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Author Topic: Love Can Be A Complicated Feeling (TakaYuu + Other) Chapter 21 Update! 8/17/15!  (Read 48437 times)

Offline Ambenya

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This is my first ever AKB related fanfic. I hope everyone who reads enjoys it. :hee:
 It will have multiple couples. I plan to include a lot of members.  :on GJ:
Here is the prologue I guess. Try and guess the main pairing. It will probably be easy to guess.
It was the end of the school day and time for all the students to go home. Today was one of the days when the student council didn't have a meeting so the president who had to usually stay late was super excited to have more time to herself. She was so excited she decided to go the long way though the park and started to skip or at least try to when she noticed that someone was on the top of the hill she was walking by.

'I wonder who that girl is standing up there? She looks around my age.' The small girl thought. As she looked closer she could see the other girls features better.

'Wow, she's really pretty. She looks so graceful and sweet. I bet she's really a shy person. Ah! She's smiling she has a really cute smile and dimples.' The girl thought absolutely mesmerized. Then the other girl took off. 'Oh well, I better go home before anyone gets worried.'

'Too bad I couldn't talk to her. I will probably never meet her again. Not that it really matters.' The girl continued on her way home thinking of the mystery girl she just saw. "I kinda do want to see her again though." She said smiling a little.

Little did she know she would see this girl again soon but she wasn't exactly how the teen thought she would be.
Hope you enjoyed it. Please review. Oh and if I make mistakes go ahead and tell me it helps me improve as a writer.  :)
« Last Edit: August 17, 2015, 07:00:22 PM by Ambenya »

Set by Mei.ka~ on Hello Online
My AKB Oneshots Thread
My H!P Oneshots Thread
Love Can Be A Complicated Feeling (TakaYuu + Multiple Pairings)
Love's Handler (WMatsui, MaYuki, TakaYuu)
H!P Pairings I like: Suberies, MaaDuu, KarinTomo, TakaGaki, IshiYoshi, MomoChii, FukuAkari, YajiSuzu, TakeTamu, NatsuMomo, IikuDawa, TanaKame, KameShige, TanaShige, GakiPon, SayaSuzu, SakuSuzu, PinPon

AKB Pairings I like: TakaYuu, WMatsui, SayaCchu, YuiParu, AtsuHaru, TanoHira, MaYuki, MariHaru, TomoTomo, SaeYaka, AtsuYuu, AtsuMii, SayaMilky, KumiNon, FuruYanagi, MioMeru, SasshiLove, SakurAnna, ChiHaru

~All time favorite H!P member: Eripon~MM: Eripon, Maa-chan, Sakura, Chel, Ayumin, Yokoyan~Angerme: Murotan, Funakki, Rikako, Kawamuu, Kamiko, ~J=J: Sayubee, Ruu-chan, Yanamin~CG: Yamakki, Funakki~KF: Hama-chan, MinaMina~TF: Risamaru, Anmi, OnoMizu, Kisora~Kenshuusei: Yuhane, Kirara, Eguchin, Nanacchi, Okamura~Hokkaido Kenshuusei: Minorin, Mei, Yume~

~All time favorite AKB48 member: Yuko~AKB: Naachan, Komiharu, Juri, Ikumin, Mogichan~SKE: Jurina, Marika, Amichan, Dasu, Ranran~NMB: Rinacchi, Yamarina, Renapyon, Jo, Moka~HKT: Boss, Sakura, Mikurin, Nako, Madoka~NGT: Gatanee, Mocchan, Hinatan, Ayanyan, Rikachan~STU: Naachan, Cuca, Miyumiyu, Arichan, Ayumin~

Offline kuro808

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Re: Love Can Be A Complicated Feeling (Prologue)
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2013, 01:56:10 AM »
I won't guess :P

I like the start :thumbsup
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline cisda83

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Re: Love Can Be A Complicated Feeling (Prologue)
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2013, 10:39:18 AM »
Minami and Atsuko?

Thank you

Can't wait to see your next chapter

:twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

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Re: Love Can Be A Complicated Feeling (Prologue)
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2013, 02:44:11 PM »
Short girl...Minami and Yuko...HmHm...
-Graceful and sweet...Atsuko? Or...Somebody else?
-What i know is AtsuMina...but part of me says AtsuYuu!!~
-Garh!! Can't decide!!~ I just gonna choose AtsuMina for this~
-Hm...A mysterious girl who make the short girl wanted to see her again~
-I wonder how will this story go~ Moreover, multiple couples!!~

>Plz continue and update soon!!~ And nothing is wrong with ur grammar, i think??~ lol

Offline AshuraX

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Re: Love Can Be A Complicated Feeling (Prologue)
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2013, 05:49:01 PM »
TakaYuu or AtsuYuu? If yer talkin bout trying to skip, it could only be one of the AtsuMina pair. Dimples is usually Yuko. Student council president needs high leadership so I'm betting on TakaYuu. If there's multiple couple, I beg of you to please not make any of my Oshii sad... Acchan is very weak when facing a love triangle and Rena is VERY easy to get jealous... So please don't hurt them... :kneelbow:
« Last Edit: July 31, 2013, 05:54:49 PM by AshuraX »

Offline Ambenya

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Re: Love Can Be A Complicated Feeling (UPDATE CH. 1) 8/2/13
« Reply #5 on: August 03, 2013, 02:25:20 AM »
Thank you all for the reviews, The correct pairing is.... TakaYuu.  :luvluv2:
I promise to try and not to hurt anyone's Oshii without there being a reason.
BTW Atsuko actually plays an important role in the story. She will end up with someone I made sure of that.  :hee:

Here is Chapter 1 I hope everyone enjoys it.

