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Author Topic: GunSword: Shikaku Kankei Saga [1st Arc](Multipairing) - Ch. 13-A (23/11/17)  (Read 150273 times)

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

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Re: Shikaku Kankei (Love Rectangle) [06/07/13] Chapter 5-C: Dairiki Tōitsu
« Reply #100 on: June 07, 2013, 12:28:48 AM »
gaaaah!!!!! nooooooooooo... Acchan...majide...why couldn't u just let go... of it...  :err: *sigh* does this mean...someone will have to be the winner now...
hmm...siguro...walang panalo...tapos...draw lang? @_@ lol "hypothesis" ko...  :depressed: ahahahaha

Offline cisda83

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Re: Shikaku Kankei (Love Rectangle) [06/07/13] Chapter 5-C: Dairiki Tōitsu
« Reply #101 on: June 07, 2013, 05:44:04 AM »
Great powers show there....

Both of team could combine thier powers to make a union attack...

Yeah... Both Kojima and Atsuko were promoted into the general rank...

But they still did not want to put an end to the competition....

What's going to happen with the competition.... when they really released their real powers?

Can't wait to see

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

PS: I hope Takamina able to win the competition... because it would not be funny to be lead by a leader that was weaker than you right?

       Well whatever it is... I'll be waiting... Thank you

 :wub: :inlove: :heart: :love:

Offline Amakuchi

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Re: Shikaku Kankei (Love Rectangle) [06/07/13] Chapter 5-C: Dairiki Tōitsu
« Reply #102 on: June 07, 2013, 07:38:42 AM »
Nice one, uncle! KEEP UPDATING! XD

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Offline Minamiyuki

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Re: Souhoukou Kankei Kinshi Ch. 5-D: Ketteitekina Ketsumatsu
« Reply #103 on: June 12, 2013, 08:03:38 PM »

@kurosawa87: You're right....  :lol: :lol: :lol:

@Shinoki: Yeah, and thank you....

@FlameHazeKatsu: Ahh so gusto mong matalo si Takamina ganon? HAHAHAHAHAHA

@cisda83: You're right. Because if that happen, there will be some worst events will fall on her.

@Amakuchi: Thank you!!!!!!

WELL............. ENJOY READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Phase D: Ketteitekina Ketsumatsu

Penthouse, 20th floor, Medical Department, Akiba Headquarter; Chiyoda, Tokyo, Japan; Tuesday, 11:00 am
The short girl open her eyes and looking at her surroundings. She was awakened by the sound of the birds and the light of the sun. She questions herself why she was sleeping in this comfy bed. Then she finally realized that she was sleeping here because of their last fight. She used her strength to the maximum level at which she reaching her limits and exhausting her body more. What’s more is that their final clash makes their body feel numb due to multiple injuries plus several bad muscle condition that makes it worse.
The short girl smiled as she remembered that moment. When she turns her head to the left, she was shocked from what she saw.
The person that she admires and respect was on the other bed, sleeping beautifully. The midget saw her face making a smile, thought that she has a good dream.
She’s so beautiful’ she praised in her thought.
When she was trying to get up, she feels the pain from her lower right abdomen.
Itai~, that’s hurt’s a lot.
After she slowly gets up and sits carefully on her bed, she looks at the other two persons who rested a very long time.
She thought about that moment and cherishing it as a best memory ever.


