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Author Topic: Memory no Kizuna Chapter 4 7/16/2013  (Read 3786 times)

Offline kuro808

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Memory no Kizuna Chapter 4 7/16/2013
« on: March 06, 2013, 10:39:23 AM »
I thought of writing something else before this but I could resist writing it up, it seemed too much to even leaving it on the back burner.  I know many see the dominant dark writings in the recent two fics but this one is less dark more unusual :nervous

I will allow discussion through PM rather than here, you can comment on it but if there is any questions, PM me.  However, nothing about the chapters coming up will come from my lips  :lol:

Chapter 1

“We have the body ready for you.”  Her assistant called out from the examination room filled with machines surrounding the lifeless patient.

“Thank you Matsui-san.”

Watanabe Mayu developed herself as a prominent scientist in understanding memories of people.  She had learned how to extract a part of the brain that stored memories and record it onto a media.  Displaying her findings brought two groups, the critics that shot down her reasoning and displayed certain fabrications of memories and the believers who argued that no memory can ever be fabricated if it happens to be true from family and friends.  Neither could establish the final nail to believe that it is truth to either side.  For two years, she had three people record their memories before death.  This one was her true test.

She scanned the body carefully looking for any scarring or any misadventures the person may have taken and found none.  Mayu looked over at her assistant, Matsui Jurina, and quickly gave her the nod.  The assistant rolled over a small machine shaped like a typewriter over to the side of the table.  Mayu grabbed two electrodes and placed it on either side of the temple.  She pressed down on the first button and a slight buzzing sound was heard as Jurina looked at the small screen in front of her.

“Fully charged.”  She yelled as Mayu pressed the yellow button below it.

The body started to spasm for a few seconds before calming back into its rigor mortis state.  Jurina saw a small pattern on the screen and confirmed there was progress in the brain waves.  Mayu swiftly got the black container from the corner of the room and placed a smaller electrode between the two.  She keenly watched the progress slow improve and stabilized the waves so they could start recording.

“I think we may have progressed into another world.”

“Dr. Watanabe, I think we did.”

“By the way, do you have the name of the patient?”

Jurina grabbed the manila folder at the edge of the flat, metal table and rummaged through the white pages until she got to the profile page, “Her name was Kashiwagi Yuki, age 21, cause of death: lung cancer.”

“Hmm, so young…”  Mayu thought as she glanced over at the machine.

“This will be a short one?”  Jurina questioned as she looked at the brain waves on the screen.

“Indeed, twelve hours seems to be about right.”

Mayu grabbed the report from Jurina with ease as she tried to dig for information that could be found within her memory.  Most of it was normal, mundane items but three events caught her eye:  A move from Kagoshima to Tokyo, the learning of her cancer, and the days before her death.  The first one seemed to catch anyone’s eye but the last two; Mayu had a vested interest in for her own learning.  She placed the folder to side of her and tracked the progress of the recording.

Jurina tilted her head to the side as the waves were slowing down and charged up the electrodes to acquire stabilization again.  Mayu felt her heart drop to her stomach after her assistant’s sudden movement but quickly felt assured after it got stabilized. Despite the many opportunities, this one body was fresh from the hospital after cleanup.  Mayu accepted that startup would be hard but once she could allow the brain waves to flourish while in death, she knew extraction would be easy.

However, she also had to worry about keeping a body in state for a long period of time.  In which Mayu just accepted any consequences that would pose her way.  The purpose was to get whatever she could get before the brain waves couldn’t produce anymore memories, thus discarding the body to the memorial site.  The more it seemed to worry her; the effort seemed to bloom within her to try.

Two hours past since the last hiccup in the process, Jurina rubbed her eyes as she tried to fight off the sleep within her and Mayu observed the sudden uptick in recovery.  The black box was able to hold sixty years of memories before it would reset itself.  Mayu was aware of the black box’s capabilities but refused to let it reset by transferring to the computer.  Jurina looked up at the clock through her half-opened eyes and shook her head.

“I’m going to get dinner.”  She announced as she grabbed her coat from the rack.

“Be back soon.”

Mayu moved the machines next to each other as she monitored the brain waves.  She let out a yawn as the continuing motion made her brain falter a bit.  Mayu felt her heavy eyelids closed for a moment to only open for a quick second to see the same result.