Love Can Be A Complicated Feeling
Chapter 1: Don't Judge A Book By It's Cover Even For A Second

“Minami! It’s time to get up.” An older woman yelled at a small teenager who was still sleeping in her bed.

“Ah, Mom can you let me sleep a little longer!” Takahashi Minami yelled back at her mom upset that her sleep was interrupted.

“Well I would but I don’t think the ever amazing student council president should be late for school and Atsuko-chan is already here to pick you up. So hurry up. Your breakfast and bento is on the table. I have to head off to work. ” Minami’s mother replied back.

Minami hurriedly got out of her bed, got her clothes out, and went to shower. After she was done she ran down stairs and saw Atsuko standing at the door smiling. “Sorry I got up late. I had a hard time sleeping last night I kept thinking of this one girl I saw on the way home.” Minami said while grabbing her stuff before heading out with Atsuko and locking the door.

“Has someone finally caught the great Takamina’s eye?” Atsuko said with a small smirk trying not to laugh.

“No it’s like that I just thought she seemed interesting.” The teen quickly looked away from her best friend her cheeks a light pink.

Atsuko was curious about this new girl who caught her best friend’s attention. “Well then what does she look like and where did you see her?” She asked knowing her friend wasn’t going to tell her more unless she pushed the subject more.

Takamina thought about the girl she saw standing on the hill. “Well… her hair was around shoulder length. She had a small smile that made her look sweet and showed her dimples. She looked a little like a squirrel with those dimples. She seemed to be around our age.  Also, she looked like a quiet and shy girl. She was really beautiful Acchan. I wish I could have gotten to know her a little.” Minami said with a soft smile while glancing down.

“She sounds really cute but it’s still weird this is the first time you’ve seemed this interested in someone. I hope you two will meet again. You deserve to be happy and find love.” Acchan said as they entered the school gates trying to both encourage and embarrass the short girl.

“I appreciate the kind words but the last sentence wasn’t really needed Acchan.” Takamina said a little irritated knowing her friend was just trying to annoy her.

Atsuko just smirked at her friend’s expression, “Oh I know I just like messing with you.” She said sticking out her tongue.

During their conversation they had started to make their way to their classroom, when suddenly their teacher walked up to them.

“Ah, Takahashi-san! The principle wanted to talk to you about something important as soon as you got here. She sounded serious but she said not to worry you’re not in trouble.” Their teacher said smiling at the two girls who had been talking.

“Oh, thank you for telling me Shinoda-sensei. I’ll head over there right now.” Takamina said before putting her stuff down on her desk and heading to the principle office.

As she was walking many of the other students greeted her with smiles. Takahashi Minami was the most respected student in the whole school and was well liked by everyone.

‘It really feels great being liked this much. I wonder Ohori-sensei could possibly want since she said it was important.’ Takamina thought nervously worried she was in trouble for something.

When she arrived at the office se took a deep breath before knocking. “Come in.” She heard a womanly voice say to her. The short girl opened the door to see a woman in her late twenties sitting at her desk.

“Oh, it’s you Takahashi-san.  Come here please have a seat anywhere.” Ohori said with a smile motioning to the chairs in front of her.

Minami slowly made her way to the desk and sat down in one of the chairs. “So, what did you want to talk to me about Ohori-sensei?” She said slowly her nerves showing through her voice.

“Well I’m sure you might have heard we are getting a new transfer student today.” The older woman’s face turned very serious.

‘That’s right we’re supposed to get a new girl here.’ Takamina remembered suddenly about the new girl. She had been too focused on the mystery girl from yesterday that she completely forgot about the new student. “Yes, I’ve heard about it.”

“Well, you see the girl is the daughter of a close friend of mine. She has actually gotten in trouble a lot in many of her other schools and got kicked out of many schools. So I told them about here and this place let her in. I would like you to keep her well behaved.” Ohori-sensei said with a serious face.

“Wait, what kind of trouble did she get into at her other schools? Did she get into fights before?” Minami seemed really surprised that she had to keep the new student out of trouble.

“She got into a few fights but mostly it was because she would harass the other girl students. I need you to protect your fellow classmates from her. Also, she can be really rude at times to people and is usually late. Please try to keep her in line. Honestly she is a good kid so please take good care of her” Ohori said with a smile knowing that the student council president would do what she said.

Takahashi looked at the principle very seriously. “I will do my best to make her feel welcomed at Akihabara Sakura Girls Academy. When is she supposed to be here?” A look of curiosity appeared on her face.

“Actually she should have been here by now. Seriously that girl is real pain in the butt. Being late on your first day of school is just terrible.” Ohori started to grumble to herself about the girl.

‘Wow, this girl just sounds terrible and I’m supposed to keep her out of trouble. How am I supposed to do what sounds like the impossible?!’ Takamina thought nervously about the new girl that Ohori-sensei knew.

Takamina was deep in thought when suddenly a girl busted in the room. “Ah! Sorry I’m so late Mee-tan. I had a hard time getting up and then when I got here I got distracted by all the cute girls on campus.” The mystery new girl came barging in suddenly and started calling the principle a strange name which really freaked Takamina out.

Minami turned to look at the new girl who entered the room. She was even more shocked by who the new girl was. This girl was around her height, had medium length hair, beautiful eyes and above all else had those dimples. This unruly, rude, and strange girl who was a new girl at her school was the SAME EXACT GIRL FROM YESTERDAY!!!!