Flashback, 2 weeks ago
As the four combatants release a massive dense of aura, they sudden disappeared and instantly reappears from the above. The clash of their weapons creates an intense ripple on the sky and shooks the whole arena. The generals felt this monstrous aura, only Mayuyu, Yukirin, Paruru, Rena and Jurina are not ever flinched even in this state but amazed.
“Wow they are really strong” Paruru said.
“Well, it’s time now to add these two in our database.” Mayuyu said while typing on her computer along with multiple holograms surrounding on her.
“You’re really a Technology Manipulator, Mayuyu” Yukirin sighed.
“Of course” Mayuyu proudly said while continuing on her work.
“Rena-chan, I wish that I could possess such a power like yours.” Jurina said with sad tone.
Jurina and Rena are the Ace Generals on the SKE headquarters, the sister of AKB headquarters. What was Jurina said is Rena is a Heat Manipulator and Explosion Manipulator.
“I don’t think it will happen to that, Jurina.” Rena said.
“My powers are weak you know. And I’ve been defeated so easily.” Jurina looking at the ground, her eyes were on the verge of crying. But then Jurina feels her body was being hugged and getting closer by her friend.
“I don’t think your powers are weak too. You became the youngest general not just on your power, but also to your determination on your will to fight. I believe that you are not weak, yet you put a very good fight.” Rena continued to hug Jurina to ease her pain.
“It looks like their fight has reaching its conclusion now.” Yukirin said while watching the fight.
The generals are set on their eyes to the four combatants.
Takamina and Yuko are panting heavily as well as Acchan and Kojinyan. The four suddenly feel their body has reaching now its limit.
‘Oh come on, not today.’  The four thought in unison.
“I think that we are reaching our limits.” Yuko said.
“It is same here too.” Kojinyan also said.
“Let’s finish this.” Takamina said.
“Ensis Tempestas (Storm Blade)” “Seele Schneider (Soul Cutter)” “Musserende Kruser: Mjølner (Sparkling Crusher: Mjolnir)” “Κόπτης Πλάσματος [Koptis Plasmatos (Plasma Cutter)]”
The four released their technique in full power at the same time and charging with each other. When their weapons came to contact, creates a massive ground-shaking explosion with aftershock releasing in high speed.
“Tsk, where in danger now.” Paruru said. Then she readies her staff to counter that aftershock when Mayuyu suddenly appeared in front of her.
“Mayuyu, what are you doing in front of me?” Paruru asked.
“Blocking that wave, what do you think I’m doing.” Mayuyu calmly answered.
“Are you insane?” Yukirin asked.
“Nope, I’m not insane.” Mayuyu said. Then she pulled her Denel NTW-20 Anti-Materiel Rifle from her back and pointing it at the aftershock.
“What are you doing, you know that shooting it doesn’t able to stop the wave from reaching at us.” Jurina said.
“Shhh, just watch me.” Mayuyu fire her weapon on the wave.
“蜃楼胶体:水嫩装甲体系 [Shènlóu Jiāotǐ: Shuǐnèn Zhuāngjiǎ Tǐxì (Mirage Colloid: Geschmeidig Panzer System/ Mirage Colloid: Energy Deflection System)]” Then the bullet breaks into many fragments and scatter from all of the direction in front of them.
When the wave was near on them, the generals know that it was over. But suddenly the wave was stop in front of them, which the generals shocked. Then Mayuyu turn to them and smile.
“See I told you I’m not insane.” Mayuyu said while smiling.
They make a question face on Mayuyu. Then they saw and wide range invisible barrier on the front of them.
“I will explain it later. But for now were safe in here.” Mayuyu assured to them. Then she watches the explosion turns into smoke.
When the smoke was dissipated, reveals four standing figures with the hair hiding on their face and facing opposite to each other.
“Who do you think will win?” Jurina asked. Then she saw Paruru walk toward the arena. Jurina asked what’s going on.
“Mayuyu, Yukirin and Rena, I think we need to move now.” Paruru requested which the three nodding on her.
They saw now the four figures dropped their weapons. After that, their bodies are starting to fall out. Before Takamina, Acchan, Yuko and Harunyan land their face on the ground, Rena, Yukirin, Mayuyu and Paruru instantly disappeared on the other general’s side and reappears on the four to catch them. Paruru with Acchan, Yukirin with Kojinyan, Rena with Yuko, and Mayuyu with Takamina that using Shunpo to go back and bringing to Tomochin in bridal-style lift. After Tomochin check on the four….
“They are only just unconscious due to using too much strength which strains their body but I basically, they are fine.” Tomochin said to them with a smile. Then the four fastest generals sighed very deeply as thanks.
“They can put a good fight, they really can par on us. And now they are officially promoted as a general.” Yukirin said.
Then Mayuyu used Shunpo to go on the center of the arena and make an announcement.
“This Selection Promotional Tournament has finally ended. The winners for this competition and promoted to generals are Maeda Atsuko as Aries General and Kojima Haruna as Sagittarius General. Congratulations for all of them.” The audience has making a very loud cheering as the generals are leaving on the arena while bringing the four unconscious girls.
“Now what should we do, Hmmmm.” Yukirin said.
“How about we’re gonna throwing a party.” Jurina suggested.
“Good idea, we should have a congratulation plus welcome party on the two.” Paruru clapped her hands.
“But first, I should make them a customized seifuku on the two. Tomochin I need some materials and fabrics.” Mayuyu said.