What is this place?

“This is a research center.”  Mayu responded.

Why am I here?

“You are dead.”

I cannot be dead, I just learned of my disease yesterday.

“That was a year ago.  You just past on a day ago.”

It cannot be.  Why are you testing on me?  What is that?

“These are electrodes.  I am gathering memories of your brain.”

Please take it off me.  I demand it right now.

“Please reconsider, I cannot do that.  It is important for me to find what you saw for the world…”

I don’t want the world to see what I saw in my life.

“You died because of the evil within you.  I want them to see how beautiful life was to you.”

I don’t care, Mayuyu.

Mayu tumbled to the floor as Jurina entered through the door with two warm bentos and juice.  The assistant ran over to pick up Mayu from the floor and glanced over at the person to see the spike in her brain.  Holding her hair, she saw the spike slowly go down to a stable wave and sat back in her chair slouched over.  The box had filled to 40% of the possible space.

“What happened, Dr. Watanabe?”

“I don’t know I closed my eyes for a moment and started to talk to her.  She was demanding me to stop the experiment but I wanted people to see what she saw.  Then, without even acknowledging my name, she called me by my child hood name.”  Mayu said with her heart pumping at 200 beats and no point of slowing down.

“Have you seen her before?”  Jurina asked as she placed the bento onto the table near the door.

“I know I haven’t seen her before.  I was sheltered most of my life since I was five.”

“I see.”  Jurina breathed.  “Do you mind me asking your childhood name?”

“Mayuyu.”  She said sternly as the quick beat slowed back into a normal rhythm.

“That would seem weird.”  She reckoned with her finger on her chin.  “Maybe food would satisfy your needs.”

Jurina pointed toward the table with the bentos waiting for her.  Mayu leapt up and walked over to the table to get her meal and drink.  She took a seat, staring at the bento for a moment before breaking the chopsticks muttering, “Itadakimasu”

Mayu first grabbed the pickled vegetables in the small container with the end of the chopsticks.  Slowly, she placed it on her lips with the taste slithering into her mouth before resting it within her cheek.  Her teeth start the process as she began to break down the events of her short nap.  She grabbed the book beside her and wrote down every piece of the conversation and the facial expression she had posed to her.  A simple few minutes turned into two pages filled with details of everything that had transpired.

“Dr. Watanabe, someone is here to see you.”  Jurina informed the doctor.

“Whoa, Mayu has a laboratory.”  She said with a surprised tone.

“Yuko-senpai, it is nice to see you.”  Mayu bowed deeply.  “Came here for a visit?”

“Yes, I heard what you have been doing and I have been impressed by your work.”  She praised as Mayu looked back at her notes.

“That’s good to hear but the people are all not for this technology.”

“It shouldn’t matter.  Watanabe has become an inspiration to the rest of the scientists in improving life.”  Yuko shouted.

“Thanks, but should you be with Kojima-san right now?”  Mayu said in a soft voice as she turned towards her.

“You’re right!  Gomen.  I just want to see what my pupil is doing now.  I’ll see you later on.”  Yuko exited the room as Mayu began to analyze the situation.

Mayu ripped out the scribbles on the pages and wrote out clear sentences on the clean page.  Everything was in chronological order with theories written to the side of it.  Her brain was spewing out ideas of what had happened and everything soon became another jumbled mess with the clutter from before.  She grabbed her chopsticks and scooped out a bite-sized piece of rice and downed it quickly.

Pushing the unfinished bento aside, she opened the juice bottle and took a quick swig as she went onto the next page with theories until she managed to get six pages filled with ideas.  Looking back at the dead person, she came to the one conclusion that she was dreaming but another spike influenced another idea:  The brain activity was still normal compared to her physical appearance.

“Jurina, you can go ahead and eat.  I need to figure this out myself.”  Mayu said in a stern voice as she walked to her feet and stared at her.

The cold air ran past her neck.  Mayu release a shiver as her eyes made contact with her face.  Her heart began to pound within her chest as she came closer.  Mayu reached out for her leg and felt the icy feeling of a dead body.  The warmth disappeared from her hand with the pressure indenting her body.

“This is weird.  I swore I talked to you.”  She mumbled as she reached out for her hand.