Her mystery girl that she thought was sweet and graceful was really this hyper girl who had no manners. She was absolutely speechless about how things turned out.

“Oshima! When I tell you to get here on time I mean it and don’t call me Mee-tan here. It is Ohori-sensei here you should know this.” Ohori said irritated at the childish acting teen.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah whatever Megumi-san… Say where is this amazing student council president I’ve heard so much about from everyone? She must really be something considering all the praise I’ve heard.” The girl called Oshima said looking around the room.

“Ah, that would be me. It’s very nice to meet you.” Takahashi stood up very quickly and bowed. Just because this girl was rude didn’t mean Minami had to be.

“Hah?! There is no way you are the president. You’re not cool looking or absolutely beautiful and to top it all off you’re really short.” The new girl said starting to get on Minami’s nerves with how she was acting.

“Hey! I’m not that short. Plus, like you’re really one to talk you’re not that much taller than me by the looks of it, and I’ll have you know that I am very well-liked and respected by the other students.” Takamina said getting angry at the new girl who had the nerve to make fun of her.

“I’m taller than you! How tall are you exactly, great student council president?” Oshima asked Takahashi in a teasing manner. She was really enjoying this girl’s reaction for some reason.

“I’m 148.5 cm… Not that it matters that much. What about you?” Takamina glared at the girl who was making her more and more mad by the second.

“Ha! I’m taller than you, midget. I’m 152cm tall. You lose this round.” Oshima said with a smirk wanting more reactions from Takahashi as she was enjoying it more and more every second.

“Well at least I don’t look like a squirrel!” Takamina yelled at the girl who managed to make her very angry.

“YOU TWO STOP THIS INSITENT!!!!“ Ohori yelled loudly at the two girls who were arguing like little kids. “You two apologize to each other right now.”

“I’m sorry.” They both said to each other because they were scared what Ohori-sensei would do if they didn’t.

“Now Oshima-san, Takahashi-san will be your guide and help you with whatever you need.” The older woman said to the rude teen. “You two are now excused. Yuko-chan, please be good I know you don’t mean any harm by what you do but still try not to hurt anyone’s feelings.”

“Yes ma’am.” Yuko responded obediently not wanting to be on the woman’s bad side. The two teens left and got everything Yuko needed.

They started to head to their classroom when Takamina stopped and turned to Yuko. “I guess we should properly introduce ourselves. My name is Takahashi Minami but everyone calls me Takamina. It’s nice to meet you.” She said before bowing and smiling but in reality she was still really angry at the girl.

“I’m Oshima Yuko but most people call me Yuko.” Yuko just bowed in return having a feeling like she shouldn’t say much more because she felt the other girl would yell at her.

They continued to walk down the hall until they reached the classroom. Takamina went in the classroom first telling Yuko to stay in the hall until she was told to come in because she was going to tell their teacher she was here.

I'm sorry it's not very good but please review.
I really like to hear what you all think. :kneelbow:

Set by Mei.ka~ on Hello Online
My AKB Oneshots Thread
My H!P Oneshots Thread
Love Can Be A Complicated Feeling (TakaYuu + Multiple Pairings)
Love's Handler (WMatsui, MaYuki, TakaYuu)
H!P Pairings I like: Suberies, MaaDuu, KarinTomo, TakaGaki, IshiYoshi, MomoChii, FukuAkari, YajiSuzu, TakeTamu, NatsuMomo, IikuDawa, TanaKame, KameShige, TanaShige, GakiPon, SayaSuzu, SakuSuzu, PinPon

AKB Pairings I like: TakaYuu, WMatsui, SayaCchu, YuiParu, AtsuHaru, TanoHira, MaYuki, MariHaru, TomoTomo, SaeYaka, AtsuYuu, AtsuMii, SayaMilky, KumiNon, FuruYanagi, MioMeru, SasshiLove, SakurAnna, ChiHaru

~All time favorite H!P member: Eripon~MM: Eripon, Maa-chan, Sakura, Chel, Ayumin, Yokoyan~Angerme: Murotan, Funakki, Rikako, Kawamuu, Kamiko, ~J=J: Sayubee, Ruu-chan, Yanamin~CG: Yamakki, Funakki~KF: Hama-chan, MinaMina~TF: Risamaru, Anmi, OnoMizu, Kisora~Kenshuusei: Yuhane, Kirara, Eguchin, Nanacchi, Okamura~Hokkaido Kenshuusei: Minorin, Mei, Yume~

~All time favorite AKB48 member: Yuko~AKB: Naachan, Komiharu, Juri, Ikumin, Mogichan~SKE: Jurina, Marika, Amichan, Dasu, Ranran~NMB: Rinacchi, Yamarina, Renapyon, Jo, Moka~HKT: Boss, Sakura, Mikurin, Nako, Madoka~NGT: Gatanee, Mocchan, Hinatan, Ayanyan, Rikachan~STU: Naachan, Cuca, Miyumiyu, Arichan, Ayumin~

Offline kuro808

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Re: Love Can Be A Complicated Feeling (Prologue)
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2013, 02:35:28 AM »
Interesting first meeting XD
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline DiVAGal2458

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Re: Love Can Be A Complicated Feeling (Prologue)
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2013, 03:03:33 AM »
Kwl...That was a funny chapter  :lol:
as for the Sae in this?   :inlove:
and if she is who is she paired with  :?
also i don't like the idea of her being a bad guy...
or splitting ppl up...
and i don't want her emotionally hurt in the long run...
...I'm rambling, gomen... :nervous
but still this story has piqued my interest  :twothumbs
Can't wait for the next chapter!  :panic:

Offline cisda83

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Re: Love Can Be A Complicated Feeling (Prologue)
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2013, 07:08:09 AM »
Ah... Minami interested in Yuko, romantically or platonically?