Flashback ended

Acchan wakes up from the sound of the chirping birds. She realized that she was sleeping on the bed. As she was trying to get up in the bed while sitting, she heard a girl’s voice.
“Ohayo gozaimasu, it seems you’ve sleeping peacefully.” Acchan looks on the source of that voice. Then she saw Takamina smiling at her which she blushing at the quick pace. Afterwards Takamina and Acchan saw that Yuko and Kojinyan also woke up.
“OHAYO!!!!!” Yuko shout while her hands on the air.
“Urusai!!!!” Kojinyan accurately throws an apple on Yuko’s face but due to her hyper-intuition, she catches it with only one hand.
“You’re so meanie.” Yuko pouted. Then she eats the apple. Acchan and Takamina only just smiled at them.

Then four look on the opening door as the generals are entering their room. Mayuyu and Rena went on Yuko.

“Oshiri~!! Daijoubu desu ka?” Mayuyu asked with concern.

“Yuko-senpai~!! Daijoubu desu ka?” Rena asked also with concern.

“Easy girls, it’s not that I’m dying right?”  Yuko laugh on them. Rena and Mayuyu cutely pouted at her.

“Mou~!!! Stop joking at us.” Rena and Mayuyu said.

Kawaii~!!” Jurina and Yukirin said at the same time as they hug their respective partners.

Paruru called Yukirin and nodding her head, signaling it is time. Yukirin then reply it with nod and walk toward on Kojinyan. Paruru do it the same on

“Ahem, Takamina it is time.” Tomochin said.

“Ok. Kojima Haruna, you will accept this four-star badge as a proof that you are promoted as a general and this bow-and-arrow badge as a proof that you are the one of the Twelve Constellations. You will also receive a customized seifuku, modified by your power.” Takamina said as Yukirin give Kojinyan a complete set of seifuku (blue blazer, white buttoned blouse, red necktie and black-and-white checkered skirt), a four-star golden badge and bow-and-arrow badge which Kojinyan gratefully accepting it.

“As for you, Maeda Atsuko, you will also accept this four-star badge as a proof that you are promoted as a general and this double-horned badge that you are the one of the Twelve Constellations. And also, you will receive a customized seifuku which is also modified by your power.” Takamina also said as Paruru give Acchan a complete set of seifuku, a four-star golden badge and a double-horned badge which Acchan thoughtfully accepting it.

“Congratulations for the two of you. Welcome to the Akiba Defense Special Force – Akiba Headquarters.” Takamina said. The generals are applausingly clap ther hands.

“Ne~~!!! As the way of congratulating them, we’ve been preparing a welcome party for the two promoted generals” Jurina said.

“When?” Yuko excitedly said.

“Tomorrow.” Rena answered while Yuko only pouted in disappointment. The generals are laughing and Yuko joins too.


