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Author Topic: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner S.2 Epilogue~!! - COMPLETED  (Read 273894 times)

Offline kevinwkl

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner (Chapter 6)(UPDATED)
« Reply #180 on: July 05, 2013, 06:48:21 PM »
Brace yourselves coz here comes the 7th chapter of the series!!! WEEEE!!!!!  :banana: :pepper: :leek: :taco: :muffin: :strawberry: :lock:

ENJOY!!!!!  :luvuluvu: :luvuluvu: :luvuluvu:


Chapter 7 - A choice

“How do we know if you’re going to keep your words?” Rena asked.

“I just wanted to see how far four of Acchan’s foolish friends will go just for the sake of saving her.” Sasshi said.

“J-Just l-leave…” Maeda powerlessly said.

“No. We are bringing you back!” Jurina shouted.

“Well then, let’s not waste any more time and let the game begin.” Sasshi then clapped her hand twice. The zombies immediately started groaning and charging towards them again.

“Here we go again!” Yuko shouted.

As usual, Jurina swinged and slashed her scythe around, sending her shockwaves, not letting any zombies near her at all. But the amount of zombies attacking Jurina is getting more and more, causing her to start using a lot of energy. Rena on the other hand, couldn’t stay in the same spot as her katana isn’t really long to hold her position. She leaped on a zombie’s head to another head, firing shots that hit them in the head accurately. As a zombie tried to reach for her, she leaped into the air and released 10 shots from her semi automatic gun that hit their targets successfully before landing with a slash in a nearby zombie.

“120! 121! 122! 123!” Yuko continued to count her victims as she smashed every zombie’s backbone that she sees.

“122! 123! 124! 125!” Yuki, not wanting to lose to her rival, also counted her victims.

“They just keep coming! I’m getting really tired of this!” Jurina shouted, being annoyed. It seems that even by wielding an angel weapon, it doesn’t seem as if the number of zombies decreased at all. The number of zombies charging in is way too much for Jurina to handle.

“Hey, Rena-chan! I’m going to use my ultimate now!” Jurina warned Rena before flying up high to the sky.

Upon hearing this, Rena immediately warned Yuko and Yuki. “Grab on something, guys! This is going to get a little messy!”

Jurina then held up her scythe and start spinning it around, faster and faster, creating a huge vortex that sucked all the zombies into it while slicing them apart at the same time, before smashing her scythe down to the ground with a tremendous shockwave that slice all the zombies 360 degree around her. This of course, made Rena, Yuko and Yuki to dodge away from her area of effect.

“Wow! She’s really something, isn’t she?” Yuko praised.

“Jurina –sama always seemed so playful like a little girl. I have to be honest, this tremendous power doesn’t suit her character at all.” Yuki said.

Even after Jurina used her ultimate, the number of zombies did decrease a bit, but it wasn’t enough at all. 1500 is too big of a number. The most zombies Jurina took out with her ultimate is just a mere 250. Sasshi just sat on her throne beside Maeda’s cage.

“You seem to have pretty powerful friends, Acchan. I’m really entertained by them.” Sasshi said excitedly.

After a few more slashes from Jurina, she start to feel herself wobbling. The ultimate attack she just used had consumed most of her energy. Despite her stamina decreasing, Jurina didn’t want to give up at all.

“I will not give up! I will save Acchan!!” Jurina shouted again.

“Come on, Center. Activate me. Let me lend you some of my power.” A voice started to echo in Jurina’s mind, causing her to grip her own head on one hand, screaming in pain, while the other hand attempting a fury of slashes.

“Stop talking to me! Get out of my mind!!”

Upon noticing Jurina struggling, Rena immediately knew what was going on and started shouting. “Jurina! Don’t give in to it! Fight it!”

“What’s wrong with Jurina?” Yuko asked Rena.

“It seems like she’s in pain.” Yuki said.

“The demon within her is trying to win her over right now.” Rena answered.

“What?! Why now of all times?” Yuko asked.

“Whenever Jurina feel suppressed in a battle, it will be like opening a door to her demon form.” Rena answered.

“There’s too many of them, Center! You can’t do it alone! Activate me, damnit!!” The voice echoed louder and louder in Jurina’s head, causing her to scream in pain.

“SHUT UP! I SAID SHUT UP!!!” Jurina screamed and started swinging her scythe all over the place, slicing all zombies around her, sending shockwaves even into Rena, Yuko and Yuki’s direction. At this time, a black aura is seen to be engulfing Jurina little by little.

“This is bad! I need to stop her before she reach stage 2!” Rena said.

“What do you mean stage? There’s stages for Jurina-sama’s demon form?” Yuki questioned.