Can't wait to see the next

Thank you for another interesting story

:twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline AshuraX

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Re: Love Can Be A Complicated Feeling (Prologue)
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2013, 09:42:07 AM »
Good. At least my oshi  will be safe... Though I doubt that. Hope Acchan's gonna get together with NyanNyan so they they could feel each other's warmth~ And Rena would... Airin? Nah.

As for the response for the chapter, I think  you're doing okay. I'm not much of a TakaYuu shipper. Well, my avatar says it all. I wonder what sort of trouble the squirrel would bring...

Offline Ambenya

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Thank you everyone for reading my fanfic. I love reading your reviews so keep sending them.  :kneelbow:
This chapter introduces a lot of characters.  :hee:

@DiVAGal2458: Sae will be in this and I don't like how she keeps playing the bad guy in everything I read so this time I made her be a good character who is very helpful. :glasses:

@kurosawa87: Thank you I hope I can keep it interesting. :sweat:

@cisda83: Thank you. I guess you will just have to wait and see. :ding:

@AshuraX: I'm a major TakaYuu shipper but my next Yuko pairing is AtsuYuu. They are really cute together. :shy2:
I might have a few moments between them just for fun. For Rena I'm a big WMatsui so yeah. :luvluv2:

I hope you all enjoy. Please read and review! :byebye:
Here is chapter 2.
Love Can Be A Complicated Feeling
Chapter 2: Maybe We Can Be Friends

After Takamina told Shinoda-sensei, she was told to sit down. She sat in her chair next to Acchan who noticed right away that something was bothering her friend. “What’s wrong Takamina? You look terrible.” She whispered took Takamina with a worried look on her face.

“I did get to see that girl again but turns out she is nothing like how I thought and to make it worse I have to guide her around the school at lunch.” Takamina said slamming her head on her desk.

“I’m sorry Minami-chan.” Atsuko said patting her friends back.

“Okay class! Today we have a new student here today. I want you all to treat her with kindness and try to be friends.” Shinoda-sensei said with a smile.

“Yes ma’am!” Everyone said including Takamina who looked really bored and like she didn’t mean it.

“Okay, come on in then Oshima-san.” Shinoda said to the girl standing on the other side of the door.

Yuko entered the room while bouncing up and down, and looked around the room at everyone her eyes landing on Takamina before smiling a smile that made her look like a squirrel.

“Hello everyone my name is Oshima Yuko. You can ask me any question. I hope we will all be able to get along and be friends.” Yuko said with a bright smile.

“Oshima-san, I will be your teacher for the year. My name is Shinoda Mariko.” Mariko said to the new girl. “Okay class, the rest of the hour will be study hall which I know to you all means bombard the new kid with questions.” She said knowing how they would behave.

The teacher left the girls alone trusting them to behave. Yuko looked around and noticed everyone looking at her. She started to become really nervous and had no idea what to do.

Takamina sighed seeing the girl freak out a little she had to help her. “You know we should introduce ourselves to Oshima-san. So she can at least know our names.”

Everyone agreed with Takamina and started to introduce themselves by the end of it all there were four girls left that still had to introduce themselves.

“I’m Kojima Haruna. Everyone calls me either Harunyan or Nyan-nyan. I am the secretary for the student council. It’s very nice to meet you.” A girl with long hair brown hair said with a smile. She seemed to be a natural airheaded girl.

The next girl was very boyish looking and she had a huge grin on her face. “Hello, my name is Miyazawa Sae. All my friends call me Sae-chan. I’m one of the class representatives so if you have any questions just ask me.” Sae said still grinning big at the new girl making her feel welcome.

A strong-looking girl then stood up looking seriously at her scaring Yuko a little before smiling. “Hi, I’m Akimoto Sayaka; I am the other class representative. I am always here if you need advice.” Yuko felt that she could rely on this girl for help when she needed it.

Acchan was the last girl to introduce herself. She stood up and smiled at Yuko trying to be nice to her. “My name is Maeda Atsuko but everyone calls me Acchan. I am the vice-president of the student council and you can come by anytime if you need something.” Takamina looked at Acchan with a look of shock and horror, not only did she seem to not care about what she said her friend gave this girl an open invitation to annoy her, some best friend she was.

After that the day went on as normal and before anyone knew it. It was time for lunch. Takamina really didn’t want to go and help Yuko but she knew she had to. She walked over to Yuko trying her best to not look upset.

“Hey, Yuko-san, want to sit with us for lunch.” Sae called her over she was currently eating with Sayaka, and a few girls from other classes. One of the girls seemed to have a very princess-like aura, big eyes, and black hair was reacting majorly to what the girl next to her said. The girl next to her seemed very mysterious, quiet, and emotionless.  Another girl had a kind of baby face with a little dimple on her right cheek. The fourth girl was another princess looking girl who seemed shy but was smiling happily while eating melonpan.

“Oh, I can’t today Miyazawa-san, but maybe tomorrow. Today Takahashi-san is giving me a tour of the school, but I would like to meet your friends if that’s alright.” Yuko said with a little smirk.

Takamina saw the smirk and was suddenly worried about what the girl was planning.

“Sure. Hey everyone this is the new girl in our class. Her name is Oshima Yuko.” Sae told her friends who all looked at the girl blankly except Sayaka who smiled at the girl.