Rooftop of United Nations Headquarters; New York City, New York, United States; Friday, 11:00 pm
A man was drinking his coffee while watching on the beautiful night. Then he thought about the happenings on Japan.
His instinct telling to him that someone was walking on him and he was right. A middle-aged woman, wearing business attire, was walking gracefully while bringing some papers.
“Commander-in-chief Akimoto Yasushi, Your papers are here.” The woman said.
“Thank you for bringing to me this, Secretary Urano Kazumi.” Aki-p said.
“It’s my pleasure to help you sir.” Cindy said.
Then another middle-aged woman was suddenly appeared in front of them and sitting beside Aki-p.
“Well, well, well, Former Leo General Noro Kayo. What brings you here?” Aki-p asked with a smile.
“Oh I just have a vacation along with my family, when I sense that you are here so I’ve decided to have a visit.”  Kayo answered with a smile.
“And you are using Shunpo all along from the ground? You’re still really a fastest general even you’re retired.” Cindy said.
“By the way, I have news for you” Kayo said.
“Takamina was helding a tournament, a selection promotional tournament. It will able to refill the two vacant seats.” Kayo explained.
“And who are the ones that fill the vacant seats?” Aki-p said.
“It was currently Sagittarius General Kojima Haruna and Aries General Maeda Atsuko.” Kayo answered.
“Oh, so my niece was getting that position? I’m so happy.” Cindy smiled.
“And it looks like Maimai’s granddaughter has finally getting also that position too.”
“Indeed, it was beyond from my expectation. But I guess it is right.” Aki-p said which the two former generals nodding at him.
The Commander-in-chief was silently drinking his coffee while watching the beautiful night sky filled with infinite number of stars.

To be continued...

New skills updated are on this link: Skills/ Techniques


FEEL FREE TO COMMENT.. AND THANKS TO THE SILENT READERS!!!!!!!!!!!!  :cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
Kumiyuri X Mayuki X Wmatsui X Atsumina X Furuyanagi X Kojiyuu

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Offline chichay12

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Re: Shikaku Kankei (Atsumina x Kojiyuu) Ch. 5-D: Ketteitekina Ketsumatsu
« Reply #104 on: June 12, 2013, 08:37:23 PM »
atlast the long battle is finish!
Congrats nyannyan and acchan..
I cant wait what are their reaction when they found out that acchan is the granddaughter of maimai
specially minami~
thank you for the update..
and pls update soon xxx :on gay:

Offline kuro808

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Re: Shikaku Kankei (Atsumina x Kojiyuu) Ch. 5-D: Ketteitekina Ketsumatsu
« Reply #105 on: June 12, 2013, 09:22:53 PM »
Crazy battle leading them into the exhaustion while the higher ups see their generals going through the torture of battle hehe
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Shinoki

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Re: Shikaku Kankei (Atsumina x Kojiyuu) Ch. 5-D: Ketteitekina Ketsumatsu
« Reply #106 on: June 12, 2013, 10:18:58 PM »
yay!!!~~~~~~~~happiness~ that was epic!
But I wonder when the generals will realize that Acchan is MaiMai's granddaughter

Offline FlameHazeKatsu

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Re: Shikaku Kankei (Atsumina x Kojiyuu) Ch. 5-D: Ketteitekina Ketsumatsu
« Reply #107 on: June 12, 2013, 11:25:11 PM »
@cross: argh...  :frustrated: @!&#^!&* Oshii ko si Takamina...kaya kung meron choice gusto ku syang manalo  :cool1: lol pero ayaw kung matalo si Acchan... o.o  :fainted:

That seriously was one hell of a battle for them that they stayed in bed for 2 weeks...gah...exhaustion~  :on lol:
Acchan and Kojiharu..gratz~  :on GJ:
Takamina and Yuko also did a freakin awesome job!  :on lol:
I can't wait for the party to happen~  :ding: hehehe

Offline AgentBlueBear

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Re: Shikaku Kankei (Atsumina x Kojiyuu) Ch. 5-D: Ketteitekina Ketsumatsu
« Reply #108 on: June 13, 2013, 04:28:48 AM »
Huehuehuehue~~  :on woohoo:
this is epic~  :mon thumb:
Thanks for the update!  :cow:
and ye, update soon!!!!!  :twothumbs

Offline cisda83

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Re: Shikaku Kankei (Atsumina x Kojiyuu) Ch. 5-D: Ketteitekina Ketsumatsu
« Reply #109 on: June 13, 2013, 09:47:34 AM »
Wah... all four of them were on par...

They seem to destroy the area... and nearly injuring all the viewers...