“The Jurina you see now is in the first stage of her demon form. I can still talk her out of it. Once those black aura engulf her completely, she will be in the second stage of her demon form. Once she reaches the second stage, the only way to stop her is to knock her out. That’s if you’re able to get close to her. Now I need both of you to help cover me while I try to get Jurina back to her senses.” Rena said.

“Got it!” Yuko and Yuki nodded as all three of them charged towards Jurina’s direction, fighting off zombies at the same time while evading Jurina’s endless shockwave attacks.

“STOP IT! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!! GET OUT NOW!!” Jurina is still screaming in pain as the demon within her kept trying to take over her body, causing black aura to continue engulfing her. Jurina’s shockwaves started to change colour from her original blue aura into a darker blue and sooner into black. One of Jurina’s shockwave managed to graze Yuko’s shoulder causing her to growl in pain.

“Argh! It hurts so much even if it’s just the shoulder.” Yuko growled before continuing her path towards Jurina.

Sasshi seemed very interested in this fight and started applauding and laughing. “This is the most entertaining fight I have ever seen!”

Upon reaching Jurina, Yuko and Yuki immediately stayed in their respective battle position while trying their hardest to slow down the zombies charging towards them. Rena immediately grab hold of Jurina’s scythe and arm. Jurina’s eyes are already starting to glow red. “Jurina! Fight it! Come on!”

Jurina then screamed in pain again, but this time the pain was too much for her to handle as she dropped her scythe on the ground while both hands gripping hard on her own head.

“Come on Jurina. You can do it. Close your eyes. Empty your mind. Chase the evil power out of your mind.” Rena said as both her hands caressed Jurina’s face. Jurina then closed her eyes and sat on the ground, trying her hardest to get rid of the demon side taking over her. The black aura seems to be slowly fading away.

“Alright. We need to leave Jurina like this for a moment. Let’s hold this ground by any means necessary!” Rena told Yuko and Yuki. The three of them tried to fend off all the zombies while protecting Jurina who is meditating in the middle. After about 10 minutes, the three of them were literally exhausted. During that time, Jurina suddenly leaped in front and smashed her scythe to the ground, creating a shockwave that sliced all the zombies in front of her. Jurina then looked at them and smiled. “I’m back.”

“Good to have you back, Jurina-sama!” Yuki said excitedly.

“Good work, Jurina! Now let’s continue our counter attack!” Rena ordered.

They have been fighting off these zombies nonstop for the past two hours. Anyone would have collapsed by now. But not these four. They had made a promise with a dear friend and they are going to fulfill it. Seemingly too exhausted, Yuko suddenly start wobbling and tumbled on the floor, panting crazily.

During that time, Yuki’s hand reached out to her. “Come on, Yuko-san. You can’t give up. Now’s not the time to rest. We need you.”

Yuko then grabbed Yuki’s hand and vaulted herself behind Yuki and delivered a kick to a zombie that was reaching for her. “Try to watch your back first before helping other people.”

Before they know it, only 10 zombies are left on the field. Others, either dead or immobilized. Jurina then immediately ended it with a scream and a huge shockwave that sliced up all 10 of the zombies at the same time. The four of them then tumbled on the floor, panting. “W-We did it…” Rena powerlessly answered.”

They immediately stood up when they heard Sasshi applauding like a fan in a concert.

Yuko then looked at her, confused “Is she like a wota or something? What kind of lord are you?”

“Good job all of you!! Very good job!! Woooooo!!!!!” Sasshi screamed like a fan all over again.

“Yup. She’s a wota. I can tell.” Rena said.

“Alright. Now let Maeda-sama out.” Yuki said.

“Sure. I will deliver what I promised.” Sasshi said as she snapped her fingers, causing the silver cage to open by itself, freeing Maeda.

Rena then reached her hand out for Maeda. “Come, Acchan. Let’s go home.”

Sasshi immediately leaped towards Rena’s arm, attempting to chomp it off literally before Jurina managed to pull her back.

“Hey! You didn’t keep your word!” Yuko shouted.

“I said I’ll let her out of the cage. I never said she could leave.” Sasshi said.

“You tricked us!” Jurina shouted.

Maeda then looked at them. “It’s ok, guys. I didn’t want to cause any more trouble to all of you. Just go.”

“Acchan, you can’t do this to us. We went through so much to save you!” Jurina said.

“Takamina is waiting at home for you. She misses you.” Rena said.

“She’s been crying her heart out ever since you left. We promised to bring you back home! We can’t break that promise!” Yuko growled.

“Maeda-sama, please. We’re friends, aren’t we?” Yuki smiled.

After contemplating for quite some time, Sasshi finally said “All of you sparked some of my interest it seems. So I want to play one final game.”

“Well? Spit it!” Yuko growled.

“Acchan. I’m going to give you a chance to leave. But this all depends on the choice that you’re going to make. So this time, Acchan will be the player, and the four of you be the spectators.” Sasshi said. Maeda nodded at Sasshi’s proposal.