“Nice to meet you, Oshima-san, I’m Kashiwagi Yuki but all my friends call me Yukirin. I’m from class 2-C and one of their class reps.” The first girl who was previously reacting big time to the other girls said.

“My name is Watanabe Mayu. A lot of my friends call me by my nickname Mayuyu. I’m from class 1-A and am the historian for the student council meaning I keep track of everything.” The mysterious girl sitting next to Yuki said.

The baby face girl was the next one to introduce herself. “Hello, my name is Ota Aika. However these guys call me Lovetan. I’m from class 1-C.” She said smiling at Yuko.

“Hi, I’m Matsui Rena, but everyone calls me Rena-chan. I’m the treasurer for the student council and am in class 2-C with Yukirin.” The girl who was previously eating melonpan said before going back to her food.

“It’s nice to meet you all I’ll try to eat with you tomorrow but for now I have to take a tour of the school. Let’s go Takahashi-san!” Yuko said before dragging Takamina along. As they were leaving Takamina could have sworn she saw Acchan smirk.

Yuko stopped in the middle of the hall and turned to Takamina. “How can you stand to be around so many cute girls all day? It is really hard to pay attention with all of them around.” She said looking exhausted.

Takamina quickly took her hand out of Yuko’s before responding to the girl. “I've been going here for a while I guess you just get used to it. How about as I give you a tour I answer your questions that way we kill two birds with one stone.” She said before walking not hearing the girls answer. She was still very mad with this new girl to care what she thought.

Yuko caught up with the short girl. ‘For a small girl she is really fast!’ She thought about her helper for some reason she herself was unable to understand she wanted to mess with girl.

“Can I call you something else other than Takahashi-san? I mean we are the same age and it’s a real pain to say it all the same. You can call me Yuko if you want.” Yuko said trying to at least get along with her, and possibly be friends, but she realizes that chance might to be late after the fight that they had earlier.

“I guess you can call me Takamina if you want.” The girl said after a moment. She didn’t really like using such formalities with the other students.

“Anyway this school includes Junior High, High School, and University. It might take the other students awhile to get use to you since we don’t usually have transfers who are second years.” Takamina said with a serious look as right now she was in her professional mode.

They went around school with Yuko asking various questions before she surprised Minami. “Do some of the girls here date one another?”

Takamina blushed a bright red but couldn’t say a word for some reason. It was a fact that many girls that went here dated other girls. “W-why do you ask?” She said the only thing she could think to say.

“Geez, are you an idiot? Couldn't you tell that I was a one of those girls who would date someone here? Maybe I’ll just call you Bakamina. You know what that’s what I’ll do from now on.” Yuko said sticking out her tongue at Minami.

“No, I could tell, but what made you ask? Oh, and to answer your question from earlier, yes, many girls here date actually. In fact some in our classmates like each other or are dating someone.” Takamina said irritated that this girl embarrassed her.

“Well I was just curious since this is an all-girls school and all. Plus that Kojima girl is really cute and so is your friend Maeda.” Yuko said with a slight perverted smile.

Takamina used this chance as revenge against the girl who managed to make her mad more than once today. “Sucks for you, because Kojima-san has had feelings for Shinoda-sensei for a while, and just so you know they are childhood friends. Acchan likes one of the students here and by the way it’s no one in our class.” She said smirking at the girl who seemed a little sad at the news.

“Oh well! There are many other cute girls that go here, so I’m sure I could get one girl. Who knows maybe we can find you a girl?” Yuko said before winking at Takamina who turned red from a mix of embarrassment and anger.

“I don’t need a girlfriend in my life right now!” Takamina shouted but for some reason she felt like she was having the most in a while with this annoying girl.

Yuko just laughed at the smaller girl's reactions to her statement. “Say Takamina, are we friends?” She asked seriously.

“I guess we are if you want to be.” Takamina replied with a shrug this girl didn't seem that annoying once you got use to her.

“I hope we can be good friends for a long time!” Yuko said before heading in the classroom. Minami stood there for a second before going in and going to her seat.

“So, how did it go with Oshima-san? I heard you two talking about friends.” Acchan asked as soon as her friend sat down.

“Yuko-san and I are friends now that is all. I just hope I will be able to keep that girl under control.” Takamina said right before she heard a click from what sounded like a camera phone. She turned her head knowing she would regret it. As soon as she did she was met with the sight of Yuko taking pictures up other girls’ skirts.

“Oshima!!!” Takamina yelled before taking the phone away from Yuko who was surprised.

“What do you think you are doing, Bakamina?!” Yuko yelled back shouting the nickname she gave Minami earlier. Everyone gaped at how the two girls acted. Almost no one yelled at Takamina like that let alone a new girl.

“Yuko-san, just because we are friends doesn't mean I will let you invade the other girls spaces. Now if you want this back you will have to promise me you will behave in class.” Takamina told Yuko who was just pouting like a kid who felt like they didn't do anything wrong.

“Fine, I will behave in class just give me my phone back.” Yuko said still pouting holding out her hand for her phone back.

Right before Minami handed her phone the phone back she erased all the pictures. “Okay, here you go.” She said before heading back to her seat.

Yuko looked at her wondering what the short girl did. As soon as she saw that all the pictures she took were gone she whined, “Bakamina, how could you?!” Takamina was just trying her best not to laugh.

Right when Yuko was about to get up and tackle Minami, Shinoda-sensei walked in and started teaching leaving Yuko to cry over her precious pictures alone. The rest of the class just sat there surprised at what happened between the girls right before their eyes.

