dodge ball game = miniature war?
Milky is awesome somehow!!!
Mariko lost? Hrm... but he still wants Haruna...
whew~ that was epic~ So happy`

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Re: Destiny's Game MaYuki (Chapter 19)
« Reply #139 on: July 26, 2013, 09:50:16 AM »

---Chapter 19---

Milky dragged Yuuta behind the gym where no one can see them nor her them.

“Mayu, this morning your dad”

“What about him?” Yuuta stared into Milky's eyes intensely

“Somebody knocked on the door this morning and when I opened it... it was your dad”

“What did he say?”

“He's not aware that you're an idol and where you're living, so he went to my house to ask about information of where you are and what you're doing”

“What did you said?”

“I said that I don't know and that we haven't communicated since eight grade”

“And then?” Milky slowly pulled out a white envelope from her pocket and gave it to Yuuta

“He left but before he did he handed me this letter and he said that he wants you to read it” Yuuta cut the seal and a piece of white paper popped up. Yuuta opened it and started reading

'Mayu, I wrote this letter to inform you that I'm back. If it's possible I would like to talk to you again about living with me. I'm aware of your talent and I want to polish it. I don't know where you are and that's why I gave it to Miyuki-chan to hand it to you. Tonight in front of the center park I will be waiting for you and I won't leave until you come.'

“Yuuta, what does it says?”

“He wants to meet me again... he said that he's going to wait for me at center park tonight”

“So that means...

“He knew that you'll know where I am and that you will definitely give this letter to me and hence he gave it to you”

“But how?”

“He's the former leader of the mafia until my mom separated with him... when they separated mom took over the mafia and dad went overseas. I was left with my grandma and she died when I was 13 years old. To be honest I really don't know anything about my dad, but like I said he's the former leader of the mafia... he knows a lot of people and that equals to having a lot of information... and it's not just that... he also have the brain... as for my mom... well~ she really doesn't have it... she only knows half of my dad's brain... if there's something that you should be scared from my dad it would be this” Yuuta said as he tapped the upper part of his head

“Yuuta! Watch out!” Milky yelled as she pulled Yuuta to the side causing Yuuta to loose his balance and the both of them fell on the soft tall grass

'Ite~ what happened?' Yuuta thought.  His eyes are closed as he rubbed his upper head part. He felt something very soft touching against his own lips and once he opened them his eye grew big. 'Wait! What's happening here? Why is Milky's face too close???'

Milky stood up holding a stone on one of her hands as she threw it towards a tree not too far from them. “Tsk! He escaped!” Milky turned around and made Yuuta stood straight up by pulling his ear while Yuuta's saying ouch

“Why did you do that?” Yuuta asked rubbing his red ear

“You idiot! You almost got hit by a sniper! Spit it out!”

“Spit what out?”

“Who's going after you?”


“If nobody's really going after you then how do you explain this?” Milky asked as she pulled out the bullet that she caught earlier after she pushed Yuuta “A rubber bullet?”

“Let me see” Yuuta took the bullet away from Milky and analyzed it “Go back to the class... I have something to do” Yuuta said and was about to leave but Milky stopped him by grabbing his wrist

“If you get into trouble... it's okay to take off your wig”

“I don't get what you're saying” Yuuta said and left

 once Yuuta was out of sight Milky's phone rang and she brought the device up against her ear

“What do you want?”

“It's me”

“Ah! Sa-

“Don't say my name!”


“Anyway... how's the task going?”

“Don't worry! It's progressing~”

“Good... don't make a wrong move we sacrificed a very long amount of time for this mission. We can't afford to let this go down the drain or else we'll be in big trouble!”

“Hai~ hai~”

“Before I hung up did you do what the leader told you to do?”


“Ok, bye”

The other person on the end of the line dropped the phone and Milky put the device back in her pocket.


Yuuta stormed in the principal's office and slammed the table in front of the principal as it emits a loud bang.

“What's the meaning of this?” Yuuta yelled slamming a hard cylindrical and pointy thing that's made out of rubber

“What are you talking about? Why don't you sit down and calm down first the we'll talk”

“No! Look at this bullet! No matter how much you look at it... it belongs to mafia! It belongs to our clan!” Yuuta glared at the principal with piercing eyes. The principal grabbed the metal and inspected this

“I didn't-

“Don't play dumb with me! Why did you ordered them?”

“Like I said I didn't”

“I don't like people who play dirty”

Yuuta slammed the table once more and left the room.


“Nee, Yuki-chan it's been a long time since we hanged out... alone” Sae said as she handed an ice-cream to Yuki

“You think so?”