Luckily Mayu was able to analyse the enetfy blast before all of them released them

So Mayu was able to create a barrier

Ah...Minami found Atsuko to be beautiful...

And Atsuko was easily blushing over Takamina's smile...

Yuko was so loud and energetic... after the fight they had previously...

Haruna was not happy with Yuko's loud noise..

Yeah.. both Atsuko and Haruna were officially promoted...

Ah... Aki-p was in US HQ... what was Aki-p position here?

The boss... or something?

Why Cindy and Noro were in the presence of Aki-p?

Would there be anything special happening in the party?

Can't wait to see what's going to happen next

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline Minamiyuki

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Re: Shikaku Kankei (Atsumina x Kojiyuu) Ch. 5-D: Ketteitekina Ketsumatsu
« Reply #110 on: June 14, 2013, 05:30:51 PM »
From all that was I've been post of all of their weapons.. This is my favorite...

Additional Weapons to this two since they are Firearm Experts and Highly-adept at using any guns... From short to long caliber...

Watanabe Mayu - She is known for her excellent very Long-range Marksmanship (Although she can be shoot in short range)

  • Denel NTW-20 20mm Anti Materiel Rifle (This is recently updated)
  • Cheytac Intervention M200 Rifle
  • Heckler and Koch MP7A1 Submachine Gun (two pieces)
  • Colt M1911 Pistol (two pieces)

Maeda Atsuko - She is known for her excellent Short-range Marksmanship (Although she can be shoot in long range)

  • Heckler and Koch G3A3A1 Automatic Assault Rifle (This is updated last time)
  • SIG SG 553 Automatic Assault Rifle
  • UZI Submachine Gun (two pieces)
  • IMI Desert Eagle Mark XIX .50 caliber Pistol (two pieces)

Mayuyu and Acchan are the only two Markmen of them....

And if you ask me how could they carry that many weapons... Those two large caliber rifle are sling on their back (sometimes they carry the one while the another on the back), their dual pistol on their side hips and their submachine gun on their lower back...

WELL... I'm gonna write the next chapter now... FEEL FREE TO COMMENT AND IMAGINE!!!!  XD XD XD XD XD
(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
Kumiyuri X Mayuki X Wmatsui X Atsumina X Furuyanagi X Kojiyuu

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Offline kenjoy12

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Can't wait ~ :fap

AWESOME~ :twothumbs \m/(^o^)\m/

Offline AshuraX

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I'm not much of and action fan but man, this is good~

What's weird is the title... I don't see any love rectangles... YET XD

Offline cisda83

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Great weapons update there...

so cool looking weapons...

Can't wait to see the next chapter

Thank you for the update weapons pictures

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline _abby_

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Please update  :bow:

Ahh.... I want to know whats gonna happpen next

Cant wait !!!


Offline Amakuchi

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Hmm... Is Sig SG550 the same as Sig SG553? Or is Sig SG553 a decendant of it like L85A1's descendants?

I kinda watch Upotte and stuff so those guns aren't that new to me. XD

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Offline Minamiyuki

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Re: Shikaku Kankei (Atsumina x Kojiyuu): Chapter 6: Namida Surprise
« Reply #116 on: June 22, 2013, 09:31:53 PM »
Thank you for waiting. I actually having a decreased ideas.. So yeah, I finally updated it now.

@Chichay12: It will gonna show in this chapter.
@kurosawa87: Too much using your body is equivalent to putting yourself in the bed for many days.
@Shinoki: It will show it here.
@FlameHazeKatsu: Ano ba talaga, nahihilo na ako sa iyo. Acchan o Takamina?
@AgentBlueBear: Thank you!!!!!
@cisda83: Aki-p is the Commander-in-chief of the whole Japanese Maritima Self-Defense Force and Marshall of the four headquarters in Japan. He is also one of the United Nations Council. Cindy is her right-hand while Noro was retired and having a vacation with her family.
@kenjoy12: Salamat sa iyo!!! I know that you are Filipino  XD XD XD
@AshuraX: It will revealed yet..  XD XD XD
@_abby_: Thank you for waiting...
@Amakuchi: SIG SG 553 is a variant version of SIG SG 550 and improved version of SIG SG 552 Commando...