The cold fingers were a giveaway to her status.  She was definitely dead but some outer worldly voice seemed to get into her brain.  Then, as she moved up to her elbow, the brain waves increased to a lively person, forcing Jurina to drop her chopsticks, and checked out the machine.

“Mayu, are you thinking that she is still alive?”

“I don’t know.  We have to stop this before the body goes into overload.”  Mayu said as she removed the hand from her body.

The doctor walked over to the box and saw the item filled.  Mayu removed the electrode from her brain and quickly downloaded into the computer.  Mayu watched the body for a few minutes as her mind wandered into the unknown space of the hidden thoughts.  Everything seemed normal until she napped but now the chaos seemed to control her thoughts.

“How’s the brain activity?”

“Normal for now, you must have something she needed.”  Jurina replied as she held her bento near her.

“I don’t know about that, I can never associate myself if I wasn’t a loner.”

“Dr. Watanabe, please cheer up.”  Jurina said confidently.  “You will definitely get the prize after this.”

Mayu let the words of her assistant dwell in her mind.  It was possible to get the award in excellence after this finding but it also would lead to many people questioning her ethics in dragging a dead body into the lab for testing.  The many problems it had brought up thinking of the solution to her problem only led to more headaches.  She took a seat in her chair and tilted her head up as she looked toward the ceiling.

“Dr. Watanabe, maybe you should draw her.”  Jurina suggested.  “It would kill time for the download to be ready.”

She snatched the drawing pad from her drawer and took out a charcoal piece from her desk to trace the outline of her body.  Mayu had always been a splendid drawer but her art soon was overshadowed by her mind.  It never stopped her from drawing but it led to a few battles in her childhood.  Tracing the shape, she was amazed by the proportions she possessed.  Her beauty radiated from the table as Mayu detailed every part of her body.  She held back her emotions as the admiration took over the possession of her soul.

Jurina walked over to the monitor to view the patterns and rubbed her chin as she printed out a chart of the brain waves.  She quickly analyzed it as usual before sticking it into the folder as she had done every three hours to go through strict analysis.  Mayu began to wrap up her drawing with the thin eyebrows shading over her closed eyes.  Mayu assumed her eyes would be big and drew it out precisely to her image.  She detached the paper from the pad and threw it onto the table.

“Dr. Watanabe, it looks so beautiful.”  Jurina commented as she couldn’t help but stare at it for a few seconds.

“Thanks, I think we are done with her.  We have to send it back to the morgue now.”

Jurina made her phone call to the morgue leaving Mayu to remove the remaining electrodes.  She held the two active electrodes and turned off the machine.  She placed them on the machine before turning back to her office.  Mayu felt a jolt through her back and fell to her knees.  She braced herself with her arms but it gave away quickly to the cold floor below.  Her body laid flat as she could only see the feet of the woman hovering over her.

This is not over.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2013, 11:59:25 PM by kurosawa87 »
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline jell_o_jello

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Re: Memory no Kizuna Chapter 1 3/5/2013
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2013, 04:58:08 PM »
Woah, this sounds very very interesting.
So Mayu and Yuki must have been childhood friends. I'm curious about what's next.
Please update soon  :cow:

Offline K-popJ-popAWESOMENESS

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Re: Memory no Kizuna Chapter 1 3/5/2013
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2013, 05:54:41 PM »
Sounds REALLY interesting  :thumbsup

Update soon I can't wait  :mon angel:

Offline Wmatsui22

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Re: Memory no Kizuna Chapter 1 3/5/2013
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2013, 09:40:01 AM »
Please Continue :)

It's interesting :)

I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

Offline leEwẬy

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Re: Memory no Kizuna Chapter 1 3/5/2013
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2013, 04:18:04 PM »
Wow, this fic is interesting :mon thumb:
Yuki in this fic was died because lung cancer :mon waterworks:
I wonder what will happen next :mon dunno:
Update soon, please :mon pray2:
Working on translating an awesome Kojiyuu fanfic, right now ☆〜(ゝ。∂) :mon beam:

Offline kuro808

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Re: Memory no Kizuna Chapter 2 3/11/2013
« Reply #5 on: March 11, 2013, 09:53:42 PM »
@jell_o_jello: we'll see how that pans out

@KPOPJPOP and WMatsui: Thnx

@leeway: well Yuki's death was a main goal because Mayu has to figure out why she Yuki knew her through thoughts

Chapter 2

The haunting message lingered in her mind with the body’s imprint still fresh from removal.  A slight stench fumed within the room, pondering the mind of the doctor.  The assistant observed the doctor many times usually confused but Jurina felt a solid piece fell into her intestines and walked over to Mayu with steady steps.