Set by Mei.ka~ on Hello Online
My AKB Oneshots Thread
My H!P Oneshots Thread
Love Can Be A Complicated Feeling (TakaYuu + Multiple Pairings)
Love's Handler (WMatsui, MaYuki, TakaYuu)
H!P Pairings I like: Suberies, MaaDuu, KarinTomo, TakaGaki, IshiYoshi, MomoChii, FukuAkari, YajiSuzu, TakeTamu, NatsuMomo, IikuDawa, TanaKame, KameShige, TanaShige, GakiPon, SayaSuzu, SakuSuzu, PinPon

AKB Pairings I like: TakaYuu, WMatsui, SayaCchu, YuiParu, AtsuHaru, TanoHira, MaYuki, MariHaru, TomoTomo, SaeYaka, AtsuYuu, AtsuMii, SayaMilky, KumiNon, FuruYanagi, MioMeru, SasshiLove, SakurAnna, ChiHaru

~All time favorite H!P member: Eripon~MM: Eripon, Maa-chan, Sakura, Chel, Ayumin, Yokoyan~Angerme: Murotan, Funakki, Rikako, Kawamuu, Kamiko, ~J=J: Sayubee, Ruu-chan, Yanamin~CG: Yamakki, Funakki~KF: Hama-chan, MinaMina~TF: Risamaru, Anmi, OnoMizu, Kisora~Kenshuusei: Yuhane, Kirara, Eguchin, Nanacchi, Okamura~Hokkaido Kenshuusei: Minorin, Mei, Yume~

~All time favorite AKB48 member: Yuko~AKB: Naachan, Komiharu, Juri, Ikumin, Mogichan~SKE: Jurina, Marika, Amichan, Dasu, Ranran~NMB: Rinacchi, Yamarina, Renapyon, Jo, Moka~HKT: Boss, Sakura, Mikurin, Nako, Madoka~NGT: Gatanee, Mocchan, Hinatan, Ayanyan, Rikachan~STU: Naachan, Cuca, Miyumiyu, Arichan, Ayumin~

Offline AshuraX

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Hm? I wonder who's the one that Acchan likes? Thank god it's not Bakamina.
Jurina's not here? Maybe she.. *GASP*
Relax, Yuko. I know how you feel... The pictures Q.Q

Oh yeah, there will be AtsuYuu moments? I LOVE YOU!!!! As a reader.

Offline DiVAGal2458

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Awesome Chapter!  :twothumbs
I'm glad you feel that way about Sae  :cathappy:
It's nice to see her in this kind of role  :wub:
I wonder who Yuko was taking pictures of   :?
I'm guessing that Jurina is the year below the 1st years...maybe... :nervous
Can't wait for the next chapter!  :panic:

Offline kuro808

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Takamina sets it straight but I wonder how long....
Random Thought:


R.I.P. Jab!  Dad/friend

Offline Kochiki

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Oh~ Miss one comment...Geez, how busy i am??
-Lol anyway, sweet and graceful...Yet rude and pervert?? I guess~~
-Poor Takamina~ Oh, Acchan was her best friend?? Naruhodo ne...
-Ma..Ma...The great Takamina was annoyed by the mighty Yuko..(Made that up)
-I wonder how will this go between TakaYuu!!~
-And thank god that i'm a TakaYuu shipper too~

>Anyway, plz update soon!!~ Can't wait for it!!~ *thumbs up*

Offline cisda83

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I like to see how Wmidget react to each other...

What's going to happen next?

Thank you

Can't wait

 :twothumbs :twothumbs :twothumbs

Offline AryaMachdi

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Wow... That was a really good start!  :twothumbs

I'm sure there will be a lot of character development, especially Yuko.  :P

I really like the story and how its going. I hope you update soon!  :)
I'm just a guy who likes writing fanfictions, makes music and has a healthy obsession for melonpan | Matsui Rena is my Oshimen! ^^


Offline Ambenya

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Once again thank you for the reviews they are what keep me writing fanfics.  :hee:
The world needs more TakaYuu in my opinion.  :farofflook:
Anyway more characters appear in this chapter and I forgot to mention that the class Yuko and Takamina are in is class 2-A. :sweat:
So keep the reviews coming. They really do make me happy. :shy1:

@AshuraX: I kinda felt bad for making Yuko lose those pic but she's probably got a ton saved.  :on lol:
Yeah I'm not really an AtsuMina shipper but I love those two and think they have a great friendship.

@DiVAGal2458: I felt bad for Sae I mean she needs love to right and the girl Yuko was taking pics of is just some unknown girl. :wahaha:

@kurosawa87: Who knows but knowing Yuko she will do something perverted sooner or later. :bigdeal:

@Kochiki: Yep, Takamina was way off on how she was but I have had this idea for awhile now.  :bingo:
I think your saying summed up the beginning perfectly.  :onioncheer:
@cisda83: The relationship between the two is going to be an interesting one let's just say that. :kekeke:

@AryaMachdi: Thank you. Yeah Yuko is going to probably be the one who develops most. I want to have plenty of character development for all of them but Takamina and Yuko will definitely have the most. :luvluv2:

Thank you all and please enjoy the next chapter. :kneelbow:

Love Can Be A Complicated Feeling
Chapter 3: Meeting More People and Possibly Friends

It was the end of the day and today the student council had a meeting, so Takamina was trying to pack her things up fast so she wouldn't have to deal with Yuko. However the small girl wasn't fast enough.