ENJOY READING!!!!!!!!!!!!


Chapter 6: Namida Surprise

Penthouse of Kojima Residence, Higashi, Shibuya, Tokyo; Saturday, 11:00 am
Kojinyan and Acchan are preparing for the welcome party as well as packing their things for transfer to another area where they will be staying.
Kojinyan and Acchan are finished fixing their dress.
“Wow Acchan, you’re so beautiful” Kojinyan’s compliment. Acchan was wearing the General’s seifuku and a buttefly hairclip on the left side.
You too Nyannyan, you’re very beautiful also.” Acchan’s compliment. Kojinyan was wearing also the Genera’s seifuku and mini-ribbon headband.
“Oi~ you guys, stop complimenting to each other like you’re a couple!” Myao shouted.
“C-c-c-couple?” Kojinyan and Acchan’s face turn as red as tomato.
“And wow, you two are really cute and sexy.” Myao’s compliment.
“Mou~Myao-chan!” Kojinyan shouted while her cute sister’s laugh echoed on their house.

Rooftop of United Nations Headquarters; New York City, New York, United States; Friday, 11:00 pm
“Sir, are you checking their profiles?” Cindy asked.
“Yeah, I will make sure that it is all in order.” Aki-p said.
“Hey old man, leaving on your post, what will happen if someone attacks our country?” Kayo asked.
“Don’t worry about that, Former President. I’ll just leave to Takamina about that.” Aki-p said.
“But I’m still feeling that somethings not right.”
“What do you mean sir?” His secretary asked to him.

“There is some disturbance on the Quezon City, National Capital Region on Philippines, especially on the Cubao area. We, the United Nations Council, have sent some teams on that area but neither of them have comeback. Even our connections to them have been shut down.” Aki-p said.

“Wait, Philippines? The Pearl of Orient Sae, the Heart of Southeast Asia? What’s the cause of disturbance?” Kayo asked.

“I’m assumed it’s them sir.” Cindy suggests.

“And who could that be Cindy?” Aki-p said.

“Based of my prediction, I think its Kim Tae-yeon, Lee Chae-lin and Kim Yubin and their respective groups.” Cindy said

“Secretary Cindy, are you sure about that? You know that Tae-yoen and her group was already inprison in Al-Ha’ir Prison in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 20
years ago because of her activation of chain reaction nuclear meltdown on Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant on Iran, Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant on China, Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant on Russia, Hartlepool Nuclear Power Plant on United Kingdom, Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station on United States and Angra Nuclear Power Plant in Brazil. That could destroy the whole world in just single push.” Aki-p said.

“And we prevent it right?” Kayo asked.

“Exactly, so how did they manage to escape at that Super-maximum security prison?” Aki-p asked.

“Actually last month, a massive jailbreak was happened at that prison. According to the Saudi Arabian guards, they imprison her at the very core of that prison. That cell was equipped with the bleeding-edge technology and multi-lock system so that prisoner will not escape easily. But when the guard went on that cell, they said that the whole system was obliterate and completely wipeout.” Cindy explained.

“Eh?!?!?!?! Her whole gang escaped?” Kayo said.

“Yeah, and the ones who free her and her gang are Lee Chae-lin and Kim Yubin base on the survived security cameras that hasn’t been sabotage.”

“I think sir; you should stay here for a while. The whole group will have a revenge on the every nation, especially on the Twelve Constellations.” Cindy said.

“Damn, I’ve been worrying now at Takamina and the rest.” Aki-p said.

“Don’t worry about that old man, they are not child anymore. And besides they will protect our nation against them.” Kayo said.

“You’re right. Ok, I’m going to meet with the other Commander-in-chief from every nation to discuss these matters.” Aki-p said.