“You have two choices, Acchan. First choice, you will be allowed to leave this place but you will not get back any of your precious memories. Second choice, I will give you back all the memories that you’ve been searching for and satisfy your own desires but you will have to stay here for all eternity. Make your choice.” Sasshi explained.

Maeda then smiled at Sasshi. “Sasshi, I think you made a mistake here. There never really was two choice in the first place. There always had been only one choice. Ever since I met these new friends, I’ve been thinking a lot. They were willing to go so far just to save a puny little zombie like me. They literally almost killed themselves to come all the way here and played with your little games. With these kind of friends to help me to live for the future? Who needs memories?”

Sasshi then smiled and nodded her head in an understanding way. “Very well, then. I guess it’s goodbye.”

Maeda then bowed her head in respect “Thanks, my lord. We’ll meet again next time.”

“Erm.. Wait.. You’re just going to forgive us like this? I mean we killed all your troops.” Rena asked.

“What, this? This is just a small fraction of the amount of zombies I have. I still have millions of zombies lurking in the mist over there.” Sasshi said while pointing at a misty area behind her.

“I don’t believe you! Show it to us then!” Yuko said, before getting smacked on the head by Rena.

“Don’t challenge her, Yuko. We’ve had enough.”

“Let’s go, Acchan.” Jurina said as she balanced Maeda on her shoulders and walked towards the exit.

“I have 353 knockdowns! Take that!” Yuko growled at Yuki’s face.

“I lost count.” Yuki said calmly.

“Then I win!” Yuko shouted.

“No. the reason why I lost count is because I knocked down way too many. Presumably, more than YOU.” Yuki said out loud.

“Be my servant, damn it!” Yuko shouted at Yuki.

“No! You kneel down and purr like a cat!” Yuki shouted back at Yuko. Rena, Jurina and Maeda just laughed at them arguing with each other like cats and dogs.

Sasshi looked at them exit through the wall and gave a smile of satisfaction. “Acchan.. seems like you’ve finally found something more important than your precious memories. I wish you luck in the outside world.”

Upon reaching Mayu’s home, Maeda noticed that Takamina was already standing outside the door awaiting their return. As soon as Takamina noticed Maeda, she immediately burst into tears and ran into Maeda’s embrace. Takamina gave Maeda a few light punches on her shoulder while sobbing her heart out. “Don’t do that again! Never do that ever again!”

Maeda then hugged Takamina tightly as tears started rolling down her cheeks. “I’m sorry to make you worry so much about me. I’m really useless, am I? I promise you I’ll never leave your side again.”


Two voices are then heard from inside the house as Mayu and Kojiharu ran out of the house and into their respective partner’s embrace.

“Yuki! Thank god you’re alright! I thought something bad happened to all of you!” Mayu cried.

“Nezumi-sama, you’re hugging me too tight.” Yuki said before giving a warm smile to Mayu and ruffled her hair.

“Yuko, are you alright? Are you hurt?” Kojiharu asked in a worried tone.

“Well, I had a little trouble at first. But let’s just say I got a little back up.” Yuko then shot a glance at yuki who replied with a nod and a slight smile. “Besides, who can hurt the great and powerful Oshima Yuko?”

“Waaaa!!!!! This is so touching!” Jurina cried her heart out at the beautiful reunion scene while hugging Rena tightly. Rena seems to tear up a little at this scene too.

Takamina then separated herself from Maeda. And said “Acchan, I have something to give you.” Before taking out a large brown envelope.

“What is this?” Maeda asked.

“Well, open it and you’ll find out.” Takamina smiled.

Maeda took out the content of the envelope to reveal a file. Maeda’s eyes widened in shock to notice that the cover of the file was named “Biography of Maeda Atsuko 1945-1965”

“I-Is t-this…” Maeda became lost for words as tears started to roll down her cheeks again.

“Well, I asked some help from Mayu to search for this, though.” Takamina said.

Maeda then broke out in tears. “M-Minami… Y-You actually found this for me…”

“You were a famous actress when you were still alive. You died in a tragic car accident. You see, my grandfather was actually your personal surgeon. I’m sorry he couldn’t save your life.” Takamina explained.

Maeda then pulled Takamina in for a passionate kiss, causing the other 6 girls to gasp in shock. Meada then separated herself from the kiss and smiled warmly. “If your grandfather would have saved me that time, I wouldn’t have been able to meet you.”

Takamina then returned the smile and asked, “Acchan, when I was sleeping.. I heard you telling me that you’re in love with me. Is that true?”

Maeda cutely nodded.

“I feel the same way too, Acchan. I love you. I always have.”