“Doctor, are you okay?”  She asked with her eyes concentrating on the clock to the right of her.

“Jurina, let’s go to the dorm.”  Mayu replied with her eyes fluttering fighting the diminishing energy within.

The assistant swiftly left the laboratory, forgetting about the doctor still staring at her desktop.  Her curiosity grew with the item on the screen.  She clicked it once, highlighting the item.  Mayu had her pointer on the left button of the mouse ready to click it again.  Then, she saw the drawing of the woman to the right of the mouse and grabbed it instead.  A slight draw came from her stomach to her throat but slowly went back down.

Her drawings were of pleasure rather than obsession but this one caught her eye as the details masked the true beauty she had seen a few hours earlier.  It was the first time she had drawn a deceased subject and she made her eyes look bright despite not knowing the color of them assuming it was brown as all others she had seen before.  Mayu rarely appreciated what she drew but it seemed 3D to her as she wrapped her arms around the pad.

“Why did you pass on?  You had so much to face in your life.”  She mumbled to the pad as she had her arms wrapped around it.

“Dr. Watanabe, we need to leave.”  Jurina informed the doctor as the clock struck ten, their curfew time.

Mayu shut down the computer and left the room with the drawing pad in hand.  She closed the lights and door behind her before heading toward the dorms.  It was a long corridor filled with doors of other scientists as they stayed shut.  She wasn’t sure if all followed curfew but she never wanted to test that and took a right after the final laboratory and opened a door to the bridge that connected to the other building.

Jurina led the duo to other side where a red light was on and both hurried to their room on the other side of the hallway.  Mayu busted through the heavy door and waved to her assistant before the door closed behind her.  The doctor flipped open the lights revealing the anime posters plastered on the walls.  Her fandom never got in the way of her studies but her status as an otaku was highly considered in many circles.

She walked over to her laptop in sleep mode and turned it on with notifications of twenty emails.  Many were going to be deleted but the most recent one seemed to catch her eye.  It was from colleague in the AI department, Matsui Rena.  She grasped her cell phone and called the number realizing it was her office but it went to another phone and a voice came from the other side.

“Rena, are you sure?”

“We can collaborate on this project and if it works out, we can get that prize for ourselves.”  She explained.

“What about Jurina?”

“She wants to be part of it…”

“You spoke to her?”  Mayu asked as she looked at the cc field of the email.

“Remember I’m her girlfriend.”  She replied with a high-pitch shrill.

“Oh right… Jurina rarely talks about you.”

“Ehhh~ That girl is your assistant and doesn’t talk about the fun events we go.”  Rena said with irritation running high.

“I guess we are so busy that she forgets, although she was excited about the date for the weekend.”  Mayu interjected hoping Rena would calm down.

“Date?  She wants to go out this weekend?  Oh god I have to decline.”

“She only spoke of it just recently, please don’t kill it.”  Mayu pleaded.

“Dr. Watanabe, you are so kind to her.  That girl will never understand my feelings for her.”

“I wish I had the same feelings for someone.”

“Dr. Watanabe is lonely?  You can hook up with anyone here.”  Rena said with a slight uplifting tone.

“I could but I feel my colleagues are colleagues rather than a lover.”

“I guess I can make a cyborg for you.”

“Let’s go back to business.  Do you want my media?”

“I guess so… I can make it in a few months and we can test it.”

“Sounds fine.  We shall continue this later on, I need to review my next subject.”

“I heard she was a cute subject.”

Mayu smiled at the statement.  She was indeed cute but to hear how she passed on ruined the moment and held the phone next to her ear.  “Yes, but I really need to go.”

The phone clicked off and placed the cell onto the table.  She scanned through her unread mail before deleting them out of her inbox.  Mayu laid her head onto the pillow and closed her eyes, opening her mind to the dream of her once again but it never came again.  In exhaustion, the bed comforted her into a deep sleep.