Grand Hall, National Armed Force Mansion, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan; 6:00 pm
Kojinyan and Acchan arrives as their cars, Lamborghini Aventador LP760-4 Dragon Edition and Koenigsegg CCXR Edition, was parked in front of mansion. When their out of the car, Sasshi, Lovetan and other soldiers are on the stairs, were walking toward on them. Sasshi was nodding at the two as Kojinyan and Acchan reply with nod also. Then she waves her hand, signaling the soldiers to bring their new officer’s things on to the respective room and bring the cars on the parking area.
“This way please.” Sasshi guides Kojinyan and Acchan on the inside of the mansion.
The two walked inside of the mansion and very amazed at the beautiful surroundings. In front of them is a French-style 30-step large T-shape staircase.
To their right is a way to the dining room while on the left is a way to the conservatory and greenhouse area.
Sasshi guides Acchan and Kojinyan to the dining room where the rest of the generals are having a meal.

Dining Room, National Armed Force Mansion, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan; 6:05 pm
Acchan and Kojinyan went now on the large dining room. Their eyes went wide as they saw how large this room was.
“Wow, is this a dining room? This is half large as my penthouse!” Kojinyan said.
“Ah, here comes our important guest in here. Have a seat.” Takamina said. Sasshi guides the two on the 22-seat dining table.
Wow, even this table? It’s 5 times as large as your table, Nyannyan.” Acchan commented.
“You’re right, Acchan. Even me I surprised at this huge room when in my first come in here.” Paruru chuckled.
Stop mapping my mind!!!!” Acchan glared at Mayuyu.
“Sorry, I just accidentally see it. Wow, using telepathy as a replacement for your muteness?” Mayuyu said.
Acchan blushed while nodded at her. The generals surprised while Paruru and Yukirin only smiled at her.
Acchan and Kojinyan sit on the chair where this position is.   

After the two sits, Takamina stands up from her seat.
“For all the generals that here, I congratulate again to the new promoted generals, Maeda Atsuko and Kojima Haruna.” The generals clap their hands in applaus.
“For this, we will celebrate. Let’s start this fun!” Takamina said.
The generals are starting to eat now. Some of them are drinking wine while some are eating very fast.
“Mayuyu say ahh.” Yukirin said while holding a spoonful of cake. Mayuyu replied and eats the cake. Jurina saw that and started to nag Rena.
“Ne, Rena-chan feed me too. PWEEAAASE!!!!” Jurina said while begging her with puppy eyes.
‘I can’t resist this cuteness. Stop torturing me.’ Rena sighed very deep.
“Hai hai, Jurina-chan say ahh.” Rena fed Jurina.
“Hey Acchan, are you sure you want to say it?” Paruru asked. Acchan only answer her with a nod.
“Ok, then I will going to say it for you.” Paruru said.
“Minna, I have something to say it to you related about Maeda Atsuko.” The generals stop from their doing and locking their eyes at Paruru. She looks again on Acchan for confirmation. When Acchan was only nodding at her, she continues the announcement.
“Mayuyu, did you saw other things aside from telepathy?” Paruru asked on Mayuyu.
“Nope, only her telepathy, the rest are static.” Mayuyu replied.
“Ok, I will say it now.” Paruru cough for a while then she continued.
“I would like to say that, newly-promoted Aries General Maeda Atsuko.” Paruru stop for a while as she looks her fellow general with tensed atmosphere.
“Is the granddaughter of desceased former Vice-President and Aries General Oshima Mai.” Paruru hear that her friends are taking a while to register information while looking to Kojinyan, Acchan and Yukirin that only smile at her. She smiled at them in respond.
“EEEEHHHHH?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!” Paruru, Yukirin, Kojinyan and Acchan only laugh very hard at their late reaction.
“Wow, your reactions are very late. Even my Mayuyu here has a funny expression but very cute.” Yukirin pinched Mayuyu’s cheeks, Mayuyu only pouting at her.
“Kawaii!!!” Yukirin pokes Mayuyu’s cheeks.
“Really? You’re Maimai’s granddaughter?” Takamina asked which Acchan replied her with a nod.
“Wow, a shocking revelation. That’s make my heart goes bang.” Yuko joked. Tomochin shove Yuko’s shoulder.
“There’s no time to joke. This is a serious matter.” Tomochin glared at Yuko.
“So, you follow your grandmother’s step eh...” Yuihan said.
“Then this is a double celebration! Let’s party!” Yuko shouted while holding large meat. They continue their party 5 hours.