Chapter 7 – A choice

Next Chapter : Chapter 8 - Decoy

« Last Edit: August 21, 2013, 10:47:57 AM by kevinwkl »

Offline olive29

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner (Chapter 7)(UPDATED)
« Reply #181 on: July 05, 2013, 07:18:13 PM »
Finally Acchan and Takamina are together   :inlove:

Thank you for the update..   :twothumbs

Offline blakwhite

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner (Chapter 7)(UPDATED)
« Reply #182 on: July 05, 2013, 07:29:49 PM »
ahh ~
atsumina so cute  :deco:

and what will happen next? XD

looking forward for your next update  :inlove:

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner (Chapter 7)(UPDATED)
« Reply #183 on: July 05, 2013, 08:51:31 PM »
so great... happy to the max!! <3
...takagramps was Acchan's personal surgeon... hehehe
Sasshi = wota~~ <3
Jurina's other side is... I wanna know more...
this comment is completely out of order

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner (Chapter 7)(UPDATED)
« Reply #184 on: July 05, 2013, 09:59:38 PM »
Yay~! Atsumina is officially... official!!! XD

JURINA?! CENTER?! :shocked: OMG, I wanna see more of this!!! :cathappy:

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner (Chapter 7)(UPDATED)
« Reply #185 on: July 05, 2013, 11:21:38 PM »
Yay atsuminaaaa :deco:
Haters Gonna Hate


Ship: Atsumina,Wmatsui and Jurimayu

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner (Chapter 7)(UPDATED)
« Reply #186 on: July 06, 2013, 02:03:12 AM »
fufufu...juju's demonic side looks interesting :hehehe:

if only she could control it it would be awesome...I guess she'll be able to do it in the end, or not :kekeke:

bat and wolf rivalry are always fun to see :on lol:

no wonder mayu attracted to yuki...they're both are rodents - nezumi=mice,vamps=bats=winged rats :on lol:

nice update...nice fighting scenes :on GJ:

so...when will the next chapter up :kekeke:

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner (Chapter 7)(UPDATED)
« Reply #187 on: July 06, 2013, 03:17:05 AM »
Great power comes with great price.

I was looking forward to J going all demon on those zombies, I just didn't know it'd be so painful for her to turn into her demon self, I thought she just lost her sanity and going all berserk on everything and everyone....but not painful....

On the side note, congrats Atsumina and Yuki and Yuko finally get along better.

Everyday Juriken

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner (Chapter 7)(UPDATED)
« Reply #188 on: July 06, 2013, 03:21:25 AM »

The reason why Jurina was in pain is because she tried to fight it.

Unless she released the demon form herself, then she wont feel pain..

Coz you know, trying to get rid of a demon who's trying to get into your head can be pretty painful.. :on GJ:

Yup.. Yuki and Yuko are in slightly better terms now..

But this is definitely not the end of their arguments.. :on lol:

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner (Chapter 7)(UPDATED)
« Reply #189 on: July 06, 2013, 12:52:01 PM »
Kyaa!~!~!~ My AtsuMina is back!! I mean they're already a couple!~!~
 :wub: :w00t: :inlove:

~Oh...Seems like Yuko and Yuki is...well, a little bit okay with each other~ Hahaha~
 :oops: :D :roll:

~Wa...S-Sasshi...Even though you're a badass before, i respect you!~!~ Uwa!~!~
 :cry: XD :bow:

~*Sniff* Hm...A famous actress, and have a personal surgeon that is Takamina's granpa?! Wow!~!~
 :shocked 8) :w00t:

~Even though there's a little bit Jurina's demon...I'm just glad!~!~ Kya!~!~
 :D :) :panic:

~Pls update soon as usual...I'll be waiting for it!~!~ Nice chapter you have there!~!~
 :twothumbs :thumbsup :bow:
Takamina forever in my heart!!!
AtsuMina KojiYuu KaiAcchan TakaYuu AtsuYuu!!!
In FanFic...Anything is possible!!!
Love and Peace!!!
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[Note: I'm on HIATUS right now...For a very long time!! T__T''']

Offline kevinwkl

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner (Chapter 7)(UPDATED)
« Reply #190 on: July 06, 2013, 01:57:27 PM »
Thank you everyone for supporting.. :kneelbow: :kneelbow:

This chapter marks the end of the first arc (zombie arc)

The next chapter will be a new arc..  :on GJ: :on GJ:

I'll see when I can update.

I'll update as soon as possible.

Till then, stay tuned...  :on GJ:

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner (Chapter 7)(UPDATED)
« Reply #191 on: July 07, 2013, 03:37:48 AM »
Mayuki arc please since something off about yuki

Or mawWbdm wmatsui?its cool

Or kojiyuu?curious how they end up dating

Lovers, keep on the road you're on
Runners, until the race is run
Soldiers, you've got to soldier on
Sometimes even right is wrong

Offline kevinwkl

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner (Chapter 7)(UPDATED)
« Reply #192 on: July 07, 2013, 05:02:53 AM »

The arcs will be based on the order of the prologues.