She awoke next morning to knocking on her door.  Mayu rolled out of bed and answered the door to Yuko, who had a wide smile on her face.  She quickly rubbed her eyes and stepped out of her room.

“Mayu, we need to go to the auditorium.”  She insisted as Jurina came out from her room.

“There is a big announcement.”  She said happily, leaving Mayu to drag her body to the meeting place.

As she entered into the auditorium, the people sat still until Mayu took her seat and everyone stood and clapped as a video came onto the screen.

“Welcome everyone.”  He greeted with a booming voice.

“I want to make an announcement that we are getting money to fund a project.”  The crowd cheered.

“A joint project between Dr. Matsui of AI and Dr. Watanabe of Memory Development will develop a cyborg.”

The spotlight shined over both of them and the two headed up to the stage.  The two gave a deep bow to the crowd before turning toward the video.

“Our two of the youngest scientists will work on it for the next year in hopes of developing a working cyborg for the award show.”  He proclaimed with the crowd responding back with applause.

Mayu, still groggy, walked back to her seat with a half smile on her face.  Jurina quickly congratulate the scientist as she lounged back to her seat.  Rena came from behind and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend.

“I heard we are going on a date this weekend…”

“I’m planning it but who told you?”  Jurina asked as she quickly looked at the tired doctor.

“I can’t go anyway so if you want to reschedule, next weekend is fine with me or at least the next year.”  She said happily as Jurina took her seat.

“Mayu, let’s go to the laboratory.”  She grabbed the doctor and dragged her into the room.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline leEwẬy

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Re: Memory no Kizuna Chapter 2 3/11/2013
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2013, 12:17:38 PM »
This chapter is great :mon beam:
Oh, we're having WMatsui here now :mon lovelaff:
Hope Mayuki will be there soon :mon waterworks:
Hope you'll update soon :mon trannie:
Working on translating an awesome Kojiyuu fanfic, right now ☆〜(ゝ。∂) :mon beam:

Offline Chanaline

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Re: Memory no Kizuna Chapter 2 3/11/2013
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2013, 12:48:03 PM »
Want to know the next!!! :ding:
Mayuki = Cutest couple

Married?!-Mayuki fanfic (maybe it will have another pair)

Offline Wmatsui22

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Re: Memory no Kizuna Chapter 2 3/11/2013
« Reply #8 on: March 12, 2013, 01:00:25 PM »
Hi ;)

Finally Update!

I can't wait to read it at home ;)

Thanks for update ;)

I am a fan of AkB48.

I really love their songs.

I really like their fan fiction.

Offline K-popJ-popAWESOMENESS

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Re: Memory no Kizuna Chapter 2 3/11/2013
« Reply #9 on: March 12, 2013, 01:28:23 PM »
Kyaaaaaah  :mon XD: WMatsui  :mon angel:

You know what Kuro-san...............I love you!  :tama-bigheart:

Thank you for your awesome fanfics  :mon thumb:

Update soon!

Offline kahem

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Re: Memory no Kizuna Chapter 2 3/11/2013
« Reply #10 on: March 13, 2013, 01:22:38 AM »
Just tell me it's not something necrophile lol

Offline kuro808

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Re: Memory no Kizuna Chapter 3 7/8/2013
« Reply #11 on: July 08, 2013, 10:29:10 PM »
@leeway: sooner or later

@Chanaline: Here's the next chapter

@WMatsui: Hoped you like it

@K-popJ-pop: Thanks

@kahem: No definitely not but toying with creepy XD

A/N: I finally got this chapter up after four months of thinking and toying with other fics, hopefully you'll like it XD

Chapter 3

“Congratulations on your new project!”  Jurina cheered as Mayu dragged herself to the chair slouching into the seat.

“It seems fun…”  Mayu sighed as she looked the media on her computer.

She gently let her finger on the clicker and pressed twice firmly opening up the video screen.  Mayu placed the cursor over the play icon and pressed it to open up to darkness.  Two minutes of black screen before the white above and incoherent chatting in the background.  She grabbed her headphones and placed it over her ears as the event unfurled to the bathroom.  Her curiosity grew as she saw the pink towels around the area.  Mayu felt her heart beat as she saw the shower and stopped the video.