2nd Floor Hallway, National Armed Force Mansion, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan; 12:00 pm
“This mansion has a six bedroom with two king-sized beds. It has own ensuite bathroom, a two large cabinets for each users. The bedroom also equips with bleeding-edge technology capable for special purposes, hidden rooms such as weapon storage and other types.” Mayuyu explained as she walks with Acchan and Kojinyan while Yukirin was coming along with them. Then they stop in a door.
“This is your room. Actually, this is Maimai and Cindy’s former room since they are roommates. And also, this room is very private that even us, cannot able to enter this room without accessing this multi-lock system wooden-disguised door, even the veranda since the sliding doors are installed with force-field and illusionary mirror barriers. It has fingerprint scanner, DNA analyzer, eye scanner, and also, a key. Since you two are blood-related to them, I assumed that this room will permitted you two to enter.” Mayuyu said.
Acchan and Kojinyan unlock several locks, until the final lock is only left. The two look at each other as Acchan put the key where Maimai inherit to her.

Then they hear an Artificial Intelligent’s voice.
“Analyzation Completed. Aries General Maeda Atsuko, Vice-President of Twelve Constellation and granddaughter of former Aries General Oshima Mai. Sagittarius General Kojima Haruna, Secretary of Twelve Constellation and grandniece of former Sagitarrius General Urano Kazumi. Transmission Completed. Access Granted. You can now enter.” Then a series of clicking sound was heard.
“Then it is goodnight, see you on Monday.” Yukirin and Mayuyu waved as they went now on their own room.
Acchan and Kojinyan finally entered to their own room. Then their door automatically shut and a multible clicking sound was heard, signifying it is locked.
Wow, this is their room. I, i.. This is amazing!” Acchan said.
“Come on now Acchan, we have to put our things on each cabinet.” Kojinyan said.
Hai!” Acchan bring her things.
As the generals finished what their doing and finally sleep, they felt something’s wrong but many of them are ignoring. Only Acchan, Paruru, Rena, Yukirin, Yuko and Mayuyu knew that this moment was just calm before a storm.

To be Continued...


« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 07:39:38 AM by X_Last-Cross_X »
(To meet you someday, was the last thing I will wish for.)
Kumiyuri X Mayuki X Wmatsui X Atsumina X Furuyanagi X Kojiyuu

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Offline Shinoki

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Re: Shikaku Kankei (Atsumina x Kojiyuu): Chapter 6: Namida Surprise
« Reply #117 on: June 22, 2013, 11:06:23 PM »
that was fun to read~~
nice chart thingy~
tehe, but kojima and acchan ain't a couple myao~~ hehehe
I want to lol at mayuyu's face when it was like EH??
feeding yay~~~

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Re: Shikaku Kankei (Atsumina x Kojiyuu): Chapter 6: Namida Surprise
« Reply #118 on: June 23, 2013, 02:26:20 AM »
Acchan and Harunyan's links have been mentioned to the group and the trouble in the Philippines might push all of them into action sooner than they think
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline cisda83

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Re: Shikaku Kankei (Atsumina x Kojiyuu): Chapter 6: Namida Surprise
« Reply #119 on: June 23, 2013, 02:33:59 AM »

Thank you for the explanation about Aki-P, Cindy and Noro...

Interesting... so there were going to be some terrorists that nearly blew up the world escaped from their prisons...

Might be after the world destruction again....or revenge...

Can't wait to see how the Twelve Constellations going to go about to protect the world from these terrorists.

Interesting... MaiMai made her room locked without her securities codes and DNA... no one would be able to open it...

I guess it was fated that Atsuko would be the one that lived in that room... and being the Aries general...

Yeah... Calm before Storm... What's going to happen to them...?

What kind of the fighting and the troubles they would get into?

Yeah... more action in the next chapters...

Can't wait to see

Thank you for the update

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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