So basically the next arc will be the werewolf arc.

The vampire arc will have to wait a little longer.

Sorry to keep you guys waiting though. :kneelbow:

Offline tfme3638

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner (Chapter 7)(UPDATED)
« Reply #193 on: July 07, 2013, 05:27:52 AM »
So every couple will have their own arc??  :ding: Woo Hoo!!! :onioncheer: :farofflook: :hee: :on woohoo:

Can't wait for it! :on GJ:

Offline kevinwkl

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner (Chapter 7)(UPDATED)
« Reply #194 on: July 07, 2013, 06:57:46 AM »
Hi, guys.. Here comes the 8th chapter of the series..

I decided to make update it fast because a lot of readers had been supporting me a lot... So touched..  :ptam-cry: :ptam-cry:

This chapter marks the beginning of a new arc (Werewolf arc)!!  :on GJ:

ENJOY!!!!  :luvuluvu: :luvuluvu: :luvuluvu:


Chapter 8 - Decoy

“It’s almost been a week since we had lunch together. I had been busy in the hospital. Strangely, a lot of dead bodies had been found lately. The CSI called me in to perform surgery on these dead bodies to find out the cause of their deaths.” Takamina said.

“Sure.. There’s even a dead body beside you, fondling with your fingers.” Rena replied, signifying Maeda who was playing with Takamina’s fingers.

“Were you even listening to my topic in the first place?” Takamina questioned.

“Rena.. It seems like somebody is fondling with your fingers too.” Mayu giggled at Jurina who was playing with Rena’s fingers. Rena then looked at Jurina who replied with her cat like smile before looking back at Mayu.

“I gave up on resisting this a long time ago. Now I just let her do whatever she wants.” Rena then shrugged her shoulders.

“Rena-sama, I think you should show Jurina-sama some of your affection. She seems to like you a lot.” Yuki said.

Upon hearing this statement, Jurina immediately hugged Rena tightly. “That’s right, Rena-chan. Show me some affection!”

“Hey.. You’re hugging me too tight. I can’t digest my melon pan properly.” Rena complained.

“What about you, Yuki? You should show Mayu some affection too.” Kojiharu then said jokingly, causing Mayu to blush.

Yuki then smiled at Kojiharu’s statement and ruffled Mayu’s hair. “I already am.”

Mayu instantly turned tomato after hearing this statement.

“Would you look at this little red mice!” Yuko teased.

“S-Stop teasing me!” Mayu voiced out loud. Yuki then giggled at Mayu’s shyness and ruffled her hair again.

Kojiharu who was looking at the intimacy of Yuki and Mayu, suddenly voiced out. “Hey, Yuki. Do you want to come to my house and have a little chat sometime?”

“Well sure, Haruna-sama. But for what purpose?” Yuki questioned.

“Girl stuff. I noticed that you have very good fashion sense. So I may want to ask you for some advice or maybe get a little tip?” Kojiharu answered.

“A model getting advice from a vampire? That’s a new one.” Maeda sounded.

“Nobody’s perfect, Acchan. Besides, it’s better to get different point of views from different individuals, right Yuko?” Kojiharu asked. Yuko remained silent as she was busy glaring into Yuki’s face. Yuko then finally voiced out.

“Nyan Nyan, I don’t want any blood sucking creature to be alone with you at home. I just can’t help but to worry.”

Yuki then grinned “What’s the matter, Yuko-san? Afraid that you might lose Haruna-sama to me? No worries. I do not perform barbaric acts such as to steal your girlfriend from you. I’m not a werewolf.”

“Are you saying that werewolves steal other person’s girlfriends?” Yuko glared at Yuki.

“No. I’m just saying that werewolves are barbaric.” Yuki answered with a smile.

“Enough fighting, both of you! How can both of you still be able to argue so much even though you both had been through so much together?” Rena questioned.

“Well, Yuko-san started it. Haruna-sama invited me to her house and I just accepted the offer. She was the one who started the argument.” Yuki explained while pointing her finger at Yuko.

“How dare you point that bat finger of yours at my face! Of course I will be worried with a vampire staying alone in my girlfriend’s house!” Yuko shouted.

“You’re a vicious beast, and yet you stay alone with your girlfriend. So I don’t see the problem with a vampire being there as well.” Yuki said.

“That’s not the point here!” Yuko shouted again.

“Yuko! I’m just inviting Yuki over for a little chat. Why are you so jealous?” Kojiharu asked.

“W-What do you mean jealous? W-Who’s being jealous here?” Yuko stuttered.

“Yuko, you sure do not know how to lie, do you? You’re stuttering a lot.” Mayu said.

“Err… Nobody interested in the dead body news anymore?” Takamina sounded after a long moment of silence.