“What happened?”  Jurina asked holding her container of juice in hand with a rice ball in the other.

“Shower scene…  I don’t feel like seeing them.”  She explained shielding her eyes from the screen.

“C’mon doctor, you have seen breasts before…”  Jurina playfully punched the doctor.  “How old do you think the scene would be?”

“Age five or seven.”  She theorized as she struggled to get back to the mouse.

Jurina pressed the play button and it showed her grabbing a bottle of shampoo and then looked straight down at the nubile chest.  Mayu looked at it before shielding her eyes again.  Then, a song came from her and Mayu began to listen to it.  Her ears perked up as she heard the melody tingle in her ears.  Opening her eyes, she saw the face in the mirror.  Mayu felt her chest building up with pressure as she changed into light clothing with the sun beaming into the house.

Walking out to the streets, she was approached by boys and looked up towards them.  They spoke with smirks on their faces and pushed her to the wall.  The sight went up to the boy’s face before they turned to see a boyish girl behind them.  She held up her hands and unleashed a few punches and kicks as the sight blurred for a moment before opening it up to the girl.

Mayu adjusted the sound and found a clear frequency to the speech.

“Are you okay?”

“Thank you.”

“It was no problem but if you need help me and my friend is here to help kick those bullies out of here.”

“Thank you again.”

“Wait!  What is your name?”

“I’m Kashiwagi Yuki.”

“I’m Miyazawa and my friend Akimoto.”

“Hello… why did you save me?”

“Well… I like cute girls and my job is to protect them from bullies.”

“Sae-chan!  Stop flirting with the girl.”

“Sayaka!  I’m not.  I’m doing my duty to save her.”

“Okay okay.  We must get back to see if they are bothering others.”

“Thank you Sae and Sayaka!”

The screen went blank and Mayu stopped the media and took off her earphones.  Mayu began to think about the two girls and smiled as they protected the girl from the bullies.  Her past experience was more tragic which led to a deep depression period in her life with the many bullies she had faced.  Females used the psychological experience to scar their victims and the scars were deeper than any to physically hurt her as she lowered her face into her hands.

“Mayu, take some time to rest.”  Jurina suggested.

“Thanks, you can work on the smaller projects while I rest.” 

Mayu walked over to the bed in the smaller room and placed her head on the pillow.  The doctor pressed her head onto the pillow and slowly walked into the darkness.  Suddenly, she saw the white room and entered into it.

“You saw my first memory.”

“Yes I did.  Those boys were mean.”

“I know but you know why?”

“I never heard the reasoning.”

“I was from a rich family and they thought about stealing my necklace to sell for money.”

“I see.  Lucky you found Sae and Sayaka.”

“It wasn’t lucky at all.  It was cursed.”

“What do you mean?”

“It isn’t in the memory bank but Sae was keen to my attention later on in life.”

“Sayaka wasn’t happy was she?”

“She tortured me for a bit before I told her that I didn’t like Sae’s advances.”

“Yet she continued?”

“Yes, she forced Sae to destroy my clothes while I was in P.E. class.  I returned home in my gym clothes and locked myself in the room.”

“What forced you out?”

“Someone who was dear to me.  But as usual she left too.”

“I’m sorry to hear about it but why are you here in my dream?”

“I decided to help you out because I want to live on in someone else.  Whoever it might be, I want to see my life go on in another person’s body.”

“I have one question.”


“Am I going to see more shower scenes?”

“Of course.  I had to shower often…”

“Right.  But just seeing…”

“Oh!  Eventually I had my moments because I was jealous at some point about my body.”

“Insecurity is the worst thing for women.”

“A doctor didn’t have to say that.  Well, I must go away.”

Mayu shot up from the bed feeling a thread of sweat run down the side of her cheek.  She ran out and headed toward the cafeteria for a bottle of water.  Tearing off the cap, Mayu guzzled the water down and fell to her knees, the many eyes arrowed towards her as she slowly gained her composure before walked back to the room.

“What happened?”  Jurina asked.

“I feel quite weird when I’m around memories but this one lingers.”

“Well I guess we can move onto the next memory for her…”

“Jurina, wait a while.  I want to review the first one and we can move onto the next one.”  Mayu said determined to go back on and replay the whole scene.