“Yeah! I mean before we used to be together all day and sometimes I even sleep at your room”

“But that's when we were kids”

“No it's not! The last time I slept at your house is a month ago!”

“See~ so it's not that long ago”

“You just don't get it” Sae said and sat next to Yuki. She noticed that Yuki's staring at the sky so she said “The clouds are pretty as always, huh?”

“Un~” Yuki nodded

“Where did you went earlier? You just disappeared”


“What are you thinking about?”


And~ the two of them just sat there by the fountain inspecting the clouds


“Nyannyan! Let's go to the lunch room!” Yuu said while hugging Kojiharu's arm

“Nyaro~ let's go to the rooftop!” Mariko pushed Yuko away and rested his hands on Kojiharu's shoulder

“Nyannyan's going with me!” Yuu yelled as he pushed Mariko and wrapped her arms around Kojiharu's waist

“No she's going with me!” Mariko pushed Yuu and he wrapped his arms around Kojiharu

“Oi! Get off my girl!” Yuu yelled and pushed Mariko

“No you get off!” Mariko yelled and pushed Yuu back and now they're pushing each other back and forth

“Ok! Let's settle this like a man!” Yuu said spreading his legs wide as he tilted his upper body forward and Mariko did the same

“SUMO!!!” The both of them yelled at the same time

“Hakkeyoi~ nokotta!” A referi that came from nowhere yelled and the two ran towards each other but Sayaka stopped them

“Instead of hurting each other why don't you just let Kojiharu to decide?” Sayaka asked and the two nodded

“Why didn't you think of that sooner squirrel!!!” Mariko yelled

“Ha~~?? You're the one who should've think about it first!” Yuu yelled back

“Hai~ STOP!!!!” Sayaka sealed the two guy's mouth by putting duck tape on it “Now, Kojiharu... you can either go to the lunch room or rooftop choose one... and you two! If Kojiharu chose the place that either one of you said the one who didn't suggest that place must leave! Understand?”

“MMM~~~” The both of them said

“What? I can't understand you!”




“Speak clearly!!” Sayaka yelled and the two boys pointed on their duck taped mouth

“Oh~ right~ about that~ hehe... good luck!” Sayaka said and ran

Kojiharu started walking and the two boys followed her (Note: They already removed the duck tape)

“Nyaro's going to the rooftop!” Mariko whispered

“No! Nyannyan's going to the lunch room!!!” Yuu whispered

---20 minutes later---

“Te! Why are we in the infirmary???” The two boys yelled in unison... moments passed and they heard Kojiharu turn and the two boy looked over to see how their princess is doing but then

“OOOHHH!!!!” The two boys started gushing blood from their nose as they witness the scene in front of them... a sleeping Kojiharu with only half of her body covered by the blanket

“Yabe~~~ this is too sexy~” The two boys said with their eyes glued on Kojiharu while stuffing their noses with tissues


“Let's go” Sae said and Yuki nodded. The two stood up and was about to go but from the corner of her eye... Yuki saw Yuuta running.

“Gomen, Sae! You can go ahead I have to go somewhere!” Yuki said and ran away not giving Sae time to ask her why.


Yuki ran after Yuuta, but she decided to follow him quietly (Like a stalker)

'Where is he going?' Yuki thought. Yuuta stopped and Yuki quickly hid behind the giant post that was placed not too far from where she's standing from. She saw Yuuta looking from left to right and ran to the right. Yuki nodded and ran after Yuuta. 'Wait! This is going to the back side of the school where most students jump from the fence to skip classes' Yuki thought.

She saw Yuuta climbed the fence and jumped to the other side. This made Yuki curious so she followed him.

---Somewhere else---

“Leader... I heard that you called for me” A short haired girl said as she kneeled in front of the 'so' called leader

“Yeah... Tell me... how's the mission going?”

“It's progressing, sir... tonight we'll catch him”

“Excellent... once you catch him don't let him go until you get him to barf out the information that we needed. After that I don't care what you do to him”

“Hai!” The short haired girl said and exited the room

“Let's see what you can do... Toshihiro's son”


kurosawa87: Yes! Dodgeball is the solution to every problem!!! LOL  :mon beam:
leEwẬy: Thank you~ I hope you like this chapter too... sorry for the very long time that it took me to update  :mon pray2:
Shinoki: Hmmm... Milky? Awesome? I agree to those two, but somehow? why is there somehow? LOL  :mon dunno:

Okay! In this chapter I gave you some background info about Mayu's life... but more questions came up???  :mon huh:

It's currently 2:52 at my place so~ oyasuminasai~  :sleep:

JPHiP Radio (13/200 @ 128 kbs)     Now playing: Utada Hikaru - Niji-iro BASU