All of a sudden, a tall figure appeared in front of their table and started a conversation. “It’s been awhile, Yuko-san.”

“Sado!?” Yuko said with a shocked expression.

“Shh!! Yuko-san, this is the public. Please call me Shinoda.”

Rena’s SPTdex sounded.

Beep! Beep!
1 supernatural being identified
Species : Werewolf
Type : Beta
Threat : Extremely high

“The Beta wolf?!” Rena’s voice echoed into all of their ears causing them to gasp in shock.

Sado then looked into Yuki’s direction and showed a frown. “ Young lady, you smell like a…”

“Like a vampire?” Yuki answered.

Sado then immediately looked back at Yuko. “You’re hanging out with a vampire now?”

“Don’t put me on the same level with that bat. I’m here because of my girlfriend.” Yuko explained.

Sado then looked at Kojiharu and smiled. “ So you’re Kojima Haruna.”

Kojiharu then replied with a gasp “H-How did you know my name?”

“Before that, let me introduce myself first. My name is Sado, using the human name Shinoda Mariko, the Beta wolf.” Sado introduced.

“Please do not start an argument with me. I’m tired with Yuko-san alone. I can’t stand another one.” Yuki warned Sado.

“So Shinoda, what could you be doing here? You’re not still carrying your orders, are you?” Yuko asked with a frown.

“What orders?” Takamina asked.

Sado then sat herself on an empty chair and explained. “You see, I originally had an order from the Alpha wolf to eliminate Kojima Haruna.”

Upon hearing this statement, everybody stood up from their seats except for Yuko. Rena was literally reaching for her gun which she hid in her bag.

“Wait. Please let me finish my speech.” Sado said.

“After hearing your statement? I don’t think so.” Maeda shot a glare at Sado.

“Hey, come on guys. Relax and sit down. Let her finish.” Yuko convinced.

Once everybody settled down a little and sat back down, Sado finally continued. “I said that I originally had orders to eliminate Kojima Haruna, but I’m not going to do it. I got into a little argument with the Alpha because of this.”

“Our whole clan had arguments with the Alpha before. In fact, none of us like her as the leader at all. She’s like a dictator. The reason why all of you are still obeying her is because all of you are too afraid to go up against her. You guys need to learn to stand up for yourselves. Take a look at me. Free from dictatorship!” Yuko explained.

“I get what you mean, Yuko-san. This is why I’m on your side now. I want to stand up for myself too. So I’m not going to attack the girl. Don’t worry.” Sado said.

“Then what are you doing here?” Yuko asked.

“I’m here to warn you, Yuko-san. The Alpha had already sent out Team Habu and they’re heading towards here right now.” Sado said.

Yuko then suddenly started laughing. “Team Habu? You mean Mayuge’s team? They’re a joke! Basically only Mayuge is the elite one in the team. The others are rubbish!”

“You seem pretty confident about this, Yuko.” Jurina said.

“Well, I think that even Takamina could kill them with her scalpels.” Yuko said before bursting into laughter again.

“Yuko-san, this is serious.” Sado said.

Yuko immediately stopped laughing and sighed. “Mayuge used to be a nice girl. It was because of this new Alpha that changed her personality so much. Now she’s like the Alpha’s loyal servant.”

“So, what do we do now?” Mayu questioned.

“Right. So, Takamina, Mayu and Nyan Nyan go home first. They’ll be here anytime. You too, bat. You can go home and sleep. It’s still day time.” Yuko said while shooing Yuki off.

At that time, Kojiharu immediately clinged her arm on Yuki’s arm. “Well, since Yuko had asked for you to go home, it means that you’re not really needed here. So, why don’t you come to my house now and have a chat?”

Yuko immediately changed her mind. “Alright. You stay here, bat. You don’t have to go.”

“Come on, Yuko! All of you here are powerful enough to fend off the so called Team Habu since you said that they’re so weak. I’m just going to have a little chat with Yuki, that’s all.” Kojiharu said.

“Alright, fine! But make sure when I come home, this bat is gone.” Yuko warned.

“Acchan, will you be alright?” Takamina asked Maeda in a worried tone.

Maeda then caressed Takamina’s face “Minami, didn’t you remember that zombies are near invincible? Don’t worry, ok? Wait for me at home.”

Soon, Takamina, Mayu, Kojiharu and Yuki left the scene.

“Sado, you’re staying too? Are you not afraid to be branded a betrayer?” Yuko asked.

“I’m already on your side, Yuko-san.” Sado explained, as 4 girls appeared in front of them.

“Well, Yuko-san, it’s been a week since we last met. You seemed prepared for our visit. It seems like someone leaked this information out. You even brought some friends along to play. Well, I brought my team to play too.” Mayuge said.

“This is Team Habu? They look funny. Look at her eyebrows.” Jurina laughed at Mayuge’s thick eyebrows.