She tuned the sound again and caught the talking parts.  It made Mayu’s heart drop to her stomach.  There was a lot more to her life before she had perished Mayu thought as every conversation was recorded to the perfected style that she preferred and it seemed to mirror her life as a whole in a twenty minute bit.

Hours later, Mayu breathed as the event was recorded with sound and she replayed it one time watching every piece unrolled into a movie for her pleasure.  Every part was laid for her to decrypt a life cut short but the conversation from her nap seemed to dagger the heart of hers.  This was torture for her and yet Mayu was the one stabbing the heart that pumped furiously.
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R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline leEwẬy

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Re: Memory no Kizuna Chapter 3 7/8/2013
« Reply #12 on: July 09, 2013, 09:13:07 AM »
You finally updated :mon beam:
Yuki seems have a very sad past when she still alive :mon nwei:
Sayaka tortures her because Sae's in love with Yuki :mon POd:
At first I think they're good peoples :mon fierce:
But it's kinda funny when Mayu saw the bathing scene :mon lmao:
Can't wait to see what'll happen next :mon corn:
Update ASAP, please  :mon pray2:
Working on translating an awesome Kojiyuu fanfic, right now ☆〜(ゝ。∂) :mon beam:

Offline kenjoy12

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Re: Memory no Kizuna Chapter 3 7/8/2013
« Reply #13 on: July 09, 2013, 07:05:39 PM »
Finally update~ :fap

Can't wait to know more about yuki's past..

And how will Mayu figure it out and help her..

Very deep story~

Thank you for the update :bow: :twothumbs

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Re: Memory no Kizuna Chapter 4 7/16/2013
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2013, 12:04:16 AM »
You finally updated :mon beam:
Yuki seems have a very sad past when she still alive :mon nwei:
Sayaka tortures her because Sae's in love with Yuki :mon POd:
At first I think they're good peoples :mon fierce:
But it's kinda funny when Mayu saw the bathing scene :mon lmao:
Can't wait to see what'll happen next :mon corn:
Update ASAP, please  :mon pray2:

Sorry I couldn't update earlier XD  Unfortunately i will be making this one quite short because I have other projects that needs attention

Finally update~ :fap

Can't wait to know more about yuki's past..

And how will Mayu figure it out and help her..

Very deep story~

Thank you for the update :bow: :twothumbs

Thnx I wonder how it will become a fic people would like

Chapter 4

Mayu stretched out her arms after she captured the first memory from the deceased being.  She left a cryptic message on the label so she and the assistant could find it in the box.  Jurina looked at the watch with her eyes half closed.  She stepped out leaving Mayu to analyze the notes of the person’s memory.

“Progressing?”  The voice caught her by surprise.

Mayu turned to find her fellow scientist eyeing the items around the room.  She swiftly moved to the chair taking a seat across of Mayu.  A little opening was created as Mayu had released a yawn staring at her.

“Yuko-senpai!  How is everything?”

“Subjects are working well but the main one seems to give me trouble.”  Mayu explained leaving her station to head to the corner for water.


“I’m getting these weird images in my mind of the person haunting me.”  Mayu started holding her cup of water.  “I never met her but it seems she has seen me before and communicating in a way that only I can understand.”

“It could be anything…”  Yuko spoke to the ceiling.  “I cannot say what it is until you seek someone more knowledgeable in the area.”

“I see.  Thanks for checking up on me.”

Yuko walked out leaving the confused woman to ponder over the next piece that was staring back at her.  Her curiosity loomed over the piece but the fear faced it with its fists up and starting to throw jabs at it.  Reaching out with her fidgety hand, she grasped it like a claw and brought it over to her lap.

Gazing over the exterior, she grew to wanting to open it like a Christmas present but the item seemed too dangerous for her as she would see the labels indicating caution.  Mayu placed it back down glancing over at the clock before looking back at the container.

The cold containment started to give her ideas of facing the fears and grasped it in her hand and opened the container to the new film.  Removing the spool from the container, she stared at the negatives before placing on the machine.  Running through the machine, she began to place the earphones over her ears.  Mayu quickly looked over all the controls before observing the start button.

“Why am I so scared?”  She muttered to herself with her finger hovering over the button.