“Hey, Takamina, do you have a student council meeting today? If so I was wondering if I could tag along and meet some more people.” Yuko said to Takamina with a pleading look.

“Sure I guess, but there will be a lot of girls there because today all the class representatives will be there. Please don’t cause any trouble.” Takamina replied with a sigh. ‘There is really no way to get away from this girl.’

“Are you ready Takamina?” Acchan asked getting impatient with her.

“I’m ready Acchan! Yuko-san will be joining us to the meeting today.” Minami said walking over with Yuko to the impatient girl.

As they walked Takamina couldn’t help but notice Yuko was ogling a lot of the girls they passed. Takamina elbowed the girl who glared at her which Minami gladly returned.

“So, Oshima-san, what brought you to our school?” Acchan asked trying to break the tension between the two.

 “You can call me Yuko if want and you see I got in trouble a lot at my other schools and since Ohori-sensei is a friend of my parents she recommended I go here so she could keep an eye on me.” Yuko said nervously not knowing how Acchan would react.

“That makes sense I guess and you can call me Acchan if you want. I hope we can be friends.” Atsuko said smiling to the squirrel girl.

“Hey look we’re here!” Takamina said quickly as soon as they reached the room. For some reason she got an uneasy feeling from their conversation.

“Takamina-san’s here everyone!” A hyper girl that had around shoulder length hair said as soon as she saw Takamina.

“Yes, I’m here Sasshi. Okay everyone sit down the meeting will start. First of all we have a visitor today. She is a new student and my friend so no one better mess with her.” Takamina said serious. Everyone just obeyed her.

‘She really wasn’t joking when she said she was much respected.’ Yuko thought looking at everyone.

After the meeting some of the students stayed behind to introduce themselves to Yuko. A lot of the girls were suspicious of how Takamina was treating this new girl.

“So you’re a new girl. Well my name’s Minegishi Minami but you can call me Mii-chan. I’m one of the class reps for class 2-C. Since your friends with Acchan and Takamina you’re my friend too.” A girl who reminded Yuko of Gachapin said with a smile.

“Hi! I’m one class reps from 1-A. I’m Matsui Jurina but please just call me Jurina! It’s very nice to meet you.” A girl who looked boyish and seemed like she could make girls swoon over but seemed her very childish at the same time too.

“Sup, the name’s Itano Tomomi but you can call me Tomochin since everyone else does. I’m a class rep for 2-B and this girl next to me is Chiyuu.” A girl who seemed like she could careless said.

“Hello, my name is actually Kansai Tomomi but everyone either calls me Chiyuu or Tomo~mi, chiyuu. I’m a class rep for 2-B along with my Tomochin, chiyuu.” A girl with drooping eyes said hugging on to Tomochin.

“Hey! I’m not yours!” Tomochin yelled pushing the girl away.

“But Chiyuu loves Tomochin and Tomochin loves Chiyuu so you are Chiyuu’s just like Chiyuu is Tomochin’s.” Tomo~mi said hugging Tomochin closer who just sighed and gave up.

Everyone watched the two girl’s interactions. They were so strange but still they seemed fit for each other.

“Hey, I want to introduce myself too!” The girl Yuko heard Takamina call Sasshi earlier said jumping up and down.

“My name Sashihara Rino but everyone calls me Sasshi. I’m the student council social chairperson and am in class 2-D. I hope we can get along really well.” Sasshi said as she took Yuko’s hands in hers and grinned.

Yuko stood frozen for a second before she responded to Sasshi. “I hope so too. You all can call me Yuko if you want.”

“It’s time to head home everyone. I hope you all have a safe trip.” Takamina said before walking off with Acchan following her.

“Um… Takamina and Acchan, can I walk home with you guys?” Yuko said becoming a tiny bit shy because she really didn’t want to seem too clingy since she never really had friends.

“Sure! I don’t see what’s wrong with it.” Acchan said smiling making her feel better.

“Well you see I’ve never really had friends before because of other things that happened so I didn’t want to seem too clingy.” Yuko said her head down not knowing what the other girls would think.

This time Takamina spoke to the squirrel like girl showing her soft side to comfort the poor girl. “It is fine but I will admit that when we first you annoyed me so much I felt like hitting you. Acchan and I will tell you if you do something stupid to make us mad, so don’t worry.”

When Takamina said those words to Yuko the squirrel girl couldn’t help but blush a little at what she said. For some reason she felt better now. “Thank you, Takamina you’re the best.” She said before giving her a hug.

Acchan watched the two intently she was already planning something. In her eyes the two seemed perfect but she knew her friend more than anyone so she decided to slowly start giving them a push but she would need help with it.

The girls started walking again. They reached the point they split up. “Well this is where we split; I can’t believe you live this close to us Yuko. I’m heading that way, which way are you going?” Acchan asked with a suspicious smile.

“Oh, my house is that way.” Yuko said pointing to the direction to her home.

“Eh?! No way! My house is that way too!” Takamina said very surprised that they lived near each other.

“Really? That’s very surprising I wonder how close our houses are to one another.” Yuko said smiling thinking about it.

‘Huh, maybe these two are meant for each other I guess I will have to wait and see but I’m definitely going to have to tell our friends they will want to know.’ Acchan thought to herself before saying bye and walking the rest of the way home alone.

“So, Yuko have you found a girl that you want to keep tabs on?” Takamina asked Yuko remembering their conversation during lunch.