“Sado! You’ re betraying us as well?” Mayuge shouted.

“I’m not betraying anybody! I’m merely standing up for myself! You should too, Mayuge. I know you never liked the Alpha.” Sado said.

“Shut up! Where’s the girl, Yuko?” Mayuge shouted.

“She’s not here. If you want to hunt, try us!” Rena shouted back.

Mayuge then grinned, “Alright, then. Let’s go to a more silent place, shall we?”

All of them then reached an abandoned building a little far away. It was the perfect place to battle.

“Shall we have a team battle, Yuko?” Mayuge proposed.

“We have 5 members over here and you have 4.” Yuko said.

“It’s ok. I’ll sit this one out.” Sado said.

“Mayuge, you’re not serious about having a team battle, do you? Everyone knows that your team members are weak.” Yuko dissed.

“Shut up, Yuko!  We’ll see about that very soon!” Mayuge shouted.

“I’ll go first.” Maeda volunteered.

A brown furred wolf walked up towards her and stated snickering. “Such a cute girl.. Too bad I’m going to mess up your face a little!”

Maeda literally replied with a cute smile. The wolf then leaped towards her, attempting to crush its paw on Maeda. She dodged to the side and managed to grab hold of the wolf’s shoulder. Maeda then opened her mouth wide to reveal her razor sharp fangs and closed in for a bite. That bite literally almost tore off the wolf’s shoulder. The wolf howled in pain as blood continued flowing nonstop from its wounded shoulder. It then collapsed on the floor, unconscious with a huge amount of blood loss. Mayuge’s mouth was pried open from that scene.

“I don’t think I want to mess with her anymore.” Yuko said.

“I only used fifty percent of my biting strength. I never knew it was enough to knock out such a huge wolf.” Maeda shrugged her shoulders.

“What do you mean!? You almost tore its shoulder apart!” Rena said shockingly.

This time, a yellow furred wolf came up front.

“Ooooo…. Let me try! Let me try! Rena-chan, I wanna go!” Jurina excitedly shouted.

Rena nodded her head and said. “Alright. But please control your power.”

Jurina then went up front and looked at the wolf. As Jurina looked closer at the wolf, she pouted and looked back at Rena. “Nee, Rena-chan.. Do you want to go? This wolf seems very weak.”

Upon hearing this, the wolf got enraged and pounced towards her. “Why you little-“

Jurina immediately silenced the wolf with a shockwave that sent it crashing into the wall.

This time, Mayuge pushed a black furred wolf front as Rena took the stage. The wolf then laughed at Rena. “A human!? You must be joking-“

Rena immediately silenced the wolf with two of her gunshots hitting both its legs, causing it to fall on the floor, paralyzed. “Wow, you were right, Yuko. They ARE weak.” Rena shockingly said.

“T-That’s not fair! She wasn’t even ready yet!” Mayuge said.

This time, Yuko walked up front and cracked her fingers and neck. “It’s just you now, Mayuge.”

Mayuge then looked at her watch and started grinning evilly. “It has already been an hour. It seems like I don’t have to fight at all. The REAL hunt has already begun.”

Yuko immediately pounced on Mayuge, pinning her down. “What are you talking about, Mayuge? The Alpha sent your team for the hunt!”

Mayuge started laughing all of a sudden. “Oh, no Yuko-san. My team is merely just a decoy to bring your friends away from the girl.” Yuko’s eyes widened in horror from Mayuge’s statement.

“What!? I didn’t know about this!” Sado voiced out.

“That’s because the Alpha had already suspected your betrayal. You were not informed of this plan. Now it’s too late to save the girl.” Mayuge explained.

“You tricked us! That was the real reason you insisted on the team battle. To waste our time here!” Yuko growled.

Kojiharu’s house

“So, Haruna-sama, you invited me here to talk about fashion tips, right? What is it that you would like to know?” Yuki questioned.

“Well… Let’s put that aside for now. Let’s talk about you first.” Kojiharu said.

“Me? What’s there to talk about me, Haruna-sama?”

“You have been keeping something to yourself, don’t you?”

At this time, Yuki seemed flustered a little. “I’m sorry, Haruna-sama. I’m not sure what are you talking about.”

“Yuki, look. You can’t lie in front of me. I can basically see through your thoughts. You know what I am talking about.”

Yuki faced the floor, silent, not wanting to look into Kojiharu’s eyes. Kojiharu then started the conversation. “So what are you going to do with Mayu, Yuki?”

“I-I’m not sure about this either.”

“You have to explain this matter to her before it’s too late. You know how she feels about you. She likes you.”

“Yes. I’m aware of her feelings towards me. This is the sole reason why I’m not sure of what to do.”

"Yuki, Mayu is like a sister to me. I don’t want to see her get hurt from this matter. You need to act fast.”