With one quick push, the film had started.  Her midsection became a nervous knot of fear and excitement as the ceiling was the first sight of the film.  Turning from the bed, a mirror cracked at the top right creating a small spider web design as she stared at herself.  Mayu noted to herself it was at about age ten as she quickly analyzed the body.

Walking over to the bathroom, it was the same as before but the protrusion seemed to be larger as she looked down.  Mayu began to breathe harder as it unfurled in front of her.  After the shower, she was brushing her hair as she turned left to find a grayish top next to a pinkish bra.  The urges would turn toward the bra but she grabbed the top instead and threw over her body with a smirk on her face.

“Yuki!  Why don’t you use the bra?”

“MOM!  I don’t like it.”

“You are becoming a grown woman.  You must start wearing something to show your maturity.”

“They keep stealing them and if you keep buying them.  Then, they tease me because they are bigger than the usual girl.”

“Yuki… don’t let them get to you.  Puberty is…”


She ran off to the room to put on her school uniform and shoes.  Looking at herself one last time, she broke her stoned expression into a smile.  She escaped through the front door and went out into the streets.

“Yukirin!  Wait up!”

“Ahh Aki-chan Ohayou!”

“How are you today?”

“It is the same… but today I have my training bra on today.”

“I feel jealous of you.  You have a nice figure.”

“Aki… Stop that.  You know what happens to the ones who are early developers?”

“It’s true but you are different from everyone.  You won’t let any boy just touch you.”

“I know!  But we always got to keep the guard up.”


They came up to the gate when a group of girls approached them.  The group surrounded the two and flashed a smile.

“Kashiwagi!  Do you have our money?”

“Yes I do.  Here it is.”

“Thank you.  You may enter.”

“What about Aki?”

“She can stay with us for a while.”


Before they could turn, Aki was being pushed around between them.  Yuki charged to break up the group but a charge seemed to explode from the group causing them to separate and run back to the building.  Aki picked her up from the ground with the red dot in her eyes.

“I’ll explain later.”

They walked up to the building where a girl was sitting on the steps with twin pigtails holding her head in her hands.  Aki walked up to her first and then quickly approached her and lifted her head seeing the cut on her chin.  Mayu slammed the pause button.

“That looks like…”  Jurina breathed.

“Yukirin!”  Mayu shouted as she bolted out of the room.

Mayu felt the rush of information come back.  There was a person that left an impression on her before she attended the program for gifted students.  She began to ponder over why the suppressed memory seemed to force her out of the shell and then seeing her sparked the main reason why she refused.

“Mayu!  What happened?”  Rena came charging out with her bento in hand.

“I shouldn’t have picked this patient.”  She cried collapsing to the ground.

“Why?  This young woman has been through a lot unless…”  Rena paused as she began to realize the potential problem.

“I saw myself in her memories.”  Mayu groaned.

“Mayu!  Why did you run out of the room?”

“Jurina, please give her some space.  Let’s go to my lab and when she is ready we can talk to her.”  Rena patted the girl’s head.

The strange cycle of events had come to this and if the next one was the day she left, she wouldn’t forgive herself in leaving her one more time.

“Shall we start?”
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline leEwẬy

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Re: Memory no Kizuna Chapter 4 7/16/2013
« Reply #15 on: July 17, 2013, 10:01:37 AM »
Yay~ Update :on woohoo:
Feel sad for Yuki :on cloudeye:
EH~ Mayu appeared in Yuki's memories :shock:
I wonder~ :hehehe:
Yuki in your fic sure had being bullied a lots :on shady:
If you have anothet projects then just tke your time :on drink:
I'll wait for your update :whistle:
Update ASAP, please :kneelbow:
Working on translating an awesome Kojiyuu fanfic, right now ☆〜(ゝ。∂) :mon beam:

Offline kenjoy12

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Re: Memory no Kizuna Chapter 4 7/16/2013
« Reply #16 on: July 17, 2013, 02:26:43 PM »
Ahhh! They bullied Yuki and Aki.. :angry

Now, Mayu saw herself on Yuki's memories..

What happened on their relationship?

Why Mayu did not remember about Yuki?

Ahh.. Can't wait to find out about that!

Hope you update soon.. :oops:

Thank you for the update :bow: :thumbsup

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