“Yeah, I have a few but I’m not telling you. Also, I know I probably have bothered you a lot today but thank you for showing me around the school and introducing me to some of the other students. I’ll try my best not to annoy you too much.” Yuko said smiling a content smile that made the shorter girl blush a little. No matter how annoying this squirrel was she couldn’t but want to get to know her.

“It’s no problem. How did you like your first day?” Takamina asked curious since she was with her most of the day but didn’t know how she felt about everything.

“Well to be honest I originally didn’t want to go because I thought it would be a lot of stuck up kids. However, today I met more wonderful personalities than in any of my other schools. So I honestly think this was the best first day at a new school ever for me. Can I ask you a question?” Yuko asked very curious about something.

Takamina looked at Yuko confused. “Why even ask if can? You can ask anything it’s just to me whether or not I want answer you.”

Yuko laughed at the way Takamina put it. “I guess you’re right. So, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want, but are there any girls you like or are keeping tabs on? Also, are those Chiyuu girl and Tomochin girl dating each other?” Yuko said looking at the short girl intently.

“Geez, the first day we meet each other and you want to know about my love life. If you must know no there is not any girl I like in a romantic sense yet, but there is a girl that has caught my interest, and as far as I know those two aren’t dating but Chiyuu has never once hid her feelings while Tomochin seems to be denying hers.” Takamina answered before sighing being around this girl was really exhausting for her.

“Aw, that’s a shame they seemed cute together. Well, who is this girl that has your interest? Have I met her yet?” Yuko asked suddenly very interested for a reason she didn’t know.

“Well, that I plan to keep a secret a little long.” Takamina said before stopping. Yuko turned and looked at her pouting a little sad that she wouldn’t tell her.

“Why did you stop?” Yuko asked worried the small girl was mad at her.

“Oh, this is my house.” Minami said it like it was obvious. Yuko looked around and noticed the house and recognized it immediately.

“No way, you live here! My house is just four houses down. Haha, that is a huge coincidence don’t you think.” The squirrel girl started laughing thinking about how things went during the day.

“Well, I guess if one of us doesn’t wake up the other will wake them since the distance isn’t that far.” Takamina said grinning knowing the girl apparently had hard time getting up in the mornings.

“Yeah that’s a good plan! Anyway I have to go but first let’s exchange numbers.” Yuko responded before they exchanged numbers and parted ways.

Both of the girls nights went by uneventfully but Yuko couldn’t get the thought of who the girl Minami was interested in out of her head.

‘Maybe I’m the girl she’s interested in. Probably not I’m just an annoying and rude squirrel girl. Why do I care anyway she’s just an idiot midget. I don’t know why but I want to know more about her. I can’t help but want her to be interest in me too even if it’s just a little.’ Those were Yuko’s thoughts right as she started to drift off to sleep. She couldn’t wait for the next day so she could spend more time together with her new friends.

Set by Mei.ka~ on Hello Online
My AKB Oneshots Thread
My H!P Oneshots Thread
Love Can Be A Complicated Feeling (TakaYuu + Multiple Pairings)
Love's Handler (WMatsui, MaYuki, TakaYuu)
H!P Pairings I like: Suberies, MaaDuu, KarinTomo, TakaGaki, IshiYoshi, MomoChii, FukuAkari, YajiSuzu, TakeTamu, NatsuMomo, IikuDawa, TanaKame, KameShige, TanaShige, GakiPon, SayaSuzu, SakuSuzu, PinPon

AKB Pairings I like: TakaYuu, WMatsui, SayaCchu, YuiParu, AtsuHaru, TanoHira, MaYuki, MariHaru, TomoTomo, SaeYaka, AtsuYuu, AtsuMii, SayaMilky, KumiNon, FuruYanagi, MioMeru, SasshiLove, SakurAnna, ChiHaru

~All time favorite H!P member: Eripon~MM: Eripon, Maa-chan, Sakura, Chel, Ayumin, Yokoyan~Angerme: Murotan, Funakki, Rikako, Kawamuu, Kamiko, ~J=J: Sayubee, Ruu-chan, Yanamin~CG: Yamakki, Funakki~KF: Hama-chan, MinaMina~TF: Risamaru, Anmi, OnoMizu, Kisora~Kenshuusei: Yuhane, Kirara, Eguchin, Nanacchi, Okamura~Hokkaido Kenshuusei: Minorin, Mei, Yume~

~All time favorite AKB48 member: Yuko~AKB: Naachan, Komiharu, Juri, Ikumin, Mogichan~SKE: Jurina, Marika, Amichan, Dasu, Ranran~NMB: Rinacchi, Yamarina, Renapyon, Jo, Moka~HKT: Boss, Sakura, Mikurin, Nako, Madoka~NGT: Gatanee, Mocchan, Hinatan, Ayanyan, Rikachan~STU: Naachan, Cuca, Miyumiyu, Arichan, Ayumin~

Offline Kochiki

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Well thank you for the reply!!~ Glad to see it!!~
-And oh! What a purely coincidence that...
-TakaYuu lives not far away from each other~
-Seems like Acchan too wanted to support them!!~
-Also...Yuko thinks that way!!~ She wanted Takamina to have interest in her?!
-Then i approve that!! lol, such a nonsense i've spoke there...
-But more like Yuko is like denying her own feelings to Takamina...*nod*
-Just gonna wait for the next one~ I mean TakaYuu moment??~ xD

>Plz update soon!!~ Looking forward for the next one!!~

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This fanfic is really great, I love TakaYuu so it's a great thing to find fanfics about them ^^

TomoTomo pair is adorable :3
TakaYuu... hmm Do I sense some feeling building up? :D
Can't wait for the next update ~~

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