“Don’t worry, Haruna-sama. Give me some time to figure things out a little.”

“I’m glad you will, Yuki.” Kojiharu nodded her head.

“Let me excuse myself to the toilet for a moment.” Yuki said as she walked herself to the toilet.

As soon as Yuki entered the toilet, a loud banging is heard furiously on the entrance door as a voice screamed out in fear just outside the door. “Help! Let me in! Let me in! A wolf is chasing me!”

Without a moment of hesitation, Kojiharu rushed towards the the door and opened it. A girl then rushed into the house and slammed the door tight before locking it. she then fell down on the floor, panting crazily and shivering in fear. Kojiharu lifted her up and brought her towards the sofa to sit her down.

“Who are you? What happened?” Kojiharu asked.

“M-My name i-is A-Akimoto S-Sayaka.. A-A wolf was c-chasing m-me…” the girl finally answered, but still shivering in fear.

“What kind of wolf?” Kojiharu asked.

“It has fur of gold with glowing red eyes.” The girl answered.

“Golden fur? Red eyes? I think Yuko told me about this before. It must be the Alpha wolf. Alright. Stay here and you’ll be safe.” Kojiharu said to the girl still shivering in fear. During that time, Kojiharu’s phone rang.

“Moshi Moshi! Kojiharu desu.”

“Nyan Nyan! Where are you? Are you alright? Are you hurt?” Yuko sounded from the other side of the phone.

“No. I’m at home now. But I let a girl into the house.”

“You did what!?”

“She said that a wolf with gold fur and red eyes was chasing her. I think it’s the Alpha wolf.”

“What’s her name?”

“She said that she’s Akimoto Sayaka.”

Yuko immediately became silent for a short moment. “Where’s the bat, Nyan Nyan?”

“She’s in the toilet now.”

“Alright. Nyan Nyan, I want you to get out of the house now.”

“But the Alpha wolf is roaming outside!”

“Nyan Nyan! Akimoto Sayaka’s real name is Choukoku! She’s the Alpha wolf!”

Chapter 8 - Decoy

Next Chapter : Chapter 9 - Black vs Choukoku

« Last Edit: August 21, 2013, 10:48:13 AM by kevinwkl »

Offline olive29

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner (Chapter 8)(UPDATED)
« Reply #195 on: July 07, 2013, 08:00:24 AM »
Thank you for the update..  :bow:

Wow.. next chapter is Yuki vs Sayaka..  :w00t:

I can't wait..  :grin:

Offline Dieyg48

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner (Chapter 8)(UPDATED)
« Reply #196 on: July 07, 2013, 08:01:40 AM »
Woah...No wonder the title is A Decoy...What a smart decoy indeed...
 8) :roll: :)

~I'm glad that Sado is on Yuko side right now...The alpha is so cruel...Geez..
 :angry: :cry: :smhid

~Huh...So weak?! But there's more...This gonna be really bad...
 :shocked :huhuh :banghead:

~Ah...Sayaka is the alpha wolf?! Oh no...NyanNyan just let her in...Yuki!! Hurry!~!~
 :cry: :( :panic:

~I hope Yuki will win cuz' i see the next title is 'Black vs Choukoku'...Hm...
 XD :oops: :fap

~Well, pls update soon...I'll be waiting for it...For sure!~!~ Vampire!~!~
 :twothumbs :thumbsup :bow:
Takamina forever in my heart!!!
AtsuMina KojiYuu KaiAcchan TakaYuu AtsuYuu!!!
In FanFic...Anything is possible!!!
Love and Peace!!!
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[Note: I'm on HIATUS right now...For a very long time!! T__T''']

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner (Chapter 8)(UPDATED)
« Reply #197 on: July 07, 2013, 08:22:30 AM »
Ohmygosh! Yuko hurry!

Please let Haruna be alright.. Yuki get out from the toilet right now!

I'm so excited what will happen next.. :fap

Oh i see Haruna able to read what's on Yuki's mind.. I'm so in doubt when Haruna said chat about fashion thingy with Yuki.. :oops:

Wonder what's going on in Yuki's mind?

Thank you for the update :bow: :twothumbs

Offline kurogumi

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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner (Chapter 8)(UPDATED)
« Reply #198 on: July 07, 2013, 08:23:53 AM »
black vs choukoku!!!   :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy: :cathappy:

this is totally interesting!! LOL they argue a lot but they now friends yeah  :theking

what yuki hidding from others? well let's wait until the next i will enjoy kojiyuu arc....LOL  O0

thank for the update,looks like you already finish this fic on some level....maybe you already finish writing this fic LOL  :shocked:



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Re: [Atsuko_love's fanfic] Supernatural Partner (Chapter 8)(UPDATED)
« Reply #199 on: July 07, 2013, 08:54:26 AM »







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